Kellys Passion-A Prelude free porn video

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Kelly stepped out onto the deck of her beachfront condo. It was almost noon and the morning shadows had moved off the back of her home, bathing it in the warmth of the summer sun. She leaned against the solid railing and gazed at the deep blue of the Pacific. The sounds of the surf crashing on the shore and the salty smell of the ocean never failed to put her in a wonderfully relaxed mood.

The bright sun was now high in the cloudless sky and felt warm on her bronzed skin. Kelly watched as a pair seagulls flew low over the water, loudly squawking to one another in their ongoing pursuit of their next tidbit of food. One of them suddenly dove down and caught a small fish that swam too near to the surface. As it rose, the second bird flew in close, harassing it unmercifully. They squabbled and bickered over the unfortunate fish until, inevitably, the prize fell back into the water. Kelly laughed as the birds circled around, plaintively mourning their lost meal.

“See! That’s what happens when you fight over something that small!”

The sights and sounds of nature always had a way of making Kelly feel alive, and she sighed in contentment at the beautiful day. She felt that it was perfect for some nude sunbathing, and her deck, elevated as it was above the beach, offered just enough privacy for her to remove her bikini and enjoy the sun in the most natural of ways. Before stripping out of her bikini though, she spent a moment enjoying the day and found herself reflecting on the course of events that had brought her there.

Overall, Kelly considered herself a very fortunate woman. She was twenty-two years old and on her own, living in the paradise of coastal California. She was an extraordinarily beautiful woman, having been blessed with a body that possessed all of the feminine curves that drove men to distraction. That was not mere vanity but simply a fact. Her breasts were large and firm, her belly flat and her hips curved sensuously around her shapely ass. She kept herself in shape with a daily aerobics regimen. Kelly made sure to make the most of her looks because her entire lifestyle depended on them.

Being unusually open-minded for a girl her age, Kelly quickly found work as a dancer at high-end strip club shortly after arriving in California. Being nude onstage was an incredibly exciting experience for her and she loved showing off her body for the men and occasional women who frequented the place.

It was during a promo shoot for the club when Kelly was discovered by a photographer from a prominent men’s magazine. Realizing that she was a natural in front of the camera, he shot several erotic spreads with her and within just a few months, she became quite popular with the magazines’ readership.

These days she was a favored model for several skin magazines and web sites. She was doing some regular web cam work now as well, flirting and playing with herself in front of guys from all over the world. Some, especially her father, might have looked down on her as being a whore or a slut but Kelly didn’t care. She was living life on her own terms and wouldn’t have traded it for anything in the world. She loved the freedom of her sexuality.

The serenity of the moment was suddenly broken by angry voices from below. Kelly glanced down in the direction of the commotion and a surge of fear and disgust rose in her belly. Not more than a dozen feet from the base of the wooden stairs leading from her deck to the beach, four bare-chested young men were closing in on a lone young man in a white t-shirt.

She had seen these four bullies hanging around the beach many times before. They were an aggressive and territorial bunch that was prone to harassing anyone who managed to attract their displeasure. She couldn’t make out their exact words at first, but it was clear that they had taken a strong dislike to the young man. Considering the odds against him, Kelly felt he should have backed down and walked away. Instead, he chose to stand his ground, and the four brutes were eagerly accepting his perceived challenge.

Once the young man’s avenue of escape was cut off, one of them, a muscular guy with long blond hair, stepped right up into the unfortunate boy’s face. The hostility displayed by the four made her blood run cold. Kelly had contempt for violence in any form and absolutely despised bullies.

She quickly looked up and down the beach for anyone else who might be watching. There were several people within earshot of the scene, but sadly none of them looked as if they were willing to get involved in the rapidly escalating confrontation.

Kelly opened her gate at the top of the steps and started down toward to the beach. As she approached, she began to make out what the thug was saying to the trapped young man.

“Listen Dip-Shit, how many fucking times do we have to tell you to stay off our fucking beach? No girls are going to come over and hang out with us as long a fat-assed douche like you is around!”

The outnumbered boy’s response was both nervous and defiant. “This is a public beach, and I didn’t do anything to you guys. I was just walking by, minding my own business and you gotta go and shoot your mouth off! Why do always have to make a huge scene about everything, Scott?”

“What the hell Jeffery, you lose a couple of pounds and all of a sudden you think you’re a tough guy? Keep it up and I’ll knock your fucking head off, asshole!”

Just as Kelly reached the bottom of the stairs, one of the guys standing behind Jeffery hit him hard in the back of the head, knocking him straight into the lead thug. The blond bully immediately pushed him backward again, causing the off balanced boy to fall to the ground.

The four of them were paying so much attention to their helpless target that they never saw Kelly approaching until she stepped in between them and their prone victim. Kelly understood the pack mentality men had in these situations and was careful to focus her anger only on the one who had hit Jeffery from behind.

“Oh, that’s really fair! Your friend Scott here had this under control, but you gotta go and hit him from behind! That is so uncalled for. How would you feel if someone came up behind you and smacked you in the head?”

Kelly bent down as she spoke, helping Jeffery to his feet as his attackers watched in stunned disbelief.

“Oh, my God, Jeffery! Are you okay?” Kelly knew she’d caught them all by surprise. Needing to keep them off balance, she spoke as if she and the boy were long time friends. She wanted to confuse the four and was well aware of what an impact her perceived friendship with their intended victim would have on their opinion of him.

“Yeah, I’m all right,’ Jeffery replied, still dazed from the blow he received.

Scott and his friends were totally confused by the sudden appearance of this incredibly sexy, bronzed nymph. At their age, young men always measured themselves, and each other, by the success they had with the opposite sex. Seeing her side with a guy that they had been about to beat up struck them where it hurt most, right in the center of their fragile egos. She knew that the other three would instinctively try to get on her good side.

Scott was the first to speak and he reacted exactly as Kelly had expected. “She’s right, Rob. That was a cheap shot. What the fuck is the matter with you anyway?” Seconds later, others joined in, admonishing their friend and offering apologies to both Kelly and Jeffery.

Kelly took one last shot at the group as she hooked her arm around Jeffery’s and led him toward the stairs leading to her apartment. “You guys act like you’re still in high school. Don’t you think it’s time to grow up a little?”

Standing there in stunned disbelief. they all silently watched as Jeffery followed Kelly’s lead into her apartment. Once inside, Scott shook his head in amazement at the guys luck. “Well I’ll be dammed. Way to go Jeff.”

As Kelly led him up the stairs, Jeff finally found his voice. “Thanks a lot. Those guys just never seem to know when to stop.”

Kelly’s response was filled with contempt. “They’re a bunch of knuckle-dragging Neanderthals. I wish they would find someplace else to pollute with their childishness.”

Her reaction made him smile and he let out a little laugh. “I’m Jeffery Taylor by the way, I’m sorry, but I didn’t get your name.”

“I’m Kelly, Kelly Woods, it’s nice to meet you Jeff.” She opened the sliding glass door and invited him in. “Have a seat on the couch. I want to have a look at your head, where he hit you.”

When Jeff took his seat, Kelly sat on her haunches next to him. Running her fingers through his hair, she soon found the bump left by Rob’s fist. Kelly gently tested the bump with her fingers, checking for swelling and any potential break in his scalp. While she went about tending to him, Jeff couldn’t help but notice how incredibly beautiful she was. That, and the kindness she was showing him, quickly alleviated the shame and anxiety he felt from the confrontation on the beach.

Kelly was not unaware of the young man’s interest, but she pretended not to notice his fleeting glances as she hopped off the couch. “It doesn’t look too bad, but let me get some ice to bring the swelling down,” she informed him pleasantly as she made her way into her small kitchenette. She could almost feel the young man’s eyes following her, and couldn’t help but smile and add a little wiggle to her hip in the hopes he would enjoy the view of her barely covered ass.

For a moment, she considered putting a robe on to cover her bikini-clad body. Most women probably would have in a situation like this, but Kelly was very comfortable in a state of semi-undress and didn’t mind him sneaking a peak or two. Truth be told, she considered the fact that he was attracted to her to be flattering. If he found pleasure, or was titillated by her looks, then why should she mind?

Turning to ask him if he wanted something to drink, she caught his gaze quickly darting away and smiled inwardly at his shyness. To her, it seemed a rather cute show of vulnerability that she found very endearing.

“Those guys down there seemed to know you. Have they been giving you trouble for long?” Kelly inquired evenly. Her concern was very real, but she also saw how tense he was and she hoped such idle chitchat might loosen him up.

If anything, her question only made his nervousness worse. Jeff dropped his head in embarrassment and almost hid his face in his hands. “Just Scott. We went to high school together. I was a lot heavier then and he’s never let me forget it.”

‘That explained the fat-ass comment’. Kelly thought at the time the insult was out of place. Jeff might be a little thick around the waist, but she certainly didn’t consider him to be fat.

Sitting next to him on the couch, she handed him the compress and set an ice tea on the table in front of him. “Really? How much weight did you lose?”

“Almost a hundred pounds,’ he responded with pride. ‘That’s why I was walking down the beach. I try to get some exercise every day.”

“That wonderful Jeff, it’s really worked for you. You look great!”

“That’s nice of you to say. Losing that weight was the hardest thing I’ve ever done.”

‘I’m really impressed, Jeff. That must have taken an extraordinary amount of willpower. Now, let me have a look at your head again.’

With that, Kelly sat back on her knees and gingerly held the compress to his injury. As she leaned against him, his shoulder slipped the valley of her exposed cleavage. Her body felt so warm and soft that Jeff could barely stand it. This was as close to a woman as he’d ever been, and he became so nervous that he was almost shaking. He dared a glance in her direction and was greeted by a close up view of her round and firm breasts. It was a heavenly sight and his cock twitched in reaction to it.

He quickly became petrified that his ogling would offend her though, and he forced himself to look away. She was like an angel to him, and he was just certain that she would throw him out if she knew what kind of disrespectful thoughts he was thinking.

Jeff was genuinely grateful for all her kindness, but he couldn’t understand why she would waste her time with a guy like him. He never had any luck with girls and had pretty much resigned himself to a life of lonely celibacy. Part of him wanted desperately to run away before she realized what a loser he was. It was only his raging male hormones that kept him seated on the sofa. The years of self-doubt he had been living with welled up inside him and made him wonder if she was just feeling sorry for him. That would have been intolerable. The last thing he wanted was her pity. It would have been an absolutely crushing blow to his ego.

“I must have looked pretty pathetic out there, getting kicked around like some little kid,” he said mournfully, hoping somehow she would make him feel otherwise.

Jeff looked down at the glass in his hands. It was ridicules that at twenty years old he would still be getting picked on like that. It reminded him of the bad old days in High School. He probably would have gotten his ass kicked if Kelly hadn’t stepped in.

‘Oh, jeez,’ he thought lamely, ‘I needed to be saved by a girl?’ He could only imagine what Scott would be saying about that. It was unbearably humiliating.

As Kelly watched the dark shadow of self-doubt pass over him, she realized he had probably been a victim of that kind of violence his entire life, and her heart went out to him. It was like suffering from post-traumatic stress syndrome. She knew that if he couldn’t improve his self-image, that stress would haunt him for years to come. She put the ice pack down and took his hand in her own.

“No, don’t say things like that. You were just out taking a walk. Being assaulted by a bunch of jerks is not your fault. You’ve got nothing to be ashamed of.”

He looked at her and was comforted by her warm smile. “I don’t know, I guess you’re right. It just makes me feel so… small.”

“You know Jeff, I saw the whole thing and I have to tell you I was impressed by how well you handled yourself. You gave it right back to them even though you were badly outnumbered. I thought you were very brave.”

Jeff sensed her sincerity and it touched him deeply. Her beautiful green eyes were filled with compassion and understanding for him. He was unused to kindness from others and it meant the world to him to finally be accepted for his looks and respected for his actions.

“Wow, thanks a lot, you don’t know how much that means to me.” Jeff felt the first real smile he’d had in a long while appear across his face. She placed the compress back against the bump on his head. It still hurt but his mood had improved enough that he tried a bit of levity.

“Standing up to them may have been brave, but I think running would have been the smartest thing to do.”

Kelly smiled playfully at him. “You’re probably right.”

They laughed together, letting the humor of the moment wash away the hurt and pain of the boy’s damaged ego.

They chatted on for several minutes, making the kind of small talk that men and women do when they are getting to know one another. Kelly was impressed by his gentle, unassuming manner. There was something sweet and innocent about him that really appealed to her. He had an honest, un-inflated attitude about himself that Kelly found refreshing.

Most college guys would have been trying desperately to impress her with grandiose stories of their athletic prowess or financial success, anything to try to charm her into bed with them. It was always so transparently false or contrived that Kelly never took anything guys like that said seriously. She often found the plasticized front that so many men put on to be an insult to her intelligence. Some self-aggrandizing story about how great a guy thought he was never failed to be a turn off for her. She was not some empty-headed bimbo who could be easily conned out of her panties.

Jeff had none of those flaws. If anything, he was too insecure for his own good. Even so, his obvious shyness amused her. She noticed how careful he was not to do anything that might be considered forward or impolite. In fact, he seemed to be struggling with himself in an effort to act as if he hadn’t noticed that she was a girl at all!

It struck her as ironic that he could be as courageous as a lion when faced with four toughs intent on doing him harm, yet be so intimidated in the company of a woman half his size. Kelly valued what was inside a man much more than his physical appearance and she felt that he possessed a rare mix of bravery and vulnerability. It was a combination that she found to be very appealing.

She wondered if had ever been with a girl and decided he probably hadn’t. A boy this shy would likely have been mortified at the idea of asking a girl out on a date. The thought that she could be his first excited her immensely and a faint tickle of arousal begin to pulse through her veins. Kelly felt that heat and nursed it until it grew like a fire within her. It was a wonderful sensation that once started, she didn’t often ignore.

Kelly was not a woman who believed in being coy about her intentions. She was very much in touch with her own sexuality and had no inhibitions or hang-ups when it came to the pleasures of the flesh. With a more experienced man she might have just curled up in his arms and let nature take its course. Jeff didn’t have that experience though, and Kelly felt that if she were that forward she might end up scaring him off.

Jeff was almost paralyzed by his insecurities as he sat next to her. She could easily tell how valiantly he was trying not to stare at her. That was the first thing she would have to change. She leaned back into the cushions of the couch, forcing him to look more directly at her. When he did, she was happy to see that he finally let his eyes roam over her exposed body. She shifted herself slightly into a more provocative pose, her legs parted slightly and one arm bent up with her hand behind her head. She wanted him to get a good look at what she was about to offer him.

“Jeff, do you mind if I ask you a personal question?”

Jeff swallowed hard. He may not have ever been in this situation before but his natural instincts clearly understood what her body language was saying. He hoped desperately that he wasn’t misreading her intentions. “Yeah, you can ask me anything you want.”

“Do you have a girlfriend or anyone special that you’re seeing?”

The question almost made him choke on his iced tea. He couldn’t bear the idea that she would find out how inept he really was. When he finally answered, his voice almost failed him. “No, I’m not with anyone right now. I just haven’t found the right girl yet.” He didn’t know where she was going with all of this, but the stress was becoming more than he could stand.

Kelly let her free hand flow casually over her belly in what she hoped would seem an absent-minded gesture as he answered her.

He watched her for a moment, trying to think of something intelligent to say. His mind was going blank on him and the one question he really wanted to ask slipped out before he could stop himself.

“What about you? You must have a boyfriend or something. I bet the guys are always asking you out.”

Kelly shook her head at him. “Not really, I think most guys just expect me to be with someone. The truth is I’m not very good at relationships. I don’t want to be tied down yet.”

Jeff emptied his ice tea, trying to buy some time to think. His dick was rock hard and creating an embarrassing lump in his swim trunks. His hands were shaking as he tried to place the empty glass back on the table, and to his horror, he dropped the glass on the carpet, spilling the few remaining ice cubes out onto the rug. ‘Oh my god,’ he thought, ‘How could I be so stupid!’

“Oh Jeez, Kelly. I’m sorry. Right on your clean rug too.’

He started to move to clean it up but Kelly stopped him with a hand on his arm. “It’s okay. It’s just ice, nothing to worry about…”

When she leaned forward she found herself looking directly at the large bulge his erection had made in his shorts. Jeff knew she had seen it and felt like the world was about to crash down on top of him.

“Kelly, I sorry, I can’t help it. I’m just not used to being around someone as pretty as you…”

Kelly slowly dropped to her knees and began picking up the spilt cubes. She looked again at his erection and sat up in front of him. “Well I guess that’s it then, isn’t it?”

He was certain she was going to ask him to leave. The whole thing was making him sick to his stomach, but his damned hard-on refused to go away!

Kelly gave up on trying to seduce him. It was obvious that he just wasn’t up to the subtle approach, so she decided to be more direct about her intentions.

“You said that you didn’t have a girlfriend, but that’s not really the whole truth is it? You’ve never been with a girl before, have you? You’re still a virgin, right?”

The question was incredibly painful to answer, but she didn’t seem at all angry with him. Instead, she still seemed as kind and caring as she had from the moment he had met her. It made answering her actually bearable. “Yeah, I’m still a virgin. That’s pretty pathetic right?”

“Why do you say that? There’s a first time for everyone.”

She held his hand and captured his gaze with her dark green eyes. “I would like to be your first, if you’ll let me.”

He swallowed hard as his mind digested what she said. He wanted to jump for joy, to scream, “Yes! Oh my God yes!’ but repressed the urge. He just couldn’t understand why such a beautiful woman would be interested in him. It was completely beyond the bounds of his experience. Fear and excitement tore through him as the realization of what she was offering truly settled in. His emotions boiled and churned in him so strongly that he was completely at a loss for words. When he finally did speak, he was relieved that he sounded much calmer than he actually felt.

“I would love that Kelly. It would really mean a lot to me.”

Kelly bit her bottom lip self-consciously, revealing just a bit of her own shyness. “Me too. It’s not everyday a girl gets to bust a guys cherry.”

“Wow, really? I mean you actually like the idea?”

“Of course I do. Wouldn’t you? ”

That surprised him. He knew that any guy would jump at the chance to be a girl’s first, but it never occurred to him that women might feel the same way.

“Yeah, I guess so. It’s just all so new to me.”

Her openness was so refreshing that he had to laugh. He always thought of women as mysterious and unapproachable, but Kelly had a way of connecting with him that he found irresistible.

Jeff said nothing more as Kelly led him into her bedroom. Words could not begin to describe the emotions rolling through him as he followed behind her. He feared anything else he attempted to say would come out as senseless babbling. She stopped in front of the open window and drew the shade wide open. The ocean view was breathtaking and they both paused, allowing the grandeur of nature to set the mood as their moment approached.

He stood close behind her, looking over her shoulder at the blue water below. He wanted to touch her so badly it hurt, but he couldn’t quit build up the nerve. Kelly leaned back slightly until her back was against his chest. When she spoke, she sounded as if she were in awe of the vista outside.

“I love the ocean. It can be so calm and peaceful on the surface, but underneath, it holds an irresistible power. I’ve felt the same qualities in you, Jeff. You try so hard to be a gentleman, but somewhere inside you a storm is brewing. I can feel the depth of its need and it makes me feel nervous and excited. You don’t have to hold the storm back anymore. I want to feel its strength.”

Without moving her gaze from the window, Kelly reached back and guided his arms around her waist. As he pulled her more closely to him, she tilted her head slightly and brushed her thick hair away from her exposed neck. Jeff took the offering and brought his mouth down to the succulent flesh where her neck and shoulder met. He kissed and bit at her lightly, all the while holding her exquisite body in his arms. The salty-sweet taste of her skin was intoxicating. His excitement was growing to levels that were hard for him to contain and his mind swam with nervous frustration at his own inexperience. He knew what the basics of lovemaking were, but it pained him that he had no idea how to proceed. He could only hope that she would like what he was doing.

As his lips and teeth raked against her neck, Kelly let out a small moan of pleasure. His body felt hot against hers and she could feel trembles of excitement passing over him. His hands began roaming over her belly and sides, causing her skin to tingle at his touch. She noticed happily that Jeff’s hands felt warm on her exposed flesh. She loved to be caressed and cold hands were a turnoff that Kelly would have been hard pressed to overcome.

Kelly stayed in his embrace for several moments while his kisses on her neck sent wonderful shivers of excitement down her spine. By then, her nipples had become pleasantly hard and poked erotically through the material of her bikini top. Seeing these protrusions, Jeff’s lust finally overcame his timidity and he brought his hands up and cupped both of her firm orbs in his palms. Kelly gasped as he flicked her nipples with his thumbs, sending shockwaves of electric pleasure coursing through her. Reaching behind her back, she pulled apart the knot that fastened her top to her bosom.

Jeff felt the material of her bikini bra come away in hands and watched in wonderment as her perfect breasts came into view.

“Oh wow, no tan lines? That is so cool!”

Pulling the garment away from her body, he began fondling her breasts with almost reckless abandon. Kelly cooed at his enthusiasm as he eagerly worked her pliant flesh.

“I like to sunbathe in the nude and my deck is just perfect for it,’ she wistfully responded.

Pretty soon, Kelly turned to face him and he immediately bent down to take one of her pointed nipples into his hungry mouth. He sucked gently, flicking his tongue against her sensitive bud. The feeling was delicious and Kelly held his head to her breast, letting him suckle her as if he were a small child.

“Use your teeth on me a little,’ she said breathlessly. ‘Roll my nipple in your mouth … oh yeah just like that, baby. Don’t worry. You won’t hurt me.”

After a few seconds, she shifted him to the other breast and let him suck on that one as well. Kelly was a fiend for breast play and reveled in his oral assault. When he finally pulled away, she guided his head up and kissed him deeply. His mouth tasted of lemon and mint from the tea, and left her moist lips tingling for more when the kiss was over.

Kelly helped him take his shirt off and then dropped to her knees in order to slide his swim trunks down to the floor. His cock sprang free and rampant as soon as it was released from the confines of his shorts. Smiling happily at his size, she held his shaft gently but firmly in her hand. Gazing upward as she slowly stroked him, she saw the most wonderfully pained expression come over his youthful face. It was clear that even this modest contact with his manhood was almost too much for him to bear. Almost on cue, a large dollop of precum appeared over the tip of his cook and Kelly swiped it away as her thumb glossed over the spongy crown.

Seeing how close to orgasm he already was, she squeezed the base of his shaft firmly until he had calmed a bit. This was a critical time for him she thought. If he came all over her hand at this point, he would likely be overcome with feelings of regret and inadequacy, and while she managed to prevent it for the moment she knew that he couldn’t last much longer, no matter how careful she was.

Kelly was aware that while a man his age would recover quickly, those negative feelings could cause stress and performance anxiety. That could be emotionally disastrous for him in a way that he might never be able to overcome. He needed to come soon but in a way that would not cause him to feel less than the man she knew he could be. Besides, she intended to get as much use out of his youthful virility as was possible. Nothing less would come close to quenching the fiery longing that was now coursing through her as well.

She had condoms in her nightstand but didn’t care much for them. She preferred the feeling of a man’s bare skin inside her to the latex of the rubbers. She wasn’t worried about pregnancy because she’d been on the pill ever since she turned eighteen, but as sexually active as she was, and with multiple partners, she was concerned about the myriad of diseases that were an ever-present threat to her lifestyle. That was another reason Jeff’s virginity appealed to her. He would be about as safe as a man could be, and she could let herself enjoy him to the fullest.

Her decision made, Kelly peeled her bikini bottoms off of her hips and stood back up in front of him. “I can’t wait any more Jeff. I need you now. Will you make love to me?”

“Yes, of course!’ he choked out. ‘I would do anything for you, Kelly.”

She moved to the bed and lay on her back, waiting for him. He looked in amazement at the vision of beauty that she was. He saw that her tan did indeed cover her entire body and that her pussy was shaved completely clean. When he slipped between her open thighs, she took hold of his manhood and guided it toward her waiting channel.

“I don’t expect you to last long this time Jeff, so don’t try. Just do what feels right and everything will be fine.”

“Okay, Kelly. I just want you to like this too.”

“Oh, don’t worry about that, baby. Trust me, I’m going to love every second of it.”

With that, Kelly guided him to the entrance of her moist opening. Jeff felt the wet softness of her sex and pushed forward. Her petals opened before him without resistance and he slid into her deeply. When he felt her angle her hips up for him, he began thrusting hard and she groaned loudly as he drove his cock home.

Kelly felt the fullness of his penetration deeply within her and wrapped her legs around his thighs, pulling him in even more. At first, she guided his pace, showing him how to use the regular, even thrusts that would eventually bring her to climax. ‘Oh yeah, Jeff that’s it, just like that. You feel so good inside me, oh fuck yes.”

Her words gave him the confidence he needed and he loved her for it. Lowering himself over her, he was careful to support his weight with his arms. He moved closer still until their lips met in another deep, soul kiss. Kelly accepted his tongue into her mouth and entwined it with her own. It felt heavenly to share that kiss while he plunged his cock into her again and again.

That kiss seemed to throw a switch inside him and he suddenly lifted himself over her as he began pounding her body hard. Kelly saw an excited lust burning in his eyes and she moaned and cooed as he fucked her the way a man should. His thrusts became harder and faster, driving his length into her over and over again. Kelly held on tightly as his movements became frantic. The walls of her pussy stretched full on each downward stroke and his shaft dragged itself over her clit, causing her to pant with desire.

Kelly was one of those lucky women who could achieve a vaginal orgasm from being penetrated, and Jeff’s relentless pounding was beginning to bring her close. She knew she told him to let himself go, and she relished the hard fucking he was giving her, but now she hoped he could hold of just a little bit longer so that she would be able to join him in his coming ecstasy.

He was slamming into her wildly, like an animal in rut. His lustful passion was every bit as exciting to her as the hard fucking she was getting. He was about to come inside a woman for the first time in his life and Kelly knew that there was no way to stop him now. She just had to slow him down long enough to reach her own peak before he filled her with his thick, hot cum. Grabbing his shoulders, she tried to slow his pace just enough.

“Oh fuck, Jeff, I’m almost there … Just a little more … Oh yeah, that’s it! Fuck me like that, fuck…”

Through the clouds of lust swirling in his mind he heard her plea. The need to come warred with his desire to see her orgasm underneath him. With a will he never would have believed he possessed, Jeff slowed his pace and allowed her motions to guide him.

He concentrated on the erotic vision of his beautiful mate nearing her moment. Her head was thrown back and her breathing came in deep, heavy breaths. He felt her hips gyrating against him, searching for that extra bit of friction against her clit that would open the door to her innermost passions.

In a glorious instant, Kelly passed through the threshold, and her orgasm exploded within her. Her body writhed and convulsed as the intensity of the sensations cascaded over her. Jeff felt her pussy clasp tightly on his shaft and instinctively knew she was ready for him to join her. With one last thrust, he buried his cock fully into her and planted his seed deeply into her receptive body.

Jeff pumped himself into her several times, blasting hot bolts of cum into her with each thrust until he had no more to give. Finally spent, he rolled off onto his back next to her. Kelly curled up next to him with her head on his shoulder and slid one leg over his hip. He slipped his arm around her back and they lay together in the afterglow of it all.

After a minute or two Kelly felt him begin to doze and she watched him as he drifted in and out of sleep. She was okay with that. The release of so much pent-up energy, and the following state of relaxation was bound to make him tired.

As he dozed, she casually looked over his body. He was a little flabby but not all together unsightly. He had that fair complexion that made tanning difficult. Much to her satisfaction though, his chest was almost hairless. That was a definite plus in her mind. Another thing about him that pleased her was his hands. They were large and strong. His nails were well groomed, but she could tell by the calluses on his palms that he was no stranger to hard work.

Gently running her finger over one of his small nipples, Kelly watched it harden at her touch. Whether she was with a man or a woman, this was a sight that never ceased to fascinate her.

She wetted it with her finger and blew on it softly, making it pert and pebble hard. He awoke at her sweet attention and quietly moaned.

“Mmm that feels really nice.”

“Does it now? Most guys don’t seem to like their nipples played with.”

Jeff smiled with his best boyish grin. “Well I never thought about it before, but I have to admit it’s kind of turning me on.”

“Really? Well let’s see how you like this.” Kelly bent over and sucked the small bud into her mouth, swirling her tongue around it.

“Oh wow, Kelly. That feels really good.” He caressed her back while she nipped and kissed both of his buds until they were rock hard. She felt his chest rise and fall with each breath as she played with them. He couldn’t know it, but feeling his body react to her like this was doing wonderful things to her as well. Glancing down at his cock, she saw it begin to lengthen again. It was not unusually large, but she felt it was beautifully formed and his thick, circumcised head was positively delightful.

Kelly started kissing and nibbling her way down his body, paying particular attention to his belly button. She lifted her head and dragged her hair over his chest, further inciting the growth of his manhood. When she embraced his length in the valley of her breasts it actually twitched with anticipation.

Jeff sighed as she caressed his cock with the pliant skin of her boobs. It felt incredible to have his cock squeezed between her breasts, but more than the physical pleasure, the sight of her slowly stroking him like this was driving him crazy with arousal.

Kelly moved herself slowly lower, bringing the crown of his cock closer to her mouth each time it passed through her cleavage. When she grazed him with her parted lips, he flexed his pelvis upward, trying to thrust it between them.

“Oh my God, yes! Please suck on it! Aw, geese!”

Kelly denied him no longer and slid her mouth down over him. She took him to the entrance of her throat several times, sucking hard. Then she pulled off and caressed the underside of his cock with her moist lips, making his entire shaft glisten with her saliva. Once again, she took him deeply into her mouth, and this time she didn’t stop until his entire length had slipped down her waiting throat.

Jeff was amazed at what she was doing to him. He could actually feel the tight channel of her throat squeezing and caressing his cock. It was an amazing sensation, one that rivaled her velvety sex. She bobbed her head several times before she pulled back for a breath. Ropes of saliva clung from her lips to his cock as she pulled away.

“Oh shit, Kelly! That feels so good!”

Kelly’s eyes sparkled as she flashed him a naughty grin. ‘I love sucking your cock. It fits my mouth perfectly.”

She went down on him again, using her tongue to tickle and caress his shaft as her lips traveled up and down his length. Soon, she felt him stiffen and knew he was about to cum. With practiced expertise, she pulled off and squeezed the base of his shaft, quelling his immediate urge. As she did, she sucked his balls into her mouth and prodded them with her tongue.

Jeff was shocked at how good it felt to have his balls licked like that. Her magical touch enabled him to hold off coming, but still kept his arousal at a fevered pitch.

‘Where in the hell did she learn that?’ he thought in admiration.

Kelly was torn by what to do next. She really wanted to suck him off. The urge was so strong, in fact, that she could almost taste his cum already. Her pussy though, was aching for it. It itched and purred with a burning desire to be filled by his thickness once again. In the end, she decided to let him make the choice. Rubbing his cock playfully against her lips she spoke in her most sultry voice. “Jeff, do you want to come in my mouth? Or would you rather fuck me again. What do you think?” 

He almost couldn’t decide. the blowjob she was giving was driving him nuts, but he couldn’t pass up another chance to fuck this incredible beauty. “That’s a tough choice Kelly, but I would love to do it again.”

“Mmm, my feelings exactly!”

Kelly turned around on her hands and knees and wiggled her tight ass at him. “Come over here and ride me, I love it from behind!”

Jeff moved up behind her and she reached between her legs, guiding him to the entrance of her wet channel. “Don’t move, baby, let me do it.”

Once she felt him slip in, she pressed back and forth until she had his entire length inside her sopping pussy. “Oh fuck yeah, you feel so thick inside me!”

Kelly pressed hard, grinding herself against him. From this angle, his curved shaft dragged deliciously over her clit. She pulled forward and slapped her ass hard against him several more times. It came to a point that Jeff could no longer be passive. He took hold of her hips and began thrusting into her, hard and fast.

The shape of her back as it tapered from her shoulders to her slim hips was almost mesmerizing. He wanted to touch every part of her, so he leaned in and ran his hands up her spine. When he did, her arms seemed to give way, letting her head fall against the sheets. It was a truly memorable sight.

Kelly’s passion was growing to an uncontrollable level. Jeff had been transformed from a shy youth into a dominate male, driving her toward uncharted heights of pleasure. She felt her thighs ache from the strain of resisting his powerful thrusts, and the pain only seemed to spur her arousal forward. There was only one thing missing now, one thing that would push her over the edge.

“Pull my hair, Jeff. Drag me back against you.”

He thought it an odd request but he was in no mood to argue. He gathered her long brown hair in his hand and pulled her head up and back. He instantly understood why she had wanted this. The angle of his penetration changed and he felt as if he were thrusting deeper than he ever had.

For Kelly, the mixture of the pain and pleasure shot through her whole being. Her clit was on fire and her poor pussy was being stretched enough to make it purr with delight. Before she knew it, her orgasm was upon her. As the waves of pleasure spread over her body like liquid fire, she bucked and heaved against him, but his grip on her hair, and his hips against her ass, held her in place while he continued to fuck her hard.

As her moment past, Jeff felt her body relax and let go of her hair. Her pussy was so wet that he easily slid out of her as she collapsed in front of him. It had been a mind-blowing sight to see her so consumed by the pleasure he gave her and he felt a strong sense of pride in being able to affect her so. He lay down next to her and took her in his arms while she regained her breath.

“That was fucking amazing Jeff. I haven’t had anybody give it to me like that in a long time.”

“I have a great teacher. Honestly, I’ve never met anyone like you before. You’re an incredible woman, Kelly.”

Kelly smiled at the compliment. “You’re supposed to flatter a girl before you get her into bed, but’ll accept it anyway.”

He pulled her close and kissed her. As their bodies came together, Kelly felt his still-hard cock press against thigh as they embraced. She reached down and took him in her hand, stroking him up and down his length.

“Well, look at what I found. I can’t leave you like this now, can I?”
“I rather hope not. Would you like to go for another round ”

Kelly licked her lips sensuously. “I’ve got another idea.”

Same as Kellys Passion-A Prelude Videos

4 years ago
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Kellys marathon weekend Part 3

Kelly sat her wine glass on the night stand and took a breath held it for a second and exhaled. She looked around and said "Are we ready to keep going?" A few guys walked to the bed and climbed up next to her. Another black guy climbed between her legs. Kelly adjusted herself on the bed and reached down to grab his cock. Then, she looked up at him and then leaned to look at me and said "Oooh babe! A big one! All for me!" and then she started aiming him towards her cunt. I got a glance...

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Kellys marathon weekend Part 5

Kelly had rested and told the white guy to come over to her. She said "Here. Let me help you." She leaned over and took him into her mouth and started giving him head. That didn't take long and he was growing harder. Kelly pulled away and said "Jam that thing into me before he goes soft again!" He climbed between her legs and he reached down to guide his cock in and Kellys hand hit his. She said "Oh, are you going to do it or do you want me to guide him in for you?" He let go and Kelly...

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Kellys Passion ch 1

Chapter 1 By Milik the Red Four years later… Kelly sighed as the warm spray splashed over her soft breasts. The soapy water felt wonderful as it flowed down her flat belly and over her smoothly shaven mound. Slowly running her hand over her moistening sex, she moaned softly as her finger dipped into her wetness. Her nipples became enlarged, and her heartbeat quickened as her body responded eagerly to the invading digit. Kelly was always easily aroused. She loved the intimacy of sexual...

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Kellys Passion ch 4

Kelly’s Passion Chapter 4 Kelly awoke hour’s later feeling the delicious ache of sexual exertion radiate through her body. Rolling flat on her back, she sighed in contentment as she stared at the mirrored ceiling. Her matted hair was against her head and her thighs were sticky with the dried film of her juices. ‘Oh my gosh, I’ve made a hot mess of myself, haven’t I?!’ Memories that were as delicious as they were humiliating replayed through her mind and she giggled softly at the cause of...

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Kellys marathon weekend Part 4

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Kellys Passion ch 2

Chapter 2 Kari stared out through the window and into the night. The moon was full that evening, casting its eerie light upon the floor of the desert. The pale blue radiance of the moonlight gave the desert’s rocks and cacti an almost mournful appearance, as if they were suffering a terribly painful loneliness as they silently watched the world travel by on the blacktop of the interstate. Loneliness was something Kari could understand. For the last nine years of her young life, she had lived...

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Kellys letter of a black stranger she met

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Kellys marathon weekend Part 2

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Kellys Passion ch 5

By Milik the Red Kari was overjoyed at her reunion with Kelly and relished the time they spent together that afternoon. As evening approached though, Kelly told her that she had been unable to clear her schedule for the night and had to be at a photo shoot for a few hours. Kari knew her sister was a successful model, and excitedly hoped she might be able to go along with her and watch Kelly be photographed. It all sounded so very glamorous to her, so when Kelly explained that it wouldn’t be...

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Kellys Passion Ch 7

Kelly walked along the shore, listening to sound of the waves as they crashed upon the sand. It was growing late in the afternoon and the beach was now almost completely deserted as the days revelers moved off to prepare for whatever entertainment awaited them on a Friday night during the California summer. The mournful cry of a lone seagull carried over the pulsing waves and the young woman looked up to watch the white bird as it circled gracefully overhead. It, too, felt the shadows creep...

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Kellys Passion ch 3

Alex was gone by the time Kelly woke that morning. Opening her tired eyes, she checked the ornate china plate she kept on the nightstand and smiled in satisfaction at the thick envelope he left behind. By the look of it, he had tipped her quite handsomely for her services. This was her standard practice. Unlike most women in her business, Kelly never asked for money up front. Her ‘lovers’ knew she charged five thousand dollars for a night in her bed. Once satisfied, they discretely placed the...

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Kellys Passion ch 6

As she sat naked in Dan’s lap, May silently mouthed the words ‘thank you’ to Kelly as her friend quietly slipped out of the room. May knew how difficult it had been for Kelly to be with her that night, but May had promised to fulfill a fantasy for Mr. Worley, and one didn’t back out on Hollywood Directors without a very good reason.  Kelly had been masterful with her though. She had skillfully played May’s body like a finely tuned instrument, and driven her to orgasmic distraction while May was...

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Kellys Passion The Final Chapter

Kelly awoke slowly from the first peaceful sleep she’d enjoyed in many nights. Daylight poured through the window, filling the room with the welcoming warmth of the morning sun. As she opened her eyes, memories of the night before filled her mind in vivid detail, almost as if she had been dreaming of them in her sleep. She felt cozy and relaxed with Alex spooned behind her and she snuggled deeper into the gentle embrace of his arm as it lay still over her hip. She could tell he was asleep....

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Kellys PassionA Prelude

Kelly stepped out onto the deck of her beachfront condo. It was almost noon and the morning shadows had moved off the back of her home, bathing it in the warmth of the summer sun. She leaned against the solid railing and gazed at the deep blue of the Pacific. The sounds of the surf crashing on the shore and the salty smell of the ocean never failed to put her in a wonderfully relaxed mood. The bright sun was now high in the cloudless sky and felt warm on her bronzed skin. Kelly watched as a...

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Kellys marathon weekend Part 1

Because Kelly had sex with a black guy she had met while I was over in Germany, she thought I was upset with her for doing it. I really wasn't and I enjoyed hearing all about it. But she mentioned a couple of things she thought would make up for it so I decided to tell her I wasn't mad, just disappointed. She said she wanted to make it up to me, and that we could talk it over and maybe make plans for her to fuck a few guys at the same time in front of me. We had a video that showed...

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Kellys Exploration

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Kellys sister

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Kellys First Time

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Kellys 20th birthday

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Kellys Awakening Pt 1

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Kellys Awakening Pt 2

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Kellys awakening

I heard a knock on the door and went to answer it. ‘Hi Madam, we’re here to fix the water leak like you requested,’ said the first guy. I looked at this young man standing in front of me, his slim but strong figure, his glistening tanned skin, muscular arms and chest.. and the same for the guy standing behind him. In fact, they looked quite similar, perhaps brothers even? Suddenly I realized that they were waiting for an answer while I had been lost in my thoughts about the rather delicious...

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Kellys First Time

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Incestuous Harems Passion 16 Incestuous Passions Arrested

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Chapter 3 Invitation and Prelude

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Lavender Regret Pt 02 Prelude

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Donna and Megan prelude

As she took another sip , she thought to herself…. ” i'm tired of being alone , I want to share my life with someone…someone I can support and mentor ” but she didn’t know where to start.. So she went to the one place she knew had all the answers…. “Google” … and after a couple of hours she landed on “seeking”, she made an account and started looking for prospective partners. After weeding out many fake and desperate profiles, she came across a profile. It was of a...

1 year ago
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Predatrix Prelude

Throughout the half hour the teachers of Woodward High were on the bus, Michael was nervously sitting next to Ms Jane Abbott, the Math teacher, and making small talk. He had been looking forward to this, Michael. He’d had a bit of a crush on Jane ever since he joined Woodward as a history teacher five months ago. He remembered the first time he had seen her. He was waiting outside the Principal’s office to be called in for his interview. Jane had glided past him with a visibly ill girl into...

3 years ago
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The Saga of Lilly Prelude

Kagai wept in fear and loneliness, looking down at the water from her room in the Inn, her hand slowly caressing her stomach, her unborn baby only three months alive. It had been a stupid mistake, the daughter of the emperor of the Land of Red Suns letting a simple western sailor seduce her, impregnate her. Her father had ordered her killed for disgracing his honor and she had fled with her lover to the western world, where he had quickly abandoned her. She reached into her bodice and...

3 years ago
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Forgiveness and Reconciliation Chapter 0 Prelude

Greetings and salutations, reader. I'm writing to you, addressing you, with a very specific goal in mind. This story is not the first I have written, however it is the first I've felt comfortable enough in it's quality to publish online. As such, there is a task I'm asking you to complete. Tell me what you think. The more specific the better, obviously, but even a simple, "It's good", or "It sucked" is better than no feedback at all. Point out any errors I might have missed in...

2 years ago
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Chapter 1 The Prelude

The imagination of what was going to happen next kept her mind racing while she switched off the lights of the kitchen and living room and walked towards the bedroom. Even though she knew exactly what was going to happen, the very thought that this had become a routine kept her senses tingling. She kept the jug of water near the dressing table. And walked towards the bed where he was busy in his cell phone preparing himself for another night of sensual pleasure."Sir, I am ready for you." Even...

3 years ago
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Renaissance Man The Prelude

You see books and articles about "A life in pictures" or maybe "A life in music." That got me thinking about my own life, and in retrospect, many of the most interesting and enjoyable moments seemed to revolve around sex. What follows is my early high school and college days. It brought me out of boyhood and into manhood. I hope you enjoy it even a fraction as much as I have.My first time was totally unexpected and played an important role in leading me down the path I followed.We lived in...

First Time
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Broken Birds Part 27 Coming Out Party Prelude

Coming Out Party Two months after the trip to Brisbane, Rafaela, Alice, Maria and Lynne joined the others, shopping for the first time. Discrete guards, male and female, watched them, but never had to intervene. They visited the casino. The next day, Tim had his men check for any camera hits. Casinos routinely used facial recognition software. There had been no hits. Over the next weeks, they discovered anonymity. Michael discovered the need for the usual paraphernalia of...

1 year ago
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Compound Prelude

John loved his Job, the perfect job for a man who loved to dominate, and loved medieval torture. John worked for the Medieval Museum in a large city Colorado. Every day he was surrounded by torture methods, machines. The idea of spreading someone over Judas Cradle made him rock hard instantly. John had a daughter, Carla, who just turned fifteen. She’d been getting into a lot of trouble lately and John was forced to home school her, due to her expulsion from high school. He was at his wits...

4 years ago
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Legends of the Fel Prelude

IN THE PALACE OF THE GODS (atop Mount Venusia)The Queen of the Gods had been treating her two lovers, the demi-goddesses Herena and Hastashia, to a hot golden shower over their lusciously formed bare tits when she had received her summons from her lord and master. ‘Would you like a sample?’ she offered Lermes, the winged messenger who was smaller than most of her cousins yet still commanded a body built for all manner of sins, her pert breasts playing host to a very erect set of nipples as she...

4 years ago
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Hot Wife Plays Pool The Prelude

Lynn’s husband was in their family room reading a book waiting for her to get dressed. They were going to another get together at the Smith's. He was halfway concentrating on his book and halfway thinking about some of Lynn’s adventures in the Smith's lower level.“So, what do you think?”He interrupted his reading to watch his vivacious wife walk into the family room. She looked stunning in a dark blue one-piece jump suit that was zippered in the front. There was a distinct contrast with her...

3 years ago
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Had To Improvise Prelude

There will come a day when I will have to improvise during filming, but that day is still far from the events I'm about to share. This is all about the build-up to that fateful day. Here I'm still wading slowly into new waters.The very beginning:We were just hanging out one day when we had a conversation that would change so much and lead us down a long winding path of experimentation and growth. It all started when Steve mentioned to me that we could make some money filming solo masturbation...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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Country Doctor A Prelude

I wrote Country Doctor parts one and two awhile back, and a few people suggested that the story should be expanded. I think that this part can stand by itself. But if you enjoy it and want more it does continue… Jenny Watson sat with her legs pressed tight together and her hands gripping the edge of the exam table. Her back was ramrod straight and her eyes looked downward at her knees. She was naked from the waist up and her small pointed breasts stuck straight out from her chest. The round...

3 years ago
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Abby sat looking at a blank screen, trying her best to work on her most recent novel, but finding herself very distracted. Thoughts of him filled her head and she simply couldn’t focus on her work at hand. An image of him, the last time she saw him, came to mind. Her heart began racing just thinking about him. Closing her eyes, she could see his piercing blue eyes staring down at her, feeling his warm breath against her cheek as his lips pressed against hers, and his strong arms wrapping around...

1 year ago
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Chelles Secrets A Prelude

Michelle grinned at the sight before her: three young men, all of them a good decade younger than her 31 years, all standing naked, their hard young cocks at attention before her at the foot of the bed. Three men, all for her. ‘Well, well,’ she said to the one in the center, the one that she actually knew. ‘Just look at what you brought me this time!’ Slowly she crawled forward on hands and knees towards the closest one, her naked ass wriggling invitingly behind her as she moved. This was going...

1 year ago
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A romance in Byzantium Part 1 Prelude

Istanbul! That means: ‘the Turk’s there,’… Constantinople, that means ‘the city of Constantine’… But for me it’s ‘Byzantium’ – and that was never Turkish, was never Roman, was never Greek. That was always just ‘Byzantium’, the melting pot of nations at the entrance to the Bosporus, where blend Orient and Occident, mingle…, mate… great people bringing forth. Byzantium…, that name should commemorate to Byzas, a mythical figure, a Megarian army commander (today would we say ‘warlord’). He, as...

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