Salamander free porn video

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The club was dim and loud and smoky, just like Gita liked it. She smiled as she stepped in time to the deep bass techno beat that thrummed through the whole structure. All around her, the flow of beautiful and lithe young men and women, dressed to kill, gyrating and swaying to the beat, filled the air with a sensual energy. Although every cock in the club was rock hard and every woman flush with warmth, the atmosphere was not necessarily purely sexual, just folks escaping the pressures of the world through music and movement, losing themselves to the rhythm and flow. Of course, such a club was also a great place to go and meet a fling.

In the Sex Mage World, any woman could snatch up any man with almost a mere thought, but in the Cosway Queendom in the former Indonesia, such barbaric notions were kept in moderation. Women were free to tease at will, of course, but only to a point. They didn’t just grab men willy-nilly, and haul them to bed without consent. However, fifteen years of Sex Magic had eased men into the idea of being open for women’s pleasure and use on whim. Still, if industry and society were to continue, men couldn’t just be snatched up at a moment’s notice, whatever they were in the middle of. To strike a balance between society maintaining its relative fairness and stability, and satiating the sensual sadism that the Magic coaxed, places like the clubs had made good business providing such a ‘hunting ground’ for pleasure on the citizen’s own terms. Here, any man was ripe for picking, so long as they were not already being claimed.

Gita cruised through the crowd, weaving through the dance floor, and looking over at the tables. Most people in the floor were already pairing off, and most at the table were either sets of girls, or men already being seduced. She sent out the mystic feelers, seeking a man who was still waiting to be claimed. There were a few, but as it so happened, she swept her senses and eyes over the bar, and she blinked in surprise.

There, sitting alone at the bar, sipping a small snifter of scotch, was a man in a clean white suit, with a fiery red shirt and black tie. Even in the dim light of the club, he was clearly Caucasian, with the sharp features of an Eastern European. He had shaved his head bald, was tall and fit, and there was an air of confidence in his bearing. His age was difficult to guess. He had a smooth and youthful countenance, and yet as Gita looked at his eyes, there was a strange intensity to his gaze that possibly belayed an older state of mind. Of course, thanks to Sex Magic, even women in their eighties could look forty with enough effort and frequent use of magic.

However, what arrested Gita’s attention was what she couldn’t sense about him. Even as she looked right at him, saw that he was clearly male, she sensed no trace of his sexual being. She could not detect his cock, could not see even the surface notions of attraction as he watched the dark-skinned beauties around him writhe in time to the music. He just sat there, sipping his drink, with a pleasant smile.

No wonder the other ladies were shying away from him. But Gita was feeling adventurous tonight, and this strange man intrigued her. Her first thought, of course, was that he was probably actually a woman who had shape shifted herself into the body of a male. Even with a male form, penis and all, a woman was still immune to other women by default. But then, why would a transsexual woman come to a club like this, in that form, and not drop her defenses? Such women did exist, wishing to be taken and dominated by others, in ways no man could truly perform. If this was a woman, why even take the form is she wasn’t looking to be taken?

Gita stepped up to the ‘man.’ She smiled at him, in that sultry way that made horny young men’s hearts race and their cocks throb. ‘Hey there,’ she said. She was uncertain what he spoke, so defaulted to English, though he accent was rather thick.

The man’s eyes settled on her. He gave her a bold once-over, sizing her up with a slow pan up and down her form, but his smile remained blandly pleasant. Gita felt slightly uncomfortable all of a sudden. Most men were not so obviously brazen. And there was something very unnerving about a man looking at her in such a way, and her not sensing even a glimmer of his thoughts.

‘So, you seem a bit lonely,’ said Gita, shaking off her unease. She smiled a bit more broadly, and sat down on the stool next to him.

The man chuckled. ‘I seem a little imposing, I suppose. You’re the first to speak to me.’ He motioned to the barman. ‘Other than him, of course.’

‘Well, you are dressed a little strangely for this scene,’ said Gita, motioning to the crowd. Most everyone else was in ripped grunge and punk outfits, slutty night walking dresses, or at most, slacks and a Hawaiian shirt. ‘You look like you just got out of the office.’

The man shrugged. ‘I just like the look.’ He extended his hand. ‘I’m Sal. If you prefer, I can speak Malay or Javanese.’ He switched smoothly to Malay, saying, ‘I’ve lived in this Queendom a little while, so I’m not just a tourist.’ He switched to Javense, adding, ‘Although I did recently move to this town, for what that’s worth.’

Gita’s eyebrows raised a bit. He had spoken both languages without a hint of accent. Switching to Malay, she took his hand and shook it. ‘Well, then, I’m impressed! Call me Gita.’ She let go of his hand, nothing that even with direct contact, her senses still hadn’t detected anything about him. ‘Sal’s a nice name. Short for Salvador?’

‘Almost,’ he said, continuing in Malay. His smile remained unchanged, as he looked her over.

Gita shifted a little bit, not really sure what to say. Sal seemed content to wait for her to add more to their conversation. This exchange was suddenly a lot more formal than any she’d had at the club.

‘Uh… so…’ she said.


She leaned forward a bit. ‘Are you a woman?’

Sal chuckled, breaking his expression for the first time. Gita found it relieving. ‘No, although you’re the tenth person to ask me that this week alone. All male, I’m afraid.’ He smirked. ‘Well, not so afraid.’

‘I see,’ said Gita. She held a hand out towards him, as if trying to feel some warmth from his body. In a way she was, opening her senses fully, trying to detect anything at all. But her sexual senses were telling her there was no one there at all, even as she could see and hear him perfectly fine. ‘That’s so weird. If you were just guarded by another woman’s shield spell, even a very powerful fun, I’d be able to feel some kind of resistance or interference.’

‘Perhaps you’re not looking in the right places?’ said Sal. He leaned forward a bit and let her hand press against his chest. ‘Or perhaps, not the right approach?’ Gita blinked, pulling away from his advance. Sal frowned, and backed away as well. He held up a hand and frowned. ‘I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you. I forget the women here like to be the hunters.’

Gita felt a twinge of regret at the sight of his frown. ‘No, no, it, uh, it’s just really weird.’ She smiled. ‘But who knows? Maybe it could be fun!’

Sal smiled again, warmly this time. ‘I wouldn’t mind giving it a shot.’

Gita looked him over. He wasn’t quite to her taste appearance wise, but he was certainly intriguing. There was a nervousness she felt that she hadn’t with other men. A sense of risk that she found was surprisingly exciting. His initial awkwardness was probably just due to other women reacting weirdly to him. She couldn’t blame them, but she couldn’t put the fault on him, either. Perhaps he was a Glitch? She’d never heard of a male whose lust energies acted strangely, but the world was full of strange things.

‘Well, then,’ she said, grasping his arm. ‘Your place or mine?’

Sal smiled warmly again. ‘I do live fairly close, but if you’d be more comfortable in your own place, I am happy to go there.’

Gita nodded. The man was cer
tainly sensible. Knowing his own intimidation factor, he was willing to put himself in unfamiliar territory, leave himself vulnerable in other ways. If she needed help, the neighbors in the apartment complex would have no trouble hearing her scream, and run to her aid.

‘Alright then,’ she said, pulling him up and guiding him away from the bar. When the bartender saw them leave, he opened his mouth to protest, but Gita waved him off. ‘Put it on my tab! Your tip, too!’

‘Thank you very much,’ said Sal.

‘Consider it an advance for services to be rendered,’ said Gita, grinning.

The walk back to her apartment was pleasant in the slightly cool autumn breeze. They walked with arms linked to show he’d been claimed. Thus attached, no one gave Sal any mind, passing women not noticing his lack of signals. They made idle small talk, Sal saying how he’d moved to Indonesia to just before the Megami had taken over the world and formed the Queendoms. Ironically, he’d been fleeing the onset of a vicious takeover by the Hands of Syraine cult in Wales, where he’d been doing work as a writer. After getting stuck in Indonesia he’d managed to get a job as a translator, and moved frequently to accommodate new contracts. Gita told him how she was still studying engineering at a local trade school, and doing car repair work on the side.

They reached her apartment, coming up to the main entrance, and Gita pulled him to her. She was so used to having guys buzzing with arousal, and gaining strength from the energy of their lust, she was a little surprised she had to put some effort into it. Nonetheless, she pulled him close for a kiss, and he responded in kind.

She pulled away feeling a strange, slight tingling on her lips. She licked them and came away with very slight smoky taste. Perhaps a hint of whatever drink he’d been having. She led him into the building, pausing to kiss him several times as they went up the stairs. She pressed himself fully against him a couple times, but noticed with a bit of alarm that he wasn’t hard. She hoped his lack of signals wasn’t some sign of impotence! Oh, well, if it was, then there were other parts of him she could enjoy. She just wasn’t sure she’d be able to return the favor. His loss, she supposed.

When they reached her apartment on the fourth floor, she practically dragged him inside, and ensnared his body like a snake, limbs wrapping around him, kissing him deeply enough that any man would have been breathless even without a hint of magic. Once the door closed, however, he stopped reacting. He pulled away and stood tall. Given the top of her head barely reached his shoulders, she was left hanging.

Gita blinked, looking up at him. He was gazing down at her with a cold look that unnerved her instantly. ‘H-hey?’ she said. ‘What’s wrong?’ She reached down and cupped him. Her eyes widened, however, when she realized she couldn’t feel his genitals. She had sworn she’d felt something before, flaccid perhaps, but maybe she’d been mistaken.

Had he castrated himself? Had a woman stolen his genitals? Is that why she couldn’t sense him? She’d thought such measures couldn’t stop Sex Magic, that men who had chopped their bits off just ended up with women regrowing their parts back. Gita started to pull away, but Sal’s arm ensnared her and pressed her against him with a crushing force. Gita’s eyes widened, and her jaw dropped as she saw his eyes, which had been a dark brown, shift into a brilliant crimson. She tried to draw in breath to scream, but Sal’s grip tightened, and she couldn’t draw enough air to voice her distress. She immediately reached out with her senses drawing on the lustful energy of other men from around the apartment, infusing her body with strength. And yet, even as she felt herself energize, felt the need for air abate, she found she still could not break his grip. His arm held her with uncanny strength, still preventing her from draw in enough air to speak. She tried to struggle, to push him off, to kick him, but both her arms were pinned in his long grip, and she had no space or leverage for a good kick.

‘You’ve been wondering why you can’t sense me,’ Sal said, his mouth forming a thin, cruel smile. ‘It’s very simple.’ He held up his free arm, extending his index finger down to point at her forehead. ‘Sex Magic on works on beings one can crossbreed with. In other words, for you, it can only work on other humans. I am not human.’ Suddenly, his finger burst into flames, crackling with heat. No, it didn’t just light afire, it became fire. The flesh and bone had been replaced by a painfully hot digit of flame.

‘And even if the Magic could effect other beings? It would only be effective against flesh. I am made of pure, living fire. Your magic could never touch me.’ His thin smile became a sadistic grin. ‘But I can touch you.’

Gita pulled as much energy towards her as she could for one last attempt to shove Sal away and scream. She never got the chance, as Sal’s finger instantly elongated into a long needle of flame, spearing her skull straight through. There was flash that lit up her entire head, light pouring through her skin, leaving the silhouette of her skull, as her brain was instantly boiled into vapor. She didn’t even have time for a death rattle.

Sal let her go, returning his flaming digit to a normal, flesh-like finger, and spreading his arms wide. Gita’s body dropped limply to the floor, pink steam erupting from the charred hole in her forehead. As he heard the hiss of the steam, Sal kept his arms spread wide and turned his face to the ceiling. He let out a sigh of ecstasy, his eyes rolled back, and he shivered, as if in climax.

When the burst of steam became a mere sizzle of still-boiling fluid, Sal calmed himself, lowering his arms and taking several slow, steady breaths. He looked at the body, smiling pleasantly, for several long minutes, before holding out his hand once more. A ball of blinding light flickered into being in his palm, then dropped over Gita’s body. There was a flash, and for a moment, a cocoon of light enveloped her. When the light died, her entire body, down to the bone, had been reduced to vapor by a heat so great, not even ash or smoke remained. And yet, so precise was Sal’s control over his fire, that the floor she’d been laying on had not a single burn mark.

Sal let out another sigh of contentment, and turned to leave the apartment. He jerked back as he came face to face with another man, tall, broad shouldered, silver haired, and crimson-eyed. His familiar dark brown long-coat and wide brimmed hat were contrasted by the silvery metal of the high-tech energy rifles stuck to his back.

Sal took another step back as the man, his eyes hidden under the brim of his hat, tilted his head up to reveal a calm, relaxed expression, a pleasant almost-smile on his boyish features. Sal swallowed hard. ‘Zane,’ he said, more softly than he’d intended.

Zane’s almost-smile became a slight one, and he looked to the floor where the woman had been. He let out a small sigh and shook his head, looking back at Sal. ‘Salamander,’ he said. ‘You really need to stop this.’ His voice was a pleasant, melodious baritone, speaking as though giving a child some friendly advice.

Sal wasn’t fooled. He steeled himself and said, ‘You left me here on this rock to observe. I’ve been observing for five years. There’s nothing to tell. I need to do something so I don’t go mad from the boredom.’

Zane nodded, pursuing his lips in thought. ‘Yeah, no, I get that. But after the Cult Wars, they are more aware of us than ever. Every sudden disappearance you leave behind you, every flagrant display of your power, you bring them a little closer.’ As he said this, he took a step closer to Sal.

If the man of fire could sweat, beads would be running down his neck. ‘I was careful this time. I did it indoors.’

Zane nodded to the side. ‘In front of a window,’ he said. Through the glass, Sal could see their floor was higher than any other building immediat
ely around, so no one had immediate line of sight inside. Nonetheless, with the curtains open, there was no telling who might have seen the flash of his fire.

‘I think we’re okay,’ Sal said slowly.

Zane shook his head again. ‘Witnesses saw you leave that bar with her. When she doesn’t show up for classes or work, people will come looking. And they’ll remember the man in the white suit, whose cock could not be sensed.’ Zane took another step forward.

This time Sal stood his ground, his frustration mounting. ‘If you’d give me a task worthy of my being, maybe I wouldn’t be going so stir crazy on this wet rock.’

Zane’s pleasant smile returned. ‘Worthy of your being? I didn’t know candles could feel hubris.’

Sal grit his teeth, fury overtaking his fear. Flames erupted from his being in a brilliant aura and he stood tall. ‘I was born of the First Star! I wasn’t created for this bitch work!’

A spark of purple light flashed in Zane’s eyes, and the Salamander was suddenly smashed into the far wall, his flames instantly snuffed out. He let out a pained gasp as he fell to the ground, but before he could even start to stand, the cold, alien metal of Zane’s long-barreled gun slammed into his temple, crushing his skull against the floor. Sal cried out again, feeling pain that his fiery form was not used to. Normally, such a blow would have merely turned his faux-flesh into pure fire, leaving him undamaged while burning whatever had dared to strike him. But Zane, Archangel of Temael, was unhindered by such exotic defenses. His touch imposed mortality on the Salamander, just as the fire elemental’s own touch ignored the protections of Sex Magic.

‘Bitch work seems suitable enough for a bitch,’ the Archangel said, his expression still pleasant, but his voice tinged with a cold edge that make Sal’s entire body seize up. Zane’s finger lightly touched the trigger on his exotic weapon, small colored notches in the barrel glowing with faint purplish haze.

Sal glared at his superior, and hissed through tightly grit teeth. ‘Just snuff me. Do it. If this is all I’m good for, and I can’t even have a spark of fun, then what’s the point of it all?’

Zane’s smile broadened and Sal felt ice through his nerves. ‘The point isn’t for you, little candle. It is for our Great and Wondrous Lord. The one to whom you owe your very existence. How would your Father feel, knowing you would snub the one who saved him, who gave all of you a second chance at being?’

Sal grit his teeth harder and squeezed his eyes as Zane pressed the gun barrel harder against his temple. The elemental’s thoughts seethed hot in his mind. Blasphemies threatened to pass his lips. But after a moment, he forced himself to calm down. He simply could not do it. No matter his frustration, His Great and Wondrous Lord deserved better. Sal let out a long, shuddering sigh, and if could have, he would have wept. He was unworthy to serve his Lord in even this miniscule task. He deserved annihilation, not out of spite, but out of failure.

Zane’s smile widened just a bit more, knowing the thoughts roiling in the elemental’s mind. ‘You may be right, Salamander. But fortunately, your Lord is forgiving.’ He withdrew the gun, placing it against his back, where it stayed in place through a touch of magic. Zane grabbed him by the shoulder and hauled him to his feet as though he were a kitten held aloft by the scruff of his neck.

‘Now then,’ said Zane, dusting off the man’s suit. ‘You know the procedure. Keep moving. Observe. Report. Let us know the feel of the citizenry, the practices of the Queendoms.’

‘This whole chain of islands seems pretty laid back,’ Sal muttered, once he got himself partially composed. ‘So far anyway.’

‘Perhaps,’ said Zane. ‘But even here, dissidents may be found. Even by one as dim as you.’ And then suddenly, he was gone, blinking out of existence with no flare or drama.

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I miei racconti 4

Ero ancora nudo vicino a Marianna e dal mio uccello colava ancora sperma, lei fu la prima a parlare e disse "wow!!!" col respiro pesante io riuscì solo a sorridere. Vidi i suoi seni con i miei schizzi sopra e le passai un pacco di fazzoletti,esce il primo,poi il secondo e infine il terzo con il quale pulisce la sua vagina ed ecco....sangue! L'avevo appena sverginata e lei con aria serena dice "è successo!". Mi sentivo quasi in colpa e le chiesi se andava tutto bene,mi rispose di sì e ci...

4 years ago
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Amber Moons

The sun had begun to set on another warm day which made the orange and yellow sky look pretty over the clear water. It reflected the beauty of the evening. In the time Kai had been here, it never failed to awe him. He looked around and saw small white figures walking in the distance. They were enjoying the ambiance of the peaceful scenery too but they did not approach or come his way and for that he was grateful. He stood on the decked balcony of his little beach cabin and turned back to the...

3 years ago
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Blackthorne Ch 01

I scurried back on my hands and feet to avoid a very sharp pair of claws that landed too close to comfort to the top my inseams. My hardwood floors had no chance as the black and shiny claws carved into them and trailed back towards her body ever so slowly. I regretted wishing my luck with women would change and I thought to myself if I ever made it out of this alive with my limbs intact I would find Justin and punch him right in the nose. My life was flashing before my eyes as I quickly bobbed...

1 year ago
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Episode 146 Porn School

Leicestershire, UKWithin 30 minutes of posting the less obscene clips from the barbecue video, back in March, Debbie had received two offers of marriage from Saudi princes, an invitation to an exclusive sex party and come to the attention of a talent scout for a junior person pornography maker.Fortunately Bill was an ex-cop and now working for CEOP, so was able to remove the offending material showing his BBC entering her cute strawberry filled arse before it got too widely copied across the...

2 years ago
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Rock Chicks

Christmas 2011, London :We had a works event with a Rock theme. There was a rock band on, some very clean Harleys placed about, and a rock disco. The account directors had the chance to cram their overly lunched guts into some rather too new lookingbiker jackets. Despite the spend, we were ordered to share rooms if we were staying over. I was paired with 23 year old PASamantha. She normally had her hair up and designer glasses, very executive looking. I had admired her asre on the quiet. I...

3 years ago
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My Journey Into DegradationChapter 3

"A plan for what, Ken?" I repeated. Ken's only reply was, "You'll see, baby." Then with a far away look on his face, Ken said, "Why don't you get dress now, Jill. We have to get back to the house." Bill gave me a new shirt to wear home since the other was covered in cum. Bill's shirt was made of a rich blue silk. I have always loved how silk feels against my braless nipples. It is so luxurious. I approached Bill for one last passionate kiss and then I bent down to scratched my...

2 years ago
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Gas Station Whore

After learning that this vixen slut, with no regard for her pussy hangs out at this gas station bathroom, I've been going every few days since... to no avail... Until yesterday. I walked in to find a line. The burly fuck was just finishing with her. He grunted and looked awkward pulling up his unbelted pants. But we all saw the load drip out of her as she balanced herself between the two sinks. She was completely naked. Next business guy walked up, threw his tie over his shoulder and went in...

3 years ago
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My Dream Shoba Aunty

Hi guys, this is Chethan once again…you can mail me at Last year this incident took place. I had a sexy Aunty just next door of my house. Her name is Shoba. She is damn hot, tall, wears low waist saree. She looks sexier when she wears black saree. Her age is 32 and she has 1 kid of just 7 – 8 months. But she seems as if she is just 24. Her figure is 38 28 38. Her hubby works at Mumbai. He comes twice or thrice a year. She is milky white in colour. Whenever she is at home I can find her pointed...

3 years ago
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Diwali Mein Sexy Bhabhi Ki Chudai

Hi, my name is Rahul from C.G Durg. I am 27 years single, I do a job in a real estate company, dick size 9″ to satisfy any girl. Girls and bhabhi can mail me on. I am a big fan of Indian sex stories I have been following this site for past 5 years. Coming to story. Meinye kahani hindi mein batana chahoonga because I like hindi. Ye kahani meri aur meri bhabhi ki hai jinki shaadi ko ek saal hi hua hai. Unka naam neha shaadi mein hi wo bahut acchi lag rahi thi par mene unko kabhi buri nazar se...

4 years ago
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My friend Tori doesn't get it. She says, "What do you mean 'being watched?' Who's watching?"I told her you know, like a peeping Tom, or somebody I don't know who's sneaking a look at me while I'm touching myself."And you get off on that?" still sounding confused."Well, yeah. You have things that turn you on. Right?""Yeah. Okay." Still unconvinced.Where do sexual fantasies come from? A lot of places I'm sure, and as far as I'm concerned I don't care where the fuck they come from. They're just my...

2 years ago
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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 157

"Girl, have you been screwing my baby sister?" Shavon's dark eyes were hostile and accusatory, expressions Laura had never seen in them before. "Why... uh, of course not. What makes you think that?" Laura tried not to blush, always her weakness. "Liar. I know you have." "What did she tell you?" "Didn't have to tell me a thing. She goes moping around, crying all the time. Her boyfriend even came to me, wondering what was wrong. He says she all of a sudden told him she didn't...

3 years ago
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Hotel Gang Bang

Introduction: It does exactly what it says on the can Hotel gang bang The knock on the hotel door seemed innocuous enough, neither of the occupants of the room had any reason to suspect that it could be anything other than room service. Bill and Anne had travel overnight, catching the red eye from Fort Lauderdale to arrive at London Heathrow early in the morning. They had slept for an hour or two, trying to adjust to the six hour delay from continent to continent. Their two weeks doing...

2 years ago
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Sister Satisfied By Big Brother

At first I want to introduce myself – my name is Simran 21 yrs. Old, doing graduation from Mumbai. I have one elder brother who is doing master in computer application. He is two year elder than me. My father is govt. employee and my mother is principal in govt. school. My boob’s size is 34, waist size is 26 and hip size is 32 and I am very fare in color. This is the month of July and college is open. Today Swati joined the college first time after her marriage. I am best friend of her. So she...

2 years ago
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A Modest FairytaleChapter 21

"Retreat! Retreat!" Pardin heard a voice call out from the courtyard. "Bar the door!" It was a big, ugly door made of wood and metal. Pardin signaled for the Fairy Express and decided to take a tour of the courtyard while he waited. Anorexia had laid a massive turd with great precision directly on top of a couple of catapults. Her aim had saved many people from a weapon of which they had no protection. Unfortunately, dragon turds stank strongly of vile, putrefying things. The rest of...

2 years ago
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In a hot hole roadside ravishing

Within seconds her open top Camero had come to a spinning, crunching halt. The big grey box wagon in front of her car had crumpled the fenders and lights without even shuddering. Her car had bounced to one side and now its damaged nose pointed out across the sandy, cactus covered plains. She relaxed her body the shock subsiding, her nails slowly extracting themselves from the soft steering wheel leather. "Ugggghh shit!" She groaned rubbing her long aching neck. The interstate...

4 years ago
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Sam and Jill pt 1

Sam and Jill pt 1By Way2BdgStorycodes: bound; breathplay; plastic bag; toys; threesome; XSam’s intrigueOnce, eight month ago, Jill was naked and strapped all her limbs and torso to a gynecological chair. I was fucking her tight asshole in steady pace. My left hand was pumping her wet pussy with two feet long, black, ribbed, double-headed dildo, and my right hand was stimulating her clit with the humming pink egg vibrator pressed onto her clit. She was moaning in ecstasy.Sam was standing behind...

3 years ago
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The Poolside Question I Was Not Expecting Part 10

(More firsts in the Honeymoon Suite)I had only see photos of the honeymoon suite, but now that we were here, it was time for Jeannie and me to explore our home for the next three days. I took my young lover's hand as we started our tour. The suite was on the top floor of the resort and from the twentieth floor, the view of the beach and the Gulf of Mexico was amazing. The huge balcony spanned all three rooms with glass from ceiling to floor in each room. The living/dining area was nicely...

4 years ago
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Family TiesChapter 9

There was a knock at the bedroom door. Drummond and his submissive wife had retired soon after Jody and Laura said good night and had been waiting for this moment, one with eager anticipation, the other with resignation and despair. Drummond acted shocked when Shanti quietly slipped in. "Well?" he snapped. "She's here," said Shanti. "Well, bring here in!" "She has a request." "What kind of request?" "She wishes to keep her identity a secret." "A secret?" "Yes. She...

1 year ago
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Shy old friend

Hey, all this is your just sick storyteller, so it was all started when I was in school, as I was a poor k** and belonged to the very poor family I went to a very odd school, my fee was mostly paid off by my dads boss or my moms workplace, where she was a maid… as my fee was paid by rich dudes I want to a nice school and was asked to get come to mom, complete homework and go home, so it was always 7 to 7 day for me, I also went with owners daughter, Victoria. She was very bight, very...

1 year ago
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Growing Up A MasterChapter 23 Sandy

Outside of the Harrisons, my love life was not that spectacular. After breaking up with Gemma, I did date a few girls, mostly older than me, but I never stayed at it long. I think that I didn't want to get into the same situation that I was in with Gemma. I didn't want things to go far enough that I had to wonder what I should do. As a result, I was not dating much. For companionship, I hung around with my friends, including Gemma, and for sex, I had Kari, Cheri and Girl, and, on occasion,...

3 years ago
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Discovering Our Housemaids Secret

It was on a Wednesday afternoon that I reluctantly came home early from work at around 2pm. I noticed my wife's car wasn't there parked in our driveway as usual and that meant I had the house to myself for a while. I didn't tell her or the kiids that I'd be home early so it wasn't exactly a surprise to me.I had just parked my car in my usual spot when suddenly my phone rang and as I picked up my phone I saw it was my darling wife Brenda. She immediately started asking me questions about dinner...

4 years ago
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In The Warehouse

[for a reader who gave me some ideas....] “Only twenty-five years old. And already, your body responds like you’ve been doing this for years.” She struggled and managed to raise her head slightly. She looked at him through eyes swollen with tears and stinging from the sweat running down her forehead. From behind the ball gag, she grunted and whimpered, trying to beg him for a short break, just a few minutes to catch her breath. Joe gave her a big smile and turned to John. “It sounds...

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BuzzedHighHorny Lucky on a CD

Tonight I was at a friends pool party at his apt & it was kicking good as everyone was drinking,laughing,& enjoying the party as I was chatting w/some people I've come to meet from the party I excused myself to take a hit of some Ice to snap my buzz on an even minded level I go around the apt bldng to take some hits & I was interrupted by a female voice saying put your hands up this is the police as I turn around & see this female walking to me w/a big grin on her face to ask...

2 years ago
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My cuckqueen wife

It all started out innocently enough. My newlywed wife and I were at a friend’s pool party. Plenty of alcohol had been ingested and everyone was having a good time. One of the people there was an old roommate of my wife in college. They had started living together in the dorms and eventually got a small apartment together.Directly after college, Tiffany took an overseas job and was not able to attend our wedding. As a result, today was the first time I had met her.Tiffany was a tall redhead...

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Before the EnergistsChapter 23 Bad Girls Before the Energists

5:00pm, Saturday, February 1, 2003 Thank goodness that the Plyer's house was indeed a mansion. There must have been 150 people there, spread out all from the kitchen, living room, family room and their large deck. Steven Plyer had arranged for Dreamland Bar-B-Que from Tuscaloosa to come and cater this get-together, after Dani's funeral services. There was plenty of the big 3 from Dreamland: ribs, baked beans and white bread. (Note: if you're ever in either Tuscaloosa or Birmingham, a trip...

2 years ago
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Eat Me

Introduction: If you squick easily, my stories arent for you. Consider yourself warned. Ive always fantasized about becoming meat. Being cooked up and eaten just sounds so erotic to me. I could never really do it, as its illegal, but I think about it any time I get horny. When its really hot out, I like to imagine that Im in an oven on low heat. When we have sex, I like when my boyfriend, Mark, bites hard into me, and I imagine that hes tearing me apart. I could never tell him this though. I...

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Cucked my husband with a hung teenager

My husband and I have been married for 2 years. We are attractive and fit. Our sex life has always been very good. We have been occasionally been adventurous. WE have had a number of mfm threeways, we have a once in a while play time with a couple who are good friends and we have had the very occasional daliance outside the marriage. We tell each other all about those. My husband is bi. I am bi too and have done things with the female half of the couple we play with but it's more to entertain...

3 years ago
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Traveling Man

I rolled over and watched Paul get dressed. He was a short guy with blonde hair and so delightfully built. I watched him pull up his underwear and remembered how wonderful he tasted. Four straight nights after meeting at that small underground gay club and the entire weekend. I wasn’t used to so much time together with one person, especially one as perfect as Paul.Hi, everyone. My name is William, Bill to most, and I have a fun job that has me traveling all over the place for a few months at a...

Gay Male
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The weekend

It’s been eight years since Sabrina moved out to start her own family. It has been dull and boring. Then yesterday Penny informed me that Sabrina would be spending the weekend with us. It’s her ex-husband’s weekend with the k**s. Sabrina also has contractors that are going to be working on her house so she asked Penny if she could spend the weekend in her old room. My heart started to race and my dick stated to stiffen. The layout of our house is: you walk into the living room and the kitchen...

2 years ago
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Bells Book and Candle

"When you see the daemon, mate with the daemon" - old M'n saying Hank let out a yawn. This, as it turned out, was not a smart thing to do while showering. His half asleep body had started to drift forward, the hot spray not yet doing its duty of waking him to the world. Jets of water entering his throat, though, did. With a spitting cough, he jerked his head back, right hand going to the tiled wall. It would be just his luck to slip, lose his balance, fall, and crack his head open. That...

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ReginaldChapter 14

“I can agree with that, Mr Robertson. You certainly widen the scope of our historical studies. That is indicative of reading widely, and not just abiding by the set textbooks. I approve of giving the subject more intense scrutiny. We can all benefit from a deeper understanding of events.” “Thank you, sir.” The lecturer addressed the whole class. “Which brings me to those of you who have not even absorbed the set textbooks. I have to say that merely listening to me lecture is insufficient to...

3 years ago
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Love Dont Live Here

It was a Friday when my clubbing partner Myron called me. This is my boy we had a blast when I was single, we went out every weekend sometimes 4 days out of the week to look for some good times! He began to tell me that he had been talking to these two thick latinas at work(they worked at a gym in San Bernardino) about going out to the club with him and a friend of his(me of course) and they would laugh and play it off but they finally gave in and said they wanted to go out that night. He told...

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Opus OneChapter 21 Canon

Richard was painfully nervous when he knocked on Sandra and Emily's door. He heard talking as he leaned close to the door, but there was no answer after he knocked. Only silence. "Sandra, Emily. Open up, please. I need to talk to you," Richard called through the door. There was another silent moment, and then Richard heard the door unlatch. Emily pulled it open, and slipped out into the hallway. "She's pretty upset right now," Emily said quietly. "I know. I feel really bad. I...

4 years ago
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Perceptions and DeceptionsChapter 47

"Oh yeah," Brad moaned. "Oh man..." Brad sat on the edge of his bed, his legs spread apart and stretched nearly straight. He leaned back, propping himself up with his arms, fingers splayed and curling into the blanket. Gina knelt between his legs, her head bobbing, her lips clamped around his cock. "Fuck, yeah ... damn, that's good..." Gina's thighs quaked, her pussy hot, wet, and helpless. She dared not touch it. It was only for him to do as he wished. Every stroke of his cock...

2 years ago
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That Time I Caught My Brother Wanking

There’s nobody in when I get home, so I go to the kitchen, make a mug of tea and some toast and take them upstairs to get my homework finished. I’m meeting Tyler tonight and didn’t want to be late, our last date had got seriously hot and heavy, maybe tonight I’ll let him fuck me. Last night he sent me some dick pics, they look good, so much bigger than my last boyfriend, Ryan, he was a nice guy, but he had such a tiny cock, and my god, talk about premature ejaculation, he came before he’d even...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Charly Summer Goes Big For Her First Anal With Dredd

First anal daredevil Charly Summer returns to have DREDD “release the crack in” in this scene from Charly Summer has commissioned DREDD to be her first anal. She’s draped in floral flesh tone lingerie that compliments the bold beauty. With a break in the tease sequence, she shoots a quick snippet on her cellphone to announce her anal intentions. “Home Alone” emojis will be sparse after the posting. Jules Jordan asks Charly Summer to turn around. Jordan quips “This is the target...


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