Doesn't Mean I Love You, Wilson Reedy free porn video

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Close up, Wilson Reedy’s penis looks like an Ordnance Survey map of England. As my head balances on his hip bone and my face breathes on his cock, I watch little red capillaries traverse it like minor roads connecting to bulbous blue motorway veins.

This chaotic network sits on an English Channel of ashen pubes. His balls – Wales one side and East Anglia the other – rise and fall as I languidly stroke him. What I imagine to be an ‘A’ road connecting Henley and Reading stretches obscenely as I pull his skin up. It travels so far north it briefly sheaths the angry purple head of Scotland.

Wilson Reedy gasps. “Where did you learn to be so good at that?”

“You don’t want to know, Wilson Reedy.”

“I know. But there might be more of you where that came from.”

I laugh. I laugh a lot with Wilson Reedy.  But I remember the first time wasn’t as comfortable.

It was my first time too.


The flat bell buzzes. I totter to the speaker in a corset marginally too big for me and lace-top glossy stockings. They’re barely secreted underneath a black silk gown. All bought that afternoon.

“Come up – uh – love,” I breathe into the white box. I try to make my voice sultry. But I sound like a boy on the cusp of puberty.

Seconds later, I open the door to my first client. Older than I’d thought. Tall, with thinning white hair. Broad-faced. He stares at me through large, wire-rimmed specs.

“Amber?” he asks.

“Yes.” It's a name I made up last week for my website profile.

“You don’t look like your picture.”

“Oh.” I’m nonplussed. Earlier, piling on mascara, I’d sensed it might be too much. Thought I looked like a prostitute.

“I don’t mean that. You look younger.”

He steps in.


So why did I become an escort? Short answer: because I lost my dad and went off the rails.

The longer answer: I was his only child – a late lamb – and he lived for me. Never wealthy, especially after his divorce, he scrimped to send me to private school.

He said I was worth it because I was the smartest girl he knew and I’d make him proud.

He’d had multiple sclerosis as long as I can remember; by the time I sat my exams he couldn’t walk. I was embarrassed when he turned up at school, decrepit in his dowdy suit and wheelchair next to more glamorous parents. Some of them were beautiful.

I won an English Prize and never told him so he wouldn’t come to the ceremony.

He died in my first year at uni. Not from multiple sclerosis. He hanged himself. More accurately, he asphyxiated himself because he couldn’t get the rope around anything high enough. The coroner said he must have endured a ‘prolonged and painful strangulation’.

That verdict never leaves me. Nor does the question: what did he think of me as the rope rasped round his throat?


“Would you like to shower first?” I ask. Miah had drilled me on protocol. “It’s just in there,” I nod to the bathroom. “There’s a gown too.”

“Do you mind if I sit for a bit?” He’s sweating heavily, still in his raincoat.

I open my palm to the sofa, but as he plumps down, his eyes are on the bar of light under the bedroom door a few feet away.

“I suppose you’re wondering why I’m here?” he says.

I don’t answer. I’d hoped I’d get someone who knew.

In a silence as long as the Thames, I join him on the sofa, turning to him and lifting a bent knee onto it so my gown opens, showing a glimpse of stockinged legs and the prize in between.

“It’s my first time using one of you,” he says. He sucks in air before he adds: “I just need company.” And a deep breath out.

I reach to touch him.


I learned an important skill that first night. Take their mind off what they’re doing. Talk about something else. Relax them, but keep touching. Clients have an urge to rationalise why they’re there. That never changes. We’re therapists. And never ask their name. Ask what you should call them.


“What’s your name?”

He hesitates. “Uh. Wilson,” he says eventually. “Wilson Reedy.”

“Seriously?” Sounded like a name you’d make up if you didn’t have the gumption to think of a better one.

“Seriously.” Still staring at that crack under the door.

“Ok, Mr Reedy.” I feel a low panic. He’s booked for 45 minutes and at this rate he won’t have taken his coat off by then. “What would you like to do?”

“I’m ok. Talking.” His upper lip is filmed with perspiration. But his nervousness helps settle me. I realise he won’t have had other escorts to compare me to.

“So you’re a bit down?”

He nods and meets my eyes.

“Come on, let’s get that coat off. And that jacket.”

I reach to pull them off him at the neck. He sits up to let me. There are patches of sweat on his shirt. I throw jacket and coat over the arm of the sofa – and watch them slide slowly from there to the floor in a heap. Amateurish, I think. Keep things simple. Remember what your boyfriends liked.

“You want me to just do this?” I ask as my right hand dances along the fabric of the sharp crease of his trousers. He nods again and his Adam’s apple bobs.

“So,” he says after a little nervous cough. “How long have you done this?

“This?” My eyes fall to my hand, trailing up his inner leg. “Oh at least 30 seconds.”

He laughs at the joke which isn’t a joke.

“Feel better now?” Be less clinical, I tell myself. More confident.

He nods again and gulps. My hand runs to his groin. With the pads of all four fingers I traverse the fly of his trousers and I’m relieved to feel a hardness there. I push in a little.

“I think you need some help,” I say, and I bring myself up on the sofa, legs open, to straddle him. My gown slips a little, baring one shoulder and his eyes lower to stare at my boobs. In the cramped space between us, my fingers run up to the button above his fly and undo it. In the same movement, I catch his zip and pull it down to reveal white, starched cotton shorts, so clean he must have put them on a hour ago.

I run my hand over them, following the contour of his erection and circling the damp, sticky blob that marks the end of his penis. Then I pull the waistline away from him and down. His cock pops up like a lizard from its nest of wiry hair.

This is it. I hesitate. Then grasp him.

“Is this ok?” I ask. His communication is reduced to a series of nods and he gives another. But at least he feels like he’s enjoying it. Our eyes meet and I begin to move my hand up and down. He obeys my instruction to shuffle his trousers down under me. “We don’t want to make them messy, do we?”

His shorts are round his ankles and he’s sighing. This is going ok.

With my left hand I reach to grab the bottle of Johnson’s baby lotion on the side table next to the sofa. Flicking open the lid with my thumbnail and upturning it, I trickle it onto the head of his cock.

It feels suddenly slippery – I glance his way when he gasps at the fresh lubrication – but looking back down I see that rather than glistening, Wilson’s cock is disappearing between us underneath a sea of soapy bubbles. I glance back to the bottle. It isn’t baby lotion. It’s baby shampoo.

“Oh god,” I say to the frothing mess. What an idiot.

But Wilson’s eyes are closed. Above the squelch of the lather he says three welcome words: “That feels good.”

So I don’t stop wanking him through the bubbles. And in a second or two I’m surprised by the first of a series of creamy jets shooting up from his soapy cock.

“Oh my goodness. Oh – God.” He wriggles like a fish as he spurts over my hand.

And that’s it. It’s over. I’m surprised by how sudden it is.

Wilson looks down at his wilting erection. He must be bemused by its surroundings, but he says nothing. I help tidy him with tissues, giving no explanation. I offer a shower again, but Wilson’s in a hurry.

I’ve messed up, I know. But he thanks me and places cash on the dresser on his way out. I count it as soon as the door is closed: £200. Even if I never do this again, that was pretty easy.


I stayed away from lectures after dad died. What was the point? But with my debt rising, I needed to earn. If you’re not proud, escort services can make you money. It’s not common at uni, but not unknown either; some students do it to supplement their loan.

I asked Miah. Word of mouth told me she was a part-time escort in third year. She was happy to talk. Said it depends on how serious you are. She had three regulars in London – where the money is – that fitted around her studies. But she could still earn fifteen hundred a month. Overnights or out-calls are where it’s at, she said. What are out-calls, I asked. It’s when you visit them, she said. Get your name on the escort website, find the right man and milk him.

I didn’t have anywhere to take a client then. Still lived in a shared flat. But Miah was going ‘on tour’ – in London seeing clients – so she said I could use her place for a weekend.


An hour after Wilson Reedy leaves the flat he texts. “If you’re around, could I see you again?”

I gaze at the notes on the dresser and text back: “Free at four tomorrow? Two hours available.” I had all Sunday free, but wanted to sound busier.

Maybe I didn’t mess up as much as I’d thought.

So he’s here, back in Miah’s flat. More confident. He goes straight to the shower and seconds after emerging from the bathroom I lead him to the bedroom.

Once there, I pull off his gown to leave him naked, already half-erect. His body is trim for an old guy, though dominated by soft, grey hair. I don’t waste time. I hold his cock still and kneel to envelope its tip in my mouth. It springs up.

“Woah,” he says. “I’m trigger-happy. Can we just do it?”

So I nod to the saucer of condoms on the bedside table and he wrestles with one – “Never used them,” he says – until I come over to help. His cock is flagging as I roll it on.

I rescue things by turning my back and lifting the hem of my mini-skirt to let him see me pull my tight black boy shorts down. It’s a premeditated show and it isn’t wasted.

“You have a lovely little bum,” he says, and his cock points back up to the ceiling.

With my knickers off and holding my dress up at the waist, I climb on the bed on my knees. It feels ungainly, but he follows behind and his sheathed cock urgently searches for my pussy.

I say to him, over my shoulder, “You’re wasting no time today, Mr Reedy.”

My hand, behind me, helps him in and as he enters me he sighs, “God that's some grip.”

It feels good: he’s the first person to fuck me for two months. He fills me with his width. It isn't great – he doesn't touch or lick me and my clit is a foreign country that he doesn’t plan on visiting, but fucking him feels nicer than I’d feared.

I push back: his big hands smother my bum cheeks. My head falls to the pillow and he thuds against me, building a slow rhythm that doesn’t last long. Within seconds I feel him tensing and he comes in hard little spurts into his condom.

He slumps on the bed after throwing the condom hanging limply from his cock into the wastebasket.

“My god, Amber, that was wonderful.”


Then he looks fixedly at me. “How old are you?”

“Twenty.” Which will be true in a few months.


“How old did you think I was?”

“I didn’t think.”

Lying next to me, he cups my bum in his hand. Brazenly, he leaves his finger in the crack, pressing on my bumhole.

“Wilson. What are you trying to do?”

“I still have another hour. Do you ever…?” and he breaks off.

“I don’t take it up that entrance, if that’s what you’re about to ask.” I pull a pillow from behind me and hit him over the head.

“It was. But that’s ok. I’ll put it on my bucket list.”


Yeah I have a list of don’ts. I don’t do it without protection or him showering first. I won’t be humiliated. I don’t do shit. Or anal. Miah told me those.

I don’t kiss either, though that’s my own rule I made up when I didn’t want to kiss my first clients and it was easier to blame it on principle. But it’s worked ok: It makes me seem exotic. And I do more intimate stuff than kissing.

A client I see a lot of is about 35, married with kids. We don’t fuck, but he likes me to spit on him. Sometimes he wants to watch me sit at my kitchen table and dribble saliva down my chin. If we have longer, he likes to lie naked on the bed while I straddle him in my underwear. I look down to his face and drop white strings of spit into his his mouth. Mouth gaping, he swallows anything that lands on his tongue. If I don’t get it right and saliva swings onto my chest or runs down my tummy into my bellybutton or goes over his face he loves it. So I’m reckless. He masturbates while I do it, legs splayed underneath me. When he wants to cum, I climb off, put my lips close to his and spit noisily on him.

It takes getting used to. But even the first time I didn’t hesitate. No fucking and £250 for a couple of hours. Not bad.


The next week there’s a weird coincidence. On the bus there’s a Financial Times on the seat beside me. I notice it because my eye is caught by a picture of a face I recognise: a straight head-and-shoulders shot next to another man above a short caption, which read: ‘Law firm Stanwick & Babbs appoints Tom Wilkie senior partner to replace retiring Wilson Reedy.’


I studied English Literature in Berkshire for a year. I wanted to be on on TV’s University Challenge so I could tell Jeremy Paxman I was reading Reading at Reading University.

More than that, I wanted to be a writer. I sent an article about feminism to a website and they said they loved it. I asked them about pay; they said it’s not about money, it’s exposure. Well, I thought, I know everything about exposure. I charge £250 a night for it.


It’s a month until Wilson calls again. I thought he’d given up, but he’s busy at work, he says. It’s not as if I need his business. I’m savvy now. I’ve seen a dozen men and earned enough to let me move into my own flat on a short-term lease.

Wilson takes me for a meal; a place between Reading and London. I wear a black cocktail dress – my only classy one – and a silver necklace my dad bought. Sitting down, he nervously scans the middle-aged couples around us.

“People will wonder about us,” he says.

“When I’m your age,” I say, “I hope I don’t give shit what people think.”

“I’m sorry. I mean you look fabulous. It’s just – they’ll think, what’s she doing with an old guy like him?”

“It’s not as if I’m going to give you a blowjob here, is it?” Sounds thoughtless after I say it.

During the meal he prods his steak with a fork. “Do you have lots of clients?”

“Do you discuss yours, Wilson Reedy?”

“How do you know I have clients?”

“I saw your picture in the paper. I know you’re a lawyer. Your name really is Wilson Reedy. And you’re retiring.”

“Well – I don’t lie. I have no secrets.”

“We need to keep some,” I say.

Later, on the way back to my flat, I look at him driving. “Do you wish I wasn’t an escort?”

“Sometimes.” He scratches his chin with his left hand. “But then I tell myself if you weren’t, I’d never have met you.”

Back in my flat, I let him strip me. He fumbles with my suspenders, through excitement, not nerves. We fuck: this time he lasts longer. I suck him, he licks me, dirtily, on all fours, lapping like an animal, from my pussy up to my bum in wide, reckless passes. We fuck naked: on all fours, then squatting on him, then missionary, his thick cock pumping into me as he stares at my nipples and holds my hands to my pillow.

I move my legs wide, and as he spurts into his condom I think he can’t complain about value for money.

Afterwards, before he drives home, he opens up. He’s divorced. I’m the only woman he’s had sex with since. His daughter, older than me and living abroad, doesn’t speak to him. She blames him for the breakup because he was never at home.

“I have a grandson I’ve never seen,” he says.

The next day I open my front door to a bunch of flowers on the step.


Why do wealthy men come to escorts? They have other options – the footballer’s wife type – but this way nobody’s pretending. It’s a business transaction they can relate to.

Most of my clients are unhappily married. Some need sex, others a shoulder to cry on. Others have a kink to fulfil. If they pay, I’ll oblige.

One guy masturbates while I paint my toenails. Another sits in the corner chair while I strip in front of him, talking dirty, telling him I want him to fuck my cunt. He usually ejaculates before I’m fully naked.

Another I see on out-call when his wife is away likes me to piss on him. He climbs into a big, empty bath in boxers. I clamber on top of him, bare-legged in a mini-skirt. I lift it, pull my knickers to the side and let go. I move myself up and down his body, covering his skin and his boxers, and if my knickers fall back into place I just pee through them. I finish him off by pulling down his boxers, and as he grasps his freed erection, I spray on his hand, his cock and his cum.

It was hard to perform at first but not now. The most difficult thing is to remember to drink lots before he arrives.


Wilson is a regular. A favourite. Not just because he was the first, but because he’s considerate. We’ve seen each other dozens of times in the last six months. But this is my first out-call to his house in Epsom. A whole weekend. I said it would be a thousand pounds and he didn’t blink.

I like his house. Five bedrooms; we slept in the master. There’s a grand piano downstairs and he played it last night when I arrived. This morning I’ve pulled on one of his crisp long-tail shirts, unbuttoned, and tip-toed down to the kitchen to make myself tea. I sip it at the sink.

I look out to an expansive lawn, coated in a low, early-morning mist. This is what success looks like, I think. My eye is caught the by the flaking, rusting corner of the frame of a child’s swing at the end of the garden. Its seat dangles from a single cord. It reminds me of a line of a poem I studied at uni, about the sadness of home staying as it was left, shaped to the comfort of the last to go.

I cross my legs and sip.

Wilson has crept up behind me. He rests his chin on my head and loops his arms around me.

I’m still looking at the frame. “You need some life in this house, Wilson Reedy.”

“You’re pretty lively,” he says slipping his hands inwards either side of my shirt. His hands easily cover my boobs. My nipples stiffen against his palms.

“Seriously, Wilson. Do you ever think how fleeting life is?”

He doesn’t answer.

And there at the kitchen sink, overlooking the lawn, Wilson puts on a condom and takes me from behind. I kind of want it too. He lifts up my shirt tail exposing my bum and when I lift my knee to the worktop to give him access, I feel a connection to him.

His cock is in me before I ask him if he fucked his wife at this sink.

“Maybe once,” he says, panting.

I push back against him, lift my leg further up and bend over, my head near the taps.

“Am I better than her, Wilson?”

He gasps and it feels like a minute before he responds. But he never stops thrusting. “She was my wife, Amber. It isn’t the same.”

And then I do something instinctive, but unprofessional. My right hand reaches behind me and, wordlessly, I pull him out of me. But I don’t let go. I squeeze his shaft upwards, slipping off his condom.

Then I lower myself back onto his bare cock.

“It’s the same now,” I whisper.

He lurches hard at me, faster now, his hips smacking against me. I can feel him much better. I’m close to orgasm myself.

He grunts and pulls my nipples hard.

“Oh god Amber. Don’t do this.”

And just then, he pulls out and his spunk batters my back under the shirt.

Wilson Reedy and I have passed a barrier.


Does it ever cross your mind to sell your story? Financially it wouldn’t be worthwhile, though there was one guy I could have made money from. We only met at my place because he was a Member of Parliament – I found that out later when he was done for expenses fraud.

He liked to help me lather up in the bathroom and watch me shave with my legs apart. Then I’d dress for him like a schoolgirl in a short white blouse that hardly covered my bum, a striped tie and white knee-socks. We would fuck, half-dressed, on all fours on the bed. He liked to pull his condom off and cum on my bum. He gave me a tip when I let him do that.

The truth is, I like being someone these guys bare themselves to – emotionally as much as physically. I feel powerful. When they tell you of their unhappiness, yet you know one flick of your tongue across their foreskin might make them orgasm, you shoulder a responsibility. You warm to some of them too. And, yes, sometimes I get turned on.

No matter what you might hear, sex never means nothing.


Wilson and I take a long walk that afternoon. We come back to dinner at his home that he cooks. After he plays part of a Mozart concerto on his piano. He’s fantastic.

When he’s finished I give him a solitary standing ovation. He closes the piano lid, looking strained.

“What’s up?” I ask.

“Bit of a headache.”

“ Wilson, one day I’m going to take those headaches of yours personally.”

He ignores me. “I’ve been thinking, Amber. You should go back to university. You could have a great future.”

“I’m ok.”

“Are you? What are you going to do when you’re not pretty and don’t have that body?”

“What would you do without me?”

“It’s not about me. I’m thinking of you.”

We argue, but he’s still holding his head so I go into his kitchen for paracetamol and when I return he asks me again to give this up.

And to keep him quiet, I say I will. Soon.


Truth is important. But acting is part of my job and I tell little lies all the time to avoid hurt. I fake orgasms. I tell my mum I work in human resources (is that much of a stretch of the truth?) If I tell someone I’ll return to study when I don’t intend to, where’s the harm? And if I never tell anyone about dad, can you blame me?


A week later I come home to see three people in hi-viz towering over a prostrate body outside my flat. An ambulance straddles the kerb. A kneeling paramedic dangles a respirator over a grey face. I recognise it through the clear plastic. It’s Wilson. I squeeze through the huddle around him.

“Is he ok?” I shout at the ambulance guy.

“You related?”

“Sort of.” In the circumstances it’s easier than saying he’s a guy I fuck for money.

“He collapsed. He’ll be ok. You’d better come in the ambulance.”

And later, much later, there’s a neurologist and a comfy, private room and cups of tea and it’s hot and I feel close to passing out. I want to say, to their rictus smiles, that I’m not his wife or daughter. I’m not part of this. I’m a nobody who lets people down. But I look around and realise there’s no-one else for Wilson Reedy. So I stay.

And when I leave the room alone later, I remember the single word they’ve bandied about: inoperable.


And so here I am, weeks after his return from hospital, stroking his erection in bed, both of us naked and laughing at my acquired expertise in masturbation.

“I might not be here in six months, so make the most of that,” he says. Wilson loves gallows humour, though he’s told me his slow-growing tumour could take a year or more to kill him.

“You should have told me earlier. It was a shock. Don’t joke about it.”

“I didn’t want to burden you.”

“You said no secrets.”

“I know. I’d just had tests and didn’t feel up to telling you. Yet it’s you who kept me going. I’m sorry Amber.”

I stop stroking.

“My real name’s not Amber. It’s Lisa.”

We’re both silent again. It’s like he’s running my new name around in his head. I speak first. “Wilson, remember your bucket list?”

“What about it?”

I pull myself up to him, spit on my fingers and rub them over the head of his heavy, tilting cock. “Well isn’t it time?”

“What for?”

“For ticking something off it.”

He reddens.

My fingers massage the head of his cock. “I want you to fuck my bum. To stick your cock up it, Wilson Reedy. No protection.”

“Is that extra?” I know he’s joking to cover his embarrassment.

But I lean over, hand on his cock, and kiss him softly before pulling away. “Does that answer your question?”

“That’s the first time you’ve kissed me.”

“Don’t worry. It doesn’t mean I love you. I just feel warm inside doing it.”

We’re facing each other sideways. I bend my right knee and pull him closer, so his erection stumbles between my legs, behind my pussy. I hold it between two fingers and press it to me.

“Push, baby,” I whisper, and the big head of his bare cock pops into my arsehole.

It’s sudden and feels instantly good, turning to a sharp pain. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise: it hurts. I close my eyes. “It’s my first time, Wilson.”

“Mine too,” he says. He pushes. “Jesus that’s tight.”

He rolls us both over gently so he’s lying on top of me, missionary style, resting on his elbows.

My eyes open briefly to see him watch in wonder as his bare, thick cock slowly disappear up my bum. My hands grip the sheets. I can’t speak, my breath coming in short gasps.

“This-is-amazing,” he says, panting. “You look incredible.” He leans down and kisses the cold sweat on my forehead. “Thank you,” he says.

My mouth blindly pushes up to his and this time when our lips meet my tongue peeks inside his mouth to touch his.

Under him, I pull my cheeks apart and try to relax to let him further in. And then he stops, and I feel him pulse, somewhere deep inside, where no-one has been before.


Afterwards, as a rivulet of his sperm dribbles out of me, down one cheek onto the sheets, I reach to hold his hand.

“I’m going back to uni, Wilson. If you let me stay here with you.”

“But what about…”

“I don’t need to be an escort. But you need someone to look after you, Wilson Reedy.”

“I’m not on my deathbed yet.”

“What if you fall again?”

He’s quiet for a moment and we both look out through the bedroom window. The tops of the trees in the garden, coming into leaf, sway in the breeze.

“Could you look after an old guy like me?” he asks.

I know this should be the moment to tell him about my past, but I don’t.

I just say: “There’s always a first time.”


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Ms Marca Mr Wilson Cant Say No

    Ms Marca     Mr. Wilson Can’t Say No.       I'm Marca and I like sex. I like sex anywhere, anytime with anyone. In short, I'm pretty much the town tramp. Despite this, I'm a really nice girl, with a killer figure but really pretty eyes in a cute, ever-smiling face. So why is it when you're feeling a bit horny you can't find a man? It was after school one day and I just got home knowing my folks would be...

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Learning about jacking off Part Four Mrs Wilson

For the rest of that week I fucked Mrs Wilson every day. On Friday she told me her daughter Ellen was coming home from her grandparents house that afternoon and I would not be able to visit her for a while. She told me then about her friends Mrs. Martin and Mrs. Brady. It seems these two women knew all about Mrs. Wilson and me. I was kind of embarrassed that she had told them, but happy to know that both women wanted me to visit them. It seems there was a flipping of a coin and Mrs. Martin...

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Wilson Classes

A brief history of "The Convergence" What we now call "The Convergence" began in 2015, with Pilgrim Pharmaceuticals announcement of a vaccine to prevent against most forms of cancer. They had been quietly testing it on 1,000 people for over 2 years and had been running a 10,000 person clinical trial for another year. Not one of these people, which included a significant number of "high risk" patients was diagnosed with any form of cancer. The US FDA, and counterparts across the globe,...

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Learning about jacking off Part Two Mrs Wilson

After three days I decided that Mrs. Wilson hadn't seen me at all. I relaxed, and was less worried about jacking off as I watched her.One Wednesday I was watching a baseball game on TV when the doorbell rang. I wasn't thinking about much when I went to open the door.There stood Mrs. Wilson! She was wearing a big straw hat, sunglasses, a terry cloth robe like thing that was lime green and some flip flops. I could see the outline of her bikini under the lime gree fabric. I stood there with my...

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The Towns SlaveChapter 5 Mrs Wilson

When we got home MASTER took me to the dungeon and shackled me to the wall. "Now mom you've been such a good slut today I'm going to give you one of those easy whippings you love so much and then I'm going to fuck your cunt. Then your ass hole and then you are going to suck my cock before you go to bed." And he did exactly that. The whipping was nothing like he'd done before and I actually loved it. When he quite I wanted more but he refused. Then he drove himself into me from the...

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Learning about jacking off Part Eight Mrs Wilson

I was in my room the next day. I looked down at Mrs. Wilson's yard and watched her walking to her chaise lounge. She looked up to my window. I waved. She turned her head to the house, turned back to look at me, and gave me a small wave and a come here signal.I walked down and out the back door. When I got to the fence Mrs. Wilson asked about yesterday. I didn't tell her about Gloria. "It was great. She was very happy when I left. Here's your twenty dollars. Mrs. Wilson extended her...

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Wilson House visit

“Happy Birthday, to you, Happy Birthday, to you …” the group sings. Virginia then blows out her candles, and a cheer erupts. Hugs and kisses are exchanged with the birthday girl. There is a mix of family and friends, numbering about 15 people. This is the big one: Virginia is now 18 years old. This means that she is now a legal adult. With this milestone, she now can purchase alcohol and tobacco products. More importantly, she can enter adult entertainment venues. Virginia is my girlfriend’s...

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Mrs Wilson My First Ever Whoit Milf

This is my first blogstory on here so I thought I'd share why I love white milf sluts so much. I was 16 when I had my first bbc loving white milf. This was when I was school pupil at St John's College in Harare Zimbabwe. I'm not from zimbabwe but my father was sent there on a diplomatic posting. Mrs Wilson was the girls swimming team's coach. She had medium length blond hair that made me think she was a scandinavian goddess the first time I saw her but she was scot living in zimbabwe at...

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Learning about jacking off Part Six Mrs Wilson

The morning after my visit to Mrs. Brady I got a call from Mrs. Wilson. She said that Mrs. Martin had just called and asked why I hadn't been on the corner of Sunflower and Johnson when she came by at 8:00 this morning. She asked "Did you make an appointment with her without telling me about it? You MUST always tell me when a client wants to meet with you without her contacting me first"I said that she had said she wanted me back in two days. I told her I was sorry that I forgot. Then I...

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Strange RelationshipsChapter 40 Draper and Tenisha Experience Wilson Hospitality

The end credits for the second film of the double feature rolled up the big screen at the drive-in, and Nate reflected that the outing hadn't lived up to expectation, despite the improvement in seating. Everyone was in disarray, and both girls had received finger-driven orgasms -- Tenisha had had two, and she was LOUD about it! Nora had drained his balls, and it had been pretty good; from the sucking sounds in the back seat, Draper was getting worked over pretty good, too -- but Nate wanted...

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Learning about jacking off Part Seven Mrs Wilson

Lunch at Mrs. Martin's house was kind of strange. Mrs. Martin, Gloria and I were all drinking some red wine. Mrs. Martin was the only one not naked. They were talking about their first time. Mrs. Martin had been a virgin the night she married Mr. Martin. She said she had been an old fashioned girl, but that she had gotten over that. Both of them laughed loudly. Gloria's first time was with an older man when she was barely out of high school. I told them about my first time just over a week...

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The Skate ParkMr Wilson

The Skate Park—Mr. Wilson10:00 AM. 98 fuckin degrees. Gonna be a hot one. My pits were already soaked. Sweat dripping down my ribcage. Even my head was sweating. I took off my cap and walked over to the jeep, fishing out a tube of jell. Over to the bath house to spike up the mohawk. Mom didn't like the mohawk, or the ink. She didn't say much though, being as how I paid all the bills. Been that way since I was 17—the divorce was ugly, and dad seemed to no longer give a fuck about any of us.It...

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Charlie and Megan Wilson

"Who's that," I said, as we walked down the hall. "Her? You can't afford her," said Marissa. "Besides you've got a date with a switch. So, let's try to focus shall we?" she said. "Yes, yes of course ma'am," I said. For the price of $100 an hour, once a month for the past year, I had had the extreme pleasure of having my hide tanned real good by Marissa. Indeed, during that time, Marissa had been my exclusive date at The Chateau where she worked as a dominatrix. Nevertheless,...

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What Mom Doesnt Know Will Fuck Her

Introduction: Son masquerades in Dads costume to fuck unsuspecting Mother. What Mommy Doesnt Know Will Fuck Her NOTE 1: A special thanks goes to Estragon for his copy editing work! What Mommy Doesnt Know Will Fuck Her Until I read stories on Literotica, I had no idea how many sons had fantasies…or sometimes realities…of having sex with their Mother. I mean, it is not really a conversation one has with their buddies. Imagine this: Dude, you know who I would really like to fuck? Anyone who...

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Dad Doesnt Stand A Chance Part 2

Dad Doesnt Stand A Chance: Part 2 If you havent read Part I, you should in order to understand how the events in Part 2 happened. This is a true story. Names have been changed. __________________________________________________________________________________ At the end of Part I, I said that I had decided on a master plan that would end in Ben finally fulfilling my lusty desires, but unfortunately, it had to be put off because I got the flu that the same weekend we went to the ball game....

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Bud Wilson Lands Alist Linda Ch 01

ONE Queen of River City’s spring carnival in 1998, Linda Stevens was one of the cutest babes to have been born at the River City Maternity Hospital. Linda’s father was handsome and cool, the city’s youngest-ever chief of orthopaedic surgery at the Walter Regan Memorial Hospital. Linda’s mother, Mandy-Jane, owned and operated a network of seven hairdressing salons throughout the county. It had been assumed by everyone, including Joel and Mandy-Jane, that they would conceive a daughter with...

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Age Really Doesnt Make a Difference

Introduction: Short But to the point! Enjoy, comment, and rate! Thanks! Youre cooking for me? asks Hayley. Shes smiling at me sarcastically, as though a man cant cook. Thats a womans job, she says. I take out the fish and begin to skin it, not noticing her when she comes up behind me. Shes as silent as a hunter. As soon as Im done, I turn and find her taking the skin off one of the potatoes on the sink. Wash your hands first. You clearly know not a thing about hygiene, huh? I elbow her,...

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Dad Doesnt Stand A Chance Part 1

Dad Doesnt Stand A Chance: Part I Im so happy I found this site. I was searching for individuals who are having the same experiences as me, and while I cant talk to anyone about them just to be safe, at least I can share my experience through writing and get some anonymous feedback :). Ill start where it all began, about 3 months ago. This is a true story. Names have been changed. __________________________________________________________________________________ My name is Travis and I live...

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The Wilsons

The Wilsons lived next door to me. I think they must have been around seventy years old. Mr. Wilson would always come over to my house and watch football or help me in the garage. i think he was kind of lonely and wanted another guy to hang out with, even though I was in my mid twentys we got along pretty well. I hardly ever saw Mrs. Wilson, she stayed busy with other things. After Mr. Wilson got to me pretty well, he started to say things about how he would like to watch his with another...

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Ms Marca Mr Wilson Cant Say No

    Ms Marca     Mr. Wilson Can’t Say No.       I’m Marca and I like sex. I like sex anywhere, anytime with anyone. In short, I’m pretty much the town tramp. Despite this, I’m a really nice girl, with a killer figure but really pretty eyes in a cute, ever-smiling face. So why is it when you’re feeling a bit horny you can’t find a man? It was after school one day and I just got home knowing my folks would be home late and so it was I was sitting on the couch watching TV when I get a...

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The Diaries of Chloe Wilson

After going through some tough times, seventeen year old, Chloe Wilson, was encouraged by her therapist to record her diaries on tape. It was a way to try and get her to open up and talk out loud about her feelings, but Chloe rebelled and the tapes ended up being less about her emotional past and more just a diary about her explorations into adolescent life and the discovery of all things sexual. Listen to her recordings and follow her journey, hearing the events that happened in her own words.

First Time
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The Making Of A Gigolo 7 Rhonda WilsonChapter 6

Like the other women, when Bobby made himself available, Rhonda began to feel like she couldn’t go on living without him in her life. He saw her every day for a week, and then every other day for two weeks. Her whole demeanor changed. Part of that was because, occasionally, Bobby wanted her to strip for him, and just let him look at her. He walked around her, tracing a fingertip along her hip, or across her back or buttocks. Sometimes he stood behind her, his hot prick pressed into her back,...

2 years ago
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Reluctant Porn StarChapter 8 Carly Wilson

A week had elapsed since I had effectively raped Ling in her office before I had participated in my latest fuck movie with a young pregnant Indian woman. She had annoyed me greatly and I had taken out my anger on her. I was expecting retribution. I was contacted by her assistant to organise my next movie appearance. That was in itself strange because Ling usually did the organising herself. I was told that the movie plot involved a young woman who had come for a massage. I was to provide the...

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My husband doesnt know

Introduction: My sexual experiences Hi everyone, well this is my first story I am writing about my sexuall experiences and I hope you enjoy,. My name is Kristy, I am 29yo , live on the North Coast of NSW, Very Petite only about 5ft 2, I have extremely large breasts for my size, a nice petite Pussy and Ass to match, this story is about a sexuall encounter I had with a guy whom I became friends with while I was working for a large Retail company. He was our delivery driver and a lot older, in...

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What mom doesnt know Pt 2

Introduction: Things get a little hotter. That night I had the best orgasm I had ever had. I used the mini dildo Id secretly purchased off the internet while spreading myself before his picture as usual. I kept thinking of his hands on my tits and how amazing it had felt, and wondered how far it would have gone if mom hadnt come home. Still, the idea of doing that with her only feet away excited me somehow. Thats when my mind started wandering. How often was I actually alone with him anyway?...

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Helen Doesnt blowshe sucks

Introduction: My friends mother showed me how much some women love cock! Look honey, doesnt he have bedroom eyes? Helen and her husband were discussing the color of my eyes! I couldnt believe she described them as bedroom eyes, that seemed a little odd, especially to a 15 year old horny guy who had only been jacked off once by the whore at Whittier High School, in California. I had to forgive Helen though. It was her weekend off and she had powered down more than a few beers and she was...

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My husband doesnt know

Introduction: My sexual experiences Hi everyone, well this is my first story I am writing about my sexuall experiences and I hope you enjoy,. My name is Kristy, I am 29yo , live on the North Coast of NSW, Very Petite only about 5ft 2, I have extremely large breasts for my size, a nice petite Pussy and Ass to match, this story is about a sexuall encounter I had with a guy whom I became friends with while I was working for a large Retail company. He was our delivery driver and a lot older, in...

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Divya And My Love Life 8211 Part II

Dear friends, I received a few mails and comments to my previous story titled “Divya And My Love Life – Part I”. I am Hitesh and this story is the sequel to the first, about how our relationship was given consent by our family. You may read the previous here: Divya and I came up with an idea, which could make things simpler. She didn’t take pills after our 1st love-making. Instead, she and I looked out options of more sessions. We...

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Matts Crazy Corner of the WorldChapter 14 Enter the Wilsons

Thursday June 13 Matt met Juan this morning and was immediately ashamed of himself. Because of his Hispanic first name, he’d expected a darker-skinned Hispanic looking guy instead of a well-tanned blonde guy. He gave Juan the releases he printed the previous evening and told him that nobody swam beginning Friday morning unless they had a signed, notarized release. If the release was for a minor, aside from the notary’s signature, it had to be signed by a parent and the minor if they were old...

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Divya And My Love Life 8211 Part I

Families are seldom joint these days. However, mine is a joint family, with my parents, my elder uncle, his wife, daughter and son, my younger uncle, his wife, daughter and two sons. I’m the eldest (24) of the cousins, followed by Divya (21), my elder uncle’s daughter, and his son Rajat (19), then Kusum (19), my younger uncle’s daughter, and his twin sons (16) Rik and Nik. As Rajat and Kusum are of same age, they would spend their times together, went to the same school and now read in the same...

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He doesnt deserve you

I held my dress in front of me as I looked in the mirror. It was Friday evening and I had a date with my ten month boyfriend Derek. I wasn’t sure if I should wear this, I hated to flatter myself with dresses. It’s not that I was afraid, it’s just I didn’t see a need to when I wasn’t looking for someone. I hated when guys flirted with me, If only Derek felt the same way. He liked to show me off like a trophy. I’d talked to him about it before but he only said that I was meant to be exploited....

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Divya 8211 Ek Teacher Ki Sex Story 8211 Part 7

In last part (6) you read that while returning back from back on rear seat of car headmaster made Divya to hold his cock and he fondled bare cunt. He also proposed for fuck and offered lot of money. But Divya got down at her favourite tea stall. Headmaster sadly went back to school. When Divya reached at tea stall it was around 1.15 of noon. She saw only Kaki there. She enquired and Kaki said that Usha is getting fucked inside by a police inspector and kaka has gone to bring some materials. She...

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Divya 8211 Ek Teacher Ki Sex Story 8211 Part 6

Last part, Part 5 of this story was published on ISS on 23-11-2013. You have read that Divya arranged a girl from own school through school peon Nandu for her husband. But before her husband could fuck virgin girl three lady Divya, Usha ( wife of Divya’s colleague at school Vinay ) and Sonia ( maid of Divya) had hard core lesbian with virgin girl. Then in front of all other first Vinod ( husband of Divya) and then Vinay fucked that school girl. In evening when peon Nandu came to pick up girl...

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Divya 8211 Ek Teacher Ki Sex Story 8211 Part 9

Monday evening a young handsome school boy Shekhar dropped Divya home. He boldly expressed his desire for her but Divya apparently did not give him any encouragement. But when her maid Sonia said that they should take this handsome boy in their cunt Divya assured maid that very soon cock of this handsome boy will be inside their cunt, “ randi, chinta mut kar bahut jaldi, iss khubsurat lawnde kaa lawda hamari choot mey hoga. “ In company of Divya that young widow Sonia also became a slut. From...

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Divya 8211 Ek Teacher Ki Sex Story 8211 Part 10 Final Part

In last part, part ix you read that by her sexual exhibition she mesmerised hm and three trustees. They not only accepted her conditions but paid much more than agreed amount on the last day of school getting closed for 21 days vacation. She had regular fuck with cm with hope of getting pregnant. She befooled driver & conductor and made them show their cock in hotel. After they left she pressed bell and bahadur, nepali waiter came… “uff madam, bahut badhia aur kadak chuchi hai, uff kitna...

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Divya 8211 Ek Teacher Ki Sex Story 8211 Part 8

You read that bank sanctioned vehicle loan to Headmaster as per requirement of Divya. Sanction letter was handed over on Monday and same day HM got delivery of car. Divya attended school and thereafter she booked in a hotel outside city and invited CM of bank as per their deal. By 6 of evening Divya was nude on body of CM. He hugged her tightly. Kissed deeply and whispered , “My darling, let me love you. “ He said and positioned her flat on king size bed of the hotel room. “ no hurry, I am...

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Paula Wilson Wedding Guest

Weddings are strange events as they bring together groups of people who have little or nothing in common with each other to celebrate the joining together of a couple that even some of the guests may barely know. I have been to the weddings of cousins who I last met before puberty, where it has been so long since we last met that we didn't recognise each other. Similarly there are the work colleagues; these can be just as bad. A collection of people who only have work as a link, that's a...

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The Making Of A Gigolo 7 Rhonda WilsonChapter 2

There was more discussion, as they waited for their lunch, and Janet tried to convince her friend that a man, such as Jill had described, could be found. There had to be more than one in the world, after all. Rhonda resisted, though, convinced that she wasn’t pretty enough to engage that kind of attention from a man. “Besides,” she said at one point. “What’s the big deal, anyway? The few times Herb did have sex with me, it wasn’t all that interesting. I’ve gone without all these years. I’m...

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The Making Of A Gigolo 7 Rhonda WilsonChapter 3

Bobby finished a plumbing job for the Ackermans, and then stopped at Jill’s house. Today was her day, on the shedule, so he went when she’d be there. He was both surprised and pleased to see a sign in the window. It said: “BROWN PHOTOGRAPHY” in big block letters. Under that there was a phone number and instructions to call for an appointment. He and Christy had spent many hours getting the darkroom going, and then building a studio in what had been the parlor of the old house she lived in...

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The Making Of A Gigolo 7 Rhonda WilsonChapter 4

Rhonda didn’t know what to do. She was mortified, and embarrassed. She thought about just leaving, but it was her house, and she didn’t have anywhere else to go. She looked around. He was gone, but he was coming back. He’d said he would be right back. She had no idea what he’d do then, but she was quite sure it would embarrass her. Why had he told her not to worry and then bragged about what a great time she’d have when he got back? She didn’t understand men, or how to act around them. She...

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The Making Of A Gigolo 7 Rhonda WilsonChapter 5

Janet waited nervously, again outside the Wagon Wheel, and again clutching her coat around her as her breath floated white from her mouth. This time, though, her nervousness was a result of her consuming curiosity. Rhonda had sounded ... different. Something had definitely happened and Janet couldn’t wait to find out what it was. Again, she saw Rhonda park on the street, and again, she yelled “Hurry up! It’s freezing!” as Rhonda walked toward her. She didn’t look any different. “Aren’t you...

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Consequences I No More I Love Yous

Consequences I: No More I Love You's By Myria Looking back it seems like it was all simple fate. If I hadn't had so much paperwork to do that I stayed well past my shift, if I hadn't decided to take the bridge across instead of my usual route home, if the moon hadn't been shining so brightly, if... If so many things hadn't conspired to come together I never would have even seen her. There's something about winter nights that can be almost exhilarating. The way the cold air...

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Divya Ki Randi Banne Ki Khwaish

Hi sexstory doston mai raj. Jaise app muje jaante hi hai aur agar aapne meri pehli wali sexstory padhi hongi tho aapko pata hi hoga ki divya kon hai. So uss din pub ke terrace pe sex karne ke baad mai aur divya jab bhi milte kuch adventerous zaroor karte. Tho doston hum sab mumbai mai rehte hai. Koi mumbai se muje milna chahe ya baate karni ho tho pe mail kare ya pe mail ya hangouts wala message kare. So doston story pe aate hue. Mai ek saturday ki dopahar apne ek reader ke saathvideo call pe...

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Divya Ki Gaand Chudai Aur Gangbang

Hi friends mai raj, sorry bade dino baad indian sex kahani likh raha hu. Ye kahani sacchi hai ekdum 100%. Tho doston ye kahani hai mere dost ki behen divya ki. Divya ki umar 23 saal hai aur rang brown hai. Uske baal uske boobs tak hai aur uski aankhon ka. Wo mast slim hai aur jaise kai ladkiyon ki jaanghe yani thigh’s ka insie wala part chipakta hai waise uske nahi chipakti aur iske wajah se jab vo shorts ya tight jeans pehnti hai tab uski gand kya mast dikhti hai aur usko doggy style chodne ka...

2 years ago
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Divya K Saath Jungle Me Mangal 8211 Part I

Yeh kahani he Samir ki. Samir ek girls college me professor tha. Jo sex ka bada shoukin tha. Age 28 saal dikhne me handsome tha. Athletic body thi. Kayi college kumariyo ko chod chuka tha. Woh shadi shuda b tha. But uski biwi zyada khubsurat nhi thi. Divya usi college ki ek khubsurat kali thi.B.Com 3rd year me pdhti thi. Divya ki age 20 saal thi, jo 5’5″ height ki thi, safed gora rang tha, badi badi kaali aankhe thi, gulaab se komal honth the, aur lamba sa par nazuk naak. Ghane nitamb tk lambe...

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Sarah doesnt reach her destination

This is the story of my vacation last year to West Virginia. Well, I should say that it was the beginning of my vacation because I didn’t get very far. I was supposed to go up to a cabin my family owned to clean it up a bit and while I was at it I was going to spend a few days relaxing. I was in the mountain region when I left the interstate to fill up on gas. Me being my usual self had allowed my car to get down to nearly empty before pulling over, so when I saw a single sign for a gas...

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Helen Doesnt blowshe sucks

I had to forgive Helen though. It was her “weekend” off and she had powered down more than a few beers and she was definitely high. “I’d like to hug you to death”, she added looking at me fondly. Her husband, Rodger just laughed. “You gotta watch out for her when she’s horny”, he blurted. He too had had his fill of beer when he made that totally RUDE remark about her. I knew that in a couple of hours, by 3pm they’d both be passed out and Steve and I could raid the refrigerator and drink...

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Dad Doesnt Stand A Chance Part 5

Introduction: Please read Parts 1, 2, 3 & 4 for a better understanding of this chapter. Please read Parts 1, 2, 3 & 4 for a better understanding of this chapter. Names have been changed. __________________________________________________________________________________ I woke up the next morning to incessant knocking on my bedroom door. It was barely 8 in the morning and as you can remember, my night wasnt filled with too much sleep. Finally irritated enough, I wrapped my covers around me and...

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