Naked on Summer Vacation Slut Summer SchoolChapter 7
- 2 years ago
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Medical matters and a deepening involvement with Mundt
My work continued despite my involvement with Ilse Mundt. I delivered messages between members of our resistance cell, left messages which I had encoded myself for our radio operator in pre-arranged concealed places. It was vital we knew as little as possible about our colleagues. That way, were we arrested and interrogated we could not reveal other’s identities.
It was lonely, always frightening and the temptation to talk, simply to share the burden was sometimes overwhelming. My cover as a nurse and midwife meant I could travel within the local area and I soon became well-known to the German’s night patrols and was rarely challenged with more than a ‘Gute Nacht, Schwester.’ Even that made the heart race.
Ilse worked shifts, so quite often it was impossible for her to demand my attention but whenever she could she had me call on her. One Saturday afternoon she had called at the surgery and demanded that I go to her cottage when I had finished. I cycled there, bare legged and still in my uniform because stockings, especially of the sort she gave me, would have screamed ‘collaborator’ to the townspeople.
Also because clothing was in such short supply that to wear the uniform placed less pressure on my very limited wardrobe. On arrival at her cottage, she’d send me to the small guest bedroom to change into what I felt was my whore’s uniform; stockings, suspenders, expensive silk knickers and a long nightdress or something similar.
That evening was no exception and, once changed, I joined her in her sitting room where she sat, naked.
“Better. Pour us both wine. Both of us.”
I was always careful not to drink any more than I absolutely had to. Loosened tongues had been the death of many operatives. Ilse believed I had a low tolerance of drink, since early on I had feigned falling asleep which had angered her but paid the dividend that she no longer plied me with too much drink to get her way. I pretended always to enjoy her company and it was not necessary to fake my sexual arousal. Her body was firm, strong and beautifully proportioned.
Ilse could be very demanding, sexually. Sometimes she would expect me to pleasure her with tongue and fingers for protracted periods then dismiss me but at others, she was gentle and loving and used her body to bring me to welcome climax; even if my mind resisted my body could not.
She had clearly had wine before I had arrived. She drank her glass in one deep swallow then pointed at the carpet between her feet. Shuffling her arse forward she reached for my hair and gripped it, pulling my face to her cunt. I licked and kissed her there, my tongue swirling over her, her clitoris, her lips and delving into her. She held me to her, issuing her customary commands, occasionally strumming her clitoris with her finger as I paid attention to her lips and hole. She was often quick to orgasm and this was no exception. She was not, however, satisfied.
“My little French nurse is so good. You love treating me like this don’t you?”
What could I say?
She smiled. “Come to bed now. Do it again, push your tongue and fingers further into me. I will be slower this time and will enjoy you more.” She led me upstairs to her bedroom and reclined on the bed with its thin mattress and slightly grimy bedclothes.
Kneeling between her thighs I slurped between them, her cunt wet and sticky from her previous climax. Her knees were bent and I slipped a finger into her and she moaned, loving the intrusion. I curled it and tried to think of Eloise or Naomi and the pleasures we had shared to be more inventive for her, to make her cum more quickly so that I might get away.
She was getting close. Her passionate cries were more frequent, louder and her body was writhing. I allowed one finger to stroke down between her lips around that which was curled inside her, down over her perineum and to circle her arse.
You’d have thought she’d been stung. She sat bolt upright and pushed me away.
“What do you think you are doing? That is disgusting. First, you stuff me with medicines there, then you want to make love to me there. You are depraved, like all French women. You have ruined this for me. Get out, leave!” She was beside herself and I was genuinely scared. Apologising I stood up and made my way to the bedroom door to return to her guest room to re-clothe myself and go.
Dressed again in my uniform I went back to the bedroom. “I am sorry, Fraulein Mundt. I meant no harm.”
To my surprise she acted like a young girl, her voice soft, almost whimpering. “Do some women like that?”
“They do. Not all, but some. Some find it hurts, others enjoy the feelings it creates.”
“And you, do you enjoy it?”
I nodded. “At first, I was appalled like you but I grew to love it.”
“Who taught you?”
“She was a teacher.” Keep as close to the truth as possible. Never reveal more than you have to. The fewer words you speak, the fewer opportunities for mistakes, contradictions.
“Did it hurt?”
“A little at first but we become used to it, learn that to enjoy our body, all of our body is a wonderful thing. I am a nurse, I’d never do anything that might harm you.”
She reached out for my hand and pulled me to lie beside her, hold her to my breast. To my astonishment, she began to cry.
“In Germany to love women is to be a pervert. The authorities say that homosexuality is a crime. I have not been able to be me, to be free to indulge myself for so long. Before the Nazis, Berlin was free, women like me could find love, joy but now those places are banned and ‘offenders’ arrested.” I held her as her tears and words flowed. “I hate the Nazis. I hate the military. They are brutes and they have made me brutish. Everyone hates us. Do you hate us?”
I said, as I had before in different circumstances. “I don’t hate the Germans, but I do hate what they have done, are doing to my country.”
She nodded. “We are bad people.”
“No, you’re not but you are doing bad things. Not you personally but your people are.”
“I know. You have no idea what is happening to people at home. Are you Jewish?”
“No, I am Catholic.”
“That is good. It is a bad time to be Jewish in Germany, here in France too. My friend, Rebecca, was Jewish. I don’t know where she is now. She was taken away with many other Jews. I loved her, Jeanne, I loved her.”
My natural sympathy was tempered by the fact that she had almost forced me to become her lover with bribery and threats but her deep sadness was moving. It was also interesting. To reveal her feelings as she had put her at grave risk and my professional mind, as opposed to my humanity, wondered if there were ways I could exploit this rich seam of sadness and anger within her. You may think me callous but espionage is a callous business and winning the war was the sole objective for my own country and the rest of the world.
Her hand went between my legs and a finger slipped up the hem of my knickers and stroked me there. Her face rose up and she kissed me, her finger slipping into me as did her tongue.
“You are beautiful.” I knew I was not. “You are kind. It is why you have chosen your profession. I am a scientist and was made to become a communications officer and to come to France. The Reich,” she almost spat the word, “makes ordinary people do awful things.”
I stroked her back and she continued to kiss me, to stroke deep inside me.
“Will you show me how to enjoy my body, my whole body?”
“I must go. I will have patients to deal with.”
“Of course.” She separated herself from me and sat up as I got off the bed. “I am sorry I was so unkind.”
I left by the back door as I had arrived. I cycled through the dark, unlit streets back to my home, my mind pondering this extraordinary chain of events.
One night, later that week, I had been ordered to join a small group to collect an airdrop from a field a few miles out of the town. We were five, the others all men. I knew one of them as the cell leader, Martin. He was about fifty years old, tall and hard.
“We have five minutes to prepare, the drop should take place from low level and the containers must be loaded quickly onto the truck.” They all wore working clothes but, since my curfew cover was my job, I was in uniform. “You should not let them know you are the nurse,” Martin whispered to me.
“How do I get around after curfew if I am not dressed like this?”
“Wear something suitable next time. Think of a reason.”
In the darkness, we heard the roar of engines overhead and suddenly two parachutes, dark against the darker sky billowed and seconds later we heard the bumps as two large metal canisters hit the ground. We hurried to collect them, one man delegated the job of burying the ‘chutes. The goods were loaded onto the truck and it roared off with the men aboard. I found my bike and rode shakily along the lanes. I rounded a corner and came face to face with a patrol of Germans.
“Halt.” The desire to turn and flee was almost overwhelming but somehow my nerve held. I went through my cover story in my mind.
“What are you doing out after curfew. Where do you live? Show me your papers.” The orders were barked at me. I explained that I had been visiting a newborn child who had colic. I told them where. I told them that the Doctor and the farmer and his wife would confirm my story. My heart pounded in my chest as they scrutinised my papers.
“Go home, Nurse Lassainte. Ride carefully, it is dangerous to be out in the darkness.”
I had, I think, held my breath throughout. It was not unusual to be scared even if what you were doing was perfectly innocent. The Germans ruled by fear, expected it. I was shaking as I wobbled off on my bike.
The following morning I learned that Martin and his colleagues had all been arrested. On hearing this I went to the toilet and threw up my breakfast. People would assume someone had informed, maybe assume that I, the sole survivor, was that informant. I coded a message to London and, on my way to my first visit of the day, left it at one of the drops. It contained the information regarding Martin’s arrest as well as the account of my recent conversation with Ilse.
I was horrified when a German soldier called at the surgery, a large, open-topped Mercedes outside.
“Nurse Lassainte?”
“You are needed at the telephone exchange. Please come with me now.”
“I don’t know, I was simply told to bring you.”
“I’ll go by bicycle, I have other calls to make.”
“Please, get in the car.”
Was this my arrest, the subject of my worst nightmares? I picked up my bag and got into the back of the open-topped car and he drove quickly to the exchange. There I was met with the sight of Ilse standing on the steps to the imposing doorway.
“Thank God you are here. One of my women is having a baby.” Shit! “Please, Nurse, she needs your help.”
I made my way through the exchange to a first aid room where a troubled-looking woman of about fifty stood beside another, younger woman who was lying on her side on a cot and moaning, her belly swollen, sweat on her face and neck. I called for towels and hot water. She had obviously been in labour for some time. She was exhausted.
“You should have sent for the Doctor, not me.”
“You are a midwife, no?” This was Ilse from the doorway.
“Of course, but she is in great distress, she might need a C section. Call the doctor.” She hesitated. “Now!”
I turned back to the poor, pregnant woman. Her navel was protruding and I knew this often meant the baby had breeched. I checked her pulse, temperature and dilation and examined as best I could. I sensed rather than knew that the baby had breeched. Jesus, what was I supposed to do?
I racked my brain and tried desperately to remember what I’d been so briefly taught. I got her on to her back, encouraged her to raise her knees and tried to speak to her. She was obviously in pain but she could tell me she was about a month short of her due date.
Imagine my relief when Doctor Legrande arrived, his bag in hand. He took in the scene and I said, “I think the baby has breeched, Doctor.” He nodded and moved me aside, kneeling to examine the mother on the low, narrow cot.
“You have done well, Nurse.”
I couldn’t think that was true but was glad he’d said it. At least my cover was intact. We told everyone to leave us and the Doctor explained he was going to perform a Caesarean to deliver her baby, not to worry, Nurse Lassainte will administer chloroform and she’d sleep through it. I used the mask from his bag and a few drops of the powerful-smelling anaesthetic and she dropped off. Swiftly, incredibly deftly, the Doctor performed the operation and extracted the infant. While I washed and held the crying child, he stitched her up.
Madame Goury, woke drowsily a few moments later and, when she was back with us, I gave her her baby daughter to hold. She was still exhausted of course but she was all smiles and gratitude. As I was leaving, she asked me my name. I told her.
“May I call my baby, Jeanne? To thank you?” I nodded and said I’d be honoured.
As I was leaving the exchange, Ilse stopped me.
“Nurse. Could you please call at my home at six? I would like you to give me some medical advice?”
“Come to the surgery and speak to the Doctor.”
She looked directly into my eye. “Six. No later.”
At six, I arrived as was now customary at the back entrance to her cottage. Naked but for a silk robe, she gripped my wrist and pulled me in and, slamming the door hastily, she embraced me and kissed me, hard.
“You were wonderful today.”
“Thank you.” She was undressing me as she spoke, almost ripping my clothes off me. Her hunger was obvious. She exposed my breasts and sucked them, her hand going up under my uniform dress to cup me, then in under the hem of my knickers and her finger started to stroke my cunt. She almost dragged me to her bedroom where she finished undressing me, pushing me on the bed. She knelt between my feet, lifted my knees and dived between my thighs. Her tongue lashed me, fast, hard, opening me and spreading my lips. She slipped a finger into me.
“I want you to orgasm. I have been selfish.” Well, she wasn’t being selfish now. Her fingers entered me, two together and began to pump in and out of my now wet hole, her tongue thrashing around my engorged clitoris. Briefly, she knelt back on her heels to throw off her robe, then she moved us into a tribbing position and ground her cunt against mine, her hands on my shoulders.
“Cum for me, Jeanne, cum with me. Her eyes rolled and her hips thrust and the orgasm she wanted from me rose unbidden, making me arch my back so my hips pushed against her and almost simultaneously, we climaxed. Hers was as noisy as always.
She held me to her body, to her large, firm breasts, stroking my hair and occasionally kissing my forehead, my eyes. “I love you, Jeanne. Could you ever love me?”
“Ilse, the curfew.”
“You could stay the night.”
“No, the Doctor will wonder where I am, maybe raise the alarm, especially if there is an emergency.”
Reluctantly she let me go. I dressed quickly and left by the back door to cycle home.
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I am healthy 60 year old who has discovered the wonderful world of grannies. That’s right! if a women is not over 67 I will just not get involved with them. My grannies (I have four of them) keep me busy from Friday to Tuesday when I have to take a few days off to rest. There is nothing hotter than a hot granny. I can spot one a mile away, the tight jeans, short mini-skirts, fine make up and perfectly coiffured hair and push up bras are a dead giveaway. There is nothing hotter than a granny on...
Second Day — Anna It's hard but it feels strangely good to have this piece of hard meat in my mouth, hitting the back of my throat. I guess it's more than the feel of it, the shape and the taste. I think the pleasure has everything to do with the noises my father is making. He grunts like he did when he was fucking my mother last night. I dark shroud of guilt is wrapping itself around my heart at the thought. This man is not just my dad. He's the love of my mother's life. Her man. I keep...
As he felt his dick grow hard from his sister's love, john noted that the bus had begun to fill. Most of the early pickups sat in front, oblivious to the goings on in the back. John didn't really care, most of them were kids by his standard (sexual standard that is). But that soon changed. The bus stopped in front of a housing complex, and stewie the geek got on. He looked a bit tired, like he was up all night, and half collapsed onto the seat in front of John. He seemed not to have...
I couldn’t wait until the next day. I knew Mom wouldn’t wear her bikini with others nearby but I wanted to get back in the canoe to watch her anyway. I was intrigued by the play of light across her face from our communal campfire. I knew that Mom was aware of my attention though she never seemed to acknowledge it. The next day, we portaged to the fourth lake, losing one group to waiting vehicles. We were alone starting on the next lake since the rest had moved faster than us on the trail. I...
From Fred's information BimboTech Inc was some kind of medical research center. It was located in an industrial district downtown. They hadn't obviously marked it, but there was an odd neon sign at the top. It looked like the silhouette of a woman on her knees. Her sketchy profile sported rather provocative curves. It wasn't really what one might expect from a medical institution. Fred had also managed to find out how two weeks earlier BTI had sent a representative round to her old...
Hi Teresa I owe you and your websight a debt of gratitude. It's because of you that I'm going to live til my golden years being waited on hand and foot by my sissy slave. Mark took me into his two bedroom condo as his roommate seven months ago. I had just been released from jail from my third drunken driving and driving on a suspended license conviction. Mark my old coworker kept in touch with me and offered me the room rent free for five months after my parole as away of...
I wake to you lying beside me. I hear you breathing, slow and deep. I remember with a smile our time earlier in the day. My memories begin to awaken my desires for you. However, I am famished, and I imagine you will be as well when you wake. I put on some clothes and start to make some dinner. It’s approximately an hour before sunset. My plan had been time to have dinner so we could watch the sunset over the beach across from us. So far, it looks like we’ll make it. While the food is cooking, I...
Straight SexI headed out on the back roads, hoping to miss some of the traffic going into Arlington. I had a general idea of where Sarah had her apartment. When I finally got on the interstate, the traffic was fairly light. I mashed the pedal and cruised along as fast as I dared. I wasn't totally sure of where Sarah had her apartment, so I called the security company and got the address. Since my attorney lived in the area, I called him and asked about the law to make sure I was right about what I had...
MY VIRGINITY LOST TO MY BROTHER — PART 3 Hi this is Kavitha and continuing my 3rd episode of my sex adventures. As myself, Priya, and my brother Vijay decided, I thought after Vijay and Priya’s marriage, they had been going to Bangalore and I decided to join in St. John’s Medical college for my Nursing course and decided to stay at the New couples house at Bangalore, so that every day we will have awesome threesome. But to our bad luck Priya’s father wanted to marry Priya to his sister’s son...
IncestShe enjoyed the drive to the mall. It was a beautiful evening, with a cool gentle breeze blowing. She didn't have any problem in finding a car space near the entrance to the mall. As she walked through the mall, looking for a bar that appealed to her, she couldn't help but notice the looks and whispers she was getting from women, as well as men as she glided past. Her head was high, her shoulders back making her cheast more apparent. Hey eye was caught by one bar so she went in to go look...
First, I would gently push you on the bed. Next, I would pull out my quickly hardening dick and just let it hang. I wouldn't let you touch it. Then, I would get on top of you slowly kissing my way down from your mouth, to your chest giving your hard nipples some attention. then I'll continue kissing down your stomach until I get to your dick and start sucking and licking your hard dick through your pants. (Write back if you want me to keep going)Now I'm getting a little...
Note : This story is completely fictional! For the better "real world" realms, I'll not name real names. This story when I turned 21. This story is Erica's, Leslie’s & mine grips on our sexual adventure with my love. Erica was 10 months older than me. She was my “older cousin”. Oh, I so hated that. Erica was a super hot, head cheerleader when she was in High School. She had the brains to match. She was a blonde, so she was a little bit ditsy too. Everybody had the hots for her in High School. I...
IncestPeter saved her further embarrassment. He reached out and took the glass out of her hand, "Time for this later" and he stepped in for a surprisingly gentle kiss. Maureen was still, not so much frightened as not sure what to do next. The kiss lasted less than 30 seconds and she felt his tongue brush her lips, but before she could respond, he had pulled his head back. One hand reached up and grabbed her jaw; gently he turned her head so she was looking art him at a slight angle. "Now just...
I hadn't looked forward to a vacation like this in a long time. Yes, I'd gone on vacations with my wife and kids. Yes, I'd had a pretty good time. Yes, I'd been lucky enough to go different places around the country. But this was different.I was excited because I was going to a vacation spot I'd been to a number of times, staying in a cabin in the mountains. Being outside in the beautiful weather in Tennesse. And most importantly, being in the mountains. It was one of my favorite places in the...
TeenDominatrix Fetish in the burbs (with a twist): I'm not normally the sort of woman (I'm pre-op trans) that indulges in naughty bussiness outside of a bedroom typically in a home/house.But these past few weeks while on my hormones (during the times my levels peak) like the type that help to restructure my body, smooth my toned yet soft milky skin even more, and help to grow my size B cup titties (at present) even bigger, these Growing girly feelings are making me desire very intimate yet...
Gabriel's Christmas party, the previous Saturday, had gone very well. As expected, the food was excellent. I certainly knew the menu by heart. Gabriel also had an extensive selection of single malts, and I got to sample a few that I hadn't tried before. Despite the fact that Gabriel's wife of 20 years had left him, six months before, the house and decorations were up to his usual standards. In their relationship, he was the one with the love of all things Christmas. In addition to...
WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. All characters involved in sexual activity in this story are over the age of 18. If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference...
The Way Of The War part 8 The pilot let us know jump off was in 10 minutes. There had been a lot of communications going back and forth on a secure channel. General MacArthur had gotten wind of my impending drop and wanted it canceled. It seems he wanted me on his staff in Australia. I told the pilot I am not a staff man and to turn the radio to another channel. May be that will give us enough time to deplane.. The red light came on we stood up and moved to the door. The green light...
Freddy’s tongue flicks between his lips revealing brown teeth, and the movement makes my stomach lurch. Good thing there isn't anything in there to hurl. I’d been searching for Lizzy all day and hadn't had time scavenge anything. Now I might have to blow this lowlife to even get a clue where she might have gone. God knows I don’t have any money to pay. “How am I supposed to know if you really have any info. How ‘bout you tell me first, then I suck.” I can see him calculating in his head....
By : Anujkumar Hi is friends.Mera naam anuj hai meri umar 30 saal hai. Main Delhi ka rahne wala aur delhi main hi ek achhi post par naukri karta hoon. Meri saadi ek saal pahile Kanpur(up) ki rahane wali shipra ke saath hui.shipra ki 02 saadisusa bahinen Kanchan (age32),Priti (age28) 02 Choti kunwari bahinen Kamini (age20),Priya (age 18) aur ek chota bhai Arun hai, jo Delhi main hi ek hostel main rahkar padh raha hai. Mujhe lagta hai ke bhagwan jab deta hai to chappar phad ke deta hai,ye baat...
I had been dead three years when I pretended not to notice the man drop a pill into my white wine, but that didn't stop him from trying. It hadn't stopped the other six hundred and sixty five men who were intent on courting me in this bizarre and ungentlemanly manner and it wouldn't stop the next man or the next. My afterlife was an endless cycle of man after man. The same dirty tricks, the same wretched result. It was fascinating how repetitive it all was. There was almost nothing to keep me...
We were still lying on the floor, my head on his shoulder. The cabin was dark except for the candles and they were getting low. It was getting chilly. Through the window, I could see a full moon rising just above the trees. Finally, I turned my head towards Tristan. “I don’t know about you but I am famished. I’m a great soup maker and made a pot of mushroom barely soup yesterday–want some?” I asked. “That would be great,” Tristan answered, getting up on his elbow. “I only had that croissant at...
Part 2 - Continuing on from Girlfriends Mom Makes Me CumA few months went by after the first encounter with my girlfriends mom Julie. I couldn't stop thinking about that night, the way she made me cum, the way she took the dildo and pushed it into my tight ass was just amazing. Since then we haven't spoken about what happened , it was our dirty little secret least I think so. Julie had a sister who she told everything to but i'm hoping this stayed quiet. We carried on as normal with our day...