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Introduction: Story of my life as it is right now This is my first time writing and I hope you enjoy. Positive criticism would be greatly appreciated, if you want to see more feel free to leave a comment. The people in this story are real and the descriptions of them and myself are accurate but the names have been changed for privacy reasons. Some events have been altered to improve the story. P.S everything happening is extremely recent.


Okay I can do this, I can do this I thought to myself. I stumbled out of the city bus packed with high school students in a rush. Everyone was suffocating in there. My friend Nicky got off right after me and we stopped on the grass to shove our iPods and books in our already overflowing backpacks.

Oh my God Im so nervous Stacey Nicky mumbled to herself while looking at the ground shyly.

Hey, dont worry about it! You should be excited its our first day of high school. Grade 10 is gonna be sweet! I answered back while putting my arm around her until I could feel her start to relax slowly.

She trudged behind me while we approached the front door. People surrounded us on every side. Everyone was being unusually friendly saying hi as we passed by. I wasnt very surprised, because this school had the best reputation for its students being extra caring and helpful. I was thankful of choosing to stay in the Catholic system. The atmosphere is much lighter compared to public schools.

As I pushed through the front door heads started to turn towards me, which slightly startled me. I was still getting used to people checking me out. They must have liked the way my tight skinny jeans showed off my long legs and nice ass. My blonde hair flowed down my back, perfectly straightened and smooth. Every so often a pair of curious eyes would meet mine and Id smile and walk away.

Everyone needed to meet in the gymnasium first thing in the morning for a 2-hour meeting. Almost all of the bleachers were full with about 700 new students. Nicky and I grabbed a seat next to a girl we knew from our old school who smiled shyly and appeared to be just as nervous as most of the other guys were.

The Principle gave us a basic run down of how the school works and where we needed to go. Its a very unique school because its self-directed learning and none of us are tied down by a schedule. We work where we want, with whom we want, whenever we want. A pretty sweet deal if you stay motivated and do all of your work on time. All of the smarty pants like myself aim to finish grade 10 in a semester. That way we finish early and can spend all of our time partying and having a great time in grade 12.

The teachers continued to drone on and as my attention span ran out my mind started to travel to more interesting things. My mind darted to this morning while I was at home getting ready. I had picked out a nice pink V-neck shirt to match my pink Pac Man ghost belt buckle. I brushed my teeth and put on a bit of mascara on. I liked the way it looked on my green eyes.

Being forgetful I had to run up and down the stairs to gather all of my stuff I kept leaving in my room. I live in a nice large bungalow in a cul-de-sac. I could see cars pulling onto the street with parents taking their kids to school. I didnt have to leave for a while because our first day didnt start until 10:30. I love getting as much sleep as I possibly can in the morning.

My mom greeted me warmly as I walked into the kitchen, my arms full of school supplies and my hair straightener. I dropped everything on the counter and went in the pantry to get all of my vitamins and supplements. I finished swallowing all of them and made myself a protein shake that I have everyday for breakfast and sometimes for lunch just because its convenient and I can easily throw a shaker and a package of powder in my bag and forget about it.

My brother Marcus came up the stairs and I teased him by sticking my tongue out at him. He was starting grade 8 today and I was glad that I wasnt in his school anymore because hes so annoying. He wasnt nearly as bad as my other 2 brothers though. They were sitting in their high chairs watching Dora and making an excessive amount of noise. Our lives completely revolve around them. Im always babysitting and between homework and playing girls hockey I dont have much time for myself.

Link just turned 3 and we celebrated his birthday at home with our family that lives close. He is such a little tease and can be really sweet the odd time. Its impossible to get mad at him when he flashes his big brown eyes and gives you a big hug. No matter how much he aggravates me he will always be my little buddy.
Matt is almost 2 and loves to play games. He looks just like me with blonde hair except his eyes are still bright blue. Whenever I take him out for walks people give me dirty looks. They obviously watch way too much 16 and Pregnant. I always want to tell them Im just babysitting for my parents, hes not mine, trust me.

I gelled the little guys hair up nicely for them so they looked super cute. Link was going to preschool for the first time and Matt was going to daycare. Both are right across the hall from each other of the entrance to the large recreational facility thats a 10 minute walk from my house. We all have memberships there and I regularly work out if Im not on the ice. I try to stay in tiptop shape at all times.

After my dad left the house for work I straightened my hair and made sure I looked nice for my first day. My mom left with the babies and my brother to drop him off at the junior high school down the hill. I was all alone in the house and I was thinking about what the people were going to look like at school.

I was really hoping that there was going to be at least a couple drop dead gorgeous girls and some tall sexy guys as well. Ive been bisexual since the previous summer when I went to an all girls overnight hockey camp. It was in a town right in the middle of the mountains and it was beautiful. While I was there I met an extremely good looking girl with blonde hair and a smile of perfect white teeth and slight dimples. Within 2 days of first seeing her I knew I liked girls just as much as I like guys.

I snapped my head up as I came back into reality when I saw people next to me getting up and walking to the middle of the gym. I grabbed my backpack and found my Teacher Advisor (TA) and everyone else in my TA was there too. I had met him the summer and he was really nice, I knew that I was going to have a fun 3 years in his class. Only the grade 10s were there in the gym, we were going to meet the 20 grade 11s and 12s in our TA later. Everyone is mixed together which makes it easy to socialize with anyone. I had a bit of a thing for older girls so I was glad to be meeting some.

We went up the stairs to the level 5, the very top of the school. Its actually only 2 stories high with a basement but the layout of the levels goes left and right making it very easy to get lost. When we finally made it to the top we turned left and headed for the math resource center. The room was quite large and has around 120 big grey desks with pull out chairs that allow you lots of room to lay your books out. Our class met up in the back right corner and took the seats with our names on them.

I found my desk at the front left corner when I read a sheet reading Stacey Woods and sat down while throwing my backpack underneath the desk. I peaked to my right and saw a cute boy with a brown faux hawk. Behind me sat one of the hottest guys Id ever seen. He had short dark brown hair and serious eyes. He looked like a Greek God sitting in his chair. He had the face of a male model and I could visualize myself tracing my fingers lightly across his cheek. He appeared to be slightly anti social so I figured he was just nervous or annoyed school was starting again. After a minute I recognized him from Facebook and remembered his name was Brent.

As my eyes wandered further I caught sight of a stunning girl with long, straight brown hair and a slightly upturned nose. I could tell she was quite tall and skinny and when her brilliant green eyes met mine my breath was knocked away. I envisioned myself staring into her gorgeous eyes and softly tucking her hair behind her ear. As I snapped out of it I promised myself I would talk to her today or tomorrow at the latest.

Mr. McDonald our TA stood at the front of our group and called us to attention. He went over the information package that we had spread out on our desks and explained what to do with each form. We were all given an agenda as well. When he was done going over the learning process at our school he got each of us to stand up and introduce ourselves. We were also supposed to say which Junior High we went to the past year. Two guys stood up and introduced themselves to the class and said they were from the same school. I was already losing interest until I saw the gorgeous tall girl stand up gracefully.

Hi, Im Rachel, and I went to the All Girls Academy. She said quietly, her eyes peaking out from her long lashes. Her cheeks turned a light shade of pink as she sat down, giving them a glow that made her look very cute. Her eyes darted away as she acknowledged the next girl introducing herself.

She said her name is Brook and as the introductions went on I noticed that everyone was from different schools all over the city except for the 2 guys who went first. After all 10 of ourselves finished introducing ourselves we were called to the center of the room where the other classes were. I took my agenda and pencil case over to a different desk and sat down noticing that Brent took a seat behind me right after.

The teachers rambled on and on about rules and the dress code. I was hoping the teachers werent going to actually make us change if we wore short shorts. The rest of the lecture went by painfully slow as we wrote down our orientation times in our agendas. I was trying to focus on what they were saying, but hot images of Brent and Rachel kept flashing through my mind.

I could see myself slowly pulling up Brents shirt to reveal his perfectly sculpted sun-kissed abs. Then fully removing his shirt to show his body in all its glory. I ran my fingers through his hair as he leaned in a kissed my lips softly parting them. His right hand caressed my face as his left rested on the small of my back, pulling me in close. I loved the way he kissed me softly yet with passion. Nothing else mattered except the feel of him against me. His hands slid up the back of my shirt as his fingers traced patterns across it.

Ding! Ding! the bell sounded annoyingly. I slowly came back to down to earth as I saw everyone getting up around me. I grabbed my backpack and headed to my locker in a daze. The school was having a barbeque lunch outside so I found a group of old friends in the hall and headed downstairs with them. We made our way outdoors and found out they were serving hotdogs I decided to pass and have a shake instead. I didnt feel like waiting in a massive line for something I dont even like.

A couple people I recognized had their food already and I walked over to the grass they were sitting on. I slumped down with my shake and said hi to everyone. They carried the conversation while I drank my shake smiling, my mind still unable to come off cloud 9. I kept stopping myself from thinking about Brent and tried to focus on what my friends were saying. They didnt seem to notice anything different about me. I was glad I didnt display my thoughts across my face for all to see.

Everyone finished up their hot dogs and I got up to go to the bathroom. I needed to rinse out my shaker right away so that it wouldnt get gross. When I opened the door to the bathroom my friend Izzy came into view and I smiled. She was one of the sweetest girls I knew, despite our mini rivalry of getting top marks in our entire grade for math and science. We said hey and chatted for a bit until she dried her hands and walked out.

As I left the washroom I remembered that I needed to attend an orientation for Science/Math. I found a group of people on their way there and walked to the gym with them. We went midway up the bleachers and took our seats. The orientation was quite dry and I had to use all my effort just to keep my eyes open. When the bell rang signaling the end of the class I hurriedly made my way back to the halls.

I spent the rest of the day hanging around doing nothing in particular, just killing time until checkout. After the excruciatingly boring hour passed we went to go sign out. I jogged down the stairs to meet up with Nicky in the main foyer. When I spotted her I walked over and started asking about her first day. She was glad school was over because she didnt like most of the people in her class. We kept talking as we made our way towards the bus stop.

When she asked me if there was anyone cute in my class my eyes travelled towards the ground as I smiled. Well yes, um theres this guy Brent and hes smoking hot. I talked to him a little bit today and I hope he likes me too. I said while blushing, remembering my earlier fantasies. She smiled at my reaction and mentioned that she hadnt seen any hot guys today.

We kept waiting for the bus for 20 minutes and then it finally showed up. Everyone was crammed inside again, the door barely shutting behind us. Nicky jokingly asked me if there was any sexy bitches that I saw. Yes, Rachel from my TA is one of the most beautiful girls Ive seen in my life I told her truthfully while biting my lip.

Damn girl, you need to try and get with Rachel, it seems like youre really into her! She said while winking at me sarcastically.

I wanted to be friends with her so badly. She had such a strong hold on me that it was inescapable. Ever since we locked eyes I wanted to be with her. I knew that I should keep my distance from her a bit of first so she wouldnt know the intensity of my attraction for her. The slight sway in her hips as she walks is enough to get anyones attention.

Im always frustrates about how I can care so much about a person that I would do anything to help them, when they barely even know that I exist. They could be the only one on my mind, and they barely have the faintest idea. I needed someone that I could look out for and love everyday that we were together. Id do all the little things that can bring a smile to someones lips.

I looked around the bus that was slowly starting to empty and took a seat beside Nicky. She wanted to know what Rachel looked like so I described how she has silky long brown hair, gorgeous green eyes framed with long lashes, a stunning smile with smooth curved lips and a cute upturned nose. Every time I thought about her I saw countless things I love about her. I hoped that she had a great personality too, because then she truly would be perfect.

My thoughts were interrupted as we neared our stop and pushed the button to alert the driver that we needed to get off. The door opened and when I stepped out my foot caught on something causing me to fall forwards out of the bus. I cursed at my clumsiness, why couldnt I be graceful like most other girls? The bus drove off right away, we had to wait for all the cars to go by before we sprinted across the road to get into our neighborhood.

I walked to my back gate backed onto a path and said bye to Nicky as she walked in the other direction. She had another 15 minutes to walk and I was grateful I lived close to the bus stop. My backpack was so heavy from my Mac Book Pro and all my other stuff I brought back from school. Looking around my large backyard I could see toys scattered all over the grass and I figured the boys mustve been playing there today. It was really hot out, so I took in the sun remembering the feeling knowing that winter would be here soon. I wasnt excited for mountains of snow and terrible road conditions, some of the downsides to living in Canada.

I climbed the stairs and went through the other gate to the front of the house to get in through the garage. I punched in the code and waited for it to slowly make its way above my head before ducking under. I fumbled around looking for the key and let myself inside. My mom was gone with the babies but I figured she would be home soon. I turned left at the bottom of the stairs and saw my brother Marcus in his room as I made my way to mine at the end of the hall to the right. Links room was at the end on the left and in between us was a bathroom that we rarely used because it wakes him up whenever hes sleeping. Me and Mark have to cram ourselves in the half bath at the bottom of the stairs to get ready for bed.

It wasnt fair we had a big rec room downstairs with a large flat screen TV and couches but we never have a chance to use it. We also have a really nice pool table but its always covered in laundry that my parents are folding. The only thing we do put to good use is the hot tub right out the door. Were going to get a wall built at the bottom of the stairs so we can actually have friends over and make a bit of noise without waking the entire house up.

I pulled out my laptop and school work out my backpack and spread it as far as I could on my desk. It was just big enough to fit all of my stuff on it. I decided to do a bit of science and went on my laptop to use the school website D2L to get the PowerPoint I needed. I worked through the whole thing, only taking my half an hour. I could hear voices and people walking around above me and figured I should go upstairs and help my mom out.

I ran around the living room chasing after my little brothers for awhile and then put them in their chairs in front of the TV to give them a snack. I was happy that they werent screaming and being annoying as per usual. Sitting on the couch made me a little tired so I got up and poured myself a glass of water from the cooler. I hung around and helped out upstairs until supper was ready. My dad got back from work right before we sat down. The babies started freaking out with excitement because they love our dad a lot and are always fighting over his attention.

I know that my dad cares about me a lot but we arent extremely close like me and my mom usually are. Being an engineer hes very to the point and isnt easily amused like I am. I enjoy all the little things in life and it isnt difficult to make me smile. Whenever Im bored or mad I go on random funny websites and usually kill myself laughing. I appreciate when people work really hard and do what they love. I have some friends who actually appreciate me and care about me for who I am now.

Grade 7, 8 and 9 werent very good years for me. I had no social life and people would always attack me on Facebook. I didnt let them bother me very much and managed to hold my ground somewhat. When I finally got really good looking at the end of grade 9 it gave me enough confidence to stand up to everyone who made my life shitty for 3 years.

I didnt see many of my friends over that summer though because I was at hockey camp and in Mexico for 2 weeks. Tryouts for hockey also started mid-August which took up most of my nights. I didnt get drafted Midget AAA girls but I was close and hoped to make it next season. I wasnt excited to re-do all of my tryouts again though so I could play A. I met lots of girls at tryouts though and got most of their numbers or BBM (Blackberry Messenger) pins.

I constantly text my best friend Sarah from a different high school in the city. We hadnt been in school together since grade 6 but we continued to stay really close despite everything. Her insane schedule only allowed us to hang out a few times a year until this summer when we managed to get together 3 times. Last summer she was in Portugal the entire time with her family. I always poke fun at her for being so short. Shes super pretty though with long black hair that falls nicely past her shoulders. Her smile and energy can light up a room and she can make the worst situation better. Shes just as smart as me, maybe even smarter, and still does french immersion.

I can tell her absolutely anything, shes the one person who I can trust to never judge me. I can text her about my crazy sex fantasies and she isnt even bothered by it and laughs right along with me. The whole time I was upstairs we were texting each other about how our first days were and I gave her all the details on Brent and Rachel. She creeped them all on Facebook and thought that Brent was extremely sexy texting me I approve 200%!!! She thought Rachel was beautiful as well and told me to go for it. I knew she would support me in whoever I chose but it helps when the people I pursue are extremely hot.

She has a loser boyfriend who ignores her but she said shes breaking up with him soon anyways which made me smile. She deserved so much better than him. I know shes going to find someone way better at her new school. She didnt need to be tied down right now anyways. Ive been forever single, probably because I used to be anti social and unattractive. Now Im waiting for someone to sweep me off my feet except Ill probably back out at the last second because of my slight commitment issues. Ive been able to commit to everything strongly, even friends, just not romantic relationships. I needed to let go and enjoy myself. I over think everything and just need to find someone to have a good time with.

We grabbed ourselves some plates and served ourselves some food. We were keeping it simple tonight, just having pasta with meat sauce and a salad. We talked about our first days of school at the table and my parents were happy to hear that I liked my new school. Marcus got a teacher he hated for homeroom but he didnt have him for any subjects other than Religion. Link had a good day at Pre School and he was excited to go back in 2 days. We finished up our dinner and put our plates in the sink.

Me and Marcus were about to run downstairs but our dad stopped us and got us to help give the little guys a bath. They were clean and in their PJs in half an hour and after I went back downstairs to my room. As soon as I entered my room I flipped on my laptop instantly turning it onto my lock screen. I loved having a passcode on my computer preventing anyone from using it other than me. No one should use it since I bought it with my own money. It took awhile to save up 1300 bucks for a new MacBook Pro. My old laptop was a Windows Vista and it completely sucked ass. Now I had a cam and mic built into my laptop and a keyboard that lights up thats handy for using late at night while Im sleeping.

I logged onto Facebook and randomly scrolled through my newsfeed. I decided to search for Rachel and found her easily discovering her full name was Rachel Summers. I sent her a friend request so I could creep on all of her pictures. I love looking at gorgeous girls, even when they arent naked. I also realized I already had Brent even though I didnt know him until today. He unintentionally looked extremely sexy in 2 of his pictures and I could see myself standing beside him snuggled up close.

After an hour I opened my textbooks and got down to work. I started getting a headache from math because I hadnt done it for 2 months so I took a break to get ready for bed. It was already 9:30 so I put some shorts on and a tank top with no bra. I have a habit of wearing socks to sleep because its so damn cold in Canada during the winter so I continued to wear them anyways even though it was quite warm. For some reason I had a tough time falling asleep without them, the only time I take them off is when its plus 30 or someone is sleeping over.

I brushed my teeth, washed my face and took the pill. Id been on it since I was 13 to clear up my skin, my mom wasnt worried about me having sex at all. I finished up and trudged upstairs said goodnight to my parents and went back to my room. I crawled into bed later and turned my iPod on while making sure my alarm was set for 7. I loved my beats headphones but over ear headphones suck for lying down because you cant roll onto your sides. I changed the headphones and relaxed grabbing onto my long pillow I had beside me.

A montage of fantasies danced under my eyelids ranging from tracing my tongue across Brents abs to running my hands all over Rachels perfect body. I favored the fantasy of Rachel because she was special. There were plenty of hot guys but no other girls stuck out as much as she did. Her smile and the way she peeks up under her eyelashes looking shy is enough to get anyone to fall for her. She could get me to do absolutely anything and Id like it. I wanted her to beg me to ravish her even though I would do it voluntarily any day, any time. My thoughts drifted to a close as I fell asleep blanking out immediately.


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4 years ago
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A Highschool Rape Story

Angel viewed herself as a ghost roaming the halls. She kept head down and her large bulky bag clung tight to her body. Her frizzy, curly , unmanageable hair tight in a messy pony tail. She never wore any makeup and shuffled in her ratted tennis shoes she’d had since last year. With it being the middle of March, the TN heat was blistering, but Angel always wore that large gray over sized hoodie. It was a very rare occasion if it ever came off of her curving, plump body. On this particular...

2 years ago
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Highschool exploration chapter 4 Finally the party0

The phone rang around noon, it was Cindy. Why aren't you in school today? You better not be thinking of skipping out on us tonight. What? No, I'll be there. I just… She cut me off. You better be here for afternoon class! I don't… She hung up on me. Oh great, now she's mad again. I tried calling her back three times but she didn't answer. I laid there for a while thinking. Oh ya I gotta get ready for the party tonight. I was excited. I got showered and dried off. Then I put my...

2 years ago
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Highschool exploration chapter 3 Todd gets feminized

Thursday morning I find myself at school as usual. Gym class is next. I'm in the locker room getting changed​. Probably flag football again. I'm wearing my bright pink panties. They feel so nice. So very soft as they are silk. But so firm. I'm going to have to untuck in order to participate in gym activities but I haven't done so yet. It's raining outside. Unusual weather for late October for sure but it's better then snow right. Coach comes into the locker room and starts his pre...

5 years ago
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Highschool exploration chapter 2 The shopping trip with a surprise

Wednesday morning I started to think of a costume for the party. Jim is going to be Batman and his girlfriend will be there to. I needed to talk to her and find out what her costume will be I thought to myself. I finally found her at lunch time in the school cafeteria. She was with Jim and a bunch of other students. Cindy Tompkins was just a regular girl. I mean nothing to special, average looks, small bee sting tits, shoulder length bleach blonde hair. She's really got dark brown hair and...

3 years ago
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Ashleys Highschool Sexual Experiences

Ashley always had a crush on the popular guy Devon, which was sexy as hell! His emerald green eyes complimented his sharp jawline, and his tan skin tone. The way he ran his fingers though his dark hair made any girl stare in awe. They were about to graduate high school at 18 years of age, but Ashley had never gotten the chance of experiencing anything but a simple hello from this boy. Ashley's friends always encouraged her to make a move, but she was to shy to. But since the final days of...

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Freshman year of highschoolSucking Neighbor Justin

I was 14 when this happened. Probably about 5'4” and 135lbs, 5” dick. My neighbor Justin was about 5'11” and 160lbs, and a big thick 7.5” dick. Justin had red hair and freckles. He was a pretty cute kid, but most people at school didn't like him. He always seemed to say the wrong thing at the wrong time. I was pretty good looking, but by no means was I in the 'cool' crowd in school. One day I was riding the bus home with Justin and the conversation turned to porn. At that time...

3 years ago
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NaruHina highschool sex story

after 3'rd period was over and school was out naruto walked up to the new student and introduced himself, hello my name is Naruto Uzumaki but everyone just call me Naruto. Hello there My name is Hinata Hyuga hey didn't I see you in 3'rd period? Yes that was me, Personaly Mr. Naruto I like your hair, 1'st of all please just call me Naruto it will be easier on the both of us 2'nd of all thank you I like your hair as well. well I should really be getting home Naruto so I'll see you...

2 years ago
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Tori the highschool cumslut

Excuse me for my English, it's not my main language. Please comment, if you like it i'll post part 2 which contains more blackmail and humiliation and rape. Part 3 is mainly about blackmail and incest. I hope you enjoy the story! Tori Anderson was what people call a hot girl. She wasn’t by definition the prettiest girl around, but sure had that thing. Blonde hair, green eyes, a fit body with 37B boobs and 16 years old. The problem with Tori was that she knew it herself. She...

4 years ago
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Highschool Grade 9 Chapter 3

I’m so full of apologies! This time I’m just gonna say that I feel as if I did a bad job in the previous chapter on the sex scene. Also, the last chapter was done in a single night, so the quality isn’t what I wanted it to be, and it was pulled off within the span of only a few hours. Anyways, that’s for the two of you that commented on the previous chapter, the first guy mad me laugh quite a bit when I fully read what had been said. Thank you ALL for the wonderful ratings, it makes me...

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Highschool Grade 9 Chapter 2

All people, places, and events in this story are fictitious, any resemblance to persons, living or dead, is purely coincidence. This is written in first person, not based on true experiences, and if you aren’t an enjoyer of those under the age of 18, then please refrain from rude comments, it’s only a story. Apologies for the short beginning, I had a funeral to attend, and it’s hard to think of what to write when someone dies, y’know? Anyways, hopefully this one is a little longer,...

3 years ago
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Coincidentally, I had been worrying about today, my first day being a senior in high school. Last year, I had taken both of my entry exams and passed them with flying colors and gained every credit I needed to graduate. I only went to school to socialize and meet new people. My friends say they love my humor and it always brings a smile to everyone. I’m addicted to making people happy. My boyfriend, Antonio, had moved away since about 3 months ago. He was graduated himself, and he was well...

4 years ago
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highschool need i say more 2

I untied my long brown hair and changed. As I pull off my shirt I turn so I can see my self in the mirror. I look down at my slightly toned abs and my C cupped breasts and wonder how the rumor about me giving out good, free blow-jobs started. I didn’t look like a slut; I looked kind of plain and boring, but I put that thought out of my head as I changed into a baggy white t-shirt and some black bike shorts. I look closely in the mirror at my brown eyes and plump lips and imagine the boy I...

2 years ago
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highschool need i say more

My name is Sasha, i'm 15, toned abs, skinny, long brown hair and brown eyes. When I get down to the locker room my best friend Eva is waiting for me. Eva is slightly shorter than me, also skinny, wavy black hair (dyed) and blue eyes. Eva can be out spoken when annoyed or bored but she is mostly shy. She is really stubborn. I’m sure if she wasn’t my friend she would have been kicked out by now for back chatting teachers by now. you see there is a rumour going around that I give great blowjobs...

4 years ago
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Highschool Sweethearts Say Goodbye

Every day, I awoke with mixed feelings. My heart burst with anticipation at the thought of seeing Judy, but I knew that soon, she would no longer be with me. Although it was a bitter sweet summer, I wouldn't trade it for anything. During those 2 months, Judy and I bonded with each other on every level possible in a deep and meaningful way. Finally, the inevitable day was upon us. It was the end of August, and Judy was leaving tomorrow. I remember that day being a beautiful August...

3 years ago
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How to become a slut The highschool years part 2

Weeks later, Gina was still angry and spiteful regarding her defeat. The semester had begun and she spent most class periods trying to formulate another plan to get revenge for her humiliation. She wondered what the thirty three year old headmaster could want with her panties, and shivered with every nasty thought that entered her na? little mind. Her teachers were particularly annoying and boring, but perhaps more so because she could not concentrate. Gina was embarrassed most of that first...

4 years ago
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How to become a slut The highschool years part 1

It was a cold day at the preparatory. Most of the girls were away with their families for winter break. However Gina’s family did not have the most loving members and when it was suggested that her perverted uncle take her for the holiday season she emailed back with any academic excuse she could think of. Even though she had become an excellent student, she definitely didn’t plan on spending her nights “studying for next semester”. She giggled to herself realizing how lame that excuse was. She...

4 years ago
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Summer Before Highschool

It started out as a normal school dance for me, the group I was hanging with were goofing off. It was 8th grade graduation. I was 14, a little tall for my age, I was 5'8", had long legs and I was a 36C cup. I was your average girl, an outcast. Then this boy caught my eye, his name was Trevor. I smiled and blushed when are glances met. he came over to me and asked my to dance. He is one of my friends that I have a had a crush on for quite sometime. He is 5'9", has dirty blonde hair. sexy...

4 years ago
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I went back to school proud. I wasnt a virgin anymore, and my friends were all going to be so proud that I had finally gotten some instead of staying at home playing with my pussy. I walked up to school on the sidewalk, because the rain would have caught me in its muddy clutches of doom. I had dressed up that day in a black lacey top that flowed out on both sides like a poncho. I wore tight fitting jeans that made my ass shapely and sexy. To top it off, I had the sexiest pair of black cage...

3 years ago
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___________________________BACK TO THE PRESENT_______________________________ So here I am, at home writing my tales of sexual endeavors, and nothing I have within my sexual reaches is good enough&hellip, Within my ottoman, I currently have two vibrators, one butt plug, a set of nipple vibrators, and a bottle of KY lubricant. Sometimes I would come home and go to town on myself so hard, I would barely be able to stand the next day. I love porn. Porn is like my life. I spent my time as a...

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highschool need i say more 2

Introduction: this is my second story and it is a continuation of my last one. You dont need to read the first to understand this one. When I got home from school I did what I normally do. I glance in the fridge, picking out some snacks, fight with my younger brother Ben and head up to my room to do home work and chat to friends online. I untied my long brown hair and changed. As I pull off my shirt I turn so I can see my self in the mirror. I look down at my slightly toned abs and my C cupped...

2 years ago
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Highschool Hunnies pt2 The Dildo

Chrissie laughed, ‘The one I use to fuck myself senseless when there’s noone around to fuck me of course!’ She looked back at Becca and smiled. ‘Do you have any sex toys?’ Suddenly Becca felt slightly uncomfortable.’Ummm, no actually…’ ‘Aww Becks, you need to come over to my house, we’ll find something you like then go shopping afterwards!’ Now it was Becca’s turn to laugh. ‘That’s an offer I can’t refuse,’ she said, biting Chrissie’s neck and gently stroking her stomach. ‘Mmm,’Chrissie moaned...

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TAYLOR! Reality hit me as soon as my flashback had ended. Aaron was calling me out to the front of the school. I typically made friends with everyone in high school, but my favorite crowd was the mixture of outcasts. The outcasts and the misfits had a sense of humor no other group could match, and this excited me. Since Aaron was new to the school, I introduced him to my many deranged friends. Aaron, this here is Sam. They shook hands. Sam had always wanted to get a piece of ass, but the...

3 years ago
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Rekindling a Highschool Romance

I stood at the counter cutting up tomatoes for tonight’s salad. My parents were out of town for the weekend. It was just me and Scott there together. It was planned, a date night. Scott was my high school boy friend. After graduation he joined the Air Force and we gave up on it all and went our separate ways. Scott was home and wanted to get back together. As I cut up the tomatoes, I thought that it will never work. Long distance relationships never work. I glanced up at him as I thought he...

4 years ago
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Are you ok? Aron said. Yeah Im fine. Ive just been thinking about things lately&hellip, dont worry about it. He pulled away, and tucked himself into his own world. He set himself against the wall of the school, at a slant. Looking out to the horizon, the wind tossed his hair awry. He closed his eyes and let the air flow through him. His eyes half opening, he grew a sly smirk on his face. Whats going on? He turned to me, and stepping closer and closer to me, backed me up against the wall. There...

4 years ago
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A highschool student part 1

Introduction: My first story and fictional, based on real life Hi, my name is Alex. Im currently sixteen and attened a public high school Im around six feet tall and have brown hair and blue eyes.Im a junior. Im pretty smart, but am a rather lazy student. Im a little on the heavy side, but it isnt noticiable when Im wearing a shirt. I always seem to have more things to do then I do time. My story begins in my sixth and final class have the day, technical theater. I was one of the better...

3 years ago
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Finally Fucked My Highschool Dream Girl Part 2

Once again comments would be most appreciated. I’m thinking about writing part 3 and 4 with Kim’s mom. And sorry it seems so short I’m still new to writing stories. I roughly grabbed her by the legs and bent her over the bed but first decided to tease her a bit by rubbing my cock on her pussy. She cooed and begged. “Ohhh please, master, stop teasing me and give it to me already please.” I smiled mischievously. “Are you ready to get the fuck of your life?” She looked back at me over her...

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Highschool Hunnies

It was a hot summer night and Becca couldn’t sleep. The moonlight poured through the window, landing on her sleeping best friend, Chrissie, beside her. It was making her tanned skin glow and a thin sheen of sweat was causing her white tank top to stick to her. It had ridden up, showing her tight stomach and belly button ring. She had kicked off all the blankets, revealing her toned tanned legs that lead up to her perfect ass, which was covered in a pair of pink short shorts. Her long black hair...

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Introduction: This is the beginning of my sexual journey through my senior year of high school. I hope you enjoy this as much as I did. I walked to school today just as I did every other day. I felt the moisture of last nights rain permeate my skin. Today was a cool, overcast sort of day. The rain had always been a good omen for me, so I assumed today was going to be an outstanding day. Coincidentally, I had been worrying about today, my first day being a senior in high school. Last year, I...

3 years ago
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Finally Fucked My Highschool Dream Girl

This is my first story here on Lush, comments would be much appreciated My name is Nick, I’m 17 and at Northview High School in Ohio. It’s a typical school to me, jocks, nerds, hot girls, etc. You get the idea. Not to brag but I’ve been told I am a pretty good looking guy. I’m 5’11” with black hair, brown eyes, and coffee colored skin. During the summer I swim and workout at the YMCA, and during the winter I work out at home, I’ve done this for a while so I have a well-toned body with six-pack...

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Highschool Harem

You groan in frustration as you struggle to finish marking yet another exam paper, your tired eyes no longer able to concentrate on the illegible writing. You had high expectations when you graduated from university with a first class degree in history and landed a job teaching history at Kuoh Academy, a prestigious all-girls school. It was a great opportunity. Being paid a ridiculous amount of money to talk about your favourite subject all while being surrounded by hundreds of barely legal...

2 years ago
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Highschool DxD The Holy Devil King

My Name Is Jao Van Adaire, My Mother Is The Archangel Gabriel and My Father A Former Exorcist Of The Church Who Was Himself A Quarter-Angel, Thus Making Me Half-Human and Half-Angelic. But Ten Years Ago, My Father Disappeared During The Madrid Church Bombing, No Body Was Ever Recovered and His Soul Was Never Transferred To Heaven Nor Hell. Without His Presence My Relationship With My Mother Fractured, and I Began To Take On An Extremist View, Because I Was So Angry At The World For Taking My...

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My Highschool Monster Girl Harem

Name: Haji Hino Height: 5'2 Build: Average, kinda scrawny Hair: Short, brown, spiky Eyes: Blue Haji isn't really someone you could call a jock. He's never really worked out much, he's always picked last in games, and he didn't really have that many friends. What he did have was smarts. He managed to skip a grade though with all the bullying he went through he sometimes wished he didn't. He always kept to himself, burying in manga and video games. And he really wanted a girl friend too, but no...

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A Typical Highschool Story

It’s a foggy day. You sit on a bench peering into the fog for the yellow paint of your school bus, when a black SUV emerges from the white mist. A friendly looking blonde girl pokes her head out and shouts, “Hey John, get in!” This is Sarah, one of your best and oldest friends. You’ve known each other since the first grade and have been best friends since. You approach the car. “What’s going on?” you ask. “Bus got cancelled today. We’ll give you a lift.” You open the back door and get into the...

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Highschool 20

After the last class of the day, I went to the Manga Club Room. when I entered the room,i was not surprised when I looked at the table and saw the blue-haired girl sleeping with her head on a book. . A few years ago, the manga club at Kouh academy used to be quite popular, but after the former president graduated, most of the students eventually quit the club. For a club not to be closed, you must have at least three members. And currently the club has four members. Two are ghost members I've...

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Highschool Fantasy

You wake up. You look at a picture of your family, which is placed on a nightstand next to your bed. You are an adopted child with two sisters (not related by blood). You are single and you want a girlfriend badly! That is your mission for the day. Will you be able to accomplish it? You make the choices, so your destiny is in your hands. Your stepmother, Christine is an attractive twenty-year-old woman whom is unmarried. She took you in when you were twelve. You were accepted into her household...

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You wake up, the sun shinning through your window. You look outside and see Mount Rainer. "It's beautiful" you think to yourself. You get up out of bed and hear the shower running its probably your sisters friend Geri. You can smell breakfast being made downstairs.

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highschool powers

You just had a rough day and decided to go to bed early. You were dreaming about Eva giving you a blowjob when suddenly you were woken up by a loud bang. You wake up in your apartment only to realize that something is off. Where as once you would wake up to your ceiling fan spinning around and your alarm clock going off this time there was nothing... It was quiet in your room. And then it hit you, time has stopped around you. You think to yourself how in the world did this happen. After...

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Highschool DXD

Your a new student at kuoh academy and you see a lot of gorgeous and sexy women going to this school and you see a crimson haired girl walk passed you and see a black haired walking next to her and they both have amazing bodies but judging them from their looks and their bodies, one could say that the two of them would make prefect porn stars "the transfer student then broke out a rather sadistic smile" then the other students saw it and it cheeped them out, how you did not care you kept...

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Highschool of the dead

You wake up with the usual morning boner. Everything feels... rather normal. Too normal. (Is that even possible? I mean... normal should be just... normal? Like what else is there to it?) You decide on having a shower. But of course before you go in, you can't help but admire yourself in the mirror. (yes, guys do that, every time). You get out of the shower, get dressed, and then go to the kitchen to get breakfast started. You ALWAYS have 2 bowls of cereal every morning, it's just how you start...

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