And A Happy Birthday To You Too free porn video

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CHAPTER ONE: Background

Recently, Jenny, my wife of twenty-plus years, gave me a surprise birthday gift, a coed. Actually, she (the gift, not the wife) was a graduate student. This twenty-two-year-old’s desire to be deflowered prior to her nuptials was a ritual her dorm-mates claimed was de-rigure. The coed, Gwen, explained her reason for responding to our ad.

Our houseguest stated, “Every woman deserves at least one affair. My affair will be before I marry in six months."

I was wife Jenny’s first-and-only, maybe she deserved at least one more lover as well.

I thoroughly enjoyed the evening with Gwen and now it was Jenny’s time to enjoy another partner. Our challenge was similar to the earlier one: how do we find a lover for a spouse?

Jenny summed up the frustrations, saying, “Choices, decisions! We go two steps forward and one step back for weeks.”

I echoed, “Then it was three steps forward and one step back. The same will be true for us finding your Mr. Right.

For my wife’s gift of a guy-for-a-night, we considered then rejected her trolling for a debonair guy at a hotel bar. Out also was looking for a cute, be-speckled professor at the coffee shop. She rejected such behavior. Imagine how awkward it would be for Jenny to go to bars, coffee shops, and hotels ‘looking for Mr. Goodscrew’. How many times would we be out clubbing or sipping coffee with no result?

I said, “Let’s go online and find you a guy.”

I offered up good reasons, “We can go to the same sites as before, but vetting a one-night-stand can be tricky.”

Jenny proposed, “But what if my guy wants more than a one-off? Is that off the table?”

Jenny smiled as she presented her argument, “We expand our field if you don’t mind me with a darker-skinned gent or the guy gets me for a whole weekend?”

I asked, “What kind of guy do you want?”

My wife is smart enough to hold all of her specs in her head and released a stream of qualifications.

She said, “Geoffrey, the medical clearance is first stop. Don’t bring any stud, regardless of the size of his dick or his ego or prowess, near me without us being absolutely sure he is safe.”

She went on, “The bar scene and the random stranger scene is way too risky. And it must be a stranger. I am setting my travel limit at a rendezvous no more than a hundred miles away and no less than fifty. I am not going to chance another encounter with him after my affair.”

I said, “I know you’d be crushed if we went hundreds of miles and you got stood up. I think we need to stay within an hour or so of our house. And it can’t be here at our house either.”

Jenny countered with, “Doing it in our marital bed would be a rush in itself, but that is way too risky.”

My spouse said, “If we want to have a second night or a second time, I’m okay with that. Gwen said in the beginning it was going to be a one-and-done for her. ”

I felt control slipping away. I raised one eyebrow.

My wife responded to my non-verbal objection, saying “I offered you the same option when we found that girl for you.”

“I don’t remember committing to that,” I responded.

Jenny answered, “It was on the table and you didn’t veto the notion. Plus, earlier in our love play, you claimed that no one should be allowed to eat my pussy more than once, because if a guy ever got a taste of my love juices, he’d want to come back for more.”

“Yeah,” I admitted. “But you pressed me, claiming that if he was THAT good, you deserved a second round.”

I acknowledged her point, saying “So true. Once a guy gets his nose around there, he will want to come back.”


We went on with our lives as usual, but both of us (together at times, individually at others) surfed sites, looking for candidates. The search didn’t consume our every moment. We knew that, sooner or later, the right guy would appear.

A few nights later, I heard Jenny’s celebratory, “Eureka!”

“Bingo?” was my immediate response.

‘Bingo’ snapped up our posting. We got lucky.

Wanted: Guy for a One Night Stand with professional lady of reasonable age. You must be fairly intelligent: able to discuss world affairs, favorite cuisines, some sports. Husband is 100% in on this and would appreciate a modicum of interaction. Expect to spend the night, maybe two if you are good. Wife prefers husband not be present during actual fucking, but she wants the safety of him being close by. Lady appreciates all types of art, especially the art of seduction. She expects to be seduced, not just fucked. Only good kissers, non-squeamish guys. No fatties need apply. Let’s set your size limit as BMI less than 22. As this is wife’s first time, cut or uncut okay, but tie goes to uncut. If you are satisfied with your dick’s length and girth, so is she. Mutual oral expected. Pre-coital romance and post-coital cuddling a must.

‘Bingo’ had a name, Jerome. He was a Black businessman who lives about an hour away. Jenny and I saw a dozen degrees of separation, so we were safe from further contact. Within a week, we’d shared email addresses (bogus, ad hoc ones). Jenny had one stipulation I was leery of, but acquiesced to: Jenny and Jerome were allowed to chat online without my seeing the exchanges. Jerome and I could also message back and forth. All of us needed to express feelings freely.

CHAPTER THREE, Meeting Number One

We chose the upscale hotel in Jerome’s town, seventy-five miles away, to meet for lunch. Jenny and I had planned to arrive by noon, assess the possibilities, make a decision and be home before winter darkness at six that evening.

We finally rolled into our garage after ten that night. This is why: Jerome was urbane, knowledgeable and smart enough to take his time. During lunch, Jenny mentioned a movie sequel that she was dying to watch, but we’d not had time to see it yet.

When Jerome excused himself to the restroom, we both thought he was the one for her. He had flirted shamelessly with my wife, asking her about her career, taste in clothes, political views. He was bold, but not obnoxious. Race was a non-issue. He smiled a lot, especially when Jenny returned his comments with enthusiasm. Both were eager to see the latest episode of their favorite post-movie series. While in the restroom, Jerome used his cell to buy three tickets for that afternoon’s matinee. We felt obliged to accept his offer, so we did, insisting we drive separately to the movie complex. Jenny and I followed Jerome’s car. It was not time yet for those two to travel together. We resolved to tarry no later that day, but come straight home. We had planned to be home by dark. With the cinema, we would be home much later, sensing that Jerome would be The One, but kept quiet.

Jenny sat between us two guys.

She was bold enough to say something about being on a date with two guys at the same time, with, “Wow. Dating a Black guy and a white guy at the same time would have gotten me shot a generation earlier.

Jerome was urbane enough to say, “No, sweetheart. I might have not survived my ride home. But as Morgan Freeman in SHAWSHANK said, “Get busy living or get busy dying.”

“I am busy living,” he boasted.

Typically, Jenny hates people talking during a movie. Any chatting/whispering is verboten. Apparently, that rule flew out the window. If either cared to be seen, a forty-ish woman whispering into a Black man’s ear and him whispering back, they did not seem to care.

Did I care that for emphasis, she’d grab his knee or he’d momentarily draw her close with that big paw of his? Maybe.

I was shocked, post-movie, post credit roll, post end of music, when they stood in the narrow exit aisle and made out in front of me.

When we were comfortably on the interstate, I opened the conversation, “Well, it looks like Jerome’s the one, right?”


Jenny’s immediate response startled me. All I could say was, “You’re sure?”

That question brought a torrent of words, a stream of consciousness reminiscent of what giggly girls would babble on about after the male halves of the double date were home.

Believe it or not, I was not insulted, hurt, or jealous. This is what Jenny had offered me and what I was offering her.

I thought, “Maybe this isn’t a one-off.” I kept that idea to myself. She mused, “I wonder if it is proper for me to reach out to Jerome or should I wait for him to text me?”

I shrugged and said, “It’s time to exchange phone numbers.”


Three weekends later, we met at the same hotel restaurant as before. This time, it was for dinner. Jenny and Jerome had chatted online and on the phone. They talked about that movie series, the next installment and a few other things.

Jenny was open, “Yeah, we exhausted the movie stuff and eventually we got around to what he liked in a woman in bed, what I liked: foreplay, talk, first moves, how to undress each other, positions, even if I swallowed cum.”

I followed up with, “Did you tell him anal was out of the question, no water sports? He needs a clean bill of health, that sort of thing?”

My wife responded, “This will be his first extramarital time. I am sure he is clean. One time, on the phone, I could hear some kid chatter in the background, so we had to cut the conversation short. He is married, but separated. He had the kids one day, but he called me anyway.”

I was startled and could only sputter, “Wait a minute. You talked with him on the phone, with his kids there? Are we going to do it with a married man?”

She softened a bit, saying, “No. I am going to do it with a married man.”

Jenny turned on the charm, saying “We talk on the phone almost every day. I like him. I hope you got the penthouse suite, with the two separate bedrooms. This may be an all-nighter Friday night. And, oh yeah, book us for the weekend, please.”

We arrived early, unpacked, chilled some champagne and bottle of merlot. We had time for a short lie-down on the king bed in the master suite. We held hands and stared at the ceiling.

My wife said, “I can’t thank you enough for giving me this time. I don’t know what is ahead, but I will always love you, your body and your mind. That includes the dirty parts too, being willing to share me. I am as nervous as I was on our honeymoon.”

I answered, “You deserve this, not only because I got the same ‘present’ earlier, but because you need to have a fling yourself. This might bring us closer. I know we fucked like minks after that time at the beach with the coed.”

Jenny squeezed my hand and announced, “Jerome and I will take this room. But I want you close, just in case. Maybe tomorrow night, if there is one, you can watch.”

Dinner reservations were for eight. They ate light: broiled fish and salad, no dessert. I had a steak but barely tasted it. I knew room service was open all night if anyone wanted anything later.

By Jenny’s and my prior agreement, I was to leave the table first and busy myself as I pleased for at least an hour before returning to our suite. Also, Jerome and Jenny would refrain as much as possible from heavy petting. Mutual respect is a quality we both treasure. She did not disappoint.

Husband and wife had one more caveat: she would try to tell me everything when the time came. I’d made sure there was plenty of stationary, so that (if she cared to) she could give me a running commentary on her evening of wanton behavior.

One hour after I left the table, I knocked first, then entered the room. I expected everyone to be fully clothed, but tipsy and a bit stoned. I wasn’t wrong.

The balcony was open. Jerome and Jenny did what she and I always did, share some weed before romance.

They were on the balcony, seated at the patio table chairs, watching the skyline and the arriving/departing flights from the nearby airport. Holding hands. The champagne bottle was empty.

Jenny giggled, “Glad you are here: we were tempted to start without you.”

Jerome rose, shook my hand and whispered, “You are still in charge, my man. You let me know how far is too far for you to watch. Give the word and I will escort your bride to more private quarters.”

Loud enough for both to hear, I said, “Thanks for the heads-up. If you want, finish smoking that bowl and you two can be excused. I will sit out here a while. Leave the sliding door open, though. I will be in the foyer if either of you need me.”

Jerome took my wife’s hand and led her to the master suite.

CHAPTER FIVE, A ‘Dear John’ (actually, Dear Geoffrey) letter.

I found this letter in the foyer, Saturday morning around nine. I learned Jerome and Jenny had gone out already. I had a day to read it.

Dear Geoffrey,

It’s seven in the morning. My lover is asleep! We had a sunrise session. You and I need to start doing that again; it was fun! Afterward, we showered together and he went back to sleep. I can’t.

Geoff, you were glad to see me in the wee hours. Aren’t you glad Jerome is not a serial killer or something? I am still alive, but after servicing Jerome twice and you once, I am sore. The ‘other things’ we did really wore me out.

I remind you that you promised to ‘take Saturday off’ and let us have the daylight part. You’ll get a full report, as usual.

Meanwhile, this is my affair so far.

Thank you again for letting me have this fling. I’ll carry the whole experience in my head for a long time.

You told me you could handle the gritty stuff, so I’ll start with last night after you went to your room.

I have never been undressed by anyone before. For a while, I felt like a model or actress being disrobed by an assistant. I don’t think Hollywood or Broadway has males to do that job, even if they might be gay. With every inch of my skin that Jerome revealed, I felt more exposed, more alive than ever. My white blouse came first, button by button by button, accompanied by hums of approval, gentle touches, and kisses. Then he started with the nips, little bites on my bare shoulders and arms.

Jerome told me, “Slave buyers would assess the merchandise in this way, to see how pretty a young wench might be and how receptive to her new owner.”

I found this role reversal intriguing. Here I the white girl was being measured by the Black man.

Jerome did the loveliest thing as he unsnapped and released my bra. Of course, the elastic indentations were evident. He started on my back, smoothing the creases, stretching my skin to its normal texture. By the time he’d worked his way to my front, the soft touches made my pussy tingle.

Jerome knelt and said, “These are beautiful! Your tits have a perfect shape.”

“They are getting old,” I replied.

“NO!” Don’t ever say that again, to me or especially to Geoffrey. You have the breasts of a goddess. Now I am going to inspect the lower part of my goddess.”

My lover stayed on his knees and removed my skirt. The pot and the champagne and Jerome made me unsteady.

I said, “I might faint.”

He put his big hand across the cheeks of my now bare ass and petted my pussy with his other hand.

Jerome looked up and said, “I know a special lady who can take care of all this cunt hair, painlessly and quickly. I prefer my women to be clean shaven.”

I was shocked and answered, “So you won’t fuck me if I have any hair there? That wasn’t part of the deal. Don’t try to change the rules now, buster.”

He backtracked, smiled and turned up the charm, “Just an idea. Geoffrey and you might like the change.”

I climbed onto the middle of the bed and stalled, “You have the advantage of me, sir. I am naked as a newborn and you are fully clothed. I want you to undress yourself for me. Extra credit for a slow pace and a little striptease dance.”

I had him for a while, as he did as asked. I took the opportunity to sit up on the bed, prop myself on the larger pillows, pulled the duvet up to cover my tits.

Jerome’s ‘act’ was good: slow, eye-catching and revealed a toned physique that promised a good fuck.

He crawled up on the bed and smothered me with kisses, some deep, tongue-swapping ones that left me gasping. Others were gentle smooches on my neck and shoulders. Eventually, he worked his way down to my tits. He has this way of using his fingers to spread my nipples apart, exposing the tender nerve endings. His hot tongue lapped those, then lifted each and planted kisses on the undersides.

I could see his dick and balls swinging as he worked his way down my body, lapping across my clit, but not tarrying on it, yet.

I caressed his dick and stroked those balls. Those hairy balls had a mind of their own and moved as I lightly tickled them.

“Open your legs.” This was not a request, but an order. I complied.

I was rewarded with my new man crouching between my knees and, being still partially propped up on pillows, could watch him explore my lady-parts.

Again, I passed inspection. I could tell by his whispers.

“Umm. This is a sweet fuck-hole. See what happens when I spread her outer lips: the soft skin around them starts to redden.”

My undulations were invitation enough for him to go further, his soft voice spoke to himself sometimes. “Ooh Jerome, you can’t stay away from this, can you? You want it so bad, but you have to make her want it even more.”

When his broad tongue finally lapped at my cunt, I raised my hips. I offered him my whole sex.

“Take it. Take it. Take me,” I said as I grabbed a part of his face and pulled it to my sex.”

When my ebony lover sensed I was ready, he worked his way up my body until his chest was crushing my tits. I didn’t care about that; all I wanted was him, now.

“Taste yourself. Taste how sweet your pussy is. Lick your juices off my cheeks,” he whispered.

I discovered the primitive ritual of tasting myself. I liked it so much I dipped my fingers in my own cunt, brought them to my mouth and we shared sucking my fingers.

“Do the other hand,” Jerome asked.

I did. But at the same time, I took the knob of his dick and rubbed it across my pussy, then circled my hole.

“Ung! Ung! Ung.” With each grunt, he forced himself into me. My moist hand came back to our lips.

The rhythm came naturally. I like the missionary way and we were at it for maybe three minutes when I exploded. I couldn’t get enough of him. I grabbed his hips, beat on his ass-sides with my palms and demanded he fuck me forever.

Nothing lasts forever, though. Eventually, he knew I was done. I knew he wasn’t.

He rolled off me, onto his back. His dark body was such a contrast to my white one, as we lay panting.

Jerome’s dick is not much bigger than yours, Geoffrey. I started to play with it, using my closer hand. Now it was his turn to thrust upward.

I crouched over his naked body, knees outside his and sucked my first black dick. My fingers wrapped around the base, making his pole even longer.

“Hmm,” I said, looking up at his smiling face.


“You people don’t taste that different from white guys,” I said.

He countered, “You are tasting both of us. Milk me a while to get some black pre-cum baby maker and see if you still believe it.”

What oozed out of that thing I thought was him shooting his wad. Actually, it was just more lubricating juices.

I put those to good use, knee-walking up to him, daring him to taste himself. He did, as I lowered myself onto his pole.

“Jerk me off with that white cunt,” he ordered and I obeyed.

I could tell when he was ready by his now erratic motions.

“I’m going to do to you what you did to me,” he growled.

With that, he grabbed me by my hips, slapped my ass with his longer arms and ground his pelvis into mine, his dick rubbing one side of my cunt, then the other, then the top, finally finishing both of us off with the head of his dick rubbing my anal canal.

“Buckets,” I said.

“More buckets to come,” he said, amused by his own pun.

We did it one more time last night: a long, leisurely, rocking event that lulled us both to sleep.

I awoke around two or three, snuck out of bed, cleaned myself up a bit and found you to reclaim me.

I was sore this morning, so I begged off on any more intercourse. Jerome understood. We cuddled and I fixed instant coffee in the room.

He offered to show me his town, including an incredible French bakery with Saturday specials.

See you at eight tonight.

Love forever, Jenny

CHAPTER SIX Talking about the day

I let myself into our suite a little early and Jenny was in the master suite tub. She called to me, saying, “There’s a letter on your bed. Please read it first, then shower and shave. Join me on the patio when you’re ready. I have some munchies, champagne, and a pipe ready to go. Give me a few more minutes here.

This letter was handwritten in ink and I could tell by a few smudges, strike-thru’s and gaps in time, my wife was emotionally involved.

Darling Geoffrey,

I am back at the hotel after a whirlwind day with Jerome. I am writing you what you asked for, a summary of what happened after you graciously absented yourself for the day.

Jerome and I were up and out by eight, on the way to breakfast. He wanted to show me his town. I hope that was fine with you.

Thank you for giving me the space to work all this out. I enjoyed our little three a.m. visit and your ‘reclaiming’ me. Now, you’ll have to reclaim me again. LOL.

You were glad to see me in the wee hours. We were relieved that I was still alive! No, Jerome is not a serial killer!

I appreciate your ‘taking Saturday off’ and promising to leave us to own devices. You promised that after you got a good fucking. Yeah, you were in the throes of passion at the time and a little groggy, but we’d agreed already.

Saturday morning was brilliant: warm, sunny, breezy and I breathed it all in, with a new beau.

We hopped the shuttle bus and rode a short way to a newly renovated district.

First stop was the bakery. We shared a croissant with brie and a lox and cream cheese bagel.

“I want the onion included on the bagel, but you, Jerome, have to eat half, so both our breaths will be abhorrent to everyone but us!”

The district is multi-use. Apartments on second or third floors sport balconies where people watch people. Below them, folks are shopping, strolling, chatting, skating, riding those little rental bikes.

We passed a cluster of concrete-top tables with checkerboards imprinted on them. Some people played checkers and others chess. Several guys obviously were gambling.

One chess-player, a man of about your age, had rocks holding down Ones, Tens, and Twenties. Anyone with cash could challenge him to a match.

Jerome did not ask my permission, but rather sat down, pulled out a dollar bill and placed it under the dollar rock. Jerome challenged the guy to a match; the prize was a dollar.

The white guy had white pieces, Jerome used the guy’s black.

While the game was going on, Jerome took a call from a business associate, chatted away as he played. It irritated the opponent, but Jerome did not seem to care. He kept moving pieces within the allotted time.

Despite the phone distraction, my guy won. He handed me the winnings, saying as he put the bill in my hand, “This can be your souvenir of our time together.”

I said, “Thank you, but I couldn’t possibly reciprocate. I’m not that good at checkers or chess.”

“You have other talents,” he smirked.

I was faux offended and offered the dollar back.

My lover-of-the-day held up both palms, “Okay. In trade, come with me to one more spot. Okay? Okay?”

“Okay,” I echoed the fourth okay.

He took my hand and we strolled across the football field size park and went through a door to an apartment.

I realized, “This is where he lives!”

My host brewed some tea and brought out the cookies he’d bought at the bakery. We sat on his balcony, munching and sipping.

The conversation started to flag. It was getting late.

I said, “This is going to be the fifth ‘okay’ of the day. Okay, take me to your bed.”

This time he was the aggressor. We were both eager to strip each other’s clothes off, get our bodies close together and fuck.

And fuck we did, like bunnies, like minks. Actually, like dogs.

I was naked first, climbed on his bed, stayed on my knees and waved my pussy around. I felt his aura before I felt that long pole nose around. He spit on it twice, then entered me. This time, I could control the pace, the depth, and the rhythm. I took my time, showing him what I knew and what I could do.

I was remarkable and more patient.

Finally, he screamed, “I can’t wait!”

I felt the flood oil my innards.

'Buckets,’ I thought. Though he kept thrusting, we both knew he was done.

“You still need more, don’t you?”

I nodded.

Jerome turned me over and lapped at my pussy with his tongue. He used his fingers on my opening, then inserted three into me at one time.

I gasped when he held those digits there and sucked my clit into his mouth. I did not last long. I was writhing in pleasure on my lover’s bed. The climax was stunning, as good as last night, but different.

Maybe it was the change of scenery or change of partners, but this special time might change us, for the better.

Meanwhile, I am famished, for food and you.

Thank you,

Love, Jenny

Taped to the back of the last page was a scruffy dollar bill.

I went to reclaim my bride.

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On one Saturday morning, Layla was playing the piano while sitting in my lap. Actually, it was not a real solo because I accompanied her. I played on her pussy, setting the rhythm while gently rolling my hips back and forth to move my cock in and out of her well stuffed ass. When her orgasm was in the horizon, she played the happy birthday tune. I gripped her ass and moved her to the music. She continued playing the tune until she came, completely losing her concentration. She banged her...

2 years ago
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Happy Birthday

                                            HAPPY BIRTHDAY I don't know why I did it. A crazy impulse. Maybe just that I was a bit randy. I'm not really in a relationship these days, haven't been for a while. And I guess I'm beginning to wonder if I will ever be again. It isn't my biological clock I'm worried about, the hell with that, I never wanted children anyway. But I did want a man. And men who could fulfill my particular needs while still treating me with love and respect--outside of...

1 year ago
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My downward spiral to becoming a slut Chapter 21 Happy Birthday Scott

Even how I saw Sherri that morning seemed different. I didn’t see her so much as the enemy but instead as the person who saved my life. We ate our breakfast and headed to school. As we parked I was even surprised when she took a moment before getting out of the car and asked me if I was okay. I nodded and put on a smile and opened my car door but I was appreciative that she asked. I only needed one thing to be sure I had a chance to make it through the day and I found that as soon as I...

4 years ago
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Grandpas birthday party

Mom said, "Silva don't forget we have to go to Grandpa's birthday on saturday".Sila didn't answer, the last place she wanted to be on a saturday was at a party with all the family. Oh yes she loved her Grandpa very much, when she was younger she would spend every summer with him and Grandma. Silva been the only Girl in a family of five all her brothers much older than her, made her, her Grandperents favorite.Grandma thought her how to bake and Grandpa would bring her fishing out on the...

2 years ago
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Happy Birthday

Hey! I’m Nat, if you’ve read my previous stories, you know about me and my life. A friend told me that I was a modern Cinderella, it took me some time to realize how right she was, but sure, I am. When my dad and mom died in a car accident and I survived I went to live with my aunt and her sons, I was too young to have clear memories, but since then, I’ve been raised here. My aunt hates me, I’m surer each day, and her kids, well, they had a girl who does all the work at home, I clean the...

3 years ago
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Happy Birthday Mistress

Title- Happy Birthday Mistress Author- Jayden Mczimmer         Email- [email protected] Codes- FF, spanking, D/s, toys Copyright 2008 by the author                Today is your birthday and we only got to spend some time together during the morning. We both wanted to lounge around the house all day but our schedules wouldn't allow it. Since I have class till ten tonight you decided to enjoy your birthday evening and go out with a friend.        What you didn't know was that my last...

1 year ago
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Mia Chapter 9 Happy Birthday Jesse

Mia sat in the Resident Adviser’s office with her laptop open. Since Jesse was working all weekend they couldn’t exactly make plans to go on a second date, so she decided to keep him company on one of the evening shifts. She stared at the screen trying to find some inspiration for her assignment that was due on Monday, but reading her news feed on Facebook wasn’t exactly the source of information she needed. Jesse was on the phone taking calls. It wasn’t a busy night for him, but like Mia he...

First Time
4 years ago
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Happy Birthday StepDad

An alarm on my phone woke me up. It was Saturday, so I was surprised I hadn’t turned it off the night before. It also didn’t sound like my normal alarm tone. I patted around the top of my nightstand, searching for my phone because I refused to open my eyes yet. Once my fingers found it, I brought it to my face and turned over to squint at the screen. In my sleepy haze, the light from my phone screen was so bright it actually hurt. I peered at my phone with one eye. “Shit,” I said.It wasn’t a...

3 years ago
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Happy Birthday

Mordred woke up early and glanced at the window. It was surprisingly sunny outside for a February morning, the sun reflecting off of the glass. He turned his head to see if Elissa was still beside him but he was surprised to see that she was already out of bed. He lifted himself from the comfort of the warm duvet, threw on his robe and went into the living room. He found Elissa in the kitchen preparing a plate of eggs, bacon, sausage, hash browns and toast. She heard him come through the...

3 years ago
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Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday by Michelle Lurker Jeff sat reading under a tree by the football field. The sun was warm on his face as he leafed through the film magazine he was reading. It was a wonderful day, he thought, and began reading an article on a new director when the sun was blotted out. He looked up, to see an incredible specimen of femininity. She was lean and athletic, but had the curves of a woman much more mature than her seventeen years. Long naturally curly blond hair...

4 years ago
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Happy Birthday Wife

I am Sudhir, aged about 36 year and married for last 10 years, my wife Priya, aged 34 is a good housewife and does all her duties very diligently. She is bit fat with large body (large boobs and butt) to be played with and not very good looking, however she is very good in bed and crazy about sex. She is very horny in bed and she would need 2 men to satisfy her at the same time. I know I am not able to satisfy her since my dick is only 4” (when erect) and most of the time does not get erection...

1 year ago
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Happy Birthday Baby

Happy Birthday Baby!! It was Ambers’ birthday and it was almost our 1 year anniversary of being together. The past 12 months seemed to to have flown by without either one of us noticing. 15 months ago, I was still looking for her but hadn’t yet found her. Its a long story, but I’ll share it with you. We had kind of a lost love thing going. I’d met her 16 years ago, she was dating a co-worker of mine. I remember seeing her for the first time, walking with him in the mall. I remember feeling...

1 year ago
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Happy Birthday Roxxana

Sooo on your 23rd birthday my sexy Brazilian and Colombian tranny I have a planned a day for you like no other. Its the night before your bday and we are in Manhattan at Marquee in Chelsea having a great time together. Your dancing one me with that big brazilian booty and those 38DDs almost falling out of that short black dress you have on. I see a female bartender is staring you down and I go over and tell her, "tomorrow is her 23rd bday, you wanna come out with us?". She says "fuck yes!" She...

2 years ago
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Happy Birthday Baby

Happy Birthday Baby!! It was Ambers' birthday and it was almost our 1 year anniversary of being together. The past 12 months seemed to to have flown by without either one of us noticing. 15 months ago, I was still looking for her but hadn't yet found her. Its a long story, but I'll share it with you. We had kind of a lost love thing going. I'd met her 16 years ago, she was dating a co-worker of mine. I remember seeing her for the first time, walking with him in the mall. I remember feeling...

First Time
3 years ago
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Happy Birthday Wendy

So far...this ahs been the worst day! No one at work remembered her birthday, there was no singing, no cake, no congratulations. Everyone just acted like it was a normal day! Wendy checked her voice mail about a thousand times. No one called to leave a message. Her e-mail was filled with the usual junk, and work related topics -- no wishes for a happy birthday. At least she knew she could rely on her friends at xhamster.Nothing. In fact her messages icon was blank. No one had even...

2 years ago
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Happy Birthday Ginger

It was Friday night at the Dangerous Curves strip club and the place was near capacity. I stood by the door, eyes constantly scanning the room for any potential trouble. But I was distracted this night. I was planning something for a coworker's birthday.Aah, speaking of coworkers... I thought to myself. There's the birthday girl now.... I looked toward the center stage where Ginger was beginning her dance. Her long, red hair flowed down her back as she moved, her hips undulating as her perfect...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Happy Birthday

This week was the wife's birthday and when you ask somebody who has everything what do you want? and she says anything. what do you get her, well this is what I did. Dawn is a big girl size 22 shy and has a great pair of tits great ass and a tight pussy to die for, to this day she has never done anal and will not allow anything up there but a finger. so the day before her birthday I asked again what can I get you what you will like, again she says you choose I will like what you get me and if...

4 years ago
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Happy Birthday to Me

Heart guarded from pain Walls surrounding all you see, Scared to let you in. My heart beats faster, Breath quickens, body trembles I need a release. Now is not the time, Too many complications. Will you wait for me? I should have turned after you. I should have followed you home, damn the consequences. Why do I always have to be the good girl, the one who tries to do the right thing?   Who knew that a random Monday night at the bar would have led to this? A few minutes of polite conversation...

3 years ago
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Happy Birthday Mike

All characters are 18+Happy Birthday MikeMike cringed as he stood at the cutting board on the kitchen's island counter, his eyes narrowed at his parents, who were standing in the living room, putting on their coats as he chopped carrots."Chloe, honey!" Mike's stepmom called out from the living room.Mike was practically scowling when his older step-sister Chloe skipped down the stairs and into the room. She was wearing an outfit so typical for her, it was practically her trademark. A simple,...

1 year ago
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Happy Birthday to Me

Heart guarded from pain Walls surrounding all you see, Scared to let you in. My heart beats faster, Breath quickens; body trembles I need a release. Now is not the time, Too many complications. Will you wait for me? I should have turned after you. I should have followed you home, damn the consequences. Why do I always have to be the good girl, the one who tries to do the right thing?   Who knew that a random Monday night at the bar would have led to this? A few minutes of polite conversation...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Happy birthday Emily

Happy birthday, Emily! a Whateley Academy story by Souffle Girl August 13th, 2011 , Boston , USA. Somewhere in a workshop. "Dinner's ready!" The call echoed from the intercom through the large workshop. A slender figure looked up from the pile of circuits lying on the bench, revealing the face of a young boy with brown, smart eyes. The boy stood up, stretched his shoulders and threw his long brown ponytail on his back. He washed his hands and turned down a door, finding...

1 year ago
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Happy Birthday 8211 Part II

Hi this is Renu back with another experience, this happened on my birthday. I got lot of replies from you guys for my first story thank you a lot for your response and I hope I will get the same for this story too. I had a boy friend when I was doing my college. I enjoyed my college life with him, as good lovers we roamed all over the city and all naughty things like kissing. But this was how I gave me to him. That was my birthday so he called me for shopping with me. So I went to his room. My...

4 years ago
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Happy Birthday Daddy

An alarm on my phone woke me up. It was Saturday, so I was surprised I hadn’t turned it off the night before. It also didn’t sound like my normal alarm tone. I patted around the top of my nightstand, searching for my phone because I refused to open my eyes yet. Once my fingers found it, I brought it to my face and turned over to squint at the screen. In my sleepy haze, the light from my phone screen was so bright it actually hurt. I peered at my phone with one eye. “Shit,” I said.It wasn’t a...

3 years ago
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LISSA C Chapter 2 Happy Birthday David

The day had shaped up better than I had ever expected. Riding back to the house, with Lissa behind the wheel, afforded me the opportunity to take a really good look at her while she was driving. There was not a thing about this girl that I did not like. Her beautiful blonde hair, swirling around and around as the wind came over the windshield, brought about a degree of freshness to the whole situation. She laughed and giggled at my stupid jokes while we chatted, making me feel more and...

3 years ago
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Happy birthday David

m/f, Mm/f, oral, 1st, prost. We had just gotten home from my son's 16th birthday party. David wanted a pizza party so I took him and his friends to the neighborhood pizza joint. It was a fun party for him but I could tell that he was not sure if it was his last kids party or his first adult party. It was the first time he had invited girls to one of his parties. There was David and four of his best friends that he had hung out with all his life and two girls. David...

2 years ago
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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires Chapter 27 Rons Happy Birthday Part Two Afternoon Delight

Chapter Twenty-Seven – Ron’s Happy Birthday Part Two – Afternoon Delight Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mf, cream pie, grope, hp, magic, spank, unif Ronald Weasley had just had an exceptional dream; in it, Hermione had come to his bed in her slutty school uniform, tight floral panties and an extremely horny demeanor. His dream was so vivid, so life-like, that...

3 years ago
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A Happy Birthday

The day my sister Lisa was coming home, I woke up hard as a rock. It may have had something to do with the dream I'd just been having about her going down on me, or the fact that it had been a whole year since I'd last gotten to push myself into my big sister's butt. Either way, I looked pretty foolish plodding downstairs to get breakfast wearing nothing but my distended PJ bottoms. Normally my morning wood drops off pretty quickly, but I couldn't keep my mind from wandering back to the...

2 years ago
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Happy Birthday

It was Ambers' birthday and it was almost our 1 year anniversary of being together. The past 12 months seemed to to have flown by without either one of us noticing. 15 months ago, I was still looking for her but hadn't yet found her. Its a long story, but I'll share it with you. We had kind of a lost love thing going. I'd met her 16 years ago, she was dating a co-worker of mine. I remember seeing her for the first time, walking with him in the mall. I remember feeling instantly jealous that...

1 year ago
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Happy Birthday

My name is Neha, I am 26 old married woman. My Husband name Rohit. He was Muscular body and great 10” fat cock. It was Rohit’s birthday and I had surprises in mind for him. Last night my husband and I had arrived at this luxurious desert spa near Palm Springs and I had a whole day of treats planned for him today. First we’d have a special caviar breakfast and take a quick swim, and then, for later in the afternoon, I had arranged for a masseur to come up to the room. I had requested a specific...

1 year ago
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Confessions of a BoyToyPart 8 Happy Birthday to Me

S U R P R I S E ! ! ! ! the shrill voices yelled as someone turned the lights and music on. Confetti went airborne and noisemakers rattled and honked wildly. "What the heck?' I stammered in total shock. I stood stunned for a long second before realizing what was going on. Then I looked at all the happy faces gathered for this little surprise 21st birthday party of mine. Except for Charlie and his band, it was all women. To be more specific, I quickly noticed that it was mostly my customers with...

2 years ago
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Happy Birthday Cassandra

Cassandra stood staring at herself in the mirror of the poshest hotel in Glasgow , the night had been nearly 2 months in planning when during a drunken night of sexual play with her husband when he asked her what she wanted for her 30th birthday she joked a gangbang . well it was mostly a joke , like a lot of ladies it was a fantasy she had always wondered about but like most ladies never done anything about it . in the time between then and now as her husband brian teased her about how he was...

3 years ago
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Happy Birthday Baby

I was searching the store with my best friend Lauren, for a unique birthday present for my husband's 40th birthday."What the hell do you get a guy who has everything?" I asked Lauren." I dunno" she answered as we sat at the table in the mall food court.     "Maybe you should do something naughty for him""Like what?" I asked. "We have a really great sex life. I may look like the sexy housewife, but behind closed doors the tiger comes out!"" Ooohh do tell. What have you two been up to?"   "We  do...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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Wife swap Happy Birthday

My birthday was just a week away when I attended the end of school year party with my wife and all of her co-workers from the elementary school. I hate going to those things and Tonia knows it, so...

3 years ago
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A brothers Debt Happy Birthday to Me

Another Saturday I thought to myself as I settled down at my computer with my coffee. As had been my routine for the past few months, I opened up an in-private window and typed in my favorite porn site. As usual I searched for new videos of redhead teens, searching for one who would remind me April and the weekend that we had shared. I could never find just what I was looking for but still, the memory got me hard. I finally found a video of an old guy and a sweet young redhead with a passing...

1 year ago
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Milky Adventure Part22 Happy Birthday Riya

It was a fine Sunday morning, cooler than usual. Winter was nearby. Cool breezes started passing through the window now and then. There was fog everywhere. Dewdrops were formed on the window panes, dripping down slowly. Riya was lying on the bed on her back, in her satin nightwear. Aman lay on top of her, with his face on her breasts and arms over her navel. A woolen blanket over them. Few rays of the sun had managed to pass amidst those cool breezes and had caressed her face. She felt the...

1 year ago
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Happy Birthday Nerd

Straightening her over-size, crooked glasses again, Nirmala sighed looking at the pathetic cupcake with a single candle; a birthday present from the girl on the last shift. After work she had to go home and phone her parents to let them know she was safely home. Then she could log onto the dialup internet connection, not that she could get to any interesting sites; her strict parents had installed a powerful program that controlled the sites she could visit. Her parents went away every...

4 years ago
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The Skate ParkHappy Birthday

The Skate Park—HAPPY BIRTHDAYWoke up about 9:00. House was quite. Had been an eventful night. Couple of the boys were still asleep, crashed on the floor, stripped down to their boxers. I was still sportin my jock, and a huge piss boner. I walk over to the bathroom and cut loose—seemed like hours. Really need to blow some nut, but had too much to do. Today would be Dustin's big day.I put on some coffee, grab a go-cup, and head for the skate shop. Didn't take a lot of looking around—I knew what I...

2 years ago
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Happy Birthday Dear Wampyr Part I

Happy Birthday, Dear Wampyr... (Part I) The Dark Lord Stefan celebrates Her birthday..."369, The Goose Drank Wine, The Monkey Chewed Tobacco On The Streetcar line..."It was her birthday. The Dark Lord rose, the old rhyme humming in his head as he scented her upon the night air. The scent of her yes, but also the smells as she prepared herself to allow him to take her into the night in celebration. The Almond Butter she used to dress her curls, the ancient Florentine perfume she still favored...

1 year ago
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Happy Birthday Master Chapter 1

My birthday was coming up in a couple days. Pet knew it, but didn't say anything - unbeknownst to me, her plans were already in the works! My birthday fell on a Friday this year, so I went to work that day like any other, none the wiser to the schemes that were brewing in my pet's mischievous mind! That morning, pet went downstairs to make breakfast as usual. I still had no clue as to what she had up her sleeve, but shortly after we finished breakfast, I was to find out! "Hurry home tonight,...

3 years ago
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Happy Birthday Gangbang

It was coming up to my birthday, the big four zero. Well, not exactly coming up to, it was still several months away. The thought depressed me. When you are young, you think of forty as old; past it, you wonder if someone that old even thinks about sex, let alone does it.In my case, I did, often, like twenty times a day for thinking about it, at least every night for either doing it or for using hands or toys to come. Once, I would try to do that in secret, hiding in the bathroom, or going...

Group Sex
1 year ago
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Happy Birthday Son

And why wouldn't I be having tons of fun having the most tabooed relationship in the world! I know all my readers would probably give an arm and a leg to be in my position (pun intended). A man's mother is probably his first ever crush, curiosity and darkest fantasy. It does not matter how big a facade of being civilized we put around our faces, manicure our mannerism or sophisticate our speech. The wanton lust and desire that a man holds for the woman who gave him birth lurks beneath all the...

1 year ago
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Nandhini Chechi Breastfed And Got Fucked

Dear sexstory friends, this is Rajesh presently working in Bangalore in an MNC and I would like to share my past experiences with you people. I am a 38 years old horny man with a slightly big cock of 8 inches and satisfied many girls and Aunties from past 20 years. Any unsatisfied girls, Ladies and widows can feel free to chat with me on The incident happened when I was 18 years old and studying PUC in Bangalore, when a new Malayali neighbours occupied the vacant house next to our home. They...

3 years ago
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Andee Plays a New Version of Around the World

Andee felt a little reluctant as she stared at the calendar hanging on her kitchen wall. Scribbled in among her children’s sports and music lessons were the pending dates of her fall travel schedule again. At one time, she loved the idea of jetting off for a few days every month to another distant location for business, easily slipping into her professional role as a career woman on the move; but this time around, she felt a little hesitant.Of course, a big part of her reluctance was a direct...

Wife Lovers
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Andee Plays a New Version of Around the World

Andee felt a little reluctant as she stared at the calendar hanging on her kitchen wall. Scribbled in among her children’s sports and music lessons were the pending dates of her fall travel schedule again. At one time, she loved the idea of jetting off for a few days every month to another distant location for business, easily slipping into her professional role as a career woman on the move; but this time around, she felt a little hesitant.Of course, a big part of her reluctance was a direct...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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Happy Birthday

For an entire year I was on the road with the band called The Rex Boys. I was Tico Rex, the drummer, along with Mickey and Vinnie Rex on guitars, and last but not least our fearless leader and frontman, Jackie Rex. We were a small time metal band that suddenly grew after the success of our first CD. Then came our big tour that went from here to Melbourne. The fans worshipped us. Especially the ladies. Groupies were coming and going literally tending to our needs. We had blondes, redheads,...

2 years ago
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Happy Birthday to Me

So last month, I was lucky enough to experience one of my favoritest annual events ever: my birthday party!!! Now, for those that don't know, I take my birthday VERY seriously. You see, I was only 12 years old the first time I played with a pecker...and I've been lickin' 'em and suckin' 'em and bouncin' up and down on 'em ever since :-) I suppose my love of being gangbanged and making guys cum on my birthday all began on the eve of my 14th...It was a hot night in June and I had invited about...

3 years ago
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Happy 18th Birthday

I should have had a very privileged upbringing. My father was a medical doctor and we seemed to have a very affluent life.But appearances can be very deceiving.He was a big man - 6 feet 5 inches tall. He did not believe in birth control of any means and he believed that a wife's role in life - and later his adult daughters - was to please and obey him in all things. He believed that a man was not a success unless his women were giving birth as often as humanly possible and it did not matter to...

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