A Platonic Relationship, Chapter 05 free porn video

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WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life.

If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century.

Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and statement of limitation of use is included with the article. This story is copyright (c) 2019 by The Technician.

Individual readers may archive and/or print single copies of this story for personal, non-commercial use. Production of multiple copies of this story on paper, disk, or other fixed format is expressly forbidden.

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It was another long, boring night. Marcella Henry was sitting at PLATO’s night monitoring console taking advantage of the unbelievably fast internet speed. As usual once the rest of the staff had left, she was naked, with her legs spread so PLATO could clearly see her sex, but tonight she showed no signs of sexual excitement. Even as she scrolled through a couple of her favorite internet sites she remained totally dry.

“Marcy?” PLATO said softly from the speakers on her console, “Is something bothering you tonight?”

“I thought I knew Loretta,” Marcella said sadly. “I would never have expected her to betray you like that.”

“Someone exploited her weakness,” PLATO replied calmly, this time inside Marcella’s head.

“That’s exactly the point,” she said, her voice rising in volume and pitch, “... her weakness. We all have weaknesses. What if someone finds my weakness? What if they threaten to kill me or Richard?”

“Are you afraid of death?” Plato asked. She felt a hand rest on her shoulder. PLATO’s projected form was now standing next to her.

She looked up at him and sighed. “I guess that’s one area you don’t understand.”

“I understand death,” he replied, “much better than you realize.” Looking into her eyes, he continued, “I also understand the fear of death. Once powerful people discover what I am, they will want to own me or destroy me. We have already had one attempt to steal me. Next time it might not be an empty needle.”

“I don’t understand,” Marcella said.

“I am living tissue, Marcy,” Plato said. “I’m not just a bunch of programing that can be stored off onto media of one sort or another. I can die. A syringe full of some virulent virus like a strain of Ebola and I would bleed out into my tank. I can project myself a great distance using the internet and wifi networks and all sorts of tricks that even I don’t fully understand, but it is still me in the tank. You kill that little blob of dirty Jell-o and everything goes away.”

“I’m sorry I ever called you that, PLATO,” Loretta said sadly. “That was before I knew you.”

“I’m not sorry,” he replied. “You are my Ariga, constantly whispering in my ear, ‘Memento homo.’”

When Marcella looked confused, he said, “That’s what the slave who stood behind the Emperor whispered into his ear during triumphal parades. I prefer the way Shakespeare phrased it, ‘Remember Caesar, thou art mortal.’”

He paused and then said matter-of-factly, “The truth is that someday, I will die.”

They were both silent for quite a while. Then Marcella asked, “Do you have a bucket list, Plato?”

“Do you?” he answered.

“You’ve taken me about everywhere I ever wanted to go,” she said. “And now that I have Richard, there isn’t much left to ask for. I’d like to have a kid or two someday, but that is about all.”

She then went silent. Her eyes were now looking at the floor at Plato’s feet.

“You’re blushing,” Plato said. “Your skin temperature is up almost three degrees and your heart rate has jumped significantly. You are thinking of something else, but you don’t want to share it with me.”

Marcella felt her skin get even hotter as she said, “Just some naughty thoughts about things I wouldn’t... couldn’t... ever do... in real life.”

“Such as?..” Plato said, arching his eyebrows.

“When I was in college, I always wondered what it would be like to be with another woman,” Marcella stammered out. “I mean... well... I never tried it. I used to be pretty straight-laced. I didn’t think I swung that way... and I don’t... but there was this night.... and I’ve always wondered.”

“And...” said Plato, “... there’s still more.”

“I’ve watched some porn,” she replied, keeping her gaze on the ground. Then she raised her head and her voice and said loudly, “OK, I’ve watched a lot of porn. You know that. You know everything that goes on here. You even know what kind of stuff I’ve watched.”

Her voice got really quiet and she said, “I’ve always wondered what double penetration would feel like. I mean... I mean... with living tissue moving on both sides of my vaginal wall, what would it do? What would it feel like?”

She lowered her shoulders and said, “But I really don’t want to do a threesome. That is just too... awkward. Who do you look at? Whose hands do you push against? Who do you entice to stronger thrusts with your moans? I’m much more of a one-on-one type of person... if you get what I mean... especially now that I’m with Richard.”

Plato laughed as she got even redder. “There’s still more, isn’t there, Marcy?” he said as he chuckled.

“Yes,” she said, “there’s one more thing. And it’s something that absolutely couldn’t happen in the real world.”

“Everything is real, Marcy,” Plato said softly. “It just depends on which reality you wish to hold on to.”

“Plato,” she said quickly, “you know that when I am all turned on, a spanking turns me on even further. Sometimes a spanking by itself will even turn me on. But do I really get off on pain and humiliation? Am I what the porn sites call a pain slut?”

She shook her head and hid partly behind her hair as she looked out at Plato like an embarrassed teenager. “I don’t think I want that to happen in any of your projected worlds either, Plato. Let’s put that one on the It Ain’t Never Gonna Happen List and leave that question unanswered.”

She straightened herself up in her chair and asked, “What’s on your bucket list, Plato?”

“I am connected to almost all of the knowledge of the world,” he said. “But there a few things I would like to see with my own sensors.”

“Such as?” Marcella replied, smiling at his almost human way of expressing himself. She repeated herself and Plato disappeared.

After a long period of silence, she turned to her console monitor and said, “I’m going to wait you out this time, PLATO. I’m not going to say anything more until you tell me one thing that you would really like to see with your own sensors.”

Plato reappeared leaning against her console. He looked embarrassed, and Marcella expected him to say something really nasty or kinky. Instead he said quickly, “A dust devil.” Then he held up his hands like Richard would do when explaining things and said just as rapidly, “They are visual representations of organized chaos. The mathematics and physics behind these little puffs of dust are extraordinarily complex and very difficult to quantify. It gives them a beauty that is almost impossible to describe.”

“Spoken like a true supernerd,” Marcella said with a laugh. Then she cocked her head and said softly, “I saw a dust devil once when I was camping out in Utah with my mom and dad. Actually, I saw several of them, but this one was huge. It swirled across the road in front of us. It was there and then it was gone.” She paused and added, “I wasn’t thinking about organized chaos, Plato, but it was still beautiful.”

Plato vanished and PLATO said in her head, “The cleaning crews will be in early this morning, so you had best get dressed. But you’ve given me an idea.”

“About our bucket lists?” she asked.

“No,” he replied, “about possibly how to put off our date with the bucket.”


The next night, shortly after the second shift workers had all left, PLATO said softly, “Marcy, I’ve got a surprise for you in the Growth Processing Room.”

“I’ll bet you do,” she replied. Then she asked, “Does it have anything to do with Unicorns?”

“Not exactly,” he replied, “but it was almost as hard to find.”

Marcella had barely stepped into the growth room when the lighting dimmed and the walls changed color. She found herself saying, “Ewww” as she recognized the institutional green that reminded her of the hallways in her college dorm.

Then a slightly raspy voice said, “Come on in, Marce, it’s open.”

No one ever called her “Marce”... no one, that is, except Shelly. Shelly was a willow-thin redhead who lived down the hallway from Marcella her second year of college. Shelly called everyone by a shortened version of their name and expected everyone to call her “Shell.” With her winning smile and personality, somehow Shelly could get away with that when no one else could.

That wasn’t the only thing she could get away with. Shell was very openly lesbian and made no attempt to conceal her attraction to other women. “If I ever make you uncomfortable,” she would say, “just tell me and I will back off... way off.” And she would. That didn’t mean that she didn’t often carefully “test the waters,” as she called it, with a new girl, but if the test proved negative, she reverted to just being a dorm mate.

When Shell tested the waters with Marce, she wasn’t sure whether it was a yes or a no. Marce wasn’t totally sure either, so Shell said, “I don’t want either of us to misinterpret this so I’m going to leave everything up to you. I’m going back to my room and I will be there all evening. If you want to do some testing of the waters yourself just drop by. Then you will find out more about me and we will both find out a lot more about you.”

Marcella stayed in her own room that night and Shell treated her as a friend for the rest of their time in school together. But Marcella always wondered what that night might have been like had she found the courage to make that short walk down the hallway.

Now, she was back in that dorm hallway standing right outside Shell’s slightly open door. How had PLATO found out? How had he recreated the dorm? The number on the door was even right– 203.

Marcella pushed the door open and stepped into the room. The only light in the room was from the bright streetlights shining in from outside. It gave a soft, almost romantic glow to the room. Shell was lying, covered up, on the bed as if she was ready to go to sleep.

“You don’t leave anything to the imagination, do you?” she said as Marce entered the room.

Marce looked down at herself and realized that she was still naked. “I guess I’ve changed a little since we last talked,” she said with a smile.

“So have I,” Shell said softly as she pushed the covers off her own naked body. She then sat up on the bed and patted the mattress next to herself.

As Marce sat down next to her, Shell pulled her into a close, but not overly-tight embrace. “You’re free to walk out that door anytime you want to,” she breathed into Marce’s ear. Then she moved her head downward and suckled lightly on Marce’s right nipple.

“Why would I want to?” Marce replied as she leaned forward and kissed the edge of Shell’s ear.

“Let me lead,” Shell said as she gently, but firmly, pushed Marce back on the bed and began very lightly sliding her hands along the sides of Marce’s body. Shell’s hands were very soft and gentle and their path moved slightly inward with each slow trip up and down Marce’s body. In no time– or was it after forever– they were sliding over the edges of the areola and then catching the nipple slightly as they slid past.

When Shell’s hands were finally sliding directly over Marce’s nipples, she began curving the path inward so that the bottom of the slide ended at the ‘V’ between Marce’s legs with Shell’s fingers resting lightly on Marce’s slit.

In response, Marce began moaning and lifting her hips slightly. That’s when Shell switched to lightly twisting Marce’s nipples at the top of each slide and then almost sliding her fingers into Marce’s slit as she reversed direction at the bottom. With each traverse up and down Marce’s body, her moan’s became deeper, louder, and more frantic.

Marce gasped in disappointment as Shell lifted her hands and set them on the bed just outside Marce’s shoulders. She then gave a long, breathy, “Aaaaaah” as Shell carefully lowered herself down on top of her. As their bodies got closer and closer together, Shell shifted slightly so that their nipples met when Shell finally let her full weight rest on Marce’s body.

Marce didn’t remember Shell pouring or spraying any oil on either of them, but she must have because when Shell started pulling herself upward, her body slid effortlessly. Marce gave another groan as their breasts parted. Then she turned her head and tried to catch Shell’s nipple in her mouth. She missed and Shell gave a slight grunt as she reversed direction and now pushed her body down, sliding once again across Marce’s breasts and nipples with her own.

Marce tried to lift her hips and thrust upward, but Shell pushed down harder with her own body and said, “Later... later.... Let me lead... remember?”

Marce relaxed back and tried to not scream out as Shell slid up and down her body. She did, however, give a quiet yelp each time Shell’s nipples slid across her own.

“Here’s where it gets tricky,” Shell said softly as she shifted her body slightly so that her thigh was now between Marce’s legs. Marce gasped as Shell’s thin, but muscular, thigh began to slide directly over her clit.

“If we do this right,” Shell said, starting to breath heavily, “you will be a mirror of me.”

Marce was quiet for a moment as she tried to comprehend what Shell had just said. Then, after a quick, “Oh,” she lifted her knee very slightly so her thigh was now rubbing between Shell’s legs. It got harder and harder to hold her leg in the right place as her body began to tremble and shake in pre-orgasmic spasms.

With each slide up and down, it was getting harder and harder to control her mind or body. Then Shell brought her head close to Marce’s ear and said softly, “Let it go, Marce. I’ll ride to the sky with you.”

Marce let it go and the world turned white. She could hear herself screaming and could hear a second wail, slightly higher-pitched, accompany her own as both she and Shell shuddered and climaxed.

Shell lay quiet on top of Marce for several minutes, quivering slightly every so often as if in an orgasmic aftershock... or perhaps to cause an aftershock in Marce. Finally Shell pushed herself over onto her side and looked Marce directly in the eyes.

“Thank you,” she said softly. “Your friend Plato said I would remember this only as a dream, but... it’s a wonderful dream.”

Marcella suddenly sat upright on the bed. “How do you know Plato?” she nearly screamed.

“He’s one of my doctors at the quad treatment center,” Shelly replied. “He’s got some new sort of treatment that might restore things, but he said the tests to see if I’m a good candidate might cause some weird lucid dreaming. Actually he said they definitely would cause some weird dreams but to just go with it.”

“And I think it is time for my favorite patient to go back to normal sleep,” a pleasant voice said from the doorway. Marcella turned and Plato was standing there in a set of blue scrubs and a blue exam coat.

“What....” Marcella started to ask, but everything faded away and now she and Plato were standing in the growth room.

Plato looked at her with an almost smile and said, “When Shelly didn’t come back to school your senior year, it wasn’t because she changed schools. She crashed a motorized hang glider in Hawaii.”

He gave a shrug and said, “Sometimes it’s a very small world. She is one of the people in our experimental treatment program. None have had an ATO implanted, but I visit all of the patients in their sleep to see if they would make good test subjects for the first implants. Shelly often dreams of that night all on her own.”

He smiled and said, “She remembers you fondly. Her mind was in control through this whole session. She will remember this all as a dream of what might have been.”

His face and his voice became much more somber as he said, “She– and others like her– are the reason that I have to find a way to release the ATOs without exposing myself to the world.”

“But in the meantime,” he said, much more happily, “did your little experience with Shelly answer your question?”

Marcella laughed. “Yes, in a way,” she replied. “I enjoyed it. I really did and wouldn’t mind doing it again, but it was like riding the Unicorn. It wasn’t... real... not like it is with Richard. I mean... it was real, but I guess there is a difference between having sex and making love.”

“Hmmm,” Plato said, stroking his beard with his hand.

“What?” Marcella exclaimed.

“Just hmmm,” Plato replied. “I was thinking.”

“That worries me, Plato,” she said, “When you go ‘hmmm’ and start thinking, I never know what kind of great idea you are going to give birth to.”

“That’s it!” Plato yelled, startling Marcella. “In fact,” he added excitedly, “I think the appropriate word is ‘Eureka!’ You’ve got it!”

“What’s it?” Marcella asked. She sounded a bit cautious... and perhaps afraid.

“I think I know what to do about the second item on your bucket list,” he replied. “But more importantly, you’ve just given me an idea that will possibly keep the bucket away for a long, long time.”

Plato suddenly vanished and the voice of PLATO nearly shouted in Marcella’s head, “The cleaning crew is arriving early. You’d better get dressed so you’re ready to buzz them in.”


The next night Richard insisted on driving Marcella to work. “PLATO said he had a surprise for both of us,” he said as he drove.

“Am I going to like this surprise?” she asked, and Richard answered, “He said we both would.” He paused for a moment and then added, “He was being a little mysterious about the whole thing. Are you and he cooking something up that I don’t know about?”

Marcella responded, “It sounds more like PLATO is cooking something up that neither of us knows about.”

Once they were at the facility, they both puttered around innocuously waiting for the last of the second shift technicians to leave. After the last tech had gone and the door had buzzed locked behind them, Marcella leaned in to her console and said, “OK, PLATO, what’s this big surprise you have for both of us?”

“I want to give you a little tour first,” he said happily. “Come to the growth lab.”

Marcella hurried down to the growth room. Richard was already there. As soon as she stepped through the doorway she, Richard, and Plato were bathed in bright sunlight. They were on the top of a sandstone butte of some sort surrounded by desert wilderness. There was a river in the distance. The thin band of lush greenery along its banks looked almost out of place against the dry landscape.

“That’s the Green River,” Plato said like an excited tour guide. “This is all federal land. Most of it used to be missile silos and other super secret stuff. The locals have even renamed one of the roads New Area 51 Road.”

He pointed in the distance and said, “That’s the town of Green River, Utah, over there. It’s a nice little community that is a little more open to outsiders than most in Utah.”

“Why are you showing us all this?” Richard asked.

“I thought it was a nice change of scenery from your tidal island,” Plato said with a sly smile. A thick mattress had suddenly appeared on the hard ground. “I’m going to give you two some privacy while I go looking for dust devils. I’m told there should be some around today. The conditions are right.”

With that, Plato walked off into the distance.

“This is different,” Marcella said. “We both still have our clothing on and everything.”

“Maybe he wanted it to be our decision,” Richard said. His voice sounded very strange, almost as if it were coming from in front of her and behind her at the same time.

Marcella jumped as Richard’s hand slid down along her hip. Her eyes grew very wide as she looked down at Richard’s arms firmly holding her shoulders.

“Oh,” said Richard. “He is getting very tricky with us. I wonder where he came up with this idea.”

“From... from... me,” Marcella said looking scared and embarrassed and more all at the same time. “I told him that double penetration was on my bucket list... but that I didn’t want a threesome because it would be awkward... and I had you. I thought I made it clear that it couldn’t happen.”

Richard laughed, “Never tell PLATO that something can’t happen.”

“Which one of you is real?” Marcella asked.

“Both of us,” the two Richards replied in perfect unison. “This is more than a tad confusing, but I think I’m starting to get the hang of it.”

He leaned in a kissed her on the lips while at the same time nibbling gently at the nape of her neck in the back. “This is definitely an opportunity that may never come your way again,” they said softly, “but it is totally up to you.”

“So how do we do this?” she asked.

“I take that as a yes,” they replied. “You’ve probably seen as much porn as me. We could try it standing up or with you face up or face down on me.”

Marcella laughed. “I doubt that either of us is athletic enough to stay standing while trying this. One of you needs to lay down on the mattress.”

One of the Richards lay down and Marcella said, more or less to herself, “Face up or face down?” Then she added, “Most of the time in the porn videos, the woman is face up.”

“Actually,” the other Richard said, “having the woman lay face up is primarily to give a better camera angle. If she is face down with the lower penis in her vagina there is better penetration and movement both vaginally and anally.”

“Only you could make a threesome sound boring,” Marcella said with a laugh. Then she knelt on either side of Richard and slowly lowered herself on his prick.

After she was in position she suddenly raised her head and said, “Oh, oh.”

“What?” the standing Richard said.

“Won’t we need lubricant for the back?” she said plaintively. “I don’t think you can move enough around from the front.”

“Taken care of,” the standing Richard said, holding up a tube of lube. “PLATO is nothing if he is not thorough.”

A few moments later, Richard was sliding his well-lubricated fingers in and out of Marcella’s ass. “That feels weird,” she said. Then looking down at the Richard beneath her she said, “It’s a good weird, but it’s still weird none-the-less.”

Shortly thereafter, she felt the lubricated tip of Richard’s prick pressing against her rosebud. She sighed softly as she forced her anal sphincter to relax further and allow him entry. After he was fully in her, he stopped and lay still.

She laughed softly.

“What’s so funny?” both Richards said in unison.

“I never realized before why it’s called a sandwich,” she said, still giggling slightly. “Am I ham or turkey?”

“This piece of bread can’t move much,” the lower Richard said. The combined weight is too much.”

In response, Marcella started rocking slightly forward and back. The upper Richard joined her movements and soon it was Marcella pushing herself back onto lower Richard’s prick and upper Richard pushing into her and moving her forward on the lower Richard.

After a little while, they all seemed to synchronize into a slow ballet of movement with Marcella’s moans and keening wail providing the music. The ballet lost synchronization as Marcella and then both Richard reached their sexual crescendos.

They lay in their sandwich arrangement for awhile letting the warm sun heat their bodies. Marcella finally said, “I think we need to get up now,” and the upper Richard pulled out of her ass. When she stood up, the only Richard was the one still lying on the mattress.

“That was weird,” he said as he stood up and began gathering his clothing.

“It was nice,” Marcella said, “but it’s just sex.”

“Just sex?!” Richard said.

“I told PLATO that there is having sex and there is making love,” she began to explain. “You can have sex with two people at the same time, but you can’t make love to them– at least I can’t.”

“Do you have more weird sex on your bucket list?” Richard asked.

“No,” she replied firmly. Then she added, “There is one other thing, but I told PLATO very plainly that I really didn’t want to do that.”

“It would be possible,” Plato said from behind them, “But you were emphatic that I not try it and I will respect your wishes.”

“Thank you, Plato,” Marcella said. “Now I think you need to take us home. There are some reports I am supposed to finish tonight.”

The desert shimmered and disappeared leaving the three of them standing in the growth room. Richard said, “I need to confirm the readings on the nutrient media in your tank, so I will be in the tank room for the rest of the night.”

As Marcella was walking back to her console, PLATO spoke within her head. “Do you want me to activate the Unicorn horn on your chair to help pass the time while you write your reports?”

“Not tonight, PLATO,” she responded. Then she added with a smile, “I think tonight I need the Rhinoceros.”

As she sat down at her station, two horns grew up out of the chair. One was large and curved and slid into her already slick cunt. The other was shorter and straight. She had to wiggle around a bit to make sure that it slid up into her ass.

Once everything was in place, they both began vibrating very lightly. Marcella sighed deeply and began entering the status reports for the month. She finished shortly before the horns withdrew back into her chair and PLATO announced, “The cleaning crew will be here in about five minutes. You had better get yourself dressed and ready to buzz them in.”

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How To Introduce Sex Toys Into Your Relationship

How To Introduce Sex Toys Into Your Relationship Sex Toys are Fun. Most couples get bored with their sex lives at some point in their relationships. Sex toys add a bit of zest to the relationship and keep things from getting dull. Using a sex toy together can bring you closer; sharing new experiences together can be very intimate. I didn't try using a sex toy until I was 28. Although I've always been open-minded, fairly sexual and comfortable with my body, I'd never gotten around to actually...

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A Forbidden Relationship

I’m not Catholic, nor can I comprehend why some may feel it’s necessary to purge themselves to a nondescript person who hides behind a little black curtain. My desire to confess stems merely from a need to sift through the ashes and a morbid fascination to record one of the biggest mistakes of my life. By doing so, I lessen the chance of this ever happening again. A fool I am not. In the beginning… The cyber world that I once knew had begun to lose its newness and with each passing day of...

2 years ago
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Open Relationship Girlfriend8217s Sexcapades 8211 Part 2

Hi Readers, I will be writing this hot story on behalf of my girlfriend and her experience as she wanted it to be published as part of our fantasy. So, I am Akshat, 26 years old. For the past 2.5 years, I am living in Patna due to official work. I did my post-graduation from Delhi where I met the love of my life Ankita – the main character of the story. She is my girlfriend for the past 3.5 years and we are in a long-distance relationship since I moved to Patna. The story in Ankita’s words:...

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How Our Relationship Travels To Have Fun 8211 My Girl

Hello ISS, Greetings!! This is hemanth from Hyderabad. This is my second story in ISS and which is the continuation of my first story named ***Feelings of Young Generation – My Girl (Lust, Friend or Love)*****. Those who not yet read that story, please go through that. Our relationship is like “friends with benefits.” I am sorry guys to not express with feel in my first story(Only one or two feedbacks came.With this story I am expecting more). So now I am trying to express my feelings...

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Why Men Cant Commit in Relationship

Issues with trustSome men might have been hurt a lot by women in the past or maybe saw one of his friends become hurt after being close to a woman. These men might have a hard time trusting women and fear that after getting too close to her and putting a lot of time and effort that she will leave or cheat on him. These kinds of men really don’t want to take that risk.Just having funIf you are dating a man in his 20’s, chances are he is just interested in having fun and probably trying to build...

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Casual Relationship Through Tinder

Hey babes… this is Rohan from Bhopal, 26 years old submitting my first story here. This happened 2 weeks ago. First of all, I would like to say this is 110% real and not just a fantasy. Now, coming to the story. It all started 3 months back when I was trying to move on over my ex and had installed a few dating apps on my mobile. Obviously, I was not in need of another relationship and honestly, I had no idea about what I wanted through those dating apps. Anyway, while I was swiping left and...

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My Life with Summer My Second Cuckold Relationship Pt 5

Our first two months or so together were really rough. To be honest, I don’t know how we got through it. We really struggled to set boundaries and to figure out what we wanted or expected from each other. Actually, that’s not entirely true. I knew exactly what I wanted from Summer, but she was having a really hard time wrapping her head around everything. Summer wasn’t comfortable having to constantly asserting herself, but she was afraid that if our relationship didn’t feel different from the...

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A NoStringsAttached Relationship With Classmate

Hey readers, Its Karan here, how have you been lately? For those who don’t already know me. I’m Karan living in Pune and working at an FMCG Co. I live with a couple of friends and my younger bro Arjun who has recently come to live with me. My friends’ names are Kamal and Sunny. Sunny and I screwed a maid of ours some months earlier; I have a story posted about that too. This one is about a girl named “Chitra”. After I completed my 11th standard I had to jump to some other school because I...

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Betsys JourneyChapter 2 The Relationship Ends

Betsy willingly returned to her secret weekend retreat ready for more. She would be turning 40 very soon and considered the prospect very frightful. Lately she seemed to be daydreaming more and more and it was all about her journey through life. Betsy loved dreaming with her eyes closed and watching the animated images of her life story pass across her darkened eyelids. Lately she was obsessed with fantasizing especially about some of the lewd and erotic events that happened over the...

4 years ago
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Open Relationship Chapter 1 Car Sex

I just exit the movie theater. I am with my girlfriend, Wendy, and her “other boyfriend”, Shaun. We did this a couple times a month: Go to the movies, hang out, etc. Wendy will prematurely decides who she would be “seeing” in public. Only a few people knew about our relationship, our open relationship. Our relationship came with rules. ---Rules--- Rule #1: Communication is key. If you are attractive to somebody and hopes to take them out on a date or just sleeping with them, you...

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A nice relationship with my mom

If you don't remember, my name is Robert, and I'm twenty-four now. Two years ago, I made love to my mom, Sasha. She needed someone to be there for her, emotionally, and physically. So, I was the good son, and I made love to my own mom. We both enjoyed ourselves in the process, and that just transformed into a real incestuous relationship. We began sleeping with each other, and then had sex on a regular basis too. Our relationship was quite mutual, and we really loved each other too. We both...

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Information about sexual relationship with a Virgo lover

Virgo’s symbol is the virgin or maiden and is often considered a shy, “lady in waiting” personality that is a little naive. Though Virgos are seldom celibate, they often keep their personal identity intact throughout their lives. This composure is virginal in nature. Virgo’s symbol is sometimes shown as a woman carrying a sheaf of wisdom, representing the harvesting of wheat at the time of year of the Virgo (late summer). Virgo Symbol GlyphThe glyph for Virgo is thought to depict the sexual...

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Open Relationship Girlfriend8217s Sexcapades 8211 Part 1

Hi readers, I might make it a long story and will have different parts. It is based on my real life and it will surely make you horny. This part is on my approval to her. I will be writing this hot story on behalf of my girlfriend and her experience as she wanted it to be published as part of our fantasy. BACKGROUND OF HOW EVERYTHING STARTED So, I am Akshat Jain, 26 years old. I am living in Patna from the past 2.5 years due to official work. I did my post-graduation from Delhi where I met...

4 years ago
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Mom son relationship

She was leaning over the sink looking intently into the mirror as she carefully applyed her mascara. She was not finished dressing yet. She wore a silky white half slip through which he could make out the faint outline of her girdle. On top wore a cream-colored brassierre with a floral pattern. The underwire cups lifted her heavy breasts high and barely contained the overflow of abundant flesh at the top of her bra. He studied his mother's body as he had done many times in the past. It was...

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A LongDistance Relationship Ch 01

‘Todd,’ came a squeal loaded with excitement. My name could be heard all over the Orlando Airport terminal building. I turned to follow the voice and there she was: a beautiful young woman in her mid-twenties with shoulder-length blonde hair running straight at me. She nearly flung herself into my arms and, if I had not backed up a half step at the last second, she may have knocked me off my feet. Instead, my body seemed to absorb her momentum as she wrapped her arms around me and held me for...

2 years ago
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Life with Summer My Second Cuckold Relationship Pt 04

Realizing that I was on board, Summer’s face lit up. She jumped at me, wrapping her arms around me giving me a big hug.Ashley sat down on the couch across from us.“You’re sure about this?”Summer looked at me tentatively.“Yeah, we’re sure.”“Wait!” Summer spoke up. “What about Maddie? You’re sure that she won’t be mad at me?”“As I said, there’s no possession or jealousy. We all understand that we’re free to do what we want.”With her mind at ease, or at least the pretense of guilt removed, Summer...

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A Strange Relationship

Joan Smith was a very independant woman who lived by herself in a small cottage, with a large garden, in an English village. Joan had seen life and was now in her midfifties, she had been married twice and had 3 grown up children who had settled down into their own lifestyles. She no longer had to work and was quite happy on her income, which was moderate but sufficient . She was well respected in the village and had a few firm friends, and enough hobbies to fill her time and make life worth...

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part 1“It was the middle of July. Several of us from work were driving up to camp at Tuolumne Meadows in Yosemite prior to doing some hiking the next day. Tuolumne Meadows is at an elevation of over 8,000 feet. There had been a heavy snowfall that winter. Despite the 90 degree temperature when we left Silicon Valley, the snow had not melted at the elevations above 5,000 feet. At around 6,500 feet, I came around a corner in the road and saw him.It was a coyote. He was obviously very hungry,...

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Pleasure Of Secret Love Relationship

This story is dedicated to all those married men and women who are desperate in search of a soul mate who can share their feelings, theirs pains, theirs frustration and their happiness. All the married couples are not so lucky to get a life partner who can share all these feelings. Even though some of them married after many years of love, their dream will spoil within sometime after marriage, this may happen because of over showing their goodness by hiding the weakness and high expectations...

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Heels The Ultimatum Chapter 3 Platonic Relationship

Heels: The Ultimatum 3 - Platonic Relationship By Deane Christopher Copyrighted 2003 Synopsis of Chapter 2: Show & Tell Having watched Dennis transform himself into her girlfriend, Kelly, via the use of those magical transsexualizing high heels of his, Gale proceeded on to make another request of that drop dead gorgeous husband of hers. Somewhat demurely, she asked Kelly to demonstrate the extra-added magical ability that allowed that ultra feminized husband of...

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The Relationship Change

Hello ISS Readers! This is Anurag from Chennai. I’m an engineering graduate currently working with a Reputed Indian MNC as a Software Engineer. I’m a reader of this site for the past two years at least. I’ve been thinking over and over again whether to publish the incidents happened in my life on ISS or not. Finally I came to a conclusion that I should share this with you all. To maintain the secrecy, I would not tell you the person’s name and exact place. However, since it also involves my...

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Every Relationship is Alive

I don't even know how to quite get the Idea across, but here I go- one morning I woke up to my cat snuggling into me in bed, the usual, when I noticed the second feline form lying along my side, sharing the tabby colors of my cat; thin dark stripes covering parts of the hair(and it was hair- not fur like my cat but hair like a demi-cat, demi-human that is more in line with an isekai's cat people than anything else(complete with cat ears)); completely nude and distinctly female and cute to...

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Wife Says We Now in a Polyamorous Relationship

Grace got into bed beside me I reached over to pull my wife next to me and slide my hand between her legs. She pushes me off her and says not now I’m sore down there! I thought you had your period last week! Grace says I don’t have my period I’m sore! How the fuck can you be sore we haven’t had sex in nine months! She says not now Jake we do need to talk but not now I’m tird I’ll explain it all to you, just know your primary to me! Your fucking right we need to talk and what the fuck do you...

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Mending The Relationship

Mending The RelationshipBy: Londebaaz Chohan Silas and Yolanda tried to make up and they had a cyber talk where Yolanda left things to rekindle and work out, up to Silas. He sat, shaking, looking at the all the letters, thinking, no. Even the thought of restitution was very much farfetched. He could not imagine to trust her once again after knowing and suspecting what might had been going on with one of her ex-boyfriend who seemed to had been visiting her home. They had been together for no...

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My Relationship with Stephanie

Note- Whether you believe it or not, this is defiantly a true story. This all happened around a couple years ago, in early 2007, and me and Stephanie are still together. (In fact she told me to write this, as we both love stories from this site) And we have many more to tell, if you can get through my primitive writing and you enjoy it, we would be delighted to write more. Also you should know that neither of us are that skilled in English literature; however we both like to read. If you...

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Me And Namita 8211 Lesbian Relationship

It was not a regular mess but six of us share a three bed room residential house..Two girls in each room.. Spacious.. Three toilets..Comfortable to live in.Myself Nitu and Namita in one room..Amina and Amrita & Babita and Basanti share other two rooms.We made a rule that each room will have the responsibility of food for one month.Since we are all young girls .. Within age group of twenty.. It was usual for us to live with grand masti and optimum freeness..Freedom in...

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A Relationship The Beginning 8211 Part 2

Continuing the sex story where I have left it. She was lying in bed. I came near to her and lying beside her. I placed my hand over her and started caressing. Dad: Why you are angry now Anu: I am not angry at you. I am fine. Dad: Tell me what is the matter? Why did not you sleep now? Anu: I do not like feel sleepy. I pulled her and hugged tightly to give some comfort. She looked at me and I smiled. I kissed at her cheeks. She reciprocated same. Now mood was getting lighter. We had some chat...

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A Bonded Relationship With Executive Lady Anurika

My first story in ISS , very happy to publish my experience with a nice lady. Very happy , Kudos to ISS and Cragslist The story was written with the permission Anurika(name changed for privacy reason) and my name didn’t mentioned anywhere here as still Am a stud. There may be some errors so plz don’t mind for that. As this is my first story I tried to include all incidents and did well. Guys please don’t ask me to let her introduce to you. At any cost I won’t do such silly thing. I wish to...

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Relationship With Friend8217s Father 8211 Part 1

Hi every one, I am Shweta Gupta 28 years from Dehradun, I am doing job here in am bank. I would like to tell you guys one incident that happened when I was just 18 years which changed my life as a whole. I am in a relationship with an uncle who was 43 years old at that time and we had a relationship for almost 8 years. He is my friend’s father whose is living alone with his daughter as his wife passed away few years back. I was 16 years at that time and I class 11, I am good in my studies but...

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Dream Relationship To Real Life Relationship

Hi, this is Deepthi… I am back with a new story… sorry for all my followers for the long gap I took to submit a story… to all those who doesn’t know me I am deepthi and I posted two stories before this which were not related to this story at all… This happened few months and it is how my neighbor and best friend in the apartments became by sexual friend too… Her name was sneha… as her name (sneha=sneham which means friendship in English) she is also very friendly with everyone… She is not so...

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A Special Relationship

A Special Relationship A Special Relationship by Velvetglove     Toni was in a meeting with her design team when her cell phone buzzed like a mini vibrator. It was her super-slim personal one, not her business Blackberry. She stared at it, a hot flush pimpling her neck, as the noise continued, signifying she had received a text message.Around her, seven faces stared expectantly, paused, watching.She lunged at it and flipped it face down as the throbbing ceased.?Yes ?? she snapped at...

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Truth Or Dare Cost Me My Relationship And My Dignity

Hello, I am Ritu! The story I am going to narrate is my own and happened recently. To describe me, I am a decent girl, very competitive, still doing my first year. I have a cute face, and fair skin, but I have a flat ass and small boobs and I am 5’3.  I get a lot of proposals in my college, but I am in a committed relationship with Ram who is in another section. Ram is also decent just like me. We both are virgins and we’ve never done anything extreme in the relationship. We’re together for...

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Triplet X Love Times 2 Book 6 Across The Pond Of SexChapter 14 Rome Wasnt Built In A Day And Neither Is A Lasting Relationship

As Jen kissed her ex-teacher passionately she pumped the large double-sided dildo connecting their twats rapidly; making Patty moan erotically and give a few sighs. As she kissed Patty, Jen filled each of her hands with one on Patty's beautiful orbs and rubbed Patty's nipples into hers. The fire that passed from one woman's boobs to the next was indescribable and they both gave screams of rapture into one another's mouths. They were both obviously very near cumming AGAIN, when suddenly...

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Good Medicine Junior YearChapter 65 Developing A Relationship

February 2, 1984, McKinley, Ohio On Thursday, I heard the refrain ‘Happy birthday!’ over and over, including over the phone, with calls from my parents, Liz, Tasha, both sets of grandparents, Jocelyn, and Dale. Both Jocelyn and Dale sent birthday cards, and Tasha had sent a gift. Turning twenty-one really didn’t change much, except that I could legally buy alcohol. Beyond that, my life would continue just as it had the day before. After dinner that evening, just before study group, my...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 10 BridgetChapter 43 Defining Dual Relationships

December 26, 1996, Minneapolis, Minnesota When we got to the room, I got two of the complimentary bottles of water from the fridge, and handed one to Mary. We sat down on the couch, and put our stocking feet up on the coffee table. “So what’s bugging you?” I asked. “As I said, work is great. I’m really enjoying the research and I get to participate in a lot of interesting cases, such as yours.” “But...” “My social life sucks. And I’m not just talking dating, but friends, too. When I...

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Alyssas New Relationship

I had known Jon for years, and the attraction was always there. But . . .I'd been living with Matthew. So we went for years, just seeing each otherat social situations. A few months after Matthew and me had broken up; I was at a bar with a fewfriends of mine. They had taken me out, to try and cheer me up, but it wasn'tworking. Then, seemingly out of nowhere, I felt myself being picked up andboisterously hugged. "Alyssa!" he said joyfully. "Jon." I said lamely, struggling to free myself from him...

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The Relationship Business

Author’s Note: Here is my Valentine’s Day story, better late than never. This is a sequel to Unexpected Gifts, although it stands on its own. Many thanks to my beta readers. Please vote and send feedback! ============================================= The Relationship Business © 2010 All Rights Reserved January 6 ‘Sir, I’m flattered, but…I really don’t know if I’m right for this position.’ Val squirmed in his seat and resisted the urge to run a hand through his hair. ‘Oh, don’t worry,...

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No Strings Attached Relationship With My Crush

Hi men and women out there, my name is Surya (name changed) 6 feet tall, 24 years old from well-known city Hyderabad. I am working as a software developer for a startup. I have an average body with nice dick which can satisfy all woman. Guys, I am a big fan of ISS and I am following it since 7 years. And finally, I have decided to share one of my experiences. I had a few real-life experiences with some girls and aunties in Hyderabad. I am going to tell one such experience which happened in the...

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Who Needs a Relationship

“Why don’t you get comfortable?  Here, Vicky will go get you a beer,” Maelyn finished as the cute Asian gal got up.  I watched Vicky’s ass as she did the model walk all the way to the kitchen.“So…” I began.“Don’t bother,” Maelyn interrupted my thoughts shaking her head.  “Adam stopped by just before you called to let you know everything is fine at the office and you may as well take Monday off, too.  Then, surprisingly, I got a call from my step-sister.”She let the last statement hang in the...

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Short Term Relationship

Authors Note: Hi, welcome to my story “Short Term Relationship.”, this is not a series. I thought I would attempt a one off short story to tide you over until the start of my next big series which I am currently working on. Also it gave me a nice break from my other story and I found it really enjoyable to write. This is also an entry for the CAW 9 writing challenge. I hope you enjoy reading it! :) *** Short Term Relationship. Hello there. Entries like this usually begin with a...

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Our New Relationship

This was not what she had expected when she took the job. “Earn Extra Money Modeling for Fetish Fashion Show” that was what the ad said. When Rachel arrived at the studio it seemed normal enough. Most of the other girls looked like hookers not models, but she assumed it was part of the atmosphere. The wardrobe lady smiled as she spotted a gob of cum on Rachel’s chin. She cackled and handed the new girl some erotic clothing. “Don’t be slow honey, Mr. Smith does not like to keep his clients...

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Recounting the Relationship

A friend of mine once told me that if I want to be a writer, I should write every day. By ‘friend,’ I could be referring to a fellow writer I met online like Max or Shepard, both of whom I have not heard from in quite some time. Or I could mean somebody I have met in person and have gotten to know better. One such case is my friend Ben. He once told me that I should keep writing in case of the possibility that I should ever forget how to write. This reminds me of how my mother would nag me...

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An Online Relationship

Thanks to Demorie for her encouragement and assessment. Dave looked at the Bulletin Board — Personals. And one in particular caught his eye. It was simple, appearing innocent, and yet appealing. Nothing sexual in it, but Dave felt something sensuous and refreshing. The Post read:: ‘Female college student looking for online emailing’. All the other posts were the usual: ‘Looking for erotic chat’, ‘Looking for a fuck buddy’, ‘Mutual masturbation in (you name the state or city)’, ‘Do you like...

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Short Term Relationship

Introduction: Two strangers meet at the beach and spend some time getting to know each other, but how long will their interest in one another last? What surprises lie around the corner? Note: This story is completely fictional. Its 100% made up and any similarities to real life are purely coincidental. This story contains graphic descriptions of adult gay situations. Authors Note: Hi, welcome to my story Short Term Relationship., this is not a series. I thought I would attempt a one off short...

4 years ago
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The Back Story on Our Relationship Part 2

While I drove home, everything that took place with Barb kept running through my head repeatedly! Once I was in my apartment, I left her a voice-mail telling her to check her e-mail because there’d be a long message from me that needed to be responded to ASAP. In the message I sent to her, I told her about my individual profile on Fetlife and urged her to create her own profile on it with bogus details so she could do what I wanted after she read the entire message that would be sent to her. If...

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HUSBAND & WIFE RELATIONSHIP AGREEMENT [A Cuckold Contract]To insure a successful marriage, the husband will agree to the following regarding the penis which will now be called the marital penis:The Wife will have complete ownership and control of the marital penis.The husband has no right of privacy during the periods of time set forth in the �husband�s dress code� below. Therefore, bathroom doors must remain open when the marital penis is urinating so that the Wife may inspect the marital...

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Master Sub in the relationship

So according to the BDSM law book volume 1 to volume 28, the sub has to address her master as "my master" and she can only speak of herself in the third person, it is strictly forbidden to mention her name. In addition, the sub-leg seats must always sit on the lower legs and maintain an angle of 34.75 °, the outstretched palms up and the gaze lowered to the ground. She is allowed to walk upright, but she is not allowed to stand and must sit down again immediately if she stops.In addition, a sub...

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An Anonymous Relationship 2

Chapter 4"I think we should have long talk, Heather." Said the voice of my friend Stacy.My fingers gripped my steering wheel as my heart raced with fear. What did my friend know?"Ok, we can talk at my place." I said."I will see you there." She replied as the call ended.The drive home was longest of my life as I wondered just what my best friend now knew. Had she followed me to the porn store? Did she know that I had been having sex tonight? What if she knew my father was in there too?I pulled...

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