Granddaddy s Love Chapter 01 Kissing my granddaddy
- 4 years ago
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Hi everyone! Been a while, hasn’t it? My bad. Time flies when you’re in love. I’ll give you all a quick recap of the last few months of my sex-crazed, taboo life.
I’m sure you’re wondering so I’ll get right to it. Yes, my Step Father and I are still going strong. No one knows about our relationship. Yay. We’ve gotten much better at keeping everything discreet. Business as normal, as far as our neighbors and families are concerned.
Our sex life is still awesome. I can’t even begin to describe how good it has gotten. We go at it every day, like clockwork. It’s only been a few months since our romance started but I can confidently say I’m an expert in the art of fucking, and lovemaking. Randy and I are in total sync. My body has been ravished by him every single day. My heart, mind, and body are enslaved to Randy. Just last week he convinced me to give him road head! We were coming back from grocery shopping and he just whipped his penis out. I was scared and a little hesitant, but how much resistance do you think I really put up? Less than a minute after he showed me his cock it was halfway down my throat. Randy did a good job of driving and pushing my head down and forth on his penis. He let me play with his balls and I got to be as loud as I wanted. It was so much fun! He came right before we pulled into our driveway. I never once looked up to see if anyone could see what was happening. When he came I swallowed every single drop of semen like the good daughter that I am
Oh! I also got a job. I finally joined the workforce, and you will never guess who I work for. Randy, my Step Father! Crazy, right? An office service job opened at his construction company and he thought I would be perfect for the position. I started a few weeks ago and I’m really enjoying myself.
I was getting bored staying home every day. I also needed the work experience since I’m still unsure of what I want to do with my life. The pay isn’t bad either. Randy was paying me a little extra since I was his little girl and all. Don’t tell the other employees! K? They wouldn’t take kindly to hearing the bosses daughter is getting preferential treatment.
The job has a few perks besides the money. I get to see my favorite guy much more often. Everyone at the company is really nice and they treat me with respect since I’m the bosses daughter. The women who work at the office have a crush on Randy. It’s understandable, but now that I’m there I can keep my eye on all these little hoes and make sure they don’t get too close. I know, I’m a little crazy. Randy and I sometimes have lunch together and It is so nice to be a normal father and daughter in public. It’s honestly the best. We keep things very professional at work. Well, almost very professional. There have been some incidents….but you don’t want to hear about that stuff
Overall, things are going really well for us. Our love is stronger than it has ever been. I know our relationship wouldn’t make sense to everyone. That’s just how things go. However, we love each other very much and our relationship as real as any “normal” relationship out there. So there, haters! Just kidding. Love is love.
It was another day in a long week. We were driving home. Work was pretty tame. I just did my work and thought about Randy. Ya know, the usual. Randy was listening to sports radio as he always does on our drives home. I was taking selfies. I like sports, but not enough to hear some random guy yell about it for 4 hours. Randy loves it, and I love him, so I deal with it. Aren’t I great?
I had a question, though. One that I knew would throw my man off his game a bit.
“How come we never use condoms?”
“How come we never use condoms?”
Us women sure love to throw guys a curveball, huh? I didn’t expect a great response honestly. I don’t believe many men would know how to answer that question.
“Honestly sweetie, I really don’t know. We’ve never talked about that. Do YOU want to use condoms?”
“Not necessarily. I enjoy when you nut inside of me. You know I do, but I hadn’t thought about it until recently. You aren’t my real Dad so its fine, but I don’t know. Yeah. Just something I wanted to run by you and get your thoughts on.”
“True. We can try it out tonight and see how it goes?”
“Sure, Daddy. That works for me.”
I kissed Randy’s cheek and grabbed his dick, which was twitching in his pants. Sometimes I grab it and can’t believe how big it is. I really can’t believe it fits inside my tiny pussy. Thank god it does, though, cause that man sure can screw. I whispered seductively into his ear. “Can’t fucking wait.”
“Language, young lady. You might get a punishment when we get home if you keep that up.”
Spoiler alert, I did get a punishment. When the door closed behind us, Randy told me to get on the floor and take my pants off. Then he gave me a hard, firm spanking. It was fantastic. My pale white bubble butt was bright red by the time Randy was done with me. He loved giving me little sex bruises from time to time. It let me know who was truly in charge. I came when he smacked my bum the 10th time. Afterwards, Randy got down behind me and stuck his meat in me. He didn’t slow down until he left me with tears in my eyes and a large creampie. I was a little peeved that Randy didn’t use a condom like I’d suggested, and with cum still dripping out of my pussy I let him know that.
Randy carried me upstairs to bed. It was sweet, but I wasn’t going to let him off the hook that easy.
“Hey, mister! I thought we were going to try using a condom?”
“Whoops. I forgot babe.”
No, he did not.
“Yeah, yeah.”
“You telling me you aren’t happy laying there with a nice big creampie right now?”
“Randy, you know I’m more than happy. But NEXT time, condom. Just to try it out. K?”
“K. Give me a kiss.”
Randy kissed me as I pushed out his cum onto our bed.
“Stay here sexy, I’ll make us dinner and we can eat it up here.”
“You are the best. Hurry back Daddy.”
Dinner in bed was a nice surprise, but I wanted to know why Randy deliberately forgot to wear a condom. Did he not think It was a good idea? Does he not really listen to me? Am I overthinking this? I’m such a drama queen. I have no idea how he puts up with me.
“That was delicious. Thanks!”
“You’re welcome. Anything for my princess.”
“Anything, huh?”
“Answer me this question. You didn’t forget about the condom. Why did you lie?”
“How do you know that I’m lying?”
If there was one thing that I knew, it was that Randy could never lie to me when I was being cute and sexy. So I decided to be cute and sexy. I slowly sat up, still butt naked, and I got on top of Randy. I was kissing his neck and moving my ass back and forth on his crotch. Moaning in his ear. Running my hands on his manly chest. He was noticeably flustered. Just how I wanted him.
“I just know. It’s okay I’m not mad, I would just like to know why.”
There was a long pause before Randy spoke again.
“We need to switch it up, and condoms are not the answer.”
“What do you mean?” I sat back. I was very surprised by his answer.
“I’m feeling restless babe, that’s what I mean. Don’t get me wrong I LOVE our life right now. Everything is perfect. But I think we can add some excitement to it.”
“Okay. I guess I see your point.” I got off the bed and started getting dressed. “How long have you been thinking about this?”
“A while.” Randy muted our bedroom television. We put the tv whenever we had sex, just in case one of our neighbors had really good ears.
“I should’ve brought it up sooner but today when you suggested condoms I knew I had to say something. It was a cute gesture, but I think I have the perfect solution for us.”
“Well, that was fast. What is it?”
“It’s a surprise, but you’ll find out soon. Trust me.”
“I trust you completely.”
“Good. I do all of this for you. We are going to be together forever. Let’s just try some things out, ya know?”
I snuggled up to Randy and laid my head on his chest. I knew everything would work out. It always did.
A week or so went by, and nothing had really changed. We went to work, came home, had sex, then bed and repeat the process again the next day. Now I was the one getting restless. Didn’t he say he wanted to spice things up?
Today is Friday. I just woke up and I have no idea what to wear. It’s casual Friday at the office and anything goes. Except for lingerie, obviously. Randy would like that, but my coworkers? Not so much. Ugh, I was really struggling!
A few minutes later Randy woke up. He seemed to be in a really good mood.
“Morning, beautiful.” He ran over to me and picked me up in the air and planted a big kiss on my lips. It was unexpected but nice. I wrapped my legs around his waist and kissed him back.
“Good morning to you too. Everything okay?”
“Better than okay. I feel great! Today is going to be great!”
“It is?”
“Sure is.” Randy put me down and spanked my ass. “And it’s going to be especially great for you. Now let's get dressed and get to work!”
Randy threw on a t-shirt and jeans. He looked so hot, so I decided to do the same. We matched, kinda. I kept my hair down, threw on some cute earrings and picked out a sexy thong and bra. Floral flip-flops to complete the outfit. I was ready for this great day Randy said would happen for the both of us, even if I didn’t know what it entailed.
We ate a bowl of cereal and headed out to work quickly. The drive was only a few minutes but Randy was speeding down the street. Why was he so excited to get to work today?
When we pulled into the parking lot, that’s when I knew something was up. Randy has a spot up front since he’s the boss, but he parked our car all the way in the back. The lot was pretty empty, but we were a little early so I wasn’t surprised. What happened next, did surprise me.
“Take off your pants, and your panties.”
“Take off your pants and your panties. Now.”
I did as I was told, without really knowing why I was doing it. Are we about to fuck? That would be nice before work but someone could pull into the lot and park right next to us at any moment.
I was now naked from the waist down, anxious and a little turned on. My hands were coving my little pussy. I hadn’t shaved for a few days so my bush was growing, but Randy never minded. He was a real man. I really wanted to know what we were about to do. Randy reached behind my seat and grabbed a box I had never seen before. He was smiling while holding it. It wasn’t that big. Was it lingerie?
“What’s that?”
“Remember on Tuesday when I said I had to run back out to the office because I thought I forgot something?”
“Yes. You were gone for a while. I got worried.”
“I know. Sorry about that. Well, I lied. I didn’t leave anything behind. I was buying this.”
Randy handed me the box and told me to open it. To say I was shocked would be an understatement.
“Is this what I THINK it is?”
“Yes, it is honey. It’s a vibrator! But not just any kind of vibrator. Go ahead, check it out.” I took the vibrator out of the box to inspect it. I’d never seen one like this. It was pink but circular. It didn’t look like a dick. And there were three of them, all connected to a wire.
“Randy, what am I supposed to do with this?”
“I want you to place two of these little vibrators on your inner thighs, and the third directly into your pussy. Then I want you to go through the whole day with them inside of you.”
“No way.”
“Yes, way.”
“Randy I can’t do that.”
“Why not?”
“Well, um, well…”
“See? It’s fine. No one will know except us. It is perfect, baby. You’ll enjoy this.”
“Maybe. That all I have to do though, right?”
“Yep. Place them where I tell you, and I will take care of the rest.”
“The rest?” Randy was getting agitated with all of my questions. It was making me wet.
“Sweetie, do as I say. We don’t have much time.”
“Okay, Daddy. Whatever you say.”
Randy helped me put the two little vibrators on my thighs. He wanted me to put the last vibrator inside my vagina, all on my own. He wanted to watch as I did something I wasn’t 100% comfortable with but was doing anyway cause he said so. Sadist. It was kinda hot. Actually, it was REALLY hot.
The vibrators felt good. They weren’t turned on yet, but I was getting used to them. I liked having something in my vagina. I’d have preferred a cock, but I guess these will do. I’ve never used a vibrator before. Before Randy, I only used my fingers to masturbate. Vibrators scared me for some reason. I guess it was a good as any to get over that fear.
“Daddy? Did I do it correctly?”
“Yes, baby. Great job. Now put your pants on. Almost time to clock in.”
Randy looked at the lot to see if anyone was around. No one in sight, so we made out for a few minutes. I didn’t even notice the tingling inside my pussy and on my legs. Randy had turned the vibrators on already! It was in a low setting so it didn’t feel too uncomfortable. They were remote controlled and Randy said he would hold onto it. He also said he would keep it in this setting for the rest of the day. That made me feel a little better about all of this.
I was terrified walking into the job. Every step I took I felt a tingling sensation go through my body. This was torture. Torture that Randy wanted me to experience, so we can have a little more variety in our lives. Mission accomplished, Dad. I never thought I would have this experience but here I am! Let’s see what happens.
The office is a single story, ranch style building. It's not too big, but I got lost my first day here. I'm not great with directions. I work near the entrance, and Randy works in the back near the other managers. We said our goodbyes and I headed to my desk.
My coworker Andy greeted me as I sat down. Andy worked in the same department I did. We were glorified IT. He trained me when I first started and we had become somewhat friends. He was a sweet guy and he was the only person I talked to at the office on a daily basis.
“Hey, how are you?”
“Good. Happy Friday!”
“Same to you.” I sat at my desk and logged onto my computer. I was getting used to the vibrations. They felt nice. This wasn’t so bad after all. I expected something a little more intense but maybe Randy was saving that for when we got home.
“Hey, Amber? Look sharp. Boss is en route.”
“What did you say, Andy?”
I was zoning out and didn’t realize Randy was on his way over to our department. He rarely came by to check on me. He said he trusted that I would be professional and do my work diligently. If not I would get punished, and we all know how much I hate punishment. Sike.
“Morning, folks. How is everything?”
Andy, who was sort of a kiss ass, quickly responded to our “boss”.
“Good sir. Ready to start the day.”
“Glad to hear. How are things for you Amber?”
Randy was staring at me, and before I could answer him I felt a jolt go through my body. I knew what was happening. Randy turned up the vibrators! He was standing right in front of me and must’ve had the controller in his pocket. Oh, that evil man!
“I-I I'm good, Dad.”
Randy turned up the vibrator again. My legs were shaking. I was having an orgasm right in front of my coworker and Randy. It felt so good!
“You alright Amber? You look like your in pain.” I guess it was noticeable that something was up with me. I was squirming in my chair. Randy didn’t react at all. He just stared at me with his piercing, blue eyes. I wanted him to touch me so bad.
“She's just tired. Long night, isn’t that right kid?” Randy winked at me and I let out a heavy sigh.
“Yep. That has to be it. I’m fine Andy. Let’s get back to work.”
Randy waved goodbye as he walked away and headed back to his office. His tight butt was looking so good in his jeans that he picked out this morning. I was zoning out looking at my bosses ass! Whoops. Might need another punishment.
Andy snapped me back to reality.
“Your Dad is pretty cool. He’s a great boss. Probably an even better dad.”
“Ha, you have no idea.”
Over the next few hours, Randy toyed with my body. He would turn the vibrators up and down whenever he felt like it. I had no control. If he walked by and saw me slacking, even just a little, he would turn it up high. It would go even higher if he saw me talking to anyone. He wanted to let me know who had the power. He also wanted to see me try to act like I wasn’t having multiple orgasms in front of my coworkers. I never once thought about taking them out. I was feeling undeniable pleasure, unlike anything I had experienced so far in this relationship. By the time lunch came around, I had had at least 5 orgasms. I needed dick, and fast. I didn’t know if Randy planned to fuck me at some point, but if he wanted to bend me over my desk right now and do it I would not object. I was at his mercy today.
I was reading emails, trying to remain calm when Andy asked me a question.
“Any plans for lunch, Amber?”
“No, not really. You?”
“Nope. Would you li-“
“Actually, Andy, she’s got a lunch date with the boss today.”
Neither Andy nor I knew my Dad was behind us while we were talking. It startled me, in a good way. Just hearing his voice sent a chill down my spine.
“We do, sir?”
I said it in a way that let Randy know I knew what he was thinking, and I was on board.
“Yep. Let’s go. Adios Andy.”
“Enjoy!” Andy went back to burying his face in the stack of papers on his desk.
Randy and I walked towards his office. I wanted to hold his hand but convinced myself that would be weird if anyone saw. I love doing cute things and Randy encouraged my cuteness. How lucky am I?
“He’s a good kid, but I think he has a crush on you.”
“Totally. Too bad I’m taken.”
I gave Randy a subtle wink and he bit his lip.
Randy led us into his office. He closed the door and locked it. Randy had the biggest office in the company, for good reason. He even had a bathroom in it that he put in himself. “Isn’t this a little risky?”
“Oh, it’s very risky. But that is what this is all about. I want to take risks with you. I love you. I’m an older gentleman and I haven’t done too many exciting things In my life. I’m ready to do them now, with you.”
“Oh, Randy.” I pounced on my man and we embraced each other. I was so horny I practically threw my self onto him.
“Someone is ready. How has your day been?”
“Randy! These vibrators have felt amazing all day, but I want the real thing. Please, give me the real thing.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about babe. Use your words, and tell me what you want.”
“I want this,” I grabbed Randy’s semi-erect cock “to go inside my pussy.”
Randy moved us to the couch. Yep, he had a couch in his office as well. I got on my knees and licked the outline of Randy’s cock through his pants. I gave it a little bite as well. I undid Randy’s pants and took in the aroma of his cock. I never tired of seeing it up close. The head was pulsating and I knew just where to start. I spit on Randy’s dick and started giving him some really good head. I choked on his cock as I got it nice and wet with my mouth. I wanted to swallow his whole penis. I was a hungry little whore today.
“Fuck, baby. That’s so good. You like sucking the bosses dick in his office?”
“Mhm, Mhm!”
I had no time for words. Only vague sounds. I was solely focused on sucking Randy off as best I could. I cupped his balls in my hand and started getting louder. I knew I had to be quiet but I couldn’t help it. Randy grabbed my head and pushed it all the way down on his cock. I didn’t object. I didn’t make a sound. This is what I needed. The vibrators were still going, and I was slowly losing my mind.
I was so focused on sucking cock that I didn’t realize I was now on the couch with Randy. He told me to take my clothes off and sit next to him. He was caressing my ass and putting his firm hands all over my body. I was so engrossed in the moment and having way too much fun. Best Friday at work, ever!
“Amber, oh my goodness. This is too good. You ready?”
I stopped sucking and held Randy’s fat cock firmly in my hand. I did not break eye contact with his dick. I was waiting to be told I could put it back into my mouth again.
“For what?”
Without warning, Randy yanked out the vibrator that was inside my vagina.
I screamed at theTo continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.
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Before that let me tell me about me i am 20 now but story happened when i was 15 ,5′ 7” my fig was 32 26 36 .. And my mom was of 39 5’6” 36 32 38, i am the only child of my parents an d my dadaji was 67 , he is thin black and 5’4”.. Now coming to the story it all happen when due to some festival we all went to village as dadali only stay there and my exams are also over we all are very happy in the night i have to sleep with dadaji as there are only 2 rooms there.. As t z a village we slept by...
IncestNow coming to the story it all happen when due to some festival we all went to village as dadali only stay there and my exams are also over we all are very happy in the night i have to sleep with dadaji as there are only 2 rooms there.. As t z a village we slept by 8pm only.. In night around 4 i woke up for toilet hen i came back i saw something amazing.. Dadalis lungi was open i can see his cock which was 2 inch long ang and the grith was nearly 5 '' and fore skin is half open y showing...
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Introduction As many readers know, Stepdaddy's blog consists primarily of the "Dear Stepdaddy" advice column, a sort of hebephilic Ann Landers, if you will. Of course, these are all just the fantasies of my correspondents, and my fictionalized responses. This collection takes its place as the second Annual of these letters, the second of what I hope will be many more in the years to come. However, that depends upon you. Please send me your "fictionalized" letters, to fuel the flame in...
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Introduction Many readers may be unaware that Stepdaddy's blog consists primarily of my "Dear Stepdaddy" advice column, a sort of hebephilic Ann Landers, if you will. Of course, these are all just fantasies, mine and my correspondents'. Here at year end, 2011, I am compiling this year's collection into the first of what I hope will be many "annuals". These have been edited lightly, and in particular some numbers have been corrected. At the end of this work, please join me again to...
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Note : This story is completely fictional! I was so proud that I finally got my first apartment even though I was sad that it had to be half way across the country from my family. I called my parents nightly, even though there wasn't really much to talk about. I guess they knew that I was a little homesick because they both decided to come and visit me. They gave me pretty short notice so I had to clean up my messy bachelorette pad and make up the spare bed for them. I felt happy and excited to...
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IncestHello dostom me aman yeh story mujhe mere dost ne bheji hai jo khud is nahi bhej paya usne kaha ki aman tum maa ki story bahut achi tareh likhte ho yeh story hai ghar ke 4logo ki hai me aap ko bata du ki yeh kahani mera dost nahi balki uski choti bahan ne likhi hai vo me apko bata dunga to story shuru karta hu uski jubani jab me 18 saal ka tha to mere pita ji ki moat ho gayi hum ameer to they nahi bahense thi aur thodi si zameen thi ghar per me meri maa(30) meri choti bahan aur meri dadi(55) to...
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Hi, I am Shravan. Main 20 saal ka hu aur meri dadi 63 saal ki hai. Ye kahani us samay ki hai jab main apni dadi ke ghar gaya tha. Meri dadi moti si hai. Unke boobs latakte rehte hai. Par mujhe meri dadi bachpan se pasand hai. Main apni dadi ke ghar akele gaya tha. Waha bas meri dadi aur do naukar hi rehte the. Jab main waha gaya tha tab meri dadi ne mujhe gale lagay. Aur ache se mere khane ka intezaam kiya. Dadi ne uss samay saree peheni thi. Sham ko main dadi ke room mein gaya. Tab maine dekha...
Is kahani ke sabhi characters real nahi hai aur story kalpanik hai. Lekin ye story real life incidences par aadharit hai. Main aurto ki izzat karta hu aur unhe agar meri story se koi aapati ho to maafi chahunga, aur please mujhe batayiye. Main janta hu ki aurto ko life main, society main bahut kuch sahan karna padta hai. Lekin ye sirf ek story hai, ise sirf fantasy ke liye hi padhiye. ABOUT ME Mera naam Ravi, 27 yrs old, belive on true friendship. Mujhe sex stories likhna pasand hai aur main...
Hello Dosto main vishal fir se ek satay ghatna le kar aaya hu aapka mail bauth sare logo ka aaya bauth khusi hui ke aur bhi jaldi satay ghatna pesh karu tho mujhe mail aab story par aata hu Baat hain 13.03.2016 sunday ki dost ki badi sister ki shadi thi mujhe mere dost ne jaipur se phn kiya kaha tu aha ja didi ki shadi hain 15 tarik ko bauth kaam hain akela nhn ho payega maine kaha k bhai dnt worry main kal subha aha raha hu maine ghar par kaha aur subha ki flight se jaipur chala gaya dost ke...
Chapter Six: Best Daddy's Mother-Daughter Consult A Belt Buckle Mind-Control Story By mypenname3000 Copyright 2021 Notes: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! “The doctor's running a little bit behind,” the nurse said as we sat in the waiting room of Dr. Sharma's office. She was my daughter's OB/GYN. Since they were all pregnant, they all had to go see her. But never at the same day, of course. Dr. Sharma was too busy to get them all in at the same day. I had been here two days ago...
Hallo iss readers kaise hai aap sab…?Aap sabko naye saal; ki tahedil se mubaraqbaad aur jo tamanna last year poori nahi ho paayi bhagwaan kare is saal puri hohaan to meri bahnon aur lund dhari bhaiyon mubaraqbaad bahut ho gayi ab thodi choot aur lund ki baate ho jaaye pichli kahaani 2choot aur 1 chuddakad aap sabne bahut pasand ki aur mujhe dher saare mail mile jiska aap sabko thanx is baar ki kahaani bahut azeeb si hai aap sabko yaad hoga meri 1 kahaani DADI KI CHUDAAYI jisme main mere bhai se...
By: Ravi Pyare readers (choot waliyon aur lund walon) Main Ravi Sabse pahale main sabhi choot waliyon aur lund walon ko danyawad deta hun kyun ki meri Kahaniya, logo ko kaphi pasand ayee aur muze E-Mail ke jariye male/female ka kafi response mila, logo ne muze aur Satya Katha likhane ka hosala diya. Isliye phir se aap logo ke pass ek sachi Kahani pes kar raha hun, Aasha hain pichhali kahanion ki tarah yeh kahani bhi aap logo ko pasand aayegi.Ek baar mera transfer himachal ke ek chhote se gaon...
Hello, My Dear Readers. In my quest to expand my portfolio, I have been trying to develop new characters, and over the top situations. And, this time, the protagonist is an elderly Indian man, in his 70’s. The story is narrated by 25-year-old, Gautham. Happy Reading! My 75-year-old grandfather, Diwakar, was the cruelest and most dominating person I had seen my whole life. He was a true womanizer when he was young, and married late. But, now he would go to any means to have his way with a...
IncestChloe lay nervously excited on her bed. Her Daddy was leading a group of strangers into her room, and she could hear them getting closer. Her Daddy had ordered her not to move and to stare at the ceiling. She did as ordered, focusing fiercely on a small mark next to the ceiling fan. Not having permission to move meant she couldn’t pull her slutty red dress down and she knew her panties were clearly visible, as was her bra. Lying on her back had opened up the plunging V of the dress so that her...
IncestIt was a time of horrible raids by terrible marrauding hordes, which caused untold misery, fear and poverty in all of Pelopones. It was a time when Xena and Gabrielle were needed by all the towns, before it is too late, but she was nowhere to be found. The century before had been a good time for all, under the Cooperation Accord of Olympia, there was piece between all the polises, and Xena could concentrate on petty crime and feuding Gods. But now Xena had been on a mission in Asia for years,...
I have a serious thing for schoolgirls and ColegialasDeVerdad is full with them. There is just something about the uniform, the implied submissiveness, the thigh high stockings, the little skirts. I fucking love it. It probably stems from the fact that, before I decided to start watching porn full-time for a living, I was a college professor. The whole dynamic is just riddled with sex appeal for me. I could not even begin to count the number of times I fantasized about my students coming to...
Latina Porn SitesWhat Happened at the PartyMy dad like to have jumped out of his shit kicking boots lol When everyone yelled “ Surprise ” Mom ran to him and they kissed just for a second. Me I stood there like the good daughter thinking shit you call that a fucking kisses.Let me put my lips on his I will show them a kiss. I also noticed he doesn't hug her like he does me. I looked around the bar and it was packed most of the people were here for my dad’s party but there were some I had never seen before so I...
Mai yeh site bahut dino se pad raha hu , aur har bar mujhe apni actual storied yaad aati hai .mai bachpan se hi bahut sexi hu aur sab se ched chad karta rahta tha . Is liye meri bahut actual stories hai . Samaj nahi aata konsi phele likhu .yeh story meri 12th class ki hai . Hum delhi me rehte hai and exam ke bad hum vacation me nani ke ghar gaye . Hamare ghar me mai , papa , mama , aur dadi hai . Hamare ghar me sab ki kam umar me shhdi ho jaati hai .meri mom ke shaadi 20 saal me ho gayi thi ,...
Hello friends. I am Shivang from Mumbai. I got many encouraging replies for my previous lesbian story which I wrote on behalf of my friend-Ruchi! Thanks a lot for that. This story is mine and is what happened with me a couple of months back. It is about how I managed to fuck my own dadi (grandmother). The story will be a bit long but I assure you it’s worth shagging your dick and fingering your pussy on. Those who don’t know me I am Shivang 21years old male from Mumbai. I love mature women and...
IncestHi friends Ami Amal. apnara amake chenen. ami er age story submit korechi. apnara nischoy porechen. ager story gulo theke khub kom mail peyechi. ebar besi mail chai kintu. ami ekhane popular hote chai apnader mail peye. apnara inspire korle ami aro likhbo. ei story ta amar dadar ek bandhobi k niye. ebar main story te asa jak ajni introduction pote valo lage na. amar dadar ek bandhobi chilo. tar nam mallika. amader bari te majhe majhei asto dadar khata nite. amio jetam oder bari te majhe majhe...
Amar jokhon ghum bhanglo takhan ghorite 7 ta beje geche. Dekhi dada uthe poreche kintu amar opor sue amar mai er bota ta chusche. Or barata ekhono amar gude bhora. Kintu ota ar ager moto netiye nei, ekhon khanik boro hochche. Dada ke jiges korlam ki re abar chai. Dada bollo chai e to amar neha sonar mai gulo chuse ar neha sonake chude jeno aash mete na. jotoi chudi mone hoy aro aro chudi. Tarpor amar anya mai ta dhore chuste chuste bollo ki baniechis mai gulo, ki norom, ki forsa ark i boro....
A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter One: Virgin Controlled by Her Daddy By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Deidre Icke, President of the Institute of Apotheosis Research, marched through the halls of her office building, the florescent lights flickering, the walls painted a mellow beige. At a first glance, it could pass for any office building in America. But Deidre knew differently. From here, the world would change....
Namaskar Bandhugana, Mu lipu (Odia Gapa Exclusive), Bayasa 18 chalichi, 5’8”, 62 k.g. Mu ghare gote boli pua, ama ghare bapa bou au mu. Ame Baleswar town re rahu. Bapa Bank re clerk achanti au bou housewife. Mu F.M. college ku ebe 2 masa hela jaichi. I.A. padha ebe mora start heichi. Ama gaan etharu praya 20 k.m. re heba. Purba barsa mu jetebele matric exam. Deuthili, setebele mu mo jibana ra kichi abhula drusya dekhithili. Aji se abhula scene ku story re rupantara kari apana mananka sahita...
Amr chudate khub bhalolage, chudanor kotha sunlei pant er bhetorer jaiga ta bhije jai, mone hote thake kokhon besh mota mota lomba dekhe nunu dhokabo !!!Uuuuf ahhhhh kore chillabo. Amr kumaritto niyechilo amr nijer bor da . Ami tokhn 18 bochorer joubona , r dada chilo 24 bochorer besh tagra jubok. Sediner kotha,konodin ami bhulbona , jedin amr dada amake prothom bas nijer magi banalo. Tar age amr nijer kumritto figurer bapare kichu boli- ami ucchotay 5 foot 5 inches , mukh ta aktu samla gorom...
A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Three: Daughters Pleasing Daddy By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! I groaned, my orgasm shivering through me, my dick lodged in Crystal's pussy. She was the second daughter I'd fucked today. My fantasies of taking my daughters, using their barely legal cunts, had come to life today thanks to an impossible device. The Halo. A ring of gold housing nanites. They'd changed my mind,...
Her nipples were hardened by the cold wind to great stiffness keeping them erected like long peanuts. The rain had drenched her modest dressing – denim below. A white kurta on top stuck to her skin as the pink bra peeked through failing to cage the mysteries of her youth making it impossible to not wonder what havoc was under. Hi, guys! I am Siddharth, a 29-year-old guy from Mumbai. I started as a therapist, now I teach. Currently single because Anu – my feminist girlfriend for 8 years – loves...
Caleb sullenly watched the mud-and-straw brick buildings slide past. Their lifeless, bedraggled sameness matched his mood. He was riding in a truck full of supplies being taken to the ISIS troops besieging Baghdad. The platoon had hitched a ride on the ISIS convoy, and was spread through the trucks. The buildings they were passing weren't the cause of his foul mood. His second guessing of his actions and decisions were the cause of his anger. Their attack on ISIS was no longer the lark that...
Maggie Pintero was a beauty. The first time I saw her, she was wearing what I guess could best be described as a sundress, made of soft, light cotton with small pink and green flowers against a yellow background. Small cap sleeves, a low bodice that displayed the warm soft blush of her breasts, and a full gathered skirt that when she walked fluttered, whispering of the treasure beneath. I remember the dress so vividly because as a young man just graduating high school, our neighbor lady down...
"Grandad, I've brought your laptop back as promised." "Thank you love, I was going to use it as soon as you brought it, but I can't find the flash drive containing my private files." I stopped searching and went downstairs to greet my granddaughter properly. On entering the living room I found Gemma sitting on the sofa with the laptop across her knees. "Hello love, where's Claire? I thought you two were inseparable." "I wanted to see you on my own because I have...
it's my first time writing here hope you like it " ohhh you like it son " said the father " yeah dad give it to me hard " said jackson the story started when jackson's parents get divorced jackson is 18 years old guy live with his father alone in the house, jackson's father was a 40 years-old hunk with a huge dick and a tight sexy ass and he didn't mind to walk around the home all naked and here were jackson's dreams start about him and his father that day jackson returned from school early to...
This is not a true story and this is a gay taboo over 18 stories.Hi my name is Monty Dell well its Monica when I’m around my dad Adam and my uncle Alex and this how a 19 year old guy become sexy girl because of the why I look and sound but let me tell you more about me and my family.I was born with a rear hair disorder that means I can’t grow body hair or facial hair and the hair on my head that grows really long like girls hair and as I grew up I started of looking like boy then my facial...
A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Five: Daddy Daughter Orgy By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! “Eager to find out the next way cheating wives are punished?” asked Deidre Icke's ex-husband, something almost malicious in his grin. He sat naked on his office chair, cradling their eighteen-year-old daughter Alexis on his lap, her pussy leaking with the incestuous proof of his passion. Deidre swallowed, her ass still...
Little Johnny was in the chemist with his grandad who was getting some medication for himself. He told Johnny that it’s going to take about ten minutes to fill out and he was not to tough anything but only look around. The ten year old Johnny found something in the shop that he knew all about and thought he would have some fun with the old man by trying to embarrass him. “Grandad, quick come here.” “What Johnny what?” asked grandad. Johnny pointed to a shelf and asked, “what are they...
Steve was just an older guy I fantasized about until my life was turnedupside down.So these won’t really be like stories. At least not yet since I don’treally know how to make up stuff like the writers on here. It will bemore like a diary or a blog to tell you about the sex things and otherthings in my life.This first diary entry I’m gonna give you some background so youunderstand why I picked this guy for my first time. So this happenedyesterday and I’m writing quite fast because I’m so...
By : Shalini Dutta Amar nam neha. Nischay amake tomara keu bholen ni. Amar lekha “Pistuto dadar kache choda khaoa “ series ta nischoy apnader mone ache ebong bhalo o legeche. Apnader aneker I dabi chilo ami aro golpo likhi. Kintu somoy er abhabe apnader kache segulo somoymoto tule dhorte parini. Aj apnader natun ekta golpo upahar dite chai. Ei golpo anekdin ager ghotona. Tokhon ami class 11 e pori. Amar kache oboshyo chodon khawa kichu notun noi. Kenona amake amar pistuto dada mitash amar 12...
Chrystal woke as the sun was beginning to peep through her curtains. Had it all been a dream? She thought. Instinctively she touched her pussy. It was a tiny bit sore, so no it was real. Slipping out of bed Chrystal wanted her Daddy. She crept into James room, he was still asleep but he must have been having a nice dream by the look of the erection that poked out of the covers. Chrystal leaned over to kiss her Daddy passionately on the lips. James grabbed her pulled her over him and kissed...
Hi all, This is xxx from Dadar west Mumbai, i am working in it this story happened when i was coming back from office. It was Saturday night when i was coming back from office i just reached station and it was around 11.30 pm when i was going towards my home i found one married women struggling to hold her luggage. Having good figure. Like big round boobs, long hairs, and nice ass and going towards stairs i had my office bag only one side sag as you all. Know so i just ask her can i help you?...
Hello friends mera naam Niket hai aur mai Thane,Mumbai mei rehta hu. Mai ek professional body therapist hu. Kafi ladies ko satisfaction, khushi di hai. Baki story writers ki tarah ye toh nahi kahunga ki mera Lund 10 inch ka hai.. Mera 6 inch ka hai but mai tab tak sex kar sakta hu jab tak meri partner puri tarah satisfy na ho jae. Physical satisfaction k sath mental satisfaction bhi important hota hai. Kyuki maine Australia se body therapy sikhi hai toh body ke parts ka perfect use janta hu....
A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Six: Daddy Cuckolds the Cheater By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! There was nothing like having a young girl's cunt on your dick while driving. Just feeling that hot, tight snatch clenching and relaxing, shifting as the car drove over any bumps, the way she whimpered in pure delight as my dick stirred around inside her. I had my arms wrapped around Pina, a nineteen-year-old Hispanic...
Introduction: A son discovers that there is another dimension to his Dad. A son discovers that there is another dimension to his Dad. Dad was a big man. 6, built like a wardrobe, hairy. Whenever you hear the term bear mentioned – his image probably pops into your head. He was also cold, and overbearing. Never abusive – simply the sort of father, it was best not to get noticed by. And I had become very good at flying under his radar – which made things rather difficult, when I finally did...
Introduction: Ive decided not to state the ages of the young girls in this story. This is to allow the tastes of the reader to fill in the blanks with their own preferences. As I wrote this, I found myself re-editing it several times, but eventually you need to just accept that a piece is finished, and share it. This chapter has alot more speaking and less actual sex than the first to parts did, but I think it builds nicely on what has already happened, and sets the scene for part 4. enjoy....
The next morning Beth and I had woke up around 11am. I told her that she needed to come to my house tuesday afternoon after school. Remembering that daddy said I was to follow my instructions and so far I had. Thinking back to last night playing with Beth and actually letting Rex lick and fuck me. I really didn't think that having a dog fuck me was going to excitie me as much as it did. As much as i had fun my mind kept going to daddy. I love him and i love being with him and I missed him. I...
next day jackson sit to the table thinking about last night when his father come down " good morning son , how are you doing " " am fine dad , dad can i ask you a question ? "" son i know , am sorry i don't know what happened to me "" well dad it's weird but i liked it " dad looked at jackson " well why don't we do it agian later this night ? "...later that day jackson was in the shower when his father enter " son is there any place for your old man ? " jackson's father was undress and join...
It was about four days after seeing my new neighbour have his little daughter that I was treated again to a show of f****y ‘love’ although this time with a bit of a twist! I was standing in my usual place on the landing (it had become a bit of a habit to stand by the window in the hope of seeing some more action) It was around 4pm when I noticed movement in my neighbours living room, the younger of the two daughters had clearly just got home from school as she was in her school uniform. Just...
It was about four days after seeing my new neighbour have his little daughter that I was treated again to a show of family "love" although this time with a bit of a twist! I was standing in my usual place on the landing (it had become a bit of a habit to stand by the window in the hope of seeing some more action) It was around 4pm when I noticed movement in my neighbours living room, the younger of the two daughters had clearly just got home from school as she was in her school uniform. Just...
My walls ache as I sit on the couch. My stomach is in knots as I bite down on my bottom lip, squirming in my seat. I look at the clock and it's just a little past noon. I groan sitting back and pushing at the belt daddy put on me. I try to grind against the little pink dildo that's shoved up against my walls. I look at it again and I can't see how to take the belt off. The key goes somewhere in the back. I grind my pussy against it, hoping to get some type of friction. It just makes my walls...
IncestHello dosto, mera naam Mannu hai. Meri umar 19 saal hai. Main Muradabad ka rehne wala hu. Meri ye kahani mere dadaji aur maa ki chudai ki hai. Ye hai aage ki kahani. Main – To dada ji aap mummy ki garmi aapne lund se nikal do. Unhe bhi maza aa jayega. Aur aapko bhi maza aa jayega. Dada ji – Tera dimag kharab ho gaya hai kya? Woh meri bahu hai. Teri maa hai woh. Tu aisi baat kaise bol sakta hai. Maine mummy ki video fir chala di. Aur use dada ji ko dikhane laga. Main – Ye dekho dada ji kaise...
Hello dosto, mera naam Mannu hai. Meri umar 19 saal hai. Main Muradabad ka rehne wala hu. Meri ye kahani mere dadaji aur maa ki chudai ki hai. Ye hai aage ki kahani. Dada ji – Beta, tujhe jo karna hai kar. Magar mujhe bata diya kar. Main – Theek hai dada ji aage se bata ke karunga. Waise ab aapko ye panty mummy ko deni hai. Dada ji – Beta, main teri mummy ko panty dunga. To woh puchegi nahi ki mujhe kaha se mili? Main – Dada ji woh janti hai. Ki ye panty aap aapne lund par ragad rahe the....
Hello dosto, mera naam Mannu hai. Meri umar 19 saal hai. Main Muradabad ka rehne wala hu. Meri ye kahani mere dadaji aur maa ki chudai ki hai. Ye hai aage ki kahani. Dada ji ne turant ek dudh ko muh mein bhar liya. Aur use chusne lage. Neeche se mummy ki chut mein dhakke lag rahe the. Aur upar dada ji unke dudh chus rahe the. Dada ji ne dusre dudh ke nipple ko pakad liya. Aur use halke halke chutki mein leke masalne lage. Maa moan karne lagi. Mummy – Papa ji, aise mat kijiye. Mujhe dard ho...