mysterious neighbor Chapter 1
- 3 years ago
- 25
- 0
The sun was high in the sky when I awoke the morning after Jennifer and I had discovered our feelings for each other. I thought that perhaps it had all been a beautiful dream but there was too much evidence to the contrary. The way my body still hummed at the slightest touch to my nipples. The pair of panties on the floor that smelled of raw sex…the pile of packages that lay, unopened on the couch.
There was one thing missing. Jennifer. At some time during the night or early in the morning, she had slipped out of the house. I sat in my recliner, with my knees pulled to my chest. So many mixed emotions swirled in my head that I thought I was going to have an emotional crisis.
There was the emptiness in my arms, where Jennifer had felt so good. There was the lingering confusion of what course my sexuality was going to take now. No more did I doubt my longing for a woman’s touch, but what would happen when I met a man that stirred me deep in my core. Then there was Jennifer. What would she ask of me now and what would I ask of her. She had alluded to showing me more of the Sapphic skills but how far did she go? I had read some Sapphic novels that almost frightened me with the intensity of their actions. I wanted no part of that.
With a sigh, I rose from the chair to start my day. As I showered, I envisioned Jennifer mewling in passion as I bathed her. It didn’t help a bit to take away the longing that ate at me.
When I left the shower, the phone was ringing. I walked to the nightstand, still naked, to answer it.
‘Hi Sherri, it’s Jennifer.’
Funny how four words could make me weak inside.
‘Hey Jenn, you disappeared on me.’
‘Yeah, sweetie, I had to be here to take some phone calls this morning. I just wanted to make sure you were alright and let you know why I left. Do the new things fit all right?’
‘I wouldn’t have any idea yet,’ I said.
‘Why is that,’ she asked.
‘Because I’m still naked. I just got out of the shower.’
‘Of fuck, Sherri, you didn’t need to tell me that.’
‘I didn’t do it to tease you, Jenn.’
‘Wait a minute,’ she said. She put the phone down for a few seconds and she was giggling when she came back.
‘What’s so funny,’ I wondered.
‘Now we’re both naked.’
‘Oh my god, Jenn, stop teasing me.’
‘You started it,’ she said, giggling some more. ‘If you really want me to tease you, ask me what my fingers are doing right now.’
‘Stop it, damn it,’ I said. ‘Of fuck, Jenn, you’re going to make me crazy’
‘That’s the plan. Have you started doing what you think I’m doing yet?
I didn’t answer, I didn’t have to. The moan that slipped from my lips was all the answer she needed.
‘Race you to an orgasm,’ she said.
‘You’d better hurry,’ I replied, groaning, my fingers battering my still sensitive clit.
I don’t know who cried out first. I was too busy staying upright since my knees had decided to get weak on me.
‘I’ve gotta go,’ she said, obviously out of breath. ‘I’ve got another call coming and I’m too weak to take it.’
I never got the chance to reply, but it didn’t matter. I dropped to the bed, my chest heaving.
It was nearly an hour before I went in to clean myself up before slipping into a pair of panties. I grabbed a robe, but threw it on the chair as I left the bedroom.
‘What’s the point?’ I said, to no one in particular.
I was a mess. I tried on the clothes, but they all fit fine, and later, I sat in the living room, tears sliding down my face. It just made matters worse. Were they tears of joy, or tears of confusion, worry, or what? I should have been jumping up and down with joy, but the doubts refused to go away.
I put the clothes In the laundry room, and opened the case of clay. My intent was to focus on my sculpture but the drawing I was basing the piece on, of Jennifer, of course, kept coming to life on me. I not only saw her, I heard her voice, felt her lips on mine and her body next to me. This was not going to work if I didn’t work things out in my mind. I had to either come to grips or go home just to get away from her and the situation I found myself in.
The phone rang again but my hands were covered with wet clay so I let the machine take it.
‘Sherri, It’s Jenn, are you there? Oh damn, never mind.’
I did some deep breathing exercises and finally got enough composure to begin forming the piece. She’d been right about the clay. The difference was amazing. Of course, the subject matter had something to do with it, but it was so smooth and sensual in my hands, I almost felt like I was molding her flesh between my fingers.
As it is with most of my working sessions, I became engrossed in my work, so I never heard her come in. It wasn’t until I felt her naked body against me, her hot breath on my shoulder,that I knew.
‘Oh my god Jenn, you scared me to death.’
‘Are you accustomed to allowing naked women sneak up on you like that?’
‘Only a select few,’ I said.
‘Do you always work in the nude?’ she asked.
I shrugged and f***ed myself to finish the initial shaping. Then I turned to look at her,
‘Holy shit, Jenn, you’re all covered with clay.’
‘Where? I was snuggling your bare back,’ she said.
‘Right here, and here, and here, and here,’ I said, as I touched her nipples, her chin and her navel.
‘Why you bitch,’ she yelled, laughing like crazy. ”How the hell do I get that shit off?’
‘You have to use body erase,’ I told her.
‘What the hell is that?’
‘I’ll show you,’ I replied, pulling her against me to rub my clay covered torso and breasts into her.’
‘It’s not working,’ she said,
‘You’re supposed to be lying down when you use it,’ I said, pushing her down to the plastic covered floor. ‘You can’t use your hands, just body parts and you have to rub them together a lot.’
Do I need draw you a picture of that? Stomach to stomach, breast to breast, we slid against each other, laughing like silly teenagers as we did it. It was like a hands-on wrestling match, trying to see who could smear the most clay into the best places. It was so erotic that we began to moan in unison.
‘Pull your knees up,’ I said.
‘Why?’ she asked, her eyes just glistening with erotic excitement.
‘Just do it, please…for me?’
She pulled her knees high over her chest so I could grind my wet pussy into hers. It didn’t take much of that to bring us both off in a crescendo of orgasmic cries and four letter words that left us worn out.
I collapsed on top of her, showering her with kisses. We rolled around the floor, moaning and mewling until the glow subsided. Unfortunately, the plastic floor cover was not nearly enough to cover our play area and now, I had clay in my carpeting. I didn’t care. Jennifer was back.
We started giggling as we looked at each other, smearing cum and clay together over each other’s bodies.
‘Ok, ok,’she finally yelled in surrender. ‘This is fun, but I’ve got clay in my pussy and everywhere else and when that shit starts to dry, it’s not going to be fun and games.’
‘I suppose I should offer my services to clean you up,’ I said, ‘since it’s my clay that wound up in your pussy.’
‘It’s going to take a team effort,’ she replied.
We went into the shower and while she started the water, I gathered the body wash that I use to remove it from my body, some bath sponges, and body oil, since the clay tends to draw the moisture from your skin.
We washed each other’s hair twice, since that’s the most difficult place to clean clay from. We bathed each other, tenderly. making sure not to rub too hard on tender flesh, until no clay was seen.
‘Time to move to our secret places,’ she said. Bending me over, she lathered up my vulva and began probing into me, knowing that there was no clay there to be removed. I began mewling , and had to lean against the shower wall, but she insisted that she could still see bits of clay inside. When my knees begin to weaken, she took the telephone shower in her hand, turned the adjustment to power wash and began to blast the soap off. Of course, the way my clit was being battered by the harsh spray, it was no time at all before I slumped against the wall, shaking all over.
She turned the adjustment to fine spray to finish up but it was too late. The harsher spray had so irritated my tender clit that even the fine spray was more than enough to make me beg her to stop.
Still standing under the shower, we kissed and caressed but then it was my turn. When it was time to bathe that sweet pussy, I bent her over, to give her a similar treatment, but I didn’t use the hard spray like she did. Instead, I rinsed her thoroughly with the fine mist. and went down on her like a human vacuum cleaner with a snake’s tongue. As soon as she came, I changed the adjustment to hard spray, reached up to spread her cheeks, and blasted her anus. Oh my god, I wasn’t ready for the reaction I got. She fucked her ass into the spray like a whore on d**gs. Eventually, I slipped a finger in to finish the job and when she came, she twisted around and knocked me to the bottom of the tub before she climbed on top to kiss me so hard my lips were hurting.
‘Oh, you bitch, you sneaky bitch,’ she finally said. ‘No way you were a Sapphic virgin when I met you. I’m still like jelly inside.’
‘I just gave you what I thought you’d want,’ I said. ‘I guess I was right.’
‘Oh my god, you’ve got to try that, Sherri. What an orgasm!’
‘Gee, I guess you’re too tired to play anymore,’ I said.
‘You’re good, but you aren’t that good,’ she said, kissing me some more.
We finished our showers and toweled off before going in to drop on the bed.
‘I’m never going to get these projects done if we keep this up,’ I said.
‘Maybe we should stop,’ she said, but I knew she was just messing with me.
‘I really think we should,’ I said, but then I pulled myself on top of her and kissed her. With my fingers stroking her hair, I lay quietly for a minute, just looking into the big sexy eyes of her, knowing that I never wanted to be without her in my life.
‘What are we going to do when I have to leave?’ I asked. ‘I never want this to end.’
‘I know,’ she said. ‘I’ve been forcing myself to pretend it’s never going to happen but you have to get back to college and I have showings scheduled. There’s no way we can make it work.’
‘Please don’t say there’s no way,’ I said, tears in my eyes. ‘I have to have that hope something will come to us.’
‘Don’t start crying on me now, you silly goose. You know what that does to me.’ Already I saw the glistening of a tear in her eyes.
‘I’m sorry,’ I said, quickly crawling off of her
‘I’ve got to go,’ she said. ‘I’m supposed to be working and so are you. Now, let’s just snap out of it and get to it I’ve got a couple new projects in the works and I promised to be by the phone. I’ll call you later.’
‘Ok, ok, bail on me, but remember, when they find me on the floor, my poor neglected pussy battered into a pulp, it was you that got this started.’
‘Oh, poor baby.’ She cooed. ‘I’ll kiss it and make it all better later.’
‘You could do it now and save the battering,’ I reminded her.
‘I’ve created a sex fiend,’ she said, heading for the door.
‘No, you just found one that had been lurking inside me for a long time.’ I yelled as I watched the beautiful movement of those tasty ass cheeks.
It took some doing, but I got refocused and went to work cleaning up the mess from our play time incident. The clay hadn’t really hardened yet so with a brush and some release formula, I soaked the area of damage, scrubbed cleaner into it and rinsed it over and over until the water was clear. Then I used towels to pull the liquid out of the carpet. It was a lucky break that there was no padding under the carpet. It would take hours to dry, so I carefully moved my work to another area. . Needless to say, I was sweating like a French whore in a sauna so I had to go take a shower…again. I sat with a glass of wine, reviewing what I’d completed and what I needed to do yet. The interpretive piece was penciled in, but I was still playing with the color combinations. One watercolor was about eighty percent done, but I still hadn’t decided whether that was the one I would use or not. It was almost too personal now. I wasn’t sure I wanted to share the emotion that went into the painting or not. Of course, there were others, and I was already working on one that revealed more intimate details.
The sculpture, well now that was a different story altogether. This is going to sound so weird, but the new clay was affecting me in a strange way. I’d wet my hands and start working the material, but …oh, this is so hard to explain. It was like the clay took on a life of its own, and I found that I could almost work with my eyes closed. It seemed to be telling me every single thing I did. And there’s the other thing too. It didn’t want me to stop. No, I’m serious. Every time I paused to review what I’d done, it just seemed to talk to me. ‘No, that’s not quite it. You need to work on those breasts more, etc. etc. I really wondered if I was losing my mind.
I didn’t quit until my arms ached and sweat poured from every pore. It was all I could do to stumble into the bathroom, turn on the water and sit on the toilet while the tub filled. I added a liberal dose of bath oil, and crawled into it, sliding in all the way up to my chin. With a towel behind my head, I closed my eyes and allowed the feeling to take me away.
I didn’t leave that world until the water cooled to the point of discomfort. Even then I put had no energy. I considered calling Jenn but f***ed myself to let her work. I started to head for the recliner, but an obvious rumbling from my stomach reminded me that I hadn’t eaten. As I ate my smoked salmon salad, I gazed down at the sparkling waters of Lake Wanderlee. I’d been there for almost two weeks and, thanks to Jenn, had only got my bikini wet once. I smiled as I realized that I’d spent most of my time either naked or in panties…mostly naked. The new clothes she’d bought me were now laundered and folded neatly in a drawer or hanging in the closet. For some reason, I went in to flip through hanger after hanger, before putting on a really pretty sun dress. I sat in front of the mirror, brushing out my hair when the phone rang.
‘I’m lonesome,’ she said.
‘Well, get your pretty ass over here.’
‘I can’t. I’ve still got two calls coming and they’re both important. To make matters worse, I ruined a canvas.’
‘How did you do that?’
‘Oh, I knocked over a wet canvas. It’s completely ruined. It was coming along so great too. Now I have to start over.’
‘I’m sorry, honey. I’ve been having a pretty good day for the most part.’
‘Are you naked?’
I giggled at her. ‘Is that all you think of?’ I asked.
‘Pretty much, for some reason,’ she said.
‘No, I’m not naked. I’m wearing that sun dress you bought me at Dugan’s,’
‘I just want to rip it off your sexy body Damn, can you tell I’m horny?’
‘I’m getting a hint of that, yes.’
‘God, I hate waiting for people when I’m horny. Well, to hell with it, I’ll just go get one of my toys.’
‘Uh uh,’ I said. ‘That’s my job. Keep your hands and your vibes and dildos off. You’ll just have to wait for me. I can probably be there in say, four or five hours.’
‘You’d better get your ass over here soon, then, or there won’t be anything left for you to play with.’
I just cut her off and waited. Sure enough, it wasn’t more than a minute or two before the phone rang but I let the machine pick up. I was too busy laughing my ass off.
‘You’re playing with fire girl and you’ll smell the smoke pretty damned soon. Now get your ass over here.’
Smiling, I headed for her place, not sure of what lie ahead for me, but knowing that whatever it was, it involved me getting naked and sexually abused, but wasn’t that what my body had been asking me for over the last two hours?
When I got there, I didn’t see her right away so I went to check in her bedroom. I was sure that was where I’d find her, but the room was empty…at least for a few seconds it was. I’ve no idea where she came from, but the next thing I knew, I was propelled forward and onto the bed by a naked woman, who landed on top of me.
‘You’re going to pay for making me so damned horny,’ she said.
I was laughing so damned hard I couldn’t defend myself. She pulled me to my feet and grabbed at the top of my new sundress.
‘I’m going to rip this off you, and ravish you like you’ve never been,’ she said.
‘No please, Jenn. Don’t rip the dress. I love it and a special friend bought it for me.’
‘You’d better lose it quick then,’ she warned, pulling it up and over my head. ‘No panties.’ She said. ‘Good move,’
She threw me back onto the bed then, but I surprised her. I got over her, straddling her body with her arms pinned against her body by my knees. When she tried to throw me off, I just pinned her shoulders down.
‘Now,’ I said. ‘You have a choice. You can play nice or I can go home.’ I bent to kiss her and it only took a few seconds of deep tongue play to calm her down.
‘Damn it, I need you,’ she said.
I pulled back to sit on her, as I toyed with her nipples, pulling and twisting them in my fingers. Once I had her squirming good, I scooted down on her body so I could get my mouth on them, switching back and forth from one to the other.
‘Oh god, honey, I need that,’ she cooed.
She worked her arms loose and I half expected her to throw me off but by that time I had her nipples so irritated that she didn’t want me to stop. With her hand on the back of my head, my face was jammed into her breasts.
While I continued to suck on her nipple, I moved my hand down behind me to stroke over her.
‘Oh, look who’s wet and wanting,’ I said, pressing into her with my fingers.
She moaned and thrust upward to my hand. When she did, I slipped a finger into her and went directly for her clit. She was so aroused I thought she was going to go off on me just from that but I didn’t want that. Not yet, anyway.
I slid down and dove between her thighs before she could block me. I spread long, laving licks over her to get her good and wet, then I went for the gold. Her clit was full and accessible so I got it between my teeth and pulled. She went nuts but then I stopped. With two fingers, I got hold of her clit and pulled then I snapped at it with another finger several times. She let out a wail over and over and almost screamed when I sucked on it over and over again, then attacked it with my tongue flashing over it like a snake. In the meantime, my finger found her anus and began probing at it. She lost control shortly after that and rewarded my efforts with a massive orgasm that ended with her fingers locked in my hair and her legs wrapped around my head.
I almost had to f***e her to let me go but eventually she relaxed her grip on me and let me up to kiss her.
After allowing her to calm for a few minutes, I allowed her to turn me to my back. She got off the bed and pulled me down further. She put me on my knees and had me bend over with my head on my arms. I got a chill as I realized that whatever she had planned for me almost certainly involved something to do with anal. She hadn’t hurt me before, so I had no reason to suspect that she would do so now, but I bit my lip just in case.
That was somewhat confirmed when she started licking my anus and thrusting her tongue into me. It was my newly discovered favorite thing to do so I f***ed myself to relax, or at least I tried. Her thumb was in my pussy, with her knuckle pressing into my clit with each stroke. After bringing so very close to the cliff several times, she stopped and I felt her thumb leave me. I tried, but couldn’t see what she was doing, only that she had moved slightly to my left. A few seconds later, I felt something cold being drizzled over my crack, and down over my anus and pussy. A few seconds after that, I felt something hard against the rim. She moved it in circular patterns around and around, but then I felt pressure. There was a sharp pain and I yelped, but she whispered that it was going to be all right, and then whatever she had in her hand was f***ed through my anus. ‘Ow, OH FUCK,’ I yelled. She spanked me several times, harder than I’d ever been spanked, but it took the focus away from the burning in my anus as she f***ed it in further. She drizzled more into my hole and began stroking it in and out, going a bit deeper with just about every stroke. Whatever it was, it was longer than anything that had ever been in there and there was quite a bit of discomfort, but then that began to be replaced by a pleasurable glow emanating from my rectum. I felt something being held against my clit and seconds later, what felt like a finger vibe began attacking my clit with a mind robbing buzz that soon had me losing my mind. As I got close, she probed deeper into me with the thing in my ass and just as my world, began to explode, she pushed it deep with a dozen hard, deep strokes that knocked me to the bed. That was not a good thing, because now I was lying on the finger vibe that showed no signs of stopping or slowing up. I’ve never screamed like that in my life, but I sure did with that one, and the two that followed as well
My last stop was at an electronics store where I purchased the software to learn how to save the photos to a disc. The sales girl was very patient in helping me select some software to make it easier and I made a new friend in the process. As I sat in the car, my cell phone rang. "Have you seen your neighbor yet?" Lilly asked."Oh yeah," I replied. "All of her.""Oh, did I forget to tell you she loves being naked?:""Gee, I guess you did.""She's lovely, isn't she?""Really? I hadn't noticed," I...
Sherri exhibits her sculpture, but the prize she wins is more than she could ever have dreamed of. – 5 – The long drive home from Lake Wanderlee gave me a lot of time to think. I wasn’t sure exactly how I’d tell Lilly and Jillian. Lily knew Jennifer, or at least they’d met but I didn’t think Jillian did. Oh, she might know of her, but I didn’t think they’d ever met. So how do I explain that I was head-over-heals insanely in love with the woman that I was supposed to avoid? How would they...
When Sherri opens her door to find the subject of her fantasies standing there, she is too shocked to breathe. The two women have a lot in common including a dream they unknowingly share. * For several days, I had studied, photographed, and lusted after my famous neighbor. She was, at once, artist, photographer and gifted pianist, who demanded that her privacy be protected. I’d respected that privacy wish, though I dreamt of meeting her in person. When she tanned nude, so did I. When she...
Sherri exhibits her sculpture, but the prize she wins is more than she could ever have dreamed of.- 5 - The long drive home from Lake Wanderlee gave me a lot of time to think. I wasn't sure exactly how I'd tell Lilly and Jillian. Lily knew Jennifer, or at least they'd met but I didn't think Jillian did. Oh, she might know of her, but I didn't think they'd ever met. So how do I explain that I was head-over-heals insanely in love with the woman that I was supposed to avoid? How would they react...
When Sherri opens her door to find the subject of her fantasies standing there, she is too shocked to breathe. The two women have a lot in common including a dream they unknowingly share. *For several days, I had studied, photographed, and lusted after my famous neighbor. She was, at once, artist, photographer and gifted pianist, who demanded that her privacy be protected. I'd respected that privacy wish, though I dreamt of meeting her in person. When she tanned nude, so did I. When she...
The gated community I lived in only had thirteen homes and there was only one way in and one way out. You literally had to drive the cul-de-sac in order to turn around unless you pulled into someone's yard. Everyone in the quaint neighborhood was either married or divorced.I made sure I interacted with my neighbors every chance I got so that we all would look out for each other. And boy, there were a couple of hot married forty and fifty-something year-old men to look at. Needless to say there...
With our fingers intertwined, we lay facing each other, sharing tender kisses as we gazed into each other’s eyes. ‘I guess I didn’t misunderstand your feelings about me,’ she said. ‘Not in the least,’ I said, knowing this was what I’d really wanted for a long time but couldn’t allow myself to accept it. ‘It’s all I’ve thought about ever since I first saw you naked, reaching for the sun like that. I fantasized about how you would feel next to me. When we were masturbating together, I...
‘You weren’t supposed to see that,’ I said, disappointed. ‘Oh baby, I’m sorry. Is it who I think it is?’ ‘Of course.’ ‘It’s going to be breathtaking,’ she said. ‘I just hope I can get it done in time.’ ‘Don’t hurry it,’ she warned, ‘or the spirits will leave you. Oh honey, I am so proud of you and it’s so sweet of you to do it.. Would you sell it to me when you’re done at school?’ It hadn’t even occurred to me that I might not be keeping it. Now, the idea seemed preposterous, but...
Eventually, I gave myself permission to reach out to her. I let my finger trail over her face to caress those soft lips. I was rewarded with a slick of her tongue as it tried to get rid of the pest that annoyed her. I finally moved over and buried my fingers in her hair to hold he head while I kissed her, tenderly at first, but with more insistent kisses. They weren’t in any sense sensual or sexual kisses, just kisses of a deep, enduring love. ‘Haven’t you had enough of me?’ she finally...
We spent a glorious evening together and my angel made me so proud. She was the hit of the evening, and after dinner, Professor Whitworth asked her to say a few words. ‘It is an honor,’ she said, ‘to be with such a talented group. You should all be very proud of what you have done. Now, I challenge you to do even better because I will be back at the spring showing and I want each and every one of you to amaze and dazzle me. This is your senior year, and a wonderful opportunity to launch your...
I guess at some point she pulled the thing from my ass and took her finger away from my clit but I just lay there, my body wracked by convulsive spasms that just wouldn’t stop. I felt her cleaning my anus with a cool cloth, but other than that, I can’t remember what happened for several minutes. She rolled me to my back and crawled up to me to kiss me over and over while I learned to breathe properly again. I knew that whatever she’d used on me took me out of action for the foreseeable future...
We spent a glorious evening together and my angel made me so proud. She was the hit of the evening, and after dinner, Professor Whitworth asked her to say a few words. "It is an honor," she said, "to be with such a talented group. You should all be very proud of what you have done. Now, I challenge you to do even better because I will be back at the spring showing and I want each and every one of you to amaze and dazzle me. This is your senior year, and a wonderful opportunity to launch your...
Eventually, I gave myself permission to reach out to her. I let my finger trail over her face to caress those soft lips. I was rewarded with a slick of her tongue as it tried to get rid of the pest that annoyed her. I finally moved over and buried my fingers in her hair to hold he head while I kissed her; tenderly at first, but with more insistent kisses. They weren't in any sense sensual or sexual kisses, just kisses of a deep, enduring love. "Haven't you had enough of me?" she finally asked,...
When Jennifer closed the door, I felt as though the lights went out in the world. There was such an incredible emptiness in my heart that I was sure I'd die soon. I didn't care if the projects were finished, or if I even returned to school at all. It all seemed so pointless. I never turned a light on that day and only got up to use the rest room. Food didn't appeal to me, and just the thought of drinking wine made me ill. In the middle of the night, I sat in the darkness, staring out at the...
"You weren't supposed to see that," I said, disappointed. "Oh baby, I'm sorry. Is it who I think it is?" "Of course.""It's going to be breathtaking," she said. "I just hope I can get it done in time.""Don't hurry it," she warned, "or the spirits will leave you. Oh honey, I am so proud of you and it's so sweet of you to do it.. Would you sell it to me when you're done at school?"It hadn't even occurred to me that I might not be keeping it. Now, the idea seemed preposterous, but later? To sell...
I guess at some point she pulled the thing from my ass and took her finger away from my clit but I just lay there, my body wracked by convulsive spasms that just wouldn't stop. I felt her cleaning my anus with a cool cloth, but other than that, I can't remember what happened for several minutes. She rolled me to my back and crawled up to me to kiss me over and over while I learned to breathe properly again. I knew that whatever she'd used on me took me out of action for the foreseeable future...
The sun was high in the sky when I awoke the morning after Jennifer and I had discovered our feelings for each other. I thought that perhaps it had all been a beautiful dream but there was too much evidence to the contrary. The way my body still hummed at the slightest touch to my nipples. The pair of panties on the floor that smelled of raw sex...the pile of packages that lay, unopened on the couch.There was one thing missing. Jennifer. At some time during the night or early in the morning,...
With our fingers intertwined, we lay facing each other, sharing tender kisses as we gazed into each other's eyes. "I guess I didn't misunderstand your feelings about me," she said. "Not in the least," I said, knowing this was what I'd really wanted for a long time but couldn't allow myself to accept it. "It's all I've thought about ever since I first saw you naked, reaching for the sun like that. I fantasized about how you would feel next to me. When we were masturbating together, I climaxed to...
It had been several months since Henry had been asked to introduce some of his neighbors’ teenaged daughters to the world of sex. The girls and their mothers had wanted, no they had almost insisted, Henry at over fifty years of age take the girl’s virginity and show them how wonderful sex could be. The mothers were afraid their sixteen-year-old daughters would end up getting screwed and knocked-up in the back seat of some boy’s car unless they knew what they were doing sexually. It had been a...
MatureI spent the next couple of days with Dor being embarrassed beyond belief and having the absolute best time of my life. I had to check on my apartment, pick up the mail and get a few things and I told Dor she was going to have to come with me. She said, “I’ll come baby but why do I have to” and I said, “In case I run into my neighbor”. Dor said, “That’s really a true story, I thought you told it to me to justify cheating on your ex”. I told her it was really true. We got to my apartment building...
LesbianI didn’t sleep more than an hour total last night. I couldn’t! I was way too excited, and I have no idea how many times I masturbated thinking of what happened. Not only did I get to fuck my beautiful neighbor, but I also told someone about my secret. I still don’t know if she will believe the note I left her, telling her that I can turn invisible, but I’ll find out soon enough. I thought about what I had written: ‘I hope you enjoyed yourself, I know I did. You are great. I think we can have a...
ExhibitionismMy Black Neighbor and my WifeMy Daughter (and I Sucked my Black Neighbor) Now he wants my Wife-True Storypart 1I live in a Condo Complex with my wife and daughter- I have a black neighbor in the complex who i always chat with . He is about 40 yrs old but solid. The kind of Black stud i always fantasized my wife fucking!He always points out white women in our complex that he'd love to fuck and even showed me pics of one sucking his dick! I got so turned on that he told me he had more and took me...
Mrs. Jackson stood in her kitchen and stared out the window towards Phil Dorman’s house. It had been a few weeks since his release from the hospital and while the neighborhood rejoiced at his return; the hot married wife felt nauseated. Every day after her family had left for work and school Phil had called or rolled up to her door. She never answered as she knew what he would say or try to do to her. She regretted that moment in his hospital room as well as every moment of what happened...
My Daughter (and I Sucked my Black Neighbor) Now he wants my Wife-True Story part 1I live in a Condo Complex with my wife and daughter- I have a black neighbor in the complex who i always chat with . He is about 40 yrs old but solid. The kind of Black stud i always fantasized my wife fucking!He always points out white women in our complex that he'd love to fuck and even showed me pics of one sucking his dick! I got so turned on that he told me he had more and took me inside his apt to show me...
JENNIFER’S STORY I think I’ve mentioned I’ve got a consulting business where I help other businesses develop their business and marketing plans. I was the CEO of successful startup software company, and that carries a lot of cachet, not to mention cash. My consulting business is a nice little concern. I make enough money to pay most of the mortgage, kids’ tuition, and other bills (income from investments made with all the money from selling the company pays the rest and leaves some to...
Jerri was headed home from work. It was late and all she could think about was the hot shower she was going to take. Her feet ached as she walked up the sidewalk to enter her residence. She plopped down on the couch and reflected on the long day. Finally she decided to head upstairs to take her well deserved shower. Jerri turned on the shower, stripped her clothes off and stepped into steaming shower. She lathered up her body and shampooed her hair. Her mind began wondering about the man that...
The next week was a blur. It didn’t take long for me to convince my parents I was helping my neighbor with chores around her yard and house for some extra money. In their eyes, this explained why I had been spending so much time over at my neighbor’s house. They didn’t mind either. They figured it would teach me responsibility. So here I am my last summer before I go off to college and I am already getting the best education I could imagine. My sexy neighbor is teaching me about all kinds of...
ExhibitionismI had just had sex with my neighbor and my husband had caught me. When I say caught me, I mean he was home and I wasn’t. I had to lie to him and tell him I had cocoa at my neighbor’s house. I didn’t tell him it was my hunky neighbor across the street. My husband and I have been married for about twelve years. Lately, it seems our marriage has just stalled when it comes to sex. I don’t think he’s cheating, but seems to have just lost interest in me. We had just had a snow storm and my husband...
Wife Loversthe neighbor with friendsAs I suspected, my neighbor has come with his best friend and his wife. Both certainly more than ten, maybe fifteen years younger than me. The day before he had phoned with the question if they could come together and whether it could be a bit naughty. I answered YES.At 14 o'clock they were at the door. His best friend, quite a distinguished man in costume. His wife, a blonde, a beautiful dress with a V collar that placed a strong accent on her beautiful volume of...
My Next Door Neighbor – Part OnePictures accompanying this story may be viewed on my profile page.My family moved around a lot when I was a kid. I didn’t mind because I enjoyed meeting new friends and getting to know different places. When we moved just before the beginning of my last year in high school, though, it was a little different. At my previous high school I had been on the football, basketball and track teams and was a member of the student council. It was a fairly small school and I...
My Next Door Neighbor - Part OnePictures accompanying this story may be viewed on my profile page.My family moved around a lot when I was a kid. I didn’t mind because I enjoyed meeting new friends and getting to know different places. When we moved just before the beginning of my last year in high school, though, it was a little different. At my previous high school I had been on the football, basketball and track teams and was a member of the student council. It was a fairly small school and I...
First TimeI spent the ensuing week in mass confusion about my sexuality. My new neighbor had 'forced' me to take his cock into my mouth and shot a healthy amount of semen onto my face. I couldn't feel more emasculated. But rather than cleaning myself off in disgust, I elected to wear it and jack to porn instead. Feeling Carl's semen dry on me served more as a turn-on than anything else. I was uncomfortable with the situation enough to avoid further contact with him. My morning coffee moved indoors...
ReluctanceMy Daughter (and I Sucked my Black Neighbor) Now he wants my Wife-True Story part 1 I live in a Condo Complex with my wife and daughter- I have a black neighbor in the complex who i always chat with . He is about 40 yrs old but solid. The kind of Black stud i always fantasized my wife fucking! He always points out white women in our complex that he'd love to fuck and even showed me pics of one sucking his dick! I got so turned on that he told me he had more and took me inside his apt to...
I have been posting stories on the Lush Stories website since February 2010. I was trying to help relieve the stress of a sexless marriage, and I have found it to be very arousing to write about my sexual fantasies, and to explore the psychological and physiological motivations that we have as humans. Some of my stories are based at least in part on real events, but most are figments of my imagination.My name is Ed, and my interest in porn was awakened in my early-fifties, a few years after my...
BisexualHello friends, this is Vijay from Hyderabad. My age is 21 years. I am average built, 5.9 ft in height and the size of my tool is 6.5 inches. I love reading about the sex experience of people and today I am going to share mine. The heroine of my story is my neighbor Sarita (name changed). She is 28 years old, 5.4 ft, fair and sexy. Her smile is a killer which gives hard-on to most men. Her stats are 34-28-36 with the right amount of fat at all the right places and her ass is so hot that anybody...
Quite by accident I found myself in an interesting situation. A friend and I were working on a short film for our film class. It was supposed to be a spoof on the whole Dr. Frankenstein thing. My house had this tower with windows on all sides. I guess it was kind of a star gazing room or what ever. We decided it would make a perfect place for our “Lab”. We gathered items to make our lab and waited for a stormy night. We did not have to wait long. A huge lightning storm came through our town the...
VoyeurMy name's Alyssa.My friend Aubrey called me up and asked me to cat-sit one weekend for her, while she went to see her mother in Miami. Aubrey lived in Atlanta and I had sit for her a few times before. I was happy to help her out because that's what friends do. Plus I love hanging out in Atlanta, I have several friends in the area. She has been trying to get me to officially move there for years. When I arrived at her apartment she had left a note telling me where everything was and to make...
VoyeurThe NeighborMy wife Dawn is about 5’6”, and has 44DD breasts, with big brown nipples, and her ass is not tiny, but it also is not big. She has long brown hair, and the most beautiful brown bedroom eyes you have ever seen. Her pussy is shaved except for a tuft of hair above her pussy. Dawn does not use the pill, because she is allergic to it, so she uses a diaphragm. The problem with the diaphragm is that if she doesn’t put it in, then it doesn’t work. If she forgets the diaphragm, then I will...
My wife and the neighborBy Chris Christopher All rights reservedHalloween always reminds me of the one and only time my wife let one of our neighbors into bed with her.It happened when we were living in Texas, on the northeast side of Austin. In our neighborhood the adults would get together and have a barbeque just about every holiday. For Halloween my wife had decided we would dress up as old west characters. I would be dressed as the bartender and she would be a saloon girl. For herself she...
My wife and the neighborBy Chris Christopher All rights reservedHalloween always reminds me of the one and only time my wife let one of our neighbors into bed with her.It happened when we were living in Texas, on the northeast side of Austin. In our neighborhood the adults would get together and have a barbeque just about every holiday. For Halloween my wife had decided we would dress up as old west characters. I would be dressed as the bartender and she would be a saloon girl. For herself she...
My Daughter (and I Sucked my Black Neighbor) Now he wants my Wife-True Story part 1I live in a Condo Complex with my wife and daughter- I have a black neighbor in the complex who i always chat with . He is about 40 yrs old but solid. The kind of Black stud i always fantasized my wife fucking!He always points out white women in our complex that he'd love to fuck and even showed me pics of one sucking his dick! I got so turned on that he told me he had more and took me inside his apt to show me...
Marsha was always a . cute, brunette, and a tight little body, but her shyness had caused her to never have a real boyfriend. There were a couple of boys when she was in high school that talked to her here and there, and she had even been on a date or two, but she had never had a steady screw. Here she was, twenty years old, working in a library and living with a cat, and she had never had a good fuck. Every day she would come home from work around five o’clock, and she would settle down for...
EroticI had just started at University, the days were long and hectic. Where are the lectures in this big building? And what's the difference between lectures and tutorials? And a seminar? What the hell does that even mean? I sighed impatiently at the back of the line, waiting to get a photo taken for The I.D Cards. I bit my bottom lip gently, a habit of mine when I got anxiety. I looked around the library. Everyone was so different at University yet all fit in at the same time in their own unique...
LesbianIt began harmlessly one morning. I had just woken up and was having my morning pee and noticed the next door neighbor’s light on in their bathroom. As we have a small house with only about a metre border between ours and our neighbors house our toilet looks directly into their carport and their bathroom.. Their bathroom was an add on extension after renovations by the previous owners and has a vertical rippled glass window. As I was taking my pee the next door neighbor Anna, a lovely...
It's funny, since the break up of my marriage, I found myself becoming more and more of a reclusive, finding that I spent more time in my house and noticing my neighbors. I would not say, I am a Voyeur, but because of the summer heat, I had to open my windows to let the air circulate.What a lovely surprise! My elderly neighbor was sunbathing in her garden. To tell you the truth, I would not have looked on her if I was occupied, but it had been a long time since I had laid eyes on a woman, so I...
Note 2: If you don’t like humiliation, pain and the Dom/sub master/slave role then exit now and don’t read this story Note 3: My first story I wrote was how my daughter became my slave. Note 4: I welcome questions just message me the question and I will answer all the message by posting them or pm you How my neighbor became my submissive sex slave I walk in my house just got home from work. I...
lida wrote this storyTony is my next door neighbor, he is a young black man about 19 yearsold. He lives alone and often when my husband is away on business he comes over and keeps me company. Tony had a job working at a restaurant, one day I get a call from him at the hospital. He had burned his hands at work while cooking and he wanted me to go and pick him up and drive him home. I got to the hospital and the poor baby's hands were both wrapped up tohis forearms. On the drive home he explained...
Forewarned there is a tiny bit bit of gay oral sex, the rest is straight sexTony is my next door neighbor, he is a young black man about 19 yearsold. He lives alone and often when my husband is away on business he comes over and keeps me company. Tony had a job working at a restaurant, one day I get a call from him at the hospital. He had burned his hands at work while cooking and he wanted me to go and pick him up and drive him home. I got to the hospital and the poor baby's hands were both...
InterracialI am a mid-level executive in the insurance industry, and my wife Margaret and I have lived in the Omaha area for most of our lives. We live in a nice middle-class suburb and have some really great neighbors. We are best friends with one of our next door neighbors, Bill and Helen Tindal, and we are all middle-aged with Bill and me being 52 years old, and Margaret and Helen being 50. Our two children are grown and out on their own, but we have stayed in our home since it is already paid off and...
I am Ed, a mid-level executive in the insurance industry, and my wife Margaret and I have lived in the Omaha area for most of our lives. We live in a nice middle-class suburb and have some great neighbors. We are best friends with our next door neighbors, Bill and Helen, and we are all middle-aged with Bill and me being fifty-two years old, and Margaret and Helen being fifty. Our two children are grown and out on their own, but we have stayed in our home since it is already paid off and the...
WatersportsIt all started a few weeks ago. I was walking home from school when I noticed a moving truck in the driveway of my neighbors house. I didn't really pay much attention to it since I didn't really know the previous neighbors all that well. I was more so curious to see if a cute girl might be moving in. To my disappointment it appeared to be a middle aged couple. A little about myself. I'm an 18 year old senior in high school. I was held back in the first grade so I was older than most high...
Hello! All ISS fans. As it seems that I have endless stories for u! Are u enjoying them or not??? There is another fucking and sucking story for u. As you all are aware of me that I am Abhishek, 18 male living in east Delhi. The story is not real. It does not match to any living being present on earth. It is made by me only for your enjoyment .if anybody having any questions, comments or anything to say about the story can freely mail me on or enjoy it dudes and babes. The story starts from...
LesbianIt was very difficult for my father and me when my mother left us when I was only twelve years old. She was very beautiful and sexy looking, and probably still is. It turned out that she's a real slut and cared more about finding a lot of different cocks to fuck than she cared about us. Dad does his best and makes many sacrifices to be the best parent he can.My name is Ashlee, and I’m now sixteen years old and Dad is forty. We live in a comfortable condominium in the Little Rock area. Dad works...
TeenThe New Neighbor By Christianne Larry met his new neighbor a week after the moving vans left. The new neighbor knocked on Larry's door just before noon on Saturday. Larry was still groggy from sleeping all morning. He had been working like a plantation slave during the preceding week and a half and was trying to catch up on much-needed rest, so he wasn't as cheerful about someone knocking on his door as he might have been. He hadn't shaved yet and was dressed only in a pair of sweat...
I couldn’t stop staring at the woman unloading the boxes from the small moving trailer next door. Ever since my girlfriend moved away from our quiet little cul-de-sac, it was just me and my husband living at the secluded end of town. We had moved to the neighborhood together, and had been quite happy as best friends for the past five years, and now it was just me and Bill stuck her all alone. Don’t get me wrong, we had a beautiful house with a beautiful yard, and all the privacy one could hope...
It was February 1976. Cindy and I were charging down I-75 escaping an Indianapolis winter for a week of warmth and distraction in Orlando. Two years earlier the government had chopped the speed limit from 70 MPH down to 55, the dreaded double nickel. We were working our Fuzzbuster and CB radio to avoid Smokey and shave as much time as we could off the trip. I was one of the otherwise law abiding citizens who were rebelling against the stupidity of that ridiculous speed limit. There were so many...
Wife LoversI had already noticed that my neighbor visited my wife in my absence, often came home and found the exit, always with a different excuse.Once I decided to come earlier, but I did not go home, outside looked out the bedroom window crack and saw the two in bed, he was sticking his dick in her pussy pleasure. I was excited seeing it and hit a hand job there, as watched my neighbor put cock inside her. She curled her legs on it and moved her ass frantically to the stick entered deeper into her cunt...
It was a usual school day and as often happened I woke up with a hard on. I remember I was dreaming about my hot neighbor from thirteenth floor giving me a blowjob. Images from the dreams were so live and arousing, that I needed to release my semen really badly, but unfortunately I hadn’t have time to do it. When I was dressing up I had the dilemma whether I should put my underpants on, or should I give my dick a little more space to hang freely and relaxed in jeans alone. I went for jeans...