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‘So then, you’re husband hasn’t even the slightest suspicion?’ Louis asked through the steam of his Dunkin Donuts coffee.

‘It was just one kiss, Lou!’ answered Martha, while absently rowing a spoon through her light and sweet, ‘Considering my lip stick and perfume, your girlfriend has more cause for suspicion than my husband.’

‘Just washed it all away before she ever got the chance.’

Martha half expected a devilish smile to fill Louis’s face after his having made the remark. But, it didn’t. Louis maintained the expression of storm threatened serenity he’d worn as long as Martha had known him, a look she’d associated with Buddhist monks setting themselves aflame in protest of one thing, or another. It was only three weeks ago that Martha first set eyes on the young man. It was in the Dodd’s lecture hall, on the University Of New Haven campus. Out of a lecture theater of two hundred fellow graduate students, Martha took particular notice of Louis, primarily because of his white cane. Louis -the only visibly disabled entry into the education department’s teacher training program- and Martha -one of the program’s thirty-two middle aged married women- were just two of the eleven students with Language Arts as their field of concentration. However, what was common behind each student’s reasons for entering the program was a genuine need for change. Whether that need was sought vigorously, idly, or desperately, or even blindly, was a matter of specifics.

‘Actually, I believe they, your husband and Liz, have equal cause.’ Louis remarked.

‘And why is that?’ asked Martha while staring at the street beyond the doughnut shop’s window.

‘Because neither of us has made love with our partners in the last eight months.’

Martha smiled seemingly without shame, like the smirk on a class clown’s face, while being scornfully rebuked by the teacher that can’t be taken seriously.

‘Has Liz questioned your lack of interest?’ inquired Martha as a favorite memory of her husband -the time he’d planted the two dozen star gazer lilies to commemorate their five year anniversary- pinpricked her conscience.

‘Nope! Not at all.’

‘Why not?’

‘Because she’s needy. So needy, that she can’t identify herself as a me. Apparently Liz can only identify herself as a we. At least that’s when she’s the most secure. Once she’s a me, Liz could very well drown in self-pity. She ignores conflict, and so is willing to settle into whatever relationship she has, whether her partner is worthy, or not. What about David? Has he interrogated you?’

Martha put down her coffee, shrugged, then proceeded to helplessly gesture, her palms up, as if an answer would fall through the Dunkin Donuts ceiling.

‘Louis, all you and I have done is kiss!’

‘I know Martha, but hasn’t he expressed a yearning for you even once? Or is it so bad that you guys don’t even k-‘

Louis cut himself off.

‘Oh he had a yearning all right. Said Martha after a moment’s silence between them.

She then peered directly into Louis’s largely useless brown eyes. Louis met her gaze well enough to be embarrassed by hisnystagmus: a potentially unsettling involuntary rotation of his eyes’ muscles.

‘I forgot what kisses were for.’ Martha whispered before leaning back into her side of the booth.

It was three weeks prior to their coffee date when Martha first happened to imagine the better angels of her nature ridding themselves of their gowns, wings outstretched to the already naked devils coupling among themselves. The food for that thought was a short piece of Louis’s fiction. Their Adolescent Literature instructor asked his students to bring in work of their own fiction, work that reflected adolescent conflict, which could perhaps be used as valuable lesson sources in a junior or senior high school class. When it was Louis’s turn, Prof. Wrighte read his piece aloud, and Martha found herself staring at Louis. She made particular notice of, and found delight in his expression, which changed depending on what he liked, or disliked about the sound of his work. Louis’s story related the details of one especially gratifying pair of kisses he’d exchanged with some young European woman. At one point, Martha succumbed to the infection of one of his smiles, the one that filled his face during the reciting of the five following lines.

‘The very first kisses for us as children are singularly potent. As infants, all we had were two lips with which to feel the world. They were our textural probes, until we understood how to use our other tools for understanding. It is only logical that at the age of nine or ten or twelve -depending when the first kiss comes, coinciding with a budding sexuality- that our lips are ultra sensitive. The vibrancy of the first kiss is how we begin to desire, desire cultivated by imagination. The animal of us is in the kiss. Leave it be-‘

If Louis’s visual acuity went beyond the mere distance of a kiss, perhaps the young man -ten years younger to be exact- would have seen the look of captivation in Martha’s gaze. It was an expression she hadn’t recalled wearing since… Has it been years? She thought, staring blankly at the day to day outside the doughnut shop, the coffee warming her hands. Idle thought superimposed those wrestling concupiscent angels over Martha’s reflection. A fully clothed boxing referee suddenly dragged them apart. It was her husband David of course, his expression rock hard with disdain. Martha sighed heavily, and fidgeted in her seat until arriving in a completely different posture.

‘Why should I get into this with you?’ Martha asked.

Louis raised a quizzical eyebrow. Then he took a great breath, and exhaled slowly. While he thought for an answer, Martha realized that it wasn’t a fair question. It was for her to answer. It’s a fair question for David though, she thought. It was her husband that hadn’t made a genuinely sensual overture in ten months. There was that one time, after that evening at the Melissa Ethridge concert. She was acutely aware of David’s awareness of the lesbian couple seated beside them, holding each other close, and sharing slow open mouth kisses. Later that night, Martha had interrupted her husband’s coital advance, wondering whether David was mentally air brushing her features over the face of one of those lesbians. Or what if he wasn’t? What if Martha was his vessel, a mere receptacle for the resolution to his fantasy? Martha gave the vibe, David stopped his prodding thrusts shortly after, and finished himself in the bathroom. And she thought, if David wasn’t guilty at all, he would have masturbated right there in bed, at least kissing her in the mean time.

So what about me, David? Martha had been asking herself that for months, never once thinking of raising the issue, although sure she should. She had tried to make overtures of her own, even after that particularly septic night, but to no avail. Gradually, she found herself advancing in other ways. Martha had loosed herself from the full-time position in the patient population inventory department at Yale, to earn a master’s in secondary education. That was quite gratifying in its self, but it was another thing to develop her own rich fantasy life. After years of the mere after-shock orgasms she no longer cared to be used to, Martha knew she could achieve more with the right partner. In the secret half of her fiction, that partner had developed. And that paper doll man -faceless, yet bold and brawny- broke some of the tension between Martha and David. Some, but not all. There was the gremlin of her id, the selfish little harpy that drew Louis’s face onto the paper doll.

‘Because you want to?’

‘What?’ Martha said sharply, as she was startled out of thought.

‘You should get into this because you want to.’ Louis answered.

‘No I shouldn’t.’

‘Fine then. So…maybe I should go home now?’

‘Why are you forcing me to make a choice?’

‘I’m not-‘

Louis stopped then, and fit a hand over his brow, to perhaps rub out some of the deliberation.

‘Faulkner wrote:’ he continued, ‘Those that can, do. Those that can not, suffer for it and so, write about it. You either have it in you to do this, or to just…pretend to do it.’

‘What the hell is going on with me?’ asked Martha, leaning her head on a fist.

‘Uh…let’s see. At your age, you have a monstrous degree of ardor. Where as, your husband -just a few years older- feels that hunger for you once, maybe twice a month. That’s what’s going on right now. Now, at my age, I can take you no less than three times a day for ten days straight, provided I get decent sleep and food. Now, I’m going to ask you one last time, is that intensity worth your husband finding out? How bad do you want it, Martha?’

‘Lower your voice, Louis!’

‘Lower my voice? I’ve been whispering Martha!’

‘You have some nerve.’

‘And apparently, you don’t have enough.’

‘Bull shit! Remember how I told you that David said I shouldn’t put any sex in my stories? Well, I did anyway. And, and when he said I spent way too much time at the country club, I didn’t cut back one bit.’

‘And if he says don’t free yourself from this loveless marriage, you toy with the idea of me, until…’

Martha was suddenly, gracefully, furious.

‘I think I should take you home now.’

The drive to Louis’s home seemed to take longer than usual. Martha took the time to re-evaluate. Was Louis brawny? Not remarkably, no. Was he bold? She had her doubts at first. During the reality of their kiss, Martha learned that if given an inch, Louis would take maybe only a few feet. But his over the counter sexual commentary reminded Martha of the stranger Louis was. I can take you three times a day for no less than ten days in a row? She contemplated over whether Louis was extremely arrogant or delerious with carnal starvation. What the hell was that, she wondered, a prescription? That was a polite way of putting it. Still, whether it was random contingency or Karma that urged her feelings, Martha was sure that only Louis could be the object of her infidelity. But I’ve been married to David for over ten years, Martha thought when she first became aware of her feelings for the young blind stranger. I can’t do it. I shouldn’t do it. With that in mind, she wrote a short piece about meeting a younger man in a bar, and making the right decision by the end. She called it The Medicine Man. Slightly ashamed, but proud of what she’d written, Martha read the piece aloud in class, sure that Louis hadn’t yet the faintest clue as to her sketched out betrayal. The usual class participants told her they liked it, and Louis -who didn’t make comments that often, but when he did, he was right on the Money- said that she might want to have more deliberation during the drive to the bar, and maybe give the guy some minor physical feature that makes him exotic, an eye brow ring, a mole on his cheek, a tattoo.

‘I’m…I’m going to condo-sit for a friend of mine, and I thought I’d go through all this stuff I got for that lesson plan project.’ stated Martha, as her Torcelle idled in front of Louis’s apartment, ‘I thought maybe you’d want to…work together, compare notes?’

‘Sure.’ Louis agreed, ‘Uh…when?’

Martha cleared her throat.

‘This Saturday, sometime after dark…preferably.’

The events of that Saturday evening played out exactly as Martha had desired. It was as if she had prophesied about the very night through her sexual character studies that preceded her Medicine Man piece. Louis gave her no warning as they entered the condo. In the darkness of the living room, he embraced her from behind, and planted gentle kisses along the contours of her neck. Martha slowly tilted her head until it came to rest against him. Still kissing, Louis tugged the blazer from her, then undid the buttons of her blouse. It was caught between them for a moment before finally falling to the floor. Carefully, Louis then proceeded to undo the snaps of her bra, and let it drop also to the floor. He found Martha’s small breasts, and the vague ribs under his fingers. He was reaching for her slacks when she stopped him. Wrapped in Louis’s arms, Martha turned, embracing him tightly, pressing her engorged vulva to his erection. They loosen, and she proceeded to take off his jacket, and tie, and shirt, breathing in the scent of his musk fragranted skin before letting the shirt fall. Martha caressed the contours of Louis’s shoulders, arms, chest and belly, smiling in the dark. At his belt buckle, she stops, and feels how the head of Louis’s penis has wedged itself upward between his body, and the top of his pants. Martha runs her fingers along the edge of his belt, just barely touching his sex with each pass. She has ached so -with the collection of sexless months, and the vibrancy David couldn’t dull with a million years of his spot primer sex- that the shaking of her desire gets worse, and so she asks that they lay on the floor. Louis eases her downward, and they sit.

‘Are you okay?’ he whispered.

‘Yeah,’ she replied, ‘But its like…its like I was in a desert for… Never mind. Lay down.’

Four sessions later, Martha woke up from a dream. She saw herself as Talia Shire and David as Jack Nicholson, playing their characters in The Shining. Martha was startled into the light of early morning just at the moment when David threw Louis’s dismembered member through the hole he’d hacked out of the door locked between them. When Louis woke, he found her sobbing, bedclothes gathered around her like a womb. Louis reached out to old her, then paused. He called her name once, twice, but Martha’s only response was to sob a little more quietly.

‘The animal of us isn’t just in the kiss, you know.’ Louis chose to say, ‘I don’t care how far we’ve progressed, things like hate crime, territory security concerns, and promiscuity run so deep, they just can’t be eliminated from humanity. The animal of us is what makes our instinct to survive.’

Martha’s sobbing ceased, and she rolled around to face him.

‘Louis? What the hell are you talking about?’

‘The things we can’t help about ourselves.’

‘Betraying my husband once is not promiscuity. Said Martha while rubbing her cheeks dry.

‘Infidelity, promiscuity, that’s the same family in most people’s books.’

‘Okay then Lou. For shits and giggles, since we are now together in my mess, let’s rationalize promiscuity. Are you trying to tell me that it’s a primitive defense mechanism?’

‘Absolutely!’ said Louis as he heard and felt that Martha was in the midst of dressing, ‘There’s this social anthropologist -Desmond Morris- who studies all this stuff. And he learned that the healthiest, most intelligent, and attractive children tend to be born from such extra-marital relationships. The female mates with her reliable, caring househusband, or cave husband. But for strength and beauty, she goes out to find a more physically alluring specimen. What’s more is that -and this can be proven under a microscope I might add- one man’s sperm can defend it’s occupation of the female’s egg, from a rival man’s ejaculet. It’s like this little biological war game going on in their, sperm killing sperm.’

‘I’m not looking to get pregnant though Louis. I’m just interested in-‘

‘In what?’ he asked, also halfway dressed?

‘In, in gaining an experience.’

‘Well that was a surprisingly quick answer.’

‘Well why not? I want…the experience. Or, as you might put it, I wanted to get laid!’

‘I doubt if I would have put it exactly that way-‘

‘Well what did you think would happen to us? Did you think we would fall in love? Did you think I would leave my husband for you? I may very well leave my husband because of my…experience with you, but not for you. Am I making sense?’

Louis nodded quickly, and turned away.

at doesn’t mean we won’t do it again?’ he asked.

‘Actually, yes, it does mean that we won’t do it again. You see, Louis, You hit the spot. I did something I needed to do, and if I ever want to refer back to that experience for one reason or another, then I’ll go ahead. Now, if I had this conflict and we were the same age, I’d probably be with you, only as long as menopause started to rear her potentially ugly head. The thing about David, or someone like David, can keep the same slow pace my old age might set me on. You’re too…animate, too…charismatic. Just don’t let that last one go to your head anymore. I’m sorry. I’m sorry, Louis. Let me just take you home now, okay?’

Martha and Louis worked independently from then on. Every now and again during the program, they provided one another with input while in small group sessions during their adolescent literature course, or history of education. But before Louis could settle comfortably into indifference, he needed to work it out on paper first. After he’d eaten his meal in the off-campus Subway sub shop, Louis wrote the following words in his characteristic thick black marker. Actually Martha, all my relationships seem to last only this long. Well, the truth is, this is about when I get tired of my partner anyway. You see Martha, love only really lasts for about ninety days, give or take. After that, the person you’re with becomes…a prison. David…is your prison. You’re locked in, Martha. And if that truly makes you happy, then by all means…enjoy, if you can. Through you, I’ve finally become sure that love is just another way of saying thank you. In that way, Liz is to me, as David is to you.

‘So that’s him, huh.’ said David as he peered from the Dunkin’ Donuts window across the street.

‘Yep, that’s him alright.’ replied Liz, between sips of French vanilla, light and sweet.

‘That retinitis pigmentosa thing he’s got, now you’re sure he can’t pass that on?’

‘Sure enough. His doctors tell him that his strain is so rare that the chances are really slim. Do you think she’ll tell him?’

‘Maybe, maybe not. Who cares? She’s not going to leave me over it, not for a while anyway, a long while. But…enough about all that. Tell me, when am I gonna’ meet that girlfriend of yours?’

‘Why as soon as we get the results from your blood test, baby. Lorna and I are very specific on that when we consider a third party. Louis tested negative, but for whatever reason Lorna has opted out of making us a trio. Frankly, I think his confidence is too much for her.¡¨

‘ButƒÉbut she likes what she sees in that picture I gave you, right?’

‘Oh absolutely she does. We love how distinguished you look with that little bit of gray over your ears.’

‘Can I see her picture again, please?’

‘Sure honey.’

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The Girl Scout 15 Training and Breeding

Previous: The Girl Scout-1; The Girl Scout-2 Daddy; The Girl Scout -3 The Tool Man; The Girl Scout – 4 Tag Teamed ; The Girl Scout -5 Die Bitch Die; Girl Scout 6 -Cum Faced The Girl Scout-7 HOGTied; The Girl Scout -8 Getting to Know You; The Girl Scout -9 Sleeping Beauty; The Girl Scout – 10 Work It Good The Girl Scout -11 Lights Out Bitch; The Girl Scout-12 Doctor Rosen The Girl Scout -13 Papa and Grand Daughter The Girl Scout -14 Exam Hell He held a big black rubber dildo. Now...

4 years ago
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BDSM and Breeding

My hand had been on her throat as she was laying on the bed with her head hanging over the edge as I fucked her throat relentlessly, but now it was time for her to be bred. I told her to get her in the middle of the bed and on her back with her knees drawn back against her chest. Her eyes were still watering from gagging and saliva was still dripping from her chin but she did what she was told. This was the first time she was going to feel me penetrate her and I knew it was going to be a...

2 years ago
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Adonias Breeding

Adonia sat at the library of religious studies department atYale university reading about ancient pagan rituals. Adonia’s ancestors were practitioners of the pagan religion, but unfortunately her own parents where atheists. They did not follow, practice, preach or tell anything to Adonia about paganism. Adonia was given her name by her grandmother, the last practicing pagan in their family. Adonia is the pagan festival mourning the death of Adonis, the “Lord”-the most handsome man in the...

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Tentacle Breeding

Rick Peterson and Amanda King were a couple of second-year college kids on Spring Break in Cancun, Mexico. They decided to go there this year instead of dealing with the mobs and hassles of Spring Break in Palm Beach, Florida they had experienced the previous year. On this particular day, though the pair decided to check out this quaint little lake he had heard about from some of his friends who had been there before. So packing up a rented Jeep with a picnic lunch Rick and Amanda headed to the...

Monster Sex
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Skyrim Vampire breeding

Your name is Alexander and you're a vampire lord. You also have a craving for power. You've told your vampire flock, that you will be the next king of Skyrim. But how? Suddenly Garan (your number one advisor) bust into the room

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Fantasy Breeding

I'll get right on down to the details, since I can't right stand the droning intellectual types myself. I'm rather big for a lady in every regard: six foot (two meters) tall; natural DD breasts, starting to get a slight sag to them, but it was bound to happen; just thick enough not to have fat rolls or cankles, but to have a nice jiggle all over (especially on my fat ass). What else? Well, I've been a real big slut soon as I realized fuckin' was a thing you could do. Got knocked up at 15; yep,...

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Carmens Breeding

Ever since her wedding night suck and fuck with Melvin, a black man I had gotten for her as a surprise, Carmen had now and then mentioned that she would like to have another black man for sex and one time even mentioned that she'd even might like to have a black baby just for the experience. I knew she wouldn't give up her desire for black cock so when I heard that a fellow employee of mine's wife wasn't able to carry a c***d, I thought perhaps Carmen might jump at the chance to have a black...

3 years ago
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My First Real Breeding

I decided to go to a nearby cruising area one night that I had heard about, situated just off a main road. Night time was always the busiest time apparently and there were always loads of guys looking to fuck a cute ass. I was new to doing this. I knew it went on, but had never actually been to a cruising spot at night, especially one where I knew there was loads of action. I was nervous, scared and excited at the same time. I knew if I got out of the car and wandered into that darkness, that...

2 years ago
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Wife Breeding

For the past 2 years l’ve been taking my wife Sally to get her fix with other blokes at dogging sites then during the winter she has to go into hibernation due to the men drying up because of the chilly weather, but the beginning of last winter, we tried a few clubs which she nor l really enjoyed, so we joined an online meet club. After an exchange of e-mails and a social meet the guy would book a room and l would take my wife along for them to use in any way they see fit, l had my fun by...

3 years ago
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Twinks first breeding

I was traveling for work this past summer and as many guys do found myself horny as hell in my hotel room one tuesday night. I spent most the night jacking off to porn online but after a while of searching for the perfect vid (you know the one that puts you there) i gave up and quickly switched my search. Now iam on the prowl for a meet up. I have had some luck a few times before in mens rooms but I was out of state and had no idea where the meet up spots were so i took to the internet. After a...

5 years ago
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Hollys Breeding

A lot's happened in the last f******n months. Last year, in June, my son graduated from high school. Jake was accepted to a good college and better yet he was awarded a full scholarship. Holly and I wanted to show how proud we were of his hard work so we threw a big house party. He invited all of his friends. The whole house was open. In hindsight I suppose I should have limited the number of guests. The day of the party, it appeared that everyone in his graduating class was in my house or in...

2 years ago
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Mature Maggie Gets a BBQ Breeding

[Contains: M/Mature F, Hardcore, Impregnation & Babymaking]I couldn't believe my luck – all my friends were going down to the beach, and I had to help my parents with a BBQ they were throwing.I had tried all the excuses I could think of but they weren't buying it.“I've paid for you to study at University for 2 years, Ron” my father said. “It's the least you can do.”So, I eventually gave in and agreed to help with the cooking and drinks.As my parents friends started to arrive, I did the...

2 years ago
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My name is Lisa , I am a 29 year old blond wife of Steve who is 38 ,we are both white and live in London ,England.We have been married for 6 years , in fact although few of you would believe it Steve's paltry 4 inch cock had been the only cock to have penetrated me in my life.Our sex life had become very lame ,consisting of me opening my legs every saturday night and receiving his weener in the missionary style.Steve has fertility problems so at least we never needed a condom.About a year ago...

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My wifes first BBC breeding

TURNING MY WIFE INTO A BLACK COCK CUMDUMPMy First Cuckolded ExperienceWendy has asked me to relive the first time she cuckolded me – fucking another man in front of me – be telling you the story. This is punishment for those times when, making love to her as husband and wife, I suggested she try other cocks. At first the idea did shock her but over time, as I introduced the concept, she opened her legs, and mind, to the concept of trying it out. I had spent some time finding the right man for...

4 years ago
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neighbor breeding

I just walked in from work I see my wife ,sister ,daughter, and sister in law watching T.V. my wife 32 ( Terry) had on daisy dukes no panties , a tube top that's say's my hubby loves to watch and a picture of a black man fucking a white wife. her nipples were poking out she had no bra on her DD tits were looking good. she had a tan but hat the white lines on her tits and pussy I love that, here feet are 6 1/2 and taste to suck on . she was 5'5 110 pounds green eyes , black wife has a...

4 years ago
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BDSM and Breeding

My hand had been on her throat as she was laying on the bed with her head hanging over the edge as I fucked her throat relentlessly, but now it was time for her to be bred. I told her to get her in the middle of the bed and on her back with her knees drawn back against her chest. Her eyes were still watering from gagging and saliva was still dripping from her chin but she did what she was told. This was the first time she was going to feel me penetrate her and I knew it was going to be a shock...

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Good Breeding

Courtney was seething. She watched her soon-to-be sister-in-law, Lilith, giggling with her friends as they primped her hair, fluffing her white dress and veil. Courtney watched them pull the dress up over Lilith’s ample, pendulous breasts, and she scowled at the large nipple rings the girl sported. The black-haired girl seemed to enjoy being the center of attention as the three other pretty girls who were Lilith’s bridesmaids fawned over her, telling her how beautiful she looked, how lucky...

3 years ago
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Alas Breeding

Ala always enjoyed a good dinner party. It was a little harder now she was single, but Rob and Ang were good friends, they had helped her through her divorce a couple of years back, and they were always there to lend a friendly and supporting ear. Although single, and not on the hunt for a man, Ala always presented beautifully at this kind of outing sporting shoulder length wavy dark brown hair, fine features, and penetrating eyes. Although tall, Ala was solidly built with ample hips and a...

4 years ago
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Alas Muslim Breeding

Times had been tough for George and Ala. Married just on a year from being young sweethearts Ala had just lost her job, and the house payments and bank notices were mounting. Ala thought that surely it wouldn’t be that hard to get back into the fashion industry, an industry she loved but it proved so. Every day she would present her 5 foot 9 inch frame in knee length skirts and tight tops that enhanced her small firm boobs before chasing work. Problem was Ala looked a bit too high class, and...

2 years ago
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The Problems With CatgirlsChapter 2 The breeding

Are never sexually satisfied when in heat Just last week I became engaged to the beautiful Mai, my feisty, supermodel-type fiancée with raven black hair and that luscious 5' 8", 38C-26-28 with long legs. All that makes for the perfect, loving cat girl that knows just what she wants. She has had me pop the question with out even knowing it. God, I love having Mai for my wife-to-be. Well, that night when we got back we made a mad dash to our bedroom, tearing off each other's clothes until I...

1 year ago
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Karens Breeding

There has been a lot of debate at my house about a certain situation concerning my wife’s pregnancy. I sat on our bed watching Karen as she undressed for bed one evening. She slipped out of her stretch pants and pulled the maternity top over her head to reveal that huge round pregnant belly. I was watching the late show as she pulled the blankets back and slipped into bed beside me. About a minute later she took my hand and played it on her belly. “Do you feel it? He’s moving.” I felt the...

1 year ago
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The Possible Breeding

Chapter 1 It was 1000 hours when Base Personnel called me to tell me that they had a new clerk for me in my section, and to come and get her. Her???? I wondered just what was in store for me, as I'd never had a WAF working for me before. I am the NCOIC of Base Operations Administrative Section at Mountain Home AFB, Idaho. We take care of all the flying personnel training and examination records for the Air Force flying mission of the base. We have a sub-section that takes care of the non-jet...

1 year ago
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Little Lyns party turns into Black Breeding

My name is Lyn. I'm 18 and small in size. 110lbs and 5.3 tall. I have had a couple of boyfriends but never really got into anything to heavy. My story is true and it was on my part completely un-planned. My evening started by going out with a couple of girlfriends. Jenny who I have known for a few years and Jo. I haven't known Jo for long. Just met her a few weeks ago. I had heard about her before mostly bad I have to say. She has a reputation so to speak for being a real flirt and for the most...

3 years ago
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Brothers Incestous Bet Chapter 9 Daughters Ready to Breed

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Nine: Daughters Ready to Breed By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Maria Reenburg I trembled on the exam table in Dr. Wilson's clinic. The busty OB/GYN smiled at me as she lifted up my hospital gown. She arched an eyebrow at me as she stared down at the hairless flesh of my pudenda, my thighs pressed tight, only the top of my slit peeking out. “Someone forgot her panties,” Dr. Wilson said, an amused smile on her lips. “She didn't forget them,” said my...

5 years ago
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Brothers Incestuous BetChapter 9 Daughters Ready to Breed

Maria Reenburg I trembled on the exam table in Dr. Wilson’s clinic. The busty OB/GYN smiled at me as she lifted up my hospital gown. She arched an eyebrow at me as she stared down at the hairless flesh of my pudenda, my thighs pressed tight, only the top of my slit peeking out. “Someone forgot her panties,” Dr. Wilson said, an amused smile on her lips. “She didn’t forget them,” said my brother. He sat in a chair next to the bed. Mom was sitting in the corner, shaking her head at me. I...

2 years ago
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Cynthia Palmers New LifeChapter 5 Best of Breed

Cynthia and Rob lay in bed staring into each other's eyes with love and adoration for each other. They had been going at it like the newly weds they were for the last 24 hours. Between Rob and Teddy, she had had sex at least every couple of hours. She was a bit sore from the ceremony the night before and all of the activity, but it was a good sore. Rob was happy and that was all that was important to her. They had been lying like that for a while when Rob said, "God you are beautiful my...

3 years ago
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Black People A Superior Breed

My name is Patrick Alexander Perth. A six-foot-one, dark-skinned and ruggedly handsome Black man living in the city of Boston, Massachusetts. I’m a student at the University of Massachusetts. Majoring in law. Folks, I’ve got something to confess. I’m a racist. I just don’t like White people. Seriously. I can’t stand them. They think they’re all that. They act like they own the place. And they’re more treacherous than most Black folks realize. I honestly think the world would be a better place...

4 years ago
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Notes; Based on the twine game byArmyofRobots found here: & id=1337 (without spaces, formatting messes up for some reason) or This alternate and extensively changed version is posted with permission from the creators. The original was about a jelly tentacled alien. The basic premise that you awaken, not knowing what you are and with a compulsion to breed, is the same. Story...

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Time to Breed

You stand in the shower letting the hot water flow over your body a slight smile on your lips. Tonight is the night, your desire to breed has been growing for months and tonight is when you throw caution to the wind. The hot water is starting to run out so you turn off the water with a sigh and reach for a towel. As you dry off you look into the mirror and see

5 years ago
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A bitch gets breed

This story is about me as well as my 'now' ex-wife discovering a new sexual experience beyond what we had ever planned for. My ex-wife Kandi and I had been married for over 2 years. I was 21 when we met and Kandi was 26. The sexual experience with the age difference was a huge turn on for me. Kandi had two c***dren from a previous relationship, although you would have never known by her figure or her hot super tight pussy - thanks to C sections. She had smaller breast like a small B cup, with a...

4 years ago
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Selecting the Right GirlChapter 2 His First Interviews

IT HAD BEEN 8:00am that same day, when Frank joined Katherine for breakfast in the dining room of his hotel. He had first met her about a month ago when he engaged her employment company to find him a travelling companion. Over breakfast, Katherine explained "we received 17 real applications, not counting a few obvious hoaxes and a couple of hate letters..." "Hate letters?" Frank interrupted. "Just a couple of cranks complaining that we were facilitating the commission of sin by...

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Selecting the Right GirlChapter 7 Day Two Interviews

KATHERINE ASKED HIM "had a good night did we? You certainly look very happy?" smiling at him, as he joined her in the interview room. Frank not only had a big smile on his face, but his whole physical movements had much more bounce than yesterday. "Well yes" he said a little sheepishly before adding "I am starting to believe that this whole process is going to work and I am going to find a compatible travelling companion. I have to confess I have had my doubts about what I am trying to...

2 years ago
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Ron Hubbell gazed at the proud college crest on the wall, his eyes unmoving as he wrestled with one of the most difficult decisions he’d ever had to make in his teaching career. The soldier was considering a cold blooded move, to stack the odds in favour of his senior students, but could he justify it, even to himself, and thus carry it out. There was no problem with the board of governors, they’d practically given him carte blanche to do as he saw fit, so long as it benefited the students....

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