Truth or Dare
- 4 years ago
- 45
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Summer was finally here. That moment that everyone looks forward to every year, at least those who don’t have to waste their summers with jobs or responsibilities. For four friends, they had nothing but three months of endless possibilities. Twins Lizbeth and Daniel, along with their best friends Corina and Harrison, had planned on spending two weeks at the beginning of summer at their parent’s cabin up in the mountains. They had done it every year since they were seventeen and they were excited about their third year trip.
“What do you mean take Peyton?” Lizbeth and Daniel asked their mother simultaneously.
“Why does she have to go?” Lizbeth asked angrily.
“Yeah,” Daniel tried to finish up their reasons for being unhappy. “You never made her go before.”
“She is going and that is final,” their mother was not having it. “She is your sister. She is sixteen, which is now old enough to go and if you want to go, you are taking her. That is the end of this discussion.”
Lizbeth and Daniel shot each other a look but did not argue with their mother any longer. They would still rather go to the cabin, then not go to the cabin at all, though they were not going to pretend that they were happy about it. It was not that they did not like their sister, they loved her. They just liked to party and have a good time and she was not that type of girl. She was more brains than fun. A geek or nerd but the extreme standards.
“Maybe she doesn’t even want to go,” Lizbeth brought up the thought, thinking that Peyton would not want to spend two weeks with them, just as much as they would not like to spend the next two weeks with her.
“I want to go,” Peyton chimed in, appearing in the doorway. “I am going.”
Peyton did not look very happy, it was apparent that she had been standing there for most of the argument.
“Fine,” Lizbeth threw her hands up in the air. “But there will be no bitching or complaining on this trip, do you understand?”
Peyton nodded her head and got a serious look on her face. She really did want to go on this trip with all of them. She had wanted to go every year that they went, but her mother had always told her that she was not old enough. Now that she was, she was not going to let the chance slip through her fingers. No matter what she had to do in order to keep this opportunity.
“I have been waiting for this like all year,” Corina smiled as she climbed into the middle section of the van and sat down next to Lizbeth. Daniel was driving and his best friend Harrison was riding shotgun. That left Peyton to sit uncomfortably in the back with all of the luggage. “I even bought a new bathing suit, against my dad’s will. He didn’t want to fork over the money but I gave him that puppy dog look.”
“You just get everything that you want,” Harrison looked back at the girls in the middle section. “Don’t you?”
“Yep,” she smiled, buckling up.
“All right,” Daniel hollered from the driver’s seat. “Let’s get a move on.”
No one spoke to Peyton the entire way. She could tell by the way that they acted, that they were not very excited that she was coming. She was not their type of person. It was not that any of them hated her, they were all like family, and they just didn’t think she was going to be very fun.
She could agree with them for the most part. Daniel and Harrison were both on the Football team with full Football Scholarships. They looked like supermodels who should be in magazines, not living in the small town of Oakridge. Then there was Lizbeth and Corina. They were the girls that were so pretty and stuck up that everyone hated them. They all loved who they were.
Peyton on the other hand hated who she was. She was thin and gawky. She didn’t develop like her sister did and would almost at times call herself flat chested. She had long brown hair that never did what she wanted it to do and wore glasses. Not only was she the image of a nerd, she was the worst image of a nerd. All she had going for her most of the time were her brains.
By time they arrived at the cabins, Peyton almost did not want to be there. She had long enough in the car to compare herself to all of them and maybe they were all right. She did not belong here with them for the next two weeks. Though, by the time she came to that realization, they had already arrived and it was too late to turn back.
Peyton climbed out of the car as they pulled the luggage out and grabbed her things. She felt uncomfortable but excited all the same. She had not been up to the cabins in years and she had forgotten how beautiful it was. She would definitely be able to give them their space. She would be more than happy to take a book down to the lake and read for the next two weeks. She had brought plenty of books with her.
“You need help carrying that?” Harrison asked Peyton, reaching for her bags.
“No,” she smiled up at him. “I think I have it covered.”
“Suit yourself,” Daniel laughed. “Cause you are on the top floor.”
Peyton knew they were going to give her the attic bedroom. It was not a big cabin and there were only four main level rooms and then the one in the attic. It was the smallest room in the entire house. Figured they would give it to her.
“Who is hungry?” Lizbeth asked as they all made their way into the cabin and put their stuff into their rooms. “I was thinking about making up some chicken salads and opening some wine.”
“Sounds awesome,” Corina smiled.
“I’m down,” Harrison added.
“Then I will get dinner stated.” Lizbeth made her way into the kitchen.
Once she was done with dinner they all gathered around the table and ate. The four of them talked about school and their plans for next term. The girls talked about guys they were interested in and the boys talked about football. Peyton listened intently to what she could catch of each conversation, but no one spoke to her. So she ate in silence.
Once they were done eating, Peyton was elected to clean up. They informed her it was a new members thing, but she had a feeling she would be doing all of the cleaning at this point. She didn’t argue it though, It gave her something to do other than focus on all of them ignoring her. She made sure to take her time.
“Truth,” Peyton heard Lizbeth say as she entered the livingroom.
“How many guys have you slept with?” Harrison asked her.
Peyton made her way in and sat down on the couch, no one seemed to even notice her enter.
“Just vaginally?” she asked. “Or anally too?”
“Both,” Harrison’s eyes raised up with curiosity.
“Three vaginal,” she smiled. “Two anally.”
“Really?” Peyton could not seem to stop herself from letting the question fall from her mouth.
“Yes really,” Lizbeth lowered her eyes to her sister.
Peyton could feel her cheeks become flush and she wished she was not in the room. She had never had sex with a boy at all and here her sister was, having had two guys have sex with her in the ass. That was a little much for Peyton, but she wanted to be a part of the group, so she did not say anything further and they continued on with the game.
“Your turn again Harrison,” Lizbeth informed him.
“Okay, Peyton,” he turned his attention to her and everyone else’s eyes followed.
“Huh?” She asked, not really to play the game.
“Truth or Dare?” He asked with a sly smile.
“Uh,” she did not want to play. But she was going to, because she was determined to try and fit in with them.
“How many people have you had sex with?” He asked her, his smile growing wider. “Vaginally and Anally?”
“Oh come on,” Lizbeth sighed, “Ask her a question where the answer isn’t always going to be zero.”
“One,” Peyton squeaked out. She had slept with a friend shortly after her sixteenth birthday. Neither of them wanted to be virgins forever, so they agreed to lose their virginities to each other. It was not very great, but it happened none the less. “One vaginally. None anally.”
Harrison nodded at her, while everyone else opened their mouths in shock.
“You have not had sex before,” Daniel tried to call her out.
“I have too,” she cried out, standing up and throwing her fists down. “Just because I look like your geeky little sister doesn’t mean that I am. Why don’t you both just fucking grow up.”
Peyton knew that she had been childish in throwing her fit, but she was not going to take this kind of abuse all weekend. She did not have to answer the questions. She did not have to clean up after them. She didn’t have to be here at all.
She made her way up to her room and slammed the door. She was furious but with nothing else left to do, she decided to go to bed early. She was just going to get up early and disappear for the day. Sounded better than having to put up with them all night long.
Peyton was not sure how long she had been asleep when there was a knock at her door. It was completely dark, but with their not being a clock in the room, it could be any time.
“Yeah,” she called through the door, annoyance in her voice. She was sure that it was Lizbeth or Daniel, or both of them, coming to apologize to her.
“Can I come in?” A male voice came through the door, making it only Daniel.
“Sure,” she sighed, sitting up in the bed, trying to let her eyes adjust.
“Hey,” he smiled, only the he was not Daniel, it was Harrison.
“What do you want?” She asked. She knew that her words came out meaner than she had meant them to, but she was still frustrated over the events that unfolded this evening.
“I wanted to apologize,” he sat down next to her on the bed. “I never should have asked you that question. I should have known they were going to attack you.”
“Then why did you ask me?” She asked him curiously.
“I wanted to know,” he shrugged his shoulders.
“Oh,” she sighed.
“I don’t know why they had to be so mean.” She began to talk, all of the frustration coming out of her. “Why can’t I not be a virgin. What? Am I not good enough for sex? I would have anal sex too if the situation arose. They don’t know me for shit.”
Peyton was cut off from her complaining as Harrison’s lips pressed against hers. She was confused at first but soon she didn’t care. She had always had a thing for Harrison, every girl had a thing for Harrison. Now he was kissing her. Why was he kissing her?
“What are you doing?” She pulled back and questioned him.
“Because I like you,” he smiled over at her. “I have liked you for a while now.”
“Truth?” She asked him, narrowing her eyes.
“Truth,” he laughed. “Seems to be a lot of that going around.”
Both of them laughed and he leaned in to kiss her again. This time she did not pull away. She let him kiss her. Soon they were laying on the bed, him slightly on top of hers and they were lost. Between remembering to breathe and figuring out where to put their hands, there was no room for anything else.
“Truth or dare,” Harrison whispered in her ear as he kissed just behind it.
“Truth,” she smiled, a small moan escaping her mouth.
“Have you really had sex before?” He asked her.’
“Yes,” she answered quickly, almost offended but she didn’t blame him from wondering. “I have really had sex before.”
Harrison smiled down at her and kissed her lips again, he then made his way down her jaw and to her neck, nibbling against her skin lightly.
“Truth or dare,” she asked him between breaths.
“Dare,” he smiled against her neck, running his tongue over her collarbone.
“I dare you,” she began, “to fuck me in the ass.”
Harrison pulled back from her quickly and looked down at her. Her hair was out of place from sleeping and making out and her skin was flushed. He tried to read her face but he could not make out if she was being serious or not.
“Well?” She looked up at him. “You going to do it? Or are you chicken?”
Harrison stood up from the bed and began to take all of his clothes off, but stopped. He then exited the room. She was afraid that she had freaked him out and he couldn’t handle it, but he soon came back and locked the door behind him.
“Are you sure?” He asked her, worry on his face. He did not want to do something to her that she was going to hate and then get in trouble with her folks.
“Take off your clothes already,” she smiled, as she began to remove her pajamas and toss them on the ground beside her bed.
Harrison did as he was told and was soon naked. He climbed back onto the bed and pinned her down again, kissing her hard, his naked body pressing into hers. She was not sure what had gotten into her, but she actually wanted this. She wanted Harrison, but more so, she wanted to do something that she knew no one else would ever believe. They couldn’t call her a liar with Harrison there.
Harrison kissed her for a while, making his way down her chest and sucking on her nipples. She was a little embarrassed at how small they were, but he did not seem to mind. He rubbed them with his hands and switched back and forth between sucking on one and then sucking on the other. She did not care what she looked like. Though she would have smiled to know that he thought she looked amazing.
“Oh,” she moaned, as he bit one nipple between his teeth. It hurt slightly but the pleasure of it sent a chill down her spine. He did it again.
Harrison worked his way down her body, until he got between her legs. He kissed at the top of her pussy and then sat up in the bed. His rock hard cock now between them.
“Are you sure that you want this?” He asked her again.
“Yes,” she smiled up at him, spreading her legs apart as proof.
Harrison grabbed his cock and ran it between her legs, getting it wet. Oh was she ever wet. He rubbed the head of his cock against her clit and she jumped slightly. Then without warning, he shoved his cock all the way into her pussy.
“Fuck,” she cried out, leaning up slightly and he pulled her into his arms. “That is not my ass.”
“No,” he laughed, kissing her as he fucked himself in and out of her tight wet pussy. “But it will get my cock nice and wet.”
He fucked at her pussy until she had her first orgasm of the night. Her body shook around his cock and this only made him pound into her harder. Once she stopped shaking, he let her go and she fell back down onto the bed, panting and breathing heavily.
“Get on your hands and knees,” he ordered her. “I dare you.”
Peyton moved slowly but soon she was on her hands and knees in front of him. Her legs and arms were still shaking and it was hard to hold herself up, but she did the best that she could.
Peyton jumped when she felt something warm against her ass. She soon realized that it was his tongue. She never expected that to be something that happened, but she was not about to stop him. He licked around it, pushing it in ever so slightly.
“Fuck,” she moaned, pushing her ass back against him.
“Mmm,” he smiled.
Harrison brought his hand up and ran it across her ass, letting his fingers make their way to her ass. He then pushed one inside, slowly until it was almost all the way into her. She was tight and tense. He needed to make her relax.
Once she had relaxed around his finger began to slowly fuck his finger in and out of her, licking her to make sure that it stayed wet enough and did not become overly uncomfortable. Once she had relaxed more, he worked a second finger into her ass.
Soon he had three fingers in her ass and she was fucking herself back against them. They slid in with resistance at first, but every push slipped in easier and easier until he knew that he was now ready to fuck her ass.
Harrison pulled his fingers out of her ass and sat himself up again, bringing his cock right to her ass but not pushing it in. He ran his cock up and down her slit again, getting it soaking wet. He pushed forward and let it fall into her pussy again, half for more wetness, the other half to tease her a little more.
“Oh my god,” her body shook and her head fell down against the bed. The teasing was obviously working.
Harrison pulled his cock out of her pussy and lined it up again with her ass. Slowly he pushed in the tip.
“Oh,” she cried out and he pushed it in a little further before pulling back out to just the tip.
Peyton clung onto the blankets and bit against her pillow as he slowly worked to get his entire cock into her ass. It did not take as long as she expected.
Peyton felt full and could feel a heaviness in her stomach. It was not a feeling that she had ever felt before but it was good. She kept the feeling the entire time he slowly worked his cock in and out of her ass until he was able to get a steady pace.
“Oh my god,” Harrison moaned as he began to pick up more speed. “It is so fucking tight. Fuck.”
“Mmm,” she moaned as she pushed her ass back against him. “Fuck that tight ass.”
“Oh yeah?” Harrison asked, surprised by the way she was talking to him but loving every second. “Does the nerdy girl like being a little ass slut? Huh?”
“Yes,” she cried out against the pillow. “Fuck my ass like the little nerdy slut that I am.”
“Oh fuck,” Harrison pounded into her hard, his balls slapping against her wet pussy.
“Yes,” she cried out. “Fuck, I am gonna cum.”
Peyton’s entire body shook again, but he continued to slam into her ass. It was as if her orgasm never had a chance to stop or even slow down. Each thrust was almost too much and she could barely hold herself up anymore.
“I’m gonna cum,” Harrison cried out, gripping tightly onto her ass and thrusting as hard as he could into her.
“Yes,” she moaned loudly, her orgasm still going strong. “Cum in my ass baby. Do it.”
Harrison came hard, still pounding into her but his rhythm became slowly as his legs became weak. Together they collapsed down onto the bed, his cock still deep inside of her ass.
“Wow,” he moaned slightly as he pulled out of her, cum running out her ass. “That was …”
“Yeah,” she got out between breaths. “It was.”
“Morning sleepy head,” Daniel laughed as Peyton finally made her way downstairs. She was not sure what time it was, but she did not care. She didn’t care about anything Daniel could possibly have to say to her.
“Hungry?” Lizbeth held out a plate for her and gave her a sweet smile. Something was definitely wrong.
“Why are you both being so nice to me?” She asked them. Harrison and Corina looking in on their conversation.
“We realized we were mean last night and wanted to apologize.” Lizbeth offed up their apology, which almost sounded sincere.
“It’s okay,” Peyton sat down slowly, he ass super sore from the night before. “No hard feelings.”
“So next time we play truth or dare,” Lizbeth added up, “You can definitely play.”
“Oh, I think I’ll pass.” Peyton smiled. “I am all truth or dared out.”
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IncestTruth or DARE!My annoying little si(s)ter I really do mean annoying and little. The fuckin' brat is about 5' 1” maybe 100 lbs soaking wet.I have seen her in a bathing suit in the back yard. For skinny little teen girl the brat has nice size tits and a great round ass. Every time I see her I wonder how a tiny girl like her grew such nice tits and a great ass.Mom and dad have to go to “the office” a lot in the evenings and weekends.I don't know where they go. If it's any indication of the way my...
"Babe.""…""Babe," she tried again."…""Babe," Tori whined again from the side of the big red couch in her living room. Jade rolled her eyes. She and Jade had been officially going out for eight months going on nine, and they both couldn't be any happier."Yes?" she reluctantly asked without taking her eyes off of the gruesome movie on television, lightly chuckling as another dumb girl got murder with a spoon."I'm bored." "Okay. What do you want me to do about it?""Let's play Truth or Dare!" she...
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12345678910Truth or DareFebruary 7, 2016 Nerdgasm Stories, Steamy Erotic 1 CommentTRUTH OR DAREMatt had the biggest boner of his life. He was sitting in the living room with his friends Andy, Kate, and Stacey, and he was watching Kate give Stacey oral sex.They’d all gone round to Andy’s place for a drinking session, and after an hour or so and several levels of inebriation, the night had turned into a game of truth or dare. It had started out light enough, with normal boring questions and...
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I invited him and we went to my room. We were kind of bored so we decided to play some sort of game. I could not think of anything and he could not either. Until I thought of a very good game that we never played called "truth or dare". I told him we should play that and he said okay. He was the first to go. Truth or dare he said. I picked dare. He then said, "I dare you to put your hand down your underwear for five seconds. I did because I usually masturbated on a daily basis. So...
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Most people view Truth or Dare as a silly game, played mostly by college kids. A means of shocking your friends, and maybe yourself. Or maybe as a way to justify doing or saying things that you shouldn’t be doing or saying -- but really want to, and need permission. Sometimes, though, it’s a way to find out the truth about yourself. I belong to a co-ed bowling league. There are four of us on our team, two guys, two girls. We were just casual acquaintances, thrown together randomly by a...
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TeenImage Source It had finally arrived. The weekend that Brie's parents were leaving town to visit her Aunt. Her parents had reiterated all of the house rules before they left for their time away -- homework was to be done before going to a friends house, no friends were to come over while they were gone, certainly no parties were to be had, and most importantly: no boys. Brie had of course agreed to all of these terms before waving her parents off for the weekend. Even so, no sooner had her...
Teenby aliveinpr My stories do not necessarily reflect my personal proclivities, desires, wants or fantasies. Please read and enjoy this fictional writing. A beautiful late Spring weekend providing a friendly gathering at the Stevens home. The men were gathering in the living room in preparation for a televised game. The men bantering who the MVP player would be and the winning pitcher. The women were gathered in the kitchen getting ready to move to the patio for female chatter. Everyone...
When Andy and I played truth or dare, we had porn on in the background, so it wasn't a surprise when it got a little dirty. Our other friend, Ryan, was busy that weekend and he couldn't hang out, so it was just the two of us. At first our dares still involved us clothed. It was things like, I dare you to hump this pillow, or I dare you to hump whatever. Then it was I dare you to rub your dick on this or that. Then Andy dared me to take mine out and compare it to his. I was so horny I had to do...
Around Christmas time the spirit and the mood is perfect to organize these little private evenings with your friends . You know what I mean , you invite around 4 to 8 people , and you play some funny but mostly naughty games , like there is strip poker and spin the bottle , and let’s not forget , the most favorite game all time : Truth or dare ! Who hasn’t played that before ? Having to tell the truth to those annoying private question , confessing to your best friends , or dare something , to...
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Lesbian{Hey there! This is Haybre and welcome to my first story on CHYOA. While I’ve toyed with and written a couple of various short stories in the past, this is the first one I’ve decided to invest some real time and energy into. With that, feedback would be so amazing and I would love to hear what you all think about it. Hope you enjoy} __ The mattress sunk into the bed frame as the weight of Jordan’s decision grew larger and larger. Only a few of the young adults at Thorsblood Academy had begun...
Alex's Adventures in a Land of Wonder Truth or Dare © Nick B May 2007 I would never have thought that my mother would have taken me with her. I was sixteen for God's sake and I had better things to do. Actually, I didn't, but I could have found something and anything would have been better than going there. I'd got into trouble at school (not for the first time) earlier. It wasn't my fault, but the teachers... well you know how teachers are and Mum had gone ballistic. I was in...
hey guys. I am rocky with story which will make your dick hard. This happens few month earlier when i was back to my home in durga pooja holidays from my college.Guys truly saying I never want to forget this sexual encounter of mine.This is about Shanti aunty.She lives in my apartment on 3 rd floor which is below to floor.Shanti aunty is a fair(like a pale white color) looking lady which is very conscious about her body specially figure.I usually go to gym in my college i wish to...
Hey guys. I am rocky back with another story which will make your dick hard.Thanks for your replies to my previous storys. This happens few month earlier when i was back to my home in durga pooja holidays from my college.Guys truly saying i never want to forget this sexual encounter of mine.This is about shanti aunty.She lives in my apartment on 3 rd floor which is below to floor.Shanti aunty is a fair(like a pale white color) looking lady which is very conscious about her body specially...
IncestTRUTH OR DAREThe drive back from the station was something of a relief, my wife was now on a train heading to Scotland to see her relatives. That was the first step completed of what I felt could be an eventful night. The next step was to buy some wine, and I had even thought of buying some condoms, but surely it couldn't go as far as that tonight? Well, I bought some wine but I couldn't ask the young girl behind the counter for a packet of Durex, ..... well you can't, can you? Pauline had...
You'd been dumped again. Think you'd be used to it...seemed like you could never keep a girlfriend longer than a week or two. At eighteen, you had never really had a long term relationship. You were getting a bit tired of it. That was when you'd spoke with your step-sister, Megan. Megan had been a part of the family for around four years now, and the two of you got along great. But that could be because you had been friends for years anyway; in fact, you'd even dated a short time before your...
Softlad64A while ago we were celebrating our 20th wedding anniversary with our best friends Dan and Claire (it was also Dan's birthday the same day) .Copious amounts of alcohol had been consumed during the meal out and when we had gotten back to our house. The girls (if we can call them that, Debs and Claire were both 45 and had been at school and uni together) were very tipsy.Debs is always up for fun and it was her that suggested the age old game of truth or dare. We had known each other...
It was the end of June, and Sean was already finishing up his first month of summer vacation. His cousin from California, Chris, was just getting out of school and was going to see Sean in Florida. They hardly ever communicated via phone, email, or whatever, but once one cousin visited the other, it was like they were the best of friends all along. The cousins were almost exactly the same age--they were born only 3 weeks apart and were both now 17.Physically, they both looked about the same....
Introduction: dangerous game to play As a marriage grows you eventually open up and tell stories about things that you would not ordinarily have told. This was the case with my wife. I had made the mistake of telling her about a gay experience that I had had earlier in my life. I had explained to her that the situation had happened against my will but that I had achieved orgasm during the act. Kathy, my wife, also opened up and admitted that in college that she had passed out and awakened when...
My girlfriend and I have been together going on 8 years now. She is 25 years old and standing about 5'6 with a 36DD bust. I wouldn't consider her a BBW, but she is a little on the thicker side. Throughout our relationship we've always talked about swapping with another couple, but we always chicken out before actually going through with it. The idea has always excited us, but we were afraid that it would come between us in our relationship and eventually tear us apart. We resorted to...
My brother and I shared a duplex that was on the edge of town. He lived upstairs and I lived in the bottom part. From my side, I could unlock the door that seperated the two apartments and we a lot of the time kept it unlocked, especially when we had parties so we could use the whole house. My brother and I never needed a reason to party and since we had the whole house, we used it to it's full potential. This paticular Friday, we had a group of our friends over and we drank and bullshitted...
EroticIt was a typical weekend but my girlfriend were so bored so we decided to go shopping, another reason is I was out of cash and my card is empty... So I told them that and they said they'll treat me, but I'm kinda shy so I just said "what If we just play a game?" so they agreed and then we played a game. It was truth or dare it pointed right infront of me so that was a sign that I'm going first. They asked me "truth or dare" I said "dare of course.. I like dares" so then my girlfriends said ok...
There are some advantages to being divorced. Not many, but some. I can watch all the ball games I want without getting nagged. I can put my shoes up on the coffee table. I can.... actually the list is pretty short. But at least I can dream of having sex with any number of gorgeous girls, and no one ever demands to know what I’m thinking about.I was doing just that the other night, watching the Yankees playing some other team - I’ve forgotten which - wondering if I’d ever get laid again, when my...
MasturbationHow did I find myself here? Here being running down the side of the road completely naked. I suppose that is what happens when you mix some young adults with too much time and maybe too much alcohol. It was Memorial Day weekend, so naturally an excuse to have a party. It started off innocent enough, margaritas and hamburgers on the grill. The girls sunbathed in their bikinis while the menfolk prepared the fire cooked food. A few hours and six pitchers of margaritas later the sun was setting but...
It was my freshman year in high school. I was known as the shy guy, and I couldn't really talk to girls that well, until I enrolled in a certain class... I enrolled in a math course had mostly sophmores in it. In front of me as well as behind me sat two of the most gorgeous girls I had ever seen. The one in front of my had dark brown hair, nice , and a perfect tight ass. Her name was Annette. She was always talking with the girl that sat behind me. The girl that sat behind me was Lindy, a...
First TimeI am not sure who suggested truth or dare but we all seemed up for it.There were 6 of us all together you me and two other couples.It started pretty tame, truths about hoe many people we had slept with, telling fantasies ect ..... I think everyone was getting a bit horny from listening to all this talk if sex and with quite a few drinks down our necks we were all up for some dare's!One of the girls seemed a bit apprehensive when you asked her to show how she gives head on a banana so we came to...
It's been three years since I left home. I had earned myself a scholarship and got to enjoy my life without the restrictions of family. I also got a heavy dose of reality, mixed with responsibility. It took me a while to realize that moving out does not give you more freedom. It makes you more responsible and aware of the consequences of your actions. I was never really planning on heading back home anytime soon, but the longer I stayed away, the more I felt I missed home.I wanted to surprise...
Incest“Come on, Jenny. Spin the bottle already!” Someone called out from the circle. I looked around at the circle of five other people. How the fuck did this happen again? I remember some of us were a little bored at this party my friend Megan was throwing, and someone said spin the bottle, and someone else said truth or dare. So they compromised. Spin the bottle and whoever it lands on picks truth or dare and the group decides. But this game has gone a little farther than I was hoping. There...
When Heather called me to ask me over to have dinner with her and her hus-band, Paul, at first I hesitated. I thought maybe my ex-husband might show up, and I wanted nothing to do with him. "Is Dave going to be there?" "I wouldn't ask you over if he were." "What if he shows up?" "He won't. And even if he did, Paul would get rid of him." "Well, okay, I guess..." "Chuck's going to be here, too." Well, that was the deciding factor. I adore Chuck. We're pretty close, and once...
Sandy looked around with a smirk on her face, ‘Truth…or dare?’ There were sniggers and someone threw a piece of popcorn at her. ‘Cut the dramatics, Sandy,’ Cassy chuckled, ‘and pick.’ ‘All right, dare,’ Sandy finally said. Cassy thought about it. ‘Drink from the toilet,’ she said. ‘Gross! No way!’ Sandy complained. Cassy shrugged and gestured to Sandy. ‘Fine. Your shirt it is then.’ Sandy sighed and stripped off her shirt to the obvious delight of Dylan and Sterling. They were...
It was a late monday night. The six girls were all at Stella's place. In their pajamas, in the attic, the girls laughed and played, talking about boys and college. It was all fine and dandy, until Giulia suggested something that would turn their worlds upside down: a vore game. A different version of truth or dare in which the winner of the dare would have permission to eat and digest the loser whole. The girls got curious, and decided to play. Giulia was the oldest, a brunette with a tanned...
“Truth or Dare?”"Truth."“What’s the worst sex you ever had?”“Oh god,” I laugh, my face burning scarlet with my hands covering my face. I look up and remember.Back at the turn of the millennium, when MSN chatrooms were hotbeds of lust and cybering, I had fallen for a smooth-talking, witty, funny American. There was something free about talking to someone half-way around the world. I found I could talk more easily to someone I’d never met than with people face to face. And then the bombshell...
TrueHeavy rain forced the small group of teenagers indoors to one of the girls houses whose parents both worked nights. As the group arrived Kate's mother was just leaving for work. "Don't wreck the place." she shouted as she closed the door. As soon as the door had shut, Dave pulled the cans of lager out of his rucksack and passed them around. "What shall we do now?" asked Kate. The group consisted of three girls, all aged 18, Kate, Samantha and Sarah, and two boys aged 19, Dave and Mick. Mick...
For the last three years, you've been attending a university in California. A few days ago your 18 year old sister Rachel came to stay with you in your off-campus apartment. You've been showing her around town and introducing her to your friends. She seems to fit in well and has matured into a pretty cool person who's fun to hang out with. Tomorrow she's going to be heading back to your hometown, so you guys are just hanging out at your place tonight. Bored with you suggestion to watch late...
IncestAnother dull Thursday night in Sam's basement. The 9 of us are sitting down watching reruns of "that 70's show". Again.. When daemon said, " let's play truth or dare!" With a mumble of assent the others agree. Soon we all sit in a circle on the floor. First you have Daemon the 5'10" blond with blue eyes and a heavy build around 250. Next you have Cindy the petite 5'5" black girl with dark brown hair and C cup breasts around 130 pounds. Next Barry the very heavy 300 pound 6'2" white boy punk....
Five eighteen-year-old students in their last year of high school decided to get together. There names are Dan, Jeff, Megan, Nisha, and Jessica. They just want to have some fun. When Jeff arrives at Jessica's house, he rings the doorbell and Nisha, a hot Asian girl with size c-cup tits and a ass worth fucking, answers the door. She lets Jeff in and he sees everyone sitting in the living room. He sits down when Megan, a hot blond wearing her catholic school skirt on and her breasts about to bust...
Tamara and her friend Tara were in Tara's room. It was Tamara's 22nd birthday and they were both sat on Tara's bed thinking of what they could do to celebrate. Tara's parents were away on holiday so it was just the two of them. " How about we binge-watch a show on Netflix?" Tamara eagerly suggested. " We could have popcorn and fizzy drinks and oh maybe some chocolate!" Tamara added excitedly. Tara gave her an icy disapproving stare and replied irritatedly " Who do you think we are?...
01: Give another player a sensual foot rub for 1 minute.02: Show your nipples.03: Strip naked and get dressed again as fast as you can.04: Demonstrate how to properly give oral sex. Be very detailed and use props if available.05: Fake an orgasm. Be realistic. 06: Tell a sexy story about how you lost your virginity.07: Show your pubic hair.08: Try to lick your exposed nipple, if you can't do it then take another Dare09: Boys Only: Show your dick.10: Show your butt-hole.11: Tell a sexy story...
Tina Daniels didn't know what to do. She was only here at this place on a dare from her best friend, Sandy. This place, Club Midnight, was a swinger's meeting place on the south end of downtown. Carved into an old warehouse, the rooms were spacious and the décor was really quite tasteful. She remembered being pleasantly surprised upon their arrival, expecting something much more seedy, and dank. Instead, it was very clean and the most surprising part, the people. She had formed a profile in her...
Zack I was laying on the bed, and Daren was laying on me. His head was just under my stomach and just above my hips. His legs were wrapped around my legs, and his arm was laying across my member. He moved his head slightly lower, and his shouler length, wavy, black hair rubbed across a bit of my bare skin' where my shirt had pulled up. He was making me so hot, just by looking at him. I began to imagine him, if he were awake, licking my member, that he was now lying his head so close to. He...
GayThis story is pure fiction it is just something that kind of came to me in a dream. It is about young teen friends discovering sex together, including incest and lesbian sex, and I may get a little carried away at times. Hi my name is Kimberly, but everybody calls me Kim. I'm 13 years old, 5'4" tall and weigh 108lbs. I have Blonde hair and blue eyes. My breasts are the size of large oranges and are very firm with pointy pink nipples. My pussy is shaved, (it's a thing with my friends...
Daddy & Daughter Play Naughty Truth or Dare By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! Rosa and Natalie, eighteen-year-old virgins, are shopping with Rosa's father Hector when the mind-control device is activated. Wholesome Foods is about to be despoiled as Dean Michaels makes his second test of his creation. The two virgins are bout to lose their cherries. Neither will remember the moment when Hector rams his cock into his daughter Rosa and Dean...