A Night At The Theatre - Part 2 free porn video

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On the way Jeremy turned up Stravinsky’s ‘Rite of Spring’ up full blast and I sat back quietly and allowed the events of the last hour to sink in. Strangely I didn’t feel as guilty as I expected to be. I had just been unfaithful to my husband on our wedding anniversary and yet I was feeling so alive. I had just done things to a man which even a street hardened hooker would have blanched at and yet it didn’t feel as though it was me who did it.

Having parked the car we made our way to the theatre bar where Jeremy ordered drinks for the interval. I also asked for a strong gin and tonic as I still had Steve’s taste in my mouth. I marvelled at the type of person with whom I had just performed the most erotic oral sex. A glorified London barrow boy with a silver tongue – in more ways than one! I then felt my mobile phone vibrate in my handbag.

Someone had texted me a message. It was probably my sister, I thought, wishing me a happy anniversary. I opened the inbox and saw a message from a number I didn’t recognise. I opened it.

You still horny? XXX Steve

Shit, I thought. He must have got my number from the business card. What an idiot I was.

At that point Jeremy returned with our drinks.

“Excuse me a moment, darling, I just need to nip to the loo.”

In the bathroom I opened the message and thought for a moment as to what to text back. Common sense told me to just end this now. Don’t reply. He won’t bother you again. Instead my thumbs worked quickly over the keypad.

Yes. Why? XXX

I rejoined Jeremy who made a point of looking at his watch.

“Come on, darling, the bell rang minutes ago.”

As we made our way to our seats the lights dimmed but I kept my mobile at my side. Five minutes into the performance my mobile flashed up a message received. My heart began to beat in anticipation as I then surreptitiously opened up the inbox.

Cos I want to fuck you tonight and then hand you back to your husband. You would like that, wouldn’t you? XXX

I was shocked by the sudden lewdness of Steve’s text. As I sat half watching the play Jeremy reached out for my free hand and gave it an almost paternal squeeze. I thought about Steve’s crude text some more and I found that I was getting turned on. I began busily texting.

I would. I want you to fuck me. I will come to your room after the show. XXX

My heart was pounding. I could not believe what I’d just agreed to. My thoughts feasted on the possibilities and my mind wondered from the play. It was not until the curtain came down and the lights went that I was brought out of my reverie. Standing among the throng of theatre goers in the bar I turned to Jeremy.

“Darling, I’m so sorry. I seem to have left my mobile phone in Jenny’s room at the hotel. Can we go back after the play and pick it up?”

“Of course.” And he drained the last of his gin and tonic before I followed him dutifully for the second half of the performance. Cocooned in the darkness of the auditorium my mind fed off the fantasy I was about to indulge myself in. The wantonness of the acts I wanted to be subjected to stirred my loins and I squeezed the inside of my thighs in attempt to alleviate the urges pulsing between my legs.

As we pulled up to the front of the hotel Jeremy turned to me and said, “You seem rather quiet tonight. Are you still upset because I forgot the tickets and abandoned you at the hotel?”

“Not at all, darling. If you want to park up somewhere and wait in the foyer I shouldn’t be too long.” I leaned over and gave Jeremy a kiss on the cheek.I made my way to the lift.

The lobby area was now quiet and I entered the lift alone and made my way up to the third floor. In the lift I checked my appearance in the full length mirror, applying more lipstick and a dab of perfume on my wrist and in turn behind my ears. My stomach was tense with anticipation and I thought my heart would pound out of my chest as I walked up to Steve’s door. I knocked lightly pressing my ear against the door. I needn’t have bothered. Steve’s voice boomed, “Come in!”

I opened the door and walked in. Steve was dressed in a short white towelling robe as though he had recently stepped out of the shower.

“Hi.” I said. “I told you I’d come back.”

“I thought you would. Where’s your old man?”

“Downstairs waiting in the lobby area.”

“What did you tell him?”

“I said I’d left my mobile in a friend’s room.”

“A friend?” he uttered with incredulity.

“I happened to meet an old friend earlier this evening as we arriving for dinner,” I said matter of factly.

Steve went over and lay on the bed and looked up at me.

“Undress for me...but leave your stockings and heels on.”

The thought of stripping for a man began to turn me on. This was like an extension of work; I want something – in this case sex instead of status – and I was using my sexuality to get it. I felt empowered entering into this contract with a man I hardly knew. Slowly I unhooked the straps of my dress over my shoulders and let it fall around my ankles. I looked down coolly at Steve, putting my weight on my right leg and placed my hands on my hips. Steve’s robe and fallen open and he was dispassionately running his eyes up and down me while methodically working his gripped hand up and down his semi-erect penis.

“Take your bra off.”

Keeping my eyes on his I reached round my back and unclipped my low cut bra and flung the flimsy black lace in the direction of his groin, my hands returning to my hips. Eyeing my breasts he said appreciatively, “Very nice too”

“I’m so glad, sir, approves,” I retorted mockingly.

“Don’t be sarcastic,” he rounded, “Now the knickers...”

Bristling at his directness I replied, “A little politeness goes a long way.”

“Listen, love, we both know we ain’t got no time for any niceties...now get your fackin’ panties off like a good girl.”

Steve’s accent had become more pronounced, the tone more commanding. My indignation at being spoken to in such a way caused me to hold my feisty pose.

“Or d’ya need a little coaxin’...?”

With that Steve got up from the bed and strode purposefully towards me, his robe falling apart allowing his substantial penis to swing pendulously as he advanced. Grabbing hold of me he pressed his mouth against mine, once more working his large tongue forcefully into my mouth. His hand immediately took hold of my right breast, groping it fanatically before working his thumb and first finger over the nipple and squeezing it forcing me to yelp. The same hand now fell to the waistband at the front of my panties which he pulled out and downwards. With increasing pressure the elasticated band bit into my rear and hips until the flimsy material stretched and eventually snapped away in his hands.

“Now suck me!” he ordered.

As if to reinforce his instruction Steve put his hands over the top of my head and pushed me down. Falling to my knees I found myself facing again his enormous manhood which was still semi-flaccid. Cupping Steve’s balls in my hand I took his whole cock in my mouth and commenced sucking vigourously on his length. With every movement I could feel him harden and expand on my tongue. I had never experienced such strong animal desire in me or anyone else before.

“Get on the bed,” Steve commanded, pulling me up from under my arms.

Pushing my face first across the end of the bed the momentum partly unbalanced me and in trying to steady myself I ended up on my hands and knees. I felt Steve’s hands grip either side of my hips and then his knee finding a position between my legs and knocking them further apart. Before I knew anything one hand left my hip and a moment later I felt a bulbous smoothness press itself against the lips of my pussy. Mentally I registered its circumference against what I had been used to accommodating in the last 10 years.

Oh God, how I wanted to be filled, how I wanted to feel that sweet pain again, punishing me for my cravings, for always wanting more. I had stopped breathing in anticipation of the pending invasion.Steve massaged the head of his cock against my pussy, slowly forcing the lips apart, allowing my wetness to lubricate his passage. His gentle nudging forced me open and millimetre by millimetre I met his progress with short snatches of breath. Within a minute he had advanced several inches into my tight hole whilst gripping a whole hand round the base of his cock, his curled fingers I could occasionally feel brushing against my ass.

“Is that good?” I heard him ask in a caressing tone.

“Oh yes.”

No sooner had I replied than suddenly he thrust all of himself in one motion deep inside me, gripping my hips and pulling me simultaneously into him. My eyes closed and all I could see was a red blur. In a nanosecond I was delighting in the excruciating pleasure of being impaled on this stallion of a man. The sheer helplessness was new and surreal and made me want to abandon myself to whatever Steve wanted. Letting me recover my senses he began to slowly move backwards and forwards in me, allowing me to relax and feel his girth slide between the walls of my vagina.

The strokes became more rhythmical enabling me to pant for much needed oxygen. To reinforce his authority Steve pushed my shoulders down so that my arms were outstretched in front me across the bed with my face buried in the bed cover as he forced himself deeper inside me.

“Is that better?” Steve uttered, himself now breathing heavily.

“Oh God, yes. Fuck me harder,” I pleaded.

After a few more thrusts I began to feel the onset of an orgasm and my hands grasped tightly the bed sheets. Sensing this Steve withdrew his cock so that its head was just an inch or so inside me.

“Please fuck me,” I yearned.

“Not until you phone your hubby,” he stated coldly.


“Get your phone.”

My handbag was lying on the bed next to me. Without moving our positions I reached inside it and pulled out my iPhone. I turned my head slightly so as to indicate that I was awaiting Steve’s next command.

“Phone your husband now and tell him...tell him you’ll be down in a few minutes.”

As I worked my way through the address book on my mobile to locate Jeremy’s number Steve began thrusting inside me. I called my husband’s mobile and within a few rings he answered.

“Where on earth are you?” he sounded exasperated and impatient.

“I’ll be with you in a few minutes...just...chatting...sorry,” I said biting my lower lip as I felt myself being fucked from behind by some hunky cockney misogynist. As I ended the call Steve began thrusting faster and in casting my arms aside I flung the phone away as I abandoned myself to the orgasm that was ripping through my body.“Oh yessssss,” I hissed as the bed began to rock with every deep penetration from Steve’s cock, the head of which was pounding against my womb.

“You posh birds love a bit a rough, don’tcha?” Steve gasped leaning over my shoulder and with a several more firm thrusts into my rear he groaned out his own orgasm. In the afterglow of my own climax I felt a wave of hot sperm cascade inside me, bathing my inside with his seed. Steve’s large frame collapsed on top of me and for about a minute we lay still each taking in what had happened that evening.

Steve was first to push himself upright and as I manoeuvred myself on to my side he was just finishing tying the belt of his robe. Smiling wanly he immediately bent down on the floor to recover my dress and underwear. I took them into the bathroom, locked the door behind me and stared in the mirror at my unkempt appearance. I turned the cold water tap on and quickly washed, cleaned up and reapplied my make up. Speedily I put on my clothes and, after taking another check in the mirror, reappeared a few short minutes later before Steve. He stood holding out my handbag and we looked at one another for a few moments. I took my bag, leaned forward and kissed him lightly on the lips.

“Thanks for a fantastic evening,” he grinned.

We both knew this was the last time we would meet.

“Thank you,” I smiled in return and left the room.In the lift I looked again at my reflection in the mirror. The person peering back did not seem to be me. I smoothed down my dress and turned my head at various angles to assess my appearance and make up. The lift’s bell heralded the ground floor and as the doors opened I immediately saw Jeremy striding up and down the lobby.

“For Goodness sake,” he launched as I stepped out, “What on earth kept you?”

“Sorry, darling, we were just catching up on the gossip.”

Silently we walked the short distance to the hotel car park and got into the Jag. Jeremy nosed its long bonnet into the late night traffic and it struck me for the first time, with its smell of leather and cigars, just what an old man’s car it was. I, on the other hand, had behaved that evening like an oversexed student and I was shocked by the sudden chasm that now existed between my husband and me. This was just an aberration, I told myself, a momentary lapse brought about by my heightened emotional state. If Steve called or texted, which was unlikely, I would not respond.

By the time the Jag’s wheels crunched their way up the gravel drive of our Cheshire home I had exorcised the evening from my mind. By the time I pulled the light chord above the mirror in our en suite bathroom the atmosphere between Jeremy and I had eased somewhat. Everything seemed normal again as I slid under the cool sheets next to Jeremy; he in his paisley patterned pyjamas and me in a simple lavender coloured slip.Lying in the dark Jeremy turned his head to me and said, “Thank you for a nice evening.”

“Thank you too, darling,” I replied.

“How was Jenny?” Jeremy enquired.

“Oh well, you know, just the same,” I said dismissively.

A moment later I felt Jeremy’s smooth hand move on to my lap. In a reflex action my leg tensed signalling my rejection of his advance.“I’m sorry, darling, I’m just about all in,” and pulling the sheet over my shoulder I rolled on to my side with my back to him. Jeremy mirrored my movement and soon I could hear him snoring gently beside me. As I lay in the dark I stole myself to recount the events of the evening, this time in glorious Technicolor; the coarseness of Steve’s character, the self-assured way he would switch from rogue’s charm to dominating bully.

Despite my best attempts to exorcise the experience from my psyche I could not ignore as well the dull ache between my legs which had resulted from Steve opening and filling me up with his huge phallus. Oh God, I was becoming aroused all over again.

Sleep allowed my subconscious to park a lot of the conflicting emotions of the previous evening. However, as I scrabbled around my tiny handbag for my mobile so that I could charge it up I suddenly realised that I had left it on the floor of Steve’s hotel room in my fit of passion. I cursed myself for leaving it behind and showering I appraised myself of what I needed to do. Hopefully he would have done the gentlemanly thing and handed it in at reception. Alternatively, the situation I least wanted, Steve would show up at work and I would have to relive the whole of the previous evening’s encounter.

An early board meeting meant I had to make it into work before I could start making enquiries as Jeremy’s presence would also make any calls awkward.It was 11 O’clock before I escaped the dreary drudgery of my fellow directors’ macho posturing. Returning to my office revealed no messages and the secretaries said that no mobile phone had been handed in. Before dialling my mobile number and potentially having to run the gauntlet of Steve answering I rang the hotel instead. To my unbridled relief the girl on reception informed me that a cleaner had discovered the mobile in the room after it had been vacated that morning. I said I would be straight over to collect it.

As I pulled up in the hotel’s car park I felt my spirits soaring; Steve had evidently checked out and my mobile had been handed in and, as I walked towards the reception desk, I spotted Jenny enquiring about something with one of the staff. Standing right up close behind her I whispered, “And what happened to you last night?”

Spinning round with a rapturous laugh she gave me a hug.

“I’m so sorry,” she said, “I was dragged away last night. Ma had one of her turns and muggins here had to drive to Alderley Edge to check up on her.”

“Nothing too serious I hope.”

“Not at all. She just likes the attention. Listen, I’m really, really sorry about last night. I so desperately wanted to meet up with you and Jeremy. I have some great news for you...”

Jenny gave a conspiratorial cackle and with a gleam in her eye said, “I’ve just met a wonderful guy who I wanted to introduce to you last night.”

“That’s fantastic,” I enthused. Jenny had been through the mill in recent years having gone through an acrimonious divorce which left her cynical about relationships. As a result she had thrown herself into her work as an estate agent and though she had dated a few guys there was none who really put a spark back into her as much as her current beau seemed to have done. The Jenny who stood before me was looking tanned, toned and immaculately dressed in a lemon skirt suit.

“Listen, are you free this evening, we could all meet up?” Jenny implored.

“Of course. I’ll call Jeremy and let him know. Where do you want to eat?”

“Salvo’s? Eight O’Clock?

We both gave each other a couple of air kisses on both cheeks and with that we made our exits.

As I headed back to the office I phoned Jeremy to inform him of our dinner arrangement with Jenny. His mood seemed to brighten when I mentioned her. I always thought he had a bit of thing for Jenny although he would never admit as much. Whenever we were in her company a sparkle came into his eye and Jeremy’s whole body language became more animated. He would turn on his inimitable charm which ten years of marriage seemed to have dimmed when it came to me. It happens with marriages, I used to muse, philosophically.

I returned to the office asking Chloe, the receptionist, if there were any messages. Thankfully there were none, either from clients or from Steve. Closing my office door behind me I sat behind my desk and absently scrolled down through my emails before swivelling my chair round to look out the window and take in the gray Manchester skyline. I mused over the events of the previous evening and wondered whether the unadulterated carnal passion I had indulged was a figment of my own imagination. The lack of any communication from Steve, a random hotel guest to whom I had submitted my body to the night before only seemed to confirm this. We were both consenting adults – I rationalised - who had happened to fulfil one of the most common fantasies entertained by men and women alike; to meet a stranger by chance in a neutral location with whom there is an immediate magnetic attraction and then find a secluded haven in which to fuck with uninhibited abandon. After the passions have been satiated and both parties make an awkward farewell they then re-enter their individual and separate world of work, family, marriage and respectable social networks.

Having compartmentalised in my mind my out-of-character behaviour I was able to apply myself to my work for the remainder of the afternoon, shutting down immediately the various images of the previous evening’s events which threatened to encroach on the corners of my mind.

By the time I had arrived home I was in a more buoyant frame of mind. I greeted Jeremy’s appearance in the hallway of our beautiful modern mock Georgian home with an affectionate kiss on the lips. He was also in a jovial mood, squeezing my bum as I leaned in towards him. As we both nipped in and out of our en suite bathroom, showering, grooming, scenting and dressing we chatted happily about our day, laughing at the various anecdotes we relayed to each other.

As I watched Jeremy with a sort of fond affection I knew that deep down I loved him. His advancing years gave him a more distinguished air and he has a reassuring quality....like a favourite pair of boots or overcoat. Casting my eye over my walk-in wardrobe I chose a purple dress, classic cut, zip up the back and a cheeky slit from the hem, which was rested just above the knee, to mid way up the back of my thigh. The waist was tailored so that it emphasised my svelte figure and decent curves! I placed a string of pearls over my head before sitting down and fiddled with my hair until it was right.Jeremy reversed the huge Jaguar off the driveway, straining his head round to look over his shoulder.

“So how is Jenny?” he asked with feign interest.

“She has a new man....he’s joining us for dinner,” I replied spotting a slight flicker of disappointment cross his face.

“Oh really....what’s he like?”

“Don’t know,” I said applying lipstick in the mirror of the sun visor.“I guess we’ll find out soon enough”

Jeremy chortled as he eased the car into the solitary parking spot outside the restaurant.

As we approached the entrance to Salvo’s, Jeremy opened the door to allow me to enter first. My eyes refocused to the dimly lit interior and I immediately searched the bar area for Jenny. I just about caught sight of her side on when a strikingly handsome olive skinned Italian waiter in unfeasibly tight black trousers asked if we’d booked a table.

“I think the table’s booked under the name of Jenny Bradshaw...”

“Ah, si...she ees at the bar with a gentleman...follow me, please...”

With that we turned to follow the waiter as he guided us towards the bar. Over his shoulder I sought out Jenny who, with a flourish of her hand acknowledged me and beckoned us over. Her long blonde tresses cascaded down her back onto an expensive-looking vivid blue Chinese silk dress which accentuated her hour glass figure. As my face broke into a smile I looked to her right to catch a glimpse of her new beau.

As I did so the blood drained from my face. The initial rapture which normally engulfed me when meeting up with my best friend evaporated instantly as my mind struggled to comprehend what I was now confronting. The brain is an amazing organ which - in the normal course of events - absorbs, processes and rationalises millions of pieces of information enabling us to function. I was now in a situation where I couldn’t function. My brain and body were paralysed. I couldn’t breathe. I felt as though everybody in the restaurant was looking at me.I was snapped out of my state by Jenny giving me a big hug which, in the need to start functioning, I returned. She broke away from me and gave Jeremy a kiss, smearing a hint of pink lip stick on his cheek.

“Sarah,” Jenny beamed at me, “I want you to meet my boyfriend....”

“Oh God, please no,” I thought, my brain failing to compute what was happening,”this has got to be some sort of sick joke!”

“Steve....these are my very good friends, Sarah and Jeremy.”

In front of me, proffering me his hand, and with an impassive expression on his face, was the man with whom I had had unbridled sex the evening before. As I tentatively reached out my hand I desperately searched Steve’s eyes for any glimmer of a clue as to whether either or both of us were the subject of some ambush from our respective partners. As my hand lightly clasped Steve’s I looked round warily at the expressions on both Jeremy and Jenny’s faces. I caught Jeremy looking at the passing figure of a beautiful Mediterranean looking waitress and Jenny was beaming at me expectantly, seeking my approval of her boyfriend.

I turned again towards Steve who had seemingly come to the same conclusion that this must be the mother of all coincidences as his characteristic gleam had returned to his eyes.

“It’s so nice to meet you at long last, Sarah,” Steve said with almost a reserved politeness, “I’ve heard so much about you from Jenny that I feel I know you so well already.”

This guy is taking the piss.

“Jenny speaks highly of you too,” was all I could utter in response before the waiter with the unfeasibly tight trousers returned to escort us to our table. As my mind began to free itself of its paralysis Jenny whispered over my shoulder, “What do you think?”

“He seems lovely,” I responded lamely as we took our seats.

“Lovely?” Jenny uttered in mock indignation, “he’s a hunk!”“

Pull yourself together,” I reprimanded myself inwardly, “and relax. Somebody get me a drink quickly!”

Without any prompting the seating arrangement fell into me sitting directly opposite Steve with Jenny next to him and across the table from Jeremy. Steve must have read my mind as he almost physically accosted a passing waiter to take our drinks order. As soon as a bottle of Chilean Merlot landed on our table Steve immediately poured the rich red liquid into our goldfish bowl-sized wine glasses. I greedily downed almost half the contents and it was not long before its flavour washed around my mouth and then the alcohol warmed by stomach and steadied my jangling nerves. After everybody had scrutinised the menu Jeremy leaned forward.

“So tell us...how did you two meet?”

Steve and Jenny briefly glanced at each other before, with great rapture, Jenny giggled like a love struck teenager.

“Well....Steve’s a property developer and he came into our office a few months ago looking for us to market some of his apartments,” Jenny looked at Steve for his reaction to what she was about to say next, “and I took one look at him and thought I’d like to handle his portfolio!”

“Oh very funny,” I mused to myself, “little do you know, my dear, that I’ve more than handled his ‘portfolio’!”

A momentary pang of jealously swept over me as Steve’s hand rested on top of Jenny’s as they both looked at us, smiling warmly. I couldn’t help noticing the large ostentatious diamond ring glinting at me in the candlelight.

At that moment our waiter returned to take our order. The reverie which existed between the two love birds was broken as we all momentarily checked our chosen dishes before trying to pronounce their names. I was about to enquire about starters when I suddenly felt a sturdy foot slowly rub up the inside of my leg. I peered over my menu only to see Steve intently scanning his. I wanted to laugh.“You are some piece of work, mister!”

I was now on my second glass of wine and I was now more in control of my surroundings. Steve withdrew his foot and after a few seconds – not to be phased by his overture - my stiletto shoe sought out his leg. With the outside of my foot I reciprocated his movements, observing a slight smile appearing on his very kissable lips.

“So you’re into property?” enquired Jeremy, cutting across the sexual tension which was beginning to emerge under the table.

“Yeah, I’ve got about a hundred properties across London,” replied Steve, “but I’m looking to get into the Manchester market.”

“Really?” Jeremy replied, now animated at this information, “My law firm deals in conveyancing. I am a bit of a property expert myself.”

“That’s good to know. I need a good lawyer to look after my affairs.”

“Oh come on boys,” interjected Jenny, “let’s not talk about work. We’re here to enjoy ourselves!”

“Sorry, Jenny,” Jeremy apologised, “I must say you’re looking even more gorgeous than usual. Clearly Steve is bringing out the best in you!”

“For goodness sake, Jeremy, give it a rest. We both know you would love to get inside her knickers!”

“Aaaaawww....thanks Jeremy, you’re not looking so bad yourself. How’s the painting going....?”

For the last few years Jeremy had been learning to paint from an eccentric Spanish woman with a house full of cats. Maybe I should be more of a doting wife but I was never able to share my husband’s passion for this particular hobby. Steve must have seen me involuntarily roll my eyes heavenwards as Jenny indulged Jeremy’s description of his latest oil on canvass.

“I take it you’re not into all this arty farty crap?” Steve joked, just out of earshot of the other two.

“I wouldn’t go that far,” I said somewhat indignantly before suddenly realising what he was alluding to, “I have been known to enjoy the occasional trip to the theatre.”

“I see. And what was the last play you saw?” Steve queried Steve matter-of-factly.

“It was last night actually.”

“Really? Any good?”

“It was okay but I kept getting...distracted.”

“Distracted?” Steve leaned forward, resting his elbows on the table and raising an enquiring eyebrow. I leaned back slightly in my chair and discretely eased off my right shoe with the toe of the other. I took a long sip of the fruity Rioja while holding Steve’s stare. Out of the corner of my eye I could tell that Jenny was absorbed in Jeremy’s very animated description of a French châteaux he had been trying to capture on canvass that summer.

“Yes, I’d had....er....a meeting earlier which was on my mind.”

I placed my foot again on the inside of Steve’s leg again but this time I slowly rubbed it further up, easing back further in my chair so that I could slide it along the inside of his thigh.

“Nothin’ too unpleasant, I hope?”

I managed to straighten my leg now so that the sole of my foot was lodged against Steve’s crotch. Without altering his facial expression Steve parted his knees more allowing me to feel his hardness through his nicely tailored trousers.

“No....quite the opposite.”

There was a pause as we looked at each other. I was getting turned on and could feel my pussy starting to throb.

“Excuse me,” I announced to everyone, “I need to visit the bathroom.”

“I’ll join you,” Jenny said, and we both pushed our chairs away, reached for our handbags. As we moved towards the rest rooms Jenny hooked her arm through mine.

“You seemed to be getting on well with Steve,” she smiled. “You’re looking great too...I’ve never seen you with such a glow,” she added.

“Thanks,” I blushed guiltily. “Steve clearly makes you happy,” I said deflecting the attention away from me.

As we entered the empty rest room Jenny giggled.

“He does indeed. He’s sooooo hot in bed!”

“Don’t I know,” I reflected.

As we both stood in front of the mirror, applying our lipstick, primping our hair and engaging in idle chitchat I heard my mobile signal that a text message had arrived. I fished out my Blackberry and absently accessed the inbox.

Take your knickers off and bring them to me. XXX

Immediately my heart started beating and the adrenalin was pumping through my body.

“Is everything okay, hun?” Jenny asked, her voice full of concern.

“Yeah, I won’t be a sec....”

I darted into one of the empty cubicles and hastily locked the door behind me. Pulling up the hem of my dress I slipped out of the fuchsia and black satin panties which formed part of an expensive lingerie ensemble which Jeremy had bought from Agent Provocateur for our anniversary that week. Stepping out of the skimpy material I hastily placed them into my handbag while simultaneously pushing away the onset of guilt which threatened my decision-making. I flushed the toilet to disguise my clandestine act and emerged to wash my hands while Jenny waited smiling to accompany her back to our table.

I took my place back at the table, attempting to maintain a stoic demeanour even though the cool air caressing my bare loins made me only to aware that I was sans culottes. Composing myself I stole a glance towards Steve who was now engrossed in a three way conversation about the palatial apartment he and Jenny now shared. His eyes momentarily met mine before continuing his narrative of the Claudio Celiberti kitchen he and Jenny had commissioned.

While the attention of the table was away from me I deliberately dropped my napkin over my open handbag and in a deft manoeuvre I managed to clutch my skimpy panties over the fine linen fabric. As I straightened up I unobtrusively leaned towards Steve.

“Excuse me, Steve, you seemed to have dropped your napkin.”

A momentary look of confusion passed over his face before a dawning realisation softened his features and he courteously took the napkin from me and placed it on his lap. Our expressions remained unmoved as we both leaned over to squint at returned to Jeremy and Jenny who were both now poring over pictures of their sparkly chic designer kitchen stored on her iPhone.

“Had they fucked on that marble work top?” I mused with a hint of envy.

“You both should come down and stay with us one weekend,” Jenny implored with much gusto.“

So that you can show me just how wonderful and perfect you life is...” I jealously thought before imagining with a certain relish the sexual frisson that was bound to arise. “I guess I could cope with your smug exuberance whilst imagining where within your love nest your partner had secreted the knickers I have just handed him,” I mused.

“That would be delightful,” I responded with all the cordiality I could muster.

“Let’s put something in the diary. How about next Bank Holiday weekend?”

The rest of the meal passed with a great deal of joviality, with Jenny and reminiscing about our university which would have been tedious for most people who have to suffer from such interchanges. However, Steve coloured the remainder of the meal by resuming the game of footsy we had previously started. One’s ability as a woman to multi-task came into its own as I balanced a stoic expression and an anodyne conversation whilst engaging a sexual overture under a dinner table. As the meal progressed towards coffee the dynamics of the conversation developed to Jenny and I idly chatting about work and family. Jeremy and Steve were having their own discussion although despite my occasional attempts to listen in could not clarify.

Whatever the subject it was enough to capture Steve’s attention as the foot play had ceased and now he seemed positively enthralled with whatever it was he was discussing with Jeremy.

My chat with Jenny was suddenly interrupted when Jeremy glanced over.

"What are you boys chatting about which is so interesing as to distract you from us lovely girls? We’re feeling neglected...."

" It looks likely we’ll be seeing a good deal more of Steve. We’ve agreed that I’ll manage his property portfolio in Manchester," responded Jeremy.

"Yes I’ll be coming up every couple of months or so just to make sure your husband is looking after my interests," grinned Steve with a look of evil intent.

"...And I’ve said that he must come and stay with us," added Jeremy. My heart felt as though it had stopped.

"That’s if the lady of the house doesn’t mind...?" Steve queried, clearly reading the expression on my face.

"Er...no....not at all. That would be great." I could feel my cheeks burn but thankfully the dimly lit restaurant hid the reddening face.

Steve gave me a cheeky smile and almost imperceptible wink.

“Listen, it’s getting late, guys, yawned Jenny. "We’ll do this all again next month. In the meantime I did need to get this magnificent specimen of manhood back to our hotel room.”

“Yeah, honey, the same hotel room in which your ‘oh so perfect boyfriend’ fucked me senseless in last night!” I thought bitchily.

Steve requested the bill from a passing waiter by the ubiquitous gesture of scribbling an invisible pen across the other palm. Despite Jeremy’s offer to split the bill Steve insisted on paying. Two waiters brought our coats and exiting into the warm summers evening we made our farewells. A hug and a kiss between Jenny and I and as Steve and I fronted each other a feigned cordiality before we both leaned in and Steve kissing me on the cheek, whispering in my ear, “I want you.”

As our bodies moved apart I said, “I look forward to seeing you again very soon.”

With that we headed our respective ways home into the night.


The events I have just recounted took place a couple of weeks ago. Since then I have had time to reflect on what took place and sought to reappraise myself of what the future holds in store. I have tried to make sense of the uncanny coincidences which took place over that twenty-four hour period. It was meant to be. Compared with the modern day conventions what I was doing was immoral. Such was the way in which we as a couple had now forged a relationship it was inevitable that we would be seeing a good deal more of each other. There is without doubt a sense of highly charged frisson when I think of it. But it makes me think about the role of sex in a relationship. I have many friends who are married who have extra –marital affairs. Women are better at covering their tracks. Men are useless. They want sex. Women want attention and that is the nature of the contract between the two parties.But then is it an English thing. Are we not hypocritical about sex?

It is said that there is unspoken acknowledgement in France between a couple that husbands are permitted to have their mistresses. The wife accepts this as it maintains the family equilibrium and, in some cases, is piqued if her husband doesn’t have a mistress. A woman, in turn, if her own needs are not being met, will herself take a lover.

There is something pragmatic about the way the French deal with relationships. How realistic is it for a couple to meet, marry, settle down, have kids and still maintain that intensity occurred at outset. Certainly from my experience, and those of my friends, it hardly ever happens. And yet, we recall with delicious savouring the passion, desire and raw sexual chemistry which is a hallmark of that initial coupling. However, I have found to my amazement that the encounter with Steve not only had the sexual urgency of, say, my earlier relationships but the inhibitions of my youth have gone. The intervening years with Jeremy had not only left my libido undimmed but that I have developed my deepest, darkest fantasies have the opportunity to be fulfilled.Is there ever such as consequence-free sex? I think I’m about to find out. Do I run the risk of ruining my marriage? I don’t think so and I don’t want it do. I guess the same can be said for Steve. I doubt either of us want to give up our respective life styles in return for a life with someone who just doesn’t share much of my world. But somehow he has tapped into my alter ego, Sarah the Slut. I challenge any woman who has not at some time or other ever fantasised about behaving the way I did.As for the future? Who knows. Maybe I’ll let you know in another future instalment.


Same as A Night At The Theatre - Part 2 Videos

2 years ago
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Family At Theatre

Native place and Theaters brought pleasant memory to all but to me it was horrifying till I entered the world of Sex. It was then I understood that I had wonderful experiences others would die to have. It was never horrifying instead very simulating. One of the incident my memory recalls is the episode in the Janet theatre in my native place. The Theatre is in a complex, which has 2 more theatres, called Jain & Jincy. Jain & Janet theater always played family movies while Jincy Theatre played...

1 year ago
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Innocent Boy To Sex Expert Transformation 8211 Pt 3 The Movie Theatre

Hi dear friends, I am back with the 3rd part of my real-life story about sex in a movie theatre. I apologize for posting it late. All those who are new here, please read the previous parts of the story before reading this. Now let’s jump into the story. This aunty’s reaction shocked me. I was getting scared about what she is going to do now. I was having a lot of questions in my head. Why was she staring? Why did she come closer? And why did she run after that? I was afraid she would bring...

3 years ago
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Innocent Boy To Sex Expert Transformation 8211 Pt 3 The Movie Theatre

Hi dear friends, I am back with the 3rd part of my real-life story about sex in a movie theatre. I apologize for posting it late. All those who are new here, please read the previous parts of the story before reading this. Now let’s jump into the story. This aunty’s reaction shocked me. I was getting scared about what she is going to do now. I was having a lot of questions in my head. Why was she staring? Why did she come closer? And why did she run after that? I was afraid she...

1 year ago
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Kiss Of Love And Sex 8211 First Adventure In The Theatre

Hey guys and girls. It’s good to meet you all after a long time. I apologize for the delay in the second part of my story. Thank you to all the guys and girls who contacted me to appreciate the story and also shared their desires and fantasies with me. This is the second part of the series ‘Kiss of Love & Sex’. For the new readers, I request you to read the first part of the story to get a better understanding and description of my story. A quick re-introduction about myself, I am Harish (name...

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My Night at the XXX Video Theatre Part One

It was almost 2 AM when I pulled into the Big Town XXX video theatre in the southeast part of where I live. It was a Saturday and the parking lot was full. I had never been to this particular theatre but it was in the adult theatre chain that I had been visiting for the past two years. Each theatre is different depending usually on the part of town where it is located. Southest part of my city is rough. It is predominately African American. This theatre is in a small run-down strip shopping...

3 years ago
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nicoletheatre action

Action in the Theatre by LadySheroticaWhat a lousy end to a long weekend! I could only blame myself for waiting until Monday morning to check plans with my friends only to find everyone busy already. As if mocking me, the sky had clouded over as well, spoiling any thoughts I might have of going to the beach or walking. My mood darkened along with the clouds as I aimlessly drove around town, hoping something, anything, would catch my eye and provide some distraction. Lately, a cloud of boredom...

1 year ago
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Erotic Experience With A Gay Slut In Theatre 8211 Part 1

Hi everyone, I am Bullet Raja (pen name) 25 years old, around 5 ft 6 in tall and with a decent athletic body. I am from Karnataka, India. I am a great fan of ISS and thanks to the ISS team and the authors for writing such erotic stories and for sharing your experiences. This story happened 2 years ago. I had come to Bangalore on a solo trip for a week. After a well-spent 5 days, on the last day, I thought I would stay in my room and relax with some drinks. By evening, I got bored and thought of...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Teachers Movie Theatre Gangbang

The thirty young school students were safely locked up in the YMCA under the supervision of two other teachers and three volunteer parents. I had organised the night off to take time to stroll around the city. I told the 'powers that be' that I was going out with a family member, but in reality I was just looking for adventure. The idea of sitting in a room with thirty giggling 12 year old boys and girls did not appeal. I'd had a shower at the Y and I had got dressed into an outfit that...

2 years ago
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My Theatre Experience

Hi all…I am Anoop….I am from Kerala and i am 22 year old now.. I am a bisexual guy and this is the story about my first (and the best) gay experience…..At first, let me tell you about myself…I am 5’6″,around 70 kgs and have a dark complexion and my lower body is kind of like that of a girl’s…My friends used to call me “sanghavi” (a hot south Indian actress)because of my shapely thighs ,deep navel and huge bubble buttocks.. This happened when i was studying for plus two..I was 18 years old...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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Teachers Movie Theatre Gangbang

The thirty young school students were safely locked up in the YMCA under the supervision of two other teachers and three volunteer parents. I had organised the night off to take time to stroll around the city. I told the 'powers that be' that I was going out with a family member, but in reality I was just looking for adventure. The idea of sitting in a room with thirty giggling 12 year old boys and girls did not appeal. I'd had a shower at the Y and I had got dressed into an outfit that...

2 years ago
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Sue Goes To The Theatre

It is always a rush to walk into an adult theatre with Sue on my arm. My heart beats faster, my palms get sweaty, and perspiration breaks out on my forehead because I know that I will be able to unleash my voyeuristic/exhibitionistic tendencies. I notice it has the same effect on Sue even while we are getting ready for the theatre. The anticipation of doing something 'naughty' and forbidden in a semi-public place has us both on edge from the moment we decide on a whim that the day or night...

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Theatre gangbang

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4 years ago
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I had been to the adult theatre before dressed up but had got no dogging action as there were only a few people there. I decided to ty again on a Friday night. I dressed in a red white & black patterned top with a short black mini skirt, tanned pantyhose with pink panties & a red thigh garter. Arriving at the Brisbane Valley nightclub area, I changed into my pink heels before going into the adult theatre. I climbed the stairs & there were a few there...

2 years ago
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Fulfilled My Dream To Visit Rajeswari Theatre

Hope you all read my previous stories including my real life gay incident in a bus. This is another story that fulfills my gay dream. About me. I am slim, athletic and little short. Have a beige skin tone and a 6-inch uncut cock I always wanted to go to the Rajeswari theatre after reading many stories in ISS. I got a perfect chance to go there. My friend had to write the RRB exam and he got allotted in Bangalore for the exam. He said he gotta go alone. So I thought this was my chance. I said to...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Teachers Movie Theatre Gangbang

The thirty young school students were safely locked up in the YMCA under the supervision of two other teachers and three volunteer parents. I had organised the night off to take time to stroll around the city. I told the 'powers that be' that I was going out with a family member, but in reality I was just looking for adventure. The idea of sitting in a room with thirty giggling 12 year old boys and girls did not appeal. I'd had a shower at the Y and I had got dressed into an outfit that...

1 year ago
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Erotica Theatre

Cassandra had always fantasized about making love in a movie theatre, and knew when she met Jayson that reality. She had received orders to go to basic training down in Texas to start at the beginning of June and knew that there wasn’t a lot of time left so she began to plan the details that would make her fantasy into a memory that she could take to bed with her the many nights she would be away from him.  Jayson stood tall at five foot seven inches and kept his blonde hair pretty short. He...

2 years ago
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Bisex at a porno theatre

I’m happily married and prefer women but am attracted by the idea of gay encounters. I had fantasised about it quite lot and often got hard at the thought of taking a strange guy’s cock in my hand and pumping the soft, hard shaft till the jism shot out of it. I'd also love to stick my dick in a guy’s mouth and fuck it till I shoot my load. Then I'd take his stiff penis in my mouth and suck it till his hot jism shot down my mouth or over my face. I didn’t keep the fantasies to myself. I brought...

3 years ago
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A Shock at the Adult Theatre

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3 years ago
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My Night at the XXX Video Theatre Part One

It was almost 2 AM when I pulled into the Big Town XXX video theatre in the southeast part of where I live. It was a Saturday and the parking lot was full. I had never been to this particular theatre but it was in the adult theatre chain that I had been visiting for the past two years. Each theatre is different depending usually on the part of town where it is located. Southest part of my city is rough. It is predominately African American. This theatre is in a small run-down strip shopping...

1 year ago
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Adult Theatre Initiation

I had never been to an adult theatre, and for some or other reason, decided that it was a block in my life with a missing tick. Down the road from a gay pub I frequented, I knew there was one of these establishments. I had always avoided it, because it was located in a rather seedy alley. One Friday night, I departed from the gay bar at around nine p.m., bored out of my mind. Passing the alley I glanced in, but then decided to walk on by. A half a block further, however, I turned, and walked...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Enjoying My Girlfriend In A Theatre 8211 Part I

Hi friends,My name is Shah. 21 years old, lives in Trivandrum Kerala. This is my first story in ISS, so I’m expecting full support from you guys. This story is about me and my ex-girlfriend enjoying some foreplay at a theatre and later on ended up in hard fucking at my place. Telling about me I’m an average looking guy with 6.5″ dick, not well built body. This incident happened before an year, my first and unforgettable experience. The name of the heroine in this story is Shweta, not much fair...

1 year ago
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Movie Theatre Guard

Her hand instictively went up to fix her bun. She always did that when she was nervous. But she really needed this security guard gig. She needed to show her parents that she was capable of standing on her own two feet. A high school diploma and two semesters at community college didn't exactly send the human resource department on fire. "I'm sure I'll be able to deal with any situation that presents itself," she stammered."We'll be in touch," Mr Snyder said.Two months later this five foot 7,...

Group Sex
1 year ago
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Porn Theatre

My experience with porn theatres began gradually. I had an incredibly beautiful eighteen-year old girl I had begun to see. We did things together, going places. Somehow, she decided to start working as a dancer. It was easy money; she was always the center of attention. It was easy to go to the porn theater. They had little booths where you could put a dollar in, and watch a porno movie. We went there because of the quick and easy access with privacy. I didn't really know what that hole in...

2 years ago
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Becoming Anamika 8211 Part I 8211 Discovered At The Theatre

Hello dear ISS readers, My name is, well, my real name is not important anymore. A little introduction though. I belong to a small city in the state of Kerala in South India. Anatomically, I am a man. But since I was about 10-11 years old, I have always fantasized about being a girl. Typically, I didn’t have a lot of friends in school. When I hit puberty, nothing major happened. Only my ass grew big and round. I was continuously teased about the big ass. Anyway, since I pretty much kept to...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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Making my first friend in an Adult Theatre

I was in my last year of high school when I had my first sexual experience. It happened on a warm Saturday afternoon in April. I left my house under the pretext of doing some research at the downtown library for some up coming project. I liked my independence and I rode the bus downtown. My real destination was a back alley entrance to some obscure building. Inside was and adult theatre featuring gay porn. I knew I might be gay because thinking about girls never gave me an erection, but for...

2 years ago
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Submitting To A Stranger In Theatre

Hello friends. This is Subuhi from Delhi. I am 22 years old now. I am pretty attractive and have a nice body. Thanks for the overwhelming response to my first story “My Defloration By My 45 Year Old Uncle”. I am just amazed and feel loved by your responses. For those who didn’t read my first story I will give a brief background so you know the context of my situation in this incident. I described how I got my cherry popped by my uncle at an early age and then. For the next two years I had sex...

1 year ago
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Sex in movie theatre

Hi ! I am a 22 single male from Chennai. I am working in an software company. I am regular reader of ISS. I like to tell my story which happened when I am doing my college. I am from Chennai and this incident took place when I am 20. In the evening after I had finished my college, I was feeling bored so I thought of going for a movie for the 6 p.m. Show. The theatre was good, but quite isolated. There were very few patrons and more males then females. I went and sat in one of the last rows....

2 years ago
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First Time At A Porn Theatre

I would like to share my first experience in a xxx theatre. I was 22 at the time and like I've said before, wasn't the fat slob I am now! I had been to several video stores prior to this, and had loved the gloryholes! I read about this adult theatre online and went one saturday afternoon to check it out! It was a pretty rough looking place, older, dirty, it had private booths and six theatres. I decided to check out the two theatres in the basement as they were both showing gay movies. There...

2 years ago
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A Night at the Theatre

Written by AlinaX and Sandy Monroe One Friday morning, mid-November, I was surprised to receive a call from Ben. With his new job in the City, I never usually heard from him during the day, and rarely saw him except at the weekends. “Hi Ali,” he said, sounding very anxious. “Are you free to talk?” I looked around, intrigued, a little worried, but there was no one in earshot. “Yes. What’s up?” He was silent for a few seconds, which only made me more nervous. “You remember the other night?”...

1 year ago
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Night at the Theatre

She was driving, alone at last. The boy had been left in grandma's care, leaving her with the whole night to herself. But, what to do? Going home and doing housework was not her idea of a night off. Going to a bar or nightclub was not something she liked to do alone. So, she took a drive. Past the park, with the twenty-something parents playing with their young children. Past the skating rink, with all the pre-teens hanging out in front, acting as cool as they knew how to be. Past the beach,...

3 years ago
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At the Theatre Ch 2

Chapter 2 of 2 - a hot story by a very sexy lady... Standing with Robert in the small but tasteful lobby area of the theatre, I felt hot and flustered, even with a flute of excellent champagne in my hand. My thighs felt sticky beneath my skirt, and I wanted a shower to clean the residue of the orgasm I'd had just minutes before in my seat. In addition, my nipples were still hard and insistently pressing against my blouse, attracting the attention of some of the others in my vicinity. In a...

2 years ago
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Master misty Return to the Porn Theatre Ju

Having been a slave for nearly 6 years, I am now convinced of the fact that once you fulfill a fantasy in the Master/slave relationship, you will always try to top it. Just when Master and I didn’t think we could out do ourselves, we suddenly did.I sweated thru my black cotton dress in the heat and humidity of the city. Master and I met, crossed the street and ducked back into the porn theatre we had visited 2 years ago for public sex. I remember it exactly the same way; smoky with a musty...

1 year ago
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Movie Theatre in the Summer

On my third day, I was still in the training with Keith, a high school kid about to graduate who has worked there for over a year. Keith was a pretty cool guy and always having fun while the bosses weren’t looking. “Look man, every summer some wild stuff happens. So be prepared,” he told me with a grin on face. “What do you mean?” I asked. “Well,” he says as he looks around and slaps something in my hand, “you are going to need some of these if you are lucky man.” I look down at my hand and...

3 years ago
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Raj in theatre

Since all my friends were having office...the day started off boring...nothing nice on tv too...so after lunch i thought of going for a movie....in innovative multiplex....something that changed my day.....I was always curious about bi and gay sex...but never tried or for that matter never thought I would be trying it one day... Since it was a weekday....no many were in theater.....i went and sat in middle row..center...lights went off...nd movie started...then one person came and sat beside...

2 years ago
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Ana going again to an adult theatre

Ana going again to an adult theatre I came back home from my office really very tired that evening, finding my lovely Ana dressed in a special sexy outfit that she only used when she wanted to be fucked wildly I let out a deep breath and told her I was not really in the mood for a night fuck session. She looked disappointed with my answer and asked me if I would dare to go with her to an adult theatre, where some available man could fuck her in my place. We dressed and headed to the nearer...

3 years ago
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Fine Arts Theatre in Asheville NC

When I was young, barely eighteen, a co-worker and I hit some of the bars in Asheville. After we'd had a few drinks and got bored with the bar scene we decided to check out the Fine Arts theatre. It was a seedy porno theatre, the kind of place you didn't want to be seen walking into by anyone you knew. As we sat there watching low quality porn flicks I started noticing that guys kept walking up and down the aisles way more than usual, especially considering there was no concession stand. I also...

3 years ago
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Ana going again to an adult theatre

Ana going again to an adult theatreI came back home from my office really very tired that evening, finding my lovely Ana dressed in a special sexy outfit that she only used when she wanted to be fucked wildlyI let out a deep breath and told her I was not really in the mood for a night fuck session.She looked disappointed with my answer and asked me if I would dare to go with her to an adult theatre, where some available man could fuck her in my place. We dressed and headed to the nearer adult...

2 years ago
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Jenelle Theatre Fucked

Phil and I decided to visit a sex shop in Dandenong late one Saturday afternoon. I thought I would get dressed sexy for the trip in and tease some of the men that would be in there. I showered and gently rubbed my clit to get me "warmed up" but with out getting myself off. Phil was in the bathroom shaving as I jilled myself and he must have heard my whimpers as I was rubbing. He came over to the shower recess and took his cock in hand and slowly wanked it as I was jilling. It got me so horny...

2 years ago
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Erotic Theatre

Erotic Theatre It was my first night as a temporary stand in as technical support for a theatre house. I was to maintain some lighting controls to the side of the stage. It was quite a formal occasion, so as it stood I had to wear a suit and to be honest felt quite smart.As I gazed across the side stage she caught my eyes, absolutely dazzling in a long dark dress with a split slightly revealing her thigh and wearing high heels, who is she? Is she part of the performance? Does she work here? I...

4 years ago
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Second Lady In Surat At Theatre

Hello ISS readers, I am Hardik from Surat. So here i am again here with my second story. Hope u have enjoyed “fun with lady in surat” story.So here is a real incident happened in 5 months ago. How I had fun with lady in theatre. For any lady who wants to chat with me, my yahoo I’d: So this happened some 5 months back. I live here in Surat with my family. I am in good fit shape. Not that muscle guy but good looking decent guy. Inside I am very naughty. Stroking my dick is my habbit. I am so...

1 year ago
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Fun With Friend In Theatre

Hi frnds i’m shravan.. This is my first story in iss. I’m from dindigul.. Plz mail me your fedbacks to : Will share you wit a real experience of mine… This is true story which happened in march 2015. I’m from dindigul age 22. The heroine of this story is jenifer age 21. V both are studying in a reputed college in dindgul.. Her structure is 30 size breasts and 32 size waist.. We were studying final year and as you know final semester is for projects and no staff really care if u come to coll or...

4 years ago
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A Date With My Friend8217s Sister In Theatre

Hi all I am a fan of desi gang bang stories and I am follower of this website from 2004, there is not a single day without masturbating after reading story from this site. This all about my romantic day with my girl friend; a brief intro about me I am a little darker but looks attractive (my friends use to say) I am Kumar from Chennai working in an IT company in OMR road. This is about the day with my girlfriend in theatre which happened 3yrs back. She is Roopika (name not changed) she is an...

2 years ago
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Theatre Part 1 Messy BJ

I was in Chicago a few years back, and decided to check out an adult theatre one night. I paid my the entrance fee and was buzzed into a small theatre with a huge screen. On the screen was a hot teen girl sucking on a nice size dick. I noticed a quite a few men standing at the back of the theatre so I decided to stand back there to survey the action. The man next to me said hi, and I asked him what was the protocol . He told me the details and just hearing the details turned me on. I...

2 years ago
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Sarah Carerra 242 Paramount Theatre

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By Megan Campbell (Released: June 27, 2011) Chapter 42 - Paramount Theatre Waking up for church the following morning was really hard. That was why I decided to stay in bed. Mom didn't like that decision, but at least she knew how tired I was. She was...

1 year ago
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Theatre Slut

They drove in the van downtown and stopped at the Adultplex. Brent talked to the manager and Lee-Anne followed Brent, Gary,Robert, and Willy into Cinema 1. The sign said "Theatre sluts onthe screen."The area was dark when they walked in. The boys sat behindLee-Anne. On the screen was a young girl of 25 with a super setof tits hanging down and swaying as one guy fucked her cunt andshe sucked another. The movie was set in a Cinema and the actionwas on the hallway floor and in the chairs. ...

1 year ago
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Theatre Mein Ghapaghap

Hello dosto, mera naam hai Aur main wapas aa gayi hu apni agli kahani ke sath. Jo log mujhe nahi jante, woh ye jaan le ki main apki hot bhabhi hu jiske baare mein soch kar ap dil khol ke apna lund hila sakte hai. Main 34 saal ki hu aur koi kamsin kali nahi hu. Balki har mard ka lund jisko dekhke pant se bahar aane lagta hai woh aurat hu. Mere gore-gore bade stann aur meri matakti gaand ke sabhi deewane hai. Mere pati Ghosh Babu meri chut ki garmi nahi nikaalte to mujhe doosre mardo ka sahara...

3 years ago
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Dark Theatre

A few months before I met my current partner Edwin, this story occurred. So it must have been about 3 years ago now. It was an ugly, windy and very hot day. I was in a rotten mood to begin with cause me and my boyfriend had just broken up the night before cause he cheated on me. I was getting ready to meet my best girlfriend Eline at the theatre for a movie and some men-bashing afterwards at our favourite bar. I threw on a pink strappy sundress and didn't even bother with a bra cause it was...

1 year ago
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My day at the theatre

Note : This story is completely fictional! I want to start out telling u I'm 22 years old. My name is jim im 5"9 brown hair brown eyes build. I work at a theatre i enjoy my job because of all the gorgeous girls that come thru the theatre and work there. This time i going to tell u about happened about 2 weeks ago at work. one of my co-workers name is heather shes the cutest little blong u wouls ever see included she wore glasses she stands about 4"5 and has id say 36c tits. Now getting back to...

3 years ago
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The Secret Theatre

It is said that in the old city of Prague there is a secret theatre. This theatre is known only to a very small number of people and has been the venue for a very special kind of entertainment for over two hundred years.Even the few who know the address would find it impossible to find. From outside, the place is as nondescript as all the other buildings in the quiet back-street. However at every performance all seats are filled.Once inside, visitors are stunned by the opulence of the interior....

3 years ago
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My Love of the Theatre

Lucy was rushing around backstage trying to get to each of the dancers to make sure that the microphones were switched on and were not tagging their clothes. Lucy was loving being back stage of the theatre. She had been an art college student for three years and was delighted to be working as a stage hand behind the scenes. She was quite used to working on the sound side of the theatre ensuring that all the performances worked seamlessly whilst at College. This was rather more over-awing she...

3 years ago
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A Night At The Theatre Part 1

I was not happy. In fact I was a whole mixture of emotions; resentful, disappointed, anxious, frustrated. It was our tenth wedding anniversary and my husband, Jeremy, who is 13 years my senior and partner in a city centre law practice had had one of his ‘senior moments’. We had just been finishing our meal at the hotel restaurant when his face paled. For one brief moment I thought it was a heart attack. He began to tap the breast pocket of his navy blazer before exclaiming, “Oh my God!”“What is...

3 years ago
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A Night At The Theatre Part 1

I was not happy. In fact I was a whole mixture of emotions; resentful, disappointed, anxious, frustrated. It was our tenth wedding anniversary and my husband, Jeremy, who is 13 years my senior and partner in a city centre law practice had had one of his ‘senior moments’. We had just been finishing our meal at the hotel restaurant when his face paled. For one brief moment I thought it was a heart attack. He began to tap the breast pocket of his navy blazer before exclaiming, “Oh my God!”“What is...

3 years ago
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Kiss Of Love And Sex 8211 Second Adventure In The Theatre

Hey everyone. This is your Harish back again. Thank you all for the huge response to my previous stories. I am so happy that my story has satisfied your long rods and wet pussies. This is the third part of this series ‘Kiss of Love And Sex’. New readers, I request you to read the first two parts of the series to get a better understanding and description of my story. A quick re-introduction about myself, I am Harish (name changed) from Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. Age 24. Fair complexion. I go to...

1 year ago
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Master takes misty to the Porn Theatre May 2009

My Master is a big guy, at 6 foot 2 He towers over my insignificant 5 foot 4 frame. I love to wear flats around Him when I feel the need to be “overwhelmed.” He is well built with strikingly intense blue eyes that turn an icy blue and seem to spit fire when He feels I have disobeyed Him for one reason or the other. Despite this, He did not realize the enormous control and power He had over me until the day I surrendered to submissive sex with Him at the local porn theatre. As we drove there,...

1 year ago
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Master takes misty to the Porn Theatre May 2009

My Master is a big guy; at 6 foot 2 He towers over my insignificant 5 foot 4 frame. I love to wear flats around Him when I feel the need to be “overwhelmed.” He is well built with strikingly intense blue eyes that turn an icy blue and seem to spit fire when He feels I have disobeyed Him for one reason or the other. Despite this, He did not realize the enormous control and power He had over me until the day I surrendered to submissive sex with Him at the local porn theatre. As we drove there,...

4 years ago
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Threesome In The Theatre Bathroom

We usually indulge ourselves in phone sex a lot, almost daily. We fantasize about many things while having phone sex such as outdoor sex, gangbang – almost anything and everything. The following story is one of those fantasies. This is my first story. I hope you enjoy it. (For better reading experience, this story has been written in my girlfriend’s perspective). Do let me know if you enjoy it and what genre of stories would you like next. We always wanted to have sex in theatre, so one day...

3 years ago
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Lust Satisfied In The Theatre

Hi, excuse me for any mistakes as this is my first story. Talking about me I am 5’8, brown-skinned with an athletic body and a lot of stamina.  I go regularly for a workout and have been doing boxing for 4-5 years. I am in college third year now and this story is from 2nd year. The heroine of this story is my then girlfriend Ria (name changed). She was very hot with fat at all the right places. She had a huge ass that I liked to grab tightly very much. Just thinking about grabbing that ass...

4 years ago
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Sexual Encounters of a Young man 25 Mating with Beautiful Rupali at Theatre

Maanvi and Rupali started to give him food every alternate month as he got stomach upset due to outside food for long and on one fine morning when she went there to give him morning Coffee on seeing his erect 9 Inch cock while he was asleep and she was lured into sucking it and then while bathing she fell in bathroom and Montu Kumar treated and helped her and then fucked her. They were facing problems to find a safe and secluded place for regular fucking afterwards so one day he fucked her in...

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