Jaden Submits
- 2 years ago
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Jaden looked at the three bare bottoms facing her, as her two sisters and step-mum had their noses pressed against the wall with their hands on their heads and were fully naked as they spent time on their naughty spots thinking about why they were going to be spanked.
The three bottoms belonged to Jaden’s step-mum, Valentine, and her two sisters, twenty-three-year-old Velvet, and twenty-year-old Alexis. Jaden smiled as she looked at each of the three bare bottoms which she was going to turn red with her hand, bruised with the hairbrush, and welted with the cane.
Whilst theirs was a discipline filled household, it wasn’t the normal set up. Jaden was just sixteen-years-old and the youngest of the family, but, with full family agreement, it was decided that she was the most responsible of everyone and therefore should be in disciplinary control. So, whilst it was the case that Valentine had previously spanked her step-daughters, that had now irrevocably changed to Jaden being in charge of all discipline.
It had been a couple of months since Jaden took disciplinary control within the house and had, quite naturally, been very strict with her two older sisters and her step-mum who found out very quickly that Jaden gave them no second chances. They all tried really hard not to break any of the set rules and boundaries and earn a trip across Jaden’s knees, as they knew they suffered stinging aching bottom cheeks and tear-filled eyes for ages after each spanking. However, all three failed time and again, and so the trip across Jaden’s lap was a regular occurrence for all three of them.
In the two months of Jaden’s control, all three of them had been over her knee several times, but Jaden saw there was an improvement in each of them straight afterwards, which only strengthened her resolve to enforce discipline strictly.
Last week, though, Jaden was forced to delay spanking her step-mum and sisters as she was revising for an important exam. However, she told everyone that she would keep a record of their misbehaviour and dispense the necessary punishments once her exam was over. That day had now arrived.
At supper on the day Jaden sat her last exam paper she told her step-mum and sisters to meet her in the living room after they finished their supper and, of course, had cleared away the dinner things. Both her step-mum and sisters were clearly uncomfortable during the meal as they all knew what that meant, as they had all seen the list of misdemeanor’s Jaden kept on the fridge, and knew the day of reckoning had come. They also knew today would be different to any previous occasion, as all three would be dealt with at the same tie.
Jaden also knew that spanking them one after the other hadn’t been done before, but she felt the need to reinforce her control, and if that meant dealing with all of them together, then so be it.
Jaden had gone into the living room and turned a dining chair into the room, which was her normal spanking chair. She also moved the other two chairs along the side of the table which would give enough room for all three to bend over together to be caned. She happily put two canes and two hairbrushes on the table, just in case one split during a spanking, and knew her sisters and step-mum would see them as soon as they got close to the table.
Jaden could see that Valentine, Velvet, and Alexis looked tense as they walked slowly into the living room and saw her sitting on the spanking chair at the far end with her arms and legs crossed and an angry look on her face, and knew they would be spanked. She kept a straight face when she saw them grimace when they saw the hairbrushes and canes on the table and knew what that meant for each of their bottoms.
Valentine Velvet and Alexis did think Jaden looked pretty in her pink vest top and tight white cotton shorts that left her legs bare but still gasped as she snapped the order, “Stand by the wall with your hands on your heads and think about how naughty you have been.”.
All three did as they were told, knowing they had to respect the instructions from the youngest member of the family as she was the one in charge.
Jaden looked sternly at them, glaring at each in turn. She looked at the clothes they were wearing. Her step-mum was in a floral sleeveless dress with bare legs. Both her sisters were in vest tops and cotton shorts and also had bare legs. Mind you, Jaden told herself that whatever they were wearing wouldn’t matter very soon.
Jaden let the three of them wait tensely for a few moments before saying in her stern tone of voice, “You all made last week very difficult for me during my exam revision and I found it very hard to concentrate on my studies.” She again glared at each person in turn.
After several more moments of silence, Jaden asked Valentine, “Tell, me, mum, what did you do to earn a spanking?”
Valentine blushed as she replied, looking at the floor, “I didn’t do my chores on two of the days and you noted that on your list on the fridge, ma’am.”
Jaden kept a straight face but smiled at being called ma’am, which was a rule she had introduced to enforce recognition of her position of authority. She snapped back with, “Yes, mum. The house was a mess, and you twice forgot the shopping list leaving it on the kitchen table and, when I noticed, I even went to the shops myself, as, otherwise, we would have run out of basics like toilet paper. Anyway, all three things would have earned you a spanking, so this is catch-up time.”
Valentine was blushing, but knew that Jaden was correct and she had fallen below her already low standards, and certainly nowhere near the high standards Jaden expected of her.
Jaden turned to Velvet and demanded, “What did you earn a spanking for, Velvet?”
Velvet blanched as she replied, “I missed my curfew twice and played music too loud even when you asked me to turn it down, ma’am.”
Jaden said sternly, “I asked you twice to turn the music down. You did but it got loud again thirty minutes later, so, together with missing your curfew twice, that has earned you three spankings this week, so this is catch-up for you as well.”
Velvet knew she had to be home on time during the week as she was so tired when at work she had been told off by her manager and her job was at risk.
Jaden glared at Velvet for a few moments and then turned her focus on Alexis, demanding, “Have you been bad during last week, Alexis?”
It was Alexis’s turn to blush as she replied with tears in her eyes and also looking dolefully at the floor, “Yes ma’am, I didn’t complete my homework.”
Jaden retorted with, “In fact, you didn’t do your homework three times and your marks are slipping which won’t help your year-end marks at Uni. That has also earned you three spankings this week and so it is catch-up time for you as well.”
Jaden again glared at each person in turn before saying in a tone of voice that wasn’t going to questioned, “All right, let’s see you all pay the price with your bottoms over my knee. I want you all to strip naked, and be quick about it.”
They all looked at each other but no one dared argue as they knew the punishment would then only be even greater than the one they were going to get, and started taking their clothes off.
Valentine unzipped her dress and pushed it to the floor, catching her knickers on the way, stepped out of both items of clothing, and put them on another chair. She then unclipped her bra, let the straps slide down her arms, caught them, and put her bra with her other clothes. She knew to straighten up again and put her hands on her head even though she was fully naked and her full breasts and hair mound were on show. Still, there was only family present so, although humiliating, she knew it was part of the punishment.
Velvet and Alexis quickly undressed as well. Both pulled their vest tops over their heads and put them on separate chairs. They undid their shorts and pushed them down, and, like Valentine, caught their knickers with their thumbs and pushed them down to the ground, They stepped out of their shorts and knickers and put them on top of their vests. Lastly, they unclipped their bras and, after sliding the straps down their arms, they caught them and put them with their other clothes before straightening up and facing Jaden with their hands on their heads. They also felt humiliated being naked but knew that was secondary to the way they would be feeling when it was their turn to go across their younger sister’s lap.
Jaden looked at all three and knew they were all embarrassed to be fully naked in front of her, but was pleased no one argued with her. Of course, had anyone argued she would have doubled the punishment she was going to give them, but their silence showed their respect for her authority over them, which was why she wanted them naked for their punishment.
Jaden saw all three were even more embarrassed when she ordered, “Kneel on the floor facing the wall but keep your hands on your heads and press your noses against the wall as well.” Jaden was delighted all three readily did as they were told.
Jaden looked at the three bare bottoms and reminded herself that she would be turning them red with her hand, blue bruised with the hairbrush, and welted with the cane.
Once all three were in place, Jaden decided to give them naughty spot time to think about what they had done wrong and spent the time on her phone messaging her friends whilst her step-mum and sisters were kneeling, fully naked, waiting to be spanked. She made sure, though, that she didn’t tell anyone what she was about to do, as that was an agreement reached when control was handed to her.
.Once Jaden decided the naughty spot time was long enough, she glared at all three and ordered, “Come and stand in front of me all of you.”
All three knew that Jaden had absolute authority, and they unquestionably did as they were told. Once they were standing in front of her, still with their hands above their heads, Jaden explained in her now usual authoritative tone of voice, “You clearly forgot the rules because I didn’t spank you while I was revising, so, let me remind you who is in charge here.” Jaden let the comment sink in and then looked at her eldest sister and commanded, “Velvet, you first. Come here, quickly.”
Velvet knew better than to argue and went and stood beside Jaden looking down at her bare thighs.
“Get across my lap,” Jaden ordered.
Velvet winced as she eased herself down over her youngest sisters’ lap, catching her fall with her hands on the floor before lowering her full weight on to Jaden’s bare thighs. Soon, her face was just inches from the floor and she saw her legs dangling on the far side of the chair. She looked sideways and saw two sets of bare legs and knew they belonged to her step-mum and sister and that they must be looking at her bare bottom and prone body as she lay obediently across Jaden’s lap.
.Valentine and Alexis saw that Jaden still kept a stern look on her face as she rubbed Velvet’s bare bottom in circles knowing how humiliating it was for the oldest sister. They winced as they saw that Jaden wasn’t wasting even a second as she raised her hand and brought her open palm down on Velvet’s far bare bottom cheek. As the spanks continued on alternate bottom cheeks they saw Velvet starting to squirm around on her younger sister’s lap and heard her promising to be good in future. However, they all knew only too well that they were empty promises and that it wasn’t going to be very long before she went across Jaden’s lap again.
Jaden kept up her constant stream of spanks on alternate bottom cheeks and then several in a row on the same bottom cheek, and all the time saw Velvet squirm around and kick and tense her legs as she tried to cope with the increasing stinging pain. Jaden kept those hand spanks landing for a full five minutes until she saw that she had turned Velvet’s bottom a deep red colour. Jaden rested for a few moments as she rubbed her sister’s bare bottom cheeks, and then, after few seconds, picked up the wooden-backed hairbrush, saying to the back of Velvet’s head, “I am going to give you twenty-four spanks with this and, with every spank, you will count and thank me and say ‘I am sorry, thank you, ma’am.’ Is that understood?”
Velvet replied, sobbing and with tear-filled eyes, “Yes ma’am.’ After all, Velvet knew that she deserved to be spanked and needed the incentive of the threatened spanking to remember to get home on time and behave. So, although she hated being spanked, she was thankful that her younger sister disciplined her, and, looking at her painted toenails, said a silent, ‘Thank you, Jaden.’ Mind you, she quickly forgot her thanks when Jaden spanked her with the oh so wicked horrible hairbrush
Jaden was satisfied that Velvet would obey her, and, raising the hairbrush, brought it down with a loud thwack, and heard Velvet gasp before saying obediently, “One, I am sorry, thank you, ma’am.”
Jaden then landed spank after spank with the hairbrush knowing Velvet hated every spank, giving her the promised twenty-four hard strokes, and watched her kick her legs and heard her cry out, and shake her head as she tried, unsuccessfully, to cope with the pain. Even though she clearly saw Velvet’s distress she didn’t show any mercy and kept the spanks landing as she watched Velvet’s bottom turn a blue colour with the bruising caused by the heavy spanks with the hairbrush.
Only once the last of the twenty-four spanks was given and Velvet again thanked her, did Jaden allow her to stand, although ordered sternly, “No rubbing, Velvet,” and knew that Velvet would not go against her orders. After a few moments, Jaden commanded, “Go and stand next to the other two and put your hands back on your head.”
Velvet was crying freely with tears streaming down her face as she went and stood alongside her step-mum and sister.
Both Alexis and Valentine were standing waiting for their turn, knowing they would be crying just as Velvet was, and their bottoms would be stinging just like hers clearly was.
Alexis was the next to have to go across her younger sister’s lap. As she looked at the back of Jaden’s upside down legs she knew she deserved to be spanked. Just like Velvet, Alexis knew she needed the incentive of Jaden’s hard spanking to make her do her coursework, and was sure that over the next few days she would focus again and her marks would be back to normal. So, she looked at Jaden’s painted toes and said a silent, ‘Thank you, Jaden.’
As the spanks landed, Alexis was soon squirming around, kicking her legs, crying out with the pain, and promising to be good in future, just as Velvet had done. After her five minutes hand spanking, that seemed like forever, she felt the paddle hairbrush rubbed around her bottom, and after the first hard spank said a pain-filled as she did after each of the twenty-four spanks with the incredibly painful hairbrush.
Once Jaden completed spanking Alexis, she was ordered to stand next to the other two with her hands on her head. She, too, was crying freely as she stood with her hands on her head facing Jaden.
Valentine was last, and was already in tears as she watched her two older step-daughters spanked to tears. As she eased herself down across her youngest step-daughter’s lap she reminded herself that this had nothing to do with their respective ages, but much more to do with who deserved to be in charge and who needed to be subject to discipline. Jaden was the correct choice, she reminded herself as she lowered her full weight across her lap, saw her own legs dangling on the far side of the chair, saw Velvet’s and Alexis’s legs close-by, and heard the non-stop crying that filled the room. Soon enough, though, the third set of cries joined the other two as Valentine was quickly reduced to crying and squirming and kicking her legs.
Jaden focussed on Valentine’s bottom as she had done with Velvet and Alexis, and turned her bottom cheeks bright red with her hand.
Valentine was sobbing as she felt the hairbrush on her bottom and once she had yelped after the first spank it was time for her first apology.
“One. I am sorry. Thank you, ma’am,” she groaned interspersed with sobs, and repeated the apology after ecvery spank.
Jaden landed all twenty-four spanks with the single intent of making sure each spank was another lesson, and was satisfied that Valentine’s bottom cheeks were now the same blue bruised colour as Velvet and Alexis’s bottoms. Jaden made a point of ensuring she never treated her step-mum any different to her sister’s, even though she was so much older than them, as this was all about strict discipline and nothing else.
Once Valentine was told to get up and stand with the other two, Jaden stood up and went behind them and saw the three nicely bruised bottoms, and thought about the caning she had to dispense next. “You will be getting twelve strokes each,” she announced, and smiled as she heard the three doleful gasps.
Jaden picked up the cane from the table and ordered, “Bend over the table and grab the far side. Mum to the left, Velvet in the middle, and Alexis to the right.”
Jaden watched them bend over the table and smiled at the three bare reddened and bruised bare bottoms staring back up at her. She had caned them all before and there was a stock of canes in the house, so she knew how to use it. She picked up the cane and swished it, knowing it would remind all three of them what was about to happen. She decided she would let them worry for a few minutes and again got her phone out and sent messages to her friends, still taking care not to tell anyone what she was doing.
Valentine stuck her bottom out as she was sure that the caning was just what she needed to make her far more diligent in her household chores, and was thankful that Jaden was caning her. So, as she felt the cane rubbed from side to side across her bottom she looked at the table top and said a silent, ‘Thank you, Jaden.’
Once Jaden reckoned she had delayed the caning long enough for a proper thinking time, she again picked up the cane and positioned herself to cane Valentine. She rubbed the cane back and forth across her step-mum’s bottom, pulled her arm back, and brought the cane down with a loud cracking sound on to her bare bottom, and heard Valentine let out a loud cry because of the stinging pain.
Valentine cried out when the first stroke landed, again reminding herself that she had failed the whole household and was so thankful that Jaden had covered for her even during the stressful week of her exam. As with the spanking with the hairbrush she said a pain-filled, “One, I am sorry, thank you, ma’am.”
Jaden continued to cane Valentine and watched as each new welt developed and listened to each apology. She knew to cane hard because anything else would be a waste of time and, indeed, fail the person being caned. So, as each stroke landed on Valentine’s bottom and she yelped and cried, so Jaden focussed on ensuring the next stroke was just as hard and painful so the lesson would be learnt.
Velvet and Alexis remained bent over and kept looking steadfastly at the table top and not at Valentine as they listened to her increasingly pained yelps and apologies, knowing that it would be their turn very soon. They both hated the cane and knew Valentine did as well, but they also knew that it was well earned and fully deserved, and that they had to each thank Jaden for being so strict which helped them, in turn, to improve.
Jaden gave Valentine her twelve promised cane strokes before moving on to Velvet and then, finally, caning Alexis. She loved that all three stayed bent over the table until they had all been given their twelve strokes.
Jaden stood back and looked at each of the bottoms which now had their raised welts as well as their red and bruised bottoms. She knew she had carried out the punishments well, and that they would each be well-behaved for days to come. Hopefully, anyway. After a few more moments, Jaden ordered, “Go and press your noses against the wall with your hands on your heads and think about how naughty you have been. You will be released after thirty minutes.”
As before, all three did as they were told, telling themselves they would be good from now on. After thirty minutes,
Jaden again looked at the well spanked and caned bottoms and knew she had done what was needed. She listened to the three of them sobbing, but still didn’t feel any sympathy as being good was in their hands, not hers.
Once the thirty minutes were up, the sobbing had long ended when Jaden released them, but ordered, “You will stay undressed for the night. Now shower and go to bed.”
The early bedtime was expected and a normal feature of Jaden’s’ punishment regime. As they each showered and eased themselves under their bed covers, still naked, and lying on their tummies and clutching their stinging bottoms, they drifted off to sleep still sobbing but telling themselves Jaden was right to punish them and that they respected for it.
As Jaden watched her step-mum and sister’s scuttle out of the room rubbing their bottoms, she smiled and relaxed, and knew she had taught three naughty women a good lesson they wouldn’t forget for quite a while. However, she reminded herself, if they didn’t then they would just have to be disciplined again.
Once the other three were in bed, Jaden sat in the armchair for a while but felt drained from her exertions. However, She knew the discipline regime was needed and that it had made life in the home far better than it would otherwise have been.
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Hannah saw that the assembly hall was filling up nicely. The college girls were used to sitting in rows on the floor during assembly and so that wasn’t going to change. Down each side of the hallway were set out wooden chairs with their backs to the wall and they were going to be for the teaching staff and the governors who would normally have sat on the stage, but not today.The stage itself was set out differently than normal. Halfway back there were two student desks with chairs facing one...
Spanking“Mum, I don’t need Nellie to check up on me,” Daniel bleated.Maggie looked steadfastly at her sixteen-year-old step-son. “Yes, you do. Your sister will phone daily and pop-in a few times a week just to check you are Ok.” After a moment she added firmly, “And that the house is Ok. Understood?”Maggie was actually Daniel’s step-sister and both had been adopted when under a year-old, but the whole family ignored that fact and saw themselves as mum, son, and daughter.Daniel said a reluctant, “OK,...
SpankingAt first my wife was just your average pretty house wife. Five foot four one hundred pound blonde. Her blue eyes are very seductive and her legs never failed to attract attention from every guy around. My friends constantly asked how I scored such a hottie. I have no idea why she picked me to marry. I'm six one two hundred and twenty pounds but my penis is only four inches long when it's rock hard. I have a kinky side and over time I've been able to teach my once innocent wife some kinky stuff....
TIFFANI TAKES CHARGE by Kimberli Nicole McCarthy This story is a sequel to "Holly, Tiffani and Me." I would strongly suggest reading "Holly, Tiffani and Me" before jumping into this story. Enjoy!!! ----- Morning found me groggily coming to, cradled warmly in Michael's lap, with my hand resting comfortably between his legs. My initial surprise was offset by fond recognition, and fonder memories, as I surveyed my body, admiring the...
Conchita takes charge Chapter 1 I'm so used to this body now, and my new place in life. I wake at 5am, shower and wash my long dark hair. I slip into my short blue uniform and a pair of modest dark tights and flat black shoes. Then long before the master awakes I have begun the daily clean. My routine is so well established now that I drift through it all on auto- pilot - scrub the kitchen floor, clean the oven and fridge, dust the main living room. It always brings me pleasure...
Robin and Jimmy Olsen - Part 5 Jimmy gets fired - Jamie takes charge by Tawny Suede Jamie Olsen hated Mondays, because on Monday morning she had to go back to being boring Jimmy Olsen after having spent all of the weekend as Jamie! Sunday evening had been disappointing. As usual she had been out on her street corner on the stroll. Last night she had chosen to look extra trampy, wearing torn stockings, her five inch heels, and her black leather shorty shorts and bra set. But it had...
WIFE IN CHARGE by Throne Nona whisked into the bedroom, just as her husband was finishing with his make-up. He was standing in front of her vanity table, one hand on its surface, leaning in to see his face better in the mirror. His other hand held a tube of lipstick, a bright orange shade she had found at a boutique she favored. After using lip liner he had just applied it to his puckered mouth. She put herself alongside him and bent her knees until their faces were at the same...
I'm In Charge My wife Staci called me into the bedroom belonging to my son. Also with her was my 18 year old daughter Suzy. Suzy was dressed in pink shorts, a white tee that said 'I'M IN CHARGE' and pink flip-flops. Her toenails were painted a flame red color which really set them off. Another girl also stepped forward into the room. She was really cute and had the beginnings of her blossoming journey to womanhood. Her little boobs clearly protruding, encased in her bra under her semi...
This continues "Bianca," so there are plot references that occurred in that story. Bianca Takes Charge Chapter 1: Remembrances of Things Past "Hey Zoe, have you seen Beth anywhere?" Zoe is tending bar by herself for the first time and seems a bit perturbed by my question as she tries to make a margarita for a cross dresser sitting alone at the end of the bar. As soon as she delivers her concoction, she looks at me, rolls her eyes and discretely points to the floor behind...
When She Decides To Take Charge About a year ago my wife and I played with the D/s lifestyle, we did it more to spice up our sex life. She had even found a contract on line that basically signed my life away to her, allowing her to do as she wanted to me. Little did I know that would come back to bite me in the ass. My wife had tired of the games and had stopped, but I still had interests in it. I would go online and find stories and videos of men being submitted to different aspects of...
Alice Takes ChargeBy: Alice Parker Finally, I heard the key-card engage the lock on the door.? Joe opened the door and walked in realizing the lights were off.? I heard him say "Fuck!" and put his brief-case down on the floor next to him.? Before he got the opportunity to find the switch, I took a hit off of my cigarette, illuminating myself in the chair. "Jesus! Alice?!?? How did you...?" "You don't worry about how I got in.? It is not your concern.? I expect by now you know why...
Jan Takes ChargeBy MasterIncThis story is pure fiction and is not based on any persons I know or have known. It comes entirely from a fantasy world.Chapter One: Introduction to JanJan Oaks is a beautiful redhead with a stunning figure and classic good looks. She also has those deep green eyes that many true red heads have. She is a junior in one of the state universities and the president of an underground sorority on campus. This sorority is by invited membership only and does not...
Donna Takes Charge By The Qmoq, inspired and dedicated to TH. Now "She's a woman?" asked Amy. "Yeah," I replied. "You invited a woman here?" Portia sniffed, raising an eyebrow. "I guess I did." "But we're not lesbians." Amy was right. We weren't lesbians, though we occasionally gave a good impressionof them. Ah, I'm getting ahead of myself, I should start a bit further back. A Bit Further Back My name's Charlotte Adams, and I'm a singer-songwriter, mainly acoustic stuff.Observant...
Sex has always been high on our list of priorities, this story is a true version of one of our sexy sessions. My wife and I are in our fifties but we see no reason to stop experimenting with sex. Jac asked me out of the blue one evening what I thought about being dominated by her during our sex games; I am willing to try anything I replied.A little while later she called me over to the computer to show me a sex toy site she had found. She had compiled a list of products, she asked me if we...
Chapter 1 Ted was an officer at the New Orleans police department. He had served for 2 years, and so he was considered a veteran instead of a rookie. After graduating high school, he had entered the academy ASAP. He already knew what he wanted to do with his life, because he had seen the cops rescue his mom from his abusive dad, who was trying to kill her and her unborn baby with his bare hands. Ted had called the cops at just 4 years old, and this act had saved his mother's and sister's...
It was easy for him to put himself into the mindset of the young man on the sled. Mick was a 'taster' he had tasted every dish that the table of life had put before him. He had tried the sled with his girlfriend and partner Leesa calling the shots. It wasn't what he was looking for, but it was an experience that he would always remember. He tried out every device and toy that he made, he needed to know how it felt. It was his job. He was a 'test pilot' for all the kinky shit he made and...
I was sitting on the floor of Alex's apartment on Sunday evening, reading Steppenwolf. It was a dark and grim read, almost too depressing even for me. I had the television on for background noise, and I kept on getting distracted. Alex was at a Little Sisters meeting, and had left me to my own devices, promising she would stop at the grocery store and pick up something for our dinner on her way back. Pru and Meaghan weren't coming back from Daytona until the next morning, and Savannah was...
Still, Hiryu wasn’t about to let his sister get away with her crazy scheme. She may have won the first battle, but the fight was far from over. He kept it up throughout the morning, pointing out all the unreasonableness of her plan, echoed by Eigis. It did not matter what they threatened, said or did. Bells resolve was unbreakable stone and metal, and she was deaf to all complaints. Egis was going to live and be happy and never eat another human being again, and that was final. They were all...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Ted was an officer at the New Orleans police department. He had served for 2 years, and so he was considered a veteran instead of a rookie. After graduating high school, he had entered the academy ASAP. He already knew what he wanted to do with his life, because he had seen the cops rescue his mom from his abusive dad, who was trying to kill her and her unborn baby with his bare hands. Ted had called the cops at just 4 years old, and this act had saved...
IncestIt was mid afternoon before they were able to leave the sheriff's substation. Bill Parker and Rachel took turns as they tried to convince Mark that Fender was one of the good guys and worth keeping. Parker gave up and returned to the station. As the three left to return to the Willows, Mark suggested they eat lunch. While they sat in the So-So Café, Mark turned to Margaret, "You want to work for me?" She told him, "I already do. I am part of the security team at the Willows." She...
I own a small store selling television, videos and hi-fi equipment. I'm a reasonably good salesman and earn a decent living. Last week a young woman came in to the shop and stood looking at the televisions. Even in an empty shop I never dive on new customers preferring to give them a few minutes to find what they're looking for. Today, this strategy had the additional benefit of allowing me to admire the woman. She was tall, well over 6' in her heels and had long flowing light red hair. My...
Lauren’s pussy felt sticky when she woke the next morning. She hadn’t moved in the night, and if her brothers had, they were roughly in the same positions, curled up against her, heads on her chest. She smiled at the warm feeling she had, remembered the lovely moments the three of them had shared in the night. Her clit rose as her body relived the sensations of her brothers’ cum splashing inside her vagina. A soft knock at the door was followed by, “anyone up?” Hannah’s voice. Lauren tried...
GUILTY, I will never forget that word. The judge looked at me and said she found me guilty on all counts. Sentencing will be in one week. It all started with a boring day. I was at the mall and looking at the girls. I decided to take a few pictures, nothing that would hurt anyone and I saw this real cute girl about 13. She had on one of those plaid school skirts and she was going up the escalator. I decided to try to take some of her pictures. She was walking with what I...
I was actually quite relieved to be given a room of my own. The ward I’d been on following my operation had been a depressing place. There’d been three other men there, none of whom made great conversation partners. One of them was three-quarters deaf and had apparently left his ear trumpet at home. Just as you’d dozed off, you could rely on one of the nurses bellowing out loud about the need for him to take his medication, have yet more blood drawn, or have his catheter seen to. Another man...
TabooDexter was seated outside the courtroom waiting to testify. The trial of the man who had tried to kill him was in its third day. Even after all the time that had passed between the shooting, and the beginning of the trial, Dexter still had no idea why the man had wanted to kill him. The press hadn’t been interested in the man’s motives, only that the target had been Dexter. It wasn’t until the opening statement by the prosecutor, that Dexter learned the man had lost his business because his...
It was my favorite way of meeting men…the old-fashioned way, the Internet. I was thirty-nine, divorced with children and had a full-time career. Who had time to screw around with dating just to get a good screw every now and again? It was much simpler for me to just log-in to a chatroom, use a bit of verbal banter and let the chips fall where they may. I had a routine actually. We would meet for coffee in a very public and perfectly safe place. Someone always knew who I was with, where we were...
I heard the click of the safety being taken off. The gun was pressed firmly against my temple. I heard the words, "Stand up and follow me and be quiet." It was 6 in the morning and all of the lights were off. I figured all of my cousins were sleeping in their spots in the room. As I walked by them, I wished that one of them would wake up and stop him but none of them did, and I didn't dare make a sound. He opened the front door slowly and threw me outside. I was only in a pair of...
“Close the door behind you, please.” Maggie did as she was asked and went over to his desk hands clasped in front of her as she awaited his instruction. His eyes roved over her and she became more aware of the uniform that she was required to wear. The tight and short pencil skirt seemed too short all of a sudden and her blouse too low cut to be appropriate, but there was nothing she could do about it. “The drawer to my desk seems stuck. Normally I guess I could call maintenance, but I thought...
"Good morning mistress" i reply. As i say this she slides her big toe into my mouth and i begin to suck it like i have been trained. "I'm glad you got paid this week, you can take me to the mall later today so i can get some more clothes and lingerie" she stated with a sexy smirk on her face. "but we can do that later, for now i want you to make me some pancakes. i went to the kitchen and cooked her some pancakes and when i show her the food she looks disgusted. ...
Introduction: He held a gun to my head and made me do dirty things to my cousin This is my first story. Hope you enjoy. Any feedback is welcome. I heard the click of the safety being taken off. The gun was pressed firmly against my temple. I heard the words, Stand up and follow me and be quiet. It was 6 in the morning and all of the lights were off. I figured all of my cousins were sleeping in their spots in the room. As I walked by them, I wished that one of them would wake up and stop him...
It had been 2 months since Magda Carter had hired the new cleaning company, but she hadn’t yet felt comfortable around the 24 year old girl they had been sending. Magda considered herself a refined upper- middle class woman. She was in good shape for a 37 year old 5’4″ woman. She’d been told that she resembled Scarlett Johanssen. The cleaning girl seemed to be the exact opposite. Magda thought that Rozkoo was pretty in a rough, biker sort of way. She had a tattoo on...
It had been just under a month since that night on the roundabout. Liz and I had been fucking our brains out every day since. Until this past week at least. I was not concerned at all, it was nice to be able to take a shower, wash my cock and not have that sensitive feeling you get from severe overworking. Still, I had contemplated on several occasions what the cause could be. My instinct suggested ‘girl stuff’ but I was better informed. What I had not considered, was that Liz was plotting and...
Three weeks had passed since my last visit to Janeen’s house. As I passed a gas station I happened to see her at the pumps. I turned in and pulled my Jeep next to her van. “Hi!” I yelled, and I waved. I stepped out of the Jeep and walked over to speak with her. I noticed the van was empty, no children. She had on a pair of those damn tight spandex shorts and a tight tee shirt. “Hi, Ben, what are you up to today?” she asked. “Just on my way home to put together something I’ve been...
We had been at the party for two hours, and I was bored. My ass was sore from the spanking I had gotten earlier for my flirting ways. I wanted to go home and Fuck. I looked around for my boyfriend, and I didnt see him. I started looking. Walking around the building peeking in all the unlocked offices. I heard a noise. I went to the office the noise was coming from. He was in there. MY boyfriend and some cheap slut. She was rubbing her huge tits all over his face and rubbing his cock. I was...