The Pleasure of the Hunt
- 3 years ago
- 33
- 0
Templar Combat Battalion, TCB
Colonel Marcus ‘Mumbatik’ Dangal
Personal Combat Battalion of the Regimental Commander
On the open top of my command cupola of the command tank, I enjoyed the breeze that the night wind is blowing, as the Leopard 2A6EX 145mm main cannon tank rolled through the desert of Ar’Raq. I have set the viewer of my HUD to separate view screen one is night vision while the right side is thermal. Technology has done great wonders and my visor of the helmet I am wearing contains such a HUD system along with other tools needed to simplify my job. Not far from me and slightly to my right is my battalion executive officer, Major Rolando Katapatan and his tank. Among the regiment he is known as ‘Marangal’, the righteous one.
‘Colonel, I’m sending you the latest intelligence report we got from H.Q.’
‘Go ahead Marangal,’ I replied.
A few seconds later I lowered myself into the turret, closing, and locking the hatch. Raising the visor, I looked at the main view screen and studied the latest data collected by the UAV RECON drone. I was surprised to see the makeup of a new tank built in the Middle East itself. It was the Parthian Army’s newest unveiled monstrosity. It was the Zulfigar Main Battle Tank.
‘How the hell did those tanks crossed the border without the coalition knowing about it?’
‘The coalition wanted to pull out Colonel. They want us to handle this problem for the Government of Ar’Raq.’
‘That’s going to be a big problem, because our numbers is barely enough to control the insurgents themselves.’
‘We have to find a way to stop them from either assisting the insurgents and/or stop them from pouring across the border,’ said Rolando.
‘Alright, what we need to do is to be quick, fast, agile, and hit them hard. It is time to try out the smart rounds for 145mm main cannon.’
I planned out the best type of approach and contemplate how to hit an armored regiment of 60 brand new main battle tanks with a complement of 120 wheeled and tracked turret mounted CFVs. One thing I am certain of and that is to use the UAV as a platform, they will be needed to track down the enemy tanks and armored vehicles for the Leopard’s main cannon smart shells. In a tank battle a tank can fire directly against another tank, but in this case my tank crew and I will do what is only an experimental theory. Oh well it is time to put that theory to test.
‘All tanks, load smart rounds and prepare to engage!’
Switching the reload knob, a tank gun shell is loaded into the 145mm cannon. The gun readied and whirled to action, ready to fire at a moment’s notice. Three UAVs have started to fly over the battleground and have determined the location of the enemy tanks. Our foes are just over the bend and I knew they may be expecting our arrival. I aimed the cannon high in an elevated position and fired, trusting the UAV’s laser designator to aim the deadly silver bullet for me. Sixteen Leopard 2A6EX tanks fired their main guns as it roar into action, in four seconds another round is set and ready to be fired from the main gun. Again I fired the massive cannon, for a minute I have let loose 12 rounds and waited for the enemy is within five miles away. The UAV’s pin-pointed each shell from our tanks’ guns and as it stated to shower the enemy armored column with tank killing shells. From the distance I can see the night lighted by fiery explosions, soon the thunder of the exploding shells can be heard as our rounds found their mark. Over half of the enemy combat vehicles were destroyed in just a short period of time as our tanks entered the bend.
‘Pumas and Boxers, flank the enemy,’ I shouted over my tactical communication gear, ‘Leopards, hit them hard.’
In quick succession within fifteen seconds I have fired 3 shots at the massing enemy armor, because of the firepower a 145mm cannon have, one shot is enough to puncture through the enemy’s protected armor and for the shell to detonate inside the soft interior of the enemy’s tank. Three Zulfigar burst into flames as my tank’s rounds found their mark, searching for another target. I set my sight out for a BTR-3 firing my laser guided round onto the lightly armored wheeled combat vehicle. The BTR-3 blew up in a massive fireball spewing out sizzling hot metal around the battlefield. Enemy ground troops started to fire their rifles madly at my Leopard tank, squeezing the trigger of my joystick. I let the 50 caliber machinegun rip a group of three enemy soldiers in a medium sustained burst.
‘Infantry, disembark and engaged enemy ground troops!’
Not wanting a surprise ambush by the enemy, I let my infantry troopers seek out and destroy any pillboxes, potential fox-holes, and hiding spot for the infantry of the enemy.
‘Colonel, these men aren’t insurgents,’ reported an infantry officer, ‘Sir, these men are Parthian soldiers.’
‘No shit Sherlock,’ I replied.
‘Take them out and make sure they will not pose a threat to us.’
The Templar’s six man team did their solemn duties to eliminate the threat for our armored units FN-SCAR rifles, Minimi SAW and machinegun, and snipers started to mop out the enemy ground troops as I focus on finding more armored vehicles for my tank’s gun to set it’s sight on. Parthia’s army started their withdrawal out of the battlefield and towards their border.
‘No you don’t,’ I pressed down the firing button and let 145mm main gun boom to life.
A fleeing tank burst into flames as I smiled my death smile upon the fallen victim. Six enemy ground troops falls into my sights and fired the two machineguns of the tank, each Parthian ground troop was cut to pieces by the long burst of two 50 caliber machineguns.
‘Colonel, my Pumas can cut off their line of escape,’ suggested the Puma element commander.
‘Good, do so Captain Montano,’ I replied.
The twenty Templar Puma CFVs rushed out firing their 30mm SABOT round cannons at the remaining enemy armored vehicles. They divide themselves in two groups of ten Puma CFVs and started a wheeling maneuver causing the Parthian forces to melt, from behind came the Leopard 2A6EX firing their tank killing 145mm cannons. The Rim-Cat’s infantry troopers took out their shoulder fired anti-tank missiles, took their positions and started to snipe on any remaining vehicles. The Parthian infantry troops flee in disorder from our shock and awe effect, it was not they were expecting. Though the client government may lack experienced fighting men, it is supplemented by mercenary forces, that they gave to us the Rim-Cat Mercenary Regiment.
‘Three remaining Zulfigars left colonel,’ informed my gunner.
‘Let our infantry take care of them,’ I have replied.
Our infantry troopers took pot shots at the remaining Parthian MBTs and as soon as the battle started it was over in less than an hour. Parthia and its military brass was humiliated by such a defeat from a small but well trained, organized, and equipped force. Calls started to come in from open frequency that the Parthians were lost and they were there for military maneuvers.
‘Bull shit, they send them across the border to harass us and support their friends in the insurgency,’ remarked Major Rolando Katapatan.
‘I know Marangal,’ I replied, ‘We have decimated their regiment. It’s enough and let the survivors return to their lands to spread the word of what has happened here.’
The rest of the battalion stood down and let the remaining Parthian soldiers walk across the border. Their face told their story, the story of defeat by a small group of professional mercenaries.
‘Escort them to the border and confiscate their weapons,’ I ordered.
The defeated troops lay down their arms sadly and yet glad that they will be heading home. I knew what can be in their mind, revenge. I know that soon enough they will send another group here to face me and my regiment. It will be a tougher battle than it
is early morning. Now they know why they have lost and will hatch out some plan to counter what just happened.
‘Sir, what of the weapons we confiscated?’
‘Sell them to the client government for a low price,’ I answered, ‘They will need the hardware to arm their new army.’
‘Yes Colonel.’
I opened my cupola and raised my command chair, standing up I felt the breeze of dawn on my face drying the sweat of adrenaline and excitement off my face. I watched the Parthians walked off to their homeland as they are greeted by their own medical units and lightly armed escorts. The Parthian government will never admit what has happened and this incident will go down in history us an unfortunate misunderstanding between Ar’Raq and Parthia, I shook my head at the thought of politics. Better to be a soldier that a politician, better it is to know whom to fight and forget about the bull shit of just cause that the politicians have uttered out of their mouth. Either it be for their ‘Allah’, to counter capitalistic empire expansion, or their sense of justice such as getting the Zionist out of the Fertile Crescent, I don’t truly care. What I know is that the client government o Ar’Raq is in need of highly experienced elite regiment to watch their country and keep it safe until their own army is strong enough to be a force that can defend their own country. To me it’s just business as usual, they need to be protected, and I give them the best protection that money can buy and the best personnel to do the job. The Templar Combat Battalion was meant to be hunted by the Parthians, in the end it was they who have been hunted in the night.
Back in Headquarters a 25 year old female intelligence and special operations officer of the Rim-Cat is at the front of a computer monitor. Petite with the nice set of breast, young and even younger looking, at a glance she can be mistaken for a teenager and yet she is not. Dangerous she is for her skills as a special operations personnel and only 102 of them are available that are dedicated in that capacity in the Rim-Cat Mercenary Regiment, Marie Macie Curtis smiled as her hand guided the joystick which controlled the three UAV’s around the battlefield and provided the eyes for the Colonel. As the Templar Combat Battalion returned to base, she flew the UAV drones home and landed them safely.
CHAPTER 3: THE HUNT ‘The Hunt’ is a reminder of what we are not. We are not pursued slaves any longer. This mocks that element of slavery but provides a real function, too. We are dressed in the village. It is another thing about not being slaves. Nudity is a matter of choice . I have prepared myself as best I can. I am convinced nobody understands what I am capable of. Only a few of the ‘Warriors’ met Rayner and me on the other side. And they have probably already forgotten. I will find out if...
‘The Hunt’ is a reminder of what we are not. We are not pursued slaves any longer. This mocks that element of slavery but provides a real function, too. We are dressed in the village. It is another thing about not being slaves. Nudity is a matter of choice . I have prepared myself as best I can. I am convinced nobody understands what I am capable of. Only a few of the ‘Warriors’ met Rayner and me on the other side. And they have probably already forgotten. I will find out if I...
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August 2006. Odessa, TX. "I've been through the desert on a horse with no name. It felt good to be out of the rain. In the desert, you can't remember your name, cause there ain't no one to give you no pain. La da da da da da..." Jack Killinger grimaced and turned his radio's volume down. I like this song, he mused, but right now I'm not in the mood. Maybe some country ... nah, never mind. He clicked the radio off, trying again to concentrate on the road. He had been living and...
Note : This story is completely fictional! The sun beat down really hot on the desert where my family was walking. My parents and brother and I were taking a walk in the Southern California desert with my Aunt Kathi and Uncle Marty this Saturday afternoon to spend some time together as a family. Since my family is very active, we had decided to walk the long desert trail out to the top of Garnet Mountain. While we were hiking I saw an animal dashing through the rocks and sage brush. Being an...
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BDSMThe Hunt The days before Desperately running through the woods, the big biker, who normally would have been about the most imposing man in whatever situation he found himself, knew that he was the one in trouble this time. The name the 6’5′ man had been born with was Ralph Peterson, but the only people who called him that were either cops or corrections officers during his frequent run-ins with either group. His friends simply called him Bigfoot for the most obvious of reasons. Speaking of...
****This story has a bi-male component. If it’s not your thing, don’t read.**** He had been working long hours and hadn’t had a day off since, he couldn’t remember when. He finally had a day off and it was a Saturday to boot. He might be able to sleep late for a change and enjoy some lazy day sex with his wife. He was surprised when he woke up and it was much later than he thought he would sleep, but the house was quiet. He rolled over to where she normally slept and was greeted with an...
***This story has a bi-male component. If it's not your thing, don't read.*** He had been working long hours and hadn’t had a day off since, he couldn’t remember when. He finally had a day off and it was a Saturday to boot. He might be able to sleep late for a change and enjoy some lazy day sex with his wife. He was surprised when he woke up and it was much later than he thought he would sleep, but the house was quiet. He rolled over to where she normally slept and was greeted with an envelope....
First TimeThe days riding had been fantastic. I could not get enough. Fast and flat out across the desert then tight scary trails close to the cliffs. Total sensory overload. The party is getting good too. Lots of ice cold beer, some wine and grills cooking burgers and hot dogs. Everything from tents to my motor home. About 40 people all counted. Friends and wives, girlfriends and lovers. Some of the riders good people and others I would kill to beat on the track. Your brother in law had told...
We are out shoveling snow from our driveway for the second time this week. And for the second time in the past five minutes, I think that I should be joining you on your business trip to Palm Springs next week! I pause in my shoveling and look over at you. Even after years of being together, I still find your tall, slim form attractive. You look up as if to say, “Keep shoveling!” I can see the humor in your warm brown eyes from here. I bend down to move another pile of snow. Out of the corner...
Desert Heat – Pt 4Thursday morning was like every other morning in the small trailer. The temp was freezing and you couldn’t get dressed fast enough. Ginger was unusually quiet and I was wondering if she was having second thoughts or perhaps feelings of guilt about what happened last night at the lake with Bill and Olga. I wasn’t sure how or when to broach the subject, but knew we would have to talk about it sometime. I just hoped that it hadn’t damaged our relationship. Breakfast was...
You called me yesterday and told me you'd pick me op to take a hike out to your favorite place in the canyons outside of town. Little did I know how far out we were going to hike. You were so excited to be sharing this place with me I could hardly keep up with. That wasn't such a bad thing since I had the most amazing view of your hot ass most of the way. I don't know if it was all the fresh air or maybe even dehydration but you jus kept getting sexier with each step you took. There was...
Before they had gone very far down the southern trail, a very dire event occurred. The sky was blackened with the shadow of whirring wings and pale yellow bodies. The day grew dark, and in that darkness a rain of jumping flying forms with claws and ravenous mandibles covered everything, and even attempted to eat the ropes holding the loads to the camels. John called a halt, and had the three silk tents set up, and all gear hastily unloaded within, and women and children. The men removed...
Slowly John returned to his senses. He must still be alive then, he thought stoically to himself. He seemed to be laying on sand. Must have washed to shore, he thought wearily, content to rest where he was. Eventually his subconcious caught up with his rational mind, and he noticed something that had been bothering him on some level, or rather the absence of several things that had been causing him to tense up, as if waiting for the other shoe to drop, or the next ploink of the dripping...
They arive at Jhb International Airport,John, his wife,Sue and Sue's daughter,Micki, from her first husband.All the luggage is loaded ,and they climb aboard the Cesna bound for their remote drop-off in the Kalahari Desert. John is a good looking guy,36 years old and well built.Sue,she is 43,and also quite a looker.Micki just turned 23 and if you see her,she looks just like a younger version of Madonna. Micki and John don't see eye to eye,they've had their problems,to the point that John was...
MasturbationAfter an exhausting unicorn hunt, I found the right playmate for Tom and I. Big breasts, big ass and an even bigger sexual appetite. I chatted with her online for weeks. Tom was clueless. I wanted him to be surprised like the time we were in the mall and saw the hottest BBW.Tom and I checked out her huge tits as we passed. She turned to catch a glimpse of his tight ass in the button fly 501s I got him. I grabbed Tom’s arm to stop him. I walked back to the BBW. I told her how gorgeous she looked...
ThreesomesShe had been away from the village studying art when Farah had married Timsar and from her sister's letters had expected him to be a rather serious, boring man. But the first time she saw him she felt her heart pounding and drew her chador tighter in front of her and self consciously looked away. Yet despite her feelings she still couldn't understand how she had not only been so stupid as to share Timsar's bed while Farah and her mother were at market but had also failed to hear...
Alpha Sigma Phi is without exception the most powerful sorority on campus especially with the aid of their other half, Kappa Sigma the equally powerful fraternity, with this power comes numerous rewards. There are many incentives to join both causing a large pool of potentially pledges. Each year Kappa Sigma holds an annual fox hunt for its members and Alpha Sigma Phi provides the foxes. After a year of hazing the Alpha Sigma Phi pledges must pass one final test to become a sister in the...
FetishAfter an exhausting unicorn hunt, I found the right playmate for Tom and I. Big breasts, big ass and an even bigger sexual appetite. I chatted with her online for weeks. Tom was clueless. I wanted him to be surprised like the time we were in the mall and saw the hottest BBW. Tom and I checked out her huge tits as we passed. She turned to catch a glimpse of his tight ass in the button fly 501s I got him. I grabbed Tom’s arm to stop him. I walked back to the BBW. I told her how gorgeous she...
Walk with Pandora through many rooms, through halls and labyrinthine passageways. Then, finally, emerge from a stateroom and out onto a balcony set high in the wall of a tall tower overlooking a plain star-speckled with campfires, dots of light embedded in darkness stretching into infinity. This world of vampires chokes in a perpetual night where twin moons hang suspended in a sky of pitch velvet. Each satellite is shadowed in its orbit by a violet, Mars-like planet the size of Earth's moon. An...
HorrorIt was a little late for the door bell, after eight at night. My first thought was, 'Who would be calling on me at this time?' I went to the front and peeked around the window to see a young girl I didn't recognize. She didn't look dangerous so I opened the door, only to find three girls, not just one. The girl in front, head down, immediately started reading from a piece of paper. I couldn't understand a thing she said. "Hold it," I said. She looked up and I did recognize her. She...
You have paid a visit to a girlfriend who lives on the edge of the Bad Lands. Heading for home you took a wrong turn somewhere and now were in the middle of the desert. When you turned around on a dirt road to retrace your route you heard a loud bang and now you car is shaking badly. Getting out and walking around to the passenger side you see your right front tire is flat. 'Damn, damn, damn'! Opening your trunk you get out your jack and use it raise the right side. ...