My Crazy Life 4 Cindy
- 2 years ago
- 37
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In a previous story, I mentioned how my wife had been bothered by my attraction to another woman. One of the things that make our swinging lifestyle work is our ability to discuss matters like this and work through them. Here is a fun little story of one of those encounters.
Throughout our swinging career, we have been involved in three bigger groups and a fourth smaller group. The bigger groups are fairly open and can be easily found. They are based in larger cities like Rockford, Milwaukee and Oshkosh. The smaller group is a collection of friends that we have met in the bigger groups that are compatible enough with my wife and me for us all to be close friends.
More and more, lately, we find ourselves spending time with friends in the fourth group, and less time at parties in the other groups. It wasn't always that way. Just like any other social gathering, it took time in the first groups to find friends for the fourth group.
My wife and I met Cindy at a bar meet and greet in Milwaukee. We had been swinging for several years, but it was Cindy's first event.
The hostess introduced Cindy to the group in general, and then pushed her off onto another couple in the group. After a half-hour of drinking, laughing and flirting, Cindy broke away from that couple, and circled her way around to my wife and I. She smiled as she invaded my personal space.
"Did you really see Pink Floyd from the front row," she challenged, "or was that some BS to get me to come over here?"
"Yes, he sort of did," my wife answered for me, "but don't get him started. Every story leads to another one!"
Cindy laughed, and we introduced ourselves.
"I don't mind stories, as long as you keep your hands to yourself until I invite you," she laughed. At the same time, she gave a pointed glance at the other couple.
"Some guys don't know the difference between being friendly and forward and being obnoxiously aggressive," I told her. "Our hostess said this was your first party. Don't be afraid to tell guys like that to back off. If they don't listen, say something to the hostess, or to me or my wife, and we'll take care of it."
"It was my own fault," she answered. "I probably shouldn't have let on that I wasn't wearing panties. He took that as a challenge, and he got a little gropey."
"The whole point of these meet and greets is to introduce new people in a safe place," I responded. "He is supposed to know better than to make anyone uncomfortable. You should be able to walk around naked without being molested."
"Really?" she laughed. With a teasing smile, she reached for the strap on her dress. The look in her eyes promised that she fully intended to let the dress fall to the floor. For half a moment, I considered letting her do it.
Allow me to take a moment to describe her. Cindy is tall for a woman at five foot eleven. She is far from petite, but her proportions belayed the fact that she was probably more than one-hundred-seventy-five pounds. Her walk was quite graceful, as was her stance as we talked. She has an open and friendly face, pretty blue eyes, and long dishwater blonde hair.
She was wearing a long floral patterned dress that wrapped around her body like a sarong. It was a bit tight across her breasts, but that only showed off that her breasts weren't large, and that she wasn’t wearing a bra. The dress flowed nicely around her hips, and I liked her shape. I think that one tug at the knot at the shoulder was going to release the dress, allowing it to fall.
It was easy to understand why she had been put off by the guy of the other couple. I couldn't tell you why she seemed more than happy to show off her naked body to me. The fact that we were in a public bar that was very full of people wasn't going to slow her down at all.
"Cindy," I chastised, "that was a figure of speech!"
As I spoke I reached out and caught her hand. I caught it just before it got to the strap, and I lifted it up and away.
Two things happened as I caught Cindy's hand. First, we both felt the spark that seemed to snap between us as we touched. Second, Cindy turned and spun under our lifted hands, ending up with her body right next to mine.
"Are we dancing?" she asked.
"This is a good song for dancing," my wife answered. She laughed as she grabbed Cindy's other hand and pulled her away toward the dance floor. My wife later said that she saw the attraction between Cindy and I, but she was not attempting to separate us. She truly loves to dance, and she was hoping that Cindy would, too.
Cindy smiled as she allowed herself to be pulled away, but she caught my hand and pulled me along as well.
I can't tell you what the song was. It was classic rock, maybe something by The Doobie Brothers, or Orlean. I do remember two things. First, although I am not a good dancer, Cindy didn't seem to mind. She and my wife were dancing up a storm, and they were both just having fun being there.
The second thing I remember is that halfway through the song, another guy joined us and took over as my wife's dance partner.
His name was Terry. He was a single guy. Most groups either don't allow single men, or they severely limit their numbers. Terry knew the host couple, and they allowed him to be there. He said it was his first time at a swing event as well.
As the song ended, he apologized for stealing my wife. He said he loved to dance, but he didn't like to dance alone. He thanked my wife for letting him join us. My wife made eyes at him and promised he was welcome any time. As the next song started, he invited her to stay and dance. She took him up on his offer, and the two of them kept dancing while Cindy and I made our way back over to the bar.
For the next hour or so, we stayed paired up that way. We flirted and danced and met new people, and all four of us had a good time.
It was still early, maybe eleven at night, when my wife came off the dance floor with Terry in tow, and sidled up next to me with a grin on her face.
"So the host couple is talking about getting a room at the motel next door, and continuing the party there," she said in a suggestive tone. "We are all invited, but so are some other people."
She glanced darkly in the direction of the first couple that Cindy had met. That look only lasted a fraction of a second, and then her eyes were sparkling with laughter again.
"I was thinking," she continued, "that the four of us should get our own room."
"I was going to decline our hostess's offer," Cindy replied, "but I love your idea." She paused to look back and forth between my wife and me. "Are there any rules I should know about?"
"Promise me that you're clean and that you won't get pregnant, or else use a condom," my wife answered. "Unlike a lot of the women in this group, I am not bi, so you stay in your bed, I'll stay in mine."
"I can live with that," Cindy laughed. "Let's go!"
The motel was literally across the parking lot. I agreed to put the room on my credit card, so Cindy and I left first to go get the room. Some other people were headed over there as well. Cindy made us slow down until she and I were mostly alone.
"John, can I ask you something?" she asked.
"What's up?" I asked playfully to keep the mood light.
"Do you and your wife know Kathy? She's in this group."
Kathy was another single woman that was part of the group, and we knew her. She claimed to be bisexual, but she tended to choose women over men. I had tried to flirt with her once. She flirted back, but she also let me know she wasn't interested in more. She wasn't one of our closer friends, but we still liked her.
"Of course," I answered. "How well do you know her?"
"I just don't want to cause trouble with your wife if she doesn't like bi women," Cindy answered. She also blushed. "I met Kathy on another very different website. After she and I had sex, I was telling her how I was still craving a man, and she suggested this group. I wish she would have warned me about that other guy."
"She probably never let him get close enough for her to find out," I teased. "My wife won't be upset at all if you are bi. She would even do a threesome with another woman, as long as it was all about the guy. She doesn't want girl-on-girl anything."
"Okay," Cindy said, sounding relieved. "Kathy did say it was better to have a general talk about the sex before it happened. Is there anything..."
She seemed to lose the courage to continue.
"Let me ask you this," I asked lightly. "What are your expectations? Anyone who is into swinging is a little bit kinky, but mostly I enjoy regular stuff. I wouldn't be too put out if you gave me oral sex, and I'd be delighted to give some to you. I like regular sex, but in more positions than just missionary. I won't go out of my way to give you anal sex, but there's nothing I wouldn't do for you if you asked. And don't even try to touch me back there unless you want to lose a finger in the butt vice!"
Cindy started laughing as I finished.
"I'm afraid to even try anal," she laughed, "but now I have to see how strong the butt vice really is!"
By then, we were at the office for the motel. I went in and got us a room. My wife and Terry had joined Cindy by the time I came back out with the keys.
My wife snatched the keys away from me.
"The hostess was mad that you didn't stop to say good night," she said with a grin. "You better go to their room and kiss her to make up. We'll leave the door unlocked!"
She didn't wait for a response. She and Terry made a bee-line for the room.
Cindy gave me a smile and slid her arm around me as she steered me toward the other set of rooms. It only took us a moment to find the hostess and make our apologies. I gave the hostess a sound kiss, and shook her husband's hand. Cindy gave both of them delightful kisses.
The hostess's husband made a remark about wishing Cindy would stay, and then he teased her about being eager to see her naked. Cindy promised that she would make it up to him next time, but then she stepped back and her hand went to the knot at her shoulder.
I am almost greedy enough to have wanted to stop her to keep her to myself. I am also egotistical enough that I was going to enjoy flaunting the fact that they were only going to get to see her nude.
She certainly didn't disappoint us.
The dress dropped to the floor, and she watched as his eyes swept over her body. She took a step back and turned her ass to face him as she bent at the waist to pick up the dress. Her eyes were shining with mischief as she sauntered over and slid her hand into mine. She didn't slow down as she led me straight out the door.
I will admit to a certain fear of authority. I was absolutely certain that a hundred cops and the SWAT team were all going to swarm in and arrest us. We made it down the outside walkway to our room without any incident at all, and I breathed a huge sigh of relief. Cindy made fun of me because my hard cock was pressing against her hip with every step.
The door to the room was ajar, and I closed and locked it behind us as we entered. My wife and Terry were half naked on one of the beds, and losing clothes fast. Cindy didn't even look their direction as she grabbed me and pulled me toward the other bed.
"I can't believe you made me do that," she marveled as she pulled at my clothes. I was too busy helping her get me naked to protest.
"I can't wait to see what else you make me do!" she teased as she grabbed my hard cock and pulled me onto the other bed.
"This, I need this! Please!" she begged as she spread her legs wide and pulled my body onto her own.
There was a connection between us that we both felt that the first time we touched. The connection was enhanced by the way our bodies fit one another and by the way we moved together. It was almost like our bodies were made for each other.
She wanted hard and fast. I wanted hard and fast, but I didn't want to finish too quickly. She accelerated towards orgasm just as quickly as I did, and I let her orgasm pull me over the edge. It was intense, and exciting, and very satisfying.
She wanted to be held as we caught our breath, so I slid down onto the bed beside her. Cindy was practically purring as I caressed her body and held her. She gave me a slightly embarrassed smile.
"You don't mind holding me?" she asked. She didn't wait for an answer. "I hope you don't mind that I needed it fast like that. I need this, too."
"I hope you don't mind that you made me lose control," I teased. "This is nice, too, although..." I let my words drift away in a soft tease.
"I suppose you still want a blow job," she teased sharply.
"Damn right I do," I shot back. Then in a lighter tone, I added, "Let me know when you've had too much of teasing."
I shifted my position to let my lips follow where my hands had been caressing, and I gently started tasting and teasing her skin.
The connection between us was enhanced by chemistry. I don't think it was just that moment, or the situation that made me think that. It was also the way her skin tasted to me. Something about her chemistry tasted good, and I wanted to devour her.
I started at her hip, because that was where my hands had been rubbing. I moved up to her shoulders, and then back down to her breasts. I kissed my way down to her knees, and even nibbled on her ankles. I avoided the mess we had made, but every other part of her tasted superb.
Where she had eagerly and actively directed our first round, for this round, she melted into the bed and let me do as I pleased. She continued to purr as I rolled her onto her stomach. She kicked a bit when my teeth found a ticklish spot on the backs of her knees, but she relaxed again as I moved on. She gripped the sheets tightly when I nibbled my way up her neck and spread my body over hers. She lifted her ass when she felt my hardness pressing against her.
"That thing I said I didn't think I’d like," she mentioned breathily, "I might like it if you keep doing what you're doing."
"We'll see if you feel that way the next time," I quietly promised.
She nodded, and then moaned as I pulled at her hips to lift her to her knees.
I easily slid into her vagina from behind. Part of me wanted to jump to full speed to drive her over the edge again. I reigned myself back, and continued at the slow pace we were enjoying. It didn't take long for her to have a slow orgasm. We continued to slowly fuck as she came.
As her orgasm ended, she pushed up into my arms. Without speeding up, she took control. She pushed me back until I was almost sitting on my heels. We were both on our knees, with mine between hers, and she was thrusting back against me by rolling her hips. She pulled my hands up onto her breasts and turned her head to offer me her neck. I leaned forward and started nibbling at the hairline on her neck.
"Pinch me! Bite me!" she begged in a tone that shot straight to my groin.
I did as she asked, and her orgasm brought on mine. The slow-motion agony of pleasure that followed was intoxicatingly divine. I couldn't tell you how it happened, but we managed to end up lying together on the bed before our orgasms ended.
I was ready to fall asleep by the time we caught our breath. Two things interfered with my plan.
I don't know if it was the slow nature of our orgasms, or the over-stimulation that I felt, but as it ended and we slid apart, my cock stayed mostly hard. Cindy felt it pressing against her hip, and she reached down to slowly stroke it as we gently kissed and caressed each other. I almost think she was ready for a nap as well.
As we settled into spooning, we couldn't help but look over at the other bed to see what was going on. We both were pleased to see that Terry was sort of propped up on a pillow, and my wife was slowly deep-throating his cock. He was gently penetrating her with his fingers, and neither of them was paying any attention to us. Her lifted leg put her entire crotch on display for Cindy and me.
Cindy squirmed lustfully in my arms. She rolled back toward me to whisper in my ear.
"Are you sure she won't let me have a taste? I won't interrupt what they're doing."
I shook my head and shrugged. Cindy gave me a seductive look.
"Weren't you going to force me to do something?" she teased as she gave my cock a squeeze.
She didn't wait for an answer as she turned around and swallowed my cock. It felt really good, and I started to swell to full hardness for her. I playfully grabbed a handful of her hair and gently pushed to go deeper.
She growled her faux anger, but she seemed to laugh at the same time. She grabbed my balls and pushed her fingers toward my anus. I clenched my butt cheeks tightly, which lifted my butt. She tried to call out her pleasure as my cock pushed even deeper into her throat, and as her head started to bob up and down, she spun her body onto mine and pushed her crotch into my face.
Some guys certainly like that, but I think the idea of cream-pies is icky. I tried to grab her ass and push her away.
She lifted off my cock and teasingly demanded, "You promised anything I asked for!"
She swallowed me again as she thrust her hips down. I struggled for a moment or two more until the pleasure she was giving me made me relent. She cried out around my cock in triumph, and then she quickly exploded into another orgasm. I can't begin to tell you how pleased I was when her flavors drowned out all other flavors.
Her orgasm was still making her insides convulse on my tongue when she launched off of me to spin around again. She aggressively mounted me and she started riding me hard. She quickly kissed and devoured the flavors on my face.
"This is real chemistry," she cried out. "We taste so good together!"
I couldn't bring myself to fully agree with her, but she did taste incredibly good. I grabbed her ass and pounded up into her as I returned her kisses.
She started to cum again, and she pushed up away from me. Her hands clutched at her own breasts as she pinched her nipples.
"Fuck me, fuck me, fill me!" she cried out. "Don't stop! I need you now!"
I fucked as hard as I could through her entire orgasm, and finally exploded inside her for the third time. She came again, and then collapsed on top of me.
Things were friendly, if quiet, as the four of us cleaned up. After exchanging phone numbers and emails and hugs and kisses, we packed up and left. It sounded like things were still pretty lively in the other rooms, but we were ready to call it a night.
My wife has a special kind of car magic that she takes advantage of all the time. She can be asleep in less time than it takes to leave a parking lot. The motel was along a frontage road where two highways meet. I expected her to be asleep before I made it to the highway.
As I turned toward home, I was shocked to see her wide awake and staring intently at me.
"So, did you have a good time?" she asked. Her tone seemed pleasant, but I knew it was a loaded question.
"Of course," I answered truthfully. "I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention, but, did you have a good time as well?"
"Of course you weren't paying attention," she answered in a prickly tone. "I'm quite certain you didn't notice when Terry threw out his back before we barely were started!"
"I guess I saw he was moving slowly when we left. Will he be okay?"
She glared at me for a moment.
"He's fine," she spat at me. "But there was no chance that he was going to fuck me, and it even hurt him when we tried it with me on top. All we could do is slowly tease each other while the two of you fucked."
She paused for dramatic effect.
"Did you really have to fuck her three times?" she cried out.
We both knew there was no answer for that. I also knew that if I tried to apologize, it would just make her more angry. She stewed in her anger for a few minutes. She finally gave me a long, loud sigh.
"I guess I'm not mad that you had fun," she admitted. "I guess it really bothered me that you didn't notice that we had stopped. And it kind of bothers me that you went three rounds. When's the last time you got hard three times in a row for me?"
"We both know the answer for that is never," I answered. "In the same breath, you have to admit that we've had marathon sex that lasted hours, though."
We drove in silence for a few minutes.
"Weren't you the least bit jealous that I stayed and danced with Terry all night?" she asked. We've had this discussion before as well.
"To what end?" I asked. "One of my jobs is to make you happy. You were certainly having more fun dancing with him than you would have had with me."
"I have fun dancing with you," she protested.
"You have fun laughing at what a crumby dancer I am," I laughed. "Why should I waste the energy to be upset over the fact that someone is making you happy? You weren't falling in love with him any more than I was falling for Cindy, and it honestly makes me happy to see you happy."
She sighed, and we drove in silence for a bit.
"Can't you pretend to be jealous once in a while?" she asked wistfully.
When I didn't answer, she sighed again.
"Promise me you won't ignore me like that again," she finally requested.
"You know I'd keep that promise right up until I got too focused on what I was doing to notice," I reminded her.
She was smiling, but she sighed yet again in a tone that I knew expected an answer.
"Yes, I promise," I said. "I love you, dear, and I hope you know I would have stopped if you'd have said something. I wouldn't ever want to hurt you like that, and even though we just met her, I'm sure Cindy would agree."
Another sigh sounded.
"Thank you, dear," she finally answered. "I love you, too."
She slid over next to me, hugged my arm, rested her head on my shoulder, and let the car magic put her instantly to sleep.
The 'feel good' epilogue to this story is that Cindy and my wife and I were close friends for quite a while after that. My wife never had any problems with Cindy and I having sex. My wife even did a threesome with Cindy once to please some guy they both liked. My wife made sure that it was all about pleasing the guy.
The 'sad' epilogue to this story is that Cindy met a guy and quit swinging. He tried it a couple of times to please her, but she quit to please him. They've been together for many years, and they are still a happy couple. Cindy and I are still friends on social media, and we see each other occasionally. She and I like classic rock music, and her boyfriend and my wife like country rock music, so we still get together once in a while to go see live bands.
There were times, early in our marriage, that even hinting at enjoying someone else's company would have thrown my wife into a fit of jealousy and rage. We've both grown, and through open communication, we've made our marriage stronger than ever.
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So this day arrived... Cindy and I would often meet for lunch once a month. The only thing we did was hug when we first met and hug again when we left the restaurant. It was July and Cindy wanted to meet for dinner this time. I agreed, since my wife, Ashley, was visiting her mom and dad. They lived four hours away. It was Friday night and we met at the Los Guachos Taqueria Mexican restaurant. Cindy and I sat down at a booth. Cindy was about a foot smaller than me and two years younger....
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Introduction: This story continues the adventures of the Hank and Cindy, from the 1975 A Year to Remember series. However, this story and all subsequent stories concerning them and their playmates from that series, Bobby and Ellen, will not be sequential and will be separate, stand alone tales. The reader is urged to read the first part of chapter one of 1975 in order to identify the participants and what brought them to this particular circumstance. While we normally confined our sexual...
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After I finished my tour in Vietnam, I had the opportunity to be assigned to Germany where I was worked in the S-3 shop in a supply and services battalion... an "S & S" battalion. Shortly after I got there, Dave came into the battalion and took over as the commander of the GS maintenance company and we began our friendship. We met again a few years later when we sat next to each other at the officers' advanced course at Fort Lee. Dave had also been “RIFfed” from the army at the same...
Cindy is almost two years younger than me and for most of my life she was a pain in the ass.When we were young (elementary school) I had to walk with her to school. Later, in Junior High, I had to stay longer after school while she had band practice. When I had finally gained a driver's license I had to chauffeur her to her dance practices and to visit her girlfriends.My biggest frustration was when she had entered High School and she was obviously popular with the guys. I struggled to get...
Author’s note: I haven’t tried anything like this before. My greatest fear as an author is becoming predictable. Thanks to RoustWriter and Lady Cibelle for their assistance in editing. I guess it was inevitable, the love that Cindy and I learned to share. We were twins born but raised as… just kids. Mother, bless her, miss her, died giving life to us. Dad was lost without her and raised us in a haphazard way – there at times, often not. Early memories: Dad on the floor, asleep? No, the...
It was Summer and school was out, normally a time of fun and relaxation. For me, it was a time of trauma quickly followed by anger followed by resignation as my girlfriend of a year and a half dumped me. Well, shit. Not only that, the news spread like I’d won the lottery. The only good thing was that I heard right away from two friends who had been in the same boat, then dumped overboard. I had gone through elementary school, then middle school with Madison and Cindy, and we were always pretty...
It was Summer and school was out, normally a time of fun and relaxation. For me, it was a time of trauma quickly followed by anger followed by resignation as my girlfriend of a year and a half dumped me. Well, shit. Not only that, the news spread like I'd won the lottery. The only good thing was that I heard right away from two friends who had been in the same boat, then dumped overboard. I had gone through elementary school, then middle school with Madison and Cindy, and we were always pretty...
Group SexNeil looked at the large clock on the wall. "3:00pm Tues. 6/2/04" it said with its bright green digital display. Neil scratched his head with a pencil and got back to work. He was putting the finishing touches on a new schematic of his LMM. A much-improved version; that would be half the size, due to the efforts of one of his schoolmates, who was a wiz with miniaturizing electronics. Neil glanced up when he heard his lab door open; peeking through some equipment he spied a very cute...
After my mother in law left the wife and I were sitting relaxing and I told her I saw the show she was giving danny. She asked me how and I told her I was in the bathroom and heard them talking and looked out. She asked if I saw everything and I told her I thought so, she asked if I enjoyed it and I told her yeah. I told her I would have stayed and let her do more but didn't need her going any father than she did. She laughed and said how far did you think I was going to go. I said I didn't...
“You have a nice penis”, the soft voice said innocently from the bathroom door.Jim Thompson jumped at the intrusion, nicking his face with the old safety razor that he was shaving with. “Cindy, what are you doing in here”, he asked his young stepdaughter as he turned to face the small Asian teenager. “I’m sorry”, she replied demurely yet not taking her eyes from his cock. “The door was open.” She intentionally left out the fact that she’d come to her mother’s bathroom hoping to get a peek at...
Bullying CindyCindy did never even learn why the girls at her new school didn’t like her. She did look good alright, petite body with perk breasts that would soon turning head, flowing blond hair. Yet she always thought of herself as an easy-going girl who tried to see the good in everyone. But it seemed the minute she set foot into that school the other girls just saw her at prey. It had started somewhat simple: being tackled in the hallways, somebody making her trip in the cafeteria, hiding...
Cindy knew she had entered the wrong bar almost immediately. But before she had a chance to go out, Skye was all over her. Making him feel welcome. Buy his drinks.Cindy wanted to leave, but she did not want to be rude. And Skye was nice to her. And she was definitely intrigued by all the tattoos in Skye. She had never seen a girl so close who had so much ink.When Cindy said she had to use the ladies' room (a pretext to try to leave), Skye offered to escort her. Cindy could hardly say Skye...
Mark I realized that something was amiss when I heard a commotion in my outer offices. When I ended a phone call and went to see what was happening, there were Lucas, Elsa, Cindy, Marcia, Sheila, Melanie, KC, and even Izzy, all talking at once in excited and mostly happy voices. “WHAT’S GOING ON?” I said loudly as I approached the group. I guess I sounded irritated, because for everyone to be together in my suite and talking in excited tones, something big was going on that I was not privy...
My sister Amy and I have been screwing for a little over a month before our k** sister sister Cindy discovered our little secret and wanted to join us. We were a little hesitant at first so we decided to put her through an initiation that might cool her off. We told her that she to first have sex with Amy. She looked at us for a few momennts and said : "Okay". She had called our bluff. Amy had only one previous sexual esperience with another girl, but she couldn't show her own awkwardness as...
He said it was a family own cabin in the wood near a lake and convinced me to come with him to go fishing and hikingI was waiting for him after school at homeMommy helping me prepare my backpack when Mike rang my phoneshe kissed me good bye and i got out to Mike carHis ford SUV was nice he opened the door and help me get my backpack in the trunk''ready to go ?''''yes ''and we left, Mike driving toward the highway smilling only him knowing exactly the real weekend planningHe light up a spliff...
Farewell To Cindy "Thank you for flying with us today," the flight attendant said as I exited the plane. I acknowledged her statement with a forced smile. There was no joy in such a smile, as it was hollow and empty at best. This flight to Alabama I knew was to be my last. Ever since cancer had claimed her life, I had made this annual pilgrimage. Each summer I would come to spend time at her graveside. On her birthday, I would spend the day at the cemetery just hanging out and spending time...
Love StoriesThe Legend of Cindy By Eve Smith The trip had been most uneventful, just as I had wanted it. In fact the plane journey had been very boring. I was not used to travelling economy and the cramped seats were dreadful. The disguise had been perfect and getting through Passport control at Heathrow had been easy. My fake Passport had cost a fortune but was well worth the investment. Even the normally security conscious Americans had not queried my identity and now I was in my hire car...
[ "Don't it always seem to don't know what you've got till it's gone", as Joni Mitchell sang some years ago; and how very true those words are, and for a variety of situations! In this instance, I'm talking about a wife and mother, who's husband (for some reason) lost his ability to truly 'perceive', rather than merely 'seeing' (superficially) what he had in her...until it was far, far too late to save her for his own! ]When Cindy had gone down to Florida to see her mother, and her...
Saturday, April 16, 2005 (Continued) We parked fairly close to the restaurant and walked down the sidewalk. I had Cindy properly attached to my left arm, Julia on my right arm, and Carol to her right. Carol got LOTS of looks and knew it. And loved it. She stood tall, in her already tall high-heeled shoes. I noticed that she was not totally comfortable walking in those shoes, but was managing surprisingly well (even though Carol was two people away from me, I could still see her quite...
By Gail Holmes Firstly I can’t tell you my age as you may consider me to young, my sexual activities started when I’d happened to come across my big sister and her boyfriend at it. It was my sister’s gluttony for sex that started me off. A lot of my girlfriends had already had sex, but myself no, ok, from their experiences I feel I’ve missed out, and I mean big time, one actually had had a coloured guy, and from her own experiences they are the biggest, or at least their cocks...
Introduction: I was out of town on business when I was approached by her husband. I was just sitting there in the hotel restaurant in Wichita, Kansas minding my own business as I usually did when I was out of town on business. I had just finished my meal, paid my bill, and I was enjoying a nice glass of wine when he approached me.He said, “My wife wants you.”I asked, “For what?”He laughed softly and then he sat down at my table, leaned in a little closer, and said, “She wants you to fuck her...
At breakfast Suzanne wanted to hear about my date with the Baldwin girl. I told her it was not a date and that it was three Baldwin girls, not just one. This caught Mr. Oldham's attention. "Which one were you with?" He asked. "Cindy, she's the Speedwell girl," I said, hiding my wish that it had been Jessica sitting next to me in the theater and later in the back seat of their mother's car. He went back to reading his newspaper but Suzanne's appetite for the juicy details was still...
Molly brought a tall glass of orange juice to my room and told me that Ned had already been to the kitchen asking if I was up yet. "He's raring to get started with the pool," she said, showing a mouthful of teeth with a wide grin. "Mr. Oldham and Suzanne are sleeping in late too," she added. I laughed. It was only fifteen minutes past six on Saturday morning. "There's a suit in my closet that's getting too small for me. It's a summer suit but you may as well take it now if you...
“Wait, wait,” said Cindy. She pointed back to Jasmine, “you were in a private porno and you think I’m a slut?” “Sure,” shrugged Jasmine. “I’ve only been with Aaron. You’ve been around, that’s the rumor, anyway.” Ariel sighed in relief. Jasmine didn’t have any other boyfriends. Aaron and she sounded like fuck buddies, nothing for Ariel to feel jealous about. “I haven’t been around and or on camera,” corrected Cindy dramatically. Then she perked up, with a cheshire smile, “can we see?” Jasmine’s...
First TimeI'm not sure why I went into the Adult Book and Toy store on Jefferson boulevard. I had only been there once before. It was with a couple of buddies the summer after graduation, a long time ago. The place back then thrived as half sex shop half head shop tended by both male and female clerks. We were young and wild in the shop. A rich selection of colorfully lit exotic and erotic merchandise was arranged on shelves and cabinets. Danny kept turning on the battery operated dildo demonstrator...
Love StoriesThe Birth of Cindy (c) 1995 - Cindy Evans Chapter 1 - Last year I reached my fifteenth birthday with somewhat of a disappointment. My friends had started to grow out and up, putting on muscles while my body remained small, frail and hairless. Fortunately my friends had been friends for many years and this did not change that. We still played baseball, football, cards and other teen male activities. One of these activities was discussing girls. While my body had not...
"Pseudo Cindy" It was another Friday night and after my hot bubble bath I found myself once again going through my meager clothing and lingerie collection trying to decide what to wear. That's what I usually did on the weekends. It was a strange hobby to be sure, but since I wasn't bothering anyone and kept to myself I figured it wasn't anybody's business. I just wish I had more money to spend on my wardrobe. I had been living in my townhouse for nearly three...
One Handed Tales #9: Carla, Vicky and Mistress Cindy By Sarcastic Slut I slipped the long woollen cloak from my shoulders and let Vicky catch it before it fell on the floor. The tight, heavy satin busti?re top showed my breasts and my pretty shoulders to good advantage. I was dressed entirely in black and smoothed my flared velvet mini skirt down over my bare thighs as I accepted the drink handed to me by Carla. "Thank you, slut," I said. She curtsied and replied, "You're w...
Copyright© I guess it was inevitable, the love that Cindy and I learned to share. We were twins born but raised as... just kids. Mother, bless her; miss her, died giving life to us. Dad was lost without her and raised us in a haphazard way — there at times, often not. Early memories: Dad on the floor, asleep? No, the bottle by his hand belies the truth in that. Cindy, one hand, Lee, me, the other. Drag him, pull him. Grunting with our childish lack of strength. "Push... Cindy, Pull! Get...
My name is Jake I am 19 years old normal build and blonde hair, My sister Cindy is 18 and a petite build with b cup breasts, and brown hair. I had recently moved back to my hometown after my parents were recently killed in a car Accident tragically. Cindy was living with them and now had called me and asked me to move back so we could live together to save her money while she finished her schooling, She was enrolled in a nursing program and had just started when the horrible accident occurred.I...
IncestAll constructive comments are welcome. Please e-mail to me: [email protected] or [email protected] Growing Up Cindy by Samantha Michelle My first memories are of my mommy playing dolls with me in my crib, and singing softly as she nursed me. I grew quickly, and I was a chatty little kid, and by four Mom would take me out to play with the other little girls. I remember always being dressed in skirts and layer after layer of soft, frilly underwear. I was treated...
"Davy what do you mean she has been kidnapped?" screamed Mike's voice in the cell phone. Davy stood there listing to Mike's frantic words. "It means what I said. The bastard who killed my mom has..." Davy cried out. "What does he want?" Mike interrupted. "Nine thousand dollars, I am waiting on his call now," Davy said with despair in his voice. "Davy, snap out of it. "It's my fault Sir..." "No it's not. Now cut that shit out. When you talk with him, tell him I will pay...
I was at my parents home one day talking with Dad about some company business. I had to run out to my car to grab some papers that I forgotten. I looked up the street and noticed a familiar face walking down the road in my direction. I got what I needed out of the car and slowly made my way to the road. "Hello stranger?" She looked at me for a moment before she stopped walking. It seemed to take her a moment to recognize me. "Mike? Is that really you?" "I was about to ask you the...
I had a good nights sleep and woke up fully refreshed and looking forward to greeting my guest who after checking my emails was on her way and due to arrive around lunchtime, I had given her directions for her short walk from the station and the tone of her emails left me excited to meet her.I took a long refreshing shower and made some fresh coffee before dressing, I decided that a crisp white tee shirt and a decent pair of sports shorts would work well as it was going to be a warm day. I made...
We walked into the coffee bar at ten fifteen, which meant of course that we were precisely fifteen minutes late, and were immediately greeted enthusiastically by Ian and Trish Matheson. "You don't know how good it was to hear that you would be here tonight, that you were going to honour that promise you made yesterday," said Ian as he gave Vikki an enthusiastic hug and a more than friendly kiss. Then, when he realised she wasn't wearing panties beneath her short skirt, he moved his right...
"God, I can't stop" the 14 year old Cindy exclaimed as her finger wandered once again down to her bare pussy. She had just finished masturbating herself to another orgasm. Her best friend, 13 year old Annie had talked about how she found some files in her dad's computer that showed young girls with shaved pussies and how good masturbation was after she had shaved her pussy, so Cindy decided to see how it would feel. "Your dad has pictures of naked girls?" Cindy exclaimed. "Yeah, and...
Chapter 1 Fucking with CindyCindy was on her knees in front of me, giving me a long, slow and very wet blowjob.? Her hands were rubbing the tops of my thighs. She knows she is only allowed to use her mouth on my cock.? I slid into her throat and she gagged slightly, producing even more drool.? There was already a puddle of saliva between my legs.? Later, I'd make her lick it up before cleaning my ass with her tongue.? I watched her working for a few more minutes, looking right into her...
It was almost dark when we pulled through the gates into the subdivision about three miles from the trailer park. There were still a few people out about jogging or finishing up the Saturday honey-dos. Most of the children were inside although there was evidence all around that they had been there. There was a bike in the Smith's yard with the wheel still spinning. There was the portable basketball goal at the end of the Roger's driveway that had sure been the focus of attention in the...
If I were to believe the other fleet drivers, being a chauffeur in this company was an iron clad way to get laid on a regular basis. The stretch drivers all had stories of back seat orgies in which they were invited to participate, or the female passenger who got so pissed off with her drunken partner that she had him dropped off home and she continued on with the driver. Most of these stories I would slot into the urban myth category, because from my experience nothing like that actually...
I've been going to the gym regularly for years to help keep fit and get some cardio. It's sometimes boring and frankly at times I just don't feel like going there again. That feeling came over me one day last week and I almost didn't go. Boy and I glad I did!!There's a girl that works out there regularly that I've chatted up a couple times. I know her name is Cindy and I also know she is drop dead fucking gorgeous and literally oozes sexuality. Every swinging dick in the place can't take their...
Cindy Throne is on her way home from work. She is the manger of six very smart women in an accounting firm, it's Thursday and she needs to be in early tomorrow for a very important client. Pulling into her drive Frank her husband is home and this is not the normal for him. Going inside she sees Frank bond to a chair gag in his mouth and bleeding from his nose. A big black man 6' 6" or more standing over him. Cindy yells LEAVE HIM ALONE PLEASE!!! The black man turns to her WHO THE HELL ARE YOU...
Cindy didn't spend too long in prep. The Emir wanted his new acquisitions "fresh" as he called it. That was fine by us. I'd gone down to the customer lounge to join Rick for the handover of the remaining eight of the Emir's household slaves, four house maids, three for 'entertaining' clients and his new PA. We'd got together pretty much everything he'd wanted and, of course Cindy as well. Tricia had suggested using Brian's daughters, Beth and Ella, as two of the 'entertainers', I...
By: AWC Some boys may forget the first pussy they fucked but not me. The story I am going to tell is really not about the first pussy fucking but it is definitely about the first pussy I fucked. Please bear with me, I know, it is very confusing so far. Let me start once again. My name is Rafael. It was the first pussy that I fucked with full intent and might. Before this, my cock was used and a pussy was fucked but to be true, it was my cock that got fucked by a lady about 5—6 streets away...