Hentai porn sites HD Porn Videos

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Weeb Party

Somebody asked if I’d seen Weeb Party yet, and I immediately asked, “Oh, you mean Reddit?” Turns out the site they were talking about is quite a bit younger than the world’s most popular super forum, but it's probably got an even higher ratio of otaku neckbeards humping waifu pillows than Reddit. That’s really saying something, ain’t it? Your mom said you’d never make any friends if you didn’t find some normal interests, but look, here’s a whole website made just for pervs like you.Launched...

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Deviant Art is arguably one of the most popular hentai sites on the planet, though they don’t actually market themselves as such. The online art community has been around for decades now, and has always been welcoming to all kinds of artists, from photographers and videographers to the fursuit-wearing deviates drawing up all that X-rated anime you’ve been shaking your dick at. It’s only natural that an art-based social network with “Deviant” in the title would pick up a whole lot of beautifully...

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Booru.plus is one of those adult sites where the focus ain’t immediately clear, not unless you’re already familiar with the terminology. Even if you know that boorus are imageboards, the default pageview hides all the dirty stuff behind solid-color blocks labeled NSFW, leaving the specifics a mystery. What could lay hidden beneath this red box, this green rectangle or this mauve trapdoor? That’s a little bit of a trick question, meant to get you itching with anticipation, envisioning all the...

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Sarada Hentai! Do you crave a fuck load of hentai that you can get off to? Then you probably love reading hentai issues and watching hentai videos. But what if you want something a little more unique? Such as hentai photo galleries designed to get a mother fucker like you hot and sweaty?Then you need to check out Sarada Hentai. Here, you will find a wide array of hentai content that is certain to make you get off time and again. With so many pages of content to choose from, where in the hell...

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Rule 34 App

Do you want to visit an app that has porn for pretty much, well, everything? If you have ever visited platforms like Reddit or platforms that institute Rule 34, then you already know what kind of porn that you can expect to find on a site that uses that rule. But for everyone else, it’s time to get a crash course as to what this kind of smut is really all about.That brings me to Rule 34 App. This site – or rather, app (more on that later) – allows you to understand visually what Rule 34 really...

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Near Hentai! We all have our favorite types of hentai. Of course, you could be one of those mega-weebs that only fap to hot hentai content hand-drawn by horny Japanese artists. And well, if that’s the case, this will not be a site for you. You elitist cucks likely wouldn’t even call the shit I have for you today, hentai. It’s more of a Western toon style that’s been gaining popularity lately. Still, if you’re at all a fan of kinky R34 action, you’ll love this website. You’ll be jerking your...

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Manga Porn

Aren’t you lucky bastards? You don’t have to go through imaginary turmoil I have gone through while trying so fucking hard to imagine the cartoon characters in my childhood kiss, let alone fucking hard. Why were the tech guys so dumb? They couldn’t they embrace my childhood by making the likes of Ben 10 spew hot jeez, have the black widow get her pussy stretched hard, Spiderman drill some wet cunt, Simpsons fuck like crazy and so many others. I’m weeping man, I couldn’t get such privileges....

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Yiff Party

Do you get off to the thought of furry bitches showing their hairy pussies for bastards like you? If so, then you probably want to find a fucking site where you can jerk off to a whole host of furry pornography that is sure to make you cum your brains out. If that sounds like something you are into, then I invite you to check out Yiff Party.Here, you are going to find a wide array of content that is certain to get you off in a hurry. No matter if you want to look at straight furry porn or even...

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Mp4 Hentai! Alright, weebs. I’ve got something for you waifu-addicted degenerates today. I know it sucks having to go out and scrounge together your last few dollars just to get your hands on kinky hentai movies and videos from your favorite studios and producers. You cucks probably sit there refreshing pages on your favorite premium sites just waiting for that juicy new release to launch. But that gets expensive. I mean, you’re probably blowing hundreds of dollars each month just to get your...

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I did it, boys; I found the worst, most disgusting website on the fucking internet! You thought it was eFukt or LiveLeak? Nah, fam. As it turns out, the most disgusting website on the planet was a Booru all along. For the uninitiated, a booru is an image posting site where you can cross combine tags to find image results. It’s kind of like a condensed gallery version of 4Chan, without the text posts. Here, you only get images and tags for said images. You’ve also probably seen Gelbooru, one of...

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Kemono Party

Who’s up for a Kemono Party? I know some of you are probably confused, and I can’t blame you. To be honest, I wasn’t sure what this next site was all about when I saw the name. This ain’t a TeensLoveHugeCocks or a Hentaigasm where’s it’s written on the tin what you’re getting inside. Then again, maybe you’re a weeaboo who’s spent the last decade studying Japanese culture while you masturbate, in which case you might know what I just learned on Wikipedia: Kemono basically means “beast,” and it’s...

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At first glance, Bleach Booru looks a lot like a search engine for hentai comics, XXX illustrations, and more. The page features a search option front and center on the homepage, akin to Google’s homepage. So users can use the search function to search for whatever keywords pop into their perverted minds. Easy-peasy.You will also notice that the search queries you use when searching on Bleachbooru actually match the keywords you are searching for. With so many fucking search functions on sites...

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When you visit a site like Real Booru, you may not know what to expect. Particularly when you come across the stylish yet odd illustrated logo on the front page of RealBooru, you really do not understand what you are fucking getting into. It can make you feel a bit weird, to say the least, whenever you click the image and hop into the site, only to find a random assortment of porn videos, images, and GIFs.But once you get your bearings and figure out that RealBooru not only has a fuck load of...

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Rule34 xyz

Rule 34 is arguably one of the cornerstones of the Internet, one of those universal laws from which there is really no escape. “There is porn of it. No exceptions.” As a professional masturbator, I’ve fap-tested porn revolving around all kinds of weird shit, from actual shit to living eels to fat ladies who step on you instead of playing with your ding dong. That said, when the denizens of the web are referencing the classic Rule 34, they’re often using it in relation to a specific format of...

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Rule34 us

Rule34 is a sacred rule that has been around as long as there has been porn on the internet. If it exists, then there is porn of it somewhere. Don’t believe me? Well, just try that shit out for yourself. Look up your favorite character, turn safe search off, and you’ll be inundated with thousands of images of them getting fucked in all sorts of obscene and kinky styles. Plus, it’s not limited to characters. You can find fap-worthy content of all kinds of dumb shit like famous places, buildings,...

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What the fuck is Baraag? That’s what I set out to discover when the link landed in my inbox this morning. Most of the domains I see have some kind of clue in their name about what they’re peddling, but this one’s a goddamn mystery. There’s no hint in the logo, either, with its completely SFW blue elephant that could be selling damn near anything, from baby toys to zoo passes and wholesome recipe sharing. Hopefully, there’s something to jerk off to in there, too!Baraag.net is an online community...

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Are you an Ink Bunny, or is that just something you think about when you’ve got the ol’ Johnson lubed up on your lunch break? Some folks might call it weird to masturbate to images of rabbit girls, reptile bitches, and your little ponies. That is why it’s always nice to find a community of like-minded perverts who aren’t going to look at you sideways for wanting to see Twilight Sparkle’s puckered butthole. Hey, it isn’t my usual breakfast fap material, but with enough weed and viagra, I can...

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You do know that you don’t have to jerk your dick to the most fucked up content that you can find every time, right? Well, if you’re death-gripping your cock, chafing yourself raw, and can only get off to brutal videos and degenerate fetish content that you have to hide from the world, then that’s not the best sign. If you keep going like that, you’ll be a limp-dicked cuck who can’t even get it up or nut in a pussy because of your poor fapping habits. So, this time, I’m going to recommend a...

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I know you fucks love giantess porn. That's why you are here reading this, right? I don't know how you twisted freaks whip out your cocks to jerk it to cartoon porn, but whatever. The world would be a fucking boring place if we all fucked the same women and fapped to the same type of porn, don't you think? We need y'all freaks in life. Thing is, Booru-style porn has gained popularity over the last decade as millions of horny freaks frequent these sites to see giant cartoon babes that are so big...

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Rule 34 Animated

Are you looking to jerk off to animated porn? The fuck you do. That’s precisely why you are here reading this. You know damn well, I’m your only hope when it comes to directing you to the best sources of porn where you can go about your filthy fapping habits. There are loads of porn directories out there, but more than half suck fucking balls. All of you should be calling me "el puto jefe" like the Spanish. Shit, you fucks should erect a fucking statue in my honor. Anyway, if you are looking...

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Fur Affinity! They say pet ownership is one of the greatest joys in life. A dog or a cat can lower your blood pressure and cholesterol levels, make you feel less lonely and give your life a sense of meaning. That’s cool and all, but wouldn’t it be better if they had really huge tits, pretty faces, human minds and wanted to fuck all the time? I get the feeling the furry freaks over at FurAffinity wouldn’t be satisfied with normal animal companions either.FurAffinity.net is a wildly popular furry...

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Anime OTK aka OTK spanking! All BDSM has to start somewhere. You have to work up to it. It’s not like you can just go from nothing to stretching some slut out on a rack while you electrify her tits and shove your cock down her throat. Even in porn, you see some warmup shit and foreplay. But some people really take that starter shit and turn it into a fucking lifestyle. I’m talking about spanking. People who love spanking are like the dudes who love jerking off on some poor babe’s feet.I just...

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Fap For Fun! I’ve seen some of you neckbeards lurking in the back of an FYE where they have all of those DVDs covered up by 18+ cards. That’s just pathetic. And you know that cashier is judging your fat ass when you bring up that degenerate loli fuck fest that you have clutched to your chest with shaking hands. You guys already have it bad enough. Why make it so much worse on yourself? Have some fucking dignity and fap to hentai bitches without leaving your mom’s basement. If you’re going to be...

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Joi Booru! Goddamn. You hentai perverts have done it to me again. As a dude who looks at hardcore porn at least 23 hours a day, I always feel like I’ve seen everything. Well, somebody just sent me a link to a crazy fucking hentai image board, and I’m still a little confused. Without any further ado, let’s try to figure out just what the hell JoiBooru even is.(Spoiler alert: it’s hentai with short erotic stories on each of the images. You ever see that before?)An Imageboard with Something...

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The Internet is a fucking amazing place. I’m always seeking out the seedier, dirtier, kinkier places out there on the web, and sometimes I’m really surprised where I find pornography. I recently discovered an extensive and growing collection of really freaky-ass porn art on an online community for artists. I guess I shouldn’t have been that surprised about all the hentai, since this Internet art community is based in Japan. Once again, I have to extend my gratitude to The Land of the Rising Sun...

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Have I got a treat for you today. And by “you”, I mean all the adult men out there who want to have sex with a horse toy invented for little girls. Yeah, I’m talking about bronies and the object of their obsession, My Little Pony. Until the other day, I didn’t even realize that anything like DerpiBooru.org even existed.I’m not usually this late to the party, especially one that gets nearly 3.5 million visits a month, but I guess that’s because I usually go to parties where there are women. Now,...

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Sweet Hentai! Man, you fucks can’t get enough hentai, can you? I get those real-life babes are a little out of your reach, but damn you guys keep sending me emails and shit begging for more hentai sites that you haven’t heard of. I get it, you sex-starved weaboos out there probably know about every singe hentai site on the internet. Especially the bigs one. You all want something fresh, something new.And, don’t get me wrong, I’ll jerk my dick to some cum-filled hentai sluts any day of the week....

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Yiff Party

Yiff.party, aka YiffParty was a porn site that was first created as an experiment. It was a place where people could post any kind of furry content so that it would be available for free to anyone who checked the website out. Now, the site has been inactive since late 2022. Why? Well, the reason for that is that it was taken down because of copyright infringement. I could’ve seen that one coming from a mile away, so it really comes as no surprise that the site was eventually taken down. It...

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Sankaku Channel

Ready for Sankaku Chan? I’ll go right ahead and say it. Hentai is the best shit there is. Pictures, gifs, animations, and everything in between. Nothing gets my dick harder than watching my favorite anime slut getting railed. Give me all the tentacle, monster, BDSM, lesbian, ecchi, and all that kinky fetish content. I can’t get enough of it. You get crazy content that regular porn simply cannot achieve. Riley Reid? Get back to me when I can see her get milked and fucked by a dozen tentacles and...

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Sauce NAO! Have you ever been interested in finding out where a particular photo whether erotic or not came from; either because you would like to find more of them or just simply because you are a fucking collector? SauceNao.com is the ultimatum of such searches, here you can search for photo sources conveniently at fast speeds and an affordable premium price. Search for your favorite TV shows photos, erotic mangas, and doujins and basically any photo you might have in mind and get the results...

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Are you looking for a completely fresh site for hentai images? This place is unlike anything you’ve seen because it basically features thousands of artists, categories, and tags which contain an even more massive number of hentai pictures and posts. We’re talking, of course, about KonaChan.com, a free hentai image site where you can enjoy some of the sexiest hentai creations from the comfort of your bedroom. Let’s dive into this website and see what all the fuss is about.Simple and straight to...

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Nyou Booru is an erotic image board site that features animated drawings of women in different ways of farting a.k.a fart fetish. It is a kinky kind of porn that some people may think has no business being on the internet. I personally don’t get off this kind of stuff, but I’m old enough to know some people do. Nyoubooru allows users to submit their own kinky drawings of women of all sizes and builds in their farting business, because, you know, there are people who find the lingering wafting...

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Foot Fetish Booru! The first time you visit this place, you might think that footfetishbooru.booru.org is a shitty site, but it is actually not as bad as their homepage. Obviously, this site offers loads of naughty content with the foot fetish, since why the fuck would the site have both ‘foot’ and ’fetish’ words inside the title if that was not what the fuck they had to offer.However, one thing they kind of do not explain in their title is the fact that this place offers animated content, and...

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Ex Hentai...I thought this site was dead first, when I saw that sad panda image. Anyways, to those of you motherfuckers that enjoy jerking off to manga, hentai, and doujinshi. Have you heard of Exhentai.org? Well, this is where your fucked up hentai dreams come into reality. This site is full of delicious hentai doujins that are more than ripe for your fapping business. Here you are going to find some pretty extreme fetishes including scat, loli, bestiality to name but a few.AccessWhat happens...

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Affect 3D! Every lover of 3D pornography and games should know about Affect3D.com, and if you have never visited the site before, it is time to give it a shot. I know that we all have our own dirty wishes when it comes to porn, but at the same time, I am pretty sure that most of you will enjoy the content offered here.If you are not open-minded, then you should probably visit a basic porn site instead, since here they offer a lot of variety. From the basic shit in 3D to futanari porn, you have...

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Looking for a hypnobooru? Want to get hypnotized at Hypno Hub? If you could hypnotize a bitch into fucking you, would you do it? Rhetorical question of course, why the hell would you not!? There's something beautiful about a dazed and confused girl absentmindedly sucking on your cock, no matter how much she regrets it later.Dangerous words I know, especially with all this #MeToo bullshit going on, but it's true. How do I know? Cause Hypno Hub is a popular porn site that is all about hypnotized...

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Ekas Portal Aryion

Aryion, aka Eka's Portal! Sometimes, we all just want to relax and talk to people who share our interests, in which case you might want to check out aryion.com aka eka portal. This site actually has a lot of good shit to offer, but as you will be able to see, it also has a lot of flaws, starting from their overall presentation. On top of the site, you will get to learn what they have to say about themselves, where they include what the fuck one can expect from this place in general.While most...

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Giantess Booru? Hey, man. I heard you’re into really big chicks. Not BBWs like a normal chubby chaser, or even those towering amazon bitches you see in some pornos. I’m talking about giant broads, literal giantesses who could smash you much more easily than you could ever smash them. That’s the kinda hot mama you’re going to find at GiantessBooru.The site’s been around for nearly a decade now, but gets barely over a million visits a month. That makes sense considering this is a pretty deep...

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At first glance, you might think that WHentai is just like any other hentai-image website out there, but there is a lot you probably do not know. Do not worry, because I am an expert when it comes to hentai and manga, and I will explain all the necessary shit you need to know when it comes to this place.Now the first thing I will mention is that whentai.com has created a game called Fap Titans, so check it out if you want, I could not have been bothered. The reason why I mentioned this first,...

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Xbooru.com is a fucking mystery even to the kind of depraved motherfuckers who would associate with a guy like me. The site has been around for nearly a decade and has had 154,445,334 visitors so far, according to the counter on the front page. You’d never guess that looking from the outside, because it’s hard to tell exactly what the site is all about. Is it hentai, amateur pics, or something else?Today, I’m going to try to straighten out the learning curve when it comes to Xbooru. If you’ve...

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In the past ten years, Booru-style porn sites have become major players in the fapping world, with tens of millions of horny bastards fapping to their huge collection of images.But all great things started somewhere, and for these websites, Danbooru is the originator. Danbooru (Touhou project) is a hentai and anime image board site that allows users to upload porn for the world to enjoy. The site features a deep tag system that lets you search by things such as character, artist, fetish, and a...

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Rule 34 Paheal

Rule34Paheal? I know what you're thinking? What the fuck is this Rule34 Paheal shit? Well, Rule 34 (animated) is a popular meme that essentially states, ‘if it exists, there is porn of it.’ In other words, it’s the idea that, since the world is filled with weird and perverse people such as yourself, there is porn of every single thing imaginable. Or, as rule34.paheal.net puts it in their About section, “There IS porn of it, no exceptions.”Intricate drawings of Pokemon fucking their...

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Rule 34 Hentai is a porn picture paradise where content is provided by its legion of loyal users. Whether it’s Fate, Frozen, or the Simpsons, you’ll find all your favorite 2D babes fucking and sucking in its huge gallery.The main feature of Rule34 Hentai is the search engine, which is one of the best engines I’ve ever used once I got used to it. Rule34Hentai uses a variety of tags on all its content that makes it easy to find that specific nasty shit you want to see your characters doing.When...

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Sankaku Complex

I’ve got something a little different for you perverts today. At first glance, SankakuComplex may look innocent enough. You may even miss the sex completely if you’re not looking. Once you find it, though, you’re in for a surprise full of silicone hentai buttholes, live-action Hollywood anime sex, and gender-swapped Super Mario cosplay.SankakuComplex.com has been around for about ten years now and has grown a pretty fucking strong following. They’re getting more than 30 million views a month...

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Fap Service? Well, I'm already liking the domain name! While Western cartoons typically don’t have this, Japanese cartoons and comics are famous for having fanservice scenes, where the audience will get a nice moment watching the bitches on the show take a shower, prance around in their underwear, and more.Even the shows that are popular with kids will have these types of scenes, with well-placed soap bubbles and strategic camera angles that give little Japanese boys their first 2-inch boners....

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E621 animated, zootopia, pokemon, mlp... Man, there’s a lot of degeneracy in porn. Things like pregnant porn, amputee porn, fatty porn…people are fucking strange. Well, fucking strange is one thing, but then there are furries. Furries have a special place in my heart because it’s the only major fetish where you move away from humans. And what’s really amazing is how fucking popular this shit is…amongst humans!I blame Disney, brainwashing kids with walking and talking animals making fuckfaces...

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Welcome to Shad Base, the home of Shadman! It's a fucked-up hive of degeneracy that’s been corrupting the youth since 2009. This site is responsible for providing Rule 34 porn to teens all over the world. If you don’t know what Rule 34 is, basically its home-made porn for popular movie and TV show characters, mostly in cartoon form.The sick fuck that started Shadbase is named Shaddai Prejean aka "ShadMan", a graduate of art school who apparently couldn’t get any work and had to resort to making...

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Welcome to The Hentai World! Ever want to see Mercy or DVA from Overwatch give amazing blowjobs or watch that thick bitch 2B for Nier: Automata get fucked? The answer should always be an eager yes. You can see all of that and more in the wonderful world of hentai porn. It comes in all kinds of sexy formats. Pictures, videos, SFM animations, VR, and more. No other kind of porn allows all of your darkest, kinkiest fantasies to come to life. Watch impossibly proportioned sluts get fucked in every...

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So, what is it about the hentai on this website that makes it "hentai from hell" exactly? I don't see any hellish ghosts on the page haunting it and terrorizing the cute babes that can be seen here. In fact, I do see a few, but those aren't anomalous, the animators put them in the purposely. All kinds of demons are found in here, damn. Some are tall, some are short, but they all have massive dicks that are just too much to take for these typically submissive girls.Do all men really want to...

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What's Studio FOW all about? I can't wait for their latest erotic game "subverse", but I'm sure many of you don't know who these fuckers are. Well, imagine you’re hours deep into playing Tomb Raider. You’ve been watching her ass bounce up and down for way too long now, but it’s fun so you keep playing. You run into a scene where you’re stuck on a deserted island. Suddenly some crazy assholes arrive and try to fuck Lara Croft.But of course, she manages to get away. You get fucking pissed, cause...

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Naughty Machinima

Love SFM, CGI, FUTA and 3D animated porn? NaughtyMachinima is not your typical pornographic website – as soon as I landed on the home page I was exposed to some pretty nasty R34 sex acts which impressed me as far as porn goes, but there’s one thing that this website had which made it completely unique: All of its content was made from video games! Every single video on here is pieced together by some incredibly horny animation experts who take the most popular game characters and make them...

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LoL Hentai? Do people still play League of Legends and fantasize about Ahri? Don’t you all have better things to do? That game came out in 2009...that’s a lot of time to have spent down in your mom’s basement. But if you’re going to be down there anyway, at least you won’t find a better place to protect you from the shame of browsing lolhentai.net. Lol porn aka League of Legends hentai porn is an example of what happens when you give people who hang out on the Internet way too much free time on...

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Alright, faggots, I ain’t one to be jerking off to gelbooru animated cartoon bitches, but once in a while, even I like to shake things up. So today I’m bringing you a review on a goddamn hentai site. For you fuckers living under a rock, hentai is basically Japanese cartoon porn. Imagine jerking off to bitches from Pokemon, except with potential for some unbelievably sick shit, and you get the general idea.Gelbooru.com is referred to as an “imageboard”, although to me it just looks like a big...

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Hentai Foundry

Ah, HentaiFoundry. One of my favorites! Puberty is such a weird time. All of a sudden, you’re flooded with hormones telling you to fuck everything you see. A minute ago, you were just trying to watch cartoons, and now you can’t even see an animated pair of breasts without wanting to whack off. It’s no wonder, so many of you pervs grew up still wanting to look at drawings of superheroines while getting your porn fix. If you’re into comics and cartoons cunts, Hentai-Foundry.com, aka hentai...

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Luscious Hentai

At Luscious.net (lu.scio.us), you can choose from a massive selection of both real-life fuck flicks and drawn pornography, and they both delve into some of the nastiest, most perverse fetishes you can imagine. It doesn’t matter whether you’re up for some good old-fashioned lesbian strap-on sex, or if you’d prefer seeing a skinny, wimpy anime protagonist fuck his way through all of his female classmates and teachers in just a few episodes. Luscious.net has both real and imaginary porn covered,...

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Rule 34

Rule34.xxx! Rule 34 animated porn, aka R34 XXX, aka Rule 34 website! Since the dawn of the interwebs (or at least since wifi was a thing), there has been a rule. A rule, or perhaps a constant, which has inspired variation, intrigue, and general weirdness – rule 34 (r34). According to Urban Dictionary, this rule is defined as…“If it exists, there is porn of it. If there isn't, there will be. Only one known exception: rule 34 itself.”I call it, the constant which dictates that there are enough...

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E Hentai

Welcome to legendary hentai torrent site "EHentai"! E Hentai (ge hentai) is one of the largest and most popular hentai and doujin sites on the web. E-Hentai (gehentai) is an imageboard type hentai site where content is uploaded by users in all kinds of languages and art styles.The first thing to know about E Hentai (ge-hentai) is that it is huge. The collection is so big that you might get intimidated when you first see the site, just like how a virgin might get scared of a big ass dick. But...

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