The Sinn Girls Apprenticeship in Sinn
- 4 years ago
- 23
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In no sense of the word was I Down Under anymore. I was one Aussie girl who felt on top of the world.
My apprenticeship in the London office of the Sinn detective agency had been a success. And even better, I had now contributed to Miss Sinn’s second significant case, the solving of Sir David’s dilemma.
Though it was, I thought to myself, difficult to explain to your mother that your career was going well when success was best illustrated by the example of snarling at an English lady, ‘Come and have your arse beaten, bitch, on the floor, crawl.’
But I guessed I could live with that, particularly as Miss Sinn’s subsequent praise was as fulsome as her bosom. Her strongest compliments were about how well I had followed up my snarling at that English lady by whipping her tits, jamming a dildo into her, and making her drink her own piss. Every career, I guess, has its own goals and markers of success, though in my case, not ones that I could share with many people and certainly not my mother.
It was, I decided, also better not to set out on paper all my key work objectives for the next six months, apart from anything else, admitting to wanting to fuck Hoffy, Miss Sinn’s petite PA, might seem a little presumptuous; but I had caught her glances, and wondered, maybe, there were signs of hope.
But, if family and friends might never understand what I did, the Sinn girls’ actions and the camera that had recorded them, had satisfactorily concluded Sir David’s case, which meant that we were in for a bonus.
Miss Sinn had presumably received our fee from Sir David, the one subject, apart from Monica it seemed, that she kept very close to her ample chest. But Sir David was a sweetheart. That afternoon he had a generous Harrods food pack delivered, oysters, caviar and all sorts of other delicious treats. And best of all he had sent us another case that needed the attention of the Sinn Detective Agency - it contained twelve bottles of Krug.
“Ladies,” said Miss Sinn, “Sir David’s first case is complete, this evening we party until we complete his other case.”
She smiled at her humour, but I confess I did wonder about the wisdom of Hoffy, Monica, Miss Sinn and I polishing off a case of Krug in one sitting. I know I am Australian and we have a reputation in such matters, and I knew Krug was indeed the finest of champagnes, but even so three bottles each felt like a stretch.
“We will start at five,” Miss Sinn continued, “That will give Annie enough time to indulge her passion for shoes. And, Hoffy, that is enough time for Sarah to get here.”
Miss Hoffmann nodded and asked for leave to go back home.
Miss Sinn smiled at her, and said, “I do love the way you ask for things, Hoffy.”
Hoffy blushed, and got redder as she caught my eye. Was that a wink? Or maybe lust was playing tricks with my vision?
Despite adding a fifth person, Sarah, to the task of downing a case of Krug, it still seemed like a stretch, but I decided that my immediate focus was the green light Miss Sinn had given me for shoe shopping. So, I followed Hoffy out the office door a few minutes later and, knowing exactly what footwear I wanted to check out, set off towards Selfridges.
Getting back turned out to be a little more arduous than I had expected, and a couple of hours later I was running just a tad late, which is not totally surprising given I had just treated myself to the Manolo Blahnik heels that I had my eye on. Ah, those shoes, perfect for every occasion, well except it seemed a mad dash back to the office.
Panting, I was a little out of breath when I arrived back at the detective agency, and Mons raised her eyebrow at me along with her champagne flute, and asked, “Good fuck was she, darling?”
I was shocked. How could she possibly know that my Selfridges’ shoe service included, well, a very good fuck indeed? But Mons was right. The Selfridges shoe seller, Oli, was American, and she could fuck for her country, were it a competitive sport.
“For God's sake, Annie,” Miss Sinn interrupted, “Don’t look so fucking surprised. This is the No.1 Lesbian Detective Agency. Mons is a fine detective with a nose for…”
There was a pregnant pause, and Miss Sinn caught the eye of the other three, namely Hoffy, Sarah and Mons. The giggles that followed told me the four of them had already made a good start on the Krug.
“Annie, dear,” said Miss Sinn, in a voice that was more a command than a question, “Come over here and get your first well-deserved flute of champagne.”
So, obediently, I moved closer to Miss Sinn and, as she passed me a flute of Krug, she lowered her head and I heard her deeply inhale through her nose.
“Well?” asked Hoffy and Mons simultaneously.
“Eau de pussy, ladies. Now where in the staff manual, Annie, does it say that working out of the office includes fucking; other of course than that approved by me and carried out in the line of duty?”
“Um, you said it was okay for me to go to Selfridges and buy those shoes I had my eye on.”
“A double fucking first at Cambridge,” Miss Sinn brutally observed, “And you can’t distinguish fucking shoes from fucking-fucking.”
“I know my shoes,” I replied, not wanting to be drawn into the fact the shoe shopping and fucking had seamlessly merged into one that afternoon.
So, I looked down at my shoes, accurately anticipating that four pairs of eyes would follow. And wondering whether that would be sufficient to distract my colleagues from further investigation as to how the smell of the shoe saleswoman’s pussy had come to linger on me.
No such luck, of course, they admired my shoes, genuinely it seemed in Hoffy’s case as she remarked, “In those, I might just get above five feet.”
Mons looked sceptically at Hoffy but didn’t press that issue. What she did press was her enquiries into my sex life.
“So, Annie,” Mons observed, after she had had another gulp of the Krug, “You stop at Selfridges and emerge with both shoes and smelling like a girl who has been giving cunnilingus.”
Before I could think, the words were out of my mouth, “Receiving, too…”
“Annie, Annie…,” Hoffy interrupted before being consumed by giggles.
Once she had regained her composure, she had a large swig of the Krug and continued, “It is best to wait until Miss Sinn takes you to the dungeon before confessing.”
“You two,” Miss Sinn interrupted, “Stop teasing the poor girl.”
I looked thankfully at Miss Sinn, only to be distracted by the look on Sarah’s face. “Why so shocked?” I asked her, “You are always happy, Sarah.”
God knows what they all thought I had said. But it was enough for some more giggling and Hoffy’s cryptic response of, “I think you might find that is a different Sarah, Annie.”
I was puzzled, but even more so when Miss Sinn added, to general amusement that only I didn’t seem to share, “You can bank on that.”
There was obviously some '(S)in(n) joke' here, and it was at my expense, but it seemed to amuse them all. Hoffy later explained that there was another 'Sarah' whose nickname was 'happy', and who was a general object of desire, but was rumoured to be often with a young banker.
It wasn't that funny in the cold light of sobriety, but like most humour, I guess you just had to be there.
Once their amusement had subsided, and glasses had been refilled, Hoffy looked at Sarah and tartly observed, “You buy your Manolo Blahnik heels from Selfridges, don’t you darling?”
“It has been known,” Sarah replied. I didn’t know Sarah that well, but she, even to my eye, seemed uneasy about something.
“It is fabulous,” I gushed, not unlike my pussy had been doing for the past two hours with Oli, “Oli’s sales service is something else.”
“Just as well you purchased the shoes, before fucking her,” Mons observed, “Otherwise you would have been paying for it.”
Sarah almost choked on her champagne. And, as a consequence of her reaction, Hoffy stared long and hard at Sarah. A penny seemed to have dropped for the couple Miss Sinn had only yesterday described as vanilla.
But whatever Mons words did for those two, her comment about fucking Oli triggered me and I was transported back a couple of hours.
The sexual tension between Oli and I, as I tried on shoes, was exquisite. We had instantly known we were in lust each other, but over the next two hours, I was to discover what a wonderfully bratty girl she was.
Things reached a head after I had decided what pair of shoes to buy. Oli smiled, like a cat that wanted my cream, and said, “They suit you. My last sale before I lock up the shop.”
I knew a hint when I heard one, and so I lifted my foot to where she was sitting in front of me. Pushing the sole of my shoe under her skirt and into her pussy, I whispered, “When you lock up, lock us inside.”
Oli nodded, and added, “Just so you know. I am kind of insatiable.”
Yeah right, I thought. But, as I was to find out, I had underestimated the depths Oli’s would go to. I was in for a kaleidoscope of carnal delight.
Within five minutes we were naked and in the back of the shop away from prying eyes. Oli, knowing I wanted to taste her juices, was straddling my face and pressing her damp cunt onto my mouth. My tongue circled and pushed into her pussy, as my finger pushed against her arse. And almost immediately Oli started rocking back and forward, fucking my mouth and smearing her juices over my face. It was my inability to subsequently fully wash those juices off me that would give the game away to Miss Sinn.
When I then did what she asked and pushed a finger into her tight arse, and focused on her clit, Oli, with a quickness that surprised me, shuddered, exploded and squirted juices into my mouth as she came.
My first inkling that I may have misjudged Oli’s use of the word insatiable came when she didn’t stop grinding her pussy against my face as her first orgasm petered out. Her finger dropped to her clit and, as I fucked her pussy with my tongue and her butt with my finger, we combined to bring her, screaming my name, to another powerful orgasm.
After a moment or two to recover her breath, Oli returned the favour. She turned me on to my front, and licked and kissed her way down my back. Stopping only when she reached my arse and, with her hands spreading my cheeks, her tongue licked and then pushed into my anal ring.
With her tongue anally occupied, Oli’s fingers sought out my pussy. Sliding two fingers of one hand into me, her other hand zeroed in on my clit. Tongue fucking, finger fucking, and pinching my clit, she soon bought me to the edge of something big. And big it was, as I came like a freight train.
Completely zoned out by the strength of my orgasm, it took me a minute or two to realise that Oli had rolled me on my back, and her mouth was now licking my clit. And, as she looked up at me while she sucked my clit, I felt fingers slip into my pussy. God knows how many, but I felt as full as I had ever been.
Her hand fucking and her delicious attention to my clit quickly had me moaning again. The continuous in and out of her hand, and the licking of her tongue got me on the brink and I threw myself into orgasm, absolutely drenching Oli’s face.
The noise of one of our office doors shutting disturbed my daydreaming. I looked up and saw Hoffy sitting opposite me, just staring at me.
“Sarah and Miss Sinn are in her office discussing money,” she whispered. And her eyes travelled down my body. I didn’t think too much about it until I glanced down.
Oh fuck, I thought, realizing that, during my daydream about Oli, I had inadvertently spread my legs and Hoffy could actually see under my skirt.
I blushed as I remembered something else. Oli had taken my knickers as a souvenir and consequently my abused, yes there is no other word for it, cunt had been on display for Miss Sinn’s petite PA. I should have closed my legs, but I didn't. I wanted to see her reaction. And, looking at her, it seemed clear she liked what she saw.
I looked over at Mons, who was sitting a little apart from us, sipping her champagne and, for all the world, looking like she was enjoying a piece of theatre playing out in front of her. Which it turned out she was.
I saw movement out of the corner of my eye and looked back at Hoffy. She had reached for one of the last oysters. And having got my attention, she put the shell on her bottom lip and licked lasciviously up the oyster. Reaching the top her tongue swirled around and around, before she sucked the oyster into her mouth.
Without her eyes leaving mine, she said, “I think, darling Mons, that oysters remind me of something.”
“Not that you have a wife, I presume,” Mons tartly replied.
“If she can indulge, I can too,” Hoffy replied, equally tartly, winking at me.
And I knew then that maybe Miss Sinn was, for once in her life, totally wrong. It seemed that Sarah and Hoffy weren’t actually that vanilla. Seeing that I had a green light to flirt, I reached for the last oyster and licked it just like I had licked Oli’s pussy. And then sucked it into my mouth.
“I didn’t,” I simpered, “Realize that oysters tasted like Oli’s pussy.”
While Hoffy and my eyes never the others’, we both heard Mons laugh and say, “What, with my tongue in your tail?”
Hoffy looked at Mons and smiled, obviously instantly picking up what Mons had said.
I picked it up too. But why, I asked myself, had Mons at that point mentioned a line from the Bard that my English teacher at school had never explained. It was only on the internet that I discovered it was a reference to oral sex.
I too glanced across at Mons, clearly looking puzzled and she said to me, “Hoffy may be gay, but there is one man she loves.”
I filed that fact away, but before I could think any more about that little interchange, Sarah and Miss Sinn emerged from the office, and Mons thought it timely to top us everyone’s glass.
“Who took the oyster I had my eye on?” Sarah asked.
I pressed my jaws hard together determined not to smile, while Hoffy busied herself with the caviar. Mons sniggered and I don’t know how many others heard her whisper, “Someone else seems to have their eye on that particular oyster.”
Fortunately, I was then distracted by my mobile phone. It was Oli, texting, seeing if I was free later in the evening.
I couldn’t resist asking Oli whether she knew a Sarah who was a customer. I got a smiley face back, and the comment, ‘Who do you think it was that left their strappy at my work?’
Oh my, I thought, realising that Sarah seemed to enjoy buying shoes from Oli, maybe for the same lustful reason I did. And I just had to excuse myself and go to the bathroom, knowing that what had happened next that afternoon was front and centre of my mind.
And there was no way I wanted my work colleagues to know that.
As I snuggled into Oli after my second orgasm, Oli whispered, “You know what?”
“What?” I replied.
“You know how I said I’m insatiable. Well, one of my best customers leaves her strappy in the drawer over there. Go put it on.”
So I did, and, wearing the girl cock that I now knew was Sarah’s, I approached Oli and ran the strap-on across her lips. She sucked and coated it with saliva before I ordered her to lie on her front. Once she was bent over, exposed, I slid the girl-cock into her.
“Yesss,” Oli moaned, “Fuck my brains out with that.”
And I did, or at least I thought that was what I was doing. But with every thrust that ended up with my hips and upper thighs slapping against her arse, she moaned words like harder, deeper, or faster.
I was soon a sweaty mess as I jackhammered the girl-cock into her, but was rewarded with moans that turned into groans and then into orgasmic ecstasy.
As I slowed down following her orgasm, she screeched, “Fuck, no. Don’t you dare stop.”
And at that very moment, my phone pinged. It was a text from Miss Sinn wondering how long it takes to buy shoes. I was just contemplating how to respond to Miss Sinn, when Oli said, “I said, fuck me.”
I smacked her bum, kind of firmly, and replied, “It is my boss. I talk to her if she wants to talk to me.”
“Fuck, I like the sting of your hand on my arse. Now, what would you rather do, pleasure and pain with me? Or chat with some old crone of a boss?”
My God, I thought, I am never, ever calling Miss Sinn a crone. But that was the last time I thought about Miss Sinn, as I looked down and saw the strap-on just penetrating Oli’s cunt and her arse cheek beginning to redden.
And I was instantly consumed by the fires of lust.
“Legs wider, you little slut,” I ordered, throwing my phone down. And Oli responded with a satisfied moan to my second slap of her arse.
I reached up and grabbed her hair, leant in, and whispered in her ear, “I am going back to the office unless you beg for it.”
“Oh fuck, Annie. Yes please, fuck me, own me.”
So, slapping her arse with one hand, snapping her head back as I pulled her hair with my other hand, I then slammed the girl-cock into her cunt.
“Fuck yes,” she moaned, “Just make me your bitch.”
And I did, jack-hammering the girl-cock into her, hearing the top of my thighs slap against her reddening arse cheeks. Our juices merged as her screams drove me on, both of us building orgasms with every thrust.
Our thoughts became incoherent and our cries and moans an incomprehensible babble, as I slammed in and out of her.
Then with a scream of, “Fuck yes,” I felt my orgasm crest. And my words found an echo in Oli as she screamed, “I’m cumming.”
And together we dissolved in the tidal waves of lust that surged through us.
When I removed the strap-on from her with a satisfying plop, Oli looked disappointed.
“That was wonderful. But I do have to go, Oli,” I said, as I took off the strap-on and started to try and clean myself up.
“Later then?” she asked.
“God you really are insatiable. Maybe, Oli. Text me and I will see.”
In the bathroom at work, I was so turned on by replaying my afternoon with Oli. She was such a slut and I found that a very endearing quality. But even though I was as horny as hell, there was no way I was going to make myself cum in the office. I so couldn’t bear the thought that my colleagues would find out.
When I got back from the bathroom, I found the other four crowded around a computer screen. It was Mel, the absolutely sweet Canadian who ran Miss Sinn’s North American office. I didn’t know her that well but every time we have recently talked I have become more and more impressed by just how lovely she is.
God knows what the subject of conversation had been, but Mel observed, “While there are a lot of things you can enjoy virtually, champagne is not amongst them.”
Oddly enough, Hoffy blushed at that comment, and even more so when Miss Sinn added, “Don’t think we are lushes, Mel. This is a one-off. But you should use the expense account and treat yourself to a bottle.”
After Mel had signed off, Mons started refilling everyone’s glasses.
“Last orders, ladies,” Mons observed, “I think that it would be best if we didn’t attempt to polish off the case of Krug tonight.”
“Maybe you are right, Monica,” Miss Sinn replied, “We are the Number 1 Lesbian Detective Agency. Not a bunch of drunken sluts.”
“Can’t one try to be both?” I asked, perhaps, with hindsight, a touch overeagerly.
“Perhaps we could,” Hoffy said, accompanied by a drunken giggle and a look from Sarah that would have turned her into a pillar of salt, had the petite one been looking in her wife’s direction.
But no, Hoffy wasn’t looking at Sarah because, as I then realized, my skirt had ridden up again when I had sat down.
But, even in my slightly, alright considerably, inebriated state, I decided that toning down the flirting might be appropriate. Recalling that Mons had said Hoffy did love one man, I adjusted my skirt and opened with something just a touch cleverer, “To drink or not to drink. That is the question. Whether ‘tis nobler in the mind to suffer, the slings and arrows of outrageous headaches.”
Pixie looked enchanted, way too much for me to be comfortable, and so I was delighted when it was Mons who responded, “Or to stop Krug, preventing a Sea of troubles. And by abstaining end them: with Oli, you sleep.”
I knew, and I suspect that Pixie, at least, must also have known, that Mons had deliberately lost the Shakespearian rhyme with the last four words. God only knows what Miss Sinn and Sarah thought, but Mons had fired a warning shot directed at Pixie and me.
And Pixie ignored it, and rose to the challenge in a totally flirtatious way, adding, “No more; and by a sleep to say we end the heart-ache of the thousand poor relationships that my Flesh is heir too? ‘Tis a consummation devoutly to be wished, aye, there's the rub.”
I looked at Pixie amazed at how easily we clicked and played off each other. And she just smiled like the cat that had got the cream.
Then I looked at Mons who was just shaking her head. And then I glanced at Miss Sinn who was engrossed in her email. And, finally, I stared at Sarah who met my eye and looked at me as inscrutable as I have ever been looked at.
Fortunately, we were all distracted by Miss Sinn’s announcement that her email contained good news; we had a third case. “I want you all here at ten tomorrow morning, bright eyed and bushy tailed,” she said, polishing off the Krug that remained in her glass.
“Bright-eyed might be a stretch,” Mons tartly observed.
Nevertheless, we all helped to quickly clean up. And all the time I pondered what had just happened with Hoffy. That seemed like something more than my usual flirting with a woman of lustful interest. And Sarah, what was I to make of her inscrutable stare?
Then, still wondering about Hoffy and Sarah, I said goodnight to my colleagues. I decided to head over to Oli’s, thinking that I needed to clear my head with some good uncomplicated sex. And I took the one unfinished bottle of Krug with me, imagining that Sir David would consider my slutty shoe seller as an appropriate recipient of his largesse.
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Walking briskly and with clear purpose you unlock the door to your apartment and shut it behind you. Carefully traversing your way through an abundance of cardboard boxes you arrive at a mirror. Peering into the mirror, one of the very few things you’ve unpacked, you see a 35 year old male with an athletic and toned body, slight stubble and of course your favourite feature your 9 inch flaccid thick and girthy cock. Due to the fact you need to make a good first impression tomorrow you decide to...
TeenThis is the installment of a story about a guy/girl who gains god-ish-like powers, that are unfortunately not always reliable. This effectively means that you can either play through as a "winner" and toy with other people, or be a "loser" and be the one who gets toyed with. Other paths are stuff like, playing as a male or a futa, and private sex and shared sex. **(W/M) Winner/Male (W/F) Winner/Futa (L/M) Loser/Male ** (L/F) Loser/Futa TL:DR - Skip to chapter three to avoid...
FetishYou are an extremely hot teen that has many friends, at least half of the school has either a crush on you, or once had a crush on you, possibly all genders, and the other half? They've probably thought about you many times. Your name is Ellis, your 18th birthday was on the 4th of December, which was yesterday, after many gifts from your family, and a rather, Peculiar gift from your long distant cousin, you find yourself annoyed. Not because of your gifts, but because no one has had the courage...
TeenYou type your passcode into the electronic clock on machine and begin your 8 hour shift at Greenfields Golf Resort. You only have the job in order to pay for your university studies, but honestly its a pretty cruisy job. Your co-workers are pretty fun, and being in such a nice area, you dont have to deal with the annoying general public that some of your mates are stuck with in fast food restaurants. In fact, Greenfields is one of the most luxurious golf courses in the state, so you get some to...
Teen“Amy… Amy… “ Jake’s soft voice coming from behind my head gradually penetrated my dreams and brought me slowly to my rather befuddled senses. The sun was streaming brightly through the gaps in the curtain. It was morning. But where was I? What was Jake doing in bed with me? Had I overslept! “Amy... we’d better get up!” It took a moment or two for my memory to return and for the realisation to dawn on me. Then my head really began to spin. I was in our holiday cottage! I was in my stepbrother...
TabooKristi McDowell was not having a good day. It started by waking up too late to get her husband's lunch ready. He couldn't wait and said he would just grab something from the "roach coach" that comes by the construction site at lunchtime. Kristi felt terrible about that - she had eaten a meal or two from those places and she didn't like the fact that because of her, he had to now. Then her oldest boy, Allan, the 10 year old, woke up not feeling good. She took his temperature and he was a little...
Wife Lovers'Insufficient Funds, please take your card.'Sandra bit her bottom lip and tried not to swear in front of the queue that was building behind her at the cash machine. Now what was she going to do?She was supposed to be meeting her friend Julie for a drink in town, but she only just about had enough money for the bus back home. She texted Julie to let her know she couldn't make it and why, and headed despondently back to the bus station.About halfway home she rang Julie’s phone, "Hi Julie," she...
MatureMy job as a programmer requires me to do a lot of work at odd hours so I can have the computers all to myself to make what changes are needed. Strangely enough I do this on Friday evening as much as possible. My wife and I usually just rest up and enjoy each other's company on Fridays, and we start that as soon as we get home and get naked.On this particular Friday, in the middle of Summer, it was just before sunset and I had just finished my tasks and was sitting with my feet up, looking out...
Gay MaleLater that night after work, I decided to take a shower. I invited Kate to join me, but she declined politely. I sighed, and went into the bathroom. I don't know how long I was in there, but it felt amazing. As the piping hot water rushed over me I felt all the aches and pains of the day go away. Kate had taken care of handling any stress I would normally have. Some say I take my low-paying retail job too seriously, and I would generally have to agree. Finally I decided to turn the water off...
Group Sex“Who is playing that song this early in the morning??”, Dhanya muttered to herself, trying to cover her ears with her pillow. The song kept playing away, battering her semi-conscious mind. “Oh crap!! That song is my alarm!”, she woke up startled, took the vibrating phone in her hand. It took her a moment to realize that it was the first day of her vacation. Ten gruelling months of rigorous teaching, correcting exam papers and internals and dealing with the lazy students had made her mind used...
I used to work in customer service, as a counter clerk at a very busy establishment. As a fun and friendly gal, I quickly became popular with the customers. As the only shameless yet still professional flirt in the place, I came to acquire my own clientele, of sorts. So, although it was a shit job, I usually had lots of fun. For a time, I had to work a split shift, and I usually had a two or three hour (unpaid, of course) lunch. It wasn't so bad, because I lived in town, so I could go home if I...
[Author's note: This is a continuation of another story (linked below). The plot isn't complicated by any means, but it might make more sense if you read the other one first] The week following our romp in Colleen's office was an interesting one. Aside from some sly looks between Katie and I, and the occasional quiet reference to that evening, not much came of it right away. Colleen was more or less her normal self, albeit a tad "softer" towards Katie and I. Actually, come to think of it, she...
Group SexCamille’s hips swiveled seductively on the rubber shaft that impaled her. I couldn’t help but be reminded of the mesmerizing movements of an accomplished belly dancer. But Camille was essentially nude. And there was that toy. And there were groans.This was no dance. It was hypnotism.Her eyes never left mine as she looked over her shoulder. With her gyrations beckoning, she began leaning forward. In moments her torso lay parallel to the table, her prominent nipples etching the cool wood, legs...
Straight SexLet me introduce my female colleagues in terms of seniority: Fahima 27 years of medium complexion (34C-26-34) Sharmeen 26 years of medium complexion (34D-24-32) Sadia 25 years of fair complexion (36C-32-38) Since joining, I was put under strict supervision, where even my smallest mistakes were met with the harshest words. Being new in the corporate world, I felt dejected about my treatment. However, it all changed that during that weekend office... When I entered the building on...
In this audio play we share with you how my lover spiced up hours of tedious conference calls. Working from home really does have its benefits after all! Narrators note: With thanks to Citroen, another of our collaborations.
ExhibitionismLight sparkled from the huge chandelier and reflected from the thousands of diamonds encrusting the women in attendance. While an orchestra played softly from one corner of the room, tuxedo clad waiters with white gloves circulated silver trays of champagne and caviar. A small circle of Cabinet members talked quietly with the President. A long string of black limousines was still pulling up outside and passes were being checked against the guest list. Suddenly there was a perceptible pause...
“shame she isn’t a virgin the President. Our clients like virgins too." The president by the name of Donald Trump looked the girl over. She was young, in her twenties, small well formed breasts, blonde shoulder length hair and skinny body. Her clothes consisted of a T shirt and canvas trousers. on her feet she wore old leather sandals. “What's your name?" asked the President. “Tomi Lahren from Fox News" the girl answered. “Well Tomi Lahren, you belong to us now. Our organization has...
Matthew Pottinger did just as he was told, running his hands up and down Candace Owen’s voluptuous body, caressing her ebony skin, squeezing her meaty breasts, and stroking her big, round ass while she writhed and squirmed. “Candace” – pretty name, pretty girl. Built like a brick house. Real hot body. Big, tall, and busty. 5’ 5”. 135lbs. 33-26-34. DD cup. Smooth ebony skin. Long, thick, curly black hair glistened with mousse. Leggy. Big, firm tits. Full, round ass. Dressed nice and slutty....
Nicole Arbour. Lesbian madam. 40 years old, 5’ 10” tall, leggy, athletic, strong. And stacked. Like a brick house. 50E-24-38. Shoulder-length thick blonde hair. Bright red lipstick, toenails, and fingernails. Golden tan from sunbathing in the nude. Neatly trimmed pussy. A real, live Amazon queen. Nicole had been supplying beautiful American blondes to Kayleigh McEnany’s escort service. A very lucrative partnership. Kayleigh had double-crossed Donald Jr and Eric. Embezzling from the Trump was...
I’m cursing in my thoughts. “Where the fuck is she?” I’m hidden in a dark alley and wait for that pretty former Deputy Press Secretary to come walking through. I’m anxious as hell as I hold the garrote in my right hand. I need to have her tonight. I’ve studied Lindsay’s schedule and habits over the last few weeks; she always takes this shortcut in Friday nights. As I think of this, I hear brisk walking. Peeking from the dark corner, I see her coming towards me, dressed in skinny pants and a...
I, Oliver Tress, considered myself to be a good lover and she agreed. Nevertheless; she had had numerous affairs and she had left me several times for other guys. She eventually would grow tired of them or the other way around and she would return to me begging for forgiveness and I would always take her back. Why did I take her back? Because in bed; she could bat your balls right out of the park. You know what I mean. Gina loved to drink and party. It didn't take much booze to really get...
I’m cursing in my thoughts. “Where the fuck is she?” I’m hidden in a dark alley and wait for that pretty former Deputy Press Secretary to come walking through. I’m anxious as hell as I hold the garrote in my right hand. I need to have her tonight. I’ve studied Lindsay’s schedule and habits over the last few weeks; she always takes this shortcut in Friday nights. As I think of this, I hear brisk walking. Peeking from the dark corner, I see her coming towards me, dressed in skinny pants and a...
My sister, Ivanka, is so sexy and nice, I must have her. Every guy wants her. Her body is perfect, her tits are a little larger than a handful, her body nice and thin at 5 foot and 11 inches, framed by her long, trim legs. Her face was angelic with hazel eyes and her face was beautiful, her hair golden blonde, long, wavy and soft. I get a boner every time I look at her. She knows she's sexy, because all the guys do that around her, even me. She seems to like looking at me, sometimes she...
It just so happens that this weekend her parents and brothers are going to be out of town and this would be a rare time she would be home alone. I learned this by listening in on conversations in her home using my spy equipment. Saturday was a rainy night and perfect timing to pull off my plot to take her in her parent's mansion. I had been planning this for months waiting for the perfect opportunity. I put an old pizza delivery sign that I found in a garbage dump on my car and dressed up...
My mom, Marla, had let me live with my daddy Donald. Daddy became abusive towards me, calling me mean names and hitting me whenever I was bad. Now, I know all parents hit their kids, but I'm not talking about a slap on the ass. I'm talking about being slapped in the face and even punched. Two months after I turned x, he created a special punishment. He would tie me to a table he had in the basement, which he called the punishment table, then whip me with a leather strap. A month after that...
After about the third or fourth day, she sees an island covered with trees. She knows she is far from main land and has not seen any one else since the day she left. She does not see any sign of another person on the island and there is no sign of land anywhere else. She smiles and begins to load up the raft. Once that is finished, she strips down and pulls out a pair of white, seamless pantyhose. She pushes her tiny foot into the leg and pulls the nylon up. Then she pulls the other leg on....
Nicole Arbour. Lesbian madam. 40 years old, 5’ 10” tall, leggy, athletic, strong. And stacked. Like a brick house. 50E-24-38. Shoulder-length thick blonde hair. Bright red lipstick, toenails, and fingernails. Golden tan from sunbathing in the nude. Neatly trimmed pussy. A real, live Amazon queen. Nicole had been supplying beautiful American blondes to Kayleigh McEnany’s escort service. A very lucrative partnership. Kayleigh had double-crossed Donald Jr and Eric. Embezzling from the Trump was...
My sister, Ivanka, is so sexy and nice, I must have her. Every guy wants her. Her body is perfect, her tits are a little larger than a handful, her body nice and thin at 5 foot and 11 inches, framed by her long, trim legs. Her face was angelic with hazel eyes and her face was beautiful, her hair golden blonde, long, wavy and soft. I get a boner every time I look at her. She knows she's sexy, because all the guys do that around her, even me. She seems to like looking at me, sometimes she...
Witness my recent experience with the boy on the train. I actually cheated a bit and switched compartment when I saw the sensitive looking lean black-haired Chinese teenager sitting there, his face buried in a book, his knapsack next to him. looking oh so edible in his white school shirt, black necktie, and grey shorts. His golden legs were muscular from playing soccer, and he exuded fresh young innocence. So I joined him and sat across from him. He barely looked up when I entered, but he did...
A couple of times when we were in the room alone and she greeted me with a kiss I took hold of her chin and kissed her on the mouth. She would give a nervous little giggle but I could tell it upset her some. After a few times of this, she began giving me a quick peck on the lips of her own free will, I think she looked upon it as a game. Once when she had come in from school I was standing in the kitchen alone and when we hugged and kissed I held her and forced my tongue in her mouth. She...
I was deer hunting several ridges over from my new house. I had taken a position high on a hill up in the tree so I could overlook the whole valley. About 9 Am; I saw movement on the other side of the creek coming down the hill. As I looked through my scope up and down the beach for something interesting to spot. There was nothing except I could see that it was the liberal news host Ana Kasparian and their property had numerous "No Hunting" signs posted. It was over a 300 yard shot and I...
Although a light snow had been falling since shortly after we left St. Louis, we were making good time, and I felt at peace as we drove through southern Indiana. Despite my family's tendency to transform into Dysfunction Junction, the snow and the impending holiday festivities put me in a good spirit and brought my mind back to a Christmas many years ago. It was 1982, and I had turned x three months earlier. I had passed through that awkward phase of puberty and was an attractive kid; I...
Mom had run off to L.A. a few months before, unable to take the stress of Dad’s drinking and temper any longer, leaving me alone with him in our big house in New York City. Mom hoped to get in the movies somehow. She once even said she’d even suck some producer’s penis until it shot gobs of cum into her mouth if it would get her a job on TV. Things had been going OK. I had settled into a routine of going to school, coming home and doing homework, and then cooking dinner. I would eat alone and...
*** The White House bunker is half-empty or half-full, it depends on how you'd see it. The place is not very big, designed to take about 100 customers in, but now only 40 or 50 customers are sitting at the tables and they all are men. To be exact, they all are Republican politicians. It's also clearly visible, that they are quite wealthy businessmen. They are dressed up very formally in dark or grey suits. They wear valuable rings on their fingers and they drink expensive drinks. Some of...
I was deer hunting several ridges over from my new house. I had taken a position high on a hill up in the tree so I could overlook the whole valley. About 9 Am; I saw movement on the other side of the creek coming down the hill. As I looked through my scope up and down the beach for something interesting to spot. There was nothing except I could see that it was the liberal news host Ana Kasparian and their property had numerous "No Hunting" signs posted. It was over a 300 yard shot and I...
Although a light snow had been falling since shortly after we left St. Louis, we were making good time, and I felt at peace as we drove through southern Indiana. Despite my family's tendency to transform into Dysfunction Junction, the snow and the impending holiday festivities put me in a good spirit and brought my mind back to a Christmas many years ago. It was 1982, and I had turned x three months earlier. I had passed through that awkward phase of puberty and was an attractive kid; I...
Ashli was one of these females in the military. She, however, was determined not to be placed in that "Air Force Slut" category. In the beginning, everything went according to plan. She attended her training and made it to her air base with her reputation still intact. The past few hours, however, have changed her life forever. Let me start at the beginning. Ashli came from a lower-middle-class family, in the lower middle part of San Diego. At 18 years old, she saw the military as a perfect...
I am only sixteen, she thought wondering why she wasn't afraid. Maybe because hanging didn't sound as painful as being shot. And the thin ropes swaying in a light breeze didn't look scary enough. She almost smiled wondering that such insignificant piece of rope could end her life. Her friends Kateryna and Anastasiia were scared of what awaited them, though they tried not to show it openly. Kateryna was very pretty, with shoulder length black hair, smooth skin and big brown eyes. Anastasiia...