Crack Addict prt 2
- 3 years ago
- 44
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Joe is frantic to banish the image of Mike fucking Caroline, focuses instead on his memory of Kate between Caroline's legs. It is his only resource to stave off recurring fits of jealousy. In this way, he salvages some pleasure from the whole sorry mess.
It's seven a.m. the Saturday after Mike and Kate's attempted seduction of his wife. All day yesterday, Joe was plagued by flashbacks of Mike's bare arse powering his cock into Caroline. Joe fears today will be the same. Knowing that his old friend has had his wife torments him — no matter how briefly it might have been.
Joe and Caroline are home in bed. He turns on his side to talk to her. She is lying on her back with her eyes wide open, staring at the ceiling. He can't let it be and so asks her, "What was it like when you were with Kate?"
"You were there. You saw what she did."
"Yeah, I saw her head between your legs, but I want to know how it made you feel — what it means to you."
"My thoughts are my own."
"It would be such a turn-on, your telling me."
She sits up and rubs away her sleepiness, turns to check the alarm clock on the bedside table. She will be late for work if she tells what he wants to hear. "Yes, Joe, I'm sure it would, but it's Saturday morning, and I have to be at work soon. I don't want your cum seeping from me when I'm on the way in."
"Why don't you pull a sicky? We can stay in bed, and you can tell me every little detail."
"I'd love to, babe, but I'm not that kind of girl."
"On a Saturday morning, I'm not."
She gets up and goes to the bathroom.
When she returns, she says, "I'll tell you soon. Perhaps tonight. I'll cook too."
She turns this way and that, absorbed in her preparations for the day. Wardrobe doors flung apart, a still-naked Caroline reaches inside, her outstretched arm leafing through hanging clothes like they're hanging from the racks at Chelsea Girl. Joe will never tire watching her, her movements as if choreographed have visceral elegance. He sees it clearly in the way her body appears to elongate as it follows the lead of her arm as it stretches for an item of clothing stored high. Her natural ease astounds him. He could watch her for hours. Her dainty feet strain as she goes up on tiptoes, the arch emphasised. His eyes travel up her legs, and he sees her toned calves, smooth and capable. Her breasts, though far from small, have an unfinished quality that is almost adolescent. It is as if there is to be a final unfolding for which they still wait. But her hips are in full bloom, a harvest moon of the smoothest pale abundance. His cock aches to be crushed between them.
He remembers Mike's face, how his old friend had stood behind Caroline, both his hands delving deep inside the cups of her bra. Joe's recurring jealousy surges up — like his erection from the sight of Caroline's buttocks. He pushes down the murderous hurt, thinks of what a fool he was that night when he put a stop to it all, to that something so intensely arousing. He wonders about what could have been, the fun they all could be having this weekend. If things had gone to plan, he would already have ploughed Kate's cunt, and god only knows how many more times he would have had her.
He watches Caroline lay out her clothes for work: an ageing black skirt, plain white blouse, and the little-girl cardigan with just one button. Her usual work clothes, though when she arrives at work — the record department at Woolworths — she has to put on an overall supplied by the company.
She stoops for underwear from a low drawer; quickly, items are chosen and taken out. Nothing matches-- plain white Airtex briefs and pale yellow bra with wire under the cups. Now she stands, pulling a medley of fabrics over limbs, her twists and bends a practised kata performed with ease and grace. Before putting on her skirt, she sits on the end of the bed and slips her feet into this morning's clean tights, and when both sheer legs are to her knees, she stands and heaves the stretching mesh high so that the seam splits her mons pubis through her panties. Lastly, her skirt. It is short, has plain black buttons up the front. She wraps the cloth around her hips, and from the top downwards she fastens each button in turn.
"Don't forget tonight?" Joe says when at last she walks towards the bedroom door about to leave him for her day. "You promised to tell."
She turns to look at him one last time. The covers are pulled back, and she scans his muscular body, sees the erection that calls for her to stay. It is a moment of remembering how much she loves him. He is her man. She cannot imagine a time he will not be her man. She walks back to the side of the bed and stoops down by his head and says:
"Here's something to keep you going until tonight. It's not a thought I have to tell, it's a real thing — a little something you would not have seen." She looks into his eyes and sees how they shine with expectation.
"What? What is it?"
She has been unable to rid herself of the breathtaking moment when Kate's tongue did to her what God never intended any tongue to do. When serving customers at work, its secret memory would well up to make her blush. That another girl had found Caroline desirable to such a degree that she was impelled to do such a thing — well, it has blown Caroline's mind. Nothing would be the same again.
She smiles for him, comes closer, whispers, "When Kate was between my legs..." her voice has gone all husky. Then silence. She waits.
"Go on," he says, his blood-engorged cock now enfolded by his clenched palm.
She continues, her tone perhaps even quieter, "When Kate was down know, between my legs..."
"Yes," he croaks.
"Kate did something very naughty."
"What was it?"
Caroline looks, does not tell.
"Fucking hell, Caroline. Just tell me."
"Kate licked my bum. Not just the cheeks, her tongue right in there. Licking me like Mr. Whippy."
"Sorry, Caz. I don't understand." It is as if someone has told him UFOs are circling the house.
"I said: Kate licked my bum. I'll say it one more time: Kate was so into me that she licked my fucking arse." She leans closer, and her tongue slides over Joe's cheek. She takes his lips between her fingers and shapes them to a pucker. For the briefest moment, she allows her tongue flicker across the arse she has fashioned from them. She stops abruptly. Stands up. Says. "Just like that. That's how she did it. Do you understand now? "
"Ohhhhh! The fucking filthy cow!" he groans. "You pair of filthy fucking sluts."
He has cum into his own palm.
Until the contact mag, life had been simple: going to work, weekend drinks with friends down the pub, and every few weeks a rock band at the civic hall or in the Polytechnic student union bar: Be-Bop-Deluxe, Dr. Feelgood. Groups like that, you get the idea. Early evening telly on weekdays, except Tuesday for Caroline when she goes to her evening class, Psychology 'A' level. She intends to go to teacher training college the following autumn, hopes to teach at primary, eventually. So now they watch their money as they know they will struggle financially when she no longer brings in a wage. She is taking driving lessons while she has the money.
While Caroline is at night class, Joe rehearses with his band. He plays bass. Pub Rock. It's the latest thing. Soon punk will come, and then everything will change.
If he's home, Joe tries to catch John Peel on Radio One, finger on the tape deck, ready to record new bands to play in the car to impress their friends, get ideas. Cards on Sunday evening with Joe's brother and his wife, Ken and Amanda. Board games. Monopoly and Risk.
Life in a small northern town, ten years before the song.
Indian Summer mornings, all those years ago. She walks the half-mile to and from work each day. Sometimes she has to wear an older skirt, one now unfashionably short. She resents the expense it costs to replace day-to-day articles with anything fashionable, saves her money for going-out things and driving lessons. Necessity dictates, and sometimes the skirt she wears is three years old. Each day, she runs a gauntlet of wolf-whistles, the lascivious calls from men on scaffolding or windows of passing cars. All those men, telling her what they want to give her. She imagines what might happen if she were to accept one of the invitations so glibly called to her. She visualises herself replying to the shouts of 'Get'm'off' with her own retort of, "Let me see your cock first." She laughs to herself at the thought, tries to imagine their faces.
That week, Joe visits the newsagent. On the top shelf, tucked behind the big glossy ones, he sees magazines similar to the one Mike owns. He hands over his money.
In the evening, they methodically go through the pages of the magazine, speak of nothing else but meeting others. There is a rich vein of decadence that waits to be mined, has lain beneath their day-to-day world all this time undisturbed, neither one suspecting it was there. As each day goes by they open up, confess their needs. They revel in the fantasy that something stupendous will happen.
Only a week has passed but already time gives them the blessing of perspective. Joe has wrestled with his ambivalence for days, the tug back and forth; his jealousy on the one hand, and an all-consuming erotic intensity on seeing her with him on the other. If they do the swinger's ad — like he and Caroline have discussed — and find someone...Perhaps if they pair off in separate rooms, so he does not have to watch Caroline being fucked by another man, maybe only then there is the possibility that it might work. No more swinging with old friends. Yes, a stranger might be the solution.
Together since school, they had known only each other's bodies. Now they give each other permission. Caroline says it will be okay, is sure they will both be open and truthful, that he will tell her everything from now on — as she will him. Their experimentations will be possible because of the bond of love they share. Over the following weeks, a certainty blooms that beautiful others will appear, magical ones who will fill their lives with such sweetness. Joe and Caroline's world is like new love, and their minds soar.
Such a change in Caroline. There is a happy wildness about her that was not there before. Joe wonders about her, what she is like when out in the world every day, who she might meet, what she might do. Most of all, he wonders what stories she might tell him. He relishes every morsel Caroline feeds him of her moment with the couple, how it made her feel, the subtle things Kate did between her legs, those things hidden from his view. He has her tell it many times, but there is never enough to satisfy. To please him, she adds embellishments that never happened. When she does, he calls her a dirty slut. She likes the way he says it, is pleased her words move him to such intense emotion.
Joe wants a girl to join them, not a couple at all, but Caroline is hardly keen. She knows what she likes — and her first choice is not pussy. But just to please him, they scour pages to find the girl god-created only for them. But they see no such girl. It seems a young and pretty girl is what they all desire — all those couples in the magazine.
Caroline is relieved — at first. But over the week, the memory of her and Kate's moment together flares up like shingles. She finds herself longing for Kate's touch, her lips, and kisses. Caroline wonders if perhaps she has been too quick to end their friendship.
She blows hot and cold, one minute tells him a girl might be sweet and that she really is growing curious that way. But then the next day, she doubts she could ever cross such a line again. The thought of her own tongue exploring some girl in the way Kate had studied her...Well, it turns her stomach. But then the next moment, she thinks how pretty some girls are; the shape of them, their softness and how they smell so sweet. And more than those thoughts, she relives the way in which Kate's tongue slid and curled.
She cannot make up her mind. Joe keeps asking her if she's ready. Indecision torments her.
Joe buys more magazines. Still no single girl eager to abandon herself to a young, sweet couple such as they know they are. They compromise. Second best: they begin the search for that perfect couple. After days of looking, they still cannot agree.
They revert to their original plan. They will make their own small ad, be explicit about their requirements. He is sure some sensational girl will find Caroline irresistible and instantly reply. But Caroline doubts that is how it will be, that it will be only couples they will attract. She tells Joe it is his only chance to see her with another girl. This she will do because she loves him. Love overrules everything.
She uses her birthday money to purchase a camera, a self-developing Polaroid. It is a thing of such limited application, the images it produces, shit-poor. It is a luxury they can hardly afford.
The last Sunday in September and it's gloriously sunny. They drive to Hanger Woods for undraped shots. It has to be outdoors; the possibility of their household belongings captured in black and white for their friends to recognise is unthinkable. He knows a place, camped there with the scouts when he was fifteen. Very isolated, he says. No one will see them. It's a bit of a trek through the woods to the dell in the hillside he remembers.
She wears a full-length cheesecloth dress for the occasion. It is off-white and has tiny red flowers and leaves, is elasticated around her boobs. It looks almost historical, almost BBC wardrobe Regency drama and yet is not-- more Emma Thompson does Woodstock. She tells Joe it is ideal for taking off quickly as it is loose but stretches where it clings and can be easily removed, either down over her hips or up over her head. And once naked, if she needs to dress quickly, it is so easy to slip back into. For logistic's sake, she will forgo underwear.
There is a small car park in which they leave the car, between a minibus and another vehicle. He sees her looking at the other cars, reassures her that even if people are hiking in the hills, the place he knows is way off the beaten track.
The path they follow is uneven, once was cobbled but is now rough and pitted from subsidence. Joe tells her it is an old miner's track, long disused. She wished he had warned her about the terrain; her sandals are of no use, and so she walks on the grass by the side.
They take their time, enjoying the dappled coolness as they stroll through Hanger Wood. Then it is out into the brightness at the foot of Snowtop hillside. When they are higher, they stop to catch their breaths, turn back and see the path just travelled. Below are the woods from which they have recently emerged, and way down beyond the woods lies the Cheshire Plain that stretches away for twenty miles. In the opposite direction, If they look hard, they see the glimmering light reflected off the Irish Sea. "And there..." Joe says, "is Blackpool Tower. Do you see it, Caz?"
She looks but is not sure. She turns and looks at the crown of Snowtop Hill and tells him how as a child, from her bedroom in the town below, she could see the peak of Snowtop, and how in winter it was often white and how it reminded her of rum sauce poured on Christmas pudding.
High on the hillside, two paths cross. A figure emerges from behind hawthorn that lines the other converging path. It is a middle-aged man wearing boots into which his trousers are tucked, and a wax jacket and cap. Two dogs, agile and alert, race about, stopping, sniffing. Pointers, Joe tells her. The man is handsome, projects in his gait and demeanour inordinate self-assurance. She thinks of Mellors, Lady Chatterley's gamekeeper.
The man calls his dogs, and in an instant, they are by his side, and they stand aside to let Joe and Caroline pass. His eyes have drawn Caroline, and when he remarks on the weather, she is sure there is the hint of something uncouth. "It's fine now," he says, "but there's bad weather coming. You two would be advised not to go too far."
"Oh, thanks," Joe says. "We won't."
"And don't be straying from the path," the man calls after them. "It's all private land up there!"
When they are out of earshot, Caroline giggles, and then she mimics the man's posh accent, "'And don't go straying from the path'. Christ! It's like being in one of those slasher films you watch."
He lets her walk ahead — and then he roars like a monster and pounces, grabs her around the waist and holds her in a crushing bearhug. She screams, wriggles and twists until he lets her go.
When he relinquishes her, she turns and punches him hard. "You scared the fucking life out of me. Idiot!"
They walk on. Before the path rounds a curve as it follows the hillside's contours, Caroline looks back. There is no sign of the man and his dogs.
"That man, Caroline says, "was that a gun he had over his shoulder."
"Shotgun, I think. Single-barrel."
Out of sight of prying eyes, in the dell they have now reached, Caroline removes her dress, slips it down over her body. It is light and wafty, readily abandons her flesh. She kneels in front of Joe, and damp grass stains her bare knees as she gives him his blowjob — not to completion, just enough to get him hard for his candid shot. He wants it to be a close-up of his proud cock, but she refuses, says that cocks, in isolation, look so gross and will not entice a girl in any way. Girls want to see the person, don't you know. Is he stupid, or what?
After the click and flash, it's the standing and waiting for snaps to develop. The absolute silence of this place unnerves Caroline, and she continually looks about. When it is time, they peel back to reveal an image. Neither is happy with the what they see. They have to make do. Each polaroid shot costs more than they like.
When it's her turn to face the shutter, she strikes a pose, hand on hips, tries to smile. Joe tells her, "No," she has to look like she wants cock and not as if she is about to model swimwear. He explains what he wants to see. While she listens, the chilly evening air on her breasts draws out her nipples. He directs her, tells her how to stand. No. Perhaps if she lies down. There is a gentle grassy incline; that might work. She spreads her legs. "Wider," he says. She must show her gash, her dark, abundant pubes. The camera on her naked flesh makes her wanton. Instinctively, she touches herself between the legs. He tells her, "Yes! Good girl, Caz. Oh, fuck. Just like that!"
Afterwards, in a mossy hollow, they purge the arousal their photoshoot has stoked. Hidden by the spiteful shrubs, they fuck like feral things. Even though he has reassured her they will not be seen, being naked like this, out in the open, is too intense for Caroline. She expects to be discovered at any moment. She is sure eyes watch them from the undergrowth.
Joe is building up his pace and gooseflesh bursts out all over Caroline's backside, conjured by a chill the ground exudes as he rams down hard and into her. The mossy surface is porous soft, and his weight and determination push her buttocks down so that it feels as if the ground is absorbing her. With each thrust that he makes, further into the cushioning earth her buttocks go. She feels its rising chill, a damp caress that seeps into her flesh, and deeper still into her bones.
But the chance of their discovery thrills Joe as much as her cunt's wetness astonishes him, and he understands it has really begun, this new something that dominates their lives. As he fucks her, he feels like he's flying.
While he fucks her, she can't be rid of the feeling they are being watched. She opens her eyes and thinks she sees a figure at the top of the rise opposite — just a shadow, really. She focuses but is still not sure. It could be just a bush. She closes her eyes, tries to surrender to their lovemaking but it is impossible now. She opens her eyes again. The man from earlier is descending the slope, his two dogs racing ahead.
"Joe," she whispers. "it's that man." Joe, close to orgasm, pays her no attention. She feels the pulse of his cock as he empties into her, and the grip of her cunt that draws out his sperm.
The man looms over where they both lie. He begins clapping slowly. "Bravo," he says. "Encore! Encore!"
Joe is on his feet in an instant. His fists are clenched, though his pants remain around his ankles.
The man calls his dogs. "Darcy! Tilney! Sit. Good boys." He stoops down and pats each one as they settle at his feet.
Caroline sits up, clutches her dress like a rosary, trying to hide her breasts.
"Don't be shy, little lady. You've left it a little late for coyness." He looks at Joe who is hurriedly pulling up his jeans, fingers fumbling with the buckle of his belt.
"Put your dress on," Joe tells Caroline. He turns to the man: "Listen, mate. We don't want any trouble." Joe is reassured when he sees that the gun is still in its cover.
Caroline slowly stands, still trying to cover herself as best she can. There is a moment when she is wholly revealed before her dress slips over her head and falls down to conceal her body.
"Now that is a shame." the man says. His accent is all public school.
Joe is nineteen — a big lad. His work as a bricklayer has bestowed muscles where a gym never could. Caroline knows Joe could take this man, has seen him in a fight in town on Saturday night. She knows what her man is capable of. As to the gun, this man would never get it out of its case in time.
Joe is by her side, his arm around her shoulders.
"Do you know to whom this little plot belongs — the one you have chosen to do your rutting on?" the man asks.
"We don't give a shit who it belongs to," Joe says. His initial embarrassment is turning to anger.
"You're trespassing, boy." The way he says 'boy' irks Joe. " Anywhere off the path is not for your kind. You people come up here and think you can trample wherever you want to."
Caroline thinks it best if they try to placate the man. "We're sorry," she turns to Joe, her eyes begging him to behave "...Aren't we, Joe. We didn't realise it was private property."
"Yeah, sorry, mate. We'll get going then."
"Wait a minute. I never said you could leave."
"You never said what?" Joe says, his annoyance at the man's tone blatant.
But the man pays him no heed and says, "Don't you want to hear the proposition I was about to make you?"
"Proposition?" Joe says.
Caroline knows where this is going — or imagines she does — and her blood becomes a liquid gas in her veins. She looks at Joe as he asks the man again:
"What kind of proposition?"
"One that involves cash and your little lady friend there."
"She's not my 'little lady friend'; she's my wife — and what kind of people do you think we are?"
"I know exactly what kind of people you are. I've just had a ringside view of the kind of people you are."
"What's so wrong about two married people adding a bit of spice to their marriage?" Caroline says.
"Nothin' at all. I applaud it. It is so refreshing to find two young people embracing life's rich possibilities so fully. I only hope the person who gets to see your little experiment in photography is just as appreciative."
"What do you mean?" Joe asks.
"The good old Polaroid camera. The swinger's friend. As I said: I have a proposition for you, a proposition I'm confident neither of you will want to let pass you by."
"You taking the piss, mate?" .
"I can see, young man, that you are a rather literal person. I will speak accordingly."
He comes to Joe, puts his arm around his shoulder and walks him out of Caroline's earshot. Caroline watches them talk. She is agitated, wants to go home. This really is becoming like something out of those ghastly films Joe makes her sit through.
When they are done talking, Joe calls her over.
The man says to her, "Your husband is going to have a little chat with you now — I'm so sorry, sweetheart, I didn't catch your name?" Joe tells him Caroline's name. "Thank you, young man. Now, Caroline, I want you to listen to what your husband has to say, and then I want you to give it serious consideration."
And with that, he turns and calls his dogs, "Darcy! Tilney." They are up on the ridge of the dell, and on his command they rush to their master as he begins to make his way up the slope and back into the world.
"What did he say to you?" Caroline asks.
Joe's hesitant, not sure how to tell her. "He's willing to pay two hundred pounds."
"Two hundred pounds for what?"
He takes a deep breath, can hardly get the words to come. "He says he'll give you two hundred pounds if you go up to his house and allow him to spank you."
She can't believe his words, but she still asks. "And what did you say?"
"I said I'd ask you if you'd do it."
"You said what?"
"That I'd talk to you about it."
"Okay, Willie the Pimp. We're talking."
"So what do you think?"
"I think he can fuck off."
"Just think, though, Caz: it's a lot of money. More than three weeks' wages for me."
She thinks about next year when she starts her degree, how they'll need every penny.
Her tone softens, "You don't know if you can trust this man."
"He gave me twenty pounds. A gesture of goodwill, he said."
"So that makes it okay, does it?"
"He said I could phone from his house if we don't trust him, let people know we're up there."
"Who would you phone?"
"I'd phone Ken."
"You'd phone Ken and say 'I've just pimped out Caroline to a pervert'?"
"That's not the issue here. I'll think of something."
"And that's all? Just spanking?"
"Yeah. He just wants to put you over his knee and slap your bottom. He has this thing about people on his land. Especially hippies, he said."
"We're not fucking hippies."
"He thinks we are."
"More like he's got a thing about women's arses! Did he say how hard this spanking would be?"
Joe never thought to ask, does not know. "Probably...not very hard — I think we should do it."
"Where is the 'we' in all this? It's not you who'll get a sore arse."
"Come on, Caz. Two hundred quid. Just think..."
She is thinking, says: "And you could sit and watch a stranger do something like that. You couldn't even watch your best friend. So no, I don't think so."
"I've been working on it. That's what the photos are for. Remember?"
She thinks about the man who has made the offer. Was he just playing them? Is he really a lord? Aren't lords all old men sleeping their days away in the House of Lords? This man looked no older than forty, had a virile country air about him. And how handsome he looked, dressed as he was in his "Horse and Hounds" aplomb. She thinks it might be like the olden days when a lord could demand what he liked — only this time, the peasant girl will be richly rewarded.
"Yeah, Okay. I'll do it. Come on, Joey," she says as she takes his hand in her right hand, and with her left, she hitches up the front of her long dress so it does not drag. They walk hand in hand up the hill like Jack and Jill.
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Mike passes the magazine to Joe as if it were drugs. He's anticipated this moment since he and Mike discussed each other's wives down the Red Lion last Friday. Even so, when he flicks the pages and sees the ads, the photos, all those people seeking their own kind, only then does the implication of the scheme the pair so casually hatched over their pints become unforgivingly real. He turns pages, incredulously at first, his initial shock slowly morphing to fascination. The promised possibilities...
Wife LoversJoe is home, and for a while, their lovemaking becomes that of their first months together all those years ago when Caroline was just sixteen. When they surface again and lie limb knotted and fused in the hush of their darkening bedroom, Caroline begins to sob quietly from the joy of her man back at her side. And in the silence of the deepening night, before she drifts off to sleep, she wishes tonight could be a new beginning, that the world would leave her alone and that she had never set foot...
Wife LoversWhile they make their way to the manor house, Joe begins to wonder why the fuck has he agreed to let Lord Dammartin spank his wife. Surely such a man will want more from a gorgeous woman like Caroline than to merely slap her arse a few times. Maybe he will want her the Etonian way— you know: perfect and back-door. Isn't that what they prefer— the old-school tie crowd? At the very least he'll want to see Caroline on her knees, his cock between her lips. Surely he will? Joe decides as long as he...
Wife Lovers"Why should I undress for you?" Caroline asks Lady Dammartin."Because that is what I wish," Lady Dammartin says. She turns to Old James and tells him, "Please ensure the girl complies."The servant moves towards Caroline who quickly holds up her arm like a policeman at a junction controlling traffic."I haven't finished talking!" she tells him.Her own commanding tone surprises her, and for a moment Old James hesitates. There is uncertainty in his eyes. He looks at Lady Dammartin for...
Wife LoversJoe stands behind Caroline as she sits at the table writing. He lifts her long hair to one side to uncover the nape of her neck, kisses it gently before saying, "Tell me again, Caz. Tell me how his cock tasted.""I've an essay to finish," Caroline says, her pen moving quickly across the page."Please, Caz. It won't take long. I've got a hard-on just thinking about him having you like that."It's five nights since Caroline's visit to Dammartin Manor. This evening she's sat at home doing coursework...
Wife LoversSeven the next morning, Ray runs Caroline home; she had expected Jerry to be the one.His motor is all chilled leather, dials and panelling. Joe could name it — this Jaguar XJC coupe — but all Caroline knows is it looks expensive, its plush interior something she could get used to. She decides he is a drug dealer, the taxi firm just a front. Best not ask questions, just get yourself home and bury this night deep.They drive through early Sunday streets, past dog walkers, milk-floats and...
Group SexSeven the next morning, Ray runs Caroline home; she had expected Jerry to be the one.His motor is all chilled leather, dials and panelling. Joe could name it — this Jaguar XJC coupe — but all Caroline knows is it looks expensive, its plush interior something she could get used to. She decides he is a drug dealer, the taxi firm just a front. Best not ask questions, just get yourself home and bury this night deep.They drive through early Sunday streets, past dog walkers, milk-floats and...
Group SexCaroline and Harrington are discussing The Duke of Mercia, a regular guest of Lord Dammartin."Why would he want to do it like that?" Caroline asks Harrington."Some men prefer it.""But why, when I have a perfectly good vagina?""It's tighter.""Are you saying my pussy isn't tight enough?""Far from it, Caroline: yours is one of the tightest little pussies it's been my fortune to have fucked, and may I also say, the loveliest to gaze upon. My cock and I will be eternally grateful for the pleasure of...
AnalA package for Caroline. It has the Dammartin Manor crest. She takes it through to the back room and sits down in the big armchair, tucking her stockinged feet beneath her bum. She turns the stiff cardboard envelope curiously in her hands while wondering what it might contain. Finally, she decides that there's only one way to find out, and she begins to pick at the flap with her nails. When she has it open, she pulls out a wad of glossy photographs.Oh, God! Look at these! Her insides twist into...
ThreesomesA package for Caroline. It has the Dammartin Manor crest. She takes it through to the back room and sits down in the big armchair, tucking her stockinged feet beneath her bum. She turns the stiff cardboard envelope curiously in her hands while wondering what it might contain. Finally, she decides that there's only one way to find out, and she begins to pick at the flap with her nails. When she has it open, she pulls out a wad of glossy photographs.Oh, God! Look at these! Her insides twist into...
ThreesomesWhere the fuck is this Jerry bloke! The lady on the phone at the cab office told Caroline he would only be ten minutes; it's getting on for twenty now.She's getting cold standing here outside the red telephone box from where she made the call. The autumn morning air seeps beneath her long coat and chills her flesh. For all the warmth the skimpy satin nightie she wears beneath it provides, she may as well be naked under there. She has fastened all the buttons, the top one tight against her...
Group SexWhere the fuck is this Jerry bloke! The lady on the phone at the cab office told Caroline he would only be ten minutes; it's getting on for twenty now.She's getting cold standing here outside the red telephone box from where she made the call. The autumn morning air seeps beneath her long coat and chills her flesh. For all the warmth the skimpy satin nightie she wears beneath it provides, she may as well be naked under there. She has fastened all the buttons, the top one tight against her...
Group SexFATHER AND MOTHER OF A BRIDE by enduringshades A SPECIAL DAY I am sitting in my living room all dressed to the nines. The car is not due for another half hour, but I am very excited and I couldn't wait to get ready. I've been preparing for this special day for six months now. I have been dieting and exercising, learning how to dance and planning and deciding what to wear. I am really pleased with my outfit. Since my twenties, it is one that I often daydreamed about wearing if I...
Huma presents another hot incest between brother and sister story. I thank you all for your comments on my stories. I had kept myself away from my incestuous love with my own brother Karthik, younger to by three years. Actually our first encounter had been a chance encounter. It had been my birthday and we drank just for fun. Slowly I grew tipsy and aroused sexually. My brother was fascinated by my large boobs and firm ass. To crown the evening, our Cable operator showed a blue film by chance....
IncestThe first Monday of the last week in October, Caroline is on her fifteen-minute walk to work. There is an autumn chill in the air, a hint of a change in the season. She thinks of shopping for new boots, and maybe a pair of smart pants like the gorgeous blonde girl wears — the tall one who often passes through the square where in fine weather Caroline and Dorothy sit to eat their lunch.In town, a bus discharges its crush of passengers across her path: office workers, students, shop girls. One...
LesbianHi All, This is Akshay Ganna again. I am 36 years old and have a very nice 6 feet tall athletic body. I hope you have enjoyed my previous stories and 4 parts of “My Brother’s Bride”. This incidence I am narrating is of the day of the marriage when I had sex with Bhavana (my cousin brother’s bride) just few hours before they tied the knots of new relationship. My cousin brother Vinay and Bhavana marriage was on 3rd May. It was a hot summer month, but with an unpredictable Indian monsoon. The day...
The morning after the addition of Scarlett, the pretty eighteen year old from the assay office in town, the brothers were in the kitchen questioning Jamie about his wedding night upstairs. The poor youngster was overwhelmed with shyness not wanting to disclose some of the more intimate games that the experienced Scarlett had played with him. His brother Stewart was silently sympathetic because he had already taken the pretty Scarlett shortly after she arrived as she bent over the butter churn...
Just a short week later, Sheila was humming a silly ditty out behind the main house hanging the wash from all seven brothers on the multiple clotheslines erected by a thoughtful Shawn who was trying to show his appreciation for her "tending" to his needs with the permission of his understanding brother Angus. In fact, Sheila had managed to go the rounds with all of the brothers taking care to only allow use of her willing hands and her busy mouth. She laughed thinking that she had more...
HotwifeI woke up during the night with Marcus cuddling me and playing with my pierced nipples, which once again was making me wet.I climbed on top of him and proceeded to rub my pussy all over his hard cock. It wasn't long after that I pushed myself down him which caused us both to orgasm again and then we fell back to sleep.We woke up about ten. We both needed a shower. Marcus proceeded to wash me paying special attention to my pierced nipples and pussy. I decided, 'Two can play this game.'I...
Wife Lovers"It's leafs in mint leaf sauce, and with a sprig of Barley leaf on the side." "Well, the cook's meat never was that good," I replied with a sigh. The food was all like this now, we couldn't afford anything better what with having to go to a new town. "Well, I'll see you at the spar," Rapley replied. I picked up my 'breakfast,' gobbling it down in one, and prepared to set the course for the new town. Ten minutes later, and after much sighing, muttering and counting, I had plotted...
"Nice morning to you too Alex" "It's...All...My...Pleasure!" I managed to choke out between mouthfuls of flesh. I then delved deeper, licking her slit up and down, eliciting a groan from between her lips. I grabbed her hips, flipping her over, revealing her pussy in all it's delicious, shaved glory, completely open to all my whims. I licked around her mound, just touching her lips, making Alice squirm and shove her hips at me in an attempt to get me to pleasure her properly. I...
"RICK?! IS ANYONE ALIVE?!" A sound exploded from a nearby wagon, my sword out of it's sheath before I realized I heard anything. A man stood there, one of my best soldiers, covered in head to toe in gore. His name was Rapley, or Henry to those who didn't know him. He was a gruff man, with a rough thing of a beard, who knew more about tracking, hunting and alchemy than anyone else I had ever met. "Boss, it's good to see you! We were attacked by a force, they came right out of nowhere....
It's so easy to get ahead of myself, tell you juicy stuff before I need to. Such as when Frank began texting Ruth out of the blue on Saturday evening and asking her to be ready for him within the hour. When he arrived, he never bothered coming in to say hi. No, not Frank. He just honked his horn and waited. If she weren't out within a minute, he'd sound it again. Then it would be a blind panic, and she'd hurry down from our room and go directly out without so much of a word. She would be...
Group SexMy brother, Rick, and me, Alex, were in a tavern, trying to recruit men. I was low because a recent goblin raid on our camp had left us incredibly low, down to 4 men. We had visited all the other taverns, but the pay was either too high, or they weren't good enough for it. "Well...It depends if you're good at fighting." "Hah! We're probably the best fighters in this town," a voice from the shadows bragged."Come on, join us at our table, we get free drinks today because we're...
When you are very young, in high school and love sucking cock, it's really HARD to find guys that like their big cocks sucked and if you ask people you don't know, you just might get your ass beat! Believe me, it's tough to find them and I tried for months to find a few boys that were like me!I enjoyed looking at naked men and women in magazines for a long time and I knew I was bi since I can remember! I had to just satisfy myself by jerking off after my parents went to sleep or when I got home...
I hated deceiving Lori but it was the only way my fantasy was ever going to happen. Making my dream a reality would take planning, subterfuge and — yes —lies. And if she ever found out I’d been online and arranged for some stranger to seduce her... Let's put it like this: there would be hell to pay. But it was a risk I was more than happy to take. Setting it up behind her back was my only option.Watching the footage of her with Tom and Vince had given me an itch that wouldn’t let me be. The...
CuckoldI figured that the two mile walk to school gave me time to settle down. I stopped by a store and got two energy drinks and stuffed them into my bag, but I started into one before I was even half way to school. My head was killing me and maybe the caffeine would take the edge off for now. I walked into the school as 1st period ended. “Good timing” I thought to myself. As the doors to classrooms opened and students flooded the halls I fought my way upstream to my locker. I spun my...
Mommy can be Such Naughty Fun!It had been a couple of years since Jean had started teaching her son Billy and I about sex and how to please and fulfill a woman's sexual desires. And Jean liked it Hardcore,Dirty and Kinky!Alot had changed over those two years.Six months after my first sexual encounter with Jean and Billy,Bill Sr. moved away. It was very sudden and there was no real fanfare. One week he was the Minister of the town's church,and the next? He was moving two states away,to become...
“You’re not here for the girl, you’re here for me aren’t you brother lord knows that father has been on my case ever since I’ve stepped into the human world… “Then why disobey fathers orders you know what he would do to you and especially the girl…he’ll enslave her for the rest of her life or even worse become a little prison whore”, Shadow said cutting Yamani off. I sat on the bed confused wondering if they were going to make up or would this situation lead to a duel to the death. I was in...
“Man, those postal guys really beat up these packages,” Sonya said, sorting through the mail that had somehow piled up on her “outgoing” table. Sonya, a tall brunette, had worked in the mailroom of Hartford & Cox for the last year and a half. “Yea, look at this one,” said Sandy, Sonya’s blonde co-worker, holding up a partially open box. “I wonder what’s in it.” Sandy shook it for emphasis of the poor delivery job. “Well, go ahead and open it. Someone already started it for you,” Sonya said,...
EroticI have known Anna pretty much our whole lives. We weren’t always great friends. She used to torment me, to be completely honest. But somewhere around 10th grade we started to click, and she’s been my friend ever since. Of course, in stereotypical Hollywood fashion, I have been the guy who has lusted after her since back when she used to torment me. And after we became friends, I sat by while she dated loser after loser, patiently waiting for an opening. Anna rarely has openings, because...
I a woke early the next day,it took me a few seconds to realise I was laying naked in the bed of the caravan.My mind went back to yesterdays sexual antics on the beach and my cock twitched.I got up out of the bed letting the sheets fall away from my naked body,the cool air of the caravan felt great on my nipples.I walk out of the bedroom and out into the kitchenand living area.Coffee was on my mind as I stood by the sink filling up the kettle.I stood and stretchedas I waited for the kettle to...
A few months into the relationship it was decided we had to meet face to face, we knew each other pretty intimately we had exchanged photos both clothed and unclothed, I had even taken photos of myself trying on cloths and sent them to Wayne. We had also masturbated together while chatting online. Our relationship, up to that point, was like nothing I had experienced before and we thought it was time to meet. I had a couple of days off and planned it all out. First I...
Straight SexThe time to have “the talk” was that first week, after she blew me twice. But we did not. She blew me a few more times, and I ate her out, and yet we never really discussed the details of our relationship. Anna did not seem to mind – she clearly did not want it defined – and I pretended not to as well, though it killed me. Then the window closed. She met Clive at a swap meet in early November. They went on a date. Then two. Then three. Soon she was no longer sleeping in my bed, and we...
I purposefully took my time getting ready. I wasn’t sure what to expect with Anna. Would it be awkward? Would she be upset? Angry? Maybe it was a dream. Maybe I had imagined it all. Maybe I had been awaken and she had been asleep. Is there such a thing as “sleep blowing"? I stalled and stalled upstairs as long as I could, able to wait no longer — and not even sure if Anna were still at the apartment — I came down and ran to the kitchen to make my lunch. "Morning," she said, behind...
Before you read this, please note it is an incest story about brother and sister sex. If this is not your thing then do not read it. If you do choose to read it, don’t say I didn’t warn you. Also note that I’m English so I use English spelling and words. Hi. My name’s… well that’s not really important right now. You can just call me Jack. (Just something so you don’t know my real name) I want you to know what happened to me and my sisters. But so not to hurt them I’ll be using false...
"WAKE UP, SLEEPY FACE," shaking Alex awake," IT'S TIME FOR WORK." Suddenly he was on the floor, hands around his neck. "SHUT UP, IT IS DAWN, AND I WANT SOME SLEEP," Alex bellowed back. He looked worse than James, his eyes droopy and covered in sleep, completely naked, and his normally pristine hair caked in vomit. "How about BOTH of you shut up, dipshits!" The brothers burst into laughter as Rebecca poked her head through the door. "I want some quiet for once, I had a...rough...
"Well hello again, Granny" He spat in my face. "That was just uncalled for, wasn't it, Granny?" His real name was Grant, and he was called that because he liked older women. "Fuck you, Rock" "Hey, hey, we're all friends here...Right?" As I said this I steadily increased exertion on his chest, cutting of his air. "Gagk...Fuu...Stra" "Hmmmm, what was that, Granny?" I slowly decreased the pressure so he could talk. "I...Said...Screw Satan, asswipe" "No, No, that is...
"Finally, we made it!" Ricky shouted. "Im tired of sting in this car." We all jumped out and grabbed our things out of the back "Man this trip is gunna be awesome" Kyle said. We decided to set up our tentsbefore we did anything else, and got to it in a hurry. Dillion finished his first, so he decided to help ricky. No one knew about the secrets going on between ricky and dillion, and they hoped no one would ever know. "How about after we finsh setting up, me and you stay behind while everyone...
GayCh.1 Trip by car It was a vacation I hope to soon forget and I hope my siblings will learn their lesson. It all started with my father. When my mother lived in a farm, he had fallen for her as his father drove by in a limo. Mom's brother wasn't appreciative of "city folk " tainting his daughter's soul. However, blood was thicker than water so my family had to go and visit my uncle. If that wasn't enough ,though, they had to adopt me. A black kid who hasn't even made all the way...
I walked into the bedroom amazed at the attention my Master had put into the detail. But my focus soon turned to the female who was bound by all four of her limbs, and blind folded. She lay spread eagle and naked on the bed waiting for us. She had long auburn hair, a clean shaven pussy, pretty erect dark rosey nipples and farely large breasts. I also noticed she had a tappered waiste and very shapely long legs.I looked at Master with surprise and he gestured with a smile for me to go to...
The meal:You lead me to the table. Walking behind me, guiding me with both hands on either side of my shoulders. Once at the table you pulled out my chair and i sat. Back straight, knees together i placed the cloth napkin in my lap. On top of them i folded my hands together and waited till you were seated.You tasted your steak and i waited for either your approval or displeasure."That is wonderful, baby. You may eat."I replied with a smile " Thank you sir."We talked about your day and i...
But when Leanne was on holiday we stopped this for the week. We didn’t want her to find out. I would wake up a few hours after Tanya had left feeling horney and hard. Wishing Tanya was there to suck me off or fuck me hard. But no such luck. I went down stairs one morning and found a note from Leanne. It said she had gone round to Charlotte’s house for a while and will be back around lunch time. Charlotte was Leanne’s girl friend. Yes girl friends. Leanne’s bi sexual and had always liked...
A few months into the relationship it was decided we had to meet face to face, we knew each other pretty intimately we had exchanged photos both clothed and unclothed, I had even taken photos of myself trying on cloths and sent them to Wayne. We had also masturbated together while chatting online. Our relationship, up to that point, was like nothing I had experienced before and we thought it was time to meet. I had a couple of days off and planned it all out. First I had got a...
Caught wife showing off to the teen neighbor This story was inspired by and for Kwen54.It was a beautiful summer Friday afternoon, and the boss told us to take the rest of the day off. I got home a few hours earlier than usual and entered the house, made my way the kitchen, and grabbed a beer from the fridge. Making my way across the kitchen I glanced out the patio door and saw my mid fifties wife Wendy completely naked, legs spread on a patio recliner facing the neighbors treehouse. At first I...
Months after proposing to me to become Her permanent slave, which made me the happiest man alive, the big day had finally arrived. Mistress and slave had been planning the ceremony as soon as it became official and wanted it to be as perfect as possible. Mistress selected a beautiful farm which was well known for hosting weddings for the locale, but this ceremony would be different than what they were accustomed to.The guests arrived and were seated. Some of them were aware of our Femdom...
Everyone says you should not travel these roads alone, but I am not a helpless old fool. In fact, I am shy of 20 cycles old. They say these parts are ridden with trolls and goblins. I have also heard stories of a wicked witch that lives in the woods beyond. All tales told by old fools to frighten children. I have seen some truly beautiful things on this journey to and from the dwarven kingdom. Mountains that touch the sky, valleys that go on forever. Sunsets that fill the sky with color. And...
I was out in the woods, just walking around, hiking kind of. It was spring break at the college and I was all ready for it. I couldn’t wait for people to be out of the classroom and out in the nature that the school was surrounded in practically. Honestly, I didn’t mind getting out of the school and just walking around, especially at night when I could walk around without any problem. You see, I’m Luna and I happen to be a college student at the University of Montana. I personally loved...
This night just kept getting more and more screwed up as it went on, and to top it all off, when I had my doubts and guilt about the whole situation Ali told me that Sara came home with a hickey on a night that I was not with her... “That bitch was cheating on you!?” Ali said, seemingly almost more angry than I was. “Yeah I think she is.” I said quietly. “Like for sure? She is for sure cheating on you? There is no way you gave her a hickey on that day?” Ali asked desperately. “No, on...
I ran into the house. My head flooded with idea's and worries. I reread my message as I passed the living room. My mom was laying on the couch and slurred a “hello” to me as I passed by. I honestly don't even remember if I said anything in return, I just kept walking down the hall and into my room. My phone buzzed again and my heart jumped into my throat. I looked but it was only Sara. I couldn't help but feel slightly disappointed. Which was weird, all I could think about was what to...
...It took a while before the need to cum forced me to get off the cot and roam the halls searching out more cock. The exhibition with the bears raised my profile and soon the number of suitors that followed me had my mind swimming with an idea. In the club there was an open area that showed videos, it was a dimly lit but rather comfortable place with futons and overstuffed chairs. I made my way to that area and claimed a futon, which I unfolded from couch to bed. I got down on all fours...
...It took a while before the need to cum forced me to get off the cot and roam the halls searching out more cock. The exhibition with the bears raised my profile and soon the number of suitors that followed me had my mind swimming with an idea. In the club there was an open area that showed videos, it was a dimly lit but rather comfortable place with futons and overstuffed chairs. I made my way to that area and claimed a futon, which I unfolded from couch to bed. I got down on all fours...