Whores 2 free porn video

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They rode in silence back to the house. Stone was trying to wrap his brain around the last hour of his life while Nikki stared out the window with a vacant smirk. Her hand rested on her upper thigh, deceptively delicate fingers surreptitiously digging against the shape of her mound as it pushed against her jeans.

He knew she felt him thinking about her. He could practically smell it rising off her skin. He kept searching for the right compartments to fit everything into he felt coming on without sharing a word of it with her. He knew he would eventually. He just needed to have this conversation with himself first. The only problem was not knowing the script.

But then he found himself working so hard to ignore what Nikki was doing with her hand it started to block everything else from his mind.

For reasons he couldn’t explain, he was glad Nikki wanted to stay despite her mother moving to a bigger, fancier house, with far more luxury and advantage than she’d ever have with Stone. He was happy for Ning, and felt good about helping her. She had more relatives back home who needed help, and now they were going to get it.

Stone had known all along Ning would move on sooner or later. He’d always assumed Nikki would automatically go with her, but Nikki was a young woman now. Of all the choices she could’ve made, staying on with him was the last one he expected her to make. Her surprise revelation back in his office had taken him by surprise, but the whole afternoon seemed to be turning into a surreal collision of events.

Nikki had been a curious presence on the periphery of Stone’s life ever since he’d met Ning. She’d been very quiet and reserved in the beginning, but now she was almost a different person, even in her way of speaking. Very little of her native accent remained. Just enough to set her voice just a little off center in an alluring cadence. He wondered if she hadn’t changed so much as just emerged from inside herself.

He went so deeply into his thoughts about her he almost forgot she was sitting close enough to reach out and touch. When he pulled into the driveway of his house, a new look came over her face as her head turned to face him.

“So we’re home, right?” she asked, her tone expectant.

“Of course,” he said. “Home.”

Nikki grinned and got out of the car.

Stone sat until she got inside. When he finally went in she’d made herself scarce. He went upstairs and lay down on his bed, but the little bit of sleep he was hoping for wouldn’t come. His mind was spinning with the strange turn of events the early afternoon had brought.

The best he could do was reach that stage between sleep and waking. His body was in a restful stasis while his mind was flowing with sense memories. The patient tease of Nikki’s lips and tongue as she hunkered beneath his desk. The feel of Rena’s supple flesh, the scent of her arousal in his head.

He finally got off the bed and sat on the floor against the foot. He took off his shoes and sat staring at the poster of a desert sunset thumb tacked to the wall. He focused on the little white sun in the middle, ringed with garish oranges and reds. The spot slowly grew, becoming larger and larger until it enveloped him and he saw himself standing in a pure, white room where there was only the sound of his own breathing.

Then, somewhere in the midst of his half dream-half daydream, Nikki’s voice filtered in softly from his bedroom doorway.

“Sucking your cock made me horny.”

He didn’t open his eyes. Her voice seemed far away. He wasn’t even completely sure she was really there. The room felt empty. He sat until his sense of time warped and kept drifting and he realized he was thirsty.

His eyes were still closed when he heard Nikki calling from somewhere else in the house.

“Stone! Stone! I need your help with something.”

He finally opened his eyes and took a deep breath. He needed something to drink. Either coffee or whiskey. He still had to teach at the center later, so coffee would have to suffice for now.


There was a sing-song tone in her voice this time. He got up and followed the sound to her room. Her bathroom door was open and he could hear water running.

“What do you need?” he called from the safe distance of her bedroom doorway.

“I need you to come here,” she called back in a half-whine.

Stone took cautious steps he knew he shouldn’t, until he was standing in the wide open doorway to her bathroom. She was sitting naked on the corner seat of her tub, holding the shower nozzle in her left hand and a razor in her right.

She was soft brown all over and soaking wet, her thighs widely parted. The beads of moisture covering her skin had the effect of deepening the tone of her complexion. The tips of her breasts looked like she’d leaned too far into a vat of melted chocolate, and there were broad, swirling smears of something half creamy, half soapy covering her upper thighs and pussy.

He recognized the scent of peaches, and realized it was the same bodywash her mother used. The odd thought flit through his mind he would go out and buy her something different. Something that would be her own.

The sound of her name came out with little more volume than the breath it rode on. Even to him, it wasn’t clear if his tone was reproof or surrender.

The moment in which any reproof would mean something was rapidly passing, or else already gone. He felt as if he’d stepped into a script, already carefully written in her mind. Her froth coated pussy was carefully aimed at the doorway – at him – spread and lathered to greet him when he went in, while her thighs opened like a curtain on a secret rainforest. All beauty and dripping nectar. Rare, special yet familiar, and not a natural habitat for his species.

Sticky heat gathered in the crotch of his snug boxer briefs. He leaned against the doorframe and blew a long sigh.

“I need help shaving my cunt,” she pouted.

“Don’t call it that,” he said, finally meeting her flickering eyes. “That’s one of those words people use to hurt each other.”

Her full lips danced into a nasty smile of delight.

“Like whore, you mean?”

“Like that,” he nodded.

“Then what should I call my pussy…Professor Stone?”

“Pussy is just fine…and don’t call me Professor.”

“All these rules…now that my mother the whore is gone.”

Stone closed his eyes and held his breath a few seconds. “My house, my rules.”

“Yes, Sir,” she said with a breath that pushed her breasts forward. “So what’s the rule about pussy shaving?”

“That you should do it yourself. Or go to a salon and get waxed.”

“Ow, waxing hurts.” Her mouth pursed into a shape that reminded him how they’d looked circled around the inflated shaft of his cock barely two hours before.

“You already look…pretty smooth,” he pointed out.

“Yeah,” she grinned, “but I like to keep it that way, and sometimes it’s hard to reach everything by yourself.”

He looked skeptical, while the pulse in his cock only began to hammer harder. She held the razor up toward him, putting a plaintive pout behind it. He stood perfectly still as the image flashed through his mind of grabbing her by both ankles and yanking her legs in the air to smack her wet ass with an open hand.

He could hear the way his flat palm against her wet cheeks would echo off the mosaic tiles, her piercing yelps of protest and surprise. Maybe that day would come, but probably not today.

The glassy sound of the spray running from the nozzle felt like the only thing left hanging between them. Translucent. Something perfectly effortless to see or reach through.

He walked barefoot to the tub and took the razor out of her extended hand. Then, still wearing his dark linen trousers and burgundy turtleneck, he stepped into the tub and knelt between her widely spaced feet. His pants instantly soaked in the running water.

“This is a bad idea, Nikki,” he said, touching her thigh with his empty hand.

It sounded like a giggle started to spill out of her throat but she swallowed it back.

“Yeah, probably,” she replied, a smoky cast filtering into her tone as her thighs peeled open even wider. “You’re probably gonna think I’m such a whore now, right?”

“Don’t ever call yourself a whore,” Stone told her, his hand sliding along her thigh toward her lather coated pussy.

“What if I don’t mean it like a bad thing?” He pushed against her thigh with his palm. “What if I don’t mind you thinking of me like that?”

He brought the razor to her mound and slid it gently over her skin. She already felt smooth, and Stone’s cock was prickling with hot sensations.

“Rinse yourself,” he told her.

“Huh? Aren’t you gonna…?”

He set the razor down in the tub and picked up the bodywash. “You need more lather.”

“Ohh…yeahhh,” she purred, grinning.

She held the nozzle up to her collarbones and let the water cascade down her body, rivulets running down along and between her thighs. Her skin glistened as she slowly lowered the nozzle toward her pussy, letting the spray rinse away the lingering traces of the dissipating lather clinging to her mound and lips.

Stone’s clothes were getting soaked. Inside his wet pants, the shape of his growing cock was well defined. He measured his breathing, aware of how easily he could allow the smooth ripeness of Nikki’s body to paralyze him.

Then her open hand was there between her thighs, grasping at air. “Gimme,” she said.

He placed the bodywash in her hand and she lifted it up above the impertinent jut of her breasts and turned it upside down. The thick, clear liquid oozed out and dribbled over her body, dappling the space between her breasts. She squeezed the bottle until it was nearly half gone, letting the lotion drip and run across her skin.

Stone slid his palm in the creamy soap and rubbed around her mound and the hollows framing her lips with firm, slow strokes. The liquid gradually transformed into lather. He caught her eyes beaded on him with a driven gleam, and the pulse in his cock became a steady throb. He ground the heel of his palm against her warm, pliant pussy lips and her eyes closed briefly as she gnawed her bottom lip.

He continued rubbing the creamy wash into a lathery consistency, smearing her mound and upper thighs. As she watched him, the sound of her breath growing deeper and raspier, she started rubbing her breasts, massaging them as more lather formed.

“There are a couple of rough spots here,” Stone lied. He ran the pad of his thumb in a sweeping oval around the edges of her outer lips.

“Fuck,” Nikki sighed, twisting her soapy nipples with tightly grasping fingers and thumbs. “Uhh…it’s ok to say fuck, isn’t it?”

“Fuck is ok,” he told her, dragging the razor over her mound. The only real effect the gesture had was scraping away the lather. “Fuck is a very versatile word, but you should never say ‘fuck you’.”

He rinsed the razor and began to drag it over the soft areas close to Nikki’s swollen pussy lips.

“How about ‘fuck me’? Can I say that?” Again, she choked back the start of a nasty snicker. The glimmer in her eyes made Stone think of the searchlights of a powerful vessel, lost but plowing forward because reverse wasn’t an option.

He didn’t reply, but wondered if she noticed the sharp leap of his cockshaft against the wet fabric of his pants. He dug his thumb into the shallow sponge of meat just at the apex of her blushing slit and stretched her skin taut. He carefully dragged the razor along the sides of her slit, methodically clearing away the lather along the outer edges and across the little concavities surrounding them.

He dropped the razor and picked up the nozzle, aiming the tepid spray over her thighs and pussy. The last of the bodywash ran off as his fingers slipped over the glossy silk of her mound. Nikki sighed deeply and twisted harder on her nipples. Stone raked his thumb along her slit. She was slick and perfectly smooth. The slippery moisture clinging to her lips now was all her.

At the sound of a deeper sigh, Stone pressed his thumb deeper in the furrow between her flushing sexlips. He ground and rubbed along the inner surface of her maw. The hood cloaking her clit grew puffy.

“Whore’s cunt,” she said, breathy and deep.

Stone looked up at her face. Her epicanthic eyes were half closed and barely readable. The pert scoops of her breasts rose and fell sharply with her deepening breath. She cupped the mounds with her hands and dug her fingers deeply into her flesh. He suddenly pulled his hand back from her pussy and slapped her wet, inner thigh. It sounded harder than it was, but Nikki’s eyes lit up with surprise.

“I told you about speaking that way,” he reprimanded her. “Especially about yourself.”

“If you knew how much I love to fuck you might change your mind about that,” she said, resignation and defiance wrestling in her tone.

“It doesn’t matter,” he said. “Loving to fuck isn’t what makes anyone a whore.”

“Oh no?” she questioned skeptically.

“The only real whore is whoever wanted you to believe something like that.”

He pressed the heel of his palm back against her pussy and massaged her lips in slow, grinding circles.

“What if I feel like a slave sometimes to all the feelings in my cunt? What if I want to be a whore? Your whore.”

“I swear, Nikki…just shut up.”

He pressed both palms against the flesh of her upper thighs and pulled in opposite directions, splitting open the gap of her blushing slit. He leaned forward and lightly touched her pussy with his open mouth, letting her feel the hot rush of his breath before his tongue slithered forward to explore the contours of her splayed lips.

“Fuck,” she sighed.

Stone’s tongue slipped briefly into Nikki’s gap. Then he kissed her pussy the way he used to kiss her mother’s mouth, except there was a deeper hunger inside him now. There was more at stake for them both, an insane thirst she was beginning to pour straight into. His mouth was already slathered with her oozing honey while his head filled with the mixture of her body’s scent and the faint strain of peaches.

He slid his hands in closer to the open folds of her pussy and pressed his thumbs against the skin around each side of her clit, framing the tautly pouting nub. Each thumb began a softly insistent grind. Tiny circular motions while he patiently stroked her distended lips with his tongue. Slow lick up one then down the other.

With his thumbs grinding in deeper, wider circles, Stone’s tongue began exploring inside Nikki along with the steady up and down strokes along her thickly peeled lips. She was slathered with fuck honey, and Stone’s brain started spinning with an irrational need to consume every drizzle of her body’s oozing sap.

His thumbs moved inward, trapping her swollen clit in a snug pinch while his tongue slipped inside her, slowly delving as deeply as he was able to lick. Nikki let out a weak howl and he began stabbing his tongue into her in steady fuck-licks, gradually increasing in speed. Her breathing soon matched the darting jolts of his insistent tongue, and a hail of gutter epithets started spewing out of her mouth, barely intelligible.

Her body started trembling and Stone sensed her crashing descent toward oblivion.

He stopped suddenly and reared back to look up at her face, keeping his thumbs in place alongside her clit. There was a disoriented look in her eyes as she looked back down at him. Her breasts heaved to the rhythm of her breathing. He felt a pang of hunger for her thick, jutting nipples, his cock hammering with need in his thoroughly soaked pants, but he didn’t move.

He felt an even deeper pang to devour her pouting mouth, to let her taste the tangy essence of her own desire smearing his lips and tongue. But as he watched her face and saw the veil of everything they weren’t about to say hanging between them, he held himself in place. Taking her mouth would be far too intimate a thing. Her pussy would have to do for now.

The sound of the running nozzle seemed like something tawdry and mundane. It gradually became a barely noticeable white noise as they watched each other and rode each moment together, always awaiting the collision of the next. He peeled backward with his thumbs as he kept his gaze on her face, forcing the pale scarlet nub of her clit to pop out of its hood.

Nikki’s face wrenched into something between a sneer and surrender as Stone leaned back to her pussy and let the flat of his tongue swipe upward over her slit, dragging up across her clit. He closed his lips around the tiny bud and sucked lightly, letting his tongue roll over it in repeated swirls.

He pulled one hand down toward her slit and gradually slipped two of his fingers into her sheath. His tongue began swiping in a sideways motion, steady at first, then going faster as his fingers began to slip and slide in and out of her.

The sound of Nikki’s breathing gradually transformed into a staccato of whimpering grunts. Stone began flicking at her clit with his tongue while he ground his thumb against the base of it. Fingers pumped and slipped steadily. Faster. Harder.

“Fuck,” Nikki mewled. “I…I…nasty little fucking whore!”

Stone’s cock raged with throbbing heat under his wet trousers as he started pumping his fingers through Nikki’s lathered slash with sweeping force. With his thumb still grinding tiny circles around the base of her clit, he hungrily trapped her nub under his lips and began sucking.

Nikki grasped at his hair like she was trying to pull it up in her fists, except it was too short. She clawed at his scalp while her feet circled behind his shoulders, her heels beating into the meat of his back. Her body started to shudder while it felt like a tiny river of honey was flowing against Stone’s mouth and fingers.

It sounded like Nikki was trying to yank air into her body with heaving gasps, and as the shudders and howls seemed to become more than her petite body could hold, her ass slid off its wet, slippery perch and she went plunging down onto Stone’s lap in the tub. He quickly clutched her falling body to keep her from hitting back against the tub or wall.

Stone held her naked body to his wet clothes. Her thighs moved around his waist while her arms went around his torso, holding on while she laid her face against his neck. She rolled her pussy against the hard shaft inside his pants.

“Nikki,” he whispered. He gripped her body hard and arched back against her. She ground back even harder. He longed to feel himself in the hot grip of her ripe young body so hard he was sure the whole, transparent veil of his own humanity was going to disappear.

Her arms circled around his neck and held until he could barely breathe. Her splayed, hairless pussy gnashed against his shaft in a dance of abject hunger for something he was merely standing in front of. She was as far away as her own ancestors and yet the taste of her shoulder filled his mouth with the heat of cheap revelations.

She was his without his wanting her. She had been all along. He needed her without knowing it. She knew the most important things about him without knowing what they were called. His cells began to shiver and collide within his flesh and blood. She was deeper inside him with every jolt of breath. All cloying peaches and girl vapor.

He needed her like a car crash. An endless tunnel of darkness shot out in front of him with no light at the end. It was the rest of his life forward, from the precise second his tongue had slid inside her. There was nothing inside it but the echo of her cries to “fuck me, goddammit, fuck me, fuck me right!”

A surreal calm suddenly came over them both, their bodies unmoving but heaving with breath as they held together like dusk and sunset. Stone felt his blood suddenly turn to slow dripping honey in his veins while his cock jumped inside his pants. He gripped the naked spheres of her ass and ground against her arching pussy as the unbidden gush of his cum saturated his pants with a whole new texture of wet.

Silence then. Nothing but breath, skin, wet clothes and grasping hands. He reached behind her and shut off the water. His hands spread across her bare back. He felt her breath rushing in and out of her, gradually subsiding to a normal pace.

Touching her was like a sacred profanity. There was so much he wanted to tell her just then – everything he ever knew about men, women and whores - but every word that passed through his mind fell on his heart like a lie.

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Terry met Lois and me for brunch. She wore an interesting outfit that I couldn’t quite describe, other than having the qualities of a deeply slit cocktail dress, in a clingy red silky material. It was immediately obvious that she was braless. Either Lois and Terry had a well-established psychic channel, or they had talked on the phone recently. I bet on the latter. Lois was also in red, but a deeper one that worked with her dark complexion. Neither Lois nor James nor I had communicated the...

3 years ago
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Wives and Daughters Swap ClubChapter 35

“Shall I say, my sister’s dislike for me is a minor technicality. You know she is extremely hot and sexy, and I know that you have always wanted to fuck her hot pussy and have those sexy lips wrapped around your hard cock. If I have one regret, it is not making Teresa suck my cock with that sexy mouth of hers, and swallow my cum. She owes me a blowjob, and I don’t know if you have seen her daughter, Tina, lately. She is fifteen now and takes after her mother. She is a beautiful and sexy young...

2 years ago
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Five Vials Third Vial Pt 2

James stood in front of the kitchen sink, filling a glass of water. Jesse, the name echoed. Is that my name, now? A pleasant tingle shuddered through the back her mind, prompting her thighs to clench. It seemed to confirm that yes, her body would certainly respond to Jesse. She set the glass aside and propped her hands on the edge of the counter, leaning and staring into nothing. She lifted onto the balls of her feet, feeling her calves flex. Jesse, she thought again. Or Jess? I...

1 year ago
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Heather Part 8

The drive into work provided me time to process everything that had happened last night and this morning. It's a very good thing that I have to be in the office today, I thought. I need to get this worked out. My daughter had actually said, 'Can't you just touch me without fucking me?'"I really don't think I can," I said, out loud, pulling my car into the parking garage.I put the car in park and grabbed my backpack. I had a feeling, Heather had left a message on my computer. And I didn't want...

2 years ago
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Taking Aunts Panties

He knew he should not be going into her room. But he had seen something as she was folding her laundry that he just had to see again. He started opening the drawers of he dresser. In the middle drawer he saw what he was looking for, among other things that sent a shiver thru him.It was the many colors and different types of her panties that made him breathless. But it was the red panty that his eyes were drawn to the most. It was the thin strings and sheer piece of fabric.He put it in his...

3 years ago
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KarlaChapter 8

My lengthy discussion with the doctor was enlightening, to say the least. When he insisted too strongly that I was at fault, I obfuscated by telling him about her parents, their sectarian believes, their zealous application of stupid man-made rules regarding bodily functions. He was hopping about on his mental toes immediately. "Thank you. This explains some of the problems we are having with the patient. You are not family, I cannot tell you of my findings with her. Yet, there exists some...

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Creating my own cumslut

Introduction: I wanted to share a few stories about my wife and I as we explored each other and as I tried to broaden her sexual experience – who knew the results were going to be so explosive! Im Mike and Im 48 and Im married to Kati who is only 27 – second marriages can be so much more fun. Although I was born in the US, Ive never really settled and worked around the world. After my divorce I spent some time working, and playing, in Europe – generally working in the west and playing in the...

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Anjane Mein Maa Ko Garam Kiya 8211 Aur Choda 8211 Part 2

Hello friends, my name is Sameer. I am back with another story of me and my mom. Again, this is a fictional story. Us din ke bad mom mujhe ‘aai-zavadya’ (Marathi word for motherfucker) bulane lagi. Aur main usko randi, chhinal, item aur bhi gande words se address karne laga. Mom ko ye sab bahot hi pasand aata tha, aur mujhe bhi. Hum log har roj phone pe bate karne lage. Apne-2 fantasies share karne lage. Agar main kisi aur ladki ke bare mein bat bhi karta to use gussa aata tha. Ek din aise hi...

1 year ago
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A Stable Day

Robin opened the text and was as excited as he’d been the last three nights – and one morning. A son with divorced parents and living with his father Lieutenant General Rupert Lustingson-Cumming, a close friend and business colleague of the texter, this school sleepover and course on the Essex equestrian school had been perfect for many things, not least the private negotiations his father had completed, unknown to him. Robin made sure the zip was down as he’d left it when bedtime was announced...

2 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 118 Coasting Until Summer Break

“David I don’t believe in destiny, but I’m sure that we were meant to meet,” Trudy said as she slowly slid off my piss hard-on when we woke up in the morning. “You are a really great friend David. I knew you would do everything I asked of you without complaint or demands anyone else would have made. In a strange way you feel like a brother to me. I never expected that at all when you dropped down in the seat next to me on the bus for our first day of high school together.” A hand reached...

3 years ago
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Breast Milk Masochism

Lifting her arms above her head with a sigh, she slowly moved her body into the next yoga pose. Bending her forward leg, she stretched the other out behind her, the motion naturally making her upper body curve to push out her sore, heavy chest. Both of her breasts lifted as she raised her arms, sending little sparkles of pain up her spine. Biting her lip, she forced herself to hold the pose, even though the damp spot on her yoga pants was already down to mid thigh. Ever since she had...

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Six Times A DayPart 79 All Night Long

Suddenly, Alan stopped and smiled. Everyone knew he'd made his decision, but he was silent and let the tension build. He stepped forward with his slobber-soaked erection leading the way, ready to fuck. He felt his energy and enthusiasm revive even more as he contemplated his choice. The others all leaned forward from where they sat, waiting to find out who he'd do. Well, everyone but Xania, since she couldn't move. He announced, "It just occurred to me that since Xania is staying and...

1 year ago
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Private Daphne Klyde Nikky Dream Share A Lucky Stud

Today in Private Specials, My Stepmum has a New Black Boyfriend we introduce you to Nikky Dream, a curvaceous MILF who can’t help but fool around with her new man Alan Gwada even though her stepdaughter is in the room! Fortunately for Nikky, her stepdaughter Daphne Klyde loves the sight of her sucking on a BBC and soon she joins in on the fun for a spectacular interracial threesome that you can see on www.private.com. Quality anal action, hard fucking, a couple of facials and a hot cum swap…...

3 years ago
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Stranger On A Beach

I tugged at my wicked weasel micro bikini bottoms that Terry, my partner, had bought especially for this holiday as I sat on the hotel sunbed on the Spanish beach. The tiny thin bit of material ridding deep up into my arse crack, splitting my large fat pussy lips apart.It was annoying the shit out of me. I can't believe I let Terry sweet-talk me into wearing the ridiculous, tiny swimsuits to the beach today. He had worked his charm on me, telling me how hot I looked and that I should live a...

4 years ago
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Sisters Sleeping Pills

However, he wished she would exercise more modesty with her outfits. Her skirts did nothing but entice him, seeing her sprawled out on the sofa in the evenings. She would eventually stagger back to her room and collapse in bed. He would often sit next to her and play video games. He indulged his sexual appetite by stroking her long smooth legs and massaging her adorable feet. She never even flinched. His heart pounded looking up her legs, he could see just a bit of her white panties...But his...

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Guidelines for Other Hotwives

By Evangelina Vargas {Several months ago, I posted "Guidelines for Happily Married Hotwives." Here is my advice for the rest of you.} OK, many of you have heard about "hot wives," married white women who take lovers, generally hunky young black studs. It sounds sexy but a little scary, too. You have lots of questions and uncertainties and many of you have written to my brother, Homer Vargas for advice. Well, he has asked me to respond because this is something better handled between us...

3 years ago
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Just Another Job

"I don't care what you have to do get that letter and any other useful documents from that bastard." These were the words Duncan's father said to Walter. Walter was from Uganda, when Duncan's father went on a safari holiday a few years ago and Walter returned with him, now Walter was one of my father's enforcers. I was a member of Walter's team of four. There was Loo, who was a Cambodian and Henry a large Geordie and Duncan. According to Big John McGregor, Duncan was to be treated as...

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The Donkey Solution 2C MILF Porn Movie Sex Freebees

Introduction: Having committed herself to performing multiple acts of donkey sex in Tijuana next weekend, an enterprising MILF turns to performing in porn movies to whip herself into mental and physical sex shape for the beastly event. As a part of the deal, she has to pass out some freebees to a Senator and several of his horny young relatives. The Donkey Solution, Part 2C MILFs Porn Movie Sex, Plus Freebees A DREAM BLOWJOB: As Michelle slowly came awake she attempted to lick her lips but...

1 year ago
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The Making of a CocksmanChapter 3

"You won't believe what happened to me!" she started out. Then there were the obligatory guesses. I couldn't sort out the voices, but they ranged from, "Your Mom caved and let you get that bikini you wanted!" to "You flunked that math test, didn't you." Not one of them guessed that she'd lost her virginity. After she let them guess the wrong things for a minute or so, she whispered, in a loud whisper. "I got my cherry popped!" Dead silence. At least for ten seconds. Then it was...

2 years ago
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Sore Feet

My feet hurt. My feet hurt and I was dizzy with hunger, not having eaten since breakfast that morning. I tried to cheer myself up with a bad Southern drawl, saying aloud to myself, ‘Ma dawgs is barkin’!’ It didn’t work. I walked down the street, same way I walk every night because I don’t own a car – or even a bike, and tried to distract myself from my own dismal thoughts. I watched with some lazy interest as people sped by in their shiny SUVs and expensive cars, turning into oncoming...

1 year ago
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NuruMassage Jade Kush Some Neighborly Guidance

Mr. Pete is on his couch when he hears a knock at the door. He gets up to answer it and is met by Jade Kush. She smiles but looks alittle upset. They greet each other. She says that she hopes it’s ok that she is stopping by unannounced, she’s just looking for someadvice. Of course, it is, that’s one of the many benefits of living next door to her guidance counselor: he’s always easily accessible foradvice, he says with a smile. He invites her to sit on the couch and...

2 years ago
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Rain Took Me To Heaven

Hi this is Anuraag. I am here with another story. Send your feedbacks at This is a story between me and a busty girl. I am 22 now, she is 23. I had to walk about five minutes to my college. She is in different college and used to go in her scooty. She have a cute face and great body may be about 36-30-34. She used to go on that road every day at same time I leave. Many times I have seen her coming from my opposite side in different timings. She was always wearing Salwar kameez. Her boobs has...

3 years ago
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Watching Him

She stared in through the bedroom window at his naked body and the huge erection between his legs.It was long and hard as his hand stroked up and down in a slow rhythmic motion. He held a magazine in his other hand and was gazing at it intently.Probably thinking of having one of the sluts in the magazine sucking his cock or fucking him doggie style, she thought.She'd never seen such a big cock, and she'd never had she seen a man jack off before. She continued to stare...fixated on his cock as...

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Thats My Good Girl

The leather of the bench was cool against her skin as she laid back and obediently spread her legs. Her Master made quick work of the leather restraints. One ankle, then the other, and then her wrists were bound. She pulled against the restraints not to struggle for freedom, but to feel the security of their hold. The firm hold of her bonds reminded her of his embrace: safe, secure, strong. She closed her eyes and exhaled as he circled her. She was on full display for him, and she relished the...

4 years ago
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Ghost Writer

Ghost Writer By Circe Since I was little I always wanted to be a writer. One of my earliest memories are of writing a huge (for me at the time) five-page epic story of a Prince and a Princess. I loved reading about people, and so I wrote about people. When I was eight I started a journal, just observing the people I saw every day; my mother, my father, my sister, my schoolteacher. I think when puberty hit me and hormones began coursing through my body that the tone of my...

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## This is a story of an innocent, unwise, stupid woman who cheated, deceived and neglected her most caring and loving husband and ruined not only her life, but also the life of other family members too.On an auspicious day Kumar (30yrs) landed in bagpur railway station with his wife Sailaja (26) and mother-in-law Sulochana (42). To receive them Kumar’s Orchard supervisor, Khadir (35) came with car. Khader’s father was looking after the orchard for 40 years, after his father retiring due to ill...

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A Charming ChoiceChapter 17

Maddie’s head snapped around at the familiar voice. It was her brother, Jason, but a different version of Jason. He looked older somehow, more muscular, especially as the green blazer he sported was too small. He had beard stubble. Never in her life had she ever thought that Jason would actually need a shave. He leaned over, tapped the notebook and said, “Act like we’re talking about this. We think you’re being watched.” As Maddie turned her attention back to the binder, circumstances and...

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Red and VictorChapter 2

The Benz caused me to change my route, I had intended to just keep right on I-10 until I turned south on I-75 in Florida. I wasn't worried about any of the weigh stations checking me since I wasn't heavy at all, so no worries there and I'd made out a bill of lading for the car so I had that covered. The only place I had a chance of trouble was east of El Paso where they pull the eastbound traffic in to check for illegal aliens. If they did open the refer they would know right off that no...

1 year ago
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PervPrincipal Gigi Dior The Panty Sniffer

Gigi’s son has been accused of peeping at girls in the locker room, and stealing their panties. The boy is at risk of expulsion and losing his scholarship, and Gigi can’t pay for his tuition, no matter how much she works for it. At the principal’s office, Gigi begs for a way to sort things out, something the sleazy Mr. Fitzwell likes to hear. As he pulls his cock out, the devoted mom blows the principal in hopes of keeping her son in school. Mister Fitzwell fucks Gigi nice and hard, making her...

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Mothers and Daughters

Mothers and Daughters: So, in the course of a very short space of time our home had gone from having two women and three men to having five women and no men. Somehow, when it had just been Mum and Cara, things had been kept relatively tidy but now there were bras, panties, suspenders, stockings and tights all over the place. Not just in the laundry room, but in Dad's garage, although she was now Aunt Robyn, in the kitchen and dining room, in the living room, literally...

1 year ago
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Jennifers Vacation Part 2

My wife Jennifer has recently returned to her sluttish ways much to my delight. Let me tell you about her 40 years old 6 feet tall 38DD breasts with large silver dollar sized nipples. She is blonde and a voluptuous vixen that can suck a cock like a well trained whore and she loved to eat cum. This story continues them the 3rd day of our holiday to Dem. Republic. The day before she got fucked by 2 white guys and two black guys , one who she named Mr. Big for his 6’7” height and his 10 inch very...

Cheating Wifes
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The dyke

"Oh my, that feels good," Lauren moaned, while Alexandra buried her mouth into her white hot pussy, "you do that so well, I love you so much!!!" "Mmmmmmm," Alex replied, not wanting to take her mouth away from her lover's wet muffy!!! Lauren and Alexandra, lovers for a year and room mates for the past six months six months, both at age twenty two, in love for the first time in their lives and hungry for each other as only young lovers can be! Lauren arched her back while thrusting her crotch...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Jill Kassidy Loves Dredd

Nubile babe Jill Kassidy has been dreaming of Dredd’s MONSTER cock, hopefully he’s around today to quench her thirst. Laying around in the sun by the pool, Jill gets wet thinking about how great it would be if Dredd stooped by and decides to text him. They flirt back and forth then Jill tries tempting him with some pictures to see if that makes him come over, and it works! Waiting in excitement, Jill takes selfie’s and shows off her tight & tiny body then plays with her wet pussy (not to...

4 years ago
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An Accident Makes A Virgin Muslim Girl My Sex Slave

My name is Vaatsayana (name changed). I am 35 years old now but this incident of girl happened when I was in my 2nd year of graduation and was 19 years old. I am an average Telugu guy from Hyderabad having 5’10” height, 65 kgs weight, perfect V-shaped body, and 6 inches long tool. This is my 9th story on ISS. Hope you enjoyed my previous stories. It was a normal day and I was walking to my college from the bus stop. There was a shortcut from the bus stop to college which passed through a...

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Affair With Maid

This sex story dates back to my college days when I had lots of free time during vacations and ibises to visit my home country. At the time living with my parents, they traveled a lot. Having a big house we had staff for cooking cleaning driving and other upkeep. Unhappy with the usual cleaners, new help had just been hired. I never really paid attention to her but once I was getting ready to shower and she just barged in to clean the room. Luckily or unluckily I had not taken my boxers off...

2 years ago
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two sisters true story

this is 100% true in every way. but it's from two perspectives (kinda) and it was given to me via email from very good friends. i will not say names. but i will put initials. and as the sisters names begins with same letter, i will put Sa and So as their names. N isnt involved, but is narrating what is happening from his view.N: She is licking Sophies clit, slowly and surely. While doing this she is ticking her asshole So: She is licking my clit... wow im tingling N: She is sticking one finger...

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