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Introduction: THIS STORY CONTAINS EXPLICIT CONTENT AND VULGAR LANGUAGE. It is fictional and does not depict real people or events. Call girl, Angel, believes theres nothing nothing more to life than what she is doing now. But when she falls in love with an undercover cop, and things get heated between her and her pimp, Angel searches for answers. Is this really all she is destined for? Could she escape if she wanted to? Would the outside world accept her if she left this lifestyle behind? Chapter Nine: Undeniable Tensions
By the time Angel was picking up her bag to leave the club, it was three in the morning. She followed Rich out the back door of the club and towards his truck until he stopped.
No, he corrected, turning to look at Angel. He pointed over her right shoulder, youre with him.
Angel looked over to a black Cadillac. Dante was leaning against the passenger door, arms crossed over his chest, his left foot crossed over his right. She continued to look Dante over, hearing Rich get in his truck and drive away.
Well? Are you coming or not?
Silently, Angel walked over to Dante. She regretted feeling any more for Dante than any other man. She regretted thinking he was any different from any other man in Angels life. She regretted letting him have such control over her. She regretted letting him act like he cared for her and then quickly remind her that she was nothing more than a business product. She regretted a lot of things, but she still slid into the passengers seat as he held the door open for her.
She clicked her seat belt on as he shut the door and walked around the car. She held tightly to her bag as he slid in the drivers seat and shut the door. She didnt look at him, but she could feel his gaze on her.
He turned away from her to start the engine and shift the car into gear. Ill drop you off here tomorrow night.
Angel glanced at him quickly as he sped away from the club. It was usually one hundred dollars per hour, for a girl. If he had paid for two days with her, at that price&hellip,
Dante glanced over at her. Relax, he reached over and took her hand in his own.
Angel stayed quiet. She wasnt sure what he had planned. She looked out the window, watching the road signs. It was a typical thing for her to do. If something ever happened to her, she would need to know where she was. It was a safety measure, one of the few in this lifestyle. She glanced up at a green sign as Dante took an entrance ramp to Interstate 70 and then a few minutes later to 71.
My apartment is about twenty minutes from the club.
Angel nodded, glancing back over at Dante before back out the window. Dante took a cloverleaf exit ramp and stopped at a red light. The near by street sign read Frank Road. Angel shivered. She hated that name.
A few minutes later, Dante turned into an apartment complex. There was a small pond with a fountain on the left side. On the right were the complex mailboxes. Dante slowed the car as he drove past them. Angel looked out her window at the apartment buildings. Each building had about eight apartments. There were parking spots in front of the buildings, with garages on the other side of the road. Dante drove around a turn and then pulled into a parking spot. He turned off the engine and unclicked his seatbelt.
Angel sat still until he looked over at her well? Arent you going to get out? She quickly clicked her seatbelt off and opened the door before grabbing her bag and pulling herself free from the car.
She followed him into the external hall of the building. In front of her was another large pond with a fountain. A few geese were drifting about in the water. She heard keys jingle as Dante unlocked the door. She turned to look at him as soon as he opened the door.
He ushered her inside and followed, shutting the door behind them.
There was a small living room to the right of the doorway. There was a couch, a love seat, and entertainment center. There was also a computer on a desk in the far corner. There were blinds covering a sliding glass door that led to a tiny patio outside. To the left was a small table and two chairs. The kitchen sat just behind that, equipt with a sink, stove and oven, and refrigerator. There was a microwave on one countertop. On the same wall as the door, opposite the kitchen, was a large closet. The doors were open to reveal a washer and dryer. Directly in front of Angel was a hallway, there was a small linen closet at the other end. There were three other doors. One was undoubtfully a bathroom, the other two Angel guessed were bedrooms. It was the typical apartment floor plan.
She was still looking around when she heard him putting his keys on the table and take off his jacket. You can set your bag down wherever you want. Make yourself at home.
She held tight to her bag, not trusting him to not take it if she let go.
Are you hungry? I can make you something to eat.
She shook her head. She wasnt used to eating so often, and because of that, she became hungry less often.
He opened the refrigerator. Angel turned, looking around the small living room. There were no pictures, no hanging artwork. The walls were bare, and all that sat on the coffee table was a lamp and a few coasters for drinks.
The bathroom is down the hall on the left.
Angel about jumped as she heard him behind her. She turned, looking down at a glass of water he held out to her. Thanks, she mumbled, taking the glass from him.
He sat down on the couch with his own drink, setting it on a coaster on the coffee table. Angel simply stared at him.
Sit, he requested more than demanded, nodding to the couch next to him, to which Angel replied by promptly by sitting at the far end of the love seat, that was perpendicular to the couch.
For a while, he made simple small talk with her. He asked how old she was, what kind of music she enjoyed, if she ever finished high school, all simple questions that Angel could answer in very few words. When he asked if Angel was just a nickname or her real name, she told him it was a nickname, but she refused to give him her real name.
Angel, he leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees, how old were you when you started doing this?
It was a serious question, demanding a serious answer, and possibly a serious consequence. Angel sat quiet for a moment, contemplating on answering or not. She knew she could easily lie, and he would never know the difference. She also knew that Rich could get in serious trouble if Dante knew how young she was when she got into this mess of a life. Pedophilia, trafficking minors, and statutory rape were all things law enforcement tended to frown upon. It was one thing to see a prostitute working a street corner on a given night. Many people wouldnt really think twice about it. It was another thing to see a child prostitute working a street corner. People tended not to turn a blind eye so quickly. It was an even more unsettling fact that many prostitutes started out at a young age, averaging at about eleven. Even if a child prostitute was openly working, many people would not be able to pinpoint her age. These girls knew how to do their make-up, they knew how to dress, they knew how to act. And they could do it in a way that made them appear much older than they were.
Angel thought a bit longer before responding. Do you mean when I got in the game or when I got in with Rich? The question allowed a bit longer for her to decide if she was going to lie or not. But, why lie? Dante had no proof of her prostituting as a minor, it was just what she told him. It wasnt enough to convict Rich. But if she confessed the truth, would that be enough to get her in trouble?
When I got under Rich, I was about thirteen. She confessed, admitting to selling herself when she was still a minor. And by her answer, it was clear and safe to assume she was younger when she first started.
Dante nodded, silently absorbing the ugly truth that was just thrown at him. How many pimps have you worked for?
Two, Angel stated bluntly. Rich has been good to me so I stayed with him.
Dante shook his head in shock. He had already seen Angels body once. It was easy to notice the long scars that littered her flesh, and upon closer inspection, he had noticed more, faded with time. He doubted there was a single inch of her skin that had not be scarred at one point in time. Dante also knew about the scars she hid inside. Their first encounter, he had noticed them as he slid his fingers inside her. There were enough scars that it was severely uncomfortable and even painful for her to have sex. When she had finally fallen asleep after he had pulled away from her that night, she had rolled onto her stomach, exposing her backside. More scars, even more noticeable than those on her front, sliced their way across her back. Dante couldnt help noticing a dark mark poking up from under the blanket, where it covered her ass. When he pulled the blanket away, the horror was enough that he had to quickly run to the restroom for fear he was going to be sick. Dark, almost black, bruises had covered her ass. Lines of scabs cris-crossed back and forth along her cheeks. She had only recently been beaten, and was still far from healed when he had taken her that night. Even now, remembering it all, his stomach churned at the thoughts of what could have possibly happened to her. The thoughts of her crying out for help, for mercy, caused a lump in his throat that he had to fight down so he could breathe. If that was being good to he didnt want to know what the opposite meant.
Angel too, was thinking about that night. She too could remember him slowly feeling her body, working her body up enough to reduce her uncomforts of sex. She also remembered waking to Frank smacking her ass repeatedly and yelling about her having fell asleep. She remembered Dante rushing out of the bathroom, shoving his way between Franks flailing body, and her own cowered one. She remembered Dante yelling at Frank and practically shoving Frank across the room. I paid for this time, and if I decide to let her sleep on my money, then shell sleep! She remembered Dante waiting outside the motel room until her next client showed, making sure Frank and his anger didnt come back to beat her.
Angel reached in her bag, feeling around for her cigarettes. When her hand grasped the box, she pulled it free from her bag and opened it. She only had a few cigarettes left, but she stood anyway. She walked over to the sliding glass door and opened it. Stepping out onto the small patio, the cool morning air hit her like a smack in the face. She should have probably excused herself, but she needed to get away from him to clear her head before she began to think things she swore she would never do. He was just another client, and she had to remember that.
Dante watched her leave to smoke. He watched as she pulled a cigarette and a lighter out of the box. He watched as she ever so slightly shivered as she lit the cigarette. It was crucial for Dante to keep her from closing down on him. Yes, he was technically undercover, trying to gain the trust of her pimp, Rich, and gain as much evidence against the man to shut him down for good. But he could not help his growing feelings for the girl. She amazed him. She had been beaten to a pulp, broken, thrown out, sold, and used. Yet her strength had kept her going. She didnt frown upon herself like other girls he had helped. She wasnt ashamed to be doing what she was, but she certainly wasnt proud of it either. The girl had put on a front that she was strong, unfeeling towards her situation. But Dante could see the deeply seeded pain and helplessness in her eyes, a pain and helplessness that he wasnt even sure Angel herself knew was there.
Angel was like a circus animal, bred in captivity. She allowed herself to be tamed, and turned tricks for her handlers delight, simply because it was safer to obey than to fight. But there was no doubt that the girl had fight. It was clear she would fight if she felt the need. Although she had no clue what life was like outside of prostitution, she was still a wild animal, and her wild instincts were still there in the back of her subconscious.
Dante stood and walked down the hall to the bathroom. He splashed a handful of cool water on his face before leaning on the edge of the sink to look in the mirror at himself. What was he doing? Did he have more feelings than simple care for the girl? It sure felt like it. But why? He had dealt with hundreds of girls just like Angel, and not once had he felt like this. Nothing could happen between them. Sure they had had sex, but he knew he had to suppress these feelings. He was a police officer. An outstanding police officer, and one of the leaders of his department. He had worked so hard to build his career, his reputation. But it was never about his career or reputation. It had always been about helping others. Helping these girls. Why suddenly was he falling for one? He had been alone most of his adult life. He had never really fallen in love, never kept a long, steady relationship. Why now did he want to be with a girl?
Scuse me, Angel mumbled as she squeezed into the bathroom behind him. She had finished her cigarette and returned inside to find Dante staring coldly at his reflection in the bathroom mirror. She had watched him for a short bit before deciding that he wasnt leaving any time soon, and squeezed her way in to use the toilet.
Dante glanced at her silently, before raising an eyebrow when she tugged her shorts and thong down and sat on the toilet. She certainly wasnt shy. He turned away as she finished, flushed, and pulled her shorts and thong back up. Stepping out of the way to let her get to the sink, he glanced down. His brow furrowed when he saw the end of a trail of scabs, on her inner thigh, poke out from the bottom of her shorts. He hadnt noticed it before, but it certainly drew his attention now.
Whats that?
Angel looked up, into the mirror, to see him behind her, and looking down at her backside. Hm?
That, Dante pointed at the scab, to which Angel turned, hiding the partially healed wound.
Nothing, she mumbled.
Dont you lie to me.
Angel didnt respond.
Show me.
Still no response.
Dante let out a frustrating sigh before gently he gently the girls wrist and led her out of the bathroom and to a large bedroom. Sit, he mumbled, pointing at the bed.
Angel bristled at the command. She wasnt a dog to be ordered around. Her eyes narrowed into a glare, but she sat as commanded when Dante walked back out of the room. She had to remember that to these men, these clients, she was not a person, she was an object.
Dante returned with a small first aid kit. He sat next to her, on the edge of the bed. Let me see, he demanded gently.
Angel looked down at the first aid kit, sighing with the realization that he only wanted to help. She was still an object, and he was still the client, but his concern calmed the anger from his demand. She fumbled over the button of her shorts before gently pulling them down.
The scratch ran down the crevice of her inner leg. It was a tender spot, where the leg joined the rest of the body. Dante leaned close to analyze the extent of the injury. It was scabbed over, but the skin around the scab was red and irritated, most likely from her clothes and own body rubbing against the wound.
Angel shifted, stretching her leg a bit. The stretch pulled at her injury, which cracked the line of scabs and pulled the wound open. Angel winced ever so slightly, not wanting Dante to know the pain she was in.
Dante saw the wound rip open, and he quickly put his hand on Angels leg to still her. Under his touch, he felt her tense but freeze. Quickly, he opened a tube of antibiotic ointment and squeezed a bit across the wound. He then ripped open a gauze bandage, placing that over the ointment before wrapping her leg with an ace bandage.
Angel was silent the whole time. When he finished, he had stood to look down at her. She returned his gaze.
The stress of being around Dante, the stress of Emily still under Franks control, the stress of life in general, was weighing on her, and was clearly visible for the first time. Dante saw how heavy the stress was and silently tugged the comforter free from under her before pulling it over her body.
Get some sleep, he spoke softly.
Angel did not object. She did not even respond.
Ill be out in the living room. Rest. He flicked off the bedroom light, and closed the door, leaving it cracked open only slightly.
Angel turned her face away from the door. Her eyes were heavy. She didnt want to sleep. She didnt trust that nothing would happen while she was asleep. But her body ached for sleep and she found she couldnt keep her eyes open for much&hellip,.
Rich slowly made his way down the stairs. His head was pounding from the alcohol the night before. Wincing in the harsh lights of the kitchen, he found Angel folding laundry at the table. Another girl, a brunette with long slender legs, tanned olive skin, and a shapely ass, was washing dishes at the sink. Angel glanced up at Rich, his hand rubbing the side of his head, a pained expression across his face. "Brynn, coffee. Black." Brynn turned from the sink, glancing at Rich before...
Angel was barely inside the door when Rich, who kicked the door closed behind her, had an arm around her waist, with his face buried in the crook of her neck. He was kissing, and gently biting her shoulder. Angel was tense, and tried to pull away, but he kept pulling her back. His hands were roaming her body, and one hand fumbled its way to her groin. He was drunk, and looking for pleasure. They had just returned from a private party with Bishop, and Rich had a bit too much to drink. The...
Angel rolled over to look at the alarm clock on the nightstand. It was ten in the morning. She had only slept seven hours, but she felt fairly rested. She sat up with a groan, her body creaked and cracked. She looked around at the room. The walls were fairly bare. A dresser sat on the opposite wall from the bed, next to the bedroom door. The accordion doors to the closet on the left wall were closed. A window was just over Angel’s left shoulder as she sat upright in the bed. There was a...
Angel, Rich, and Emily sat silently in the truck, outside of the motel. Emily was looking out the back passenger window at the fairly vacant motel. No doubt she was confused as to why they were here, and naïve as to what was about to happen. Rich stared out the front window and into space. Emotion lacked on his face or in his eyes. Perhaps a bit of remorse was burning in the pit of his stomach. Angel stared down at her hands in her lap as she sat in the passenger seat. She didn’t...
Angel was right about the man. He had offered her and Emily drugs, but then expected rough sex. There were many times during their intercourse that Angel thought he was going to seriously hurt her. He would choke her, cut off her air supply until she was blue in the face. She would grab at his wrists, trying to get him to let go, but it was useless. He would let go of her and she would quickly catch her breath before he would give her a hard smack across her face. He would bite and pinch and...
Angel spent another three nights at the motel. She received no break from clients. Rich came to pick her up after nearly a week of work. He took her back to his house. He let her relax in front of the TV for the day. Two other girls came and kept Angel company. But it wasn’t much company. What little talking there was, was about the current TV show. There was no friendly giggles or secret sharing or even smiles. Angel craved to have friend. She longed for the comforts of companionship. But...
The man reached up and brushed a few strands of hair from Angel's face. He put a finger under her chin and tilted her head up to look at him. She kept her eyes low, much to his disappointment. He leaned down, gently placing a kiss to her lips, ever so softly. She timidly pulled away from him, but he pulled her back to kiss her again, running the back of his hand across her cheek and down her neck. He pulled himself closer to her, kissing her a bit more passionately. He ran his hands...
Maybe he wouldn't recognize her. Maybe he wouldn't remember her from the other night. She sat up on the bed as he walked toward her, his eyes narrow. She could tell he recognized her, but she didn't think he could remember where. She motioned him onto the bed. He sat, but still seems untrusting and tense. Instinctively, she gently pushed on his shoulders to lay him down. He was still suspicious of her as she straddled him. Figuring it was best to keep her face hidden, for fear...
Angel knew Frank all too well. He was her first pimp, and had stolen her virginity when she was only seven. At the time, he was her legal gaurdian, so it made it easy for him to torture her and pimp her out to his friends. That’s how she met Rich. He happened to be one of Frank’s friends, and when he offered to fork over money for her, Frank jumped on the offer and suddenly Angel belonged to Rich at the illegal age of eleven. Sure Angel had tried to escape many times, and in fact,...
Angel finished her night at the PD club. But her night itself wasn’t actually done. Rich dropped her back off at the thrift store she was at earlier. He threw her a few bucks that she made earlier. She could use the money for whatever she wanted, usually food or cigarettes. She walked to the McDonalds on one end of the parking lot. The night staff were not surprised by her attire. They frequently had girls come in at all hours of the night, during all times of the year, in even less...
She leaned up against the brick wall of the local thrift store, close to Harrisburg Pike and Mound Street. It wasn’t the best of areas, but Angel had certainly been in worse. Her grey jean shorts, tshirt, and vest were worn. She wore black boots that were in desperated need of replacement. A lit cigarette hung loosely out of the corner of her mouth. She watched as a few cars drove about in the parking lot. She heard shouting, catching her attention as her gaze shifted to two men arguing under...
Introduction: Call girl, Angel, believes theres nothing nothing more to life than what she is doing now. But when she falls in love with an undercover cop, and things get heated between her and her pimp, Angel searches for answers. Is this really all she is destined for? Could she escape if she wanted to? Would the outside world accept her if she left this lifestyle behind? Chapter Three: A Blue In The Brothel Angel knew Frank all too well. He was her first pimp, and had stolen her virginity...
Introduction: THIS STORY CONTAINS EXPLICIT CONTENT AND VULGAR LANGUAGE. It is fictional and does not depict real people or events. Call girl, Angel, believes theres nothing nothing more to life than what she is doing now. But when she falls in love with an undercover cop, and things get heated between her and her pimp, Angel searches for answers. Is this really all she is destined for? Could she escape if she wanted to? Would the outside world accept her if she left this lifestyle behind?...
Introduction: Call girl, Angel, believes theres nothing nothing more to life than what she is doing now. But when she falls in love with an undercover cop, and things get heated between her and her pimp, Angel searches for answers. Is this really all she is destined for? Could she escape if she wanted to? Would the outside world accept her if she left this lifestyle behind? Chapter Two: No Victims In This Game Angel finished her night at the PD club. But her night itself wasnt actually done. ...
Introduction: THIS STORY CONTAINS EXPLICIT CONTENT AND VULGAR LANGUAGE. It is fictional and does not depict real people or events. Call girl, Angel, believes theres nothing nothing more to life than what she is doing now. But when she falls in love with an undercover cop, and things get heated between her and her pimp, Angel searches for answers. Is this really all she is destined for? Could she escape if she wanted to? Would the outside world accept her if she left this lifestyle behind?...
Introduction: Call girl, Angel, believes theres nothing nothing more to life than what she is doing now. But when she falls in love with an undercover cop, and things get heated between her and her pimp, Angel searches for answers. Is this really all she is destined for? Could she escape if she wanted to? Would the outside world accept her if she left this lifestyle behind? Chapter One: Get Rich Or Die Trying She leaned up against the brick wall of the local thrift store, close to Harrisburg...
Introduction: THIS STORY CONTAINS EXPLICIT CONTENT AND VULGAR LANGUAGE. It is fictional and does not depict real people or events. Call girl, Angel, believes theres nothing nothing more to life than what she is doing now. But when she falls in love with an undercover cop, and things get heated between her and her pimp, Angel searches for answers. Is this really all she is destined for? Could she escape if she wanted to? Would the outside world accept her if she left this lifestyle behind?...
Introduction: THIS STORY CONTAINS EXPLICIT CONTENT AND VULGAR LANGUAGE. It is fictional and does not depict real people or events. Call girl, Angel, believes theres nothing nothing more to life than what she is doing now. But when she falls in love with an undercover cop, and things get heated between her and her pimp, Angel searches for answers. Is this really all she is destined for? Could she escape if she wanted to? Would the outside world accept her if she left this lifestyle behind?...
Introduction: THIS STORY CONTAINS EXPLICIT CONTENT AND VULGAR LANGUAGE. It is fictional and does not depict real people or events. Call girl, Angel, believes theres nothing nothing more to life than what she is doing now. But when she falls in love with an undercover cop, and things get heated between her and her pimp, Angel searches for answers. Is this really all she is destined for? Could she escape if she wanted to? Would the outside world accept her if she left this lifestyle behind?...
Introduction: THIS STORY CONTAINS EXPLICIT CONTENT AND VULGAR LANGUAGE. It is fictional and does not depict real people or events. Call girl, Angel, believes theres nothing nothing more to life than what she is doing now. But when she falls in love with an undercover cop, and things get heated between her and her pimp, Angel searches for answers. Is this really all she is destined for? Could she escape if she wanted to? Would the outside world accept her if she left this lifestyle behind?...
Introduction: THIS STORY CONTAINS EXPLICIT CONTENT AND VULGAR LANGUAGE. It is fictional and does not depict real people or events. Call girl, Angel, believes theres nothing nothing more to life than what she is doing now. But when she falls in love with an undercover cop, and things get heated between her and her pimp, Angel searches for answers. Is this really all she is destined for? Could she escape if she wanted to? Would the outside world accept her if she left this lifestyle behind?...
Introduction: THIS STORY CONTAINS EXPLICIT CONTENT AND VULGAR LANGUAGE. It is fictional and does not depict real people or events. Call girl, Angel, believes theres nothing nothing more to life than what she is doing now. But when she falls in love with an undercover cop, and things get heated between her and her pimp, Angel searches for answers. Is this really all she is destined for? Could she escape if she wanted to? Would the outside world accept her if she left this lifestyle behind?...
Introduction: THIS STORY CONTAINS EXPLICIT CONTENT AND VULGAR LANGUAGE. It is fictional and does not depict real people or events. Call girl, Angel, believes theres nothing nothing more to life than what she is doing now. But when she falls in love with an undercover cop, and things get heated between her and her pimp, Angel searches for answers. Is this really all she is destined for? Could she escape if she wanted to? Would the outside world accept her if she left this lifestyle behind?...
Introduction: THIS STORY CONTAINS EXPLICIT CONTENT AND VULGAR LANGUAGE. It is fictional and does not depict real people or events. Call girl, Angel, believes theres nothing nothing more to life than what she is doing now. But when she falls in love with an undercover cop, and things get heated between her and her pimp, Angel searches for answers. Is this really all she is destined for? Could she escape if she wanted to? Would the outside world accept her if she left this lifestyle behind?...
Introduction: THIS STORY CONTAINS EXPLICIT CONTENT AND VULGAR LANGUAGE. It is fictional and does not depict real people or events. Call girl, Angel, believes theres nothing nothing more to life than what she is doing now. But when she falls in love with an undercover cop, and things get heated between her and her pimp, Angel searches for answers. Is this really all she is destined for? Could she escape if she wanted to? Would the outside world accept her if she left this lifestyle behind?...
Introduction: THIS STORY CONTAINS EXPLICIT CONTENT AND VULGAR LANGUAGE. It is fictional and does not depict real people or events. Call girl, Angel, believes theres nothing nothing more to life than what she is doing now. But when she falls in love with an undercover cop, and things get heated between her and her pimp, Angel searches for answers. Is this really all she is destined for? Could she escape if she wanted to? Would the outside world accept her if she left this lifestyle behind?...
Introduction: THIS STORY CONTAINS EXPLICIT CONTENT AND VULGAR LANGUAGE. It is fictional and does not depict real people or events. Call girl, Angel, believes theres nothing nothing more to life than what she is doing now. But when she falls in love with an undercover cop, and things get heated between her and her pimp, Angel searches for answers. Is this really all she is destined for? Could she escape if she wanted to? Would the outside world accept her if she left this lifestyle behind?...
Introduction: THIS STORY CONTAINS EXPLICIT CONTENT AND VULGAR LANGUAGE. It is fictional and does not depict real people or events. Call girl, Angel, believes theres nothing nothing more to life than what she is doing now. But when she falls in love with an undercover cop, and things get heated between her and her pimp, Angel searches for answers. Is this really all she is destined for? Could she escape if she wanted to? Would the outside world accept her if she left this lifestyle behind?...
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"Yes, Christina?" Lydia Dunn asked, without a loss of her legendary self control. "I don't recall us having an appointment." Christina weathered the stare and marched right up to her boss's desk. "I want to know why my investigation of the XTC Doll Company has been shut down!" she exclaimed. Lydia Dunn arched her eyebrows. "I was prepared to tell you during our normal staff meeting this afternoon. I saw no point in continuing this fishing expedition of yours. I would also...
A lady fantasizes about a horse cock and then gets the real thing. *** I am a 38 year old woman who was raised on a farm in the deep south. Ever since I saw one of our horses fucking a mare, I have fantasized about a horse fucking me. I am married and my husband has no idea of my cravings for a horse cock. I love to masturbate and do several times a week. At night when my husband is fucking me, I let my mind wonder to my secret fantasy, me being fucked by a huge horses'...
“Oh Amy, my love!! The show is begun!” I hurried to run a brush thru my hair, I hit a snag and cursed. I, like many others, love my long wavy hair, but maintenance is not its main asset. “You are going to miss out on all the fun!!” I picked up my favorite lipstick, but pictured having to go to a restaurant with a horrible red rush job and said screw it, leaving it on the counter. “Hurry, hurry, hurry, mascara on one eye, no rouge, hurry, hurry, hurry,” my satanic boyfriend, Dan, chanted. I...
Beneath me I could feel her. Her breath such a silk as it caressed my neck, the tender kisses falling from our lips to meet each other’s bodies, our necks. She paid close attention to there, just gently letting her kisses touch against my skin and running them up and down my neck. Then she turned her attention up to my face, the kisses, so sweet, connecting with my cheek and meeting my lips in the softest of ways felt like a bliss that shouldn’t ever end. Our lips parted and she entered me with...
Cheaters never prosper, they used to tell me. I’ve made a life of cheating, and while I wouldn’t say I’ve prospered, I wouldn’t complain. My wife never really understood me. Hell, I never much understood her. But over the years, we managed to develop an ‘understanding’. We don’t pry too deep into each other’s affairs, business or otherwise. I still remember the first time I broke those solemn vows to love no other but my lovely, frigid, back-biting, bitch wife. I mostly remember that girl’s...
My husband was always a good guy, a bread winner who always came through for his family. He was very smart and seemed destined for more than a standard nine-to-five. Thus, it was no surprise when he invented something that he was able to sell and say bye-bye to the grind. The only surprise lay in how comfortable we truly were. It was like a whirlwind, buying a large, posh new home, new vehicles and a family vacation. We went from cold Ohio to the tropics for ten days. On the last night, our...
Her: Hey babe!My phone vibrated noisily with the incoming message. The colleague who was standing at the front of the room shot me a glare but quickly got back to his presentation. I hurried to switch the phone to mute and debated putting it down, face-down on my folder just to make a point.But then, the presentation was so very, very boring and that particular colleague was a bit of an ass.So I opened the messenger.My girlfriend’s ‘hey babe’ was accompanied by a gif of two brown bears sitting...
Mind ControlWithin this world there exists a powerful force, a force fuelled by passion, pleasure and love. Known as the Lovelace, it grants the world the power of magic and blesses our lives with its presence. Blooming forth from the hearts of the truly happy, the Lovelace exists inside all of us, filling us with energy and happiness. Said to have been born in ages past from the wishes for a shining future, it has ended war and strife, stopped pointless crimes, ended prejudice and brought the races of the...
FantasyJohn and Doe membuka pintu warnet. John and Doe mulai membuka windows dan membuka irc. Di IRC itu John and Doe mendapat kenalan seorang wanita. Wanita itu memberi no hp nya.Wanita itu bernama Mia, berumur 23 tahun.
I bought this plug and got it a few days ago, I charged it up, put it in me, turned it on, and it turned me on. It’s got several settings and you can also control by Bluetooth with your phone. I wore it around the house for about 4 hours, changing the vibration settings. There are a couple settings I really like, the low constant vibe, and the high pulsing vibe, where it pulses every 2 seconds. I usually keep it on low when I’m sitting around, but the pulse is awesome when walking around. I...
I'm walking across a dealer parking lot looking over the new cars when I spot her.She was older and she was on the heavy side. She walked with a bit of a limp thatwas probably due to the wearing her feet and knees take from carrying the extraweight.As she came toward me I see her straightening out her blouse down over her pantson one side, then switching her purse to the other arm to do her other side. Thenshe straightens her collar, all the while taking glances at me. The lady wants to...
My very first sexdoll was a Sex Teen Love Doll. A company called PABO distributed free erotic catalogs in the students residences mailboxes and there was an offer for a 'starter pack' containing an inflatable lovedoll, some sextoys, some lube and an erotic comic. I was so excited to have a girl I could fuck anytime I ordered one by mail in 2001. She was kinda expensive for her quality but at that time I didn't know better. She was ugly but fortunately I could draw her a more beautiful face and...
Alan had been watching his new neighbour for months now, picturing her naked every time he saw her. She'd moved in a while back, and he'd been immediately struck by her beauty. His first glimpse had been while she helped the removalists by hefting some of the smaller boxes inside alone. She had a Mediterranean look, with a dark olive complexion, dressed in a pair of loose beige slacks and a country style red shirt, knotted together at the bottom with rolled up sleeves. Her copper coloured hair...
So I had given my little spy twink what he wanted, and he wanted more! I had caught him looking through my basement window while I was stroking and brought him inside to choke him with my Cock and feed on his young Cum. He did not disappoint and after getting his tight ass fingerbanged while I sucked him off, he was in desperate need to have my thick shaft buried deep inside him as well! He had already fed on my hot nectar and having my seed pulsing into his tight little ass is a gift that will...
Rob and Yvonne were so happy to at last have found a suitable house to rent. Their marriage was just a week off and they'd been beginning to despair at the possibility or finding something affordable.Having looked all through the house, they locked the door and, hand in hand, wandered around to the back garden."Hello," a cheery voice called out.They both turned to see the next door neighbour over the low dividing wall. He was a scrawny looking, bald headed man in about his sixties, he had a...
He is but still rather young in years. The hangover from his 27th birthday was still fresh in his mind even though it was now almost two months past. He was always seen as the joker in school and he loved making people laugh. Cupid came knocking on his door about two years ago and even though his parents frowned at the fact that the love of his life was 42, she was his world. He understood that there would be instant responsibility as she had two k**s but he did the best he could. Even though...
Harry was lucky there weren’t any lessons the following day because he didn’t leave his bed at all. Ron had slowly accepted the lie that Harry was in love with Cho and forgiven him for hurting Hermione. Ron now thought Harry and Cho had broken up and accepted that his best friend wanted to stay in bed. Ron was a great friend.Cho sent him several owls, each letter more desperate and more tear streaked then the last. Harry read them but couldn’t bring himself to reply. The message was pretty much...
Luna took her wizard’s wand in hand and began stroking it firmly while rubbing her palm along the sensitive place just below his piss slit. The blonde had already cast the appropriate charm to ensure his prick would act as if lubricated so she was in no danger of rubbing his skin raw. Harry’s tool hardened approvingly of the blonde’s efforts. The couple were no stranger to each other’s bodies. Indeed the pair had done everything but penetrating intercourse. With a serene smile on her lips...
THIS STORY BY bigthighlover:I had been talking with this very beautiful sexy tranny from the southern part of the state for weeks and she told me she was going to drive up to Morgantown and check out the gay lesbian club Vice Versa on Saturday night so I decided to surprise her and be there I got there around 8 pm and got a table next to back wall in front of stage I could see from there desk the hostess set out and I watched for Steph to come in it was all most 9 pm and there she was walking...
Chapter Seven Xhamster Profile for Love2Bused After a quick thirty minute ride we pulled into a parking lot that looked like part of a biker bar. Right away my pussy started heating up just thinking about being used by a bunch of bad boy bikers. When Harold parked the bike he turned to me and asked me if I was sure I was ready for this? Looking Harold in the eyes I told him I have to be ready for this. My entire future is...
Chapter Five Xhamster profile love2bused It wasn’t long after that when Fred took me over to their frat house to meet with the guys. In the days leading up to this I kept going over and over in my mind what it was going to be like having men coming up to me and pointing their cocks at me and then jerking off in my face. I would imagining their cock heads being pointed so close to my face that I would be able to smell the pungent...
Maggie Pintero was a beauty. The first time I saw her, she was wearing what I guess could best be described as a sundress, made of soft, light cotton with small pink and green flowers against a yellow background. Small cap sleeves, a low bodice that displayed the warm soft blush of her breasts, and a full gathered skirt that when she walked fluttered, whispering of the treasure beneath. I remember the dress so vividly because as a young man just graduating high school, our neighbor lady down...
My husband was always a good guy, a bread winner who always came through for his family. He was very smart and seemed destined for more than a standard nine-to-five. Thus, it was no surprise when he invented something that he was able to sell and say bye-bye to the grind. The only surprise lay in how comfortable we truly were. It was like a whirlwind, buying a large, posh new home, new vehicles and a family vacation. We went from cold Ohio to the tropics for ten days. On the last night, our...
Wife Lovers