Seducing My Virgin Sister
- 3 years ago
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Introduction: When my wife learned that my sister aroused me she agreed to help me seduce her. When I saw my seventeen year old sister after being away for five years I was astonished by her loveliness. I was sixteen years old when she was born. Two years later I left for college. At the university I received an undergraduate degree, a masters degree, a PhD, and eventually a teaching position. Somehow I had continued to think of my sister as a little girl. She was not little anymore.
The incest taboo is an instinct that usually develops when one grows up with those whom it places beyond the range of sexual desire. I felt enough of that instinct to feel guilty about desiring my teenage sister, but not enough to avoid desiring her.
My seventeen year old sister had the face of a beautiful child, and the shapely body of a young woman. In spite of my best efforts, I could not help but admire her large and firm breasts, her slender waist, and her rounded hips. When my sister noticed my admiration and sensed my desire she looked down, smiling shyly, and blushing a bit. Modesty in one so beautiful arouses me.
My wife and I were visiting my parents and sister for Christmas. For various reasons I had not been back for five years. I would have thought that my sister was one of the most popular girls in school. The second day I was back my mother mentioned in passing that she had not even been on a date yet. The thought that my beautiful sister was not only still a virgin, but had never been kissed aroused in me even more desire, and more guilt, but not enough guilt.
My wife, my parents and I went to a New Years Eve party together. After the party and too many drinks my wife and I lay in bed talking. Pliny the Elder wrote, In vino veritas, which in English means, In wine there is truth. Alcohol can work as a truth serum. My intoxicated state enabled me to discuss my feelings about my sister with my wife.
After we got married it became clear that my sex drive was stronger than yours, I began.
Thats right, and I gave you permission to find a mistress. I even talked about introducing you to a single friend of mine, but you did not seem interested.
I have found someone I am interested in.
Shes your sister, isnt she?
Is it that obvious?
To your loving wife of six years it is. I dont think your parents suspect anything. Your sister may.
Are you disgusted with me?
Not unless you use coercion to have your way with her. I know you well enough to know you would never do that.
Of course I wouldnt. Incest can be damaging to a girl. I love my sister. I do not want to do anything that would harm her in any way. Right now this is only a fantasy. I am glad I can talk to you about it. You must never tell anyone about this conversation.
I wont, my wife said. I am complicit. I am sort of bisexual myself. You are the only man I have been with. I have never been with a woman. Nevertheless, I find that I desire your sister too. Right now we should only talk about this. We need to proceed cautiously. We must be patient and sensitive to your sisters desires. I remember how I felt when I was your sisters age. I had never been kissed. I wanted to be kissed, but only by the right boy. I was not in a hurry to have sex with someone, but I knew how wonderful love making could be.
My wife continued, Your sister may be thinking about this too. I have seen her looking at you when you did not know about it. I want to help you seduce your sister, but we must be sure that she enjoys every moment of her seduction. We must not pressure her in any way. We need to be sensitive to her desires. If she does not want it we must stop before she realizes what we are trying to do. If it happens it must seem to happen naturally.
Our seduction of your sister should be something we position ourselves to allow to happen. If your sister desires you, and I think she does, she should be made to think that she is seducing you.
We live six hundred miles away. This will be difficult, I said.
Invite her to spend Easter vacation with us, my wife suggested. Do not do anything sexually evocative unless she takes the initiative.
That is the best we can do, I admitted, but I do not want some boy in school to be in first.
He wont be. Your sister wants her first time to be perfect. I will help you achieve that.
Yours is a good idea, I told my wife. Even if nothing sexual develops I want to create a bond with the sister I neglected while she was growing up. There were probably times while she was growing up that she needed a big brother. I was away at school doing things I wrongly thought were more important.
Your sister does not seem angry at you. I can tell that she loves you.
I love my sister, and you.
My wife kissed me, slipped out of her nightgown, and said, Pretend Im your sister. She made love to me passionately. Thinking about my sister increased her libido, and mine.
A month before Easter I called my family. My mother answered the phone. My sister was visiting a friend she told me. When I suggested inviting my sister to spend Easter with my wife and me, my mother thought it would be an excellent idea. Several hours later, when I talked to my sister she was delighted with the idea.
When we picked up my sister at the airport for Easter my wife hugged her, saying, You look gorgeous, Darling.
I said, You look even more beautiful than last Christmas. My sister was not used to compliments, however sincere. She blushed, giggled, hugged me, kissed me on the cheek, and said, Thanks.
Then she said, Ive been accepted by your university. I wanted to be the first to tell you.
We are so happy, my wife said, But we knew you would be accepted. You can live with us.
We spent the four days of my sisters visit showing her the sights of the nearby city, attending Easter services at a cathedral, and visiting the university where I taught. I told her I could probably get her a paid internship at the university for the summer.
Gosh, thanks that would be great, my sister said.
When my sister noticed the hot tub in my home my wife suggested she bring a bathing suit for her summer stay. But not too much, I teased.
Oh, stop that, my sister said giggling. Youre my brother.
On the last night before my sisters flight home the three of us watched television. My wife and I were sitting on a sofa. My sister was sitting in an easy chair. My wife was snuggling next to me wearing nothing but a bathrobe. After about an hour she surprised me by removing her bathrobe, and sitting next to me completely naked. I was afraid my sister would be offended by such an obvious display of marital lust. She was embarrassed, but looked enviously at my wife.
Our house is built so that the guest room where my sister was staying is across the hall from our marital bedroom. My wife left the door to our bedroom open so that my sister could hear us make love that evening. When I got up during the night I was pleased to see that my sister had left the door to the guest room open too.
The next morning my sister walked naked to the bathroom to take a shower. She did not look at me, only at the ground. When I looked at my wife, the look of caution on her face told me that I should not try to do anything. I put on a bathrobe over my pajamas to hide my erection.
The next day when my sister was about to get on her plane, my wife hugged her, kissed her on the lips, and said, Were looking forward to this summer.
My sister looked flustered before saying, Me too. Then she turned around and left, after waving at us.
When my wife and I got home we had several glasses of wine. Well, what do you think? I asked my wife.
I think we might have been able to do it this visit, my wife said. I would rather your sister spend the rest of the school year looking forward to this summer, and wishing that we had. These things take time.
Why do you think she showed herself to me naked? I asked.
She wanted to see if you would disapprove. Girls that age like to explore their sexuality, even if they are not in a hurry to have sex. She might do that with your father now and then.
That night, my wife and I made love more passionately than usual. When we were looking at each other during the afterglow I said, The thought of my sister has done wonders for our sex life.
I think she might be bi too, my wife said. I look forward to watching the two of you together. I look forward to you watching your sister and me together.
My sister was delighted when I told her that I had gotten a paid internship for her at my university. My parents were glad too.
During the rest of the school year my wife and I wrote letters to my sister and called her on the telephone. She was glad to hear from us, and said she was looking forward to the summer. I still did not know if we could seduce her. I did not know if we should. I only wanted that to happen if she wanted it to happen. I wanted her first time with me to be the most wonderful event in her life.
The night of the senior prom for my sisters high school graduating class my mother called me on the phone. She told me that my sister was depressed because no one had asked her to the prom, and asked me to call back in an hour and talk to her.
When I talked to my sister I told her that I had not gone to the senior prom either. I said that I was not dating anyone regularly. I had made a list of girls to ask. When the first one turned me down I was too downhearted to ask the second one. I told my sister that she was beautiful, but shy, and that the shy boys who were also home alone on prom night, and who wanted to ask her, had needed some encouragement.
After that conversation, I had another conversation with my wife when we were lying in bed together. I told my wife that my sisters loneliness made her easier to seduce, but increased my guilt for taking advantage of it.
My wife reminded me that we were not going to pressure my sister into doing anything that she did not want to do. When my wife removed her nightgown to make love to me she said, Do not pretend I am your sister. Know that I am the wife who loves you.
When summer finally came my sister drove her car to our house with the belongings she would need for the summer, and the fall semester. We helped set her up in our guest room, and drove to a restaurant to celebrate her visit. Those at the restaurant envied me to have the company of two such beautiful females.
Im looking forward to using your hot tub, my sister said.
Your brother and I are naked when we use that, my wife said, but we will wear bathing suits for your visit.
My sister looked down with a shy smile.
When my wife and my sister helped my sister unpack I noticed that she had a bikini razor. You told me to bring a skimpy bikini, she told me. So I decided to shave my bikini area.
She was not kidding about the skimpy bikini. That evening when we got into our hot tub her bikini consisted of a small triangle of thin cloth to cover her vulva, and two smaller pieces of the same thin cloth to cover her nipples. These were held in place by strings. The imprint of my sisters slit and her protruding nipples were clearly visible.
You are hardly wearing anything at all, I told her trying to sound mildly disapproving.
You have already seen me naked, my sister said, You are my brother anyway, so it doesnt really matter.
Im glad there is no beach around here for us to take you to, I said. I would have to fight off the men with an assault rifle.
My sister laughed teasingly. I would not walk off with one of them. When she saw the erection pushing against the constraints of my swim trunks she looked pleased.
I wanted to lift my sister out of the hot tub and carry her into our bed room. My wife held my fingers and squeezed them in a way that said, Not yet.
After this session in the hot tub, my wife closed the door to our bedroom, so that we could have some privacy while discussing the progress of our seduction of my sister. How do you think were doing? I asked.
The fact that your sister wore such a skimpy bikini was a good sign, my wife responded. It was obvious that her nipples became erect with arousal under that diaphanous cloth. Her body was wet all over because of the hot tub, but I am sure she lubricated. We probably could have taken her, but I would rather draw out the tension. Lets see how she behaves tomorrow, and see if she projects guilt or pleasant anticipation.
Youve known your sister longer than I have, but I think I have more insight into the psychology of a teenage virgin girl. I am confident that right now she is masturbating thinking about you. As we make love, pretend that I am her.
The next morning my sister walked naked to the bathroom and back for her shower, as if showing herself naked to me was the most natural thing for a teenage girl to do with her brother. My wife looked knowingly at me, and smiled faintly.
A week later we celebrated my sisters eighteenth birthday at an elegant restaurant I took my wife to for wedding anniversaries. In the evening my sister suggested another session in the hot tub. This time she suggested that we all be naked, Because that is what youre used to, isnt it? A girl should be able to show herself naked to her brother.
When my sister stepped naked into our hot tub I was speechless with awe about her beauty, and the possibilities it gave me. She, in turn was unable to say anything about my erect penis, and what I obviously wanted to do with it.
After a long and awkward silence my wife said to my sister, You are lovely my dear. Your breasts are large, but firm. Your areolas are perfectly round, and the same delicious shade of pink as your lips. Your nipples are erect with arousal. Your lips and nipples beg to be kissed.
Your stomach is taut, your waist is narrow, and your rounded hips beautifully frame your shaven vulva. You have a slight mound, a well defined slit, and no clit hood. It does not get better than that.
My sister responded to my wifes accurate description of her body by breathing deeply with her mouth slightly open. Finally, my wife said, I want so much to lick your vagina. May I?
My sister softly whispered, Yes.
When we got out of the hot tub my sister and my wife dried each other off with towels. Then they both dried me. We walked into our marital bedroom. My sister lay on our bed, spreading her legs. My wifes tongue licked against my sisters clitoris. My sister responded by tightly grasping the blanket on our bed.
My wife separated my sisters labia and said to me, Look, your sister is still a virgin.
Of course I am, my sister said.
When my wife began to blow gently on my sisters hymen my sisters face wore an expression of ecstasy. Finally, she looked at my erect penis and said, Get inside of me.
My wife got a towel, and said, You will bleed a little. This will catch your virginal blood.
I said, I will put a condom on.
My sister said, You dont need to. Before I came here Mom got me a prescription for birth control pills. She told me she did not want me to have sex, but that if I did she did not want me to get pregnant. She saw how we looked at each other last Christmas. She knew that when I came here for the summer we would probably be doing this.
Does Dad suspect anything? I asked.
There are things he does not want to know about. I think Mom and Dad understand that because we did not grow up together we do not feel the way about each other most brothers and sisters feel.
Before you guys begin, may I take some photos? my wife asked.
Yes, my sister answered.
My wife produced a camera. First I want a full frontal of you. My sister stood facing my wife, and smiling. Thats excellent, my wife said as she took a photograph. Now turn around. When my sister did, my wife said, You look good from behind too.
Thank you.
Put your hands on your waist, turn your head around, and smile at me. My sister did. Beautiful. Not its time to begin.
My sister lay flatly on the bed, with her legs straight. That makes his entry more difficult, my wife said. Wrap your legs around his body.
When she did, I began my assault on the fortress of my sisters virginity. Although my sister was thoroughly aroused, her hymen was a formidable sentry. I was hurting my sister, and asked, Are you sure you want me to do this?
I have wanted this since Easter. Keep pushing.
I did. When I broke my sisters hymen she gave a soft expression of pain that my wife captured with the camera. I pushed my stout explorer deeply into virgin territory where no man or boy had gone before. My wife put aside the camera, and lay next to us. She kissed both of us on the lips, held my sisters hand gently, kissing it, and offering us words of encouragement. You are doing beautifully, she told my sister. Your brother is an expert instructor.
When my wife could tell that my sister was about to have her first vaginal orgasm, she took a photograph of my sisters rapturous face.
My sisters vagina was even tighter than my wifes was on our wedding night, so my coital movements were slow and gentle. Finally, my wife captured a photograph of my faces triumphant expression as I filled my sisters vagina with my lifes fluid.
My sister held me tightly with her arms and legs saying, Please dont leave yet. This moment is precious to me. Thank you. Thank you so much. I always wanted my first time to be perfect. This is. This is the best birthday I have ever had.
When I finally withdrew from my sister my wife told her, Keep your thighs spread. Sit up on the bed, bracing your back with your arms. When my sister did, my wife took a photo of her vagina leaking her blood and my semen. My sisters face wore an expression of pride and sexual fulfillment.
My wife left the room, quickly returning with a bottle of champagne and three champagne glasses. She opened the bottle, filled the glasses, and gave them to us.
What is this for? my sister asked.
We are celebrating your seduction. We planned this last Christmas lying in bed together.
My seduction? my sister asked. I thought I was the seductress. I wanted to have sex with each of you, but I was afraid it would damage your marriage.
Since you have come into our lives our marriage has become more exciting, my wife said. Your brother can make love to one of us. Then we can pleasure each other. When he becomes hard again he can enjoy the other of us. The most he has done with me is four times in a single night. Lets see if we can inspire him to do more.
My sister laughed pleasantly, and said, Other girls can fumble in the back seats of cars with boys who dont love them. I am having an affair with my married brother and his wife. I feel loved, desired, terribly sophisticated, and delightfully naughty.
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Hi everybody handshake for boys n boob shake for girls I am ram here this is my first story so please forgive if there is any mistake. This story is between me n my sister who is three years elder to me.guys i hope that this would not give rest to your dick n girls cant stop fingering there pussy.Well lets begin the story firstly i would like to describe myself my age is 18,height 5’8 n like incest n virgin category. Now i am going to describe about my sex mate who is none another than my sexy...
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Hi friends. I am Rakesh from Hyderabad. I actually belong to Mangalore. But I am working in Hyderabad. Even my mom and dad are also here now. I am a regular ISS reader. I want to share my own experience with all my friends here. I would love to receive feedback about my story to I am in hangouts as well. So I am looking forward to hearing from some Hyderabadi girls. Let’s start the story. The heroine of the story is my office colleague. Her name is Sadhana (name changed). We both joined for...
Hi all friend this is Jignesh n i am 21 year old m doing be mechanical in Rajkot. I’m from Bapunagar Ahmedabad ae story meri or meri cousin sister ki hai jo ki wo mere pados me hi raheti hai or usaka name Shweta hai hum dono saath me hi bade hue hai or sath me hi khelate the wo mera bahot achi tarah se khyal rakhti thi or chote bhi ki tarah hi rakhti thi… Ab me usake bare me wo mere se do sal badi hai to me use didi kah kar hi bulata tha ae bat tab ki hai jab me first sem ke vacation mme ghar...
Hey Guys. It’s the story about a girl named Vishruti (name changed). She lives in my society. Her age would be 22 and figure 36-28-36. She has the figure to die for, every guy in my colony has an eye on her luscious body. She has a totally fair complexion, white milky skin tone, cute face, cherry lips and a curvy figure. Old and young, every guy in my society wish to see her hot figure at least once in a day. She can easily make even a kid’s cock erect by her cute innocent face along with lusty...
I'm sure she has fingered herself and maybe even used things girls use to get off. But, she has told me that she has never had the thrill of being fucked by a man! Sooby continued: "She has never had or given oral sex. Now she is in college and is very lonely and very inexperienced. So he doesn't date much. I think we should teacher her all about sex." I asked her: "So do you think we can seduce your sister into having sex with us?" She smiled and asked me: "Would you like to fuck a...
I've been spying on my sister for about two months; watching her change her clothes through her bedroom window. I never thought I'd take it any farther than just spying. She is my sister, after all. To me it's just a good way to see some tits, ass and pussy on a regular basis. My sister and I are twins. We get along great, not like some brothers and sisters. Our dad is in the Navy and we've never lived anywhere long enough to develop close friendships with other kids, so we've become each...
visit here on to see more pic like these I've been spying on my sister for about two months watching her change her clothes through her bedroom window. I never thought I'd take it any farther than just spying. She is my sister, after all. To me it's just a good way to see some tits, ass and pussy on a regular basis.My sister and I are twins. We get along great, not like some brothers and sisters. Our dad is in the Navy, so we've never lived anywhere long enough to develop close...
Hi, I am ravi and this is my story at age of 19.i was good looking and good sized cock(8 inches).i am going to narrate you a the things that took place between me and my cousin sister. I was only son and was free to be like what I want .but, days never be the day , my mother told me that her younger sister is about to visit India.(they lived in us and I have never seen them directly but used to talk on mobile and internet.).i have nodded my head and a few days later, they arrived...
He spent about 2 hours playing fortnight with his homies named Chris and Tom. When 12 came his mother ordered him to get off the game and go to bed. She didn't want him up any longer because he has a big day tomorrow. So he needs to get up early so he can be ready for the bus. Hours flew by and Kyle was waiting at the bus stop. He waited for at least 30 minutes or so until the bus arrived. 30 minutes later the bus arrives at school and the students went inside the school. They were putting...
Hi Readers, how are you….hope you all are enjoying this site…Reading plenty of stories in this site really made me to make an attempt ….to try someone to seduce them and bring them to bed. I read a story from this site and wanted to try the same seducing attempt. I was totally confused with whom should I try with, whether my aunt or the girl next door or my any of my close friend. This seducing attempt can be tried by both guys/gals by changing the character. Let me tell about myself I am...
Hi,i’m Vivek staying in Banglore. I’ve 2 elder sisters(Arpana studin in 12th & vanita studyin in 11th) who r good looking and sexy.This is a true story.originally i’m Bengali.i live with my mom and my sisters and a dog.i started watching porn since my day as my mom had gone out of station for a week.i was watching porn in my pc.i started to watch by being naked without closing the door as i thought every1 were Sleeping.unfortunately arpana woke up and came into the room as there was...
IncestHi I am karthick from Chennai. I am a great fan of this site, I get tempted on reading stories from this siteand always wanted to have such experiences, now I am going to post my own real sex experience. I live in Chennai doing 2nd year engineering and always had an intense sexual desire foraunties. I am 20 years old,5.9ft tall, with 9inch hard and strong dick, well built body ,decent looking, well read and a friendly jovial person. Well, this story is about me and hot and sexy rich aunty. Her...
Melody Samuels “You understand?” my half-brother asked me as I pulled on my panties. “I do,” I said, winking at him. My brother. I had a brother. Clint wasn’t just my cousin like I had thought for the last sixteen years of my life. His father, the man I thought of as Uncle Clinton, was also my father. I couldn’t believe it. I was still reeling from the revelation that my mom and her sister, Aunt Cheryl, were lovers and had shared Clint’s dad—my dad—since they were teenagers. And now...
Dan grew up in a strict religious family. His parents had been married since they were 19 years old, and they started having c***dren shortly thereafter. By the time they were 28, they had two sons and a daughter. Dan is in the middle. His brother, Mark, is three years older. His sister, Mary, is three years younger. Dan is 21 years old and doesn't quite fit into the family dynamic.His family's lifestyle revolves almost completely around church. Mission trips, bible studies, prayer groups...the...
Hello beloved readers, I’m back with my second encounter after the saint. I got a lot of mails asking for my second story as I promised, here I go! First let me introduce myself again for your ease to imagination. I’m 20, handsome 34 waist, bi-curious, huge ass, 6 inched fat penis, 5″10′. While let’s say Yash is 5″11′ average penis, skinny, 21. He gained penis size later years though. I mention real story so I rather focus on play than to eroticism. After I got my virginity broken, it was hard...
Gay MaleSeducing Zara the Muslim lady This happened about 3 years ago. My name is Saleem khan.Im am a Pakistani muslim guy in bradford. Quite religious generally.I have a loving relationship with my wife and we both go yo work every day and as you can imagine we miss each other and text each other . Some new neighbours moved in about a year ago and it seemed like quite a religious family. The lady was called Zara and i didnt see much of her. She wore a headscarfs and had a nice figure but spent a lot...
My name is Ryan, and I’m twenty-five. I have black hair, and brown eyes. I have a stepsister named Kate, who is twenty-seven, and she just got divorced. She caught her husband cheating, and she was devastated. She came right to me, because she had no one else to go to. She cried in my arms constantly, and I had no idea what to do or say. We had been close ever since our parents introduced us, so she didn’t waste a lot of time asking me if she could move in with me. Sadly, we both lost our...
Introduction: My sister started to wear bulky clothing so that the boys would stop hitting on her. Once I saw what she had under those clothes I hit on her myself. Up until my sister Virginia turned thirteen and started to develop she wore nothing but tight sexy clothing and I enjoyed watching her sweet little boobs develop. When Virginia turned thirteen though she started wearing dad’s shirts and baggy pants all of the time. It wasn’t until she turned fifteen that I found out why.When...
Goddammit! She was going to be late for school again! One would think she could set an alarm and get the hell out of bed when it went off but Willow would slap it off and roll over for a few more minutes sleep. He hurried down the hall to her bedroom and threw open the door then slammed to a halt, the shout of “Get up!” stuck in his throat. His daughter was lying on her back uncovered by blankets, as nude as the day she came into this world. Her eyes were closed in sleep so she didn't see her...
After a tiring day at work, Reynard finished his shift for the day and followed his routine of checking on his little sister, as an excuse to see her forbidden fruit. She never knew about him watching her often. Peeking into his sister’s room, Reynard saw Rena doing coursework. Rena usually worked on her coursework bit-by-bit, and especially on a Friday night. Rena was younger than Reynard; Rena being eighteen years old and Reynard being twenty-seven. He wanted to make a conversation with his...
IncestAfter arranging all baggage and files to Mr.Prasad I told them I will go and take my lunch and come, I went home and finished my lunch and my sis came to me and said there is an inspection in the office and she will come late in the eveing, I said ok, and I went to Jothis house and knocked the door, she opened the door now she is taking lunch and said uncle look they spoiled my mood, I laughed and said look jothi there is lot of time for us to watch the films ok, u complete your lunch first, I...
IncestEver since you met her, your sister Emily has been eye candy and has been the focus of many wet dreams. It's gotten so bad that today, while your parents are gone, you would try something, anything, to fuck her. All day you planned your approach and you are finally ready to act.
IncestYou are John 26 years old with athletic body, living with your mom,dad and your little sister Doe. She is 18 years old and a sexy figure of 34-20-34. She is as innocent as a lamb, therefore a virgin. You are looking for a chance to fuck her like a hell. You masturbate imagining her in all sex positions with you. Your cock gets hard like a rock whenever Doe bends before you. Her cleavage is the most sexiest but she never understands that and smiles like a small school girl.You want to grope...
IncestHi! My name’s Sahil. I want tell you guys this funny incident that happened with my sweet little innocent sister Neha. I was 22 and Sweta was 15 when it all started. Once I heard Sweta yelling at mummy. I was in the bedroom shared by Sweta and me. I stood hiding behind the door to find out why she was yelling at mummy. I overheard her crying to mummy that she is not a small girl anymore. It seemed she was insisting on mummy to buy her bra for her fresh little tits and mummy was telling her that...
Hi, this is Walter again with the second part of my story Read the first part ‘Seducing Chennai Bhabhi – part 1’ before reading this. For those who have read here is the continuation. As now my bhabhi knows that I am seducing her for sex it was now more fun and interesting for me to seduce her. I know there is a very little devil inside her heart that wants to spread her legs for me but all I want to do is to trigger it. As final exams approached I didn’t go to her place much and I missed...
IncestSeducing my daughter in law, my story:My step son, a party guy, married his high school sweetheart against our advice at the young age of 21. His wife, my daughter in law, was a good looking young blonde bombshell with big tits, long legs, a narrow waist and a heart-shaped ass. Seems the hotter they are, the more they are attracted to the “bad boys” like my step-son. They lived with us in our house, in our spare room. Being in their early 20s, and him being a Mr. Party dude, it was only natural...
HI, I am Raj, 6 ft with good looks and i am from Hyderabad and work in a software company. This is a story where I describe how I seduced my MIL and how the fun started. These are the true incidents happened between me and my MIL My parents stated looking for matches for me and we selected on good looking girl. As my father in law died long back My family and my MIL arranged our marriage and it was done with lots of celebrations. It is a custom in our area that after marriage for 1st night,...
IncestHello friends, this is the real story of how I tried to seduce a married friend of mine (again). I am Piyush, 26, from Mumbai, 5’9 and with an average body and 6-inch cock. Back when I was studying, I had a friend with benefits. Her name was Samruddhi and I used to call her ‘Sami’. We fucked a lot in our college days despite both having a gf and a bf. That was because we understood each, knew each other’s dirty kinks and accepted as we were. She once confessed to me, while being drunk, that she...
Hi, guys. This is Manoj back again with another true story. For the people who don’t know me, I’m an incest lover who has great sex relations with my mom and aunt. Check my profile for my previous sex stories. Coming to the story after having loads of sex with my mom I am addicted to her pussy. We were regular in doing sex and didn’t waste any time when we were alone. After about a three weeks of our relation, my dad met with an accident and his leg was fractured and he was demanded bed rest...
IncestI have chosen to write about the time we actually made love to each other and lost our virginity to each other. Our ages were 13 and 15. All the other sex sessions tended to start the same and usuaslly consisted of the same kissing, stroking and mutual masturbating, each occasion unique and fantastic and always ended in me ejaculating over my sisters pussy and creamy white thighs. This sex session with my sister and I had was truly amazing. I cannot fully remember the events leading up to...
Introduction:After spending the week in Palo Alto with my stepson and his fiancé, I arrived back in New York City, deeply conflicted and confused. The wheels of United flight 1254 touched down at La Guardia airport shortly before six o'clock in the evening. I had been traveling for over eight hours, and in addition to being conflicted and confused, I was exhausted. I took the nearly forty minute taxi ride to my Manhattan flat deep in thought. So much had happened. It would take some time to...
LesbianHii this is my first story on this site in which I am telling you the experience how I made my friends mother my gf and then my sex partner. First of all introduction, My name is Samar my age is 23 I have an average built-up body with 6.9-inch tool. And my friend’s mother, Sangeeta, her age is 42. She has dark skin, and a little fat with a fig of 32-34-34(which I came to know later) and mother of 2 children, but then also the main attraction was her ass for which I was dying from the day I...
Part I – Part II – Somehow, 10 days which seemed like 10 years passed. I deliberately played a lie that i have extra coaching at college and cancelled my trip. It was my semester holidays and my family was going away for 2 weeks. This was my best ever chance. Only me and Banu would be at home. What i loved the most is the banu was also...
Part I – “How can you.. you cheap ..” Her voice rang out clearly.. The Shock hit my system.. i had got carried away and touched Banu without her permission.. She had slapped me.. I was slowly understanding the grave error.. “How could you.. How could you” the voice echoed in my head . She quickly covered herself and pushed me away giving me a very cold stare. The fear gripped my system.. I tried to go behind her “Sorry...
Stefan was a first-year violin student referred to me by my professor. A rather average posh kid of limited talent, he was only admitted into the conservatory because his father had called in a favour from a brother in-law who happened to be on friendly terms with the head of one of the departments. That aside, he was actually an altogether agreeable young man and, as different as we were, I sympathised with him. He couldn’t help the fact that he was being forced into a career he had no passion...
Gay MaleYudi from Agra; I am 18 year’s old. I have two elder sister’s; Swati didi is about 24 year’s old; she married just three month’s ago; now day’s she lived in Faridabad and Shilpa didi is about 29 year’s old; she married five year’s ago; now day’s she lived in Agra just two kilometer away from our house; didi had a girl of 6 month. Swati didi’s body is very attractive but her face is not good looking; she is 5 feet 6 inch tall; she look’s very sexy with her boobs which are 36 in size and buttocks...
IncestI have a cousin brother who was working abroad. He used to come back every year and stay for 2-3 months. When he was home, we used to go and spend time with him. He was 29 years old. One day my cousin brother messaged me that he would come back to his home for a few days. We planned accordingly and I asked my dad permission to go there. He agreed and me, my mom, and my sister went to his home after a few days of his arrival. Dad had to stay at my home to take care of his business. My cousin...
IncestThis tale takes place about 13 years ago when I was in school. At this age I was fairly awkward and unaware of how attractive I was. Years of a passion for rock climbing and puberty had recently changed my body from that of dorky awkward boy to that of a fairly attractive teen. Spending 3-4 days a week at the local indoor rock climbing gym along with normal PE activities and running and lifting had given me a very Lynn strong body. I had a toned 6-pack, VERY large and toned forearms...
Hey guys this is Rana first I read many stories on ISS now got courage to tell one mine please give your comments to motivate Thanks and lots of love let’s start I’m living in a Chawl in Mumbai aged 25 years till this incident use to b a virgin making life easy by my imagination And help of hand you know what I mean lots of thinking about aunts and hotties girl their pussy hole and sexy cleavage use to help me paint my walls but never had courage to propose any one for physical sex it was just...
IncestContinued from the first part. I was waiting for the day my mom and dad go to the native. So that day came in June and I was excited. When I told this to her, she was so happy and gave a naughty smile. So the previous night, she chatted with me. Me: So how you feel now? She: I am excited. But you will be more excited na. I know. Me: Yes. I want to feel you. She: Wait till tomorrow. You can feel me. Don’t worry. So it was the morning of June 9, 2017. I dropped my mom and dad at the railway...
I am Vikram 37 years old , born in a village at Madurai district southern part of India. I am not a fairy skinned man but Some of my body features made me attractive for girls I had a Well built body, brown colored skin, Big attractive sharp eyes. I would like to share my sexual adventures with you, which came to me without much of efforts. Most of my sexual adventures are incestuous and are between close relatives.My first sex experience happened with my elder sister who was 4 years elder to...
IncestWife turn shy brother & sister for swapping . Hi this is jai again. Thanks all the reader for u r support and good response for my real stories “Turning Shy Wife for Swapping”. After some time Arvind gone to his place .But he left a sexy and shyness wife for me. Now it’s a new Reena for me she is not shying now on sex topics ,when ever she wants to do sex .She say me clearly we starts our sex life properly with all the kamasutra steps . life is going well for sex ,after few day later...
I’ve had fantasies about the cable guy that I had once seduced. Jimmy and I unfortunately didn’t have video of it but he was able to take pictures of me taking his big black cock. I’ve recently had to go back to that picture set and loudly reminisce about it as Jimmy fucked me in bed one night. Ironically, a day came when we had trouble with our phone line and finally Jimmy placed a repair request order to fix the problem. When we were finally told what day the telephone repairman was coming to...