Waterbury Hills High School – Part I- Kim And Jan, The Foreign Exchange Students Arrive. SURPRISE! free porn video

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Three weeks before school started, Kim and Jan, identical twins from Germany, were scheduled to arrive.  Carol and Bill Baker offered to host the twins, believing that it would give their daughter, Melody, a chance to learn about another culture and to share the spotlight before going off to college next year.  As an only child, Melody was always the center of attention.  Sharing the house with a couple girls would teach her some good skills about the real world of dorm life at college.

While Carol and Bill went to the airport to meet the twins, Melody organized a swim party at home with her closest girlfriends.  These girls, she thought, would become a nice circle of friends for the twins as they entered a new school in a new country for their senior year.

Carol and Bill waited at the arrivals area of the airport holding a sign that said, “WELCOME TO THE USA KIM AND JAN!”  Since this was a last minute family assignment, they hadn’t even exchanged photos.

“Guten Tag!  Hello Mom and Dad,” said a very handsome, tall, muscular blond boy with a German accent.  “I am Kim!”

“Hello Mother and Father,” said the other equally striking boy.  “And I am Jan.”

“You’re boys!” said Carol.

“Uh yes they are indeed,” Bill said.  “Welcome guys!  I guess we are all going to be in for an adjustment.”

“What do you mean?” asked Kim.

“Well, you see Kim and Jan are generally girls’ names.  We thought…” Carol tried to explain.

“That is funny, Mom,” Jan said.  “Our parents thought that they were having girls and picked the names.  But when I came out first and then Kim came after, they were just as surprised as you.  And since Kim and Jan can be male or female names, they kept their original choices.  But I assure you, we are boys.”

“I clearly see that,” Carol gasped in disbelief.

“Well, boys, let’s grab your luggage and get you to your new home.  Your American sister has planned a little welcome party with your new best friends,” Bill said.  “And you won’t have any trouble communicating.  Your English is perfect!”

“Thank you, Dad.  We had an American girl as a nanny, and she taught us English from the time we were babies.

When they got to the house, Bill and Carol walked out the back screen door to the pool.  The girls saw them, and all jumped out of the pool to meet the new friends.

“Girls, let me introduce Kim and Jan!”

As the twins walked out of the house, the girls’ giggling was replaced with stunned silence.

Melody walked up to them dripping wet in her bright pink bikini.  “Hi, I’m Melody, welcome!”

Jan came forward and gave her a big hug getting his clothes wet.  “I am Jan!”

“And I am Kim,” Kim said flashing his million dollar smile.  He gave her a big hug too.

“Imagine our surprise at the airport, girls!” Carol laughed.

“Well one thing about an intercultural experience is that we learn to be adaptable,” Bill said.

Sally extended her hand.  “Hi, Kim?  I forget which one is Kim and which one is Jan.  You look so much like each other.”

“Yes, I am Kim.  We have some birthmarks that are different, but we always fool our teachers.”

All the girls came up to meet Jan and Kim, and they gave them a warm welcome.

“Girls, go on with the party.  Boys, Carol will show you your room.  You can change for swimming, and I will get the barbecue going,” Bill said.

Carol escorted the boys to the guest room, which was next to Melody’s room and across from the bathroom.  “Boys come down to the pool when you’re ready.”

Carol returned to the kitchen and was making potato salad when she heard footsteps coming down the stairs.  “I’m in the kitchen boys.  Come get a cold drink on your way to the pool.”

Carol stopped in her tracks as she faced two nude German boys.  They both stood six feet two inches.  Both had strong legs from years of playing soccer and swimming.  Blond hair, blue eyes, and a hint of chest hair that led down to nicely trimmed blond pubic hair.  And just below that pubic hair, hung the most delightful six inch of soft, meaty, uncircumcised penis with large man-sized balls hanging below.

Carol was so flustered by the sight of the naked Germans that she dropped a potato on the floor.  Before either boy had a chance to pick it up, Carol was on the ground chasing the potato that rolled between Jan’s legs.  As she reached for it, her head grazed Jan’s balls, for which she quickly apologized.

Jan and Kim both laughed.  “It’s OK, Mom, we’re sorry if we scared you,” Jan said.

“No, I wasn’t scared, I just didn’t expect to see you naked.”

“But you said to get ready to go swimming,” Kim tried to explain.

“Well go on and get your swimming suits on,” Carol laughed nervously.

“Swimming suits?” Kim asked.

“We don’t own any,” Jan said.  “We never have!  In our country, no one swims with clothes on.  That doesn’t seem to make any sense to us. Why would anyone do that?”

“Well, OK.  I suppose as my husband said, we are going to learn to be adaptable,” Carol said.  In her mind, Carol thought, “And I can certainly adapt to this!”

“Boys, go out to the pool and have fun!”  Carol tried to refocus her attention on the potato salad, but she could only watch those boys turn and walk out.  She was drooling at the sight of their tight asses covered by the slightest traces of blond hair extending down their legs.

As Kim and Jan walked outside, everyone became silent again.

“How come everyone stops talking whenever we walk out?” Jan asked.

“Well, guys,” Bill stepped up to say, “you’re naked.  And you are boys.  And they are girls.”

Kim and Jan both laughed.  “It’s OK, Mom explained,” Jan said.

“Carol already saw you two naked?” Bill asked.

“In our country, we don’t take our clothes off and then put other clothes on to get them wet. That is silly.  No one wears clothes to swim.  It is our bodies.  Everyone should be proud of them,” Kim said.  “It’s just like taking a bath or shower.  Do you put clothes on to take a shower?”

“Well that is perfectly logical, Jan,” Melody said not wanting them to be uncomfortable.

“No, I am Kim, see the difference?"

Kim bent his right leg outward and pointed to his little birthmark on his inner thigh just to the right of his penis.

All eyes focused on the birthmark,  and on his penis.

“And I have a little butterfly tattoo on my left cheek,” Jan said as he turned around nearly hitting Melody’s leg with his penis.  Melody took this opportunity to touch Jan’s bubble butt by rubbing her finger over the tattoo.

“That's so cute!” Melody said.

“The only teacher we cannot trick is our gym teacher who sees us naked in the pool!” Jan joked.

The other girls all saw this opportunity to touch Jan’s very firm ass by rubbing his tattoo.

“Hey girls, doesn’t anyone think my birthmark is cute?” Kim joked.

Melody looked over to see her father preoccupied with the barbecue.

“I think your birthmark is cute,” Melody said as she extended her right hand to massage the birthmark on his inner thigh. As she rubbed his birthmark, her hand also rubbed against his growing cock.  As his cock inched upwards, she had greater access to his balls.  Her hand moved from the birthmark to cupping his testicles in her hand and then to stroking his now eight and a half inch cock who's head was peering out from his foreskin.

Being the center of attention, Melody looked over at Jan with a devious smile.  “So, are you really identical twins?”

Melody took Jan’s soft cock into her left hand and started massaging it and playing with his foreskin with her thumb.  Jan soon grew to a full eight and a half inches as well.  All the girls went silent at the sight of two matching erect cocks on the two tall, handsome German boys who didn’t show the slightest embarrassment by their condition.

“A tattoo and a birthmark are the only differences we have discovered,” Kim said, smiling at Jan.  “We’ve had eighteen years to thoroughly try to find a single difference on our bodies, and we are identical.”

“Burgers are almost ready, kids!” Bill yelled from the grill.

“I think I want to jump into the pool first to cool off,” Jan yelled back.

“Me too!” Kim said.

The boys jumped into the cool water hoping their erections would subside before the parents saw them in that state.  After a few serious laps, the boys’ erections calmed down.   But they also demonstrated to the girls the kind of serious athletic skills that they possessed.  With one thrust, the boys emerged from the pool with their wet bodies glistening in the afternoon sun.

“Everyone come eat!” Carol announced as she set fresh lemonade on the table and Bill brought the grilled meat.

The presence of nude German boys seemed to increase everyone’s appetite, including Carol’s.  Bill had to make more burgers to satisfy everyone’s hunger.

After the group of eighteen-year-olds finished lunch, Bill and Carol cleaned up as the group continued with their pool party.

“Kids, we’ll be gone until at least ten o’clock.  Your dad and I are going to go shopping, then a movie and dinner.  Melody, show the boys the rest of the house when you’re done, OK?  And boys, remember, this is your home now so enjoy!”

“OK mom, have fun! Bye!”

Everyone was having fun in the pool.  Melody set up the net to play water volleyball.  Teams were divided with Kim and Jan on opposing sides.  Melody went with Kim, and Sally joined Jan’s side.  The other girls distributed themselves between the two teams.  The boys were clearly the athletes in the pool and showed the girls how volleyball is played.

“Let’s take a break,” Jan yelled as he sat up on the side of the pool.  Kim, on the opposite side, agreed and pulled himself up on the side of the pool.  Their respective team members stayed in the pool and circled the boys with their hefty cocks at eye level.

“Melody,” Kim said, “How can you stand wearing clothes in the pool?  Have you ever tried going au naturel?  It is so much more comfortable.”

“Haha, no I haven’t.  My parents would die.”

“Well, look, maybe you can try while they’re at dinner,” he said persuasively.

Kim slipped back into the pool and stood in front her.  Maybe it was his accent or his strong arms or his eight and a half inch manhood, but she could only smile.  Kim reached around Melody’s back and untied her bikini top.  As her top fell off into Kim’s hands, her ample breasts were bobbing in the water.

“Doesn’t that feel better?  More free and liberated?” Kim said.

“It does feel nice,” she said.

“Really?  Well, they look nice too,” Kim said as he gently pinched her nipples.

Melody reached down and grabbed Kim’s cock.  Kim massaged her breasts with his open hands.

Across the pool, Jan and Sally saw what was happening.  Jan slipped back into the pool and faced Sally.  She smiled and nodded.  Jan reached around and untied her bikini and set it on the side of the pool.

Jan gave Sally’s nipples several quick flicks with his tongue before sucking them.  Sally breathed in as she fell against Jan with both arms around his neck.  Jan nibbled on Sally’s breasts, using his tongue to play with them.

In an instant, Jan took a deep breath and disappeared under the water.  Sally felt her bikini bottoms being pulled down and off her legs.  As her bikini surfaced and was thrown to the side of the pool, she felt a tongue licking her pussy and strong hands grabbing her bare ass.  She arched back in pure delight.

On the other side of the pool, Melody felt Kim’s hand reach down the front of her bikini bottom.  Kim’s fingers were doing a dance on her pussy until Melody pushed his fingers into her.  He needed no more encouragement as he kissed her and fingered her underwater.

The other girls didn’t want to be left out of the fun.  They all stripped off their bikinis and threw them out of the pool.

The girls on Jan’s side of theTo continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.

Same as Waterbury Hills High School – Part I- Kim and Jan, the foreign exchange students arrive. SURPRISE! Videos

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Jan pays her husbands debt

Jan was looking forward to tonight. Earlier that morning her husband Rick had given her a key card to a suite at a five star hotel and said he'd meet her there after he got off work. "Wear something sexy," he said. She definitely would. Jan was an obedient wife. Plus, she liked the idea of a spontaneous and naughty adventure. Since Jan was a housewife and well taken care of by Rick, she spent all day getting dolled up. She went to the spa to exfoliate her skin and make it nice and soft. She...

3 years ago
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Foreign Exchange Part 1 of 3

Another one of my early stories...please enjoy, and COMMENT...it gets me hot, REALLY!! :P*****************************A brief background: I'm 21, still live at home, and a sexually activebi-woman. My parents continue to believe I'm their little innocent angel. If only they knew. Anyway, this year, we've taken on a foreign student from Australia. She is staying with us while she goes to school. She's 18 and so hot! She's about 5'2" (2" taller than my height), with deep green eyes, sandy brown...

1 year ago
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Jan Part 2 continued

Jan Part 2 continued.It had been a great afternoon. I had finally fucked Jan and discovered that deep down she was a slut.Her explanation of her feelings made sense and we talked again about how all her married life sex was more of a duty.She had enjoyed sex with her husband ,at times, but basically never felt fulfilled and up until a few weeks ago ,when taking the photos, had never considered or thought of herself as sexual, attractive or desirable, finding it surprising I referred to her...

1 year ago
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Running into Kim Part 1

This story is for the most part true. Granted I have embellished a few things to make it a better story and reconstructed dialog, but it is largely true. Names, of course, have been changed but I am sure if any of those involved were to read this, they would know who they are. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello, my name is Jacob. I am a 30 year old software quality engineer for a small software company here in Phoenix, Arizona and not...

1 year ago
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JAN Part 2

This is a continuation of my story and Jan the older church going friend. Two weeks went by after sending the pictures I had taken of Jan for her to send on to her friends in the chat room.I had looked at the pictures several times and jerked of to them twice.The memory of her body stuck in my mind, and although she was not my type, there was something about her that made me wonder what she would be like to fuck.She was extremely naive and, to me, would not know much at all, and likely be a...

2 years ago
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Kim Dave part 3

PART 3 As they ate, Kim told Dave about how excited she had been to finally get together in person. Ever since their plans had been finalized, Kim had refrained from any sexual activity, had not fucked anyone, not at the Ranch, not on her business trips, had not even touched herself for fear that she would cum immediately. She had not even touched herself when reading Dave's messages to her, even though she still took her panties off before reading them, because she always got extremely...

3 years ago
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Riding in the hills of Normandy

I felt like a million bucks walking down the tiny winding road towards the village. It's early morning, dressed in shorts, a polo shirt, sunglasses and a pair of beach sandals. Tired from the drive, but full of energy. The road is only wide enough for one car, surrounded by wild-grown bushes and old trees that form a canopy overhead. Lush green and dark. Almost like a tunnel of vegetation. I arrived a few hours earlier, at five in the morning. Sixteen hours of driving, motorways, cities, rush...

1 year ago
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Kim Dave part 2

PrologueAfter I posted part 1 of this story, I realized that I hadn't told you, my readers, much about Kim and me. I originally wrote the story just for Kim, and she and I already knew each other well, having corresponded by E-mail for over a year, so we knew a lot about our needs and passions, our sexual likes and dislikes, so I didn't need to explain any details to her. But for you, dear readers, more explanation is needed.I am a 69 year old male, 5'11", 175 pounds, gray hair, with an...

2 years ago
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Kim Dave part 3

As they ate, Kim told Dave about how excited she had been to finally get together in person. Ever since their plans had been finalized, Kim had refrained from any sexual activity, had not fucked anyone, not at the Ranch, not on her business trips, had not even touched herself for fear that she would cum immediately. She had not even touched herself when reading Dave's messages to her, even though she still took her panties off before reading them, because she always got extremely horny and...

2 years ago
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lsquoDress Codersquo Kim Opening Up Part 4

My wife Kim was changed the way she dresses lately. She used to dress very conservatively, long skirts, pants and high collar blouses. But over the past few months she has loosened up considerably. I guess you could say she has loosened up a lot. Since the night at the grocery store, where she showed herself off to a very helpful deli counter worker, she has discovered that she likes to dress sexy. Short skirts; low cut tops and, on occasion, no underwear. With the exception of one time with...

1 year ago
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lsquoDress Codersquo Kim Opening Up Part 4

My wife Kim was changed the way she dresses lately. She used to dress very conservatively, long skirts, pants and high collar blouses. But over the past few months she has loosened up considerably. I guess you could say she has loosened up a lot. Since the night at the grocery store, where she showed herself off to a very helpful deli counter worker, she has discovered that she likes to dress sexy. Short skirts; low cut tops and, on occasion, no underwear. With the exception of one time with...

4 years ago
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Crystal ClearChapter 25 Jim Romances Crystals Mother Kim

I'm sure most of the population think that music and movie stars have chauffeurs everywhere they go, plus a huge entourage who wait on their every need. Not true! I personally drove the crowded SUV across Tennessee from Nashville to a rural suburb of Knoxville where Crystal and Ellen's parents lived. With Crystal and me also were Ellen, Claire, PJ, and Nadia. We were all in a jovial mood, laughing and even singing Christmas carols along with the radio. The back of the car was so full of...

3 years ago
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Kim Blackmailed part 4

Kim: ehhhmm, what is it mom? Ann: …ehm…,oh yea… sorry… just thought about something… just forget it. Kim (not really opening her eyes): ye, okay then I go back to sleep Then suddenly Ron realize he is starring at Kim’s big nice boobs, and tries to talk it away by yelling out: NO, Kim ehmmm we are late for school, you’re ready? Kim (suddenly open her eyes wide): OH MY GOOD. (trying to cover her boobs and running up on her room again) be right there Ron sorry for what you had to see (Kim...

2 years ago
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Walk About Kim Opening Up Part 2

Ever since that night at the supermarket, where Kim flashed the stock boy then pranced around with the deli guy bottomless, things have been different. She didn’t stop wearing bras to work, or go out and get the newspaper nude … at least not at first. But Kim decided that she liked showing off and started showing more skin. And that suited me just fine.The other night she came back from walking the dog at around 11 p.m. We make sure to walk the dog each night before we go to bed; we usually...

2 years ago
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Kim Part 1

I was 10 when I first got the idea that Kim was a lesbian and my crush on her wasn't so innocent. I was getting ready for the annual cookout and I was trying to figure out what I would wear. I was so insecure about my body. I was chubby for my age and I always got teased. I finally decided on a pair of light blue jeans and a regular yellow t-shirt. As I looked in the mirror at my light brown skin I just decided to go with it. I slipped in my favorite black sneakers and went to find my uncle....

1 year ago
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Foreign Exchange Part 2 of 3

Here is the next note about Andi, our 18 year old foreign exchangestudent, that I sent to my online friend. If you haven't read the first part to this story, I would advise you to go back and do so first...ENJOY! ;) ******* It's unbelievable, but I finally fucked Andi!! I'll try to give yousome specifics...I was kind of out of it during the whole thing. The sensations and pleasure were so much and so unbelievable. I think because it felt kind of other worldly. ;) The week leading up to was very...

2 years ago
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Kims Seduction Part one

this is a TOTAL work of fiction. It was inspired by a friend's fantasy. All characters are over 18 Hope you enjoy it as much as Kim The Seduction of KimKim sat in the bar of the hotel. She was sad her husband had not been able to join her on this trip but their work schedules had not allowed it. This conference was worse than all others she had been on as she was not able to get out and enjoy the sites as she usually did. She had been in New York for 3 days had not been out of the hotel and was...

2 years ago
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JAN AND TED part 2

Ted struggled out of his shirt, and Mike brought them a brandy each. Jan took a big drink, then the opening bars of “Je t'aime” started. She smiled. “Good choice, Mike!” she said. She began a slow, sensual dance, hovering over Ted, rubbing her hands over her naked body, and then turned round and stuck her bum at him. She leaned forward, knowing that he would be able to see her cunt as well. She turned and said quietly, watching his eyes,“Go on, it's your birthday. Go on, you know you want to...

2 years ago
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THE BRADY BUNCH Jan And Marcias Double Black Date

Jan Brady was upset as she looked at herself in the mirror. It's just not fair, she thought. Marcia got to go out on a date by herself when she was my age. Now this really cool boy asked me out for the very first time and mom and dad tell me I have to have Marcia chaperone us. Jan looked around the room that she shared with her sisters and everything yelled out Marcia; from her many awards, to trophies, to clippings in the student newspapers, and personally signed posters of Davy Jones, as...

2 years ago
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Misstress Kim part 1

Hi all my name paul and i decided to post this story that happened to me and still is now. i am 20 years old living in Dublin Ireland and recently i lost my job as a I T consultant and have found it hard to get a new job i have been designing web sites for people to make ends meet but its not enough to keep my own place in the iner city so iv been left with one option witch is to move back home witch is something i really didnt want to do but ou got to do what you got to do as im not in a...

3 years ago
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Mature Jan Gets Gangbanged

[Contains: M/Mature F, Hardcore, Impregnation & Babymaking]The bar was quite noisy with groups of people meeting after work to relay the day's events. There was a football game on the TV -screens which was attracting loud groups of men, all with their opinion on how their team was performing.Jan sat in a booth towards the back of the bar on her own. She was contemplating life – it had not been a good day. She had been late for work, had lost a big contract, and had been given a hard time by...

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Story: Jan cums home to the deep south. (wifeslut, ped, inter, voy,b**st.Ws) Jan was feeling down. She was leaving the place where she worked forthe weekend. It was so different here in Memphis than in NorthernCalifornia. There she lived and worked across the bay from San Francisco.Here she had another boring weekend commiong up. No she caught herself. What she was doing by spending a year or two with her parents while theywere both ill, was a good thing. She longed to be back in California....

3 years ago
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Randis Vacation Part 3 of Randi

Randi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...

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Jan and Johns Sexual Exploration

Neither Jan nor I, my name is John, were in the popular cliques at school but rather a bit outside of the social mix with a few good friends that we associated with. We became friendly during high school and even went to our senior prom together. Probably one of the few plutonic couples attending. We did manage to engage in a rather perfunctory kiss at her door when the evening was over. We were the kids who worked hard, paid attention to our studies and stayed out of trouble. After...

3 years ago
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Shopping Kim Opening Up Part 1

My wife Kim, and I were going to go grocery shopping last week. As usual, I was waiting for her to get ready. When she finally came downstairs, I had to do a double take. She was dressed in the shortest skirt I have ever seen her wear. It was denim and very loose and flouncy. The waistband of the skirt was very low across her hipbones, showing a lot of bare stomach. The hem of the skirt barely covered her ass cheeks as she stood still. She was also wearing one of my old white undershirts, which...

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