Stud of the shelter
- 2 years ago
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“Honey! We have to go right now!” Cynthia called out with an edge of panic in her voice.
I was running through the house checking that all the windows and doors were tightly locked. A strong gust of wind rattled the last rain-spattered window as I checked it. Cynthia looked concerned when I eventually joined her in the car. I quickly checked that she had packed the overnight bags and blankets before reversing out the garage.
Hurricane Irma was scheduled to make landfall later that night. It was a category 5 storm so we had decided to go to one of the public storm shelters.
Heavy rain and wind made the fifteen-minute drive to the shelter seem a lot longer than it really was. I was surprised to find out that we were one of the first people to arrive at the shelter. It was a middle school gym that had been specially engineered to withstand hurricane-force winds.
Because we were early we had the pick of spots in the gym. I chose two spots in the back corner that was furthest away from the washrooms. I figured that corner would be the quietest part of the gym. We staked our claim and made ourselves comfortable.
Cynthia and I had been married for two years. Cynthia was twenty-one and I was two years older than her. We had been high school sweethearts who had given each other our virginities at my prom. Initially, we had fucked like rabbits but in the last year or so the fire had been missing from our sex life.
In the last few months, I had started wondering what it would be like to fuck someone else. I was questioning the wisdom of marrying the first person I had screwed. I thought that maybe I should have fucked around more before settling down. I had found myself focusing on all the things that we did not do. I had never had a blow job because Cynthia thought it was ”gross”. Anal sex was too disgusting to talk about. We had even stopped doing it in different positions or places. The bedroom was the place to do it and the missionary position was the way to do it. I Loved Cynthia and had no intention of leaving her. I just wished that she was more adventurous when it came to our sex life.
About half an hour after we arrived the shelter started getting quite busy. Our corner was still quiet as most people seemed to be congregating near the washroom exits. A family of four wandered over and claimed the spaces next to us.
The father, a gruff looking man in his late forties, introduced himself. “Hello, I’m Tom. We’ll be your neighbours for the next while.”
I stood up and shook his hand. “Hi Tom, I’m Jason and this is my wife, Cynthia. I hope the storm blows over quickly. I don’t want to be here too long.”
Tom grimaced. “Well it’s a category 5 and it’s going to hit the Keys, so we’ll be here at least for the night.” An attractive blonde woman in her mid-thirties joined Tom. “This is my wife, Jenny.”
Jenny was very attractive. She was about five foot six inches. She was wearing a navy-blue, casual dress with white polka-dots. Her pretty face, with the faintest hint of smile lines at the corner of her eyes, was framed by shoulder length honey blond hair. The top of her dress had a wide plunging neckline that revealed a healthy amount of her tanned tits. Her flat stomach and narrow waist accentuated her impressive C cup breasts. Her dress ended mid-thigh and generously displayed fit well-shaped legs.
“Hello,” I said to Jenny, “I'm pleased to meet you. I’m Jason and this is my wife, Cynthia.”
“Pleased to meet you both,” Jenny said with a quiet voice.
A good looking teenage boy and pretty girl joined Tom and Jenny.
“This is my son, Andrew and my daughter, Jackie,” Tom said.
Andrew seemed to be the older of the two at about nineteen. He was quite handsome but seemed to lack the confidence that usually accompanied good looks.
Jackie was a younger version of her mother with smaller size B tits, I figured that she must be about seventeen or so. She was wearing a white blouse and short skirt.
Having finished our introductions, we settled in to wait. I was getting bored and considered reading a book when Jenny invited us to join their family in a game of Crazy Eights. Cynthia and I readily agreed.
We cleared a space on the floor and sat in a circle. Tom and Cynthia sat on either side of me, Andrew sat next to Tom, Jenny was directly opposite me and Jackie sat between Jenny and Cynthia.
As we played cards I learned that Tom was forty-nine and Jenny was thirty-eight. They had just had their nineteenth wedding anniversary. Andrew was going to turn nineteen in a few months’ time and Jackie had just turned seventeen. Tom was an executive at some software company and they lived in a wealthy suburb nearby.
As we talked, I noticed a coldness between Tom and Jenny. Tom was very critical of Jenny and never seemed to have anything nice to say to her. Tom never initiated any physical contact with Jenny and seemed quite happy to ignore her. His conversations were always centered on his corporate life and never included his wife. I felt sorry for Jenny as I could tell that she was no longer a part of Tom’s life and I wondered why they were still together.
Soon after we started playing I noticed that Andrew would stare at Cynthia’s tits from time to time. Cynthia was wearing a blue cotton T-shirt with no bra. She seldom wore a bra at home as she was blessed with size C tits that did not need a bra to maintain their perkiness. She always wore a bra in public but in the rush to leave the house she had forgotten to put one on.
The T-shirt was clinging to her tits in the humid heat and I could just see the outline of her brown nipples.
Initially, I was perturbed that Andrew was getting an eyeful of Cynthia’s tits and was tempted to tell Cynthia to go put a bra on. However, after a few moments of thought, I realised that I liked the fact that Andrew was staring at her tits. Cynthia was gorgeous and if Andrew spent the next few nights wanking to images of Cynthia’s tits, that was fine with me.
Cynthia face reddened slightly when she noticed Andrew’s staring at her tits and she realised that she was not wearing a bra. I expected her to excuse herself and go and put her bra on; however she did not. It seemed like she was enjoying the attention. I was surprised a few minutes later when I noticed her nipples were getting harder and poking through the cotton material of her T-shirt. I wondered if she was fantasizing about Andrew sucking her sensitive nipples.
I soon forgot about Cynthia and Andrew as I found myself being distracted by the mother and daughter sitting in our group. When we had first sat down Jackie had modestly folded her legs to the side but soon became uncomfortable and crisscrossed her legs. Her skirt had pulled up giving me a clear view of her pink Victoria Secret panties. The crotch was slightly translucent lace that allowed me to see just a hint of her clean-shaven pussy underneath. I wondered if she was a virgin but decide that no virgin would wear panties like that.
Jenny distracted me in a completely different way. Her tits were right in my line of sight and I found myself staring at her tits just as much as Andrew was staring at my wife’s tits. Every now and then Jenny would lean forward and gather the cards giving me a generous view down the front of her dress. A white lace bra held her creamy tits in place and slightly parted so I could see her belly when she leaned forward. I imagined her holding them together around my cock as I titty-fucked her.
Jenny noticed me admiring her breasts on a few occasion and like Cynthia, she seemed to enjoy me looking. At one point she smiled at me and then arched her back and stretched her shoulders, shoving her boobs forward. My eyes naturally focused on her boobs during the stretch while her eyes never left mine. When my eyes met hers again there was a twinkle in her eyes that seemed to ask if I had enjoyed the show.
The storm outside was increasing in intensity and was getting so loud that it became hard to have any kind of conversation. At about nine pm the power went out and we were plunged into complete darkness. I had not realised how black it had become outside and there was absolutely no light entering through the small gym windows.
A few minutes later the emergency generators were started and some emergency lighting was restored. There was however not enough light to continue playing cards. We were told that the emergency light would stay on until ten pm. After that there would only be a single light in each of the washrooms.
The shelter had received a lot more people than expected and to fit everybody in we had to cram together as much as possible. We would be sleeping shoulder to shoulder with narrow access passages between the rows of people.
We started to settle down on our sleeping mats at about nine-forty-five. Cynthia was right in the corner. We had a little bit of space between our heads and the wall to keep our belongings but it was definitely feeling cramped. Cynthia was already rolled away from me facing into the corner.
Jenny had taken the spot next to me with Jackie, Andrew and Tom completing their lineup. Just before the lights turned out Jenny slipped under her blanket and squirmed around. A moment later she re-appeared with her dress in her hand. She folded it up and placed it just above her head. She squirmed a bit more and then her bra joined the dress.
She then rolled onto her side facing me and smiled at me in the dim light and said just loud enough for me to hear, “Thank you for making me feel like a woman again. Tom never looks at me like that anymore.”
Even though I was surprised by her pleased acknowledgment of my wandering eyes, I did not miss a beat and said, “You’re welcome.”
The lights went out and someone with an official-sounding voice said, “Okay folks, it is ten o’clock now and we have turned off the remaining lights. Try to get some sleep and we will make another announcement in the morning.”
“Good night, Jason, have sweet dreams,” Jenny said.
“Good night, Jenny, you too,” I said.
I slipped under the blanket with my wife and removed my shorts and shirt. The flirting with Jenny had made me feel horny and I wanted to fuck but I knew that Cynthia would never dream of fucking in public like this. I was confident that with all the noise the storm was making no one would know if we did fuck. Jenny might hear us but I did not think she would mind.
I decided to see if Cynthia was game. I rolled into Cynthia's back spooning her. I reached my arm around her held her warm tit in my hand. Cynthia closed the door on my lustful ambitions by moving my hand down to her belly.
Feeling frustrated I rolled onto my back. I felt unreasonably angry at Cynthia and lay there in the dark thinking about all the things that she did to piss me off. I knew I was being unreasonable and that I would feel completely different in the morning, but in the moment, I let all my frustrations fester. I fell asleep still feeling angry at Cynthia.
Sometime later I was woken out of a restless sleep when I felt Cynthia role up against my body. Cynthia was lying on her side with her back leaning onto my chest. My sleep-fogged mind did not fully register where we were as I rolled into Cynthia back spooning her. Still feeling horny, I reached around to fondle her tit and was surprised to discover that she had taken her shirt off. I held her large warm tit in my hand and gently caressed her nipple with my thumb.
As Cynthia’s nipple hardened under my thumb’s ministration I started to get this feeling that something was wrong. The sense of wrongness was forgotten when Cynthia reached between our bodies, into my undies, and wrapped her hand around my semi-hard cock. She freed my cock from my undies and pumped up and down to get me harder. Satisfied that I was hard enough Cynthia guided my cock between her legs. My cock slid against her silk panties – the silk was new; she normally wore cotton.
Cynthia pulled her panties aside with a finger and guided my hungry cock into her turgid pussy. I expected to slide all the way into her in one easy stroke just as I had done a hundred time before, but this did not happen. Her wet pussy was very tight and resisted my cock’s intrusion.
This last inconsistency cleared the last of the sleep fog from my mind and I knew what was wrong. My cock was sliding into Jenny, not Cynthia! I considered stopping for a brief moment but my cock was already inside the gorgeous MILF that I had fantasized about the entire evening.
My excitement ratcheted up a number of notches as the reality of what we were doing registered completely. Cynthia was hopefully sleeping behind my back, and Jenny’s family was hopefully sound asleep on the other side of her. The storm was still making enough noise that no one would hear us and the room was dark enough that no one would see us. I decided that fucking Jenny was definitely worth the risk.
Jenny’s pussy was incredibly tight as I continued pushing all the way in. I could feel her slippery vagina walls pressing against my cock on all sides. Tom had not fucked her in ages. When my cock was completely inserted into Jenny’s pussy, I stopped for a few moments to enjoy the feeling of complete penetration. I pulled out almost completely and then pushed back in quickly enjoying the slippery friction of penetration. I drew out again and then started fucking this new pussy at a pace that I knew would allow me to last a long time.
I let go of her tit and pushed my hand into her panties. My fingers brushed through Jenny’s curly pussy hair and found her clit. I went further down and felt where my cock was sliding into her wet pussy. I spent a few moments getting some excess pussy cream on my finger and then returned to her clit. I gently stimulated her clit as I fucked her.
I had only been fucking Jenny for a minute when she had her first orgasm. Jenny started grinding her ass against me and her pussy clenched my cock tightly as her orgasm built. When the full force of her climax hit, Jenny put her hand on my ass and held my cock deep inside her pussy. She stifled a groan inside her throat as ecstasy flowed through her body. I stopped playing with her clit and kept my cock still while her orgasm ran its course. After thirty seconds she had relaxed enough to allow me to continue my stroking. A few minutes later Jenny had another orgasm.
After Jenny’s second climax I gave myself permission to build to my own orgasm. I moved my hand back to Jenny’s breast and enjoyed the feeling of her soft boob in my hand. I increased the pace of my fucking and felt myself starting to build to my own climax.
Knowing that I was close to cumming I whispered into Jenny’s ear, “Can I cum in your pussy?”
“Yes,” Jenny whispered just loud enough for me to hear.
My balls tightened and the pleasure sensors in my penis head went wild as I shoved my cock deep into Jenny’s pussy for the final time. I held her body tightly against my chest as I pumped my sperm deep into Jenny's vagina. Remarkably, Jenny started having her third orgasm soon after I started cumming.
We lay like that for a few minutes enjoying the afterglow of sex.
“Thank you,” Jenny whispered. “It’s been a long time since I was fucked like that.” Jenny rolled back onto her own camp mattress.
Jenny was already awake and dressed the next morning when I woke up. The storm had passed and everybody was packing up eager to get back home. I just finished packing up when we were informed that my neighbourhood would be closed for another few days as the damage was extensive and there were a large number of downed power lines. Tom’s neighbourhood was given the all clear and they prepared to leave.
Cynthia and I were adjusting to the reality of needing to spend at least another day at the shelter when Tom came over. “Hey Jason,” Tom said.
“Hi, Tom.”
“I hear that you won’t be able to move back home for a few days.”
“Yeah, apparently there is a lot of damage and it’s not safe to go back yet,” I said. “Looks like we’ll be spending a few more days in this fine shelter.”
“Jenny and I have been talking, and we have a large house with lots of spare rooms. If you’d like, you can come stay with us for as long as you need. There’s nothing like sleeping in a real bed.”
I looked at Cynthia, who nodded her head in the affirmative, and said, “That’s very generous of you, Tom and we’d be happy to accept your offer.”
“We’re happy to help,” Tom said. “I have to go out of town for a few weeks on a business trip, but Jenny said she’s more than happy to have the company while I’m away.”
“After a storm like this it will be helpful having a man around the house,” Jenny said. She then gave me a knowing smile and said, “I’m sure I can find some good uses for a strong body like yours.”
The end.
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EroticThe sky looked ominous as Jason Dobbins made his way into town. Storms had been predicted for most of the day and Jason did not doubt for a second they would arrive sometime soon. Eyeing the sky periodically as he drove, Jason made the ten minute trip in normal time as he parked behind the row of businesses that lined the main street of Hicksville, Ohio. Hicksville is a sleepy little mid-west town, population of about 3700 in the upper western part of the state near the Indiana border. He...
HI friends, This is umesh from udaipur in rajasthan state(). this is the first time i am submitting a story on let me know the comments to improve. This happened when my cousin brother dropped his family in my housing as he was in Air Force and was posted to a new place where family quartars were not available. i am 43 yrs and having a full house constructed,with a 2 room set for wife is in central govt service posted to gujrat area and visits me almost in 2 brother...
IncestThe wipers swished back and forth, not even making it to the end of their travel before the heavy, wet snow once again obscured the view. If anything, it was starting to come down harder. As he had climbed higher into the mountains, it first seemed that the snow was becoming a little thicker, less mixed with rain and more with sleet. But, then again, that may just have been his imagination. Now the snow was definitely harder but there was still a lot of sleet and freezing rain. Anyway he looked...
Joanna is a shy, young student at the junior college. She signed up for one of my classes this past Fall and I have come to know her rather well. Earlier today, I found a message on the department answering machine. ‘Dr. Storm, could you drop by tonight? I am having difficulty with one of the problems you assigned, and maybe you could help me with it.’ Well, she lives on The Rez, and her house is on the route I take to my place. I’ll stop by and see what I can do. It is cold. A winter...
Just walking from my car to the front door through the hot, steamy July weather got me sweaty. As the door closed behind me, I reveled in the cooler air of the air-conditioned house. It was turning out to be a long, hot summer and the weather, my work, and just about everything else, were driving me crazy. To top it all off, I was spending the summer alone. My live-in girlfriend Dana, who should have been my release and relief, had taken off for a month or more on a work assignment. A...
First TimeCome on already! Why can’t I have a vacation without this feeling of impending doom? Wasn’t Kate’s family crisis enough? I knew the feeling all too well now. Oddly I found that out here in the mountains I was able to reach out for over hundreds of miles in all directions. Other than small little pop-up storms, with maybe a dozen cloud to cloud bolts of lightning and some cloud to ground lightning strikes somewhere near the coast, there wasn’t anything even remotely looking like a storm. I...
It was a late summer afternoon as the sun shown brightly in the western sky as he left work. It was on his way home that he noticed the dark ominous clouds on the horizon and the scent of rain was in the air. Dusting off his plants and shirt before jumping into his truck he rolled down the windows on the old 69 Ford he drove. As he drove out of the parking lot he waved at Bob saying have a good one Bob, and he turned left and drove down the street. On the way out of town he stopped by the...
Joanna is a shy, young student at the junior college. She signed up for one of my classes this past Fall and I have come to know her rather well. Earlier today, I found a message on the department answering machine. "Dr. Storm, could you drop by tonight? I am having difficulty with one of the problems you assigned, and maybe you could help me with it." Well, she lives on The Rez, and her house is on the route I take to my place. I'll stop by and see what I can do. It is...
First TimeStorm By R. Johnston Chapter 1: The Arrival The unmarried Kennedy sisters' small farm was on a quiet stretch of the coast just about a mile from the sea. Jane in her early forties and Maggie younger by a few years, managed to make a living from their small dairy herd and a flock of free range hens. The farmhouse was a two storied solid building surrounded by elm trees planted half a century ago to protect it from the prevailing north wind. It could not be seen from the main...
EYE OF THE STORM BY PAUL G. JUTRAS (MIXTURE OF TG FICTION WITH TRUE STORM EVENTS) It was Saturday night and the road outside his parent's house was deserted. For three days Paul and his folks had watched as I-4 and 95 went bumper-to-bumper traffic, so that one could travel faster by foot to evacuate for Hurricane Frances. Paul's dad believed in his house better than any shelter and had the three of them hunker down there. It was 5pm when the power went out. "I'm starting to think...
Nick stood on the back porch and looked up at the darkening sky. It was strange the way the sky was moving. It was as if a dark green blanket were being d****d over the Earth by unseen hands. Nick felt his arms prickle with goose bumps as a cool breeze wafted over him.Thunder roared in the distance and Nick could see shards of lightning touching down in his neighbor's yards down the road."Nick? Does it look bad?" Nick's beautiful wife Lauren was in the living room looking out the sliding glass...
The impending storm was bringing the twilight faster than usual. He was seated on a barstool on one side of the counter in the kitchen, glancing absently at a newspaper spread out on the counter, and she stood directly opposite him, on the other side of the counter. Thunder sounded in the distance. He filled his heavy flat-bottomed glass with scotch from the decanter on the counter. She looked at the sky then the clouds through the window to the West. ?Storm brewing.? she said. ?Big...
Edited by George5. Of course, I had to screw with it afterward; so all missing steaks are mine. My marriage was destroyed and my anger peaked and was sustained by a power outage. Then another storm helped make some repairs. My name is Carl Arthur Thomas and at the time I was destroyed I was 29 years old and had been married for 5 years. We had no kids and had not talked about starting a family. I am 6’ 1/2” tall, blue-eyed, 180 pounds, and prematurely gray-haired. I am told that the gray...
Author's Note: A meteoroid is a piece of debris that drifts through space. It can be as small as a grain of sand or bigger than a house. When the meteoroid enters the Earth's atmosphere, friction causes the meteoroid to overheat and give off a bright light. The light created by a meteoroid burning in the atmosphere is called a meteor. The portion of the meteoroid that survives to land on the surface of Earth is called a meteorite. People frequently use the term meteor to refer to a...
Maine: 2013Susan sat in her driveway, hands trembling on the steeringwheel. Her mind was exactly thirteen and a half miles away in a Dodge Ram 4X4 parked at the gym where she worked out. Her affair with Mac, consummated barely an hour ago, left her whole body shaking. She didn’t quite know how she was able to navigate the icy streets to the home and shared with her husband of eleven years, Tom, and their two children. Even with Mac following her to her driveway and then discreetly keep going...
Straight SexI could see you on the horizon in the distance, standing on the beach. The wind from the approaching storm was stirring from the south, and it was making your gown ripple and flow from your body. From this distance I could just make out the subtle curve of your hips, the strong posture of your shoulders on the windward side. You stood still there on the shore, the white of your robe like a beacon against the rapidly darkening sky. I was drawn to you. I stepped of the porch of my beach house...
This short story is based on the two characters that were in my first story Elaine and Me. Some years have elapsed and they are still in love. I think that this story might illustrate the prejudice experienced by TS women everywhere. If anyone has any comments then please let me know. Brewing Up A Storm By Elaine Copyright 2001 "Darling will you help me get ready?" Elaine asked standing in the doorway. "Sure," he replied smiling at the scantily clad woman standing before...
Needless to say, we were both soaking wet by the time we'd finished up with the shutters on all the small windows. The rain was really coming down now with periods of thunder and lightning. Cynthia had told me earlier, but reminded me again of her concern and worry for Joy. Joy truly was terrified by thunder and lightning, had been so all her life in fact. And of course Cynthia also told me, she very often reacted to it in strange ways, trying to hide and cover up her fear. "All I'm...
The air conditioner had kept the air temperature in my bedroom at a comfortable 72 degrees. But Lisa and I had both generated quite a bit of body heat while she gave me a masterful blowjob and I feasted on her boobs with my mouth while at the same time twiddling her twat with my fingers and pleasuring her clit with my thumb, until both of us enjoyed stupendous orgasms. Lust and sexual activities both generate heat… Some mentally, and some physically. Both Lisa and I had at least temporarily...
MatureCynthia woke up before most of the people in the storm shelter. She had slept quite well and considering how much she hated sleeping anywhere other than a bed; it was a small miracle that she had slept at all. The worst of the storm seemed to have passed, the wind had died down and a steady rain was all that remained of the retreating storm.Cynthia was pleased that she could hear light snoring coming from Jason confirming that he was still asleep. She needed some time to just think with no...
First TimeI went on vacation to this this lake resort, by myself. I just needed some peace and quiet, being able to do what ever I want to do. I like this resort I went to, because I'm able to lay on the dock without a bathing suit if I want.Which, the first day I was there, I went to the local store, stocked up on some groceries, a few bottles of wine and a new blow up raft. I went back to my cabin, made some lunch, changed into my cover up and headed to the dock. I brought my radio and the raft. ...
The Andrews met the Jensons in the dining room for breakfast. Only John, Malcolm, and Caroline were dressed, though Caroline’s dress consisted of a short denim skirt and a cable knit sweater, with nothing else under them. Anita and the girls were wrapped in silk bathrobes, though Anita’s was long, ankle length. The twins were wearing very short nightie-style robes. The Andrews had split apart after John had nailed Cory up the butt, to bathe and dress. Unbeknownst to them, Malcolm and...
“It’s coming! Hurry up, fuck, hurry the fuck up!”He is yelling at me, pushing heavy curtains that cover the glass wall of the living room to the sides, howling like a wild dog. A giant storm is coming, the sky has turned black and the lights above the kitchen desk are flickering. The air smells of rain and electricity, and it makes me shiver. He makes me shiver, too.It’s wakened up in him again, this element, this force. Oh my God, what’s going to happen this time? It excites him so much he...