Where did my damn key go Part 2
- 2 years ago
- 29
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Four days; I've dealt with four grueling days of not being able to touch myself. Jesus, how can anyone even do this without even going insane?!
Ever since I crossed paths with that dominating bimbo, my entire routine had changed. And to be honest, I was surprised at how much sex was in my life. From the moment I woke up to the second I crashed and fell asleep, my mind was very frequently in the gutter, wondering when I was going to get some ass or where can I go to beat one off real quick. These past four days were really showing me how much of a slut I really was.
The fucking chastity device wasn’t helping at all. I couldn’t do anything to relieve myself or even satisfy my hunger for sex. All I could do was wait for that bitch to finally give me my key. And then, I can finally take this thing off once and for all. But right now, I had to occupy myself. And I made sure I was occupied all the time.
Cleaning the room, taking walks, making sure all my errands were done, I did anything that came up in my mind so I wasn’t thinking about dick. Hell, I even got to work on a lot of projects that I slacked off on. It’s been a while since I went searching for a mattress. My last one sadly has a few broke springs. But that tale behind it brought upon the wrong kind of good memories.
And to top it all off, the only thing I had on her was her number to a phone that doesn’t even call back. It’s not like I can rush back to her house and get a hold of her there, especially after she told me she was going to break the key if she even saw me near her house. But it also sparked more questions about her. Whoever she was, she must have known that I bought a cock cage as well as where to find me. I kept to myself a lot. So, meeting me by public means is out of the question.
Maybe she’s a stalker? No, that couldn’t be. She would have known a lot more than just my purchase. Thoughts of the blond haired woman breaking into my apartment started to rise up. And I dashed the ideas before my cock got too happy. So, creepy stalker was well out of the question and being a snoop was also. There was the chance she was the one to sell me the device.
... Wait a second... selling... the purchase...
Instantly, I rushed to my computer and powered it on. The idea was burning in my head, driving me to move faster. The moment the desktop appeared on screen, my fingers went wild, typing madly, taking me to the website where this all started in the first place.
In all honesty, this site is amazing. Before I even decided to make a purchase on here, I would always skim the catalog, looking at the hundreds and hundreds of toys to choose from. Buttplugs, vibrators, edible underwear, the site had it all. Hell, even going back to this place was making me drool inside. But sadly, everything was so high priced. And that was the downside to it. Even my purchase took a good bit of saving before I decided to the decision. But on the flipside, it was all high quality, well made. Still, if only I had a bit more extra for a new fleshlight.
All right, Jared. That’s enough gawking at toys. I scrolled down the website to the customer service page, quickly found the number for one of the representatives and dialed it on to my phone. There was an email address for it also. But I had no patience to wait for a message. The phone rang once before an automated voice sounded off.
“Welcome to the Subdepot customer line. Your call is very important to us. Please hold on the line and a representative will be there shortly to assist you.” It was odd hearing a seductive female speaking those words. But it was more odd hearing that I had to wait. Who else was in the same boat as me? Then again, did I really want to know? Bondage gear is already intimidating as it is. I waited for a good while before a new voice rang from my phone.
“Subdepot customer service. How can I help you?”
She caught me off guard for a second. But I managed to speak up.
“Uh, yeah. I just have a problem,” I inquired
“Sure. What can I help you with?”
“Well uh... you see.” A frog was clogging my throat. Damn it, my shyness was getting to me. Come on, time to man up. Your dick is on the line. “It’s a little embarrassing to say.” I finally said. “But I think I lost the key to my chastity device and I’m sort of locked up at the moment.” I gave an uneasy chuckle only adding more to my awkwardness.
The woman on the other side continued. “Not to worry. All our starter locks for our chastity devices are made entirely out of plastic to ensure that these situations don’t happen.”
My brow quirked, confused. As she kept on explaining I started to feel the lock’s material, rubbing a thumb against it. “Its metal,” I commented, stopping the lady from her instructions on how to cut the lock.
“I’m sorry?” the female asked.
“My lock is made out of metal,” I reinstated. “What do I do then?” there was a long pause before she spoke again, causing me to bite my lip. This wasn’t a good sign.
“It shouldn’t be. The locks that are shipped with our chastity devices are plastic,” She said.
“Well, this one definitely feels like some sort of steel.”
“May I ask what the lock looks like?”
I glanced down again, undoing my pants to check my claim. After a few seconds, I relayed the message. It was a pink metal lock with the shape of a heart embedded on the surface. And to be perfectly honest, I didn’t know how embarrassing this was to have this on my cage until I blurted it out to the lady on the other line. Life just gets better and better for me by the day. There was another long pause.
“I’m sorry. But that doesn’t seem like one of our locks.”
I blinked, almost speechless. “What the hell do you mean it’s not one of yours?” I snapped. “The fucking lock came with the cage when I got it.”
“Sir, Are you sure that you didn’t use anyone else’s lock?”
“No! I didn’t!” I was getting agitated, frustrated, not liking where this conversation was heading. I heard some typing on the other side before she spoke again.
“Well, I just glanced over your order form and I only see the cock cage on the transaction.” She said. “As for the lock in question, I can’t find this product anywhere in our database.”
“Then what the hell am I suppose to do? I’ve been locked up in this thing for four days straight and it’s driving me up the fucking wall.” And she was starting to eat away at my patience! Damn it, this lock was getting to me. I want out and I want out now!
“Sir.” She interjected before I could let out another series of roars. “I do understand your concerns,” she said. “Chastity play can be scary with the loss of a key to break free. However, there are ways to remove the lock in case of an emergency. Now, if you can please hold so I may check with a supervisor. I will return with an answer to your problem shortly.“
The line was then replaced with the music from before, causing me to huff out of pure annoyance. God damn it, I just wanted to be rid of this thing already! Why is that so difficult? And now the locks aren’t even from the same place. What the hell is going on here? I rubbed my temples in frustration, trying to calm myself before I really lost it. There had to be a way out of this. There just had to be.
There was a sudden beeping noise from my phone, kicking me out of my trance. I glanced at the screen and my eyes widened, seeing the number appear on the next phone line. It was her! And she just HAD to call now of all times while I’m waiting to get this fucking shackle off my dick. Still, I answered the phone without a moment to lose, bringing the device back to my ear. “Yes, mistress?” I greeted doing my best to suppress my utter hatred for the woman.
“Good boy,” She cooed and I can just imagine those evil lips of hers smirking devilishly, smothering her words in lustful evil. I gritted my teeth. God, I hated this bitch. “It’s nice to know that I can train you to be such an obedient pet.”
“May I ask what my mistress has planned for me?”
There was a small giggle before she spoke. “Well, since you've been such a good little slut, I decided to reward you with a date.”
I blinked at her response, confused. “A date?”
“A night at the theatre to be precise,” She added “I’ve already arranged everything with all expenses paid. You even get to choose the movie you want to see. Isn’t that nice of me to give you such a privilege, slave?”
“What’s the catch?” I said bluntly, doubting her words. There was no way she was going to just take me to the movies without some kind of catch. Either way, there was a sudden gasp of shock.
I heard her gasp. “How dare you accuse me of such trickery!” She spoke back in a playful tone, toying with me before she went back to her usual dark tone. “But, neither the less, you are correct. I won’t be joining you on this date. Instead, someone else will be.”
“And who will that be?” I asked
“That’s for me to know and you to find out when you get there. But you’ll be meeting with this person while crossdressing. And I will be telling this person that you are a girl.”
My eyes started to widen. “What?”
“And that’s not all, pet,” She continued. “If he finds out that you’re a boy, then you can just forget about ever getting your key again.”
“FUCK YOU!” I roared into my phone, letting my anger get the best of me. “You sadistic bitch! You think you can just control my fucking life like this?! Well, fuck you! I’m not going this and you’re -“
“Yes, you, are!” I felt the bite in her words, the sheer force that silenced my voice before I could even retaliate, leaving me frozen. How the hell does she even do that? “You will go to the date with him. And you will hide your gender. Do I make myself clear?!”
Damn it. God damn it, I hate this. I hated her voice so much and how compliant it was making me. Like some kind of switch in my head, all my aggression was just turned off, just like that. And she knew it. Somehow, she knew. I could feel it. My mouth went silent, hesitant. “I said, do I make myself clear, slave?” she repeated.
“Crystal clear,” I replied, defeated, beaten. I hated myself for this.
“Good answer.” She added. “Now I expect you to be ready at 7 o'clock sharp. I will be arriving at your apartment then.”
“Yes, mi - hey! Wait a minute!” I exclaimed, almost jumping out of my chair. “How the hell did you -“
“Excuse me?” she snapped at me with the same authoritative tone. “Did I give you permission to back talk me? As I do recall, my little cock whores don’t question my orders.” I shut myself up again before she got even angrier. “Be ready at seven.”
She hung up. And with that, I slumped back on my seat. God, I’m pathetic. Buying the damn cock cage was a bad idea. If it weren’t for my desperation to tame myself, I wouldn’t be in this situation. I wouldn’t even have met this woman at all. My life would just be as normal as it would have always been. Get up, go to work, go home, and go to sleep. And masturbate in between each task.
“Keep it together, Jared,” I muttered to myself. “You can’t let this bitch break you now.” I mustered up myself, returned my phone back into my pocket, and headed to my closet. At least she was generous enough to give me more than an hour to prepare.
The numbers on my digital clock slowly climbed upward. But this time I was prepared and had all the time in the world. First, I needed a nice shower to take off the big details. I got to smell a nice and shave to take care of the hair on my legs and armpits. No one likes a hairy woman. Then it was time to dress for the occasion.
Let’s start off with some knee-high socks, converse, a cute mini skirt, a nice blouse to get a good bust, and last but not least, some extras that make people scream “slut!” there’s nothing like a bit of pink lipstick, mascara, and foundation to get the boys all fired up. I even put a ribbon in my hair to add just a little bit of easy-to-corrupt innocence.
Okay. I’m not going to lie about this. I was having way too much fun for someone who has a body part being ransomed. The truth is, I just love to cross-dress. Being a slutty girl waiting eagerly for the next man to ride just thrills me so much. I never really wished to be a girl. There was just something about dressing up like one that made it all the better. It’s like I could jump from one gender to the other at the blink of an eye. Either way, it felt so good to wear a skirt.
Now, it was a waiting game. I spent what felt like hours, killing time any possible way I could think of. Internet was out of the question. I had to cut myself off on certain sites as it was. If I stumbled upon a porn site, I fear that might end my sanity right there. So TV it was. Nothing like watching an endless stream of commercials to past the time.
But eventually, seven finally came. And right on the dot, I heard a knock at the door. Quickly I glanced over myself, making sure that my “mistress” wasn’t going to get upset from what I was wearing. Jesus, I can’t believe I said that. I swear, if this keeps up, I’m going to up being her trained puppy. Once I was confident about my appearance, I walked to the front door and greeted the guest.
To my surprise, she was at my front door, standing next to what can only be described as tall, dark, and delicious. Ebony skin, crew cut hair, a defined jawline, everything about him made me want to perk up instantly. His body was well toned, muscular, towering over the bitch with a varsity jacket and jeans on. Brown eyes groped me. As I looked up, a smug look was planted on his face, only adding more to his charm.
Shit! Was I blushing? Maybe he didn’t notice. Breathlessly, I avoided eye contact, feeling my cheeks turn ripe red. This was the guy I’m going out with? This is who I’m going to date?! Fuck, was she telepathic or something? Deep down, I was praying for even the slightest hint of him being bi-curious. Servitude or not, I wanted this guy.
“Jessica! Oh my god, it’s been so long!” my mistress, for lack of better words, snapped me out of my daydream, surprising hugging me before I even had a chance to speak. Her head craned over to my ear. But I couldn’t help but look back at the dark eye candy in front of me. “Remember what I said, pet,” She hissed in a threatening tone. “If he finds out, you can forget about getting laid ever again.” As she bounced back to his side, her bubbly demeanor returned. And with it, a new fear crept into my mind.
It’s not like I have a choice on the matter. If I get found out, there’s going to be more than just the key that’s at stake. As much as I enjoy it, Crossdressing isn’t exactly the most accepted thing in society. If he knew who I was, I may be screwed. “Anyway, let’s get introductions out of the way. Shall we? Keith, this is Jessica. Jessica, Keith.”
Keith offered me a hand in which I shyly accepted it. He gave his greeting, giving a suave “nice to meet you” my way. Damn, he’s hot and has a way with words. Fuck! Please be bi. Please to god, be bi.
The bitch sadly went on. “Nice skirt you got there, Jess. If I didn’t know better, I’d say you were getting ready to whore yourself out.” She flashed a hidden smirk my way. Haha, really funny there. Still, I held myself back.
“No, I’m not,” I said, giving my shy girl act. She gave a fake laugh before nudging me out of the doorway. “Don’t worry, I’m only joking.” I closed the door to my apartment as she continued. “But your secret is safe with me,” she teased afterwards, walking down the stairs and out of the complex. I followed with Keith, trailing behind me. His eyes continued to feel me all over as he spoke under breath.
“Damn, that’s a fine ass.” I barely heard him. But it gave me some comfort. I love the fact that I can pass as a girl so easily. And it looks like that is going to be put to the test tonight.
Outside the apartment complex was a nice red mustang that looked as if it was bought yesterday. Before I could even speak, Keith made his way to the passenger seat, opening the door. “This is a good change of pace at least,” He said, seeing my mistress walk towards the driver side. “Usually, I’m the one giving out the rides. Now I’m the one being driven around.”
“Just think of it as our thank you,” She chirped, slipping into the car. “You paid for our tickets after all.”
Keith followed suit. “I can think of a better thank you. But that involves us switching seats.” She let out an amused laugh as I started to fall into the back seat, closing my door along with the other two. Switching seats huh? Well, that might just rule out him swinging for the same team. In any case, the car was finally fired up, getting us both on the road.
The ride, in general, was pleasant. Okay, maybe a bit too pleasant. My inner me was torn between two kinds of feelings. On one half, I felt like some hooker that just got picked off the streets (something I’m not against, mind you). Were we even going to the theatre or was it just some excuse to get me out of the house? But then there was the other half of me, the paranoid part.
The reality of the situation was that I’m currently in the back seat of a guy’s car who thinks he was some hot babe that he could bone something in the near future. Thank god, he thinks I’m a girl. The only thing that really worried me was her. Why was she here? Moreover, what was her plan? Or was she just here to rub it in my face. I hate her so much. And when I get my key back, I’m going to make you regret everything you did.
Keith and she continued to chat as I sat in the back quietly. But suddenly, a ringer sounded off, pausing our conversation. She let out a quiet curse. “Hold on. Let me get this.” She produced a phone from her pocket and answered it, taking a moment to listen to the other end. “Yes? ... What? Come on that’s not... do I really need to be there?” she huffed before pausing. Then she went on. “Alright, fine. But you owe me. I swear if this happens again, I’ll strangle you myself.” She jammed the end call button, irritated. Keith watched her, his face frowning by her words.
“Everything okay?” he asked.
She huffed again. “Yeah,” She replied “it’s just my work. I got called in. And I just told them that I absolutely needed this day off.” She pouted a bit more before she spoke again. “You and jess will have to go without me.”
“You sure?”
She nodded. “Yeah. I don’t want to ruin your fun.” A quick smile flashed towards me before Keith returned the favor. I gulped. I didn’t like the way she said “fun”.
Keith changed the course of his car and head to her house. The place looks a lot less intimidating when you’re not walking to it at night. Once the car went into park, she stepped out of the car, reached for her purse, and took out two red tickets. I started to jump into the front passenger seat when she handed us both one.
“Once you get to the movies, head to the booth and ask for Theatre 17. Tell them, Ellen sent you both.” She leaned over to hug me in the car, saying “I hope you tow have a nice time without me. Sorry, it won’t be a threesome though.” But in my ear, she whispered, “have fun.” When she pulled away, she closed the door, leaving the two of us inside.
Great. Tall, dark, and delicious was now all alone with me. Just great. Although, he is hot. I will give him that. And the situation only made me want him more. But with all the excitement, an awkward silence still loomed over our heads. During the drive, he would try to start some kind of conversation with me. But I would always keep my responses short, punctual. It’s not that I wasn’t interested. God, I wanted him so bad. But, I had to keep all teasing and interests out of this. If I mess up, it’s all over.
A grueling long car ride later and we made it to our destination. The Cinema palace was the choice pick to catch any flick in town. Granted it was the only theatre we had. But at least it was a good one. The entire building reached to the clouds with its tall stone towers. Statues of iron-clad knights and charming spies lined the entrance, really bringing the old medieval vibe to the area. Crowds of people were everywhere. And the parking lot was always packed, no matter the time or the day of the week. It’s always a hassle just to go in. But when you got two free tickets, it’s well worth the wait.
Keith drove into the nearest spot he could find, not being picky at all. He pulled his keys out of the ignition before throwing me an odd look. “You’ve been quiet this entire ride here.” The hairs on my back stood up straight. Quietly, I tried to match his gaze. It was hard, but I managed to make eye contact. His lips curled to the same devilish smirk from before. “Getting cold feet?”
“Oh, no, no,” I said quickly. I shook my head and flashed a smile. I’m so glad I learned how to mask my own voice. He let out a small chuckle before getting out of the car. I followed suit.
“Good,” he replied “don’t want you getting uncomfortable now.” I didn’t see his hand as it slapped against my ass lightly, making me jump. I stifled a squeak. “Besides, once we’re alone, you can let everything go around me.” he started towards the main entrance and I followed right at his heels. The sting of his slap still lingered, causing me to turn red. He didn’t have to stop right there. I could bend over for a few more minutes. I glanced over to him for just a second to catch him grinning towards me.
Shit! He did notice! Damn it! I averted my gaze. But I felt him crane closer to me, slinging his strong arm around behind me. “You liked that, didn’t you?” he inquired. I stayed silent. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I’d love to be gagged right about now. He spoke again, lowering his voice. “You liked being spanked?”
“Yes, daddy.” My response was automatic, unfiltered. And before I could even take it back, another harder spank was placed right on the other side of my rear. This time, I was able to silence myself.
“Glad to hear,” He said, proudly, as if his whole goal was to see how flustered he could make me before I could even get to the door. I tried keeping up with him, not speaking, focusing on the door. What the hell was I thinking?! I can’t lead him on like that. It’s going to get him too excited. I need to make this as normal a date as I can, without the sex part. I took a deep breath and ignored the sting. But I was still blushing. Damn, he knew how to punish a naughty girl.
We finally got inside, entering the pseudo-castle and falling into one of the many crowded lines. Long tapestries and the smell of buttery popcorn filled the air. It was one of the fun things about theatres. But the place was packed with people, causing me to wonder what movie we were going to see. Then again, would we even go to see a movie? I chimed at the idea. If the place somehow filled up to capacity, I might get off the hook and have to end the date early. Now, if only luck favored me that much.
When we got up to the greeter, Keith handed him our tickets. “Two for theatre seventeen. Ellen sent us,” He said as the greeter checked them out. He looked at the both of us before giving a smile and ripped up our tickets. “Take the stairs to the left up to the third floor. They’ll be a guy to set up the film in a bit. As you can see we got our hands tied.”
“No worries. We can wait,” Keith said.
“Got an idea on what you want to watch?”
Keith was about to answer the question. But I blurted out the first thing that came to mind. “Something a bit action-packed, “ I said. Both boys looked at me. Keith quirked a brow. “I’m in the mood for something loud,“ I added. When in reality, I just wanted something to distract Keith. He blinked, glanced at Keith, then back at me with a smirk.
“I think I got just the thing,” He said. “It just came out. I’m sure you and your boyfriend would enjoy It.” he let us through and the two of us started to head off to the staircase. Each step we ascended brought us farther away from the noisy crowds, closer to solitude. Higher and higher we went. Soon we could clearly hear the pattering of our feet.
“Good call on the movie,” Keith commented as we climbed. I looked at him.
“Excuse me?” I said
“The louder it is, the harder it is for someone to hear us doing anything. Although, there’s still a chance that someone could just walk in. But I doubt that.” He gave out a small chuckle at the end of the sentence.
Son of a bitch! So much for my distraction. Since when was there such a thing as a hot smart guy? Still, it was bad. Very bad. He was getting ideas, the kind I was trying to keep away from. And unless he was into men as well, I was going to be shit out of luck. My cock still twitched in his cage, reminding me of that notion.
At the top of the stairs was a set of double doors, leading us to a small theatre room that looked to fit about twenty people max. The room was dimmed already. The only lights that emanated within the space were the floor lights and the screen up front. Quietly, I took a seat and he followed right afterwards, enjoying the rear view before I sat down. There we waited, staying in silence. His arm slowly reached over to my shoulders to pull me closer. He wants me. He’s going to take me. And I wanted him too.
Several minutes elapsed and movie flashed on the big screen. Just like I asked, it was definitely an action flick. Explosions and gunfire rattled the sound system as the opening chase scene flashed on the screen. Shots of the main character on a motorcycle appeared performing awe-inspiring stunts.
Then came the over the top Kung Fu fight scenes. I couldn’t tell what the movie was. But it was entertaining, to say the least. I always had been a fan of going to the movies. And I have to say, having a whole theatre to yourself is the best feeling ever. No cell phones, no crying babies, it was just you and the action. I’m almost happy I agreed to this. Hell, I’d pay how much extra just to get this kind of deal.
I sat back and watched the fight scene play out, seeing the main character take on five thugs armed with pipes and metal chains. But as my mind started to be entranced by the movie, I felt Keith’s hand being placed on my thigh. At first, it was a small gesture. Then he inched further, feeling my shaved legs. I looked to my left to catch his lustful gaze. He advanced closer, nearing my groin, getting closer to knowing. Quickly I snatched his hand to stop him as I gasped. Not there! My cover will get blown if he even tried to get some pussy.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, concerned. His smile still there, not letting me off one bit.
I stammered and stuttered for words, “aren’t we taking this just a little bit too quickly?” I asked, keeping up my act.
“Don’t worry,” he assured me, “nothing bad is going to happen. It’s just you and me in a room to ourselves.”
“b - but Keith -“ he shushed me before I could finish my sentence and placed a hand on my chair. His body shifted his position, showing a bit more animalistic dominance. Eyes pressed down on me as he looked like he was about to pounce.
“Just trust me,” he said, his voice getting lower, his neck moving towards me. Then he planted a kiss on my lips, shutting me up. It was a sweet act that quickly heated up to something more. I wrapped my arms around his neck, spread my legs, and let him have me. I felt him press against me, taste me, nipping at my neck, pinning my arms.
The heat of his breath washed over my skin, sending chills. His hands frisked me, something I bet he was dying to do for a while. I just let him take me, use me, feel me. Do whatever you want with me. I’m yours now. His teeth moved to my blouse, tugging like a hungry... wait! No! Fuck!
On reflex, I pushed him back to his seat and I stood up quickly, both horrified and horny. Keith looked up at me as he stifled a curse. “What the hell, Jess?” he grunted confused. I just stood there, sharing the same expression. Quickly, I fixed my blouse. Jesus, I was so worried about my skirt, I completely forgot about the stuffing in my bra. Good thing it didn’t come undone. I stayed there on my feet, seeing his eyes locked on mine.
Gradually, I lowered mine, leading him down with me. I slowly went to my knees, leading a trail of kisses down his shirt, to his waist, down to his groin. I felt something jump in his pants the moment I nuzzled against him. Once more, Keith began to relax, easing himself from the sudden burst I did. There’s always a way to work a guy to submission. Even Keith wasn’t an exception to this rule.
I nibbled at his pants button and tugged down on the zipper tab. His manhood shot straight up, throbbing, needing attention. He even went commando for me. How cute. I grasped the base of his cock and kissed the tip. I watched him jolt as I ran my tongue up and down his long shaft. The taste of him excited me even more, coaxing moans out of the both of us as I lathered his rod with saliva.
Then I took him in, wrapping my lips around his thickness. I inhaled sharply through my nose and accepted more of him. By now, the ebony stud was loose on his chair, letting me bob my head up and down his cock.
“Damn girl...” Keith muttered. “you never told me you were this good.”
I replied, well I tried to, only giving off a satisfied moan and a small gagging noise. To be honest, I was having way too much fun. Being on my knees, a cock in my mouth, getting my face fucked, I felt I was in absolute heaven. Even I started to grip his legs, pushing myself further down to lick every bit of his length. He may have no idea who I truly was. But I was showing off the sissy side in full. God, I was having too much fun. If only I could keep on doing this for hours on end.
I felt his hand slam on the back of my head, forcing me to take it all, to suck the entire length. Immediately I went docile, no longer caring for cover or espionage. My tongue flicked at his sack. The head of his cock shoved into the back of my throat, cutting my air supply.
Yes, fuck my face daddy. Use me for your manhood. Treat me like the whore I am. Then In an instance, I pulled his rod out of my mouth, stroked his length madly, and aimed his cock to my face. Impatience was getting the best of me. I wanted it, badly. Nothing else matters. Not even my identity. Just give it to me already.
Suddenly, Keith let out a loud roar. The tip of his cock erupted as I opened my mouth and let my tongue hang out like a trough. Ropes of his seed splotched my face like heavy rain. I could feel him, coating my hair, shooting into my mouth. Every second of his orgasm was exhilarating. To him, I was only a target, a lovely willing target, accepting his seed.
I opened my eyes when he finished, lying at his seat, exhausted. I found more of his cum on my blouse, skirt, and even all over my arms. Sheesh! This guy has a damn water hose in his pants. I got off my knees, silently, swallowing the bit of his salty essence in my mouth. The movie itself was at a low point, killing most of the sound in the theatre. “Uhm... I’m going to go clean up,” I said, stunned by the display.
Keith nodded. “Yeah... sorry about that.”
“You didn’t tell me you could drench someone with that thing.”
“You didn’t tell me you could handle it so well either.”
God damn it. Why is he this smooth? I walked away, embarrassed, wet and most of all, still dying for more. But I needed to keep myself in check, for my sake. Moving out of the theatre room, I slipped down the lower floor and into the girl’s bathroom, being mindful of wandering eyes. No one was here. Good. Moving to the nearest sink, I turned on the facet to wash my face off. But I stopped, catching the sight of me in the mirror.
It was me. It was the little ole, cum stained, makeup smeared, cock sucking, slutty looking, hair rustled, sex-crazed me. It was the me that I was desperate to suppress under any circumstances. It was the me that I feared people will know about. It was the me that made me realize the most horrifying thing about the cock cage. It wasn’t stopping this me. It was forcing it out. The only thing it was locking up was my restraint.
Back there at the theatre, I was getting more desperate and wild that I even contemplated revealing my true identity. Hell, I wanted to keep going. Just the thought of him bending me over and using my ass sent me chills. And that was the issue. Deep down, my true self was showing. And there’s nothing that’s stopping it now.
“You fucking whore!” I shouted out of frustration, slamming my hands on the sink. The veil I had put up the whole time was dropped. I wasn’t lying either. That’s what I was. I’m a whore in denial. And no lock and key was going to stop me either. One way or another, it was all going to come out.
“Of course you are one,” A familiar voice sounded off, causing me to twist around and see her again. Ellen smugly sauntered towards me after closing the bathroom door, still wearing the same clothes as before. Dear god, not her again!
"We've been invited to a party," my wife Kristy said gleefully as she walked in the door. "Carla at work is having a couple's cocktail party." Kristy was a bit overweight, but well proportioned with a really cute face. Her weight, though, supplied her with really large breasts, which I enjoyed. Plus she had a bubbly personality so she made friends easily. I wasn't surprised that she had received an invitation."Okay," I responded. I didn't like parties, I always felt uncomfortable with the...
Joe and Terri Bonnar moved from Pennsylvania to Marietta, Georgia in the mid-1970s with their four children: Paul, Peter, Teresa and Joseph. Shortly after settling in their new home in the golf course community of Canterbury, their final child, Matthew arrived.Joe and Terri were soon involved in social as well as golf, swimming and tennis activities at Canterbury Golf Club.They were a popular couple as Terri had maintained a voluptuous figure despite being the mother of five. The men at the...
Group SexBen pushed his face against the locker’s metal grille, desperate to get one last look at Amy as she strode away. She had such a sexy walk with her swinging hips hugged by tight white cotton trousers. He could see the slight bulge of the keys in the back pocket as her body pulled the fabric one way then the other. He watched her dark hair flow behind her, desperately hoping for one last turn of the head and one last smile. Yes, there it was.All too soon though, Amy had disappeared from sight and...
BDSMSokal theke lunch porjonto 3 bar chodachudi kore ar bar 5 ek gud er jol ar mal khosiye juthi ar ami 2jon e ektu klanto hoye porechilam,tai lunch er por keyar ghore mane je ghore amar thakar bebostha hoyeche Sekhane bed e suye 2jon e golpo korchilam, 2jon e langta hoyei achi, karon keyar phirte akhono anek deri,4 te baje, keya phirbe 10 ta nagad. Juthir tight mai 2to niye khela korte korte bollam, akta kotha jigges korbo juthi? Rag korbe na to? Juthi bollo koro, rag korbo na. Bollam koto jon ke...
All characters having sex are over eighteen. Thanks to my diligent editor who helped out on this project. ***** Thursday 1:40 am ‘Where’s the turkey baster?’ Emma asked with a soft laugh to the back of the man she had surprised in the kitchen. It was well after midnight. She giggled and added, ‘You’re naked,’ JT was rattled. He apologized, ‘I hope my nudity doesn’t upset you. I thought everyone was asleep and I could sneak in here and grab a quick drink without encountering anyone.’ He...
Hi mai jamshad poor sa hoain, maree mata g aik ghar main kam kartee hai, usee ghar main mara pita driver hayin, hum 3 bahi or 1 bahn tha. Magar ab sirf aik bahn or 1 bhai hayin, do bahi ko cancer tha pasa na hona ka akran ilaj nahi ho saka or vo bhagwan ka pass chala gaa. Garmeyoon ki chutyoon ka din tha, maree didi na bsc or mai fsc kar raha tha. Chutyyan theen college sa garmeyoon ki, mata or pita apna sahib ka sath un ka form house par gaa tha, mai or didi ghar par akala tha. Hum log ghureeb...
The Keyholder?Just that please.? Ben mumbled as he nervously placed the steel chastity cage and padlock on the counter. He was on his way back from drinks with the football team and the elation of winning combined with the alcohol had given him the courage to finally indulge one of his fantasies. Careful not to make too much eye contact, he glanced briefly at the woman behind the counter, who smiled kindly as she wrapped the cage for him and took the cash. He was now really starting to feel...
September 30, 2030 For days Katie was still shaken by the shocking experiences to and from Warrenton, especially the life-threatening situation with the rabid dog. It brought back the horrific memories of violence and death in the City. She was too distraught to set out with Clark on the expedition planned for Millbrook. He wanted to go just to know the lay of the land, see if there were any signs of survivors, and discover potential resources; nothing too specific. Despite his...
Chapter 1 – The Keychain Danny sighed and looked around his room. He was going on four days without sleep now. It was after dinner time and he was just sitting in his room thinking. His life had gone consistently downhill in the past two weeks. His father and his sister passed away within a week of each other. Being a senior in high school, he could bottle himself up and push on. His mother however couldn’t. So she bottled her emotions in another way. Over the last week, she had become a...
It was a time of horrible raids by terrible marrauding hordes, which caused untold misery, fear and poverty in all of Pelopones. It was a time when Xena and Gabrielle were needed by all the towns, before it is too late, but she was nowhere to be found. The century before had been a good time for all, under the Cooperation Accord of Olympia, there was piece between all the polises, and Xena could concentrate on petty crime and feuding Gods. But now Xena had been on a mission in Asia for years,...
Blake had always considered Alice Brown to be at least a little paranoid for installing the bulletproof glass. Sure, he didn’t doubt that she probably made good bread as a forger and counterfeiter, but she was low-profile and careful about who she dealt with. Hell, Alice couldn’t be high-profile if she tried. She was a mousy, plain little woman with brown hair and brown eyes and a brown dress that looked like she’d bought it from an industrial burlap supplier. Blake wasn’t sure if ‘Brown’ was...
What was she doing playing chastity games with a twenty something guy? She knew it was crazy, yet Amy was smiling to herself as she stepped off the bus and walked quickly to the address that Ben had given her, a two bedroom apartment in an upmarket development. She hadn’t seen Ben since they’d made love at the hotel a week ago, but she could still remember the feel of his body and his freshly unlocked cock. She hadn’t belted him when they parted the next morning. This wasn’t because Ben didn’t...
BDSM“Just that please,” Ben mumbled as he nervously placed the steel chastity cage and padlock on the counter. He was on his way back from drinks with the football team and the elation of winning combined with the alcohol had given him the courage to finally indulge one of his fantasies. Careful not to make too much eye contact, he glanced briefly at the woman behind the counter, who smiled kindly as she wrapped the cage for him and took the cash. He was now really starting to feel embarrassed,...
BDSMHi me Ajay Shah me ahmedabad me raheta hu me fir ek story leke aaya ho jo aap ko jarur pasand aaye gi ye story friend ki he jine apni didi ko kese pataya aur apni life partner banaya mere dost naam monty he uski 20 sal he uske gar me uski maa jinki 48 sal he pita ji ki age 52 sal he didi ki 25 sal he unka pariwar shukhi tha aage kahani mere dost monty ki jaban se suno hi mera naam monty he garme me sab se chota tha is liye me sab ka ladla tha manni ki aakh ka tara tha didi bhi muje bahut pyar...
This is my first attempt to write fiction. The disclaimer: This story contains rape, sex, violence, revenge, and magic. So view desecration is advised. I am not going to lie. I took the rabbit's foot key chain from CCE without their permission. However, it was only an attempt to get them to finish their story. Please make comments. I also have another one in the works that will hopefully get Dill Bill to finish his burning candle story. I hope you enjoy! Oh and feel free to make...
I will attempt to tell this story from wrens point of view, so bear with me... It was the end of the day, and the party was beginning, when Stella and David, our host for the nights fun; announced we will be having a special key party. The rules were to be as follows: 1. every driver put their keys into a bowl to be drawn. 2. non drivers would pick out one set of keys. 3. whoever the keys belonged to, would be whom you fucked there on the premisis. 4. to make sure everyone went...
Hello dosto, Mera name amool hai. Mein jo kahani bataney ja rha hu wo sachi story hai jo mere sath hua hai. Abhi meri age 32 hai. Yey bat us waqt ki hai jab mey 23 sal ka tha aur mere mom dad ki road accident mey death ho gayee thi. Uskey bad mein aur meri choti sister (neha) akley ho gayee thee. Us waqt meri sister ki age 19 sal kit hi. Mom dad key bad humlog key chacha humlog ki dekh rekh kartey thee. Per unki najar meri sister per pari thi. Aur chacha aur chachi jab icha hota ghar key ander...
Meri uss waqt umer age 25 saal ka 6 feet lamba qudd aur very handsome aur merey laurey ka size 8-9 inch ka aur kafi moota hai, mein uss time Islamabad ki university mein office mein kaam karta tha. Mei daikhney mein kaafi sexy aur gora tha akser professor workers merey sey dillage kartey. Mager mein unn dinno chikney larkey ki talash thee jo merey saath doosti Karey aur bhut see aup aap samajh gaye hoongey. Ek din mein office mein baitha hua tha chutti ka din tha aur uss waqt koi bhi nahin tha....
I remember that the elevator was playing Christmas Music as I rode the ten floors to the lobby. Everyone seemed to be in a festive mood except me. I was thinking that I probably should have taken the window to the ground. It would have been more scenic and solved each and every one of my problems. Being unemployed at Christmas is a bitch, but being self employed at Christmas was a roller coaster. You think you have it all covered but then the contract holder call you in. ‘Sorry Mr. Ames but we...
A couple days ago, my key holder came over for my weekly inspection. I was strung up from hooks in the ceiling. My hands restrained above my head and my legs were spread wide. My key holder expressed her displeasure with me as she picked up a rather large ball gag and forced it deep in my mouth. Then she removed her blouse and bra which then w=exposed the key that was hanging between her luscious breasts. She got down on her knees and unlocked and removed the chastity cage from my manhood.At...
The Key is in the Cum By Tweak For as long as I can remember I have always craved to be tied up and rendered immobile. I have been into self- bondage for several years now and recently I upped the stakes wanted to try something I had never done before. It was the most thrilling and embarrassing moment in my life. Last Saturday, I knew that I had the whole day to myself and that I could indulge my favorite pastime. So I slept in and woke up around 10:00 a.m. I was so excited...
For as long as I can remember I have always craved to be tied up and rendered immobile. I have been into self-bondage for several years now and recently I upped the stakes wanting to try something I had never done before.It was the most thrilling and embarrassing moment in my life. Last Saturday, I knew that I had the whole day to myself and that I could indulge my favorite pastime. So I slept in and woke up around 10:00 a.m. I was so excited for this was "the day" I was going to try something...
Permission to post to TSA list, archive, and website. Permission to post to TG-fiction list, archive, and Fictomania site. Personal copies for non commercial use permitted. Anyone else who wants to archive this on a free access website or ftp site, just send me an email telling me that you did so and the url or ftp address. Anyone who wants to archive this on a for-pay site, don't. Member Net Authors and Creators Union - NACU. Authors and creators welcome, email [email protected]...
It didn't look like much. A key like shape made of what looked like something painted gold with what looked like a costume gem in the handle. It was hard to believe that this was the Key of Fantasy. It had taken Robert Roberts by surprise when he had been given it by his dead Great Uncle Pete. "Dear Robby, I bet that you're amazed that I left most of my stuff to your folks. But all of that stuff doesn't compare to the items that I'm leaving you. What you hold now is the Key to Fantasy. This key...
This story starts with a key, as the title suggests. Duh. For some reason the previous owners of the house I’m currently living in had a shed built in the back yard – not one of those flimsy aluminum things you see at every Lowe’s or Home Depot but an honest to God stick-built structure with a lockable door, shingled roof and even a window. If this were New York City I could rent the thing out for a thousand a month. It occurred to me one day that if I lost the key, which I was currently...
When we go on vacation, Melly and I like to have fun. We let our hair down and don't care what anyone else thinks. This is the story of our vacation and all the fun we had in wonderful Key West. A Genny Story... Key WestI am Genny.Getting from Lansing, Michigan to Key West, Florida is no easy task. Wehad to fly from Lansing to Detroit. Then from there to Atlanta, and thenon to Miami and then down to Key West. Not an easy day, but if you haveever spent a long Michigan...
LesbianRABBIT'S FOOT KEYCHAIN - THE PHONE APP By CCE 4 PM YESTERDAY - The incredibly sexy girl turned and stared at me with a smile, slowly running her tongue, which was pierced by both a large silver barbell and hoop jewelry, over her wet, full lips. Dick sucking lips if ever there were some. She turned, tossing her long black hair over her shoulder, the bleached blonde tips ending just above her traffic stopping ass, beautifully on display in some very small black panties. She ran her...
Key West Fantasy Fest by Michelle bitv Part 1 It all started this past September when my wife told me she had booked reservations at a hotel in Key West Florida for the week leading up to Halloween. We had never been to Key West but our friends Ted and Laura had been there the previous year for the Halloween celebration and said it was a blast. Both Jennifer and I had been working hard all year so we deserved a break and the stories Ted and Laura told us made it...
I was walking along the street one day, as I often do, thinking to myself. I often looked in clothes shops, looking at the beautifully dressed mannequins that adorned the window displays. I really wanted to go in and try on outfits like those that they were wearing. However, things weren't that simple, I was a man and the clothes that I was admiring were womens ones. I longed to be female but events in my life were conspiring against me. I worked for a small firm that didn't pay too...
Hi Mera nam sana hy (not real name) aur mein lahore(pakistan) ky rehny wali hn mera figure aik dum mast hy buhat se larky mjy chodna chahty hain un mein mera bara bhae khuram b shamil hy mery famely members mein mein 20yrs mera bhae 24yrrs my father was ded n my mother 45 yrs. Ak school main principel hain aur mera bhai pujab university mein M C S ka student hy jb k mein FA ky student hn mera rung gora height 5 ft 10 inch aur 36 k breasts hy ye meri pehli chudae ky kahani hy jo maray apny bhai...
"All right, here I come!" The bedroom door opened, and Jaclyn exited. She wore a sexy angel costume; Dylan noted, to his dismay, that "sexy" in this context meant "half-naked." The costume consisted of a shimmering white bra, a shiny glitter-covered halo suspended above her head by a thin wire attached to a headband, a zigzag-trimmed white miniskirt, and white high heels. "What do you think?" Jaclyn asked, twirling around in a circle. As she did, her skirt blew upwards,...
It was almost 6 p.m. when Patrick Dunn finally got home on Wednesday night. He had worked an extra hour and a half to finish the wiring job he had been assigned that morning by Wayne Faulk, his supervisor. By staying the extra time, he'd been able to complete the job almost half a day earlier than the estimate had allowed. Mind you, he'd worked like hell all day, and he could feel it in his sore muscles. It was almost good that his wife Glenda had left that morning for three days of seminars...
"The weirdest thing I've done?" echoed Amy, giggling into her alcopop. "I don't know," she said in defeat. "Come on," pressed Megan, slumped on the couch next to Amy. "There has to be something that stands out." "Well," Amy admitted in between drunken laughs, "I've probably done a few things with my last girlfriend that would shock you." She took another sip of her drink. Megan took another swig of her beer. "Yeah, like what?" A sly grin was beginning to emerge on her...
Gail is my son's wife, she is a thirty three year old spitfire. She stands five three and weighs an even hundred pounds. She has always known I think she is extremely sexy but only last month were we able to get on a closer relationship. After she admitted to me that my son wants to watch her with someone else I too told her about my own cuckold marriage to her mother in law. While showing her some pictures on my phone of my wife sucking the cocks of her male friends I pasted a picture of my...
This is a work of adult fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, places, or events is purely coincidental. Readers who have reached the legal age of consent in their jurisdictions are welcome. This story may NOT be reproduced or posted anywhere without the express written permission of the author. SYNOPSIS: "What we're dealing with here is a complete lack of respect for the law." (Sheriff Buford T. Justice, with thanks to Hal Needham and his film.) A youthful outlaw...a Bandit...is...
Back in the late eighties my girlfriend Chelsea and I spent a summer in Key West. We were both in our early twenties and had really just started seeing one another. She had long wavy honey blond hair with big brown eyes, stood 5’ 7” and weighed about 125 lbs. I was 6’, 180 lbs with wavy brown hair to my shoulders and green eyes. At the time I knew she was really good looking, but thinking back now, we were both probably pretty good. When we met, Chelsea already had plans to stay with a friend...
FetishThis is a work of adult fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, places, or events is purely coincidental. Readers who have reached the legal age of consent in their jurisdictions are welcome. This story may NOT be reproduced or posted anywhere without the express written permission of the author. [email protected] SYNOPSIS: "What we're dealing with here is a complete lack of respect for the law." (Sheriff Buford T. Justice, with thanks to Hal Needham and his film.)...
Author’s Note: I want to thank my friend and editor Harvey for all his help on this piece. We drove home in silence. I knew both of us were still trying to mentally process everything we’d experienced at the Browns’. As we pulled into our garage, an apprehensive restlessness washed over me. I could only equate this feeling to coming down from a mind-blowing high. The sexual euphoria I’d just experienced now had to be reconciled with the reality of my husband and our marriage. God ... My...
The weekend in Paris had been fantastic, three whole days with Amy plus three consecutive nights of release. Returning to work had been hard, not least because he had now spent five continuous days inside the locked chastity cage. Nights were particularly hard as his cock had started to expect freedom. In the early hours it would throb and the pressure inside the cage would build. Ben would wake up and massage his balls while he watched his helpless red straining cock try to squeeze through the...
BDSMChastity with Ex as Keyholder Ch. 07bychastity_sissy©The only light came from the crack at the bottom of the floor. I tested my handcuffs as quietly as possible, verifying there was no way to squeeze my wrists out of their cold, metal clutches. I was completely stuck.I could hear my Ex on the other side of the door. She was panting heavily. I could only imagine her Boyfriend's cock ramming her inside and out, over and over again.I guess I should back up just a little bit, although there is...
Chastity with Ex as Keyholder Ch. 05bychastity_sissy©Almost every time my Ex had sex with her boyfriend I had to listen. My Ex had decided it was mandatory and would quiz me on how many times she had an orgasm just to make sure I was actually listening, not to mention drive home the fact I couldn't cum.At least, so I thought.You have to understand that not having an orgasm for over a week doesn't sound like a long time, and I'm sure I've gone longer than that without wearing a chastity device....
The rest of the girls in the room continue their seductive dance, I could see the fear and panic in their eyes as inwardly each of them hope that they wouldn’t be chosen next but they keep the smiles plastered on their faces and don’t miss a beat in their shared highly erotic dance, they couldn’t, they would keep dancing until they either collapsed due to exhaustion or I got bored with them. I pass my gaze over the naked teen girls taking notice of their curves, their unblemished skin and the...
Spells R Us and it's proprietor, the Wizard, are the creation of Bill Hart. Excepting the customer, all persons, firms, devices, and events named and/or described herein are products of the author's imagination and never actually existed or transpired. ________________________________________________________________________ Watsit Tuya's SRU: The Lazarus Key (Prequel to 'SRU: Thankyouverymuch') ________________________________________________________________________ Memphis...
"There." Malet said stepping back with professional flourish. "Not too tight across the shoulders?" He asked carefully. Kiyone surveyed herself critically in the three full-length mirrors provided. Still trying to 'get over' the current brand of strangeness. Events of the last few days hadn't given any of them time to think really, let alone adjust. One moment she was angrily discussing world domination with the queen and now the 'fresh' oddity of being fitted for a dress...
Hi, guys. I am Rohit. I am from Pune studying engineering. I am a good looking boy. I am 22yrs old.This is my first sex story so please try to understand. This is between me and my neighbor aunt. Her name is Sneha 35yrs old with a white complexion. We were neighbor since 5 years her husband was an alcoholic man and use to work in some company. And they had a kid who was in 4th standard when this incident happened. So, let me come to the sex story. I was in my third year engineering and was...
Hello friends this is Sanjay I am a regular reader of this site going through a lot of stories I also thought of sharing an experience I had with my girlfriend recently and well to introduce myself I’m a doctor and completed my internship recently and this story which I am trying to share with you happened 6 months back when I was in my internship while working in my college hospital. I used to work in a private hospital for a night shift in order to earn money as a duty doctor and that was a...
A few more feet, and she'd be at the top. With the aid of a rope that Iolo had tied to a column, Tansfora pulled herself out of the dungeon crevice. She looked down at the man who had been following her up the rope. "Dupre, I saw you looking up my gown." "Did you?" He crawled up the last few feet of the crevice, armor clattering, and sat down on the dusty floor with his legs dangling over the edge. "And why, pray, should I have ignored the rare opportunity to see an Avatar's...
Hey everyone. I’m writing my first story here so please do send me your feedback to Do encourage me and I’ll come back with sexier and better stories. Now coming back to the story….in my college years when I was about 19. I used to go in a two-wheeler to college everyday. One day I had parked my scooter and was walking to the campus when I saw one of my friends Pooja, she has got really big boobs and a sexy figure by the way. We both had come early to school on that day, and still no one had...
Key Party Part 2Tuesday had arrived, the day that Kristy, my wife, was to be with Charles. Ever since a few days ago when she had her gangbang orchestrated by him after the key party, she had been a little distant from me, proclaiming that she would be loyal to her new big black cock master.Worst of all, today, Tuesday, was our wedding anniversary. And she was going to be with Charles.I was sitting on our bed contemplating how my life had come to this point, when Kristy stepped into the doorway...
I have been married to my wife Angie for nine years and up to about two years ago we have led a pretty normal life. We did what most married couples did. We went to work, enjoyed each other's company, and found pleasure in each other's arms, remaining faithful to one another. We were very happy with the arrangement, until about two years ago when things were set in motion to put us in the lifestyle we live today.I always considered myself lucky to have met and married Angie. She is the most...
Ghum theke uthe Maa er kache sunlam Sutapa di asbe. Sutapa di amar masir meye. Amar theke 3 years boro. Soddo biye hoyeche. Jai hok sunei mon ta valo hoye gelo. O alo. Dudin thaklo. Kothai kothai masir chhoto meye mane amar chhordir kotha uthlo. O nurse er chakri korto Berhampore posting. Onekdin or sathe kotha hoini. Sutapa dir kachei phn no. ta nilam. Phn korlam kintu porichoi dilam na. Dekhlam besh provocative kotha barta. Sune valoi laglo. Tarpor porichoi dilam. Girl frnd sonno jibone tobu...
Hi ami krish kolkatai thaki age 25 ami ek jon computer hardware engineer ami amar prothom sex experience tah share korchi apnader sahtheh r setah holo amar didi r bandhobi jar naam soma ami didi bollei dakhtam prothomeh kintu ahkhon seh amar sex partner r tar figure tah bolleh di 28-30-38 ehbar asol gotnahtah bolli ami prothomeh soma keh khubh sonman kortam karon amar didi r bandhobi r woh der barir sahtheh amader khubh bhalo somporkoh chilloh prothom amar moneh wor protti chintah dharonatah...
Curse Monkeys. By Tanya H. The day started off in a most ordinary fashion and then all started to go wrong about 1135 when I followed Gail's example and nipped out from the office to use the facilities. Gail's my boss, we're both in the payroll department for the local council and our office is too big for us - there should be four in it, but after the last lot of spending cuts just us two were left. As you can imagine, we were fairly busy, but today wasn't too bad. Payday for the...
Remember those old cereal commercials where Mikey liked the god-awful stuff? I have a whole new take on Mikey.Growing up, Mile Sullivan was my best friend. We did everything together, including playing marbles, riding our bikes, swimming in the creek, and playing hooky from school.We weren’t really bad kids, just mischievous. Probably normal for our age and backgrounds. Our families were not rich or poor. Probably lower middle class. Times were good and Eisenhower was President. Ah, the 1950s,...
Bisexual"Run, Mickey, unless you want to bring that over here." "That" was his prodigious cock, now swinging as he ran and jumped. Yes, young Mickey happened to be running naked, his clothes in his hand. There was a good reason for this. Only a few minutes before Mickey had been feeding that cock into Mary O'Connell. As he paused a moment to catch his breath Mickey thought back to humping his long thick cock into Mary, giving her what she begged for over and over. At least until her husband...
As I am checking into the hotel, I notice you sitting in the lobby.You look up and our eyes meet.We then exchange a friendly smile. Before anything else can happen, it’s my turn to be helped at the front desk.I check in and throw a glance your way as I head to the elevator.Someone comes out of the elevator and bumps into me causing me to drop the envelope with my keys in it.I quickly grab my envelope so I don't miss the elevator and just manage to make it in before the doors close.Either by...
Tool repairs and sharpening, Odd jobs Michael & Katherine Corcoran, proprietors It had been a good five years. Mickey and Kat now had two children, their shop was a success and the city continued to grow around them. Locals knew that the 'Will return at 1pm' sign went up most days and rumor had it that it meant more than a lunch hour. Five years and still Kat wanted Mickey's long thick cock as often as she could get it. And Mickey desired her every day. Despite her initial concerns...
It was just my luck … Two years ago, my wife left me for another guy. A year later, I lost my high-paying job in a ‘corporate restructuring’. Now, just three weeks after moving into a new house, the heating packs up. Actually, I had a lot for which still to be thankful. My ex-wife’s new husband was rich, so her financial demands were relatively small. My kids, now grown and on their own, took my side and were a source of loving support. The redundancy payoff had been generous, and I had...