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The candles burned low in the little hut that served as his temporary home. He had not seen any other human being that day. The last vestiges of daylight had long passed among the jungle and the village beyond. He was not sure what the people there thought of this man, stranger from a strange land, living amongst them these last few weeks. A simple meal was prepared and eaten, rice and beans, enough to fill his stomach and fortify him for his quest. As the night sounds around him became full in bloom, he began to put out each candle in turn, darkness slowly encompassing the room he had occupied. After tonight, he would not need this room again.

His name was Robert Jones, and he had come to this dark island in search of answers. His quest had been a long one, a quest of the spirit as well as the road. He had travelled far in his journey, looking for the thing he needed the most in the world. As he sat in the darkness, allowing his eyes to adjust to the gloom, he reflected back on his life. The road had been a long and hard once, since that day so many years ago when he had left his life as a Professor at Harvard. His faith had been tested time and again by seeing the underside of America, searching dark bars and back alleys. Finally, in a little shop in Florida, he had discovered a signpost to the path he must take.

He was initiated into the world of the loa that very day, accepting the spirits into himself and feeling their presence. He knew that it was his best chance, his only chance, to find the answers he sought. Many of his friends, when he had told them of his quest to find out what happened to the woman he loved, thought he was mad. And madness still may have been what brought him across the waters to this dark island, filled with the echoes of drums and the stares of those who did not understand him.

He had travelled to Haiti three years ago. It was a long, hard path that brought him here to this little village in the island’s center. He had first had to introduce himself to the local leaders, still steeped in the lore of the dark continent they had once called home. It was a rough thing, convincing them that he really was a fellow traveller and not just some rich man from America, here to study or ‘civilize’ them. Finally, after many dark and bloody night spent in the hounfour, he had convinced them of his sincerity and dedication to the spirits. Only then was he given the direction to this dark and desolate place, far from the prying eyes of the uninitiated, where he might continue his quest.

He had spent the last few weeks roaming the hills behind this little hut. Somewhere, out there in the jungle, he knew his destination existed. He had been told by some of the old people of the village that the place was madichonnen, or cursed… and that many people had gone into the jungle to never return. It is amazing what you will believe when left with no other alternative. Thinking back, he imagined the dour Professor he had been making this journey into the wilderness.

He bore little physical resemblance now to the plump, smiling fellow he had once been. Gone was the paunch, replaced by lean muscle from years of bad meals and long roads. The years had taken their toll on his health, to be sure, but he was sure that he was physically stronger and better now than he had ever been in life. The toll on the mind was the hardest part, the longing and searching for answers to questions that only the world of the spirits could provide. Even when dealing with the Rada loa, the ‘good’ spirits of the voudou faith, the mind sometimes had a tendency to take on the aspects more and more of the spirits that rode you. And he could not say that he had always restricted himself in his obsessive quest to the more friendly side of the family.

Robert gathered his things into a tiny pack, just enough food and water to do a couple days, some working tools, a razor sharp knife. These items were his only real necessities in the wildnerness. All other things would either take care of themselves, or kill him. Either way, his journey would be at an end at last. Walking out the door, he gave a final look to the little home he had used… it was as much a home as anything else had been for a long time. Turning to the dark jungle, he began his trek into the wilds.

The brilliant moon, full and ripe, was shining tonight to light his way. He had developed remarkably good night vision during his long trek. He was walking at a brisk pace, stepping over fallen branches and around holes. The last thing he needed was to be stopped at this point by a broken ankle. Closing his eyes, he let himself be open, filling his mind fully with the sounds and scents of the night. He knew that the place he wanted to go was roughly northeast of the little shack, but where exactly he had never been able to discover. Tonight, he was going to change that failure into success. It was all he could do. Living in fear had been his life of the past.

Suddenly, he felt it… he felt a pull at his body, somewhere deep inside near the pit of his stomach. He knew, in that instant knew the proper direction to travel to reach his destination. Quickly, before the feeling could dissipate in doubt and worry, he began moving faster through the jungle. He followed it like an animal scenting prey, pulled by a lure older than time. Branches scraped his face, his hands, leaving a little trail of bloody drops in the path behind him. All things of great importance require a sacrifice, and the sacrifice of self has ever been the most powerful one that could be given.

Moving now at almost a run, low to the ground, Robert felt his muscles tightened like steel bands. He was in his element now, following the ebb and flow of the energy in the jungle to find the best route, like a salmon swimming upstream, navigating currents and flows with instinctive precision. He did not know how long he had been moving, or even in which direction he was travelling only that it was the right direction. Suddenly, without warning, the ground gave way beneath him and he stumbled and tumbled down a small hill that he had somehow missed in his haste. Looking up from the ground, he saw that he had finally arrived at his destination.

Looking up at the hillside, he saw the entrance to a cave. The entrance was low and covered with plants and vines. He understood now why he had missed this place. It would be almost impossible to see without being at this angle, and even then it was hard to notice without the incredible pull he felt behind his eyes right now. It was like a moth to a flame, and he could not resist the urge to get up and enter the dark cavern. Checking that he still had his pack, he stood up and began walking toward his destiny.

The smell of smoke wafted from the entrance as he moved closer to the mouth of the cave. This was a curious thing in Robert’s mind, but it was quickly overshadowed when he realized he was not alone here in this space. He heard voices, though whether with his ears or in his mind he could not say. Many voices, speaking in languages he did not completely understand. He thought he caught a few words of French, but there was another language underlying that which more closely resembled the Creole patois he heard the natives around here speaking. The voices seemed to emanate from deeper within the cave, so he followed them.

It was not until he had gone about twenty feet underground that he realized he was still able to see. It was as if the walls of the cave were luminescent, a cold light that did nothing to comfort but only to light the path. He continued deeper still and noticed that the light was taking on a more golden glow… the smell of smoke growing stronger as he pushed deeper inside. Finally, rounding a low corner, he found the source of the light and the smell. A fire was blazing away there in the middle of this chamber, the flames licking up and touching the ceiling leaving patterns of soot on the ancient stone. There, beyond the fire, he saw a vaguel
y humanoid shape crouching amongst the shadows on the far wall.

Robert moved around the fire to get a better look, but the form somehow always remained right outside his field of view, almost seeming to dance behind the flames to keep hidden. The feeling in the room was one of tension, barely concealed anticipation. Nothing felt off here, or dangerous, but sometimes with these things you could never be certain. Once he had been ridden by a loa that claimed to be Legba, but it had turned out to be something darker. He had used all his concentration to shake that creature from his mind and banish it from the sacred space around his altar. He kept a wary eye on the shape, while taking in the rest of his surroundings.

The cave walls were smooth here, almost as if they had been chipped and carved into the current dome shape over countless years by countless hands. On the walls, faded and old, symbols of the loa were formed in various substances, chalk, dirt… some carved directly into the walls possibly by the same hands that had smoothed their surface. He saw several he recognized. Many were of the Rada family, though some were of the more fiery Petwo clan. These spirits, while not ‘evil’ in the traditional sense, were fiery and fierce, more at home in Haiti. They were the source of the Revolution that founded the country. Their worship was all too often shrouded in bloody rites and violent confrontations. Robert tried to steer clear of the Petwo when he could but all houngan sometimes had to ‘serve with both hands’ as the saying went, and they had their place along with the more benign members of the family.

Turning his attention back to the shape in the corner, he opened his mind and spoke with his voice and his spirit. The words resonated through the cavern, echoing deep into the recesses of the tunnel leading further on underground. With each word, the flames seemed to respond, parting a little more with expression of his Will and power.

‘Show yourself, you hidden lurker. Bring yourself to this servant of the spirits. I am Robert, son of Harold. I have come a long way for my answers and I will not be denied by playful antics at this hour!’

The shape rose to it’s full height now, the shape of a man, but of darker cast and shadowy substance. The whisp of smoke around his head could be seen in the shape of a top hat, and that is when Robert knew who he was dealing with. Baron Samedi, patron and leader of the Ghede Loa, spirits of departed ancestors and of the grave.

The Ghede were not truly dark and evil as many suspected. Their image had just been incorporated into many of the dictators who ruled this island, using the top hatted and skull faced figure to frighten enemies and conceal crimes against the people. At their heart, the Ghede were more humorous than fearsome, though they were spirits of the dead and not to be trifled with unprepared. One thing to remember about the Ghede, they are as unique as the people who spawned them. The only thing they share is a vulgar humor and often perverse view of human sexuality. Once you got used to that, they could help a great deal with any matters involving your ancestors, or your lost loved ones. That was why Robert began this trek so long ago.

‘Ghede, Baron, Father of the Dead, I come to you here this night to ask questions. Do you consent to answer? I have something for you if you will give me your word that you will answer true.’, Robert said in a full voice. He had learned long ago to never shy away from even the most disgusting practices when living on the road. It was better to meet things head on and will full consent than to sit back and let life float by like a river.

Robert reached into his bag and pulled out a bottle. This bottle, stoppered tightly, contained a clear liquid in which small red peppers were steeping. This liquor, raw rum spiked with the hottest peppers possible, was especially prized to the Ghede family, as it was almost too hot to drink for a normal person. Many people, when ridden by a Ghede, would wash their faces in it and spray it in their eyes to prove they were truly possessed as it was known to hurt and even blister normal skin. Robert placed the bottle down near the fire and removed the cork from the smooth neck. The Baron moved forward toward the bottle, but kept coming toward Robert. He had just a single moment to prepare before the spirit entered him fully. The scent of grave dirt and sex rose in his nostrils as another voice filled his mind and another being filled his consciousness.

I know you, young sir, who have courted my company for so long. These answers you seek, they are here with us this night. I believe your sacrifice has been long made and fulfilled. The road is not one you follow to the end, but one you keep following until the end of your days. We shall talk, you and I, of the person you seek. But first, tell me, what are you willing to further give for the information you seek?

‘I’m willing to give anything, Father of Ghede, to know that my beloved Catharine is among your number and safe. I’ve long searched for her, and no trace could be found. I just want to know what happened to her… give me this and you can take whatever you wish as your due.’, Robert’s voice sounded distant in his ears, as if he were hearing himself through a heavy fog.

Well then servant, listen carefully to my words and you will know wisdom. Your beloved, who you lost so long ago, is not now and has never been among my ranks. She left you, did she not? She left because of her own hungers and passions… desires for harsh substances and bitter herbs. She left you when she realized that she could never be the person you desired, and only wanted to avoid hurting you. She traveled herself for quite some time, moving from place to place, doing many things to feed her hunger. Your travels have taken you to some of the same places she has been, though you did not know it.

‘Why do you tell me this, when I know I cannot find her. She does not want to be found if she did not contact me then! I’m lost and abandoned, even as I myself abandoned the life I lived so long ago.’, Tears stood out on Robert’s cheeks as he said these words, a crushing pain in his heart. Somewhere deep inside he felt something tear, but he knew it was only his body releasing it’s tension. He did not truly ever hope to find Catharine in this place. The news she was alive made his aching heart beat faster.

There is more, faithful horse, if you would hear it. She traveled long, I say, but she did return to you. Not a month ago did she take up residence in the City you left. She had hoped to find you and only found empty rooms and a shuttered house. She lives there still, not a mile from the place you both called home…. waiting and watching for any sign that you might return. She has defeated the demons inside her and is slowly healing, becoming whole in the thought that she might never see you again. That is the difference between you two, she is capable of this healing. You, however, have been lost in your own grief for so long that you cling to it like a lover, desperate for one more minute of pain that you think you deserve.

Your sacrifice is complete, my servant of the grave. You wish to know what else I require? Nothing else, only that you see your road not as a destination, but as a journey that has brought you to me. Through me, and my brothers and sisters, you have become more than you were. You have become stronger, you have become more wise. You have become the man you should have been years ago. Let go of your grief, and feel the joy of the living in this place of the dead. Sleep now my son, and know that your prayers have long been answered by your older siblings on the other side.

With that pronouncement, Robert felt a pain in his head as the spirit left him. He stumbled backward, falling on the ground, dizzy and exhilarated. Catharine lived! That was his last thought before the darkness overtook him and he passed out on the old cave floor. When he awo
ke from this dazed stupor, he saw the first light of dawn creeping in around the curve in the cave passage. He stood, saying a prayer of thanks to Baron Samedi and all the ancestors of his people and this place. Gathering his things back together, he left the bottle of raw rum as an offering to the loa. He moved forward toward the cave mouth, symbolically to be born again as he emerged on his journey home. If he had looked back at that moment, he would have seen the wisp of smoke curling from the burned out fire, smoke barely in the shape of a man in top hat and tails. The smile on that spirits face was one of a grandfather, proud that his children and their children were making good in life. In the end, that is truly all that the spirits wanted for any of us. We are all family, and no one can grow and prosper alone.

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Thirty years ago my wife and I were living in the Dallas area and I had taken a new job as a sales representative. I had to attend training at the home office on the East Coast and was flying in to Dallas on Friday afternoon. My wife was picking me up at the airport and we were going to celebrate our first wedding anniversary. She met me in the terminal and was wearing a strapless sundress and heels and I wanted to take her right there after two weeks of no sex. My wife is about 5’ and at the...

Wife Lovers
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The wifes friend

My wife was at work and her friend came up to see her, as we were both friends with her she stayed a while and spoke to me. We were sat out talking about this and that when out of the blue she said that her and her husband don't have sex anymore, upon asking why, she said she didn't know, he's just not interested.This put me in a difficult position, I don't particulay fancy her but I wanted to help her, I knew she fancied me and had done for some time, that's probably one of the reasons she...

3 years ago
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How I pursuaded my wife to fulfill my fantasy true Final installment

Here is the recollection of the third and final meeting with my wife's boyfriend of many years ago that fulfilled our fantasy. A knock at the door and Jan called down from upstairs for me to answer. We were expecting Howard and he was right on time. I took him into the lounge. On his last visit I was sent upstairs and he finally fucked my gorgeous wife after all these years. Jan had agreed this time that provided she felt comfortable and I didn’t object, we would share her together. Howard...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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Training CentreChapter 7

Sunday; the third active Sunday. The usual routine. Of course, only four of the women had experienced Sunday morning at the Centre before, but the other two just followed on anyway. The male trainers had discovered the Coolidge Effect* and were able to service all six women during the post-breakfast session. Jesmina was still unable to orgasm during coitus with the men, but derived some satisfaction from the Sybian. Unfortunately for her, neither of the female trainers were on duty that...

4 years ago
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This happened about ten years back. I am Latha and my hubby is a senior service person. We have similar taste in many things, so also in the sex. We shared our secret desire to add spice to our reducing sex attraction and frequency. One day he suggested why not we try to add third person in our bed. I could not accept it for fear. He convinced but I still was not sure said we will see. One of his friends Raj used to be very simple and social with all of us. I always liked him but never thought...

2 years ago
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  Loss (Chapter 1)   I sat looking out the window at a cold, grey world. My heart was in pieces after reading the angry, hateful email from my soul mate. She had accused me of wrong doing, thanks all to a manipulative friend of hers whom had expressed her own interest in me. This all came about just four days before she was to have traveled to have been with me, a new life and lasting love that was meant to be through all eternity. The emptiness in my heart...

1 year ago
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NewSensations Octavia Red Octavia Cheats Right Here Right Now

Beautiful and busty wife Octavia has flown in for a second fling with her new big cock stud Alex. As soon as she got to the hotel Alex was beyond eager to get his hands on her big juicy tits as they both teased each other on the phone, making their plans for the evening. Octavia dressed in her red sexy lingerie and as soon as Alex walked in the door they wasted no time getting down to business with her legs spread wide and his tongue deep inside her hot cheating pussy. Octavia could not wait to...

2 years ago
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Dark TownChapter 15

SECOND WEEK SINCE GLOBAL FLOODING MONDAY GROCERY SHOP Nessie Carter was working behind the counter, paying attention to of her colleagues fighting it out. She didn't want to think what happens once she gets back home so for now she concentrates on the businesses of other people. On the shelf for dog and cat food Selena Cordoba and Matthew McDonald were arguing. "Look!! I am flesh and blood!! Why don't you want to go out with me!!" Matthew complained in a whiny tone. "Like I told...

3 years ago
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My First Time

My first time ( A true story) I've always had this feeling deep in my sole that I wasn't who I thought I was if that makes any sense. I was born male in the late 80's and never felt right in my skin. From an early age I always liked girl things and fantasized about what it would be like to be a girl. Ever since I was younger when I would dream I would always be a girl in the dream and wake up crying sometimes when I realized it was only a dream. As I entered my teen years the urge to...

3 years ago
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Pool Party

I was at a pool party at a friends house. I was 25 at the time.I was standing near the house away from the pool so I wouldn't get splashed by the k**s in the pool.I was wearing a tie dyed half t-shirt tight sleeveless top exposing my belly,incredibly flat at that time,a pair of short shorts and a pair of Roman sandals,the ones that had straps up my calf to my knee.Very sexy even today.My hair was straight and long,to my shoulder blades.A real hippie.My girlfriend,whose house it was ,was...

1 year ago
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Taboo Desires Part I

After returning home from school, James went straight to the fridge and helped himself to a cold glass of water. On his way to his room, he passed his sisters room and he couldn’t help but notice a tiny piece of clothing, hanging out of her dirty clothes basket. After realising it was a thong he would usually be disgusted, however for some reason this made him feel naughty and horny, so he grabbed the thong, went into his room and stroked his dick until he spurt what seemed like a...

4 years ago
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I think my son may be fucking my wife

Two Fridays ago we were getting ready to go on a vacation. I had not done my laundry in weeks and my side of the bed was literally like a foot deep in dirty laundry. I sorted all of my clothes starting with my work clothes. Then I pulled out my everyday stuff like gym shorts, tshirts, etc. All that was left was underwear and socks so I used my foot to scoot everything left into a pile. Then as I was bagging up my socks and underwear I picked up a pair of boxers and immediately knew they were...

4 years ago
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Dark Love

I was alternating listening to the lecture and writing notes and thinking about John. Before I knew it, the bell rang and we were all dismissed. I grabbed my bag and talked to my best friend, Becky, as I headed out to the parking lot. "So what're you doing for winter?" "Probably Florida with Jane (her girlfriend). What about you? Are you and John planning something special?" "I honestly don't know. He said he had a surprise but that's it." She gasped "You don't think...

2 years ago
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The Party Crasher

It’s been one of those days, one filled with longing and frustration. We met some time ago and it already seems as if we’ve known each other all of our adult lives. I sit here stupefied. I really don’t know why or how it’s happened but it has. It seems our relationship has moved fast and it’s gone deep. But I must say that I’ve been unable to stop thinking about her since she left the phone conversation an hour ago. It’s one of those rare times that I’m in town on business and it’s just for the...

4 years ago
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Band Geek DiaryChapter 15 Christmas Day

December 25 (Christmas Day) My parents and I agreed, back when I was nine, to celebrate Christmas in a quieter fashion since I was growing up. I thought they just wanted me to let them sleep in and objected at first but getting to sleep in is a good thing for me now that I’m a teenager. Mom taught me to make pancakes that year, so the tradition has become that I cook breakfast on Christmas morning. Today I started cooking around eight. I was halfway through the batter I’d made and the...

2 years ago
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Sucking your cock

I have fantasised about this moment for weeks. You lying stark naked on my bed, your cock rock hard and erect and throbbing with excitement. My lips trailing over your chest, your tummy, then your thighs, tasting your sweat, hearing your moans. It is strange with another man after all these years, but I know what I'm doing. I know how to treat a male body. I have had so many penises in my hands, my mouth, my cunt, over the years. I know how men's bodies work, how to tease and arouse them, when...

Oral Sex
3 years ago
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Story Of A Boy And Aunty 8211 Part 1

Dear Readers !! This is one of my stories at the age around 20 in Gujarat. I am basically from Southern part of INDIA and my parents were in Surat, Gujarat. About Kerala Aunty 35 with very good physic little bubbly 36-28-36 but very pretty face with dimple chine and a mole on the upper lips very fair. If you need or have any question or a feedback on this story then please mail me at That was the time when I came home to visit my parents in Surat and I was on my first vacation back home to my...

3 years ago
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It was a day home early from my trouble-shooting job. I hope Karen was ready for me. Two weeks on the road wasn’t fun, but maybe tonight would be. Oh damn, David, Karen’s brother is visiting. He’ll probably be around for a few days. Damn and double damn! These thoughts traveled through my mind when I had to park in the street because David had parked in my spot next to the side door. I opened the trunk of the car and pulled my suitcase from the back. As I opened the door into the kitchen, I...

2 years ago
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Small Town Librarian

I’m an eighteen year old plus sized girl and more mature than half the people in my town. I graduated early, have a decent car, am single, living on my own, and enjoying life. I have a job working part time at the local library. I didn’t want to socialize with deadbeats at malls or snobby rich teens at pricey restaurants. Therefore I’ve chosen a job where I wouldn’t see any of them step foot in. I have been working all day and am exhausted however, I am still not done. I’ve been assigned to...

Quickie Sex
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Wild GeeseChapter 10

When Gillian and I left the Rectory, something had changed. Well, duh. Of course something had changed. It’s just, everything looked the same. Then Gillian slipped her hand into mine. We walked like that for a few minutes before she said anything and when she did it was, “Is this okay, Rick?” I stopped abruptly and she didn’t realise immediately, so took another step before our linked hands stopped her. “It’s okay. Weird, but okay.” “Weird? Why weird?” I couldn’t quite make out her tone of...

4 years ago
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Campus Life Slut WeekChapter 8

Comparing stories later that afternoon, Andi Steadman voiced a summary of the day's events so far. "So, as I see this, and you can correct me if you think I'm off base here, all the ladies got approached and pulled out of the limelight for at least one blow job and one fuck today. And it was the same with the guys and requests from the Sisters. Right?" "I must have hit the jackpot, Andi," claimed Tylea with a smile. "I got asked for a blow job on the way to a morning class. Then, I...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Kiara Cole Lily Larimar Only One Night A Year

Kiara Cole and her boyfriend Seth Gamble have come home from a long night of Halloween partying with their friend Lily Larimar. Lily excuses herself and Seth tries to get busy with Kiara, but Kiara isn’t interested while Lily is there. She tells Seth no and then lays down on the couch and falls asleep. Wandering away from his girlfriend, Seth comes across Lily in the bedroom stripping. Lily knows that Seth is there peeping on her, so she gives him a bit of a show, caressing her tits and...

2 years ago
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ConvergenceChapter 5

Jan had suggested that they all get naked and 'play' in Mouse's back yard. Mark and Kari, after looking at each other quickly, but politely, begged off. They wanted to walk around the neighborhood to look at the houses and talk some more about all of this before they had to get back to the corporate jet that evening. They were still scheduled to fly back to the city so that they could coordinate their move here to join the J.A.M. family. Kari also quietly mentioned to Jan that they would...

3 years ago
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Needhi my neighbor

This is Rajeev; here is a story of how I got my neighbor in bed. While I stayed in Hyderabad, I had a Tamil Brahmin family as my immediate neighbor, Mrs. Needhi & Mr. Lokanathan, newly married; they were there for about 4 months. Mr. Lokanathan used to travel a lot as he was salesman. Our landlord was an old lady who could hardly move about. I was very friendly with her too. Once when Mr. Lokanathan had gone for his usual trips, there was no light in the night. It was quiet hot. I was walking...

1 year ago
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Lady Rotherhams Escapades

Lady Rotherham, first name Alice, was considered by many around her to be the model girl. Along with having an immaculate appearance, she was intelligent and pleasant to talk to. Her parents had never minded what she got up to, as long as she wasn't causing any trouble. This often meant that no matter what she did, as long as her parents didn't catch her, she would get away with it. This would include being naked. It was the evening of the Rotherham Annual Gala, an opportunity for wealthy...

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Tennis Kit

It was a pretty nice day for September. I was playing the men’s singles final at my local tennis club. My name is Fred Perry. That is my actual name. And I play tennis. Pretty cool, right? For those of you who don’t know, Fred Perry was the last British male champion of Wimbledon back in the thirties. I have a feeling I was named after him seeing as though my dad’s a bit of a tennis enthusiast himself. OK, I should probably get to the point here. The guy I was playing against was called Ian....

2 years ago
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My Sexual Journey 8211 Part 6 Virgin ExGirlfriend

After what happened with my classmate Mausam and her sister Alisha, I wanted to try more. Having two sexy busty girls in my life was not enough for me as I wanted to taste more pussies! Mausam and I used to have video calls daily and almost every day, we used to get naked and masturbate in front of each other. But I wanted more, so I started talking with girls on Facebook. A few weeks after I lost my virginity, we had a month-long vacation because of Vijaya Dashami. Mausam and her family went...

2 years ago
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Reflections of the Soul

It was a dark night as I made my way quickly down the cobbled street. Figures, the moon would be hidden tonight, hell a full moon at that. Turning I could swear that there was someone following me. Shit, now wasn’t the time to get caught out without my protection. Hurriedly I made my way to the door of my flat. Phew, at least here I was partially safe. I could feel the magic influence and my wards. For a moment just a moment I thought I caught the sight of a female. That was all I needed was...

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