Rudy’s Romps Ch. 06 free porn video

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A Happy Ending, Or Not?

Inevitably, Sandy and Jeremy began to argue and fight. They fought over Jeremy’s lack of attention for Sandy, over his long hours at work, and his general blasé attitude toward life. They fought over how Sandy had been unable to find work, and how Jeremy was footing all the bills by himself, and over the amount of time and space Sandy reserved for her favorite hobby. They fought over dirty clothes that hadn’t been tossed in the hamper, over what they were having for dinner, and over many of the other stupid and meaningless things that couples decide to fight over when they’re not getting along.

Sandy couldn’t even turn to Rudy for comfort, as he’d found a job, finally, as a security guard at a ritzy hotel. His hours were such that Sandy would be asleep when Rudy was on patrol and Rudy would be sleeping when Sandy was out and about. It was a frustrating situation for both of them, as they’d both grown attached to one another, although it remained unspoken as to just how profound their feelings really were.

For two months now, they’d been seeing each other, both in this dimension and in the other one. Their bond and understanding of each other was such that one would have thought they’d been best friends for years. Their greatest ambitions and dreams, their best successes and their worst failures, their brightest moments and their darkest secrets, were all revealed to one another.

Early one morning, Sandy sighed and rolled over on the bed to gaze at the dresser. Jeremy had woken her up as he got ready for work, she sighed. He was now standing before the mirror while adjusting his tie. Even though her boyfriend had seen through the mirror that she’d woken up, he was deliberately ignoring her.

It wasn’t even seven in the morning, she noted, and already things were bad.

Jeremy strode across the bedroom like a man on a mission, briefcase and coat in hand.

‘I might be home late tonight.’ He said.

A moment later he was gone, and Sandy was left to herself once again.

Glancing at the clock a second time, she wondered if Rudy had gotten home yet. She went ahead and sent him a text.

Sandy: Hi.

A few minutes later, Rudy replied: Hi, what are you doing up?

Sandy: I can’t get back to sleep. How ’bout you?

Rudy: Same problem. I think I drank enough coffee to kill a horse last night. I had to patrol outdoors, and it was cold out! What are you doing today?

Sandy: It’s depressing here. I have to go somewhere today.

Rudy: How about upstairs, to my place?

Sandy: I wish! No, I think I’m going to drive out to my old neighborhood. My old scrappin’ club meets on Thursday mornings. I haven’t seen my gals since I moved.

Rudy: A bunch of grannies?

Sandy: LOL. Most of them are older women. A couple are my age or younger. There’s even one man in our group.

Rudy: Is he gay?

Sandy: No, but he is a big mama’s boy. Do you want to tag along?

Rudy: Do you have to ask? I’ll hang with you until I start falling asleep.

Sandy: Good. Let me take a quick shower. I’ll call you when I’m in my car.

About forty-five minutes later, Sandy was on the road and talking with Rudy over her headset. She’d already gotten him excited, after she’d told him that she’d set her phone in the little nook of her bra, right between both of her sizable breasts.

‘If I was in the car with you, you’d be pulling onto the shoulder right now.’ Rudy teased.

‘Oh? And why is that?’

‘Because I’d be taking that phone out from between your tits, and putting something else in there. Guess what that is?’

‘Your cock.’ Sandy giggled.

Instead of hearing one of Rudy’s usual snappy answers, the receiver stayed silent this time.

‘Rudy?’ She asked, as their connection sometimes cut off while she was driving. ‘Are you still there?’


‘Why’d you get quiet like that?’

Sandy heard his sigh come through.

‘If you weren’t with Jeremy, I’d be thinking very seriously about you right now.’

‘Oh, no.’ Sandy tried to avoid the implications of what Rudy was getting at. ‘I’m not going to be one of those girls you always talk about in your stories.’

‘You wouldn’t be.’ Rudy answered. ‘Ever since that first day in your roomie’s bedroom, I’ve never thought about you that way. Sandy, I know I probably shouldn’t say this, but I’m going to say it anyway…’

‘Don’t say it!’ Sandy tried to stop him.

‘I love you.’

This was something that Sandy had already suspected, but actually hearing Rudy voice it was a whole new ballgame. For the last few weeks, she’d wanted to hear him say those words. At the same time she’d been dreading them. It made her life so much more complicated than what it already was. She already knew that Jeremy wasn’t her Mr. Right.

‘Did you faint?’ Rudy asked.

Sandy laughed, but it was a quiet, reflective laugh. ‘No, Rudy. I knew you were going to say that to me, sooner or later. I already know that’s how you feel about me.’

‘You don’t have to say it back to me.’ Rudy told her. ‘I just want you to know that I really appreciate your friendship and everything else about you. And the sex, well, that is just out of this world. Seriously, it’s multi-dimensional.’

This time, Sandy did laugh out loud.

‘I’ve never met anyone like you.’ Rudy said.

This sobered her up. She’d never met anyone like him, either. They just clicked together in a way she’d never clicked with anyone else, ever. Like Rudy sometimes said, they were two peas in a pod.

‘Why can’t things ever be easy?’ She asked.

‘What would be the fun in that?’ Rudy countered. ‘If it wasn’t for all the peaks and valleys in life, everything would be boring.’

Sandy thought this over for a couple of minutes. ‘We should just run away together.’

‘Where would we go?’

‘England. I’ve always wanted to go there.’

‘Isn’t it always cold over there, and foggy?’

‘So, we’ll wear warmer clothes and we’ll stay inside.’ Sandy contemplated. ‘We’ll find a little village somewhere, with old fisherman that have little hats and big beards. Where they go out fishing in their little boats all day. We’ll find a house that faces the ocean, and we’ll drink coffee and watch them head out every morning. And you don’t have to worry about getting cold, because I’ll be there to keep you warm.’

‘That sounds great, except I hate eating fish.’

They were both joking and still talking about this, as Sandy pulled into the lot of her old scrapbook supply place. ‘Okay, I’m here now. Do you want to go, or do you want me to start messaging you?’

‘I don’t mind if you message me. It’s almost nine now and I’m still not tired.’

‘Well, good. Give me a couple of minutes to get into the store, okay?’

Sandy retrieved the box of items she’d wanted to work on from the trunk of her car, before she went inside. Her scrappin’ buddies were all overjoyed to see her back, at least for a visit. They all welcomed her to her usual seat among them. The small group chatted for a few minutes, before Sandy got her things set up on her table. Once things settled down, she put her laptop out in front of her and turned her chat program on.

Sandy: Okay. Sorry I took so long, but everybody was happy to see me. You still there?

Rudy: I’m still here, just took a moment to grab some cereal. What are you wearing?

Sandy: Pink top and jeans, the usual.

Rudy: Good. That’ll make it easier to visualize you, in case you want to have some fun later.

Sandy: You mean right here, in the middle of my scrappin’ group? With everybody here?

Rudy: Why not? It’s worked in some unlikely places already. All you have to do is want it.

Sandy: Stop. You’re making me blush. My buddy sitting next to me is going to ask me why I’m blushing.

Rudy: I dare
you to make a funny face at her.

Sandy: LOL

Rudy: I dare you to stand up and flash your boobs at her.

Sandy: LOL You’re crazy! Ha! She wants to know why I’m laughing!

Rudy: I dare you to ask her if she wants to be in a threesome.

For the next hour or so, the conversation took on more mundane courses. Rudy, being Rudy, eventually went back into seduction mode.

Rudy: Yawn.

Sandy: Are you tired now? Do you want to go to sleep?

Rudy: Yeah, unless you can visualize something first, something that will keep me awake.

Sandy: What?

Rudy: My cock, and your mouth, wide open.

Sandy: …blushing…

Rudy: What are you going to do, if I’m suddenly standing there next to you?

Sandy: I’m going to suck your cock, and then you’re going back home and going to sleep.

Sandy felt the slight shift, as the real world slipped into the Dream State. She looked around her in wonder. Sure enough, everything that was inanimate was still around, but the people were all gone. Rudy must have made it happen all on his own.

Sandy felt his chin sliding over her shoulder, and his cheek nuzzling against her hair.

‘You’re here.’ She said, more a statement than a query.

In reply, Rudy moved her hair aside and began nibbling at her earlobe.

‘I love when you do that.’ Sandy said, dreamily. She lifted her chin and closed her eyes. ‘I always love when you do that.’

‘More than when I suck your toes?’

Sandy squealed slightly.

‘I guess so.’ Rudy chuckled. ‘Am I making your squishy again?’

‘Yes.’ She admitted, as his tongue left a wet trail around her ear. ‘But I don’t want you to. Not right now. I have to work on this project I’m doing, and I’m way behind.’

‘How about this? I do what I came here to do, and you keep working on your project. Do you think you can do that?’

‘I’ll try.’ She said, her breaths hot and steamy.

Rudy stood her up and leaned her over the table. Sandy continued to trim the large, yellow letters she’d been focused on when he’d arrived. Rudy’s hips were pressed tight against her butt, and he ran his hands over the length of her back a few times.

‘You’re sure your phone is off this time?’ He asked playfully. ‘I don’t want you to go through the same hassle you did that last time.’

Sandy giggled. ‘I made sure I turned it off!’

Rudy’s hands went around her waist and reached up to cup her breasts. He gripped them, softly and slowly, just the way she liked. She was having trouble keeping her scissors straight, when he guided his hands under her shirt and started squeezing her bra.

Oh, fuck this, Sandy thought, as she set both her scissors and her now crooked lettering on the table. She reached under her shirt and yanked her bra up far enough to release her breasts, so Rudy’s hands could roam free on them. He wasted no time there, fluttering his fingers over her skin, cupping as much flesh as his hands could hold. Tenderly, he rolled her nipples between his fingertips.

Rudy’s hands went to her waist. Sandy straightened up to allow him to undo the front of her pants. He did. He slipped her pants down to her thighs, pressing his newly freed cock against her butt as his strong arms went around her waist. Sandy turned her head to one side, as Rudy’s lips ventured forward and discovered hers. Their mouths were locked together, his hands again fondling her tits and his cock hot against her panties. Not for long, as Rudy slid her panties down to the top of her thighs, and rubbed his warm length against the bare flesh of her butt.

Sandy squealed, right before she felt Rudy’s hands leaning her forward. Her arms stretched out over the table, bracing her body in position, as Rudy moved in behind her. He found her wet and eager as he entered her fully, and erupted little ripples of pleasure all across her body.

‘Rudy.’ Sandy moaned, as he settled into her perfect spot.

Her lover’s response was to pull his length nearly all the way out, as she’d always asked him to, before he pressed into her again. The sensation of his cock repeatedly pushing through her wetness, coupled with the way they felt about each other, was enough to envelop them both in a state of profound bliss. This was a sweet rapture of ecstasy where the heavens seemed to open up and pour even more love down onto them.

Rudy withdrew, and quietly, caringly, he finished undressing his lover. After they’d pushed aside some of her scrapbooking material on the table, he helped to set Sandy on her back. Her legs he curled and pressed against his chest, as he leaned into her and entered her once again. His hips rolled in a wide circle, causing his cock to rub against her at different angles. His soft attention was rewarded by even more of Sandy’s delicious squeals.

Sandy’s hands squeezed Rudy’s wrists. This caused him to feel how her body reacted to his stimulation. The reactions also came from her mouth, in short gasps and intense shudders, right before Sandy’s climax overtook her. Rudy had learned enough about her that when he realized she was coming, he would increase his rocking just enough to prolong her orgasm. This served to push him over the edge, right along with her. They climaxed together, just as they had several times before.

It was a perfect act of love for both of them. When it was complete, Rudy brought Sandy up to her feet, and they simply marveled at what they saw in each other’s eyes. After, they began showering each other with passionate kisses and embraces blossoming with affection.

Rudy opened his mouth to speak.

‘Don’t.’ Sandy stopped him, this time. ‘Don’t say it. I’m not ready to hear that yet.’

She turned her head away from him as she’d said this, but now, her eyes were again looking into his and her mouth was smiling.

‘We both need a shower, don’t we?’ Sandy asked.

‘Yeah, I guess we do.’ Rudy replied.

‘You’d better go now.’ She said. ‘I have to think about things.’

‘Like what?’

‘Like me and Jeremy.’ She answered, making sure their eyes were locked. ‘And me and you.’

Each of them got dressed in silence. They meant to give each other quick kisses goodbye, but this got out of hand and matured into another long bout of lips and tongues mating. Finally, they broke their sensual union, but their hands were still clenched together.

‘I have a lot of things to think about.’ Sandy admitted.

‘So take your time.’ Rudy winked. ‘You know where to find me.’

‘Yes, I do.’ Sandy rose up on her toes and gave him one final kiss. ‘I’ll talk to you later.’

Rudy stepped back, still holding her hand. A second step and their fingers were slipping apart. A moment later, he was gone.

Sandy sighed, wondering why they couldn’t stay in their little Dream State forever. After this, she turned and tidied up her things to where they’d been right before Rudy had arrived. The last step was for her to take her seat and close her eyes. She willed herself back into Reality.

‘Sandy, are you well?’ The woman beside her poked her arm with a bony elbow.

Abruptly, Sandy opened her eyes. ‘Why do you ask? Does it look like something’s wrong?’

‘Well, for the last couple of minutes, you’ve been sitting there with this dreamy look on your face.’ The older woman explained. ‘I was sure you’d fallen asleep.’

‘Oh, I must have started daydreaming.’ Sandy joked. ‘I am a blonde, you know!’

The older woman laughed.

Sandy looked around at the other women in her little group, and at the lone mama’s boy. Everybody else seemed completely oblivious to the thrashing Rudy had given her on the table, only a few minutes before. Everyone had their full attention focused on their little projects, and Sandy thought she’d better get moving as well.

Well, she got moving after she’d gone over to the restroom and freshened up, anyway.

Several days passed w
ith minimal contact between the two lovers, and these contacts were barely more than a quick Hi and Bye due to their conflicting schedules.

Then came the morning when Rudy received an urgent text from Sandy. He pulled out his phone and checked it.

Sandy: Where are you?

Rudy: Still at work. I don’t get off until eight today.

Sandy: I have to talk to you. Can I call?

Rudy: Give me three minutes. I have to find a place to hide first, so nobody will see me on the phone while I’m on the clock.

Rudy answered after the first ring. ‘What’s up?’

‘Rudy!’ Sandy exclaimed. ‘Jeremy got a call early this morning. His company wants to promote him!’

‘Well, that’s a good thing, I guess.’

‘No, no, no!’ Sandy replied. ‘They want to move him to another office. He’s going to have to move to New York!’

Rudy took a long pause. ‘Do you think he’ll go?’

‘Well, of course he’ll go!’ Sandy cried out. ‘You know he loves his job more than he loves me!’

Again, Rudy took a long time to answer.

‘I don’t know what to do!’ Sandy said, sounding on the verge of tears.

Quietly, Rudy said, ‘I told you this might happen.’

Sandy rummaged through their past conversations. Rudy had told her a thousand things, things she could barely grasp, such as that the universe was a living, intelligent thing, and that there was no such thing as coincidence. She’d had enough trouble convincing herself that the Dream State was a real place, and not just her wishful imagination. Even after the incident where she was nude at the parking lot, and the other times, she simply wasn’t ready to comprehend anything more.

She tried to relax a little. ‘What did you tell me, exactly?’

‘That the universe might put you into a place where you would have to make a choice.’ He replied. ‘That’s all we really have, is our free will. Everything else is a false perception.’

‘And I have to choose between you and Jeremy?’

‘Unless you choose neither one of us, yes. You can’t choose us both, because that binds the three of us in the same spot. I guess our paths are leading us in three different directions.’

‘But I can’t choose!’ Sandy replied, frustrated.

Rudy sighed. ‘You know how I feel about you, and you know how Jeremy feels about you. When does Jeremy have to make his choice about this promotion?’

‘I don’t know.’ Sandy replied. ‘Today, maybe tomorrow. Jeremy has to decide right away, because they’ll give the job to someone else. They’re offering him a lot of money.’

‘Just take your time and think things over.’ Rudy advised, before he chuckled a bit. ‘You know which way I’d like you to go, but I can’t make you choose me. This has to be something you do by yourself.’

‘I don’t have a lot of time, Rudy.’ Sandy lamented.

‘Sure you do. You have the rest of your life. Just make sure that in your heart you feel it’s the right choice. Okay?’

‘I have to go.’ Sandy said. ‘Jeremy’s in the shower right now. He’ll be out any second.’

A few minutes later, Jeremy walked into the bedroom. He was beaming over this new job offer, and it was the first time in months that Sandy had seen him so happy.

Several days passed, before Sandy sent Rudy a new text.

Sandy: Jeremy is going to New York today.

Rudy: What are you going to do?

Sandy: I have to stay here and get everything packed up.

Rudy: Have you decided anything yet?

Sandy: No.

The next text came two days after.

Sandy: Jeremy’s things are gone now. My stuff is boxed up. It’s all sitting on the floor in my bedroom.

Rudy: So you’re leaving?

Sandy: I don’t know.

Rudy: Well, do you have a plane ticket?

Sandy: Yes. I want to see you.

Rudy: I’m not good with goodbyes, not like this. When does your flight leave?

Sandy: Two days from now. At five pm.

Rudy: Tell you what. Let’s not make this more difficult than it already is. Two days from now, at five pm, I’ll be at that coffee shop you always go to. If you want to see me, I’ll be waiting for you there.

Rudy knew that there were three different ways that Sandy could have communicated with him. She had his phone number, she knew his email, and he always kept his little chat program open in case she sent him a message. She could have simply walked up to his apartment and knocked on his door, too. Although he was against seeing her in person, he would have been hard-pressed not to answer if she had come over.

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I stared at him, and he just had no idea. He really didn't. He wasn't really a bad sort, for a young, and he had been a pretty good fuck all in all. I had scratched his back as he had pumped into me, and I had made the noises as he had got me off. I like a hot male, and when they are young and strong and well built, like he was, it made the fucking a lot better. He had a cute face, with short, sexy hair and the perfect body to match. Still, after I had let him fuck me he had been fairly easy to...

4 years ago
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Beach romp

  Today I thought about how wonderful it would be to be in Puerto Rico, walking along my favorite beach beside you, hand in hand, watching the beautiful sunset on the horizon, just you and I, listening to the waves roll in.   My intentions are to find this certain hidden cove I’ve known of, and take you there as a surprise. You will have no idea why I am making you walk so far, but as we reach the edge of the cliffs, you will see how the beach continues on, further and further, to a farther...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Crossdress boys ultimate romp

He was in his late 20s.. I'm in my late teens. the thought of meeting him really didn’t come across my mind. however I was won over by his passion and sincerity and he doesn’t even mind if I didn’t shave my legs! wow! we arranged to meet at the car park near my place, he asked me to wait for him and he'll reach in about 45mins. I went straight to my aunts drawer, looking for my favourite pieces of lingerie.. I chose to wear a black lace t-back panty... a black padded bra.. and a pair of...

1 year ago
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Hotel Romp

I stand at the end of the corridor pretending to look for my room key in my purse. I see you both walking from the elevator to your room. After you open the door, you allow your wife to enter before you. I don't think she noticed me. Before you enter behind her, you place your hand behind your back with your thumb raised in the air. Our signal. I hear the click of the door as it closes behind you. Looking at the time, I know that in 3 minutes she will be in the shower.My heart is racing. Even...

Quickie Sex
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Afternoon Romp

"Come quick." Harry shouted out to his girlfriend. "What?" "Just come with me." He seemed eager about something but wasn't sharing. Amanda stopped cold in her tracks. "Not until you tell me where we're going." Harry let out a powerful sigh. "Okay but you have to promise not to tell anyone." "Why would I?" Amanda had a smirk on her face. She loved teasing Harry. He rolled his eyes and grabbed her hand. "Come on." "Okay." "It's not too much further," Harry turned...

4 years ago
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Wedding Gown Romp

Sonya carefully removed the hot rollers from her hair. The honey-colored mass fell well past her shoulders in thick curls. She began combing it and then pulling it up and away from her face, securing it with pins. She swiveled around in the chair at her vanity and smiled. Her wedding gown was spread out on the bed, made of the finest silk that money could buy. The dropped neckline was trimmed with iridescent sequins and edged with fine hand-woven lace: a spectacular diamond necklace her...

3 years ago
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MasterbuilderChapter 10 Elises Romp

After taking my leave from Alfred I took great pleasure in announcing to Elise that D-day had arrived. We would go to the island this very afternoon. "Let us have some nice lunch here, parcel our goodies, send them off to the other side and be gone as well." "Oh no, Berthold. I can't just go like this. I will have to make an appointment with my hairdresser. Sort out the clothing I want to take, the houseplants need to be taken care of, so many things to do. Will we have enough to eat...

3 years ago
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Futa Fairies Naughty GameChapter 3 Dr Ritas Officer Cindys Fairy Romp

Ms. Ji-Woo Kim I followed the ice river in the direction of the moon. The direction of the Lands of Transition. I didn’t know what else to call the strange piece of geography I walked beside other than an ice river. I don’t mean it was a frozen stream, but it was almost like a glacier. But a glacier flowing through a channel far, far faster than it should. The ice moved. It rippled and crashed together. Once, my daughter Yunjin was a girl scout, and she’d spent a summer obsessed with...

1 year ago
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College Romp

My name is Malcolm. I was a virgin until one amazing night in my sophomore year of college. There were a lot of hot girls at my school and I was friends with a lot of them, but I had never been able to turn it into a sexual thing. My first girlfriend in high school, who I was still with my entire freshman year, never let me get past feeling her tits outside her bra, then she dumped me. During the first couple months of my sophomore year I looked at a lot of girls that I wanted to get naked...

Group Sex
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Pats day time romp

Pat came around the other day for me to fix the TV set she had brought to tune it in, I sat on the floor to tune Pat came and sat by me as I tuned it I look up and watch her face I could not help and kissed her as she look sad what did you do that for she ask I said you look very sad. She did not say stop so I kiss her again and again as I layed back on the floor I pulled her to me so she was across my chest and kissed her more and more I then put my hand up her tee shirt at the back rubbing...

1 year ago
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A Boy Scout Romp

I had never felt a penis before, so this was thrilling for me. I could feel my panties getting wet from my arousal, and it started to feel hot, like I wanted him, sex pheromones filled the air. it was my own sex arousing me, and I could tell it was affecting him too. It was about 11:30 at night, it had just rained, so me, four other girls and the older guys (all about 18-19 years old) from my troop decided to meet up with a couple of the older guys from another troop we hang out with a lot. We...

First Time
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Steam Room Romp

I get to the and began my workout as normal. I get a lot of stares from men and women when I'm at the gym. I am 5'10 a dark skinned black male, 190 lbs and very sexy. Anyway I am working out and I see one of the personal trainers, named Antonio, with one of his clients. He happened to be one of the sexiest men at the gym. He was a 6'3 latin male with a body and the sexiest eyes. I try not to stare but I can't help it. I am doing the hip abductor work out and I start to feel my cock filling with...

2 years ago
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Daddys Problem

Daddy has this problem. He drinks a lot sometimes. I have a problem,too. I've always wanted to touch his dick. I don't know why, but since Iwas about 7 or so I've watched to touch it. I've been able to check it outsometimes, like when he comes out of the shower, or we change together atthe pool. As I've gotten older (I'm 10 now) I've also wondered what itmight taste like. I've looked up stuff on the Internet, and it's only madewe want to do it more. In fact, just last night I was looking for...

2 years ago
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Mom Aunt Dick Sucking

"Knock, knock," came my mother's voice. When we turned around towards the doorway both Robert and I were floored."Would you guys like to come down and watch TV with us?" my mom asked. We didn't answer. How could we? Both mom and Barbara were wearing only their pajama tops that barely covered their panties. Why they were half-naked we had no idea. Robert and I couldn't get enough of my mom's, athletic, creamy white thighs and calves, and his mother's long, lean, darker legs, but they were quite...

3 years ago
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The Woman With An Invisible Chain

Maria’s officemates planned a long holiday weekend going for upland hiking up north, where the native tribes of the Cordillera, collectively known as the Igorots, still lived. They expected to see the magnificent sea of clouds that were rumored to be witnessed at the top of the mountain as the sun rises. The crystal cave, celebrated for stalactites and stalagmites, could also be explored cruising along the cold underground river. One of the Seven Wonders of the World, the Rice Terraces, was...

4 years ago
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Tara 3 DogsChapter 17

Spike had been watching the video and audio feed of Darcy with his guests from in the conference room with the others. He decided that this was his cue and appeared beside Darcy. “Hi Bro, Russet said we had unexpected visitors. Hello, visitors, I’m Spike.” “Ah good. Spike, would you mind terribly showing them your vambrace?” Darcy asked him nicely with mirth in his eyes. “Not a problem. Rauor, appear please,” Spike said and his vambrace became visible. “I’m an Earth Mage. My etching of the...

3 years ago
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Finding The Perfect Whore

You had developed an obsession. It started a long while ago but it wasn't nearly as all encompassing back then. You were lucky you had money enough to pursue your obsession but it ended up being the enabler you could never shy away from. As you started another day, you remembered your first time with a prostitute.

1 year ago
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Staying at my cousins place

My ex dumped her daughter with me at my cousin's place to babysit so I helped her get undressed and in to her bathers she was so slow and and my cousin's daughter got home and went into the pool with her so I went to the shed and packed a pipe and I was feeling horny so I started to watch so porn when I was about to pull out my cock the door opened and it was my ex's daughter and my cousin's daughter looking at me with my cock in my hand and the ex's daughter asked if they could watch me so I...

1 year ago
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The Highwaymans DaughterChapter 5

(Conclusion) It was one of those winters that folk remember and talk about for many years later telling exaggerated tales of frozen water wells that refused to melt until the sun was almost down and beloved pets with frostbitten paws that were eventually destined to fall off as useless lumps of waste. It was a year of increased faithfulness of the bewildered flocks of common people whose prayers wafted high into the cloudless skies like some mindless chant of pagan hordes. Wives and lovers...

3 years ago
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New Office Whore

After getting fucked over at her last job, Gina Marie Torres decided that enough was enough. She was fed up with her boss constantly passing her over for the newer girls, even though she was more experienced than all of them put together. She was cleaning her desk out when her Friend Maria came over. ‘I’m sick of this shit! Getting fucked over everytime by him just because I won’t fuck his little limp ass!!!’ she said to Maria. Gina was 5’7′, 120 lbs with a 38C breasts and a very plump firm ass...

4 years ago
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The Female Manifesto

The Female ManifestoPrologueSarah sat on the bus and stared out the window. The streets of New Haven were bathed in the soft glow of early morning sunlight and Sarah fancied that the town itself was just waking up as she noticed the first stirrings of the day’s activity. A shopkeeper was rolling up his shutters; a young boy in pyjamas was playing with his dog on the front lawn. Seeing this, Sarah could almost let herself believe that things were still normal.        A jogger ran down the...

2 years ago
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It was one of those days which are only too typical of an English summer; a week of hot sun – including, unusually, the weekend – had transitioned seamlessly into pouring rain, driving wind and dank chill. I sat in the park café with my coffee, biscuits and book, and watched the hardy people – mostly parents desperate to get their kids out of the house for an hour or so – queueing for snacks. One couple caught my eye – I don't know why. She was tallish, about five foot nine, he, an inch or so...

2 years ago
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In Remembrance

As always: Thanks to rf-fast for the editing work. Your insights are what takes this story from mindless drivel to readable. * ‘It’s Valentine’s Day.’ Elise perked up at the words and stopped in midstride. Daniel took hold of his wife’s hand as he continued, ‘I remember our first Valentine’s Day. The day we met…’ The corners of Elise’s mouth arched upward. She never heard his version of that special day and was curious. ‘It was the big Valentine’s Day dance during my senior year at...

1 year ago
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Carl was watching his daughter get dressed. It was the night before Halloween, and she was going to a friend’s house for the evening.“Oh don’t worry daddy” she said. “ I'm just going to Crissy’s, then to a party for a few hours. I'll be home in time to help pass out the candy tomorrow when the k**s start to show up.” At 16 he was already trying to keep the boys in line when they came over to ask Maggie out, and was not sure how much luck he was having.And her costume for the night was certainly...

4 years ago
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The Maiden and the Minotaur Part 3

The Minotaur got up off the bed, leaving the dazed Ariadne laying there, cum still oozing from her abused slit, too weak and wobbly to get up. He moved over to his chair by the fireplace, but looked over at her from time to time to check on her.Gradually, Ariadne came to her senses. Her moaning diminished and her breathing and heart rate slowed. She stirred, catching his attention and he watched, interested, as she rose to a sitting position. When she felt strong enough, she slipped off the bed...

Monster Sex
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TabooHeat Melanie Hicks Fucking My Stepson8217s Bully

I (Luke Longly) open the front door to my house this afternoon, and I find this loser’s mom standing outside. His mom’s name is Melanie Hicks and she tells me that she wants me to stop bullying her son! I tell her to get completely naked on my front porch, and I will think about it. She does what she’s told, but I am still not satisfied. I can feel my cock growing hard in my pants, so I invited her inside of my house. She walks into my living room and gets down on her knees to...

4 years ago
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A Phone call pt 2

"It's Elsie. ring me." I grabbed for the phone but she was gone. Elsie, how could I forget her, I was still finding tiny flecks of aluminium under my foreskin a week after our unwise liaison. I rang the last caller redial, "The Honourable Miss Stracham is unavailable at present but, " the answer-phone replied but it cut out as she answered. "Is that you, Mr Barker." "Hi, what do you want at one a.m?" I asked. "My machine's broken." "Only the stupid attachment"...

2 years ago
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Down on the Farm 03

All characters involved in sexual activity in this story are over the age of 18. If you are under the age of 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century. Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and...

2 years ago
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An accident turns fun

Just as we were about to get started, Michelle walks in! In my panic, I do the first thing that comes to mind - grab her breast. She gasped, and then Jolene grabbed her and put her hand over her mouth so she wouldn't scream. We held her there, wondering what to do. "Oh my God, we're so screwed!" "No we're not, shut up. There has to be a way out of this!" "No, she'll report us and we'll be screwed. We might as well run and enjoy our last moments free." "Hmmmm....Nice idea....

3 years ago
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My mum and I lived on the outskirts of a small Scottish village. John and his mother Beth were our neighbors, and he and I were best friends from an early age, sharing everything as we grew up. At Primary School and then Senior Secondary School, we were an inseparable pair, supporting each other through the good and bad times. This idyll came to an end when we had just turned sixteen. He and his mom moved away from the area to go look after a sick relative.The house was quickly re-occupied and...

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My 18yr Old Female Lodger goes on the game

I had the room advertised on many web sites and I had already interviewed 3 females for the room vacancy, but all were not suitable for one reason or another.I had told them all about my cross dressing, and although this wasn’t so much of an issue, my escorting was. This is understandable I know, but I was certain the right lodger would come along soon enough.The next applicant was an 18 year old student who was moving out of the campus for some peace and quiet and to get on with her studies in...

4 years ago
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One night I was just chilling in my dorm when I got a call from my best friend Jesse asking if I wanted to go to a bar with him and hang out since we haven't seen each other in a while. "Sure" I responded and got ready. I met him later at the bar and we each grabbed a beer. We walked over and sat at a both. We were both introverted and didn't have a lot of courage to start talking to women, so we sat and just looked around.A few minutes later, he tapped my shoulder and pointed to someone. She...

3 years ago
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Strangers Fuck My Wife Like A Filthy Whore

On our first night in the new place as we unpacked, we decided to christen the new apartment. We started to fool around in front of the window. The next thing we knew, I had her pants down at her ankles and my cock deep inside her. We fucked for ten minutes, her hands on the glass, bent forward as I drove myself into her again and again. Suddenly, a man appeared on the path, walking his dog. We both noticed but didn’t stop. He hadn’t looked up! As he passed, we both came. It was pretty...

2 years ago
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The Only Cure Possible

Mia was standing in front of the dresser, checking her reflection in the large mirror that gave me such a wonderful view of her beautiful face and upper body. I could see her glance to the side and knew she caught me staring at her ass and legs. Her smile was warm and genuine, and I knew she didn’t mind the lasciviousness in my countenance. If anything she considered it a complement, or at least a confirmation that the outfit she had chosen to wear tonight was having its desired effect on me....

2 years ago
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Closest of calls

Hello All. Sorry for the long absense, I just felt I had nothing new to write. My ex son in law and I are going great and great weekly sex is anything but a rut, however I really felt it would have been repetitive to share. I now have a new story to share that I hope you'll all enjoy.Saturday night my cell vibrates, text asks, is he in bed? I reply, yes, why do you ask? I was then a bit surprised to receive his next stating, "I'll be at the door in 30 seconds". I was typing a, yeah right,...

1 year ago
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Maid Wendy gets a new Master

We communicated for quite some time on line before we ever met, so we knew of each other's interests. Not just the "kinks" but general as well. After meeting we had become friends. Our original contact was on a fetish sight so those interests were always basic to our relationship, though over time less discussed. My fantasy dealt with submitting as a sissy "service maid." He was more interested in a sexual submissive than a service one, though he did show a curiosity about...

2 years ago
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The family curse

The morning of your 18th birthday you wake up feeling like you're on fire. You're burning up, every nerve ending awake as even the sheets on your bed feel like torture. You throw them off in a dazed kind of panic, your t-shirt and pj bottoms quickly following as you writhe in desperation at this feeling you can't place. As you desperately try to understand what's happening, you find yourself instinctively opening your legs. The fire starts down there - a place a good Catholic girl like you has...

2 years ago
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The Chaperone Blues

========================== Chapter One Claire Richardson was excited as she boarded the school bus. She didn't take the time to examine that feeling, even though she was thirty-three years old and was on her way to a high school football tournament. She just enjoyed the thrills that were coursing through her body as she bounced up the steps and entered a tiny world of controlled chaos. The noise hit her like a falling wall as she turned the corner to face fifty-some-odd...

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