Lori Fucks Her Massage Guy Part 1 free porn video

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Hi! Call me Lori, I’m 29 years old, I’m short, about 5′ 2′. I weigh about 200 pounds, and I have huge 38DD tits. My hair is long and brown, I’ve got quite a libido, I squirt, and love anal. Make up your own profession for me, it wont detach from the story. My tale begins 4 years ago.

My boss from work got me a gift card for a massage for doing such a great job at work. I asked if there was anyone that he would recommend, and Todd (my boss) said to ask for Tracy. The weekend was coming up, and I wanted to relax after doing whatever it was I did to get a free massage. (See, it’s kind of like a choose your own adventure porno story.) I called up the Generic Massage store, and the receptionist answered my questions about where they were located. I asked for Tracy, and soon had an appointment scheduled for Friday night.

Fast forward to Friday after work, I went home and grabbed a shower. My fingers swirled my bushy pubic hairs in the shower, and I thought about getting in a quick rub. The warm water hitting my chest stimulated my nipples getting them hard, and one thing I haven’t mentioned is that I can cum just from nipple play. While I’m at work, I can set my phone to vibrate, and hide it in my bra. It only takes a few minutes, its a great way to keep excited about doing whatever it is that I do.

I lathered my hands up with soap, and ran them over my breasts, squeezing my nipples, until they couldn’t get any harder. Feeling hornier, I moved my left hand to my pussy, directly on top of my clit. Minutes later, I had a mini orgasm. Refreshed, I stepped out of the shower, and continued to do those things one does after a shower and gets ready for something.

I drove to the Generic Massage Store, and I gotta say, it looked better than it sounded. Arriving a few minutes early, I walked in and was greeted by an older lady. She handed me a clipboard full of paperwork. Name, age, health history, medications, all the standard stuff. I passed the info back to the lady and she said that Tracy would be right out. I sat back in my chair, and saw there were other people waiting for a massage. It was like a generic mix of people, ranging from my age, to those beyond their 50’s.

This was going to be my first massage, and Todd kept telling me all week long that that Tracy was amazing. This helped reassure me, I was a little nervous about a woman touching me. The door opened and out came a pretty handsome guy. He stood about 5′ 11′, 175 pounds, black hair, and brown eyes. Yup, it was like I could see his drivers license. And then this guy comes over to me, and introduced himself as ‘Tracy.’

Thanks Todd! He led me back and upstairs to his room. I suddenly felt a little nervous and excited. He was hot and was going to touch me. The thought of a ‘happy ending’ massage never crossed my mind. He had me sit in a chair in the room and asked me where I hurt. I told him I didn’t really have any problem areas, but just wanted to try out the massage, as ‘he’ had come highly recommended.

Before leaving the room, he said I could wear whatever I wanted, but suggested to go nude. For my first massage, I decided to leave my panties on. For those wondering, they were black, with a hint of lace and red bow. French cut. The rest of me was nude, the chair wearing what I had just taken off, and I crawled onto the table.

I could feel some warmth from the warmer under my body, my head face down on the table. I heard him enter, and soon his hands were all over me. Strong and slippery fingers, forearms and palms were covering my body. Up and down my back, over my legs, and he even mumbled something about doing my ass. I would like to clarify, he was so professional about everything, but my mind and body were in the relax zone, so what I heard is ‘can I rub your ass’ as he said ‘can I work your glutes’.

In a daze, he had me turn over to work the front. His skillful hands found sore parts of me that I was quite unaware of. My arms, legs, chest, neck and head soon received the wonderful attention that my back side just received. I went in with the the expectation to just feel good when I was done, but this guy nailed it. Todd was right.

Again, there was nothing naughty about his massage, no hints of sexual intent. I felt like a new woman. I asked if he ever took home clients, and the nights that he was available. Tracy told me that he’d be happy to take me on at home.

At the end of the massage, he grabbed my phone (um, it was sitting on top of my purse) and entered his number, and even took a selfie for a contact photo. I was glad he did that, as over the months/years that followed this massage, I started to look at his pic while I masturbated.

About every 3 weeks after that first massage, I was on his table at his house. For the next two years, we had become pretty good friends. I knew that he had a girlfriend, so I never pursued anything more than his massage. I even wore panties during the massage during this time. Secretly, I wanted to be nude, and have his tongue buried in my pussy.

Then he let it slip. One night during my massage as his hands were working the back of my legs, he said that his girlfriend had left him and moved out of state. At that instant, I knew I was gonna have him fuck me. My mind instantly went into seduce mode.

I’d had 2 long years of fingering my pussy, and squeezing my tits at work imagining him touching me. I slowly moved my arms and hands under the sheet closer to the sides of the table, hoping that he would brush his cock against my hand and also hoping that he didn’t see me purposefully do it.

As luck would have it, good luck, as he went to work on my back, I could feel the head of his dick through his pants bump against my pinkie. The brief fraction of a second there was contact, I felt a spark between my legs. Two years of fantasizing about his penis, I didn’t factor in the next step after contact.

My hand freaked out and flinched away, then came an almost automatic ‘Sorry about that’. Tracy just laughed it off. He then finished my back, and my frightened arms went back to my sides. Finished with the back side, I flipped over in my usual manner, with the exception of giving myself a stretch after I had been covered with the sheets.

See, I knew his routine, after we flipped over, he’d start with my legs, which held the sheet in place. As I placed my arms above my head, my tits began to come out from the under the covers. The sheet only covered half of my tits, the room was dark, but there was still enough light that he could see my breast from where ever he was standing.

He worked both of my legs, however he seemed to be doing this a little more slowly, I’m guessing that he was watching them jiggle with his motions. After he took my left arm from under the covers, he carefully and slowly pulled the sheet back over my bared breasts. As he did so, he said ‘looks like the girls were showing’. ‘Oops!’ was my reply.

I followed up with ‘I’ll bet you’ve seen them before, besides, they are just boobs.’ Knowing that he saw them excited me and my nipples began to constrict, poking against the sheets. The continued work on my arms, caused the sheets to continue their foreplay on my nipples. With each drag of the sheets, I was close to cumming. Fortunately, the massage had ended, as I might have cum. I’m sometimes vocal when I orgasm, and I wasn’t quite ready with my plan.

When I got home that night, I was extremely turned on, the massage was 90% of it, the other 10% was me alternating pinching my nipples and rubbing my clit under my dress as I drove home. I couldn’t wait any longer. I went inside, stripping my clothes off as I made my way to the bathroom to masturbate in the tub.

I had no need of lube, as my panties made a slopping sound as they hit the tile. I reached for my vibrator, and pushed it deep inside, and after a few good thrusts, I was spraying the tub with my cum. There’s a reason I masturbate in the tub, clean up is so much easier.

Three weeks later, I had texted that I was going to be about 15 min late, I had work thing to do. He replied to just come inside when I got there. The all day work thing that I had to go actually ended early, so I realized that I could run home, change into something more comfy, and still make it to my massage on time.

Tonight, I decided that I’m only gonna wear my dress and panties, with a jacket. Once I got there, I was going to be nude while Tracy massaged my body. I wanted another chance to feel his cock against my hand, and I wanted it to last longer. This was my agenda for the night.

I was actually 10 minutes early from my usual time, so I wandered inside. I could hear some sporting event on the tv. I called out for Tracy, but the TV must have covered the sound of my voice. I called out again, as I made my way to the massage table.

As I walked down the hallway, I turned the corner to see a nude Tracy in the shower. He had a very nice body, some bulging muscles, a hot ass, dark hairy legs. He turned around and I could see that he had no pubic hair, or what I thought was none. My hand went immediately between my legs.

This was not on my agenda for the night. Something unplanned. I watched as he lathered up and shaved his cock, his balls, his entire pubic region. If I could guess the size, I would call it a good 4′ soft. I loved watching him shower, but i knew I couldn’t get caught. I slowly backed out and made my way for my car. It was dark outside, so I knew I could get a quick cum in without anyone watching me in my car.

All I needed was a minute. I was wrong. During my peeping tom session, while I had one hand on my clit, my other hand grabbed my phone and made a video of him showering. I sat in the passenger seat, hiked my dress up, slid my panties out of the way, and began to rub my clit. I paused the video, zoomed in on his prick, and came 10 seconds later.

I regained my composure, and slowly began to walk back for my massage. I had to take the edge off before my massage. I walked in, and called out loudly this time that I was here. Tracy replied ‘he’ll be there in a min, just finishing up.’ I made my way to the massage table, and walked by him just pulling his shirt over his chest.

I closed the door, or at least thought I did. I had just pulled my dress up and over my shoulders, and I could hear him enter. All he could see was the backside of me in my panties. Coyly, I held the dress over my front and turned around. It was great to watch him blush. He apologized so many times, still covering myself, I said ‘it was fine. there’s nothing that you haven’t seen before.’

I was excited, as I held the dress covering myself, as Tracy tried not too look. He had no idea that I watched him in the shower just minutes before. We did or normal pre-massage talk. I told him that nothing was hurting, just needed to feel good again.

Tonight’s massage was just like last weeks, but with my three additions. I kept my hands and fingers close to the sides, hoping for a brush of his sweet fuck stick. I was going to stretch after I turned over and let my tits fall out again, and I was going without panties.

Just before he closed the door, he told me we were starting face up tonight. I protested my disagreement, ‘But we always start face down’. There went my plans. Improvisation needed to happen quickly. I heard the door close. I was still getting naked, so that hadn’t changed, I could still have my hands to the side, so I could grope, or at least hope for a fondling. I just had to figure out a way to let my tits fall out again.

Tracy’s new routine felt wonderful, he worked my face and head and neck, just like in the past, and then went to my chest and arms. When he went to work my legs, I took my chance and stretched my arms above my head again. As I returned my arms to my sides, I could feel my nipples poking against the sheet. I couldn’t tell if they were showing, so I kept itching my nose, in hopes of exposing my tits.

I kept one hand down by my side, sure enough, my finger tip grazed his dick again. We both apologized, and my hand instinctively retracted, but this time I held my ground and slowly pushed it back. He bumped into it again, but neither of us moved. He didn’t hang out on my finger for too long, just long enough to work my leg there, then moved along to the next spot.

As Tracy worked my legs, he took a little longer than normal, hopefully watching parts of my tits dance around as he shook my body. Before we flipped, I could feel the sheets slowly being pulled back up towards my neck, he commented again that ‘The girls came out again!’ All I could manage to say was something along the lines of ‘Must be one of the perks of the job they didn’t tell you about in school’.

He laughed and said you are so right. I asked if he ever got to massages breasts, and said he hadn’t since school and would need to practice first. I looked up at him and said ‘You could practice on me, the girls are right here.’ In a quick motion, I snagged the sheets from his fingers, and pulled down the fabric that covered only a portion of my (now you gotta scroll back up to find out what size my boobs are) giant tits.

His face regained that rosy look from earlier, my seduction was working, and asked if I was sure. Jokingly, I pulled the sheets back up and asked ‘It wont hurt will it??’ He said ‘No, it shouldn’t,’ in his most ‘I gotta be professional’ attitude.

He then apologized for any lack of grace, explaining that it had been years since he’d done this. I could hear him take a deep breath, and slowly pulled the sheets down all the way and my tits were free. He slowly oiled my breasts, starting at the middle of my chest and working outward with the same tender touch that has roamed my body for the past several years.

There was nothing awkward about the way his hands circled my globes, it was like he’d been doing this for years. My nipples immediately responded, getting very hard, I didn’t want to freak him out by moaning so I did my best to stifle any din that may escape my lips.

Almost ready to cum, he stopped just before I did. Genuinely concerned, he asked ‘Was that ok?’ ‘It felt wonderful, but you can practice on me whenever you need.’ ‘Thanks, I’d appreciate that, let’s turn you over’.

In a daze, I moved to my other side. He pulled the sheet back to work on my back, I thought he could feel my nipples through my back they were still so hard. My back relaxed, he peeled back the sheet to work my butt and legs. He instantly saw that I had no panties on.

He laughed and said ‘I wondered when you were going to go without them, what helped you decide that you don’t need underwear?’ ‘I didn’t know if you were ok with it, but decided to juts do it.’ He then told me most of his clients go nude so it was no big deal at all.

Not knowing any better, I really had no idea what he would have thought. I totally have been wanting to fuck this guy for over 2 years, but didn’t want to be the other woman, and didn’t want to be a creepy pervy patient. Besides, he gave me a hell of a massage. I then rewound my brain to two years ago, when I filled out his paperwork.

It said that I could be nude if I chose. Derp! Oh well, I’m naked on all my massages from here on out. ‘You could have reminded me a long time ago you know!’ I cried out. He apologized again then finished. It took a little longer than normal, but also felt better too. He inserted a new addition sliding his hands from my ankles up to my shoulders. It felt amazing. I told him to do that a few more times.

He obliged my request, and left me in bliss. I snuck in a quick hug before leaving. And this became our new thing, he would practice his breast massage, I’d leave my hand around for his cock to bump into my awaiting fingers. At the end of the night, I’d rush home to get rid of any sexual tension.

This was all well and good, but I wanted to see his cock again, and progress things further. I wondered if it would work again, I texted him and said work was going to run late again, and I’d be about 15 min late, hoping I could catch him in the shower again.

Same instructions as before, just come in when I got there. Arriving 10 min early, which would be 25 minutes early from my projected ‘late’ time. I opened the door, could hear some sitcom on tv, and then I could hear the water of the shower running. I peaked around the corner and I got the same great view. Soap bubbles flowed down his body, I then got an even better show.

My phone was already out and recording, my free hand was up my dress, and I slid a finger through my bush, and my finger disappeared inside my pussy. His hand went to his cock, and with a few motions of his arm, I watched his cum erupt from the tip of his dick and splash against glass door of the shower.

I took my queue and quickly and quietly made my way to the front door so I could go get my cum on, then come back in and announce my entrance. In my haste, I slipped a little on the floor, and did a partial split. This was more of a splits than I thought, as my inner thigh groaned as I re-stabilized myself. I made my way to the door, just to turn around and call out for Tracy.

My leg really hurt, and he came in running wrapped in a towel, I had to gasp, the poor guy, I barely gave him time to enjoy his after cum glow, and dry off. Oh well, score one for me. Water beaded down his chest, and I could see a sizable bulge underneath his towel.

I walked with a bit of a limp, and told him that I had just slipped on his floor. He helped me to his table, and up I went. I’m sure he caught a good view of my ass and pussy, and said he’d be back in minute. This was all normal, I’d change out of my clothes, and he’d come back in after a minute and he’d start to massage me. these days, it was just a dress and nothing underneath.

I slipped my dress off and placed it and the rest of my stuff off to the side. Just for fun, I set my phone (which was set to record) in an inconspicuous spot. I crawled back onto the table, pulling the sheet up and over my body. I closed my eyes, and heard the door open. He then asked me to show him where it hurt those most, and I had to point right next to my pussy. We’ve all pulled our groin muscle at one point.

Calmly, he said something of the effect of his hands were going to be extremely close to my vagina, but all I heard was ‘my fingers are going to be close to your pussy.’ He continued saying if it’d help me feel better, I could cover my privates with my free hand.

Dilemma. Sure I could cover my fur burger, and grind my bean with my hand while he soothes my groin muscle, or I could do the other thing and be completely exposed as his fingers dance carefully around my quivering bushy mound.

Still deciding, I re weighed my options. I still had to cum, after watching him in the shower, I just needed to. But I wasn’t sure if I was going to be loud when I came. My mind raced, and better judgement took control. I told him he was fine. With careful positioning, he covered most of my groin area with the sheet. I could feel his oiled palm creep up my inner thigh.

My heartbeat quickened, he wasn’t k**ding when he said his hands were going to be close to my girl parts. His slippery fingers probed all around my labia,never quite touching them directly. As his fingers moved around, they somehow were moving my lips and hood of my clit. Fuck, he might make me cum. Which would be great, even if it was an accident.

He then found the spot of my pain, it was less than an inch away from the opening to my dripping cave. I winced a bit, causing my hips to shift, which had the domino effect and his thumb pushed against my labia. My juices had been percolating and this accidental touch was enough to break the seal.

Tracy instantly pulled back, he was still trying to be professional. I almost came, but told him he was fine, the pleasure helped with the pain. He replaced his hand again, but very carefully avoiding my clit. To help break the tension, he joked and asked if my hairstylist was on vacation, I laughed and joked back ‘she doesn’t do bikini waxes.’

He began to move my leg around in circles, still holding his finger so close to my love button. I knew any more contact could cause everything to get wet. The motions of my leg didn’t help matters, I feared my pubic toupee was going to become a wet hairy mop. As if the oil between my thighs made things better, I was going to cum soon.

My eyes still closed, my face showed expressions of discomfort, but soon subsided, until his hand moved and found a new sore spot. Going from pleasure to pain was quite a sensation. It reminded me of almost getting caught fingering myself when the parents came home. The feeling of being really close, and hearing ‘honey, we’re back.’ No cum for you!

The pain had quickly interrupted whatever orgasm I was about to have. This new spot was about midway down my leg, so sadly he moved away from my pussy. I thanked him for making my leg feel better, and then he worked my other leg.

My injury wasn’t really all that severe, but I got to feel his thumb against my clit. Sure these were baby steps, but a long enjoyable seduction. And probably a long story if you’re still with us at this point. I don’t know why i didn’t come out and say ‘put that dick inside me Tracy!’ I enjoyed our little game, but I wondered… did Tracy?

He’d been massaging my tits for a couple months now, true I did ask him to do it, and he went about it very professionally (I’m guessing, he was my first masseur, and no one else had massaged me before. I just knew it felt good, and got me wet.) I still got to feel his cock against my hand, it was still through his pants, and I was now nude under the covers.

Back to reality, one leg massaged, he just started to work the other when my hand felt the familiar bump of his trouser trout into my fingers. But there was something unfamiliar about the fabric. Also, he seemed a little more rigid than times past. I then realized, when he had stepped out, I figured he was going to come in wearing his usual attire, like a t shirt, and sweats, or yoga pants, or underwear, or something more than a towel, but he didn’t.

No shirt, no shorts, great service. (= Just a towel. ‘Fucking really?’ I asked myself. I guess that brush against my clit proved he was enjoying this game. I slowly opened my eyes to verify what a simple touch had told me. I laughed and repeated what he had told me a while ago.’I wondered when you were going to go without them.’

I could see his face blush even in the dark room. Half joking, I said ‘You could have put clothes back on’. He replied ‘You got here too early and that slip near the door prompted some immediate action.’ He resumed massaging my upper body, tits and all.

He seemed to know when to quit, which was right before I was about to cum. Always bringing me to edge, but never pushing me over it. I turned over and he worked my back, then my butt and my legs. At the end of my hour, he said he wanted to quickly work my inner thigh again.

I told him that he could only if it didn’t hurt. I could feel the heat of his slippery palm against my knee, and he slowly worked towards my crotch. It just dawned on me that I was completely nude, and spread eagle. I was in such a daze and didn’t even realize the sheet was missing. My inner thigh was still a bit tender, but his hands kept slowly sliding the length of my inner thigh.

With each pass, he came closer and closer to my what I’m guessing were drenched labia. If they weren’t, it was just a matter of seconds, and then it happened. His fingers slid up my thigh, his motions caused my lips to rub under neath my matted mess.

It was so slow, but my orgasm was building. It was matching his rhythm, and I realized that I was slowly gyrating my hips. He kept sliding his hands up closer until one of his passes brushed against my lips. I emitted a slight squeak, and then his other hand repeated what the first just did. Slid all the way up, from knee to crotch and right into my labia.

I couldn’t believe it, then his hand brushed against my labia. I could feel my hot juices seep from my pussy. I moaned on each touch. Then he stopped. A fucking gain. But he had a reason, there was someone else he had to work on that night. That lucky bitch. Bummed, I sighed, and turned over and sat up, I could see his cock still covered by the towel, was almost poking out.

I just looked down, and grabbed his dick through the towel, and pulled him in close, I wrapped my legs around him and pulled him in for a hug. It felt really good to feel the warmth of his body against my slippery skin. I could feel his hard cock poking into me. I thanked him for being so sweet and taking care of my leg.

He stepped out to get ready, I grabbed my dress and slipped it over my sexually aching body. As I got to the front door, I opened it, and there was Todd. Remember him? My goody two shes old boss? We haven’t talked about him in a while.

We exchanged pleasantries, I haven’t seen him in ages, cuz I quit that job and went off to do something else. For those of us who are still here, this is a major plot twist. I had you pick my job, and now I changed it. Some serious M Knight Shamallama stuff right there.

I raced home, then realized, I forgot my phone. I only had just enough time to cum, then head back to Tracy’s to get my phone. So I sat on the toilet, and pushed my fingers into my wet slippery hole, and got a decent squirt, it helped, but then my mind took control, reminding me that I needed to get the phone back.

Zooming back across town, I pulled into his driveway and timed it oh so perfectly. Todd was shaking Tracy’s hand, and they were saying their good byes. I ran up and said I forgot my jacket. Tracy said it was right where I left it, I quickly excused my way past them. I could hear them chatting in the background, I saw my jacket on the floor, then grabbed my phone from it’s hiding spot.

I made sure I had all my stuff this time, then greeted the men at the door, nice things said to each other, I wanted to hang out, but I needed to get home and finish cumming. The wet spot on my car seat told me so. I ran 4 stop signs getting out of his neighborhood.

Once home, I laid down in my tub and began to shove my digits inside me. My free hand played with my nipples, and in seconds, I was spraying, gushing, all over my tub. Spent, I crawled in bed for a well earned slumber.

The next day I spent in the tub, cumming and playing for hours. My leg felt great, but around 6pm, my phone said I had a text. It was from Tracy. He was wondering how my leg felt, and was texting as he had a last minute opening. Wanting a repeat of last night, I quickly responded that my leg was still pretty tender.

I grabbed a quick shower, then put on my dress, and made my way back to Tracy’s. I was early again, I opened the door, and called out for Tracy, and he said he’d meet me on the table, and be face up again. I closed my eyes, and couldn’t help getting in quick feel of my finger on my clit, then I pulled the sheets up.

As soon as the sheets were over me, they were quickly being pulled off my legs. I wondered if he was watching me as I got in my quick diddle. I casually opened my eyes, and there was Tracy, in a different towel this time. I laughed and asked ‘is this your new uniform?’ Tracy said ‘If someone would arrive on time, then we wouldn’t be in this situation.’

I told him he was right, then closed my eyes again. I thanked him for fitting me in on a Saturday night. I could feel the sheet was only covering my abs and chest. I told him that I wasn’t shy anymore so if the sheet got in the way he could just move it. He said nothing, as the background music filled his silence, the rest of the sheet slid off to the floor.

My legs were being positioned like he was going to eat me out, my eyes closed. I hoped he would, but would have to wait. Suddenly, I heard a buzzing sound. Very much sounding like a vibrator. I was all for it, then realized that the sound was coming from hair clippers, I felt the cold steel buzzing away my pubic hair. I asked him in a stern voice ‘What the hell are you doing?’ Mid clip he responded that the hair was getting in the way.

‘Oh. sorry about that.’ Who was I to argue? It was very long. I was too shy to go to the beach, thanks body issues, plus, we don’t have any beaches in this great state of wherever the hell we are. And it had been 10 years since my last boyfriend. I saw no need for grooming.

His fingers were again carefully placed, as to not touch my aching pussy directly. But that didn’t stop him from ‘accidentally’ brushing the clippers against my clit from time to time. I giggled each time. He said sorry. A few minutes later, my rain forest had been cleared. All my pubic hair, even my inner thighs and taint were less than 1/19th long.

‘Did you want to feel again?’ Yup, he saw me. Of course he saw me, I asked ‘If you think it would help’. Not sure why I said that. What’s it going to help? So I calmly slid my hand over my belly, slowly down to my now mowed jungle. It felt a little prickly, but felt good. I knew he was watching me this time, so I used both hands, pushing my lips into my clit, then I pulled them apart. I could feel him watch as my fingers spread me open.

Stifling a cum, and said that does feel better. I put my hands in their usual spots, and my hand bumped into a towel covered hard on. ‘Sorry!’ I think I hit it quite hard. ‘I’ll be fine’ Tracy grunted. I soon felt his hands slide from my knee to my crotch again, still not touching me directly.

Once again, he aroused me and stopped before I was going to cum. How the hell did he take charge of my game? After a few minutes with my upper and inner thighs, he went directly for my tits. My nipples got hard at the very first drop of oil.

My tits were soon feeling fantastic as he swirled and played with my breasts. I knew this little pleasure portion was almost over, why? because I was about to cum. As he slowly finished, I reached up and placed my hands on his wrists, I practically begged him to do it again, like it was the first time tonight.

He complied. Winning! I told him to do both at the same time. Little did he realize while he focused on my nipples, I was cumming. Yup. I let out a slight moan every so often. I asked him if he could just hold the pressure. In layman’s terms, PINCH MY NIPPLES!

I know the results of this, and it’s a fantastic cum. Nothing that’ll squirt, but still lovely none the less. My chest was soon heaving, and my breathing rapid. He slowed his pace, and was finished with my front. It was turn over time.

If this was a night for skipping parts, this was it. Once again, my legs were spread open, and my hands at my side. He started again at my knees and began his ascent up to my pussy. I could feel the towel brush over one of my hands. It’s not relevant to the story line, but you, the reader, gets to pick.

Then his hands began pushing closer towards my labia, his hands still never touched my aching loins. Learning from my nipple experience, I told him to go higher up. This was a barely audible whisper, but when I felt his thumbs surround my clit and slowly pull on it, I knew he heard me.

My moans were more pronounced, encouraging more attention. ‘Can I go higher?’ he asked. ‘Please’ and then I felt his fingers slip inside me. I heard him say ‘So hot’ as my juices coated his fingers. I was that wet, even the other nine fingers that weren’t included, became wet by association.

At one point or another, I could feel him slide all 10 in. No, not at the same time, but individually. He kept finger fucking me. My fingers needed to return the stimulation his fingers were giving me. Reaching under his towel, I felt the drops of precum on the inside of his towel.

My fingers followed the trail and I felt his hot tallywhacker in my hand for the first time. I could hear him moan as I squeezed out another drop. He made me cum again, but I knew I wasn’t done yet. His hips moved his Johnson out of my reach, as I tried in vain to find my new meat trophy. I felt my body being turned over, and heard a quick snap and felt my legs being pulled.

It wasn’t just my legs, he was pulling my body near the edge of the table. My eyes still closed, my legs spread open, I felt his tongue on my nipples, and then in one smooth motion, he had slipped his cock inside me. I couldn’t believe it. I was getting fucked. Each pump of his body into mine kept building my orgasm.

I arched my back a little to get his cock right where I needed it to be. Three more thrusts, two ‘CUMMING!’ My flood gates had been breached. I squirted out, I wasn’t sure if he could tell, but second’s later his body began to twitch and spasm. I was glad he had the foresight to have a condom.

I wasn’t planning on getting laid that night, but glad it happened. Thanks for sticking around to the end. Comments welcomed.

Same as Lori fucks her massage guy part 1 Videos

1 year ago
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Loridance instructor

Ken's dreams had come true and he fantasized about the future. Not eager to start his day and the workweek, he lay in bed letting his mind linger on yesterday. It had to be the best day of his life, he readily decided, and visions of all his buddies having sex with Lori filled his mind. Not only did they now believe all his bragging about his gorgeous slut, but Ken had given them the ultimate prize. Each man felt every inch of Lori's sexy body plus each man got to fuck her and each man got a...

2 years ago
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Lori day 3

It had been a long night entertaining his charmed sex slave and her wimpy husband so it was mid‑morning before Ken stirred from his slumber with a raging hard‑on that quickly filled his fist. Ken loved the feel of his cock when it throbbed in his hand and he honestly believed he could convince any woman to love it as much as he did. There was no shortage of male ego in Ken Patterson. Lying in bed stroking himself, Ken daydreamed about Lori and what he had planned to do with Lori today. It was...

4 years ago
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Loriart work applied

It was peaceful and quiet in the bedroom and Lori looked at the four items Ken had given her. A skirt, tank top, bra and pair of boots were the extent of what she was ordered to wear. Ken told her he wanted a Hotties' waitress on Sunday and all his buddies would be served by a luscious piece of ass. Every time the vile man said evil and disgusting things, Lori would always find a way to forgive him. She chose to ignore the insinuation of his demands and considered the waitress aspect of his...

3 years ago
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Lorihelping hubby

Ken Patterson filled Lori's dreams even though she tried hard to put her hated neighbor out of her mind. Ken was Ken... arrogant, conniving, demanding, depraved, manipulative, egotistical, and crude. A real bastard who got what he wanted and was accustomed to getting his way most of the time. He worked his magic on Lori, bent her to his will, humiliated her, violated her, and treated her like his personal slut. On the positive side, he gave Lori what she needed, great mind‑blowing orgasms and...

3 years ago
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Lorigets new jewelry for the girls

Kim could still hear the man's stern voice as she dressed. Glancing at her watch, she noticed there was barely enough time to make the scheduled appointment Ken had setup with Lu. A shiver shot down her spine thinking of what Ken demanded. She was to take Lori and Julia to get their nipples pierced by the old Chinaman. 'Oh, God,' she thought, 'Surely there had to be another way or someway to escape Ken's blackmail demands.' She noticed the two women dressed and standing at the door. Lori...

2 years ago
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Driving her car from the driveway of the home where she lived with her parents and brother who was serving in Iraq. Lori Jo Whitman was as excited as a girl of 18 could be.The vivacious light-brown-haired pretty teenager was off for summer cheerleading camp for a month. The camp trained those wanting to be outstanding cheerleaders and they would be receiving the latest in cheering techniques.Lori was headed for college in the fall and she wanted to continue as a cheerleader at the religious...

3 years ago
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LoriDaddy is naughty

'What a night,' Ken mused. His meeting with Lori, Julia and Kim last night went extremely well. He had laid out his plans for his upcoming party, 'well gangbang', he added with a chuckle. Once again his ego blossomed out of control remembering how the evening went. He had invited his two gorgeous, next‑door neighbors over along with the young woman who lived down the block. Ken reveled at his good fortune, as he was able to get Julia to give him a glorious blowjob. He was truly astounded by the...

3 years ago
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Lorileft turn Clyde

Andy's mind was churning like mad thinking of every possible solution. He had to keep Ken as an ally even though the man was a liar, cheat and the most unscrupulous man he had ever met. Andy mused over the fact Ken also controlled his family. He shuddered with the realization that the man could make his wife do anything to satisfy his perverted desires. Not only that, Andy thought, now Ken also controlled his dearest Julia. The memory of the all‑night affair Lori and Julia endured with Ken...

4 years ago
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Lori My Wife8217s Best Friend

“You want to step outside and take a hit?” That question was asked of me by my wife’s best friend. Normally Lori would be out with my wife, but Penny was on a marathon phone conversation with her mother. I’m sure she would have liked to hit the bong too but we don’t do that in the house. Lori was no stranger to our home; she and Penny have been friends since grade school. They work together, they play together, they are tight. Lori was maid of honor at our wedding 5 years earlier and was in the...

2 years ago
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Lori My Wifes Best Friend

Lori was no stranger to our home; she and Penny have been friends since grade school. They work together, they play together, they are tight. Lori was maid of honor at our wedding 5 years earlier and was in the delivery room when our son was born. She tried marriage twice but gave both of them up as interesting but failed experiments. Now she just strings along a few men. I think she is trying to set a record for greatest miles of cock between her legs. She hasn’t set the record yet, but...

3 years ago
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Lori a Summer Camp DelightChapter 2

Once Lori came home from summer camp, she hardly went out of the house for the next two weeks. Andy wondered why his wife acted a little strange, but he shrugged it off to that awful feeling of summer being almost over. He had pressed his wife for details about the camp, but Lori merely said that nothing out of the ordinary happened. Andy was not one to press the issue or persist and he let it go, as they eventually got back into the family's weekly routine. The kids readily told Andy about...

2 years ago
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Loriproud Momma

Ken Patterson relished having complete control over his next‑door neighbors. The continuing saga seemed to get more exciting and more thrilling with each chapter in his life. His aroused mind went back over the episodes, which started innocently years ago. He managed to take pictures of Lori and her family without them being aware of what he was doing. Through his subversive actions, Ken managed to get naked pictures of both Lori and Julia plus shots of Lori and Andy acting thoroughly inhibited...

3 years ago
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Lori And Her Sister Make Four

Lori And Her Sister Make Four My wife answered the phone, talked for a minute, and then said, “Lori and her sister Judy are coming over. They ran out of booze. Lori actually asked me if they needed to get dressed up or if they could come as they were. Of course I told them to come as they were.” About two minutes later there was a knock at our back door. I opened it and smiled wide as I invited them in. Lori said, “Your wife said to come as we were.” I was looking at two very...

2 years ago
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Loriforbidden realms

Kim's heart beat fast in anticipation. Suddenly the turmoil, the traumatic adventure with Ken was behind her. She had to do it, she reflected. Kim would have done anything in the world for the chance to be with the woman of her dreams. The price of giving the vile old man a most disgusting blowjob had been worth it. Besides, it wasn't nearly as bad as she would have thought. Kim rubbed the filthy slim off her face and watched the two Pattersons plus her little brother depart the house out the...

3 years ago
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Lori and Jonah A Seduction Ch 04

Author’s Note: I hope you enjoy reading this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it. Please vote, comment, and/or send feedback :). Happy reading!! — Lori waited until the first day of the second semester to talk to her guidance counselor. As it turned out, it wasn’t too late to graduate early. She started the paperwork that day. All she had to do was get a paper signed by her teachers, and she didn’t have to show up to class anymore. It was a good deal. Lori went to all of her teachers,...

4 years ago
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LoriFootball playoff lust

Ken and his buddies sat around drinking beer like there was no tomorrow. When the evening first started, the men were skeptical of Ken's boastful promises but they were all hopeful. Now that each had consumed a few beers, doubts as to what was going to happen all but evaporated. All were extremely excited and confident that Ken would deliver. The growing anticipation was pure agony waiting for the women. Andy's anxiety of being left out of Ken's invited guests quickly disappeared when the...

2 years ago
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Lori Ch 04

When the alarm went off the sunshine was already streaming in and Lori was sprawled beside me. Church was at 10. We had about two hours to get ready. Lori wanted to shower together but I begged off. I knew that if did, we’d miss church. I also reminded her that we needed Mom and Dad’s goodwill if we were going to have any chance of staying together. It came to me as I fell asleep: We could live here, in the guest room. I hadn’t figured it out how to get the permission we would need and Lori’s...

1 year ago
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Lori Tries A Gloryhole

Lori and I have enjoyed a very active sex life. We first stumbled on it several years ago. I was at a training session out of town and invited my wife Lori to join me. She hung out at the pool and soon incurred the attention of another man. I encouraged her to keep flirting with him and eventually got her to have sex with him. This was a long time goal for me and I even got to go down on her after he had fucked her and I was hooked. I eventually got her to start having sex with others and I...

2 years ago
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Lori Tries a Gloryhole

Lori and I have enjoyed a very active sex life. We first stumbled on it several years ago. I was at a training session out of town and invited my wife Lori to join me. She hung out at the pool and soon incurred the attention of another man. I encouraged her to keep flirting with him and eventually got her to have sex with him. This was a long time goal for me and I even got to go down on her after he had fucked her and I was hooked. I eventually got her to start having sex with others and I...

4 years ago
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Lori Tries A Gloryhole

Lori and I have enjoyed a very active sex life. We first stumbled on it several years ago. I was at a training session out of town and invited my wife Lori to join me. She hung out at the pool and soon incurred the attention of another man. I encouraged her to keep flirting with him and eventually got her to have sex with him. This was a long time goal for me and I even got to go down on her after he had fucked her and I was hooked. I eventually got her to start having sex with others and I...

3 years ago
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Lori CUMS to DC

And her room mate Tracy seemed really sweet too. Lori could tell that after this week they would be such good friends. They really complemented each other. Lori was tall, slender, and a bit on the quiet side, with long hair and light features. Tracy was very outgoing, a little shorter, and with dark, voluptuous features. Like Lori, Tracy was a just a few months past her 18th birthday. These thoughts were racing through her head as she finished up her shower. Both Tracy and Lori had...

3 years ago
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Life was getting into a somewhat normal state. Andy resigned himself to the fact that things were now different, irrevocably different. Reluctantly he accepted his new role, as an outsider in his own home. Kim was now living in the house and he cringed every time she smiled at him. It was that unctuous, 'I am one up on you', smile that someone gives another person when they got the better of a competition.Kim didn't hide the fact she was Lori's master. She flaunted the reality that she was now...

3 years ago
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Loriwho one the game

In reality, many of the rides were short and sweet. Each man dearly wanted and yearned to fuck one of Ken's sexy sluts for 10 minutes, for 30 minutes, or even an hour, but much of his stamina was gone early in the evening. Watching the intense lesbian affairs and then having the women give such stupendous blowjobs had robbed Ken's pals of their staying power. Once Ken's buddies got their hands on a woman's naked body, their stamina was rated in measly minutes rather than hours. Even before...

2 years ago
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Lori and a stranger

Lori and I checked into a classy hotel room in Glasgow. We shared a hot shower together and both got dressed up to attend a club that was situated only blocks away from the room. Lori put on her pink florescent matching thong and bra set to cover her ample tits and freshly shaved pussy. She threw on a pair of tight black slacks and a matching silk blouse. Her blue eyes ravished after she highlighted them. Her lips appeared luscious after she applied the red tone lip stick. She finished by...

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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Lori and Jonah A Seduction Ch 02

Author’s Note: All characters in my story are the age of legal consent (18 or older). To better understand this story you may want to read the first chapter. Thank you to all my faithful readers. As always, please vote, leave comments, and send feedback. Please enjoy!! — When Lori woke the next morning, she found herself in unfamiliar settings. She was in a big bed in a blue bedroom. The bed was big enough for two, but she was alone in it. After a moment she remembered where she was: Jonah...

2 years ago
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My name is Tracie and I have been living as a woman since I graduated college. Moving to a new town afforded me the opportunity to pursue my career as a female high school English teacher. I loved my job and I had great students. After a year or so of teaching I had my favorite students who were attentive, hardworking, and had a passion for education. One of my favorite students, Lori, was rumored to be a lesbian. Rumor networks in high school are often false and quite ruthless. Either way it...

4 years ago
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Lori Visits A Hypnotist

Lori Brown and her husband John were a married couple of one year.  Life was grand except for the fact that Lori didn't like to partake in oral sex.  She didn't want any foreplay, which angered her husband.  She also wouldn't let her husband make love to her bottom.She said the idea of sucking his cock made her gag, and the thought of him licking and kissing her private parts made her feel very uncomfortable.  She thought he was nuts for wanting to make love to her butt.  She would ask him why...

Mind Control
1 year ago
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Lori Learns a Lesson

Lori Learns her LessonIt was towards the beginning of the Northern Californian school year, as Lori was tidying up the classroom after the children had left for the day.  She taught the very youngest children, and today, being the first day of the school year, had been hectic. The last of the children, and some mothers, had departed. She was looking forward to going home to her bachelor pad, kicking off her shoes, putting her feet up and  downing a cool beer. Just then, a female face appeared...

3 years ago
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Lori Ch 03

In contrast to our early morning, the drive home was very chaste, Lori sat next to me, holding my hand. Her presense gave me a sense of immunity, so I was only a little worried about what my parents might say, yet, it was surprising how relieved I felt that I didn’t see Dad’s truck as we pulled in. Still holding hands as we entered the house, we found Mom in the kitchen reading the paper and having her coffee. Looking up, her eyes traveled from me to Lori and back. ‘So.’ I didn’t exactly...

2 years ago
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Lori 4

I went towards her and picked her up quickly before she could react and hurried her towards the kitchen. "Peter? What are you doing?" Lori squealed. "Instead of making gentle passionate love this time I feel like just taking you!" With that I laid her on her back on the kitchen table and pulled her blouse apart, ripping the buttons off as they flew to the floor. I then started kissing her all over from head to toe. I kissed and licked every part of her body that I could reach...

3 years ago
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Loris craving

Like an addictive aphrodisiac, Lori craves the erotic thrill that she receives from teasing and pleasing a man's cock, manipulating his erotic pleasure to indulge her own until he can't resist the intensity of his primal urge to cum for her. She is enthralled with her sexual power to arouse and stimulate a cock to swell hard, rising and thickening for her, and enflaming her own passion. Simultaneously exploring his erogenous zones and tantalizing his manhood, she exploits his arousal, making...

4 years ago
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Lori and Ronnie Visit Las Vegas

Lori had been Ronnie's wife for fifteen years, and they were very happily married and deeply in love. She was only in her mid-thirties and they'd had three children during their years together. Having kids, however, had only seemed to make Lori a sexier and more lusty woman in bed with Ronnie. They regularly made love and Ronnie and Lori both enjoyed the hot lustiness of the physical pleasure they both had in lovemaking together. One evening, Ronnie and Lori had been making love, and they'd...

1 year ago
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Lori Becoming a HotWife

“Look, this is what you are going to wear, he really wants to see you in it, I mean you asked for it and he bought it for you, you have to.” Jim was sitting in the room as Lori was looking over the package that had come that afternoon. As soon as it arrived, Jim called Lori at her office and said that it had arrived and it was in a nice discreet black wrapping, not a cheap package that screamed out sex or anything like that Jim explained to her over the phone. It was here and it was in the...

First Time
3 years ago
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Lori Learns a Lesson

It was towards the beginning of the Northern Californian school year, as Lori was tidying up the classroom after the children had left for the day. She taught the very youngest children, and today, being the first day of the school year, had been hectic. The last of the children, and some mothers, had departed. She was looking forward to going home to her bachelor pad, kicking off her shoes, putting her feet up and downing a cool beer. Just then, a female face appeared in the doorway. Are you...

3 years ago
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Lori Goes Diving

The following is a true story. First some background information about us. My wife Lori and I have been married for 7 years. She is a sexy 40 year old, Icy blue eyed blonde with a great body; 5" 6" tall, Size 12 with nice 36 C breast and an ass to die for. We're not the Ken and Barbie type but we are both very attractive. Lori has had a few affairs with men over the years so last summer I decided I might as well have fun too so we now have an open marriage. I met this young woman Elaine last...

1 year ago
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Lori Gets New Job Satisfaction at the Office

Tom first noticed Lori Philips when he began working at his new job in the same building where she was located. She was in her middle 20s and a very pretty young woman. He quickly found out that she was married when he dropped by her office and just "accidentally" struck up a conversation as she sat there working on her computer. He could see her wedding rings on her left hand as he glanced at her face and could also see down her sweater and noticed the sexy lace bra she was wearing. Lori...

2 years ago
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Loris Day Arrives Oh God

By Scarlett O’MaraA married, but promiscuous, female PhD psychology professor and practicing marriage counselor and sex ther****t, Jennifer, 32, has a torrid the****utic affair with Lori, 49, one of her patients.As their affair further intensifies, and, with Lori’s eager approval, Jennifer invites, Ray, her loving and supportive husband, into the affair to help Lori make her transition into widowhood more complete. Lori, ultimately, moves in with Jennifer and Ray, much to their mutual...

2 years ago
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Lori teaches husband part 3

Eric's cock was deep down my throat and I was balls deep in his, Lori continued to fuck me deeper and deeper.I was at the edge, ready to explode, I took Eric's dick out of my mouth and announced that I was very close to cumming.Lori told us to sit up and we followed her instructions, both of our dicks were swollen and Lori knelt before me and began to suck my cock while she pumped Eric's cock in her hand.Within seconds I was shooting hot cum into Lori's mouth, she took me down her throat deep...

1 year ago
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Lori teaches husband

I am a happily married 40 something guy.My wife Lori is a brunette bombshell, beautiful face, curvy body, gorgeous thick thighs, and loves sex.I was very much a prude when it came to experimentation in the bedroom.Before I met Lori I had many sexual experiences but they were very vanilla, quick 'suck and fucks' if you will.Lori opened my eyes to many new and wonderful experiences.She loved to roleplay, and was always testing my limits as to what she could get me to do in the privacy of our...

1 year ago
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Lori and her new boss

Derrick narrates part 1.• I am Derrick and this is the story of my wife Lori and Sam. My wife and I have been together for 15 years now. Wanting to spice things up I from time to time would bring up swinging only to immediately be shut down on the idea. She had been in a bad marriage before we met and lets just say she didn't want to share me with anyone. Period. Case closed. Not wanting to hurt her or push her into this I left it be. It is never fun or my style to do anything sexual with a...

4 years ago
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Loridaughter is broken

Ken took another minute to ponder the future. His heart did a quick flutter when he envisioned Lori's beautiful daughter and how he planned to get into her panties. "Fuck," he said to himself, "I'll bet she is even a better fuck than her mother." He already had set plans in motion to seduce the girl. Ken marveled at how the blackmail against Lori had worked and did not see why a similar scheme would not work with Julia. The thought made his pecker jerk a few times in eagerness and he chuckled....

3 years ago
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NY LUST[/image]"Let's go get some cock, Baby" said Michelle, all painted and dressed as an absolutely flaming drag queen; she flipped up her short miniskirt as she wiggled her naked ass. "Check my pussy, Honey". She bent over, legs spread wide thrusting out her ass, parting her cheeks with long red nails as she pulsed her pussy open and closed, her smooth balls glistening with her dripping pussy juice, her sissy cock dangling. Lori was at the mirror putting on even more lipstick and gloss....

1 year ago
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Lori Part 1

I heard my mom yelling at me from the kitchen. Dinner was ready and she wanted me to get my sister to eat dinner with us. I knew that she would refuse to eat at the table with us, but I went anyway. I walked up the stairs to the attic door and went inside. My sister had recently turned it into her own personal area. We had previously used it for storing extra furniture, but she had rearranged it into a cozy space. There was a wide open area, with a fridge (which always smelled horrible) and a...

3 years ago
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Lori Part 1

I heard my mom yelling at me from the kitchen. Dinner was ready and she wanted me to get my sister to eat dinner with us. I knew that she would refuse to eat at the table with us, but I went anyway. I walked up the stairs to the attic door and went inside. My sister had recently turned it into her own personal area. We had previously used it for storing extra furniture, but she had rearranged it into a cozy space. There was a wide open area, with a fridge (which always smelled horrible) and a...

2 years ago
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Lori and Jonah A Seduction

Author’s Note: This is not a quickie, so if you want instant gratification, this probably isn’t for you. This is longer, and a little more about anticipation than quick satisfaction. I hope you enjoy. If you would like me to write more, tell me so please. Feel free to vote or leave a comment. Thank you and happy reading! — Today is a typical Monday in Honors Biology. Who cares about punnett squares, recessive genes, and phenotypes? Not me, at 18 I care a lot more about my social life. I like...

4 years ago
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Grabbing her bag Lori checked to make sure her purse was in it (more importantly her cards), then grabbed her mobile phone and keys."Remember you’re taking the kids to their swimming lessons after school. Their stuff is all out for you. I’ll get the shopping,” she told her husband."Don't forget the wine,” he retorted."I won’t, don't forget the kids," Lori shouted back to her husband,She heard him laugh as she closed the door. Dressed casually in her purple workout top and charcoal three-quarter...

Mind Control
3 years ago
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Lori Learns to Swallow

After being stationed in North Carolina with the Air Force, I had discovered a town near the base with a fairly active night life. I had met Lori on an early trip, and we had been dating for several weeks. We had talked quite a bit, and like young people tend to do, we had compared notes and stories about what we had and hadn’t done. I quickly learned that Lori was still a virgin at 18, but she told me that she had done, “everything else but that” with her previous boyfriends. She said she had...

2 years ago
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Lori pt02

Lori, a happily married mother, and housewife, takes a trip to the supermarket that isn't as routine as she thought it would be.**********It had been six whole days since the swimming pool cabana session. Lori had tried to continue with her life. She knew what she had done was wrong, but it had felt so good.She had had no contact from Chris, and she was beginning to think he had only been interested in a one-time thing. This had given her a type of depression she had never known."Come on,...

Mind Control
1 year ago
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Lori 2 Becoming a Hotwife

An e-mail came the next Friday. Then she was to leave at lunch and find a specific adult bookstore and to parade herself as if she were there to be a whore for whoever wanted to enjoy her mouth or hand. She only knew one that was down towards the poorer side of the city, a fifteen minute walk from her office. She called to see if the store was even open, and when a man picked up, she was flustered and put the phone down. She looked it up in the phonebook and was sure that it was the place she...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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"Ok, sweetie. I love you too. Bye." You, hang up the phone with a sigh. You're girlfriend had just called to tell you that her flight home fro Dallas had been cancelled due to heavy rain settling over Texas. She had been out of town on business for the last four days, and it sounded like she wouldn't be home for another few days. The two of you had been dating for the last 8 months, and had just recently moved in together. She was everything you ever wanted in a woman. She was 5'4, with blonde...

2 years ago
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Lori Part 2

I woke up at 3 AM and got up to go to the bathroom. On the way back to bed I stopped and looked at the attic door. The events of yesterday flashed through my mind and I immediately had the urge to go up there and look around. I silently walked up to the attic door and opened it.. I didn't hear anything, so I started walking up the stairs. I heard Lori's voice coming from her bedroom and I stopped. My curiosity wouldn't let me be- I had to see if Ryan was with her. I wasn't physically attracted...

2 years ago
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Part 4Chris had phoned Lori and told her that they wouldn't see each other until the party. She had then spent the time organizing and arranging the 'do.' She had invited more than usual, so it would give Chris a better chance to blend in. Even extra caterers had been drafted. Everything was going to plan.Come that Saturday morning, Lori still hadn't been intimate with her husband, which was well overdue, going by their normal sex life. But only one person now floated her boat, and she was...

Mind Control
3 years ago
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Lori part 4

Part 4Chris had phoned Lori and told her that they wouldn't see each other until the party. She had then spent the time organizing and arranging the 'do.' She had invited more than usual, so it would give Chris a better chance to blend in. Even extra caterers had been drafted. Everything was going to plan.Come that Saturday morning, Lori still hadn't been intimate with her husband, which was well overdue, going by their normal sex life. But only one person now floated her boat, and she was...

Mind Control
1 year ago
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Lorie Carl and Hank

Note : This story is completely fictional! When she got drunk on beer Lorie let her her before her mom got home. When he filled her cunt with cum he said."Next time I'm going to let my friends use your hole""If you do I want some money""How much do you think I should charge them" replied Carl."Twenty dollars apiece would be nice" she said."I think they will pay that""Mom's leaving on a business trip next Saturday" said Lorie."How long will she be gone?""She said she would be gone a week""Good,...

1 year ago
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Lorie becomes a porn star

Note : This story is completely fictional! Her dad molested Lorie when she was ten while they watched porn a movie. She wanted to be a star like those girls. She had sex with all the boys she could. She even let her dog fuck her. Her mother put her husband in and he was forbidden to see his daughter. Now she was eighteen. When a porn flick producer interviewed the girl he said she was beautiful and gave her a part in his new film. "Mom, I've got a part in a porn movie!" "You're father made you...

3 years ago
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Loris Revenge

Introduction: A wife gets back at her husband. Vegenance is indeed sweet. Chapter 1 Their completely different work schedules had not allowed them to engage in any sex play over the last week, they had only just managed to secure a single over-nighter in a big city hotel room before their schedules parted them again. Their stark reality was that they had to accept work in binges, whenever it came. This trickled down into everything in their lives, especially their sex life. Be that as it...

1 year ago
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My name is Tracie and I have been living as a woman since I graduated college. Moving to a new town afforded me the opportunity to pursue my career as a female high school English teacher. I loved my job and I had great students. After a year or so of teaching I had my favorite students who were attentive, hardworking, and had a passion for education. One of my favorite students, Lori, was rumored to be a lesbian. Rumor networks in high school are often false and quite ruthless. Either way it...

3 years ago
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Loris office A crossed legged fantasy

The Vice-President of our company. Asked me to assist her with some computer application.I'm the help-desk at the call-center so I was happy to do so. Mostly because she was sitting at her desk- almost half naked.Get this; her knee high sundress had hiked up over the course of the morning. I could tell from a distance. You see, the entrance to her office is: glass wall and glass door. All morning from the other side of the office site- about 30 feet away. I would walk by at different times to...

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