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Medical matters and a deepening involvement with Mundt


My work continued despite my involvement with Ilse Mundt. I delivered messages between members of our resistance cell, left messages which I had encoded myself for our radio operator in pre-arranged concealed places. It was vital we knew as little as possible about our colleagues. That way, were we arrested and interrogated we could not reveal other’s identities.


It was lonely, always frightening and the temptation to talk, simply to share the burden was sometimes overwhelming. My cover as a nurse and midwife meant I could travel within the local area and I soon became well-known to the German’s night patrols and was rarely challenged with more than a ‘Gute Nacht, Schwester.’ Even that made the heart race.


Ilse worked shifts, so quite often it was impossible for her to demand my attention but whenever she could she had me call on her. One Saturday afternoon she had called at the surgery and demanded that I go to her cottage when I had finished. I cycled there, bare legged and still in my uniform because stockings, especially of the sort she gave me, would have screamed ‘collaborator’ to the townspeople.


Also because clothing was in such short supply that to wear the uniform placed less pressure on my very limited wardrobe. On arrival at her cottage, she’d send me to the small guest bedroom to change into what I felt was my whore’s uniform; stockings, suspenders, expensive silk knickers and a long nightdress or something similar.


That evening was no exception and, once changed, I joined her in her sitting room where she sat, naked.


“Better. Pour us both wine. Both of us.”


I was always careful not to drink any more than I absolutely had to. Loosened tongues had been the death of many operatives. Ilse believed I had a low tolerance of drink, since early on I had feigned falling asleep which had angered her but paid the dividend that she no longer plied me with too much drink to get her way. I pretended always to enjoy her company and it was not necessary to fake my sexual arousal. Her body was firm, strong and beautifully proportioned.


Ilse could be very demanding, sexually. Sometimes she would expect me to pleasure her with tongue and fingers for protracted periods then dismiss me but at others, she was gentle and loving and used her body to bring me to welcome climax; even if my mind resisted my body could not.


She had clearly had wine before I had arrived. She drank her glass in one deep swallow then pointed at the carpet between her feet. Shuffling her arse forward she reached for my hair and gripped it, pulling my face to her cunt. I licked and kissed her there, my tongue swirling over her, her clitoris, her lips and delving into her. She held me to her, issuing her customary commands, occasionally strumming her clitoris with her finger as I paid attention to her lips and hole. She was often quick to orgasm and this was no exception. She was not, however, satisfied.


“My little French nurse is so good. You love treating me like this don’t you?”


What could I say?


She smiled. “Come to bed now. Do it again, push your tongue and fingers further into me. I will be slower this time and will enjoy you more.” She led me upstairs to her bedroom and reclined on the bed with its thin mattress and slightly grimy bedclothes.


Kneeling between her thighs I slurped between them, her cunt wet and sticky from her previous climax. Her knees were bent and I slipped a finger into her and she moaned, loving the intrusion. I curled it and tried to think of Eloise or Naomi and the pleasures we had shared to be more inventive for her, to make her cum more quickly so that I might get away.


She was getting close. Her passionate cries were more frequent, louder and her body was writhing. I allowed one finger to stroke down between her lips around that which was curled inside her, down over her perineum and to circle her arse.


You’d have thought she’d been stung. She sat bolt upright and pushed me away.


“What do you think you are doing? That is disgusting. First, you stuff me with medicines there, then you want to make love to me there. You are depraved, like all French women. You have ruined this for me. Get out, leave!” She was beside herself and I was genuinely scared. Apologising I stood up and made my way to the bedroom door to return to her guest room to re-clothe myself and go.


Dressed again in my uniform I went back to the bedroom. “I am sorry, Fraulein Mundt. I meant no harm.”


To my surprise she acted like a young girl, her voice soft, almost whimpering. “Do some women like that?”


“They do. Not all, but some. Some find it hurts, others enjoy the feelings it creates.”


“And you, do you enjoy it?”


I nodded. “At first, I was appalled like you but I grew to love it.”


“Who taught you?”


“She was a teacher.” Keep as close to the truth as possible. Never reveal more than you have to. The fewer words you speak, the fewer opportunities for mistakes, contradictions.


“Did it hurt?”

“A little at first but we become used to it, learn that to enjoy our body, all of our body is a wonderful thing. I am a nurse, I’d never do anything that might harm you.”


She reached out for my hand and pulled me to lie beside her, hold her to my breast. To my astonishment, she began to cry.


“In Germany to love women is to be a pervert. The authorities say that homosexuality is a crime. I have not been able to be me, to be free to indulge myself for so long. Before the Nazis, Berlin was free, women like me could find love, joy but now those places are banned and ‘offenders’ arrested.” I held her as her tears and words flowed. “I hate the Nazis. I hate the military. They are brutes and they have made me brutish. Everyone hates us. Do you hate us?”


I said, as I had before in different circumstances. “I don’t hate the Germans, but I do hate what they have done, are doing to my country.”


She nodded. “We are bad people.”


“No, you’re not but you are doing bad things. Not you personally but your people are.”


“I know. You have no idea what is happening to people at home. Are you Jewish?”


“No, I am Catholic.”


“That is good. It is a bad time to be Jewish in Germany, here in France too. My friend, Rebecca, was Jewish. I don’t know where she is now. She was taken away with many other Jews. I loved her, Jeanne, I loved her.”


My natural sympathy was tempered by the fact that she had almost forced me to become her lover with bribery and threats but her deep sadness was moving. It was also interesting. To reveal her feelings as she had put her at grave risk and my professional mind, as opposed to my humanity, wondered if there were ways I could exploit this rich seam of sadness and anger within her. You may think me callous but espionage is a callous business and winning the war was the sole objective for my own country and the rest of the world.


Her hand went between my legs and a finger slipped up the hem of my knickers and stroked me there. Her face rose up and she kissed me, her finger slipping into me as did her tongue.


“You are beautiful.” I knew I was not. “You are kind. It is why you have chosen your profession. I am a scientist and was made to become a communications officer and to come to France. The Reich,” she almost spat the word, “makes ordinary people do awful things.”


I stroked her back and she continued to kiss me, to stroke deep inside me.


“Will you show me how to enjoy my body, my whole body?”


“I must go. I will have patients to deal with.”


“Of course.” She separated herself from me and sat up as I got off the bed. “I am sorry I was so unkind.”


I left by the back door as I had arrived. I cycled through the dark, unlit streets back to my home, my mind pondering this extraordinary chain of events.




One night, later that week, I had been ordered to join a small group to collect an airdrop from a field a few miles out of the town. We were five, the others all men. I knew one of them as the cell leader, Martin. He was about fifty years old, tall and hard.


“We have five minutes to prepare, the drop should take place from low level and the containers must be loaded quickly onto the truck.” They all wore working clothes but, since my curfew cover was my job, I was in uniform. “You should not let them know you are the nurse,” Martin whispered to me.


“How do I get around after curfew if I am not dressed like this?”


“Wear something suitable next time. Think of a reason.”


In the darkness, we heard the roar of engines overhead and suddenly two parachutes, dark against the darker sky billowed and seconds later we heard the bumps as two large metal canisters hit the ground. We hurried to collect them, one man delegated the job of burying the ‘chutes. The goods were loaded onto the truck and it roared off with the men aboard. I found my bike and rode shakily along the lanes. I rounded a corner and came face to face with a patrol of Germans.


“Halt.” The desire to turn and flee was almost overwhelming but somehow my nerve held. I went through my cover story in my mind.


“What are you doing out after curfew. Where do you live? Show me your papers.” The orders were barked at me. I explained that I had been visiting a newborn child who had colic. I told them where. I told them that the Doctor and the farmer and his wife would confirm my story. My heart pounded in my chest as they scrutinised my papers.


“Go home, Nurse Lassainte. Ride carefully, it is dangerous to be out in the darkness.”


I had, I think, held my breath throughout. It was not unusual to be scared even if what you were doing was perfectly innocent. The Germans ruled by fear, expected it. I was shaking as I wobbled off on my bike.


The following morning I learned that Martin and his colleagues had all been arrested. On hearing this I went to the toilet and threw up my breakfast. People would assume someone had informed, maybe assume that I, the sole survivor, was that informant. I coded a message to London and, on my way to my first visit of the day, left it at one of the drops. It contained the information regarding Martin’s arrest as well as the account of my recent conversation with Ilse.


I was horrified when a German soldier called at the surgery, a large, open-topped Mercedes outside.


“Nurse Lassainte?”




“You are needed at the telephone exchange. Please come with me now.”




“I don’t know, I was simply told to bring you.”


“I’ll go by bicycle, I have other calls to make.”


“Please, get in the car.”


Was this my arrest, the subject of my worst nightmares? I picked up my bag and got into the back of the open-topped car and he drove quickly to the exchange. There I was met with the sight of Ilse standing on the steps to the imposing doorway.


“Thank God you are here. One of my women is having a baby.” Shit! “Please, Nurse, she needs your help.”


I made my way through the exchange to a first aid room where a troubled-looking woman of about fifty stood beside another, younger woman who was lying on her side on a cot and moaning, her belly swollen, sweat on her face and neck. I called for towels and hot water. She had obviously been in labour for some time. She was exhausted.


“You should have sent for the Doctor, not me.”


“You are a midwife, no?” This was Ilse from the doorway.


“Of course, but she is in great distress, she might need a C section. Call the doctor.” She hesitated. “Now!”


I turned back to the poor, pregnant woman. Her navel was protruding and I knew this often meant the baby had breeched. I checked her pulse, temperature and dilation and examined as best I could. I sensed rather than knew that the baby had breeched. Jesus, what was I supposed to do?


I racked my brain and tried desperately to remember what I’d been so briefly taught. I got her on to her back, encouraged her to raise her knees and tried to speak to her. She was obviously in pain but she could tell me she was about a month short of her due date.


Imagine my relief when Doctor Legrande arrived, his bag in hand. He took in the scene and I said, “I think the baby has breeched, Doctor.” He nodded and moved me aside, kneeling to examine the mother on the low, narrow cot.


“You have done well, Nurse.”


I couldn’t think that was true but was glad he’d said it. At least my cover was intact. We told everyone to leave us and the Doctor explained he was going to perform a Caesarean to deliver her baby, not to worry, Nurse Lassainte will administer chloroform and she’d sleep through it. I used the mask from his bag and a few drops of the powerful-smelling anaesthetic and she dropped off. Swiftly, incredibly deftly, the Doctor performed the operation and extracted the infant. While I washed and held the crying child, he stitched her up.


Madame Goury, woke drowsily a few moments later and, when she was back with us, I gave her her baby daughter to hold. She was still exhausted of course but she was all smiles and gratitude. As I was leaving, she asked me my name. I told her.


“May I call my baby, Jeanne? To thank you?” I nodded and said I’d be honoured.


As I was leaving the exchange, Ilse stopped me.


“Nurse. Could you please call at my home at six? I would like you to give me some medical advice?”

“Come to the surgery and speak to the Doctor.”


She looked directly into my eye. “Six. No later.”


At six, I arrived as was now customary at the back entrance to her cottage. Naked but for a silk robe, she gripped my wrist and pulled me in and, slamming the door hastily, she embraced me and kissed me, hard.


“You were wonderful today.”


“Thank you.” She was undressing me as she spoke, almost ripping my clothes off me. Her hunger was obvious. She exposed my breasts and sucked them, her hand going up under my uniform dress to cup me, then in under the hem of my knickers and her finger started to stroke my cunt. She almost dragged me to her bedroom where she finished undressing me, pushing me on the bed. She knelt between my feet, lifted my knees and dived between my thighs. Her tongue lashed me, fast, hard, opening me and spreading my lips. She slipped a finger into me.


“I want you to orgasm. I have been selfish.” Well, she wasn’t being selfish now. Her fingers entered me, two together and began to pump in and out of my now wet hole, her tongue thrashing around my engorged clitoris. Briefly, she knelt back on her heels to throw off her robe, then she moved us into a tribbing position and ground her cunt against mine, her hands on my shoulders.


“Cum for me, Jeanne, cum with me. Her eyes rolled and her hips thrust and the orgasm she wanted from me rose unbidden, making me arch my back so my hips pushed against her and almost simultaneously, we climaxed. Hers was as noisy as always.


She held me to her body, to her large, firm breasts, stroking my hair and occasionally kissing my forehead, my eyes. “I love you, Jeanne. Could you ever love me?”


“Ilse, the curfew.”


“You could stay the night.”


“No, the Doctor will wonder where I am, maybe raise the alarm, especially if there is an emergency.”


Reluctantly she let me go. I dressed quickly and left by the back door to cycle home.


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Cinderella was getting older. She retained her looks and her sexiness, but she was still getting older. She would be turning 31 soon, much older than she would have liked. On one bright morning, she awoke and walked, naked, over to her full length mirror. She checked out her body, admiring her gravity-defying breasts, her curvy body, flat stomach, and shaved cunt. I am still sexy, she decided. I am not happy about getting older, but I am still a sexy little minx. She smiled to herself...

1 year ago
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ThisGirlSucks Niki Snow Ice Cold Cock Sucking

They call her Niki Snow for her reason! Her saliva and body temperatures are about 15 degrees below normal, making her one of the COOLEST superheads in the game. Ike is lucky he didnt get frostbite from this girl! What he did get was some shivery spit filled sucks, his fleshy balls turned into snow balls, and a dickhead so numb from the cold that it could barely spit out his man goo. Luckily, Ike has actually climbed and nutted on Mount Everest before, so with a few tricks that the sherpas...

2 years ago
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A Maiden Gamble Part VI

A Maiden Gamble Part VI by Sydney Michelle Chapter Thirteen Sharon settled into the large wing chair by the mahogany round table in Marilyn's office. The mountain view was spectacular, bare peaks still bearing snow behind the dark green tree line. She sipped her herbal tea while waiting for Marilyn to arrive from the casino floor. She heard the door open, more the air move, looked aside to glimpse Marilyn's reflection in the window. "How's your project doing? Will she be...

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The Rogues Harem Book 3 Rogues Passionate HaremChapter 35 The Haremrsquos Naughty Audience

Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this! Sven Falk Kora rolled off of me and landed on her back. She giggled, “Gods, she really wants to have your dick in her cunt, brother mine.” I glanced at my sister—my wife—and grinned at her, my lips sticky with her juices. “Every woman wants my dick in her.” “Not Priestess Thea,” Kora said, her blue eyes bright. “You are never going to forget about her, are you?” I muttered. I gripped Carsina’s ruby hair. I pulled her up my body. “Nope!” My...

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MarianneChapter 7

With the air system restored, the other students were released from their cabins, and we all tried to eat, but were less than successful as most of the remaining food wasn’t the kind designed to be eaten under weightless conditions, and its preparation didn’t go well without the presence of at least partial gravity. “All of you should return to your cabins until we can restore acceleration. You’ll be able to eat more normally then,” Thorn told the other students who all soon left. “It’s...

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Dream Sex With Sonal 8211 Part 7 Live Sex On WhatsApp Video Call

I put the charger on Sonal’s phone and set it on the table, just far enough for the phone camera to cover the entire bed. We sat on the edge of the bed, facing the camera. Sonal made a WhatsApp video call to Rachita. After a few rings, she picked the call. The three of us exchanged the usual pleasantries. Rachita looked stunning. She appeared to be in her mid-twenties and had glasses, a tad bit bigger than her tiny face can accommodate, I felt. She was smiling, and so were we. Sonal: This is my...

3 years ago
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Introduction: A Christmas skiing holiday that changed everything Chantelle I suppose it started with how she was interacting with the guy who was with her. She was French, I could hear since I was standing right behind her in the ski-lift queue. She looked somewhere around my own age of twenty-two, and a similar average height too, while the guy looked in his late thirties and was only a little taller. She held a LOT of eye contact with him, really listening and responding to him, and he was...

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I first saw her at the poolside bar, outside, at the resort hotel in Cozumel. She was a tiny little thing, probably 5’2” or 5’3” and maybe 100 pounds, with shaggy brunette hair and a cute pixie face with great big doe eyes. She had on cut-off jean shorts and a bikini top. Her legs were nicely proportioned with well-defined calf muscles, and her breasts were small and perky. She had a bright smile that lit up her whole face, and I watched her for a good five minutes or so as she interacted with...

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that weekend

“Sorry sir but we only have a single vacancy”. ‘No this could be happening to me, where would we go at this time?’ I thought. “Emma there’s only one room, and I don’t think we will be able to go anywhere in this night, what should I do?” “Take it we’ll stay together.” “Are you sure you will stay with a boy whole night in a room? Aren’t you scared or something?” “Ya! Ya! Very funny! Now make it quick, I’m chilling out here.” “Ma’am we’ll take it, but won’t there be any problem if we stay...

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My Husband and the Topless Waitresses

My husband and I decided to visit Amsterdam again for the third time. After walking the streets and admiring all the girls in the windows, we stopped to have a drink in a bar. We then decided to visit one of the sex bars.There were a lot of couples and single people inside all looking sexy, some getting turned on from what they had seen so far I guess. A topless waitress approached us wearing the smallest thong you had ever seen, and asked my husband if we wanted a drink. She took our order and...

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My Mates flatmate is a Slut

Steve had got divorced and needed a flat mate to pay the mortgage. After interviewing several candidates he had decided to have a older woman 39 have the master bedroom with ensuite as she had offered to pay $300 a week. She dressed in feminine 50s style dresses and lingerie that accentuate her curvaceous figure. I invited myself around on a Sunday morning to pick up some bike parts and check out the new flatmate.I tapped my knuckles on the front door and walked on in heading to the kitchen...

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The Mother part 2

Jo was laying naked with his mom in bed when he asked her how it felt to know the men were paying to fuck her hot cunt. She answered "It felt so sexy. It made the sex much better and made me cum hard to know they were paying for a piece of ass. That black cock was amazing. Just like how much I liked seeing your big thick cock and you fucking me. I loved the i****t sex. You really liked my tits didn't you? When are we going to the hotel again?" Jo told her "I couldn't believe how good it felt to...

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DONNAI Seduced my best friends mom

Alison and I used to visit each other’s houses on alternate weekends during school time, mainly as we were best friends, we were also having sex with each other. On this particular Saturday I made my way up to her house and knocked on the door, her mum Annette, answered and let me in. “Hi Donna, she’s not back from swimming yet but you can wait if that’s OK” I nodded, and we walked into the kitchen. “Coffee” she asked and I said, “Yes please”.With a mug of coffee in my hand I went and sat on...

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Ziddi Aunty Ko Blackmail Kar Chodaa

By : Heavy Dick Hi, I’m Loverboy me ek 19 saal ka good looking ladka hu me Delhi se hu, or abhi-2 1st year complete kiya hai roz jim jane ki vajah se meri body achi hai jispe koi bhi ladki fida ho sakti hai. lekin abhi tak meri koi gf nahi hai bcuse me ek sharmila ladka hu me ladki ko purpose karne se darta hu ki vo mere bare me kya sochegi iski vajah se mera interest shadishuda aunties me ho gaya ye meri first story hai bcause its my frst encounter of sex wth my sexy aunty jo ki kuch dino...

2 years ago
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The Business Trip Part 1

Hi Mark, Work was a little slow today and I was inspired by our little chat last night. Thought I would write the beginning of a little fantasy that came to mind. Katie The Business Trip On a whim I decided to take a quick walk down to the vending machines in the motel that I was staying at on business. The fact that I am a long time cross-dresser makes a routine mundane event like this into an adventure. I have been cross-dressing off and on most of my life. I have...

1 year ago
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Uncontrollable Cock 8211 Part 8 Flirting With All The 3 Women

My stepmom just helped me lose my virginity, and she guided me throughout the process. After reaching the climax, we were both lying down on the bed. She smiled at me as I looked at her. I turned towards her and put my hand on her boobs. “You are such a naughty boy, Pratyush,” she laughed as she rubbed my dick. It was all we. As she touched it, I started to get hard again. Then I asked her how she found the site. “Actually, that day, you haven’t locked the door. So when I went inside your room,...

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Say Hello to Georgette

My name is George. I'm 15 years old. My parents are divorced. I live with my mother and younger sister. I was painfully shy growing up and I didn't really have any pals to hang out with so, out of desperation, I started tagging along with my sister Fiona who was two years younger than me but much more outgoing. Fiona didn't mind because that meant she could stay out later being escorted by her big brother. Fiona liked to meet up with her girlfriends at one of their homes or at the shopping...

1 year ago
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Reverse Gangbang With Granny And Friends

My name is Raghu, I am 22 years old and apparently, I am a doctor based in Hyderabad. This story happened when I was 19 years old. I am based in Hyderabad, this happened when I went to my grandmother’s place in Bengaluru for holidays, my granny’s name is Laxmi, she is apparently 68 years old with huge boobs and a perfect BBW( big beautiful women).my grandfather expired long ago, she has 4 children and my mom was eldest. I never even had a bad thought about her, she was my mother’s mother and I...

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Lost EmpireChapter 20

Derrick wasn't happy, not happy at all, he needed to get out of here and get things done. All this pomp and crap was starting to wear really thin on his patience. He'd just released part of the shield around the palace but wasn't ready to completely yet. He felt that there were still far too many threats out there to let his guard down yet. Mary on the other hand was thrilled to no ends to have human bodies within the confines of the palace again, after over 200 years. Hartwell and many of...

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Group Mai Mili Married Lady

Hi friends.. Mera naam sidhanth hai aur mair punjab k jalandhar se hu, mai 23 saal ka hu & merace khud ka business hai. Yeh story nhi aaj se 1 saal pehle ka ek true incident hai. Her name is shalini 28 years old slim & beautiful. Graduation finish hone k baad bht job dhunda in jalandhar but only marketing so maine socha jab tak koi achi job na mil jaaye tab tak bank k exams ki coaching le lete hai aur saath mai masters bhi chal rhi thi meri, toh jalandhar k ek popularly known coaching institute...

4 years ago
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Sex on the Beach with a Little Brown Fuck Machine

I know of a beach that seems quite secluded and is only 20 minutes away from the hustle and bustle of the city. On one particularly hot day, I was lying out at the beach alone, enjoying the sun and enjoying the group of asian girls that set up about 10 feet away from me. There were three of them, and they looked to be Filipina. They were reading their US Weeklys and People Magazines, face down on their towels chatting about celebrity bullshit and giggling like schoolgirls. What I was more...

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Anniversary Issue

Anniversary Issue The young female reporter looked seriously into the camera, and started speaking. "As practically everyone on the planet knows, today is the 5th anniversary of the momentous day when superhumans began appearing. "S" day, as it came to be called, was the biggest moment in the history of the planet, and so today we are pleased to present this anniversary edition, interviewing some of those who were among the first transformed ..... Roll tape." The Nevada desert...

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Homeward Bound

Lilith walked along the trail out of Harboral to the west. Being a guard to merchants wasn't so bad. She had learned to fight at a young age, and it had served her well. Lilith had a well-toned body. Her lightly-tanned skin glistened in the dwindling sunlight as she marched purposefully back to her home of Kirinvale. Her long red hair hung just on her shoulders and her green eyes eagerly took in all of the sights of the forests between Harboral and Kirinvale. Plate armor covered most of her...

3 years ago
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Learning AssistanceChapter 25

We pulled into our house to be greeted by Melissa and Paul. My sister was there with Larry as well. We had an enjoyable evening bringing everyone up to date. After a lot of discussion, a pool and hot tub would not be installed. Marcia was against it and we joined a country club instead. It worked well. We would revisit the idea of a pool and hot tub when we finished school if we were staying here after graduation. Our college classes would start for the fall semester soon. It was good to...

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Used poppers slut

I was nervous on the drive in. Should I do it? I could just bail out now. Still feeling the same way as I pulled up, jittery, breathing shallow, legs all wobbly as I crunched up the driveway towards the white house with the big windows, in the middle of nowhere, just fields upon fields. My shaking hand went up to the doorbell and I'm still thinking of pulling out. I rang it. He stood there naked and the first thing I noticed was his cock. It was massive, hanging between his legs and held in...

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Cellphone slave pt 7

Some nights were more miserable than others. The heat in the dorm only abated slightly at nights. The flimsy shades did little to keep out the powerful orange floodlights outside. Amaya had brought her pillow from home but it didn’t make up for the hardness of her university issued bed. sleeping was a constant struggle.Then there was the complication of Amaya’s roommate, Helen. During the week, Helen would arrive late at night, waking Amaya up from whatever hard fought sleep she had managed to...

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A Taste Chapter 8

When she did that I was usually being disciplined so I was resisting going to her bed. Mom was shaking me.  She said, “Timothy Ivan wake up.  We have chores to do.” There weren’t nearly as many chores to do as there used to be since before dad left he had sold the cows and butchered most of the chickens.  We only had the pigs and a half dozen laying hens so as I checked to see that the chickens had not fowled their water and gave them some feed, mom slopped the sow. We were done and...

2 years ago
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The Heart BelievesChapter 2

The beat up blue Ford hatchback turned off of Harris Hill onto the unmarked driveway, slowly making its way under the green leafy canopy through the trees. Violet gripped the wheel tightly. She hated this part of the trip. The patch of asphalt Mr. Darrow had put down was much too narrow for her liking, not leaving much room for error. One false turn, and you were in the mud. That had happened once, much to her embarrassment. If there had been more rain the previous day, she'd never have been...

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