Voyeur Ch. 01 free porn video

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It was a typical week day that the following course of unexpected events took place. At twenty years old I’d recently moved into a flat with an attractive older women of about thirty years, someone whom I’d slowly begun to get to know and liked, but whom still seemed straight and innocent, yet also mysterious. Either that or she was playing coy which was as I was soon to discover was far more accurate. Nevertheless my ponderings occupied my mind as I shifted into second.

As usual I’d found myself driving to another dull day at work, stuck in heavy traffic, flicking in and out of radio stations at random, endeavouring to distract myself from myself and watching my fellow rat race travellers seemingly doing the same was familiar.

Unexpectedly my cell phone rang.


‘Hi Mike, its Tim, I just called to let you know work is off today.’

‘Oh hows that?’ I asked somewhat surprised.

‘Harry is away till tomorrow and gave every one the day off. Something about the contract needing some remedial work.’

‘Well that’s fantastic,’ I replied cheerfully. ‘I just wish someone had told me sooner. I’ve been sitting in traffic forever and I’m only twenty minutes away. I really could have used the sleep too!’

Tim laughed then said, ‘Ah well Mike, see you tomorrow and don’t forget the tickets.’

‘Yeah ok, I’ll see you tomorrow, thanks man, later.’


Having hung up I took the nearest U-turn and started to head back home wondering what I might do with the rest of my day, and not coming up with anything particularly exciting, resigned myself to a lazy day beside the pool. With the sun beating down relentlessly it would be a perfect day for a dip, if I was lucky some sleep to make up for the restless night before would also be welcome.

Perhaps five minutes from arriving home, my up to then reliable Toyota began to gargle and sputter, like it was running out of gas, except that I knew it was not, having filled up the day before. Inevitably the old girl gave out a final desperate gasp and the engine died completely.

‘Oh for fucks sake!’ I said to myself angrily, slamming my hands down against the steering wheel. ‘Ah well at least I made it this far,’ I thought reassuring myself in an attempt to remain calm. ‘I’ll just have to call a tow truck. I’ll wait till I get home and call from there,’ I thought without even contemplating trying to fix the car on account of the unbearable heat.

Once car was locked up I began walking the fortunately short distance home and was starting to look forward to my day off. About ten minutes later I started up the long winding drive way which was shrouded in the foliage of tree’s that shielded me from the intense sunlight. Regardless, by the time I reached the front door I had worked up quite a sweat, the look of the pool was very enticing.

Having proceeded inside and then having made a quick cup of coffee I walked upstairs to my room, undressed, and began searching for a towel. The search was fruitless so I looked in the bathroom adjacent to my room and despite finding a towel, found it was somewhat used and wet.

‘Fuck!’ I said to myself impatiently.

After a few more moments of further futile searching of the linen cupboard I thought I’d go into my new flatmates bedroom and look in the a-joining bathroom. I felt she knew me well enough and wouldn’t mind if I grabbed a towel. As expected I retrieved a clean towel from her bathroom and was just about to exit her bedroom when her open closet caught and commanded my attention. A radio perched on top of a large dresser next to a plasma television and DVD player distracted me momentarily as it blared out a drone of some rock song or other. I was about to turn it off, or down, but I was further summonsed and distracted by the open closet which seemed to draw me in.

The doors were slightly ajar and from where I was standing I couldn’t help but notice some sort of leather clothing along with what appeared to be lingerie. For a moment I paused and gazed motionless, curiosity getting the better of me – and before I knew what I was doing I walked slowly around the queen sized bed located in the centre of the room, and began to tentatively pull the doors still further apart. Crouching down and dropping the towel casually I took a leather garment in my hand and at once I noticed that it was a pair of crotch-less panties. Looking further I saw various garments and other unmistakable paraphernalia of sex. I couldn’t believe my eyes! My flat mate had seemed so ordinary to me up to that moment. She was very attractive and sophisticated, yet for some reason or other I had formed an opinion of her that she was a good Catholic girl.

Snapping out of it and returning to myself and realising that I was prying and being nosey – feeling like I was breaching her trust in me – I pulled the doors back to where they were before and was about to leave when I became aware that my heart beat had quickened and a stirring below had been initiated, as-well as an overwhelming sense of erotic sensuousness which had begun to permeate by entire body.

Knowing it was wrong, yet piercingly stimulating, and having momentarily re-treated, I couldn’t help but pry further, and without further consideration impulsively began again pulling back the doors to this lair of forbidden excitement, trepidation, and mischievousness. For I also knew that my flatmate was at work and wouldn’t be back for at least four hours, it wouldn’t hurt if I had a peek, and besides I rationalised, a week prior I’d had the sense that she had been through my room.

With the doors wide open I stepped inside which was a very large closet filled with racks of clothes, skirts, pants, panties, dresses in leather and latex, along with multiple boxes of various sizes including a plethora of shoes stacked carefully on shelves. Several costumes such as a maids outfit, or nurses uniform, and nuns habit appeared interspersed within the other garments hanging from a central rail.

I was immediately totally immersed and captivated within this Aladdin’s cave and quickly became oblivious to my breach of her trust in me as I continued examining her private accoutrements. In one corner of the closet boxes of books sat partially unpacked along with rows of video’s and DVD’s carefully arranged, the titles of which were all explicit. On one of the top shelves sat yet more explicit video titles and an old video recorder along with several more box’s. Most of all I was taken aback by the sheer volume of material, but also found myself perplexed at the sheer explicitness of the various porn titles many of which I forthwith wished to view.

Then I began to examine the lingerie, the crotch-less panties, the G-strings, riding boots, and surprisingly a riding crop which made me chuckle to myself in disbelief. It seemed I had happened upon a Pandora’s box and it was thrilling and compelling to discover that my flat mate was not quite as straight as I’d imagined up to that point.

Already my cock was throbbing, as I imagined her dressed up in these outfits of latex, or leather, brandishing the riding crop perhaps, like a dominatrix, commanding me to satisfy her every desire, and me doing so willingly.

‘Perhaps I should watch one of the videos’, I pondered while stroking my cock in earnest accompanied by these lascivious images. It was exhilarating yet felt so taboo, and occasionally these feelings of arousal were accompanied with guilt, in that I was now slowly and almost unconsciously masturbating in my flat mates closet while rummaging through her belongings. It felt wrong, yet at the same time felt so good I simply couldn’t stop myself.

In the very next instant my heart almost stopped. ‘What was that?’ I wondered stunned and motionless. I was sure I just had just heard something downstairs and froze like a rock. I listened intently but couldn’t hear hardly anything because the radio was so loud, and then I wa
sn’t sure if I had heard anything at all, it could have been one of the neighbourhood cats, or ‘Maybe I’d imagined it?’, Or ‘Maybe I should just get the hell out of here right now?’ I thought anxiously.

For a few moments I just sat there naked, hypnotised by the scene of where I found myself, unable or unwilling to remove myself from what had now become a very lewd, highly unusual, and out of character episode of lust and fantasy for myself. I’d paused for a few minutes at least, just sat there dazed. And when I was sure no one was there returned to the thoughts which had stimulated me prior as I continued with the exploration.

Gradually I began to again stroke my swollen member whose dimensions had not dwindled in the least, and which now created spasms of pleasure as I quelled its own desire thus while examining the covers of some of the DVD’s. With several more minutes of wreck-less abandon while flicking through the outfits and a variety of magazines I could feel myself beginning to ride the crest of a wave which threatened to break at any moment. But I had to hold back. For it was one thing for me to be doing what I was, but it seemed something else entirely to actually ejaculate, it just felt even less appropriate than just masturbating under the circumstances, even if I had the towel handy. Besides, I desired to prolong my fantasy as long as possible.

So time and time again, as I felt the waves of pleasure begin to culminate I’d back off and build myself back up, perhaps to finally release later in my own room.

Having been completely absorbed in the proceedings it was with a feeling of absolute horror when I distinctly heard footsteps coming up the stairs which creaked. It seemed at that moment time had stopped and a panic over came me as I covered myself clumsily as best I could with the towel. Without having a moment to think I found myself pulling the closet doors almost shut and withdrawing further into the darkness of the closet itself.

‘Jesus Christ!’ I thought immediately, feeling completely over come with angst and stunned mindlessly, feeling like a complete fool, and worse, like someone who had invaded someone else’s privacy and whom was about to be caught. But there was no way out of this one. I knew that whose ever footsteps they were, there would have been no way for me to have successfully left the closet as I found it without being discovered snooping. And yet at virtually the same time, I thought that I should have just quickly gathered my thoughts, left her room with the towel covering my erect member and somehow bluffed my way out. But it was too late for that now, and my mind was a haze of overwhelming alarm.

All I could do was hope that if it was my flatmate, that she would come and get something, leave, and give me the opportunity to escape back to my own room where by then, I could simply go downstairs and announce my presence. Obviously because of my car having broken down and her not seeing it in the drive way meant that she had no idea I was at home. I guessed I’d not heard the arrival of her own car because of the radio.

These thoughts which raced through my head happened in seconds but seemed like an eternity. For as half expected my flatmate Leanne entered the room and if I was panicked before, now I was completely shocked and at a loss as to what to do but watch her through the louvers in the doors, from the confines of the closet which was now for the most part dark. Even the hint of the idea that she might come straight to the closet and discover me made me nauseous. I was repulsed by my actions, but all I could do was sit immobile and spellbound.

Leanne proceeded to walk around the bed, and momentarily, much to my horror, paused in front the closet as though she was about to open the doors and discover me. Since the doors were partially open I wondered if she had seen me and the game was up. But somehow she seemed to become distracted and turned away from me, and seated herself before a large mirror attached to a dressing table on which sat a multitude of cosmetics. She was sat only a matter of a few feet away with her back facing me, though I had a perfect view of her exquisitely sculptured face by looking at her reflection in a large oval mirror before her.

She’d begun to brush her long brown auburn hair, before applying some Ferrari red lip stick upon her luscious lips, and then a couple of sprays of some expensive looking perfume over her upper torso which smelled of sandalwood and roses, for as it wafted toward me I could smell it almost immediately.

Rising from the chair she first reached up to switch the radio off and then she approached a set of large drawers, adjacent to the dresser, opened one of them and withdrew a bottle of red wine, a cork screw and two glasses.

Being petrified that at any moment she would open the closet and discover me I began to slowly withdraw deeper into what now seemed to be a cell which held me. I was hoping to cover myself with clothing in a vein attempt to conceal myself if the worst came to the worst, but it was hopeless, if I was not extremely careful I would make a noise and be found out so I just sat there feeling completely bewildered, planning for, and mentally scripting, that if I was discovered I would just confess to what I had been doing.

Leanne, in her early thirties, looked as stunning as usual, with slightly longer than shoulder length hair and olive skin. Not slim, but well proportioned with superb breasts, a truly stunning example of the female form. And from where I was located I had a view of her appetising buttocks as-well which made my cock even harder despite my desire to nullify its potency.

Having opened the wine and deposited the bottle on the dresser, she sat down again before the mirror. Her big brown eyes beamed into it back at herself, studying, admiring, seemingly pleased with what they saw. Her full rounded breasts beneath a white cotton blouse which was unbuttoned in such way as to reveal cleavage, were enticing and provocative, yet at the same time not too revealing. But they were magnificent and tantalising, she even briefly cupped them in her hands and seemed to adjust their position beneath her blouse which just heightened my desire.

‘Lisa are you coming up?’ Leanne called out unexpectedly which provoked further alarm in myself.

‘Yeah, I’m just making a quick call,’ came the reply from a sultry female voice downstairs.

I was surprised, and staggered to learn one of Leanne’s friends whom I’d never met was also in the house, and worse would apparently soon be joining us all in her bedroom. If the thought of my flatmate finding me in such a compromising position was sickening, the thought of the two of them discovering me was absolutely horrendous.

‘So you up for a swim Lisa?’ Leanne asked as her friend walked into the room.

‘Yeah I think I will,’ Lisa replied while walking around the bed giving me a perfect view of her exquisite body as she did so, before she set a brown leather hand-bag down next to the bed then seated herself on it beside Leanne who’d begun pouring the wine into the other glass.

‘I just opened a bottle of red,’ Leanne said turning to face her and handing Lisa the now filled vessel before Leanne got up and sat herself next to Lisa on the bed.

‘Oh nice, just what I need, thanks,’ Lisa replied cheerfully as she accepted the glass before sipping the wine eagerly with already moist succulent lips, painted a soft pussy pink.

If Leanne was attractive, her friend Lisa was like a Greek goddess. A blonde, perhaps twenty five, possibly younger, slim, tall, slender, with voluptuous breasts clearly accentuated by a red tang top which appeared tighter than was perhaps comfortable, and which accentuated her nipples which protruded provocatively indicating she was not wearing a bra.

Along with the gorgeous body, Lisa’s face was perfectly sculptured, symmetrical, with an exquisite nose, delicious lips, and to top it off, aquamari
ne blue eyes which seemed deeply penetrating and piercing, yet paradoxically and enigmatically, inviting, soft and gentle.

Having said that, what evoked an even greater throbbing below was the site of Lisa’s long slender legs which disappeared up a short, tight, black leather mini skirt. I wondered how her pussy would be atop those gorgeous thighs so I repositioned myself strategically, if but very carefully, for she was facing me only a few feet away with her tanned legs uncrossed, and if I was lucky I would steal a glimpse of her succulent mound.

The two of them then began to talk about some kind of assignment. I soon gathered by their conversation that it was assigned by Leanne to Lisa at some sort of writing workshop at which Leanne taught, so I presumed that Lisa was one of Leanne’s students. They seemed to know each other quite well, for as soon as the wine flowed, they began to joke and laugh heartily with one another.

‘So hows your new flat mate Mike?’ Lisa asked before grinning.

‘Ah he seems really nice. He’s a little quiet at times but definitely hot,’ Leanne replied before laughing.

‘So you think you’ll…you know?’ Lisa asked before smiling and gulping down some more wine.

‘Ah I don’t know. He’s kind of straight I think. Innocent. Maybe. I’m just not sure, he’s not quite my type. He seems a little quiet. But who knows, I don’t really know him that well yet. For now I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt I guess.’

‘So what is your type?’ Lisa asked while glossing over a small folder she had retrieved from her bag.

‘Well, I’m not even sure of that myself. And besides, since I broke up with Mark I’ve kind of gone off men, they’re just too much trouble, but then again,’ Leanne continued before pausing to consider further and then went on, ‘I love them, I can’t get enough of them.’

‘Yeah I know what you mean, my last boyfriend was such a bastard, but he…yeah, I just got sick of his bullshit. He was definitely good in bed though, and besides you need someone to clean the car.’

The two of them erupted in laughter and I found their chit chat amusing despite my circumstances which continued to weigh upon me menacingly despite my stimulation.

‘Have you ever been with another women fully?’ Leanne asked directly and casually, before topping up both of they’re glasses and then continuing with, ‘You know, like, not just kissing and indulging men, but actually really enjoying it?’

‘Well. Actually. Yeah, just once, it’s the basis for the story I am going to be reading,’ Lisa replied while averting her eyes slightly in the direction of her papers.

‘Did you like it?’

‘Well it was. I guess, yeah…I mean I prefer men, but its so different with a women,’ replied Lisa appearing reasonably relaxed with the subject material.

Leanne giggled and smiled then asked, ‘What do you mean you guess?’

Lisa then started to laugh some more, appearing slightly embarrassed when pressed for details, for her cheeks flushed faintly red and Leanne looked momentarily awkward as she shifted her position on the bed.

‘No its ok,’ Lisa said reassuringly, if but with a tone of seriousness and pensive apprehension. ‘I guess that’s what I should do, as you said before, I need to learn to tell the story properly before I can write it, in the theme of the oral tradition of course.’

Again the two of them burst out laughing at the innuendo and I too almost laughed while momentarily having forgotten where exactly I was.

‘Yeah,’ Leanne went on once she had composed herself. ‘If you can tell it fluidly as you picture it, and without any sense of self consciousness or doubt, or guilt even, then you have a much better chance of making a story which is compelling.’

‘Yeah I have been working on it,’ Lisa said semi confidently. ‘I just feel so comfortable with you, I feel like I have to hold nothing back, especially with all the stories I have read of yours, and they hold nothing back.’

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kirsten had been disobedient and disrespectful. The emptiness inside at having disappointed Him gnawed through her stomach lining like a rusty can making its way toward her heart.?you are one nasty fucking whore,? He said.Words that during play sessions might have turned her on, now made her want to cry, need to cry but the tears were stuck in her throat. The thought of Him dismissing her made her whole body numb.Is this what shock feels like?He strode through the parking lot toward his...

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MomIsHorny Rachael Cavalli Gabbie Carter Help Me Suck Your Stepbro8217s Cock

Hot stepmom Rachael is ecstatic about finally receiving her sex torso toy. She quickly unwraps it and gets it lubed up. She then gets on top of it and begins to ride it real good. Gabbie and Juan then walk by and see what’s going on. They can’t believe what they are seeing and then get an idea. They text her telling her they are locked out. Annoyed, she puts on her robe and heads downstairs. The youngsters then remove the torso and Juan takes it’s place. Rachael comes back upstairs, and...

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The Pony Stables

The pony stables Whilst visiting the Arabian nights virtual world I felt I just had to revisit the slave market, before I returned to the mundane real world. I had had a hoot inside the virtual world, saving princesses, fighting various battles and making something of a name for myself. I had been rather arrogant on entering the world, choosing to use my own name of John Lemure, rather than a more native sounding one. It of course increased my notoriety. The slave market was housed...

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Chance A Day in May Ch 11

The ride to the local airport the next morning was glum. Helen boarded at the airport in Wenatchee. It was a commuter flight servicing a number of small cities between Wenatchee and Boise. She would have stops in Yakima, Pasco, Walla Walla and Lewiston before arrival in Boise. With all the stops it would be mid-afternoon before she arrived home. With many promises and a chaste kiss for Duncan, Helen boarded. Duncan stood, a forlorn sight, watching until her plane was out of sight. Driving...

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The Other Place

Lucky was called that because he was a total fuck-up. It was a nickname that his friends called him to affectionately make fun of his long line of failures, only it wasn't affectionate and he didn't have friends. Despite being a loser, Lucky wasn't someone that people feel sorry for. Truth was, Lucky was a heartless ruthless criminal, or would be if he had the brains or guts to be so. His crimes were always stupid. Such as the most recent one, which was to get drunk, realize he needed to get...

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strangers masturbate for eachother

Something so sexy happen to me this morning I can not keep it to myself.I was out very early to walk my dog, he decided to go off chasing rabbits,which left me to wander about. Thought I would check the small quarry for wild life, and came across the wildest yet............I slowly climbed up the slippery slope, to enter the quarry between two standing stones.lAs I reached the top my head just up to ground level. I saw a slim dark haired woman, with her back to me. She was unzipping her boots....

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  “Cameron…” I felt it more than I heard it, my name a chill whisper in the dark that raced up my spine. I sat up, heart hammering in my throat. The sound, or whatever it was, had woken me from a deep middle of the night sleep. I looked around my room, wondering if one of my drunk frat brothers had somehow wandered in. All I saw was darkness and silence. No movement. Nothing. The room was empty except for me. Of course it was. I felt like a total idiot. No more watching Paranormal State after...

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Sister Sarah Alec and Sarahs Mom

Now to a point, Sarah appeared satisfied seeing as she always wore that smile on her lips. Some wondered. Yes they did. Especially when they’d look up, again, and find her smiling as if she’d just heard another good joke. None never really knew why. The cause of that smile was either a good joke or maybe she simply figured she’d finally received religion in her heart and soul. But we all know that was not the truth however. Sarah had discovered something, something quite special as a matter of...

Straight Sex
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Angelas Night Father Paul chapter 4

Father Paul saw Angela’s car turn into the drive way. His heart quickened and his hands started to shake. He tried to look busy with his plants and pretend that he didn’t notice her. He heard the tires crunch on the gravel in front of the house. “Please Lord, give me the strength to resist this temptation. Please give me the strength. Please. Please.” Father Paul prayed. He heard the car door open and close and knew that his resolve was already fading. He hadn’t turned to face Angela but he...

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A Day At The Farm

100% fiction! When I accepted I did not know of the other guys who were going to be there. It turned out there were five other guys plus their three sisters and their mother and father. There were also four girls from a neighboring town. When we got out there about thirty miles from any town I thought that with their parents and sisters there would be no unusual stuff happening. I could not have been more wrong! I was eighteen and had almost no experience with the opposite sex and only a couple...

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TurbulenceChapter 10

On the way back to the cottage Colette again spent time walking alone with Sioban. Not only had she become more invested in Arthur she was also captivated by his friends. It seemed to her that the moment she had spied Arthur sitting alone in his aisle on the plane she had begun a serendipitous journey she hadn’t experienced before. It seemed that Arthur was not only a young man who touched people, he seemed to charm them. Based on her feeling about Ryan and Sioban she saw them as high-quality...

3 years ago
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New Beginnings

It’s been a while. This is a bit different from my other stories but I hope you enjoy! I was nervous and excited. I was going on a date! I hadn’t done much of that since my separation from my husband, or ever really. Prior to getting married my involvement with men had been mostly one night stands, (drunk or otherwise) even when I met him, it had been an immediate and powerful sexual connection that had progressed outwardly and, unfortunately, incompletely. I was ready to take it slow, to...

1 year ago
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Charmaines Downfall Part 1

Their anniversary was coming up this weekend. It would be James and Charmaine’s fifth wedding anniversary. They married when Charmaine was 19 and James was 23. He had a really great job and Charmaine was just graduating. They met a year ago when she came for a job interview and ever since then it was nonstop romance. Her parents were not sure about her marrying at still a young age, but they didn't try to stop her. James is now like one of the family to them, as well as going on family holidays...

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Mutiny on the Bunte KuhChapter 4 The Kitten Shows her Claws

Vivie stood at parade rest with Sergeant Johns and watched the stream of humanity exit the portal. She decided she needed practice to switch between family, Melody mode, and duty, Sergeant Johns mode. If she was to live up to her volunteer status, she couldn’t slip, not even once. The process of acquiring and assimilating new volunteers, their concubines, and their dependents was both exciting and heart breaking. Relationships and families were both newly starting and suddenly sundered. It...

3 years ago
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Married My Mom

I am E.Murugan.Iam 21 years old young man living with my wife Padmini Murugan,40 years old beatiful laddy living in Chennai for the last 2 years.You may ask me why did you marry a aged woman? Yes Friends my Padmini is not only my wife she is also my own mother too.I fucked my mom first and forced her o marry me too though herhusband(my father) is alive.In the beginning my mom was afried of my father and society but my dick size and the way I used to fuck my mom changed her mind too. We were...

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I Was Always Watching

The glistening pinkness sparkled as the sun’s rays shot its warmth down on her. She lay there on the beach towel, legs spread as wide as she could get them, the meaty folds that usually hid what was inside, outstretched to the limits of no purity. Her breasts, so firm, formed perfect cones that projected up in the hot summer air with nipples so erect, they resembled pink pencil erasers dangling rigidly in the salt laden atmosphere. Her fingers ran up and down her genital orifice, catching the...

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Dont Sleep in the Subway Part TwoChapter 25

(Back in Brooklyn again in 2019) “Hey ... Buddy! Wake up, it’s the last stop.” I opened my eyes to an elderly black man in a train conductor’s uniform tell me we were at Manhattan Beach and it took me moment to realize we were no longer in the eighteenth century. The sharp odor of cleaning bleach and faint hint of urine tickled my sensitive nostrils and I looked up at the older gentleman with what I was certain was the uncertainty of a person not quite sure of how he had arrived at the end...

3 years ago
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Transition to Vikki part eight reworked

Transition to Vikki part eight (reworked)Chapters one through eight of original story, completely rewritten (final draft). Story continues from chapter nine as My transition to Vikki.The story continues. Vikki settles into her new surroundings and with new friends. Plans are made for a visit and the club is seen for the first time.As with the others, this part has been heavily revised since first writing. Typo's, grammar and story plot mistakes have been corrected. Best to read these chapters...

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Transformation From Lesbian To Straight 8211 Part 4

Hi readers, Nithin again with the fourth part of the story. Before we start, let me tell you guys a little about this story. A small part of the things I’m describing in this story has not taken place in my presence, they were told to me by Paru and my aunt later. So here we go. Paru was no longer a virgin, we both had a great time making love and my aunt was more than satisfied. After I fucked her for the first time, we made love two more times in the same weak. We were like young married...

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The MessengerInterlude The Heron

Like a heron rising from the lakeshore, gliding through the mist of dawn, without a sound, looking for prey, gracefully, effortlessly, and deadly. Who has not heard the tales that are whispered about the messengers of the Queen? That their powers far exceed those of mere mortals? That a messenger can walk through closed doors, or even through solid walls? That she can make herself invisible? That she can pass thorough a crowd, through a phalanx of enemies, without being noticed? That she...

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Library Ao

I was in the local library near the river, looking at some books on computer programming. In walked a young brown hair girl in a very short dress with bike pants. She looked around and seeing no one looking, she hiked the bike pants up giving herself either a wedgie or rubbing her clit. I think the later. She came into the isle I was in and said loudly “Bloody hell none?” I quietly mentioned “You should not shout in the library, it is a quiet place. Can I help?” She looked at me, a portly 55...

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Seema Aunty Ke Sath Chudai

Hi guys. Mera naam Raj hai aur meri age 23 saal hai. Main Delhi ka rehne waala hu aur paas hi ke ek college mein padhta hu. Mujhe shuru se hi badi umar ki bhabhiya aur aunty bohut pasand thi. Par maine kabhi kisi bhi bhabhi ya aunty ko naked nahi dekha tha. Mere college mein ek friend tha mera jiska naam Suchit tha. Woh apni mom ke saath rehta tha. Uski mom ki age lagbhag 43 hogi. Woh dikhne mein bohut sundar thi aur woh meri teacher bhi reh chuki thi. Woh actually mein bohut hot thi unki...

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MyFriendsHotGirl Victoria June 23841

Aye caramba, Victoria June is fuming! She’s been dying for dick for a week and she caught her boyfriend fucking a sex doll! Furniture and clothes are flying every which way and into the pool, so Victoria’s robot-fucking man skates from the house and calls his buddy Johnny and begs him to go over there and calm her fiery Latina ass down. As reluctant as he is, Johnny helps his boy out drives over to the House of Fury. Victoria, unraveled and seething, is screaming bloody murder in an...

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The Boss

As the plane touched down I looked over at my boss, Anne, and she looked backed at me. I was very afraid of this trip, I knew I had to perform. We were here for a conference, seven days worth and then we were going to spend some time at a few of the offices. I had only been with the company two years, it is the first job I landed when I finished college. We collected our baggage and got to the hotel. Thats was the start of the trouble. "Someone screwed up big time" Anne said to me. They are all...

2 years ago
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Good Friends

Part 1For anyone to be able to understand how this all started i guess i will have to give you some background information...So we came into each others life through work. I was a Personal Assistant and he was a driver. Due to work I used to ring him every day with instructions and his itinerary. He was in his mid 40's with a Northern Irish accent, for the purpose of this story he will be called Alex. I was in my early 30's with a home counties accent, for the purpose of this story i will be...

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Risky EncountersChapter 13 The amusement Park

I parked my car in Cliff's parking lot and paid my way through the gate. I wandered around the grounds looking for Meg and Sid and finally spotted them on the bumper cars. They were having so much fun colliding into each other that they did not even notice me watching. The ride ended, they exited, and then they spotted me. Each of them kissed me on the cheek and said "hi" casually. Meg was wearing loose black shorts that were very short and a white tube top that was pulled down to nearly...

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The Great DepressionChapter 11

Roland and his sister arrived at Jimmy's home at a quarter to eleven the following day, which was a Saturday. Elizabeth had cooked a ' shepherd pie ', which she served with vegetables from the garden. For desert she had baked a couple of raspberries pies - she had picked the raspberries herself the previous afternoon - topped with whipped cream. As soon as everyone was finished with the dinner, she insisted that they all went fishing for the rest of the day saying that she was going to...

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Roberta Montgomery Part 1

Roberta Montgomery - Part 1 Chapter 1 - Proposal "Sweetie!" In the fog of sleep, I heard my girlfriend's voice. "Sweetie! Sweetie, wake up! Sweetie!" Initially, the sound was distant, but it quickly grew closer. Suddenly, I felt myself being shaken. I awoke to Margret (yes, spelled without the second "A") hovering over me, with her hands on my upper arm. She gave me a moment to collect myself. Eventually, I asked her what was wrong, thinking there was an emergency. "Nothing's wrong," she...

1 year ago
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Amelie sexuelle Freiheiten

Diese Story ist ein Spin Off - so nennt man das wohl - der Ronja-Triologie um das schüchterne Kindermädchen Amelie. Ihren ersten Auftritt hat sie in der Story Ronja der Familienmensch https://chyoa.com/story/Ronja-der-Familienmensch.32994 im Kapitel 28: https://chyoa.com/chapter/Amelie.858994 Und die Fortsetzung der Story Amelie entdeckt den Sex https://chyoa.com/story/Amelie-entdeckt-den-Sex.33227 Ich bin Amelie und mittlerweile 20 Jahre alt. Bei Ronja und Viktor, den Nachfolgern in der...

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River 1

River "Are we there yet," 14-year-old Ricky Waters moaned for at least the fiftieth time this morning. But finally the answer wasn't "No, not yet," but "almost" as his father slowed to pull down a side road toward the mountains. "Mangadetigweyaa Nature Preserve" was printed on a sign by the entryway. The place had been a provincial park when Ricky's dad was a boy, and he had come camping here every summer during the 1980s. He had decided that, with Ricky going into high school next...

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I caught massi

This is from the times when I had just turned 18 and had shifted my base to Delhi i. e mona massi”s place for my studies. mona massi was a very sexy lady around 39-40 years old. One whom i had been dreaming of fucking ever since i started jerking.actually she became my dream girl when i accidently saw her nude bathing in our village bathroom.and ever since that day i have failed to spot some body sexier than hers.she was a perfect figure thin waist like pamela anderson with beautiful sexy...

4 years ago
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The Writer Likes to Be Watched

Her computer open before her, she slipped one finger down the centerline of her chest, taking her time along the slant of her ribcage and past the soft curves of her stomach to the hallowed place between her legs. Ever so lightly, she dragged her finger along her clitoris, spread bare by her wide open legs. She relaxed into her breathing, easing into the sensation coaxing her along. Back and forth. Just one finger. Back and forth. Eyes closed, she eased into the sensation, letting it move her....

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