Token Honeymoon
- 4 years ago
- 48
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Ten minutes after they sat together on the beach June decided to risk using words rather than touch. He was still there, still sitting next to her and she was beginning to feel that their own personal little bubble was being re-established.
"How much did you watch?"
For a while Dan said nothing. She could feel his breathing change, a short gasp and then after a hold a long sigh. "All of it."
"Is that why you're miserable? You could have stopped it, you could have come home."
As she spoke she wrapped an arm around him pulling him closer. She felt him tense.
"Did you want me to be there?"
June thought for a moment, gazing out to sea, trying to make sense of her thoughts.
"Yes," she said. "Mostly, yes. I don't know if I would have enjoyed it more, but I did wish you were there."
"What are you sorry about? You did it to teach me a lesson didn't you?"
Dan sat up, suddenly animated for the first time since she found him. "No. No, to teach me a lesson. Push as far as you can go, that's what you said. I thought I had to… um, to do it, to push myself."
"To do what?"
"Be a pimp," he said, spitting the word out.
"Making me a whore?"
"Well no, that's where it went wrong. When I sold the tokens it was a game, it was a fun idea. I kind of bet myself there weren't any pimps who did it that way. They were your tokens, that you made and gave to me, so there was no coercion, no nasty male dominance or stuff like that. I felt clever, pimping without being a macho dodgy criminal type. I was almost euphoric, but when I saw you working, it all went wrong. I made myself keep looking, but it was terrible."
"You could have stopped it."
"I suppose; but the first one wasn't so bad, I mean he was small and you were nice to him, I liked what you did."
"Did it turn you on?"
"No, not in a horny way. I loved seeing you being kind. It's not so much a turn on as a massive warm feeling, knowing deep down what a beautiful person you are. There you were, being sold like a piece of meat and you were nice to the guy, gentle with him. That's what is so wonderful about you and I suddenly felt cruel. I felt like a complete shit; as though I was vandalising something beautiful."
"Oh, Dan."
"I didn't have time to get back, and then it went so well and I was still too far away when the second guy arrived. That was… um, more interesting, more, I don't know what. More intense. I had no idea that he'd want that, but I found myself admiring your skill. You were really brilliant, the way you handled him."
"So it wasn't actually a turn on?"
Dan sighed, sitting curled up now, his arms hugging his legs, lost inside himself.
"I tried to think if it was me," he mumbled. "I mean, not really, but maybe a bit and I was sort of mesmerised, trying to think what he was getting out of it. He had no idea what you'd do, so was it like you said before, about being out of control. I worked so hard at trying to imagine."
"What did you think I got out of it?"
"That's when it went wrong. I couldn't think. No, that's wrong, I thought too much, too many things at once. I thought you might be cruel, teasing him for being an idiot, making himself helpless like that. Then I thought maybe it was a chore, being made to do stuff you wouldn't normally do. But maybe you would, maybe you'd tie me up if I gave you the chance."
For a moment he looked up, letting her in for a second, looking desperate.
"I had no idea what I was doing," he said. "I'd forced you into having these men and I had no idea what you liked, no idea if it would upset you, humiliate you, or if you might really like it and if you did then sooner or later you'd want to do it to me and I had no idea if I'd like it."
"So I was right?"
The arms around his legs relaxed a little.
"I said you had to push as far as you could to find out. I can see it's been hard, but it has pushed you out into places that you'd never imagined. It's done that hasn't it?"
Dan turned towards her and for the first time, she saw a hint of a smile.
"I didn't think of it like that. Yeah, I pushed myself, but I pushed you as well. Then there was the trio, by then I was in the pits. I'd done something crazy and there was nothing I could do. I couldn't stop three of them."
"Where did the third one come from?" June asked in a level, curious tone, trying to keep the discussion factual, technical away from the pain she'd seen in Dan's face.
"He was on the train as well. I think he must have been in the bathroom or something. The other two told him about you when he got back."
June smiled, remembering the train, the bags.
"If there'd been three of them sitting there I wouldn't have risked it." For a second she closed her eyes. "You're right, they bought three coffees."
She watched Dan collapse again.
"With three of them I didn't have the nerve to try and stop them," he said. "I chickened out and left you there. I should have come in, but … I didn't trust myself. I felt like a total shit."
"Were you scared?"
"I was paralysed with fear. It was a death spiral, one half of my brain was yelling at me for being a coward, the other half telling me I was a fool. When I sold them the tokens I got carried away with the game. I told myself you could handle it, you'd had all those guys in New York."
"I did handle it."
"Only just… I watched. By then I was too far away to do anything. The range on that camera WiFi is hundreds of meters. When I realised they were being too pushy, I was too far away. I couldn't walk and watch the video, so I'd found somewhere to sit. I ran back, running a bit, stopping to look at my phone, getting my breath, feeling sick, running some more, awful, my legs were like jelly. If I'd rushed in I'd have made a fool of myself and that made me feel worse. I stood at the door, trying to breathe, trying to feel strong but by then you had it under control."
He continued, "I almost burst in but then I had doubts again. They'd be bound to guess that they were being videoed. How else could I know when you hadn't asked them? They could be angry and they might be mad at both of us — I sold them the tokens, they might think I'd conned them if I broke it up. I thought about giving them their money back but as I watched I could see that you had it under control and if I rushed in it could do more harm than good. I chickened out again."
June sighed, trying to imagine Dan outside the door, hearing her being fucked, seeing the tiny images on his phone, tiny pictures filling his brain. 'Do all pimps feel like that she wondered? Do they agonise if their girls are put at risk? I don't think so, that's why Dan is different.'
"What happened after that? I asked you to come home. Didn't you see that part of the film?"
"I did but I was too ashamed. I stopped watching and wandered around aimlessly. I was…"
"Scared to come home?"
"Yes," his voice was scarcely a whisper. "I thought I might have screwed up our whole life. I thought you'd never forgive me."
"Dan, wake up. After what I did to you, selling me for one day is not the end of the world. I'm not sure I'm supposed to ask, but how much did you charge?"
"Three thousand," he said. "Five hundred each for the first two and two grand for the triple — I thought that ought to be more."
"They were rich kids, I saw the way they were behaving in the bar, flashing a lot of money. Two of the triple had seen your pussy, so they were turned on by the idea and it was going to be a threesome, so that has, well, um, rarity value."
"You mean most whores won't do that?"
"I don't know. I mean I've never… well, you know. I just guessed that maybe it would be more for something far out like that."
June held his hand, dragging him around to look at her. "I want you to answer me a question, and you have to be absolutely honest. Okay?"
"Look at me, no looking away. Will you ever be able to tell our friends that you paid for our honeymoon by selling me to strangers for an afternoon of wild sex?"
"Oh God!"
"I can't imagine ever being able to do that."
June chuckled, rumpled his hair.
"Would you want me to tell anyone that?" Dan's voice was strained and she could see that she'd unleashed another explosion in his head.
"Actually, maybe I would," she said. "Probably have to find some new friends who wouldn't be shocked out of their brains. A pity you didn't get receipts. We could frame them, have them on the wall as a conversation piece."
She leaned over to kiss him, pushing him down onto the sand and rolling on top.
"We still have more to talk about, but this isn't going to break us. It didn't break me and I won't let it damage us. I would actually like to be able to brag about that. It has to be the ultimate slut triumph. I bet there's hardly any women out there who could brag to that." She paused for a second. "Actually, how much did this holiday cost?"
"It would cover the chalet and the train at least."
"That's a relief, I'm not sure I have the energy for much more fucking tonight." She rolled off him laughing and then rolled back. "I can do one more," she said. "One special customer who has a fistful of tokens."
Dan lay for a long time looking at the stars while June waited to see what was running around in his head. She put her head on his chest, listening to the thud of his heart, resisting the temptation to play with his cock.
"Where do we go from here?" he said.
"Forward," she said without thinking. "Sorry, that's trite. I don't mean to be trivial. we've both had a hell of a day, courtesy of each other, now we have to look after each other and get ready for the next step."
"How many more steps are there?"
"As many as we decide," she said. "Only that many but I don't want to give up pushing ourselves just yet, unless you've had enough."
They lay on the beach for a while, counting shooting stars. June was relieved to find that there were still plenty of them. Somehow she thought that meant the magic was still there and then dismissed the thought.
"Come on," she said. "We should go find something to eat. The stars are lovely but I'm not letting random celestial events run our lives. Are you feeling any better?"
"I still feel like a shit, I chickened out of rescuing you."
"Come on love, don't sweat it. Selling the tokens was a masterstroke and whatever you say I deserved it. I felt like I was doing penance. I've often thought about being a whore, especially after working with that girl in New York but having to stand there naked and give a price to some guy never felt like fun. When I was standing there naked, trying to teach myself to be better at sex I never felt worth very much. With the tokens it was different. I was already sold, I was a whore. It threw me completely into submission mode. It's that out of control thing again."
"It didn't look out of control," he said. "Apart from when that big guy was heaving you around."
"It's the feeling, deep inside. My brain was still working and hell yes, I was managing the whole thing, well mostly, apart from one thing. I didn't like that guy fucking my arse. I promised you that was yours and now that's broken. I didn't like that."
"It was my fault, so it doesn't count."
"It was my arse, so it does." She squeezed his hand for a moment. "You do realise that I've broken all the promises that I made to you in a single day."
"What? No, you haven't."
"I said I'd never fuck someone twice. I had Bob three times in twenty-four hours. I said only you would have my arse and now even if I don't count two seconds of Ray, some guy has been there and I don't even know his name. I promised I would not sleep with anyone else, promised I only ever wanted to wake up with you and that's gone too. If I'd stayed awake with Ray maybe it would have been better but I actually fall asleep, so technically I slept with him. I know it wasn't long but that was only because you woke me. Three promises, all broken. Why would you trust me ever again? My promises are worth nothing."
They sat for five minutes, him lost in thought, her watching.
"It wasn't a setup, was it? The arse thing, you know to prove something to me. Prove that my promises were worthless."
"It did though."
"Are you sure they didn't hint that they might be interested in DP?"
"Double penetration. Actually, it was triple. You knew I'd always fancied trying it." She sighed. "No matter, it's done now. It's proved it to me. I can't be trusted. Telling you what I'd like to keep for you is not enough."
She risked looking at him again, holding his chin and turning his face towards her. His muscles changed, his body formed up, the tone came back and there was a new determination in his face.
"We could play this game all day, love," he said, "so let's not. I'm in your hands now. I've tried being a master and I've tried being a pimp. I don't think I've got what it takes to pimp. I do trust you. I know you'll tell me what you've been doing."
"You know there are two more roles to try?"
"Cuckold and Cuckqueen."
"What queen?"
"The opposite of cuckold. A woman who stays faithful and lets her man fuck other women. Maybe she joins in, maybe she doesn't."
"You mean you'd…?"
"I didn't say that but it's a kinky thought. Imagine if it had been you in New York and you thought you needed to improve your technique and you got to work practising and sent me the films."
"I don't think I can get my head around that."
"Maybe you need practice. I fancy it a bit. Like, imagine if I'd been wandering around the beach selling tokens for women to fuck you."
"It would never work, I don't have a giant cock or anything, why would anyone want to."
"Don't put yourself down."
"Seriously I can't imagine it."
"Okay, here's a different take on it. I wander along the beach, as before, but this time I look for women who really look like they have it all and I say to them I'm trying to give my husband a real treat and you look like the most desirable woman I've seen all day. Could I persuade you to fuck him just this once and give him the best treat ever."
"I can't see them going for it."
"Well maybe I wear a chastity belt and I tell them I'm my husband's sex slave and he's tired of me and wants a change. I tell them that I have the most amazing mouth and I could take them to heaven with it if they'd only fuck my husband."
Dan laughed. "You have the most awesome imagination, but that would never work. They'd take one look at you and know I could never be tired of you."
"Or I could say I'll pay you a hundred Euros a hole, we have the capital to play with after all. Or I could hunt out some ugly bitches who look like they haven't had it in a while and offer them mercy sex from my dishy husband who is very charitable and doesn't think it's fair that he gets to have sex with me all the time."
June continued, "I could wear a chastity belt and say that I'm locked up until he has given five other women a chance. Or I could give the key to one of them and say she could unlock me when you've satisfied her. Well, no, maybe not that one. I might never get out."
"That's a bit below the belt."
"That's not much of a pun. I'm being provocative darling. Consider this possibility, I know what you're like as far as being on the receiving end is concerned but I've never watched. It might be a huge turn on, especially if I joined in."
"Or it might be a fucking catastrophe."
"Well, yes, obviously."
"This is too close to home isn't it," she said. "You're not seeing your own jokes. Fuck is an expletive as well as a verb, maybe a noun too. If it was a catastrophe it would be a fucking catastrophe, i.e. catastrophic fucking."
June watched the stars for a while, pointing now and then to another shooter.
"Dan, some of this is bound to be painful. We have to expect that and we have to be good to each other through that."
"You're still way ahead of me."
"I know and some of the time you may have to tell me to stop. Sometimes I might have to tell you. The one thing you have to remember is that sex with other people always risks seeming better, but that's irrelevant if we are in it together."
"Am I that bad?"
"No. No, Dan engage your brain, don't think about your feelings for the moment. Think about those five this afternoon, if I was going to go after one of them again which would it be?"
"The big guy."
"Right. And why is that? Actually, you don't have to answer because it's obvious, he had a big cock and he was sure of himself. He didn't just boss me around, he bossed around the other two as well. As far as the other four this afternoon were concerned you are miles better than any of them, so if I had to pick one then it would have to be the one who might be better than you. Remember I'm only talking about sex. Physical sex. Anyone who at first glance looks less good than you is not going to get a look in. Why would I bother with them - well unless my pimp has sold them tickets? Do you get it?"
"So what you're saying is that any sex outside marriage is bound to be better because you wouldn't bother if it wasn't."
"Not exactly, because a well-hung guy might be hopeless but there's no way to know until after."
"Then you might be tempted to say it was better than it was."
"I wouldn't do that."
"We're being theoretical; there would be that temptation. You go off with some stud and I'm at home feeling awful. All that angst is wasted if he's hopeless. If you tell me he was hopeless, the chances are I'd have a problem believing that. I'd assume you were letting me down lightly. You're more likely to tell me it was great and make up to me by thanking me for letting you have a treat. That's how it goes isn't it?"
"No. Well, I don't know. You're too clever, you keep taking this to places I haven't thought of. Whatever this imaginary stud was like, it doesn't mean that it would be a threat to us. There's a lot more to marriage than sex, at least I hope there is. If I meet someone for sex then I'm not going to bother to get to know them, I'm going to fuck them and see if I enjoy it."
"But if they were very good, the best ever, wouldn't you want to keep on doing it?"
"I can see how that could happen, but for me, that's less of a temptation. I know how long it took to get to know you, and I also know that I've had — what is it now two hundred and seventy-five different men — so I know that passing up one brilliant fuck is not the end of the world, there's plenty out there."
"So you'll keep on looking?"
"I don't know. Maybe not. It cuts all ways, doesn't it? What are the chances now that I meet someone better than all those guys? You are as good as most, so it's a lot of effort and risk for not very much. What I do know is that finding another husband like you would be a completely different problem. Much harder, so whatever it takes to keep you, that's what I want."
"So we can stop all this?"
"If you really want to, but there's still the two we haven't done and a lot more besides."
"Cuckold and cuckquean."
"Plus swinging in general and then a load of kinks."
"Kinks?" he said, starting to feel lost again.
"Like the guy today, for instance, bondage and that sort of thing. There's every kind of that. We could take years working that one out."
"Oh sure. I looked at it a tiny bit in New York. Who ties who up is the first question. I didn't let anyone do it to me in New York because I couldn't be sure it would be safe. There's all sorts out there. Some folk like chains and others like leather and then there's cages. Do you fancy being in a cage, naked, on view, what happens to you being up to someone else?"
"Someone else?"
"Well me, I guess."
"You deciding would be quite different from someone else deciding."
"Exactly. See what I mean? There's no end to it and we haven't even started on all sorts of dressing up and what might go with it."
"I've always fancied being a pony girl."
She stopped, surprised, looked at him closely, he wasn't bluffing, he was genuinely curious. "You really did, work and work on the house, while I was away, didn't you? You didn't waste any time watching porn."
Dan burst out laughing and for a minute lay flat on the sand, clutching his sides, unable to control his giggles.
June waited.
"Most husbands are supposed to be embarrassed when their wives find out they've been watching porn," he said, "but now I'm embarrassed because I didn't. You are a crazy woman. I don't know what I've got myself into."
"But is it fun?"
"Not all the time," he said, calming down and trying to look serious for a moment. "Sometimes it's bloody scary and painful, but adding it all up, I'd say we are having an unforgettable honeymoon. So long as you can carry on picking up the bits when I crack up…"
"I promise. I did promise — for better, for worse, all that stuff."
"Okay then, let's stay with the programme."
June rolled over dusting sand off his forehead.
"If you've got the energy I need one ownership fuck from my pimp before we got to sleep."
Dan stood up and pulled her to her feet. "Swim first," he said, dragging her towards the water. "I'd rather taste salt water than your punters' sweat."
"I did shower," she said. "Very thoroughly actually, plus the sauna; but you're right, swim first."
They walked out into the water, holding hands and splashing each other until it was deep enough and then they swam a little. On the way back Dan knelt in the shallow water and insisted on spreading her legs.
"You know they all wore condoms," she said. "There's no hidden treasure in there."
"That's another thing we haven't tried."
"It could be arranged. Maybe we should ask Bob? We know he's safe. Or you could lick out Amanda, I bet she'd be up for it."
"Are you going to be like this when we get home?"
"Define like this."
Dan laughed, slipped, fell back into the water and emerged spluttering and sporting a very solid erection.
"Come on," she said, grabbing his cock and heading for the shore.
They splashed their way to the edge of the sea and she pushed him to the floor and in an instant was on top of him and nudging his cock into her. June was in no mood to make this last, she used every trick she knew, working her breasts across his chest, kissing him deeply and gripping him with her pelvic floor as she bounced an orgasm out of him. As soon as he'd come, she moved up and flattened her pussy onto his face.
"If we ever do have you sucking a stranger's cum out of me you need something to compare with."
Dan had no choice in the matter and did his best. Her legs either side of his head kept the ripples of sea water from running over his face but several times it went in his ears and caused him to gasp. After a few minutes, she lifted herself off him.
"I think the tide is coming in, I know it doesn't come very far but you can drown in a few inches of water."
They strolled back up the beach.
"Tell me about pony girls."
"That's for another day, we need the internet and videos for that and I'd need to get some kit, or I should say tack. That's what the horsey people call it."
"Is it something you'd like to do?"
She stopped him for a moment turning to face him, kissing him and pressing herself against him.
"Seriously," she said, "yes it is something I'd like to do, something I'd like to do for you, with you, but I would need some shiny boots and a harness and a bit and really a little pony trap to pull along. You could ride in it and watch my arse jiggling in front of you. You'd probably have to whip it a little and I would need a tail attached to a butt plug."
"I think I might have a nice surprise for you."
"You know that field behind the house, the one that leads down to the wood."
"You bought it?"
"I said I'd try and in the end the price was good. I didn't realise you had a use for it."
"I should know this, it's our house, but it's so long since I've been there. How secluded is it?"
"It depends a little on where you are. A good deal is invisible to anywhere but you would feel exposed. Is that the idea?"
June wrapped an arm around him as they walked back towards the chalet. "That is exactly the idea. Maybe we could build a little stable."
"You mean you want a horse?"
"No silly, to keep me in. Maybe we could find some other girls who would be interested. We could have races, have dressage competitions."
"Sounds like you could really get into it."
"More than it sounds," she said, reaching over to take his hand and putting one of his fingers in her pussy. "That's not seawater," she said. "That's genuine pony girl juice."
Five minutes later they were back home and she insisted that he try to fuck her again.
"Slowly this time. Use all the juice. Imagine me in shiny leather boots and a matching corset with a tail in my arse. Wouldn't you like to keep a pet like that in a stable, tied up, ready to mount whenever you felt like it."
"You do have a job to go back to."
"I know, I know but there are weekends, a girl can dream. Maybe we could rent the stable out, that might make more money than selling my tokens. There are people who'd pay for a week being kept naked in a stable, not just girls, guys too. I could come home from work and feed the horses. Imagine."
"We haven't built it yet."
June chuckled. "But we will. You know the money you made today, can we use it to get me a pony outfit?"
"It's your money."
"You should have some of it. You're the pimp, they always keep a percentage. I think they usually keep a lot of it."
"I'm not that kind of pimp. I'll give you half."
"That should more than do it."
"Don't get anything too tacky."
"Very funny."
"What is it about that fetish? That sounds kind of academic, but can you give me some clues?"
"You know I've never actually done it, so I may be completely wrong."
"Yeah, yeah, but you're smart and you don't do random, so there must be some clues."
"The gear is a turn on. A lot of leather. I love the look of leather corsets, especially the ones that lift your tits and make the nipples stick out. A lot of pony girls have pierced nipples, so I might get those too. I didn't do it in New York because they take a while to heal and it would have got in the way of everything else."
"But otherwise you would have?"
"Are you shocked?"
"No more than anything else since you got back."
"So a definite maybe there?"
"Even a maybe definite."
"I could get clip-on fake nipple rings. I could try them and see what we think. Anyway leather boots and corset and interesting metal in the right places should give you an idea."
"I've seen pictures like that but I thought the woman was a dominatrix."
"Yeah, well, exactly; what the pony stuff does is let you dress like a really pushy, out there, female but be submissive at the same time. It's a kind of double kink. Lots of leather and whips and stuff, but you have to be fit and sexy and do as you're told. So really it's kind of exhibitionism and bondage too. I like it where all your bits are on show and your arms are fixed in some way. Maybe a bit and blinkers too so you can't even tell who's looking at you unless they're right in front of you and then they have all the power and you're the exhibit."
"You'd like to be displayed like that?"
"Mmmm," she paused. "What about you? There are pony boys too. Often done almost the same, all dressed up and helpless with your bits on show."
"Would you like to see me like that?"
"Fuck, yeah. No question. I think I'd feed you Viagra with your oats so we got a proper display, or better still that other stuff that lasts all day. You're making me very horny."
Dan pulled her close and explored her pussy.
"Let's see how horny," he said, pulling his glistening finger out to examine it. "Hmm, very juicy."
She grabbed his hand and took his finger into her mouth, sucking and licking it with enthusiasm.
"I can't think of a better way to spend our ill-gotten gains," she said. "Let's get home. We can't do ponies here but we can try some of the other stuff. I want to try as much as we can."
"So, it's off to the shop for specialist toys first thing?"
"Mmmm. Chastity belts and stuff like that."
"So one of us is going to be locked up for the day and the other will be fucking strangers?"
June laughed. "You make it sound so technical. One of us will be driven wild with frustration and at the same time be crazy happy that the other one is being totally satisfied. Does that sound better?"
Dan sighed. "Have you been totally satisfied so far? I think you've been fucked eight times."
"You're being funny aren't you, I mean that's a good sign isn't it, that you can joke a bit?"
Dan stopped walking for a moment. "Well, sort of, not much of a joke really but it's a serious question too."
"Okay Mr Joker, I'll answer it. I wasn't totally satisfied all the time, but I'm not sure if that was on the menu. I think there are five guys out there who were satisfied and will probably think today was a big thing in their holiday. I think Bob was more than satisfied," for a second she laughed. "I don't know about Mandy though, but she might be surprised. I'd like to have been a fly on the wall when Bob got back there, but you can't have everything. What about you? Were you driven wild with frustration?"
By then they'd made it back to the house. June made straight for the fridge and emerged with a bottle of Prosecco.
"It's not champagne, but it'll do. I know neither of us is in a celebratory mood but we should at least toast the weirdest day. So frustration? How was it for you?"
"I wasn't. I was miserable, mad at myself, and felt like shit all day, trying desperately to see where the daylight was."
"You know what that proves?"
"No," he said, slumping into a chair. "I'm not sure I can do this."
"Leave it to me for a minute. I'll start with me. Sex by itself isn't enough. I know there are women who get off on being fucked silly and go on about how their husbands are not up to it. All that stuff about female led marriages. The point that they don't make is that they have to be loved too."
She added, "Cuckolding your husband and getting fucked silly is okay so long as you have that loving husband to come back to. Just getting fucked is not enough, not for me anyway. I may have been wrong about wanting to go on doing it. What I hadn't thought about until now was that in New York, every night I talked to you. I know I didn't mention the fucking but I talked to you and in my mind, the fucking was for you. That's why it worked."
June continued, "If I was fucking someone else because you weren't enough, I think our marriage would fail. I can only imagine having other guys for sex and you for love. It wouldn't be as easy as I thought last week and it would take masses of work, I'd have to find all sorts of ways to show you I loved you, but without the love the sex wouldn't work at all, not for me anyway, no matter how big and how good they were."
She stopped for a moment to look at him, to squeeze his hand and kiss him.
"Today has been really bad in lots of ways but finding that out makes it worth it as far as I'm concerned."
She paused for a moment, sipping her wine.
"Dare I ask about your day?"
"I don't know if I can even make sense of it."
"Could you try?"
"I can't even remember what I was thinking."
"Why did you make Bob fuck me?"
"Because I was pissed at Ray, well pissed at you too. You didn't have to fall asleep. It's not very logical but I wanted some control. Me fucking you didn't feel like control. It would have been nice but it wasn't enough."
"I like that."
"You like that?"
"Yes, love. You deserve some control. That was actually a good idea. Well done."
"You're not just saying that?"
"No. Were the others part of the same?"
"Pretty much."
"Good. Now here's another hard one. When you watched me being fucked by the trio how did that compare with Craig and co doing me?"
Dan sighed, a long breath out and a long pause.
"They were completely different. With Craig I was there; I could look after you. I was scared and out of my depth but if all else failed we were locked together. I could have just dragged you out of there at any moment. With the trio, I had no control at all and I might have put you into danger; that's what it seemed like. I felt terrible. I was haunted by the thought of you being harmed. I had no idea how I could have lived with that. I could not understand why I'd done something so stupid."
"Thanks, love. That's enough for now. If I still want to fuck other people when we're done here, you may have to come with me."
"What are we going to do now?"
"Now, right now, we're going to eat and then go to bed. Tomorrow we're going to a sex shop if we can find one. I want to have a wild silly day with you and I'm not going to fuck anyone else unless you make me. If you see some dishy chick that you fancy, feel free."
"I wish we'd worked on that dreaming thing."
"If you get bad dreams you must wake me. Promise."
He kissed her, drank the last of his wine and filled the glass again. "I promise."
After their disturbed night following June's admissions about her infidenlity, they stay together and journey to Cap D'Agde, the french nudist resort, to start their honeymoon proper. Dan has more time to catch up with what June has done while June indulges in yet more erotic behaviour. The next morning they woke late. June glanced at the clock and mentally calculated that they had less than two hours to get to St. Pancras. Time enough so long as they didn't hang around. She wrapped her arm...
Love StoriesThe next punter spoke better English but had an equally small dick. She watched him in the shower, and to make the experience seem worth the money June got in the shower with him and helped cover him with shower gel and suds. However big or small their anatomy there is some pleasure to be had with silky smooth skin. 'Ten minutes of hot water isn't going to break the bank,' she thought, 'unless Dan is giving me away.''Please Dan, don't sell me cheap.' Could she be the first wife to fuck her way...
Love StoriesWhen the door had been closed for a minute and he'd seen the others disappearing into the distance Dan filled a glass for June and took that and what was left of his own to the bedroom."Well?"June lay still, head snuggled into the pillows, legs spread, eyes half closed. Dan put the glasses on the side table."I think I know what you need," he said and slid onto the bed between her legs. His tongue got to work, almost where he'd left off before the boys arrived, slowly licking from as deep inside...
Love StoriesWalking home June pressed Dan again."How was it for you? You still haven't said.""When we were doing it I was trying to think how to make it all work for everyone else. The whole thing was too intense. My brain was in overdrive, I didn't have time to feel anything. When was over, looking back it felt good, but in the moment I was too wound up.""So you didn't enjoy it at all? That's awful." She paused for a second, looking intently at his face. "You did so well, I was so proud of you. I thought...
Love StoriesThe sex shop was forty minutes away. June insisted that Dan drive while she spent the journey with her skirt raised and her fingers in her pussy."It's only fair," she said. "If I'm going to be locked up the rest of the day.""I love the way you make up the rules as you go along. I hadn't realised it was your turn first.""After yesterday, come on love. I want you in control.""So you make the decision that I'm in control?"June laughed. "Yeah, I get the joke, but I really do deserve it. I wouldn't...
Love StoriesDan and June are now embarked on their delayed honeymoon. Dan is still struggling to come to terms with June's behaviour in New York, while June begins to see her actions from Dan's side.The train pulled into Montpellier at nine thirty. Dan knew exactly what he was doing, he picked up the hire car and had them on the road to Cap d'Agde before June had a chance to catch her breath."When do we take off our clothes?""After we check in at the reception area.""Are we in a hotel or what?""A chalet....
Love StoriesDan cooked supper while June sat and watched. She had little choice with the chain on her collar anchored to the table and her hands cuffed behind her back. Dan enjoyed glancing at her as he worked, aware of his growing erection underneath the apron he had donned to avoid spitting fat.When he was ready he poured two glasses of wine and served the results of his work, seared fish with pan fried scalloped potatoes and a tossed salad."Are you going to feed me or do I get my hands back?""I thought...
Love Stories"When did Craig say they were leaving?""What day is it now?""Friday."Dan's absent minded stare at the steam on his coffee was interrupted."I think they said they were leaving Sunday. Did you want another session with them?""No, it might be fun but I still haven't got into doing repeats. There's no sense in going back to the clubs until there's a whole new class of people. We could try something new, be different people. No one knows us.""More surprises for me?" he said, putting his cup...
Love StoriesDear friends, The wedding happened smoothly and all guest thoroughly enjoyed the food and dancing, and I too enjoyed myself fully. The couple planned to leave the following day and Uncle announced that they also had planned to go to a nearby resort for a couple of days. Aunty Rita said she was not going as there was lots of shopping she wanted to do in Chennai , silk sarees, dresses etc and I should also keep her company to take her around. Only 3 days she said….I said ok and a bit disappointed...
IncestDan insisted on practicing walking through the camp with June on a leash. They made a trial run going a short distance around the chalet. He struggled to find the right pace. Should he stride out, dragging his slave behind him or stroll at a leisurely pace, keeping her on a short leash like a dog being trained. Should he look at her — it was hard not to; but was that the way a master would behave?He was embarrassed to find his stride acquiring a bounce that had too much in common with an...
Love StoriesJune pulled a second bottle from the fridge then stepped behind the door to reach into a cupboard for more glasses. For a moment, hidden from Sandy, she wiped her tears away with a towel, closed the fridge and gave Sandy a glass."He'll need a breather when he's finished with Pat and I bet they'll both need a drink. I'll take this and see how they're getting on."She left Sandy with a bottle and a glass and moved to look into the second bedroom. Dan was on top of Pat but the thrusting had ceased...
Love StoriesThank you everyone for the comments and compliments for my 1st story. This is a continuation of my story “Real Sister Become Real Girlfriend”, for those who have not read it I suggest please read it so you can enjoy this. Like my 1st story even this is a real story. 31st December 2014 was the day when I & my sister Tina kissed for first time and later on same night we had sex for the first time at my friends place. Since then we were very shy to face each other and even if our eye contacts meet...
IncestThis is the Incident of during my Honeymoon. I got Married to a Village Damsel, Jyoti, just 19 years of Age, Last Year. I will Like to Give details of Physique of my Wife, She was 19, 5' 6", Wheatish Complexion, with a figure of 36-24-34, she had a figure to Die For. If She Walks on Road, She will definitely Make the Heads Turn towards her, as she was So young, LengthyHair,Good Height, Firm Breasts and a Sleek Ass to make the heads turn. As we were engaged for 6 MONTHS before Marrige, We used...
Hey guys this is Teena again. Thanks for your love for my last stories. So now I’ll be telling my experience I had after about 2 months of the first time I had sex with my friends . So now to the story but before going to the story I will tell about me those who have not read my previous stories. I an quiet hot and sexy girl and my stats are 32- 29- 30. My skin tone is milky white and I have milky white breasts and thighs and beautiful pink nipples. So now the story- This incident took place...
Jen and I had dated for about two years, and in that whole time I had managed to keep my pecker in my pants and not go all the way with her. I, in an unusual twist, wanted to be a virgin on my wedding night for my bride and Jen, while not completely ok with this had acquiesced to my desire's. To make it easier on both of us I wouldn't allow any playing around either. Temptation being what it is, I opted to remain pure for my future wife. The night I popped the question to her she cried and...
It was less than ten minutes after we drove away together from our rented wedding reception hall that my almost 23 year older than me and brand new bride Bobbie shocked me with the following. "I've known all along about your Secret Little Queer Thursday afternoon Suck visits to the Gay Costal Cruising Park in Portsmouth honey." " In fact except for your nice family business position and Daddies future inheritence, its the main reason why I decided to marry you!"So sitting and driving in mostly...
Amanda's Honeymoon Continues Chapter 1 - James Enters Again Amanda awakened as James was gently turning her over onto her stomach. After all of the excitement of her wedding and honeymoon, she must have dozed off. The memories of what had happened to her and where she was came flooding back when she felt his firm penis between her butt cheeks, working its way into her tight little hole. "I'm Mrs. Amanda Morgan," she thought with a drowsy little smile as he pulled her up to her...
I never saw Asha looking like an Indian wife. But after her best friend’s wedding, I found certain changes in her. She was wearing her long-forgotten mangalsutra, bangles regularly, having sindoor. Earlier she avoided mehndi. But this time, she loved it. It’s been like years that I have seen her like that. It was the month of June, and her summer vacations were going on. One evening, we were checking our mobile sitting side by side. I heard Asha saying, “Wow, how lucky she is!” I saw her phone....
FAITH AND THE THAI EPISODEorFaith’s Sexual awakeninga novel byNicoletta Sanchez Duran Faith and the Thai episode – Part 1 This is the story of Faith Griffith, 30 year old Manhattan school teacher whose husband Greg Pope had died whilst on honeymoon in Thailand. What Faith had never told anyone was that Greg had been found in an abandoned shack dead from a heart attack attributed to a combination of Viagra, crack and cocaine. Two days after their honeymoon started in Bangkok he had disappeared...
Fucking Rose, while Jim fucked Sue, was mind-blowing. Never in a million years would I have ever imagined letting Jim fuck Sue. Jim is such a jerk. Sitting with Rose and Jim, as we watched the video of Sue fucking the stripper at her bachelorette party, was surreal. The video that showed a big cock stretching Sue's pussy is X-rated porn quality. Rose never should have videotaped Sue. But I'm glad she did.We still had over a week before our wedding. And seeing the video of the topless...
SwingersIntroduction: Rachel is on her honeymoon with Jacob when she runs into Mark and Mary who have other ideas on how the new bride should spend her honeymoon. The Devils Pact by mypenname3000 edited by Master Ken Copyright 2013 The Devils Pact Side Story: Rachels Honeymoon Part 1-Friday Night Note: This takes place in Chapter 27 while Mark and Mary are in New York City. Mrs. Jacob Goldstein-Blum. I am Mrs. Jacob Goldstein-Blum, now. That happy thought filled my mind as Jacob pulled our Chevy...
Jen and I had dated for about two years, and in that whole time I had managed to keep my pecker in my pants and not go all the way with her. I, in an unusual twist, wanted to be a virgin on my wedding night for my bride and Jen, while not completely ok with this had acquiesced to my desire. To make it easier on both of us I wouldn’t allow any playing around either. Temptation being what it is, I opted to remain pure for my future wife. The night I popped the question to her she cried and was...
My bride Heather and I were staying at an ocean-front resort on the island of St John's, relaxing on an idyllic, crescent-shaped beach during the first day of our honeymoon. The sand was a fine white powder, palm trees bowed toward the horizon and the sun sparkled like diamonds on the light-blue waters. Adding to the scenery were many scantily clad bodies laying on towels or walking the beach. Going topless was optional, and although several of the female tourists partook in the local custom,...
I’m 34 and married for 10 years by now. I haven’t lost my figure as I was at the time of marriage but gained extra weight for sure but it always complemented on me as per my husband. I had a perfect figure of 34 by 34 by 36 and tugged in sari, I looked ravishingly beautiful and no one could resist to fuck me. I am a little whitish by complexion but still have nice face cut, beautiful and luscious lips, big eyes and long hairs which reached till my bums. I usually wore sari all the time. But...
This one is rather long for a mainly two character story with little action, but it has some virtues, and if I revise it again it'll only get longer. So as usual, if you don't like it, don't buy it. And if too young for it, go out and play or text or something. Honeymoon by Vickie Tern Marcie lay back in her favorite overstuffed leather chair, her "throne" she sometimes called it, one of her legs draped casually over...
[This is a sequel to 'A Different Honeymoon'. This new story will make more sense if you read that story first.] Was it really ten months since we came back from our honeymoon, I asked myself? Certainly it had been a wonderful ten months, even if it had been a bit of a struggle financially. Shirley was working hard to complete her final year at university and within two weeks she should be finished and able to get a full time job, which would ease our financial difficulties. In two weeks...
Myself Jyoti Papani married to Sumit Papani, works as General Manager in a Textile Company, I’m 34 and married for 10 years by now. I haven’t lost my figure as I was at the time of marriage but gained extra weight for sure but it always complemented on me as per my husband. I had a perfect figure of 34 by 34 by 36 and tugged in sari, I looked ravishingly beautiful and no one could resist to fuck me. I am a little whitish by complexion but still have nice face cut, beautiful and luscious lips,...
Mom wanted to go on a cruise all her life. So I took her. Honeymoon Cruise I woke with a large cock between my ass cheeks. I could hear groggy, sleepy moans being breathed into the back of my neck as he slowly ground in between my cheeks. He had his strong arm under my neck reaching around me and his hand softly cupping my left breast. His other hand around my waist reaching over my pelvis and gently holding me against his cock. “Roy.” I breathed out. His grinding strengthened as he...
IncestIntroduction: This is a totally fictional story about a really bad honeymoon. The day after I married the love of my life, we flew to our honeymoon destination in the Bora Bora, French Polynesia. Janet and I chose a small honeymoon resort because we were on a limited budget. When we arrived, the place looked old and a little run down but we could care less. Both of us couldnt wait until we got to our room to relax after the long tiring trip. We went to the front desk to check in and we...
My wife, Natasha, and I have been married for 2 years now. We met each other at university here in Canada, but we were both born and raised in Pakistan. Since we did not move here until we were young adults and lived most of our lives in an ultra conservative society and households, we were naturally quite conservative.However after we were engaged and settled in Canada, Natasha would occasionally ask me if I thought it was okay she wore something like a knee-length skirt, a sleeveless top or a...
Hello, reader, I am Ajay again with another story. I live in Delhi. I met my cousin Shalu in Delhi after she returns home after completing her college. She is currently 28 and I am 25. She was one hot arrogant bitch. I used to be in my college when I first met my cousin Shalu. She was pretty even pretty is not a good word to describe her beauty. She has the face of a baby doll, silky smooth white skin, she was very curvy. She was petite and could have become a model if she was a bit taller. She...
Like every girl has a dream of the fear & experiences of the first wedding night, I too had been awaiting what was in my share. To tell you about myself, I am Mita, the elder of two girls, brought up in very controlled environ of an extremely orthodox landlord father and a very devoted & religious mother. My initial formative years were spent in a village, where the school and the home were next to each other. I was not allowed to mix around with the other village c***dren. My father...
The day after I married the love of my life, we flew to our honeymoon destination in the Bora Bora, French Polynesia. Janet and I chose a small honeymoon resort because we were on a limited budget. When we arrived, the place looked old and a little run down but we could care less. Both of us couldn’t wait until we got to our room to relax after the long tiring trip.We went to the front desk to check in and we received our complimentary honeymoon package. The clerk gave us our keys and...
Our family as 4 members, a middle-class family from south India. It’s all started during my sister’s marriage, let me introduce my family.My father shiv Narayan 56 years old,My mother rani 42 years old,My sister Divya 24 years old,And myself rathode 22 years old.My sister’s marriage was fixed to one of my father’s friend son, he is good at earning and he is in good position in his work, marriage as taken place very grandly all of our relatives were so happy to see my sister’s marriage, my...
Hi, friends this is another story from rathode. Our family as 4 members, a middle-class family from south India. It’s all started during my sister’s marriage, let me introduce my family. My father shiv Narayan 56 years old, My mother rani 42 years old, My sister Divya 24 years old, And myself rathode 22 years old. My sister’s marriage was fixed to one of my father’s friend son, he is good at earning and he is in good position in his work, marriage as taken place very grandly all of our...
IncestHey everyone thanks for your comments and love on my previous writings. Thanks to ladies/gentlemen for your approach. Hope you are having fun. Keep dropping your views @ I am writing this on behalf of one of my reader and a very good friend ‘ Munira ‘. Hope you like it too baby. Little long but sexy and with lots of emotions. Time to get back to story It was end of November and I turned 24. Marriage plans were on cards but not specific with time. I got a proposal with all qualities I...
As Rajiv & me were sleeping till late next day as we were busy last night. We were sleeping all nude in bed; i woke up at around 10.30. I covered myself with blanket. Took bra and panty put them on pulled my petticoat and then wore my blouse. And carried my saree in hands went to cupboard and took out new pair of innerwear blouse petticoat and saree and went to bathroom. I did my toilet. Then i went under the shower. Took off my blouse untied the lace of my petticoat. Unhooked my bra and i...
It was a lovely September Saturday and the large church was filled. Danny and the ushers were all dressed in Black Tuxes and the bridesmaids were dressed in Royal Blue. Beth was especially radiant in her White Gown. After a lovely ceremony; the reception was held at a nearby hotel. The young couple frolicked and partied with their young friends and their families until past midnight. Now they made their way up to the Honeymoon Suite. With both slightly tipsy from all the champagne; Danny...
Introduction: The best laid plans…. Danny? Chris called to her husband as she came through the front door. She practically fell over the two pieces of luggage sitting just inside the entrance. Danny rounded the corner from the kitchen, his arms laden with jackets. A huge grin crossed his face when he saw his wife standing there, looking confused and a little bit miffed. What did you do? she asked, planting her hands on her hips for emphasis. What do you mean? Danny asked, knowing full...
Sean came from the bathroom following his morning shower and saw her standing in front of the dressing table. Ginny was slowly drying herself as she looked into the mirror and as he drew nearer he caught her reflection. He could see from her facial expression that her mind was elsewhere. He knew exactly where it was as he rested his hands on her hips and pressed himself against her naked body, sun tanned from head to foot. “This time last week, hey?” She looked up at his reflection and smiled....
CuckoldSix Months Later… It’s our first night as an official married couple. It’s been a tiring day of sightseeing, exploring and shopping. We rounded it out with one of our good hard fucks that we like so much. Gavin is fast asleep, curled into me, as I stroke his hair. He looks so peaceful, even though I’m tired, I can’t shut my mind off. The last few days keep repeating in my head. When he asked me to marry him six months ago, I didn’t think he was truly serious. I mean, we just moved in...
NovelsPepper’s Honeymoon – Part 1Sunday, Sept. 2, 1985The alarm went off early Sunday morning. None of us wanted to get up, but we had to take Jerry and Rosemary to the airport early to catch their flight to Cancun for their honeymoon. Ginger d**g herself out to the kitchen to start the coffee while we all showered and got dressed. Breakfast was quick and the newlyweds finished their last minute packing, we loaded the van and headed to the airport. Jerry and Rosemary were all smiles and I noticed...
The Continuing Adventures of Alexa & Jenny: #1 The Honeymoon "UGH! This suitcase isn't going to be big enough!" Jenny exclaimed as she looked at the pile of clothes that was laying on the bed. We were getting ready for our honeymoon trip through Europe, Well, mostly the UK. We were flying to London on Wednesday night and then a few days in London hanging out before taking a little road trip up to Scotland for Jessica and Paige's wedding. After that we were going to Paris for a...
Honeymoon Squared - Chapter 01 I could not believe that I had been talked into letting my new bride's mother join us on our honeymoon. Having adjoining rooms really put a crimp in my plans for a nonstop orgy of sex and freakiness. However it might not have mattered since my brand new wife had developed cold feet when it came to delivering the pussy. All I had ever gotten from her were some average handjobs and a few chances to feel her up, but only above the...
Hi, Reader. I know the first question you have in your mind seeing a multi-part story with an episode number higher than 10. You may wonder/guess, “What is there to tell a sex story with 13+ parts? Maybe in each episode male character will fuck one girl. Otherwise in each episode male character will fuck a girl in a different environment like pool, bed, bath, etc.” This is not that type of story, this is like a novel which has all the ingredients like a strong addictive storyline,...
Incest"Holly and Michael are an odd couple. One is a massive sadist, the other extraordinarily masochistic. Their sex life revolves around Holly’s burning need for pain and humiliation. Now the two have finally tied the knot, and the newlyweds are taking their honeymoon to a countryside resort specializing in hosting couples with abnormally extreme sexual tastes. It’s one of the most romantic times of a young woman’s life, and Holly is going to spent it suffering through some of the worst tortures...
We went to the front desk to check in and we received our complimentary honeymoon package. The clerk gave us our keys and directions to our secluded cabin. We easily found our cabin as it was the last one on the left around the curve. We went up to the cabin door and the porch seemed like it needed some repairs. We opened the door and what we saw amazed us. It was like going back in time, to the 60’s and70s. There was a heart shaped bath tub for two and a heart shaped bed. There was a...
Introduction: Rachel is torn between returning to her husband, Jacob, and running off with Leah, the vivacious blonde Rachel has fallen in love with. The Devils Pact by mypenname3000 edited by Master Ken Copyright 2013, 2014 The Devils Pact Side Story: Rachels Honeymoon Part 4-Sunday Note: This takes place in Chapter 27 while Mark and Mary are in New York City. I was kissing Leah as a group of men cheered us on. We were in some loft with some of the guys from the club. We had partied with...
Hi, mera nam rohan hai me ahmedabad se hu. Me bpo company me job karta hu yaha ahmedabad me. Ye story me 3 saal phele ki batane wala hu me. Meri wife ka nam madhu hai jo face se kafi innocent hai or uska figure uske boobs bade hai or gand b kafi badi hai or rang gora hai. Agar apko kahani acchi lage to aap muje mail kar sakte hai at 3 saal phele ki bat batane ja raha hu me jab me or meri biwi honeymoon ke liye goa gaye the. Meri shadi ke bad mene fir se office join karliya tha or mene phele se...
This is Raj from Mumbai. I am 21 single 6 ft, fit body, and the business guy and I love to have sex. I have had sex with my girlfriends, neighbor, and her daughter, many friends and 2 hot college professor from my college.I have a 7″ long and 3.5″ thick cock which I know to use perfectly. What a life I am living.Wow, all thanks to Indian sex story. Ever since I started writing my stories on this site, I have made new friends, sex buddies and have had a chance to meet and please some amazing...
Pamela's Honeymoon by Janis Elizabeth Chapter 1 Sunday morning dawned bright and sunny. To me, it also seemed to have come too early. I lay there in my virginal (not any more) white, long, form-fitting satin nightgown with spaghetti straps that flowed from my shoulders to my ankles fitting over all of my curves, although it currently was not covering that much of anything. Karen lay cuddled up next to me wearing a black satin nightgown in a style...
The Honeymoon and Plans for Yvonne By Yvonne Kristine Emerson Yvonne was sitting at her vanity. She was fixing her makeup in anticipation of the honeymoon. Liz was still undressing. Liz entered and came and stood by Yvonne. "Oh my love you have made me so happy today. I cannot wait till everything is finished and you are a woman permanently." Yvonne was shed a tear both joyful and sad at the same time. "Let me get your dress darling. You're going to love it." Said...
Pantyboy Honeymoon By Gingerfred Man Chapter One -- The Wedding Day "You have to stop crying, Stacey," Daddy said. "You want to look pretty for Mr. Biggenstiff, don't you? The man's so excited about marrying you, he's practically jumping out of his skin." "But, Daddy," Stacey bawled. "I don't want to marry Mr. Biggenstiff! Or any man. I'm too young. I won't even be 18 until tomorrow. And I'm a boy!" Well. Stacey Wigglebottom was right on both counts. But Daddy...
I met my wife Gina the year before our last year in college. It was fate, and chance seating arrangement in a class that brought us together. She was entirely out of my league. I had never, nor could again, have a chance with a girl like her: hot, sexy, petite, Italian, outgoing, extroverted, friendly, and fun with a fiery spirit and libido to match. She was seemingly insatiable needing more sex than I thought a woman could want. And yet for some reason, she was interested in or at least...
CuckoldBy TrueWriter With the moving and school starting we never had a chance to have a real honeymoon. We were able to get away for a long week-end. We went to the Smokey Mountains and stayed in a country lodge. It was a wonderfully marvelous time for the both of us. We were able to focus on each other to the exclusion of everything else. We arrived on a Thursday evening. The desk clerk looked a little surprised when we arrived. I told him we had reservations for the honeymoon cabin in the name of...
"I do" was my reply, naturally, when the celebrant asked me if I would take Shirley as my lawful wedded wife. "And do you, Shirley, take Terry to be your lawful wedded husband?" the celebrant asked her. To my sincere relief, she also answered "I do". I was 21 years old while she had turned 20 only yesterday, a whole fifteen months younger than me. We were so much in love that we couldn't wait any longer to be married so that we didn't have to be apart. In fact, we had been a couple...
Well here we are on the plane and in the air and on our way after the wedding and the reception on our honeymoon. My new wife's uncle had treated us to a three month all expenses paid hotel accommodation on the continent, just a few hours and we would be making love in our hotel room, my wife Bess had long ago decided to wait until we were married before having sex , ( she was a virgin) but had told me earlier on during our courtship that she wanted me to have sex with some of her “selected”...
Adult HumorThe Bitch By Morpheus Corey nearly cringing as his Dad stared intently at him, intently wishing that his Dad had been home from work even later than he already was. Then his father might have been in an even worse mood but he probably would have been too tired to give Corey much shit about the black eye that decorated his face. "How many times have I told you not to be fighting?" Corey's Dad growled. "Yet you still go out looking for fights." "But Dad..." Corey tried to...