Progression - Ch. 01 - Finally free porn video

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Nathan paced around the shop for a few minutes while building up the courage to purchase the chastity device. This was his first time inside a sex shop, and he was very uncomfortable. He saw shelves full of different toys, each one exiting his mind with sexual thoughts. He noticed the device he wanted was behind the counter, but in order to seem less awkward he decided he needed to pick up something to buy first.

He saw vibrators and dildos, sex dolls and masturbators, condoms, pills and books. “What should I choose?” he thought to himself. He noticed a shelf full of underwear, and saw a pair of leather briefs. “I guess I could wear these to make the device less noticeable,” he thought as he picked up the item and walked towards the counter.

Two members of staff were at the counter. One was forty years old with a skinhead and well built upper body. Maybe a rugby player, or just someone who works out at a gym every day. He left to offer another customer help as Nathan approached the desk. The other man, a tall but slim guy in his late twenties, around the same age as Nathan offered his help.

“Just the one item?” he asked.

“Yes, I mean, No,” stuttered Nathan. “I was wondering if I could get that,” he continued while pointing towards the chastity cage.

“The cock lock chastity cage?” asked the shop clerk.

“Yeah just that and the underwear,” replied Nathan.

His heart was pounding with excitement and embarrassment. He had been wanting to purchase one of these devices ever since he saw a video of one being used in a porno. The thought of not being able to get hard, feel the pleasure of rubbing his cock, and certainly not being able to cum was a big turn on for him.

“Great,” said the shop clerk while scanning the items through the till. “That will be $100.”

Nathan said “Yes,” and paid for goods with his card. While the machine checked the payment the shop clerk asked “So is this for yourself, or someone else?”

“Yeah just for me,” replied Nathan timidly.

“Would you like to put it on. There’s a room in the back?” 

“Um, no no I’m ok thanks,” he said nervously.

“Go on, you are going to wear it. Why not try it on here. Then if he doesn’t fit you don’t have to come back later.” reasoned the shop clerk.

Nathan thought for a moment and felt if he was able to get over his fears and enter the shop, he might as well put the device on. He nodded his head and said “Sure, why not?”

The shop clerk called over to his colleague, “Mind the shop, just going to help this customer.”

“My name is Ryan by the way. First time in a sex shop?” he asked with a laugh.

“Um, yeah, kind of… Um I’m Nathan,” said Nathan turning red.

“Don’t worry Nathan, we’re glad for the business. Most people just buy their toys online.”

“Yeah, I flatshare with friends, so…” explained Nathan.

“Here, try these on,” said Ryan while he handed over the leather briefs.

“Do you have a changing room or somewhere private?”

“Oh, don’t worry,” said Ryan, “no one will come in here.”

Nathan was a little embarrassed but also thrilled. He thought Ryan must have at least been a little interested in him, so was flattered. But his shy personality still made him blush.

He took off his shoes and pants, then started to put the briefs on.

“What, you’re going to wear them over normal underwear?” chuckled Ryan.

Nathan had kept his current, white y-fronts on as he was embarrassed.

“Go on, try them on properly. Do you want a hand?” said Ryan with a cheeky grin on his face.

“Okay, okay,” replied Nathan, now sure Ryan fancied him.

He removed his white underwear and revealed his cock and balls. He quickly covered up with his hand as he put his legs into the briefs.

Ryan had caught a glimpse of Nathan's privates. “Don’t be shy, you have a nice dick. Right try them on, how do they feel?”

Nathan tried on the leather briefs. He had never wore anything like this before, but he liked the feeling against his skin. They were tight, but with still a little room to make him comfortable.

Ryan looked him up and down. “Looks good Nathan. Take your shirt off and have a look in that mirror.”

Nathan removed his shirt revealing his torso. He wasn’t particularly toned, but had a slim figure. He was an average attractive guy, but due to his kinky interests and shy demeanor he was single, had never dated, and never had sex. This was the first person to see him partially naked, and it was someone he had just met.

He walked over to the full length mirror and looked at himself. Almost naked, wearing nothing but the briefs he looked over the Ryan. He was starting to feel more comfortable.

“Yeah I like them,” said Ryan while opening the chastity device. “Just one thing missing, right?”

Nathan had forgotten about the chastity device. He was just starting to feel at ease, and now a hot rush came over his cheeks, causing him to blush. “Oh yeah, should I try it on.”

Ryan asked, “I’m guessing you haven’t worn one before? I’ll help you. You take this ring, and put it around your balls. You then put a little bit of lube on your penis so it glides in easily. But not too much or you’re get so erect you’ll never fit it in.”

Nathan didn’t speak. He picked up the ring and pulled his dick and balls out from his leather briefs. He did as Ryan told him and attached the metal ring around his balls. He then reached for the lube and put a couple of dots on the tip of his dick. The thought of wearing the device was getting him slightly aroused, but in the presence of Ryan he luckily didn’t get too erect as to not fit inside the case. The slipped his dick into the cage and attached it onto the ring.

“Now to keep it secure we just add this lock,” said Ryan while clicking the padlock into place.

Nathans cock was now secured and locked into his new chastity device. He pulled up his leather briefs and looked back into the mirror. He was curious whether the device was visible. But it looked like the briefs were thick enough to hide the outline.

“Now no one knows you’re wearing it except me, it’s not noticeable at all,” said Ryan. “Here’s your keys, hopefully you’ll have some self control,” he teased.

Nathan put his cloths back on and they both walked back onto the main shop floor.

“So, there’s a party you might be interested in. A bunch of us go on a Thursday night to The Hall. It’s a nightclub just down the road from here. I think you’d get on well with our group,” said Ryan as he handed a flyer to a local club.

“Oh okay, thanks,” said Nathan. “I might join you, it’s tomorrow then?”

“Yeah,” replied Ryan. “If you’d like, I could hold those keys for you until then.”

Another rush of excitement filled Nathan's head. He was already quite horny from getting changed and wanted to get back home so he could jerk off. “But wait,” he thought to himself. “Isn’t this what I wanted. I never get to hang out with people who like this stuff. Maybe I should just do it.”

Before thinking about it too much, he blurted out “Okay” and reached into his pocket to pick out the keys.

He paused for a final moment before handing them over.

“So I’ll meet you in the bar tomorrow?” stuttered Nathan shocked at what he had just done.

“You bet,” said Ryan with a wink.

Nathan walked to his car and started to drive home. He kept thinking of what had just happened. He couldn’t believe he not only got the chastity device he had been wanting, but also someone to hold the keys. He had never been hornier. Every bump on the road reminded him he was locked and wearing his brand new leather briefs.

Finally he got home and said hello to his flatmates. They were in the living room cheering at something on the tv. He went up to his room and shut the door.

He immediately dropped his pants and admired himself in the mirror. It was hard to believe he was wearing the device as the leather did a really good job of hiding it. If anything, it only made his whole package look bigger.

He rubbed himself through the briefs. He really wanted to jerk off to relieve himself from all the tension he build up from earlier. But of course he could not. All he could do was wait for tomorrow when he could meet Ryan again.

Nathan went to bed earlier than normal, thought there was almost no point. He couldn’t sleep the whole night. Between his excitement for meeting Ryan again and his night time erections causing him a bit of pain, sleep was out of the question. He kept thinking of the way Ryan looked at him while he was stripping. Ryan had seen his cock, and was the only other person in the world who knew his kinks. He kept questioning if Ryan was really into the idea of chastity, or maybe he was just a nice guy willing to help him out for a night.

Morning finally came and his alarm went off. He just had to make it through work then head over to the club. He had a shower, then washed his briefs as he was going to need to wear them today. He got dressed in his work suit and headed out the door.

Nathan worked in the corporate office of a large retail chain. He didn’t have a particularly high position. He managed customer complaints and replied to online reviews for his company. Finally lunch time came and he went to use the toilet. He entered one of the stalls for privacy and peered down at his locked cock. It had nearly been a full day since he last stroked his cock. He could feel the cum building up in his balls. The thought that there was nothing he could do to relief himself just made him want to cum even harder.

He jiggled the device a little to get any friction he could. But he was already too big and filled the entire cage. There was no pleasure he could get from rubbing anywhere down there.

He sat on the toilet and went for his piss. He cleaned off the inside of the device with a bit of tissue, pulled up his pants, washed his hands then headed out for lunch with a few colleagues.

Back at his desk it seemed like the day would never end. He sat and looked at the clock in between managing customer cases, until finally the clock hit six o’clock and he was able to leave. A few of his colleagues were going out for drinks that night but he fobbed them off, saying he was too tired.

He rushed back home to get changed and have a quick wash. He had a glass of wine to build up some courage then headed out the door. He knew where the club was, but had never gone inside before. It was normally just a night club, but on Thursdays it was closed for private entertainment. He walked up to the door and was greeted by security.

“Private club tonight. Members only,” said one of the bouncers.

“Oh, I was invited by Ryan. The guy from the sex shop, he said to come...” he replied.

The bouncer didn’t say anything. He left and went inside the club. He came back after a few minutes and let Nathan inside.

The club was dark with light jazz playing in the background. Not what Nathan expected, but pleasant. He walked up to the bar and waited. Serving was two shirtless men, with toned abs and nipple piercings. They were making cocktails and mixers for customers, while making small talk to each other.

Nathan looked around the room for Ryan but couldn’t see him. It was quite a large room so he kept scanning while waiting to be served.

“What can I get you?” said one of the bartenders.

“Oh whatever red wine you have please,” he answered.

The bartender poured him a drink. Nathan paid then left to explore the club.

As he wandered around the club he noticed a variety of people. He was checking to make sure there was no one he knew. There was a mix of ages, tattoos, piercings, men in suits, men in jeans. Some men were shirtless wearing a bow tie, and others in a harness and light bondage gear. It really was a random mix of people.

After a few minutes of wandering Nathan felt a tap on his shoulder.

“Ahh there you are. So you made it through the night then?” said Ryan’s familiar voice.

Nathan was relieved that Ryan had found him. Part of him was expecting to be stood up, and left wandering a random club by himself.

He turned around and saw Ryan wearing a shirt and tie, dark pants and black polished shoes. He looked very smart, especially compared to when they first met.

Nathan blurted out, “Did you bring the keys?”

“Follow me, we have a table over here,” said Ryan, completely ignoring Nathan’s question.

“So the key’s, I hope you remembered them. It’s been a long day.” Nathan tried again nervously while they walked to the table.

“Oh don’t worry about that. Come, I want you to meet everyone.” Ryan dismissed him once again.

Sat by the table were three men, all in their late twenties. In Nathan’s mind he expected Ryan to be seated with a bunch of locked slaves who were forbidden to speak or have any fun. But actually, they seemed like a bunch of normal guys.

“Ahh so this much be the guy from the shop?” said one of the men.

“Ooh so are you enjoying your new toy?” said another, while everyone had a chuckle.

“Don’t worry about them,” said the third guy sitting on the end of the table. He was tall, had short hair with a small amount of stubble on his face, and was wearing a tight t-shirt that showed off his biceps. On one arm there was a tattoo but the room was too dark to know what of.

“We’re all into different things here, so they’re just welcoming you into the group. I’m Dave, I actually organise this event every Thursday,” continued the third guy.

Ryan and Dave moved up to make room for Nathan to sit. Nathan offered everyone a drink, but everyone already had full glasses.

“Let me introduce you Nathan. So you met me yesterday at the shop,” said Ryan talking to the group. He then put his arm around the guy sitting next to him. “Jack here is my boyfriend, we’ve been together for a couple of years.”

Nathan was slightly disappointed. If he was seeing someone already, why did he offer to hold on to his chastity keys. Maybe he wasn’t interested in him, and was just wanting to help introduce Nathan to some like minded people.

“And then there’s Martin who’s introduced us all a few years ago,” interrupted Dave, while distracting from a very public display of affection from Ryan and Jack.

Everyone chatted for half an hour, making small talk and getting to know each other. Dave and Martin then left to help make sure the event was running smoothly, leaving just the three of them to talk.

“So, um, thanks for inviting me out tonight,” said Nathan, still unsure where he stood with Ryan.

“No worries, you seemed like you needed a bit of a guide,” he laughed. “He looked so lost when he entered the shop, me and Alex had a bet that he wouldn’t buy anything and would just leave the shop too embarrassed,” he directed to Jack.

“So did you bring the keys with you Ryan?” asked Nathan again, hoping to finally get access to his cock again.

“Ahh so we had a proposition for you,” said Jack, almost jumping out of his seat with excitement.

“Wait, wait, don’t scare the guy. We’ll get to it later,” Ryan jumped in.

“No, let’s talk about it,” Nathan replied nervously, starting to think he should never have given the keys to some randomer. “I’m interested in why you invited me out. I thought you were flirting with me in the store, but then you have a boyfriend so…”

“Okay okay,” said Ryan finally giving in. “So we’re both into edging, orgasm denial, chastity, cock teasing, and the likes. I’m guessing you are too?”

Nathan nodded in agreement and timidly confirmed. “Yeah I guess.”

“Well me and Jack have a porn channel where we edge and tease men. You don’t have to show your face or anything, but if you’d like to join us sometime you have a go.”

“Oh, I’m not sure I’d be comfortable doing that,” said Nathan, as he thought about people watching him, and possibly recognising him.

“Well, no worries. We don’t want to pressure you into anything,” said Jack, a little disappointed, but understanding.

“Could I have the keys back now?” asked Nathan again, feeling a bit disappointed that the night hadn’t turned out how he had planned.

“Sure of course. You know if you change you mind,” he hinted as he reached into his pocked and revealed the keys to Nathan's cock cage. “Here you go, hope you enjoy yourself.”

Nathan finally had the keys, and he felt a huge relief. “Thanks again for inviting me out,” he said, while getting up to leave.

Just as he stood up, Dave came back. “Not leaving already, I hope,” he asked.

Nathan explained he was tired and going to catch the bus home. He said his goodbyes then headed out the door. As he walked away, he felt annoyed at himself. Why was he so nervous all the time. Everything that happened that evening was what he had been fantasizing about for years. Now it finally happens he just walks away.

After a short journey of contemplation and restricted erections while thinking about stroking his cock when he gets home, Nathan arrived at his front door. Again he hurried up the stairs, barely acknowledging his flatmates. “Hi guys, good night,” he shouted.

Back in his room, he quickly stripped down to wearing only his chastity cage. He stared at the keys for a good minute, then plugged it into the lock and removed the cage. His dick instantly sprung to life. He lay on his bed and reached into his drawer to bring out some lube. Oiled up and ready to go he massaged his cock. He must have only stroked his cock ten times before a stream of cum flooded out onto his stomach.

Nathan sighed. He had never needed to cum so badly and the feeling of relief made him feel so exhausted he fell straight to sleep.

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Progressive Insurance

The clock on the wall read 5:30, it was only a half hour until the insurance office closed for the day. Behind the counter Flo steadily typed away at the computer filing away insurance claims, payments, and other mundane paperwork while customers milled around the aisles. Many people found the large, bright white interior of the building to be offsetting at first, but business was still good. Almost two dozen people were looking at the various insurance policies available to them. There wasn't...

2 years ago
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In this story I'm going to tell you about a certain event that happened to me probably kind of hard to believe but definitely is true I decided one day after being 35 years old that I want to finally have sex with a white woman I always watched p*** all I see a walking around my city and it looks so good to me now I don't know what it is maybe it's the Curiosity maybe and maybe a small midlife crisis but this story is about me finally having sex with a white woman since I decided to have sex...

4 years ago
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The Coachs Tradition PART 5 Finally

It has been a while since my last story which was two parts, and now we're finally on to part 5 of the long running saga! Sorry it took so long to make a new one!To those of you who don't believe this is real, take it as fantasy, though I assure you it IS in fact real. Though obviously memories fade so the stories are all based on what I can remember happening.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Graduation day had finally come and me and James'...

2 years ago
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E121 Finally

Emma stirs awake on Sunday morning somewhat early and is surprised to see that Donald is not there.  Then she hears him opening the bedroom door and coming in. What follows is almost an identical repeat of the first morning she had been at the house.Emma feels her stomach growl a little and hopes it is not audible.  It has been so long since she last ate anything.  With all that had happened yesterday, they never really got around to eating much of anything.She is rather thirsty too.So, it is a...

Love Stories
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Next Finally By Blueheatt &hellip,..She finally couldnt take anymore. All the temptation, flirting, touching, kissing and anticipation had gotten to her. &hellip,..Jerri, my daughter, was young when her urges happened the first time. &hellip,..I remember she stood up on the couch and wanted a piggy back ride. &hellip,&hellip, Instead of my usual turning around so she could get on my back, she wanted a front ride. I remember she pushed her pussy into my cock and just smiled at me. She had on...

4 years ago
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You come over so we can actuallymeet. I’m nervous because you are so damn hot and I hope you like me, too. When you get here, I welcome you in. I suggest we watch a movie so we can get comfortable with each other. We pick one of those cheesy romance movies where the girl always gets the guy. As the story unfolds, you and I get closer and closer on the couch until finally my hand brushes your leg. You don’t seem to mind so I rest my hand on your leg, mid-thigh. You kind of cuddle into me,...

3 years ago
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“So what’s it like?”, Lia asked.“What do you mean?”, I replied.“sleeping with a girl, I could never do it, even for my husband.” My first thought was that you shouldn't do if for your husband. But my vagina was clenching and asking why she was asking now. We were tipsy in my spare bedroom surrounded by sex toys and porn on the lap top. Back in the day she had been the girl with all of the toys and active sex life, now a decade later she wants to see my goodies. She also wants to watch porn...

2 years ago
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Murat was one of my first loves. We met online in college. He was the photo I slept with for a year. He was the guy in Turkey that wrote me love letters and sent me music and jewelry and post cards of couples kissing. He was the first person who ever awakened my sexuality. I spent hours thinking about him when I was 21. I never got to see him, the emails stopped. I could not remember if his parents had told him to stay away from me or if he had just tired of me. I went on to marry someone else...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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It was that time of the semester again…The deadline for our final assignment was only a few days away. All my peers shared the same feeling of regret as we recalled all the time spent chatting. For once, I was actually a bit more responsible. I spent every day after school working on a clay bust inspired by a character I’d seen in a horror movie. I also made the conscious effort to work after school because of a particularly gorgeous distraction. Sabine was especially shy and stood a few...

2 years ago
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I cannot say for sure what I thought the first time I saw Janet. She started work at the office, and cut her way into the place at the young age of 22. She had a big smile, blonde hair, wonderful skin, and a very nice figure (during the next 4 years, she always had a flat stomach, except when she was pregnant). It was instantly apparent that she had the largest breasts of any other woman at the office. And you know women, some were instantly a bit jealous. All you had to do, however, was to...

4 years ago
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Dear Diary, It feels like it has been ages since I last sat down and wrote. There is something so freeing about stream of consciousness. I find it difficult to get out of my own head though. Every time I get into a groove, thoughts of him creep back into my mind. I have to get him out of my system. I honestly don’t know if that is even possible, but I have to try. What am I going to do? Sometimes I long for those close friends that I could talk to about this. Someone could surely help me....

3 years ago
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You agreed. You finally agreed to let me cook you dinner. I’ve been wanting to ask you over for dinner for three years, but didn’t have enough courage. Three years. Three years is how long I’ve spent secretly admiring you. The reason I’ve not been able to share my desire for you? Our positions. The fact that you were my boss and the obvious thirty-year age gap. There have been so many times that I have wanted to tell you how incredible you really are. How kind, intelligent, caring, and...

1 year ago
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I have a friend Roy who I’d known since the fifth grade when he’d moved into my neighborhood. Never was sure why we were friends because he was a jock, lettering in both wrestling and swimming and I was kind of a geek. Still friends after graduation, he was helping me install a faucet on the kitchen sink. He was under the cabinet and I was working on top of the sink area. As he stretched, his shirt went up and exposed his happy trail of luscious curly dark hair from his belly button down...

Gay Male
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Dear Diary, It feels like it has been ages since I last sat down and wrote. There is something so freeing about stream of consciousness. I find it difficult to get out of my own head though. Every time I get into a groove, thoughts of him creep back into my mind. I have to get him out of my system. I honestly don’t know if that is even possible, but I have to try. What am I going to do? Sometimes I long for those close friends that I could talk to about this. Someone could surely help me....

Straight Sex
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My plane will land at the airport 16.15. I had waited almost a year, and just minutes, she would be here. Two nights I had not slept. I was so excited and was all over my house cleaning, washing, decorating, moving things...redoing the hole thing, so she would like it. I met her on a datingsite on the internet, and had only written to her there and on e-mail, when I was working. Almost a year we had been writing, talking for several hours every day. And now, she was finally coming. I...

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I finally got to swallow another man's hot cum!!!. I have this neighbor across the street and I went over one day and I tossed out some hints that I wear lingerie and have always wanted to suck a real cock. That I had never tasted cum and never had a real cock in me. SORRY, I LIED. But I had this strong feeling that he might be into that sorta thing. I was right. My feelings are right on the money most times. He told me I could come over anytime and walk around in anything I wanted. He also...

1 year ago
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You agreed. You finally agreed to let me cook you dinner. I’ve been wanting to ask you over for dinner for three years, but didn’t have enough courage. Three years. Three years is how long I’ve spent secretly admiring you. The reason I’ve not been able to share my desire for you? Our positions. The fact that you were my boss and the obvious thirty-year age gap. There have been so many times that I have wanted to tell you how incredible you really are. How kind, intelligent, caring, and...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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This is a story I wrote for a good friend last year. Sadly, he and I have lost touch and I miss him terribly. But, I wanted to finally share it rather than let it just collect dust. Probably not my best work, but very personal to me. Enjoy. I see you from across the room. It’s always the same. That little jump in my pulse when I first see you, the smile that always comes to my face. I see you smile too, with that knowing sparkle in your eyes. You walk into my office, closing the door behind...

Quickie Sex
2 years ago
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Home Alone Finally

Here's a true account of how I made do with a little bit of time to myself! To be honest, I never really got any time to myself, even at college. When I got home for winter break, things were always the same. People wandered in and out. This made it hard to find time alone, luckily though I finally found some time this morning.  My cravings had been growing stronger and stronger after two weeks without a single finger in my pussy. Also as a college student, with a roommate, I found myself...

1 year ago
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As his eyes fell across her naked body, he pinched himself to make sure he wasn't dreaming. His moment had finally come. He'd thought he'd be a virgin forever. He was almost overwhelmed by an incredible sense of awe as his intense gaze followed the soft curves of her body. Her skin was warm under his hands. Trailing his fingertips across her muscular belly brought him to a state of gentle arousal, his dick hardening with anticipation. Her dark eyes looked up at him, her tanned faced framed by...

First Time
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And I Nailed Her Finally

It is a true, genuine story that took place in the recent past. I Akash, hail from the Ranchi & this auspicious event took place between me and my school mate name Ankita. A busty girl with right weight at the right place. Without going much into unnecessary details which are redundant to most, I am straight away jumping into something which will make your little finger hard and ooze something. The story started back in our school days, I was introduced to her by our mutual friend. Our eyes...

4 years ago
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I Feared But My Aunt But Dared Finally

Nanu kannadiga and am very proud of it. This is yashu from Bangalore banashankari. Yella kannadiga’s ge namaskara. Am from Bangalore. Doing my engineering final year. Big fan of iss. I had lot of theory knowledge about sex position and all but never got guts to approach any girl. Let me come to the story without wasting your time. My uncle (chikappa) got married to a girl who was 7 years elder to me and she was slim and just milky white. Since the day we went to see bride I had a crush on her....

1 year ago
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Daves Australian OdysseyChapter 26 Cooktown finally

Thursday Week 10 Jill woke early and rolled over to wake Dave saying "we better have breakfast as we have to leave soon." Dave, though, remembered his promise from last night and rolled over between her legs putting his tongue and fingers straight into her vagina. Jill gasped with delight as he worked quickly on her, licking, sucking, kissing, biting, fingering, doing everything he could to bring her quickly to her release. Fortunately she was more than ready and relaxed straight into the...

3 years ago
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Ever since my first sexual experience, I’ve known that I wanted to be a white cock only slut, and that’s what I am. That might seem like a strange thing for someone to say without explanation, so let me explain. First of all, I’m black. But maybe that isn’t surprising. What may surprise you is that I was born male.The truth is, I wasn’t even aware of my true sexual desires until I was eighteen and in my senior year of high school. At that time I was dating girls, but it wasn’t about sex. I was...

4 years ago
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This is a story I wrote for a good friend last year. Sadly, he and I have lost touch and I miss him terribly. But, I wanted to finally share it rather than let it just collect dust. Probably not my best work, but very personal to me. Enjoy. I see you from across the room. It’s always the same. That little jump in my pulse when I first see you, the smile that always comes to my face. I see you smile too, with that knowing sparkle in your eyes. You walk into my office, closing the door behind...

1 year ago
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You come over so we can actuallymeet. I’m nervous because you are so damn hot and I hope you like me, too. When you get here, I welcome you in. I suggest we watch a movie so we can get comfortable with each other. We pick one of those cheesy romance movies where the girl always gets the guy. As the story unfolds, you and I get closer and closer on the couch until finally my hand brushes your leg. You don’t seem to mind so I rest my hand on your leg, mid-thigh. You kind of cuddle into me,...

1 year ago
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Home Alone Finally

Here’s a true account of how I made do with a little bit of time to myself! To be honest, I never really got any time to myself, even at college. When I got home for winter break, things were always the same. People wandered in and out. This made it hard to find time alone, luckily though I finally found some time this morning.  My cravings had been growing stronger and stronger after two weeks without a single finger in my pussy. Also as a college student, with a roommate, I found myself...

3 years ago
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Surprised my little sister Finally

It took 35 years to finally fuck my younger sister. Why? Well, this is how it happened and you can decide for yourself. I'm 56 years old and my younger sister is 46. She is my half sister as our dad is the same but her mom was dad's second wife. Kristy is her name and we weren't real close growing up because she lived with my dad and I lived with my mom. I am 12 years older than her. I'll describe her. 5'2 114 lbs 38dd huge tits. Flat ass but cute. She's adorable. We had one sexual thingy when...

4 years ago
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I have a friend Roy who was helping me install a faucet on the sink. He was under the cabinet and I was working on top of the sink area. As he stretched, his shirt went up and exposed his happy trail of luscious curly dark hair from his belly button down through his pants. It was so hot and it turned me on. I knew he was straight but he didn’t have a clue about my bisexuality. Anyway, I could not get his gorgeous body out of my mind. Later that day we were talking and having a drink and I told...

2 years ago
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The Generation Game Finally

2008 I've been lucky in my work and in my life. I moved to a small start-up company 12 years ago, and 5 years ago, we sold out and made enough money to be able to retire comfortably. We now live in Spain for half the year, spend several months in Texas, and the rest back in the UK. We were married about 19 years ago now, and have been very happy. Our house in Spain is a conversion of a finca on the outskirts of a small village perched above Carboneras in Almeria, and just far enough away...


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