Secrets Of Liberty Mountain: No Man’s Land (Chapter 40) free porn video

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"Super glue? Really?" I chuckled as I focused my field glasses on the bonded band of mutually masturbating men crab-walking westward."Your punishment is diabolical," I shook my head in puzzled amazement. 

"Intruders were killed in the past for less, so why the sudden mercy?" 

"Not compassion. Karma. What goes around, comes around." Sheila trained her spyglass on the retreating men."They might make town by sundown. If they're lucky." 

"Karma?" I inquired. 

"Yeah, Karma. We can run, but we can't hide. Karma gets us in the end, and we receive what we deserve." Sheila lowered her binoculars and returned them to the case hanging from her hip. 

"Nice one." l glanced at the hard-leather case. "High-quality military grade optics like that Steiner is priceless. We're not going to see its match in our lifetimes." 

"Exactly. Being able to see further with more clarity than the other guy is a big plus in the game of survival," the Commander snapped the lid of the case closed. 

Karma, if we are to believe such nonsense, is the universe's way of keeping balance. As we sow, so shall we reap, an old and new testament theology with a Hindu flavor. 

"Maybe. Maybe not," I dropped my glasses and reached for a smoke. 

"If you go through like hating folks who share their genitals with lovers of the same sex, you're a jerk. If you get off violating a couple of bisexual women, you earn the right to retribution. His mind must have been a mess; his homophobic hand glued to the prick of his gay-bashing buddy. Poetic justice in a daisy chain of mutual involuntary masturbation," she laughed. She played with words like a cat with a mouse before breaking into a modified off-key rendition of the old classic by the Police."Every move you make, every step you take, he'll be wanking you. I would love to be a fly on the wall when they return home and try to explain how they came to be as they are," Sheila mused without joy. 

"Crap like that makes me embarrassed to be a man, they're traitors to their sex," I said. 

"They were more true to their chromosomes than you are to yours," Sheila hugged my shoulder. 

"Since our mothers swung down from the trees, we've lived in a world where the male spreads his seed at will. 'No' was never an option for the females of our species. At least not until we evolved. As a race, mankind has been firing on half of its cylinders for most of our existence when one gender or another is ignored at the cost of the other. We are one people. We evolve together, whether we like it or not. " 

" You evolved. They haven't," Sheila pointed to the clump of men as they vanished from sight over the distant hill at the far end of the granite ridge. 

"Those boys never got the memo." 

"I sent 'em a message with my method. Perhaps they'll learn. Likely they won't. But I'm sure they'll think double before fucking with us again." 

"And if they don't?" I asked. 

"Then we need to return home and put our house into order. We'll be on our way in fifteen minutes." 

"Speaking of together, I gotta see Darlene and Seraina. I've been worried sick about them," I said before the leader held me back. 

"Tread lightly. They don't want to be touched by anyone. Especially a man. Give them space and love, Sky. They'll come around." 


Since the liberated horses set the pace for our homeward journey, Belinda and I changed our tactics from leapfrog to hurry-and-catch-up. We rode from one objective to another and didn't move until our comrades were in view. 

An afternoon rain shower had left the mid-summer sky in chaos as the cool air of the passing cold front collided with a warm surging air-mass from the Gulf of Mexico. Clouds of every type raced the wind across the verdant indigo-blue sky arching above us like the cathedral of creation. Wispy white cirrus clouds painted the gates of heaven with swirls of mist, while fast forming and quickly vanishing stratus clouds danced between the summits and the valleys below. 

"My God! Have you ever seen anything like this?" Belinda whispered as she bent her head and leaned slightly backward as we gazed upward at the sun-lit top of a billowing tower of clouds a few miles to the south of us. 

With more nooks and crannies than an English muffin, the face of the misty giant glowed brightly against the pastel blue-gray shadow canyons carved into the contours of the thunderhead. 

"Only in the movies. It is stunning." I lifted my eyes skyward in reverent appreciation and gratitude."It's good to be alive, specifically after this morning's meet-and-greet." I hunched down with my hand shielding the tip of my cigarette and sparked my lighter into life."Let's take a break, my back is killing me, and my butt hurts." 

I used the brim of my fedora to sweep the sand and gravel from a small patch of ground and sat down. I groaned with relief as I leaned back against a sofa-sized chunk of weathered stone and draped my rifle across my knees with the muzzle facing away from my partner. 

"Got an extra?" Belinda asked as she sat next to me and pointed to her mouth and pretended to smoke. 

"Bad for your health, how about some weed for a change?" 

I stubbed out my cigarette and passed her my torch along with one of my pre-rolled cannabis cigars. I needed to relax, and nicotine wasn't cutting it. Belinda eyed the blunt with suspicion, and I thought she would decline my invitation. Instead, she peeped down the trail for any signs of the sisterhood, smiled and said,"What the hell. Why not?" before she touched the flame to the end and took a toke that would make Willie Nelson proud. 

"Ya know something? Back there, you did okay for an old man, Sky." Frosty stroked my back as she handed me the glowing cigar. 

"Thanks, you're too kind, but I don't think so," I said as I shook my head in disbelief."Waiting for them to clear the crest, I was so scared I thought I would piss myself." I shuddered at my memory of fear. 

"You did good enough to get the job done, and that is what we needed when you distracted them long enough for us the get the drop on them," she said as she smiled and took the smoldering joint from my fingers. 

"Thank you. It means a lot to hear you say that." 

I returned her smile with a hug. I hadn't been brave in my deeds. I had simply forgotten to be afraid. 

"My pleasure. We work well together," Belinda grinned. 

For the next several minutes we silently shared the mega-joint. Sometimes more is said when nothing is spoken. 


"Where do I sit?" I asked Sheila as I leaned against the door frame at the entrance to the meeting hall and surveyed the room. 

"What do you mean? Why do you ask?" The commander gave me a perplexed look. 

"At the last meeting, you told me I was to be reassigned and would no longer be your assistant, what is my status?" I studied Sheila's face and tried to read her thoughts. 

"You're in the Society. Do what needs to be done," my boss replied. 

"A less than useful answer, don't you think?" I hate riddles," just tell me what it is YOU want me to do, I'll take it from there," I tapped a cigarette from my pack and lit-up. Halfway in and part way out of the meeting room, no one was nearby to give me grief over secondhand smoke. 

"Ditch the smoke, sit with the council and take minutes, they're expecting you," she carefully took the cigarette from between my lips and took a quick drag before stubbing it out against the heel of her boot. 

"Waste not," she frowned with a strange grin as she slipped the unsmoked remainder into my back pocket and smacked my ass. "Want not," she casually looked into my eyes several heartbeats longer than necessary and smiled. 

"They are?" I peeped over Sheila's shoulder at the members of the council gathering at the oak table to the right of the Leader's podium. 

"You take the minutes at every meeting, and you've been doing it since the day you became a member of the Society. Nobody asked you to stop," she looked at Martha and Belinda in conversation with Jennifer, you knack with words is appreciated. We need a historian; it might as be you," she patted my head and walked to the stage. I had an uneasy feeling in my gut as I followed my mistress of mixed messages. Until I knew the lay of the land, I would make my way gingerly through the shifting moods of the Sisterhood. The twin SkyFire events had everyone anxious and uneasy. The confrontation with the Sheriff and his posse was a troubling first introduction to the new world beyond our walls. 

Like the minds of soldiers finishing basic training on the evening of war, the frame of mind of the Society was transitioning from theory to practice. It was exhilarating and terrifying; a high wire act without a net. No matter how amazing was our grace or beautiful our style, it was still the same distance to the ground if we missed the wire. 

"With the hour being," Sheila held her gavel at the ready and stared at the silent grandfather clock at the front wall of the amphitheater. Unwound, the dormant timepiece had ticked its last tock at two-twenty-two on the afternoon or morning of some previous day. 

"Oh, bother," she grumbled as she checked her watch. 

"Ah hum, the time being twenty-one hundred hours, more or less, I declare this meeting of the leadership council to be in session, Sheila Carson presiding. Today's agenda is in three parts. Firstly, the council will direct a hearing into the circumstances leading to the detention and subsequent liberation of Darlene and Seraina," the Commander said as she held up a single finger. 

"Secondly," she extended another digit, "we will examine the conduct of our rescue party during our, er, rather sticky encounter with the Sheriff's Department. Today's actions may have significant implications for our future relationships with local law enforcement." 

"Finally, we have unfinished business from our last meeting," Sheila turned to face me," Mister Wolf's performance review and duty assignment. We'll deal with that after dinner recess." 

"But, enough of that. Before we begin, let's all welcome home our sisters, Darlene and Seraina," the chief said as she embraced each of the women. 

I scanned the hall as I rose to my feet and became one with the assembly as we flooded the hall with a defiant wave of joyful applause. We had met the enemy and prevailed, at least for the moment. 

With a gentle tap of the hammer, Sheila returned the hall to silence as she pointed to the returned women and beckoned them to rise."Speak truthfully so that we may better know your mind. We know that your return was delayed by red tape, something to do with missing paperwork. What happened after we left that caused you to become prisoners?" 

"We were closing on the two Hybrid-Electric Ford F-250 trucks and about ready to complete the transaction when we the manager noticed an error in the title. The VIN was wrong, and the registry was closed," Darlene explained as she walked across the platform and stood before Martha and the other councilors. 

"We decided to rent a couple of rooms for the night and finish the mission when we got the titles sorted out," Seraina joined her companion as her voice trailed off into a whisper, and her body tensed like she was standing on the edge of an abyss. 

"What happened next?" Sheila bridged the silence with a soothing voice of inquiry. 

"All hell broke loose an hour after we settled in,' Darlene said as she inhaled for a moment before continuing. 

"I opened our door to investigate, and a terrified girl ran into our room," Seraina said as she gave Darlene's hand an additional squeeze of strength and affection. 

"The poor sister was a naked, bloody mess, two black eyes, split-lip, blood was running down the inside of her legs, she was scared shitless. Literally,” Seraina wrinkled her nose and continued.

“She told us said she had a gig to entertain a work crew. Open bar, too much booze, the men started fighting. One guy tried to rape her, others intervened, she was in the middle of a brawl, took off running, couple of men gave chase, she saw our door open, and the rest is history," Seraina said with a shudder as she squeezed Darlene's shoulder. 

"Next thing, cops are everywhere, someone pulled the fire alarm, it was bedlam. Then someone was pounding on our door. It was the cops; a witness told them a nude girl had been seen running into our room," Darlene returned her partner's grip. 

"Anyway, a crowd of cops shoves their way into our room, and when they do, one of the police sergeants spots our open satchel. It was filled with cash. Then he sees our "Shopping List" for explosives, weapons, and ammunition: along with your name, Sheila Carson, and all the codes we need for wire transfers, that and assorted financial information." Darlene gave Sheila a 'shit-happens' shrug of apology. 

"The cops got uber excited like they had just busted a terrorist cell or a drug cartel. Since we had broken no laws, they ended up taking us into custody as material witnesses. We were in a holding cell talking to the Sheriff when the shit hit the fan The poor man keeled over dead. It was horrible. He's dead on the floor, and outside the cell, it looked like the Goddamn world was ending," Seraina said with a shiver. 

"Turns out his pacemaker got zapped," Seraina held her hands together in an attitude of prayer and respect and paused for a second before proceeding. 

"His deputies took his body away and left us in the dark for two days before we were introduced to his replacement. Mister Fitzwater managed to have himself appointed Acting Sheriff. He saw the incident report and our 'To-Do' list with your name on it. It was all he needed to link us to Liberty Mountain. Then he..." Her voice faded into silence as Darlene completed the sentence." 

"Then he raped us," she said in a monotone voice devoid of emotion. 

"Because he could," our eyes met as she turned to face the assembly. It was if I was looking into the center of a hurricane: deceptively calm in a sea of pain. I nodded, 'I love you.' 

Sheila moved to take the arm of each of them and pulled them against her body. “Can you tell us what happened?” the commander inquired in a whisper, almost too soft to hear.

Darlene and Seraina exchanged glances, nodded before Darlene spoke, “Fitzwater’s deputies stripped me and held me while he put his fingers in me. Searching for contraband, he told me.”

“They did the same to me, and they took our clothes and left us in the cell: no blanket, no privacy, no nothing. He and his men took turns watching us like we was in a zoo. Naked until this morning. He ordered to get dressed and lead the way to Liberty Mountain. And you rescued us,” Seraina said.

Together she and her comrade scanned the faces of everyone in the room, slowly and deliberately they exchanged gazes with each of us, in an "Eye of the Tiger" moment. My two friends and lovers sent scrambled singles of affection and distance; smiles invited me to come closer while troubled eyes warned me to keep away. 

"Thank you," Seraina bowed to the sisterhood as she placed her right hand over her breast, to show that she was speaking from the heart. "We are family. Thank you, my dear sisters. And brother" she added as an afterthought. 

"Thank you for being our family," Darlene clasped her hands and intertwined her fingers in a sign of unity as she repeated her partner's bow. 

"Do you need a break?" Sheila, ever the protective mother, stood between the grateful pair and her arms, like a shroud of angel wings, wrapped around each as she held them to her bosom. 

"Fear not my darlings, you are safe at home," the leader’s eyes misted as she kissed a tear on Seraina's cheek. 

"Your sisters will shield you," the commander took a moment to look about the room and gather the ladies together with a smile. 

"And your brother will protect you," Sheila nodded in my direction and stared into my eyes, her thin lips an unreadable line. I tried not to flinch as I returned her laser stare with an uneasy and neutral smile. My abdomen tightened. 

The teardrops in the leader's eyes sparkled as she blinked and she parted her lips and grinned the easy smile of the kindred. 

All eyes were upon her as, with the grace of a ballerina and the passion of a preacher, her musical voice rose in joyful strength. She turned on her toes and raised her arms wide to embrace the room, "We are our sister's and brother's keepers," she looked directly at me as she sang, "We are one family." 

I remembered to breathe.


"Hey! Give me one of those," Sheila reached over my shoulder and slipped the pack of cigarettes from my breast pocket.

"Be my guest," I sighed after the fact as I reached for my lighter. The commander had nothing but the habit. Instead of carrying all the accessories of addiction, like any self-respecting addict, she pretended to be 'tobacco-free' except for an occasional smoke, "just for old times sake."

"That makes ten today," I held the flame of my Bic aloft as she cupped her hands to keep out the wind. The ember at the end was glowing nicely after a quick puff.

"You look like you just ran a marathon," I extended my hand and offered her the second chair at the small cafe' style table. We had a grand view of the western horizon. The sky was a black blend of the blazing Milky Way which merged with distant lightning flashes to the north and west of our location. The unsettled atmosphere of the day had become a dark-sky festival of stars dancing to distant thunder.

"Today's been a hike-and-a-half for everyone. The debriefing was hard, their testimony was awful to tell and difficult to hear, but necessary," the commander's smile was grim as she turned and looked westward into the void.

"We all need to recall what they can never forget," the commander's jaws tightened as she gripped the railing.

I shook my head and wrinkled my eyebrows. Her words were without meaning.

"A person can not forget or erase the memory of rape or sexual assault. It's burned into the brain like no other memory or trauma. We can forget lovers and nights of passion, but we can never un-remember being violated. It will be in our heads until the day we die," she smiled sadly and blew a smoke ring to the applause of an unseen army of crickets.

"I know," she closed her eyes and whispered.

I got it and nodded with understanding. My memories of sexual abuse were forever at the edge of my mind.

"It's weird, but the lack of light seems to have brightened the night," I mused as I stood next to her and tried to shift the subject as I leaned against one of the porch's support beams. One of the women had crafted the hand-hewn log-pillar to appear as if was growing from the railing. Art supported the steel roof overhang and the railing of the wrap-around farmers' porch. Carved into the face of each beam were countless whimsical lizards, spiders and other creatures of the forest.

"I'm not following you," Sheila said with a look of puzzled concern. 

"SkyFire has swept light pollution from the heavens. Humanity's mindless mist of stray protons no longer corrodes the night. I've never seen so many stars. The sky is brilliant," I polished the lenses of my eye-glasses and looked through at the sky beyond, "Absolutely unforgettable."


"Thank you, Martha. Dinner was delicious," The leader said as she tapped her gavel and called the meeting of the sisterhood to order. 

This will be a short session, a few items of old business, and one thing of new. First up are Sky Wolf's six-month review, performance evaluation, and duty assignment. As you recall, I was in the process of relieving him as my administrative assistant when the lights went out. We got cut short and never voted my recommendation. Until we do, he's technically unemployed," Sheila said with an awkward smile as she adjusted her pencil to align with the top of the notepad on the podium. 

"What do you suggest?" Martha invited the commander to elaborate.

"The world has fundamentally changed. This much we know," Sheila stepped away from the speaker's stand and walked to center stage. 

"We see it in the black sky of night and the clear skies of the day, no aircraft or contrails since the first event. Radio communications remain smothered in static. All we got is fragments, shortwave mostly. Cities are in turmoil, countries are in confusion, and chaos rules the land," the commander's arms moved with her voice. Some folks talk with their hands. The boss's entire body danced to the music of ideas.

"For the last decade, we've been prepping for disaster with secrecy as our primary shield," she said as she brushed a few stray strands of hair from her eyes.

"This morning we learned we've been compromised. Tthe shield is shattered. Our Society is in the system. We and our location are known to the authorities," Sheila pause for a moment and took a deep breath.

"If we are going to stay alive, we gotta be smart, clever, and careful," the chief interlocked the digits of her hands and placed two index fingers against her lips in a thoughtful moment of reflection. 

"Especially careful. Caution counts," she closed her eyes in a long slow blink. 

"We, and by that I mean I, me," she opened her eyes and pressed the palms of her hands to her chest before spreading her arms to wide, "you, and I, and all of us must evolve if we are to survive," the commander took her time as she slowly surveyed the silent faces within the hall.

After several moments of cricket chatter, I cleared my throat as I stood to speak.

"Charles Darwin said it best. It ain't the strongest of the species that live, nor the smartest, but the guys most responsive to change. Right?" I resisted a smile as Sheila's eyes widened and she gave me a sharp stare before her features relaxed.

"Exactly," she said with an amused look of surprise. I gave her a slight nod and soundlessly moved my lips 'I trust you,' as I returned to my seat. I had just spent my last brownie point. Can't hurt, might help.

"We're no longer prepping," the leader said as she surveyed the assembly. Save for the occasional rustle of fabric; the room was whisper quiet and fully engaged. The ladies of Liberty Mountain leaned forward in their seats and listened intently to Sheil's thoughts.

"We are operational and tactical. This is the real deal, and we're gonna need to modify our procedures. We need to stop depending upon my leadership to see our way clear. If we are to survive, we need to work and think as a team. There are too many moving parts and unknown variables for me to do this alone.

I need a twenty-four-seven situation team to analyze, plan, and manage our response to this crisis. I can't do it alone. Therefore I propose the council becomes that team, and to that end, I've reassigned Mister Wolf as committee staff. Sky's role is to provide continuity. He will attend all department and unit meeting, take notes, keep us apprised, and offer whatever thoughts and suggestions he thinks appropriate. We are under no compulsion to follow his advice, only to listen," the commander concluded and stood in the easy posture of parade rest, he hands clasped behind her back and her face pleasantly relaxed as she waited.

"What is the pleasure of the assembly?" she asked with an innocent grin of anticipation.


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Secrets of Liberty Mountain No Mans Land Chapter 26

The moderator leaned back in her chair and studied StarShine for a moment before turning to me and sitting upright."Do you want to become a member of our Society?""Yes," I replied after a short pause. The question had caught me by surprise."Why?" Sheila asked."Survival," I responded.Sheila tilted her head to one side as her eyes widened in an expression of puzzlement. "Survival?""Yes, survival. This is the high mountains in winter. Without the warmth and shelter of this place I wouldn't last a...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Secrets of Liberty Mountain No Mans Land Chapter 20

While our dinner is not worthy of a five-star restaurant, the view around us was six-star spectacular. The night was moonless, and the velvet black sky above our heads blazed with countless stars. The Milky Way rose and arched across the heavens in a misty river of light along the eastern horizon. The snowshoe workshop did triple duty as kitchen, dining area, and lounge. We spent as many hours outdoors together as we could stand.Spooning naked in the blackness is sexy, erotic, and boring. Even...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Secrets of Liberty Mountain Yesterdays TomorrowChapter 31

The days melted into weeks and the weeks flowed into months as winter searched for spring. For the first couple dozen wake-ups, I started each morning with the unreal feeling that I was at the bottom of a rabbit hole. By the end of the second month, the sense of strangeness decreased, and I was able to open my eyes without breaking into a cold sweat. I was still on the wrong side of the looking glass, but Wonderland had become my home. I didn’t make a journey to Liberty Mountain to search...

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Secrets of Liberty Mountain Yesterdays TomorrowChapter 30

The Society of Sisters and their compound at Liberty Mountain were the pride and joy of Sheila’s existence. She devoted almost every waking hour toward her mission of building an organization that could withstand anything the apocalyptic whims of fate might send her way. The colony’s Boss was an innovator who served both as a leader and a follower. Like the Caesars of old, she had the authority to issue any order necessary to secure the safety of the group. Unlike the dictators of ancient...

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Secrets of Liberty Mountain No Mans Land

Chapter 1I stuffed my last cardboard box of personal belongings into the cargo hold of my girlfriend's Toyota Rav4, jumped into the passenger seat, and waited while she fussed over a map with directions to our new home. Darlene was like that - a stickler for details.She flipped her shoulder-length hair out of her eyes for the umpteenth time and squinted to read the tiny letters. Mapmakers tended to hide the most critical information in the smallest print known to man.Finally finished, she...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Secrets of Liberty Mountain No Mans Land Chapter 38

I peeked past Sheila's shoulder as she looked over the semicircle of women from the Science Team gathered around Jennifer as the dark lady of data studied the computer screen in front of her workstation. Her fingers flew across the keyboard while she scanned hundreds of files, crunching numbers and extracting the data she needed.The thirty-four-year-old Boston descendant of Zulu warriors became a legend within the Society as a math prodigy with an uncanny ability to ferret out hidden trends and...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Secrets of Liberty Mountain No Mans Land Chapter 38

I peeked past Sheila's shoulder as she looked over the semicircle of women from the Science Team gathered around Jennifer as the dark lady of data studied the computer screen in front of her workstation. Her fingers flew across the keyboard while she scanned hundreds of files, crunching numbers and extracting the data she needed.The thirty-four-year-old Boston descendant of Zulu warriors became a legend within the Society as a math prodigy with an uncanny ability to ferret out hidden trends and...

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Secrets of Liberty Mountain No Mans Land Chapter 12

"These mountains are as dangerous as they are beautiful. They might appear to be lovely and majestic but don't let 'em fool you. The beauty hides the heart of a killer," Brenda explained as she dug through her inventory, looking for a pair of gloves in my size."Got 'em!" she yelled as she held the object of her search aloft, a pair of insulated gloves joined the rest of my new wardrobe.A slim and attractive woman in her mid-thirties, Brenda served as the colony's quartermaster. Medium sized,...

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Secrets of Liberty Mountain No Mans Land Chapter 14

In the confined space of the cave, Alice's distressed cry reverberated off the walls, so loud my ears hurt. I scrambled to be at her side. She sat in a fetal position with her arms wrapped around her knees and her whole body trembling like a leaf in the wind. Fear distorted her face, and her eyes closed so tightly her facial muscles twitched with the effort.A tiny voice uttered from her lips, repeating a single word again and again: snakes. Kneeling next to Alice, I put my arm around her...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Secrets of Liberty Mountain Yesterdays TomorrowChapter 12

“These mountains are as dangerous as they are beautiful. They might appear to be lovely and majestic but don’t let ‘em fool you. The beauty hides the heart of a killer,” Brenda explained as she dug through her inventory, looking for a pair of gloves in my size. “Got ‘em!” she yelled as she held the object of her search aloft, a pair of insulated gloves joined the rest of my new wardrobe. A slim and attractive woman in her mid-thirties, Brenda served as the colony’s quartermaster. Medium...

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Secrets of Liberty Mountain Yesterdays TomorrowChapter 42

Thank you, what’s the deal?” I asked as I took the offered towel from Sheila’s hands and fluff-dried my thinning mane. Hair loss among men is a myth. It’s not so much our locks leave as they change location. The stuff which had lived on my head now sprouted from my ears. “Jen thinks the ionosphere has settled enough for shortwave. At her suggestion, I’ve decided it time we start a 24/7 radio watch. You got the first shift. Listen and log, let’s see what’s going on out there.” She hesitated...

1 year ago
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Secrets of Liberty Mountain No Mans Land Chapter 41

"With all due respect, do we have any idea how ridiculous we look?" I stepped over the long picnic bench next to the community dining table as I stood to speak. My rear end protested.After several long hours of note taking, my fanny was in no mood for a new session. My flat ass had a bad case of meeting butt. My hand was cramped, and after a day of biking thru the mountains, I hurt in places the sun didn't shine."This does not bode well," I said as I closed my notepad and set it to one...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Secrets of Liberty Mountain Yesterdays TomorrowChapter 9

We returned to our room after breakfast to find a note from Sheila pinned to our door. She was reminding us to join her on the front deck for an introductory tour of the colony and the surrounding area. The instructions also suggested that we dress for the weather. Our walk-in closets looked like walk-in dumpsters. Everything we had brought with us in the Rav4 had been piled in the storage spaces like an unorganized jigsaw puzzle. I busied myself picking out an appropriate wardrobe for our...

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Secrets of Liberty Mountain No Mans Land Chapter 39

With flying gravel and a sandy whoosh, Frosty's motorbike cleared the crest of the granite ridge in an airborne glide before skidding to a wobbly stop about a dozen yards down the slope. "It's Alice and Darlene with five guys wearing uniforms from the sheriff's department." Belinda took my hand and pulled herself up to the top of the incline. "They are under guard, wearing handcuffs. Did they see me?" She lifted her binoculars to her eyes and scanned the rise at the far end of the trail along...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Secrets of Liberty Mountain No Mans Land Chapter 39

With flying gravel and a sandy whoosh, Frosty's motorbike cleared the crest of the granite ridge in an airborne glide before skidding to a wobbly stop about a dozen yards down the slope. "It's Alice and Darlene with five guys wearing uniforms from the sheriff's department." Belinda took my hand and pulled herself up to the top of the incline. "They are under guard, wearing handcuffs. Did they see me?" She lifted her binoculars to her eyes and scanned the rise at the far end of the trail along...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Secrets of Liberty Mountain No Mans Land Chapter 10

The tour of the Liberty Mountain camp consumed most of the day, and I welcomed the chance to sit down and collect my thoughts. We were back in the cabin with about twenty minutes to spare before dinner service, and I wanted to use the time to clean up before supper. Darlene had left me on my own for the evening to rekindle a long lost friendship or love affair. Her parting words for the evening were, "Don't get into too many beds and if you do, save a spot for me." I had a real affection for...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Secrets of Liberty Mountain No Mans Land Chapter 28

Consciousness came slowly, on the installment plan, one sensation at a time.I groaned and opened my eyes to a room full of sunshine. Dancing clusters of sparkles and glowing dust motes drifted in the sunbeams filling my field of vision as I attempted to focus and give the optical center of my brain a chance to sort out the dazzling array of visual information. For several seconds I stared at the ceiling and tried to remember where I was. Naked, comfortable, and warm in bed with my partner next...

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Secrets of Liberty Mountain No Mans Land Chapter 7

Chapter 7As the applause died down, I took a seat on the table's bench next to Sheila and tried to relax. I felt like I had just run a marathon. Darlene gave me a warm hug and a glass of ice-cold water and sat with me. I don't know which I appreciated more; her company, the hug, or the beverage. I guzzled the water down in one long gulp. Public speaking is lonely and thirsty work.The sisters stopped by in ones and twos to exchange small talk with Sheila before retiring for the evening. That was...

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Secrets of Liberty Mountain Yesterdays TomorrowChapter 45

“I’m getting too old for this shit,” I moaned and plopped into one of the Situation Room’s ergonomically designed conference chairs. I massaged the sore spot on my shoulder and shifted and squirmed and as I searched for a less uncomfortable position. Nothing worked. I hurt in places I didn’t even know I had. The steaming mug of fresh brewed Colombian laced with the Sisterhood’s brandy warmed my hands and took the edge away from the pain in my ass. Java and joy-juice will cure...

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Secrets of Liberty Mountain No Mans Land Chapter 2

Darlene stepped around the front bumper and gave me a hug as she whispered "Did I mention that this is an all-woman survival commune?" in my ear."You forgot to share that little detail with me. What the fuck are we going to do now?" I whispered back.Darlene was like that. She tended to skimp on the details and fill the void with trivia or useless information. Darleen held my hand as we broke from our embrace, and spoke to the assembled women on the porch. "I would like you to meet my lover,...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Secrets of Liberty Mountain Yesterdays TomorrowChapter 26

The moderator leaned back in her chair and studied Starshine for a moment before turning to me and sitting upright. “Do you want to become a member of our Society?” “Yes,” I replied after a short pause. The question had caught me by surprise. “Why?” Sheila asked. “Survival,” I responded. Sheila tilted her head to one side as her eyes widened in an expression of puzzlement. “Survival?” “Yes, survival. We’re in the high mountains in winter. Without the warmth and safety of this place, I...

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Secrets of Liberty Mountain Yesterdays TomorrowChapter 13

“This is Liberty base. The National Weather Service has issued a revised winter storm warning for our area. Forecasters are calling for up to thirty-six inches of snow starting tonight at five o’clock with blizzard conditions beginning at 6:30 PM. Snow will continue throughout the evening and into late tomorrow afternoon. Winds south by southwest twenty to thirty miles per hour with gusts up to one hundred and twenty miles per hour along exposed ridges. Return home immediately. Please...

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Secrets of Liberty Mountain Yesterdays TomorrowChapter 18

Alice and I hurried toward the source of illumination like moths to a flame. A glimmering halo of white light surrounded the hole Alice cut through the snow drift at the tunnel’s entrance. I crawled into the air shaft that she’d excavated and punched through a thin cap of frost at the end and was instantly dazzled by blinding sunshine. “Alice, come here and take a look, you aren’t going to believe this,” I shouted over my shoulder as I emerged into the open air. The blizzard had passed us...

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Secrets of Liberty Mountain Yesterdays TomorrowChapter 20

91.28 - 91.62 While our dinner wasn’t worthy of a five-star restaurant, the scenery around us was six-star spectacular. The night was moonless, and the velvet black sky above our heads blazed with countless stars. The Milky Way rose and arched across the heavens in a misty river of light along the eastern horizon. The snowshoe workshop did triple duty as a kitchen, dining area, and lounge. Spooning naked in the blackness was sexy, erotic, and boring. Newlyweds need to hop out of bed and...

4 years ago
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Secrets of Liberty Mountain Yesterdays TomorrowChapter 33

“Shit!” Sheila swore as she angrily flipped the turn signal and slowed our Ford Super Duty truck to a crawl and searched for a safe place to pull off the road. “Sky, I need my license and registration, they’re in the glove compartment.” She rolled down her window with her left arm pointed over the roof of our vehicle. She waved towards the side of the road, a visual indication to the following patrol car we were pulling off the highway. “Stash the Glock in the hump. We don’t need any...

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Secrets of Liberty Mountain Yesterdays TomorrowChapter 44

“Okay, my turn,” I chuckled as I picked up the fat cigar-sized joint of the Sisterhood’s weed. Possession of the cannabis talking stick authorized the owner to speak without interruption. I inhaled deeply and gave the blunt to Sheila and took my place in our naked Truth or Dare fireside chat. “Please be honest. What do you believe?” The commander’s theology drifted all over the map from Pagan to Puritan, seasoned with native lore and eastern thought. Pinning her down was like trying to...

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Secrets of Liberty Mountain No Mans Land Chapter 37

"We need to talk" is usually the two slices of sweet bread covering a shit sandwich. I have yet to hear those innocent sounding words when they weren't followed by news to which I didn't want to listen.The last time a boss called me into the office using that invitation, I left with a security escort to the front door with a severance check in my back pocket."Have a seat," Sheila patted the empty cushion and motioned for me to sit. "We've got a lot to talk about and not much time. The meeting...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Secrets of Liberty Mountain No Mans Land Chapter 37

"We need to talk" is usually the two slices of sweet bread covering a shit sandwich. I have yet to hear those innocent sounding words when they weren't followed by news to which I didn't want to listen.The last time a boss called me into the office using that invitation, I left with a security escort to the front door with a severance check in my back pocket."Have a seat," Sheila patted the empty cushion and motioned for me to sit. "We've got a lot to talk about and not much time. The meeting...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Secrets of Liberty Mountain No Mans Land Chapter 35

Sheila had the soul of a cavalry commander and lived the warrior's code of old. Feed your horses, your troops, and yourself. In that order. Her declaration of a banquet of gratitude was a brazen departure from the typical bullshit command response to a crisis which was: when in doubt, run in circles, scream, and shout. With the generous help of brandy and buds, Martha's magnificent meal of thanksgiving had brought everyone, myself included, back from the brink. "Come on in; the water's fine!"...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Secrets of Liberty Mountain No Mans Land Chapter 29

Everything I knew about Sheila told me she was a master gamer with the skills of a chess genius. She did not offer me a job to alleviate unemployment, instead, she appeared to be working a gambit of some sort. The uncertainty of purpose generated within me a wave of anxious observation while I awaited developments. The chess pieces on the board were changing their position of their own accord. =^.^= "She wants you to be her what?" Darlene giggled in questioning amazement at my...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Secrets of Liberty Mountain Yesterdays TomorrowChapter 14

In the confined space of the cave, Alice’s distressed cry reverberated off the walls so loudly my ears hurt. I scrambled to be at her side. She sat in a fetal position with her arms wrapped around her knees: her whole body trembling like a leaf in the wind. Fear distorted her face, and her eyes closed so tightly her eyebrows twitched with the effort. A tiny voice uttered from her lips, repeating the same word again and again: snakes. Kneeling next to Alice, I put my arm around her shoulder...

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Secrets of Liberty Mountain No Mans Land Chapter 36

My sleep was shattered by three sharp raps which crashed through my slumber like gunshots in a nightmare on the morning of the third day."What the hell!" I hurled myself from my bed, stomped across the floor and jerked open the door."Do you have any idea of the time?" My growl faded to a reluctant sigh as Sheila pushed past me into the quarters Darlene and I had shared since our arrival at the compound last fall."Good morning, Sky, time for coffee," she said with a slight smile."It's not...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Secrets of Liberty Mountain No Mans Land Chapter 23

Our return to the cabin became a déjà vu moment and a mirror image of when I first arrived with Darlene about ten days ago. As our rescue vehicles approached, it appeared as though Sheila and the entire membership of the Society of Sisters waited on the cabin's balcony in freezing cold. The upper deck erupted in shouts of joy and hand waves of welcome when Seraina dismounted from the snowmobile. The boisterous display of affection slammed into a wall of silence as I climbed off the passenger...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Secrets of Liberty Mountain No Mans Land Chapter 17

Morpheus, the God of dreams, wrapped us in a cocoon of dreams. But when he did, he forgot to include a bathroom. I awoke with a four-alarm "urgent need to go" moment as my bladder trembled in an effort to hold back a flood of Biblical proportions. It would be wonderful to wake up nice and slow like I once did in my younger days. I used to enjoy the delightful transition from slumber to wakefulness. No such luck. Personal plumbing issues are now at the top of my morning's To-Do List.I groaned as...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Secrets of Liberty Mountain No Mans Land Chapter 1516

The gentle nudge of Alice's hands dragged me out of my sleep. "Dennis, I'm sorry to wake you, but I've gotta piss so bad I can taste it. I need your help," she said as she pulled me into a sitting position. Our warm and cozy tent had turned into an icebox."You gotta be kidding; since when do you need help taking a piss?" Reaching under my makeshift pillow, I fished out my light and turned it on. In front of me, a naked Alice sat huddled, her breath streaming like smoke from her mouth, and...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Secrets of Liberty Mountain No Mans Land Chapter 56

Stripping was going to be awkward. Getting naked in front of a group of nude women was the last thing I wanted to do, especially with a growing boner. Even so, I decided that I had no choice but to comply. Clearly, I would eventually have to join the clothing optional norm of the colony.Taking a deep breath, I braced myself and unbuttoned my shirt, took it off, and laid it on the table. I then took my shoes and socks off and placed them next to my shirt. I undressed as slowly as possible,...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Secrets of Liberty Mountain No Mans Land Chapter 4

Chapter 4The dining area was located just off a large commercial kitchen at the far end of the great room. A supersized picnic table lined with benches provided more than enough seating capacity for the thirty-seven females who made the Colony their home. The table itself was a stunning thing of beauty. The tabletop surface consisted of wide pine planking sanded to a silky smooth sheen and then coated with dozens of layers of polyurethane.I took a good hard look around as we descended the...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Secrets of Liberty Mountain No Mans Land Chapter 3

The next room turned out to be the bedroom Sheila shared with her partner, Lucia. The walls were hand-hewn pine planks decked out with bookcases and several very well done nude watercolor portraits of women.A queen-size four-poster bed covered with a beautiful handmade quilt took up one wall, and a rustic looking nightstand with a large table lamp adorned with a stained glass shade provided most of the light in the room. The balance of the lighting came from a stone fireplace with several...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Secrets of Liberty Mountain Yesterdays TomorrowChapter 41

“With all due respect, do we have any idea how ridiculous we look?” I stepped over the long picnic bench next to the community dining table as I stood to speak. My rear end protested. After several long hours of note-taking, my fanny was in no mood for a new session. My flat ass had a bad case of meeting butt. My hand was cramped, and after a day of biking through the mountains, I hurt in places the sun didn’t shine. “This does not bode well,” I said as I closed my notepad and set it to one...

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Secrets of Liberty Mountain Yesterdays TomorrowChapter 19

The protracted stillness in our fabric cave floated from awkward to uncomfortable as we each waited for the other to speak. Silence and rubber bands share at least one thing in common. If you stretch them far enough, they’ll snap. In our case, the break came when Alice’s stomach rumbled in hunger. A few moments later, my gut responded in kind. “I’m famished. What’s for dinner?” Alice wanted to know. “We’ve got bouillon and tea. What’s your pleasure?” I inquired. “I want something to munch,...

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Secrets of Liberty Mountain Yesterdays TomorrowChapter 39

With a sandy whoosh in a cloud of flying gravel, Frosty’s motorbike cleared the crest of the granite ridge in an airborne glide before skidding to a wobbly stop about a dozen yards down the slope. “It’s Alice and Darlene with five guys wearing uniforms from the sheriff’s department!” Belinda panted as she took my hand and pulled herself to the top of the incline. “They are under guard, wearing handcuffs. Did the men see me?” She lifted her binoculars to her eyes and scanned the hilltop at...

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Secrets of Liberty Mountain Yesterdays TomorrowChapter 32

“Okay, listen up!” Sheila knocked her knuckles on the conference table and brought the final briefing to order. “We’ve got an outstanding weather report, vehicles and crews are ready. We are good to go at daybreak...” she smiled as she waved at the enormous flat-screen display we had installed several days ago and checked her watch for the time, “ ... which means we’re in luck. We have thirty-minutes for one last run-through.” “Time for a quick cup of coffee before we start?” I made it...

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