3-2-1 Ambition free porn video

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A gentle and cool early spring breeze swept through the trees lining the main walkway of River’s End University. Second semester was in full swing, but the weather, having finally broken, invited earnest youthful students setting up booths along the walkway trying to enlist other equally earnest and youthful students for their respective causes. A chestnut haired student, with darker brown roots beginning to show, was gently antagonizing a student, a year younger than her, at booth. The chestnut haired woman had no interest in the particular cause but enjoyed asking antagonistic questions to the man-bun wearing student at the booth.

After a few short minutes of antagonism, a junior with short brown hair and wire frame glasses snuck up on the antagonistic woman.

“Jess! I was looking for you. I thought we were going to meet at entrance to Westing Hall?” Jess, the antagonistic woman was startled, but the student hissed into her ear, “You’re about twenty seconds from a concussion when he decks you, play along.”

Jess gave a barely perceptible nod, “Sorry I got distracted, my bad. These people are raising awareness for such an important cause.”

“Oh yeah, I understand,” the brown haired and bespectacled student turned to the student with the man-bun, “you guys are doing such great work, so important, Jess here was just giving you a hard time. Good luck with the awareness thing.”

Jess and Mark, the student just speaking walked swiftly away.

“So what? You’re my white knight or something? Hoping I’ll give you a blowjob or something from saving me from a guy who looks like he couldn’t knock over a lamp?”

“No, though my reasoning was entirely selfish. See, if you were concussed, that would make Professor Coleman’s class less interesting. The ratio of pompous morons to people who are actually creative in that class is dangerously low, and I fear if it got any lower, I would take an icepick to my skull.”

“Oh! I thought I recognized you. Mark, right?”

“Yup, though if you feel like providing me with some sort of reward for my generous humanitarian work of saving you from the terrifying man-bun douche, I’ll settle for coffee. By that I mean, buy me a coffee, you ungrateful gadfly.” Mark’s tone was infused heavily with a level of deadpan sarcasm.

“Well, I suppose a coffee is the least I can do for my knight in shining armor.” Jess’ tone was equally sarcastic, but with exaggerated emotion compared to Mark’s deadpan.

Together, they walked to the on-campus café, and got in the line for ordering.

“I’ll have a chai-mocha-latte with almond milk, and a hint of mint,” Jess said with an air of superiority about her.

Mark, as again deadpan said, “Coffee, black and bitter, but with ground pepper sprinkled in, large.”

The barista looked at him, with eyes heavily scrutinizing him. “We don’t have black pepper.”

Mark groaned, “Yes you do, it’s in one of the sandwiches you make on premises, I will pay for the black pepper inclusion if it is necessary.” A second barista tapped the first one on the shoulder, explained that it was fine, no extra charge.

Jess turned to Mark, “The fuck?”

“It’s just what I like.”

Jess paid and as they were about to split up, a girl from their writing class, with short dyed black hair, snuck up on them, “Whoa, are you two an item? I did not expect that.”

“Marie, what can I do for you this lovely afternoon?” Mark asked, deadpan sarcasm in his voice.

“Nothing, just surprised to see you two together. You never talk in class.” Marie was in their writing course as well. “What do you say we grab a seat and I can play third wheel, I’m in the mood for some gossip.”

“We’re not dating.” Jess said with finality. “However, I am open to socialization. It’s Friday, I’ve got nothing to do for the rest of the day.”

The three of them sat at the table. Mark set his coffee down first, which Marie swooped up and took a sip of, which she immediately regretted. “Jesus Mark! What the fuck is that! It’s like coffee but spicy? I don’t have the words.”

“I assume it’s so no one will steal his drink or food, so he loads it with spicy or other conflicting flavors,” Jess postulated.

“Eh, not quite,” Mark said. “I can’t taste anything but spicy and bitter. Sweet, salty, savory, whatever the other ones are I get nothing out of. Makes spicy coffee pretty much the most indulgent of flavors I can experience. To me this is a carefully curated and balance for the perfect dish from a culinary master. I get all the flavors.”

“That’s… weird,” Marie hesitated, “I don’t think I’ve met anyone with that problem in the past.”

“It’s not really a problem, just a fact of life for me,” Mark shrugged it off.

“With that, I’m going to grab something, be back in a sec,” Marie said cheerfully.

Within a few moments she returned with a vegetarian sandwich on focaccia bread. “So what’s the latest? Jess, what is your next opus going to be about? Mark, are you still harboring that grudge against Brendon for the mathematical and logistical errors in his work? You know its creative writing right? You don’t need to nitpick the fuckups of the minute detail."

“Yes. Yes I am, on all accounts. His work is riddled with inconsistences that range from using incorrect numbers; to having characters change key factors about themselves every few sentences. Also, his attempts at writing action sequences have roughly the same outcome as the mutant hybrid spawn of a sloth and a manatee doing gymnastics. It caused me physical pain. I will continue to fight this one man war for verisimilitude until my dying day, or class ends, whichever comes first, really.”

The two girls laughed at how enthusiastic he became about his petty one-sided hate boner for a fellow classmate.

“I’ll concede that Brendon’s work is shit. But you’re not going to change anything like that,” Jess said almost reluctantly. “As for my next opus, well, you’ll just have to wait, but I’ll let you know it does in no way include the mutant hybrid spawn of a sloth and a manatee, in any form; let alone doing gymnastics.

“Is it a satirical horror story about a washer/dryer combo that steals women’s underwear?” Marie asked.


“Okay, good, I didn’t want someone else to have that idea,” Marie breathed an exaggerated sigh of relief.

“Wait, why does it only steal women’s underwear? Is it some kind of pervert? Is it the washer or the dryer stealing it? If it’s the washer, wouldn’t the excess water result in molding? If it’s the dryer couldn’t that start a fire due to the lint buildup and heat?” Mark’s mind raced with the complicated logistics of a washer/dryer stealing underwear.

“I think you’re thinking too much into it, Mark. But now I do need to change it, since it was going to be a perverted demon washer/dryer. Now maybe it’ll be haunted by a girl who could never find underwear that fits properly, so her spirit haunts the washer/dryer searching for that perfect bra,” Marie guessed.

“I’ll similarly concede the point that it can be a bitch to find a bra that fits perfectly. Finding the measurements is weird.” Jess said.

“What if you combined the two? A girl went around stealing bras from others searching for the perfect one along with an illicit sexual thrill, when she was murdered for stealing underwear by being drowned or suffocated in the washer or dryer respectively. Now her spirit haunts them, searching for the right bra while gaining a thrill from them. Oh wow, this is brilliant; I’m on a roll here…” Mark said before he was cut off by Marie.

“That’s enough! Stop giving me suggestions; let me figure it out on my own!” Marie exclaimed, practically out of breath.

Jess sighed, “Okay kids, this has been fun but people are starting to look at us like we’re insane and while you two may not take any issue with it, I kind of do. See ya around.”

“Hold on a sec,” Marie took hold of Jess’ arm. “I propose we meet up in my room later tonight, get drunk and continue this line of conversation. This is far more enjoyable than I anticipated.”

Mark shrugged, “Sounds like a good time to me. All I planned to do today was sit in my dorm room and try to figure out how to not be bored. Though I’ll assume each of us will need to bring our own booze as our tastes will most likely not overlap. Jess I assume you enjoy wine, probably rosé, most likely sparkling given the pretentiousness of your coffee order. Marie, you take me as a...” he paused a moment, “some kind of fruity bullshit or a vodka laced with a fruity infusion.”

“What gave you that idea, Mark?” Marie inquired. “Actually, I’m much more of a red wine girl.”

“And I pretty much only get hard cider,” Jess said.

“I was close.” The two girls looked at him like he was mental, “All four are things that taste like either piss or nothing to me, and they all contain fruit. In case you were wondering, I’ll be procuring a six-er of beer brewed locally, mostly because they are the only ones who make an IPA with hot spices in it.”

“What kind of brewery would make such a thing?” Marie asked.

“The kind that is owned by a family friend and made specifically for me, however it is popular in Japan. You know how they are with their fermented beans and tentacles and eating poisonous blowfish.” Mark spaced out for a moment, “Where was I? Oh yes, when do you want to meet and where, as this sounds like as good a use of a Friday night as any that I don’t need to do homework or study.”

“Guess I’m in as well,” Jess sighed.

“Epic,” said Marie. “I’ll text you two a time and my dorm address.” She did and the three went their separate ways, each to a different location for the procurement of liquor (although Mark had to go to the source for his, due to its specialist nature.)

A few hours passed before the agreed upon meeting time. Jess was their first, but within five minutes of her arrival, Mark arrived, the bottles of beer clanking in his backpack.

“Welcome to my humble domicile, Mark if you spill your spicy bitter beer in here you will be cleaning the entire floor with your tongue until every trace of it is gone.”

“Don’t knock it ‘til you try it, Marie.”

They brought out their respective drinks, each with a carefully designed label. Jess’ hard cider had stylized images of apple trees and birds adorning the label. Marie’s red wine had a more elegant design, deep brown, slightly raised silver lettering and an image of a swan about to take flight from water, also in the slightly raised silver. Mark’s beer however was the standout. It featured an elderly Asian man, bald with a long white beard and a face full of rage, brandishing a cane as though to hit someone with it. On the reverse, the name of the beer ‘Infinite Hatred IPA’ with the word 'infinite' being stylized as a lemniscate.

“That is one provocative looking beer. Like it wants to fight me to the death in a cage. Like throwing the bottle at someone would hurt extra,” Marie rambled.

“It probably would, the capsaicin might have a degree of residue on the bottle, and if that comes into contact with the blood drawn it could be quite hellish,” Mark guessed.

“It kind of suits you,” Jess said, not sure if it was a question or a statement. “Like with your writing, there’s so much vitriol and absurdity that an elderly Asian man hitting someone with a cane while screaming profanities is a perfect visualization. Angry elderly and Asian isn’t a visual that goes along with the dignity and honor we associate with the Far East.”

The alcohol was cracked open, and they spent a fair amount of time collectively bashing the majority of their classmates in the writing class. Whether it was Brendon’s sheer incompetence (Mark’s words), or Sheila’s attempt at being the ‘voice of a generation’ but with work that came out like an angst ridden teenager thinking she’s deep (Jess’ words), or Claire’s ‘sheer lack of joy’ (Marie’s words.) Naturally, good natured barbs were hurled at each other, in particular Mark’s reliance on angry satire over plot (something both Marie and Jess agreed on), which he defended as it being ‘picaresque’ or Marie’s tendency towards sympathetic, yet ultimately bitchy (Jess’ words) characters, which Mark also agreed, issuing grievances, in that the characters were largely engaging in reprehensible actions, and that giving them sympathy or justification was a weak crutch. The insults at Marie’s work (agreed upon by Mark and Jess, though they were Mark’s words) were geared towards having characters that merely ‘existed’ as opposed to be being actors within the story, and her attempts at writing a socially awkward character came across as more endearing than actually awkward.

The room was filled with laughter; each of them ultimately had to agree with the criticisms levied at them. Eventually, Marie had a suggestion, “Okay, we’re tipsy, I propose an on-the-fly narrative. We each have to kind of stream of consciousness tells a story, we have the same rough outline, and we see where we go from there.”

“Sounds fun,” said Jess. “I propose the narrative is that two people meet up somewhere, and then sex happens between the two of them. Mark you go first.”

“Why do I have to go first?” Mark said, “Seduction and romance is out of my wheelhouse. If you went first I’d at least have a jumping off point.”

“Your believed incompetence is why you have to go first. So we feel better about what we do.” Who said that doesn’t matter, the sentiment was echoed between the two girls.

“Fine,” groaned Mark.

The bar was near empty that night, a Sunday in football (American) season in a bar with no televisions had a tendency to do that. Jazz radio filled the room, broken up by the cracking of billiards balls connecting with one another. A man sat alone at the bar, in a slight daze. Laid off that Friday, he had decided to drink his woes away, and figure out what the hell he was going to do starting on Tuesday. Monday he would be nursing the wicked hangover he knew he would be getting from drinking so much that night. Yeah, it would be hellish but there were worse ideas, not that he could think of any his mind clouded by the copious alcohol he consumed…

“Halt!” Interjected Marie, “You are spending way too much time on the setting and main character. This is short fiction so get to the banging. You haven’t introduced the person he’s going to fuck. Keep it quick, this isn’t supposed to be one of your fifteen page minimal-dialogue exercises in indulgence. Get to the fucking and seduction and shit already!”

“I told you I was incompetent at this,” spat Mark. “I was going stream of unconscious for that, while I figured out the rest. Buy time by building setting and atmosphere so I could figure the rest out. Not like I could go back and retract stuff, you know.”

“Wait,” Jess said, slightly confused, “you weren’t thinking about that? You split your focus into figuring the rest out while just rambling. That was surprisingly coherent for something like that.”

“As penance for your incompetence and wasting our time, you must take off your pants,” insisted Marie.

“That makes no fucking sense,” Mark complained.

“I’m drunk enough that I agree with Marie. Take off your pants, you are outvoted.”

“This is insane,” Mark sighed as he began taking off his shoes to more easily remove his pants; the alcohol preventing him from putting up a sufficient fight. “Marie, you go now. Can I at least decide that?”

“I take no issue, I planned on going second,” Marie took a swig from her bottle.


Casey could hear her heart pumping over the loud music, and felt her palms sweating, a slight tremor in her movements as she mustered the courage to talk to the woman she had been eying for the night. The way she moved on the dance floor, flowing like water in excellent rhythm to the music on the floor. Casey had consumed enough liquid courage to actually approach her, but not enough to completely stay her nerves.

“Uhm, Hi, c-can I buy you a drink?” Casey asked the woman on the dance floor between songs. The woman she asked smiled and nodded as they walked towards the bar. “My name’s Casey,” Casey said extending a hand.

“Claire, charmed to meet you, I was wondering how long you were going to be staring at me and when you would finally start talking.”

“You-you saw that?” Casey swallowed hard.

“Don’t worry about it!” Claire said brightly. The two women ordered drinks (Casey paid) and they moved to the couches in the club.

“Y-you’re really pretty,” Casey said after an uncomfortable silence.

Claire picked up on Casey’s nervousness quickly and give her a friendly peck on the cheek, “Thanks, but you don’t need to be so nervous, relax. But I think I know what might help things.”

Casey gave a curious look, as Claire leaned in and kissed her passionately on the mouth. Confused at first, Casey quickly reciprocated, feeling moisture develop between her legs.

Claire broke the kiss, surprised Casey but leaned in and whispered “There’s a hotel nearby, my treat.” Casey nodded furiously as Claire took her by the hand and led her out the door. Within three minutes they were at the hotel, barely able to control themselves.

Once inside their room, they threw themselves at each other, tearing clothes off and kissing passionately. Claire took the lead and threw Casey onto the bed when only underwear was left…


“JESUS, MARK!” Jess shouted. “Do you have a hard on?”

“What?” Mark said, having forgotten that he was A) not wearing pants; B) getting turned on by Marie’s story. He glanced down, “Shit! Involuntary reaction! Cannot control blood flow, impossible, wishing had consumed enough alcohol such that blood had thinned such that erection impossible.” His embarrassment was rising quickly, dropping words, face turning bright red.

“Cut him some slack, Jess,” Marie said. “His gender can’t withhold that information as easily as us. And in the interest of fairness, I was kind of turning myself on with that.”

“Holy shit!” Mark shouted, startling the girls who then nearly simultaneously asked him what, though each using a different choice of words that provided the same effect, “I figured out where my story was going. It was going to involve rule 63, multiverse surrealism, self-love, and a turkey leg.”

“What the fuck? Where did that come from, summarize now, but you lost your right to tell the story in your manner,” Marie insisted.

“Okay, so the bartender was going to make a drink and give it to the guy; let’s call him Sam because I can’t think of a more interesting name. But the bartender is secretly like a demon or something, and it transports Sam to a rule 63 dimension, exactly like his one but the genders are flipped. This means female Sam (let’s call her Sammy) drank the same drink and was in his dimension creating this weird inter-dimensional rift thing, right? They have sex because they are lonely, depressed and drunk but since they are so perfectly matched, like the penis fits perfectly in the vagina, and so much chemistry, that their simultaneous orgasm is so intense and powerful that it destroys the multiverse, leaving only a single turkey leg remaining.” He held up one finger for emphasis.

“That’s uhm, what?” Jess said, struggling to find the words. “I mean, it’s something that I think only your mind would do, but at the same time, that’s weird even for you. “

“It’s not weirder than his other work,” Marie argued, “remember that time he had his protagonist go to a white supremacist meeting because there was going to be free pizza, and the white supremacists plotted to break into a pharmacy to steal cyanide that they would take to make themselves whiter? Or the time his protagonist entered a surrealist dream-world but that turned out to be the real world and he was in the real surrealist world?”

“Point taken,” Jess said, “Well, unless you want to continue, Marie, guess it’s my turn?”

“Nah, I’m good,” Marie said.


“Well it’s not like I like you or anything!” Madison exclaimed, turning bright red. “I just had a bad break-up and want post break up sex and you’re here and…”

Clark held up a hand silencing her, “I’m not one to look a gift sexual encounter with a hot girl in the mouth. Or maybe I am, but the lower mouth, you get what I’m saying. Where?”

“My room,” Madison quickly said.

Clark, not wondering how he got so lucky followed Madison to her dorm room.

“No kissing,” Madison insisted, “kissing is for romance, this is for pure pleasure and helping me forget my ex.”

“No complaints,” Clark said unbuckling his belt and taking off his shirt. Madison did similar as she dropped to her knees and took him into her mouth. Clarke groaned in pleasure and closed his eyes. Madison licked up and down the length of his cock, paying close attention along the main vein before going back to the head, swirling her tongue around.

After a minute or so of the blowjob, Madison removed the cock from her lips with an audible pop, stood up and lowered her panties and sat on her bed with her legs on the side. Clark needed no instruction before he dropped to his knees, on hand gently stroking his cock to maintain the erection as he dove his tongue into her honey pot. He licked the length of it, alternating in an impossible pattern between slow and quick, sucking gently on her clit. Unable to wait any longer, Clark looked up at Madison from between her legs. Madison smiled, and reached under her pillow for a condom, handing it to Clark (the best sex is safe sex kids) Clark stood up and rolled the condom over his shaft before gently inserting his member into her pussy.

Madison sighed audibly. Between her own frustration and Clark’s tongue, she was wet enough that Clark encountered no resistance as he entered her. He began moving his hips, paying close attention to his rhythm, keeping it inconsistent, and occasionally removing himself entirely to tease her with his tip. When he did this, Madison shook her head and gave a pleading look, but it only served to increase their mutual arousal.

Whether it was Clark’s skill, or her own arousal, Madison came quickly, panting and sweat growing on her sheets.

“Oh god, I’m coming,” Clarke groaned.

“Wait! In my mouth” Madison panted. Clark obliged removing himself and the condom. Madison glided to her knees ant took him back into her mouth, pleased that she couldn’t taste herself on him. With incredible skill she brought him climax, drinking the entirety of his load with a satisfied gulp and smile before leaning back and basking in the afterglow.

Clark struggled to catch his breath after the intensity of the orgasm, “If you ever need my help again, don’t hesitate, to let me know,” he joked.


Marie gave a golf clap, “Didn’t expect you to do that, and Mark is excited again it looks like.” Mark grumbled and cursed himself. “Also, in the interest of fairness, that got me going, too. I’m particularly fond that you jumped right into the banging, instead of going slow and building to it. I hate it when porn stories take a long time to get to the good stuff. I mean, I’m here to get off, just get to the sex, am I right?”

“Well, okay, I kind of turned myself on with that too,” Jess confessed.

“I vote sex now, three-way, it’s on my ‘before I graduate’ bucket list,'” Marie said. “Also, I assume every straight guy wants to have a threesome with two hot chicks, right Mark? I mean, we’re all turned on, right?”

Mark mumbled something to himself wondering what the fuck was going on now.

“Okay,” Jess said, “I mean, it makes sense to me, sufficient drunk all horny. Two conditions though, Mark wears a condom and no strings attached. This is purely physical release.”

“I take no issue with this,” Mark said.

Marie laughed, “Of course you don’t Mark. Bottom drawer Mark, in the box labeled ‘before the box’. “

Mark began to reach for the drawer, but Jess interrupted him, “Wait, I hate the taste of latex, and like giving blowjobs, but I only give them if I’m reciprocating.”

Mark shrugged, “Okay, I’ll warn you though, last time I went down on someone, I was described as ‘borderline incompetent’.”

“Oh how can you be shitty and licking pussy? You’re clean shaved so no pricklies, and just y’know, spell alphabet a couple times with your tongue,” Marie rolled her eyes, “and because I can see the wheels turning in your neurotic head, lowercase, and when doing loops such as with ‘o’ or ‘b’ center of the loop around the clit. I mean, at least that’s what I do and it seems to work.”

“Fine,” Mark said as Jess was already stripping off her pants, panties coming along. She was cleanly shaved, leaving only a small landing strip of pubic hair above her womanhood. Mark shrugged and went to his knees.

Following Marie's advice, his mind drifted to whether or not his inability to taste was proving detrimental or beneficial to his cunnilingus skills. Jess’ moans and occasional mumbled phrases such as ‘that’s it’ told him that Marie’s advice proved sound. He occasionally had to focus back on the task at hand as his mind drifted, but Jess seemed to enjoy the shakes of his head as he refocused himself. Jess' moans grew louder.

Behind him, Marie was taking off her clothes, being the first fully naked and pulled a pillow off her bed and set it on the floor behind Mark. Reaching around and inside his underwear, she wrapped her small hand around his shaft, slowly and with great care not to get him too excited. She nodded at the length and girth, as she gently stroked the length of him.

After a few minutes of intense pussy licking, Jess announced that she was ready and instructed Mark to stand up. She shifted herself, rolled her shoulders and took off her shirt, revealing small, but nicely rounded b-cup breasts. Getting onto her knees in front of Mark, she took him into her mouth. Mark groaned as Marie also stood up, this time behind Jess, one hand in and began licking the sides of Mark’s mouth, she wanted to taste Jess on him, and found the slightly fruity taste mixed with Mark’s saliva highly appealing.

Jess bobbed her head back and forth on Mark’s shaft, occasionally humming, sending a thrilling buzzing sensation into Mark. He groaned and occasionally struggled to breathe as waves of pleasure shot through him. It didn’t take long before he announced he was about to, at which point Jess abruptly stopped, leaving him just before the point of no return, and had a wicked smile on her lips.

“Not just yet, Mark,” she teased.

“Okay, I want somebody in my mouth, and somebody’s mouth on me,” Marie said, “You two don’t get to have all the fun. I’m going lie down. Jess, I want your pussy straddling my face. Mark, I want you between my legs.”

“I live to serve,” Mark said, frustration and sarcasm at the denial of climax evident on his voice.

“Whatever you want,” Jess purred, as Marie settled herself on the bed.

Jess stood up and then straddled Marie’s face, her knees to the sides of her head and pussy right above her. Marie then wrapped her arms around Jess’ waist and grabbed hold of her ass. “Damn girl! You got a great ass!” she announced before diving into Jess’ honey pot.

Whether Marie was more skilled at cunnilingus, or that Jess was already warmed up was unclear, but Jess’ moaned loudly and quickly, gently rocking her hips back and forth, fucking herself on Marie’s tongue as she stared down, one hand under Marie’s head looking down at her and between moans whispering things such as ‘that’s it baby’ or ‘oh yeah that’s good.’

Mark had his arms wrapped around Marie’s waist as he flicked his tongue around her pussy, swirling around the clit. This time he didn’t need to even refocus, but feeling blood surging into his cock, well aware that this was a once in a lifetime event and not bothering to even think about how he got so lucky.

Marie and Jess orgasmed almost simultaneously as Jess collapsed forward, bracing herself on the bedframe.

“I don’t think I can hold back anymore,” Mark said, raising his head from between Marie’s legs. “Can I put on that condom, you two have each came at least once and I’m stuck holding back.”

“That’s because when a guy comes, sex is over, so you had to wait, but you’ve been a good boy, which of us do you want first?” Marie teased.

“That’s only if the refractory period is too long. If oral is initiated between and you have a reasonable refractory period, it can keep going,” Mark said, mildly annoyed.

“Okay, positioning,” Marie said, “Mark, you lie down where I was, since you decided to be a dick instead of just going along with it, you lost the privilege of picking who you go in first. Jess goes first, I’m going to sit on your face, Jess, while you ride him, reach around and play with my tits or something and keep me going.”

Mark lay down on the bed, thankful that Marie had implied she would sit facing him as opposed to facing backwards. He did not like the idea of his tongue or nose being anywhere near a butthole.

Jess sighed as she lowered herself onto him, albeit with Marie’s help. Marie gave Jess a quick peck on the cheek before moving over and straddling Mark’s face. Mark wrapped his arms around Marie, in a facsimile of the way Marie had done so for Jess, grabbing hold of her cheeks. From above him, he could see hands playing with Marie’s breast, occasionally pinching the nipples and groping them.

Jess found that grabbing hold of Marie’s tits helped her stay steady, after somewhere around two or three (she had forgotten how many) orgasms, staying upright became challenging, but Marie seemed to have no trouble. Mark’s cock filled her nicely as she rocked her hips, raising and lowering, mostly slowly as her energy was draining from the orgasms and sex. She leaned forward and began licking Marie’s neck, which Marie encouraged eagerly.

Mark had never experienced pleasure like this. Whether it was in part from how long it felt like he had been denied, or the visuals of a beautiful woman rocking on his face, while another beautiful woman riding him, but he did not care. Focusing on Marie’s pussy, flicking and swirling his tongue, and occasionally thrusting it as deep as he could into her, Marie’s moans spurred him on.

Exclamations of pleasure resonated through the dorm room as the wild threesome continued. Eventually, the rhythmic motions of Jess sent Mark over the limit; he groaned and e filled the condom with his spunk. Noticing it, Jess crawled off him, and Marie did likewise as Mark turned over, struggling to catch his breath.

“Oh god, I feel like I just emptied a week’s worth into that, and I really doubt I’ll be able to get it up again this month.” Mark groaned, “Is there a trashcan?”

Marie pointed at a small trashcan, and Mark rolled the condom off into the bin. The three of them sat naked for a long moment, struggling to breathe and looking at each other’s faces, red and drained. The musky odor of sex permeated through the room, prompting Marie to open a window and put a fan into it, trying to assist in air circulation. Her knees wobbled and she nearly collapsed against the wall after getting the fan in the window.

Marie inhaled deeply, “Same time next week? Jess, you can share the bed with me, and Mark, you can sleep on the floor tonight if you’re too drained to make it back to your room, or you feel awkward coming back in so late.”

“Water-“ Jess gasped. Marie reached into her mini-fridge and tossed both Mark and Jess bottles of water and grabbed one herself.

“I appreciate it, yeah,” Mark said, gulping down water.

“Neither of you answered my question,” Marie complained.

“I’ll answer in the morning,” Mark said, and Jess nodded in agreement.

Jess and Marie kept each other warm in the bed, as Mark wrapped a blanket around himself, keeping himself warm and his naked body away from the cold tiled floor.

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The Adventures of Calvin Michael JohnsonChapter 14

Saturday, July 24, 1976 I woke up in my new bed and new room. I had a great night’s sleep. I went into the bathroom to shower. I completed my morning ablutions quickly, knowing that RJ would need to use the bathroom as well. I dressed in comfortable clothes. I went down to the kitchen and ate breakfast. It had a bowl of cold cereal and a slice of toast. I ate it over the sink, I rinsed the bowl when I had finished and placed it in the sink. I decided to miss my exercise routine. I took my...

4 years ago
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A tale of forbidden love between Mother and Daughter

Donna Hartley was no shrinking violet. She had the kind of job many men would have envied; she was a sports commentator for super bike racing and loved every minute of it. She presented the image of a tall confident woman in her late thirties, not frightened of the world and what it had to offer. She began commentating fifteen years ago because of her love of motorbikes coupled with her journalistic training, and now worked for the major sports station as their “star reporter” on...

2 years ago
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Taking A Risk

Stephanie took a deep breath as she walked down stairs to her stepfather’s study, stopping outside the door she made sure her robe was hanging just right. It was obvious she had nothing on underneath. As she tapped on the door she felt her pussy start to dampen at the thought of the man on the other side. Her mother had married him five years ago, she doubted it had been because they loved each other, at thirteen she didn’t much care, her new step daddy was rich and she got whatever she...

3 years ago
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The Seduction of Arbione

The Seduction of Arbione This story is a tribute to a young beauty who desires to know the true touch of a gentleman….. --------------------- I do not usually kiss and tell, but Arbione is a special case. She contacted me not long ago. She had been reading my stories. She said she wanted to feel the touch of an older man who understood what it took to make a woman feel like a woman. When she said that she was 26 and had only touched a single cock in her life once, I smiled. She said it was...

1 year ago
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The Real Stepford Wives Lizzies Story

The Real Stepford Wives: Lizzie's Story By Emma F Author's Note: This story is a prequel to my prior story, "The Real Stepford Wives: Sophia's Story". Both stories are based on Sarah Barndt's original story "The Real Stepford Wives: Only Women Have Babies" and "The Real Stepford Wives: Sugar Plum Fairy" written by VI several years later. Sophia, along with some of the characters in the other two stories make cameo appearances here. *************************************** I...

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Here I lay in this hotel room bed. It's a Friday night. There is plenty of light coming from the bathroom to see the soon-to-be fourteen year old atop his mom with her legs high in the air. I can feel the steady rhythm as the bed creaks and the headboard sways. I love watching her large breasts jiggle each time he slams down into her. I know my wife is close when I hear her hiss through gritted teeth: "Oh yeah, fuck Mommy, fuck mommy good". This is soon followed by a scream of "Oh yea, oh...

1 year ago
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Drawn ApartChapter 8

Tara did not go quietly into that good night — or good morning. Julie told her that if she wanted a ride to the airport or the train station Julie would call her a cab or I would drive her. "Does the train even run on Sundays?" Tara asked Julie. Julie, in turn, looked at me. "How would I know?" I asked. "Do I look like I work for Amtrak?" Julie stuck her tongue out. "You seem to know about so many arcane things, I suspected you might know this, too," she said with a grin. I gave...

1 year ago
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Just Like in the Movies pt 1

Introduction: This is something I wrote a long time ago, and had forgotten about it. Id like to pick the series up again where I left off. Feedback is welcome. Ill consider suggestions on sequels, too. Just tell me what youd like to see. Enjoy! I had been waiting on this package forever. I ordered it a good three weeks ago, and had started to wonder if it had been lost in the mail. The FEDex man handed me the package, gave me a, Have a good day, with a smile, and left me standing in the door....

4 years ago
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Have a Problem with Her You have a Problem with Me

Edward Kilroy; KIller, nobody called him Ed or Eddie and almost no one called him Edward, came home from school and quickly put out his cigarette when he saw his sister in the living room. He had his normal look of contempt on his face. His look, attitude and outlook on the world did not come from the normal teenage loathing of the status quo. He did not believe his generation was going to be the one which change the world and make all the wrongs right. His contemptment came from how...

3 years ago
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The Jacuzzi

I had forewarned Les about the masturbation and subsequent “helping cum session” earlier that day with Jason. Plus, Les had seen Jason’s excitement at the hotel as I exposed my hairless pussy lips and breasts in public. Jason was somewhat shocked to see Les, however. His beginning hard-on went limp until both of us encouraged him to join us in the Jacuzzi. I got out to make drinks for everyone. The “boys” both enjoyed watching me work in the nude. They especially liked watching my...

1 year ago
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Laura packed up her things and left work. She slung her bag over her shoulder, and headed out door. Just like every other Thursday evening, off to the train for her ride home. The first thing to catch her attention was the limo parked right outside the door. The second thing was the man in the tuxedo holding a sign reading "Laura". "Can I help you?" she said, glancing around looking for an explanation. "You must be Laura, I'm here to pick you up." "Why ... who sent you?" "I can't...

4 years ago
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Turned into a Slut for BBC PT10

"When you recover, go shower, and then meet me in the living room," he instructed as he walked towards the house and left me laying in a puddle on the yard.I laid in the grass, recovering both my energy and my senses, for a few minutes. I was basking in the afterglow of what was truly an amazing and crazy experience. It dawned on me as I laid there that, it was only the beginning of what would surely be an amazing and crazy weekend. It was after all only eleven o'clock in the morning on the...

2 years ago
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Jennas bachelorette party part 2

Two weeks after Jens first bachelorette party with all her friends family and bridesmaids it came to the time of the little private bachelorette party that I had organised just for her and myself. I had told my husband and Rodger that I was taking her away to a beauty spa retreat for the weekend which was in fact partly true. I had booked us into a room at a lovely 2 bedroom spacious self catering chalet at a nearby nature reserve which offered a number of beauty packages.I however didn't book...

3 years ago
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Fucking A Sexy African Call Girl In Pune

Hi, guys, this is Rohan from Pune. I’m writing this as it was my first experience with an African call girl, that too in Pune. I broke my virginity and had the best time of my life with her. So please guys and girls write the feedback about this incident, how did you feel about it and send it to Also, I am not so good at grammar and spelling so please ignore it if there are any mistakes. So, coming to the story, this is a real incident which had happened to me. Let me tell you about myself. I...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Kitana Lure Two Cocks Up Her Crotch

Kitana Lure is ready for two cocks up her crotch in today’s Hands on Hardcore glamour porn episode by DDF Network. She’s partying with Yanick Shaft and Thomas Stone in the outdoors, enjoying a relaxing afternoon in the sun and BBQing some sausages. The busty leggy blonde stares at those tasty Wieners when all of a sudden she feels a craving for cocks raising inside her dirty mind. The three shift into the living room where Thomas Stone immediately enjoys a taste of her delicious...

3 years ago
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Play It Again SamChapter 9 Horses

Remember when I told you how crowded the tiny shower was when Vicky, Jen and I had shared it? Well, the next morning after we all got up that was nothing compared to the four of us being in there. I felt like one of those clowns in a clown car. But I shouldn't complain, those clowns never had three gorgeous, sexy, naked women inside a Volkswagen with them or you'd never be able to get a clown to climb out. I insisted on fixing breakfast for the three women that had treated me so well last...

2 years ago
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How to Build a Better Sissy

How to Build a Better Sissy Or My Evolution by: Missy Satinpanties I was a small, skinny child, with a rather normal family. My father worked for the electric company as an auditor, and my mother ran a yoga studio in the converted garage of our home. When I was young, this was where I played, watching women contort themselves into the various yoga poses. I was about 6 when I asked my mother...

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EvilAngel Cadence Lux Blonde Cadence Fucked To Squirting

Bubbly, platinum blonde Cadence Lux looks sensational in stylish lingerie and matching heels. The ravenous nymph crams a thick dildo into her wet twat until she ejaculates in ecstasy. Director Toni Ribas stuffs his thick shaft meat into her throat and relentlessly pounds her cunt to torrential explosions of spraying girl squirt. Cadence slurps her fluids from the couch as Toni chokes, smacks and slams. While Toni fucks her, Cadence gets her gash simultaneously stuffed with a dildo! Their...

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The Girl Likes Her Some Anal

I had known Malcolm my entire life, we lived right down the street form each other and our families were really close, in fact our parents were on vacation together right now. Growing up Malcolm and I had been like brothers, now even attending the same college together. Right now we are back home for three weeks while school is on break. As I am walking over to Malcolm’s my cell phone rings. “What’s up?” I answer. “I’m heading to the store, Keyshia’s home just walk in” Malcolm responds before...

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I am for fun loving couples

I am Mangal ( name changed ) of 36. I am average man with average look and average body. I like woman & sex too much. I respect others and always maintain secrecy & good relations. My wife is average looking , fatty and have no interest in sex. That’s why i by compulsion… Looked for sex partners. I always like mature females… Specially house wife… With big boobs and big gand. I am going to narrate my true incidence, which changed my life. One and half year back i was travelling in a passenger...

4 years ago
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While the mom and dad are away the brother and sister will play

"OK, we're leaving," Our mom Sally said loudly. I came to the front door where our mom and dad were, and they were getting ready to leave. "Well, we're gonna be out late tonight, so don't wait up," Frank, our dad said. "OK, we'll be here," I said. They were getting ready to walk out, but then they stopped and turned around. "We know you are a young 18-year-old woman now. So, if you do find yourself with someone, just be safe. Use condoms or birth control, we're not...

2 years ago
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ProdigyChapter 7

"You are grounded!" "You can't do that!" "Just watch me! What in the hell were you thinking?" Phillipe looked up at his father from the dinner table. They had never been close and he had never had a great amount of respect for the man, but this attempt to treat him like a child angered him. "I just got a little revenge on two bitc... two former classmates who did nothing but amuse themselves at my expense. They humiliated me any number of times, calling me names, sneering behind...

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Princes of MannsboroughChapter 3

Marigold half hoped that Jonas would have forgotten about Bible study and gone to bed. It was a forlorn hope at best. He'd never forgotten--not once. By the time Thule dropped her off in front of her house, Marigold felt both weary and jittery. She would have been happy to head straight for the shower and get some sleep. But, Jonas was still in his study, the door half open, the staccato sound of typing clear in the otherwise-silent house. Marigold knocked hesitantly on the door,...

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Wet Bottoms

One unusually hot afternoon in May we were at my house playing basketball in the driveway. We had been hard at it and our bodies were soaked in sweat. We decided it was too warm for this and we should get some pop and cool down. As we sat on the patio sipping our sodas Ryan asked, “Did you know guys can fuck guys?” I said” No Way! Guys don’t have a cunt, it’s impossible. “Taking a swig of his soda he said, “You’re right, they don’t. So they have to put their dick somewhere else. “Like...

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A football Tournament 7th grade boys first time

When I was in 7th grade and was 13, my football team had kept winning and winning and winning. Eventually we won the final bowl in our state. I was about 5 feet and 5 inches, blond hair and green/brown eyes, I was very muscular with 6 pack, biceps, beautiful legs, and face; to be a linebacker you had to be all of these. I was a team captain and I led the team in our rallies before game. We then went onto the Pigskin bowl in Los Vegas (look it up on yahoo if you don’t...

3 years ago
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Pregnant Louse IV

Louise: heavily pregnant, former neighbour.'Larry': Me!Italics: my thoughts/memories.Lou' climbed the stairs in front of me and I was able to see her hairy gash underneath her skirt; her pubes were matted and damp and her cunt lips were puffy from where I'd stretched them! We reached the top of the stairs. "Oh I really need to pee, Larry! Bursting..." she pushed the bathroom door open and lifted the toilet toilet lid. "What are you doing, Louise"? I sternly demanded, slamming the toilet lid!...

1 year ago
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MyPervyFamily Nia Nacci Tinder Valentines Day Daddy Surprise

I know I was in the wrong, I should never have been on an app like tinder anyway. If my wife caught me I would be in big trouble, but there I was in this hotel room waiting for a faceless girl I matched with on tinder to walk through the doors. Soon as I hear the knock on the door my heart drops, as I open the door I get a huge surprise, it’s my daughter Nia. At first, I thought she was doing this to catch me trying to cheat on her Mom, but I was wrong. This was her plan to get my...

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The Ballad of Annie Greene Part 8

Bob and Millie by Peggy Sue I never found out why Arthur left. He started to explain why he was leaving and I stopped him. Since I was a child I was always suspicious of 'why' questions. If the answer wasn't simple, it must be a lie. So I was alone. I didn't feel like sitting alone in coffeehouses - I would have missed Arthur, and I was determined not to waste time with useless emotions. I was enjoying masturbating anyhow. So I looked up my old friend Millie. Millie was surprised...

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My sister And Her Friends

So I've been masturbating ever since I can remember. I thought I was a sex freak, but it turns out it wasn't all that abnormal. This story takes place in the later 80's. I was living at home with my mom (ugh) and sister Vickie. Of course, Vickie is hot. I wouldn't be writing about her if she was a skank. But she's not the real story, you'll see. It's going to be a slow beginning, but give it a shot... I've just turned 18 years old. Dad moved out years ago, mom has let herself go to hell. She...

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It came as a bit of a shock, but I can't say a completely terrible one. Andrea and I had just made love, and were lying in one another's arms in the warm afterglow. She had made some small talk about how it must be terrible not to have experienced an orgasm, or even to have sex for years and years. I wondered where she was going with it, when suddenly she sat up and looked at me, and asked me if I could consider having sex with her mother.Apparently they had been having a bit of a heart to...

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The Delivery Part 2

DeliveryPart 2Steve arrived promptly at ten fifteen. I had the lights dimmed appropriately and was sipping a glass of white wine. I had changed into something far more sexy and comfortable. A black lace thong, and bra with matching garter belt attached to sheer black stockings with black stiletto high heels, and my long red wig. My long sheer black negligee completed the outfit. It was a very elegant look if I do say so myself. The guest bedroom was already prepared, but I was so horny I...

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Lost at Sea book 2 Drifters chapter 7 part 2

“The energy doesn’t have to come from you, it just needs to be received by you,” Bella said. She was watching Captain Vex’s back arch against the bed while Will’s tongue worked between her legs. Belita stretched languidly like a big golden housecat, her expression happy and glazed.“Received?” Tonya asked, not following.“Well, it has to turn you on,” Bella clarified. “That’s not a completely accurate way to put it, but there’s enough overlap that it will work until you have enough experience to...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Chapter 6 Anna Part 2

This is Part 2. Please read Part 1 of Chapter 6 first ! ;) Enjoy!"Show me how you would do it!"She handed me the gray Converse from the bed. Reluctantly, I loosened my pants and pulled them up to my knees. I've been tough for a long time. I took the sneaker, lifted my tongue inside, and led myself in. She was size 38 and it was still slightly damp on the inside, having worn it all day."How does that feel?" She asked interested."Just awesome."It was really amazing. I started to move the shoe up...

2 years ago
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Intern Temptation

Not a whole lot, Hugo realises. His intern hasn’t put his iPhone down for the last five minutes, just endlessly scrolling something he’ll probably tell Hugo he’s too old for, with his stupid pretty face a mix of sass and sympathy. “I wouldn’t let anyone else catch you staring like that,” Ellis is looking at him now, looking like he knows everything there is and that Hugo’s a fool. ...Hugo is a fool. “No one else catches my eye,” he responds, setting his face in an attempt at...

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Vacay in the Va jay part two

It was time to get some fucking going on. Mike was slowly coming back to reality. He looked off to the side to see Sonjay strapping on a huge cock. Erika was leaning in front of her with he mouth wide open. She began to slap her face. “ Do you want this cock Erika?” she asked. “Yes baby, she replied. I want that big cock.” “Come suck it.” Sonjay said. Erika licked the tip of the thick plastic dick. “I said do you want this cock Erika!” Sonjay screamed. “Yes Mistress Sonjay!” she exclaimed....

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Dawns AwakeningFifth Awakening

Not long after that incredible afternoon, Maggie called one day, and set me up with a couple she knew very well, the female partner apparently shared some of my physical... er... attributes. While I was in England that winter, I spent several weekends with John & Jenny in their country cottage, enjoying long hours of sensual fisting in front of a log fire. John was in his forties, tall, slim, with close-cropped grey hair, and gentle brown eyes. Jenny was in her early thirties, verging on...

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Broken WingsChapter 4

The atmosphere in the apartment was heavy the following morning. It was like the house was divided into two sides; on the one side was Angela who did the chores, cooked, read books she discovered in the bedroom and kept pretending that nothing out of the ordinary ever happened. On the other hand James tried his best to ignore her. He paid no attention to her comings and goings and he talked to her only when it was absolutely necessary. He slept, he played music and he tried to recover as if...

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To Serve and Protect 107 1042

Inspector Pat Gibson, Jackson County Sheriff's Department, Retired, curled her feet under her and rested her head on her husband's chest. She sighed comfortably. "What is it sweetheart?" asked Inspector Mike Gibson, Retired. He carefully placed his arm around his wife of 50 years. She felt so brittle and so light, her body wasting away from her long struggle with cancer. He kissed the top of her head, disturbing her snow white hair. "Just thinking," she answered, She slid one arm...

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I Took Control

I wanted to try something different and since he always had control of me I figured tonight I would take control of him and see how well he could take orders for once. So I put on my cute little police officer out fit and I called him and invited him over then I called a friend who was gay and I told him I have someone who would be a great fuck for him, guaranteed!! They both arrived at around the same time and I introduced them before telling them what the plan was: “I will be giving the...

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Road RashChapter 2

The next weekend, in typical spring fashion in the Northwest, dawned gray and overcast. Rain threatened on the horizon and I packed my rain gear along with dressing in layers. When I pulled into the parking lot of the park with my bike on the roof rack, the turnout was about what I expected whenever rain threatened; about half as many riders as when the weather was nice. Nick had called in sick (read, hung over) that morning, so I was going to have to handle the whole herd solo. Instead of...

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The Snowglobe Conspiracy 012 Hypothetical Villainy

In time I come down from my heavenly, ecstatic orgasm, and when I do, he’s waiting for me… Holding me.  His hands are on my back and I realize that I’m sitting reclined against them.  With seemingly minute effort he lifts his knee and places one foot beneath him, then the other.  I barely feel the shift.  Now he stands and carries me to the bed, running his hands up my back as he walks.  Both of the couples on the mattresses make room for me as he tosses me gently on my back.  As I curl...

Group Sex
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“Take your pick, Janice,” Anabelle said playing with her own breasts. Jen was still asleep, so my mother silently stripped herself naked and, after getting him hard enough, lowered herself on Peter’s peter. “Oh, God,” he said, causing her to wake up and said, “Hello Janice?” From atop her stepson, she waved at Jen, and asked, “Do you have anything left for me, Sonny Boy?” He got his hands on her breasts and said, “You can help yourself to whatever I have, Mom?” That was very hot to...

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Mr Rogers ResearchChapter 66

When I awoke at five thirty it was raining hard. North Carolina was funny that way, it could be raining at 5:30 and often was, then at six it could be ‘not raining’ but cloudy. It might give me an hour window to walk, I reasoned that morning. It also might not, so I napped a half hour, then I got out of bed to check. Looking back I saw the mid to late forties woman still in my bed. She looked her age at 6AM without make up. She was still a nice looking lady, but she would look better two...

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Lost at Sea book 1 Where Theres a Will chapter 8

Mister Garrik looked up at the ceiling, raising an eyebrow at the muffled sounds of a woman’s pleasure. “Mister Sterling, I appreciate your time, but I came here to do business, not be distracted by the sounds of blue theatre.”Will cleared his throat. “Apologies, Mister Garrik.” Will’s quick mind pulled a lie out of thin air. He was talking before he’d really formulated his story. “I am hosting a friend who... used to work as a brothel girl. She upset the madam and was kicked out of her room. I...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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EdenChapter 29

"It's the opportunity we've been waiting for!" Shaw fairly oozed excitement. "Now we can begin to truly interact, to see them in their homes, to really learn about them!" Igwanda noted dourly how the first officer, with no role in the mission other than as pilot, so eagerly used the first person plural to include himself in the ranks of the scientists. But he kept his observation to himself. And it was true that the scientific contingent, down to even the usually stolid Heisinger,...

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strapon bride thanx to dave b

Regina smiled broadly as she entered the secluded cabin nestled among the tall ponderosa pines. At 24, she had a considerable amount of sexual experience compared to that of the 21 year old man that she married that same morning. Their courtship had lasted nearly eight months, and although they had engaged in sex play, she had not allowed him to have intercourse with her, saying that she would only allow that with a man to whom she was married. Their sex play had consisted of everything but...

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Chachi Ki Chudai Chat Pe

Hello friends mera nam sai hai m24 aur karnatak ka rehne wala hu,yeh kahani 2saal purani h jab mai apna apni b. Tech final yr me tha. Coming to my chachi wo gaun me rehti h bahut he khubsurat hai, lambe kale baal, aur fair h, uska fir 343036 jo mujhe bahut he attractive lagta h,recently wo humare ghar ayi jo ki gaon se 20km h for a program in my house. Humari pehle kabhi jyada bat ni hoti thi, bt us din raat ke 11bje the aur program hone ki wajah se ghar me bahut bhid thi, aur chahi ko nind na...

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NewSensations Amber Moore Amber Slips Off Her Dress And Ring For BBC

Pretty blonde wife Amber is trying to take the edge off with a warm bath at the hotel, but suddenly the perfect remedy comes to mind. She decides to call room service and hopefully get her hot wet horny pussy serviced too! The lucky stud Will, brings her the towels she requested and finds her naked in the tub. Being a husband, he knows to just get out of the room. Amber being persistent, uses her cute flirty voice, convincing Will and his big black cock to stick around and play. Amber drops to...

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Megs Friend Robin

Meg came down to visit for a week and brought one of her girlfriends along so that they could spend the time on the beach sunbathing before heading back north. Her girlfriends name is Robin and is about 5’6′ slim, long dark hair, nice C cups and a great ass. All in all a very beautiful young woman. She had broken up with her boyfriend about 8 months ago and they were here to party. On Thursday they had been to the beach and I was off getting work done on my truck. I previously posted an...

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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 5 Paying the PiperChapter 32 A Transport of Delight

Baz Butcher rang me the day after my visit to Mortimer Crippen. "Dave, I want you to drive the Shagging Waggon at weekends, and a couple of times in the week. It will mean giving up driving for Jonjo, but I will see you won't be any worse off, money wise." "Shagging waggon?" Baz laughed. "It's what we call the people carrier used by Butcher's Corporate Hospitality Company to transport eye candy to trade fairs, and to corporate piss ups for clients. The cargo consists of long haired...

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How I spent New Year in hospital

I was sexually excited but rather nervous about my ‘appointment’ last Sunday. Getting dressed up in the stockings and undies my doctor friend had bought me, and packing up my nightie and yet more undies in an overnight bag, got me really excited, but as the taxi got nearer and nearer to the hospital I guess my initial courage – the result of not having had sex for over a week – started to fail. None of the clinics were operating, and the hospital corridor where my friend’s office was situated...

2 years ago
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Cousin Swati Ko Delhi Main 8211 Part I

Mera naam Rajiv hai mai dhanbad jharkhand ka rahne wala hoon aj ap ko sachi kahani suna raha hoon, meri ek cousin sister jiska naam swati hai yeh kahani aj se dus sal pahle ki hai jab woh delhi mai padthi thi uski umar us samay koi 18 saal ki hogi wo bahut hi sunder hai patli dubli kamseen badan charo taraf se sex ke liye mahakta tha. jab woh delhi mein padthi thi to usko hostel nahin mila tha wo us samay 4 ladkiyon ke sath Pg mein rahthi thi. ek bar main delhi gaya tha kisi kam se to maine...

4 years ago
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My First

First what you ask. Could he mean the first time he had a crush on a girl, or maybe even the first time he ever fell in love. Possibly he means his first kiss. Well, no. The answer is slightly more up the sexual ladder than that. Now if I had been born a girl then I would probably still remember my first kiss in every detail, but I don't, mainly because i'm a guy. And growing up with those male raging hormones I, like most, was more interested in reaching the next rung of that ladder. Sex...

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One Foolish Mistake By The Headmistress

Miss Hargreaves realised it had been one of her silliest decisions ever. She was forty-five-years-old and the headmistress at the local sixth form college for girls where discipline was strict, and she regularly had to cane the students. She saw caning girls, both for earning double detentions and for individual acts of misbehaviour, as very much part of her responsibility, and knew that the regime led to the girls being better behaved than in other colleges where the cane was not...

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One Two Three Is Company

I was sitting at the bar. It was another one of those gay parties that you get really bored at, even if you’re wearing slutty clothes – a sort of long T-shirt, stalkings and a pink thong. If I’d bend slightly more most people could have seen my butt, that kind of slutty clothes. I took another drag of my cigarette when a tall man with a beard walked up to me. He was fair, bearded and had broad shoulders. Finally, some conversation or change in the party. I smiled at him as he sat down next to...

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