Black Couple’s Unique Unity free porn video

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My name is Cynthia Wilson. And I’m the whitest black chick you’ve ever met. Tall, slender, brown-skinned and green-eyed. The daughter of a biracial businessman and an African-American supermodel. I was born into wealth and privilege, and I’m sorry to say that I was quite stuck-up because of that. Also, I was one of those privileged black women who looked down upon the less fortunate. Lots of rich black men and rich black women look down on poor black people. It’s not just white women and white guys. Class can be as a big a gap as race between different groups of people. Let no one tell you otherwise. I want to share with you the story of how I fell from grace, found my strength and found love in the most unlikely of places.

The time was 1993. I was twenty one years old, a junior at Northeastern University in Boston. My father, Walt Wilson is one of the wealthiest businessmen in Massachusetts. He’s part Irish and part Puerto Rican. And he owns Wilson Enterprises, the biggest shipping company in New England. He inherited it from his father, a blue-blooded Irishman named Byron Wilson. My mother, Athena Wilson is the Founder of The Stand, the premiere black professional magazine in America. Focusing on the lives of the Black Middle Class. I was leading the easy life of a blue-blooded rich brat in Boston, the most artificial town in the United States of America. There are more fake people per square mile in the city of Boston than anywhere else in America except maybe Los Angeles. Life was good. Then one day, an intruder came into my world.

His name was Angelo Mabuso, and he was a student from South Africa. A tall, good-looking young black man who fled to America with his family to escape the horrors of Apartheid. Today, South Africa is ruled by black men and black women. Apartheid is no more. South Africa is now an economic powerhouse ruled by the true owners of the land, the brown-skinned sons and daughters of the African Motherland. Back in those days, life was quite different for black men and black women in South Africa. White men and white women in South Africa controlled everything. And they abused the black men and black women who lived in that country. They saw themselves as demigods ruling over an inferior people. Fortunately, their rule came to an end and black people took over South Africa. Nelson Mandela became the Republic of South Africa’s first black president. And this marked the beginnings of better times, socially and economically, for black people in that country.

Angelo Mabuso was on an academic scholarship at Northeastern University. At first glance, I thought he was just another African-American college athlete. The kind who dominate the college football and basketball arenas. But he wasn’t. He was one of the top academic luminaries ever to grace Northeastern University with their rarified presence. A true genius. He took five classes per semester at Northeastern University, majoring in Criminal Justice and yet he worked two jobs to support his family. Listening to him speak about his experiences in South Africa, he began to fascinate me. I’ve never met anyone like him before. So intelligent, refined and strong. He’d been through hell yet he didn’t allow it to turn him bitter.

At Northeastern University, I surrounded myself with my fellow BAP. What is a BAP? Black American Princess. The daughters of wealthy black families. There are quite a few of us in New England. And we attend predominantly white schools like Northeastern, Boston University, Suffolk University, Boston College, Harvard and MIT. Going where few black people have ever been. And we shine at these institutions. Dazzling the people there with our intelligence and wit. Show the rich white students that their black counterparts can hold their own against them. By driving around in my expensive car and flashing my expensive jewelry in the faces of white people, I saw myself as a champion of black equality. Yet I didn’t know anything about the real world. I lived in Oak Bluffs, the wealthy black enclave of Martha’s Vineyard. I grew up surrounded by the sons and daughters of the Black Elite. What did I know of the real world?

Angelo Mabuso was the man fate chose to teach me about the real world. This tall, good-looking young black man from South Africa. The one with the kind eyes and the wickedly sexy smile. I was drawn to him. Unlike many of the black college men I knew, he was quiet and thoughtful. A soft-spoken, dignified gentleman to the core. I noticed that he was often alone. That was a surprise. I thought a man with his looks and smarts would be taken by now. A lot of the white chicks at Northeastern University relentless pursue the black sportsmen, especially football and basketball players. I would have been really upset if one of them got their hooks into Angelo Mabuso. Fortunately, I didn’t see him with any of the white chicks. Or any chicks for that matter. No Latin women. No Asian honeys. No sisters. No white chicks. That kind of worried me. Did Angelo like women? I have nothing against gays and lesbians but it saddens me when I see a tall, good-looking black man who’s got everything a sister wants in a man yet he’s into men. Such a shame, you know?

I decided to find out a bit more about the sexy Angelo Mabuso. I followed him to the school’s law library one afternoon. He was sitting in a corner by himself, typing up an assignment on his typewriter. I observed him for a while, then decided to ‘accidentally’ bump into him. My elbow nudged his ribs while I walked by and he looked up from what he was typing. He looked me up and down, then raised his eyebrows. Smiling, I apologized for bumping into him. He smiled and told me everything was alright. Then he seemed to realize something. I waited, and it came to him. Duh. I was in his ethics class. Angelo smiled at me, and told me he found my last class debate over the definitions of weak and strong in urban management to be enlightening. I laughed at that, and casually pulled up a chair. I stunned the class last week when I brought up topics like white flight and gentrification as unending problems for black people and white people in urban America. I’ve never been one to steer away from controversy. My father and mother raised me to speak my mind.

Angelo and I chatted about race, politics, and about the differences between African-Americans living in North America and the ever-increasing flux of African immigrants from Continental Africa. We also talked about more fun things. I asked point blank why he didn’t have a steady girlfriend. Angelo told me that he didn’t have the time, and that most of the black women at Northeastern left him cold. Only the white chicks seemed interested in him but he wasn’t into them. He was an African gentleman whose ageless tribal traditions required him to respect the ladies and also be respected by them in return. The South African ethnic group his tribe belonged to were mainly matriarchal. He grinned and told me he liked his women just like he liked his coffee. Hot, strong and black. I smiled at that. I’m glad to see a good-looking, educated black man who still likes the sisters.

I’m afraid Angelo didn’t get his assignment done that night, but I don’t think he minded. We exchanged phone numbers, and began to see each other outside of class. We would meet at the student center for coffee dates, and sometimes walk around Boston together. Angelo was fascinated by Boston. Especially the Harbor islands. He also loved rowing and swimming. He even joined the men’s swimming club at the university. He told me that back home, boats were used as a means of travel between long distances. His tribesmen were experts at rowing and swimming. So much for the stereotype about black people not being into aquatic sports. Angelo could swim circles around the best that Northeastern University’s swimming program had to offer. Is there anything this man can’t do?

I think Angelo can do anything he sets his mind to. That’s why I fell in love with him. I met his family. His father, Ada
m Mabuso worked as train operator with the MBTA. His mother Elsie was a homemaker. His younger brother Alexander attended one of the local high schools. They lived in the town of Brockton, a half hour’s drive from downtown Boston. They were warm and friendly, but looking into their eyes I could see that they had been through hell. From Angelo I learned about the horrors of apartheid. In South Africa, racist white men and racist white women treated black people like second class citizens. They told where they could and could not live, and so on. They were cruel tyrants. Living in America, I was quite familiar with racism. However, there are laws and policies against racial discrimination in America. In South Africa, freedom was a memory for many black people. The racist white establishment down there was dedicated to keeping them down economically and socially. Even though black people outnumbered white people in South Africa by such a wide margin it’s not even funny.

Black people in the United States of America continue to endure a lot, and there are many racist white people in positions of power. However, we’re slowly making a lot of progress. Our numbers are on the rise, for one thing. In large cities like Atlanta and Detroit, we outnumber white people. We’re attending rich white schools in significant numbers. We’re making our presence known in corporate America. Several white towns have elected black mayors and black chiefs of police. We have black congressmen now, even in the deeply racist South. Yes, I think black people are going to make a lot of progress in the 1990s. Maybe someday soon we’ll have black senators and black governors, or even a black president of the USA! Ah, that would be the day.

My relationship with Angelo Mabuso was changing me in profound ways. He invited me into his inner circle. The very select group of high-achieving African immigrants attending rich white schools in the New England area. I met black men and black women from continental Africa who were attending Harvard University, Brandeis University, Norwich University, and MIT. They were a unique bunch. Navigating their way through the contradictions of American education and racial politics. I was fascinated by these people. They had been to many places. They had seen the world. They knew so much about life. And they were authentic sons and daughters of Africa. I’ve lived in Massachusetts my whole life. I’ve attended rich white schools my entire life. I didn’t know jack about my African roots. The only black people I socialized with were rich black brats from backgrounds similar to mine. I found myself in awe of these strong and authentic people. They were so real, yet so unassuming. These living vestiges of the African motherland. A place I’ve never seen. One I’ve only heard described in books, television and movies. And always from a white person’s viewpoint. Never from the viewpoint of a true African.

I began to ensconce myself into this small but vibrant enclave. I stopped hanging out with my blue-blooded friends. One day, Angelo asked to be introduced to my family. That sent me into a panic. Don’t get me wrong. I love Angelo. However, I’m not sure my parents would like him. They’re not the most open-minded people in the world. Angelo would strike them as a radical. He had many strong views about racial politics and racism. He saw America’s people, both black and white, as pampered. According to him, we didn’t know what true oppression and true hardship were. He mocked the black men and black women he saw dating white women and white men. When I questioned him about it, he told me that living in South Africa taught him that racism lived in everyone’s hearts. He didn’t trust the descendants of his people’s oppressors and he could never choose one to be his mate. I’m not thrilled about the large number of black guys dating white women. No black woman is thrilled about that. However, I could care less what some random black guy does. I have my life to live.

Angelo didn’t think white men and white women could truly love anyone who wasn’t white like them. According to him, when white women and white men dated black men and black women, they were under the influence temporary jungle fever or mild curiosity and nothing more. They didn’t understand us. They could never relate to our struggles. They couldn’t love us even if they wanted to. We endured hardship while they led sheltered lives. Not saying they were all rich but they were free from the ravages of racial prejudice. White men and white women didn’t get lynched by the Powers That Be or hounded by the abusive authorities. This never happened to them. In Angelo’s eyes, blacks and whites weren’t separate races. They might as well be different species.

Listening to him, I found myself questioning a lot of things. What did being black meant to me? I lived in a mansion on Martha’s Vineyard. My neighbors in Oak Bluffs were wealthy black people. He was an authentic black man from Africa. He’d lived the horrors of racial prejudice in the extreme. His family fled the Republic of South Africa because the racist white government harassed any black person who refused to bow to their tyranny. I considered myself lucky to have been born in America. And I had wealthy parents. Most African-Americans didn’t have the opportunities I had. Wealth and power insulated me from the effects of racism. And my father had an army of lawyers waiting in the wings should anyone dare mistreat me in any way.

Angelo didn’t have such luxuries. I grew up in a place where black people and white people were considered equal, at least on paper. I saw black people and white people dating. In racist South Africa, interracial relations were outlawed. Black men who had relations with white women in South Africa risked their lives. In liberal Boston, most people didn’t care if some white chick had a black boyfriend. Some white people minded but most of them knew better than to say anything. Having been through all he’d endured, maybe Angelo had a right to be distrustful of whites. After all, I couldn’t imagine living in a country where white people told black people where they could or could not live. In America, it’s all about the money. If you’ve got it, you can do whatever you want. In South Africa, even the few black people with money didn’t have the luxuries that wealthy African-Americans in the USA took for granted.

The more time Angelo and I spent together, the further apart we drifted. I began to feel unwelcome in the group. The Africans didn’t welcome the Black American Princess into their midst anymore. Angelo saw me as unrealistic, pampered and sheltered. And I saw him as bitter and unwilling to let things go. This drove a wedge between us, and we stopped seeing each other. I began to avoid him. Maybe everybody else was right. We were too different. We came from two different worlds. I’m sorry but I like my family. And I like being rich. I like having money. And I like living in Oak Bluffs, surrounded by rich black people. I don’t like to hear about black people’s problems. I’m not a hero. I’m not a saint. I’m not a role model. I just want to live my life. Is that so frigging wrong?

I began to get back to being myself. I let my obsession with Angelo Mabuso and the African motherland fade away. I went back to hanging out with my regular friends. From time to time, I ran into Angelo. In those times, we were both polite but distant. I even began dating someone else. His name is Tyrone Jameson. MVP of the Northeastern University varsity football team. He’s half Irish and half African-American. Yet another biracial stud finding glory on the gridiron. I know. Earlier, I said I don’t like black college athletes. Well, I made an exception for Tyrone. He was cute. Also, we came from similar backgrounds. His family hailed from Atlanta and they recently moved to Boston. They’re millionaires too. After all my talk about black originality and all that, I traded my African prince for an African-American football stud.

The next time I saw Angelo, he was graduati
ng. Yeah, he had his bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice from Northeastern University. And he graduated at the top one percent of his class. The top law schools in the area, from Harvard Law to Boston College Law School wanted. Of course, he’d automatically get into Northeastern University’s Law School. Us Huskies stick together, after all. Angelo Mabuso did something few had ever done. And he was all over the television news for it. The top African student at Northeastern University’s Criminal Justice Program turned down Harvard Law School. The twenty-two-year-old wanted to go to South Africa and help end Apartheid instead. Reporters from all over interviewed him. Hell, his picture even graced the cover of Black Enterprise Magazine. Ebony Magazine even did a feature on him. All of a sudden, Angelo’s picture was everywhere. Black women all over the country were fawning over him. And more than a few white chicks too, I think.

I don’t know why but the idea of Angelo Mabuso returning to South Africa didn’t sit right with me. Even in the 1990s, news traveled fast. He was now an international celebrity thanks to New England television reporters. The racist South African establishment knew he was coming. And they’d be waiting for him. Angelo and I are not right for each other. But that doesn’t mean I don’t care about him. The day he showed up at Logan Airport to board a flight to his country, there was a lot of media present. I worked my way through the crowd of reporters and admirers, mostly black activists and forlorn young women, both black and white. Finally, I stood less than two feet away from him. That’s when he saw me. He looked at me and smiled sadly.

All around us, the reporters were picking up on what was going on. They sensed that Angelo and I knew each other. Throwing caution to the wind, along with my pride, I begged Angelo not to go. Everyone was looking at us. The reporters were filming the whole thing. Angelo took my hands in his and kissed me on the forehead. Then he calmly told me that this was something he had to do. Africans from all over the world were returning to South Africa in droves to bring down the racist white establishment once and for all and end the evil regime of Apartheid. He wanted to be a part of it. I had tears in my eyes when he hugged me for the last time. Then he stepped through the corridor leading to the plane, but not before waving goodbye to all his fans and supporters. The media applauded this brave young black man who walked away from the path of fame and fortune to fight for justice.

I stood there, and watched him go. I knew then that I would never seen him again. Angelo and the other blacks returning to South Africa succeeded in putting enough pressure on the racist white establishment and ended Apartheid in 1994. He stood by Nelson Mandela’s side when he became the first black president of South Africa. I saw him on television. He shook the wise old man’s hand, and they shared a manly hug. It was a great photo op, one that was flashed on the front cover of newspapers around the world. I don’ t know what became of Angelo Mabuso after that. Maybe he found himself a great black woman to marry. Or maybe he’s doing what he once told me he’d do. Traveling the world fighting against racial discrimination and prejudice. Ending the evils of Euro-centric imperialism and racism. He’s a hero, after all. I’m just an ordinary woman. Some love stories don’t have happy endings.

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Unique interview

This’ a long story to narrate the unique and unforgettable experience I had when I visited India for first time in my life. Being a divorced man, I had decided to enjoy this trip to India to the fullest ‘cause I had heard that majority of Indian ladies have long dark hair on their head which is wavy or straight and that they love and maintain them very much. Yes! I am a hair lover cherishing a lot of hair fantasies inside. Even the thought of long dark hair raises my penis to 9 inches, which is...

4 years ago
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Whatrsquos with a little hair Everyone is Unique

So I have always been into outdoor stuff like camping, hunting, shooting. I occasionally drive over to Texas for RV and Outdoor shows and that’s where I met Tomasa who was a rep for an RV dealer. Tomasa was Mexican and originally from a smaller town in the Mexican state of Chihuahua. I’m a half breed myself being ½ Mexican by anestry but I inherited my white dad’s skin and tall height. This along with being able to speak conversational Spanish at least seems to give me an edge in the Hispanic...

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Show Her A Unique Experience

I'd been given an appointment to meet a Domme in her workroom for three hours. She was someone I knew fairly well but had never submitted to before. I was curious to see what she'd do with me in such a space.When I pulled up outside her workroom, it was in a small business centre, with small businesses all around it. She was on the top floor. She buzzed me into the building and told me to take the lift to the top floor. There was only one unit on that floor and she waited for me when I exited...

3 years ago
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Unique Relationship

My name is Svornacajeck Hepjamenckif, and as you must have probably guessed by the unpronouncable name, I am Dutch. I share a very unique relationship with the young woman who is my wife and consequently, the mother of my children. But before I elaborate any further, it is essential that I lay the background before you. I submit to the necessity. When I was around sixteen, I knocked up a girl who would become my first wife. She had a twin, identical to the extent of their being carbon copies...

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Earths CoreChapter 28 Unique Killing Methods

Zax moved fast and stealthily through the meadows of the first Savage Cave and then the group of mountains where the entrance to the second Savage Cage was. His Soul Sense inspected every millimeter of the surrounding, detecting many bird type savage beasts and couple of experts who preferred to cultivate their souls in the cavities of the tall mountains. 'Is this the second level Core Master big sister Hagen found?' Zax found a skinny man with lemon skin tone lurking not far from the...

3 years ago
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Couples Desire

Mike and Anna were an attractive, mid-twenties couple who had no reason to look elsewhere for pleasure. They had been married a couple of years and both were completely happy in their relationship. Sure, they had their ups and downs, as every couple does, but they never considered their relationship to be anything but healthy. That being said, they were also an open-minded couple, and one of the things they both fantasized about was sex with other people. They openly discussed this with one...

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Couples Life Altering Cruise

ashful or shy is not a word that could be used to describe either of us. Being nude outdoors is one of life's real enjoyments. When I am planning a vacation or a work trip I try to work in some nude activity. Although it is not encouraged at home it is accepted. Thirty years ago Susan did nude modeling for art classes while in graduate school in California and a small amount of freelance nude modeling during the same time period. I think her Scandavian heritage brings this trait to life. We...

4 years ago
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Four Couples

Chapter 1 Four married couples all agreed to get together one Saturday evening for a mate swap session that they had discovered they were all fantasizing about. Finally, they agreed to take their sexual fantasies and turn them into realities. Actually, it had been the four wives who regularly got together and in the course of conversation found out that they all had various sexual fantasies about each other's husbands and about what it would be like to sleep with some of the other husbands....

1 year ago
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We win a couples fantasy 24 hour vacation

My wife was always entering drawings for free stuff. It drove me crazy, we never actually won anything but got onto a lot of telemarketer calling lists. Rarely a night went by that we could sit and get through dinner without one or more calls. I tried for years to get her to realize that you never won anything for nothing. But still she persisted in filling out cards. Deb and I had been married for 18 years, since we graduated college together. Deb and I were both 39 years old. We led an...

Group Sex
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Cuckolding Positive For Some Couples

Cuckolding Can Be Positive For Some Couples, Study SaysBy Ian Kerner, CNNActing on adulterous fantasies may strengthen a relationship, as counterintuitive as it may sound.Cuckolding has become fetishized into a powerful sexual fantasy for some.Sometimes just sharing a sexy thought can be arousing enough -- you don't have to follow through...(CNN)In our current political climate, the term "cuck" -- short for "cuckservative" -- has become an insult of the so-called alt-right, aimed at men they...

2 years ago
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The Spanking Couples

The Spanking CouplesChapter 1, The First MeetingWe were both nervous.   Two middle-aged, married lovers who finally had decided to try something new.   He always had a fetish side.   She was always a pure vanilla.  His name was Bill, hers Debbie.  Both were in their mid 50s, and had been happily married for over 30 years.  One day about six months ago, after a long argument about Bill spending too much time on internet porn sites, Bill acquiesced.  In a fit of passion, he finally yelled, ?Well,...

1 year ago
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Gone Wild Couples

Reddit Gone Wild Couples, aka r/GoneWildCouples! Gone wild content has been going wild all over the internet for some time now. God only knows how many subreddits have been created just for different niches of gone wild girls. Well, it’s time for some couple representation as well! People want to see some hot amateur couple sex content as well, and that’s what the Gone Wild Couples community is all about. If you want to know more about it, then keep reading. If you’re into amateur content with...

Reddit NSFW List
3 years ago
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A Couples Toy Party

A few months ago, a woman I work with told me that she was doing these adult toy parties on the side, and asked me if I'd be interested in hosting one at our place. Now, I'd been to toy parties before, had enjoyed going, and had managed to collect a few interesting things when doing so. The difference in this one was, it was for couples. That I was surprised at as I'd never been to one where there would be men present. Knowing how wild and crazy the others had gotten I'd actually been too,...

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Black Couples In Love

The limits of power. What an odd thing for someone like myself to ponder. My name is Anthony Saint-Pierre and I’m a six-foot-one, lean and athletic Black male in his mid-twenties living in the city of Boston, Massachusetts. A proud member of the Haitian-American community. Currently, I’m a patrol officer with the Massachusetts State Police. It’s my second year on the job and so far I’m loving it. Hard to believe that three years ago I was a Criminal Justice student at UMass-Boston filled with...

4 years ago
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White couples are tricked into working at a tropical resort and soon learn they will become slaves to their black clients

It was a typical chilly morning in the small town in Michigan’s upper peninsula. Tom glanced at his watch as he starred out the window enjoying the morning sun razing over the horizon. He finally heard the click of the bathroom door opening and the sweet smell of Chantal’s perfume flowing into the room. “Honey? Could you please bring me my sweater for me please?” Tom sat his cup of coffee down and looked around the room until he saw his wife’s sweater sitting on...

2 years ago
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A Couples Play Day Part 3 Revelations

Introduction: A young couples continuing exploration of their sexual relationship and what they learn about themselves. Dear Reader, This is the continuation of a narrative that began with A Couples Play Day and A Couples Play Day Part 2 Consequences and Exploration you may want to read those chapters if you have not already done so. As mentioned in the introduction to the first part many elements of the first story are based on actual occurrences, beginning with Part 2 the work is purely...

4 years ago
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Friendly CouplesChapter 9

Wednesday morning Janet slept until eleven o'clock. She had done the same since coming home Sunday night after a hazy weekend that seemed like a dark nightmare of pleasure and yet horrible degradation for her. She and Greg had said nothing about their experience, but had gone straight to bed. She could remember making love with Martin and Greg, and somehow an experience with Darleen crept into her mind. She was physically exhausted until she woke up Wednesday. Most of the first two days had...

1 year ago
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Normally, I enjoyed the Friday night dances at the works when I was the duty manager. All I had to do was to ensure there was no trouble and to make sure the bar shut at 10.30 and the room was clear by 11.00pm so that security could release the guard dogs. I loved to dance, but tonight all the best girls seemed to have partners. But then my attention was drawn to a young lady dancing with one of the single men, she looked utterly bored, and the glance she threw me as she passed close by me...

3 years ago
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A Special Club For White Couples

? ?? They had been married for seven years. It took Terry 3 years to convince his beautiful blonde wife to try swinging. Diana was so beautiful and took very good care of her twenty-six-year-old body.  ? Diana was a trophy wife that any man would be proud to have. Terry was waiting for his wife to finish dressing for their first night at the club they had joined. It was a swinger?s club for white couples who enjoyed a little spice in their life. ? Diana walked out of the bedroom wearing...

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Young couples perform sexacts in public for money

Think about being at a boring party on a Saturday night. The place is fairly crowded, everybody’s drinking and some hot music is blasting out of the stereo. But, the thing that’s lack- ing is that spark of excitement that makes a party successful. Suddenly an attractive couple starts to neck passionately on the dance floor. Nothing seems too unusual, as they slow dance for about three songs. But, as the necking gets hotter something unusual happens. The woman...

4 years ago
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Couples Therapy

Couples Therapy Belladonna & Caterpillar Girl [Author's Note: Based on a caption by Deementia, with her a blessing, first posted at her wonderful blog Deelusions of Grandeur ( Further, a traditional Belladonna style story (i.e., a, theoretically, possible in reality story) will follow latter this month.] "Could you just keep an open mind about this?" Lela pleaded. "We don't need therapy," Karl responded to his wife while they...

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Vacation Nightmare for Two CouplesChapter 1

Dan Raston, his wife Kim and their best friends Mike and Donna Walens were very excited, they were in the Raston's Chevy Blazer heading up into the New Mexico mountains for two weeks of leisurely fun. They had been friends for several years now, all four met at a gym in Santa Fe while they were all single. While working out they started talking, finding that they had a lot in common and enjoyed each others company, they eventually started dating and it worked out that Dan and Kim fell in...

5 years ago
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Couples swinger party true story

Couples swinger party true storyThis story starts a good sometime after Sara . I had got married sometime after that I found out my wife was fucking a guy at work so I decided if she was going to that we would start swinging so I could have fun to . One week I decided to host a couples party . So I looked into hotels I found one that had two bedrooms a livingroom and a small kicthen . I reserverd the room in indianapolis indiana and sent out party invites . I had 5 couples and one single male...

4 years ago
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Cuckold meet up for Indian couples and white studs

Me and Suneeta nervously knocked on the mansion door,A middle aged Indian lady opened it and smiled at us she said hello and invited us in she introduced her self as Rupika, As we entered she asked us if it was our first time i said yes and my wife blushed and nodded. Rupika then took us into the living room and there were 5 other indian couples seated and she then excused her self, As we sat down they gave a smile to us but remained quiet, It was a special party for indian couples to meet...

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The Spanking Couples Bisexual Spanking Party

The Spanking Couples:  Bisexual Spanking Party        Chapter One:  Bill Discovers his Dominant SideBill could not believe what he was experiencing.  He was pounding his big cock into the ass of his friend and fellow Femdom submissive, Ron.  And, he was enjoying it.  Almost 24 hours ago he and his Femdom wife, Debbie, had won a Cocksucking contest, and were now enjoying the victory.  The prize was that their Femdom friends, Marion and Ron, both had to submit to 24 hours of sexual slavery to he...

2 years ago
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Blackhawk Hall Ch 05

Christi was barely awake when she heard the knock on her door. Looking next to her at Arilee curled up in the sheets – smiling sweetly in her sleep – the Duchess couldn't help smiling as well.Another knock jolted her out of her reverie, this one registering in her mind as something requiring a response. Christi stretched, yawned, and then rose to pull on a robe. She opened the door a crack, to see it was Ashtar who was knocking."Sorry I am being to be disturbing you at such a very much early...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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A Bulls Perspective on Cuckold Couples

,I recently had a very informative email exchange with a dominant man named Steve. I was trying to understand what it is like to be dominant, and what dominant men think of cuckolds who like to eat cum from their wives’ pussies. Steve asked me to write, with him as first person, about a real encounter that he had with a cuckold couple.My name is Steve, and I live in Ohio. I am of South Asian descent and I have always taken a dominant posture in all aspects of my life. I was raised in a culture...

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My family isn’t uber-rich, but we’re not poor by any means. Our house is pretty big and I’m a bit spoilt sometimes. I’m a bit of a nerd, I spend most of the time on my laptop, but I go out with my friends a lot too, so I’m not a complete geek. The rest of my family is fairly large; I have 10 cousins and aunts & uncles, although they don’t live very near to us. Now you know my life story, l shall begin with the actual story. My parents usually leave me home alone and I babysit for other...

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The Couples Collector 2 Dark Horizons

The Couples Collector 2 - Dark Horizons Marrek Gleeson and his innocent-seeming wife, Anna, had a dark secret. They collected couples. Perhaps 'collected' wasn't really the proper word for it. They kidnapped young, beautiful couples and subjected them to the harshest, cruelest treatment imaginable in their underground 'sex and torture dungeon' - as they affectionately liked to call it. Yes, beneath Mr. Gleeson's sprawling estate, gifted to him from his wealthy father, Marrek was...

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Couples Therapy Ch 1

My wife and I have been married for 9 yrs. Our sex life has been what most would consider cold with no passion. I have understood though and that’s why I have hung in there. She was sexually abused from the time she was a little girl and that has caused her a lot of issues when it comes to sex. This has been very frustrating for me because I want so much to make love to my wife and can’t because she feels so dirty about sex and just wants it over with as quick as possible. Its so sad...

3 years ago
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Couples Therapy Ch 1

Introduction: They seek therapy for her together Chapter One My wife and I have been married for 9 yrs. Our sex life has been what most would consider cold with no passion. I have understood though and thats why I have hung in there. She was sexually abused from the time she was a little girl and that has caused her a lot of issues when it comes to sex. This has been very frustrating for me because I want so much to make love to my wife and cant because she feels so dirty about sex and just...

3 years ago
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Couples Therapy

My wife and I have been married for nine years. Our sex life has been what most would consider cold with no passion. I have understood though and that’s why I have hung in there. Due to issues in her past that she has told me about. This has been very frustrating for me because I want so much to make love to my wife and can’t because she feels so dirty about sex and just wants it over with as quick as possible. It’s so sad because she is beautiful and has never learned the pleasures making love...

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Couples Therapy

My wife and I have been married for nine years. Our sex life has been what most would consider cold with no passion. I have understood though and that’s why I have hung in there. Due to issues in her past that she has told me about. This has been very frustrating for me because I want so much to make love to my wife and can’t because she feels so dirty about sex and just wants it over with as quick as possible. It’s so sad because she is beautiful and has never learned the pleasures making love...


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