No Names free porn video

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It was a five-star hotel bar, nestled in the streets of downtown L.A., elegantly furnished with ubiquity. A few big screen TV’s hung over the bar area mutedly showing some insignificant sporting events.
A cute duo of a bartending crew, one guy and one nicely tattooed girl, hustled drinks out as fast as they could while still measuring each pour with precision. God forbid they give you too much in your fifteen dollar drink.
I was wearing my favorite black dress and a cute flirty skirt, banded around the waist which accentuated a subtle flare. It had a fitted bodice, zippered in the back with half sleeves and a very feminine scalloped neckline.
This dress oozed allure and was always a winner.
The shoes had to be perfect, so I chose my Christian Louboutin dark red, patent leather pumps. They had a closed toe, then open all the way up to a single thin ankle strap that attached behind a cupped heel.
The bar area had a decent crowd for a Thursday night. Most were probably transient, but it seemed there were some locals like myself in the mix. The majority were either seated at the bar or standing just behind. Moderate acoustic music charged the air and fused with a low drone of idle conversation. Every so often the hum was interrupted by some overly fake laugh from a tipsy, bored housewife trying to score some fun. I couldn’t be too critical; I was there with similar motives.
I chose to sit at a table off to the side and near a back corner, but not hidden. Tonight I was on the prowl so I most definitely wanted to be seen.
My waitress looked absolutely adorable in the dim light, but as she approached it was apparent, she had been part of the L.A. scene far too long.
“My name is Krista, and I’ll be takin’ care of you tonight.”
‘Names.’ I thought. ‘Why the fuck do they always have to give me their name? I mean, I know it’s sociable, I’m not a monster. But given the circumstances, I don’t need to know their name.’
She smiled, and I noticed her eyes subtly take me in. “What will you be having?”
‘We won’t be friends after this exchange,’ my ponder continued. ‘At least I am not looking to be. If she’s good at what she does, I shouldn't have to call her name, and if that need did arise, a simple gesture would send her my way.’
“I’ll have a glass of Santa Margherita, Pinot Grigio.”
“Nice choice,” she looked at me with a pause. “Although, I will need to see some I.D.”
I handed her my license and watched with a slight grin as the poor girl tried to do the math in her head. “I turned twenty-five a month ago today, if that helps?”
“I was getting there,” she replied with a nervous smile. “Do you want me to bring the bottle? It’s seventy-five dollars, but I’m sure J.D. will give the birthday girl a discount.” She put finger quotes around birthday girl. I smirked at the cute and somewhat lame attempt to hit on me, but at least the dress was working.
“Sure, why not. I’m sure I’ll find someone to share it with.”
She smiled and scurried away. It was a shame she looked so weathered. Her body was amazing, and that simple mind was one I could have fun with. My eyes followed her ass which was neatly tucked into her tight black pants and showed off a subtle jiggle as she strolled.
The object of my perverted gaze rounded the bar. That’s when I noticed her, the woman who was going to fulfill tonight’s fantasy.
It was her shoe which caught my eye initially. She was sitting on a corner stool with her legs crossed facing to the side allowing her pointy-toed pump to dangle loosely. Judging by its elegant cut, they were probably Jimmy Choo’s, and I was sure the business style skirt-suit she adorned was designer.
She had her nose buried in her phone texting, pausing momentarily to scan the room. She was definitely looking for someone, a date maybe. It was evident whomever was supposed to meet her was late, which would prove to be my favor.
Krista, whom I appropriately renamed ‘L.A. woman’ was quick to return with my bottle of wine and poured my first glass.
“I was right,” she bubbled. “J.D. said he’d give you fifteen dollars off the bottle.”
I stared past her as if she wasn’t there and continued the mental molestation of my mystery girl. I wasn’t ignoring her purposely to be rude. The static of my lustful curiosity was rapidly growing into infatuation, and it caused L.A. woman, and everything else in the bar for that matter, to simply fade.

I guessed the woman’s age to be mid-thirties. My eyes followed her severe but feminine jawline to the profile of her full lips. Her warm blonde hair was pulled back into a loose ponytail exposing her slender neck.
As she texted away, I caught the unmistakable glint of a diamond: an engagement ring, no doubt, but no accompanying wedding band. I grinned. This challenge just got more exciting and my libidinous desire now fed off its electricity.
I probably held my ogle too long. She looked up to scan the room one more time, and our eyes met. She was quick to look away and I, for my part, diverted my attention to my drink.
By now a foggy sheen of dew clung to the sides of the glass. The softly curved bell flowed with perfection into a smooth, long stem which I was seductively stroking with my thumb and forefinger. I brought it slowly to my lips and let the fruity fermentation slide over my tongue, igniting each taste bud as it passed. I could see from the corner of my eye that her head was facing my direction.
A slow blink to savor the floral notes as I inhaled, then a roll of my eyes to look at her once more, this time catching her in the gaze.
In what I considered an effort on her part to avoid temptation, she spun her body to face the bar. I finished my first glass then poured a second and stood, momentarily abandoning the bottle.
My first step was the most invigorating. I wasn’t even sure what I would say when I got to her. I did know there was a small inferno in my pussy and each step toward her stoked the heat higher.
Heel precisely placed at a slight crossover to the planted toe. Hips swaying, eyes locked on my target, pace slow and methodical. I made my way over to her.
I felt the slight buzz of the first glass taking effect, further loosening any remaining inhibitions.

My nipples pressed firmly against the soft material of my dress. I could feel they were visibly erect, but I didn’t care. They had earned their right to vie for attention and the thought of them eventually being sucked, pulled and pinched was only adding fuel to my fire.
Because she had the corner seat, I was able to take position on the adjacent side. I didn’t bother sitting. I laid my crystal chalice on the bar, so the clink of the glass meeting the marble bar-top drew her attention.
“I don’t think he is coming.”
“Excuse me?” she said.
“You keep looking for someone.” I flashed my cutest, most non-threatening smile to defuse any accusatory tones. “I don’t think he is coming. And no offense to him, but either he has a monumental excuse, or he is an idiot.”
She giggled. The smile worked.

“Well, kudos on your perception. I think you might be right, about him, not showing that is.” She turned her attention back to her drink. “And, while you might also be spot on about his level of intellect, he’s just a business partner. No romantic involvement.”
“Ahh,” I smiled harder, squeezing out a dimple in each cheek. “I thought maybe he was the rightful owner of that Hyundai you have parked on your ring finger.”
She held up her left hand, “This?” showing me the ring. It was even more brilliant up close.
“Nah,” she chuckled. “That nightmare ended a while ago. I only wear it when I travel to stave off the douchebags.” She looked coyly my way and winked. I bit my bottom lip and let out a low, barely audible growl. Her tête-à-tête sent a throb through my entire body.
“I’m sure that technique works,” I said. “I usually try to seduce the hottest woman in the bar. The d-bags may stare, but at least they leave you alone.” I brought the wine glass to my lips for another dramatic sip and let the words sink in.
Just then her phone buzzed and broke the few seconds of silence. She excused herself to answer the call. I took that opportunity to grab the attention of the cute tattoo girl slinging drinks. I whispered some instructions to her and pointed in the direction of L.A. woman. She nodded assuredly.
My mystery girl returned a few minutes later.
“Sorry about that,” she said with eye contact and a smile.
Her apology and the demeanor behind it told me two things. One, she was congenial which came as no surprise. I assumed a woman with her apparent professionalism didn’t get to where she was by being an asshole. Two, and more importantly, she was interested.
“Business partner?” I took another sip and gestured toward the phone.
“Long story.”
“Maybe you can tell me about it sometime,” I said slightly shaking my jet black hair and staring hard into her eyes. She returned the look with a hint of admiration, and I could tell it was time for me to make my move.
“For now, I think you should text your business partner that something’s come up and you have to go, then meet me by those elevators over there.” She turned her head to look where I was pointing.
‘Definitely interested.’
“Don’t worry about your tab,” my eyes focused on hers with intent. “It’s been paid, and I will give you till the time the elevator doors close to decide if you want to experience a night unlike any you’ve ever had.” I didn’t wait for a response. I swallowed my last sip of wine then placed the empty glass on the bar.
I walked away dragging my hand across her back from one shoulder to the other as I passed behind. I didn’t bother to look back, just furthered the same stride I used to approach her and made my way the hundred feet to the elevators.
Each step sent vibrations of excitement up my toned thighs and burrowed into my thickening labia. I crossed paths with L.A. woman and shot her a subtle wink which she answered with the sad look of rejection.
The hotel hallway outside the bar was, for the most part, absent of any activity. I pressed the call button to go up and felt a tiny pang of guilt for my waitress who was clearly caught in the net I had cast. ‘Oh well.’ I sighed.
I looked up, hands gathered neatly in front of me, and watched the elevator numbers rapidly count down. A subtle smile crept to the corner of my mouth as I heard the soft click of those beautiful Jimmy Choos approach me from behind.
In the black lacquer doors, I could see the outline of her figure coming closer off to my left. As if I had wiggled my little nose and cast a spell on those doors, they slid open just as she took her last step to reach me.
A random guy, with his arm around a giggling cute brunette, shuffled out past us and were quickly absorbed into the raucous of the bar.
I stepped into the elevator, she followed. Unclutching my purse, I took my room key and swiped it in front of the scanner to allow access to the exclusive club level floors. The doors closed and we were alone.
“I don’t normally... I mean, I’ve neve-” she stammered nervously, breaking the heavy silence.
I turned to her before she could finish and with a warming smile held my finger to my lips in a shushing motion.
The ride took less than a minute to reach the twenty-fourth floor. When the doors dinged open, I slid my hand into hers and firmly led her in the direction of my room.
With my right hand still holding hers, I used my left to swipe the card key and push the door open. I sharply pulled her in as if we were being chased and had just made a narrow escape.
Using her momentum, I yanked to spin her in my direction. I grabbed the lapels of her adorable suit jacket then pressed her shoulders into the wall behind. As the door heavily clapped shut, my knee slipped between her legs, and we were locked in a heated kiss.
My tongue darted into her mouth. Those soft full lips I had gazed at moments earlier now mashed with mine. Our heads swiveled side to side in a ravenous lashing that would have made the French envious. The sounds of smacking, sucking and delicate moans emminated to circle the air around us.
Her hands roamed down to my ass and pulled me in tighter, but then she broke our kiss, keeping her lips close to mine. “My… my name is… Ama-” she began to whisper. I pressed back into her mouth shoving my tongue in deep, then retracted.
“I don’t need to know your name.” I reached my hand down and pulled the front of her skirt up to cup her panty clad mound. Giving it a firm squeeze I purred, “I just need to know if this pussy is wet yet.” She whimpered, and I could feel the heat of her cunt on my palm.
I spun her, so she faced the wall. I had to have a taste. I quickly lowered to my knees and pushed her skirt up releasing that perfectly athletic ass. Each cheek received a playful squeeze followed by a soft slap to watch them jiggle.
I hooked my thumbs in the waistband of her thong and curled my fingers to drag my nails down her skin. Running them slowly along the outside of her thighs, I lowered her panties all the way to the floor.
Her pussy lips were swollen, and I could smell her musky excitement. I placed my hand on the small of her back and eased her to bend forward a bit, then watched as that gorgeous smooth clam came further into view.
Pulling her cheeks apart, I nestled my face into them. Her skin was warm, and the flesh felt supple against me. I snaked my tongue under along her crease.
“Ohh fuuuck...” She moaned, bending a bit more to jut her pussy onto my mouth.
My tongue stiffened, gliding effortlessly between her lips, giving me my first taste of tangy pre-cum nectar. I pushed deeper inside her warmth and scooped in a licking motion. Her bouquet rolled over my taste buds, and I drew a breath through my nose to savor her like that fine wine from earlier.
I felt her hand reach behind to rest on the top of my head, holding me firm as she pressed back. Her fingers curled and tightened their grip in my hair, sending a flash through me. My clit responded with a pulse that matched the racing beat of my heart. I moaned into her cunt and a mix of juice and saliva now coated my chin.
With a firm pull, she dragged me up to my feet and twisted back around. She ran her tongue under my glistening chin, lapping up then pushing into my mouth. Once again that glorious chorus of slurps and moans filled the air.
Without provocation, she broke our kiss and pushed back, fully stepping out of her panties as they lay there on the tiled entrance. Next to hit the floor was her suit jacket as she pressed forward past me entering into the suite.

“Jesus Christ, this is a nice room,” she said as she pulled the curtains fully open, exposing the city lights below. “This view… it’s simply breathtaking.”
“So is the one in front of me,” I said in her direction.

Locking the door behind me, I made my way in and kicked off my shoes to sit on the edge of the king bed.
She elegantly turned to face me, and for a moment I was taken. Maybe it was the passionate buildup that led to this point, or maybe it was the heat of that initial taste, but something definitely fluttered in my stomach. I sat and let the moment wash over me absorbing all of her.
The subtle smile on her lips radiated with a glow, and slowly she began to undo her blouse. I watched with precision as her fingertips seductively slid each button through its assigned hole, unveiling the bit of flesh it was sanctioned to protect.
Within a minute she had removed the remainder of her garments and was standing naked, framed by the shimmering lights of downtown Los Angeles. I bit my bottom lip, and the flutter grew.

I jumped up and aggressively approached her with a hunger in my eyes which she was quick to intercept and abruptly spun me around.
With fervor, she worked to unzip my dress. Her hands snaked across my exposed back, over my shoulders and down my arms pushing that scalloped neckline to free my tits. The cool air brushed across my heated nipples as my head rolled back slightly and to the side, eyes closed. My dress fell loosely to the floor, and I stood with my back to her in just my black lace panties.
It was the first time in the evening I felt vulnerable.

She took charge and pushed me to the mattress. As I rolled to my back, she pounced on top to straddle my waist and tugged a pillow over to shove under my head. My excitement grew, my chest heaved and my eyes focused on hers while she stared at my little tits.

She ran her nails sharply over my skin and traced the fleshy curve of my breasts. Her fingertips took a firm grip of each nipple and tugged, satisfying their craving. The surge that ran through my frame was so intense I thought I was already going to cum. I bumped my hips up into her. She smirked then rose to stand, towering over me.
I stared up trying to memorize every curve of her figure. My hands traced the sides of her calves inching their way up to behind her knees. She glanced down and our eyes connected for a moment before she gracefully swung around to face my feet.

There was that gorgeous pussy again, hovering over my mouth, glistening with droplets of thickening juices.
I rested my hands atop her ass and guided her syrupy cunt down to my waiting tongue. She obliged my actions and pulled my wet panties to one side to latch her lips onto my clit.
That flutter in my stomach continued to grow. Each lap of her tongue across my swollen nub brought me closer and closer to my climax. Within seconds, my mouth gaped open in a breathless gasp that released her clit from its clutch.
Wave after resplendent wave washed over me as I fell from the edge of my climactic precipice, tumbling through the most amazing orgasm I had ever experienced. My body shuddered under her as she pinned me to the mattress and continued her assault.
I knew it was my turn to return the favor. As I pleaded with my mind to regain composure, I felt her straighten up and settle her weight on my face. Instinct took over, and I swiftly forced my tongue into her as she splayed her lips onto my mouth.
Her slender hands braced into my hips, arching the small of her back to grind her bean into my smooth, wet chin. The pace quickened, which I matched with the darting of my tongue in and out until I felt her body tense. I couldn’t see her face; I didn’t need to. I could read her intensity through the nails digging into my pelvis.

I moaned as loud as I could so every vibration would wash over her sensitivity. My muffled groan was soon drowned out by her scream setting off a pussy quivering orgasm that coated my tongue with warm juices.
“Holy fuck, that was amazing,” she uttered as she rolled off and collapsed next to me on the bed.
My mind was racing. I couldn’t even muster enough energy to wipe the lady cum that continued to leak from my throbbing kitty. This started out as my game, but she definitely turned the table and had me in checkmate.
“I need to see you again.” It slipped off my tongue. I backpedaled. “I mean… want… I want to see you again, maybe?” My voice trailed.

‘Fuck’ I was flustered. ‘Christ Jules, get ahold of yourself.’
She slid her legs away and sat at the edge of the bed. Her back was facing me, sleek and delicate, glistening in the dim glow of the room. I could see she was still breathing heavy, and her head hung slightly in contemplation.
“No names, right?” she said to the floor in a low, breathy tone.
She stood, gathered her clothes and disappeared into the bathroom. When she reemerged several minutes later, she was dressed and awkwardly smiling.

I propped myself on one elbow to look at her and our eyes once again connected. I hoped the deep look in hers meant she was feeling the same flutter in her tummy that I was.
“Julie.” I took a chance. “My name’s Julie.”
She paused and slightly cocked her head. “Well, Julie, it was...nice to meet you.” With the emphasis on was, she spun and sauntered out.
I flopped back onto the bed.

I contemplated running after her, but for what? ‘It was just a game, and I set the rules, right?’ I told myself. ‘This feeling will pass.’

But, this time it seemed different, felt different.
The air in the room clung to the slight smell of sex mixed with a lingering hint of her perfume. The soft mattress of the bed seemed to form around me as every muscle in my body melted in their post orgasmic state. I laid there for a while replaying the night's events. It seemed fast and surreal, but I guess that was the point.
I got up, legs still a bit wobbly, and made my way to the bathroom to wash up. The motion sensor light flipped on as I entered. I splashed water on my face, looked up in the mirror and smiled my biggest dimple smile.
There, across my reflection, in red lipstick was written:
I “need” to see you again too…Amanda (858) 555-1234.


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The Cobbler the Brownies

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Every Inch A NymphChapter 6

Slim Ranito and Will Monroe stepped back, studying the result of their work, leaving Melanie standing by the large table and feeling their heated gazes searing across her naked titties and pussy. They stood a few feet away from her, obviously moved by the tautly curved magnificence of her voluptuous body and smooth white flesh. Despite herself, Melanie could not help feeling a certain pride well up in her as their awed eyes took in every generously rounded curve of her hotly quivering body,...

2 years ago
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No One Says Bye To Felicia

As I look at my wife seductively patting the bed wanting me to fuck her, I can only think, I am so fucked!My ass is red, swollen, and covered in welts. I probably can't cum again tonight if my life depends on it. What the fuck am I going to do?Her smile turns into a frown as she says, "Don't you want me?"Think. Think. Think. "Baby, of course, I want you. I am just surprised, that's all. You haven't been interested in sex for quite some time. Why the change?" I ask as I moved towards the...

3 years ago
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Swan Song

It was the late eighties and the darkest, lowest, saddest point in my life. I had attempted suicide a week earlier and now I existed in that grey aftershock of depression which lingers afterward. It was a year after my first hospitalization for a suicide attempt and being diagnosed with clinical depression. It had been a year of failures. I failed my first year of college, lost my job and was hopelessly a failure with the ladies. My first week was spent with my nose buried in a book, Dune,...

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Brand New Me

I wake up, and I don’t know where I am or what time it is. The sun is streaming through the window, a rich, warm sunlight like nothing we ever get back in London, but it feels like the middle of the night. I’ve never felt this completely disoriented in my entire life. I look around, taking in a small room dominated by a half dozen cheap mattresses lying on the floor. There’s a hookah next to where I’m lying, and it definitely brings back a few memories-someone told me that a ball of hash...

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When I returned to my room I saw a note on the table by my mom asking me to meet her. As I was tired i slept that night . Next day morning I gotup and saw the time was 10.30 am. I freshned up and went down to the dining table. I asked servant to bring coffee. My mother brought me coffee. She asked why did I not come to her room. I was silent. U come to my room I want to talk to u she said. I finished my coffee and went to her room and asked her why she called me. She was quiet. She said that...

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Christian Wife Defiled

Melissa Morgan's female intuition sensed something about this new parishioner, a huge muscular black man named Reggie Johnson, which made her very uneasy. Her husband, Bill, failed to notice Reggie make his way beside her during the service. All houses of worship carried in their air that same musty stench Reggie despised of old prayer books and Bibles. His eyes contemptuously beheld the obnoxiously large cross – symbol of suppression, sexual inhibition, the eternal opposition – suspended...

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CommuneChapter 3

With his clothes folded neatly on a chair, Jack sat on the floor of his living room with a sheet covering his body. There was a blanket under him softening the hardness of the floor. Uncomfortable at being nearly naked despite the fact that he was still wearing his underwear, he said, “Okay. I’m ready.” Abby came out of the kitchen and held up her hands. In one hand she had a bottle of vegetable oil and in the other she had a box of cornstarch. Thinking that this had to be the only house in...

4 years ago
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A Long Walk Home

I've mainly crossdressed at home, with only short excursions outdoors, though I've always wanted to do more outside. I'm unfortunately not very passable, so most public areas are not good options. My wife has known of my crossdressing activities for several years, and knows that I get a thrill from going outside, so as a treat she offered to accompany me to a secluded area in a local park. I dressed in what my wife calls my "realtor drag" - knee-length black skirt, white blouse, red...

1 year ago
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TwinsChapter 2

So my twin sister became my first lover. It wasn't as though we had suddenly changed everything though. We continued mostly masturbating together; sometimes orally pleasuring each other and occasionally we'd fuck like bunnies. On those occasions, Chelle would tell me how to please a woman. I gradually learned to slow down and hold back. It wasn't easy as I did tend to pop pretty quickly if I didn't work at being slow. I remember a few times cumming after a few strokes and Chelle being...

4 years ago
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A new light

Walking through the woods always cleared my head, a lot more recently than usual, it all started about a month and a half ago when I first walked in on my sister, I had been at work all day and was in need of a good shower and an evening release. I walked into the house shouting my usual hello to see if anyone was home but with no reply I just went up to my room to get undressed then go have a shower, now I’m not a perfect guy, I ain’t slim or have a six pack but I am quite a broad and muscly...

3 years ago
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I knew your wife was going out of town to visit relatives. Damn I have wanted you for so very long. I wanted to do all the things to you that I knew she never ever would. All your fantasies I will make come true in a big way. Chatting with you for months made a huge lust grow deep inside me for you. Seemed you enticed me at every turn. You are just so sexy and hotter than any man I know. The lack of privacy made hooking up very difficult and I wanted more than just words though I loved...

2 years ago
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Fucked neighbor daughter

This is a true story which happened some time back when i had just begun my career working in Delhi at the age of 2i years. My name is Ravi. My neighbor aunt sarita (name changed) was very close to our family consisting of my 2 brothers and 3 sister. She was very good looking and had a very round ass and 2 water melons which were not very big but very nice to look at. She used to wear excellent saris (cotton) and used to carry herself very well. She had a very good looking daughter named Priya...

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Doing a Naughty NieceChapter 11

Jessica had done well on her first sexual challenge -- to seduce me in whatever way she chose with some of the sexy lingerie and underwear we'd bought her. She'd done a masterful job, and I was so surprised at how hot she was and how horny she seemed to be to fuck me, that it made me all that much hotter for her. If you've been following the progression of my relationship with Jessica, you'll have to agree that she had made some rapid progress in her sexual maturity and skills. Now that...

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Love me love thy nurse

Tom sighed as he waited to be seen by the doctor in casualty. It wasn’t his lucky day. His girlfriend was away with work and now he had dropped a car battery on his foot. To cap it all, tomorrow was Valentine’s Day. “Mr Roberts?” Said the young nurse, appearing from behind the curtain. “Yes.” Tom hobbled past the other patients who were waiting in the row and sat in the small cubicle, where the doctor was waiting. The white-coated medic looked tired. It had been a hard day. “Bad foot?” He...

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Coming to America

The silver Lear Jet flew high above the giant city, Flashing in the sunlight. Nikki couldn’t believe her eyes. She had never seen a city so large, all she could do was look and wonder. Truly America was the land of opportunity, and this strange city called New York only proved beyond doubt that this was so. Growing up in a tiny village in the middle of the huge Kuroz forests of Siberian Russia hadn’t prepared her for a sight like this. Winning the opportunity to come to...

1 year ago
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The Girl Next DoorChapter 17

The following few weeks passed in a cum covered haze, as Lisa and I fucked each other daily, Leanne most days, Leanne and Nuno a couple of times a week, and occasionally Carol and Phil. Sexually I've never been as satisfied, and it somehow made Lisa and I even closer, perhaps knowing that we had such trust in each other, as well as the new life growing inside her. There came a point, though, when I lay beside her one morning, caressing her slight bump, that she said we needed to tell our bed...

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Empath Telempath Leader GodChapter 5

He stayed in the hospital for three days, test after test were done and getting any real information out of the staff was almost impossible. He resorted to pushing, forcing the doctor to trust him, that he was his friend, his confidant, before he could overcome the man's professional reticence. The tests all came back normal except for a cat scan that showed an abnormal swelling in his occipital lobe, just over his left eye. Where the pain had been, both in the hallway fight at school and...

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AMY BETRAYED AMY BETRAYED ?So you come up on Saturday evening and release me??  Amy was about to undergo her first self bondage in a fashion that she would not be able to release herself, and would need help to get free. Her friend Sheila had agreed to come to where Amy would be, and release her, Amy started the car that Saturday morning, wearing a short skirt, and a top, no underwear and no bra. Neither of these were going to be needed for the rest of the day, as in fact, nor were the...

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Ha But

From the first fleeting kiss to the ultimate climax is a much varied journey.A Kiss, should be so sensual, that its breath can be blown away by the draught from a passing butterfly.There is more places to kiss on a woman's body then there are stars in the sky.Eden, the unspoilt paradise is here in my arms.Ha but, it is when you get me to brace myself, in the lounge, against the piano stool, with my arms outstretched and feet apart, its the feel of the cool lubricant, tricking down my crack, the...

1 year ago
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Red and VictorChapter 7

Shit, I was awake so I decided to just go ahead and get up. Somehow I got out from between Shelly and Sarah without disturbin 'em. I went to the can and shook hands with shorty, drug on some drawers and jeans, pulled on a T-shirt and stumbled to the kitchen lookin for coffee. Damnit I was the first one up so I had to make it. The mexes were comin here to help the gals load the stuff that was here but they wouldn't arrive til round ten so I guess everybody else had sense enough to sleep in....

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Warsaw Encounter

Traveling around the world for my work, spending endless nights in hotels, from the absolutely beautiful and impressive to low-end shit holes, I have encountered many people. One of my encounters went like this. I had been in Warsaw a number of times. I had set up a company there and as I always do, had changed hotels on each trip. I want to get the feel of a city, especially important in a city like Warsaw as there is no real city center. The Old City, or Stare Miasto in Polish, was totally...

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Eporner Interracial

The internet is filled with lots of wonderful places where you can just sit down, relax, and enjoy watching thousands of gorgeous women get plowed every which way. However, we are all into certain kinds of plowing sessions, and in case you were looking for that interracial lovemaking, you might be interested in checking out a rather known free porn website called website is filled with all kinds of porn videos, from amateur to professional, to everything else. However, I am not...

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AIChapter 46

It was going on 7:00, and beginning to get dark outside, when the phone rang. The home line, as I'd expected. "Mr. Heyward?" inquired an urbane voice when I picked up. Very little accent, I was surprised to note. "I'm sorry, I think you have the wrong number, my name isn't Heyward," I said. I knew I was only stalling, but let him think I was a bit dim. "Ah?" said the voice. "Your wife says otherwise. Then again, the manner in which I framed the question to her might encourage her...

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A New Job A New Life Part 1

Charlene was a bit nervous about starting to her new job. But the money her husband Phillip had left her, when he died almost five years ago now, was gone. So she had few other options except to get a job. Phillip had been an investment counselor and when the stock market tanked back in '08, they lost a big chunk of their life savings. Phillip had just started to turn things around when he died in a car accident. Now at the age of 29, she was afraid that she wouldn't be able to stand up to...

Office Sex
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Boss bear

Tony put the beer back on the bar."That was a long day eh?" he said shaking his head. I nodded agreement as I sipped my own beer.Tony was a self made man. At the age of fifty now, he had built up his own paving company over the past ten years into a thriving business and still insisted on being present at any new contract meetings. For the past year I had handled his accounting, payroll and general office management. Tony insisted on bringing me along whenever he went to meet clients on new...

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Scandalous StewardessChapter 13

"... But remember, Davie, you've got to make your father think it was all your idea--promise? I want you to get ad the credit, honey," Trish admonished the pretty young girl over the dining table. It was Saturday night, and the spacious room was crowded. Peter Knight was busy. "I promise!" the lovely teen answered, her large hazel eyes aglow with excitement. "Oh Trish, you're a genius--and a terrific friend! I just hope Daddy will go for it. "Sweetie, your father's so knocked out...

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The Rise and Fall of the Queen of HeartsChapter 5 Round Two

The next time she had encountered the Baron, had been both the most humiliating and proudest moment of her life. She had kneeled and sucked him off before the United States Congress. "Ah, my queen, right on schedule," he laughed as she came down through the roof of the center of American government. The Queen landed in a crouch and stood up straight. She brushed dust off her arms and shoulders. "Seriously, Baron? You think you can get away with this just block from the Hall of...

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The Pussy Factory

All Jeff could think about was HOT, WET, GLISTENING, PUSSY as he walked the streets of his small town. Although he considered himself an average guy with an average sex drive. He absolutely had this thing for cunts. He would be perfectly content is SUCK, LICK, FINGER, and SMELL pussy 24 hours a day. His prick always gets hard just thinking about it. Being single and currently without a girlfriend this was very much a dilemma in his "average" life. Sometimes Jeff wondered why he...

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AssParade Carmela Clutch Oiling the Big Butt

Carmela Clutch was hanging out at the pool showing off her beautiful curvy body. She called her boyfriend Peter. She needed some oil on her body. Peter oiled her whole body well. As a thank you she took him to the bubble bath. Foam was running through her ass cracks. It looked so sexy. She started to blow Peter’s dick. He fucked her in the bathtub. They took it to the bedroom. Peter licked her pussy while her ass was on top of him. She sucked his dick again and they fucked like there is no...

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Blacking Donna Pt 1

Blacking DonnabyLascivious_Gent©My name is Bill, a successful 55 year old black businessman. In my late teens I developed a strong liking for white females and ever since I have indulged myself whenever the opportunity presented itself and over the years I have enjoyed a number of extremely sexy white ladies. I am 6'4, 230lbs and very dark skinned, and even if I say so myself I am in good physical shape.Enough about me, the object of my long held lust is a married white lady named Donna. Donna...

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Rekindling An Old Taboo Ch 03

As the first weeks after my arrival slowly eased into a normal routine, if anything that has happened since I arrived could be called routine, I began to feel like I was really getting settled in. I was getting reacquainted with all of the family I had lost touch with over the years, other than Roz! Everyone seemed very happy to have me back ‘Home’, as they saw it. It really felt like I had returned to something I had desperately needed, a new lease on life. Roz was more or less a fixture at...

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Silent Hunger

Bernadette was in her bedroom, as thoughts of Sherri flooded her mind. The heat from the advancing sunlight had made the bedroom extremely hot. Bernadette had realized perhaps, she should put something cooler on. Bernadette got out of her blue jeans. Lifted her blouse and grasped her bra. When Bernadette did, her hand brushed across her breast. Almost as if she was in a waking dream or perhaps not. This brought back Bernadette to thoughts of Sherri. The warm soft thought, the feeling of...

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Luc Jennychapter 4

A slow song was playing over the juke-box in the only bar/disco in town as I held her close to me on the half empty dance floor. Her head was resting on my shoulder, her mouth gently nuzzling my neck. The rest of her body was pressed against mine. I could feel her large breast squashed against my chest, her hard nipples rubbing against it. Her crotch was moving seductively against mine and I could feel blood running into my limp penis, swelling it. Sensing my erection, she pressed...

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That thing you shouldnrsquot dohellip again There is a pr

I’d just fucked my girlfriend’s Mum while my girlfriend was at work. I’d gone to check my phone… there weren’t any messages, it hadn’t gone off. I lied about hearing it to avoid an intimate moment after sex. I called Lisa and asked her about dinner and she said she’d like lasagne. Mrs. D’s door was closed when I went to update her. Oh. How do I approach this now? Mrs. D had very recently lost her husband and she had just had sex with her daughter’s partner. Talk about feeling awkward! Whatever...

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Wish Me Luck

Chapter 1: How it all began I'm divorcing my husband after many years of marriage. Please don't judge me till you have read my story. I will distort a few of the facts so that anyone who might know me won't be sure if it's me. I think I'll call myself Linda. I always thought I looked like a Linda. I'm between forty-seven and fifty-five years old. I've been married for over twenty-seven years. I have two wonderful kids who are now grown-up with families of their own. I'll start with...

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Land Lady Bhabi

Going back to my bachelor days when I was in Delhi with a Job and had rented a small one room set on the first floor,where two families of the land lord lived.One of the family lived in the ground floor and the other on the first floor and let me tell you the Top floor’s family were 2 members only husband and wife .the wife was slim with big big boobs, fair complexion ,with a long nose and 5.9 in height that is 2 inches taller than me. She was a beautiful lady and any one would die to take her...

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