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I was annoyed…

At first …

Then I was amused.

- - -

I have lived in Midtown Manhattan for most of my adult life and Eugenia’s Creations just off Herald Square is my favorite boutique. I am a curvy girl and Eugenia designs specifically for ladies with a figure. I tend towards the slightly edgy side of strong tailored pieces, which means I don't do frilly stuff well. Nevertheless, I have a great appreciation for good design that is executed with style; wearable, functional clothing that doesn't overpower the wearer but definitely makes you stop and look.

On my last visit there, Eugenia helped me find the perfect dress for a particular occasion. It was a royal blue wrap dress. It was a bit pricey but I knew I would wear it because I absolutely loved it. No wonder they have three locations. One in Falls Church, Virginia, one in Toronto Canada and here in New York City. The trouble is, I have to avoid walking anywhere close to the boutique because I swear it has a magnetic pull that draws me in and forces me to spend more money.

This particular visit was on a Friday afternoon and I had taken off early from my business office downtown to sit for a final fitting for a custom-made suit. The boutique was busy that Friday, what with everyone looking for last minute weekend must-haves.

I walked into the store and waved to the staff at the front desk, then made my way to the rear of the store to find an unoccupied dressing room. Once in there I peeled off my jacket, slacks and blouse, took my business calendar from my purse and reviewed what impending work and social obligations were pressing.

So there I am, awaiting the arrival of a sales assistant while standing in the dressing room wearing nothing but my Double-D bra and high-waist nylon knickers. What a delightful word that is, ‘knickers’. I learned that from a good friend I have in England… But that is another story.

“I have your suit, Ma’am,” a youthful voice chirped.

Now I am usually served by one of the mature sales staff members who conscientiously go about their duties in a polite competent fashion but on this occasion, I was being addressed by a young teenage girl. She seemed a little out of place as teenage sales assistants are more usually found in the chain stores catering to teens, like Wet Seal or The Gap.

I thought she was attractive, in a rather conservative way. She was as tall as I was but very slender and wore a plain, blue, knee-length, half-sleeved dress and black flats. She had wonderfully long, shiny light brown hair that appeared to be tortured into a tightly curled Princess Lea type Danish bun on the back of her head. I thought that while not too flattering, it was perhaps practical.

The nametag on the front of her dress said, Jeanie.

Jeanie was attentive and very obliging. She fetched, carried, and fussed around me, but with this girl, it was all a bit much. I thought she was too accommodating and too fussy with everything. What was annoying me the most was that she was ‘mamming’ me to tears.

“Yes Ma’am, I have your suit.” “Very nice material Ma’am.” “I really like the color you selected Ma’am.” “No Ma’am, Yes Ma’am, three bags full Ma’am.”

Now that was extremely annoying.

I finally told her to knock off the ‘Ma’am’. At that time, I was 28 years old and she was coming across as if she were a scullery maid groveling in front of Queen Elizabeth. I told her that if she wanted to address me, then Helen was just fine with me. Eventually, she seemed to settle on, ‘Miss Helen.’

Jeanie removed my soon-to-be-finished suit from its box and hung the jacket up, then took the skirt, shook it out, knelt at my feet and held it open. I stepped into the suit skirt and Jeanie’s hands seem to be forever fussing at me. Helping pull the skirt up over my hips, buttoning the waistband and closing the zip in back. Then she seemed to spend an inordinate amount of time kneeling at my feet and crawling around checking if the hem was hanging equally, front, back and sides.

Ohhh-kay. I got it. New on the job, most likely her very first job and therefore a bit overly attentive,

There was a moment when Jeanie was kneeling at my feet, playing around with the hem of the skirt, when she looked up. It was an inquiring gaze, traveling slowly up my legs, across my skirt, up over my waist and breasts to where she eventually was looking me in the face. It was an interesting look. A mixture of both shyness and curiosity that made me feel that her visual appraisal was not strictly confined to my clothing.

As our eyes met, she hurriedly dropped her gaze, blushed furiously and stuttered, “Should I b-b-bring the other blouses in Ma’am? I m-m-mean Miss Helen”

With that rather shy demonstration, I became amused.

In reply to her question, I smiled and nodded and off she trotted to fetch the two custom blouses I had ordered. I was left standing in my bra and skirt curiously wondering what exactly was going on with Little Miss Fussy.

I am a bit busty and most button-down off-the-rack blouses do not fit me worth a damn. For me, even something as basic as a simple tee shirt can be a challenge. Now blouses can be the real nightmare. You know how that goes, they fit well enough across the shoulders but your bust stretches the front apart to where you can see flesh between the buttons, plus pulling the front up so that it comes out at your waistline.

The usual solution to that is to keep your suit jackets closed or buy those rather billowy pullover blouses. My answer to that was to have my business blouses custom made at Eugenia’s Boutique so that they actually fit me correctly.

Jeanie returned with my blouses, removed them from the box and held one up to facilitate my sliding my arms into the sleeves. She then commenced to button up the blouse, making sure it was tucked neatly into my skirt waistband.

Now, normally I would have taken care of that small chore myself. I am quite self-sufficient enough to dress myself, thank you, but by this time, Jeanie’s attentiveness was just a little more than I would expect. Nothing that obvious, but certainly were some signs there when you knew what to look for.

Her eyes, oh lordy it was her eyes. She had these large soft brown eyes that reminded you of a squirrel counting hazelnuts. You know what I mean. Somewhat like the surprised wide-eyed look you get when accidentally sitting on something sharp and pointed, or have just been handed a thousand dollar bill.

One might reason Miss Fussy could have been examining my body and clothing for stray pieces of lint. An appraisal, while not critical, did signal something a little more intimate that stopped short of being worshipful. It was something in between.

Oh my god, it finally clicked. She was enamored. In spite of all that nervous shyness, Little Miss Fussy was checking me out.

For some reason, it surprised me. Is anyone that shy and innocent anymore?

At that fascinating moment, our visual tete-a-tete ended when the boutique’s tailor stepped into the dressing room to make some last minute minor adjustments to the skirt. A pin here, a tack there, along with a note to increase the length of the kick-slit in the back hem. I prefer a four-inch slit, not the two-inch they had tailored.

The tailor promised that all changes would be accomplished by the end of business, and made assurances that my suit and blouses would be delivered to my townhouse on the following day.

With that accomplished, I shed my new clothing, re-dressed in the top and slacks I had arrived in and went to pay the bill. I settled my financial obligations by adding the charges to my account and bid the staff farewell. Farewell at least until the next time when I couldn’t resist another of Eugenia’s creations. Walking those few city blocks home I felt good about my purchases, and smiled at the brief encounter with Miss Jeanie.

~ ~ ~

The following day introduced some drama into my life.

A few minutes after twelve noon, my front doorbell chimed. I opened the door to behold some strange young female standing on the steps with a passing resemblance to young missy sales assistant, Jeanie.

She was clutching a box from Eugenia’s Creations Boutique.

“Er… Miss Helen, the shop told me to deliver your suit and blouses.”

Little white lie number one. I was sure the shop did no such thing. In my experience, they always used a messenger service.

However, underneath the disguise, it was indeed, Jeanie the sales assistant, and oh my lord, what had she done to herself?

The ‘delivery person’ was wearing a small rayon tank-top that left most of her back and stomach bare and featured her small braless endowments standing out like twin peaks underneath the thin material. The top was accessorized by a light blue denim skirt so short that if she sneezed she would show her address and telephone number.

That fascinating fashion statement was topped off with her long hair hanging in two fat braids that hung down behind her ears making her look like a Goth version of Heidi. She added to that ensemble by using, several pounds of black and purple eyeshadow and a garish smear of cherry red lipstick.

All of that peculiar display was balanced on a pair cheap platform shoes that looked positively dangerous.

Where was the fresh-faced Jeanie in the plain dress and flat shoes?

She didn’t seem to be there.

I am seldom rendered speechless, but that particular apparition did a fair job of gluing my lips together. After what seemed to be enough time for the Kardashians to grow old, wrinkle and mercifully pass into oblivion, I took the parcel from her hands and placed it in the hallway. I did not invite her into my home; instead, I grabbed a cardigan sweater from the hallway coat closet and threw it around my shoulders.

“Come on Jeanie. Let’s get some coffee.”

We left my home and walked a block and a half to a small neighborhood café on the corner of Thirty-Third and Broadway.

Jeanie looked confused, desperately out of place and miserable.

I felt my heart twist, and felt her fear and trepidation.

I knew, oh my god how I knew. I may never have put myself out there in quite the same questionable manner as Jeanie, but in some measure, many of us have been there. Those moments when you desperately seek to connect with someone with little idea of how to do so. You place your very heart and soul on the line, without knowing where the line is.

However, she had the courage to try and I found myself admiring her for that.

I could have simply accepted the package, thanked her and closed the door, but I could not in good conscience do that. Why should I punish her for being curious about me? I was not an innocent party here. I had involved myself the moment I amused myself watching her antics in the store. All right, so she was nervous, clumsy, and way out of her normal comfort zone, but I felt she was due more than the sight of my backside walking away and ignoring her.

I also had to ask myself, was Jeanie too young? The voting age is eighteen and New York mandates the legal drinking age for alcohol to be twenty-one. The internal confusion she was wrestling with at that moment was a damn sight more important to her spirit and identity as a human being than both politics and drinking.

She was seventeen, dressed as if she were ten and wanting desperately to be thirty.

I was forced to reflect upon my own life. I had certainly experimented with other girls that were her age during my own high school years, but that was among peers. Back in those days when we are all young and curious. Oh hell, you know how that goes.

We always had that safety net, our built-in excuses for wrestling around, dressing up, sleepovers, girly slap and tickle, and we played in such a manner that it could always be fobbed-off as, non-serious childish play. Deniable awareness. We weren’t really doing sexual experimentations, were we? We weren’t, god forbid... lesbians?

Now Jeanie had set herself a tougher task. She wasn’t playing around with her school friends; she had cast her attention on an older woman.

Oh yes. I had been there also, and I was younger than Jeanie was then. The accompanying guilt sets in. Fear of being found out, discovered, and exposed as, ‘one of them.’ The fear of peer ostracization, social derision, role and gender confusion, all resulting in self-doubt and recrimination, which can be devastating when you are young. All because you had the temerity to be, however briefly, attracted to another female.

It’s funny how mothers always warn us about boys, but never about girls...

Very few of us are prepared for that moment, so we stumble through it. We make a joke of it; we claim we were just acting the fool, drunk, partying or misunderstood. All of those rather pathetic rationalizations in case we made total asses of ourselves. That fear before you even start, is how do you get back? So without emotional wings to fly with, we cast ourselves out there, and without knowing what will befall, we pray to god for a gentle landing.

I have often wondered wherein lay the greater trauma. Feeling terrified and ashamed if your intended lover shames you and rejects you, and says, ‘No,’ or the different kind of fear should she say, ‘Yes.’

In this instance, Jeanie had just landed on my doorstep and in my lap. Damn it; like it or not, want it or not, her immediate emotional welfare was my concern and responsibility.

Jeanie sat across from me at a table, nervously biting her lip. She was anxious about what she had gotten herself into and close to panic. Her hands trembled and small beads of perspiration glistened on her forehead. Those huge expressive eyes that had so lingered upon me in the dressing room, now flicked nervously from side to side as she looked around the café containing the usual mix of neighborhood residents, yuppies and business types.

Jeanie knew that she was out of place and looked as if she wanted to run away.

“I guess I shouldn’t have worn this skirt and top,” she murmured.

I smiled at her. “You didn’t have to wear a miniskirt to get my attention, Jeanie. I actually thought the sales assistant I met yesterday was attractive and kind of cute.”

Those eyes looked across at me. “Did you? I wanted to look... better for you.”

“Well, you don’t need to advertise yourself in quite that manner, Jeanie. It is unnecessary and degrading.”

She sniffled. “I screwed it up, didn’t I? Made a real fool of myself.”

“Well you had expectations, didn’t you Jeanie? What did you think would happen today?”

She looked embarrassed. “I wasn’t sure. I thought you might... I mean we might kinda... you know...”

I placed my hand over hers and squeezed gently. “Relax Jeanie. I promise you that nothing, nothing is going to happen today. What we ARE going to do is sit here and drink too much latte and gorge ourselves on cinnamon buns.”

For the first time since arriving at my doorstep, she gave a rueful grin. “I screwed up, didn’t I?” Her eyes watered. “I feel so stupid, stupid, stupid. I feel like such a fool. I wanted it too much. Oh god... I just wanted to look sexy for you.”

“No Jeanie. You didn’t screw up. This is the moment when you began to grow up.”


~ ~ ~



What a difference a week can make.

It was a warm spring afternoon in the city and I could feel a pleasant breeze coming off the East River. I had left home and walked those few blocks over to the same café where I had sat with Jeanie a week earlier. I was comfortably clothed for springtime in a short-sleeved, summer dress and sandals and clutching a copy of the Village Voice newspaper. I don’t think I even glanced at a page. I was wondering if she would show up at all.

Then I saw her weaving her way through the crush of pedestrians walking down Thirty-Third Street towards the café. She was wearing blue jeans, white sneakers and a canary yellow light summer top that came down to her hips. Her hair was free flowing and swinging delightfully around her shoulders. She wore no eye makeup, no lipstick, and most importantly, she looked happy. She looked like Jeanie should look.

We shared a light hug and parked ourselves at a sidewalk table. I ordered up two mugs of coffee and a plate of French pastries and we simply sat and enjoyed the sunshine, the bustle of people and the endless parade of vehicles in the street.

And we talked.

How we talked. Small wonder we didn’t both go into cardiac arrest from caffeine overdose.

Jeanie talked about her parents, and that she lived with her family in a tenement apartment on East Ninety-First Street. She was seventeen years old and attended Cathedral Catholic High School for Girls in Midtown and already had her sights firmly set on attending university. She also explained how she was hired for her summer job; it seems her father is the maintenance man for the building that houses Eugenia’s Boutique.

In turn, I told her a little about myself or at least the things about myself that mattered to Jeanie at that moment.

Many lattes and pastries later our conversation slowly stilled and we were quiet for a few moments.

We finally looked at each other.

“No expectations, Jeanie?” I asked.

“No expectations, Helen,” she responded.

I smiled and took her hand.

~ ~ ~

We walked casually through my neighborhood enjoying the warm afternoon and each other. My four-story brownstone townhouse is on a quiet tree-lined street that along with the mandatory steep front steps also manages to find room for small bushes and flower pots. Occasionally I debate with myself as to whether I should move to a modern high-rise condominium, but although the glass and concrete are new, it is also rarified, sterile, and unaffordable. My home has character, history and welcoming warmth. I don’t imagine I shall be moving anywhere else very soon.

After we arrived home I poured us both some red wine. Jeanie sipped hers cautiously and carried it with her as she wandered around exploring. She was especially fond of my home office and small library. She ran her fingers across the books, many of which are classics, but containing few that she had read. She had at least been exposed to some Charles Dickens and Alexandre Dumas thanks to her parochial schooling.

“Have you read all of these books, Helen?”

I followed her gaze across the shelves. “Yes, at one time or another, I have read them all. The ones you see up there are like old friends. I keep them close and enjoy revisiting them.”

She spent time wandering through the rooms carefully taking in the assortment of knick-knacks and memorabilia that occupied various shelves and alcoves. She paused longest at the collection of framed photographs that covered the walls. Photographs mainly of me taken in various places, like on the Avenue des Champs-Elysees in Paris and in various places in Cambridge and London, England.

Her eyes sparkled. “Looking at your world is exciting... and a little bit scary.”

“Give yourself some time Jeanie. The Brooklyn Bridge wasn’t built in a day and you won’t be either. When you finish University you will have the whole world in front of you.”

“It’s wonderful,” she said. “I envy you because you know who you are.”

We placed our wine glasses down and looked at each other. Then I walked towards her and very gently took her into my arms and hugged her.

Jeanie put her head on my shoulder. "I want to be with you, Helen. I have never done anything like this before and I don’t know what to do, and I don’t care. All I know is how I feel with you. I know I’m a bit silly, but will you give me a chance to get to know you?”

I reached up and combed her hair with my fingers, then gently held her face in my hands and kissed her ears, down her cheeks and then finally kissed her on her mouth.

“Ah, Jeanie. What am I going to do with you?”

“Whatever you want,” she replied.

~ ~ ~

We stood in the living room, kissing and fumbling with each other, neither of us taking the lead. Jeanie laughed. “Now do you wish that I had worn that shorty little skirt for you?”

I could not help laughing. I stood back and checked out her blue jeans.

Now, I don’t care if you spend half of your adult life in a gym, you will never again have the ass you had when you were in your teens. Jeanie’s ass was round with firm cheeks like halves of an apple. I cupped my hands around both cheeks, pulled her towards me and squeezed.

“Well, I seem to recall that even tight-assed jeans can be taken off,” I whispered.

She kissed me hard and passionately, almost desperately. “Take them off me, Helen. Take them off”

I looked into Jeanie’s face for any sign of apprehension, of nervousness or fear. There was none. Her eyes were soft, wide open and beckoning.

“Please take them off.”

She stood quietly in the center of the Livingroom as I unbuttoned the waist of her jeans, pulled the zip all the way down and eased her jeans open to reveal pastel blue bikini panties. I put my hands upon her hips, hooked my thumbs under the waistband of her jeans, and slowly pushed them over her hips, down her legs and off her ankles. While I was pushing her jeans down, she was struggling to get out of her top. Her jeans and hastily discarded top joined each other in a pile on the floor. She kicked off her sneakers and faced me.

Jeanie stood in front of me in all of her youthful slenderness, wearing only a plain white cotton bra that I estimated to be a size 34b, and her pale blue panties. Her panties were supposed to protect her modesty, but those accomplished exactly the opposite. Instead of covering, they enhanced the sensual, glorious shape of her mound and showed the beginning of a small cleft that curved down between her legs.

She said nothing, simply stood quietly, allowing me to look. There is true wonder in such a moment. Some may see such a charged encounter as psychologically complex, an emotional watershed, but it can also be the simplest act of faith in the entire universe. The courage to place yourself in the arms of another.

Her curiosity was more about herself, than it ever was about me.

I had every reason to expect Jeanie to be cautious, shy and reserved. For a first time, at the very least, perhaps some kissing and a lot of woman-talk and giggles. At best perhaps, some gentle fondling and non-aggressive exploring. In deference to her, I had firmly resolved to keep the mood light and amusing, indulging her curiosity and providing whatever she needed for her comfort, and sense of safety.

That, at least, was my avowed intention, but Jeanie had her own ideas. She quickly tore up my conservative dance card and chose instead to follow the sound of her own percussionist. It seemed her shyness had been discarded along with her jeans. Her fear and nervousness had evaporated, to be replaced by curiosity and desire and the tears in her eyes were from joy, not shame or embarrassment.

For my life, I cannot remember who led whom into my bedroom, but somewhere along the way I had shed my dress and sandals and Jeanie lost her bra. I do recall both of us standing by my bed and Jeanie unsnapping my bra and letting it fall to the floor. She filled her hands with my ample breasts and as she did so, I could smell her. All I had done was to kiss her gently and partially undress her, yet her body was way ahead of both of us.

We collapsed, giggling onto my bed.

Jeanie was simply beautiful in an understated way. Plain and unadorned, tall and willowy with small firm breasts and nipples at full attention. She lay with her head on my shoulder, gently drawing circles around my nipples with her fingertips. I placed an arm around her and traced the curve of her back with my hand.

Eventually, she moved her body downwards and lay across my hips with her long hair spread out across my breasts and stomach. She giggled and pressed her face against my stomach and blew raspberries against my skin until we were both laughing hysterically. The raspberries ceased when she moved her head lower and kissed her way down to the crotch of my panties.

I wanted nothing more than to grip the back of her head and hold her against me but forced myself to remain still and allow her to explore in her own way, at her own pace and in her own time.

The result of that decision was that I quickly soaked my panties.

Jeanie was energetic and insatiable with all the strength and resilience of her young body. She buried her face deeply between my thighs, kissed and nibbled at my panties until the crotch was soaked, and then wrestled them off my hips and down my legs. She then resumed her activities between my thighs, kissing and licking my bare vagina.

She was quite simply, incredible, enthusiastically reveling in her inexperience by trying everything she could think of without the slightest interference from me. Her mouth puckered and kissed my labia as her tongue darted in and out of my vagina. When I could no longer deny my own body.

I took hold of her hair and held her against me as I shuddered into a climax as her tongue thrust deeper into me. My orgasm exploded and my wetness spilled out over her face and onto my thighs.

When my orgasm subsided and Jeanie came up for oxygen, I forever placed of my assumptions about Jeanie’s sexual conservatism straight into the suitcase marked, ‘Not needed on voyage.’

She moved up across my body until her face was next to mine. She pressed her small firm breasts against my larger softer ones and I kissed her mouth and tasted myself.

I kissed her lips, sucked on her tongue and kissed her eyelids, ears and forehead. I kissed the soft fine down on the back of her neck, I nuzzled her hair, and I could smell her shampoo. Her back glistened with a thin sheen of perspiration and I ran my fingertips down the curves of her spine, counting vertebra, all the way down to the small of her back, and into the waistband of her panties.

I slipped both hands inside the back of her panties and stroked her firm cheeks which initiated a frantic scrabble between her hands and mine as we pushed her panties off her slim hips, down her legs and pulled them off.

Free of her panties, Jeanie rolled onto her back and I reached down with my hand, cupped her wet mound and pushed my finger inside her vagina. Her vagina closed on my finger and she sighed as if she had been waiting all of her life for that moment. She raised her hips from the bed and welcomed my hand and finger by thrusting against them.

Jeanie wanted something more.

While I was still fingering her, she slid out from beneath me and straddled my hips. I pulled my hand away and she lowed herself flat across my body, pressed her mound against mine and began humping herself against me.

She was tireless and insatiable, her hands grasping my shoulders and holding on tightly as she humped her vagina against mine. She was aggressive, clumsy, and too impatient, and the hard rubbing was becoming painful. I needed to catch my breath and make her stop. So I slapped her ass and she stopped humping me.

Then she pressed her pussy even tighter to mine and cried out, “Slap me... slap my ass, slap my ass”

So I slapped Jeanie’s beautiful bare ass until she lifted herself up and gushed wetness over my vagina, legs and stomach.

When passion finally surrendered to exhaustion, we collapsed into each other’s arms. With her sweet face resting against my breasts, we fell asleep.


~ ~ ~


Dusk comes early to Manhattan.

The setting sun loses its strength behind the skyscrapers, slowly relinquishing its light to make way for artificial replacements. Street lighting, neon signs, vehicle headlights and the soft glow of homes and businesses across Manhattan.

We had slept for several hours.

I felt her stirring. She looked up and a momentary look of confusion crossed her face as if she had forgotten where she was. I looked down at her and we met each other’s gaze. Jeanie’s look of alarm was quickly replaced with a look of relief. I reached down and stroked her hair.

“Yes, I am here Jeanie.”

She pressed herself tighter against my side. “I don’t ever want to leave,” she whispered. “I love you, Helen.”

I was afraid of hearing those words.

My initial thought was a derisive one. What does any seventeen years old know about love? and then I immediately erased that cynical criticism from my mind. Just who in the hell was I to criticize anyone’s feelings? I gave myself a quick reality check by reminding myself that in the past I had not done such a hot job of love myself. To be even more specific, I had fucked up big time.

To be specific, I was married at twenty-one to a fellow student I was attending university with and was divorced by the time I was twenty-two. That piece of stupidity alone disqualifies me as being any great judge into the intricacies of love. Thankfully, however, it did no lasting harm aside from my being a tad cynical. I am not disillusioned and the one thing I do know, is that love requires courage and comes along comes when you least expect it.

So while I may be cynical, I respected Jeanie’s feelings. She loved me at that moment and yes, perhaps at that moment, I loved her.

~ ~ ~

It was now past sunset and the Victorian-style street lighting shone through the lace curtains of my bedroom window and placed a soft diffused orange glow across my bedroom walls. Soon, all too soon, we would have to leave my bed and resume our daily lives.

I gingerly removed Jeanie’s right leg that was across my thighs, and made movements to leave my bed.

“No… nooooo. Don’t leave.” Jeanie clutched at me, holding me.

I relented and lay back onto the bed and closed my eyes.

Through half-closed eyelids, I watched her. Her face was soft and I watched as she moved her arm up across my body until her hand reached my breasts. She sighed as she closed her hands around my breasts and began manipulating my nipples.

“Ah, Jeanie you little minx. You have to be heading home.”

Jeanie shifted slowly, moved closer and continued pulling on my nipples with her long slender fingers. She looked at my breasts and leaned over me, and her sweet wet mouth licked my nipples.

“I am home,” she murmured while kissing my breasts.

I placed both my hands underneath my breasts and lifted them towards her, offering them to her. Hungrily she closed her mouth around one breast and sucked, then moved her head to suck on my other breast. Then she slipped her right leg back over my hip and forced the front of her thigh up between my legs, hard against my vagina.

I reached down, placing both of my hands on her naked ass and pulled her against me. Then I wriggled and humped my vagina against her leg making her thigh wet and slippery. She continued to kiss and suckle at my breasts as I rubbed myself against her.

Suddenly Jeanie cried out, moved her leg out from between my thighs, and slithered down my body until her head was on my stomach. She then removed her hands from my breasts, placed them on my thighs and pushed them apart. I heard her inhale, then place her mouth against my vagina and kiss and lick while darting her hungry tongue in and out of me.

Jeanie made love as if she would never experience it again. I wriggled, writhed, and hyperventilated. I panted and begged her to stop while praying that she would never, ever stop. She was insatiable and she drove me crazy. I grasped handfuls of the mattress and handfuls of her hair as she kissed and licked.

We both whimpered and cried and I gave her all of the wetness my vagina could produce. It was all for her, and in return, Jeanie gave all of herself until there was little left to give.

We clung onto each other and wept with emotion and exhaustion.


~ ~ ~


We showered separately, not quite trusting each other to behave and then sat at the kitchen table. Jeanie with a large bath towel wrapped around herself and me in a flannel bathrobe.

We were both thirsty and dehydrated from our physical workout so I fetched us two cans of ginger ale from the refrigerator. Jeanie greedily consumed one can and asked for another.

While sipping on her second can of ginger ale she suddenly asked.

“Do I have to put my jeans back on?”

I was laughing. “Yes, you certainly do unless you want to travel home wearing just your panties.”

Her gentle smile filled my heart.

“Oh all right then... if I have to.”

She didn’t say it coyly, or to tease. There was sadness in her voice, perhaps an acceptance that a moment had passed in both of our lives with neither of us knowing what the future might hold.

She suddenly stood, discarded her bath towel and without any sign of shame or embarrassment strolled through the house naked searching for her clothing. She eventually located her bra and panties underneath my bed and her jeans, top and sneakers on the library floor. Leaving off her wet panties, she stepped into her jeans, tugged them up over her hips and slipped her feet into her sneakers.

She returned to the kitchen and stood in front of me. Her eyes had taken on a depth I had not noticed before.

“I do love you, Helen.”


~ ~ ~


All of that happened almost twenty years ago. I recently received a card from Jeanie. She lives out in Santa Barbara, California, and is longtime married to a lecturing professor at Southern California University. The card was celebrating her son’s graduation from middle school.

As always, I am happy for her and for a brief moment, I close my eyes and once again, I can see her standing here in my living room wearing those low-slung jeans saying, “Take them off me, Helen. Take them off."

Same as

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"Another orgy," Trixie thought as the three weres kissed her and each other while removing each other's clothing. It didn't bother her a bit. In fact she felt even more excited at the taste and feel and the visual splendor of her new lovers. Splendid bodies. Splendid cocks. Splendid odors. The expert tongue of Kat pressed inside her pussy as she spread open on Kat's bed, her butt raised, her mouth, opened and moaning, hovering over Jag's long thin cock, her tongue lapping at the glans....

2 years ago
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TJ MorgChapter 10

"It's what, only five minutes to the hospital from there?" asked the Chief Constable. "Two; more like two minutes" DCS Oscar corrected his superior. "And where were they for the other twenty five minutes?" the Public Prosecutor demanded. "I don't know; ask the Windsors" DCS Oscar replied. "I've tried and I can't get within fifty metres of them for bloodsucking defence lawyers" was the riposte. "Why are you bothering anyway?" asked the Chief Constable reasonably "we...

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GinnyChapter 13

Pete reported back to John Gladstone with the statements from all three guys who lied about Shirley's pregnancy. They all pointed the finger at Bill Lambert's mother. He was glad that he didn't have to make the decision about what to do with this. The final decision about how to handle this evidence was up to his client so he posted the statements with his report on how the evidence had been obtained. Despite the fact that pressure had been put on at least one of the people concerned, he...

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Let the Wrong One In

Hypatia shuddered in the drawing room, overcome by the note. Fear, Anger, Anxiety, Lust, a dozen emotions swept through her. She felt faint, sinking quietly onto the chaise lounge, reading for the tenth time the stinging words it displayed. Dearest Hypatia – A lie, in the salutation, no less! It is with great sorrow that I break off our engagement. I have been a bounder and a cad, constantly endangering your reputation with society – As if I minded! I was in love! My behavior has been quite...

3 years ago
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A Sunny Day Given Lot Of Heat

Hi reader this is a real story of my life. I am Dheeraj(Named Changed) aged 36)Yrs,186Cm, 72KG, wheatish complexion with 6 and 1/2 inch dick which is 2.50 inch thick. I am working with an MNC company in Cannaught Place which is heart of delhi.I am married and have 2yr old son. I am loyal to my wife and not only my wife but even every one in my circle knows that I am a Family man. Mine is love marriage but my wife is not interested in sex post pregnancy and she is most of time involved and happy...

1 year ago
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PublicBang Linda Gonzalez Public Anal For Linda

After a night of partying, we were on our way home at 7 am. However, on our way home we ran into a chick that was also on her way back homer from a fun night. We sparked up conversation with her and eventually offered her some money to have some public sex with my boy Tommy. After some hesitation, she agreed. Her only request, was to get fucked in the ass so her boyfriend wouldn’t suspect anything. Tommy stretched Linda’s asshole in several different positions. She loved getting fucked in...

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A Cocktale

You and I were at some kind of party at a very large house, I don’t know who was the host or even why we were there. We were walking through this place unescorted, looking into the various rooms, checking out all the furniture. We went into this large bedroom there was a really large bed and a sitting area and we began to fool around. I was running a finger over your very flimsily covered pussy, feeling the heat on my fingers. You very suddenly got up and excused yourself to use the bathroom, I...

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Plans for Jake

As a prelude to this story I would like to include a brief explanation for my previous work. I am not going to try and excuse myself for its lack of build or conclusion, just explain why. Dana's Little Doll was written after returning from a club and having nothing to channel my energy into as I came up in waves. So with fishnets wrapped around my thighs and eyeliner stinging my vision I set to writing a piece of fiction (no bigger than I though I might achieve without coming down...

3 years ago
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The Pretty Woman In A Shared Cab

Starting with myself I am a 19 year old male working in an MNC in Bangalore and have good looks with decent behaviour. Generally in the weekends I prefer to stay at home after a tiring week at work but after a couple of weeks of staying at home on weekends I got bored and thought of taking a trip around bangalore. So I had my laptop to repair and I was not getting company from friends for this so I decided to take a shared cab ride to SP Road in Bangalore where I can get some help in repairing...

1 year ago
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Lehrstunden fr Alina

Professor Steuber ging unruhig in seinem Büro auf und ab. In nur drei Tagen musste er seinen Vortrag auf einer Fachtagung halten und war noch längst nicht mit dem Manuskript fertig. Er versank geradezu in Arbeit und hatte seine kostbare Zeit ausgerechnet jetzt noch mit der Beratung seiner Studenten verbringen müssen. Was für eine Verschwendung! Steuber trat ans Bücherregal, zog eines der dicken Regelwerke heraus und suchte eine Textstelle, als es an der Tür klopfte. "Ja bitte?", rief er...

3 years ago
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Jakes Dream Come TrueChapter 18

Samantha's mother was indeed worried sick. The police had been around and talked her after finding my mother's body and no one home at my house. We explained that we had been out looking for her and with a little push or two from me, she quickly accepted that and talked to us. "They told me it was Alek." she said, after we had gotten her calmed down. "They said he shot her and then hung himself. He seemed like such a nice man too. You just can't tell who is a crazy and who isn't...

4 years ago
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JuniorChapter 12 The Summer of 1991Leaving Atlanta

As the summer progressed, Sandy Santeria became a frequent visitor to Holly's pool and I saw less of Patti. She said it was because of her increased workload, which was a valid excuse, but I believe she was preparing herself for my departure because our time together was drawing to a close. During my last four weeks in Atlanta our schedule became predictable and repetitive. Patti came to Holly's house on Friday night and left early on Sunday morning. She preferred to do our shopping while...

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Helen Ch 14

When Helen arrived at the university psychology institute, there was a crowd of students bustling around the notice board ‘What’s happening?’ she asked a fellow colleague. ‘Why is there so much fuss?’ ‘It’s Professor Lord. He’s dead.’ ‘What?’ She pushed herself through the gathering students to read the notice board which explained that the professor was no longer available due to death of ‘uncertain’ circumstances. She wondered what caused it to happen so suddenly. Perhaps a heart attack, or...

2 years ago
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Mera Pehla Sex Experience 8211 Part I

Hi friends myself poonam sharma me married hu meri sadi ko 1yr and 9mnths ho gaye he mere hubby it sector me kam karte he.Jiske karan unhe tour pe jate rehna padta he.Mera size 36b,30,38 he aur muje sex bhut pasand he.Mene sabse pehle sex 21 ki age me kra tha ek ladke se wo mera frnd tha aur hum apas me kafi kuch share kiya karte the.Uska name raj tha wo aksar mere ghar aya jaya karta tha.Ab me apni story pe ati hu me yaha pehli bar likh rai hu to shayad story ko itne ache se bta na pau par me...

2 years ago
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Double the fun on the continent

Lucy and Jake Chapter one – Double the fun on the continent After 5 beautiful years of fucking, Jake and Lucy knew their sex life couldn’t get any better. That is, until they discovered a new way to connect… It was a warm afternoon in Paris, the low autumn sun shone lightly onto Jake’s back. Pulling his sunglasses off his face, he met Lucy’s eyes with a fierce twinkle. She hadn’t seen Jake for weeks, and it had been no secret how horney the two of them were getting. Suitcase dumped, Lucy...

1 year ago
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Lewd Games have always brought joy to my life, even more than the AAA games that everybody else talks openly about in mixed company. I mean, sure, I like Elden Ring as much as the next guy, but I’ve never had a satisfactory wank while battling my way through the Lands Between. While there are a fair number of characters with big, bouncy jugs in Teen- and Mature-rated games, they just never seem to compare to the full-on naked boobies in games made explicitly for adults. Unfortunately, you ain’t...

Free Sex Games
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Sex on a volcano

Behind the high walls out of the gaze of the curious, an orgy was taking place. Francesca was being screwed by two men one in each hole. Being double done was one of her favourite activities. One stud was on top whilst she bounced on the other taking her up the arse. The one at the front had to be pretty athletic to keep up with her. Across the room Lucia was receiving the same treatment only in her case she was lying on top of the young waiter whilst her boyfriend was inside her anus. Like...

3 years ago
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Every Woman Has a Price5 Coming Due

Elizabeth didn’t even smile for Carlos and Davy when she clocked in for her morning shift. People were worried. She tied her hair back in the staff washroom and came out looking like being pretty made her money. She just didn’t know what was her money and ... How much of a waitress’s job was her body? Her feet were her body. Elizabeth guessed 97.3%. “Boom! This ass!” Darlene, who always had the dayshift, came up behind Elizabeth and slapped her hands on the blonde’s hips. Darlene stuck her...

1 year ago
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Loving Aunt Sarah Chapter 2

Note : This story is completely fictional! The following day, which was a Saturday, had been very uneventful. Then again, welcome to every Saturday of my natural born life. For the past few weeks, I had been trying diligently to get some over time at work over the weekends, to remedy this problem. My efforts, however, have been unsuccessful. Hence this Saturday was turning out as boring as any other. With nothing to do, I had spent the better part of my morning sitting on my couch playing video...

1 year ago
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An Oedipus Thing

Note : This story is completely fictional! The author would appreciate any comments - both positive (naturally) And negative - as long as they are logical and constructive. Those who decide to waste their time writing "flames" will find that they have succeeded in doing just that and that alone as they will receive no response. I hope that you find that my work is provocative enough to be worthy of your comments. I would also appreciate it greatly if you would E-mail your comments directly to...

3 years ago
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Bla Book 4 TimewalkerChapter 11

'You must hurry!' the voice insisted in Tabatha's mind. 'There is great danger!' "All right!" Tabatha cried out, running up the steps to Béla's house. "What's the big rush, anyway?" Not bothering to knock, she ran into the house. There was screaming coming from the bedroom. Tabatha raced around the corner, grabbing both sides of the bedroom door to catch herself. She screamed as the room filled with fire, not certain what she was seeing. Tiny spiders were flowing out from between...

4 years ago
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Mon Evolution

Mon Evolution It was a slow night at the bar, I only had the two regulars sitting therewith their hands hugging drinks, one man in his fifties on the way to beingblind drunk and the other a man in his thirties who had just recently witnessedhis wife taking all her belongings just before telling him to 'Go fuck himself'after ten years of marriage. Oh yes, I knew all their stories, at the ripeold age of seventeen going on eighteen. I had to lie about my age to get theeasy job being a bartender...

4 years ago
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Act Like A Boy Or Else Part 5

Act like a Boy or else ... by Lesley Renee Charles Chapter 5 "Well my daughter, for that is what you are and what you will remain, I am the Master here. Your fate lies in my hands." "Dad, why have you done this to me your own flesh and blood son?" "You were always a disappointment to me. You always acted girlish and had no interest in football, baseball and other manly pursuits. You also were a failure at picking up girls. I was deeply ashamed by your unmanly behavior. ...

1 year ago
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Reversal By Annie James Prologue Charlotte and Charleen are identical twins. Moreover, as so often occurs with such a pair, they early became best friends and companions. They were quick to learn to take advantage of the inability of others to distinguish between them, and exploited their similarity in all manner of childish adventures and pranks. About the age of ten they invented a new type of prank altogether by creating an alternate identity. A 'brother Charles' appeared on...

1 year ago
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BlackPatrol Maggie Green Joslyn Illegal Street Racers get more than they bargained for

We got a call down in Overtown about an apparent Illegal Street Race going on. When we arrived on the scene we found that the suspects were riding around on Dirt bikes and Atvs. We pursued the suspects who were intimidating us as they evaded arrest. One suspect a black tall man was stopped finally when his ATV broke down. We quickly apprehended that suspect and dragged him to our squad car. Once we had him in custody, we got a good look at him and decided that we weren’t going to take him in,...

2 years ago
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Photographic MemoryChapter 4

I'd been absorbed by the story the girls were telling me, and when I looked up I realised we were already pulling into the car park at the beach. The sun was high, and the sky was blue. It was a beautiful day, and I was feeling great having three pretty girls to show me around. It's certainly not how I thought this holiday was going to go. We clambered out of the car into the heat, stopping to grab towels, drinks and my camera gear before stumbling out onto the hot sand. Jandals really...

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Craig MccallisterChapter 3

I had emptied one pistol and was working on the second when I rode through the Mescalero defensive line. Thank God, they were on the ball and did not try to shoot me. "MI ESPAÑOL ES MUY LIMITADO. ¿ALGUIEN HABLA INGLÉS?" [My Spanish is very limited. Does anyone speak English?] A boy shouted back, "I HAVE SOME ENGLISH!" I hurried to him. "Please take me to your leader. I want to know how I can help the most." That he could understand after a moment's thought. I figured that he must be...

1 year ago
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Going Native chapter 1

Going Native by Shrike. Chapter 1. Something went wrong "Hey Dean, are you there?" I whispered it quite loudly into the dark night. My best friend Phil and I were meeting up with Dean and Lenny at the shed where we held most of our get-togethers. A voice that I recognized as Dean's came back. "Yeah, that you T-man? Got Phil with you?" I stepped forward with Phil in my wake. "Yeah we're both here. Is Lenny there already?" A nasal voice answered, "Yes I am. So did you get the...

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Photographs Ch 07

DISCLAIMER: This is included in the novel/novella category because of length. It is a mother/son incest story. There are also instances of abuse (two of them, which are not the focus of the story). As far as heat level, this story is quite tame, and if you are look for page after page of screaming sex, you might want to look elsewhere. If you want a STORY, please read on. ***** True to his word, Danny made no further attempt to seduce his mother that night. With one topic hanging so heavily...

3 years ago
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how i masturbate true

i slipped my hand down the front of my panties and fondled my clit. i was already a little wet. further i probed, inserting two fingers, up as far as i could go. i pulled out my fingers and sucked my juices from them. i stood and pulled my short skirt off entirely. i looked in my mirror, even i had to admit i looked pretty hot in my bra, panties and high heels. i slipped my hand back down there and was greeted by moisture. fuck it i thought. i removed my panties entirely - easier access. i sat...

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My New Life as a Hotwife

I want you to experience what it might be like if I ever was to embrace your fantasies and become a true hotwife. Before we begin I want you to take out your cock for me. Lie back with it in your hand while I read this to you. The more turned on you get the harder I want you to stroke your cock until you can’t hold any more and give me your cum. I know you love to give me your hot cum so I want to be able to see it when it happens. I want to see if I can turn you on so much that it explodes...

Wife Lovers
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Untold Story Of Kamya Bhabhi 8211 Part IV

After the incredible blow job in the bus journey (Part 3), we reached home. We both knew what happened but still we didn’t discuss about that. It was always a untold relation with her now. After that nothing more happened for few weeks, but in the middle I can see a change of behavior in her towards me. She use to look at me and give me a naughty smile and also when no one was around she use to lower her saree on her waist and also sometimes bend in front of me to show her cleavage. I always...

2 years ago
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BenjamandaChapter 5

Ben’s turn: The rest of the trip home was uneventful. At the home marina, I pumped fifteen gallons of diesel into our tanks. I’ve seen some cruisers make the same trip for a hundred and fifty gallons of gas. Of course, they made the trip in one day. Hurrying is costly. Monday I was back at work and Mandy was back in school. I sat down in my office, mug of fresh coffee at hand. A series of heads peered in the door, many of whom had attended the memorial. Kind words and wishes were spoken. I...

4 years ago
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A Man and His PetsChapter 13 Pets Promotions

Jim dimmed the dungeon lights to their minimum and led his pets to Trina's quarters where they all laid down. With a pet's head on each shoulder, he kissed them each and told them. "Trina, I'm making you my house pet. Cindy, you are now my special pet. Trina, you will have a lot more freedom around the house, including parts of my quarters. Can you cook? Cindy, you are now my special pet. These are now your quarters. You will be in charge of the dungeon and pet training when Trina or I...

2 years ago
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Rochelle Takes the Bait Club Wives 9

“Fuck me you bastard! Fuck my ass!” Rochelle screamed as I pounded my cock deep into her back door. It had been a few weeks since our adventure at the swingers club and Jennifer and Chrissy were out of town on a cross country adventure race so I decided to take the opportunity to violate my favorite cheating wife. I had been pondering how else to use Rochelle after her bait comment at the club and my mind was filled with possibilities as my cock filled her ass. I eventually blew my cum deep...

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Son Swapp Part 3

The warm slick sensation on his cock was just too much for the handsome teen and he could no longer hold out. He announced, "I'm gonna cum! Nowwwwwww! Aughhhhhh! Augghhhhh! Oh! Aughhhh!" Nancy loved feeling those warm spurts all over her inner walls and she nearly went into a multiple. Back in the other room, Claudia had shifted from riding Greg's large tool to rocking on it. Their mouths were locked in a lustful kiss and he held onto her hips. When she let out her second orgasm, the sound...

2 years ago
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Charlene is Eye Candy

Tommy grabbed his bag of stuff and went to Charlene's door. It was shut. He hollered through the door, “You ready?”“Yeah, yeah, just a minute,” she replied through the door.“We need to get moving, Blake's already outside waiting.”“I understand. You go wait in the truck. I'll be right out.”“Okay, but don't be long. We're waiting.”Charlene still hadn't made up her mind about what to wear for the trip. She had put on a new pair of satin panties and had found a skirt she wanted to wear but the top...

College Sex
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HypnoSubmission Pt 07

Brenda “I still don’t understand?” Kyle said, desperation creeping into his voice. “What did I do wrong?”“You didn't do anything wrong,” Brenda told him. "I hate to be cliché, but it's not you, it's me. Really. I just realized things about myself, things I know you can’t handle.”“What do you mean?" asked Kyle.Brenda put a hand up to Kyle's cheek. “I care about you a lot, Kyle, but what I need right now, you can't give me. It's one of the reasons I got together with you in the first place. I...

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A Change of Life Part 10

A Change of Life, Part 10 by LaShaunda As I cudded with James and pressed my head against his chisled chest, I began to think that my recent sexual experience with him may have been crossing yet another threshold next to the "point of no return." It was bad enough that I (naturally a straight white male) had given a tall LeBron James-esque black man the blowjob of his life. Even worse was that my former-sons had...

3 years ago
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Shamita8217s Sexy And Erotic Adventures

GrayWizard here again, this is another story of my imagination. Hope you enjoy it. Shamita woke up early that morning, it was a Sunday but she had a lot of work to do. Being a working housewife is never an easy job but Shamita did her best. Shamita was married to Arjun when she was 22 years old, it was an arranged marriage but only for Shamita. Arjun had known her for 3 years before marriage and fell in love with her. He convinced his parents to talk to Shamita’s parents for their marriage as...

2 years ago
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Hey Sana I Like Your Pussy Stubble 8211 Pt 2

Boys and girls, I can understand that a lot of you liked the first part of the story with Sana with the sheer number of likes and I would be more happy and glad if you could please let me know your feedback/love/hate/tips. Without wasting any time, I will get on with what happened the following day. Remember, my colleague Sana and I were yet to rehearse and perfect our dance presentation, but before that, we had already explored each other orally. Here we go: — “Hey.. whatever you did with...

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Grim Fairy TalesChapter 27 Simon goes to Town

Simon was uneasy. Arabella had been avoiding him since their discussion in the shower the night before. With a heavy load on his mind he had made his way back into the city to continue outprocessing. The lines were as long as they had been before the holidays; the only change was that it was hotter. As Simon despaired at the thought of sitting in another line, he knew that he had to leave the Army properly this time or they'd just show up on his doorstep again. Finally, he had made it to...

1 year ago
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There Can Be Only One Chapter 6

There Can Be Only One... Chapter 6I eventually started to come out of my post climax euphoria with mum desperately trying to push me off and Cathy shouting verbal abuse at my mother. As soon as I rolled off mum and lay by her side she sat up and pushed her dress back down over her upper thighs and pussy. “I …I…” mum just burst into tears and her hands flew up to cover her face, as Cathy continued her tirade of abuse. I could not make out whether she was mad or just enjoying calling mother...

3 years ago
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The Best of Friends

I'd been looking forward to a good night's sex with my boyfriend Sam, but when I got to his flat he'd smoked so much dope he was out of things. After a few minutes trying to wake up any part of him, I decided to cut my losses and go watch TV in the lounge. I wrapped myself in his robe and went through.In the lounge, Sam's flatmate Lee was sitting watching a video. I went and slumped down next to him and he instantly went to change channels, when I looked at the screen I saw why, he was watching...

2 years ago
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Moms Secret Ass Fucker by fbailey

I am s*******n years old and out of school for the summer. Dad helped me get a good paying job on a construction crew. I wanted a car but dad wanted me to earn it myself. I had to save enough money to pay for my own insurance too. Dad said that if he gave me a car that I wouldn’t appreciate it, but that if I bought it myself that I would. I had the car already picked out too. That’s why I was so depressed when the boss sent me home early today. Sure I had screwed up today but not as bad as some...

1 year ago
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Cuckolds Porn! My dick always gets hard thinking about all the different types of niche tube sites there are on the net. And I’m not talking about just any niche tube sites, either. I’m referring to the real deal, mother fuckin’ tube sites with fuck loads of content that you can enjoy.Well, as an experienced webmaster in this space, I can tell you that it’s challenging to make a niche tube site that actually works as intended. And it’s even harder to have a niche site with an enormous library...

Interracial Porn Sites
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Rainy day

Today August 5th, 2012 it was a hot sunny day. I went out with my friends to shop or window shopping. I had on a thin white top and shorts with flip-flops. Once we were done we came out the mall and it was very cloudy and strong wind blowing. And no one was prepare for this, we started walking and it started rain. Everyone decided to go on their own path to home. As we started walking to the train or bus it started pouring with heavy rain with strong wind. Not too many people had umbrellas and...

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Mouse had taken to dancing in her panties and socks. Her shoulder-length hair - fine, yet a nondescript, easily forgettable shade of brown - whipped around her head and got caught in her glasses. But she kept going, arms and legs flailing wildly yet not without a sense of design. It was as if she were moving to some bright vision of grace in her mind that her body couldn't keep up with. Lamb was watching her from his studio window, drawn at first by the music, but then he found himself...

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Ingenious Toys Part 2

And that brings us to Ike and Mike. A few weeks after theepisode with Earnest 2.0, I was just about to sneak back into the senior girls’ dorm after sex with Mr Gallows when he stopped me. “I have a present for you,” he smiled, holding out a wooden box about the size of a book. “Oooh, goody. Is it like your last present?” “Different,” he said, as if that answered my question. “Open it.” I opened the box. Inside, nestled in red velvet were two flesh coloured sex toys. One was about six inches...

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A fantasy of mine

I've always had this fantasy please be nice...hope you like it :)We are in the same class together. We always give each other a friendly smile or a simple hello, due to my shyness in the presenceof such a pretty girl. I sit through class and wonder how you managed to squeeze your beautiful tits into that shirt. I feel the bugle in my pants start to grow as the thoughts of you are driving me crazy. I wonder what kind of panties you are wearing or whether you are wearing any at all. My lips begin...

4 years ago
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After Five YearsChapter 6

July 2009, Sudan It was a few hours before dawn when I locked the motorcycle up, next to a shed and hid it behind some rusty sheets of corrugated iron. Then I struggled my way to the back of my home, and opened the lock in the rusty gate. Even if the gate was rusty the hinges were well greased and it opened without a sound. I locked the gate after me and soon was inside the house. For the first time, I really felt the exhaustion of recent events. I forced a smile when my wife and daughter...

1 year ago
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My First Camping Trip

As soon as we got out of the car we ran to the trunk of the car and got out the tent to set it up, I guess my choice of clothing wasn't the best, I was in a tank top, no bra, really tight shorts and wore just a thong. I guess it wasn't the best decision, but it was hot when we left from the house, and it sure did turn Katie on, as I had caught her checking me out a few times, I guess she couldn't keep her eyes off of me. I had never put up a tent before, good job that Katie had, I...

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Meri Bhabhi Ki Gand Fadi

Hi my best friends muje ye story pathne me bathut maja aata he aur mere sath jo huva tha vo me aapko share karne ja raha hu meri umer abhi 23 sale ki he mera naam raju he mene collage puri ki he college ku chutiyo me me jab gaoun gaya tha us time ki baat he mere bhaiya jo mujsse 7 saal bade he aur bhabhi he vo mujse 5 saal badi he par dost kya uski finger hey vo bahut Hi sexy hey ab ne direct story pe aata hu gaoun jane ke baad 2 tin din ekse hi ghumta raha fir ek rat ko mene bhaiya ke kamrese...

2 years ago
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Mona Ko Pataya

Hello dosto main iss ka regular reader hu daily story zarur padta hu jab tak nai padu neend nai aati hai mujhe iski kai stories bahut achhi lagi jinko me kai baar padta hu maine bhi apni sachi kahani aap sabko batane ka decide kiya Dosto ye meri pahli kahani hai me ek doctor hu aur mujhe kai khubsurat girls and ladies se milne ka mauka milta rahta hai aap mujh se mere email par apni rai de sakte hai. Ek din OPD me main jab mariz dekh raha tha to ek sundar chehra mere samne se guzra, usko...

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Meri Pyari Meenal Bhabhi

Hii friends. Mera naam Nishu hai. Main Mumbai ka rehne wala hoon. Main student hoon aur apne family ke sath rehta hoon. Meri age 21 saal hai. Height 5feet 11inch hai. Body athletic hai gym jata hoon roz. Dick size 6inch hai aur 3 inch mota hai. Mujhe badi umar ki aurte bohot pasand hai jaise aunties, bhabhis. Mere family main maa (Jyoti) age 42, baap(Shekhar) age 46,  bhai(Anil) age 24, bhabhi(Meenal) age 23, aur main(Nishant) age 21 rehte hai. Pitaji policeman hai aur unki duty Panvel mein...

2 years ago
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College Student

Author's notes: This is a follow up to my story "artist in residence" that got good reviews. Several people had asked for me to expand that story. Here's the compromise: a new story based on similar (related) people and events, which follows in order. I plan to do a couple more stories featuring this group of people! While it can be read stand alone-the plot is different-I suggest you read artist in residence first. With the discovery of unauthorized reposts of some of my other works, I...

3 years ago
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By the rivers of Babylon Chapter 2

By the rivers of Babylon Chapter 2 Richard went digging for Don Ford's contact information, as well as the last number he had for Mitch Woodward. By the time Anne had finished making breakfast, he was on the phone with Don Ford, and discovered that Don and his wife Linda had both had the same dream as well, and all of them felt the urge ... the need ... To go back to the desert. Soon the four of them made plans to meet up, and then go to the last known address of Mitch...

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