90210: Val & Kelly Ch. 1 free porn video

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Kelly’s Sappho Weekend – Yet another Beverly Hills 90210 story

Warning – This story contains adult content, such as sex between two young women, (in their early twenties). Thus the F/F+. Oral, Anal and good old fashioned sex the way only women can have it. This story does not contain sex between men and women! (Lets face it, most men don’t care to read about that anyway). By the way, this story is somewhat long & does contain a bit of a plot, so don’t expect to get to the sex right away!!!

This Story was inspired by a photo of Tiffani Amber-Thiessen and Jennie Garth, where they were kissing at a club or something. The photo was part of a nude layout of Tiffany, in Celebrity Sleuth magazine. Although the pictures were originally shot for a European magazine if I recall correctly.

(This is not my first story, although it is probably the first that I will release to the public).

Please respect my wishes by keeping this header with the rest of the story. Thanks…

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‘Val & Kelly’

Kelly was feeling really lonely, since Brandon went away. He was only gone for a few days, but he was scheduled to be gone for another week. Steve & Claire, and David & Donna had driven up to San Francisco for a long three day weekend the day before. So there wasn’t anyone to hang out with, except of course here arch-enemy, Valerie. Kelly & Val only spoke when it was absolutely necessary.

Well, this weekend was beginning to look like one of those times when it was going to be absolutely necessary. Kelly didn’t want to just sit around the beach condo with nothing to do, so she drove down to the Peach Pit After Dark, which was owned by Valerie. It was crowded as it usually was on a Friday night. Even though it was around 1:30 am. The club would be open for about another hour and a half, so she parked herself down at one end of the bar, the darkest corner, or so she thought.

At around 2:15, as Val was looking out over the crowd, she spotted Kelly. Even though they were enemies, Val didn’t mind if Kelly came in, because her money was as good as any rich Beverly Hills kid. Val, feeling especially nice tonight, picked up the phone, and called down to the bartender, and let him know that all of Kelly’s drinks were on the house tonight.

When told this, Kelly was a bit surprised, since she was the only one of the group that Val ever charged to eat or drink there. At the same time, she told herself to try to remember to thank Valerie later, if they saw each other. At about 2:50, the D.J. announced that it was time for last call. Having had about 4 strong mixed drinks already, Kelly ordered one more to cap off the night. She figured it would also help her sleep better, since she couldn’t be with Brandon tonight. Valerie came down from the office to get ready to close the place for the night.

When Kelly spotted Val, she asked her to come over so she could thank her for the drinks. Val said that it was no problem, and in fact asked her if she would mind staying for awhile, so that they could talk. Well, Kelly thought, it wasn’t like I have anything better to do, so she told Val yes, she would stay. The place was cleaned & the cash was counted and put away for the night. Val decided to make the bank deposit the next morning.

At about 3:45, when everyone else was gone for the night, they left and locked up the club. Val told Kelly that she should probably get a ride home with Val. Kelly agreed, as the five drinks had quite an effect on her. Val obviously had already sensed that, and they got into Val’s sports car. Kelly asked what they should do about her car, and Val told her that they would come by and get it tomorrow.

After about five minutes of driving, Val asked Kelly if she would mind going back to the house with her. Kelly said she didn’t mind, and at the same time, asked Val what it was that she wanted to talk about. Val told her that she wanted to try to resolve some of the problems between them. Kelly said that she thought that since they were both adults now, that it probably was a good idea. They didn’t speak much for the rest of the way back to the house.

When they arrived, Val parked in the back by the pool, and when they finally came to a stop, Val asked Kelly to wait out by the pool and she would be right back. Kelly did as Val had requested, and Val went inside for a few moments. Kelly was sitting on a lounge chair when Val came back out, she was carrying a bottle of wine and two glasses. As it turned out, this wine was Kelly’s favorite. (Could Val have had this planned?)

Val sat in the lounge chair next to Kelly, who was just staring out over the moon’s reflection covering the pool. Val poured and handed Kelly a glass of wine, then poured one for herself. Val held up her glass and proposed a toast, ‘here’s to a new beginning between us’. Kelly’s reply was simply – here, here, then they both sipped their wine.

Val was the first to speak, look Kelly she said, I know that there has been a whole lot of tension between us since I got to town. And it’s partly because of Brandon, but mostly it’s been, I think our two very different personalities, and possibly our very different upbringings. I was born in Minnesota, where our family values it seems are much more important than those of the people out here in California. People in the Midwest work very hard for what they have, and it seems that the work ethic out here is far less important.

It appears to the outsider that Kids from Beverly Hills are just spoiled rotten brats, and a lot of the ones I’ve met are. That alone pisses me off to no end. People out here don’t work as hard for their money as we from the Midwest do. Kelly added, that most kids their age don’t have to work unless they want to, and not many want to. Some do volunteer work like Donna and I do.

Kelly asked Val if that was all that was the only reason she didn’t like her. No, said Val, it’s not the only reason. And it’s not that I don’t like you, but rather that I felt like their was a competition between them and that Brandon was the prize. You know that I’ve had a crush on Brandon since we both lived back in Minnesota, but when I first met you… Val hesitated asking Kelly if she would like some more wine. She said yes, and Val poured them each another glass of wine. Kelly told Val to continue.

…I really was jealous that Brandon had you. It wasn’t that I was jealous of you, but, well I don’t know how to tell you this. Kelly thought she knew what Val was about to say. When Val said the she had a crush on her, Kelly knew she had assumed right.

She was stunned, yet at the same time she was starting to get kind of turned on. She gulped down the rest of her wine, and held out her glass for more wine. Without having to be asked, Val poured Kelly another glass of wine. Val told Kelly that she was sorry if what she said had made her feel uneasy. Kelly took a sip of her wine, then set down her glass and told Val that what she had said did not make her feel uneasy, but rather was kind of turned on by the thought.

Kelly told Val that she had a confession to make. Val asked what it was, and Kelly told her that she had wanted to be with her sexually, ever since, Brandon and Kelly had been on the phone, and as Brandon said, Val walked out of the bathroom the two of them shared, half naked. I believe, as Brandon said, you were wearing a black lace bra, black lace panties, and black high heels. My mind was not in it for the rest of the conversation. I kept thinking of what exactly you looked in your sexy little outfit. And, in fact I have thought of just that sight on many occasions, when having sex with Brandon, or even when I was alone at night.

Kelly told Val that she had always thought she had been ‘bi-sexual’, but had never really been with a woman, just fantasized about it. She wasn’t really sure how to go about asking another woman, much less Valerie. Val told her that the best way, was to just go for it. Taking that a
s Val’s o.k., Kelly leaned forward & kissed Val on the lips, softly at first, then before Val knew what hit her, Kelly pushed Val back onto the lounge chair, and was on top of her with her tongue between Val’s lips.

Val was a bit overwhelmed, but tried in earnest to keep up with all of Kelly’s moves. Kelly soon had one hand up underneath Val’s half shirt, and was fondling her breasts, while the other hand was used to prop herself up over Val. Val meanwhile was running both of her hands along Kelly’s back, occasionally stopping to rub Kelly’s ass through her jeans.

‘You’re making me so hot, are you sure your are not a beginner at making love to another woman?’, Val asked. You are the first woman that I have ever wanted to be with, and I don’t plan on stopping anytime soon, Kelly said. She then got up to her knees, and lifted Val’s top up over her head, and had instant access. (Val rarely wore a bra).

Kelly loved what she saw, although Val had had a boob job when she came out to California. Kelly told her that they looked a whole lot better than most of the girls in at college, who had boob jobs. Val took that as the compliment that it was, and told Kelly that she wanted to see her breasts too. Kelly was happy to oblige, and not only did she have her blouse off in just seconds, but also had her jeans and tennis shoes off, as well.

Kelly then climbed back on top of Val & started to squeeze and lick all over Val’s tit’s like a kid with a new lollipop. She ran her tongue up & down through the cleavage, when she squeezed the tit’s together. Then finally told Val that she wanted so badly, to taste her. Val really got excited at this, and arched her back long enough to pull her mini-skirt down. Kelly was already trembling from being so nervous about this whole experience, but when Val stopped momentarily just at the pubic area, Kelly could see in the moonlight, that Val was completely shaven down below. Kelly told Val to please continue, but slowly, so she could take this lovely sight in.

Val, when she thought Kelly was going to start hyper-ventilating from the ordeal, continued, very slowly. Kelly reached her hand out to see what it felt like, it was very smooth, Val must have just shaved it today. Kelly asked, and Val told her that she actually had just done that tonight before going in to the club, but that she did it almost everyday. Kelly asked her why, and Val’s response was that most guys don’t really like messing with the pubic hair, and most women that she knows did it, so she had been doing it for about three years now.

Kelly told her that she could hardly wait to see what it felt like with her tongue on the pubic area, but even more, could hardly wait to taste Val. She would find out soon enough though. Val finished taking her skirt off and laid it on the chair next to them, where their other clothes were. When they were both naked, Val suggested that to start off with, they should try a ’69’, until Kelly got the hang of it. Kelly told her that was alright.

Val lowered the back of one of the chairs, & then lay down on her under Kelly. As Kelly eased down over the top of Val, they started stroking each other once again, this time it was not as intense, they decided mutually, to take it a bit slower. Kelly reached her hand down between Val’s legs just above her pussy, then after a short moment, started rubbing the slit. Eventually, she found Val’s clit, and took it between her thumb & forefinger. She squeezed the clit just as she had done earlier to Val’s nipples.

Val was too hot to do anything but ‘dive’ right in, and soon had her tongue way up inside of Kelly. Partly from the excitement of being with another woman, and partly because of the fact that Val had stuck her tongue so far up inside of her, Kelly had a HUGE orgasm. When Kelly tried to do the same to Val, she not only made Val squirm, but also hurt herself by trying to do so. Val told her to take it easy, & try to do what comes natural to her. Taking that advice, Kelly slowed way down, and told Val that she was very much enjoying this ‘girl fun’.

After about an hour of sex by the pool, the two young women decided to go for a swim. Since they were both naked already, they just dove right in, playing little games with each other. Games that young lovers play, like swimming between each others legs, and lifting each other up out of the water. Only with Valerie, she would swim between Kelly’s legs and rub her hands through her nether region.

This obviously got Kelly quite excited, but she let Val know that she had had enough for now, and that she really wanted to get to a bed so she could get some sleep, it was after all now 5:15 in the morning. The girls got out of the pool, gathered their clothes & glasses, and headed inside. Val asked Kelly if she would come to bed with her so they could wake up together. Kelly granted her that wish, and off to bed it was.

At around 10:30am, Val & Kelly awoke and got out of bed, so Val could take Kelly to get her car, and so she could go make the club’s bank deposit. When they arrived at the club, Nate was taking out the trash at the Peach Pit, his part of the business, and noticed the two girls driving up, and asked why Kelly’s car was left her overnight. Kelly just told him that she had a little two much to drink the night before and that Val was kind enough to drive her home, and bring her back.

When Val went inside, Nate asked Kelly what was going on, why they were so buddy, buddy all of a sudden, and Kelly told him that they had decided to try to be friends, that their reasons for not liking each other were simply too childish. Nate, smiled and told her that was a good enough reason, and said goodbye as he walked back inside. Kelly waited for Val to come back out, before she left, and told her that she enjoyed the talk, and the excitement the evening before. Val told her that she did too, and that she wanted Kelly to come back to the club tonight to see a great band play tonight. Kelly accepted, but told Val that she did not plan on drinking as much tonight as she did last night.

The two said goodbye to each other and Val told Kelly that she would call her later in the afternoon, around 5:30 or 6 o’clock. Val got in her car and headed for the bank, and Kelly drove back to the beach condo to take a shower, and get some sleep. When she arrived home, she immediately shed her clothes, and went into the shower to soak for awhile, but she as hard as she tried, she couldn’t keep her mind off of the previous nights activities. She would find herself lathering her tits for an excessive amount of time, until her nipples were almost hurting from all of the attention. Then she later she would find that she was inadvertently rubbing the soap up and down over her slit.

Before she could control herself though, she had brought herself off to 2-3 orgasms. She just couldn’t get her mind off of Val, and knew that she would have to see her again tonight, so she could learn more about what it was like to be with another woman. During her shower, which much to her surprise, had lasted 45 minutes so far, she reached up on the shelf that held the supplies that the women that lived there needed when showering. She found a new pack of razors, that she bought to shave her legs, and the shaving lotion that Claire, on of her two roommates used when shaving her legs.

She remembered what it was like to feel and lick Val’s clean shaven pussy, and decided that she would like to find out how it felt to be that way herself. After carefully lathering up herself, first with soap, and then with the shaving lotion. She seemed to spend an awful long time using that brush to apply the shaving lotion, but eventually she put it back in the cup, and put them up on the shelf again. She reached down with two of her fingers, and spread her lips apart. With the other, she gently started to shave around the edge of her lips. She took her time, and when she was finished, was delighted that she had not cut herself one time. She rinsed off, & got out of t
he shower.

Feeling a bit hungry, she decided to see what there was in the fridge, after a few moments, she found some leftover Chinese food, heated it up and ate that. When she was finished, she went to bed to make up for what sleep she did not get overnight.

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Taking Aunt Val to meet Mrs Jones

To give you a little background on me, I would have to say that I do not judge. I am here to give pleasure and help women achieve their ultimate fantasies - no matter how kinky or deviant they might be. I get off on helping women get off. I hope you enjoy exploring your deepest, darkest fantasies. That is the short note that I left for Aunt Val before heading out to work. I was still a bit weak from showing Aunt Val a taste of what she could expect. Today we had to finish up a job over at the...

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Val Part 3

my blogVal (Part 3)As we recovered from our initial spunking, Val settled us down and began her seduction. She gently told us to remove all our clothes, allowing us to see her hairy cunt and hard, erect nipples. She seemed to delight in making us hard again, and knew exactly what we would do, we were young and horny and at her mercy! She put 2 fingers up her twat and then waved them under our noses and teased our mouths and lips with her juicy residue!! Our cocks rose again and the first thing...

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After the ChangeChapter 13 Val

I was shocked to see Karen lying on our bed, talking to Bev as if they were best friends and her visiting was a common occurrence. The first time I saw her was the day I came back to civilization after three and a half months in the wilderness. I'd killed a mountain sheep to survive and left its head in the gas station booth for safekeeping. She had taken over the booth while I was eating, showering and letting my family know I was still alive. I had fashioned the fleece into a poncho and...

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ValChapter 2

Things between Val and I returned to normal after that. Well mostly normal. There were a few odd looks and silences for a few days. Val's friends were still trying to get her to ask someone to the Valentine's Day dance. They didn't care that it was still a month away. They thought that the sooner Val had picked someone the sooner the preparations could begin. Whatever that meant I had no idea. Tiffany wasn't as loud about it around me though. In our last class together for the day Val...

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ValChapter 3

"What? Oh my God. I'm so sorry. Can I do anything to help?" I practically shouted. Val looked down at her feet and said, "I would like to be left alone for a while." "Oh, okay. But before I go can I say one thing?" I asked. Val just shook hers head. She was still avoiding my gaze. I got close to her and started to reach my hand out to her but stopped when she flinched. I was so worried I didn't even wonder if she reacted in a similar fashion earlier. "Okay. Just know if you need...

1 year ago
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ValChapter 5

After I went to see Val, I thought things would go well. That is until Val's mom found a video of her husband raping Val. So I wasn't surprised the next morning when I got a call from Val's mom. "Hello Will this is Tatsu, Valerie's mother. I know you were supposed to pick her up this morning, but she doesn't feel up to going today. I'm sorry," said Tatsu. "Totally understandable. Is Tiffany going to bring Val her homework? I know those two share all but one class together." I...

2 years ago
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ValChapter 16

We spent about an hour with my sister. Then we all headed home. Halfway there I got tired of my mom looking back at us from the front of the car with a weird look. "Okay why do you keep looking at us like that? And don't look so surprised. I can tell you were looking. You weren't that sneaky." I said. My mom huffed like she was an upset child who was caught doing something, and her parents wouldn't accept her excuse at defending herself. After a moment, Mom looked to dad than back at...

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Email to Val

  This is the first of two emails between the friends. The second, ‘Email to Kay’ relates the experience of her friend with inquisitive boys and subsequently Val is taught the sexual words of adults by her uncle, and he gives her pleasure following her dunking in the lake ! “Email to Val” by Susan England A letter from a young English nurse to her friend Val, who lives in America . Val, your email about your ‘first time’ was just so delightful. You painted the picture so beautifully for me...

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Vals Rules Blacken

My name is Val and I have something I need to get off my chest. I live just outside of Boca Raton Fl, but I was on a "weekend getaway". I still can't believe what I had gotten myself into this time. I was standing in a hotel room in Miami, getting ready to go meet a black man that my husband had found for me online, a black man that I had already agreed to have sex with.I'm 30 years old, and I've been married to Glen for 11 years now. Glen is 2 years older than me, 5'11" tall, and is in pretty...

4 years ago
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ValChapter 6

Because I was done with the current project in art class, I had free time on my hands. I started sketching in my art pad. I didn't really have an object in mind; I just let my hands go on autopilot, with minimal help from my mind. Eventually, the picture was of a human, then later I noticed it was of a girl. It wasn't until Miranda walked came over and stopped and said, "Wow, that's a beautiful picture of Valerie. And judging from the look on your face, a look you don't show often when...

1 year ago
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ValChapter 7

Needless to say things didn't go as expected after my fight that day. After getting out of my aunt's, the principal's office, I ran into Tiffany. "You've got to let me go with you when you take Val's homework to her. Man it's so exciting that you got in a fight and weren't expelled or even suspended." Tiffany was practically jumping with joy. I was confused and was about to ask her how she knew when she beat me to the subject. Calmed down just a little Tiffany said, "I kind of...

4 years ago
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ValChapter 14

"What in the heck? That's not the kind of stuff you should be talking or even suggesting at the moment. She's still not recovered from her old Man's attack, yet. Shame on you," I yelled. I was going to get up but then Val put her arm around me and sleepily asked? "What's going on? Why all the yelling?" "Don't worry it's nothing serious. My mom is here and I really need to talk to her in private for a little bit. So if you could go upstairs I'll meet you in my room shortly." I...

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90210 Chronicles Ch 02

Part 5 Gillian felt the gentle breeze on her skin as she laid on top of her board, the waves splashing her body every now and then cooled her skin from the high temperature. She closed her eyes and tried to drown out the boring instructions being given from Elle Macpherson. She had tried to explain to her that she was a competent surfer and that she could easily stand up and ride the waves that were forbidden to her but she wouldn’t listen. She watched with envy as the older women in the...

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90210 Donna Stays Over

Donna rolls over in her bed, then falls onto the floor. The crash wakes Kelly, who runs into her room. As she helps Donna off the floor and onto her bed, she asks, "Are you all right?""I dunno, my thigh hurts," Donna moans."Let me look."Donna pulls up her long nightshirt to reveal a black and blue mark on her right thigh.Kelly looks at it then says, "It look's okay."Donna moans, and Kelly feels her forehead."You've got a fever, let me go get a thermometer," Kelly says before she runs into the...

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90210 Donna Likes Mr Walsh

Mr. Walsh hated having to pick the girls up from pep squad. Especially on Saturday afternoons when he pre-ferred to be out golfing with his buddies. But he'd promised his wife he would do it, so here he was back after only nine holes. It was even more annoying because Brenda was old enough to drive but due to some recent heavy partying they had taken her license away - Cindy's decision, not his.Waiting in front of the school was Brenda, his daughter, and her friend Donna. Mr. Walsh noted that...

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90210 Mrs Walsh Enjoys Dylan

Mrs. Walsh opened the door and was shocked and very happy to see her daughter’s boyfriend. Brenda was out, but she invited him in any way. Always happy to see his young handsome face around the house, she brought him into the kitchen and began talking to him, neglecting to mention Brenda was probably gone for the afternoon. So was her husband and son. All were off doing other things, leaving poor Mrs. Walsh home alone to fend for herself. She had been doing just that too. She had been doing...

2 years ago
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Inside Auntie Vals Knickers

We were strict in our family. What I mean is we all had to keep our sexual activities to ourselves, pretending to each other that we were celibate! My sister used to either have to wait until she thought the house was empty to bring a man back and satisfy herself, or go to a hotel or secluded spot to get her panties off. And whenever I had sex with Linda, my first girlfriend, we used to have to do it on the floor so that my sister wouldn't hear my bed creak as we fucked each other like crazy -...

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ValChapter 22

"Hey mom why did you stop in the middle of ... Whoa. Nice going bro." My sister Lois said as soon as she walked in on us. Tiffany had her legs wrapped around me and wouldn't let go that is until she heard Lois. Then she practically pushed me off and covered herself under my blankets. You couldn't see anything of Tiffany, except a lump in my bed. "Whoa bro. You're sporting a nice package," said Lois. "Lois," shouted my mom. "Mom had said you were seeing Val, but she didn't say...

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Valentine Virgins Alessandra Val

This is about ALESSANDRA. Scroll down furthest for her. Well and my other Virgins I've digital, only a few of tem dozens, 2 or 3 or 4 of them dozens. All them before they met me. And till met me.'Meat my meet" I always say. Proud of my big (20cm) bent brown BANANA for them to suck.Not too fod of haing one inside her somewhere. She's very 'tight'. Mostly in her sphincter, which no-one is allowed to touch. Never Lez Kiss.Alessandra loves it most, at man. & sperm.the taste of dick But she's...

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First College Cock With Kelly

It was September of 1978. Kelly had been away at college in Milwaukee for a total of three weeks and she was still getting her bearings. While she had been on a sexual tear the entire summer after high school graduation, she knew that was something that she had to work out before college so she could concentrate on her classes. So far, she had been doing just that, staying focused on classes and homework, with zero social life.Thankfully, Kelly and her roommate Tricia hit it off pretty well....

College Sex
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Princess Kelly

All characters in this story are fictional. If you would like to contact me and give me some much needed feedback, my name is bondsman in the bdsm library. Specific responses are VERY helpful, and I read and carefully consider all of them. Oh yeah? and drugs are bad for you.Part 1I’ve always considered Kelly to be a mean spirited bitch, but that never seemed to matter whenever she brazenly told me what to do.  For some reason I hadn’t at that time begun to understand, whatever whim it was she...

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New Friends Met Camping With Kelly

It was June of 1982. Kelly graduated from college a couple of weeks prior. We decided to take a week-long camping trip to celebrate. With the stress of school behind her, I could sense the devil in Kelly getting ready to uncork. We were both twenty-two. We had a small pickup truck with a cap over the bed for sleeping.Even as we were loading our gear into the truck, Kelly was a constant flirt; grabbing at my butt, shaking her tits at me, you name it. We loaded the truck Saturday afternoon. When...

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Strip Club And Nude Beach Fucking With Kelly

It was late winter of 1989. Kelly and I were on vacation in Florida. We'd married after she graduated from college, and our vacations since then were pretty much just a long weekend here and there or some camping trips. This was our first “fly away” destination.A year ago, a close friend of Kelly’s at work had shared their experience visiting the famous nude beach in South Florida. Since then, Kelly was on a mission. She had been visiting the tanning beds for about six months and had an amazing...

Group Sex
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Bahamas Cruise With Kelly

It was November of 1993. Going on a cruise was something Kelly and I had talked about for some time. I wasn’t that interested but Kelly really wanted to go and have a romantic getaway for just us. “Happy wife, happy life.” How true.We had made the decision months ago to fly into Miami a day early, just to be safe. Weather in the upper Midwest can never be trusted. It turned out to be a brilliant move. We were sitting at O’Hare waiting for our flight and watching the news of the blizzard racing...

2 years ago
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Bahamas Cruise With Kelly

It was November of 1993. Going on a cruise was something Kelly and I had talked about for some time. I wasn’t that interested but Kelly really wanted to go and have a romantic getaway for just us. “Happy wife, happy life.” How true.We had made the decision months ago to fly into Miami a day early, just to be safe. Weather in the upper Midwest can never be trusted. It turned out to be a brilliant move. We were sitting at O’Hare waiting for our flight and watching the news of the blizzard racing...

1 year ago
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Cancun with Kelly

It was February of 1998. Six of us decided to make our first trip to Cancun. We arrived toward the end of the month on a Thursday at midday. Our hotel was in the “hotel zone”. Kelly and I had an adjoining room with Bob and Lisa. Yvonne and Daniel had a room on a different floor.This all got started at our New Year’s Eve party. There were five couples there. Tequila was playing a large role in the evening’s entertainment, which somehow led to Mexico and shortly thereafter a decision that we were...

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Her Brother And His Friends Have Sex With Kelly

It was August of 1981. By the end of the week, Kelly would be packing up and heading back to Milwaukee to tackle her senior year of college. Not many weeks after her arrival she would begin interviewing for her post-graduation job, which she would begin just months later. And then spend decades as part of the working class. Something I had learned about Kelly is that one big way that she deals with anxiety is through her pussy.It happened the summer that she graduated from high school. Anxiety...

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Mowing The Lawn With Kelly

It was the summer of 2001. Kelly had been miserable for months. Her work life had been slowly deteriorating for a couple of years. As it seems is always the case, a good boss had left and the new one was an idiot. I had finally convinced her that it was okay to resign without a new job lined up. She’d worked since she was a young teenager, we were doing fine, and I hated to see her so miserable.She spent that spring cleaning every nook and cranny she could find in the house. By the time summer...

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Part 2 A Wild Saturday With Kelly

It was the end of January 1989. I had been out of town the weekend a few weeks previous. Kelly had spent much of that weekend with our close friends Patrick and Yvonne. They had a wild sex-fueled Saturday, the stories of which no one shared with me. Kelly just left it as, of course, the three of them had sex. It would have been odd had they not (which was true), and that was that.Yvonne called Kelly early in the week and told her that Patrick had received all of his prints back from the photo...

Group Sex
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A Week In Spain With Kelly

It was June of 1990. Kelly had won a trip to Spain through her job. They got the trip by spending money with a media company. They had an internal contest and Kelly won the trip for two. She found out back in March that she won and had been feverishly planning and hitting the gym and tanning salon ever since.We arrived on a Sunday after an overnight flight to Brussels and then a short hop to Torremolinos on Spain’s Costa Del Sol. The first item on our printed agenda was to meet up at a cocktail...


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