Don’t Fuck With Me Again free porn video

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Sorry I haven’t written anything for a while. Some of you have e-mailed and wondered about me. Well I had a few health issues for a while but have been lucky to have good doctors. As anyone that has had major health issues will tell you it can turn your thoughts to be pretty dark. I think that’s where this story came from. To those of you that want some more of the series Horse club it will be coming soon.

When I started this story I wanted to write a revenge story. I know it will probably get lots of negative feedback just for the way it is written. I think this story was influenced by all those B movies I watched back in the 70’s where there were a lot of vigilante justice movies where the hero of the story just blew away the bad guy. So be warned.


Even though I was a bit nervous this day was turning out to be one of the most satisfying experiences of my life. Just knowing my arch enemy was never going to be seen again, and I was the one that made him disappear felt great. I was sitting in front of my cabin, smiling like a Cheshire cat. For the last two days I had watched the top cop in the area, old Charlie, and his crew, search my cabin and the area around it. They were pretty methodical and even had brought dogs to assist in the search. They had not found what they wanted so they were getting ready to leave. The cops were pretty sure I did the crime, and they were looking for evidence to connect me to it. The main group of them had been searching the area for clues and while they did that, the top cop, old Charlie was questioning me and generally making a nuisance of himself.

They were not accustomed to searching for things in the bush with all the mosquitoes and other hindrances so I’m sure they wanted to get out of here. That plus having to sleep outside in the cold on the ground for two nights because I wouldn’t let them in my cabin to sleep at night sort of helped to get them upset with conditions. It was sort of funny seeing those guys freezing to death because as anyone around this area will tell you it gets pretty cold at nights in the mountains, especially this late in the fall.

I’ve known old Charlie since I was a kid. Hell he was old back then and in my younger years he has caught me a few times doing things I shouldn’t, so he knew I could cause a ‘bit’ of trouble. Mind you this time was more than just a ‘bit’ of trouble.

I had to almost chuckle as I looked over the scrub bush at the large creek in front of the cabin and know that they would never find anything to connect me to the crime of Hank’s demise. I was supposedly on my way to the cabin when Hank apparently disappeared so that was one point in my favor. Mind you I planned it that way. I just to have a good alibi of where I was at the time he disappeared. But still old Charlie had to cross all the t’s and dot all the i’s after all I was the guy that was the number one suspect, that’s why he was here.

After Hank had gone missing they figured someone had killed him, and because of the history Hank and I had I was the number one suspect.

So I finally got the revenge on my old arch enemy. I had been dreaming of getting revenge on him for almost my whole life. After he pissed me off this last time it took me more than a half year to get all my ducks in a row to accomplish my revenge. That time was spent planning and organizing things and was worth every minute of it. After all is said and done, there is no way that he will ever bother me again. Not to mention ever be seen again. So am I happy? You can bet your ass on that.

Who is Hank you ask? I guess some background information would help you understand. The guy I had a lifelong hate for went by the name of Hank Crankshaw. Hank and I had been at each other’s throats since grade one. That’s where we first started a hate for each other. It started in the playground one recess. He wanted my ball and glove in the worst way, and I wasn’t going to let him have them. We put on quite a show for the school as we rolled around on the grass trying to throw punches at each other. The whole school watched and cheered us on until a teacher finally broke us up.

Since that event whenever the two of us were in the same room there was a good chance that sparks would fly. Even when we were separated he was always trying to get me in trouble by accusing me of doing things that he had done. I tried to stay away from Hank but the only trouble with that was Hank and I kept running into each other, and he would always push my buttons. I tried to stay away from him but it seemed whenever he saw me he just had to go out of his way to get things started. My pride would always get the better of me and the show was on again. Hell there was even a bit of a pool going around in the town, where you could place a bet on when the next altercation would take place.

Some guys are just born assholes and I figured he was the number one anal perforation and president of the club. There wasn’t any way to change my mind on that. Through school he grew a lot faster than me so he was the bigger guy, which meant he usually wound up on top when we had some of our disagreements. I was just too stubborn and pig headed to give an inch where he was concerned though. He may have won most of the contests but he got more than his share of lumps for his efforts.

In high school we both dated, but whenever he saw me with a girl he was soon after her too. People around town called him a pussy hound, and the rumor was that Hank was one of those go after anything that wore a skirt guys. He was the more suave talker of the two of us so usually ended up with the girl, whether that was my girl or another one. More often than not he soon dumped them after he got what he wanted, which was to prove to me he could take any girl of mine away from me.

I was pissed over the first few girls he took away from me, but soon figured out there was a lot of fish in the sea and if the girls were that dumb and they wanted Hank more than me, they could have him. Fighting him over a girl that would rather be with him, was just not worth the effort. I did think about it though, and I confess I spent a lot of time imagining me putting a knife in his back.

Hank and I finished school and went our separate ways. Just before he left for the city, he and I met on the street. Like always he had to lay it on thick about how he was the better man, and could take any woman of mine and use her. That was one of the rare times we never got into a fight. I just looked daggers at him and told him, ‘You and I don’t get along, and never have. I’m tired of all the fisticuffs so just be warned, DON’T FUCK WITH ME AGAIN. You won’t like the results and there won’t be any fists involved.’ He just laughed as he strutted off.

He went off to the city for a higher education, and because he was a jock he even played a bit of pro basket ball for a bit. I started working in the family business with my parents and older brother. Mom and Dad had a small trucking outfit and with the contracts they managed to get they were doing pretty good. I worked at just about everything learning the business. Dad had this vision of my brother and me taking over the business one day.

All those plans changed when I took a holiday to Vegas.

I was young and enjoying all the lights and action, not to mention the free drinks when you were gambling. To a young guy like me, Vegas was party city. One night I joined a few people as they watched a cute chick as she kept feeding nickels into a one-armed bandit. She was putting on quite the show. Every time she pulled that handle she would become so animated dancing about trying to will those dials into lining up for a win. Every time she lost there would be a string of profanity along with kicking the post beside her and lots of arm waving and cussing. Of course the audience was cheering her on, which just fueled the fire and made her actions more pronounced.

She finally gave up. I was disappointed because
the best show I had seen since I got to Vegas was over. I tried my luck at a few other one-armed bandits but was slowly losing my allowance for that day. I had about ten bucks left when I decided to get some sleep. As I walked through the casino I noticed the machine that girl had been playing was not being used, so I sat down and plugged in a nickel.

Wow, talk about noise. There were sirens, bells ringing, lights flashing, and people cheering. I slowly realized I had won some big prize or other. Soon there were two big guys in suits escorting me to the manager’s office. Two days later I was flying home with a cashier’s check in my pocket that would keep me in more money than I would be ever able to spend in a couple of lifetimes.

So I found myself at the ripe old age of twenty two not really having to work to survive. Dad wasn’t happy I wasn’t going to take over his company with my brother after he retired. My brother was happy for me though he would be the one taking over the company so he wouldn’t have to split the profit. I still knew I would be spending a lot of time just helping out though.

I decided to take life easy and bought a house on the edge of town to live in, and a section of land out in the middle of nowhere in the mountains. I figured that would be a good place where I could escape and not do anything but relax. When I say middle of nowhere I mean just that. There wasn’t anyone within a day’s ride on horseback close to me and the ones I’m talking about were the forest rangers that took care of the area. To get there I had to do a three hour drive to get to a dude ranch at the base of the mountains where I kept some horses. Then it was a two day ride to the ranger station and then another day from there further back west into the wilderness to get to my place.

I loved the area and its privacy. No one would ever come out here just for a visit unless they came with me. The land I bought was raw wilderness when I bought it, but with some hard work I soon had a crude log cabin built. It was three rooms but I left some openings in the walls so I could expand later. Those first logs that I used to build the cabin were taken from an area that soon became a pasture for my horses. I had three horses, one I rode and two pack animals. They were the only way to get to my cabin short of using a helicopter. Those horses hauled in most of my supplies.

Once I got that bit of a pasture cleared and fenced my friend Vern dropped some larger things for me. He owned a helicopter and I would bundle up some stuff I needed and he would fly them in, hung under his bird and drop them off in the pasture for me. I made sure those bundles were well tarped to keep out some of the critters, because Vern only brought those bundles out to me when he had nothing else to do and when he was flying this way. Sometimes it would be a week or two before I made it after the shipment was dropped off.

I had it pretty good for a couple of years. I would spend a month in town helping out the parents and then I would take off to the cabin and spend a week or two just sitting watching the water flow past in the creek that was twenty feet from my front door. In the winter things were so quiet you could hear a deer fart on the other side of the mountain. The creek was about twenty feet wide and four feet deep in the deepest spot depending on the season. Another bonus was that the creek had some of the best trout fishing I had ever seen. Dad came with me once or twice a year and thought I had a piece of heaven in that little cabin.

One time when I was back in town I met a girl by the name of Maggie. She was new to the area but the outdoorsy type so we hit it off and she became someone more than special to me. We dated for eight months and decided to move in together. In my eyes she was perfect and the one I wanted to share my life with. Being with Maggie changed me some. I became more possessive when it came to her and some friends used to tease me about it. That was a big change for me, but I was so in love with her that I wasn’t going to share her with anyone.

I loved Maggie to death and could live with her faults. Her faults were, she was gullible and would believe some of the weirdest things she heard. If someone she trusted said something, and added a fact or two to prove the idea, she would believe it unconditionally. No amount of talking or conflicting facts to what she heard could change her mind. Her biggest fault was her temper. When she got angry, she went off like a sidewinder missile, and because of her stubborn streak she wouldn’t even think about handling things reasonably.

After a bit people saw we were a couple and were wondering when we would get hitched. All my friends were constantly asking when we were going to set a date to get married.

I knew she was the one, and after having known her for two years I figured it was time. One night as we watched TV at my place I asked her to marry me. She cried as she said yes and we started to make plans. One of those plans was that she was going to quit her job so she could have more free time with me. I had more money than I could use so I had no complaint with having her around all the time.

Well wouldn’t you know it? My life was as perfect as it could be, and that’s when that snake in the grass Hank showed up in town again. I’m sure he had some internal radar that told him he just had to appear in my life just then so he could screw me over once more. To be honest I don’t think he started out to deliberately piss me off again, but when he realized he had a chance to do that, that’s exactly what he set his mind to do.

Maggie was the head of a group that were raising funds for a charity. We met Hank at one of the fund raising dues, and even after not seeing him for a few years I didn’t like the idea of him being back. Hank looked at me with disdain, and I returned the favour. The way he was looking at Maggie was like he saw another conquest and I could see the pure lust in his eyes.

She spent a fair bit of time talking to him that night and when we got home I warned Maggie about him. All she had to say on that topic was she was all mine so there was nothing to worry about as far as Hank went. Yeah right. I believed that as much as I believed some of those fairy tales my parents told me when I was a kid getting ready for bed.

One night Maggie came home real late from a meeting and was all bubbly about how Hank had joined the fundraiser team. She told me how she had gone out for a light meal with him after the meeting and he had all these neat ideas on how to raise money.

I was shocked that Hank had actually moved in on her that fast. All I could think about was the way he would move in on all my girlfriends in high school, and I was worried where this would go with Maggie. That was when the rule I had about not fighting over a girl changed. I wasn’t going to lose Maggie to Hank like all those past girlfriends. When my mind finally could think coherently Maggie and I had a talk.

I told her about all the trouble that Hank used to cause me and warned her again about him. She’d laughed off my warning and told me he was harmless. Yeah, right! I knew better. He was harmless, like a slick gambler with an ace up his sleeve that knew under the table he had his derringer pointed at your stomach!

Maggie being the gullible girl she was, couldn’t understand why I was so upset about Hank. After all he was so charming and smart she was sure he had changed. No amount of talking could make her understand he was a conniving S.O.B. with the gift of the gab, and he would eventually try something to get to me through her. She was sure he wouldn’t though, and when I told her to stay away from him she informed me that they would be working together on a plan for the charity and would be spending a lot of time together and she was looking forward to the changes he was proposing.

Nothing I said could change her mind so I warned her again to watch herself and to be careful ar
ound him. She told me there was nothing to worry about and that she loved me and was going to be my wife. I had to settle for that answer and just hope she was right and would indeed be my wife.

Since I had my talk with Maggie she just had to tell Hank about my concerns and what I thought of him, and me telling her to stay away from him. He turned on the charm and soon had her believing that I was the bad guy in our younger days, and that he was just a guy that was trying to stay out of trouble.

I could see where this was going and it just had to happen. I met Hank one day on the street and it didn’t take long for him to brag to me in front of a few of my friends about how much he liked my bride to be, and it wouldn’t be long until he showed her what a real man was like when he got into her panties.

That started a discussion between the two of us that four guys had to break up. For once he was bleeding more than me.

Of course Hank had to run to Maggie to tell her about that episode and how I had attacked him from behind when he was just walking down the street. She wouldn’t listen to my side of the story and that episode between Hank and I caused the first rift between Maggie and me.

The plans were just about competed for our marriage in the early spring when I noticed Maggie was getting to be distant from me. I asked her about that and she blew up and accused me of all sorts of weird things like I had been seen in the next town with some bimbo, and was chasing the town bicycle Helen. Nothing I said could sway her mind even if I could prove her accusations to be false. That was the first time since our engagement we were separated. She told me she was going to a hotel for the night and off she went.

The next morning I was sitting in the coffee shop still confused that she would think I would do something like that to her. An old friend Harry sat down with me and could see something was wrong. I gave him the short version and ended by telling him Maggie had even spent the night in the hotel. That’s when things really took a turn.

Harry worked covering the night shift for the owner of the hotel and with regret in his voice told me that they only had one room rented last night and it was to a salesman from down south.

That fact connected the dots for me and I was scared that Hank had done it to me again. I went home thinking about what that meant and when I got there everything of hers was gone. All there was on the table was a note that told me she had found someone that wouldn’t cheat on her like I was. So she was moving in with Hank who she could trust not to be a cheater.

There was also a short note in big letters lying on the bed. Hank must have placed it there after Maggie cleaned out her stuff from the closet. The note was in capital letters and all it said was HA. HA. YOU LOSE AGAIN SUCKER.

Mad. That doesn’t begin to describe my feelings. All I could feel was a blinding rage.

Everything was confirmed the next day when Maggie was seen on Hanks arm and the two of them looked pretty close. The news spread like wildfire to everyone in town and no matter who told her how Hank operated her mind couldn’t be changed.

Boy was I one sorry guy for a while. Her treating me like that took the life right out of me. Feeling sorry for myself abated over the next two weeks and that was replaced by a burning hate for Hank. Those first weeks were full of questions about myself. ‘What did I do wrong? How did I lose her respect? How did I lose her love? Was Hank that much better than me? ‘etc, etc.

One day in my now favourite hangout, Jakes bar, my dad stopped my ranting by suggesting that I should head to the cabin and cool off. I took his advice and packed up and spent three weeks in the cabin and all that did was get my mind working on how to get my vengeance. Some would call me an unforgiving son of a bitch for wanting revenge. All I got to say to that, is Hank had always had it in for me and this time had shattered my life. Now I was going to extract revenge on him. No matter what I had to do, no matter what the cost I would make him pay.

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Dumb Fuckmeat Begging for More

If rough, brutal fucking is not your thing, stop reading. If it is, continue. The story might even give you a hard-on.I'm a fit, good looking guy, with a big fat cock. I'm a nasty fucker though. Don't give a shit about the fuckmeat I'm banging as long as I am enjoying myself, and guess what. Every cumdump I've fucked, and there's been very many, has cum multiple times on my dick! These whores just need to be treated like shit in order to cum.Just picked up a piece of FUCKMEAT the other week,...

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Daddy helps his little fuckdoll relax before her f

Daddy's lil'fuckdoll is at school. It is her last day, with her exam upcomming in less than an hour.. You are in your cute school uniform. You are nerveous... Suddenly your phone beeps, and you take a look at it. It is a message from daddy, reading "Men's bathrooms. Now my little pet!". You hart skip a beat, your pussy immediately go hot and you make your way to the men's bathroom at school...As daddys lil'fuckdoll gets there, you see two boys exiting the men's bathroom, give you a curious...

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Daddys fuckdoll

This is about my c***dhood, most of which took place in the 70s and 80s. The names are different, but the acts are as I remember them.My name is Marie. I cannot remember a time in my life when Daddy didn't play with me. He would always touch and kiss me, and he encouraged the same behavior from me. I learned very young how to suck cock and swallow both piss and cum at Daddy's whim.Mommy was aware of and involved in the play. Often Daddy would fuck her and I would lick his cum from her cunt or...

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En Vacances Part 6 Fucktoy Fucked 1

En Vacances Part 6: Fucktoy Fucked 1 The air, trapped in the unventilated bedroom, sticks to my skin causing tiny droplets of sweat to seep through my porous epidermis to coat my body in a fine film. My large starring pupils are following Anita’s descent as she lowers herself onto her haunches between Grant and my widespread thighs. Grant’s breath plays hotly about my neck, liquid pools beneath his hands as they grip tightly at my waist and on the underside of my thighs where our sticky flesh...

4 years ago
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En Vacances Part 6 Fucktoy Fucked 1

En Vacances Part 6: Fucktoy Fucked 1 The air, trapped in the unventilated bedroom, sticks to my skin causing tiny droplets of sweat to seep through my porous epidermis to coat my body in a fine film. My large starring pupils are following Anita’s descent as she lowers herself onto her haunches between Grant and my widespread thighs. Grant’s breath plays hotly about my neck, liquid pools beneath his hands as they grip tightly at my waist and on the underside of my thighs where our sticky flesh...

Group Sex
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Diary of a fuckpig

It seems like i’ve only been asleep for five minutes when the alarm goes off.  i feel so tired but i have another long day ahead of me serving my Pimp as His transvestite whore and sex slave.  i run my fingers round my leather collar before throwing off the thin blanket which serves as my bed linen and start to get ready for another cycle of violent physical and sexual abuse.   Looking down at my bed it’s a wonder i manage to sleep at all – it’s just a thin foam mattress stained with blood,...

4 years ago
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Fresh Fuckmeat in Thailand II Language School

Four years ago, I decided to apply my experience devising strategies for businesses worldwide to develop strategies that would bring me streams of fresh Fuckmeat in the countries of the world whose women I most enjoy to fuck. Head and shoulders above the crowd of nations is, of course, Thailand. Thai women are undisputedly the world’s most beautiful, and are also by far the most satisfying sexual female creatures on earth. I have worked in Thailand several weeks a year for years, and decided...

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Three Fuckings In A Row With Raman

We had to shift from the village while my father was transferred from the block office to join at Bhubaneswar on a promotion.My transfer certificate was taken from the village school and admitted in the Govt. school. I was excited to see the huge school building and large number of students reading in the school.The premises was wide spread.My village school was very small with thatched school rooms with very few teachers and students. At the tiffin break I could notice that a group of boys are...

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Livein With Fuckbuddy

Hello friends! How are you all? This is Daksh Kashyap (engineer-IIT Bombay) once again to share my new story. Please read to know about my sexual experiences. This story is of last year. In May, I have shared my sex experiences on ISS. I got lots of messages, mostly from married girls. But some wanted just sex chat, and those who wanted sex were from other cities. Finally, one day I got a message from Surabhi, who was from Mumbai and wanted real sex. We started talking on hangout. She was from...

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Fucken Hmong Bitch from Milwakee

I know what you guys are saying. Oh it the same thing every single time. You know the saying "This is 100% Real." As much as I want to say that. It is you to judge if it is real or not. But I'm going to say. This is 100% Real.So back in the day around 2007, I got my heart broken by a bitch and I decided "Fuck it, I going to just go around fucking bitches." During that time I got a boy that lived in Milwaukee, WI. He and I were tight because we use to kick when we were k**s. Any whores, He...

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his fuckmeat

he says....being having some nasty thoughts involving you. nothing much nice. just you, as a non-willing participant. for example, right now, i could see you fastened in some way....hands in like stocks....feet trapped too in some way. i come up behind you. while there might be buttons and clasps, i just want to use you. so i tear or cut-off relevant pieces of clothing. you can turn your head, maybe, but with hands and feet trapped behind these boards of wood. you cannot...

3 years ago
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PAMELA I THE WEEKEND She was nervous. And, yes, frightened. But the fright only added to thelittle worm of excitement that was wriggling inside her, making her nipples hardand keeping her pussy damp. She was dressed, according to his instructions, in atight blouse and a very short miniskirt. That was all she had on, except for hershoes. No underwear, he had stipulated. Nothing else on her body. No jewelry, norings, no wristwatch. Just...

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The motherfuckers Part 4

Part 3 : and son step out of the shower and dry each other off. Carole has picked out the light blue g-string and matching light blue heels, not bothering with a top. Hell, everyone will probably be naked anyway! Ricky is wearing a pair of the sexy striped jockeys that Jojolove had recommended."Mom, look, we look different, don't we?""Yes...we are now...Mr and Mrs...Motherfucker!"Holding hands they walk down the hall and into the...

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A Clusterfuck weekend

“If you want us to do it, you must first suck off Andy,” came the challenge from my wife Marianne. Our friends, Andy en Lynette, were visiting us for the weekend in Cape Town. We were sunbathing on the sundeck of our beautiful home next to Table Mountain. We could see the city and the ocean in the background. The women, Marianne and Lynette, took off the bikini tops a while ago. Their itsy-bitsy string bikini bottoms barely covered their aroused pussies. Andy’s and my erect cocks in our...

2 years ago
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Little Humiliation Fucktoy

Introduction: Life of a secret humiliation fucktoy. This is the longest erotic story Ive written thus far, and so Im really excited to post it. Im sorry about any spelling/grammatical errors, though I did give it a quick edit. I love writing stories about humiliation and bdsm, so if you all like this, Ill be sure to write up some more. Be sure to leave a comment if you liked it or have any suggestions. Enjoy! ________________ Little Humiliation Fucktoy Hed told me hed call me whenever, so I...

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Pure Frat Fuckmeat

This is the pure fuckmeat of our story, as she arrived at a "work" place. The red? Well, you can imagine bright blue, pink, jet black, etc, for she had those colors in similar ultra-short styles.Not just for work, she walked all over campus in this type of dress.Outfits like the above? Fairly common on campuses of the late sixties and early seventies.When your wife does real prostitute duties, it is rare or impossible for the husband to watch those duties being done. All those other guys are...

2 years ago
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This is what happens if you are brave enough to meet a man from an internet chat room ;-)Its 2 am in the morning.You follow the careful instructions and park your car in private car park. You are in the parking space you have been told to park in. You are next to a nice set of modern 2 story flats in a nice part of Ealing.. Your phone rings and I give you your next set of instructions.I tell you I can see you sitting in your car. You must remove all your clothes immediately.Reluctantly you do...

3 years ago
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Little Humiliation Fucktoy

________________ Little Humiliation Fucktoy He'd told me he'd call me whenever, so I expected him even when I went out. Today was one such day, I was out with my family, shopping at a mall when I got the call. I picked it up, lagging behind a bit. 'Hello?' 'Hey fuck toy, meet me in the largest stall in the men's bathroom in 2 minutes, pronto. I've left a bag in there, put all your clothes into it and be on all fours when I get there.' With that, he hung up, leaving me...

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FaceFuck CuckSucker Gay

Ever since I became interested in guys, I've wanted their cock in my mouth. And I've fantasized about not just sucking a cock, but letting a guy use my mouth. A completely submissive facefuck. Since my divorce, I'd sucked three guys and I found two things: letting a guy suck me was a turn off and having a guy work my face, moving his cock back and forth in my mouth, was a major turn on.So for guy number four, I hit up a guy on a male hook-up site who was a total top who only wanted oral with no...

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My First Facefuck

Ever since i have became interested in guys, all I've wanted for as long as i can remember is it to know what it feels like to have a cock sliding down my throat. i fantasised about sucking a cock for such a long time, but not just thoughts about sucking a cock i have wanted to be facefucked hard , and i mean really hard, i was dreaming about getting put on a desk upside down and getting my skull fucked so hard and sloppy that my face is covered in so much sperm and saliva that a can't open my...

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How i met Mariela my titfuck fwb

So back in December 2019 i was on this adult dating site called when i found her. On her profile she was looking for a "sugar daddy" or someone to help her with her financial problems. On her proflie she wrote "Latina woman with 44hhh breast looking for help". So i wrote her a message offering her $100 to sent me more pictures of her breast in different bras and colors. She liked the offer and accepted we exchanged numbers and i got 15 pictures of her breast for $100.So we text and...

2 years ago
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How Michelle Became A Fucktoy Chapter 1

Michelle Barton had been secretly seeing Dave for several months. They had to keep their relationship private for several reasons. First off, Dave was her father's best friend and was forty-one years old - twenty-four years older than she was. Secondly, Dave was married, and his wife and her mother were also very close friends. And thirdly, Michelle's parents had something of a standing in their quiet, conservative neighborhood of Pinellas Park, Florida. Members of Sacred Heart Catholic Church,...

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The motherfuckers Part 3

Part 1 : 2 : afternoon after school couldn't come soon enough! Mother and son each packed a large suitcase for the long and hopefully sex filled weekend ahead. Carole had packed all of her new outfits, each with her new matching 5 inch fuck me stilettos. She brought all of the new sexy boy briefs for Ricky. She couldn't wait to see the other mothers' eyes light up...

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JessiKa and Serana Part IV Two Gangbangs One Fuckhole

At this point in the sex story, I have done quite a few things that involved me getting fucked in the ass by women with huge strapons and transwomen with huge cocks. I have gotten my ass double penetrated by two women with two huge strapons and by two transwomen with huge cocks. I've always wanted to try having double anal sex and I'm glad that I did because its now one of my favorite things to do. I have gotten anally fisted by JessiKa who shoved her entire arm all the way up inside of...

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Reese Witherspoon dommed

any of the actresses mentioned below. This story is written down for enjoyment purposes only. Reese witherspoon woke up with a headache. She didn't know where she was. All she could feel that she was blindfolded. Not only that, she was tied to the bed with duct tape, unable to move her hands and legs. She also noticed that she was nude. A duct tape covered her mouth so that she shouldn't shout. All she remembered was going to a producer's home for some script reading of a film they were...

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Pure Frat Fuckmeat

This is the meat that was provided on that late summer day...When your wife does real prostitute duties, it is rare or impossible for the husband to watch those duties being done. All those other guys are working on their own fantasies. Directly or indirectly, they are paying for the services. And entertaining the boyfriend, fiancee or spouse is not on their list.That is why I could only hear of most encounters, or get the rare extra photo that was given to my wife. I became used to dropping...

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Used as FUCKMEAT Part2

You see a large collection of toys on the bed. There are leather cuffs, chains, dildos, but plugs, vibrators, and a plug-in massager. In the corner is a wooden chair with rope on it. I stand behind you and uncuff your hands. I cup and squeeze your tits and slowing kiss your neck and whisper 'You are my lil FUCKMEAT slut for the rest of the night' You can feel my hardness pressing against your arse. I push you forwards towards the bed, when your legs hit the edge of the bed I shove you forwards...

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Fucky Friday

--- Fucky Friday (F-solo, MF, mf, Mf, mF, con, impreg) by Krosis of the Collective --- Prologue -------- Lindsay moaned, slipping two fingers into the folds of her pussy. Umm! She arched her back off the bed to get greater penetration from her wet digits. Her other hand massaged her teenage breasts, squeezing the medium-size mounds and tweaking the nipples. She was so close... Jamie moaned, slipping two fingers into the folds of her vagina. Hmm! She arched her back off...

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How Michelle Became A Fucktoy Chapter 2

Michelle and Dave began to see each other fairly regularly after that. However, they still had to keep their affair secret. Dave stood to lose a lot if the word got out about his fucking his employee's barely-legal daughter. His marriage, his job, his family would all be gone. Being in the advertising business, he knew what this would do to any chance of finding another job as well. Even moving wouldn't make it less painful... this was something that would follow him no matter how far he moved...

3 years ago
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Good Girl Gone Bad Part 13 Fucktoy Frenzy

After my boyfriend left me I decided that I was would be an unapologetic slut and let go of my inhibitions. I had all of these desires, and decided to no longer suppress them. The first few months were a whirlwind, having sex with my older married neighbor, my ex-boss, being gang banged more than once, fucking complete strangers, being a sub for my boyfriend's old boss and loving it, and so many more. I went from having sex with three men in my entire life to having sex with dozens of men in...

Group Sex
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Becoming Daddys Perfect Fucktoy 2

Chapter 1 Bad Dreams AAAAHHHHHHH! The ear piercing scream woke me suddenly from my sleep, bolting upright in bed and after just milliseconds while I wondered where I was, I shot up and bolted from the bedroom and out into the hall heading straight to Sophie’s room. I quickly got to her bedroom to find her standing next to her bed in tears and shaking, I was there in an instant hugging her petite body tight to myself, kissing the top of her head. “There, there darling, it was just a bad...

1 year ago
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The motherfuckers Part 1

It had taken Carole Baker quite a bit of mental gymnastics to get to this step. It seemed that lately a lot of things were happening in her life since the divorce. The blonde mother of a teenage boy had finally jettisoned her abusive husband and had decided that the best way to get totally away from him was to sell the house and move out of town. She was starting over in a new city, as far away from that fucking bastard as possible. Thinking back she wasn't quite sure how she and her 18 year...

2 years ago
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I love computers. I’ve loved them for a long, long time. I’ve been designing them for over forty years. My computers make machines tick and make me enough money to do whatever the hell I feel like doing, which usually has something to do with a computer. Because of my work and my familiarity with the little devils, I get a little deeper into them than the average user. Sometimes it comes in pretty handy. My granddaughter Sara got sent to live with me because she was simply raising too much...

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Becoming a Fuckbuddy

Hung white male looking for a sub cocksucker to worship and swallow – In town the week of March 19 – 26. Looking to meet at a local coffee shop, before returning to my rental and spending several hours fucking your face into submission. If you are not an expert deep-throater, you will be when I finish with you. You should take instruction well and be willing to submit to light bondage and humiliation. I will not reciprocate and am not looking for chit chat or drama.Me: 6'2", 195, in-shape,...

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Collegemate Becomes My Fuckbuddy

It’s a real story and I don’t give a shit if you believe it or not. So pull down your pants and grab your dicks/pussies and enjoy. So the person I’m talking about is my classmate cum fuckbuddy Princiya(name changed) we study together in a medical college. We are 19 years now and we have know each other for almost 10 months. About her looks: she is looks fine. Not too fair and not too dull. It doesn’t matter to me about the looks. I am okay with anything. Coming to her body she has a fine body...

1 year ago
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Finally A Fuckbuddy

Several of my buddies take an annual trip, just the guys, leaving the wives at home and taking a week to do all that stupid stuff that wives hate; drinking beer, watching sports, swapping stories, and generally being guys. This year we decided to go skiing and found an awesome cabin in the woods near Lake Tahoe. Even better, the cabin was near a casino; drinking beer, watching sports, and gambling, it just doesn't get better than that. Eight guys were able to convince their families to let them...

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