Grey Area: Bachelor Party free porn video

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“I’ll pick you up at five, then we’ll head to the campground. Strike that, Wade. Make it four-thirty. I’ll be there at four-thirty and we can stop for a beer before we set up camp.  That is if I can get out of work on time.  These Em Effs…”

Brad had been adamant that Wade wasn’t late. Wade knew something was up, he just didn’t have more than a clue as to what. His only clue was the fact that he was getting married in about a month, so maybe Brad, his pick for Best Man, was using this camping trip as a bachelor party instead of the Friday night before the big day, as was scheduled. No big deal. At least Wade would have a chance to recover from the inevitable hangover.

He checked his bag with all the necessary items: clothes, sleeping gear, rain gear, pans, rope, his knives, etc. You never know what you’re going to get into in the woods. You never know what you might need. He was all packed and ready, a full half-hour early. Now all he could do was sit in the driveway drinking a beer as he waited for Brad to get out of work and come pick him up.

At almost a quarter ‘til, Brad still hadn’t arrived, but a white van pulled up at the end of his driveway. Wade didn’t recognize the driver nor the guy in the passenger seat, but something tickled the back of his mind. The driver’s window rolled down.

“Hey, excuse me,” the driver yelled. “Can you help me find this address?  I’m looking for 254 Jeremy Lane.  I can’t seem to find any street signs that are legible, though, so I’m not even sure what street I’m on.”

“Sure,” Wade replied. He walked down to the van. “Happens all the time. You actually are where you want to be.  Have a package to deliver?”

“Oh.  Well then you must be Wade Grey?  Brad sent us.  He’s on his way.  Said that ‘Em Effis’ gave him a last-minute task.  Who’s that, his boss?”

“Yeah, something like that,” Wade chuckled.  He motioned to the driveway.  “Go ahead and park it here while we wait.”

The diver parked then got out and introduced himself and his friend. His name was Bob. He was about six foot, dark hair, thick eyebrows, blue eyes, with a full handlebar mustache. And built. The man was definitely fit.

The other man was Tyler. Tyler was just a mite taller than Bob, with fairer features, clean shaven, and thin: more lean than skinny. Wade thought he noticed Tyler’s eyes sizing him up. It was a bit unnerving while also quite flattering.

“So,” Wade began. “Here, guys, have a beer.  How do you know Brad?”

“He’s my brother-in-law,” Tyler finally spoke.  “I think you and I’ve met before at their place.  At least once, maybe twice?”

“I thought you looked somewhat familiar,” Wade replied.  “So many people at his barbecues I can hardly remember anyone I meet there.  Good to see you again.”

The three men talked as they waited on Brad.  As they got to know each other, Bob kept checking his cell phone.  Finally, he spoke up

“Hey, just got a text from Brad.  Said he needed to stop by his place to get something.  So, we’re headed there to pick him up.  At least it’s on the way.”

He and Tyler helped Wade pack his gear in the back of the van.  Then they loaded themselves in and hit the road.

“Here’s to a great weekend in the wild, gentlemen,” Bob said as he pulled out of the driveway.


“Damn! That was a big pothole.”

Wade jolted awake. He cracked his eyes open just slightly, the light blinding him. Bam! Another pothole jarred the van. He tried to push himself up.

“Hey, buddy. You’re awake! It’s about time,” Wade heard Brad speak.

“What the fuck is going on?” Wade demanded.

“Just trying to fuck with you,” Brad laughed his reply.  “You were sleeping pretty good there for a bit.”

“It’s a long drive and I can’t stand country music, Brad,” Wade responded.  “You know that.  So where are we?”

“We’re about ten, fifteen minutes from the campsite.  We’ve got this whole weekend planned.  It’s going to be a great Bachelor Send-off. Pretty cool, huh?”

“Yeah, I can’t wait.  It’s pretty late.  Looks like the sun is already down.”

“We’re about five minutes out,” Tyler yelled from the front passenger seat.  “We’re just close enough to be able to set up camp and start a cook fire before it’s completely dark”

“Let’s get there. Then, I’m going to kill you, Brad, if you don’t stop poking me in the ribs!”

When they arrived at their campsite, Bob parked the van and the men toiled to set up camp.  Just as Tyler had said, the fire was lit and dinner was warming over it by the time full darkness had settled over them.

They all finished dinner. As they watched the campfire slowly die down to embers, Brad spoke up.

“The real fun begins tomorrow,” he told them.  “But, here’s to Wade’s last few days as a bachelor!”  He raised his beer.  They all clinked their beer cans and cheered.  “There’s a lot going on this weekend,” Brad continued.  “I’ve scheduled tomorrow as a lake day, and I’d like to be out there fairly early.  Just after sunrise if we can manage.  So, for now, let’s hit the hay early.”

They said their goodnights.  He and Wade went to the tent they were sharing as Bob and Tyler crawled into theirs.  It had been quite some time since Wade had spent a night in the outdoors.  It was long past the time they all went to bed that Wade finally drifted off to a fitful sleep.



“Honey, don’t worry. You’re going to have lots of fun,” Sophie tried to console Wade over the phone the next morning.

“What do you mean?” he yelled at her through the phone. “You mean you knew all about this?”

“Well, I don’t know about everything. But, really, you’ll be fine. I know what they have planned for you and I think you’re going to enjoy yourself immensely. I don’t think I could have planned a better party for you if it were mine to plan. Brad set this whole thing up. Do whatever he says. And,” she paused for effect. “And, we’re getting paid a huge amount for this.”

“Wait. So, it’s my bachelor party, and now you’re saying I’m working? Really, Soph?”

“Hon, you’ll have so much fun. It’ll be good. Plus, I know how much you really like when the guy is…”

“They had both better be hung like horses,” Wade cut her off.

After his conversation with Sophie, Wade had to admit that he was feeling more than just a bit frisky. He hung up as Brad came back to the tent. Brad took one look at Wade and read his face perfectly.

“You know,” he started, “Bob and Tyler want a piece, too. Trish has been talking up your ass for months now, ever since she watched me fuck you that first time.”

“So that’s why it seemed Tyler was giving me the once-over.”  Wade could have smacked himself. “I didn’t realize they knew about my job.”

“Tyler is Trish’s brother and Bob is his…” Brad hesitated. “I don’t really know what to call Bob. I think they’re fucking, but I’m not sure. I guess Bob is Tyler’s ‘best friend,’ if you will.  Anyway, Trish and Tyler are really close.  So, yeah, she kind of spilled the beans about you.”

“And now they’re expecting a piece of me,” Wade joked.

“Yeah, they are. As I said, Trish has been letting them know your ass is open for business and well worth the price. You ready to go service a couple of studs? I’m sure the gals a few sites down would love the show.”

“Fuck you, Brad. Where are those two, anyway?”

“They went off to find some potable water. Or that’s what they told me. I think. I was still waking up when they left.”

“Then get over here,” Wade commanded.

Wade wasn’t in the mood to give in just yet, but he didn’t want to spoil the time they had. He didn’t bother kissing Brad on the lips; that was never his thing anyway. Instead, as Brad approached, Wade shoved him down onto the sleeping bag and attacked his belt buckle. Wade tore his own pants off and straddled Brad’s face before paying any attention his buddy’s straining erection.

He felt the other man’s mouth engulf his cock. He knew he wouldn’t last long, but didn’t want to. There were two other men who might return at any moment and Wade was not about to start an orgy this early. He tongued Brad’s member in return for the attention he was getting.

“Just enough to get him riled up,” Wade thought to himself. “I’ll shoot a load down his throat and leave him at the edge of orgasm.”

Wade didn’t use his hands on Brad at all, not to stroke the shaft, not to play with the wanton asshole, not even for support. Instead, he left his hands on the ground to either side of Brad’s gyrating hips. At the same time, he could feel Brad’s searching fingers enter his anus and felt the orgasm approach. He didn’t fight to delay the climax, but surrendered to the inevitable release. He forced his cock deep into the other man’s mouth as he felt his cock eject sperm into the man’s throat. He halted the attention he was paying to Brad’s erect cock and rolled off.

“Really?” Brad pleaded. “Come on, man…”

“Shut your pie hole, Brad. That’s for hiring me for my own bachelor party.” Wade sat up and searched for his clothes.

“But I’m so close.”

“Then wank yourself off. Or don’t. Not my problem.” He finally found his pants and put them on. His boots were easier to find, but he took them rather than put them on before leaving the tent.

Bob and Tyler were just pulling back into the campsite when Wade emerged. They waved to him, giving him a big smile each.

“Boats in the water, breakfast is ready, and here,” Tyler offered a cup to Wade, “is your coffee.”

Brad took a few extra minutes to materialize from the tent, but Wade wasn’t sure if that was due to jerking off or just taking his time getting dressed. They scarfed down their breakfasts and loaded into the van.



It was going to be a warm, sunny day of lake fishing and swimming. The sun was already above the trees and there didn’t appear to be a cloud in the sky. Both Bob and Wade made comments on how muggy it was already getting as they loaded up the midsized fishing boat.

The sun warmed past comfort and the fish weren’t biting, so they decided to quit. Shirts came off and beers opened. Tyler shed his pants and dove into the water in his skivvies. Brad was obviously admiring the round, toned shape of Tyler’s buttocks, so Wade ribbed him.

“See something you like?” he asked Brad.

“What? You mean…” He blushed. “Ok. Yeah, I do.”

“I could tell,” Bob joined them. “You’re staring at my Tyler’s ass. Sure you can handle the both of us?”

The jokes continued, but all in good fun. Tyler came back and Bob informed him of Brad’s interest. The three other men laughed as Brad blushed full red this time.

“Hey!  It looks just like your sister’s.  And she’s got an ass on her. What can I say? Makes me horny,” he finally joked back.

The rest of the afternoon found the men becoming more and more sexually playful towards each another. The other lake-goers left one by one, eventually leaving the group of four horny men alone. Bob was the first to strip completely, followed eagerly by Brad. Tyler’s soaked shorts weren’t as easy to remove, but Wade wasn’t far behind the other two. As Tyler got his last leg free of the shorts, Brad tackled him, both men falling into the lake water.

“Take it easy, guys! You’re rocking the boat!” Bob yelled at them. Then he turned to Wade. “I hear you have a sweet ass that loves taking dick.  It does look sweet, at least.”

“Who told you that?” Wade replied, feigning shyness.

“Who do you think? Trish raves about you every time she comes to visit her baby brother. She says Brad can’t get enough.”

“Did she tell you how much Brad loves taking dick too?”

“Well,” Bob chuckled. “You see, she didn’t have to tell us. I introduced the two of them. Brad was my bed piece for a couple of weeks before he and Trish got together. I even had a taste of his ass on their wedding night. She’s such a horny, dirty girl, Trish is.”

“Oh,” Wade wasn’t sure how to respond. “And here I was thinking I was his only man he’d been with.”

“Sorry to disappoint.” Both men were quiet for a bit drinking their beers. “But, as I hear it, you sure do get a hell of a lot more than your share of cock. Is the pay good?”

“Better than any other job I’ve ever gotten. Plus the job has other perks. I get deals, memberships, expensive gifts sometimes. I was even given the house I live in now. Well, it was practically given to me. The guy sold it to Sophie and me for half the list price.”

“And you still claim you aren’t gay.”

“Well, yes. I’m not gay. I love Sophie. Sex with her is amazing. But I also enjoy getting fucked. She’s okay with… No, she loves the fact that I have sex with men. She thinks it’s even sexier that I get paid to do it. It really is the best of both worlds.”

“You are one lucky man.”

At that moment, the other two men climbed back aboard the boat.

“Time to get back and get dinner going,” Tyler stated.

“Yup, getting late,” Brad agreed.

Wade looked at the two soaking wet naked men. They were conspicuously not looking at each other. Who knows what they had gotten up to in the water. The four naked men donned shorts before heading in to the dock.

“We can leave her tied up here. Just take what we need for the night as Bob and I’ll be back in the morning,” Tyler instructed.

The short drive back to the campsite was uneventful. Dinner was made, eaten, and cleaned up as the sun disappeared for its nightly rest. Little else happened before the Wade and Brad retired to their tents.



Wade wasn’t sure what woke him, but he really did have to pee. He heard Brad snore lightly as he eased himself from the sleeping bag. The tent zipper was a minor problem, but after minimal finagling Wade was able to exit. The fire was still glowing embers, forcing Wade to squint.

“Can’t sleep?” The voice surprised Wade. He switched his flashlight on, scanning the darkness. Just at the edge of the light emitted by the fire, Wade noticed Bob.

“The fuck! You scared me. No, I gotta pee.”

Wade walked a few steps to the outer boundary of the site and rounded a tree. He switched off the light and let loose a powerful stream that spattered back. All the beers of the day flowed through his penis into the night. After what seemed a lifetime, he slowly made his way to back to the fire.

“What’s keeping you up, Bob?” he asked as he sat down by the quiet man.

“Tyler’s asleep and I’d really like to get off. Fancy me having a go at that precious backside of yours?”

Wade couldn’t tell, but he thought Bob was joking.

“Honestly, it’s been a good couple of days since I got dicked. Might not be a bad idea. Not sure I’ll be able to stay quiet, having seen what you’re working with.”

“Don’t tempt me. And who needs to be quiet?”

They sat there quietly, listening to the sounds of the forest. Wade was staring into the embers, so was surprised when he looked up to see Bob playing with his massive cock. His mouth dropped open, and he tried speaking, but all that came out was, “uh…”

“Lube is right here,” Bob offered.

Wade took the tube and squirted it on the large phallus. His hands appeared dwarf-sized holding Bob’s member. He reached behind, fingering some lube into his anus.

“Here goes. Let me get comfortable before you start thrusting.”

“No worries. Take your time.”

Wade straddled the larger man, squatted down until he felt the bulbous head poke at his back door.

“God, Bob. How big are you? You’ve got to be as thick as a baseball bat!”

“Bigger than all the men I've been with. Not as big as I've seen in porn, though.” Bob laughed at his own joke.

Wade began trying to ease himself onto the girthy protrusion. Ease wasn’t working, so he forced himself down slowly.

“Never had anything this wide up my ass before,” he grunted.

The head popped in. He gradually was able to fit the first few inches into his rectum, yet, somehow, the pain was nearly unbearable and simultaneously immensely pleasurable. He eased off, added more lube, and pressed back down. He found a rhythm, squatting down onto Bob’s enormous erection trying to force more inside his ass with each squat. Both men were breathing hard.

“Feel good,” Bob asked.

“It’s getting better,” Wade replied. “You’re fucking huge!”

Wade looked into Bob’s eyes. The embers glowed in them, reflecting the dim light. He continued his up and down motions.

“You’re almost there,” Bob encouraged.

And Wade felt it. His next squat he plunged down onto the cock. His ass cheeks felt Bob’s thighs and he relaxed.

“Give me a moment to adjust,” he asked.

“You’re doing better on your first try then most guys ever get,” Bob assured him. “Tyler is the only other guy to get my whole cock in his ass the first time.”

As the two rested in preparation, Bob stroked Wade’s cock. The stimulation ignited a deeper lust in Wade. He slowly began finding that rhythm as Bob’s cockhead pressed against his prostate with each intrusion.

“Go ahead,” Wade told him. "Fuck me, Bob."

Bob thrust in, but remained cognizant of the younger man’s comfort. They grunted and moaned, mewed and groaned. Even after the few minutes of full on fucking, Wade was amazed that the pain never fully went away. Instead, the pain seemed to increase his enjoyment. Bob again found Wade’s hard cock and began stroking.

“Not… long… now,” he managed.

“Fuck me, Bob,” Wade replied. “Fill me with your cum. I’m... I'm gonna… Gonna...”

Before he could finish, Wade loosed his cum onto Bob’s stomach. His orgasm made his anus contract, causing Bob to shot his sperm into Wade’s rectum.

The men relaxed for a moment, then, before getting up, Wade kissed Bob. Bob fully French kissed back, holding him close as he slowly extracted his penis from Wade’s ass.

“See you in the morning.” Wade got up and waddled back to his tent, still naked. He began easing himself into his sleeping bag as quietly as possible, but Brad was awake.

“I heard so much noise out there, I thought we were getting ransacked by a bear,” Brad started. "Then I looked, and I was right. Sort of. Your ass was getting ransacked by a bear.”

“Yeah, I was,” Wade said dreamily.

“Mind if I have a taste? God, he had his whole package up your butt! How’d you do it? I've never been able to take it fully for long.”

Wade was unsure, but he’d let Sophie do this before. He rolled onto his stomach and raised his ass into the air. Brad spread the sore cheeks, but the attention his tongue gave Wade’s hole helped ease the pain, Brad’s saliva acting like a salve.

“Mmmm,” Brad moaned. He backed off of Wade’s hole. “It’s been too long since I tasted Bob’s cum.”

He dove in again, lapping at every droplet of cum he found. He sucked hard, he licked soft. His tongue fucked Wade’s ass in and out just as Bob’s cock had. After a few minutes, Wade had had enough.

“That’s good enough, Brad,” he stopped his friend. “Let’s get some sleep for tomorrow.”

Wade cuddled against Brad as they drifted off to a restful sleep.



“Ok then, Brad. Fuck me.” Wade was still sore from the night before, but he was ready to get dicked again. It was just past midday and the two had taken a nap after a morning hike. Anyways, Brad’s member was nowhere near as thick as Bob’s. Wade was naked in seconds. And he wanted all of Brad. Brad tongued Wade’s hole briefly for lube, then he attacked. His assault was ferocious, biting Wade’s neck and tearing at his shirt. Wade merely surrendered to the physical lust that had been building inside. The kiss was more passionate than ever before. Both men used their tongues to search the other’s mouth.

They wrestled in the tent, the flaps wide open for any in the camp to see in. Bob was first to notice and he motioned to Tyler. The two brawny men grabbed the naked lovers from their tent and dragged them to the middle of the campsite.

“Whoa, boys,” Tyler said. “You don’t get to start playing without us!”

Tyler disrobed quickly. He stroked his growing erection while watching Wade suck down Brad’s already raging hardness. Then, he went to Wade’s backside and stared, his heart full of lust. He placed his hands on Wade’s round butt cheeks and spread. Such a cute, horny, winking hole Wade presented to him. Tyler licked his lips, then dove into the puckered opening.

Bob, on the other hand, was content to watch the three men go at it like rabbits. Well, he’d never seen three rabbits go at it at once, much less three male rabbits. It was an erotic scene. His well-built, lanky boyfriend was licking between a pair of pale, round, male buttocks. The young man getting his salad tossed was sucking on a thick piece of man flesh.

“Spit roasting ain’t just for dinner, I see,” he announced loudly. His cock was hard. He could wait: right now it was fun to just watch. Plus, he'd already had his go at the bachelor's ass.

Soon enough, Tyler came up for air and placed his hardwood at the puckered, spit-moistened hole. He pressed in with ease. Lust flooded his loins. He pressed forward with more

“Someone’s been doing his Kegels,” he told Bob. “You’ll want some of this. Let me loosen him up so you don’t hurt him on the way in.” Tyler sawed in and out of the ripe butthole.

“Don’t you worry, Ty,” Bob said as he moved over and kissed Tyler on the lips. “I gave him a good fucking last night.”

Wade was definitely the center of attention. He sucked all three cocks at least twice. And both Tyler and Brad fucked him hard, depositing a load or two in his rectum as well. The attention to his gaping ass led to an amazing string of orgasms so intense he thought he’d burst open. Burst he did, a huge load onto the blanket they fucked him on. Then he collapsed, passed out.



When he finally awoke, the sun was almost setting behind the trees. He was sore, legs, arms, but especially his asshole. He was lying on his stomach under a blanket. The smell of meet on the fire hit his nose. He looked around.

“Hey, there.” It was Bob. “You had quite the workout. Feeling okay?”

 “Don’t think I’ll be able to walk straight for a few days,” Wade replied.

“Don’t think you’ll do anything straight for a good long while,” Brad chimed in laughing. “And just you wait until the girls get here tomorrow. I’m sure they’ll want a reenactment…”


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Gay Male
4 years ago
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A Wild Bachelor Party

My parents always had dreams of me being a doctor or a lawyer. I really didn't have the grades for any of those career options. I wasn't even sure I wanted to go to college. I really didn't know what the hell I wanted to do. I wanted to take my time and find something that interested me. I always liked to entertain people. I thought maybe I could be an entertainer. Except the kind of entertaining I wanted to do was with my body. I've always been told that I'm quite beautiful. I can't be a...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Sinnndy Goes To A Bachelor Party

Billy is 31, 13 years older than me, about 6 feet tall, shoulder-length dark brown hair with very masculine features. He works out almost daily, that's where we met, at our health club, he's not steroid big, but naturally muscular and what a nice 8-1/2" cock he has, yummy. He lets me have my space and I return the favor, we just let the other one know what's going on as we both believe that communication is the most important part of any relationship. On Saturday, Billy was throwing a...

4 years ago
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Sinnndy Goes To A Bachelor Party

Let me give a little background first, I usually don't stick with one person for more than a week, but my boyfriend Billy is different, we have been together for 6 weeks which is a record for me. What makes Billy so different is that he doesn't have a jealous bone in his body, and oh my, what a body! He was married once before and is in no hurry to do it again. He loves sex as much as I do and loves watching me get fucked by guys he sets me up with, both friends, and guys he knows through...

2 years ago
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The Bachelor Party

I hate bars. I always have. There's nothing for me there. I'm in introvert by nature. There are a lot of introverts who love bars. They go in introverted, but a few drinks later, they're as friendly and obnoxious as they come. Not me. I don't drink. I go in sober and uncomfortable. The longer I'm there, the louder and dumber everyone else gets. I just stay the same. All of this to say that bars really aren't my thing. I wasn't here tonight because I wanted to be. I was obligated to be here....

3 years ago
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Anita and tha black bachelor party

Anita and the black bachelor party My lovely Anita and I were hanging out on Friday night when she got a call from Francis, a black guy she had met one year before, whilst I was out of the town.According to her story, he had fucked her wildly just one time, but then had dissapeared until now…For sure he was telling my wife something hot because her face got bright red and excited. She hung up and explained to me that Francis was attending a bachelor party and the stripper they had hired...

1 year ago
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Jennifer Bachelor Party

The Mansker household was abuzz all day in anticipation of a bachelor party Christopher was hosting in the evening. The groom-to-be and honoree was in his early 30s and heading into his second marriage. His first wife was far too inhibited for his licentious tastes, and they’d divorced. Now he’d found a woman who could be as kinky as he was, and they were to wed two weekends hence. Christopher, the Mansker patriarch, had invited about a half-dozen other guests -- men more or less the same...

1 year ago
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A Slut For My Father8217s Bachelor Party

My father was getting remarried after being a widower for nearly 15 years. Both my brother and I were very happy for him as he had finally found someone to spend his time with. We had always been worried about him both of us being married and busy with our own families and all as we could not spend as much time with him as we would have liked. Anyway, we wanted to make his marriage an exciting affair for him and decided to throw a bachelor’s party for him and his five close friends. Of...

2 years ago
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Englishwoman gang banged at a bachelor party

It was about half past five in the evening (5:30pm), a couple of weeks ago when my boyfriend Booker, his friend Miles and I were driving to Carlos’s bachelor party over at Miles’s house in the Bronx. Sitting at the back, I was lightly dressed, wearing only a short thin white sleeveless cotton nightie reaching down only to my hips, a basic white 34C floral lace bra and a white floral lace up thong. A bit about myself, I am 1.58 meters (5.2 feet) tall, I have a thin 64 cm (25 inch) waist...

1 year ago
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Anita hired for a bachelor party

My sweet loving wife had arranged for an upcoming Saturday night to hook up with her favorite black lover Jerome.That black bastard had been fucking Anita during the last six months; unleashing multiple loads of his cum deep inside my wife’s pussy, ass and mouth…They set up this latest hook up at one of the local motel's near to where he lived. The only difference was, this time I was given permission once again to be there so I could watch all the action. Early evening, Ana finally stepped out...

3 years ago
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The Bachelor Party

This is one of those stories that just popped into my head after looking at a friend's pictures of a bachelor party he had recently been to. I would welcome any feed back to this story. What started out to be a normal bachelor party couldn't have turned out to be any less normal than the one I attended last year. I was a friend of a friend so I can't say that I knew the groom or all of the guys there, but I'm an easy going guy and as the beer started to flow of course we all became fast...

1 year ago
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Her first bachelor party

Here she sat, in a hotel room, 20 years old with a middle aged man sticking his finger in and out of her pussy while 8 other middle aged watched and cheered and made crude remarks. She hadn't meant for it to get to this but she did sign on to be the stripper at the bachelor party. She just expected the men to be closer to her age, maybe mid twenties or so, not mid 40's. While the guy worked her pussy she sat and acted girlishly shy like she was told to act. That was part of the deal. When she...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Bachelor Turns Bachelorette Slut

I was ass naked on my knees in a cleaning closet, my tuxedo in a pile on the floor, my long hair pulled high on my head into a girly ponytail, and my fat lips wrapped around my best man’s juicy cock. As I moaned and whimpered and slurped on his throbbing pole, he pulled on my ponytail. That sent electric shocks cascading down my scalp throughout my body, over my sensitive nipples and fluttering abdomen to my rock hard cock.Both of my small hands were slick with my saliva as I stroked his dick...

3 years ago
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White woman at a bachelor party

Hey guys I’m Gabrielle! I’m a white woman age 20 who has just had a black baby. I love him dearly and wouldn’t change anything, but the circumstances could have been better. I thought your readers might be interested in how I got pregnant in the first place… it’s a pretty different story. I went to college for a year and a half and then I ran out of money. I went to a college in Maryland close to Washington DC. My parents wern’t rich so I was working these awful waitress jobs and making hardly...

1 year ago
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Bachelor Party

Intro The calendar had become a countdown; each day circled was a day nearer to her wedding. The big red blob around the 21st June signified the day, the day she'd cease being plain old Jane Fellows and become Mrs. Robert McCloud. It was now; Jane paused and mentally counted down using some virtual fingers, fifteen days. Fifteen days. She rolled over and kissed the half awake Robert on the mouth, slowly he started to kiss her back and then she felt his hand on her belly and her legs began...

2 years ago
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Poor Little Cassie Chap 8 Bachelor Party

Trying to not think about something and actually not thinking about it turned out to be two totally different things. I didn’t want to freak out but I couldn’t help it. I really wasn’t sure what was going on. Be recognized? What did that mean? Party? Like the Christmas party? I was myself at the Christmas party. My poor little mind was trying really hard to make sense of all of this but it was failing miserably. I looked at Tony. “I know, baby girl, it is a lot to take in but don’t...

4 years ago
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The bachelor party

“What do you mean they won’t be able to make it?” I yelled into the phone.“I booked these strippers for the 12th over a month ago and now 8 days away you call and cancel? How can you do such a thing?” “Sir, we apologize, but the girl we had booked for the night has come down with the flu and there’s nothing we can do about that. We don’t have someone at such short notice, but if we have a cancellation, we can arrange for her to show up and we will give you a discount.” “How could you run a...

3 years ago
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A Slut For My Fathers Bachelor Party

My father was getting remarried after being a widower for nearly 15 years. Both my brother and I were very happy for him as he had finally found someone to spend his time with. We had always been worried about him – both of us being married and busy with our own families and all – as we could not spend as much time with him as we would have liked. Anyway, we wanted to make his marriage an exciting affair for him and decided to throw a bachelor's party for him and his five close friends. Of...

4 years ago
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I hared my wife for the Bachelors party

I had been married to Sheree for 13 years when I heard from freinds from college that another freind was getting married and we were having a bachelor's party for him. I said i would be there and I would help plan the party. Our girls were with my in-laws for a trip so Sheree and I headed to Savannah for the party. She had never met any of these freinds before. I told the guys I had arranged a stripper and we were having it at one of the guys houses that was large and had privacy. I talked to...

2 years ago
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bachelor party

Introduction: fucked hard I did something at my bachelorette party that I thought was totally shameful at the time. It was really out of character for me but it turned out to be one of those life-changing experiences. Ted was my fiancé,e and my first lover. I went to bed with him the night we got engaged. It was a nice experience but certainly not spectacular. We had sex fairly regularly after that and it got a little better. I mentioned this to Carla, a friend of mine who had the...

3 years ago
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Lucky at a bachelor party

My best friend was getting married and I was asked to be his best man. I was shocked by the request but I agreed. I had thought that his brother was gonna be the best man but I felt honored. Had to plan his bachelor  party and couldn't figure out where to have it so I asked his brother to help me. He agreed and we set a nice party at a little bar that was a grungy place but set up for our kind of party. We booked a stripper and ordered the food and then the night came. I was excited to get...

2 years ago
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bachelor party

Ted was my fiancée and my first lover. I went to bed with him the night we got engaged. It was a nice experience but certainly not spectacular. We had sex fairly regularly after that and it got a little better. I mentioned this to Carla, a friend of mine who had the reputation of being a little too much fun at a party. She told me she would show me something at my party that would help me out. My party was on a Friday night, the same as Ted's bachelor party. We both figured we would need...

3 years ago
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The Bachelor Party

It was the night before Tony's big day. In less than 12 hours he was going to be taking the plunge into marriage. All of the guys knew that Tony's life would change after he said "I do". That's why Alex, Ken, and Jesse decided to throw him a bachelor party he would never forget. Alex rented a suite at an upscale hotel to hold the party. They had an endless supply of beer and liquor. Ken made sure to bring his cherished collection of porno. The four guys drank and watched as the two blondes on...

1 year ago
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Bachelor Party

My wife and I where staying at a large hotel, we had gone into the cocktail bar for a drink and sat in a booth. Within 10 minutes of sitting down, the place filled up. A group of 6 young men joined us in our booth, it was a little squashed but as the place was pretty packed, we had to make do.They where a bachelor party, they where giving their friend, 'the soon to be' groom a good send off. They encouraged us to join in with their festivities and kept plying us with champagne, though I could...

3 years ago
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Bachelor Party

Copyright© 2004 Dave couldn't get over it. He was actually getting married tomorrow. Married! Well, why not get married? He loved Laura. And she loved him. They had been living together for seven months now and they clicked as a couple. The sex was dynamite. Even after knowing her for over a year -- and "knowing" her in the Biblical sense for almost as long -- he would still sometimes lapse into daydreams at work about what he'd be doing with her in bed when he got home. Their minds...

4 years ago
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The Bachelor Party Chapter 1

Things with James and Donna had never been better. With her working now at the club, and the trucking company James worked at doing better, money was no longer the specter it used to be. Now they could check the mail in peace and not be afraid that they wouldn't make the bills. In fact, things were so good that James and Donna had started planning a long-awaited vacation.It had been about nine months since James had found out, rather unexpectedly, about her working at the strip club. And while...

2 years ago
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Bachelor Party

When I walked into the apartment, all the guys started beating on the best man, who had arranged for the evening's entertainment, namely, me. Now, I'll be the first to admit that I'm not America's ideal whore. I'm only 5'2" and nearly 200 pounds, but, like I told that room full of bachelors, I've got a set of 40C's just begging to be sucked and I'm open to anything you can think of. As soon as I said this, the guys started naming things that they wanted to do to me. All I did was...

2 years ago
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Wife Talked Into Doing Black Bachelor Party Pt 1

Not to long ago, my gorgeous wife Gina of fifteen years married had made arrangements for an upcoming Saturday night to hook up with her favorite, steady black lover Trevor. In the beginning Trevor wore condoms but after getting to know him better having dozens of sexual encounters with him, they built up that mutual trust with one another. Now, Trevor has been bare backing my wife for the past few months unleashing multiple loads of his cum deep inside my wife’s pussy and in her mouth...

2 years ago
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Sinnndy goes to a Bachelor Party

Let me give a little background first, I usually don't stick with one person for more than a week, but my boyfriend Billy is different, we have been together for six weeks, a record for me. What makes Billy so different, is that he doesn't have a jealous bone in his body, and my, what a body, he was married once before, and is in no hurry to do it again. He loves sex as much as I do and loves watching me get gang fucked by guys he sets me up with, both friends, and guys he knows through...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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Stupid BoyChapter 8 Bachelor Auction

After the Lakeview game, I buckled down and did everything Bo Harrington wanted. If I wasn't in school or church, football consumed ninety percent of my day. If I was lucky, I found an hour a day right before bedtime for myself. I spent most of that time talking to my friends on video chat. Tracy snuck out a couple of nights and we spent the night. I loved having my apartment over the garage. Tracy and I were becoming a team. She understood the demands on my time and she was doing a lot of...

3 years ago
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Nisha Ki Bachelor Party

Hi all this is the 4th time I am writing a story and this story is of a real girl who is a sex addict and she wanted me to write a story on one of the lifetime incident happened in her life a few days back. Her name is Nisha and her stats are 34d 26 38 fair complexion. We both met online and discuss pretty much everything on sex and related topics and one day she tells me that her marriage is fixed and I thought of giving her one in a lifetime experience and somehow managed to agree her for a...

2 years ago
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The Bachelor Party

My long time friend Steve had set up the bachelor party. I figured that we would go around to some strips clubs, get drunk, stuff like that. I was looking forward to my marriage, Nicki was my dream girl come true, but there was still a feeling like I was giving up my freedom and something more. Steve probably knows more than anyone, once he was watching over my house and used my computer, I had forgotten to close the tabs and clear the history. He didn't say anything about it, but I...

3 years ago
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Bachelors Party

Bachelors Party Ever since we’d gotten married, I had been teasing my wife Linda about how much I was looking forward to seeing her fuck another man. This always generated great sex for us and I think it was something she was hoping some day would actually played out One of my old friends from high school was getting married and his bachelor party was coming up and Linda would usually pout and try to tell me that we didn’t need to have one. The thought of me and a few of my friends...

2 years ago
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Bachelor Party Gang Bang

Bachelor Party Gang BangbyImstillfun©Author's note: A big thank you to all my fans. I love hearing from you. Please keep voting, favoriting, sending feedback, and especially leaving comments. As an author I truly appreciate hearing from you.If you have a chance, read the comments. They're as entertaining as the stories.---------------------------I was standing outside the house. I'd never been there before. There was nothing special about it. Just a house, but it changed everything.I was here...

3 years ago
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Bachelor Party Surprise

My Name is Derek and my wife is Kristy. We have been married for eight years and are both in our early thirties. We had just opened a Party Store where we sell party supplies and put on parties for various groups of people. We have catered parties for local dignitaries, weddings, fundraisers and even the occasional bachelor or bachelorette parties.The business had been very successful so far. We were trying to build a solid reputation as a place you can count on for a great party. We are...

2 years ago
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Bachelor Party Surprise

My Name is Derek and my wife is Kristy. We have been married for eight years and are both in our early thirties. We had just opened a Party Store where we sell party supplies and put on parties for various groups of people. We have catered parties for local dignitaries, weddings, fundraisers and even the occasional bachelor or bachelorette parties.The business had been very successful so far. We were trying to build a solid reputation as a place you can count on for a great party. We are...

2 years ago
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So it had been a few months since my ex and I had fucked last. Normally she would pop in town every now and again and let me have my way with her but as of late all I was getting was cock stiffening phone calls and dick teasing pics.Lately she had been driving me crazy with this gang bang fantasy she had been having. I was getting so horny from her teasing ways I began to get pissed off from all the jacking off I had to do to settle down. Finally she suprises me a pops up in town without...

4 years ago
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Tammy and the Bachelor Party

Tammy was a river girl. Now when you say someone is a river person and don't say which river, you can generally assume they are referring to the mighty Mississippi. In Tammy's case you would be absolutely correct. Her Granddaddy, Captain Amos Ravelle was a well-known river boat man. He was nearly 70 years old when his grandchild, little Tammy Ravelle was unceremoniously dropped on his gangplank by Parson Brown. When he heard all the commotion outside his cabin, Captain Amos thought it was...

3 years ago
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The Pact A Master PC TaleChapter 41 Bachelor Party

I made only one request of my good friend, Dr. Mitchell Harris, when he let it be known I was going to have a bachelor party whether I wanted one or not. “No Vegas,” I said sternly. “Too many special things happened there to cheapen it with a weekend of meaningless sex.” Mitch jokingly said that left only Reno, but it turned out he had more imagination than I thought. The fucker rented an island, a whole, green, largely uninhabited island. “You’re fucking kidding,” I said, incredulous....

2 years ago
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Wife Talked Into Doing Black Bachelor Party Pt 2

My wife was a bit nervous and asked me about the sex that was expected of her. Valid questions like how many times each guy is allowed to fuck her. And how many times does she have to suck on each guys cock. I told her to use her imagination and go with her instincts. Then I added, it’s a bachelor party and you’re their entertainment for the evening. Plan on multiple times with most guys that have the stamina to do just that, many times over and then some I would think. She replied “I guess so,...

2 years ago
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Bachelor bait

Introduction: I unexpectedly become the entertainment at a bachelor party This is my first time writing and loosely based on a true story, so feedback would be appreciated Let me describe myself. I am 54, 110lbs. Very slim/slender but i Have fairly large tits, 32C. I have long brown hair, brown eyes, and pale skin. Many men find me attractive, and I let out a natural air of sexuality that I find hard to control. On this particular night, I was bored and went out to a club. I was dancing by...

1 year ago
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Bachelors party helpers

So this past weekend was interesting to say the least lol. That group I'm with, last week one of the guys was talking to me and a few other girls and wanted us all to get together this weekend and do him a favor. Basicly it was one of his friends bachelor party and he wanted to throw him a fun night so me and a few girls went out and bought the maid outfit, under it we wore lace thongs, a garter belt and stockings, no need for bras.       Saterday everyone gathered at his place for dinner while...

3 years ago
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party of bachelors

Bachelors PartyEver since we’d gotten married, I had been teasingmy wife Linda about how much I was looking forward toseeing her fuck another man. This always generatedgreat sex for us and I think it was something she washoping some day would actually played outOne of my old friends from high school was getting marriedand his bachelor party was coming up and Linda wouldusually pout and try to tell me that we didn’t need to haveone. The thought of me and a few of my friends drinkingand watching...

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