Blinded By Assumption free porn video

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School started in September and with it came relief. The summer had been too long – hot, stifling and overflowing with emotion. It had been almost two months since Dad’s funeral and talking to the same people had become as torturous as retreating to the four stark walls of my bedroom. Nobody knew what to say and I didn’t know what to say to them. I thought school could be an escape. New and different. The first year of sixth form would be the penultimate hurdle into adulthood and I figured it’d be easier to live in the boisterous crowds of high-school corridors than in the bleak silence of my home.

But the illusion soon wore off. The friends I’d had before were different. Or maybe I was different. Things were different. We drifted apart by the end of the first week. I wanted to commit to schoolwork but didn’t feel any form of motivation. What was there? I was seventeen. Was I really meant to have planned my life out? Everyone else was pushing for target grades, references, university applications and work experience placements. All I wanted to do was live; to breathe and discover.

But I tried in English class only because of the teacher. Mr Lance Eastwood brought colour into the old books we had to study. Under him the subject became deep, essential, and almost intrinsic in understanding life. So I paid attention in English. In every other class, I daydreamed about English. I also daydreamed about Mr Eastwood. His personality only seemed to emphasize his good looks and I wasn’t the only girl who noticed.

Rebecca Carlton. She wore miniskirts and tops that ended above her navel and seven earrings in each ear. I’d never even spoken to her but I knew her. Everybody knew her. She had the kind of sexy voice that a gossip reporter might have. Low and self-assured and full of scandal. She sat right next to me in English and all I could ever smell was her overpowering perfume.

“Mr Eastwood?” she murmured when Lance introduced himself to the class. “More like Mr I-sure-as-hell-would.”

Her friend giggled more extravagantly than the joke warranted. But Rebecca had a point. Most of the teachers at Westfield High were old. Men with grey hair and bald patches and ill-fitting clothes. Lance was the opposite; under thirty, dark haired and with a permanent shadow of stubble. He had an easy way of teaching, a kind of camaraderie with the class. It was refreshing. Everybody respected him.

Rebecca flirted with him shamelessly, spurred on by her enviable abundance of confidence. She feared no one. She said what she wanted and went after what she wanted. She’d hang back after class, leaning over Lance’s desk so her blonde hair fell over her face as she talked about essays and coursework and exam schedules; her attempts at seduction even stronger than her perfume. But Lance didn’t respond in any inappropriate way. He was a professional; a dedicated teacher with far more important things to deal with than a seventeen year old girl’s infatuation.


We broke into October with plans for a play. The school was arranging a fundraiser in the run-up to Christmas where it hoped people would donate enough money to make up the deficit for a new library. There’d be music, poetry readings, a spelling competition, art displays, raffles and a short play which Mr Eastwood was producing.

“I need all of you to take part,” he said, to widespread dismay. “If you don’t want to act, we have scenery to sort. Music, lighting, pretty much everything. But for anyone who wants to act I need commitment. We’re gonna have to stay after school and really put in the work to make this decent. So – who wants in?”

I considered it hastily. Staying after school meant less time at home which meant less time fighting with my mother and less time alone. I’d never been one of the kids into drama but how bad could it be? Nobody was even taking the fundraiser seriously. Half a dozen kids in the class had raised their hands. I followed suit. Mr Eastwood glanced at me.

“Okay,” he said. “Good. Now. The female lead could almost be played by two people but we don’t have twins so I’m gonna say…” He looked around the class deliberatively. Rebecca’s arm was stretched up so high that I half-expected the underarm of her shirt to rip.

“Taylor,” Mr Eastwood said.

I blinked. Rebecca flinched.

“Me?” I asked stupidly.

“Yeah,” he smiled. “You.”

He assigned the rest of the parts, handed out copies of the play, schedules of rehearsals and got back to teaching exam technique.

Rebecca turned to her friend.

“He just feels sorry for her ‘cause her dad’s dead.”

It wasn’t true. I couldn’t stand for it to be true. I should have told her what a bitch she was but I could never find the words. The emotion was there; the kind of rage that brings you to tears, but there were no words, no comeback, nothing to silence her. I just had to swallow it. I stared down at the play and read the lines until the world filtered away.


He didn’t feel sorry for me. He wanted me.

Inappropriateness lingered at the edge of every class, every rehearsal. It was in the way he looked at me, the way our eyes met, the way his fingers touched mine when he handed me script revisions and marked essays and stage props and my jacket and anything and everything he could find to give to me. The boys at school felt like nothing; like they wasted space with their teenage immaturity and loud voices. Lance was so different. So adult.

It was in the way he looked at me. There was indecency in the way his eyes met mine and dragged down to my mouth. He looked at me like he wanted me. Nobody so attractive had ever looked at me that way before. It made me feel like a woman.


Christmas break loomed. I didn’t know if I could deal with it. Even though I hated school, the timetable filled up the days. What else was there to detract from solitude? How could I even begin to get out of bed?

“So whatcha doing over Christmas?” Mr Eastwood was stacking chairs against the wall, his sleeves rolled up past his elbows. I wanted to touch his forearms, feel the veins and muscles, the evidence that he really existed and wasn’t just a fairytale.

“I dunno,” I said. “Same old, same old, y’know?”

But it was a lie. It’d be the first holiday without Dad. Maybe Lance saw it in my eyes. He paused and looked at me.

“What’s wrong?”

He knew. The entire school knew. It made me sick. Pain is easier when you keep it to yourself. When everyone knows, there’s almost a shame in it. The pity and the opinions. Pity. Is there anything worse? It forced people to be kind to me, to view me as something inferior, something damaged. I didn’t want to be less. I wanted to be whole.

“I just feel really alone sometimes,” I said and the words were too limp, too small to ever explain but I said them anyway. “But not around you.”

The distance between us seemed like nothing. I could step forward and reach up and kiss him. I could. I so could. What would he do? I thought about doing it so hard that I feared it might unconsciously happen. Lance stepped closer to me.

“You shouldn’t feel alone. You’re surrounded by people who’re privileged to know you.”

The words didn’t even register with me. His mouth. His eyes. They met mine, guarded and yet dying not to be. Did he want me? The self-serving thought felt dizzyingly beautiful. How could he want me? I looked at his mouth. He looked at mine and for a few precious seconds the opportunity danced between us. But he ended it. Stepped back. Ran a hand through his hair.

“Hey, why don’t I give you my phone number? If you feel down, you can call me. Yeah?”

He scrawled it onto a scrap of paper, his fingers touching mine as he handed it to me.


I called him a week before Christmas, self-control broken by the false festive spirit. My mother was going out of her way to pretend that everything was the same; that we could act like we had the last year, as if Dad was still around. The house was filled with tinsel, cards, light, candles. People visited. I didn’t want to see any of them.

I escaped, slamming the door so hard behind me that the plastic wreath fell off. I went to a party thrown by one of the kids at school but hated it as soon as I walked in. Cheap alcohol, cheap pills and loud music. People got drunk, high, made out, made fools of themselves, all just for the sake of doing it. I couldn’t stand it. Why couldn’t I? Why couldn’t I be like them; drown the cynicism and act like a regular person rather than a judgemental spectator?

Back outside, the night was cold. I tried to act like I had something to do. I looked at Lance’s phone number, scrawled down in his beautiful writing. Could I? He’d said I could. I started dialling, and then stopped. I hovered outside a pub, the light from inside glowing warm. The wind whipped my hair back. I looked down at the number again. I wasn’t wearing a jacket and the dress I’d worn to the party was short and sleeveless, the sequinned hem ending well above my knees.

I called him. It seemed to ring forever but when he answered, his voice felt like the most precious thing in the world.

“Hi,” I said.

“Taylor? Hey. What’s up?”

“Uh…” Maybe it’d been a mistake. I fought for something to say. Anything.

“You okay?” His voice tipped into concern. “What’re you doing?”

“Uh - right now? Actually I just went to a party.”

I could almost hear him frown.

“Do you need a lift home? Where are you anyway?”

I can’t explain why his concern warmed me so much. As it was, I could have easily walked home or called a cab. But I didn’t. I told him where I was and fifteen minutes later I found myself in the passenger seat of his Toyota.

“Thanks for coming,” I said, sounding as fake as Christmas.

He didn’t buy it. He looked at me.

“Why’d you call me so late?” His voice dipped low. It sounded like it could answer every question in the world. “Is everything okay with you, Taylor?”

I’d missed him more than I could ever admit. His attention filled me entirely, melting away the cold loneliness. I looked at him. Light from a streetlamp came through the window, slanting a white glow across his face. I’d never wanted to kiss anyone as much as I wanted to kiss him in that moment.

“Everything’s fine,” I said but the words were empty and he knew it because he let out a sigh like he got it.

“Okay,” he said. “Okay.”

I was still looking at him; at the way his stubble faded out, the way his eyes narrowed as he frowned. He looked back.


I blinked.

“I don’t know,” I wanted to laugh and cry at the same time but most of all I just wanted to stay in his car forever with the heat up and the smell of him everywhere.

“What is it?” His voice leaned into me. “You can tell me.”

“I just – I never -” I looked down at my hands, at my fingernails, where the new nail came out clean beneath scratched silver polish. “I don’t ever feel close to anyone anymore. But you’re – you’re so nice.”

Nice. It was a useless word and I despised myself for using it. The silence hung in the small space between us. Rain started drizzling down onto the windscreen.

“I’m not all that nice,” he said finally. “But I know what you mean.”

“You do?”

“Yeah. I do.” He paused, swallowed hard. “I know exactly what you mean. You feel like you should make an effort to be included, to be kind, to have conversations and friendships but when it comes to it, you can’t. It feels fake. Sick. I feel like I hate them sometimes.”


“Pretty much everyone I meet.”

The rain had intensified. I watched the drops connect and fall on the windscreen, dragging one another down.

“D’you hate me?” I asked.

His laugh was barely there.

“How could I hate you? You’re – clean.”

“I’m not. I’m a mess. Isn’t it weird that I called you?” I laughed a small insincere laugh. “Isn’t this whole thing inappropriate?”

“Is it?” He didn’t sound like he particularly cared. He tilted his head just enough to look at me. “So why’d you call me, Taylor?”

God, the way he said my name. From him it sounded special, loaded, like it was full of something he wanted. I met his gaze. The streetlight hue across his face was dappled with shadowed raindrops. His eyes were so, so dark. Heat came out of the fan but I was more aware of the softer heat from his body. Human heat. Two people. Living, breathing people. The urge to touch him was everything. I looked away. I sat on my hands. He didn’t move.

“I think about you all the time,” I said. I didn’t look at him. The rain was coming down harder than ever, running off the windscreen, the soft patter almost drowning out my voice. But he could hear me. I knew it from the still way he sat, his eyes on my mouth, his breath held like he didn’t want to miss a word.

“Sometimes it feels like too much,” I continued. “Like real life can’t ever compare to everything in my head.”

“What happens in your head?”

I bit so hard on my lip it bled.

“I couldn’t even say.” My dress had ridden up too far and I looked down at my bare legs. “But I really wanted us to kiss that day in the hall.”

I wanted the words back as soon as they were gone. They were weak, desperate. Lance exhaled.

“What’s stopping you?”

My insides surged. My pulse set a racing beat to the erratic rain. I looked at him.

“What, now?”

He looked back undeterred.

“I’m not going anywhere.”

My mouth felt dry. I stared at him for what felt like an age. His hand came out and found mine.

“How much longer are you gonna make me wait, Taylor?”

I moved instinctively, turning in my seat. My heart thudded against my ribcage. I’d kissed guys before. Useless guys. Guys as insecure and incomplete as me. Lance was more. So much more. I was half-afraid he’d reject me as soon as our lips met. But he didn’t. He caught my bottom lip between his and I felt his hand touch my face, palm curving against my cheek like I was something precious.

I kissed him harder and his hand moved, slipping into my hair and gripping hard. He kissed me back hungrily. I moved closer to him, shifting clumsily against the gearstick, the handbrake, the steering wheel until he’d pulled me into place opposite him. He kissed like a man. Patient and warm and confident.

I felt his hands grasp my wrists, holding them to the small of my back so my body pressed against his. My legs were either side of his. It seemed suddenly indecent but I couldn’t try to close them without ruining the moment so I fought the urge and kissed him until we were gasping. His mouth went to my neck, pressing against my pulse, his tongue wet against my skin.

“You smell incredible,” he said.

I’d remember those words. I’d remember everything. It was the kind of night I’d revisit countless times, wishing it could play on loop. He let go of my wrists and touched my leg. His fingers were warm. They walked up, until they were under my dress. He didn’t stop there. His fingertip found the edge of my underwear and pushed past it. My heart thudded.

“What – what are you doing?”

He didn’t answer. He kissed me again, his tongue in my mouth and his free hand on the back of my neck, holding me to him. His hand moved against my snatch, feeling how wet I was. I gasped, breaking the kiss.

“Tell me to stop,” he said. We looked at each other in the dark car, his hand moving between my legs until it felt like they’d give out. I didn’t want him to stop. It would have been easy. One word. I didn’t say it. I pushed helplessly against his hand until his finger pushed inside me. I clenched around it desperately. Somewhere in the backseat, my phone rang, muffled and inadequate.

“I should answer that,” I gasped even as his fingers stretched me.

“Yeah. You should,” he said. But he didn’t stop fingering me and I didn’t stop taking it. His thumb pressed against my clit.

“You want me to fuck you?” he asked. He said the word like it was no big deal. It sounded exquisite from his mouth.

“I don’t – I don’t know,”

“You don’t?” His thumb pushed harder and my entire body quivered. “You don’t want my cock inside you?”

“God,” I pressed my forehead against the seat behind him and his hand pushed under my dress, finding one of my tits and groping it hard. “I don’t know, I don’t know.”

“C’mon, Taylor. You’re about to come all over my fucking hand and you don’t know?”

He had the perfect voice for talking dirty. It seeped into me and melted my insides, made me drip copiously around his fingers. Every so often, his thumb pushed against my swollen clit, making desperation course through my body.

He let go of my breast and found one of my hands, guiding it blindly to his jeans.

“Take my cock out.”

An invitation? Or a demand? It didn’t matter. I unbuckled his belt, pulling it free. I could feel the heat beneath the denim, the hardness. It made my mouth dry. I unzipped his jeans and felt underneath. He wore boxer shorts. My hand slid daringly under the waistband and found his hard cock. I could hardly believe what I was doing.

“Fuck,” Lance exhaled as I guided his cock out. We both looked down at it in the dark car, the air between us palpable with anticipation.

“You want it?” He pushed a third finger inside me, stretching me. “You want my cock inside this tight little pussy?”

Did I? It felt so male in my hand, so hard and uncompromising.

“This is what you wanted, isn’t it?” His voice felt like it controlled me. “This is why you called. What you’ve been dreaming of.”

“No – I – I guess I -”

He laughed. It flowed through me.

“Did you make yourself come? Imagining this? Did you touch yourself, Taylor?”

“Sometimes,” The word fell out before I could stop it.

He laughed again.

“I can’t even count how many times I’ve thought of you,” he said and relief spilled into me, filling the cracks and overflowing. Relief. He wanted me like I wanted him. Mutuality was safe. Flattering, even.

His fingers slid free of my snatch and his hands went to my waist.

“Put my cock inside you,” he said, like it was a reasonable thing to request.

I squirmed in his lap. I’d never been so wet in my life. Flashbacks of all the times I’d masturbated to the thought of him were flickering through my head. Real life was so physical. So irreversible. So beautiful. He shifted, one hand covering mine to guide his throbbing cock to my entrance. It nudged against my wet snatch as his fingers grazed my clit. I wondered how long I could stay on the dreamlike edge of pleasure. Every movement felt like it might tip me over the precipice.

He pushed. Put his hands on my waist and pulled me down, making me take his cock. The size of it took my breath away. I’d had sex one inconsequential time before; a teenage rush to get it over with. It hadn’t felt like it did with Lance. He pushed into me, stretching my channel until my eyes watered. I didn’t tell him to stop. It felt too good. Connection. The heat of his cock felt so human. I could hardly believe the way we were fitting together. It felt instinctive, primal.

“God, you’re so fucking tight,” he hissed the words through clenched teeth, his fingertips digging hard into my hips. “I could just – fuck.”

We fucked. He guided me up and down until I figured out the rhythm to settle into and then he contented himself with jerking his hips upward to drive into me. His fingers curled in my damp hair, gripping hard as we kissed breathlessly. Even when we weren’t kissing, our faces were millimetres apart. He looked at me like he didn’t ever want to stop.

“What?” I gasped.

“Just – you’re really fucking beautiful.”

I almost couldn’t stand the sugar.

“Don’t say that. You don’t have to say that.”

His eyes narrowed.

“I can say what I fucking want, angel.”

I swallowed, still riding his cock desperately. I didn’t think I could ever get enough of the way it felt as it slid in and out of my grasping snatch.

“Don’t call me that,” I said belatedly.

He almost laughed.

“Like you can stop me.”

He pulled me closer and kissed me hard, his free hand grasping my ass and holding me down so his cock was buried deep inside me. He moved his hips, grinding against me as we swallowed one another’s moans. His fingers brushed against my asshole and then he pressed the tip of one finger to it hard, making me clench.

“What?” he spoke hotly against my mouth. “You don’t want it? I’d make you feel good. Really good, Taylor.”

I twisted, trying to get away from his probing finger.

“Don’t, don’t, don’t.”

He spoke even with his teeth in my lip.

“Okay. Next time.”

My stomach spun with the idea but he’d started moving again, forcing me into a fresh, urgent rhythm as his hands gripped my waist. Every time I sank down onto his throbbing cock he pushed back upwards. One of his hands dropped between us, working my swollen clit until I couldn’t take anymore. There was nowhere to go, nothing to do but take it and fall apart right there on his cock. My body ached with the twist of pleasure and he didn’t stop moving his hand even as I gasped and moaned above him.

“Please – I can’t, please!”

“You gotta have more than one for me, angel.”

It was as though he knew me better than I knew myself. Even as I struggled to pull away from his hand, my body felt the jerking flood of pleasure again and this time he came too, spurting deep inside me. My face was pushed into his neck and I could feel the racing throb of his pulse as he groaned, his hands holding me so tight I was sure he’d leave marks.

Rain hammered down on the windows, the screen, the roof. We looked at each other, still breathing hard. His involuntary smile was heaven.

“I’m so glad you called,” he said.


I didn’t realise just how lonely I’d been until then.

The nights before had been endless. I’d become accustomed to lying in bed, flicking my dad’s lighter on and off only to see the magic warmth of that tiny flame. Sometimes I’d lean out of the window and chain-smoke cigarettes like I needed them. I didn’t need them. I didn’t know what I needed. I’d browse Instagram like an addict, staring at pictures of perfect celebrities and wondering how they could look so effortlessly beautiful. Inevitably, I’d bring up pictures of my dad and gaze at them, half-afraid I might begin to forget what he looked like.

He’d always smelt like smoke but I loved the smell of it because it was all I’d ever known from him. He never drank. But he smoked. He smoked and smoked and smoked. Whenever anyone he knew went on holiday, he’d cajole them into getting him as many duty-free cigarettes as possible. Benson and Hedges were his vice. Everyone has something. That one killer. Drugs or drink or gambling or sex or lies or anything; that one thing that ruins them. If Dad hadn’t been a smoker, he would have been perfect. But nobody’s perfect.

He wasn’t supposed to leave me. He’d never promised it in any words but isn’t there a promise in expectation? When you’re so sure that something will happen, when it’s almost 100% percent certain, is that not a silent promise? Didn’t he owe me another thirty years at least? I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t know how to live.

Those words didn’t come out, didn’t even form fully in my cluttered mind. There were just feelings. A kind of desperation I though would be endless until Lance made me forget it. The night in his car was only the start. He became an addiction, spiralling further out of control with each passing day.

Sex. It was everything. His body against mine, the urgent grasping, the sighs and desperation. To be wanted was everything.

“You do like me, don’t you?” Hopelessly insecure, I’d find myself asking the question post-fuck.

“I wouldn’t make you come so many times if I didn’t like you,” he’d laugh. “You’re incredible, Taylor.”

And for a few minutes I’d feel incredible as we lay there, soaked in sweat and secrets. I couldn’t remember ever feeling so needed. We fucked with increasing frequency, his car, his flat, my house. Even my mother’s presence didn’t deter me; on Christmas Eve we hooked up in my room as extended family visited downstairs, the fake laughter and pop songs echoing up the stairs as Lance’s cock pushed into me over and over. I had to put my hand over my mouth to keep quiet but it was worth it. It was always worth it.


School resumed and a week after we got back, Rebecca Carlton dyed her hair dark, like mine. She didn’t change anything else; still wore an entire supermarket aisle of makeup and leaned against her locker in dangerously short skirts but it irked me. She wasn’t trying to be like me, was she? Why would she? She hated me. If I got an A on a piece of homework in Lance’s class, she’d always try to ruin it for me.

“He just feels sorry for her. It’s not his fault. She just cries about her dad 24/7, so it’s not like he can ignore her.”

Her words were furiously cruel but I didn’t feel them anymore. The insults didn’t hit deep; they barely scratched the surface. I was too high for her to pull me down. Besides, there was satisfaction in seeing her seethe. She had everything, except him. He didn’t want her. He saw past the short skirts and crimson lipstick.

I loved it. For the first time in my life, I felt like something that mattered. I had something the most popular girl in the school didn’t have. She knew it. I know she knew, even with all the measures Lance and I took to keep it a secret. We couldn’t help the way we looked at each other. Nobody was interested enough to notice, except Rebecca. Lance’s eyes would meet mine and his mouth would lift in that shadow of a smile only I ever saw and I’d feel her watching us, silent and furious.

It didn’t stop me. It only made me want him more. We hooked up all the time, spurred on the by the thrill of deceit and the reward that accompanied every heart-racing risk.

Lance would come over when I was home alone and we’d fuck recklessly, in my room, in the shower, even on the sofa downstairs. My mother didn’t suspect a thing.

“What would she think?” Lance asked one time. “If she knew.”

I looked up at him from the bedroom floor, his cock in my hand and my eyes still watering from an urgent blowjob.

“I don’t know,” I said breathlessly. “And I don’t care.”

“You don’t?” His mouth curved into a smile. “You don’t care what she’d think about all the nasty things I do to you? About how dirty you are?”

“I’m not dirty,” I pouted.

His smile widened. I could never get over how good he looked.

“Yeah, you are.”

“I’m not.”

He caught my elbow and pulled me up. I was naked from the waist down, the hem of my t-shirt barely covering my snatch. His hand went between my legs and curled possessively, his foot pushing against my ankle to increase the space between my legs. His fingertip pushed back towards my ass. His eyes didn’t leave mine.

“Let me,” he said the words so softly, so seductively. It felt unreasonable to refuse but I did anyway.


He frowned.

“No? God, I hate that word.”

He pulled me closer, his fingertip still pressing against my asshole as his thumb found my clit.

“I’d make you feel good,” His voice dropped low, seeping into me like smoke. “So good, Tay. I’d make you come so many times.”

I pushed back against his thumb. His eyes were on my mouth as my lips parted.

“Say yes,” he said. “Please, angel.”

I looked at him, sitting on my single bed, his clothes in a trail on the floor, his hair tousled and his face still damp with perspiration from the blowjob I’d delivered. He’d become everything to me. The only light. The only thing I looked forward to, the only thing I even cared about anymore. I couldn’t get enough of him. All I ever craved was his attention.

“Okay,” I said.

We did it in the shower, aided by copious quantities of Vaseline. It hurt less than I expected but it still hurt. The kind of urgently beautiful pain you get from pressing on a bruise and yet different because it was somehow shallower. His cock stretched me entirely. I pressed my hands against the cool tiles and tried to blink away the water in my eyes. We were both breathing hard, desperately, panting almost. One of his hands was grasping my tit. I looked down at it hazily, at his strong fingers and clean nails. It felt too precious.

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I found our suite empty, as expected, but I still felt grateful for that small favor. Laura had spent the day with the other Mistresses, for they rarely gathered all together in one place and would necessarily have much to discuss. Each Pride operated independently, but only within the framework of the larger commonwealth. I wasn't privy to their private meetings, but at home I normally spent most of my time not far from Laura's side. Naturally, I'd learned quite a bit about the business...

3 years ago
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Tempting teacher

Hi, this jj taking you through the ‘teacher’s” series well when I venture into a particular segment it goes on for a very long time. The thinking and visualizing keeps going in the same line if readers are aware it all started with the “lesbian” stories. Well keeping onto the same track this is about a pg mathematics school teacher handling higher classes a divorcee well into her forties 44 to be precise blessed with a son staying with her parents at Bangalore was slowly warming up with a...

2 years ago
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Henry Has Me

The reason I say that my girlfriend is out of my league is because I have always been a smaller guy. It's not just my height, but my frame. I have always felt as though I was behind all of the other guys when it came to physical development. I didn't have body hair, a strong jaw, or much muscle. At the time I attributed all of this to the fact that I was a swimmer. I was lucky enough to be on a team at a nearby junior college and competed in long distance events. The lack of development...

4 years ago
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The Wedding Date 7

The Wedding Date By Jena Corso Edited by Jay Chapter Seven As he hurried back down the stairs his mother and Rita were resetting the table. Out came some cookie dough, as he sat listening to her instructions about the basic slicing and then into the oven they went, before they all sat again waiting for the girls to arrive. His mother would had him add a second coat of clear polish as luckily the conversation turned away from the scholarship and over to gossip. Being an only...

3 years ago
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Lady Victoria Part 2 Her Ladyship gets her just reward

LADY VICTORIA - PART 2 - Her Ladyship Gets Her Just Reward Lady Victoria had been sent to Beddingfield Ladies College by her father Lord John for one reason only, to prepare her for marriage into high society. His phenomenal success had brought him huge wealth and his recent ascent into the House of Lords as a Baronet inspired new ambitions, which knew no bounds. His daughter would not only marry into high society but into Royalty itself and he had the money and the power to see it through. At...

1 year ago
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Mom Spices Up Her Daughter8217s Sex Life

Hello all, Please read my other set of stories Conservative mother turns whore. This story is how my slut mother has interfered in my sisters married life and made her a complete sex maniac. Let me describe my sister Lina she is 30 married and having a 3 year old daughter. He is not as voluptuous as my mother is (38DD-34-40) and my sister’s figure is 30-28-34 she was lean and a horny girl. I have seen her naked photos and masturbation videos which she used to make for her bf then (husband now)....

2 years ago
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A Tribe for Tethys Part 2 Chapter 7

Chapter 7: Sonia and Friends At The Lake I’ve made this trip dozens of times. I know how long it takes, I know how it feels, I know the bumps and textures and turns of the route, and I know just what to do to keep this precious cargo bottled up inside me. It’s only a couple of tablespoons, but it’s thin and slippery, and gravity is pooling it just above the narrow, muscular section of my tunnel. What sperm was mixed in with the semen is slowly swimming the other direction, still...

3 years ago
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Loving The Closest A Son And Mother Part 8211 2

Thank you all for the overwhelming support on the first part of this story. As a novice in the genre, it was all awe- inspiring for me. Feel free to mail me your comments, suggestion, complaint etc. on my id- Now the story- In the morning when I woke up, I was all alone on my bed. I recalled the events of last nights which were stimulating as well as confusing for me. I could not able to get the thoughts of my mother. I always respected her but this feeling of desire was something new for me....

1 year ago
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My Life Stories Gym Nite

I just wrapped a towel around my waist and took one step towards the gym showers when someone asked, ‘hey, do you know if they have soap and shampoo in the showers or do I need to bring my own?’ Turning around to see who was talking to me, I was greeted by a middle aged man who, aside from the towel around his neck, was totally naked. ‘Hi, I’m Sam, I just joined this gym tonight and wasn’t sure.’ I reached out to shake his hand and I felt his eyes ripping my towel off me. Before looking at my...

1 year ago
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Spizoo Maya Kendrick Slim Redhead Dig Big Cock

Maya Kendrick is a classic beauty. This redhead bombshell is as elegant as any woman you’ll lay your eyes on. Enjoy watching this sexy, fiery, sweetheart takes cock deep in her throat and pussy in this POV experience. She rides, sucks, licks, spits and grinds her way to a special cum shower all over her hot red bush. This little slut is perfect. You can enjoy this beautiful redhead on a vintage make up showing you her perfect body, natural tiny tits, hairy tight pussy, wearing sensual rose...

1 year ago
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Influencers Gone Wild

InfluencersGoneWild is exactly the way I like to see my favorite internet celebrities. I’m a fan of Twitch gamer sluts, Instathots, Snapchat whores and even the lovely babes of YouTube. I’ll have to admit, though, I’m a bit of a pervert. They don’t call me ThePornDude for nothing! That’s why I’d much rather see those girls in social media porn like nip slips, nude galleries and OnlyFans vids than in SFW viral scored a good name and a killer domain, if you want my...

Free OnlyFans Leak Sites
2 years ago
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The Story of Nicky

The Story of Nicky Part 1 Nicky lived with his Mother Sally in a very beautiful country house just outside Oxford. Nicky's Father was killed in a tragic helicopter accident when Nicky was only a few weeks old. He had run a highly successful business and was very wealthy. With his estate and the life insurance Sally was left without a Husband, but with substantial wealth and a beautiful baby Son, Nicky. It took some time for Sally to overcome the grief she suffered from the loss...

2 years ago
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Discovering Their Closeness

I had worked an overtime shift that was expected to last all night, but another supervisor came in at 3, so I was cut loose early.  I sped home through the dark night, expecting to find a quiet house, everyone asleep, and me with a little solitude on my hands.  I had taken to reading erotica any time I was alone, so I was pretty horny, just thinking about bringing myself to orgasm.  I knew as soon as I walked in the door that something was wrong, because I heard music playing, and muted...

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Mums Friends

Chapter ThreeSix Months Later Jill and Debbie were both pregnant. Jill was due at the beginning of July, and Debbie was due three weeks later. Both had stopped drinking and were on very healthy diets. Both were still working but only a day a week. They were both spending a lot of time at the Chateau and Jill’s villa in Sotogrande. Both were getting quickly tired and also had morning sickness. They were both very excited about their pregnancies. They were sharing the same bedroom with twin beds....

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My Friend Fredia

My Friend Fredia This tale comes from Larry. Larry meets an old school friend who has went through some changes in his life. Peace. Belle. Hello everyone. My name is Larry Sargento. I know you have been hearing from my sister Nicole some of the time. This time you get to hear from me. It all started about one month ago. I pulled in to the Ye Old Irish Inn's parking lot. I had to meet a crew of brewmiesters from across the state about brewing beer. It was a monthly meeting. Behind...

1 year ago
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The Brothel at the End of the Universe pt 4

So the Dryth appear to be Time Lords, or maybe they raided Gallifrey and took the TARDIS with them. In any case, far as I can tell, their ship is much bigger on the inside than it has any right to be.Or maybe I’m just running in circles.Yep, I’m running. Yes, naked, with stuff dripping down my legs. Yes, I’m holding on to my boobs. No, it’s not a pretty sight. No, it doesn’t make a ton of sense in my head, but my body saw Bane’s glare and went RUN! RUN! RUN! … so here we are. Running.“You threw...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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The Boss Part 2 The Trick

This is a fictional dark fantasy story that will contain romance and some vanilla parts to it, but mainly consists of blackmail, rape, and violence. I don't condone or partake in any of the actions portrayed here. This is for people like me, guys and girls, who like this kind of harsh stuff with a good story. For those of you out there, enjoy. ***THIS STORY CONTAINS FICTIONAL RAPE, BLACKMAIL, AND VIOLENCE. READ AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION. YOU’RE WARNED.*** ****** Part 2 - “The Trick”. You...

3 years ago
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Brandi Protector of the Gateway Season 2Chapter 27

At first, Nicolette tried to keep her voice down. It was a challenge - Michael’s mouth and hands worked together to perform a more effective attack on her senses than she could ever have imagined. But she knew that there was a chance that someone would overhear and catch them, and so she managed to subdue her reactions. When Michael finally lifted her skirt and replaced his hand with his cock, however, she gave up. “Oh GOD,” she cried out. The demon cock was lightly rubbing up and down her...

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Online Hook Up First Time

I am coming up 55 years of age and suddenly I have found myself looking more at Porn.Naked girls, big cocks and big tits.Then I found by chance a gay site my viewing was changed.I always liked looking at men’s cocks and the size and shape of them. Cut ones are my Favs. But on these gay sites there is so much variations, old young, guys in leather strap things and lots of guys getting fucked up the ass and enjoying it.When I was a teen there were 4 of us lads that would have a competition to say...

2 years ago
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A New LifeChapter 14

November 29, 1849 I woke up next to Claire and found her eyes open looking at me. I reached out my hand and stroked her hair as we lay there, "How are you feeling? I asked. "I hurt but not as much as yesterday. It will get better." "Did anyone do anything else?", I asked, afraid that she had been raped during her ordeal. "No, you got there before anything else happened. They might have, but the whipping I got from Thompson, saved me from that. The woman who bought me from him told...

3 years ago
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Jill becomes a Hot Wife Ch 2

Introduction: Jill continues her adventures Jill becomes a hot wife Chapter 2 Well its been a couple of years now since Jill found her hot sexual desire that day at the mall. She had no idea that voyeurism and exobitionism could lead to so much fun. She always felt that was something weirdoes and perverts did. But now she knows the real joys of being a hot sensual wife and it has really changed her for the better. It had a few bumps in the beginning as she started to feel that I did not love...

2 years ago
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Azalea Ch 01

Trying something a little different here. All characters are entirely fictional and any likeness or similarities to any persons are purely coincidental. Thanks for dropping by. — ‘You whore!’ Buckley wheezed, kneeling as his broad frame doubled over with his large hands trapped between his legs. Azalea probably would’ve laughed if she could focus. Fog surrounded her, somehow, her mind wasn’t connecting to her body. Every movement was effortless, yet, slow and weighted. She kept...

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My Slut Wife Sally Part 4

---------------Darla in my bedBob and Sally were not back yet by the time Darla and I arrived at home. We went straight to my bedroom where she stripped, retrieved from her purse a leather dog collar with a leash attached to its big brass ring, then knelt between my knees. Uncertain where she was taking us I sat on the edge of the bed and waited in quiet anticipation. With tears in her eyes she handed me the collar and leash, begging, “I make you a gift of my body. Be stern with me. Buckle this...

1 year ago
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Tiktok Video Recording With Cousin Turns Hot And Sexual

Riya is my cousin and she was of the same age as me. We were playmates since childhood. When we got together during our childhood, we always loved doing role-plays and playing father-mother. I always managed to sneak in a few kisses during such role-plays but that was out of childhood fantasies. Times changed, so did we but we were still playmates. We are 20 years old now. I became well-built with age and also became quite a good dancer. Riya also came of age and became really sexy. She was...

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RedemptionChapter 8

cabin tents rented for $25 a day summer.$30 a night winter rate trailer rentals: larger $75 mid size $60 small $50 John Boyd 28yrs old Gabby Boyd 25 yrs old. Alice Boyd current owner of the Gatehouse Edwardo world famous catfish chef (according to mom) Joy and Jen wait staff for Alice Boyd’s catering Jasper Amos hunter, guide, knife make Sylvia Amos sheriff’s detective lieutenant deputy Angie Davenport Marion davenport Angie’s mom Clyde Summers suicide victim Edward Gaines suicide victim...

3 years ago
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Pussy Glory

I'm having my morning coffee and scanning the Sunday newspaper; she comes in all wrinkled after her sleep BUT FRESH and in her nightie. She bends over a bit and gives me the morning kiss. I kiss her back grabbing her waist with my left hand, lifting her nightie with my right and sticking my head inside her nightie; she smells GOOD. I kiss her stomach softly and smell the sweet smell of her still naked pussy. She's clean shaven with just a bit of pubic hair on her pelvis. I'm not letting her go...

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Millennium Products II the corruption of LindaChapter 4 Mommy helps Linda with her problem

The next day, Linda woke up and took a cold bath, which didn't help her constantly aroused state. She tried to eat well, but the food seemed lifeless compared to the wonderful taste and aroma of fresh sperm. She thought about cocks and cum spurting all day, masturbating lots of times, but the need only grew inside her. When night came she was desperately hoping her mother would return with more pills for her. Her heart almost stopped when she heard the door opening and her mother calling,...

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Sharing Bella with a work friend Part 1

Sharing Bella, again.I know I spend a long time in between our experiences, we're not the type for doing it frequently. But here is another true story about sharing my gorgeous girlfriend, Bella. (And no, you lucky and un-named Xhamster member, I told you I'd write about you in another story) So me and Bella have been together a while, it is serious. As usual, not much has changed, a few new tattoos, but that's about it. Still a gorgeous set of 34DD tits with an amazing bubble butt, and one of...

4 years ago
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Green DoomChapter 23 Fall of an Empire

Talai was silent, as silent as a deserted graveyard. Nobody was on the streets, nobody who didn't absolutely have to venture forth. Rumors of Sholim's wrath, tales of his army's departure on missions of vengeance crisscrossed the city like ripples on a pond. None dared risk becoming the next target of Sholim's fury. "Why can't we strike now?" Shantar fumed, pacing endlessly back and forth the length of the cramped underground room, ducking his head to miss the low ceiling beams. "We...

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To The Matt Part 6

The next day was a rare treat for the kids as Taylor drove them to school while Betty slept in. Riley was driven in by Alexis' mother as she trusted them to be chaste during school hours. Taylor explained to her that they knew their limits and wouldn't push them in school, it was more of a Ginny thing anyway which only caused Alexis' mother to smile and nod in agreement as Rose did get frisky at home. Outside Vinny and Davis' school, she got a shock as they were met by the family from...

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Not a Destination The Transition Guy Chapter 8

Chapter 8: ...Not a Destination 9/11 changed everything - especially for Henry and Alethea. Technically speaking since they were in London, you would normally call the 11th of September 2001 as eleven-nine two thousand one. But, there was nothing normal about this day when the planes hit the towers and brought them down. The couple noticed the hubbub brewing about 14:30 as they were having a late lunch. They were aghast. They tried calling Sofia and wanted to talk with the kids...

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Family Awakenings Ch4

“Wow! What a great way to start the day.” Steph said as she was scooping up her brothers cum and swallowing it down. “We need to try and start every day like this.” Danny said while he was rubbing his sisters tits. Steph began reaching for my belt. “Daddy, you’re the only one who hasn’t cum yet.” “I know sweetie but we can’t right now or I’ll be late for work. You can make it up to me when I get home.” I gave her a kiss and pinched her right nipple as I turned to leave. When I got to the...

3 years ago
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A Story for the Guys and Wives

Kaycee’s story My name is Kaycee Clark. I’m standing here in front of my mirror admiring my 50 year old body. Not bad for an old broad, I thought, so why has my husband not touched me sexually in almost 8 years? I used to think I was reasonably attractive. I still turned some heads when I was decked out. A little Botox around the eyes and a little hair color, I could pass for 40 probably. Even after all these years without any sexual intimacy, I love him and still try to turn him on. I keep my...

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Doc Ch 16

The next morning we had breakfast with Grandpa. Just as we were almost finished, I asked him, ‘So what are the plans for today? I was figuring on working on the two new wagons to get them ready to use for my next rounds of all the nearby towns. Staying in hotels and eating in restaurants is getting too expensive.’ Grandpa became grim as he spoke, ‘I thought I would work with you most of this morning. Then this afternoon I’m going to ride into Hill City for a little talk with Miller — he’ll...

4 years ago
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A Week In A Dungeon Day 4A

Ashley kneels in her cage. She isn’t hungry or thirsty, she’s in heat. It has been over 48 hours now, of being teased, tied up and tongued, with no release offered. And now, she’s staring at her beautiful Miss Rose, who stands next to an overwhelming amount of devices, most of which Ashley has no understanding of. ‘Do you trust me, dear?’ Miss Rose asks, lovingly. Ashley does. She knows nothing but trust for Miss Rose. She’s been her guiding light ever since she arrived here. Ashley nods her...

3 years ago
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A Borrowed Ride for the Honeymoon

I loved my brother Jim. He was two years older than me, and had been a pretty decent older brother for me. He was only a week away from marrying Denise, his high school sweetheart. I was happy for him, for both of them, but he was asking me for something I really didn't want to give him. "You have to lend it to me, Rick. My old clunker won't make it all the way out to California and back. It can be our wedding present from you." "I said no, Jim. I worked every day I could for five...

1 year ago
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FamiliesTied Maya Kendrick Sovereign Syre Little Lesbian Stalker Sis Trained as Sex Toy

Sovereign Syre brings her new fiance Stirling Cooper to her rich step mom’s lavish vacation home. As soon as they are in the door of the mansion he has her pressed against the wall, pulling out her luscious big tits and round ass. Unbeknownst to the couple, they are being spied on. Sovereign’s little step sister Maya found out that Sovereign was using the house for the weekend. Maya spent the previous summer as Sovereign’s secret submissive lesbian slut, serving her every...

2 years ago
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Princess of Persia 8211 Part 11

Hey guys, to aapne padha ke Methius jung per chala gaya tha. Rajkumari Misha ko azaadi mil gayi thi mujhse sex karne ki. Aur dusri taraf Methius ki maa Mila mujhe chidha rahi thi bohut saare lund ek sath lekar. Ab Aage. Ye silsila aise hi chalta raha 15 din tak. Fir Misha ke periods miss ho gaye aur fir uski thodi tabyat kharab hui to main vaid ji ko bula laayi. Unhone usko dekhkar bola ke woh maa banne wali hai. Methius ko pata tha ke woh nahi aane wala hai abhi kuch mahine tak. To usne...

1 year ago
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Teacherai Busil Oothen

Naan oru paliyil driveraaga velai paarthu varugiren, thinamum kaalai maalai bus ootuven appozhuthu athil niraiya palli maanavargal varuvaargal. Kudave perunthil teachergalum varuvaargal, athil oru pen sexyaaga irupaal. Avaluku innum thirumanam aaga villai vayathu 24 aagum, en vayathum 25 thaan. Naan athigam padika vilai endraalum parka azhagaga aanmaiyaaga irupen. En udambu katu mazhthaaga irukum, aanal athigam udambu irupathu pondru irukaathu. Naan thiinamum antha azhagiya teacherai sight...

1 year ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 338

A platoon of soldiers was marching north of Kandahar when they came upon an Afghani terrorist, badly injured and unconscious. On the opposite side of the road was a Canadian soldier in a similar but less serious state. The soldier was conscious and alert and as first aid was given to both men, the Platoon Leader asked the injured Canadian what had happened. The soldier reported, 'I was heavily armed and moving north along the highway here, and coming south was a heavily armed insurgent. We...

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RARBG GangBang

Big surprise: I have a lot of sex. I say that a lot here, but most of the time, I'm being humble. I fuck even more than I let on. I'm worried you fucks will give up on women altogether if you know I'm getting a blow job while I write these reviews.Pussy by the HandfulI fuck so often, in fact, that I've pretty much given up on fucking one bitch per serving. I don't have enough time in the day. I need each sexual experience to include at least three bitches.First off, it's unfair of me to ask one...

Gangbang Porn Sites
3 years ago
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The Cosca Episode 2 Changing PrioritiesChapter 2

Entering the stateroom he shared with Maria, Joe shed his coat and loosened his tie. He then poured two brandies and handed one to her. It was a nice stateroom. Much nicer than one would expect on a spaceship. Not as large, perhaps, as even a child's bedroom in a normal home, but large by ship standards. It contained the equivalent of a full-sized bed, a wall-mounted video screen and communications system, a small table and two comfortable chairs. "Lights, low," Joe said, as he allowed...

2 years ago
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New Years Eve at the Local

She certainly turned some heads in the pub as she entered. Already a little drunk, and dressed in a tiny white dress which seemed ready to unravel from her slightly plump teenage body at any moment. The dress was a little too tight, and her full figure meant that pale flesh was on display. Her ample tits squeezed out at the top, and below her smooth chubby thighs could be seen, with an occasional flash of the white strip of her panties when she walked. She wasn’t an unattractive girl – and with...

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A Touch of Magic

Prologue We stood before the tribunal pleading for mercy. We knew it would fall on deaf ears but it was worth a shot. My father and I were facing certain death, we each took huge risks in supporting my wife and mother in their training but it was worth it. My name is Izod Hammel. I am a grand wizard and president of the Wizard's Council. My father is Ozmodias Hammel, a retired wizard who himself was once president of the Wizard's Council. We have spent the better part of four...

1 year ago
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The Valentine Virginity 8211 Part 6

Hello, Horny readers and ISS fans. This is your Arjun back again. Thank you, readers and my dear fans that contacted me and appreciated my story. Special thanks to my female fans too. I request the readers (both boys and girls) to reach out to me on Google Chats so we can stay connected. I would love to connect with more like-minded ISS fans. Re-introduction about me. Arjun is from Chennai, Tamil Nadu. 27 years old, 6 foot tall, fair and regular gym guy with an athletic fit body and a 7.5-inch...

3 years ago
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Horny Bitch

I was so horny, lying naked on my bed, alone,I placed my fingers between my legs and felt the hot stickiness of my love juice."God, I need a good fuck" I reached into the bedside drawer and took out my rabbit, old faithful, never lets me down.I opened my legs and began to push it in slowly, my wet lips parted to take it all, slipping in deep till the ears were touching my clit, I reached for the button and pressed it, buuuuuuuzzzzzzzzzzzz, the ears began to vibrate slowly, knocking against my...

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The Nerd Goes to UniversityChapter 9 Jill and Jane Taylor

I was visiting my lover Virginia (Ginny) Elsworthy's uni office when her boss Beth Taylor came into the office. It was strange meeting her for the first time in my normal guise - previously I'd met her, dated her and fucked her in my 25 year old black stud guise. "Oh hello ... and who is this handsome young man Virginia?" Beth asked. "This is one of my former French language students from my previous school" Ginny explained. "Oh..." Beth exclaimed and continued asking "Is he any...

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The Pretend He Couldnt PretendChapter 2

Micheal Mancini's Office United Nation's Building, NY A delivery man steps in the office carrying another dozen roses, these yellow. He sits them on the desk opposite the other dozen, then leaves without saying a word. Micheal lifts the card out opening it and reading "Sorry". As the day wears on her office is transformed into a floral shop with 20 vases of roses in different colors. Micheal sits at her desk laying the cards out to read them, trying to make some sense out of the...

1 year ago
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Seducing the teacher

From the day she walked into his classroom first period on her very first day of high school she had a crush on her English teacher. He was loved by everyone and respected by even more. He was that teacher that knew how to how fun, making the class totally enjoyable. However, he was also an A.P. English teacher for every class he taught, therefore, he knew when it was time to get down to business. Everything about him was great. He made himself 100% available to his students weather they were...

4 years ago
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Dancing On Daddys Shoes Chapter 17

Authors Note: Is there a sweeter context in which to write other than irony? I don't think so. So perhaps it's appropriate that this story met with discontent when it felt as though I was dragging it out. I did a lot of writing here, on this piece before publishing this story. But the truth of it is that I have worked on this story collectively for two years. I have no less than seven versions of it. I have chapters and chapters of unpublished material that no one will see. Some...

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January 1, 2007 It's the first day of a new year and since I am stuck in this house with nothing to do, I have decided to start that journal I have always planned. As a young writer, it is important to get into the habit of writing every day. After a while it will just be as natural as everything else that I have learned to do on a daily basis. That's the interesting thing about repetition. Something about creating new connections in your brain. Anyway, excuse my grammar or spelling....

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