Vegas Ch. 04 free porn video

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This is my first attempt at writing, having been inspired by a small band of authors whose work I immensely admire, and I have attempted to occasionally incorporate a flavour of their imagination in this story in tribute to them.

Having completed the novel, I have learnt so much more than I knew at the outset. Two areas of feedback are welcomed:

1. Comments of encouragement that will inspire me to write more… and constructive criticism that will help me improve.

2. Voting that will help me assess the enjoyment factor…. or otherwise.


The following morning Daniel was woken by a shaft of light drifting across the bed through a small crack between the curtains. Any fears he had of facing Grace last night had been misplaced as she had been asleep in bed when he returned to the hotel. He had taken a quick shower and then quietly slipped in beside her, but it took him some time to rid himself of the thoughts of Katherine and what he had just experienced, that were running through his head.

This morning he felt calmer and he turned to glance at the time on clock on the small telephone panel. As he did, he felt Grace fling a warm hand across his chest, her fingers gently searching for and then stroking his right nipple. He felt her sharp fingernail dig into his flesh before her sleepy hand slithered its way down his body, briefly pausing at his stomach before continuing its downward journey. He realised that he was in danger of being severely delayed.

Glancing at her face, Daniel realised that despite the movements of her hand, Grace was only half awake. He leant over to place a soft kiss on her forehead, sweeping a lock of her silky brown hair to one side in the process. Her touch had brought him to instant erection, although he felt sure that the fact his mind was also thinking of Katherine was another contributory factor to his feelings of arousal.

He nibbled her warm ear, eliciting a soft moan, briefly thinking that a morning fuck was just what he needed. But instead, he whispered that he was running late if he was to get down to Binion’s Horsehoe casino in time. The fact he needed to pay his $2,000 entry fee for the Omaha High-Low Split event was uppermost in his thoughts, even ahead of his need for sex. If only just.

With some reluctance he extracted himself from the white sheets and softly hurried to the bathroom to shower. He felt guilty that it was not only the time element that was a factor in his refuting Grace’s sleepy advances. It was also an indication of the mixed feelings careering around his head. His mind remained conscious of his time with Katherine the night before and, with this being the only time he had ever been unfaithful, he felt a weird mixture of guilt, arousal and confusion.

As he showered, he reflected that he needed some space and time to think things through, though he was aware that as he was playing in a World Series of Poker tournament that morning, he was unlikely to get that opportunity. He found that Grace was fully awake as he left the steamy bathroom and returned to the room.

His attempts to dress quickly were momentarily disturbed as she sat up in the large, comfortable bed and threw her hands into the air with a loud yawn. When she saw she had his attention, she explained she was going to spend a little time with Lauren that morning before travelling to Samuel Smith’s for her rehearsal.

Daniel was only too happy with that, he wanted time to himself to focus on his poker. But he also knew it would be more difficult to rationalise the night before if Grace travelled with him to watch the poker tournament. Throwing on a thin, dark jacket over his red checked shirt, he explained that he would return to the hotel if, as expected, he was an early casualty.

In response to Grace’s raised eyebrow, he simply shrugged and said, ‘Its Omaha,’ as if that made the same sense to her as it did to him.

‘Should I wait here?’ she teasingly asked, indicating with her spread arms that she was referring to the bed. Her movement resulted in the white sheet she held around her neck dropping away, exposing her full, supple breasts to his gaze.

For a brief moment he felt an immediate stirring in his boxers again. God, he loved those breasts. He thought that this was as good a time as any to get his session with Katherine out of his system and wondered for a moment if he could delay his arrival at Binnion’s. But he knew that was well nigh impossible if he was to play in this tournament and therefore instead, he blew Grace a kiss across the room from his position beside the bedroom door.

‘Very tempting,’ he offered, with a nervous smile. ‘But I’ve really got to go.’

‘Hmmm,’ she replied, slowly running her slim hands down her neck, across the top of her tanned chest and then down onto her magnificent breasts, teasing her dark nipples until they were fully erect. Her bright, shining eyes never left his as she played out her seduction scene.

‘Are you quite sure?’ she softly purred.

Daniel could feel his throat constrict with dryness. At first he was unable to tear his eyes away from her breasts, but then they flicked to the time displayed on the bedside table beside her. Despite the rising bulge in his jeans, he somehow found a resolve he had not known that he had. He reached for the door lock.

‘I’ve really got to go, Grace or I’ll miss registration. Although I may see you sooner than you think if things go badly. But if somehow I do okay, at worst I’ll meet you and Lauren at the club later tonight.’

As he hurried out of the door Grace slumped back on her pillow in disgust, her perky breasts bouncing as she did so. She pondered for a moment, thinking that either she was losing her touch, or that Daniel was more committed to this poker tournament than even she realised.


The length of time between registration and the tournament commencing came as a shock to Daniel. He had thought he would be in action pretty quickly, but in fact it was several refills of coffee later before he noticed players begin to filter over towards the tables. He had whiled away part of the time by wandering out onto Fremont Street, just taking everything in.

He watched the people passing by and played a game with himself, attempting to separate the tourists from the poker players. By keeping a careful eye on the characters walking into Binion’s, he pretty soon had come to the conclusion that the better dressed were tourists and the others, who generally ranged from passable to downright scruffy, were the players. Or perhaps their families or friends who were present as their cheering section.

Eventually growing tired of people watching, he had made his way to the coffee shop and stayed there awhile, before he had been sufficiently encouraged to make his way back to the casino and head to his own table.

When he had registered, he had felt a burning tinge along the back of his neck as he had pulled $2,000 in crisp folded-over one hundred dollar bills from his black leather wallet and handed them over at the check-in desk. The feeling he was experiencing was a combination of relief that he no longer had to walk around with such a large amount of money secured in his pocket, plus a nervous kind of excitement that now, at long last, his dream of playing in a World Series of Poker event was about to come true.

For the moment, the Main Event was at the back of his mind, a thought for tomorrow. His focus right now, was the $2,000 worth of chips he’d been handed to use for the Omaha buy-in. With the innocence of poker youth, he guarded them closely and held them against his chest as he followed directions to another part of the room. Once there, he presented himself at the registration desk.

This all felt so strange, so new, but then Daniel was fully aware that this was the reason he was there. He needed to soak up as much experien
ce as he possibly could before competing in the Cadillac of poker, the Main Event, in a couple of days.

He soon found that he was positioned at table fifteen, seat five and quickly found his way there, side-stepping between the increasing numbers of players. There was one other player there, an old, thin guy wearing a button up shirt, blue jeans and a white Stetson. He looked every bit as if he fitted into the environment as Daniel did not. Daniel introduced himself and the old-timer asked if was his first such event.

When Daniel briefly paused, the old-timer grinned and added, ‘It shows. But then we all got to start somewhere’.

He put one hand on Daniel’s shoulder as he shook his hand, congratulating him. Daniel saw the twinkle in the old-timer’s eye as he voluntarily explained the drill. They would play in one-hour rounds, or levels, he said. With a ten-minute break after every two rounds. They would also get a one-hour dinner break after level six, he said.

‘Make sure you stock up on food and fluid,’ he instructed rather than suggested. ‘Not too much, but enough. It’ll keep you alert.’

Daniel thanked him, warmly shaking his wrinkled hand, appreciating the time he had taken to explain the ropes. He felt sure his eager eyes were looking at the old-timer with all the naivety of a poker virgin, but by way of conversation he volunteered a little of his background. The old-timer looked interested and Daniel leant a little closer, noticing the strong lines that lit up the older face.

He quietly explained that he was using this tourney so as to obtain experience of the World Series before he sat down at the Main Event. The old-timer just nodded. His Stetson was sitting comfortably as if it had been made for this very man and his eyes underneath were as alert as they no doubt had been for many years.

Daniel confided that he had particularly chosen to play Omaha for his first tournament so that he could experience Binion’s, and that the different game would keep him fresh for the ‘big one’. The old-timer just kept on smiling at Daniel in that reassuring way of his, before pushing his Stetson back on his head.

‘Interestin’,’ he replied. ‘If I was getting in some practice for the Main Event, I wouldn’t be playing a different game.’

The common sense hit Daniel like a tidal wave and he felt his face redden, the blush spreading to his neck. He found his embarrassment spared as two clean cut players walked past the table. They clearly knew the old-timer and greeted him warmly. As they started in conversation, the old man half-swung back to Daniel.

‘Good luck, young ‘un,’ he said.

Daniel shook the slim, gentle hand yet again. Perhaps too enthusiastically, he thought, but this man had been an oasis of calm and that had been a great help. Before he turned back to his new conversation, Daniel asked his name.

‘Slim. Just call me, Slim,’ he said.

Daniel crossed his arms behind him as he sat down. He watched more and more people greet Slim and suddenly, like a light bulb being switched on, he immediately realised who he had been talking to. It was the legend that was Amarillo ‘Slim’ Preston. Running his hand through his hair, Daniel let out a long sigh. How could he have been that stupid? This was Amarillo ‘Slim’ for heaven’s sake!


The excitement of Lauren’s audition had remained with the two sisters. After Daniel had refused Grace’s advances in bed, she had called Lauren and the two of them decided an early celebration was in order, even though that may have been tempting fate. They walked the short distance across the Strip to The Venetian, for brunch and as they sat in the splendour of the Pinot Brasserie, sipping an early glass of chilled white wine, they recapped on the events at the studio.

They explored everything that had happened at the audition, weighing up the meaning of every action and word. They speculated on whether Lauren would be offered the job and if so, what other possibilities it might lead to. Although Lauren herself was beginning to have some doubts, Grace dismissed them and told her sister that all the signs were that she would be offered this fantastic opportunity.

It was not that Lauren thought the audition had gone badly, the contrary was the case. But she just found it difficult to believe that such an opening could come her way. It seemed that both Dan and Kay were convinced that this time, they had found the model that would please the publishers, and Kay could not have been friendlier.

She recalled the subtle looks, the gentle yet sensual touches, and the aroma of her perfume as she had sat so close to Lauren. Her soft stroking fingers and what appeared to be innocent contact had given Lauren goose bumps. She was not a lesbian by any means, or even bi, but Lauren had to confess to herself that she had been aroused by every aspect of this woman, and the situation she had been in.

It might prove interesting if the woman was attracted to her, she briefly thought. Then she shook her head, attempting to rid herself of such thoughts.

Noticing her younger sister losing herself in her own thoughts, Grace placed a soft hand on her bare arm.

‘Lauren, are you okay,’ she gently asked.

‘Oh yes,’ Lauren beamed. ‘I’m more than okay. Providing Kay rings later with the right news!’

Laughing, they stood up to leave. Their couple of glasses of wine and light salad had been a calming interlude, they told each other, as they set off on the short return journey to their hotel. Grace checked her watch, she had been told that she should report to Samuel Smith’s some time mid afternoon. Although she desperately needed Lauren there for support, she knew her sister had to stay at their hotel awaiting Kay’s call.

As they stepped out onto the overhead walkway that connected both sides of the Strip, the heat hit them unexpectedly. Lauren took Grace’s arm and held her back. As Grace looked back at her sister, thinking she was simply adjusting to the warm temperature, she saw her younger sibling’s dark brown eyes widen into a grin. Rummaging in her Louis Vuitton bag, she secretively pulled out a joint.

Stepping to one side away from the passing tourists crossing the walkway, she lit it with a flick of her silver lighter. Grace looked at her, aghast.

‘Lauren,’ she gasped. ‘How did you get that over here? You didn’t…..’

‘Don’t ask,’ Lauren casually responded, taking a drag and handing it to her sister. ‘We can share this on the way back. It will calm both our nerves.’

Lauren wondered how Grace would react if she told her about the white powder that Kay had so sensuously rubbed into her gums, but as the two women linked arms and slowly walked back to the hotel, she decided to keep that piece of information to herself. And she had been right, the joint was just sufficient to take the edge off both sets of nervousness and replace it with a dreamy feeling that something good was about to happen to them.

After all, each had achieved a kind of success simply by being here. Daniel with his poker, Lauren with her modelling, and Grace with her singing opportunity. And as with her sister, Grace was going to do anything she could to make an impression.


Daniel counted his chips, and then showed the dealer his receipt. For a time, he sat in silence, ensconced in his own little world. This was unreal, he thought, slipping his jacket off and over the back of a wooden chair that had clearly seen much better days. In fact, every part of the room had a well-worn feeling, but that made no difference to Daniel’s mood. This was history. Goodness knows which players had sat in that chair before him?

He looked around and saw a room full of unfamiliar and unfriendly faces, but after a while, he was able to spot some that he had previously only been able to admire from afar. Annie Duke was only two tables away with her legs already tucked under her. And Johnny Chan… the Johnny
Chan… was walking to a table across to the left, wearing his trademark garish shirt.

As the tables filled up, he recognised an immaculately dressed Matt Savage across the far side. His dark suit was a huge contrast to the favoured dress in the room, where faded blue denim seemed to dominate. The tournament director he had seen so many times on television was introducing himself over the microphone, his head looking around the large room as he pointed out that the first prize was just under $150,000 with twenty-seven to cash in.

Daniel smiled inwardly at such a huge amount, and ruminated on his comparatively modest ambition of simply lasting as long as possible. And familiarising himself with every facet of what was going on whilst he did so, of course. That was his key objective and if it meant sitting there folding hand after hand whilst he soaked in the atmosphere, then so be it. When the Main Event took place, he wanted to be able to concentrate on the poker and not what was going on around him.

He recalled the saying that poker was one hundred per cent skill and one hundred per cent luck. That was one way of putting it, he thought. Connoisseurs of the game had suggested that at its highest-level poker really came down to eighty per cent skill and twenty per cent luck. But, Daniel thought, at the level where he resided, that came as far down as fifty-fifty. And whilst he had no appreciation of the standard he was about to face, he knew for sure that it would be several levels higher than anything else he had ever experienced. That was for sure.

His thoughts were suddenly interrupted as Matt Savage, in time-honoured fashion, uttered the words that kick starts every tournament: ‘Shuffle up and deal.’

As he prepared to play, Daniel pondered that his only strategy was based on the knowledge that it was necessary to play Omaha a little tighter than with Texas Hold ’em. His aim therefore, was only to get involved in hands that gave him an opportunity to scoop the whole pot, though he quickly came to realise that regularly reduced him to a spectator as for quite some time the hands did not come.

He was sure the fact he was continually folding was not lost on any of the others either. His table image was suffering at the same time that his chip stack was, ever so slowly, going south. But at least the constant folding allowed him to keenly observe the other players and attempt to pick up on the styles and possible tells.

After playing for an hour or so, he observed that the guy on his right was playing the very opposite of his appearance. He was quite a bland looking bespectacled character, dressed conservatively in black trousers and a black polo neck. But belying his appearance, he was pretty loose and very aggressive. And when Mr Loose and Aggressive raised yet again in early position, Daniel’s was on the button.

He double-checked the cards the dealer had flipped to him. Ace–Two-Five–Eight. Two were diamonds and two hearts. His interest was immediately aroused.

He had a strong hi-lo hand and therefore re-raised, partly for value but also to eliminate other players and possibly win the pot there and then. After all, the table knew he was tight. Surely they would pay that image some respect?

They did not. The small blind called and then, true to his approach so far, Mr Loose and Aggressive re-raised. Like it or not, Daniel was now involved in his first real pot. He simply called, as did the small blind.

The board came Four–Six–Seven of hearts.

Daniel’s heart leapt but he tried to sit impassively, whilst being sure that every nerve ending in his body was displaying his excitement.

With the Five-Eight of hearts in his hand, he had miraculously flopped a straight flush. Not only that, but his low hand was six-high. This just did not happen. It flashed through his mind that even if he went out of the tournament in the following hand, he would not forget this moment. But it immediately got better.

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I sat up, leaving his side immediately, my hands coming up to cover my breasts. ‘What do you mean, ‘tell me why you’re here’?’ He sat up too, bringing his hand up to touch my face. I moved away repeating my question. ‘I’m really sorry. Things were never meant to happen this way. It was never supposed to be like this.’ ‘What wasn’t supposed to be like this? Tom, look at me. What has happened? How come you are talking like this?’ I was beginning to panic. ‘If I told you, you would hate me. If...

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Hot Apple Pie0

I turned and said, “Hey Jim. How was the lake? Hot enough for you?” He and his wife said that it was pretty hot, but getting in the water was very refreshing. I walked the first load of my work stuff into the house, took off my dress shirt and put some shorts on. As I was coming back out, I heard the neighbor's car door open. Jim's daughters stepped out of the back seat. Erin came out first. Erin is 15, very slim and has a nice tan. She is going into her second year of high school and is...

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Karens Romance Part 2

Karen's Romance Part Two: Abstract Expressionism and a Latte By Norman O. Johnson On Saturday of the weekend following my breakup with Darla, I decided I needed a change of pace. So I put on my butch outfit (navy pants, matching jacket, and a turtleneck sweater) and went to the North Carolina Museum of Art, where a touring exhibit of abstract expressionist painters of the Fifties was on display. Aunt Shelly agreed to let me have her car for the afternoon. Being in an introspective...

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Uhura and Rand

Janice Rand hurried down the corridors of the Enterprise. Most of the crew had already beamed over to Starbase 17 for shore leave. The Enterprise would be in orbit for at least eight days while repairs were made to the impulse engines, so those looking to jump ship as it were had wasted no time. None of this mattered to the blonde haired woman as she turned the corner and spotted the cabin she was headed for. In 72 hours she was due to report aboard the survey ship Crockett. If she left by...

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My Name Was

My Name Was... By Matthew Phillips THE WORDS OF MATT My name is... was... might be... Matt. I have little time left to tell my story, but I feel that it is vital to the survival of the human race that I let my tragedy out. I lived as a full timed student attending a college, states away from any family or close friends. Mostly I would spend my time on studies or surfing the Internet. Growing up I always wanted to make a difference in the world. I wanted to accomplish...

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I take my bookseller fuckboy

I took Todd on a date the other day. He had off from work and his new bride was being fucked all day by college guys at their apartment. I wanted to keep her busy so I increased the number of guys she had to fuck to five a day. She is turning into a really cute pregnant whore. She and Todd hardly even talk anymore. I suspect their relationship is pretty much on the rocks. So that leaves Todd totally for me which is what I want. Todd has become pretty submissive and quiet. He is so cute when he...

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A Most Unexpected Affair

With my bag over my shoulder, I walked down the aisle of Nordic Trax and treadmills toward the exit of the club. She was leaning back against the reception counter talking over her shoulder to one of the gym instructors.  As I walked up she turned to look at me and smiled.“There you are,” the tawny blonde beamed at me. “I thought I would let you give me a ride home today.  I know you’re not busy, are you?”I looked over my shoulder and started to walk past, not understanding that this...

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Fuck My Ass Mistress

Tonight was their six month friendship anniversary and Ann was planning something very special for Will. They'd moved in together a month ago and, while she normally went with Will on his work runs, she hadn't this time. A writer of erotica, Ann had a deadline to meet so she had to stay behind to meet it. He'd been away for two weeks and that was a long time for either of them to be without sex since they'd gotten together. Sure, they had engaged in cyber sex but it was not the same as the real...

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Jessica the Cum Slut

The following story is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and events in it are products of the author’s imagination and are used as fantasy. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.My name is Jessica, but my Master affectionately calls me "Cum Slut". I am 24 years old, and Master is training me to be a cum slut. I have blonde hair, and blue eyes. My tits are a perky 36C cup (natural), a thin 23" waist, very curvy 34" hips, and a firm...

1 year ago
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My unbelievable step daughter

100% fiction! About three years ago my wife Started having some health issues nothing serious. But it put our relationship on hold. With me working and trying to pay the doctor bills and my wife doing everything she could to recover things started getting out of hand. We started arguing about the smallest things. My step daughter at the age of twenty four gas always been there for her mother and I. We have always been close line father and daughter talking doing things with each other like...

2 years ago
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Sissy Prudence Part 4

Sissy Prudence (Part 4) (by Sissy Caroline) Section 1 "Control, discipline and dependence are all very closely linked Jennifer. Ultimately we want him to be totally dependent on us and we use discipline and other means of control to help us achieve that state of dependence. Although you should be very pleased with progress, he is a long way yet from where he could be as we have discussed previously." "I know that you're right Janice. I love the way he has responded so far but...

3 years ago
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Breaking our routine

Over the last few years, we'd unconsciously fallen into a routine. We married young and were quite sexually inexperienced. My wife was my first sexual partner and I was her second. During our courtship and engagement we learnt, one might say, quite quickly. Many places and positions were thoroughly exploited! However, the speedy arrival of two children, the first of whom was born ten months after we married, and the necessity to earn a living gradually took over our lives. We were still very...

Straight Sex
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Losing My Virginity

Let me describe myself tall handsome and good looking too that’s what my girl told me. I’m a software engineer and I started working at a company. you couldn’t get into any men’s hostel the next thing to select was a PG. Yes at least I got it. It’s fairly a 2 km away from the company. Their place which I went was so amazing. First of all that family was a nuclear one. Wife husband and 2 and half year old kid. Husband use to work in shipping industry and he used to stay at home for 6 months and...

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Lauras Chummy Mummy

Beccy snapped, “Laura, go upstairs to my bedroom, take your skirt and knickers off, and wait for me to come up. You so deserve the spanking I am going to give you.” 28 years old and about to suffer another spanking. Me, a teacher, every day telling off one student or another, giving them a detention or lines, the one in charge. Here though I am definitely not in charge and am very much subject to a mother daughter discipline regime, and one that involves me being spanked on a very regular...

2 years ago
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Jamie and Liz Have Fun in the ParkChapter 2

Liz was mortified. She had been caught about to lick this woman’s shit. She didnt know what to do. Well She guessed an apology would start. “I’m sorry.” She said. Taking a deep breath she continued, “ I was just so horny i don’t kno-” She was cut off abruptly. “ I dont care about that.” The red haired goddess said. “You shouldn’t put shit in your mouth it could make you sick.” She was stunned. it seem the young woman was concerned about her. She took a closer look and noticed the woman’s...

4 years ago
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Sharing Cindy Chapter 22 Two Cocks Score Hole In One

Introduction: We meet up with an old friend for some fun on a golf course. Sharing Cindy Chapter 22 Meeting Up With an Old Friend Any of you who have read the first couple of chapters of my tale, are familiar with my friend David. He was the first guy I had my wife (then girlfriend) show her body to. He was also the first person who I watched fuck her. He was from the neighborhood we had all grown up in and once we moved away we never lost touch, but we didnt see a whole lot of each other. ...

1 year ago
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Husband Turned on by Storytime

She then said, “It was Storytime night and that always ends with us having smoking hot sex”. Curious to what that meant I asked, “What is Storytime?” She said, “OMG it is so hot. John loves it when I tell him a sex story from my past or tell him a sex fantasy while I lay next to him and play with his dick. It is such great foreplay and it has really improved our sex life. We both get so horny. You should try it sometime”. This story is about how I discovered a kinky way to turn my husband on.

2 years ago
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Self Isolating With MomChapter 3

Dani was stunned. She couldn’t believe what she’d just seen. She was sitting in front of her computer, her mouth gaping open. She’d just witnessed her mother sucking her brother’s cock, and then taking a monster facial! Watching what was happening in her brother’s room was nothing new to Dani. Being the techie that she was, her brother had come to her months ago, asking if she could help him set up a webcam on his computer. It wasn’t so much asking her to ‘help him’, but to flat out have her...

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The silent fuck

Mal and Chris were in Malaysia. They had been travelling for two years now and were on the last leg of their trip. They had left Indonesia and were now travelling up Malaysia from Singapore to Thailand and thence home. They had travelled to the east coast to Kuala Terengganu, they travelled overnight and made for a guest house on the river. The house was set on stilts above the tidal estuary and was very beautiful. They came here as this was the best coast to see Leatherback Turtles. They slept...

3 years ago
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The Wonderful Adventures of Miss K Part 2

Welcome to the next installment of my wonderful adventures. I hope you enjoy reading this one as much as I enjoy writing it. After all, I sure did As always, you can read the previous installment. I reserve all non- electronic and commercial rights to this work. If it is illegal in your jurisdiction to read this work, please do not read this story. THE WONDERFUL ADVENTURES OF MISS K ? Chapter 2 - By Brett Lynn LOVING, INNOCENT & VIRGINAL "Wake up! Wake up!" Miss K...

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Moms affair with house owner

We seeked our family friend to see for a good house and he found a house in chennai but was little away from city and not of much but little remote place.The owner was Subramaniya iyer and he lived wity his family members wife daughters grandchildren and sons.He is 58 years old man.They are an orthodox family and we arrived the address our friend gave and me and mom went to his house.Mom wore a yellow saree which was little transparent and her sexy navel is visible barely.Her long...

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Ghost cum

So lately i have been going through a rough patch in my life...just recently ive moved into my grandparents house...out here in the middle of the woods on an old plantation...its very creepy...growing up i swore this place was haunted...ive seen a ghostly girl when i was younger but it could of just been my imagination....ive been here for a week now...havent gotten a chance to jerk off so my ball are achingly full of while outside working on the grounds i swore i saw some girl in...

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The Champions Companion 20

Kaarthen looked over at the inn in question. The building was similar to all the others. Timber framed with plaster walls. It was three stories tall and had a stable attached to the back. Surrounding it was an open area of dry dirt and a cobbled street in front that passed by coming from town and led further away from the canal into the pastures and trees. Kaarthen protested. “This is only the second stop, we still got a few more. Marcos will be pissed at being delayed.” “Marcos...

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Aggybook 2Chapter 17

"Navy radar, this is "Shriek' at the hyper, for the harbour, request clearance, over." ""Shriek", clearance denied, you are to proceed directly to the navy yard, call control on 4315 for onward clearance stat, clear." "Aggy, why do I think we are knee deep in the stuff?" "Alan, I have no idea why you might even contemplate such a thing? Let's see what happens." "Navy control, this is "Shriek", at the hyper, request clearance to the navy yard, over." ""Shriek" you are...

2 years ago
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Aggy Book 1Chapter 70

"Caine? Peter Scott. Carlton and I want to see the Admiral, unofficially, next couple of days if you could find a time? Can't do it? Let me think." Scotty turned to Carlton and got inspiration, "When does she go to Gym? Ask her if she will have an informal chat with Carlton who will just happen to be getting fit again." "Admiral" started Carlton as he passed a towel "Scotty coached me what to say." Carlton took a deep breath, looked upwards, closed his eyes and began, "Commodore...

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Ebony In England

                                                                    EBONY IN ENGLANDEbony made her way from the airport terminal in a state of high anxiety and high arousal. She had her left her boring but safe life in America behind to meet a man she had only ever spoken to online. He was her Master and therefore her life. However, she did still feel trepidation about actually meeting him. There was also the matter of the rules he had put in place. Since getting on the plane she had been...

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Fancy Farts

????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Fancy Farts Fresh out of school, I submitted applications and resumes all over town and became used to the phrase. "I'm sorry, you're not quite what we're looking for."? I had exausted my most promising options and nearly given up when I got a call from 'Avila's Fashions.' I was to meet with Avila herself. I had seen photos of her and could not pass on the opportunity to meet her. Though only thirty something she was already...

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A Woodland Encounter

I was taking a nature walk in Prospect Park, which is some two hundred acres of woodland, with nature trails and a few clearings where they have picnic tables and a stone grill by them. It was the first part of June and up here in Northwest Pennsylvania it is just getting warm and it was a nice day in the lower 70s. I wanted to get some exercise and there was this one trail that wasn’t too long and should have had some nice scenery and a lot of the wild flowers would be blooming. I guess I...

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Porn shop pickup

I was brousing around in a porn shop last summer and it was quiet busy with a few customers and only one shop assistant. As I wondered around there was this young girl looking at the vibators and other things that girls like put in their pussy. I watched her fo a while and she seemed impatient that the assistant wouldn't come over and help her select something.I took the opportunity and moved over close to her and whispered to her that I could help her as my partner had some of these products...

1 year ago
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The First Date Continues

Note : This story is completely fictional! My head was spiining as I sat, satisfied for the moment, in the backseat of my mustang. N had just finished lapping my spilled jism up off the seat and resumed sitting next to me. We were both still naked, as she curled on the seat in my right arm. The guy in the car next to us was clearly stroking his cock and his eyes had not left N since she had stripped and I had begun fucking her. She giggled and said, I need to pee after all that exercise. Well,...

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Office Colleague 2

Hi readers, this is my second story. My first story was named by “Office Colleague” And I got very good response from the readers. So as per my promise I am going to share my second story with her about the trip of Murry. A little introduction again, I am Naeem from Sialkot – Pakistan and we both work in a company. So without wasting more time lets go to story now. After our first charming trip of Lahore, we decided to go to Murry after one week. It was very cold, but we have finalized the...

4 years ago
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Elephant in the Closet

Arriving home from an unsurprisingly unsuccessful date, I immediately went and found my roommate to bitch to him about it. It wasn’t hard - he was in my room, trying to fix the strange colors that my monitor was suddenly showing. It started when he put some anti-virus software on my computer, so I guess he felt responsible. “How’d it go?” he asked, as I slumped onto my bed, my unhappiness obvious. “A disaster. Again.” Simon knew well of my recent dating problems. I kept him updated - he was...

2 years ago
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Keeper Of Unlocked Desires Day 4

To the keeper of my unlocked desires: Day four As we travel to the mountains of Lake Tahoe – – we enjoy the drive listening to music and humming along to the songs. We are both caught in our own daydreams or fantasies as we stare out the windows as the trees pass by. It is a beautiful day out and the suns rays are shining down through the open sunroof in the car. You reach over and place you hand on my leg and slowly slide you hand up my skirt and tightly hold on to my inner thigh. I grab...

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