Fetish HD Porn Videos

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Play Prisoner

"John!" The director screams. "Where the fuck is John?!" "I'm here, I'm here!" John yells as he scampers towards the director; the distinct smell of pot hanging on his peasant garb. "You reek man," John shrugs with a half sincere, "Well, yeah..." "Just get out there in the stocks. We'll talk after!" "Come on Mark, I'm fucking here aren't I?! Who cares if I..." "Just...stop! I don't have time for this." "You know I don't have any fucking lines right; I'm just in the back, looking at everyone's...

1 year ago
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Spanking the boss

My husband and I have been married for almost four years now. The thing he liked the best about me was the fact that I was a little bit of a freak, but still the nice girl that he could take home to his mother. We have always had a very honest relationship, and from the beginning, he knew two things about me...I like to submit to a more dominant man, and I liked to be punished. I was a young supervisor at work, in a line where I probably should have been a male. All of my employees were male,...

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The plumber

Jake was just about finished installing the new hot water heater for Mrs. Drake, as the old one had been leaking like a sieve and must have cost a fortune to run. Jake lit the pilot light and waited for the familiar whoosh that came when the burner fired up while Mrs. Drake leaned around the corner and asked if everything was O.K. "No problem Ma'am, all finished," Jake said, as he wiped his hand with an old rag hanging from his tool belt, "I'll be upstairs in a minute!" After gathering up all...

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Paula was going out of her mind, she was down to her last twenty dollars and if she didn't find a steady source of income in a hurry she was gonna find herself out on the street!!! The rent was due in just three more day, no, make that three months rent was due in three days, and even though her landlord had been understanding of her problems, even a nice guy like Mr. Fuller would finally put his foot down sometime, and Paula was pretty sure that time would be this Friday!!! Restlessly she...

1 year ago
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Official duties

David was just finishing up with the day's last customer when Bobbi Foxx asked him to lock the front door and then come into her office!!! "All done," he said while knocking on the door jam to her office!!! "Come on in, David," I'll be with you in a moment, I'm just finishing up totaling up the day's receipts!!!" "Take your time," he said easily while taking a chair, "business has been pretty good, hasn't it!?!" "Yes it has," she said, "how long have you been working for me, David!?!" "Uh,...

1 year ago
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The master

Blind folded, Judith Thomas sat nervously in the straight back chair while hearing feet shuffling softly around her!!! The cool evening air had erected her naked nipples, and as always the anticipation of doing her master's bidding was flooding her vagina with Bartholin's fluid!!! Sometimes he made her sit for hours before deigning her with his presence, but tonight she was pleasantly surprised when his voice rang out after only about a ten minute wait!!! "Good evening Judith," he began gently,...

1 year ago
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Creamy seconds

Creamy Seconds First off this story is fictional and I apologise for any spelling or bad grammar, im better at maths and science then English. I hope you enjoy the story. Me and my girl friend had been going out for 3 years, and are still very happy together, however the spark of the relationship (the sex life) is not as good as it use to be, I know most relationships when they start out, your having sex as much as possible and experimenting, finding out about each other, what turns them on. I...

1 year ago
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It was a beautiful spring afternoon and Jay didn't have a care in the world as he walked home from school! The sun was shining brightly in the clear blue sky and his thoughts were on maybe going for a swim in the old quarry pit on the other side of town when out of the corner of his eye he saw a middle aged woman falling down on the steps in front of her house!!! He raced to her aid and while helping her to her feet asked, "Are you all right, ma'am, that was a nasty spill!?!" "I-I think so,"...

1 year ago
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Marie bent down to open the lower drawer of the blue print file cabinet and from across the room she could here the definite sound of snickering coming from Ray Udell's desk!!! She struggled to remove the set of drawings she needed for the renovation project she was working on, but as the tears formed in her eyes, her mind wasn't on her work, but on how cruel some people could be for no apparent reason at all!!! She knew that Ray wasn't inherently a bad person, but when ever he had a chance it...

1 year ago
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Pregnant visitor

"Ohhhhhhhh, John," Ellyn cried, "she's absolutely perfect, I can hardly wait to get her out of her clothes!!!" "Come in, dear," John said to the tiny Japanese woman who was standing nervously in the foyer of the large suburban home of the John and Ellyn Wexman, "as you heard my wife is very happy to see you, and of course I am, too!!!" Taking their visitor by the arm, John led her into the family room in the rear of the house, and after pouring drinks for everyone asked, "So, Kira, are you sure...

1 year ago
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The workout

She thought she was gonna die!!! For the past forty five minutes Julie Baxter had gone through a rigorous aerobic workout at the health club she was a member of, and if hell was any worse than this she'd have been surprised!!! On television when ever they show a group of women working out they're always in perfect condition as well as being young and pretty, but for Julie, who had been putting herself through this personal torture for over six months, she hadn't really lost any weight at all,...

1 year ago
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Poor hubby

Marion sat at her dressing table carefully applying her makeup, and when she was satisfied, she reached for her bra and slipped it over her arms and onto her shoulders whereupon she reached around and hooked the four catches that held her massive milk filled mammaries in place!!! This was to be the first real evening out since the baby was born and she was excited to be getting out of the house if even for only a few hours!!! Her husband Tom was singing loudly in the shower, and after calling...

1 year ago
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I raped my good friend

Well to start off i will give you some information about the people involved in this fantasy. I have known this woman for the longest time and we are good friends so that is why i know she wouldnt suspect i would do sumthing like this to her. She is one of the best looking woman I have ever seen. She has 40DD tits and the most perfect asses you will ever see. She has the kind of ass that a man that dosent give it to his girl up the ass would dream of giving it up the ass to this chic. Her tits...

1 year ago
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lingerie salesman

Cindy looked in the mirror and after staring at her out sized form for several seconds, broke down in tears as her rolls of fat began shaking gently in time with her sobs!!! While she wasn't really tall, she packed a very hefty two hundred fifty five pounds on her large boned frame, and as she sobbed away, her , that hung nearly to her waist jiggled back and forth as the tears rolled down her cheeks all the way down to her nipples!!! It had be so long since she'd had a man that she once joked...

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East west realtions

Kimiko groaned softly to herself as the wide straps of her bra dug deep into her slender shoulders, and while only standing five feet tall and weighing in at a scant ninety five pounds, you'd swear that at least half of that weight was residing inside of the 32DD lace bra of the cute twenty three year old Japanese-American flight attendant!!! After being on her feet all day inside the cramped airliner, she was dying to get checked into her hotel room and just soak for and hour in a hot tub!!!...

1 year ago
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Who is the boss now

It all started innocently enough I was a secretary at this big corporation, and my boss was very mean spirited and really did a number on my self-confidence. I searched around trying to find ways to build my self esteem and each time my boss would do something to push me back down this hurt my feelings a lot, my boss was a very attractive man that I had desired but he always made me feel like dirt. I was a very good looking woman but around him I always felt like the ugly stepsister. Anyway I...

1 year ago
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You can go home again

Mike Bronson turned the corner off main street and headed out on Elm Street to the high school he had graduated from some fifteen years ago. He had missed his five and ten year high school reunions do to job constraints, but now it just so happened that he was between writing assignments so he had decided to drive the three hundred miles from Detroit back to his home town in Ohio!!! Central High School stood on the edge of town, and a big sign hung over the front door welcoming everyone to the...

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Cassidy Flowers hoisted her groceries on her hip and proceeded down the alley. It was about 11:30p.m at it had rained earlier that day. Her high heels clicked across the wet pavement. She started thinking about what she would do when she got home when she heard footsteps behind her. She stopped and looked over her shoulder. "Is anyone there?" She didn't see anyone. "Might be a cat or something," she thought and kept walking. Just then, a strong arm wrapped around her waist and another was...

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Emma eyed the half loaded commuter train car for a few moments before deciding to take a seat across from a middle aged business man who was busy reading the morning paper!!! She waddled down the aisle and stopped at his shoulder and asked in a sweet voice, "Is this seat taken," while motioning to the empty bench directly across from him!?! "Uh no, ma'am," he replied while shaking his head, "it's been empty ever since I got on board, help yourself!!!" "Thanks," Emma replied while plopping down...

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Something new

"You ready," Debbie asked her friend Maureen as she stopped by her best friend's desk, "I can't wait another minute, I'm just about ready to burst!?!" "Me too," Mo replied while putting the finishing touches on a report that Mr. Bently had ask her to prepare before his trip to New York later that afternoon, "just let me drop this off at the boss's office, he's been on my case all morning to get this done before noon!!!" "No problem," Debbie replied as they made their way to Mr. Bently's office,...

1 year ago
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The Slave Speaks Chapter 1

EVERYTHING IN THIS STORY IS PURELY FICTION. ANY RESEMBLANCE TO reality IS COINCIDENTAL. I opened my eyes but quickly closed them. It was bright. It brought on much confusion when I realized I was not in my dimly-lit apartment. "Oh, she's awake." I heard someone murmur dissatisfiedly. "Hush, Liz. I know she's not what you wanted, but--" she cut off when I sat up. "What's going on?" I asked, confused. The two women looked at each other. One was tall and slim, but not skinny. Her green eyes...

1 year ago
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Master And The Nice Italian

master took me out for dinner one evening to a very upmarket and intimate Italian restaurant. I had been careful to put on a very short skirt and the little white lacy panties he had told me to wear. The food was delicious and the service very attentive. Master knew Lucio the owner and I couldn't help but notice that Lucio was very, very attractive. He was lean, tanned and incredibly handsome with wavy black hair. It was difficult to stop myself from glancing at him occasionally, even though I...

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Diary of a housemother part one

Dear Diary, My name is Tilly Crawford and for the past ten years I've been the housemother for the Delta House Fraternity here at State U. Another year of school started just yesterday and the boys have been getting ready for fraternity pledge rush week by planning parties and of course the open house to allow the new freshmen to get an idea if they'd like to join Omega House. It was long summer for me diary, I really miss being around the boys and of course my pussy missed the attention it...

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The Seduction of Analisse

I saw you stranded on the old deserted highway with a flat tire on your car. I stopped to render you assistance. When we introduced each other I couldn't help but notice your breasts,, and how they appeared to be leaking milk as there was small wet spots around your erected nipples. I immediately knew what my plan was. I opened your trunk and found the spare tire and lug wrench. While you were not looking I threw the lug wrench into the trees and told you I couldn't find it. Since I was driving...

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The shouldergasm

Its funny the things that you remember in life. First kiss, first love, etc. For me, the one thing I remember, will always remember is the shouldergasm, as I’ve come to call it. which came to me by my best friend Jenny’s father, ( Uncle TT as I have always affectionately called him) It was a hot summer day, and Jenny had invited me over for a swim and later on a barbecue. Jenny, her father and I where making a whirlpool , swimming round and round, the current getting stronger and stronger. I...

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Passion at the palace

Note : this story is completely fictional! It was a warm, tepid, windy evening in Saudi Arabia. The magic carpets were glistening in the moist dew, a moistness which was only to increase... Maramaramara, his thoughts abroad with the distant breeze was at the end of his quest.it had lasted 2 years and now it was nearly complete. the palace gold was nearly his. these two years had been ones of intrigue and inspiration as he encountered many different characters who thought him many different...

1 year ago
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Master And The Naughtiest Slut part two

I waited for you with trepidation. As you entered the room you could see that I’d done exactly as you ordered, and was completely naked apart from a pair of stilettos. I had used my own thong as a gag, covered my eyes with a scarf, and managed to close the handcuffs, thus securing my arms behind my back. I heard you walk over to me then came the sound of your zip lowering, and the feel of your beautiful cock brushing against my face. "Well slut" you said, "You do know why you're in trouble?" I...

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Panty Business

The phone call was very strange. “Hello, Sarah.” “Hello. Who is this?” I didn’t recognize the male voice. “My name is Richard. I’m going to make you rich.” “Oh?” I did kind of like the sound of that. “Yes, Sarah, quite wealthy. I’ll call you back soon with all the details. Goodbye, Sarah.” With that he hung up. The call bugged me for days. I wondered how he got my private unlisted number. I wondered what he was talking about with this ‘rich’ business. He called back a week later. “Hello,...

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Annabelle s Nightime Fun

Okay everybody normally i say that you should keep fantasys just that but if any pretty girls what to fuck a dog go for it, and then write about it and then send me photos. My email is around on a few reviews. Annabelle It was a warm southern night and Annabelle stepped outside where it was a dark, and a slight breeze was blowing. It didn't help much thought it was still cool and her flimsy red sundress clung to her breasts. Her bra and panties were getting uncomfortable as well. She glanced...

1 year ago
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Nice new home

This all happened when I was only 23 years old I was just starting to live apart from my fathers I had a good job and I wanted to start my own life. I had just found the perfect place for me to live, and the rent was normal, so shifted there. One day the neighbour came (she was about 55 years old with an skinny body) and asked me for some help. She said that she had a problem with the shower, it was stuck or something. I didn’t understood very well what the problem was, but I knew a little how...

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The Dickson Device

Note : This story is completely fictional! Prologue He looked deep into the eyes of the two women, searching for sympathy or even empathy – anything at all that would spare him from his humiliation. Instead, there was the mocking smile on the lips of his wife, almost a sneer. It was expression he had grown to know so well over the previous eighteen months. There was no sympathy to be found in her cruel eyes. The housekeeper watched him carefully. Her face was expressionless but her cheeks had...

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Never Beat A Soldier

Adrienne had been fairly satisfied about her marriage to Giacomo Navarocci, a traveling businessman, whose company seemed to take him away from their Cayman Islands house a lot. She didn't mind, because she used him for his apparently large salary and expense account, as she was in the Caymans dodging taxes, and could not access her ex's alimony checks. She really cared little or nothing about Giacomo, a small, lean, spectacled Italian, who patiently endured her slapping, punching, and kicking...

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The Helping Neighbor

It all started a couple of months ago, new neighbors moved in across the street. He was a traveling salesman that was gone most of the time. She was a corporate attorney who was taking some time off to tend to there 4 mo old baby who had become quite ill. My wife and I became friends with Steve and Vicki, and did things together socially. My wife and Vicki were friends and I kept An eye on things while Steve was away. It was a Saturday and I was out doing yard work, and had a tee time set for...

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Saucy Wife gets a Shock

Shelia Brown was tease and she knew it. She teased her husbands friends, teased her daughters boyfriends, teased her neighbours and teased all the men in the office. As Shelia got older she got worse and her husband Harry would get very annoyed with her often telling her off and complaining about her lack of decoram. "Sheila your not a young woman anymore, you look like mutton dressed as lamb, tone things down a bit, its just asking for trouble walking around like that, people will think your a...

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Mrs Dunn 2

Mrs Dunn I recently wrote down on here about what happened when I moved into a rented room and found myself taken in hand by my landlady Mrs Lindsey Dunn and how she gave me the best sex of my life, this is what happened when I moved back the following year. The room was just how I remembered it and Mrs Dunn was as stern as ever but she was also just as sexy, with her long straight red hair, large breasts (about a 38E ) and shapely plump arse she was just gorgeous. I moved in with out anything...

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Goddess in Training Part 2

Mia stood there in front of me, clad in the incredibly sexy leather teddy, thong, and thigh high boots, while I kneeled sucking her most precious juices off of her finger. She reached down with her hand and began to stroke my head, and I felt like a puppy getting rewarded for good behaviour. I wiggled around, and quite by accident rubbed my pussy with the heel of my foot. The intense shock of pleasure I received coursed through my body, and I involuntarily bite down on Mia’s finger, causing her...

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Eleanor s Descant 07

It was a couple of weeks after the party, when Eleanor got the kinky urge again. She conveyed this to me by using her activation word of ‘pornoslut’ so I knew I had to come with a new scenario for the next time we met. It just so happened that a friend at work had been talking about a place in Camden Town, London, called ‘CHARLIE BROWNS’ which was an adults only movie house. Their membership Gimmick was that couples joined for £5, Males joined for £15 and single women joined for free. I suppose...

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The callgirl

It is a cold dark night in mid December. I am strolling along on my way home from a Christmas party. It had been a lovely party but I was not very interested in some of the people who were in attendance. The conversation wasn’t the greatest and I found myself leaving early because I felt a bit uncomfortable. And now I was going home alone again and feeling a bit lonely with myself. Out of the darkness she appeared in a short black skirt and a fur coat, she looked cold but her smile was quite...

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Augusta is Jewish and very spoiled yet she has strikingly blonde hair and soft facial features. She is very petite with small hand and very tiny feet. Five foot tall with a proportional figure that fits her height and well shaped breasts which are small yet round and firm. She is also very pregnant. Her husband is off on another of his so called business trips leaving her to fend for herself this last month before the baby is expected. I dropped by one Saturday afternoon to check to see how she...

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CD Tale 2

It had been a little over 8 months since the story I told you last, and in that time Ron and I got to know quite a bit about each other's turn-ons. We had spent a lot of time instant messaging and talking on the phone and I looked forward to my next visit, which just happened to be the week of my birthday. I pulled into Ron’s driveway and found his hide-a-key where he told me it would be and let myself in. He had left a note on the kitchen table saying “Chelsea, I left a few surprises for you...

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Pumped Up Teach Vol 2

As Bill--the janitor--strolled across the carpeted floor of Ms. Darron's office, his cock continued to grow. The way the teacher's legs gleamed with the shimmering stockings on, and the young schoolgirl next to her with her pussy all puffed out, caused Bill's dick to lengthen to the full eleven inches. The beefy sounds of stiff muscle slapping against his inner thighs filled the room. He stood in front of the girls, and asked, "Who wants this cock first?" Danielle answered by placing her...

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Gambling Debe

I am Steven I am 5’8 165lbs. and I have a gambling problem. I already owed Shawn my bookie $9,000 and I decided to place a bet on a game that’s was to be played Saturday. Shawn is a black man about 6’2” and is physically fit. The game was a sure bet so I bet large. The game went the other way and I ended up owing my bookie another $1,000 to make it an even$10,000. When my wife found out that I had placed a bet she got very upset because she told me to stop betting on games. When Sunday came...

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My aunts need too be filled

My aunt moira is some what of snobbish bitch her husbands been away two weeks and she recently needed a hand around the house not really wanting to I agrred . While working on lounge floor she said she was going to the mall and be backin an hour knowing she was gone I decided to have a look around the house I quickly found myself in the main bedroon and going through her panty drawer sniffing and sucking while I yanked my shaft I could not believe the bitch owned a couple of black Gstrings...

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Gag a Rific Barry Part 3

A few days after the extreme humiliation revenge that we put on Barry, both Jenna and I were still thinking about it. The story was spreading wildly and tons of people were asking us all about it. Jenna and I would be riding in her car and one of us would just start giggling and the other would join in. We both knew that we had pulled off the biggest revenge scene in the history of Girl Power. The satisfaction was incredible. I was called by Sara, an acquaintance of mine who had heard all about...

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Boyfriends Greed

Chapter 1 "Dammit why does she do this to me!!!"Gabe asked his best friend Sean. He was referring to his girlfriend Ryeleigh. She was a hot lil number that lived up to her Irish name. 5'ft. 2in. Long ,natural curly auburn hair and fiery green eyes. A scrumptious 125lbs with nice firm 36C tits and one beautiful shave lil pink pussy. Straight-up freak in the bedroom but, what she really loved to do was tease and was damn good at it! She'd wait till Gabe was with a few of his friends, then decide...

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Samantha s Education

My name is Samantha but everyone calls me Sam. My mom and I have a VERY open relationship. Some people might think it weird and it is kinda weird. She has always told me about her relationships in incredible detail and intimate details about Steve, my stepdad. She has described in total detail, how magnificent and perfect his penis is. She even shot photos of it, very close-up, showed me the photos of it soft and partially erect. It did look pretty amazing but they were just photos. Like I...

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A Wonderful Cruise With My Best Friend

Note: this story is completely fantasy My best friend and I had dreamed of going on a cruise for a long time. We now finally had enough money to pay for it. I arranged the tickets, and our rooms, and all the things we were going to do, Jenna just wanted to go to get away from her mean ex boyfriend for a while. Jenna had a great body. She am24, 5'7" and has 40D tits. She also has a great ass. We are both bisexual so I had a chance to see this great body many a time, especially since we lived...

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Lust For Neihbor ch 1

I had always had a crush on . Her name was Brit. Brit was one of the sexiest girls I had ever met and all the time I thought about fucking her hot pussy while she was wearing nylons. I have a huge fetish for nylons). Britt is 18. One night when she was having a party she was very drunk and she invited me over. I had a few drinks but then i had to go so I asked if she had any gum to cover up my booze breath. After asking a few times she told me there was some in her room. As I was walking up the...

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Doctors Visit

I have a doctors apt today, I’m going to get a rash looked at that’s on my inner thigh and also I have an anal tear(its not what your thinking due to a recent surgery that I had I got super constipated and pushed to hard) that’s no healing right. I made the apt. with doctor Peria, she is rather attractive blond that works at my local clinic and I made the appointment with her for this very reason, I don’t think that anything will come of it but if someone is going to ber fondling my junk and...

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Stephanie s Ghost

This is the first story I’ve published here, or anywhere else, my english isn’t great as it is not my first language so please comment on both grammar and content. Enjoy! Stephanie’s Ghost Stephanie had just moved in to a new house on the country, she had recently come into an inheritance and decided that she wanted a change of scenery, the house was about a mile outside of town and had no nearby neighbors. The inheritance was so large that if she didn’t get to luxurious habits she could live...

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The Training of Melissa

Melissa was a truly sexy woman. At just 5 feet tall, and 22 years old, she was a reasonably successful account rep who moonlighted as stripper for extra money. She loved the attention from men, as well as the money, but by now she took them for granted. She could be a slut or a tease, depending upon her mood, and she despised men, because they were willing to give up so much money for the faint hope that she would sleep with them. This added up to an arrogant attitude, which ill became her...

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Swings and Things

“Did you write today my sweet peach?” A question heard as your footsteps walk down the hall to our bedroom door. You see me sitting at my desk, lost in thought and typing away. You walk directly behind me and grab each one of my breasts, pinching my nipples with your index finger crooked and thumbs. “Ouch,” I cry out as your face nuzzles in my neck. Low masculine tones whispering words in my ear slowly and clearly. “Did you get excited today thinking about my cock in your mouth?” Your warm...

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Lesley s fucks away from home part 5

Since our last story Lesley came off the pill and was trying to fall pregnant, so I was going to have to wait a while to see her being fucked by someone else which wasn’t going to be easy as I was getting use to enjoying watching her will other guys. It was about 3 months now and I was talking dirty to her every night about what had happen in the past, when one night she turned to me as she was cuddling up to me in bed and very softly stoking my hardening cock and said in a wickedly sexy voice....

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Younger married man fucking 45 year old neighbour

I am now a 31 year old male, who had an experience with a woman 18 years older than me. Soon after my 14th birthday, we had new neighbours moving in next to us. They were a young couple both in their late 20's. They had one son only, who was only 3 years old. They had a second child a year later. But, the husband was a wild guy. Enjoyed partying with his buddies and going out every weekend. She on the other hand was a more homely type. She was'nt the most polite of people, but greeted when...

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Master And The Naughtiest Slut part one

I was angry with you master. How many times lately had you called to break a date, saying you had to work unexpectedly? This time was really too much though, you’d promised faithfully to take me to a local munch meeting Saturday afternoon and now you had called again at the very last minute to cancel. So here was Susi, all dressed up and nowhere to go. Except, maybe I did have somewhere to go; I knew that on a Saturday you would have just your two business partners for company, so smiling with...

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Nasty Fat Fuck

So I picked up this hot 22 year-old chick at a bar last night. All she could do was talk about how horny she was after she found out her boyfriend was cheating on her and she just wanted the shit fucked out of her. I was thinking, “Wow! This is fucking easy!” As we drove to her apartment she told me how her mom was home and she was very strict about her bringing guys home, so we had to be careful. Right then her mom called her and the dumb girl told her that she was bringing me home! I was like...

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Cursed to Fuck Forever

Arnold went camping by himself in the Appalachian Trail. One night, he was asleep in his tent when he heard the echoing howl of a wolf. He didn't know what to do. Ten years ago he'd been a boy scout, and they would have told him to stay in his tent, but Arnold needed to see the wolf. He opened the zipper of the tent and found the silhouette of a woman against the moonlight on the crest of a hill just one spear's throw away through the woods. She darted down the hill towards him. Arnold turned...

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This is a true story. First of all, I am a certified massage therapist. Sometimes, I kind of go-with-the-flow as some women don’t really know what they need until they are relaxed. Some women come to me for vague reasons, but clearly because they need to be touched by a man in a loving way. So, the massages proceed in different ways depending on whether or not there appears to be any tension in the client. Jackie came to my house for her appointment and we shook hands (she was very short as I...

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New Life Ch 1 Meeting Mark

My name is Amber and I had been talking to Mark for quite a while on the computer and I was actually going to meet him. He sent me an instant message telling me to meet him at a small restaurant this Saturday at 5:30 PM. I was half Puerto Rican and half black and Mark was white but it really didn’t matter to me cause he told me that he had a 9” dick. And boy was I looking forward to riding that dick long and hard. Friday afternoon I went shopping for something to wear. I found this dark red...

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No sale

Meredith stood by the front door of waiting for the last few customers of the day leave. It was almost five o'clock and she was anxious to get home to get ready for and evening out with her girl friends, but just as she was about to close and lock up another customer walked through the door. "How may I help you ma'am," she asked a little bit wearily!?! "I'm looking for a pair of boots, suede, in gray or brown!!!" I think we have just what you want," Meredith replied quickly, "off hand do you...

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Mountains of Rubber Chapter 7 Skid Marks

Mountains of Rubber, Chapter 7, Skid Marks -- by jessicablank Synopsis: Dan/Daniella is enjoying a wonderful weekend of servitude, up in the mountains with MzDominica. has dressed Dan for his first time going out "en femme" -- and after dinner and dancing with some of Dominica's friends, the slave feels like she's going to explode if she doesn't cum, soon! Chapter 7, Skid Marks: * * * * * * Cum... cum... cum... Daniella desperately needed to cum. The throbbing in her clit, the butt plug...

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Fill Me

Alicia saw the flash of metal, as her high heels clicked briskly across the subway platform from the train toward the stairs. Though she was in a hurry to get to work, she HAD to pause and stoop down to pick it up. Crouched near the ground, she could now tell it was a quarter -- and already her pussy was throbbing with the thought of what she was going to do with it. But just as Alicia's fingers were about to close on the coin, another hand snatched it away from her. A hand in a tattered knit...

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Forced lessons of love

Fearful lessons of ‘love’ Hi friends I am Jash here. Hope you like my first story. Anticipating replies from you . My first love encounter came when I was just 18 years old. I still remember those golden days of my life. We were staying in Poona. I was pursuing my college studies. Jaya was a strong, dominating and rich lady in our locality and above this all she was known to all for her single stay in her two storied house as her husband was a sailor. She was a good friend of my mother. As her...

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Asian sex slave Part One

Lara, a 19-year old, was walking home, was ambushed by two men who gagged her, bindded her with rope, and threw her into a box, which they carried off. As Lara was in the box, a million thoughts ran through her head. Who are those people? What do they want? Do they want to rape me? "Yes", her brain replied to her last guestion. After all, she was tiny for her age, at just 5"4. She had breasts that were twice the size of an orange. Her breasts looked even bigger due to her thin, frail build. The...

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Just Another Day

lol k it's like... 12:53am right now, can't really sleep... once again I'm gonna totally blindly type out a story and see where my warped imagination takes me... --- Jacky Jackenson (lol omfg...) unlocked the door of his house and walked in. "Wife, I'm home!" "Oh hey Jack, how wuz ur day?" inquired Cheryl, his wife of four years. "Gah. It sucked ass. How was yours?" Cheryl managed a weak smile. "Heh. Not much better than yours I'd imagine. Deadline's coming up on our project, and our team's...

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Guy gets a wild ride

I had an eye opening experience recently. A woman I met on the Internet and I started e-mailing each other after an interesting night of chatting. We hit it off electronically and spent several hours chatting with each other, our conversation led to sex. She told me that I wasn’t ready for a woman like her leaving me curious about what she meant. We ended the chat on that note. I e-mailed her the next morning and we set up a meeting. She told me to meet her at a local bar, wear a white shirt,...

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Mistress Chapter Four Rewards

For a moment Seven stared rebelliously into Five’s glittering eyes, then dropped his gaze. There was no point antagonising him any further, he was angry enough as it was. Seven walked slowly and shakily from the punishment room, through the door that led into the slaves’ dormitory, and into the bathroom where he began to run a hot, deep bath. A few minutes later he was relaxing his tired muscles in the soothing water. Laying back with a sigh and closing his eyes, he began to think forward to...

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My Bloody Valentine

Jolene woke up early that morning having the symptoms that all women have that time of the month. She felt bloated, her back ached and her breasts were sore but yet she was incredibly horny! She lay in bed lifting her shirt up and exposing her 36b cup breasts. Her dark pink nipples were pert and she touched them feeling them and wanting to almost cum. Damnit, just my luck to be on my period on Valentine's Day of all days , she thought to herself. Touching her nipples gently she moaned softly....

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Carnal Desires

Phil looked at his watch. It was nearly half past eight. Where was she? Stacy was never late. He ordered another beer and checked his phone then nearly jumped out of his skin as he noticed the stunning beauty that had emerged next to him. Where the hell had she appeared from? She was unbelievable. Long sleak clack hair, deep green eyes, full red lips and an amazing, slender, athletic frame. She was dressed in a simple tight fitting back lace dress, black stockings and heels. The barman placed a...

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Tasha s Proposal

"Hey Steve, I will have you an arm wrestle." Jason challeneged. It was a slow night tonight at the pizza joint where they worked and Jason was feeling restless. He was working out last night and was still feeling a little bit sore. But he thought that it would be interesting to wrestle Steve anyways. "Okay, let's go." Steve said. They both then walked to the back desk and knelt down. Richard who was wiping pans followed them to the desk. He wanted to take a break and get some entertainment in....

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Tasha s and Bethany s Bathing Bash

"Hey Bethany, how are you doing?" Tasha asked Bethany over the phone. "I'm doing all right. I am pretty bored right now." Bethany responded. "I had a hard day at work today. I am taking a bath to help me loosen up." Tasha said. Tasha worked at a local pizza joint in Foot City. So did Bethany. They had worked there for a year. They also went to school together. They were pretty close friends. "Hey, would you like to bathe with me?" Tasha asked Bethany. After a brief pause, Bethany's answer came....

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Smothered to Death

I met mistress Bunny through the Internet. We exchanged messages, then mail and finally, phone calls. I explained to Her my intense love of having a Woman sit on my face, riding and smothering to Her heart's content. I also told Her that I have a fantasy of being smothered to death. She let me know that She enjoys nothing more than sitting on a man’s face and the thought of smothering a willing male to death was extremely sexually exciting to Her. Mistress Bunny is a very striking Lady. She...

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Being Worthy II

Since I’d lost track of how long I’d been bound, gagged and plugged while in this fetal position, it gave me time to think about the blonde haired babe who lured me into this trap. Her drop-dead gorgeous face was accompanied by pear shaped breasts with strawberries on top. Her toned thighs and calves were accented by a pair of half-moon shaped buns. She was enough to make any man’s manhood stand at attention. She and Andy had gone upstairs to presumably to take up on her offer to suck his cock....

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Photo Op a Story of Dominica s Realm

Up in the mountains... perhaps the mistress Dominica's Realm. There is very little machinery to be seen on this farm, because all the work is done by hand. By her hypnotically-conditioned slaves, male and female. Each slave pursues his or her assigned task in a perpetual haze of sexual obsession. Wanting to serve Mistress. Desiring Mistress. Needing to cum. Perpetually, constantly, relentlessly pushed toward orgasm, aching for release -- which can only happen with Her permission. The farming...

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The Exhibit Part 2 Six Months Later

Synopsis: At the inn in Her Realm, MzDominica demonstrated Her glass-covered sensory deprivation chamber, showing how a recording with Her Voice as a subliminal soundtrack could be used to program slaves' minds, so very deeply, to obey Her. mistress Black, who owns a chain of spas, made a deal with Dominica, to use the "relaxation chambers" to expand her business, getting chambers at a discount, in exchange for using them to recruit more slaves for Dominica. * * * * * Part 2: Six Months Later...

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The Exhibit Part 1 Demonstration

Part 1: The Demonstration "He got the idea from the story of Snow White," MzDominica explained, waving one hand over the glass coffin. It was on a platform and tilted at an angle of forty-five degrees, so the man inside had his head higher than his mistress continued. "A sensory-deprivation chamber... without light, without sound, without feeling, taste, or smell -- except what I put in -- but on exhibit for everyone to see and enjoy." A woman had just entered the exhibit room, having followed...

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The Exhibit Part 3 Just the Facts

Synopsis: At the inn in Her Realm, MzDominica demonstrated Her glass-covered sensory deprivation chamber, showing how the use of Her Voice as a subliminal soundtrack could be used to program slaves' minds to obey her, so very deeply. Mistress Black, who owns a chain of spas, made a deal with Dominica, to use the "relaxation chambers" to expand her business, getting chambers at a discount, in exchange for using them to recruit more slaves for Dominica. The problem is, fewer and fewer new slaves...

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Your will part 1

Vague sounds, blurred movements, faint smells knowing I should be something else, somewhere else, unease and there’s more than a little fear. Darkness is total once more. When I wake up I’m in a room I can’t see. It’s cold and smells strange. I know I’m nowhere I’ve been before. I can't see and my panic starts to rise. It takes a few seconds for me to realise that although I’ve opened my eyes I must be blindfolded. I push the panic back down. Yes, there it is, I can feel the weight of the...

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Degradation of slave Day 1

Degradation of a Slave – Story 1 “Down slut… on your knees, bend forward with your forearms on the floor. Lift your ass higher… I want to see your hole. Good slut. Now stay in position, do not move.” He reaches for the crop while telling her what he plans to do to her. Discipline her, command her, fuck her hard in all her holes. “But first,” he says as he walks to the far side of the room, “you will crawl.” He hears her moan softly, then sees her moving forward. Coming closer, crawling nearly...

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Amanda playing Truth or Dare

Around Christmas time the spirit and the mood is perfect to organize these little private evenings with your friends . You know what I mean , you invite around 4 to 8 people , and you play some funny but mostly naughty games , like there is strip poker and spin the bottle , and lets not forget , the most favourite game all time : Truth or dare ! Who hasn’t played that before ? Having to tell the truth to those annoying private question , confessing to your best friends , or dare something , to...

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Chloe An adventure that followed Maria and Guadalupe

Chloe, An adventure that followed Maria and Guadalupe Chapter 1 After Maria and Lupe left, I placed another ad and interviewed many more young women. The one I want to share with you is about a young 18 year old runaway who had barely survived one week on the streets before answering the ad. Chloe was very nervous. She had run away from her home near San Antonio and had found out the hard way that she was simply incapable of living on the streets. She was a tall, 5’10”, well-proportioned,...

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My Teacher

This is the story of the glorious night when my panty fetish first started. I am 18 and at my high school there is a teacher that i have had a crush on for a very long time. She is tall, medium length brown hair, beautiful legs, an amazing ass and the perfect (and i mean perfect) tits. Now this is where it really gets good, she is my best friends Mum. One night I went over to his house, she took us from the school back to the house where she immediately started downing a few beers. My friend...

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A Chinese girl

It's a story that happened to me when I was with my friends on a trip to China. I'd always had a thing for feet, but not much luck before what happened in China. I kissed and smelled feet of only one girl before - my current girlfriend. The problem is, her feet are quite ugly and although she takes pretty good care of them, I'm not attracted to them. So my foot fetish is fulfilled only in my dreams. No wonder then that before I came to China I dreamt that maybe I'd have some luck this time with...

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Too rough

It all started one january day, so cold with snow everywhere. Where we find Wendy by the fire, warming herself, talking to her online lover in chat room. Her hand gently playing with herself. As the chat goes on, and she gets closer and closer, She relizes shes being domniated online and is loving it. Hes calling her all kinds of names. Right before she cums the conversation goes like this. Wendy: fuck me harder Wendys lover: *my hand has your hair, your body is trembling about to cum, as a...

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A Moment In Time With My Master

The ankle and wrist cuffs don't chafe at all; they hold me firmly, securely, like a lover's arms, like your own. The tension is just about right. Not too much slack. I am surprised by how excited I have become; the adrenaline of knowing it's happening, a fantasy become real... but also the subtle, delectable current of apprehension... As you apply first the gag, then the blindfold, calmly placing me in utter silence and darkness, I realize there is no turning back: I have placed myself at your...

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The new girlfriend part 2

Note : This story is completely fictional! After falling asleep i woke up again, finding myself tucked into katies bed. her pink soft sheets gently against my body, with the sweet scent of girl. i looked down at my body and noticed i was still wearing that tiny pink g-string.. it wasnt a dream. The next minute Kate walked in. "morning sissy" she said as she opened the curtains.."morning" i yawned. "todays a big day for you, isnt it slut?" she said.. "what do you mean?" i asked.."well... ive...

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Wife s Forced headshave Part 1

Mahita was a young south indian girl from a poor family. She was about 5'6" dark and had long beautiful jet-black hair that reached upto her waist. When she was 18 and when she finished her school, her parents decided to get her married to a man who was from a relatively richer background. They thought she'd have been better of with a richer man, and they'd manage better at home with lesser members due to financial constraints. So, one day the man's family came to their home and asked for the...

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Fun with girlfriend

Susan is my ex girlfriend and I see her at conferences twice a year. We were talking at the reception the first night and she said she wanted to try tying me to the bed. I always wanted to try it so I said OK. We went back to her room and she and I stripped and she used stocking to tie my hands above my head. She then tied my legs spread eagle to each bedpost. I am 38 years old 6’ tall and 170lbs. Susan is 46 years old 5’5”, about 120 lbs and has 34DD fake breasts. I was hard seeing her work...

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Maris is taught to enjoy pain

When Jack got married he knew that his wife would do anything he wanted no matter how kinky it was."Have you ever been fist fucked?""No" said Maris."Take your panties off and spread your legs, I'm going to do it""Please don't honey, It will hurt" she cried.Jack smeared his arm with his wife's face cream and pushed his fist against her whore just like her husband wanted.

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Meeting with a strapon mistress

We meet in the bar of my hotel. You are elegantly dressed in skirt, blouse, stockings and high heels. I notice your cleavage and your breasts pressing against the blouse. We sit down at a table and order some drinks. After a minute you reach into your bag and give me something wrapped in plastic. You instruct me to go into the men's bathroom and insert the small buttplug and then to come back. I obey you and come back with the buttplug safely inserted and sit down again. You put your hand on my...

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Calahan s Campaign

Governor Bruce Calahan knew that he would miss Susie Brock alot- in fact, it really saddened him when she had to leave for Harvard, but he knew intellectually that it was best for both of them. She needed to get a Harvard degree, and he needed to get busy on his re-election campaign. He knew that the other was going to put up a tough candidate this time- one who would be much harder to beat. He would have to spend more time on the campaign trail, which would have left little time for him to...

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Mistress Chapter Three The Punishment Room

Seven was dimly aware of being dragged into the punishment room. It occurred to him to wonder when the door had been unlocked, but before he could ponder any further, Five lifted him up, and secured the rings on his wrist cuffs to a couple of chains that hung down from the ceiling, those on his ankles were then shackled to two larger rings fixed in the floor, thus forcing him to stand upright with legs spread. Someone grabbed his hair and roughly pulled his head back, and as he began to...

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Taking punishment the final twist

Parts 1 & 2 combined “……you will be taken from here to be executed by hanging in accordance with the law. Your execution is set for tomorrow.” Hearing those words Marie was stunned as the two guards in the dock hurried her down the steps and back into her holding cell. She had not stolen her mistresses’ necklace! But still she was now sat in a dark, damp cell with no light save a shaft from the small slit in the door. The door opened with a crash and she cowered in the corner as a man entered –...

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Rough Sex Bunni s Subversion

Pete was a business administrator. Bunni was his incredibly fuckable secretary. Pete could not take his eyes off her pouty lips, large presumptuous breasts and ample rump, and would like nothing more than to abuse her anus and grind her stiletto heels into her tits. Pete was walking through the park late at night, and so was Bunni. Pete hid behind a tree and when Bunni came near, he leapt on her and fastened a leather collar around his neck. He pulled it tight and dragged her yelling and...

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The Training of Melissa Part 2

After a few months of servicing Frank, mostly in the men's room after hours, or at his apartment, Melissa was finally going to get to live with him- apparently at her own house, because in Frank's rather blunt words, "Everything a slave once owned becomes her master's property, as soon as she accepts his dominance." This was her future, to have to sign over the house that her sugar daddies had bought for her, and let herself be bossed around in her own home. This was only the beginning of her...

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New Life Ch 4 Master goes to work

“Amber come here” I had just woken up and my master was calling me. I quickly walked down the stairs in my little red robe and stopped once I saw him. He was wearing a suit and a dark red tie. “Yes master” He turned around and looked at me “There’s my naughty little slut, come down here I wont bite…sometimes.” I went down the rest of the stairs and hugged him rubbing my breasts over his chest. “Your probably wondering why I’m in a suit” I nodded still hugging him “Well I took a couple of days...

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I became a whore for Oxy

100% fiction! I used to be a hot girl with a pretty face and sexy petite body. I spent my life using my looks to get men to buy me things and take care of me. I started out as a highschool cheerleader. All of the guys wanted me and I loved to flirt and show off my body. I mostly hung with the jocks because they had all the connections to partys and usually had nice cars. Football players seemed to be most attracted to me. I don't know why, but big guys always seem to come on to me. At 5'2" and...

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