Porky free porn video

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Being somewhat of a computer whiz, I was head-hunted by a company to sort out the systems in their distribution division. The company manufactured and sold a range of toys for children. Upon my arrival in the new city that I would be living in, I was naturally faced with an accommodation issue. Fortunately, the company that employed me agreed to pay my first two weeks of lodging at a motel, while I sorted myself out.

On my first day at the new job, I put out the word that I was looking for accommodation, hoping that someone would know of a place that I could rent. Within half an hour, Porky, who worked in the warehouse, entered my office and told me that I could rent a room in his house. Porky was my age, mid-twenties, and had inherited his home from his mother. After his dad’s passing a year before, his mom had moved in with her sister who was also a widow.

Porky was thickset, six-foot-two tall, and had a handsome round face. The brown hair on his head was dead straight and his fringe hung down to his eyebrows, making it look like he was wearing a helmet. As I would come to know, he always wore denim jeans and shirts that were only in shades of blue, which was his favourite colour. Porky had enormous hands that looked like two bunches of bananas hanging off the bottom of his thick arms. One’s attention was constantly drawn to his hands because he incessantly tapped the top of his thighs with the tips of his fingers.

Porky had a magnetic charm that always brought a smile to your face. He, however, wasn’t very popular with the ladies at the company for two reasons: Firstly, he had a habit constantly rearranging the impressive bulge at the front of his jeans. Secondly, he always had damp patches under his armpits. This in itself wasn’t the major problem, but some men like Porky simply give off a very strong masculine essence, which the girls at our company found off-putting and behind his back they referred to him as ‘Porky Pong.’ Truthfully, from the get-go, I found him affable and somewhat sexy, and I actually liked his odour.

I agreed to visit him at ten a.m. on Saturday to check out the accommodation. I did not see it as a long-term solution because being gay I knew that I would be compromised with the arrangement. Short term, however, if the accommodation was suitable, it would take the immediate weight of finding lodging off my shoulders.

When I arrived Porky welcomed me at the front door. He was bare-chested and the shorts he had on was made of a rather flimsy material, making the impressive bulge that I had observed in his jeans even more prominent. The flip-flops he wore were dwarfed by his very broad feet. His moobs and cute belly were covered with fine body hair that looked silky. The ‘helmet’ on his head that was normally smooth, also showed signs of pillow damage as he had obviously not yet showered that morning.

I was very impressed by the outside of the house, which was neat and very well cared for. The magnificent garden was a legacy of his mother’s endeavours, and he apparently promised his mother that he would maintain her garden. Subsequently, a garden service called every Tuesday to adhere to her wishes.

Inside the home, all appeared to be tidy and tasteful, again thanks to his mom. I was told that he had a cleaning lady who worked for him on Friday’s, so I was seeing the place at its very best.

From the moment that he greeted me at the door, Porky seemed a little tense. It was almost as if he was willing me to like the place as he constantly sought my approval. Porky also kept intoning how happy I would be, and how pleased he would be if I accepted his offer. He incessantly tapped his thighs with his fingers, in a far more animated manner than I had seen before. I began to wonder if this was a sign of sexual frustration. Porky also kept touching me as we moved around, with his hand either on my shoulder or clamped on my arm.

The peculiar thought that went through my mind as we toured the house, was that it felt like I was being courted by a suitor and there was a strong air of sexual tension emanating from him.

The room I would be staying in was Porky’s old room, and it had a television and comfortable looking double bed. The spare bathroom, that I would be using, was also modern and very tasteful.

When we finally arrived back in the kitchen he offered me a cup of coffee. After the beverage was made Porky again began to move closer to me and touch my shoulder and arm. His anxiety was also making him sweatier, and I could see the moist clumps of hair sprouting out from under his arms. Porky body odour had also begun to intensify as the richness of his essence embraced us.

“Sorry about my body odour,” he said, before continuing, “I know the women at work refer to me as ‘Porky Pong’.”

“Actually, it doesn’t bother me at all,” I replied.

The smile of relief that broke out on his face was almost comical.

“Really?” he asked.

“Not at all,” I confirmed.

“Seriously, if it ever bugs you just tell me and I’ll have a shower. I won’t be offended,” Porky concluded.

In the lounge, we got down to business. Porky told me that if I paid for the gardening service, the maid, and half of the groceries, then that would be suitable. After adding up the amounts in my mind it was ridiculously low, but he insisted that he was happy with that arrangement.

This was turning out to be an unbelievably interesting morning. I was sure in my mind that Porky was looking for more than just a tenant. In the time I had spent with him thus far, I had frequently witnessed the lump in his shorts fluctuate in size. I had also observed that he made no attempt to hide the bulge, and it was as if he was blatantly flaunting his package.

“When do you want to move in?” he asked.

Well, that depends on you, whatever suits you best,” I answered.

“Now. Go get your stuff now,” he stated insistently.

“Are you sure?” I asked.

“Absolutely, what are you waiting for, Tommy?” he confirmed.

As Porky saw me off at the door his crotch was once more impressively enlarged.

“When you get back we can make some lunch,” he suggested, before continuing, “Besides, that will give me some time to have a shower.”

“Why?” I asked with a horny grin. “I’ll be a pity to rinse away that sexy smell of yours.”

My deliberate comment was a test to see if I had been reading the situation correctly and whether we were on the same page. Porky’s face lit up as I smiled at him.

On the drive to the motel, I thought about my morning. The accommodation was excellent and at the price, he was asking, I would be able to save a lot of money. I had simply assumed that he was straight, but after my visit, I got a strong feeling that he may possibly be looking for a fuck-buddy. Above all else, I wondered what his incredible bulge would reveal.

All I processed were two suitcases and a portable music system. My former apartment had been fully furnished and so I had never needed to buy anything else. With everything packed and ready to go, I quickly visited the bathroom to prepare myself for what I hoped was awaiting me that afternoon.

As the motel bill would be settled by the company I worked for on Monday, I simply checked out and got on my way.

When I arrived at Porky’s place he ushered me through to my bedroom. After placing the music system on a chest of drawers, I opened one of the suitcases to retrieve a pair of shorts and my sandals. I then replaced the suitcase next to the other one on the floor and commenced stripping.

During this process, Porky stood in the doorway with arms extended above his head and his hands against the top of the doorframe. I was surprised by how bushy his armpits were. As he watched me change, his eyes were extremely attentive.

Making conversation I asked him about his nickname. Porky then went on to tell me that his name was actually Graham, but that as a kid he had been very overweight. Because of this the kids at school began referring to him as Porky, and as is so often the case, the pet name stuck. In time, even his parents started using the nickname.

“Did it ever bother you?” I inquired.

“Hell no,” he answered, and then with an impish grin concluded, “Besides, as you can smell, the name suits me.”

Once I had changed into my shorts and sandals, I gingerly began to move toward the ‘barricaded’ door.

“Would you like an aperitif before lunch?” Porky asked as he continued to block my way.

“An aperitif?” I questioned.

“Sure…” he stated, as he placed his fat thumbs into the sides of his shorts. Next, he pushed his shorts down. Surrounded by a bushy mass of hair, an above average uncut pork sausage bobbed up and down before me. Impressive as that was, however, the huge pair of balls hanging below nearly took my breath away.

Porky’s facial expression now hardened and his tone became dominant. “Drop your shorts,” he commanded.

After doing as told, he gave my stiff cock a good look before a self-satisfied expression broke out on his face. “I’ve got good news and bad news for you,” Porky stated.

A cold chill went through me as I began to worry that he had been playing a practical joke. Before I had fully processed the thought in my mind, however, Porky again spoke. “The good news is that I have definitely found the perfect tenant, but the bad news is that I can no longer offer this room to you.”

My mind now went into a total state of confusion and panic. As stood there with my mouth hanging open, Porky then concluded, “You’ll be moving into the main bedroom with me, from now on.”

As relief flooded my face he gave me a naughty smile and said, “Get your arse to our bedroom.”

As I passed by him he gripped onto the back of my neck and steered me toward the room. I got the feeling that Porky was into domination, and my intuition would prove to be spot on.

As we stood at the edge of the bed he placed his mouth at my ear and growled, “By the way, there’s one more bit of news that you need to know. When it comes to sex, I don’t have an off switch.” With that, he lifted me up and tossed me onto the bed, face down. After he scrambled onto my back Porky’s knees frantically commenced pushing my legs apart.

Next, his right arm placed me in a headlock before he began to rub his knob in my crack. When Porky lifted his torso to focus on my pucker a short while later, I asked if he had lubrication.

“Never use that shit,” he replied, “It dulls the friction when you’re fucking. Besides, the body’s natural juices are good enough for the job.”

This information wasn’t exactly music to my ears. Although Porky’s knob wasn’t massive, it was still large enough to cause discomfort. After spitting on my manhole, Porky commenced fingering me.

Next, he placed the head of his dick at my pucker and started shoving his cock in. It was slightly uncomfortable, to begin with, but as he continued to wedge and nudge his knob into me, the discomfort began to dissipate. Once his thrusting got underway, Porky prediction about the heightened stimulation was absolutely correct. The roughness of our chafing skin was absolutely incredible.

Porky was a very noisy and active lover. He never stopped moving or thrusting, and it felt like I had a very busy MMA grappler on my back. His mouth moved across my neck, shoulders, and head constantly, as he licked and nibbled my flesh. During the next twenty minutes as Porky ploughed me, his body odour also transformed from rich to ripe, and the room was beginning to smell like a barn. He was totally dominant and constantly altered my body position as he manipulated my body to suit his needs.

When Porky finally unloaded, I was amazed that he didn’t do so inside my backside but all over my back, before rubbing it into my skin as if marking his territory. As he would later explain, given the amount of cum he produced that would simply make my backside far too slick. Thereafter, between butt-fucks he always made me rinse my arse so that any slickness was dispensed with. He also regularly dried his knob off with a face cloth while fucking, to ensure that the roughness of his thrusting was maintained.

When we got back to the kitchen to prepare lunch, Porky acted like a sex-starved imp, constantly pawing, clamping, and kissing me. Porky’s cock also remained continuously erect as he incessantly rubbed it up against me. I was, moreover, totally intrigued by how much his strong body odour was arousing me. He had an incredibly virile masculine essence that I found totally intoxicating, and I was beginning to feel like a fully-fledged pong loving pussy-boy.

As I busied myself trying to make sandwiches, Porky clamped me from behind and commenced rubbing his knob in my butt crack.

“Aren’t you hungry?” I asked.

“No, Tommy, I’m horny,” Porky growled as he nibbled on my earlobe.

“Are you even horny when you’re asleep?” I teased.

“Sleep, what sleep are you talking about?” Porky sniggered, before resuming, “Unless you are able to doze off with my knob in your arse.” We both laughed.

“Leave this shit for later,” Porky said, referring to the sandwiches in progress, before turning my body around.

Before he embraced me once more, I gripped hold of his huge balls and asked, “Can I at least get an interim snack from these?”

Porky’s hands answered for him as he instantly pushed my body downward. Once he shoved his knob into my mouth he took a firm hold of my head and began skull-fucking me solidly. What I would learn about him next, was mindboggling. Porky seemed to be able to unload almost at will, and could also do so repetitively. When he commenced grunting after a short while, I tasted the delicious thick creamy spunk that he was injecting into my mouth.

When I looked up at him afterward, Porky asked, “Do you want more?”

I was confused by the question but intrigued enough to answer in the affirmative. Without pause, he once more started fucking my mouth and several minutes later, more jizz got sprayed into my mouth.

When I once more looked up at him, Porky had a smirk on his face. “Still hungry?” he asked, almost contemptuously.

‘Fuck him,’ I thought, ‘I’m up for this challenge.’ Getting off my knees I now sat flat on the floor and placed my head against the cupboard door.

When Porky again began to skull-fuck me, it was as if he wanted to punish me for my greediness. With my head firmly against the cupboard door, he gripped onto the counter and began pounding my head with his hips.

After a few minutes, Porky withdrew his knob and told me to get up.

“No, please keep face-fucking me,” I implored him.

He bent over with a wild look in his eyes, and then gave me a slap on my face. It wasn’t too hectic, but a meaningful enough.

“I call the shots,” he said as he yanked me to my feet.

Once up, Porky gripped hold of the back of my neck with his left hand, and shortly I was being frogmarched down the passage as his right hand slapped my butt. After being thrown onto the bed on my stomach, his left hand now pinned my body down as his right hand solidly administered smacks to my arse. Much as I yelped, I was in ecstasy.

After he had satisfied his disciplinarian inclinations, my body was turned and tossed further up on the bed. Porky now moved with lightning speed as he wedged his body between my legs.

Next, Porky slammed his dick into my backside and commenced fucking me. As he did so with his body supported on his left outstretched arm, his right hand clamped around my neck. Porky now began to squeeze my throat. Any misgivings I had were negated, by the most incredible feeling of exhilaration I felt as my breathing was restricted. I instantly grabbed hold of my knob and commenced tugging like a madman as I gasped for air.

As I really started fighting for oxygen a flood of excitement raced through my body, transporting me to heights of sexual pleasure I had never known possible. I was totally overwhelmed by a deluge of horniness, and my cock felt harder than it had ever been. As my body began to shudder, my nuts blasted a torrent of spunk, like likes of which I had never imagined possible.

After I had cum Porky let go of my neck, and as he pounded my backside, he said, “It’s time for you to help me out, buddy.”

Instinctively, I lifted my hands and placed them around his neck. As I began to squeeze Porky went into overdrive as he wheezed, while hammering my arse as never before. When he started unloading a minute later, his body shuddered with ecstasy.

I comprehensively understood there and then, that asphyxiation would henceforth be part of our lovemaking repertoire.

After he collapsed on the bed next to me, he placed his hands behind his head as he lay breathing heavily.

“Jesus, Tommy,” he said, moving his head from side to side, “I really stink. Should I have a shower?”

“No,” I stated emphatically, before resuming, “I would like to introduce a rule in this house.”

With a wry smile, he asked, “Oh… and what would that be?”

“That from Friday mornings till Monday mornings, you are banned from showering,” I replied, with an impish smile.

With a snigger, he replied, “No problem, I’m also into water preservation.”

Unable to resist any longer, I pounced on his left armpit and after rubbing my face in it, I commenced licking frantically. The sounds that emanated from Porky were almost unearthly as I did so. The murmurs that flowed from his horny lips were mesmerizing. Once done, the other armpit followed.

Shortly, I was again on my stomach being solidly fucked.

Happily, he had not lied about not having an ‘off’ switch.






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i had been awaiting my visit to the gyno’s for a while – eversince i got the new 20-something hot doctor. when i had gone in to schedule the appointment i could hardly contain myself as he indroduced himself as Dr Warren Jackson. finally my day had come. yay! i got dressed in my shortest skirt (for ‘comfort’ more like quick access), my sexiest baby blue thong, my (extremely) see through blouse and my mathching baby blue bra. when i arrived i was ten minutes early and the minutes felt like hours...

2 years ago
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The Slave and the Sissy Part Seven

Honey was viewed like a new toy by her new master’s people as she was led whimpering to the ominous looking padded pole, the males jostled to fondle her soft white bottom and rubbed their erect cocks against her sweet little body at every opportunity; the womenfolk smiled with eager anticipation at the prospect of seeing a whipping; the sissies looked on with blank faces, having tasted the whip before. The males at the front howled with wicked derisory laughter as they viewed Honey’s little...

3 years ago
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Bonnies Fantasy

Bonnie was bored. Actually, Bonnie was beyond bored. She was ready to scream and start breaking things just to have something to do. The house was clean, the laundry was done, folded and put away. That night's dinner was even done, or at least in the crock pot cooking. It was only ten in the morning and all she had to look forward too until jack got home was a bunch of idiotic TV shows. Every day it was the same. She felt like an animal in a cage. She was stuck in the house, her only outside...

2 years ago
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Horny Night In Bus With Heavenly Milf

I am Rohit back again after a long time.Those who dunno about previous encounters please read.Friends after having regular sex with bhargavi she got visa and there ended our relationship. Friends who dont know me I’m rohit from vizag.Doing b-tech currently. As my both parents are working I enjoy my life with all pleasures. Coming to the story, I was having an examination at Hyderabad. As I did not book any tickets I took a super luxury which is almost full with vacancy only beside me. It was...

3 years ago
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Dearly Departed

Dearly Departed By Ray Kitten The funeral in many ways was not entirely unlike the multitude of others that had been held under this room since the community hall had been constructed in the 1930's. Many of the same expressions hung on today's batch of faces, and the urns were filled with the same flowers, as they had been every week for the last 75 years. Think every week is an exaggeration? People die every day, check your local paper in the obituaries column and see for...

3 years ago
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Fantasy about my wife on our wedding night

It was the second marriage for both of, we were both in our 40s but inshape and she is very attractive. Her pics are on my profile. We had lives together 6 years before we were married and she had told me she had fucked black men before we had met and I think a couple after. The thought of her taking a big black cock in her tight little white pussy has always turned me on. This is what I fantasize that happened on our wedding night. I had made a deal with her that if we got married she could...

1 year ago
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Maiden of RomeChapter 5

Two months later, Julius was convinced that this was indeed his son turned into a very young and beautiful woman. She knew too many things about Drusus' life. Things that his son would never reveal to anyone else. The time when he was thirteen and was found sleeping with Vipsania. Both were naked and after an exhaustive interrigation, they were convinced that they did not have intercourse. Their mother examined her daughter's vagina to make sure nothing was done. He was punished again. His...

1 year ago
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Interracial Matters Jans Story Part III

Everything seemed surreal to Jan as she lay there naked in her bed. Next to her lay a naked man that she had known for just a few hours and in the bedroom across the hallway was her husband. At this time the previous night she had been making love with her husband in the marital bed. Now she was sharing the marital bed with a stranger. What a difference a day makes! If someone had told her a few hours ago what she would have been doing now, she would have laughed in their face. She would...

3 years ago
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Olivias Ordeal

So many things were going through Olivia's young mind as she rode in the back of the van. Though she was uncomfortable from the cuffs and leg irons digging into her lovely olive skin, this was barely a distraction as she replayed the recent events of her life over and over in her head. It was dark in the back of the transport van, and the 20-minute ride gave her plenty of time to think. How could she have not known her boyfriend Kenny was dealing drugs? He seemed like a nice guy and always...

4 years ago
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The Class Project Chapters 17

Author's Note: This is a very slightly edited (cleaned up) version of the original 7 chapters of Class Project which I first posted to the alt.sex.stories.tg newsgroup back in 1995. I've let this tale languish for a long time and I'm not quite the same person I was when I first started writing it. Recently I saw a hyperboard thread listing stories which need to be completed. Class Project was on at least one of those lists. Since then I've been working on the continuation and will be...

2 years ago
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The story behind some of my fetishes

Well, I don't really write unless I have to; however, a lot of people question the videos in my favorites and thought some of you would like to know how I allegedly "inhabited" some of my fetishes. I was in a relationship for a little over two years. My ex boyfriend was a white 5'11", brunette with hazel eyes very sweet to me (until the relationship ended of course) yet very possessive.This man influenced so many fetishes of mine; I'm not sure if I consider it a curse or a blessing. As high...

3 years ago
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Stephanie Between The Stars

Stephanie Between the Stars by Stephanie I was bored, I had tried everything but nothing seemed to interest me that day. Even writing another chapter of my latest story didn't get me going. There was nothing for it, I needed a break. The question was, where shall I go? After some deliberation I settled on Hollywood, well I hadn't been there for ages. I decided to travel light and only packed four suitcases, I was only going for a day or so and I wouldn't need that much. Only...

2 years ago
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The Latin Ballroom Dancer

I was a shy woman with glasses in my early twenties working as my Daddy’s assistant in the office of his hotel called ‘The Springs’. It was a posh hotel in Beverly Hills, California with an enormous pool, inside, and out. I always wore my long frizzy blonde hair back in a plait and wore as my uniform a long grey skirt and frumpy sweatshirt. One bright sunny day, Daddy came into the office in a navy blue suit looking all cheerful and dapper about something. ‘Clarie, honey, make more of an effort...

2 years ago
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How Much Love

"God Damn it Cheryl, you've been working with us for four months now," said Connie. "This is the first time we've ever gotten you to come out with us. So don't start trying to leave before you've had at least one drink." "And at least a dance or two," piped in Nancy. "There will be a lot of guys here on a Friday night. And you're a good looking woman. You won't have any trouble finding one." "One drink and then I'm out of here," said Cheryl. "No dances and no...

1 year ago
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First Encounter With Chachi

Hello,  friends, my name is razorblade(name changed as usual) this is my first story on indian sex stories dot net. I’ve been thinking about submitting my story from a long but due to some reasons I was holding back but now after reading a lot of stories of different people’s sexcapades I thought I should share my own so here i am.   First, let me introduce myself my name is razorblade. Iam 20 yrs old with fair complexion and a handsome face with a height of 5’11 and a decent tool that could...

3 years ago
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Vonya Exposed

Vonya exposed By Vonya Lee I'm so disgusted by myself. God! I hate me! Occasionally my reality hits me like a sledgehammer. I know I can never escape from this life. What life? My life isn't mine anymore. Her control is all I know now. My body isn't even mine. They both do whatever they want to me. On going body modifications have made it impossible for me to ever pass as a man anymore. What really hurts the most though is how defeated I really am. I can't make any decisions on my...

3 years ago
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My Wife

Lying in our matrimonial bed with Mary resting her head on my shoulder with her arm over my chest cast my mind back. Back to that day twelve years ago when I had escorted Mary Murphy and her mother Betty back from the cemetery after burying her husband, her son of ten and her daughter of thirteen. All three incinerated in a car crash. The only way they were able to identify them was by DNA and dental records. After the wake I sat on the sofa with both these women sobbing their hearts out on my...

3 years ago
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Female Best friend

Your name is James . You are in college and get along with everybody . But there's one person they you get along with best. It's Emily . You and her are inseparable . Your relationship is quite platonic , to the point where she even asks you for help with other boys. But ever since you've started college , things aren't like before . As luck would have it , you're in the same class as her. You're a bit of a late bloomer and have finally got into porn and masturbation but boy, are you addicted ....

3 years ago
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XXX Ben 10 Story Small Problem Part 4

Ben thrust himself forward his hard rod penetrating deep into the slick hot folds of Gwen’s tight cunt. Both of them gasped in pleasure as Gwen felt that cock suddenly invade her, stretching her insides in a way she had never known before and Ben felt her hot tightness wrap around his member. So hot and so tight her pussy was almost lovingly wrapped around him. They fit so perfectly into and around each other it was as if they were made for this shared pleasure.Slowly, he had to move slowly or...

3 years ago
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Inspired by oncomingstorm

He is on his back lying on the bed with his eyes closed tightly while his partner gently strokes her warm, delicate oiled hands all over him, relaxing him and teasing his most delicate and sensitive areas, she leans forward and softly kisses his neck and around his mouth while slipping a silky black blindfolded over his eyes. Raising his strong arms above his head and securing them to the headboard with soft satin ties she brushes her luscious firm breasts against his torso, working her way...

1 year ago
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Family LettersChapter 38

Dear Will, You're only an Optio for now? What's next a Nosio? Just kidding on the name, but I still think Optio sounds too much like Optic. I will say that the pictures are very nice. Mom cried a little when she saw them. I have so much to say, but ... wow, where to begin. I guess I'll start with the news that should cheer you up quite a bit first. Although it will definitely surprise you. In a few months it looks like Mom and Dad will be living on Atlantisat with you. Yes, Rebecca got...

4 years ago
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Through a Glass Dimly Book 2Chapter 3

Frank ordered in sandwiches in for the three of us. We went over the documents between bites to be comfortable with the sequence and what the documents meant. We also signed off on the new corporation and the name would be Chambers Mechanical Equipment rather than the anonymous initials. We finished eating and reviewing documents with about half an hour to go. It gave us a chance to check with the office where Melody had everything under control with Pam and to go to the bathroom. We were...

3 years ago
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Teresa after the Dinner Party

First of all let me describe my wife to you all. She is the most gorgeous woman I have ever met. She has long dark hair, blue eyes, fair to tan skin depending on the time of year. She is short, only five foot tall, no tattoos and has her belly button and the hood of her pussy pierced.Teresa has had her days with sexual encounters as she is bisexual. She has been with other men when I was there, but nothing compared to the night of the dinner party.Teresa's company had a dinner party soon after...

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The landlady of the Bed Breakfast

I ran through the woods enjoying the rain filtering through the trees, keeping a steady pace. I rounded the edge of the woods, crossedover the bridle path and on to the final road down to the Bed& Breakfast (small hotel for the American readers). We were staying there for a few days as my wife and children visited the grandparents (their place was too small for us). I had the day off from all that and was making the most of it. I crossed the road and slowed to a stop and open the door to the...

3 years ago
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Family Awakenings Ch2

Steph stopped just shy of her little sisters waiting pussy. “Please don’t stop Steph. I NEED you to keep going.” Sarah whispered. Steph made her way all the way up to Sarah’s wet little pussy and began rubbing her lips and clit. By now Sarah was breathing heavy and loud and the occasional whimper would escape her lips. She’d never felt anything so wonderful in her life and she knew she was going to need this a lot more. As Steph played with her sisters pussy she could only focus on her...

1 year ago
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Roxannes New Neighbor

Roxanne Tate slid behind the wheel of her new, white, Cadillac Seville. That was one nice thing about living with Ted. He was not stingy. And he liked to not only fuck, but to please her as well. He didn't mind the games she liked to play. She didn't have to work now, but she enjoyed being a nurse. Besides, working for a gynecologist gave her the opportunity of meeting interesting women. She started the car and turned the air-conditioner on, full blast. She paused before driving off. She...

2 years ago
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Christmas Cuckold

CHRISTMAS CUCKOLD by Throne (Story suggest by cuckytoher) "B... but," Harold sputtered, "WHY do I have to dress like this?" His wife Lela put her hands on her broad hips and cocked her head to the side, staring him down. He gazed at her voluptuous figure and how well it was shown off in the snug sleeveless top and clinging stretch pants she wore. Her sexy shoes with their two inch 'chunk' heels didn't hurt the image, either. He said, his voice fading as he anticipated...

2 years ago
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My First Experience at University Part Three

I had started at the university during a cool, wet week in late summer, now the seasons had moved on, autumn had arrived in all its glory.The trees had morphed into browns and golds as the leaves started to fall and the temperatures had dropped to give us cool, crisp days.I was walking briskly through the grounds eager to get back to the warmth of my accommodation block. Despite a thick new winter coat and woollen thigh high socks under a heavyweight skirt, I was feeling the chill wind that...

2 years ago
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The Adventures of Grace and Anna Erotic Classic Ch2 Part 3

------------------------- CHAPTER 2 PART 3 'At that time, my dear friends, I knew nothing at all about the digital method of relieving my excited feelings and even to this day, I would much rather resort to the poorest-made man with a shrivelled member than comfort myself with the old maid's method of sex cooling!' Grace and I both laughed at this, and kissing Anna for her frankness, and not to slight Grace, repeating the same caress with her, I begged her to continue. 'Well,' she...

3 years ago
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DanicaPart 20A

Meckataur's demonic servants openly watched Zoraster this time as he crossed the weed-choked broken flagstones in the courtyard of Nightmare Castle. The task Zoraster came to offer the demon was something any number of his servants could have performed, but would serve to slake the hellspawn's thirst for elven blood. More important was the opportunity to see the fruit of Meckataur's loins, demons that would serve as nearly unstoppable generals in the devil's building horde. Barely free of...

1 year ago
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Watching my sexy wife with a BBC

My sexy wife was standing in front of him, fully naked, as he was sitting at the edge of our marital bed.I was standing in the doorway, my arms crossed over my chest as my lovely sensual Ana was undressing for him…I looked again at the naked black man sitting there. I knew Anita was admiring that hard body. His shoulders and arms were muscular; his waist trim, his tummy flat with nice abdominals…His erect dark cock looked very thick and then I saw her smiling in anticipation. She had always...

1 year ago
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Weekend at the Cabin

I only went to the cabin that weekend because Sylvia and George were good friends of Lisbeth. We had been dating for a few months. Sylvia and George had rented the cabin for the month of January and invited us for the second weekend. The drive up was treacherous even with four wheel drive. The snow was coming down heavily making it like a winter wonderland, although when trying to drive, a winter wonderland turns into a winter nightmare. Lisbeth was snuggled into me, sleeping since we left New...

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