Hunter Ch. 01-02 free porn video

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Hunter opened his eyes from his doze and carefully reached up to retrieve his watch from his forehead. His heart started accelerating in anticipation. Pressing the light button on the watch, he checked the time, he had 4 minutes, forty seconds to go. The altimeter gave the altitude at 34,000 feet. Putting on the watch and slipping the GPS from its strap, Hunter verified that they were still on track. Replacing the GPS, he quickly reached in an inside pocket and removed a small five-button RF transmitter. Hunter lifted up his oxygen mask briefly and lightly clamped the transmitter between his teeth, then slowly reached to his right and used the struts there to help him maneuver his body so that he lay on his right side and his back was against the wall.

Pressing the light button on the Suunto again, he read that he had 1 minute, 32 seconds to go. His heart pounded a little louder, a little faster. He counted to thirty while removing the transmitter from his mouth and sliding its plastic cover back.

’26, 27, 28, here we go’, he thought, mimicking the intonations of that phrase in the song by the Chemical Brothers. Firmly, Hunter pressed the far left button on the transmitter.



‘What the hell?’ The pilot asked, turning quickly toward his copilot who shrugged while looking just as puzzled as he did, scanning the instrument panel and what he could see of the moonless night outside. They heard one of the stewardesses through their headphones:

‘Ladies and gentlemen, the pilot has illuminated the fasten seat belt sign, indicating the possibility of turbulence…’


Hunter smiled to himself, imagining the confusion above him, and BTO’s song replaced the Chemical Brothers: ‘You ain’t seen nothin’ yet…’ Illuminating the watch once more, he began counting again. At thirty-three, Hunter pushed the far right button on the transmitter, slid the plastic cover back in place over the buttons, jammed it back into his pocket and quickly braced himself hard against the wall as the aircraft’s wheel well started swinging open underneath him. Three seconds later, before the strut started moving, Hunter released himself, rolling face down. He stabilized and made sure he was freefalling in the same direction that the aircraft was going, then silently thanked the crew of Delta Flight 1583, nonstop from Atlanta to Sacramento, as it continued on its way, leaving him high above the Navajo Nation territory of northeastern Arizona.

During the 91 second drop, Hunter thought of his mission again, hoped he was dropping close enough to his objective but not too close. He didn’t want to warn anyone of his arrival. He hoped his chute would open without problem. Above all, he hoped he would not land in or on something he would regret. Hard to tell what is coming in the pitch darkness. Then again, he was happy to be heading into the darkness. It meant he was in the desert area where he was supposed to be and not around any cities or towns. Off to the far left, he’d noticed the lights of Flagstaff. Rotating his left wrist toward him, he reached over and illuminated the watch, seeing the numbers of the altimeter drop faster than they could be read or registered. With his heart thumping again loudly, he said,

‘Please…’ just as the chute deployed, making the tell-tale shudders and thud as the wind slipped inside and spread the nylon wide. Automatically, Hunter turned left toward the wind, a 135 degree turn, directly south. As he pulled the forward lines a bit so that he would almost float in place, he rummaged in his pocket again, removing the night vision goggle. Swiping his breather mask down under his chin, he bit the goggle’s strap and took his wind goggles off, putting them where the NVGs came from. After slipping the NVGs over his head, Hunter turned on the switch, pulled the breather back over his nose and mouth and looked down as the green glow brightened. Nothing but brush and what looked like flat land. Good landing. Pulling the GPS, he was intensely relieved and surprised, in fact, that he was really close to where he wanted to land. Pulling down on the left risers, he turned left, rode for about a quarter mile and then swung around the remaining 45 degrees so that he was once again facing north west and brought himself down fast, flaring back at the end so that he landed softly in the Polacca Wash.

‘Oh, what perfectly, beautiful dumb luck’, Hunter thought as he released the chute connections, while looking around him carefully. According to his understanding of where he was, he knew he either had about a 14 mile easy walk or a six mile harder walk to his objective. Hunter had already decided to take the six mile route, even though it would be strenuous. His opponents, if there were any, would not expect him to come from the northwest where the canyons narrowed and deepened and where the terrain was more fierce. No, not when, to the southeast, one could walk up the canyons with ease. The problem with that route, aside from being expected, was the wind from the south blowing up the canyons that would bring sound and smells to the cave.

‘Never good for a surprise,’ thought Hunter. ‘Upwind is good.’ Stuffing his rolled chute into his backpack, adding his breather mask and tubes and wind goggles, he thought for a second, then dug the transmitter out of his pocket and slid it into the bag as well, before quietly zipping it back up and shrugging it onto his back. He only had about another two hours or so before the moon would start to rise. He began walking.

Moving northwest, Hunter cut across a narrower and not so steep ridge between the Polacca and Ramhead Washes. Straight ahead was an easy draw that would take him up to the ridge overlooking Donkey Spring Canyon, about a mile northeast of the cave.


Silently, Hunter lay on his stomach, the rucksack in front of him, helping the bush, he hoped, look a bit bigger in the dark than it was. Unzipping a side pocket, he removed a blowgun, extended it and put it to the side and then reached back in for a small plastic case of darts. He could hear two men quietly talking where he knew the cave to be. A problem, it was, trying to figure out how to get down there. All approaches would be seen, with the exception of that above, which would be impossible due to the loose rock and the twenty or so foot nearly sheer drop. Hunter dared not look at his watch again, it would not help him in any way. The moon, he supposed, would begin to rise in a bit and he was happy for the extra time of darkness the ridges to the east would provide. Hunter removed a shotgun microphone, placed it in the bush facing the voices and placed the earbud in his ear. He could hear the men as easily as he could see around him with the NVGs.

‘…some more coffee?’

‘Yeah, I’ll get it when I get back. I’m going up to look around. Gotta piss, too.’

Hunter started at that and didn’t feel very good about his lot in life all of a sudden. He was only about 70 yards from the edge that led down to the cave.

‘Nobody’s coming ’til ’bout three or four o’clock. You know that.’

He sat up quietly, opened the dart case, placed a dart in this mouth and grabbed the blow gun.

‘Still, I gotta check. And I do have to piss.’ Hunter heard the man start climbing up the slope, and removed the earbud.

‘Please God, let this camo do its job,’ he thought as he ducked his head down a bit. After hearing the footsteps stop, Hunter slowly raised his head, looking through the bush to see the sentry lift NVGs to his eyes and slowly pan around. The man appeared more interested in looking at a farther distance than where Hunter was sitting. Before the sentry swept toward him, Hunter lowered his head again, tucking himself into a ball.

Three seconds later, Hunter slowly raised his head again. Seeing the man slowly scanning back around to the left, Hunter moved himself into a crouching position. The w
ind was still gusting and was stronger up here than the wind down in the canyons. Hunter stopped thinking of the man, now, cognizant of that other sense that is detectible as having the feeling of being watched. The man dropped the NVGs from his eyes, letting them hang from his neck, and quickly walked toward a cactus, while muttering to himself ‘Gotta piss like a Russian racehorse.’

Glad for the sounds of the gusting wind and the splashing pee to mask his footsteps, Hunter quickly covered the ground between him and the sentry’s back. Thinking about his objective, then, Hunter waited until the man put his member back into his pants and started turning around before moving very fast, all at the same time clamping one hand over the sentry’s mouth and pinching his nose shut while pressing the thumb and forefingers of his other hand against the man’s carotid arteries and wrapping his right leg in front of the man’s legs, to both take the man down and keep his legs from spasming and making noise as the oxygen and blood was shut off to the brain. Hunter bent down like a vampire toward the man’s neck and let the dart into his neck and left it there while he slowly let the man down to the ground.

The neuro-muscular chemical, designed for war, was perhaps the best Russian invention since Vodka. Quite unlike the other chemical weapons, the ugly ones that caused death and permanent internal eroding, this one was a gem. Its victims remained conscious, but couldn’t care less what was going on around them, and didn’t have control of their muscles to do something about it if they did care. After a couple of hours, the victims fully recovered, although most often they needed a shower and a change of clothes. With a slowness, the sentry’s eyes opened.

Hunter smiled at the man, patted his cheek lightly and whispered, ‘Shhh. You’ll be all right, boss.’ Bending down next to the man’s ear, he said, ‘I’m going to leave my stuff here, ok? You take care of it for me. And I need to borrow your jacket and hat. I’ll bring them right back.’ Hunter maneuvered the guy to take his jacket off. He shrugged out of his own jacket and draped it over the man to keep him warm. Putting the man’s jacket and hat on, he returned to his bush, collected his equipment and put all but another dart back in the bag. Holding the dart gingerly, he stepped back over to the sentry, put his bag down and said, ‘Be right back, jefe.’

He walked quickly toward the slope to the cave, not caring much about noise now. Hunter placed the dart, point up, inbetween the webbing of the first two fingers of his right hand. When he reached the mouth of the cave, the man inside said ‘Jesus, you sound like a freakin’ herd of cattle. Here’s your coffee’, extending the steaming cup out to Hunter. As he grabbed the handle of the cup, Hunter carelessly let some of the coffee slosh on the man’s hand, while simultaneously pricking the man with the dart.

‘Oww, shit!’ The man exclaimed, shaking the coffee off his hand. ‘You get your own damned coffee next time. Damn!’ The man reached down to rummage in his bag. Hunter ducked over to him and put him in the sleeper hold. The man slumped forward as Hunter kicked the burner and coffee pot away from in front of the chair. He laid the second sentry down just as gently as the first, and taking a small flashlight from his pocket, stepped over the man as he began to convulse.

The beam of the flashlight showed a table about twelve feet back upon which was a pile of gold and silver coins. Flashing the light on the floor, he moved to the table, stepping over a wire on the way.

‘1933D Walking Liberty, huh?’ Hunter chuckled, quickly moving the gold coins to the side and examining the dates. 1923S, 1934D, 1938 and 1940S. No 1933D. Picking up the 1934D, Hunter looked at it. He shined the light on the side of the table. No drawer. Bending down and shining the light under the table, Hunter found yet another silver dollar, stuck to the lip with bubble gum.

‘Bastards.’ Hunter muttered as he took the dollar, stood up and looked at it. 1933D. Hunter bent back down, stuck the 1934D Liberty on the bubble gum and quickly left the cave.

Reaching the first sentry once again, Hunter traded jackets, frowned at the guy and said, ‘Thanks, man. You really should watch what you eat, though. That’s foul.’ Hunter tossed the sentry’s hat so it covered the man’s face, grabbed his bag and began his walk southwest down the Polacca Wash.

Shortly before dawn and a short distance before the Polacca wash crossed highway 87, Hunter found a place to throw himself down to sleep. The last 24 hours had taken its toll on him and he slept quite soundly, waking six hours later, just long enough to take a leak before he fell back into a light slumber until early afternoon. Although impatient to get started again, Hunter waited until dark before continuing on his 120 mile journey to Winslow.


Before his eyes slammed shut the third morning, Hunter reached in his pocket, fingered the silver half dollar and wondered if it was even missed. He also thought how ingenious it had been to go to the trouble to have a fake dollar made, since 1933D Walking Libertys were never produced. Yet he had returned the gag by replacing the one coin with the closest match, the 1934D, hopefully making them think their counterfeit was still safely hidden. The last thought before sleep overtook him was that perhaps his fellow Greyhound passengers, bound for Alburquerque, had crawled out from under the slime at the ends of the earth to ride the bus.

‘The only place you’ll find weirder people,’ he thought, ‘is at the DMV.’


Hunter stood before three guys he’d never seen before, and all three were dressed to match the fleabag motel they were in. As one of them spoke, Hunter fingered the half-dollar.

‘For all your inventiveness, H, you failed the mission. Would you care to tell us how you got to the objective so quickly, where you got that special…ahh…concoction and why you disappeared for three days before answering your phone?’

‘Not really, sir. If I failed the mission, everything else doesn’t matter anyway, right?’

‘I suppose that’s true. Can we have the coin back anyway? And then you may rejoin your unit. There will be no repercussions, your mistake was a common one.’

‘I imagine so,’ Hunter said, ‘since there was never a 1933D Walking Liberty made.’


Hunter took the coin from his pocket and flipped it across the several feet between him and Mr. Speaker.

‘Call me if you change your mind.’ He smiled at all three and turned toward the door.

Puzzled at his words, the man looked at the coin and handed it to the guy next to him.

‘Ahhh, Hunter…’

‘Damn!’ Exclaimed the second guy, looking at the coin.

Hunter stopped moving, smiled at the door and turned around with a straight face.


‘Go on back to Atlanta, file a low-key expense voucher for this trip. We’ll be in touch.’

‘Yes sir. Thank you, sir.’

‘Thank you, Hunter. And welcome.’

At this, all three men stood up, moved forward and shook his hand. On his way out the door, Hunter heard Mr. Speaker say in barely controlled rage:

‘I want those two lackadaisical fuckwads replaced. Send their sorry asses to Fort Drum until they rot or retire, whichever comes first.’ The man literally spit. ‘Not checking the coin under the table? Unfuckingforgivable.’

Hunter did file the ‘low-key’ expense report, which meant he had gone on Temporary Duty to Hawaii to a SCUBA expo to discover new, potentially useable technology.


On the fourth morning after he’d left the three strangers, Hunter sat on the edge of his pond feeling free and light-hearted. He had purchased the ten acres surrounding him for a mere $11,500 and had paid the $550 to have county water put in. After he had started building his house, according to the rules, he received an address f
rom the Marion County building inspector. His ‘house’ consisted of a tent in which he lived the brief amount of time he was there and a roomy, concrete block shed that contained only his toilet, a sink and a shower. Water was heated by a black, plastic 55-gallon drum sitting on the edge of the southern roof.

He had bought the property in 2001 and called the forestry service out to dig the pond deeper. With the drought going on in the South at the time, Hunter determined himself lucky indeed that he could reshape and resize his pond, giving himself about an acre of flatland that used to be pond bottom back in the days of plentiful, normal rainfall. Since it was directly adjacent to the new pond, Hunter knew the earth itself would remain fairly well hydrated during the summer, so he could grow his vegetables without having to irrigate.

He had stocked the pond from a fish farm in Alabama and he knew that the bait he was currently using was too big, the fish needed a couple more years to grow. Still yet, he cast his rubber baits in with a bobber, occupying himself and meditating happily.

Suddenly, the cell phone went off with ‘Perdido en un Barco’ by Mana and Hunter jumped.


‘Hola, papi. Que mi encuentras en el area siete.’ The phone went dead.

‘Well, hell.’ Hunter said to the non-biting fish, ‘Time to boogey.’

Glad enough for another mission, but sad that he would be leaving his ‘home’ and do-nothing time, he reeled in his line, consolidated the telescopic pole and stashed it in the trunk of his ’93 Mercury Topaz. Going to his tent, he pulled a duffel bag from his flight bag of clean clothes and picked up the pile of dirty clothes stashed in a corner.

Finally with the tent folded up, replaced in its bag and in the trunk of the car, and after replacing the lock on the metal door of the ‘outhouse’, Hunter drove off toward Sarasota, where, being area seven, someone would give him something to do.

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The note was stuck under my windshield wiper blade, and was in Gloria's handwriting. "Come over for dinner tonight...7:30 sharp !!" I finished work, raced home, showered, and sat on the sofa waiting for 7:25. just so I could dash across the yard and arrive on time. I knocked on the front door, and Gloria met me. "Wow...I'm impressd at your punctuality," she laughed, "Come in." She was wearing an orange sleeveless stretch top, a black stretch skirt which ended a bit above her knees, and orange...

2 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 429

Deep Space – The Alien Ship The First Officer approached the blast doors that had sealed at the entrance to the engine room. Reaching to touch his com to ask for entrance, he instead smiled as the doors ponderously slid open before he could key the instrument. Unlike a few Earth weeks prior, every sub-engineer he passed on the way to the Chief’s office, nodded, spoke, or waved to him. One even stopped him to ask about his wound. “Just a graze. The other guys were not so lucky, however,” he...

2 years ago
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My boyhood crush 4

Later at the motel Rose and I lounged around with a lot of touchy, feely and just talking. Rose wanted me to know and understand her feelings and was able feel me out on them by asking me questions and my reaction to her having done a certain thing or had a desire to do so. I was taken by it all in yet at times not understanding how that could be pleasurable to someone. As afternoon faded into evening I had gotten a sexual education for Rose look at what Rose enlightened my world with these...

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The Secret Admirer

The Unknown Caller It was a slow day at the office, and Marvin had slouched down at his cubicle, idly surfing the Web. When his phone began to ring he was almost grateful to be interrupted halfway through the latest listicle. A glance at the call display gave the caller ID as UNKNOWN which seemed strange to Marvin but he was paid to answer the phones after all. "Hello, this is Morgan Mech Annex, Marvin speaking," he rattled off, doing his best to give a phoney cheerfulness to his...

4 years ago
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Georgia goes to University Part 011

by Vanessa Evans Part 11 – Home for Christmas. The next notable event before Christmas was daddy’s company’s dinner and dance that I’d promised to go to with him. Coincidently it was on the Saturday before Christmas and the day after the university semester ended and daddy had sent James down to collect me on the Friday evening. James had used whatever to get the car into the car park below the apartments and he had come up to my apartment. When he knocked on the door I just shouted, “Come...

4 years ago
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One kinky night part 1

It all started late one evening, we sat on the couch watching television cuddled close. She sat so close I could hear her breathing and feel her chest press against mine as her breasts moved with the motion. I slide my hand down towards thighs, rubbing the inside as her nipples began to perk up. She turned her body more towards me and we began to kiss. I unbuttoned her jeans and slid the zipper down. The warmth from her pussy radiated underneath her navy blue panties. She asked me to make her...

2 years ago
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Choot K Bahar Lund Roya

Me resmi 23 saal ki puri gori slim aur sexy hu.Mere bare bare boobs k upar sabki nazar rehti h aur meri gaad ki golae ko kitne log touch karte h.Mera bhai dev mere hi college me h aur woh bhi mere saath bahut enjoy karta h.Me janti hu ki meri saadi kisi aur se hogi lekin mera hone wala husband bhi to kisi k saath galat karta hoga aur kya sirf ladke hi enjoy kar sakte h.Esliye me masti kiya karti hu. Karib 6 baje saam ko bhai kahin gya hua tha.Me tv dekh rhi thi ki achanak mere boyfriend sam ka...

3 years ago
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Me Aur Meri Pyari Bhabhi

Hi friends, aadi once again sorry for unconvinent i can’t publish my story coz of some probs. but now am here . jin logo ne meri pehli ki story nahi padhi unke liye mera name aadi he me junagadh se hu a very cool handsome guy with full of attitude height 5.8. ab aap logo ko aur time na waaste karte me apne story pe aa jata hu baat 1k week pehle ki he me apne farm house pe gaya tha waha bahot sare guest aye hue the me capri daal k gaya tha muje pata nahin tha ki guest aaye hue the muje...

4 years ago
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Weekend Fantasy Part 2

Our sex life definitely perked up after that first weekend away, with sex happening more frequently and more often instigated by my wife - I had certainly awakened something in her and often caught her with a smirk on her face, if I asked her what she was thinking about she would say 'revenge'. The Saturday before our next weekend away my wife announced that we would not be partaking in any sexual activities that week, and made me promise that I would not play with myself either - she knew this...

2 years ago
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Horror at Castle VagnorChapter 11

She awoke to rivulets of warm fluid cascading down her body. The four men were standing over her urinating on her face and body. She closed her eyes as tightly as possible and her fingers dug into the soft earth as Adrienne's despair deepened with each moment in which this sadistic insanity continued. "Ready to do assss the Massster wishessss?" asked Lars. "Never, never in a thousand years!" Trying to show defiance, she felt she had suffered all the indignity possible and she was...

2 years ago
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Me And My Hot Bhabhi Sarita 8211 Part 2

Hello ISS readers. I hope you all have enjoyed reading the previous of this story. This is continuation how Sarita bhabhi and I continued to explore our sexual world. This story has a twist which you guys will learn as you read this story. Before I start the story I want to inform you this story is pure fiction. There is no character which is real. The story continues with Sarita and me having sex whenever bhaiya used to go for his business tours. I realized she was quite happy to be with me....

1 year ago
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Father Time IV Final Harvest

Miriam could not contain her nervousness over the events that were to transpire. Adam, for his part, showed great tenderness and compassion toward Miriam. Although shy by nature, Miriam was already in a state of excitement, mentally reliving the acts that she had watched Siren and Adam compete. Without preamble, Miriam stood and shook off her Lab coat, to reveal her fully nude body. Miriam had always been somewhat self conscious about her physical appearance, specifically about her breasts....

2 years ago
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Helping my Grandad part 2

Hi after Silva had helped Sergei seal the contract with Vladimir by fucking him Sergei took his grandaughter out for a meal then they ended up in bed together .As Sergei lay in bed he had a thought we make a great team he woke Silva and told her .You work with me and i will forget about the money you owe me that sounds good Silva said ok we are now a team as she got between Sirgeis legs and sucked his cock . Next morning Sergei had a call from his contact in Uganda who told him the minister is...

3 years ago
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After Corona In The DormsChapter 7

Warmth. Slickness. Pressure. Friction. Movement. Grasping. Breathing. Groaning. Sounds. Smells. Straining. Release. Sundering. Sex was overwhelming. Diane and I quickly realized we were both virgins, and yet had both watched porn and read books. So while we both knew what was required, it took a while for us to get to it. I don’t know how to describe it, but I imagine every other person or couple had gone through their first time in a similar state. We figured it out. First, we just held...

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Older people need love to0

A loss and then I move. It had been a rollercoaster ride for the last eighteen months. I had been trying to talk the wife into retiring and moving back to the Midwest where we had both been born and raised. We were both in our mid-fifties and it was time to slow down I kept telling her. One afternoon suddenly her diabetes went totally berserk and we rushed her to the hospital. The doctors did everything they could but she passed away three days later. The next month was a...

2 years ago
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Lost ToysChapter 20 Excitement

Tiffany Luck – Thursday, June 25th, 2015 I held Raena’s hand, not knowing whose was shaking. She knocked on the door. I licked my lips and wobbled as I nervously tapped my foot. My heels were way too tall. “Hey,” Matthew opened the door with a big smile, “You two look lovely. Are the boys all set up?” “Matthew, bring the girls inside,” The angel, Gwendolyn, stepped up on Matthew’s left and laid her hand on his shoulder. I looked up and down the corridor but it was empty. He took Raena’s...

1 year ago
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EuroGirlsOnGirls Sasha Rose Ania Kinski Boyfriend Makes BFF Bombshells Sasha Rose and Ania Kinski Fuck with Remote Controller

After not seeing each other for a couple of years, Brunette Bombshells Sasha Rose and Ania Kinski are ecstatic to be chatting with one another at Sasha’s home. While they sip their cocktails, the two exchange compliments, discuss activities that they can do in the following days, and ask about each other’s families. Suddenly, Ania’s boyfriend presses a button on the remote, and the pair of women are overcome with the desire to fuck each other. Giving in to their overwhelming feelings,...

2 years ago
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Mama Ki Beti Ki Naukri

Hi, I am Raja. Main engineering karta hu. Mera last year chal raha hai. Aaj tak meri koi bhi girlfriend nahi hai. Main simple sa ladka hu Mere mama ki beti Mina bahut hi sundar aur sushil hai. Padhai mein bhi excellent hai. Main aur woh bahut hi acche dost hai bachpan se. Magar ab bahut din baad us se mila hu woh bhi ek family ke shadi mein. Bahut hi sundar ho gayi hai aur uski umar bhi 21 saal ki hi hai. Mere mama farmer hai. Mere engineering ke 4 year mein hi Mina ne sarkari naukri nikal di....

3 years ago
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My first glimpse of lesbian mom

I have never been someone who falls asleep quickly or effortlessly. My mind tends to run wind in an aimless, puroposeless, free-for-all. Nothing is sought and nothing is resolved. It has always been that way, as far back as I can remember. I am still just in my late teens, so it's not that far back that I must remember - and it was certainly still the case a few short years ago. All of that is simply a roundabout way of telling you why I'd be out of bed at 11:30 on a school night. I live...

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Vengeful fuck 2 Con clusion

James was watching from the recliner and stroking his enormous penis called out 'Blake, make that bitch howl.' Blake slammed into me like I was nothing, I screamed as loud as I could and reached up behind my head and grabbed Blake's head in both my hands. Blake lowered his head and bit gently at my neck as he continued to punish my defenseless ass. For the next hour Blake grind and humped into my butt, James stroked his cock continuously from the recliner. I was going crazy from lustful pain,...

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Cuckoldry Descent in Older Age Chapter 5

Chapter 5: Cuckold at last – meeting the new reality ...Story so far: Chris has finally become a subservient cuckold, this happening soon after Mandy saw the video of his submission to Xena and Pam. Mandy might have been able to have accept the fact that he was a sexual midget, despite Xena’s insistent coaching to the contrary. But her disgust at Chris' weak-willed, self-debasing behavior with Xena made up her mind for her. She would now be inviting in men that excited her, and who had the...

1 year ago
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Immortal Sins Part three

Max “Gone? Where will you go?” I ask, as I stand in the doorway to Ella’s kitchen. She looks at me and shrugs her shoulders. “I don’t know yet. Wherever life takes me, I guess.” I couldn’t stand the thought of not seeing her. I couldn’t stand the thought of being left alone. I have to convince her to stay. A desperate surge comes over me and I walk up to her as she takes a sip of her water. She stares at me warily as I approach her but doesn’t back away. She likes a challenge. I can see...

2 years ago
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Is This Just the Beginning

It’s been building up for quite some time now. It seems that from day one there’s been this connection, this sensual joining at the proverbial hip. Whatever I’m into, she seems to be right there with me. A person who loves freely: check Taking care of oneself by religiously working out: check. Embracing the importance of staying true to yourself: check. Being diligent to eat healthy: check. Investing in relationships as a major priority in life: check. Loves to talk and laugh: check. ...

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Erotic Sex With Akanksha My Girlfriend

Hello friends……mai hu Akash[name changed]….mai aj apko apni ex girlfriend Akanksha[real name] k sath apne sex ki kahaani btaane ja rha hun……ummeed hai ap achha response doge…. mai Dehradun k selakui town me rehta hu Akanksha b yahi ek chhota sa village hai dhoolkot waha rehti hai.ab uske bare me kya kahu she is just gorgeous……log uski tareef krte ni thakte kayi ldko ne use propose b kiya but wo fansi mujse hi……ab seedhe story pe aata hu…hm dono yahi k ek english skul Shivalik Academy me pdte...

4 years ago
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Danny Phantom CYOEA

Intro to Danny Phantom CYOEA Welcome! This story assumes a knowledge of the Danny Phantom cartoon. Just a friendly heads up. This story takes place post- Ultimate Enemy. Danny & Company are in their final year of high school and are of age. And to start this up, let's choose a character to play as. A preexisting character if at all possible, please. Danny Phantom & Company belong to Butch Hartman. We're only borrowing them...

3 years ago
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DuetChapter 3

The chips weren't quite as crisp as they would have been earlier, and the fish's batter was stuck like glue to the butcher's paper. After few minutes, dressed haphazardly, our girls came out and we all ate our slightly soggy fish and chips together. They were looking like they were feeling guilty about something. Gae and I ignored it all and just ate the food. Stale chish and fips are vastly improved by additional lashings of dead horse and ginevar, especially when they're stale.* Next...

1 year ago
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My first time with a man

I just turned 21 and went to PT for the day is a small town on Cape Cod that I never been to. So after walking around for 4 hours checking out the stores and site seeing I stop at pub for a cold beer before I drive back home. This older man sat beside talking sports he end up buying me another beer so I stayed and figure whats one more beer. Well 2 beers lead into 8 and a few shots Neil was 58 from Rhode Island he was built well for 58 grey bread he new his sports and at this point it was 9pm I...

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Hindsight 2020 Book 2Chapter 29

We were all going to the meeting, but Shawna and Annie would only be joining us for a brief time while Beth, John, and I'd be there all afternoon. We showed up for a buffet lunch. It was a casual affair, and everyone left the coats and ties at home. We had all been together the night before, so there was no urgency to see or talk to anyone. After lunch, we gathered in the large conference room, I introduced Shawna and William Timmons, and gave a description about what they did for us. Mr....

1 year ago
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Fingering a friends wife true story

This is the first time I've tried writing so please bear with me. This happened about ten years ago and it's a true story. I was in the military and stationed on a small base in "Nowhere USA" - it was more like a small town because there was really nothing near it. It was good for hunting and fishing but pretty boring otherwise - lots of gossip and nosey neighbors but not much else. The one good thing was the club on the base that we all used to go to on weekends to party and let off steam. ...

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