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This is a short story about how fast things can go in the shitter and the unplanned retribution when it does. I don’t really know where this story came from, but with my weird mind I’m not surprised. Even if there are no wives or sex in this story I decided to put it in the Loving Wives category, which seems to be the place to put retaliation type stories.

Like always I like the constructive criticism comments I get back from readers because I learn from them. The slash and burn comments will be deleted as soon as I see them because they are meaningless and a waste of time both yours and mine.



Pissed. Yeah I guess that’s what they call it when a guy is a hell of a lot more than just upset. Not only did I have a sore elbow to end all sore elbows, but in the last ten minutes I had lost a girlfriend, and was really unhappy with a guy that used to call me a friend.

When I had walked back towards my house I looked over my shoulder at the now ex-girlfriend, Angie, who was scared to get out my ex-friend’s pile of junk. She was stuck here because there was no way the idiot that was bleeding all over the place could drive her home. Mind you that last fact was on the plus side of things. My now ex-friend was lying on the boulevard bleeding all over the place… I was smiling as I thought, Yeah, that was a big plus.

Even after what happened I still felt a bit sorry for Angie. After all we had a lot of good times while we had been dating for the last two years, and I was conflicted by those feelings, but not enough to forgive what she did. The two of us were considered a couple by everyone we knew, and were supposed to be exclusive, but in the last ten minutes I found out exclusive only applied when Angie wasn’t upset with me. The two of them were the ones to blame for this situation so they would have to live with the consequences.

I guess I should back up a bit and tell you about this incident, and the facts from my point of view so you are less confused about what happened. So let me tell you why I now have an ex-friend, and an ex-girlfriend.

I was in the final year in senior high and was doing pretty good in all my classes. Doing good meant I didn’t have to worry too much about my marks, so I got a job after school that I worked at for four hours every day, plus any weekend I wanted to work I could. That job supplied all my spending money and kept my car running.

This story started in the middle of the schools Easter holidays, and I had a long exhausting day at work. This weekend my boss asked if I could work helping fix the old steam boiler in his building. Seeing as I was getting my car repaired because of a blown transmission from street racing, I needed some money to pay for those repairs so I voluntarily agreed.

I phoned Angie and explained why I wouldn’t see her over the weekend I explained that with the long hours, and figuring I probably would be worn out at the end of the day, I was sure dating with her would be a disaster. I explained we could get together the next weekend and make up for it, plus by then my car would be fixed. When she heard that she got upset and was complaining I wasn’t thinking of her. The more I told her why I couldn’t date her that weekend, the more she wasn’t happy about it. I had seen her temper in the past but this was escalating and starting to get out of hand.

She was pretty upset. She even directed a few unkind words my way about the situation. She wanted to see this new movie with her favorite actor that had just come out, and she didn’t want to take my working as an excuse to miss it. The movie had just started it’s run in the theater and I couldn’t see any reason that we couldn’t go next weekend, but she had her knickers in a knot and wanted to see it this weekend. Man she was really upset that I would even think of suggesting waiting until next week. After listening to her rant for a while about me not considering how she felt, or caring for her, she ended the conversation by slamming the phone down on me.

That was something new. I had never seen her act this selfish before because usually she was pretty level headed and calmed down after she had her say, then we would go back to our normal selves.

Not happy about Angie’s attitude I went to work on Saturday and let me tell you work was a real bitch. We worked an extra two hours because we were making good progress and could see the end of the project. We had progressed so far, we figured we only needed half the next day to finish. That fact made me feel a bit better. At least we wouldn’t be in that hellhole for the whole day. Let me tell you crawling around in that old boiler, removing and replacing old fire bricks has to be near the top of the list of the worlds worst jobs. The way I looked and felt after being inside that iron beast all day proved that.

By the time I got home after work I was worn out, filthy, and just a bit on the grumpy side of things. No that’s an understatement. I was well on the way of being bad-tempered and only wanted to have that job finished with. I was covered in grime and was looking forward to standing in the shower until the hot water ran out. After the shower having something to eat would be on the agenda, and then to finish things off would be an exhausted good nights sleep.

So to summarize things after that days back breaking work I was not a happy camper at all. I was out back of the house beating the soot out of my coveralls when Dad interrupted things when he stuck his head out the door and told me Alfred was at the front door.

Great, with a capital G. That was just what I needed, a visit from Mr. asshole himself. Yeah he called a group of us friends, but he was near the bottom on my list, and if not near the bottom he was in the cellar. He was just a hanger on in our group, and if we had advance warning he was coming there was a mass exodus to clear the area before he got there.

I’m sure he was working for his degree in being a first class braggart. A.K.A, being a complete insufferable idiot. Christ once that pompous prick got going his mouth never stopped spewing garbage. All of us guys were sure he never stopped to think about what he was saying as one hunk of bull-shit followed another. The more outrageous the bull-shit the faster it came. According to him he was the best at anything he touched and had done everything there was to do. If that wasn’t enough he was constantly going on about how he could do anything he wanted and not suffer any consequences because he was always in the right. He was so boastful he had even at one time or another told all us guys in our group how he could seduce any of our girlfriends anytime he wanted.

Alfred was so conceited and sure of himself he still flirted with our girlfriends even when warned not to, which was the main reason he wasn’t liked to much. His conceited attitude went over like a lead filled zeppelin, but he still didn’t take the hint from us guys that we didn’t want anything to do with him. He just kept showing up like a rotten odor in a fish plant, and whenever he showed up he brought a new load of fish with him.

I was not really feeling up to putting up with him just then, but I slowly made my way around to the front of the house trying to think of some excuses to get rid of him fast. That’s where I got the first big surprise of the day. Not only was Alfred there but he had Angie sitting in what he called his car.

Now that car of his was a laugh. It matched his personality perfectly, and was just a pile of junk. I’m sure the city had a street sweeper follow him around to pick up all the rust that fell off it. On the plus side of things, it got him from A to B and all us guys were happy when he was heading to the B part, because that meant we were looking at the back end of his car as it went away.

When I first saw Angie in his car I was thinking to myself, what’s this then? Why is my girlfriend with him of all people? As I met him a
t the front door I gave him some nasty looks. With the looks I gave him I was hoping he would be picking daggers out of his body for a week, but like normal he seemed not to notice.

Being the insensitive bigmouth he was, he told me in a bold voice, ‘Angie and I have just finished a good supper in the same restaurant that the two of you had been in a couple of weeks ago.’ He then added, ‘The reason we are here is because Angie wanted to come over and see if you were ready to apologise to her for being so inconsiderate of her feelings.’

My mind started to churn. ‘Oh, what’s this? Did I hear what I thought I heard? I thought he just said he took my girl out to eat in a fancy restaurant. Christ the two of them have to be pretty dumb to admit something like that to me plus the fact of coming to my house to shove my face in it.’

I was about ready to blow a gasket but decided I needed some more information. I wanted to find out why he was taking my girl out for supper, and also wondering why Angie was sitting in his junky car, and why she hadn’t come out of his rolling pile of junk to face me. So I started to ask him some questions. The first thing I asked him was why he was taking my girl to a romantic restaurant.

Without thinking, which was normal for him, he started things off by saying to me, ‘After the afternoon matinee Angie and I had been hungry, so we went and had a nice meal.’

My mind was now spinning with that additional surprise. Not only had he taken my girl for a nice meal, but they first went to a movie. I was sure he didn’t realize just how much he was pissing me off.

Wanting more information, I then asked him in a not to happy voice how the movie was.

‘Great,’ he said, ‘It’s a real tear jerker and has a surprise ending.’ Then in a conspiring voice said, ‘It’s the kind of movie that makes chicks drop their drawers after seeing it.’

The needle in my pressure gauge was climbing, and I asked, ‘Just how did you and Angie come to be at the movie?’

To show you how much of an unthinking arrogant braggart he was, he told me, ‘Angie asked me to meet for a nice lunch.’ I guess he felt like a hero, because he then puffed out his chest and said, ‘You know me, once I hear there is a damsel in distress I just have to save her a lot of distress. So I met her for lunch and we had a good time.’

When he told me that he was standing there, cock sure of himself, with a big smile on his face, and I was thinking to myself, OH, she called him did she, that means she was the one that wanted to meet him for lunch.

Alfred just couldn’t stop being his insufferable self, and kept running off at the mouth. He then informed me, ‘During lunch Angie was really upset about not having anyone to go to the movie with her so that’s when she suggested I take her, and I jumped at the invitation.’

My mind was busy absorbing the fact that Angie first calls him to meet him for lunch, then suggests the movie, followed by a romantic supper. Wow was that something to think about. Then there was Alfred. I knew he was a dim light bulb short of a chandelier in the intelligence department, but the way he was informing me about all this put him right up there as the stupidest guy I knew. I was sure he thought dating someone else’s girl all day was an OK thing to do.

I figured I had finally got all the facts straight in my mind and to just to clarify the point about her asking him to meet for lunch I asked, ‘So when was the lunch date made?’

He said, ‘Angie called me about nine last evening. She asked if I was free for lunch and could help her out.’

I did some quick thinking about time lines and thought to myself. About nine last evening would be shortly after I told her I was working the weekend. That meant seeing a movie with an asshole meant more to her than waiting a week until I could take her deceitful ass to that same movie. Maybe it was time for a timeout with her.

I’m was sure Alfred could see the steam coming out my ears at that point, but that fact never registered with him. When I informed him I was going to go over and talk to Angie. I think the snarls in my angry my voice finally clued him in that I wasn’t too happy and this confrontation wasn’t going to turn out to good. He then started trying to calm me down. He was blabbering about how everything was just an innocent thing with two people enjoying each others company for the day. There was even a couple of mentions that nothing looked like it did, and everything was innocent and above board.

The way I saw things there wasn’t anything above board about any of this. I ignored his comments and went to the passenger side of the car where Angie was sitting. Alfred wisely got back behind the wheel and just watched.

That’s when things got interesting. Angie rolled down her window and the first thing she said to me was, ‘Are you now ready to apologise for not considering my feelings.’

I informed her that in my opinion I had nothing to apologise for, but wanted to know why she was riding around with asshole Alfred. I could see idiot Alfred didn’t like that comment, but he sensibly didn’t say anything.

Angie then got snarky as she said, ‘At least Alfred paid attention to her and knew how to treat a girl right. He also doesn’t ignore requests from her when she really wanted to do something.’

That sort of took me back a bit, because this selfish attitude was something new for her. I just stood there for a minute looking at her wondering what was going on with her. I then remembered why I was there talking to her, and told her, ‘I wasn’t the one that should be apologising. After all she was the one that was running around all day with ‘Mr. perfect.’

Then it registered on me how she looked. Usually she wouldn’t be seen in public with a hair out of place or being properly dressed. Well her hair, while not messy, was not it’s usual perfection, and she wasn’t as made up as she usually was in public. Her pride and joy coat was in the back seat all crumpled up in the corner of the seat, and I could definitely see her nipples under her blouse. The topper for me was that blouse. It wasn’t buttoned up straight and was off by a button hole.

Being curious I opened the back door and knew immediately what the smell was back there. I had smelled that smell more than once in my car after Angie and I had sex in the back seat. I pulled her coat out, and surprise, surprise, her bra fell out on the ground. In my mind that was a convincing bit of proof about what the two of them had been doing and I had to be plain stupid to not understand what the two of them had been up to.

My temper was getting into the red zone, and not wanting to do anything rash, I just handed her the bra and asked her, ‘Are you still wearing your panties or did they get misplaced too?

I never got an answer, but I could see she was turning red in the face. I didn’t know the red face was caused by embarrassment or anger. As I threw the coat back into the back seat and slammed the door, I told her in a saddened voice, ‘I told you a long time ago that if we were going to be exclusive it had to be only us. If there was going to be any playing around, then that would be the end of things.’ I then told her, ‘You’ve obviously made your choice and dropped your standards to rock bottom to go out with him, so just go home and enjoy your time with Mr. TREATS ME RIGHT’.

Well Alfred heard that and for some reason that comment got him upset. As I was walking back towards my house he jumped out of his hunk of junk car and came after me yelling that I should treat her better than that, etc, etc. I ignored him and kept walking. He caught up and grabbed my arm trying to turn me to face him. I just shrugged his hand off. He was probably trying to show Angie how much of a macho guy he was and was yelling at me to quit being a coward and turn and face him so he could teach me some manners.

As Alfred grabbed my arm the second time I had enough. He had j
ust made the needle in my pressure gauge reach it’s limits and the safety valve blew. Instead of just shrugging off his hand I allowed him to turn my body to face him. As I was turning I had my fist already swinging. I had plans of laying him out right there.

There was no one more surprised than me when I found his head wasn’t there when my fist got there. All I did with that fist is disturb the air around us. It seems as I turned, I had my elbow up in a natural defensive position ready to deflect anything he might throw at me. That stance just made sure my elbow caught him smack dab in the center of his face.

Oh man, did that ever hurt. My arm went all tingly because I had hit my funny bone right square on his pointy nose and he had gone down like a sack of cement. Maybe that was a good thing because if I would have connected with my fist, his head it would still be rolling down the street. As it was, there seemed to be a steady flow of blood from his nose.

Angie was getting out of the car screaming something about being a cave man, but when I turned and glared at her she could see I wasn’t in any frame of mind to be reasonable. She wisely hopped back in the car. I walked back to the car and the only thing I could think of to say to her was, ‘It’s been nice knowing you. This is good bye.’ I don’t know if she heard me or not, because she was white as a ghost and frantically rolling up the window and locking the doors.

I just turned and walked back towards the house. When I got there, dad asked me what all the ruckus was about out front.

I was rubbing my elbow and I asked him to do me a big favor and get out his car and take Angie home because Alfred wasn’t in any shape to drive. He was puzzled and asked what was going on, and why wasn’t I outside with Angie, or at least asking for his keys so I could drive her home. I just told him it was a long story, and when he got back I would tell him what was going on. As I headed off to have that much needed shower that had been interrupted by the happenings of the last ten minutes, I was thinking when that was done, I had to get out the ice pack for my elbow.

So now you know the story of why I don’t have a girlfriend, and a guy that thought he was my friend will, if he knows what’s good for him, probably never show his face around me again.

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ExploitedCollegeGirls Nikki 05232019

So for this weeks exploit we bring you 18 year old Nikki’s first ever porn shoot video. Yes we debuted shy Nikki with twin peaks Gabbie a few weeks back in an oh so hot 3way, but this scene was shot the day before. Nikki, who was named after Motley Crue’s rocker Nikki Sixx, seems to be way more responsible of an 18 year old then most that pass through our doors. What do you think our little classic rocker wants the money for? To blow it on partying? Nope. Fake tits you ask? Nope...

3 years ago
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Country Boy City Girl Chapter 62

The next day we followed the same routine. After breakfast, the girls stayed at the house and helped Kim's mom, as I helped Kim's dad around the ranch. This time it was cutting the calves so they could be checked by the vet. Not all that hard on for me, as I was on an ATV and not a horse. And at lunch after I washed up we headed back into town.Now I remember Big Burger, it was one of the better places in town. The couple that owned it before were in their 60s, and apparently decided it was time...

1 year ago
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Whoa There

Anna and William are neighbors of ours. They come over or we go over there at least once a month. William is one of those guys that is very cautious and stays in his zone, keeps to his routine. I have to say he is boring but I tolerate him as he is a neighbor and probably has few friends. Anna is nothing to get excited about either. Her hair is just straight and short, I think she gets out of the shower and combs it and forgets about it. Very little to no makeup. Bla clothes, perky "b" cup tits...

1 year ago
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TV Groupie Epilogue

EPILOGUE Margaret Thaylor walked into the Linden Clinic, her coat buttoned against the December chill, wondering if there would be snow for Christmas next week. Oh well, she thought, at least I'll have Robyn home for the Holidays. That's the main thing. Inside the clinic, Doctor Linden himself, portly, graying, with a stern but gentle fatherly air, greeted Mrs. Thaylor and showed her to a patients' lounge where Robyn was waiting. She scarcely recognized the demure, quiet,...

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Tentacle Button0

Sophie stood in front of the door, willing herself to give in and knock. It wasn't that she was scared of what or who was behind the door. There were few things that Sophie Meyers feared, and her nerdy classmate would never make that list. Still, something made her pause. Pride, maybe. Steeling herself, she set her jaw and knocked on the door. A few seconds later, the apartment door opened, revealing a tiny Asian girl in glasses and hair that obviously hadn't been brushed or washed for...

2 years ago
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After The Party

She gave his hand a squeeze as she slipped away to the toilets, it was a great part and she had had a bit to drink but she was starting to get horny now and had a plan to get him to take her home to bed. She shut the cubical door behind her and felt a thrill of excitement as she slid her lacy black french knickers off. She was surprised by herself as she slid a hand up her dress to tease herself, she hadn’t realised she was so wet! She slid her finger softly and slowly into herself and groaned...

2 years ago
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The Scent of Roast

For Tina de Dance, who provided the inspiration for this story, and kindly fixed its errors in language — any remaining errors are due to my own subsequent editing! It was sheer luck that I received the news at all. But so late! Why did I have to hear of it so late? Catherine was going to burn on Sunday morning. She would burn in Earstham, and to Earstham it was a distance of 40 miles, the last 10 miles across the mountain. And now it was Saturday evening. So late! Too late! Or was...

2 years ago
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Sex with my teacher from india hydarabad

Story when i was in degree first year that is the first day of college me and my friends went to college on time for our welcome all the teachers are at the enterance gate then i suddenly saw a beautiful lady welcoming all the students she was very fair and had a good structure by luck she came to my class and told the she is our class teacher i was very happy that she is my class teacher she ask all the students to tell their names all students told their names along with me as i was a...

1 year ago
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PublicBang GeishaKyd Porn Trial for Geisha Kyd

Geisha Kyd was walking on a hiking path. It was so hot that she lifted her shirt and used a spray bottle on her face and tits. A group of men were watching her and when they were passing her they asked if they could use some of her water spray to cool down. She told them she lifted her shirt on purpose. She saw that they were watching her and she recognized Alberto Blanco as one of them. A pornstar with a huge dick! She offered she would cast on the spot for a port and she really wanted to get...

3 years ago
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Country Boy City GirlChapter 2

Well, the new school year started and I was quickly learning how things were in LA. I had made a few friends, and was learning about things I had never known about back home. Like Dungeons and Dragons was not only played by the geeks and nerds. One of the members of the group that taught me how to play was a fullback on the football team, and two were cute girls that were on the Drill Team. I still mostly listened to Country and Top 40 music, but I was gaining an appreciation for more varied...

4 years ago
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The Aquatic Boy1

David awoke horrified as he saw cables around his body "What the hell?" "Where am I?" he said to himself He looked around and found out that he was in a big room with a lot of machines, he was also naked, full of sweat and the scent in the room was different from any other that he had smelled... He found it rather pleasant Jamie was a good looking 18 year old boy, with a pale and skinny body, quite weak, long hair, his green eyes and pink lips were rather stunning. Though a...

3 years ago
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Two Naughty MomsChapter 2

Twenty-four hours later, Angela was sipping a gin and tonic and watching a television program on the living room couch. Her gaze spent less time on the set than on the clock on the wall behind it. When would Tony becoming back from his date? It was a week night but Angela had always been a liberal mother and most of the parental restrictions had been loosened since George's departure. Tony was a big muscular kid. He could take care of himself. Angela knew why she was staying up for him and...

1 year ago
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The Elevator

97.Angel blinks at the number again to make sure she's not imagining it, that there isn't another digit that she just overlooked.Nope.97. Holy shit.This number is on her PornHub profile, just below the picture of her standing naked in front of a swimming pool on a beautiful cloudless summer day, naked except for a pink thong hanging off her left ankle, one hand running through her buzz cut pink hair while the other is plunged deep inside her pussy. The number means that she is now one of the...

1 year ago
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Sex With Boyfriend And He Made Me A Slut 8211 Part 1

This is my first story pls support me for next parts by comments, I am Preethi (nike name only bf call me) I am 21 years I have a nice curvy body with 34,26,34. I am doing my engineering in bangalore, as my parents stays in other city I am in 3bhk flat with my bf and friends. Hero of the story is my boyfriend: anup he is 26years he is a doctor(gynecologist) My bf is my senior from my primary school, when I was in 12th I came to bangalore for studies because of my father, he suggest me to stay...

2 years ago
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A TS Fantasy Part 6

A TS Fantasy Part 6 By Paul G. Jutras (Dedicated to those who requested I do another of these stories. By keeping in the third person I find the flow of the story works with less mistakes.) It all started after family and friends came down from Maine to Florida to spend Christmas with the family. Paul's cat laid by the couch while everyone gathered to have drinks and to talk. "You told them just what I did huh?" Louie said as he took a sip of beer. He looked down at the cat as...

4 years ago
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Pleasure In Punishment Lessons Learned Part 2

Looking at the clock on the nightstand, I see that I have about thirty minutes until the rehearsal.“I have to get to the rehearsal but I would much rather hold you!”  I whisper as I wrap my arms around her and hug her into me even tighter.“Do you mind if I shower off before I head back?”  she says as she stands up.I look at her standing there.  My body is wanting to grab her and finish what was started, but my mind has other plans.  I break myself out of my short daydream and look at her...

2 years ago
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My mumbai trip

This incident happened when I was on work to Mumbi. I as put up in a good hotel, the day I arrived there I was shown my room, it was a double room with nice view of the city, I first ordered some coffee and unpacked, I was tired from the long journey and wanted to take a good hot bath, when the door bell rang, I opened it and my coffee was there, I undressed and had my coffee, and lay down for some rest, I must have slept for quite some time when again the door bell rang, I put on a towel...

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Der Weihnachtsmann

Der Weihnachtsmann Es gibt tatsächlich Menschen, die glauben an den Osterhasen und seine bunten Eier. Euch Dummköpfen sei gesagt, es gibt ihn nicht und wenn ihr auf große harte Eier steht, dann bucht euch gefälligst einen Besuch beim Weihnachtsmann! Mein Job ist mies bezahlt und wenn man ein Jahr lang keine menschliche Muschi zu sehen bekommt, außer man glotzt angestrengt durch das große Teleskop vom Nordpol aus, dann hat man wirklich einiges nachzuholen. Wie in jedem Jahr standen sie Schlange,...

1 year ago
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The Reset ManifestoChapter 22

The Minister paused, looked around the room, and realized that his description was not going over very well at all. In a much less formal speaking voice, he said, “I knew Peter from here around town. He was quiet man. He was a family man. He worked hard to grow his Internet business. He traveled on business quite often. “I think everyone in the community would agree with me about that. He was not very active in the local community although we could always call upon him for ideas on to...

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Fucked My Bhabhi At Her House

Hello everyone after a long time I am here to narrate another experience of mine. My name is Harman and I am 31 years of age. 5 ft 4 inch in height, fair in color and a dick size of 6 inches. I have my own business and I am quite well to do. My wife is sexually disorientated and she doesn’t like sex whereas I am a sex maniac. I have already posted 2 stories of mine for whom I received very good response. They are titled: 1) Amazing sex with a married lady 2) Hot sex with a divorcee...

2 years ago
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My stsier and her friend

My story starts no Tuesday february 28 when I got home from a friends house. We were having some drinks and alittle smoke shooting the shit. I'm 25 male and horny like most men when drinking.I got home around 9:00 pm, my parents were out at bingo and and I wasent sure where my sister was. The lady that lives right behind my house was very hot and about 35 so I went in my backyard to see if I could get a peek in her bedroon window. I waited about 20 min but I had no luck no lights came on in her...

3 years ago
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My father in law strikes again

Once again my father in law had used my body at his entire will.He had caught me naked at the laundry room; he had cornered me there and he finally had fucked me silly onto the washing machine.For the next days I felt the guilt; the excitement and the longing for more, all wrapped up in one. I was really horny for that man.I got into a bad habit of imagining it was his cock instead of my husband’s when we fucked at night in our marital bed. Every time I came wild and out loud, it was always...

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Aggybook 2Chapter 63

"Shriek" returned to Mountserrat via cosmic. McCock used the Barge to call upon Blue Hills. That family had moved back into their mansion and had begun the task of increasing agricultural production so as to gainfully utilise the evacuees. Coming down, McCock had seen what appeared to be surveyor parties in several widely separated areas laying out grids. McCock mentioned this to Blue Hills who enlightened him, "The late Queen ordered my brother to accompany the Crown Prince into the...

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Becoming a Slut Wife Erika

Like so many people in the National Guard I had joined for the educational opportunities and that little extra bit of cash you got each month. Wanting to be a computer technician and being from a perpetually cash strapped family with no chance at college I jumped at the chance to get the computer training that the Guard offered. Going to war was the last thing on my mind. The Guard hadn't gone to war since the Second World War. All the Guard did was work things like flood relief and other...

3 years ago
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Reshma and Amit mature maid servant and young lov

Reshma, the 54 year old maid servant felt her moist pussy widen as Amit, her 21 year old lover's thick, 8 inch cock filled her mature pussy. Her legs instinctively spread wide and wrapped themselves around his buttocks, as her hands wandered to where, she realised, he liked them to be so much- his nipples. She felt another trickle of wetness as he suckled on her tits and her mind went back to the weekend, when he had taken her to his family beach cottage at Alibag on the pretext of getting it...

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The SisterhoodChapter 28

The General did not give up. "I'm sorry sir. I was not able to make entrance into the temple. I broke a hard tool-steel pry bar on that door. The women never touched a key hole. They'd just walk up and walk in. I'd run up after them and the door would be locked tight. Wouldn't budge." said the agent. "Damn peculiar things going on there. I believe you about the door. I tried it myself. There were no visible locks, but it sure as hell locked solid when it closed." the General...

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BlacksOnBlondes Nikki Sweet 10112022

Mr. Reel has about had it with his neigbors. Ever since their daughter came back from college she has been throwing big parties. Now we are talking about ragers. The type that people pay to show up to. Well damn it. It’s time he spoke his mind. So he marches over to confront her parents but they are gone and only Nikki is around. Now this little girl must be in business school or something because she negotiates her way down to not only not having her parents find out but also getting the...

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Mummy Love

Note : This story is completely fictional! Keith was one fried Partridge. First of all, he was supposed to be in a rock band. But his band's rhythm section was kids who could barely count, let alone keep up a beat. And he was supposed to be the singer of this band, belting out lyrics about love and kissing and that kind of stuff. Not too hot, maybe, but he was supposed to put some feeling into it, wasn't he? But to whom does he sing this lyrics? To his sister Laurie, on keyboards.  OK, she had...

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The annoying but hot coworker

(I should maybe mention that this story only contains light BDSM)Roughly ever since I started watching porn regularly when I was maybe 15 years old, I stopped jerking off while just thinking about sexual scenarios.Thanks to her, that has changed again though. For the first time in almost 15 years, I once again jerked off while just thinking about fucking her. And man, was it a load that fantasy made me shoot. Usually, I only cum that much when I'm not alone.And even twice in a row! That's...

2 years ago
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Watching My Girlfriend In Her Room Part 2

In Part 1, we met Dylan, Steve and Elin. Not long ago Dylan found her g-spot and had been exercising it ever since. She liked the feeling and sensations it gave when she squirted and had an orgasm. Her best times were when she had really gotten turned on and had a few orgasms followed by squirting hard. These were best achieved using her curved glass dildo with the bulb at the end. Elin was a virgin never having a man inside her. She gave great head and was known on the college campus...

Group Sex
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SLUT…8Things really became interesting on the second Friday of October. Jason and his roommate Mike had a party. Jason was 6'2, about 220, with a shaved head. Erica was there, of course, and told Randy that she was spending the night at Jackie's. Erica was 5'2, 125 pounds, shoulder length, dirty blonde hair, and blue eyes. She was wearing a short, loose, brown skirt and a tight white T-shirt. This skirt was so short; it showed off her entire legs. She went over there early to help get the place...

3 years ago
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Water RightsChapter 3

I offered to let old Miguelito borrow a horse to ride back down to the reservation, but he refused my offer. I told him that I had an extra hundred weight of pinto beans that my Mexicans had gotten me to buy for them but hadn't used up before they lit out. "Can't you do for yourself boy? You trying to give away the food that you don't know how to cook?" "I can cook just fine. I'm boiling up a big stew right now. I just don't care for them pintos much. They give me the bloat...

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