Turning the Wife Into a Hot Dirty Slut
- 3 years ago
- 53
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"What do you think, sweetie?”
Arabella gave a seductive twirl in her new scarlet dress, bought especially for the occasion. It was cut daringly low at the front, showing a considerable expanse of her large braless breasts. This view was improved even more when she bent over, causing her huge melons to flop forward and practically spill out of the front.
The danger of wardrobe malfunction wasn’t helped by the two thin shoulder straps, which seemed quite loose and insecure, and liable to slip down her arms at any time. Moreover, although it was quite long, the dress was split at the side right up as far as her hips, revealing a substantial quantity of bare leg and firm, well-moulded thigh.
And finally, anyone who looked carefully at the way it clung smoothly and seamlessly to her hips would conclude (correctly) that she wasn’t wearing any knickers either.
“You look like a right slut,” said Kevin with a grin.
“That’s the general idea. Do you think Alan and Dave’ll like it?”
“Not half. They’ll be spunking in their Y-fronts before they’ve even finished their starter.”
“Oh, I do hope not. That would be a terrible waste.”
It was two weeks since Kevin had watched his wife’s work colleague, Dave Costello, fuck her across a desk at an office party. The subsequent revelation (brought about when Arabella saw the film of it that Kevin had made on his mobile phone) that both of them were incredibly turned on by the mutual experience of watching and being watched, had revitalised their once-toxic relationship in ways neither would have believed possible.
Almost immediately they’d discussed ways to repeat the experience, but in such a way that this time Arabella would be fucked while fully aware that her husband was observing. It had been Kevin’s idea to invite Dave round to dinner, and Arabella had suggested extending the invitation to Alan Clinton, another work colleague who she suspected of harbouring a desire to get into her knickers.
“If only he knew I hardly ever wear them,” she’d sniggered.
Both Dave and Alan had accepted the invitation eagerly, although they’d been slightly surprised to discover that Kevin would be present, Arabella’s contempt for her husband being well-known around the office. Dave’s theory was that it was all part of a plan to humiliate Kevin so much that he’d walk out for good, leaving her free to “shag herself senseless all around the office,” in his words.
On the night in question, Dave and Alan arrived together, having met up for a pre-dinner pint in the local pub, and were met by a smiling Kevin, fully-charged wine glass in hand.
“Hi guys,” he said warmly, “so glad you could make it. Bella’s in the kitchen, just sorting stuff out, but there’s booze in the front room if you want to come through.”
He led the way down the hall, swaying slightly.
“Chris, Kev’s on the sauce already,” whispered Alan.
“That means he’ll be asleep in his armchair before we even start,” said Dave. “You should have seen him at the do the other week, snoring like a pig. Bella’ll be pissed off again.”
But it soon became clear to the guys that Arabella was giving Kevin a run for his money in the drinking stakes. While Kevin was helping them to an aperitif, she wandered into the room and greeted them effusively, with a half-empty bottle of white wine clasped unsteadily in one hand.
“Excuse the bottle,” she giggled, “I had to open it for the coq au vin, and it seemed a shame to waste the rest.”
Her behaviour at the dinner table didn’t get any better. In between trips to the kitchen she always seemed to be topping up her glass, with the unsurprising consequence that she became gradually more and more tipsy and flirtatious. Several times, one or other of the straps on her dress slipped down off her shoulder, almost exposing a breast, but she always managed to push it back up just in time.
Whenever this happened, Dave and Alan exchanged appreciative but puzzled glances. It was clear that Arabella was flirting with them, but they weren’t quite sure how to respond. It seemed odd that Kevin hadn’t noticed, but it was apparent that Arabella kept on making him run little errands to distract him, purely to give her opportunities to flaunt her body in an outrageously obvious way.
At one point, when Arabella had dragged Kevin into the kitchen to help with the dessert, they had a hurried consultation across the table.
“What the hell’s going on here?” asked Alan. “She’s coming on a bit heavy, and he doesn’t even seem to have noticed.”
“Yeah, I’m amazed her tits haven’t fallen out of that dress yet,” replied Dave. “And have you seen how much wine they’ve both been putting away. No wonder he hasn’t noticed anything, I’m surprised he can still focus.”
Meanwhile, an equally urgent discussion was going on in the kitchen.
“Do you think I’m overdoing it,” giggled Arabella, as she poured her full glass of wine down the sink.
“No, it’s perfect,” said Kevin, sending the contents of his glass the same way. “I can’t believe they haven’t twigged, but I guess your tits are a bit of a distraction. They think we’re both completely pissed by now.”
“A few more close calls with this dress and they’ll be gagging for it.”
“Okay, let’s get dessert over with, then you can make your move. I hope neither of them gets cold feet about making a pass at you when you’re drunk.”
“Dave won’t give a shit about that,” said Arabella confidently. “And I reckon Alan’ll cave in once he sees my tits in the flesh. Come on, let’s get back in there before they wonder what’s going on.”
As soon as dessert was over, Kevin yawned theatrically and stood up, swaying slightly.
“Jesus, I shouldn’t have had that last drink,” he said. “Look, I’m knackered, love, and I’ve got that presentation to get ready tomorrow. If I don’t get some kip it’ll never get done.”
“I guess we ought to go too,” said Alan, putting down his drink.
“Hell no, you don’t need to go yet,” said Kevin quickly. “Bella’ll look after you, won’t you, love? Have another drink, there’s plenty more.”
“Yes, don’t go yet,” oozed Arabella, “I’m not ready for bed quite yet.”
“I’ll leave you to it, then,” said Kevin, leaning down to kiss her on the cheek. “Goodnight, sweetheart. Bye guys.” He left, slightly unsteadily and shutting the door with exaggerated care, then paused outside. He heard a chair scrape, and Arabella’s voice.
“Come on,” she said, “Bring your drinks and we can make ourselves comfy next door. Let’s get this party started.”
Kevin smiled, and made his way upstairs, suddenly perfectly steady on his feet. Everything was going precisely to plan.
Arabella meanwhile had led Dave and Alan into the front room, where there were a couple of armchairs and a large sofa. She flopped theatrically down on the latter and crossed her legs, showing an indecent amount of bare thigh. While Dave freshened up his glass, Alan sat cautiously on one of the armchairs, but Arabella was having none of that.
“Hey, don’t be such a bore,” she giggled, patting the sofa next to her. “Come over here and keep me company. You too, Dave, and bring that bottle with you.”
Dave grinned at Alan and winked, then both men did as they’d been asked and sat down on the sofa, one on either side of their hostess. Arabella made a satisfied purring noise, and casually rested her left hand on Dave’s leg.
“I’m glad that boring old fart’s gone,” she murmured. “There’s never any fun when he’s around.”
“We had some fun the other evening all right,” said Dave with a salacious leer. “That twat doesn’t know what he’s missing.”
“Have a good time, did you?” asked Alan.
“Dave was showing me his office,” said Arabella innocently.
“I expect you got a good close look at the top of his desk,” said Alan bluntly. He knew what Dave was like. If his colleague had been a woman, he’d have been called a slut (and worse). As it was, his reputation as “a bit of a ladies’ man” meant that lots of the women in the office had learnt to give him and his wandering hands a wide berth.
“Yeah, she even gave it a bit of a polish,” smirked Dave, “With her knockers.”
He made a gesture with his hands, indicative of rubbing hard back and forth on a flat surface, and Alan sniggered.
“Beast,” said Arabella. She uncrossed her legs and parted them slightly, allowing her dress to ride up even higher. At the same time, she slid her hand further up Dave’s leg, before slipping it down between his thighs. She could see the bulge of his cock and balls hanging down, and let her hand rub over them.
While all this was going on, Kevin had gone upstairs into the main bedroom, and quickly made his way to the table where a laptop was plugged in and waiting. Powering it up, he opened an app, pressed a few keys, and suddenly the screen was filled with a view of the front room, dominated by the sofa on which Arabella was lounging, drink in hand, flanked by their two guests.
He had to admit the picture quality was superb. It had certainly been worth buying a top-of-the-range video system. He clicked a couple more keys to check the other two cameras, which were secreted behind the wall-light fittings located to the left and right of the sofa. But he preferred the view from the main camera, installed within the bookcase, and zoomed it in slightly so the sofa filled the whole screen. He clicked on “record”, then adjusted the volume until he could hear clearly the conversation between his wife and the two men.
Downstairs, Dave had got the message. He slung his arm casually over Arabella’s shoulder, and let his hand brush over the smooth mound of her breast. His fingertips flicked across the little button of her nipple through her dress, which hardened at his touch. Arabella did nothing to push his hand away, which Dave took as welcome confirmation that as long as he played his cards right, the evening was about to get interesting.
“How about you, Alan?” purred Arabella. “Would you show me your office sometime?”
She boldly placed her other hand on his crotch, where she’d noticed his cock was already starting to swell. To her surprise and delight, the bulge seemed to stretch hallway down his trouser leg. Dave had what she thought of as a “normal-sized” cock (seven inches, though he was more inclined to call it “nearly nine”), but Alan’s looked rather more interesting.
She began to stroke it gently through his trousers, following the contours of the bulge and lingering on the head. Alan smiled nervously.
“Are you sure your husband isn’t going to come back down?” he enquired.
“Never mind about him,” murmured Amanda. “Once he’s had a few drinks, he always drops off. It’ll take an earthquake to wake him now.”
“Yeah well, I’m gonna make the earth move for you, babe,” said Dave, predictably.
He slipped his hand down inside the front of Arabella’s dress and cupped her bare breast, before beginning to squeeze and play with the soft mound.
“Dave, really!” scolded Arabella, still doing nothing to stop him. Dave really was an arsehole of the first order, but as long as he didn’t realise she was using him rather than vice versa, she saw no reason not to put up with his inane comments. And she did like having her breasts massaged.
More to the point, it was about time she saw what Alan was keeping hidden away. She leant over and began to undo his belt, then his trousers.
“Christ, Dave, I know you said Kev’s wife was hot, but not like this,” said Alan in awe, as Arabella pulled down his fly zip and delved into his trousers.
She squealed with delight as she pulled out Alan’s dick. It certainly was an impressive specimen, looking a good nine inches already, even though it wasn’t totally erect yet. As she rubbed her hands up and down the shaft, it visibly grew by another inch. Prominent veins stood out on the firm shaft, helping to pump it full of blood, and the circumcised cock-head was swollen and purple.
“Oh, sweetie,” she purred. “Where have YOU been all my life?”
She bent over and licked round the cock-head, then up and down the shaft, leaving a trail of saliva. She could sense her own juices start to flow.
Dave took his hand out of her dress and pulled the straps off her shoulders and down her arms. Her big tits flopped out, the dark nipples already hard with excitement. Alan reached out and grabbed them, mashing them with his hands.
“Jesus, love, these are amazing,” he said.
Dave was already getting undressed, unbuttoning his shirt and kicking off his shoes. Arabella decided it might be a good idea to get her dress off, before it got too crumpled (and possibly stained). She abandoned Alan’s dick for just long enough to loosen the zip and slide her dress down over her hips, tossing it over the back of the sofa. Alan gazed in delight at her bare pussy, where her prominent labia were already puffy and moist. He reached out and slipped a finger between the slippery lips and into her hole.
Arabella inhaled sharply with pleasure. “You can have it soon,” she promised, “but first I want to get to know your friend a bit better.”
Alan quickly undressed as well, and the three of them were soon completely naked. Arabella pushed Alan back onto the sofa and closed her lips around the head of his cock. It was so fat that she could only just stretch her mouth wide enough to take it. She sucked and licked at the tight skin of the helmet, then tickled her tongue around the tight entrance to his urethra. Alan seemed happy to lie back and let her get on with it, but Dave was playing with her tits again. She could feel his hard dick pressed against the smooth cheeks of her arse.
Alan’s dick really was a cracker. She let her head drop forward, starting to take the whole shaft into her mouth. She cupped his ball-sack in one hand, closing her hand gently, just enough to feel the twin eggs of his testicles. As Alan’s dick reached the top of her throat, she felt her gag reflex start to kick in, his knob bumping against the back of her mouth.
But years of sucking dicks in bars, bedrooms and the backseats of cars had prepared Arabella for this. Besides, she knew Kevin would be watching, and suspected he’d enjoy seeing her deep-throating Alan’s monster. So she forced herself to override the gag, straightened her throat, and let Alan’s dick slip right down, so it was pressing against her throat like an especially prominent Adam’s apple.
“Oh, fucking hell,” groaned Alan. “How the fuck can you do that?”
She assumed it was meant as a rhetorical question, since she was hardly in a position to answer. She bobbed her head up and down, fucking her throat with his dick.
“How’s that feel, mate?” said Dave.
“Fucking awesome,” confirmed Alan. “It’s the first time any chick’s managed to take all my cock down their throat before.”
“Yeah, Arabella’s the girl for that sort of thing. And she’s got a great arse too,” said Dave. He knelt behind her on the sofa and squeezed her bum cheeks, then pulled them apart. He gazed at her pussy, admiring the way the soft swollen folds of her labia framed the dark entrance to her moist cavern. A glistening droplet of cunt juice hung from one fleshy flap.
“Aw fuck, you’re dripping,” he said admiringly. “Better not keep you waiting any longer.”
Grabbing her hip with his left hand, he took his cock in the other and positioned the tip against her vulva. Without further ceremony, he thrust forward, and his dick went straight inside her with a slurp.
Arabella grunted with pleasure as she felt his erection inside her. She loved having one cock in her mouth and another in her cunt. Dave’s balls slapped against her arse as he began to fuck her rhythmically. She imagined Kevin watching on the monitor, beating his meat as he watched and recorded his own wife getting banged by two men at once, and this delicious thought almost made her come then and there.
Kevin was indeed enjoying the unfolding events. Watching his wife deep-throat Alan’s enormous penis had got him incredibly turned on. He’d removed all his own clothes and was now sitting naked in front of the laptop, watching events develop exactly as he and Arabella had planned. His own cock was fully erect, and he stroked it gently as he gazed at the screen. He knew he’d come easily if he allowed himself, but if ever there was a time to practise his edging skills, this was it.
He rubbed gently round the rim of his helmet, moistening it with a little bit of pre-cum that had leaked out. There was some lubricant on the bedside table, and he squirted a bit of it into hand, before rubbing it over his dick. He wondered if it would be possible to buy a tiny earpiece for his wife, so he could whisper to her while she was sucking or fucking another man. The delicious naughtiness of this thought almost made him come on the spot, and he had to quickly let go of his penis before he ejaculated prematurely.
Downstairs, Arabella was still enjoying her two cocks, when she felt Dave’s slip out of her vagina. Her arse cheeks were pulled roughly apart, and the tip of his erection pressed against the tight puckered hole of her sphincter.
Quickly she slipped Alan’s penis out of her mouth.
“Oh no, you don’t,” she gasped. “You know I don’t do anal.”
“Ah fuck, go on,” grumbled Dave. “I’m well lubed with your cunt juice, it won’t hurt.”
“Yes, it fucking well will,” insisted Arabella. “You’ve not had a cock up your bum, so how would you know? Look, come here and I’ll suck you, then I’ll give you that tit-wank you always said you wanted. And you can fuck me, Alan.”
“Oh Jesus, yes,” muttered Alan, while Dave reluctantly accepted he wasn’t going to get his cock up Arabella’s arse this time. There was a bit of shuffling about, which ended with Arabella on her back with Dave straddling her chest, his erection bobbing in front of her face, glistening with her own cunt juices. She took his ball-sack gently in her hand, while licking around his knob.
Meanwhile, she felt Alan put his hands under her bum-cheeks and lift her pelvis. She felt something hard pressing against the entrance to her vagina, and braced herself for what was about to happen. Fortunately, Dave’s cock had already stretched and lubricated her, so she was ready when Alan pressed forward and slowly eased his thick ten inches into her. She hoped the camera was capturing that, and that Kevin was enjoying the sight.
“Oh fuck, Alan!” she cried, only partly for the benefit of the recording. It was a long time since she’d had a cock so thick that it stretched the entrance to her vagina quite so much, and it felt amazing as Alan began to thrust it in and out of her. He was going as deep as he could, and she felt the tip of his cock pressing against her cervix with every inward thrust.
“I gotta fuck your tits now, Bella,” grunted Dave.
He positioned his cock in the space between her ample breasts, and Arabella gripped her mounds hard, folding them over his erection. He began to thrust his cock backwards and forwards.
“Aw fuck, Bella, you’ve got the best tits in the office,” he said, which she supposed was a compliment, even if the only competition was Niamh the Irish intern, who had tits like pancakes.
Arabella relaxed and let the two guys get on with it. She could see Dave’s cock-head getting more and more purple, while a few squirts of his pre-cum helped to lubricate his cock’s frotting between her boobs.
“I’m gonna come, Bella,” he moaned after a few minutes.
“Mm, that’s it babe, come on my chest,” murmured Arabella, who knew what he liked to hear. She squeezed her tits tighter round his cock.
“Ah fuck, I’m coming,” he said, and did so. Several ropes of thick white semen erupted out of his knob, splattering over Arabella’s neck and chin. She let him pull his cock out from between her tits and deposit a last few dollops on her hard dark nipples.
Alan, meanwhile, was showing no signs of tiring. As Dave lay back on the bed, he began to fuck Arabella even harder, pushing his cock in as far as it could go. She could hear the rhythmic slurp-schlup, slurp-schlup as he pulled in and out, and feel her juices being squeezed out and down her thighs. He reached out and squeezed her tits roughly, smearing Dave’s cum around.
“Oh, fuck yes, fuck yes, fuck yes,” moaned Arabella. “Al, sweetie, I want you to come on my tits too.” She knew that Alan’s massive cock ejaculating over her boobs would be the perfect ending for the video.
“Ah fuck, yes,” gasped Alan. He leant forward, gave several especially hard, fast thrusts, then pulled out and pointed his sticky cock at her tits. He squeezed his hand round his shaft and ejaculated. His first rope of spunk splattered over Arabella’s right boob, while the second went even further, looping right across her face and into her hair. He came considerably more than Dave had done, producing enough mess to provide an ample coating even of her substantial mounds. As his eruptions eventually subsided, he pressed the tip of his cock against her left nipple and squeezed a last gooey dollop onto the hard bud.
“Oh, you dirty beasts,” purred Arabella admiringly. “You know how much I love cum.” She began to smear it over her body with her fingers before licking them clean.
Alan sat on the bed, watching enthralled as she played with his semen. He’d clearly not been with a woman as dirty as Arabella before, and his cock, still slick and shining with her juices, hardly seemed to have gone down.
“Look at Alan’s dick, Dave,” giggled Amanda. “It’s still hard. Why don’t you give it a little suck, just for me?”
“Fuck off,” said Dave bluntly. “I’m not a fucking queer.”
“Oh, Dave, you’re such a bore,” pouted Arabella. “I’m sure Alan’d love you to suck his dick, wouldn’t you, babes?”
“Erm, not really,” said Alan with a blush. “I don’t really go for that sort of thing. I’m not prejudiced or anything, I just don’t fancy it.”
“You guys are so un-cool; guys all suck each other’s dicks these days. It doesn’t mean you’re gay, just open-minded. You’d love to watch me lick another girl’s pussy, wouldn’t you?”
“Yeah, but that’s different,” said Dave. “You’re just a slut.”
Arabella had to admit the truth in this, and decided it wasn’t worth pursuing the point. Besides, Alan had started to get dressed again, maybe thinking that was the best way to put a stop to any more cock-sucking suggestions.
“Well, if you don’t want any more fun, I guess that’s it for the evening,” said Arabella firmly. “I’d probably better go and see if Kevin’s okay, I suppose.”
Dave shrugged, and began to put his clothes on too. Arabella kissed him on the mouth, then gave Alan the same treatment.
“Thanks for a lovely evening, guys,” she said. “We must do it again sometime.” She squeezed Alan’s crotch, where his soft cock still made a substantial bulge.
“Any time, babe,” said Dave, “As long as your husband doesn’t mind.” He guffawed unkindly.
“I guess what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him,” suggested Alan.
Arabella smiled to herself. If only they knew. Holding her dress in front of her naked, cum-coated body, she showed the two men to the door.
“Thanks again, boys,” she giggled, shutting it behind them. Then, throwing her dress over the bannister rail, she rushed naked upstairs and burst into the bedroom. Kevin turned from the laptop to see her, a big grin on his face and his hand on his erect cock.
“Did you get all that, sweetie?” she giggled.
Kevin got up and walked over to her. He pushed her hard back against the door, and kissed her roughly on the mouth, his erect cock pressed against her leg.
“You’re just a filthy slag,” he said, “letting them both fuck you like that. And look at you, you’re still covered in their cum.”
“Yeah, babe, why don’t you have some?” she answered, scooping up a large glob from her left tit and smearing it over Kevin’s cheek.
“And you got a kick watching, didn’t you?” she went on, “sitting up here jerking at your cock. Did you like it when Alan fucked me? His cock’s so big it almost split me in two.”
“You got it all the way down your throat okay though, didn’t you? Cock-sucking tart. And I thought you were going to let Costello take you up the arse for a minute.”
“You know I can’t do anal, darling,” whimpered Arabella, “I’m so tight, and it hurts so much.”
“Can’t? Or won’t?” snapped Kevin. “If you can take a cock down your throat and up your cunt, you can have one up your arse, you slut.”
He flung her onto the bed, turned her over on her front, and lifted her thighs so her arse was wobbling in front of him.
“If you hadn’t fucked so many guys that your cunt’s like a fucking wellington boot, I wouldn’t have to do this,” he gasped, pressing his rock-hard cock against the dark pucker of her sphincter.
Arabella clutched the bedclothes in her hands and began to wail melodramatically, “Not my little bumhole, not there!”
“You should’ve thought of that earlier,” chortled Kevin, and pushed forward. Arabella squealed as her sphincter was forced open by his bulbous knob-head, then let out a sigh of satisfaction as the helmet popped in, and the rest of his shaft slid in after it.
He began to thrust in and out of his wife’s tight anus. Arabella clenched her muscles as tightly as she could around his shaft, as if trying to hold it tight inside her. He knew he wouldn’t be able to last long, having been edging all evening, but that didn’t matter. He knew she just wanted him to fill her anal passage with as much of his thick hot spunk as possible, and he was happy to oblige.
“I’m gonna fill your arse with spunk, you slag,” he cried, “You’re not fit to be fucked properly!”
He gave a few final rapid thrusts, his balls slapping against Arabella’s cheeks, and then climaxed with a groan, shooting his load deep into her arse. She squealed back at him, and the two of them collapsed in a heap on the bed. With a sigh, Kevin pulled his cock out of his wife’s backside, and rolled onto his back while she straddled him.
“So, you think I’m a filthy slag, do you?” she sneered with a grin. “In that case, you can have all your nasty muck back again.”
She squeezed her sphincter, and a series of globs of Kevin’s spunk oozed out of her anal passage and splodged onto his chest. Then she collapsed onto him, the semen smeared between their bodies, and they kissed deeply and passionately.
“Fuck it, Kevin,” she gasped at last, rolling off him and panting to fill her lungs, “that was even better than I’d hoped. Did you enjoy watching us?”
Kevin nodded. “Just wait ‘til you watch it yourself,” he laughed. “You were awesome. I only wish Dave and Alan could see it too.”
“Well, if I don’t get that pay rise I’ve asked for, they might get their chance,” sniggered Arabella. “I wonder what the CEO would say if he knew what was going on.”
“He’d probably want to fuck you himself.”
“Maybe I should go for the whole Board next.”
“In that case, we’re gonna need a bigger sofa.”
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Group SexKevin slammed down his glass in anger. He knew it had been a mistake to come to the reception, and Arabella’s behaviour was already proving him right. He looked across the room to where she was standing much too close to Dave Costello, her wine glass at a tipsy angle, giggling at some inane remark he’d just made. He saw Dave glance down at Arabella’s ample chest, her embonpoint almost spilling out of her low-cut black cocktail dress. On some women it would have looked elegant, but Arabella...
CuckoldHi, guys!It's your favorite Arabian slut here to tell you another of my cherished sexcapades.Unless you've been living in a cave, you must know what a dirty cum-slut I am by now. Whenever I go on vacation, my main requirement is that it be somewhere where there will plenty of guys and gals to suck and fuck. I call them my "sexcations". One of my favorite sexcations was my trip to the red light district of Amsterdam. So why not get out your beautiful, big, hard cocks & start stroking while I...
Teaching Sara To Be A Dirty Slut.One of the main reasons for the break-up between my ex-girlfriend and I was, that she would never admit, that, at heart, she was slut. She always enjoyed the rough ways that I fucked her, especially if she were drunk or (even better) stoned. Her mother had taught her, that sex was dirty, and she would never quite admit, that she loved fucking and sucking. Another reason she felt dirty was, that when she really let herself go she relaxed completely, including...
DIARY OF A DIRTY ANAL-SLUTIt was half past 11 on a Friday morning and I was just getting out of the shower. I’d spent the last half hour shaving my genitals totally smooth and I looked down at my hairless dick n balls admiring the job I’d done. I’d taken real care around my hole, in preparation for what was in store for me later that day, well, at least I hoped. See, for years I’d fantasised about it, and today I was determined to actually make it happen. It had become some-what of an obsession...
DIARY OF A DIRTY ANAL-SLUTIt was half past 11 on a Friday morning and I was just getting out of the shower. I’d spent the last half hour shaving my genitals totally smooth and I looked down at my hairless dick n balls admiring the job I’d done. I’d taken real care around my hole, in preparation for what was in store for me later that day, well, at least I hoped. See, for years I’d fantasised about it, and today I was determined to actually make it happen. It had become some-what of an obsession...
Chapter 1Given just how revealing the slutty little outfits are that my hotwife wears to pubs, clubs and bars,I'm amazed that she's never been arrested for indecent exposure, breach of the peace or grossindecency! She constantly pushes out the boundaries of what she wears and what she gets up to.I first met Kim four years ago at a property exhibition I'd rented a stand at. Through an agency I'dhired four promotions girls to help out on the stand. They were all in their twenties,...
As she thought about the kiss she realized he puckered and placed his lips gently against hers. In full anticipation of a hit or punch like Roger would have done it was her who actually escalated the kiss by opening her mouth. But Joseph didn't aggressively shove his tongue deep into her mouth or even push his mouth hard to hers. He softly held and kissed her. And yet like a frightened animal she shivered uncontrollably. Being alone in the hotel room, the fear mostly passed that she...
Carol still was a tight-bodied hottie of 35 when her husband died in a car crash 14 months before her twin sons, Luke and Jude, turned 18. She had brown hair and a lovely face. Her often-wet cunt somehow had the look of a brazen tart, while she carried a fine arse above well-turned legs. Before her kinky, dominant husband, Greg, had died, however, he’d often told her that her “cow udders were obscenely huge”, though he loved them, liking to harshly squeeze and slap them. In truth,...
As Sam and Wendy sat in bed browsing the internet looking for porn to watch, something that they had both come to enjoy over recent years, they chanced across a website where members could share amateur homemade porn. The website ran like a social network, members could share their homemade porn with other like-minded people. They were also able to friend other members, like, and comment on each other's photos and videos. There was also a video chat section, including private chat rooms.The...
My first wife had been a good mother, God bless her, but making love to her was like doing a dead fish – the same look in the eyes, a similar gaping, bored expression and the zombie jerking robotic movements to our juice-less lovemaking. How we managed to beget children is still a mystery to me. Don’t blame me! I’ve had and satisfied many partners before, during and since, so I knew it was her! I had been her first and only lover and to begin with it had been fun. Eventually...
HotwifeI woke up during the night with Marcus cuddling me and playing with my pierced nipples, which once again was making me wet.I climbed on top of him and proceeded to rub my pussy all over his hard cock. It wasn't long after that I pushed myself down him which caused us both to orgasm again and then we fell back to sleep.We woke up about ten. We both needed a shower. Marcus proceeded to wash me paying special attention to my pierced nipples and pussy. I decided, 'Two can play this game.'I...
Wife LoversJames, the dirty cumslut, was on his knees wearing a pink stringy thong panty and thigh-high black lace stockings. Before James stood Naksh with his very masculine ten-inch cock shoved deep into James’ slurping throat. James looked up at Naksh with watering eyes and blushing cheeks. It was a brutal face-fucking. Naksh pumped his hips with undisputed authority, and James slobbered the cock passionately. The huge cock jetted back-and-forth deep into James’ throat with power. Naksh face-fucked...
Gay MaleIt was after a couple of years that my wife Jyoti and me finally saw a film in a cinema hall. I hardly get time from my busy work schedule and prefer to watch movies on television. But after this evening, I realized it was these small pleasures in life which I was missing. I thoroughly enjoyed the evening. We began with a stroll in a public garden, filming each other on our video camera – to preserve the nice moments for posterity. We followed it up by a nice dinner and then saw the Hindi movie...
There is one scene in the Bollywood movie Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge I watched on video over and over again. Simran and her friend Sheena walking in London, discussing the trip to Europe. Why? Sheena is dressed n a hot leather dress and walking in hot boots. From that moment I decided that I would do my best to change my future wife in a leather slut. Not only leather and boots turn me on. I have another fetish: a gag in the mouth of a girl. Nothing is so good as a ball gag between the red...
My wife, Jen, and I have been happily married for fifteen years. She’s the love of my life. We have three beautiful, happy kids. We have a very satisfying and imaginative sex life. My wife is so hot, it’s easy to get inspired and creative. She’s a gorgeous, petite blonde with 36DD tits and a really hot ass. Her body is crazy-sexy, built for sex. Her curves drive me wild. She will do and say filthy things to get me excited -- dirty talk or parading around naked in only stripper heels.She wears...
CuckoldMy wife and I have been married for 10 years and to tell the truth, she's beautiful, has a pussy and ass to die for and she is probably the worlds NASTIEST FILTHY CUM slut you have ever seen! That's why I married her because she will fuck, suck and swallow on command and she will do anything that involves sex of any type you like no matter how nasty or filthy it is!She has been an admitted cum slut since I first met her in high school. I have always been attracted to sluts and she fit the bill...
Hot new dominant wife, we both have boyfriends, my new title... cuckold, cum slut I am 30 years old, married 6 months ago and have only had sex with my wife twice, what ever did I do to deserve this. Let me explain my life before my wife and the position I am in now. I had been single for 30 years, having fun with my buddies and on occasion would run across a girl at our local watering hole have some recreational sex. Life was good, then one day while hanging out in the local pub...
Joy was once gang banged by a group of her teachers when she was seventeen in high school in the principal's office during school hours. She has no inhibitions about doing a guy or group of guys in public. In fact, having a group of people watching her suck cock or getting fucked turns her on. She especially likes the feeling of being a slut and being used like a sperm bank. The following story is about an event that happened to my wife a number of years ago. My wife, Joy, went to her company's...
Group SexMy wife Kate and I were watching this movie, it was about a couple in which the wife was having an affair with a black man. The film had turned me on so much, that I started thinking about Kate having sex with another man, so I asked her, "How would you fancy being with a black man?"This went down like a lead balloon with her, telling me, "No way I'm interested in having sex with a stranger."This didn't deter me, the thought of seeing her have sex with a black man and him treating her like a...
My wife and I have been happily married for several years and have a very active sex life. We are perfectly matched, as I am a dominant and she is quite submissive. Although she is often shy, once she gets worked up she becomes a sex crazed a****l. It's a wonderful transformation to see and one I put to good use on a regular basis.This one particular weekend, I decided to give my wife a thrilling tease and told her I was taking her to an adult theater one state over where nobody would know...
My wife and I have been happily married for several years and have a very active sex life. We are perfectly matched, as I am a dominant and she is quite submissive. Although she is often shy, once she gets worked up she becomes a sex crazed a****l. It's a wonderful transformation to see and one I put to good use on a regular basis.This one particular weekend, I decided to give my wife a thrilling tease and told her I was taking her to an adult theater one state over where nobody would know...
For those of you who have been following the antics of my wife Melinda, and in particular her gradual transformation over recent months from faithful wife to total slut, I am certain you'll like this account of a recent event!You may recall that my best friend John has fucked my slut wife a few times and she's always enjoyed taking his bigger cock! The last time he was around at ours home fucking my wife, she got talking about the size of his large cock and how she'd seemed to acquired a taste...
John and Amy have been married for almost 5 years now. They have had a good sex life,John is 23 years old, and Amy is 24 years old. John stands 6’2″, with dark brown hair and blue eyes, weighing about 200 lbs. Amy stands about 5’4″, with long brown hair and green eyes. She weighs about 190 lbs, with 42D tits.They had hired a local lawn company to do their yard work for them. Roger is a 40 year old. He stands 6’4″, with dark skin, a shaved head, and dark brown eyes. He had a muscular build,...
If you are reading this now and finding it disgusting, i suggest you don't comment. Am just an african teenage of 21 of age, living in my own apartment, i am single as far as i remember and being a sissy is my fantasy which i realy wish to turn true. dont get me wrong guys, i realy do want a girlfriend, but trying another man cock in all position makes me hard many times. well luckily this is a story of how it became a reality. it happened few weeks ago from now. it all began when i...
My wife becoming a hotwifeMarie's journey from housewife to hotwifeThis is a true story about my shy demure wife's journey into exhibitionism and into being shared.I am Eugene and my wife is Marie. This a true story about her journey from a woman who would never even think about cheating, to the role of my hotwife and on to slutwife. She was 5'4"and tipped the scale at about 135 but she carried it well. Her best assets were her 38D tits with very prominent dark nipples which she always tried to...
The following occurred on Saturday April 16th 2011. It is true and it was hot. I am a 40 year old male who is married to a 34 year old woman named Cindi. She is 5?7? 139 pounds, and blond with blue eyes. She wears her hair shoulder length. We have two young c***dren and just don?t find the time to go out anymore. So this particular Saturday, we were able to drop off the k**s at my mother in laws and go out. When my wife was getting ready to go, I walked in the bedroom and she had put on a blue...
Hey guys, I am back after almost a year to share a new experience with all of you. For those of you who don’t know me, I’m Vikrant from Pune. I’m 5″10, 20 years old with an athletic body and a 6-inch long tool. I have a huge appetite for sex and love to try out new kinks and fantasies. I’ll start with the story now. The heroine of this story is Khushi. She is an absolute phataka and a treat for the eyes. She is almost as tall as me and has a voluptuous figure. I think it is 36-30-36. Her skin...
I never dreamed I would be able to write about the fulfilment of a fantasy of mine. For years I, that is James, have secretly wanted my wife to have sex with another man. Erica my wife is 36 years old. She has an attractive figure with firm stiff breasts, with large nipples that she loves having sucked and tweaked. She has always been able to keep herself in good shape, as when I met her she was a cheerleader in school and college, she still visits the gym most days.Although she now works as a...
I don't want to get ahead of my story so, I'll start by telling you a little about my wife and I and our relationship. My wife, is 5' 5" tall and weighs about 130 pounds. She has beautiful long auburn hair, large breasts and a well trimmed pussy. She is 36 years old. I am a few years older than my wife and not much taller than she is. We have been married for almost ten years now and our present relationship has been evolving for our entire marriage. I have always been laid back and very...
I have something to tell you about why I have been coming home late from work and why my checks don’t show any overtime. I have been fucking random guys. The first one was Craig the guy I sent pictures to on instagram; we had sex a few times and I sucked his cock at work. When you asked me about the messages I denied doing anything other than sending him pictures. Truth was that was only the start of it. After you messaged him, he deleted his account, so I had a friend give him my number. One...
When I told my wife that I love sniffing and licking her shoes and that I would like to fuck her shoes sometimes, she wasn't too surprised. She told me a secret that her brother is also a fetishist and that she has no problem with that.I was very happy that my wife didn't mind, I could kiss her legs and feet, lick them, sniff her tights and shoes. I loved when she came after work and she left me sweaty tights and shoes. I also loved her sexy, fragrant panties with the juice from her pussy....
Hello guys this is Shiraz here and this is the first story ever that I am sharing with anyone and about me. Well I belong to an upper middle class family from Bangalore. I completed my engineering in 2005 and found a well-paying job in a reputed MNC. Life has been good all these years but it really got sexy just about two years ago. Since then I have been living out my fantasies and enjoying it to the fullest. This story revolves around my super hot wife Shifa khan whom I married 3 years ago....
My wife and I always talked about fucking other people but we never had. She is short and slim, light brown hair, a great rack, and a fat fuckin ass. Ever since we got married she started dressing more conservative. She is such a little fox, so recently I took her shopping for some short shorts to show off her great ass. I love showing her off so much that one night I convinced her to go on webcam for complete strangers. she actually really enjoyed it. I told her that I'ld love to watch her be...
Cheating WifesAll sex acts need full permission from all parties. Please don't do any of this on unwilling partners. DO NOT do this to someone you don't know. This story has been with prior agreement from all. Wife becomes a slut to please husband. I walked into the bar; this was the seventh, bar I walked into in the last few weeks looking for just the right place. I was very disappointed the bar was rowdy with a lot of people but not the kind of place I was looking for. One quick drink...
At the time of this tale, Sarah and I had been married for some eighteen years. So far, we had had a happy and conventional marriage, nothing out of the ordinary. Our sex life had developed with time and was now most enjoyable. It had not always been that way. Sarah’s mother had been a total prude, quite Victorian in her outlook, also bitter and twisted. Sarah was told, from an early age, that 'Sex was sordid, messy and disgusting but was one of those things that a wife had to put up with as...
UK shared wife Hayley – the groups fuck slut (part 1)After the revelation of my sexy, cute little wife Hayley’s first experience as a shared wife (see: UK wife Hayley – shared for the first time) Gary had confided in me that he’d really enjoyed fucking my wife and was quite surprised when I told him that Hayley had really enjoyed it, and that I didn't mind sharing her and we’d agreed that she’d be a shared wife as long as I was there too when she was getting fucked.It didn't surprise me when...
I could see the 4th of July sweat glistening on Molly's skin and her wry grin of pleasure, as I rolled off of her. The pool of fluid oozing from her tight little hole was spreading on the cushion between her legs. We were both panting heavily and gloriously as we reveled in our mutual satisfaction. I couldn't remember the last time we both had cum so hard. This night had been a long time in coming. No pun intended.I looked down at my softening member and pondered the shimmering coating on the...
Wife LoversMe and my husband have been married for a few years. We have a decent sex life but was not a extremely hot one. He was good in bed but I always felt it lacked heat. He was a business man.. decent built and good last long in bed but was soft and loving. People have had a notion about indian women that they are a little conservative, but once you get them going they can rock your world. I was going to do something like that myself. We moved to a new city a few months back. We bought a luxury...
Cheating WifesMy wife is a pure and unadulterated slut. This however, does not bother me in the least. In fact it is good for me, as am a voyeur, that is I love watching people have sex, and I especially love watching my gorgeous wife, get her pussy rammed by some stud. I will now relate how this fantasy of mine came true. We had been married only a few months when things begin to take place, that made me think that she was seeing someone behind my back. Just about every weekend she would leave in the...
VoyeurMy wife and I were pretty nervous, but we decided it was time to fulfill a fantasy of ours. We were going to go to a local adult video store that had private booths. I was going to pretend to be a stranger that needed his cock sucked. She was going to be a horny slut who couldn't wait to get a stranger's cock in her mouth and cum all over her face.We arrived, paid our fee and made our way to the back. As you'd expect it was dark, cramped and noisy. Men of all ages, in all manner of dress...
I could see the 4th of July sweat glistening on Molly's skin and her wry grin of pleasure, as I rolled off of her. The pool of fluid oozing from her tight little hole was spreading on the cushion between her legs. We were both panting heavily and gloriously as we reveled in our mutual satisfaction. I couldn't remember the last time we both had cum so hard. This night had been a long time in coming. No pun intended. I looked down at my softening member and pondered the shimmering coating on the...
Having read the excellent story “subway Heat” from Billy69Boy I was put in mind of something that happened around five years ago and decided to tell the story. This true story concerns my wife and as a prelude to the story, I need to explain that my wife has never been one who is at all permissive or one who sl**p around and as far as I know has always been most faithful. Also I am the type of person who would not appreciate, or tolerate my wife behaving in an inappropriate manner. On this...
Having read the excellent story “subway Heat” from Billy69Boy I was put in mind of something that happened around five years ago and decided to tell the story. This true story concerns my wife and as a prelude to the story, I need to explain that my wife has never been one who is at all permissive or one who sleep around and as far as I know has always been most faithful. Also I am the type of person who would not appreciate, or tolerate my wife behaving in an inappropriate manner. On this...
Converting my Wife to a SlutBeware What You Wish ForWe were seated in a quiet corner of a booth lounge at a bar of a 5-star city hotel. I asked Thuy if she would like another drink “Sure,” she replied, looking tense, and then “thanks darling.” She was doing her best to look and act nonchalant and casual. But I knew my wife of twelve years, her smile was forced and strained. By nature, Thuy was sexually quite conservative, she had grown up in a society where the entire subject of sex and...
Weekend fuck for my dirty wife part 2Continuing the story of my wife Karen and her lust for cock!Stephen didn't have to be asked twice. Moving over to Karen with his cock now fully erect again he began to slowly inch up her soaking wet hole.“Faster boy, fuck me like it’s your first time, hard and fast” He took his orders and started to speed up. Fucking her deep, he then started to slap that big arse of hers. Harder he slapped till red marks were showing on her cheeks. “You dirty bastard, like...
For many women, such as my wife Terry, there is a very fine line between a man’s adoration for them, and being treated like a sweet piece of prime meat. Which is perhaps often the reason for women’s pretentious behavior towards men in general. That’s not to say that women don’t enjoy getting dressed up even to the point of looking slutty just for us, but I’m sure that it’s an ingrained exhibitionist trait handed down from the stone age when only the best of the best could expect to be chosen by...
I finally did it.This is a true account of how I finally turned my wife into an out of control whore for black cocks. I recorded the events on my computer which allowed me recreate the event in writing. I tried to be as specific and detailed as possible hoping that it may help you turn your wife. First, I must say that in the beginning I really didn’t believe that I could turn my wife into a slut nor did I believe that most white woman could be turned either despite what you read on the...
I have been very pleased to notice that she has been in a good mood these past few weeks. Recently the stress of life seemed to be getting to her. I think that part of the reason for the recent uplift in her mood is that her work is going well. Her company has finally listened to her and hired an assistant for her. So now, when she comes home, she is smiling and telling me what has happened and how Pierre, her new assistant, is settling in. At first I didn't think much of this; it's only...
This is about how I found out my wife was a webcam slut. I had been going out with Sarah for 3 years and things were going fine – or so I thought. She was 21, about 5’5 with a hot body and always keen to have shag. We lived together in a flat in Birmingham, she working part time at an office while I worked in transport. Everything seemed okay until one of my friends said he had seen some people he didn’t recognized close to the flat, and I had been noticing a few items had been moved around....
Cheating WifesThis is part 2 of how my wife became a Hotwife. As I left off my wife had come to grips with her friend and husband having a cuckold marriage. Bonnie certainly did not approve but did not want to loose a good friend. Some weeks past before they talked. Sharon asked if my wife was freaked out about everything. Bonnie told her that what she and her husband did was between them and she was not going to pass judgement. They continued with their friendship as normal. A month had passed and Sharon...