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Erlebnisse einer Schlerin im Onlineflirt

Hallo! Entschuldigt, dass ich weder meinen Namen, noch mein Alter verrate, aber was ich euch erzählen will ist ein bisschen heikel! Ich gehe nämlich noch zur Schule und möchte euch hier von meinen Männererfahrungen schreiben. Also: Alles fing an, mit diesem Idioten. Der war in meiner Klasse und ich war eigentlich restlos verliebt in ihn! Ich dachte er auch in mich. Wir sind nämlich schon vier Wochen zusammen gegangen, als ich ihn auf ner Party an einer Anderen rumlutschen sah! Das wars für...

1 year ago
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Insemination Horror Story

It was freezing cold, and there was nothing around the house for many miles. That's why I decided, along with Ashley, Charlie, and Maria, to shack up in the old mansion. It was by no means dilapidated or out-of-shape. It didn't even look abandoned, just old. KNOCK. KNOCK. KNOCK. Ashley knocked, not hard, but not soft either, on the door. Nothing. KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK. The knocks came much harder and much faster this time, with Ashley's urgency shining through. "Come in!" came a voice from...

1 year ago
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The Ring of Ultimate Evil

Ethan J. Morrison was a 40 year old loser with an ugly mug, stocky build and an obnoxious self entitled attitude. Everywhere he went and everything he did was an insult to normal society, leaving him with no friends, plenty of enemies and a lot of angry faces wherever he decides to go. He lies, steals, cheats and molests his way to shameless self gratification, behavior that had recently sent him to jail for a great deal of time. Lucky enough to survive the ordeal of being behind bars, he was...

1 year ago
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Her Bull Spanks Her Husband and Then

Sandy told her husband, Bill, that she was having her bull over for the evening. She explained her bull wants to have sex with both of them. She further said her bull is a real man and loves to humiliate sissy white cuckold tiny dicked husbands. She said he especially wants to spank Bill in front of her before he fucks him. That, she said, will show his complete dominance over a lesser man.Sandy told Bill to get ready.That evening the doorbell rang.Bill answered the door wearing his girlie...

8 months ago
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Weird Things

I first noticed something was off while I was looking away from Rachel, who was looking away from me. The difference was I was deliberately doing it. The pretty brunette classmate of mine seemed to be having no trouble on her part. A sigh invisibly scented the air before me. It seemed like the day was going to be as humdrum as usual. Another batch of notes, another hour of listening to adults speaking, the same splayed out folder. I was set and ready to snooze. I was set. Set. Dead set. ...or...

2 years ago
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Time Manipulation

Jessica broke up with you. Seemingly out of nowhere, one week she was excitedly talking in detail about what your wedding ceremony would be like, the next she was telling you she didn't have feelings for you, and she hadn't for a long time. You had kicked a lot of your old habits, but the depression brought them back in full force. You had begun masturbating excessively, writing and reading erotica on sites like chyoa. Your old friend whiskey came back with a vengeance, you even started getting...

3 months ago
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Maternal Intimacy

You’re driving down the road, and you’re just outside of New York City. Your father was an extremely rich man, and when he divorced your mother, her skilled lawyer got a lot of money from him, which she used to fulfill her lifelong dream of being an artist. She bought a nice apartment right next door to a famous art studio, and started taking lessons. It’s been almost a year since you’ve last seen your mother. You went away to college in LA, mostly because your mother lived a few hours away,...

9 months ago
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The Successor

The world of Ethosis has entered a very sorry state, the five noble houses that controlled the continent have fallen on severely hard times, namely because the rulers of each have died and now their heirs are all that remain. These successors were not ready to fill the shoes of their late father's, most just barely of age. Worse yet, they also inherited all of the complications and delicate situations that their lord fathers were handling. Not to mention, they now need an heir of their own less...

8 months ago
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Die Entfhrung und Vergewaltigung der Kerstin H

Sie hatte es definitiv überreizt. Nicht nur, dass sie in engen Jeans oder Leggins mit halbnacktem Oberkörper den Rasen auf dem Nachbargrundstück und im öffentlich zugänglichen Parkgelände zu mähen pflegte, nein, nun hatte sie ihn auch noch verspottet und beleidigt. Und das alles bloß, weil er sich wegen des Rasenmählärms bereits in den frühen Morgenstunden bei ihr beschwert hatte. Zuerst wollte er sie bei der Polizei anzeigen, doch dann kam ihm eine viel bessere Idee, die ihm obendrein...

1 year ago
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The Fate of the Companions Doctor Who

((hey all, lewdman03 here, I have just adopted this dead story so I'll be fixing typos and mainy lack of capitals so if there problems that's why.)) The tardis landed with a crash. Inside the startled silhouetted figures of the doctor. He struggled to see in the dying light of his ship. "We have been harpooned and dragged onboard a ship" the Doctor muttered, "but the technology is too advanced to find out anything more at just a glance... need a proper look" he turned to the door, "if we want...

5 months ago
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Population Farming

You sat in the hard plastic chair under the harsh fluorescent lights and looked around at your classmates with an eager eye. It was July the fifth and for the past few years, after the institution of state-run higher education, the nation had begun using its youth for population farming. You only had one class per day, 10 months out of the year with semesters changing about once a month and your education was free but as mandated by law, after class every day, you had an appointment in the...

2 years ago
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BBC In The Hospital

 I was startled awake by a nurse poking around my body. My eyes squinted open and focused on a name tag with the name Betty. I cleared my throat as Betty lifted my bed upright."How are you feeling?" Betty glared at me."I feel terrible," I answered with a cough. I wasn't kidding, I felt like shit."You're lucky the bullet didn't shatter your shoulder bone. It's just a flesh wound."Suddenly images began to flash in my mind's eye. I was walking out of the club with my white slut on my arm. Out of...

1 year ago
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Foreign ENFexchange Student

Kiyomi stepped off the plane, thankful the journey was over. She was to find her American family, the Daltons. She had studied American culture, and was happy so much of it embraced Japanese entertainment (manga, anime, and video games) since she was also into these things and their American counterparts. She saw a middle aged man and woman, and recognized them as her parents for the duration of the school year. They were the first white people she saw in person that weren't tourists. They were...

1 year ago
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Submissive journey of Anju

Anju a 38 year old widow live alone with her son Raju (21 year old) in a remote village. She is little curvy but not that much, fair in colour and have sexy curve. Village man are all look at her with lusty hungry eye and village woman are jelous of her. Even her Son Raju look at her with dirty and lusty eye. Anju is innocent and cultural village woman. But she is a little pushover type. Anyone can easily have a demanding and dominating nature towards her and control her. She easily submit and...

5 months ago
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Studienergebnisse eines Mannes im Krper heier Girls

Das ist die Geschichte von Walter, einem 48-jährigen Erfinder. Vor kurzem hat er etwas erfunden, was sein Leben für immer verändern wird! Und zwar den iBod, ein Gerät, mit dem man sich beliebig verwandeln kann. Walter hat damit natürlich nichts blöderes zu tun, als sich in heiße junge Fotzen zu verwandeln und das Ganze auch noch wissenschaftlich zu dokumentieren. Das sind seine(?) Abenteuer ;)

1 year ago
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Hyperborea Spider Man vs Conan Epic Battles about Hyperborea

Feel free to share your Ideas with me by Coments or Messages :) Writers would be welcome to Age of Conan Hyperborea World. The sun was burning in the sky as a lonely wanderer moved through the infinite sun. Days ago he had been left to die in the desert. As punishment for all his deeds. But killing him was anything but easy. The blood of the Cimmeria flowed in his veins! He was of the same people as King Conan. While he stomped angrily and resolutely through the endless desert, he swore eternal...

2 years ago
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Sleeping With The Enemy

I, Portia Diamond, am a redhead with tanned skin. I have an average body with below average B-cup breasts. I was the valedictorian at my high school and softball was my sport. I was shy in high school and didn't date much. I attend Hartfeld University now and I know that I would not have gotten through the challenges in my college life without my friends. Let me tell you about them. There is the athlete Chris who eventually became the student body president. There is James Ashton who helped me...

2 years ago
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Playing Parts

Tonight was the night. I checked the clock. 9:28. Almost time. I checked my reflection for the fifth time, and took a deep breath. Ashley and I had been friends for a relatively short time. Well, maybe friends wasn’t the right word. Acquaintances? Interested parties? Whatever. We were going to fuck. Shortly after meeting, Ashley and I realized we shared a number of interests, had decent chemistry, and had a number of… unexplored ambitions, shall we say? Sexually, I mean. Scenarios, games, and...

10 months ago
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Student Body

Dan was a divorced middle-aged man. He was 48 and living alone in a small apartment in town. Ever since the divorce he was becoming more ans more depressed, this was mostly due to the fact that he was unable to see his son Aaron anymore. Aaron had just turned 19. This was the last summer he would be spending at home, after the summer holidays he'd be off to college. That faithful evening, Dan was again dabbling into the occult. The only problem is: he was doing so drunk! After surfing the...

4 months ago
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Dick growth

Aaron came home from work at 11 pm. He worked as a lawyer and was home due to files being a handful. Aaron undressed down to his underwear and socks and felt his bulge. Almost bursting through the fabric, plump with cum. Aaron sat on his couch and pulled down his underwear. His cock sprang up as his balls bounced. He slowly started to rub his cock.

9 months ago
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Caught in the Middle

Jason was a patient man. He'd patiently waited six entire months for that silly bitch to stop denying the obvious. Yet Lisa still refused to admit how she really felt about him. Still refused to worship at his feet like she should, like all the dumb whores in the world should. Of course Lisa wasn't quite as dumb as the rest of her gender. It was her very genius, almost a match for his own, that had drawn Jason's attention to his fellow researcher. Sure she was...less than attractive. Especially...

1 year ago
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18-year-old Ben was walking home from school when he saw it. The pale green amulet that would change his life forever, though he didn't know it. It was lying in the ground with only a small piece out in the open. He picked it up and examined the object. The chain that held it was broken. He noticed writing on it and read it aloud. It looked like Latin. He put it in his pocket and continued on his way home. Ben thought that he might be able to get some money for it from the pawn shop. As Ben...

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Alien Abduction

A dull humming noise woke you. Where the hell were you? Last thing you remember, you were walking home from the pub, after some drinks, OK lots of drinks, with your friends. You seem to recall pissing in a phone box when suddenly, a bright light hit and you passed out. Now, your head is pounding and, worryingly, have no idea where you are. You sit up from where you were lying and look around. You seem to be in a very warm, bright, white room, which was hurting your still bleary eyes. There was...

1 year ago
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Friends sister

You are getting ready for a sleepover at your friends house your packing your bag, make sure you have your phone charger and then you leave. Upon arriving at your friends house you see his sister laying on the couch. You've always thought she looked good. You and your friend go upstairs to his room to play video games. You were playing for a couple of hours when your friends mom comes in and says you need to quit playing and go to sleep. You and your friend agree to his mom. As soon as the door...

2 years ago
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Secret Dominatrixes

This story will provide a bunch of different scenarios of woman in the workplace who unbeknownst to everyone are secret dominating bitches. There will be points of view from both the secret dominants and their equally secretly submissive male co-workers or in some cases bosses. Basically the scenarios well primarily drive the type of fetish that will occur in the story though of course certain fetishes will be universal. A few examples of the ideas that will be played out in the scenarios are...

1 year ago
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Whats in my ass

A/N: This is a fun/dumb story that shouldn't really be taken too seriously. Edit: I made some edits to the story in order to make it make a little more sense. Edit 2: I made some changes to the premise to allow for more options and interesting plotlines. In a world similar to ours, a strange law has been passed: women can't wear anything on their lower half, and men have the right to put anything they want in a woman's ass at any time. The only regulations to this are: The object must not be...

3 months ago
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The Dream Job

“Good morning Mr. Lantern.” The woman behind the desk greeted me as I entered her office. I was absolutely stunned by her beauty. She had long, blonde hair done into a tight ponytail, bright green eyes, and not to mention enormous breasts. I felt no shame in noticing them, as she was making no effort to conceal them, or at least the massive line of cleavage they created. She was wearing a white button-up shirt with a black suit-jacket on top, and she seemed to keep enough buttons undone that...

2 years ago
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Der Morgen danach

Es ist ein ganz normaler Samstagmorgen. Ich wache in meinem Bett auf und kann mich zunächst nicht erinnern, was letzte Nacht passiert ist. Im Normalfall kommt die Erinnerung wieder, wenn ich nachsehe, wer neben mir liegt. Aber erstmal will ich mich gebührend vorstellen: Ich heiße Alex, bin 22 Jahre alt und Student. Ich konnte mir erst keine eigene Wohnung leisten, aber als vor einem Jahr meine Schwester Tessa, die mittlerweile 20 ist, auch anfing zu studieren, beschlossen wir, gemeinsam...

9 months ago
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Amber Bets Her Ass

Joey & Amber were playing poker. Joey wanted to fuck Amber, she was a perky blond with blue eyes and big boobs. But Joey really liked her nice round tight bottom. He couldnt stop staring at it and fantasized about mounting her ass and making her scream. This is why he lured Amber into playing cards and drinking beer. Amber didn't know how to play poker so they played a few practice games and bet only beer swigs. "Why don't we bet something else?" suggested super horny Joey. "What did you have...

2 years ago
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Cabin in the Woods

The open countryside spans out in front of you from the dash of your mother's crappy SUV. You see clusters of trees dotting around the terrain and several farmhouses. Beside you engrossed in her phone is Stephanie; an athletic Hispanic girl who transferred to your school only this past year, she quickly bonded with you and your best friend over video games. She also gained popularity at an extreme rate after joining the school's varsity soccer team. You notice her long chocolate colored hair...

5 months ago
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Money Can Buy Me Happiness

Stepping off the Greyhound from Hermann ono the parking lot of the Beverley Hills Shopping Centre in St.Louis, a candy apple red Alfa Romeo drives by, parking in front of the mall’s main entrance. As the door opens i get my first glimpse of the driver, as he steps out in a three piece Italian cut suit, designer Ray bans covers his eyes. Oh man here my way to stay in the big city and live the lifestyle I was born to live! Going into the same store I grab a few items and make or the only cash...

1 year ago
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Teen Titans vs the Justice LeagueThe Judas Contract

{Titans tower, San Fran, United States of America, Earth-1, Universe-Positive} You were a recent addition to the Teen Titans, they were your Parole after your failed stint in the GL's and your Uncle refusing to take responsibility for you, they were your only option, as they were the only ones willing to take you in. So with not much Choice in da matter you moved into T Tower, and Got to know a few of your teammates. You especially liked Raven, besides which after Deathstroke's Coup'd'etat,...

6 months ago
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Dishas Dilemma

To Dan, Disha's beauty seemed amplified by her mocha skin and jet black hair. He watched intently as Disha tucked her near transparent white blouse into her black pleated miniskirt. Even now, in her early-twenties, her school uniform fitted like she was a young sixteen. For obvious reasons, Dan always loved his wife wearing this particular outfit. He sat in silence on his chair, feeling himself harden as she sat cross legged on the bed, showing a hint of her white cotton panties. Disha laughed...

2 years ago
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Der Planet

Wir schreiben das Jahr 2372 nach den Correctness Kriegen, die Menschheit hat ihre Zersplitterung überwunden, zusammen mit aller Hand nutzloser Dinge, wie zum Beispiel überholte Ideologien, Krankheiten oder Vorurteile. Vor fast 2000 Jahren war es dann der Menschheit gelungen, aus ihrem Sonnensystem auszubrechen und entferntere Sterne zu besiedeln. Vor 1000 Jahren war die Universale Liga zerbrochen und Chaos hatte vom menschlichen Teil des Universums Besitz ergriffen. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt war der...

1 year ago
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Time prankster

Sammy was sitting on her sofa in her pinkie filly panties. She wasn't expecting visitors and was watching doctor who one BBC One. She had started watching it when the main character was played by David Tennant. She has stopped being so interested when they stopped using hot man in the role but watched it anyway, often only understanding as far as an alien used a blue box to time travel and she wished she could control time, why travel time when you can stop and start it she though. She her a...

1 year ago
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Sister and her friends

It was risky but he couldn't resist. His older sister, Sonam, had brought her room-mate, Selena, home from college for the weekend. She was sleeping in one of the spare bedrooms and he wanted to check her out. She was a little doll, black hair, pale skin, blue eyes, slender build and friendly. At eighteen, a senior in high school, John found the twenty one year old Selena very attractive. He darkened the hall and opened the bedroom door. He could hear her breathing evenly, asleep, he hoped. A...

2 years ago
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Fuck a Celebrity

Through the power of being rich, attractive and having important friends, you managed to get into a prestigious club on VIP night. The place is swarming with celebrities of all kinds, and mostly women as well. Which of course means you're in the middle of some of the hottest actresses, singers, athletes and models this world has to offer. There will surely be booze and drugs, and you have high hopes of taking on of those hotties to bed with you tonight - or maybe several? The evening is young...

1 year ago
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Susan Storm Bride of Dracula

**** As with all my stories, I welcome other authors to add chapters! *** Dracula, Lord of the Undead, stood on a New York rooftop, gazing across the city, smelling the blood of millions of victims wafting up out of the concrete canyons. But he had particular prey in mind this night. He lifted his gaze and looked across at an upper balcony on the Baxter Building, where a figure in white stood waiting for him. Susan Storm-Richards stood on the balcony outside the marital bedroom, her white...

1 year ago
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Video game character

Hello, I'm John and today I'm bored. I got onto my PC and looked at my video games. "God, all of these are old and boring" I sighed. Suddenly I saw something. I was on the desktop and a new icon appeared. It had the top half of a woman, toppless on it and she was blushing and covering her tits. "The hell? I didn't download any game like that!" I yelled. I clicked it, weary that it could be a virus. A loading screen popped up. It was white with a fully clothed girl on it. It said "loading...

1 year ago
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Fun at the Gym

The Kjonn gym had recently opened near you. It was modern and well set up with all the amenities a good gym needs. As well as the standard workout area and classes there were also spa facilities, courts for tennis, basketball etc. In fact anything you could think of to do with sport and leisure could be done there. Whats more they already had loads of hot young members having reached out to students, local businesses among others with amazing deals to bring in membership. You had just signed up...

1 year ago
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Me and My Shadow

Everybody has had an imaginary friend once in their life. As they grow up, their imagination narrows and sometimes fades away with the imaginary friend. With Jodie Holmes however, her imaginary friend is neither imaginary or a friend. The answers to the questions she has can have dangerous, sometimes deadly prices to pay, along with the experiences in her lifetime.

2 years ago
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Rough Flight

As John settled into his narrow seat, he hoped no one else would be filling the only seat next to him. It was already a small plane, but in order to cram two more seats and make more money, the airline removed the bathroom at the end of the plane, reasoning a plane of this size only needs one bathroom anyways, and put two seats where it used to be. This meant that not only were there no seats across the aisle, only an emergency exit, but as John quickly realized the seats didn't even have an...

5 months ago
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Night With Chantz Fortune

(pardon the short intro. This will get longer in the next choice) (also to see what the girls looks lik go here ) You had a won a contest to spend the night with Chantz Fortune. She was the star of the movies Boss Bitches 8,9 and 10. Chantz was know as the strap-on mistress. She would use this big strap-on on men and the most ruthless dominatrix out there. She was also the hottest. She look like a regular busty porn start but had a mind of a...

1 year ago
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Age of Darkness

Author's notes: This story is a spinoff of a branch of one of my other stories: A Fantasy Dynasty . If you wish to know more about the background story and lore that led up to this point, or enjoy this story and are looking for more. Please give it a look. Also, A Warning: This story may involve some darker subjects. If you have issues with stories that involve Murder, Rape, Torture, Violence, etc. This may not be the story for you. You have been warned. Queen Marissa Loon lounges boredly on...

2 years ago
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Wishful Dorm

You are a freshman college student lying on your bed in your tiny new dorm room, not sure what to do. You just moved into your college's coed dorm last week, and being from out of state and a bit shy, you haven't really gotten to know anyone other than your roommate, Jack, and most of what you know of your Jack is that he's a jock with a taste for beer and loose women. Jack has drunkenly stumbled into the room with a new woman for every night you were here. Each time, he hurried you into the...

2 years ago
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Snow White And The Apple

"Yes, yes, take but a bit, my pretty one... -Thank you, but really, I cannot afford your goods. -Ah, but thisssss one I will give you for free, said the old woman, producing a very bright and red apple. A young beauty like you needs good, fresh food... Take a bite!" Snow White reached out to the apple with some apprehension. Didn't the Dwarves warned her of evil creatures roaming the forest? Could one of these creatures take the shape of a poor and old woman selling fruits? She looked in the...

11 months ago
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School Mistress POV

You are Marcus, a tall, athletic and smart student at Glamour High. You play soccer and basketball after school and has a girlfriend named Payton "Shit," you tell yourself silently as you exit Mrs. Drain's room, "I didn't think the test was going to be that difficult." A 150 question language arts test final was supposedly easy, at that's what your friends told you, but you are sure you flunked it. LA being the last class of the day, you take your backpack and drive home.

1 year ago
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The Party

You never understood why people went to these things. All the drugs, the drinking, everything else you know happens here. It's disgusting. Maybe it's just you though, people have got to like it, or else it wouldn't be a thing, right? Anyways, that's what you tell yourself as you walk up to the house you were told the party was at. Just go in, find the friend that invited you, stay long enough so people know you came, and then you can scram. Same thing you did in highschool.

1 year ago
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Faerie forests and other places

Anthony called on the last minute that he couldn't come rock climbing this weekend as he had forgotten a project at work that really had to be finished before Monday. "You do that then Anthony." Eva said "It's certainly more important than some climbing we could do at any time." "Thanks. I knew you'd understand." Anthony said "I really will make this up to you later. I know it's a really shitty thing what I just did, but work just doesn't wait. Not all kinds of work anyway." "Go do that work...

1 year ago
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The Way Back Home

Today was the day! It was THE day! Alice had been waiting for this day for years. She was finally going back home. Alice Lidwell, twenty two years old, was the personal assistant of one Count Bernard Muldoon who had been chosen as an overseer of a small monarchy in a land far, far away from the holy empire from which Alice and the Count originated. The Count’s mission was supposed to last for the whole of two years and was he allowed to take with him a set amount of gold and two of his personal...

2 years ago
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Shrek Love

A girl appears amongst the barren trees and branches hovering above the sidewalk. She is so meek, it seems as if she is cowering from underneath them. Looking down, her erect nipples were clearly seen through her thin, see-through shirt. An amateur mistake to make in winter days. Looking around, she noticed nobody was lurking. Horny as she was, she couldn't help but hide in the bushes in front of a house and begin twisting and turning her nobs. Hands began grasping the melons hastily, and just...

1 year ago
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Cum Bucket Challenge

None of this is real, all words are fiction and nothing more. So enjoy the story everyone. It nearing 2 A.M and Zendaya was still in the studio recording. Sure she could finish it tomorrow but tomorrow is a rare day for her, a day with no photo shoots, interviews,nothing, just lots of sleep and chilling. She buried her head into her palms. “Rough night Miss Coleman?” Zendaya looked up the nightly janitor, Tim. He was a real nice middle age guy who was always willing to lend his ear and a piece...

1 year ago
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Trying to score at that one Cinema

So you've been dreaming all week from the women of the cinema downtown, now you're going there with one goal in mind. To score! You have put on your best clothes and set your mind to charming. You just want to touch them so badly. You arrive at the cinema. You approach the cashier, the brunette. She smiles when you say you could view her all day instead of one of the movies. She had some nice cleavage with a nice rack to see. Before you were caught staring to long you quickly ask which movie...

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Hallie Kassie

Hallie and Kassie were both freshman; they were designated roommates by the apartment office for the complex in which they had chosen to live. The university did not have near enough dorm space so the local apartment complexes did a booming business renting to students.In a questionnaire that was part of their apartment application, Hallie and Kassie had each answered many demographic and personal questions. The apartment management had worked out a system to sort students into roommates based...

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Tamer Spirit

(hey guys still working on changing the perspective so please be patient I will also add and take some things from the story.) This is our story which takes place on a planet called Earth. Now this isn't the Earth you know this is a place full of sights that would take you breath away and others that would make your heart sink into terror. It begins in a sleepy town called Rio Linda where our hero lives....although he doesn't exactly fit the usual look of a hero his body is more on the flabby...

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Lingerie Lost

I hear the doorbell ring and sigh as I know who it is before Paul, my husband, even answers it. Dave, Paul’s best friend is round again. During the few years of our marriage, I would say that Dave has been at our house virtually every day and I have considered making him a key so that I don't have to get up to let him in. The pair of them are either watching whatever sport happens to be on the television or just playing computers games. Sometimes I feel like I married a teenage boy, not a grown...

2 years ago
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Educating Poppy Part I

The hotel’s dining room is one of its best features. It has big picture windows overlooking the rugged Devon coastline, and during the brief intervals when Poppy isn’t either taking someone’s order or clearing away the plates, she enjoys watching the sun slowly setting behind the rocky headland. There is a spot just beside one of the pot plants where she can keep an eye on the tables while at the same time enjoying the scenery, as well as not getting in the way of the other waitresses as they...

2 years ago
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Vacation of a Lifetime

It was to have been the vacation of a lifetime, an all expenses paid vacation to the Bahamas for the entire Robinson family. Things weren't working out quite as you expected, though. You land at the airstrip of a small island with a sandy beach perimeter, a thick jungle interior, and -- seemingly -- only one house, a beautiful three story estate that sits on a small rocky rise looking down upon all about it. The pilot quickly unloaded your bags and pointed you toward the house, then fired up...

8 months ago
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Marvel Heldenfall

In Mojouniversum wandte sich Mojo an sein Publikum "Hallo und willkommen bei Heldenfall. Wir habe unsere unwissend Kandidaten mit Techologie ausgerüßtet die ihnen ermöglich ihre Feinde zu versklaven und köperlich zu verändern. und hier sind unsere Kandidaten. Kandidat 1: Apokalypse. Er braucht 4 Horseman und einen Harem Kandidat 2: Mesmero und Masque. Sie wollen ein Bordell eröffnen Kandidat 3: Dr. Doom. Sein Land braucht eine Königin Kandidat 4: Superia. Sie will eine Amazonenarmee Kandidat...

5 months ago
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So you got yourself into this poker game... You're hanging out at your friend Emily's house with her and her friend Jenny. They are two beautiful, slender brunettes with dark eyes and long legs. It's been a fun evening so far - a lot of wine, goofing around, and teasing. Everyone's laid back and laughing. Once the girls start to get really tipsy, Emily suggests a little game. "Hey, let's play some poker" she suggests. "I don't have any money," says Jenny. "What are we gonna play for?" You...

5 months ago
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Annas Conquest

Anna Brown was supposed to be doing her Calculus homework, but was daydreaming, as usual. The bright 18 year old high school senior wasn't too concerned about completing the assignment as one would think: she had seduced her Calculus teacher, Mrs. Grossman, a month before , fucking her into submission (that's another story!) and had her eating out of her hand. Gazing out her bedroom window, Anna noticed her next door neighbor, Genevieve Miller, dragging a wheeled trash-bin down her driveway....

1 year ago
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Newlyweds Erotic Wrestling Match

I'm an athletic and fun-loving guy in his mid-20's, average height and weight. Trim and good-looking, I'm a pro shoot wrestler, and it shows in my lean, muscular build. I've recently married the love of my life, a beautiful mixed martial artist. My wife is just a couple years younger than me, and a perfect blend of cute and sexy. Though she trains hard at the gym daily and is a fierce competitor in the cage, she's the sweetest woman in the world. She's curvy, but it's all muscle, her only fat...

2 years ago
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Jungmnnerfreuden bei Hofe

ch König Gregor IV. Vier Jahre ist es her, dass mein geliebter Vater bei einem Jagdunfall zu Tode gestürzt war und ich seither seinen Thron besteigen muss. Heute war Thing. Der einmal im Monat stattfindende Gerichtstag. Mein Großvater hatte ihn eingeführt. Menschen aus unserem Königreich konnten kommen und ihre Händel vortragen. An uns Königen lag es, dann zu entscheiden, wem welches Stück Land zustand, wer welche Rechte worüber haben sollte, was mit dem Ehebrecher zu geschehen habe und so...

3 years ago
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Sister Training

Noah Masters groaned as the light of the morning sun tore through his bedroom window and landed against his face. He would have normally already been up by this time but yesterday was his twenty-first birthday and his friends had made sure that he didn’t get in until late. He hadn’t really minded then but now he was hating himself as he slowly sat up and fought the urge to just lie back down and go back to sleep. If he slept in then he wouldn’t get to bed at a decent hour tonight and he would...

1 year ago
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Fun with Tongue Piercings

My roommate's eyes flashed as she waited for my response. "Sure I wanna celebrate but really, a piercing?" "Come on it'll be fun, one last wild young thing before we buy our granny walkers." "Won't it hurt?" "Pbbthht baby." I sighed and relented. "OK then but nothing crazy. Promise?" "Promise" she said beaming. "The fuck?" I shouted, "you said nothing crazy." "Its not crazy lots of girls have them, you pick one ill get the other." "So I can either have a bar of metal shoved through my tongie or...

1 year ago
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The Discovery Center Part One

It was a Rockwell Family Adventure – a short weekend away from "Mom;" Just the two of us. And as we always did on these trips, we decided to go exploring off-road, in this case in our four-wheel drive Jeep Wrangler. We planned a short weekend trip. Leaving mid-day on Friday, the plan was to drive up, spend Saturday off-roading and to see the sights, followed by our return home on Sunday.It was early April, the chill of winter quickly passing in preparation for the warmth of summer. Days were...

1 year ago
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Harley and the Hitchhiker Chapter 2

 After showering, I emerged from the bathroom with the towel wrapped around my waist. It’s now Angel’s turn to stare, her eyes transfixed on the towel being pushed forward by a very erect cock in need of relief. She is sitting on the edge of the bed, still wrapped in her towel.Rising to her feet, Angel walks over to me and kisses first one cheek, then the other and whispers, “I have taken the liberty of ordering room service for us, Sir. I hope you’re not upset with me.”“Of course not, Angel....

10 months ago
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High Card Low Card Game

It was a Saturday night and the five of them were bored, Greg; a tall sanding blond hair sat on the couch. Next to him saw a petty little number, Suzette, her brown hair fell over the sides of her back. Heather was sitting crossed legged on the floor. She was a hot little number, with a button nose, freckles and bright red hair. Next to her , sitting with his leg spread out was Mark. He worked out and had a rather macho attitude to match his buzz cut hair. Lastly sitting in the rocking chair...

2 years ago
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Sweet and Innocent

It was almost like a dream. There he was, standing in front of her; the same man who's likeness occupied quite a bit of space on her walls. And he was walking directly towards her. "Hello," He held out his hand and offered her a charming smile. "I'm Tom." "I know who you are." She said shyly, shaking his hand and for a moment quietly marveling at it's size. "I'm Jessica." He chuckled quietly, "I know who you are, too. I've heard great things." Their conversation ended there. A friend pulled...

1 year ago
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I was very young when I was adopted by a wonderful family and never felt that I was not their own child. Even though less than two years after adopting me, they had a child of their own, a daughter, Susan. We grew up as sisters in every way. However, by the time I was 18, little sis had changed from a loving play-friend into a brat. She was 16, all leggy, her figure just beginning to blossom into what was clearly going to be a gorgeous girl. But so nosy, insulting, always borrowing my clothes...

2 years ago
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Billion Dollar Bitch

You have won backstage passes to Smackdown. You are so happy that you got to meet all the stars, but there is one in particular that you want to meet. The huge titted, big booty general manager, Stephanie McMahon. She doesn't seem to be around at this point, so you go off looking.

2 years ago
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Notes to a Cuckold

To hear your wife tell it, you are the perfect husband; the only man that she will ever want because no other man has ever – or will ever – love her more deeply and selflessly.Attentive; caring; considerate: these are the qualities that most attract a woman to her mate - qualities that you undoubtedly possess, as she so often tells you.  A gentleman to the core, always willing to place your wife’s happiness above your own - as it should be, of course - and in return, she takes more than...

9 months ago
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Wahres Urlaubserlebnis

Hallo Leute, ich möchte hier mal mit einer wahren Geschichte anfangen, die dann ja vielleicht weiter geführt wird. Ich bin ein 25jähriges, wie meine Bekannten und Freunde sagen, zwiespältiges Girl. Auf der einen Seite habe ich das Aussehen wie ein Engelchen, auf der anderen Seite ein Sexverhalten und Sexvorlieben wie ein Teufelchen. Dann will ich mich mal kurz beschreiben, ich bin 1,76, wiege 60 kg, habe gewellte, schulterlange, blonde Haare, leuchtend dunkelblaue Augen, einen nicht zu großen,...

1 year ago
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Ich lernte meinen Freund kennen

Es fand eine Party statt, auf der alle Schüler unserer Schule eingeladen waren und bei der die Rußlanddeutschen und Südländer etwas mehr in das gemeinsame Leben eingebunden werden sollten. Ich, wie meine Klassenkameradinnen sagten, eine kleine, geile Schlampe von fast 17 Jahren, sehr hübsch, gewellte, schulterlange, schwarze Haare, schwarze Augen, einen kleinen, festen Busen, Wespentaille, einen knackigen Po und wirklich sehr wohlgeformte lange Beine, bei einer Größe von 1,73 wog ich damals 55...

1 year ago
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Sexy Sadies Red Notepad

I'm Sadie, and I'm a cute half-Japanese girl with pigtails and high aspirations, and I'm also an independent sociologist. I'm just naturally a curious person I suppose, and am especially interested in sexual events, especially of the random sort, from a sociological context. I've also had my own share, but this isn't my life story. This is a particular story of a study, my quest to gain information, in my trusty Red Notepad, for independent sociological research. Well, in some ways that's what...

5 months ago
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Nude Day at School

I woke up with a start one morning, I realized that I had overslept, and quickly rush to take a shower and get dressed. My name is Laura, I'm a senior at a high school, but I won't bother telling you the name, it isn't a very famous one. I'm 18, and still a virgin, but I had no idea that was going to change today. I did know that there was a famous movie director coming today to scope out new talent, and that it was the one day of the year that the seniors got the school to themselves, so I was...

4 months ago
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The 25 Year Itch Chapter 3

I continued my troubled sleep while my wife spent the evening with Simon at his rugby club dinner dance.  My fitful dreaming seemed to consist of my wife dancing closely with lots of different men, some I knew and some who were strangers.  It was a restless sleep, with a feeling of doom haunting my sub-conscious.I wasn’t sure how long it was before I heard a car door shutting and a diesel car pulling away outside.  I realised this wasn’t part of my dream, and I came around, feeling my muscles...

3 years ago
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The Willing Voyeur Part 3

The problem with our next planned meeting was that Friday is my busiest day of the week. Now I don’t have any real problem customers, but you just never know how some people will react to a beautiful exhibitionist, especially in close quarters. I knew that she would probably be quite happy with just staying in the office as other customers came and went, but I was hoping to get Anne out of the office for this occurrence. I really wanted her to ‘stretch her legs’ this time.I’m good friends with...

2 years ago
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My wife becomes a TV Actress

I was extremely nervous. I knew I was going to forver lose my exclusive right to my wife Prayashi's body after this day. Yet, it was important to do it. It was important to let Prayashi pursue her dream of becoming a Television actress and the "audition" with Khaled sir was an important step towards fulfilling that dream. After all Khaled sir was one of the most well-known casting directors in the Telugu Television industry and his blessings would guarantee a break for Prayashi. My beautiful...

2 years ago
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Shifter The Sex Demoness

"If you see this girl, use extreme caution- contact law enforcment in the area as soon as possible." A lovely blonde news lady is talking on screen. To her side is an image of the "criminal" she is speaking of. A silk skinned beauty with long, jet black hair. She's not human, her skin is dark, but a beautiful shad of crimson. Her eyes are black, lips full and soft- probably hiding sharp fangs and a snake-like tongue within. Large bat-like wings extending from her back. A demon- they were...

2 years ago
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A Different Party

My wife and I were a little staid in our private lives. The sex was good between us and I suppose that's why we never experimented when everyone else seemed to be getting into wife-swapping and sex parties. Our friends regarded us as prudish I would think. Also we weren't really drinkers as such, so our inhibitions never really dropped in social situations more than just to be sociable. However as years passed the passion we felt for each other ebbed away, more or less without our noticing, and...

9 months ago
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Discretion in Plain Sight Chapter 1

Tyler was only 12 when his mother died from an alcohol problem. He was 14 when his dad remarried and chose a 22 year old trophy wife, Erica. His dad was a marketing executive with a mid-six figure income, plus bonuses and was pretty open about why he wanted Erica as his second wife. She was beautiful, stacked, young and, it goes without saying, hot. She was blonde, blue-eyed, 5'9" tall, DD-cup tits, slim waist, curvy ass and long, shapely legs. She easily could have been a model, but had...

11 months ago
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Caught With Mumrsquos Knickers

I was in bed with a pair of her knickers, smelling them. Yes one of her worn knickers I picked from the dirty cloth hamper in the bathroom. But it turned out to be one of the best things that ever happened to me.I am the love of mum’s life. I have always loved being around her. Even though she is in her thirties, she has a really sexy body, with big, full, 38D breasts. When I was 13 I started to notice my mother as a woman, more than just myMother. She would walk around the house either nude or...

2 years ago
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Sex at the beach ndash a foursome Part 2

Part 2I kissed him and said lets lay down on the towel. I sucked Chris's cock, spread the legs, let him eat me out, kissed his knob end, took it between the lips, sucked it gently, and enjoyed the taste. I was soon bobbing back and forth on his lovely manhood when we heard steps! We stopped and saw Eric naked in front of us, a condom pulled over his hard dick already. He handed Chris one and dropped the others, a dozen or so. Eric, not sure what next, looked too alluring not to start doggy. On...

1 year ago
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A Dare to Remember

So my dares are going great I have to say. I have enjoyed them immensely and many of you have come up with some creative ways and places to make me cum. This is one such dare that I'd have to say I accomplish and had a great time doing it. The dare was simple enough but daring as well. Masturbating in a public place has always been a turn on to me. A little game Is s girls played in our town was to sneak into empty houses, some occupied but not at that moment some empty for sale or even...

11 months ago
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Leraar op een dames school

Ik ben een leraar op een kleine dames universiteit voor Sport en Beweging. En als ik 1 ding heb geleerd van mijn vak is dat dames tussen de 18 en 22 jaar die het vak Sport en Beweging studeren de meest geile dames zijn op deze aarde. Ik heb 2 klassen op de vrije school en ik mag zelf elk uur kiezen welke klas ik les wil geven ik zal de 2 klassen even voorstellen het zijn kleine klasjes van 4 a 5 leerlingen die ik nu allemaal snel even zal voorstellen. Klas 1:(normale klas geen bijzonderheden,...

2 years ago
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His View Her View of Passion

Jack and Eve have known each other for six months, married for three, and are still excited by each other's bodies, still in love. Sex is still exciting and they both feel adventurous about each other. Each week starts much the same, both work, yet they long to be together, to surrender to each other's desires, but curious.

8 months ago
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It Was Late Episode 4

It was late arriving.I heard the mailbox clatter and, as I looked from the lounge window, I caught the back of the post woman as she walked across the lawn to next door. The post is always late on a Saturday.I could hear Deb singing along to some tune on the radio in the kitchen. She is so happy these days. I cast my mind back to a week last Wednesday when Steve had come over. They had such a great time. We had such a great time. Deb eventually released me from the bed after her shower. She...

1 year ago
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Awkward Massage

I lifted up the blinds slightly and peeked out the window. "There she is. Oh, all five feet and six inches of her sexy beauty has returned," I moaned, prior to bringing my other hand to my crotch. "Oh, Kandace, from the light brown hair atop your head to your small, but sexy feet, you are a babe," I praised her, eyeballing the back side of her body. "I'd love to put my schlong right in your slit, if you let me," I mumbled, rubbing it.I breathed in and out heavily and broke a small sweat too,...

10 months ago
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Sexy School

Her petite breasts are jolting wildly as she gyrates over your rock hard rock. She's moaning and breathing heavily and screaming for more. You can't take it anymore your about to cum... "Mr. Doe. What on earth are you doing?" With a start you come back to reality. Every one in the class is staring at you, well not really you. They're all staring at your rock hard penis! "Oh God!" you think, "What the Hell am I going to do?"

6 months ago
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My Husbands Cock in Chasity PT3

It's been about two months since Steve asked me to lock up his cock. It didn't take long before I realized that I really enjoyed the power exchange. I now had him doing everything I asked, without complaint. The house never looked better. My pussy had not seen his cock for the same period. Although I love and enjoy normal sex, I love being served even more. As I said earlier, Steve is not very good at many things but he is amazing at oral sex. He just has the most fabulous tongue and he knows...

2 years ago
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My 2nd meeting with mature Debbie

Following on from my previous meeting with Tony and Debbie.Two weeks had passed since my first meeting with Tony and Debbie I was sitting at home watching TV when the phone rang.."hi Steve, its Debbie, Tony and I loved our meeting so much and would love to see you again, but first, I want to see you alone, can you make this Saturday, Tony is out and I have a surprise for you?"Without hesitation, I readily agreed and arranged to go to her house at 7pm.I can't begin to tell you how perfect this...

2 months ago
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Fucky Friday

I was awake, but I didn't want to get up yet. I didn't want to even open my eyes yet. I just remembered last night... huge fight... the failed date... getting drunk... screaming, shouting... sleeping in separate beds. Lately all we had been doing was shouting at each other in between not talking to each other. I wonder why we got married sometimes. I sit up and try to think back on why. We had a reason, although my head aches even more as I try to remember. The sex was great, I remember that,...

1 year ago
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Hijacked College Girl

(BITTE AUF DER TITELSEITE EINEN WEIBLICHEN VORNAMEN EINGEBEN!) William Parker Jr. ist mit sich und der Welt rundherum zufrieden. Er ist der beste Football-Spieler der gesamten College-Mannschaft, er hat von seinem stinkreichen Daddy einen superschicken brandneuen SUV zum Geburtstag geschenkt bekommen hat, und er hat das bei weitem hübscheste Mädchen des gesamten Colleges neben sich auf dem Beifahrersitz sitzen. Nur das Allerbeste ist gut genug für ihn, und nur die allerhübschesten Mädchen haben...

8 months ago
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A Trip to Remember

James packed his car with all that he would be taking on the trip. His parents believed that he was just going to see his friends in Frankfort. But this wasn't the entire truth. He was going to Frankfort, but that was only a stopping point for the adventure he had planned. He had been a part of the dominance and submission lifestyle for about 4 years and had been on Gor for almost a year. He enjoyed being in control of another person. It excited him to know that he could decide when and where...

1 year ago
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The Compromise Part 2

Andre and his three girls, me being one of them, piled into his car. Andre assumed his role as the driver, Mikayla grabbed shotgun, and my wife, Ally, and I got into the back seat. My heart pounded in my chest with nervousness, as this was my first time going out en femme.Ally no doubt saw the fear in me and scooched closer, taking my hand in hers. "Baby, don't be scared. We're just a couple of girls out on the town tonight, okay? We're not Sam and Ally tonight, we're Ally and Sarah. I want you...