Lost at Sea Book 2 DriftersChapter 24
- 4 years ago
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Captain Vex’s hands knotted in the witch’s dark curls. Bella was a profoundly skilled lover. The Captain had a taste of what Bella could do on top of the lighthouse, but being the sole focus of-of a sex witch’s ministrations when there were no other distractions (and Bella was feeling particularly thankful) was to be given the best possible seat in a masterclass in how to pleasure a woman.
Belita had already been turned on fiercely by helping Bella with her recharge ritual. The witch was so willing and dynamic. Belita did not frequently take women as lovers. She preferred the rough and forceful touch of a strong man. Sometimes though, with the right person, she enjoyed taking the opposite role. The witch definitely sparked that. It was her wantonness. Her sassy, taunting personality, coupled with her pliable and willing sexuality made Belita want to take charge. It occurred to her that it was what Bella wanted. The control was still firmly hers even though she’d been so willing to submit. That sudden revelation cured Belita of the faint guilt she’d felt over being so domineering. Bella was a master seductress. She’d known exactly what she was doing. She was still doing it.
“Tell me about your most memorable sexual experience,” Bella said in a throaty coo. Her hands were already busily at work spreading Belita’s wetness around with soft strokes that dipped back to her center and then spiralled out again. At the outside of each spiral before heading back in again, she flicked her fingernail against every one of the eight gold rings that pierced the Captain’s outer labia. Two rows of four, spread in a slight oval by Belita’s arousal and by how far her legs were spread, nestled in among the golden curls of her hair.
Bella found them fascinating. The idea of piercing her own most intimate places made her uncomfortable. Bella was not someone who handled pain well. Her particular kind of endurance swung the opposite direction. Even if she thought she could stomach the process, it wasn’t something she could really consider anyway. There were too many ways piercings like that could get in the way of her magic. There were a few kinds of rituals that might be strengthened by something like that. She’d have to work out the details, but it would work in theory.
Unfortunately there were quite a few other kinds of rituals that would not be compatible at all. She’d lose a lot of versatility in what she was capable of. She supposed she could take them out and put them back in. Were they even removable? They must be. In the dim light it was hard to tell.
On Belita though, the rings made perfect sense. They were signs of her daring nature and bold willingness to face pain and put her body on the line for what she wanted. They were also trophies of accomplishments.
“Well, the tryst on top of Will’s lighthouse was the one that springs tae mind. That was wild,” Belita smiled, her gold teeth catching the dim light from the wall lamps.
“What made it so powerful for you?” Bella asked. Her fingertip dipped into the Captain’s wet opening, just barely threatening to penetrate. A squeeze rippled along Belita’s tanned thighs.
“The danger of it. Knowing we might be caught, that our lives depended on me sucking and fucking without being noticed,” Belita explained. The memory sent a new wave of arousal through her. She was already quite turned on, but suddenly she was flooded. Her nipples puckered around their rings.
“Wanting to go faster and do more, but having to go slow and be careful?” Bella prompted.
“Aye,” the Captain grinned. “My heart was pounding the whole time.”
“Mine too,” Bella admitted. “I was terrified.” She was smiling too as she continued her slow, firm stroking. Now, she could look back on the situation and appreciate the excitement of it. At the time she had other things on her mind.
“It was such a rush,” Belita’s eyes flashed with lust. Her butt and thighs clenched again. Bella had been waiting for a signal like that. She quickly moved her fingertip to Belita’s clit and started making circles. Her other hand busied itself with just barely probing the Captain’s slick opening. Belita squirmed and groaned, her hands reaching for her own breasts, squeezing and pulling.
“Tell me the very best part,” Bella said.
“The first push. Will’s cock sliding intae me for the first time. It was so slo-aaah!” Belita came, hard, unexpectedly, with a buck of her hips as Bella slid a hard wet phallus into her.
“Like that?” Bella smirked.
“Oh, you sly wench…” the Captain laughed, her breathing starting to even out again. “Aye, like that.”
Bella began to slowly slide the stone phallus in and out of her Captain’s wet womanhood.
“Is that the thing your apprentice was using back at Mary’s?” Belita asked.
“Yep. Rocky, meet Belita. Belita, this is Rocky,” Bella winked.
“A mighty fine meeting, indeee-aaahfuckme!” the Captain howled as Rocky abruptly started to buzz inside her. She’d never felt anything like it before in her life. Bella had whispered something to it, and suddenly she did it again. The buzzing ramped up, sending her entire lower body into spasms of pleasure. Her legs were shaking and kicking uncontrollably. Her eyes were wide and she felt like she couldn’t breathe. She had already cum hard, and the unexpected sensations were amplifying the small aftershocks into more full-blown orgasms that hit her one after another.
“Dangerous things happen all the time on the ocean, right?” Bella said, pulsing rocky quickly into the Captain’s depths. “Next time something happens that gets your heart racing, I’m going to have you kneel over my face so I can lick you while Will takes you from behind.”
Belita bucked again, her hips actually coming off the bed for a moment before her feet slid out from under her. The incredible vibrations were taking away all her muscle control. She tried to respond but couldn’t. All that came out was a long, happy moan.
“Maybe I’ll have Rocky help,” Bella continued. Suddenly she slid the buzzing phallus all the way out, and replaced it with the fingers of her other hand. She hooked them upward and pulled firmly against something inside the Captain. It was that same spot that Bella had helped Will find on top of the lighthouse.
Bella didn’t need help. She seemed to know exactly where it was by instinct. She put her fingers on it and began to quickly pulse and pull, hard and fast. It was like she had primed a bomb. The ramp up was fast, uncontrollable, unexpected, unstoppable. All four of Captain Vex’s limbs slammed down on the bed and pushed, her hips lifting. Her whole body tensed and then shook as the power of the strongest orgasm of her life ripped through her. Her breath came in staccato gasps. It didn’t let up. Bella just kept pulsing her fingers into that magical spot and keeping the sensations rolling. Every time she thought it was going to subside, another one hit her.
Then Bella added Rocky’s buzz right onto Belita’s clit.
Belita was lost. She stopped being able to think. Even the feelings of surprise, the small moments of revelation and reflection at how amazing it all felt were gone. All she could do was feel it. There was no room left to think about those feelings. All that remained of her conscious mind was the explosive heat and electric jolts of incredible pleasure. She had no idea how long it went on. It was like being caught in a storm. All she could do was hold on and ride it out.
Eventually, the intense pleasure began to subside. Or rather, Belita began to realize that it had subsided. It took awhile for her mind to catch up. Bella had slid Rocky back inside her and reduced the strength of the buzzing. It was a slow, warm way to come down. Belita realized she was looking at Bella’s beautiful, self-satisfied face. She had no idea how long she’d been staring like that, open-mouthed and dumbfounded.
“How did ye do that?” Belita asked in quiet amazement.
Belita shrugged. “Years of practice.”
“I thought Janie was exaggerating about how good it was, and then Will did that... thing with his fingers… I thought that was as good as it could get,” Belita shook her head. She was holding herself up on her elbows. She didn’t remember getting into that position. “Ye… That was even better.”
“You helped me. I wanted to show you my appreciation.” Bella tucked her hair behind one of her ears and smiled. She slowly withdrew Rocky and killed the buzzing. Belita finally completely relaxed. She felt boneless. Never in her life had she been more relaxed.
“Best cabin girl ever,” the Captain laughed. Bella crawled forward and lay down at the Captain’s side, resting her head on the blond woman’s shoulder. Belita hugged the witch to her, wrapping her arm around Bella’s shoulders.
“Don’t sailors earn medals for being good at their jobs?” Bella smirked.
“On civilian ships it’s more about earning marks, like rings or tattoos,” Captain Vex said, tapping the ring on her left nipple.
“What’s the mark for best cabin girl?” Bella grinned, tracing her fingertip around the nipple next to her face.
“Don’t know. I’ll have tae come up with something,” Belita laughed.
Daytime at Merry Mary’s wasn’t very exciting. Mostly it consisted of people pitching in with the cleaning, dishes being washed or meals being prepped, sleepy-eyed working girls and boys sitting at the gambling tables in gauzy robes with their hair in curlers and slippers on their feet while they nursed tea or water, recovering from the previous night’s work. During the day, the gaming room was more of a communal living space. It felt more like a boarding house than a cat house.
Caine came into a handful of nods and waves, trailing a wide-eyed young woman behind him. She scanned everything with an expression of anxious interest. She slowly realized all the eyes in the room were on her. She stopped in her tracks, not following Caine anymore. Her eyes scanned the room, taking in the host of expressions. Curiosity. Amusement Worry. Some disgust. She remembered what she looked like and suddenly felt like leaving. Caine noticed and sighed.
“Ain’t none of you have any manners,” He said to the room. A few of them smiled.
“Nope,” one amused looking woman with breasts nearly as large as Bella’s said saucily.
“You don’t usually bring in new girls,” a fellow with the body of a carnival strongman and the face of an attractive woman said.
“She ain’t a new girl,” Caine said. “I’m just looking after her for a while.”
“Isn’t that what you said about Tonya?” the saucy woman with the large breasts asked. “And look at her now.” The room chuckled.
Caine sighed. “Janie, these are Mary’s Merries.”
“H-hello,” Janie said with a small wave.
“Room full of ill-mannered harlots, this is Janie,” Caine said. The room echoed the greeting.
“She’ll be around for a while. Not sure how long. I’m going to put her up in Bella’s room.”
“Tonya’s already claimed it,” a slender redhead said.
“There’s room for two,” Tonya said with a shrug.
“Good,” Caine nodded.
“Hey, wasn’t she the girl who got-” one of the gigolos asked.
“Yes,” Caine said tersely. “She was. Since you’re a hopeless gossip I’m sure you’ll tell everyone all about it as soon as we’re gone, so there’s no use in trying to keep it quiet. Yes, she’s the one from the docks. That’s why she’s here. The Kidds want her dead. I’m going to make sure that doesn’t happen. Any questions?”
The room was quiet. A few faces nodded silently. The saucy woman with the large chest pushed her chair back and stood up, walking over to where Janie still stood riveted in place.
“I’m Sasha,” she said. “You hungry?” Janie nodded. “I’ll go see what the cooks have going.” Sasha walked out of the room.
“I’ll show you where the room is,” Tonya said standing up. “C’mon.”
Caine nodded. “I’m going to go talk to Chance. If you need me, holler.”
Janie nodded and started following Tonya. The eyes in the room followed her until she left, then all turned to the gigolo who seemed to know who she was. “I was on the docks yesterday when there was a big standoff between some rich guy and Jakob Kidd. That Janie girl got held hostage...” The voice trailed off as she followed Tonya down a hallway.
“Don’t pay them any mind. They won’t judge you badly, they just all love gossip,” Tonya said.
“They aren’t what I expected,” Janie admitted.
“They’re just people, same as everyone,” the smaller girl shrugged. “I’m Tonya.”
“I suppose you know who I am,” Janie said wearily.
“Well, no. Not really. I probably know more than most of the people here though. You know Belladonna, right?” Tonya asked. “You were part of whatever she got swept up into before she took off on that boat?” They went down a flight of stairs. The walls went from wood to stone.
“Yes,” Janie said. “I’m not sure how much about I should talk about it.”
“I’m not a gossip,” Tonya said. “I won’t pry though. Your business is your own. Caine says to help you out, I’ll help you out.”
“He seems to have a lot of respect here,” Jaine said.
Tonya opened a door and they were suddenly hit by a wave of steam and a faint, rank odor. “He does. More than just about anyone. Most of us have a debt to him in some way or another. Some of us owe him a lot. I know I do.”
“What’s that smell?” Janie asked, her face wrinkling.
“Sulfur. Welcome to the baths,” Tonya smiled.
Mary’s hidden gem was a hot spring. It had been discovered by the original owners of the property, who built an impressive imperial-style bathhouse. Unfortunately, at the time Bastard’s Bay just didn’t have enough people to make the expense of the project pay off in the long run. It was sold to the previous owner, who decided to build an inn on top of it. That didn’t work out so well either, so it was sold to Mary, who turned it into a brothel and gambling house. They didn’t even offer access to the baths to the public. They were strictly for the people who worked there.
The heat and humidity were intense. The room was huge, with stone pillars providing support. All along one wall were shelves cut right into the stone. A stack of towels sat on a bench. In the center was a rectangular pool of clear, steaming water. A man and two women were in it, sitting in one corner talking quietly. They’d looked up when Janie and Tonya came in, but it was hard to see thought he steam and they seemed more interested in their conversation than the new arrivals.
“Put your clothes there,” Tonya said gesturing to the shelves in the wall. A week ago, the idea of bathing in public would have horrified her. Now, it didn’t. It occurred to her that more people had seen her naked in the last week than her entire life before that put together. Even if that hadn’t been the case, she was too tired to care about modesty. She pulled off her clothes unceremoniously. When her bustier was revealed, Tonya’s brows rose.
“Wow, what is that? Where did you get it?” the smaller girl asked.
“The mainland. They’re in fashion there right now. I’m not sure how long it will take for them to reach the islands,” Janie said, peeling herself out of it.
“Soon, I hope. I want one,” Tonya grinned. Janie gave her a faint smile in return, but her heart wasn’t in it. She folded her clothing and tucked it away. Tonya gave her a pained, sympathetic look. She probably thought Janie hadn’t noticed, but she did.
Tonya peeled her own clothes off as well. All she was wearing was a robe and a pair of slippers, so it was quick. By the time Jaine had finished trudging to the water’s edge, Tonya was naked and collecting a basket from another nearby bench.
As soon as Janie’s foot dipped into the water her eyes went wide. It was hot. She stepped in and sunk down and let the glorious heat wash over her. An involuntary groan escaped her lips and suddenly she was aware of every ache that had built up over the last few days of stress and sleeplessness. The heat seem to reach into her body and start leaching out her pain almost instantly.
Time seemed to cease flowing. She had no idea how long she sat there just breathing and letting the weightlessness and warmth soothe her. Suddenly the tears came. There were no sobs or sounds. Just rivulets from her eyes as the tension she’d been carrying was finally released. Tonya watched, saying nothing. Janie sat there, crying quietly and staring into space for a long time. Her eyes finally drifted shut and Tonya began to worry she was going to drift off to sleep.
“Here,” Tonya said, passing her a small bottle. “It’s special soap for your hair. Makes it really soft. Our alchemist makes it.”
“You- have an alchemist?” Jaine said, her eyes fluttering open. She sniffed, her nose a bit stuffy from the tears.
“Yeah, she’s a bit on the crazy side, but knows her stuff. I’ll introduce you later,” Tonya smiled.
Janie unstoppered the bottle and sniffed it. The scent of rose petals and vanilla briefly overpowered the smell of sulfur from the water. Her eyes went wide and she began undoing the braid in her hair.
“Let me,” Tonya said moving in next to her. “Just turn a bit.”
Janie did, letting the smaller girl pull the braid out and fluff out her hair. It was in desperate need of a wash. Tonya gently tugged on it. “Head back. This is going to feel amazing.”
Janie tilted her head back and Tonya used a cup to pour water over her hair. Over and over the warmth cascaded through her hair until it was sopping. Then Tonya began working the special soap from the bottle into Janie’s scalp. Her fingers felt wonderful.
“So how do you know Bella?” Tonya asked.
“I… She’s..." Janie had no idea how to answer that. What was Bella to her? They barely knew each other really, but they were lovers, and Janie’s feelings were strong. “She’s my friend.”
“Do you know what happened with that ship? She told me she would be going with Mister Sterling from the lighthouse on some kind of adventure, and then the Kidd gang got involved and she left early,” Tonya sounded mostly curious, but there were undercurrents of worry and bitterness that Janie picked out.
“There was a fight here,” Janie said.
“Yeah, I missed that. I was down here. Saw the aftermath though. Lots of blood,” Tonya said, still working her fingers into Janie’s scalp.
“The Kidd gang came for us. We managed to elude them and almost got away, but they found us on the docks. They took me hostage and traded me for the brother of the man who was stabbed here,” Janie said. “Everyone else made it to the ship, but I had to stay.”
“That’s awful,” Tonya said.
“It was,” Janie nodded.
“Close your eyes.” Tonya began pouring water over her head, rinsing the special soap. “They’re alright though? Bella is alright?”
“So far as I know, yes,” Janie said. “How do you know Bella?”
“I’m her apprentice,” Tonya said proudly.
“Oh, so you’re a witch also,” Janie said, more commenting than questioning.
“I suppose so. I don’t know how to do much yet, but I’m learning,” Tonya shrugged. “Here, this next,” she said, handing Janie another bottle and a cloth. “It’s the regular soap.”
It smelled strongly of honey. Janie poured a generous amount onto the cloth and began to lather herself up. “Oh, this is wonderful,” Janie sighed. “I missed good soap.”
“Other than the smell, isn’t this just regular soap?” Tonya asked.
“I’ve been using Will’s soap. He uses something that is like a coarse powder. It’s like washing yourself with sand,” Janie said wrinkling her nose again.
“Well that sounds unpleasant,” Tonya chuckled. “You starting to feel a bit better?”
“Much. It’s amazing how good simply feeling clean can be,” Janie nodded. She was still tired, but her mood had lifted considerably.
“Don’t I know it. The first time I was brought down here I’d been living on the streets for half a year. Best bath of my life,” Tonya nodded earnestly.
“Oh you poor thing!” Janie said, a bit shocked at how casually Tonya had mentioned such a terrible ordeal.
The small girl shrugged. “It was just the way life was then. It’s over now. There’s a lot of us here with stories like that.”
Janie was quiet at that. Thoughtful. She continued to wash herself then dipped into the water to rinse. The silence became a bit awkward after a while.
“Did I say something wrong?” Tonya asked.
“No, not at all,” Janie assured her. “This place isn’t anything like I thought it would be.”
“Just wait until it gets dark,” Tonya smirked. “It might match your expectations a bit better then.”
“I admit, I am curious,” Janie smiled. Her stomach rumbled loudly. Tonya looked down at it through the water.
“You ready to get out? I bet Sasha has something to eat for you by now,” Tonya said, standing up.
Janie nodded and followed, leaving the soothing heat behind. Her body was so warm now that the cool air felt soothing rather than chilled. She dried herself with one of the towels from the bench and reached for her clothes.
“Just take them with you. We’ll find you something else until we get them washed. You just got clean. No sense in putting dirty clothes back on,” Tonya suggested.
“Well I can’t very well walk out like this,” Jaine said, looking down at herself.
Tonya laughed. “Sure you can. If you’re feeling modest just wrap the towel around yourself. Around here, that’s more than most people do.”
Jaine’s brows furrowed for a moment, then she wrapped herself in the towel and picked up her clothes. “This all feels like a strange dream,” she said with a small shake of her head.
“I felt that way for the first few months of being here too,” Tonya grinned.
They left the baths behind and headed back upstairs.
Belita’s gold rings caught the faint light of the wall lamps as Bella flicked them gently with her fingertips. “These are so much fun,” she said between kisses. “Where did you come up with the idea?”
“It’s a Nivalese tradition,” Belita said.
“You are definitely not Nivalese.” Bella giggled. Nival was a continent populated largely by very dark skinned people. No one would ever mistake the blond captain for one of them.
“No, but at the time of my eleventh trip around the Horn, I had a Nivalese first mate. He had his pierced with ivory crescents. When I joked about running outta ear space, he reminded me that I had a lot of other options. He did this one right as we passed around the tip of the horn,” she said tapping her left breast, “and the other one on the way back, right out on the sterncastle.”
“Isn’t that the most dangerous part of that trip? I hear that’s a very narrow strait, full of ice and monsters,” Bella said. Her dark eyebrows were as high as they would go.
“The sirens aren’t really monsters. Their mating calls just have a strange effect on men,” Belita shrugged, enjoying the sensations as Bella continued to play with her nipple rings.
“Driving them mad enough to try to swim through freezing waters is a little worse than strange,” Bella snorted. “How do you deal with that?”
“There’s a few tricks. Stopping up the ears is a good one. Having a musician play to interrupt the power of their song is another. Crewing a ship only with women and deaf men is the most reliable way. There’s a few ships that make their living that way. The Kestrel was one of them for a while, until the Blood Tide closed off the passage,” Belita smiled.
“What if a woman is attracted to women too? Does the song still draw them?” Bella asked.
“A bit, but not to the same extent. I’ve never seen a woman ever want tae jump overboard. They just get really horny,” Belita snickered.
“Sounds kinda fun,” the N’madi witch grinned, bringing her lips down to nip at the Captain’s rings.
“It is. That’s why my crew is so comfortable with each other,” Belita twitched her shoulders inward at the little spike of pleasure, squeezing her breasts together for a moment. “After the first orgy breaks out on the deck, there aren’t many taboos left.”
Bella’s eyes widened. “That doesn’t sound so bad at all. I’ve only ever heard that the Devil’s Horn was the most dangerous place on the seas, and that Sirens were like Succubi, luring men to their deaths.”
“I bet ye heard that from men,” Belita snorted. “I can think of a dozen places more dangerous than the horn. We’re headed tae one of them now.”
“What are the Drifts like?” Bella asked, continuing her nibbling and teasing.
The Captain put her hands behind her head and relaxed into the pillows, smiling and stretching with a throaty purr. “Unpredictable. They are constantly changing. I’ve only ever seen them from the outside. It’s a daunting sight. Awesome and humbling.”
“You think we can make it through?”
“No idea. That’s what Will and ye are here for,” Belita shrugged.
It dawned on Bella how much trust the Captain was putting in Will’s abilities. “Why would you take that risk? You barely know us.”
“Will looked me in the eye and said he could do it. I know boasts when I see them. He’s either delusional, or completely confident. Ye seem wary and sensible enough not tae hang around with a delusional person. I think Will really believes he can do it. I’ve been waiting for someone like that tae come around for years,” Belita idly stroked Bella’s hair, staring at the ceiling while she talked. “I was afraid it might never happen, or that if it did, it wouldn’t be me tae recruit them.”
“You aren’t worried that we might all die?” Bella asked.
“I’ve run the Horn twenty times. I’m nae afraid of dying at sea. If I’m going tae die somewhere, I want it tae be doing something no one has ever done before,” Belita smiled.
There was a knock at the door. Belita sighed and rolled herself off the bed, shrugging into her coat and holding it tight around her naked body. She opened the door and squinted. “What is it?”
“Ship sighted. Looks like a Magistrate frigate. They’re headed our way,” Danica said.
“I’ll be out in five minutes,” the Captain said, shutting the door.
“I guess that means I don’t get to return the favor for helping me with my ritual,” Bella said.
“Nae, not right now. I think we caught the attention of a Magistrate patrol ship. They’re going tae stop us and want to snoop around,” Beita said. She started picking up her clothing from the mixed up trail on the floor.
“Does that happen a lot?” Bella asked.
“In areas where the Magistrate is trying tae establish more control, yes,” Belita said. “We don’t have anything tae worry about. We aren’t pirates or smugglers. We’ll let Lord Morant handle it.”
Bella sat up in the bed and looked around. “Can we not mention the whole ‘witch’ thing to them?”
“Of course. I’ll make sure the crew knows tae keep that under wraps,” Belita said, tugging herself into her breeches with a few eye-catching bounces.
“Oh, and can I… uh, well, do you have a mirror I can have?” Bella asked.
“Ye can use the one on the wall, right there,” the Captain said with a gesture toward a large oval mirror with a wooden frame carved into the shape of waves.
“No, it’s for another ritual. The mirror has to be mine. It can’t be borrowed,” Bella said with a shake of her head.
“Is it going tae be broken?” Belita asked.
“No,” Bella shook her head.
“Can it stay there on the wall?” Belita asked.
“Well, I could put it back after I’m done, yes. I just couldn’t give it back to you. Ownership is important to the spell,” Bella said.
“It’s yours then. Ye can have it. I’ll just borrow it when I need tae,” Belita said, finishing the buttons on her shirt.
“I feel a bit like you just found a loophole in how this is supposed to work,” Bella snickered.
“I have a knack for that,” the Captain shrugged. She pulled on one of her boots and set her foot on the edge of the bed. “Oh cabin girl,” she smirked. Bella laughed and started pulling the laces tight and fastening the polished buckles.
“Whatever ye have planned with the mirror, ye should wait until we’re clear of this patrol ship. They’re going tae want tae look everywhere,” Belita said.
“Of course. I don’t want the Magistrate anywhere near me while I’m doing witch stuff,” Bella agreed.
The Captain put her other boot on the bed for Bella to work on. “What kind of spell are you going tae cast on the mirror?”
“Do you remember my apprentice, Tonya?” Bella asked.
“Dinnae think I met her.” Belita shrugged back into her coat and picked up her hat.
“Well, not officially. She was the one who was with Will and I at Mary’s,” Bella said.
“Oh, aye! The wee lass that came so hard she fell outtae her chair,” Belita giggled.
“That would be her. I’m going to see if I can communicate with her,” Bella smiled.
“Interesting. Having a way tae talk with folks in port could be useful,” Belita said, starting to head for the door.
“I’ll let you know how it goes,” Bella shrugged.
The Captain stepped out into the sun and shut the door behind her. Bella flopped down onto the bed again and looked over at the mirror. She didn’t like having to wait.
“Permission to come aboard!” The crisp, authoritarian voice called out from high above on the other ship.
The Magistrate Frigate rode nearly fifteen feet higher out of the water than the Kestrel and was over twice her length. Will was looking right at an open cannon port. The guns weren’t deployed, but he could see them sitting securely inside the larger ship’s middle hold. He raised his hand and gave a small wave to the Magistrate cannoneer who was looking at the Kestrel from out the porthole. The cannoneer did not wave back.
“Granted!” Danica North called back. “Do you have a ramp that can reach our deck?”
“Aye, lowering it now!” came the voice from above.
It took a few minutes. Because of the difference in deck height, the boarding ramp had to be lowered down and secured on the Kestrel, and then the two ships had to be pushed away from each other until the ramp was at a safe slope.
Four Magistrate Legionnaires trotted down the plank in fully armed regalia. They carried concave, rectangular shields that covered them from shin to shoulder. Each shield had a notch cut out of the upper right corner. Rifles rested on their shoulders, each one sporting a long bayonet. Their crimson surcoats and intimidating crested helms projected a well-earned reputation of professional menace. They formed up on the deck, scanning the crew and assessing for danger. “Clear!” one of them barked.
Down the plank came a Magistrate naval officer and his scribe. He scanned the Kestrel’s deck, taking note of the ropes strewn across the deck, the too-large rigging ladders running to the many smaller boats, and the ragtag looking crew and immediately took a disapproving caste to his face.
“I am Lieutenant Vanderby of the Order of the Anchor, who is the captain of this vessel?” the Magistrate officer asked. He wore a red Bicorn hat and a matching frock coat. The lapel of his coat had a line of pins denoting his rank and achievements in the Magistrate military. There weren’t many of them.
“I am,” Captain Vex said stepping forward. “Captain Belita Vex of the Kestrel. What can I do for ye, Lieutenant?”
We spotted your ship and saw that she’d loaded down and configured oddly. Seemed worth looking into,” the Lieutenant said with cordial formality.
“Oh, aye. My rigging master is experimenting with a new configuration tae accommodate all the rescue vessels we’re carrying,” the Captain said, gesturing to the many smaller hips hanging off the deck.
“That seemed strange to us as well,” the lieutenant said. It was clear he was curious, but maintaining a professional aloofness.
“We’re an expedition ship. Where we’re headed, the Kestrel can’t fit,” Captain Vex explained.
“I would like to see your charter and your crew manifest,” Lieutenant Vanderby stated.
“Of course. Lord Morant, if you don’t mind,” the Captain said over her shoulder.
Morant and Mister Lynch stepped forward from the crowd on the deck. Lynch opened a scroll case and handed the contents to his master.
“Lieutenant Vanderby, this is Lord Halister Morant, Viscount of Armondet, the Kestrel’s patron,” Captain Vex said, stepping aside to allow Morant to take position directly in front of the Magistrate officer. Morant inclined his head slightly.
Vanderby looked surprised and returned the nod, suddenly reassessing his opinion of the Kestrel. “My lord. Your presence will make my job here much easier, I’m sure.”
Morant passed Vanderby the paperwork. “I appreciate your presence, Lieutenant,” Morant said politely. “The waters are dangerous, and the Kestrel is not in the best shape to be outrunning pirates.”
“I would say that is an understatement, my lord.” Vanderby looked over the paperwork, then passed it to his scribe. “I’d like to inspect your holds if you don’t mind.”
Morant nodded. “I see no issue with that. Captain?”
“Nor I,” Captain Vex agreed. “Missus North, take the Lieutenant's men below decks. Have your husband unlock everything. Provide them whatever they need.”
“Aye, Captain,” Danica said. “This way, gentlemen.” Two of the Legionaries followed Danica down into the hold.
“You sail with an Asura? How exotic,” Vanderby remarked as the scribe pointed out a note in the paperwork.
“My expedition leader’s bodyguard,” Morant said. “I can have him summoned if you would like to meet him.”
“No need. Having an Asura aboard is uncommon, but not my concern,” Vanderby said.
The scribe caught the Lieutenant's attention again and passed him one of the papers, pointing out a seal at the bottom and whispering something in the officer’s ear. Vanderby nodded. “This is quite an irregular ship,” he said. “It says you are working under the authority of the Order of the Vault.”
“Quite correct,” Morant said. “I encourage you to verify the authenticity of the seal” Vanderby passed the paper back to his scribe and gave him a nod. The scribe turned and went back up the plank to the Frigate.
The captain, the noble and the Magistrate officer walked across the deck, stepping over the many ropes that had been tacked down all over it. “I would love to hear about your expedition, Lord Morant. It sounds like quite an adventure.”
The door to the captain’s cabin shut behind them.
Will let out a breath he didn’t realize he’d been holding. He’d had plenty of run-ins with the Magistrate out in open waters before. They had imposing down to an art. It was never a pleasant experience. Next to him, Bella held onto his arm. She was clearly nervous. He smiled at her, trying to be reassuring. Around them, the sailors began milling about, breaking up into small groups and passing the time with banter until they could get underway again.
“Jack came to talk to me,” Bella said quietly.
“I saw that,” Will said. “I hope it went alright.”
“I’m… not sure,” Bella said. “She’s very upset. Not angry. She seems more sad and overwhelmed.”
“That isn’t normal for her at all,” Will said, surprised.
“No. She also said something that… well, brace yourself, alright.” Bella took a breath. Will waited. “She said she knows what your curse is.”
Will was quiet, he stood still and simply thought. His first reaction was to get angry. He wanted to go find her and wring answers out of her. He took a deep breath. “So what is it?’
“That’s the thing, she said she couldn’t tell me. She seemed really upset about it, but no matter what she wouldn’t explain. She said she was sorry though,” Bella said.
“Well that’s progress, I suppose,” Will said bitterly. “Not really helpful though.”
“No. It isn’t.” Bella seemed sad and concerned. “I think she’s really hurt, Will. Whatever happened, it’s put her through hell too.”
“Good,” Will scoffed.
“Will, does any of this seem like her? The her you used to know?” Bella asked.
“No. Not at all,” Will admitted angrily.
“What if she’s cursed too?” Bella asked.
“Well why wouldn’t she say so? I can talk about mine,” Will shrugged.
“What if it’s different for her?” Bella asked. “There’s a lot of kinds of curses.”
“I don’t know. Seems far fetched and too convenient of an answer,” Will said. “She might just be trying to get off the hook.”
“Does that sound like her?” Bella asked a bit more sternly. “She does a lot of things I don’t agree with, but she never tries to make excuses for them. I’ve never seen her try to blame anything or anyone for her choices.”
Will sighed. “That’s true.”
“I’m not sure what to do,” Bella shook her head sadly.
“What can we do? It’s not like we can pry the information out of her,” Will shrugged. “She’s the most stubborn person I’ve ever met.”
“That’s the thing, I think we probably could. It seems like she really wants to tell us, but for whatever reason, she just can’t. It’s tearing her up. If we pushed her about it she might actually give in. She broke down in tears, Will. I’ve never seen her do that. She’s desperate to get whatever it is off her chest. I think she feels guilty.” Bella walked over to the railing and stared out at the water.
Will followed. “I’m glad. That’s a good sign. If she’d just explain what she knows maybe we could figure out a way past all this.”
“I’m not sure. Where I’m torn is that I don’t think we should pry. Whatever this is, it’s clearly an important enough thing that she’s decided it’s worth being estranged from both of us. I can’t even imagine something that would make her choose that, which is why I thought maybe she was cursed too.”
“You want to give her the benefit of the doubt,” Will said thoughtfully. He could see why. Part of him wanted to also. He just wasn’t sure she deserved it. Jack’s choices had nearly gotten him killed and he’d been carrying a grudge for a long time. Beneath the grudge was a desire to know why, and to try to believe it had all been some terrible misunderstanding. Bella was offering him both of those things, and he wanted to believe it. He just couldn’t. He was a sceptic at heart. When things seemed too good to be true, they always were.
“I’m not sure I want to. It’s easier to be angry. I just don’t have it in me,” Bella shrugged.
“You’re kinder than I am. I won’t pry at whatever she knows, but until she decides to tell me herself I don’t think my feelings about any of this are going to change.” Will was feeling conflicted and mentally tired. The last few days had been a lot to deal with. He was trying to enjoy the start of the journey, roll with the waves and look to the horizon, but leaving Janie behind had taken a lot of the wind out of his sails. He felt like he was dragging his anchor. It nagged at him, beneath the surface of everything. He was worried about her and upset with himself that he hadn’t been able to figure out a way to save her. He’d run the scenario around in his head dozens of times since he’d woken up. He’d come to the conclusion that the mistake was when Cal Kidd was off the fishing boat before Jakob had let Janie go. If they had held onto Cal, they’d still have had leverage to get Jakob to release Janie.
Such a small mistake. Was it his curse? Or was it just a lapse in judgment during a crisis? Or was it part of Morant’s improvised plan? It hadn’t felt like his curse, but luck was a subtle thing. He hadn’t felt that feeling of slipping sideways, but he’d been on a boat. It always felt a bit like that with the waves under you. Could he have just missed it?
Now this. Jack and the curse. Confusion and lies. So many old feelings he’d tried to bury had become mixed with so many new ones he hadn’t had time to think on. He felt adrift. Rudderless.
He and Bella stood next to each other, each lost in thought, watching the water.
The Magistrate patrol ship disappeared into the distance. That stop had wasted over an hour of daylight. Will was impressed with the speed of it. Usually, a Magistrate inspection took longer. Lieutenant Vanderby had deferred to Lord Morant. Between being titled nobility and bearing a writ of authority from one of the Magistrate’s own orders had swayed Vanderby to overlook things like opening every crate and doing a full headcount by name on the manifest and looking for stowaways.
“The helm needs a course check,” Danica said to Will as she passed by. Will nodded and scanned the skyline in every direction. He called up to the Lookout. “Land check!”
“Land ho, five of the clock, and six of the clock!” the lookout called down. Will walked up the stairs to the Sterncastle and looked out the back, scanning. After a while, he could make out the land shadow in the distance, and a smaller one to it’s right. That gave him a reference. He checked his compass and headed to the Captain’s cabin.
He opened up the fold-out desk, pulled the chair off the wall and got to work. Navigation on the open sea was all about inference. Landmarks helped a lot, and already having a rough idea of where they were, took a lot of the work out of it. This wouldn't take long. They were less than a day out from Bastard’s Bay. The Kestrel was a decently fast ship, but the wind was low and they were burdened, so their average cruising speed didn’t vary much. He slipped the map beneath a sheet of glass and made a few measurements. Then he marked out an area with a grease pencil and a protractor.
From there it was easy to find the two islands he’d seen on the horizon and triangulate the Kestrel’s approximate position. From that point, he laid down a ruler to their first course marker and took a bearing. They wanted to head east-by-northeast until they reached the island of Barcola. It would take roughly two days if nothing out of the ordinary happened.
He closed up the desk and headed back to the Sterncastle. “East-by-northeast, Helmsman,” he said to the stocky man at the wheel. “We’ll be maintaining that for about two days.”
“Aye,” the helmsman said adjusting his course slightly. Behind him on the bench, Colin Strong was stretched out, asleep. WIll chuckled to himself. “Helm, if you need a break, let me know. Mister Strong needs his rest.”
“Aye, sir,” the young helmsman said, obviously agreeing. “I could actually use a break now to use the head, if you don’t mind.”
Will nodded and took the wheel. The current was tugging the rudder to port, but not strongly. He watched the swabs and riggers working on Lace’s new custom rigging ladders. The vertical ropes were laid out in the flat-bottomed teardrop shape Will had imagined. The horizontal ropes were straight. The crew was sitting on the deck in pairs, working to splice and reinforce the ropes together where they crossed.
“Ship, ho! No colors! Three of the clock!” came the call from the lookout. Will squinted but couldn’t see it. This was a fairly well traveled area. There were plenty of ships around. The lookout hadn’t been calling them much, but a ship flying no colors was worth looking at. Right on cue, Danica climbed the stairs from the main deck and expanded her spyglass. Thirty seconds later she closed it.
“She’s not moving, and not flying anything,” Danica said.
“Any distress flags? Fire?” Will asked.
“No.” Danica passed Will her spyglass. “Take a look for yourself if you want.”
Will expanded the glass and scanned until the distant silhouette came into focus. Two masts. Long prow. Flat back. Sails up. Riding high. No colors. Not moving. “Looks like another Caravel, but she’s just parked. She’s not even rolling with the waves. She’s caught. Is there a reef or shallow island there?” Will asked.
“You’re the navigator, you tell me?” Danica shrugged.
Will shook his head. “There’s a few disappearing islands around here, and two reefs. Our course shouldn’t take us near any of them.”
“Might just be a wreck,” Danica said.
“If she is, she’s a pretty one. Someone’s going to make good money on the salvage if they can get her unstuck. I don’t see any signs of distress or damage. She might have beached herself of purpose for repairs or something,” Will handed the spyglass back to Danica.
“Well, we’ll be going right past her. We’ll keep an eye out,” Danica shrugged.
Bella went down her mental checklist of everything she needed to do to prepare for this. Her foci and paints were laid out on the bed. She finished putting the last marks of the sigil she was drawing on the mirror. She was ready.
She was thankful that Captain Vex had worked so hard to help refill her internal energy reservoirs. That would help. She stuck her head into the wash room to look out the rear portholes. It was nearing dusk. Almost time.
Then she looked at the floor. “Damn it,” she muttered. She hadn't thought of that. The floor was wood. The beams laid next to each other created small gaps. There was no way to draw a proper protection circle on a floor like this. She looked up at the ceiling. Same thing. She looked around the room, spying the bed, but shook her head. She did not want to ruin the Captain’s sheets. Time was an issue.
She ran out of the cabin and carefully stepped over the ropes on the deck until she got to where Will and Danica were looking out at something on the horizon.
“I need a sail,” she said to Will.
Danica turned around to look at Bella, then looked up at the massive billowing cloths overhead and laughed. “We’re kinda using them.”
“No, a smaller one. Maybe six or eight feet square?” Bella explained.
“You need a patch,” Will said.
“I… guess so?” Bella shrugged. “If that’s what a small sail is, sure.”
“Go down to the hold and find my husband. Tell him Danica said you need a sail patch,” she smiled. Bella nodded and ran off.
“So that’s your witch? I can see why you like her, ” Danica said with an exaggerated leer. “Any idea what that was about.”
“Witch stuff. I’ve learned not to ask questions,” Will shrugged.
Below decks was cramped. She turned into the narrow center hall. Next to her the stairs continued to go down to the lower deck. Behind her was a door with a brass placard that read ‘Galley.’ Ahead was a hall dotted with doors on each side that eventually opened into the large, dimly lit middle hold. There were very few lights below deck. Even though it was getting later in the day the tropical sun was still bright up top, so plunging into the hold left her briefly blind. She blinked and squinted, her eyes slowly adjusting. “Make way,” two crewman said, squeezing past her hauling a barrel between them. She pressed against the wall in a shallow doorway. “I’m looking for Mister North,” she said. One of the crewmen jerked his head down the hall.
“Quartermaster’s hold,” he said. She headed down the hall feeling a bit scrunched by the low ceiling.
The mid hold was a wide storage space stacked with crates and barrels along the walls and against the two support pillars that stood in the center on each end of the hold. It occurred to her that those must be the masts. The center area was mostly clear save for the ropes and mechanisms that controlled the large hatch above that went to the top deck. She made her way through, avoiding the crew that was rearranging and resecuring the way things were stored.
Then she was back in narrow passages again. At the far end was an open doorway with a brass placard that read “Quartermaster.”
The room looked like a prison or a bank. Floor to ceiling metal bars blocked off access. Many smaller crates were stacked against the walls, as well as a number of shelves, tall cabinets, and a dozen footlockers. Nearly everything was roped or chained down. Mister North sat at a table on the other side, scowling at a stack of papers. He noticed the movement in the doorway and glanced up.
“Well now, you’re a welcome change from my usual customers,” North smiled. “You’re Miss Fortuna, right?”
“Yes,” Bella said. “And you are mister North?”
“That’s what they tell me,” North shrugged. “What can I do for our new ship’s witch?”
Even though she was used to Bastard’s Bay mostly knowing what she was, she’d had years to develop her good reputation there, and she had a Magistrate registration to keep people from acting on their worst superstitions. This was a new place, with new people and the fact that everyone knew what she was already made her extremely uncomfortable. Still, the crew of the Kestrel really did seem nice. She shook off the discomfort and focused on the job at hand. “Danica told me to tell you that I need a sail patch,” Bella said.
North stood up and came to the bars. He opened the prison-style door and then shut and locked it behind him. “How big’s the tear?”
“Tear?” Bella asked. Then she realized what he was thinking. “Oh, no. There’s no tear. I just need to draw on it.”
North looked amused. “Alright. Follow me.”
They made their way back to the mid hold and over to a stack of crates. North looked at the numbers written on them until he found the one he wanted, then opened it up with a pry bar. He gestured to the stacks of folded cloth inside. “All yours. Find the one you want, put the rest back.”
“Oh, and a hammer and nails?” she asked. North pointed to the mast. On it hung six hammers from pegs. A half full bucket of nails was roped to the base of it.
“Thank you!” Bella said, staring to pull cloth out of the crate. North gave her a smile and a nod and headed back to his office.
It didn’t take her long to find what she was looking for. Her bundled up prizes in hand, she ran back up to the top deck and squinted through the glare. The sun was beginning to dip low on the horizon. Now she was in a race against nightfall.
Inside the Captain’s cabin, she stretched out the sail cloth on the floor and started hammering down the corners, trying to keep the cloth as taut as possible. Then she began to draw a protection circle. This needed to be precise. She used a needle and thread from her bag to sew a thread right into the cloth as an anchor point, then pulled out a little more than three feet of thread before tying the end of it to a paintbrush. Then she painstakingly drew out a circle by keeping the threat taut and dipping the brush into a small ink pot and using it to mark the arc of the thread until she had a full circle.
She looked out the portholes. The sky was beginning to turn darker colors. This was going to be close.
Around the perimeter of the circle, she painted out symbols to draw and guide and repel various kinds of energy. Within two of the symbols, she placed two lit candles, one black, and one white. Right below where the mirror hung. Then she stepped into the circle, stood up and looked into the mirror. Piece by piece she tossed her clothes behind her onto the bed.
Naked, she began to draw on her own face, the markings perfectly matching the ones already drawn on the mirror.
Adjusting her position slightly, she matched up the marks on her face with the ones on the mirror so that they overlapped, matching them in her field of vision. The lanterns on the walls had been turned down dim. The candles lit at the edge of the circle gave her face a strange, severe cast.
Now came the hard part.
“At your hour, by your power, in the shadows and alone,
by circle bound, the lost will be found, what is mine I will be shown.
In my own name and by my own will, I invoke the Traveler…”
Dawn was breaking. The storm had passed and the eastern horizon was slowly swelling from black to purple to herald the coming of the sun. The crew of the Kestrel was finishing roping hammocks between trees. The wounded were mostly already asleep. Others were unloading the smallboats they’d used to get supplies ashore. They were all exhausted but still managing to trudge along. Lord Morant and his porters had set up tents near the waterline, a ways away from the rest of the crew. Bella had found...
Fantasy & Sci-FiThe island of Barcola was primarily Nivalese. The inhabitants had managed to repel a mainland occupation a half-century prior by pulling the majority of their people into the mountains and fighting a brutal guerrilla war against the colonizing forces. In the narrow mountain passes, the mainlanders’ usual tactics of shielded firing lines and phalanx-style close combat were completely useless. The colonists tried to starve out the natives, but the lush tropical mountain provided everything the...
Fantasy & Sci-FiThe crescent shaped cliffside was littered with walkways and bridges, and dotted throughout with caves. Platforms made from a hodgepodge of materials were anchored into the walls, and stacked on each other haphazardly. Thick ropes and chains made an elaborate net that reminded Will of rigging designed by a madman. The largest platform hung in the center of it all, ringed with crane arms and hoist tackle. The whole web looked unstable, but figures walked throughout the tangle without a hint of...
Will got out of the tub after a quick rinse. He was impressed at how warm the water had stayed.“Jus’ pull the drain stopper,” Belita said. She was in the process of being dried off by her dutiful cabin girl. She had her foot up on a stool and Bella was finishing dragging a soft cloth along her thigh and calf.“Do I get that sort of treatment?” Will asked.“You’re not captain,” Cabin Girl Bella said, smugly. He looked around for his own towel. The one Bella had been using hit him in the face. The...
Fantasy & Sci-FiWill got out of the tub after a quick rinse. He was impressed at how warm the water had stayed. “Jus’ pull the drain stopper,” Belita said. She was in the process of being dried off by her dutiful cabin girl. She had her foot up on a stool and Bella was finishing dragging a soft cloth along her thigh and calf. “Do I get that sort of treatment?” Will asked. “You’re not captain,” Cabin Girl Bella said, smugly. He looked around for his own towel. The one Bella had been using hit him in the...
The sky was a flat, grey plane of clouds, slowly roiling. The air was warm and charged. The winds were gentle. An electrical storm was brewing.Will stared at Jack for a long time. “Do you ever think about what you’re about to say before it comes out of your mouth?”“Come on, Will! You never used to care about the words. You could see right past them and knew exactly what I meant. Try that now,” Jack demanded. She was barreling straight on, trying to get Will to catch up.Will wasn’t having it....
Fantasy & Sci-FiThe sky was a flat, grey plane of clouds, slowly roiling. The air was warm and charged. The winds were gentle. An electrical storm was brewing. Will stared at Jack for a long time. “Do you ever think about what you’re about to say before it comes out of your mouth?” “Come on, Will! You never used to care about the words. You could see right past them and knew exactly what I meant. Try that now,” Jack demanded. She was barreling straight on, trying to get Will to catch up. Will wasn’t having...
Will was surprised. He’d heard Bella talk about how bad hexes were before. “I thought you didn’t hex people.”“I don’t, usually. It’s one of those things the Magistrate really frowns on, but against pirates trying to kill us I’m willing to bend the rules,” Bella smiled. She finished crawling around and drawing the second circle as Will tied the mirror to the mast. Inside the mirror Will heard Tonya arrive. “Sorry it took me so long, I really needed to get cleaned up. What’s going on?” Bella’s...
Fantasy & Sci-FiWill was surprised. He’d heard Bella talk about how bad hexes were before. “I thought you didn’t hex people.” “I don’t, usually. It’s one of those things the Magistrate really frowns on, but against pirates trying to kill us I’m willing to bend the rules,” Bella smiled. She finished crawling around and drawing the second circle as Will tied the mirror to the mast. Inside the mirror Will heard Tonya arrive. “Sorry it took me so long, I really needed to get cleaned up. What’s going on?”...
Lace lounged against a tree, enjoying the music and her drunken buzz. The wake was still going. It wasn’t the happiest reason for revelry, but after a shipwreck and being attacked by monsters it was clear the crew would take any reason they could get. Sailors were an odd lot. They tended to be fairly stoic until you put a few drinks in them. Then everything they were feeling came pouring out. They were communal too, so what one felt, they tended to all feel, even if they generally didn’t talk...
“Bring her about to port, nice and gentle, but keep tightening the turn until she starts t’ list. Then pull back,” Captain Vex said.“Aye, Captain,” Colin Strong said with much less enthusiasm than usual. The big man looked like hell. The whole right side of his face and parts of the left were swollen and bruised in an angry clash of colors. Purples, yellows, even some blues and greens. The impact points were the fierce dark red of abraded skin and broken blood vessels. His upper lip was swollen...
Fantasy & Sci-Fi“You should have come straight to me,” Lord Morant said with an authoritarian stare.They were standing on the deck of the fishing boat as it pulled away from the docks. Morant, Lynch and Jack had joined them without a word as they boarded the ship. Will had started to speak, but Morant had cut him off.“Why would I do that?” Will snarled back, still fuming.“Nae, Will. He’s right,” Captain Vex said. She wore her hat and coat, but her other clothes had still been wet and were packed away, so she...
Fantasy & Sci-FiThe crew began rousing themselves around noon. It was just too hot to sleep comfortably any longer. The shipwrecked survivors moved slow and gingerly, trudging through their tasks with stoic determination. There was a lot to be done. The ramshackle camp was mostly just strewn hammocks and bedrolls at the edge of the lagoon. There hadn’t been time or energy for much else, so the day’s first priority was to set up a more organized campsite. Nearly half the crew, lead by Mister Reeve, were off in...
Fantasy & Sci-FiThe crew began rousing themselves around noon. It was just too hot to sleep comfortably any longer. The shipwrecked survivors moved slow and gingerly, trudging through their tasks with stoic determination. There was a lot to be done. The ramshackle camp was mostly just strewn hammocks and bedrolls at the edge of the lagoon. There hadn’t been time or energy for much else, so the day’s first priority was to set up a more organized campsite. Nearly half the crew, lead by Mister Reeve, were off...
“The energy doesn’t have to come from you, it just needs to be received by you,” Bella said. She was watching Captain Vex’s back arch against the bed while Will’s tongue worked between her legs. Belita stretched languidly like a big golden housecat, her expression happy and glazed.“Received?” Tonya asked, not following.“Well, it has to turn you on,” Bella clarified. “That’s not a completely accurate way to put it, but there’s enough overlap that it will work until you have enough experience to...
Fantasy & Sci-FiThe prow of the wrecked ship hit the Kestrel with a sickening crunch. Swabs went to their knees. Riggers hung on to their ropes as they were whipped back and forth by the jarring impact. A few unlucky sailors even found themselves bowled completely over, or found themselves hanging in the air, suspended by their safety lines. Rope burn, splinters and scraped skin abounded. Those at the front of the ship fared the worst. Danica and Mister Lynch were thrown backwards from the prow all the way to...
Fantasy & Sci-Fi“So there was something under the water?” Captain Vex asked. “Yeah,” Will nodded, as he bolted down the last of the spotlight-lanterns on the railing next to the ship’s wheel. The other three hadn’t survived the fight on the prow. Captain Vex wasn’t thrilled about that, those lanterns were expensive. Will’s hands hurt badly, but he still had a bit more to do before he could let the doctor look him over. Besides, there were a lot of crew worse off than he was. “I started to figure it out when...
Fantasy & Sci-FiThe island of Barcola was primarily Nivalese. The inhabitants had managed to repel a mainland occupation a half-century prior by pulling the majority of their people into the mountains and fighting a brutal guerrilla war against the colonizing forces. In the narrow mountain passes, the mainlanders’ usual tactics of shielded firing lines and phalanx-style close combat were completely useless. The colonists tried to starve out the natives, but the lush tropical mountain provided everything the...
“What did you do?” Caine asked. Janie hadn’t really noticed him come in. He was leaning in the doorway watching Janie blow out the candles in front of the mirror. She was disheveled and flushed after watching Bella work her oral magic on Captain Vex, and she definitely did not expect an audience for what she was thinking about doing next.She was recovering from being startled, but Caine didn’t give her time to reply. “A customer says you stiffed him?”“That isn’t true at all!” Janie said. “I did...
Fantasy & Sci-FiJanie looked at herself in the mirror. She barely recognized the person she saw.Her had been styled with hot metal rods and some kind of light, fragrant oil that held its shape as it dried. It had taken a while, sitting there and letting Tonya do who-knows-what to it. Then Tonya had put makeup on her and helped her pick out an outfit from a communal closet. After all that work she could finally see it all. Her hair tumbled in loose flowing waves. A small black hat with a white band was pinned...
Fantasy & Sci-FiThe prow of the wrecked ship hit the Kestrel with a sickening crunch. Swabs went to their knees. Riggers hung on to their ropes as they were whipped back and forth by the jarring impact. A few unlucky sailors even found themselves bowled completely over, or found themselves hanging in the air, suspended by their safety lines. Rope burn, splinters and scraped skin abounded. Those at the front of the ship fared the worst. Danica and Mister Lynch were thrown backwards from the prow all the way...
“Get out!” Belita yelled as the door opened.“Nope,” Danica said, walking in and shutting the door behind her. “I said leave!” Belita snarled, pushing herself halfway up into an unsteady, angry crouch.“And I said no,” Danica shrugged. She walked over and sat down against the wall next to the Captain. “Part of my job is to tell you no when you need it. Right now you need it. What’s going on?”“Insubordinate… I’m going tae-” Belita couldn’t find the words.“What? Lock me up? Whip me? Hang me?”...
Fantasy & Sci-FiCaptain Vex’s hands knotted in the witch’s dark curls. Bella was a profoundly skilled lover. The Captain had a taste of what Bella could do on top of the lighthouse, but being the sole focus of of a sex witch’s ministrations when there were no other distractions (and Bella was feeling particularly thankful) was to be given the best possible seat in a masterclass in how to pleasure a woman. Belita had already been turned on fiercely by helping Bella with her recharge ritual. The witch was so...
Bella took a deep breath and sat down on the bed. She was exhausted. She’d been standing unmoving, concentrating fiercely for hours. Her whole body ached. Fighting to remain in one position while the ocean rocked the floor beneath her had been much more difficult than she expected. Her thighs were quivering. In spite of her fatigue, her eyes were glued to the mirror, watching the scene play out in her alcove.Tonya was naked, sitting on Bella’s table, her legs spread wide and wrapped around...
Fantasy & Sci-FiA loop of rope dropped around a pale neck. The screaming head attached to it didn’t seem to notice. The makeshift noose went taught. A pale, rag-clad body was yanked thrashing into the air. Lace Webber swung down like a boom, counterbalancing the weight of the creature she’d just lassoed against her own. She crashed into another grindylow with both feet, feeling a satisfying crack and sending the clumsy creature sprawling across the deck. Another crewman quickly took advantage of the opening,...
Fantasy & Sci-FiA loop of rope dropped around a pale neck. The screaming head attached to it didn’t seem to notice. The makeshift noose went taught. A pale, rag-clad body was yanked thrashing into the air. Lace Webber swung down like a boom, counterbalancing the weight of the creature she’d just lassoed against her own. She crashed into another grindylow with both feet, feeling a satisfying crack and sending the clumsy creature sprawling across the deck. Another crewman quickly took advantage of the...
“So there was something under the water?” Captain Vex asked. “Yeah,” Will nodded, as he bolted down the last of the spotlight-lanterns on the railing next to the ship’s wheel. The other three hadn’t survived the fight on the prow. Captain Vex wasn’t thrilled about that, those lanterns were expensive. Will’s hands hurt badly, but he still had a bit more to do before he could let the doctor look him over. Besides, there were a lot of crew worse off than he was. “I started to figure it out...
The night was everything an evening on ship should be. Clear skies, calm seas, land distant flecks on the horizon close enough that they could faintly hear the cries of seabirds. The sunset had been long and gorgeous, full of oranges and pinks that gave way to darker reds and purples before disappearing into dusk. The western horizon was a glowing purple haze that slowly faded revealing more and more stars above.The Nivalese had a strong musical tradition full of drums and guitars, and many of...
Fantasy & Sci-FiBella stared, not sure how to respond. “You know what Will’s curse is?”“Damn it,” Jack whispered. “I didn’t want to talk about this.”“Too late. Do you know how to get rid of it?” Bella demanded.“Yes,” Jack sighed. “It isn’t what you think though.”“What is it then?” Bella asked, wishing Jack would just give her a straight answer.“No. I’ve already said too much. You and Will are both too damn smart and neither of you can just let anything lie,” Jack shook her head. She stood up.“Oh no! You don’t...
Fantasy & Sci-FiGrindylow were starting to crawl up the Kestrel’s sides, cresting the railings toward the midship, flanking the defenders. At the helm, Captain Vex cursed. They were running out of time. “Danica, Coleman, get us free!”“Aye, captain!” came the answering calls. Coleman and Danica North led their gaff hook wielding swabs toward the prow, but the fighting was too thick. There wasn’t going to be any safe way to employ their hooks and shove them free of the black ship. For every Grindylow the crew...
Fantasy & Sci-FiBella took a deep breath and sat down on the bed. She was exhausted. She’d been standing unmoving, concentrating fiercely for hours. Her whole body ached. Fighting to remain in one position while the ocean rocked the floor beneath her had been much more difficult than she expected. Her thighs were quivering. In spite of her fatigue, her eyes were glued to the mirror, watching the scene play out in her alcove. Tonya was naked, sitting on Bella’s table, her legs spread wide and wrapped around...
“What did you do?” Caine asked. Janie hadn’t really noticed him come in. He was leaning in the doorway watching Janie blow out the candles in front of the mirror. She was disheveled and flushed after watching Bella work her oral magic on Captain Vex, and she definitely did not expect an audience for what she was thinking about doing next. She was recovering from being startled, but Caine didn’t give her time to reply. “A customer says you stiffed him?” “That isn’t true at all!” Janie said....
Bella stared, not sure how to respond. “You know what Will’s curse is?” “Damn it,” Jack whispered. “I didn’t want to talk about this.” “Too late. Do you know how to get rid of it?” Bella demanded. “Yes,” Jack sighed. “It isn’t what you think though.” “What is it then?” Bella asked, wishing Jack would just give her a straight answer. “No. I’ve already said too much. You and Will are both too damn smart and neither of you can just let anything lie,” Jack shook her head. She stood up. “Oh...
Jack idly watched Bella draw an elaborate warding circle. The first ring ran along the floor of the round tent. She was in the process of drawing a second ring on the walls in large white symbols. Friday was outside whispering some sort of incantation and walking in counterclockwise circles around the tent. They were moving with practiced efficiency, but to Jack it felt like ages. She lay in the center of it all on the pile of blankets and furs, exhausted and barely able to move. Her mind...
The night was everything an evening on ship should be. Clear skies, calm seas, land distant flecks on the horizon close enough that they could faintly hear the cries of seabirds. The sunset had been long and gorgeous, full of oranges and pinks that gave way to darker reds and purples before disappearing into dusk. The western horizon was a glowing purple haze that slowly faded revealing more and more stars above. The Nivalese had a strong musical tradition full of drums and guitars, and many...
“Bring her about to port, nice and gentle, but keep tightening the turn until she starts t’ list. Then pull back,” Captain Vex said. “Aye, Captain,” Colin Strong said with much less enthusiasm than usual. The big man looked like hell. The whole right side of his face and parts of the left were swollen and bruised in an angry clash of colors. Purples, yellows, even some blues and greens. The impact points were the fierce dark red of abraded skin and broken blood vessels. His upper lip was...
Janie looked at herself in the mirror. She barely recognized the person she saw. Her had been styled with hot metal rods and some kind of light, fragrant oil that held it’s shape as it dried. It had taken a while, sitting there and letting Tonya do who-knows-what to it. Then Tonya had put makeup on her and helped her pick out an outfit from a communal closet. After all that work she could finally see it all. Her hair tumbled to in loose flowing waves. A small black hat with a white band was...
“You think he’s still down here?” Jack asked.“I can feel him,” Bella explained. They were in the ship’s hold. It felt like a tomb. Everything was still, and quiet, and lifeless. Bella slowly wandered down the hallway and found herself in front of the Quartermaster’s hold. The bars blocked her way.“He’s in there?” Jack asked. Bella nodded. “I’m honestly surprised he didn’t run off into the jungle as soon as we got here.”“Maybe we can get Mister North to give us the key,” Jack said, looking at...
Fantasy & Sci-Fi“You think he’s still down here?” Jack asked. “I can feel him,” Bella explained. They were in the ship’s hold. It felt like a tomb. Everything was still, and quiet, and lifeless. Bella slowly wandered down the hallway and found herself in front of the Quartermaster’s hold. The bars blocked her way. “He’s in there?” Jack asked. Bella nodded. “I’m honestly surprised he didn’t run off into the jungle as soon as we got here.” “Maybe we can get Mister North to give us the key,” Jack said,...
“I’m sick of being stuck on the ship. Let’s get out of here,” Jack said as they headed back to the Galley. “There’s still a lot of dishes left,” Will said. “Go tell Lace we’re leaving. I’ll be right back,” Jack said. She disappeared below deck leaving Will with an amused expression on his face. “Apparently we’re leaving,” he said as he walked into the galley. “If the dishes aren’t done by morning, North will get a lot more creative with his extra duties,” Lace shook her head. She didn’t stop...
Fantasy & Sci-Fi“Bella!” A lilting woman’s voice called her name from the darkness. She jolted unexpectedly at the noise, then smoothed her skirts to sweep away the spike of worry. Her heart was suddenly pounding, which annoyed her. She sighed at her own foolishness. She was obviously still just jittery.“Yes?” she answered back.Jack’s tent was still lit from within and threw off enough light that Bella was able to recognize Doctor Kalfou’s form as she walked closer. The Doctor’s white clothing was fairly...
Fantasy & Sci-Fi“You alright?” Tonya asked, slowly sticking her head through the door to Will’s room.Janie was sitting on the bed using her rosary like a worry stone. She wasn’t even sure why she still wore it, but somehow it was comforting. At the very least it gave her hands something to do while her mind was having trouble focusing. “I’ll be fine,” she answered. “I just… didn’t enjoy the conversation.”“Yeah, it was a little weird,” Tonya shrugged. She came in and looked around. Will’s room took up most of...
Fantasy & Sci-Fi“I really appreciate this, Mister Kaduska,” Janie said as she accepted his hand and sat up from the canvas sack she’d spent the last hour hiding in.“Oh, my pleasure, my dear. Anything for you, you know that.” The big merchant grinned. “Besides, any opportunity to be a thorn in the side of the Teach gang is one I’ll take.”Janie swung her legs off the table Kaduska had set her down on, and let the rest of the canvas bag fall away as she stood up. She looked around. It hadn’t been long since she’d...
Fantasy & Sci-Fi“That’s a fucking Caravel!” Barney gaped. “Yeah, so,” Jack asked, snapping her eyes open from the light doze she’d been in since they’d made it to the inlet. On the other side of the lagoon, the ships lanterns and cookfires from shore lit up the Kestrel in a way that might have been majestic if not for the gaping hole in her hull. “How the hell did you get a full sized fucking Caravel through that inlet? In the dark! In a storm! With a breach!” Barney kept rowing, but gestured with his head...
“I’m sick of being stuck on the ship. Let’s get out of here,” Jack said as they headed back to the Galley. “There’s still a lot of dishes left,” Will said. “Go tell Lace we’re leaving. I’ll be right back,” Jack said. She disappeared below deck leaving Will with an amused expression on his face. “Apparently we’re leaving,” he said as he walked into the galley. “If the dishes aren’t done by morning, North will get a lot more creative with his extra duties,” Lace shook her head. She didn’t...
“Bella!” A lilting woman’s voice called her name from the darkness. She jolted unexpectedly at the noise, then smoothed her skirts to sweep away the spike of worry. Her heart was suddenly pounding, which annoyed her. She sighed at her own foolishness. She was obviously still just jittery. “Yes?” she answered back. Jack’s tent was still lit from within and threw off enough light that Bella was able to recognize Doctor Kalfou’s form as she walked closer. The Doctor’s white clothing was fairly...
“You alright?” Tonya asked, slowly sticking her head through the door to Will’s room. Janie was sitting on the bed using her rosary like a worry stone. She wasn’t even sure why she still wore it, but somehow it was comforting. At the very least it gave her hands something to do while her mind was having trouble focusing. “I’ll be fine,” she answered. “I just ... didn’t enjoy the conversation.” “Yeah, it was a little weird,” Tonya shrugged. She came in and looked around. Will’s room took up...
Jack followed the big man with the blue scar over to the bar, feeling like her whole world had just been thrown unexpectedly off kilter. Things seemed wrong, but she couldn’t put her finger on exactly how or why. The big Nivali man gave the bartender a quick hand motion and waited. “How’s your head, Hatchet?” the bartender deadpanned as he towled out a dented mug with a dirty rag. The big man snorted and rolled his eyes. “Fine.” “Good. I’m not sure how much more damage your busted face can...
___________________“I have to go. John’s about to show up,” Janie said.“I thought you wanted me to watch?” Bella smirked. “Well I didn’t know the mirror was going to be on a patio behind a bar. I’ll have to get through it without you.” She seemed uncomfortable. It was hard to make out her face behind her veil, but Bella could hear the tension in her voice.“What’s wrong?” the witch asked, leaning toward the mirror.Janie sighed. “I was going to see if I could get Tonya to help me again but its...
Fantasy & Sci-FiCaptain Vex looked at the jar in her hand with raw horror. Understanding flooded through her like bile. She felt light and disconnected from herself. Her vision contracted and the room swam. Her heart pounded and she felt like she was floating. She didn’t notice as the jar slipped from her fingers, but Danica did. With a quick lunge, her first mate took a knee and caught the jar, but wasn’t fast enough to catch the Captain as she folded herself bonelessly to the ground. “No ... No no no,”...
Caine pulled on his trousers in a rush. He’d started moving before the pounding on the door had stopped, swearing under his breath the entire time. Tonya grabbed Caine’s tunic off the floor just in time for him to snatch it out of her hands and start running down the stairs. The two naked women just stood there, wide eyed and wondering what to do. Janie was Magistrate, so getting a visit from them wasn’t unreasonable. All the yelling was making the young witch nervous though. “What do we...
Will had a moment of conflict in his mind. He’d just met Shae. It seemed a little soon to be calling him a pet. He wasn’t sure he liked the implications, but he brushed his concerns aside. Taling to her about it now might throw off everything they’d negotiated. People in power were often oblivious to how their words came across. She probably didn’t mean anything by it. Maybe it was just the sort of thing she was into? If she liked it, that was good enough reason to indulge her. What could it...
Tom Hayden hauled the last bag of firewood down the path and dropped it on the ground near the front door of the cabin. He stretched his back, taking another look at the scenery around him. The sun was almost set in the early summer sky, a splashes of elusive coloured light were filtering in through the trees around him. Despite the warm weather they’d had earlier in the day, the air was rapidly growing cold and Tom shivered in his duffel jacket. He breathed in a lung full of air and...
It was Monday evening and Jilly was even livelier than usual, giggling like a school girl on the other end of the line as she tried to relate the past few months of her life to me. It had been a long time since we’d spoke and I was looking forward to seeing her again. I brushed my blonde hair across one shoulder and shifted the phone uncomfortably against my ear, absently trying to place the name. ‘Drifters End? I’m sure I’ve heard it somewhere before.’ The computer screen in front of me...
“What? Why.... monkey?” Will stammered.“Very eloquent.” she laughed.“Monkey!?” he repeated.“It’s a witch thing.” Bella grinned. “He’s my familiar.”“You have a familiar now?” Will said, impressed. “Isn’t that pretty high up on the witch achievement scale?”“Middle-range, really.” Bella gave a one-shouldered shrug. “I had him watching from outside in case Jack came back.”“He told you all that with one terrible noise?” Will asked, finally buttoning up his breeches.“Yes. It isn’t my fault you don’t...
Fantasy & Sci-Fi“What? Why.... monkey?” Will stammered.“Very eloquent.” she laughed.“Monkey!?” he repeated.“It’s a witch thing.” Bella grinned. “He’s my familiar.”“You have a familiar now?” Will said, impressed. “Isn’t that pretty high up on the witch achievement scale?”“Middle-range, really.” Bella gave a one-shouldered shrug. “I had him watching from outside in case Jack came back.”“He told you all that with one terrible noise?” Will asked, finally buttoning up his breeches.“Yes. It isn’t my fault you don’t...
Fantasy & Sci-Fi“Fuck,” Will swore. Will tried to turn, but his foot slipped on something. His bourbon from earlier. He ended up catching himself on the bar, but he was off balance. Inside him, he felt something seem to slide.Caine stood up.The whole room went quiet. To Will, everything seemed like slow motion. He knew this feeling. It felt like the world was sliding sideways, and he was a bystander in his own body. He tried to say something, but it was like he was moving through molasses. He only had time to...
Fantasy & Sci-Fi“Fuck,” Will swore. Will tried to turn, but his foot slipped on something. His bourbon from earlier. He ended up catching himself on the bar, but he was off balance. Inside him, he felt something seem to slide.Caine stood up.The whole room went quiet. To Will, everything seemed like slow motion. He knew this feeling. It felt like the world was sliding sideways, and he was a bystander in his own body. He tried to say something, but it was like he was moving through molasses. He only had time to...
Fantasy & Sci-Fi