Reba s TranceChapter 3
- 4 years ago
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Patrick hat ein trauriges Leben. Er ist 27 Jahre alt und arbeitet seit 2 Jahren als IT-Administrator in einem kleinen Unternehmen in einer größeren deutschen Stadt. Er hat eine kleine 2 Zimmer Wohnung in der Innenstadt. Er verdient zwar ganz gut, aber sein Beruf macht ihm keinen wirklichen Spass.
Ständig beschwert sich seine Chefin, die absolut keine Ahnung von Software oder Technik hat, dass er nicht schnell genug arbeite. Dass sie einmal seinen Ständer bemerkt hatte, machte es für ihn nicht unbedingt einfacher mit ihr. Warum trug sie auch immer so knappe Miniröcke?
Überhaupt hatte es Patrick mit Frauen schwer. Er ist zwar relativ groß, aber nicht besonders gut gebaut und sehr schüchtern. Er findet nie die richtigen Worte um eine hübsche Frau anzusprechen. Das ist vor allem für seinen Schwanz ein riesiges Problem. Irgendwas musste in seiner Entwicklung schief gelaufen sein. Ständig hat er einen Steifen. Vor allem im Sommer ist es schlimm, wenn die jungen Dinger kurze Röcke oder Hotpants tragen und ihre ausladenden Dekolletés zur Schau stellen.
Vor allem in der U-Bahn in der Rushhour ist es problematisch für ihn. Er muss sich dann immer vorstellen, wie geil es jetzt wäre einfach den kurzen Rock von dem Mädchen vor ihm hochzuschieben und mit seinem steifen Pimmel in ihre nasse Grotte einzutauchen. Oder er stellt sich vor wie es wäre der süßen Blondine neben ihn einfach so ins Gesicht zu wichsen nur um seinen Ständer loszuwerden.
Einmal fuhr er mit der U-Bahn nach dem Sport nach Hause und er hatte noch seine Sporthose an. Keine zwei Sekunden nachdem er in eine Gruppe von jungen Studentinnen erblickte stand sein Schwanz wie eine Eins und dehnte die Hose für alle gut erkennbar aus. Er versuchte seinen Ständer so gut es ging zu verstecken indem er sich soweit er konnte nach vorne lehnte. Als seine Station kam, traute er sich nicht durch die Mädchen zur Tür hinaus zu schlängeln. Er fuhr deswegen noch weitere 5 Stationen bis die Studentinnen die U-Bahn verließen und sich sein Pimmel wieder beruhigte. Dennoch war ihm so als ob sie es bemerkt hätten, denn sie haben mehrmals laut gekichert und in seine Richtung geschaut.
Durch den Umweg verpasste er die erste Halbzeit des WM-Finales. Was für eine Scheiße, dass immer mit ihm war.
Er hat das Gefühl, dass sein Ständerproblem jedes Jahr zunimmt. Als Student hatte es noch gereicht wenn er sich morgen und abends einen runterholt. Jetzt muss er schon dreimal täglich masturbieren um nicht völlig durchzudrehen. Vielleicht bräuchte er aber einfach nur richtigen Sex um seine Geilheit abzubauen. Er hatte schon überlegt zu einer Prostituierten zu gehen, aber auch dafür ist er zu schüchtern.
Jetzt ist es Juni und in einem Monat hat er Geburtstag. Es muss sich was ändern! Er hat sich für Samstag für ein Speeddating angemeldet. Aber wie er sich kennt, geht das genauso in die Hose wie der klägliche Tinder-Versuch.
Es ist ein heißer und harter Arbeitstag gewesen. Die Frauen in seinem Büro hatten heute noch weniger an als sonst schon in dieser Jahreszeit. Er hat sich heute bereits zweimal auf der Toilette einen runter holen müssen. Das erste mal als er gerade einen PC unter dem Tisch neu verkabelte und das Höschen unter dem Rock seiner Mitarbeiterin am Nachbartisch erblickte. Das zweite Mal als er feststellte, dass seine Chefin heute keinen BH trug. Ihre Nippel zeichneten sich in ihrer Bluse deutlich ab. Mit hochroten Kopf rannte er nach einer flapsigen Ausrede zur Firmentoilette.
Zum Glück bekam er auf dem Weg nach Hause keinen Ständer mehr. Zumindest bis zu dem Zeitpunkt als ihn seine hochnäsige Nachbarin im Hausflur begegnete. Sie wohnte in der Wohnung über ihn. Selten grüßte sie Patrick. Manchmal sah sie ihn nicht mal an. Sie war 26 Jahre alt, blond und Model. Sie war immer modisch perfekt gekleidet und geschminkt. Nach Patricks Einschätzung ist sie aber nicht dumm, sondern hält sich nur für etwas besseres. Einmal entdeckte er sie auf dem Cover einer Modezeitschrift, wo sie im Bikini zu sehen war. Wie oft hat er sich bei dem Anblick des Bildes einen gewichst.
Ihr Freund arbeitet bei einem Consultingunternehmen und behandelt ihn ebenfalls wie Dreck. Er kam einmal herunter und klopfte laut gegen Patricks Tür und beschwerte sich über die Lautstärke des Fernsehers.
Dabei ist Patrick es, der sich beschweren sollte. Jedes Mal wenn ihr Freund zu Besuch ist, hört er nachts lautes Stöhnen durch die dünnen Wände. Manchmal stundenlang. Patrick stellt sich dann immer vor, wie schön es sein muss ihren wunderschönen Modelkörper zu ficken. Ihre nasse Spalte bis zur Ekstase zu rammeln und sein Sperma in ihrem perfekten Gesicht zu verteilen.
Auch heute grüßte sie ihn nicht, sondern grinste ihn nur etwas abfällig an. Verdammt, was für einen enges und kurzes Kleid sie heute wieder trägt. Und diese roten Highheels erst! Schon schießt wieder einmal das ganze Blut in Patricks Pimmel. Er schafft es gerade noch so zur Haustür, als sein älterer Nachbar die Tür von der Wohnung gegenüber öffnet.
"Junger Mann sie sollten endlich mal eine Freundin finden!", sagte er bemitleidend zu Patrick und deutet auf dessen großen Beule in der Hose. Patrick versucht den Kommentar mit einem gequälten Lachen zu überspielen und öffnet schnell seine Haustür. "Moment mal, es wurde heute ein Paket für Sie abgegeben!", fügt der Nachbar hinzu. Man merkt, dass er Lehrer ist in der Art wie er Sätze betont.
Patrick reißt ihm das kleine Paket aus den Händen und stammelt ein heißeres "Danke!" zu seinem Nachbarn. Dann schließt er Tür mit einem Ruck. Puuuuh, endlich zu Hause, denkt sich Patrick. Erst jetzt realisiert er, dass er eigentlich gar kein Paket bestellt hat. Schnell reist er es auf. In Zeitungspapier ist dort eine merkwürdige Öllampe eingewickelt. Ja toll, was soll denn das bitte, denkt sich Patrick. Sicherlich wieder so ein Schwachsinnsgeschenk seiner Mutter. Genervt stellt er sie auf seinen Tisch.
Noch immer spukt ihm der geile Anblick seiner Nachbarin im Kopf herum. "Oh fuck, muss ich jetzt wichsen!", sagt er laut zu sich selbst und öffnet schnell sein Hose um seinen steifen Pimmel zu befreien. Verzweifelt sucht er in den Schreibtischschubladen nach den Bikinibild seiner Nachbarin. "Yes gefunden", denkte er sich und breitet es vor sich auf dem Schreibtisch aus. "Oh mann, diese Titten", denkt sich Patrick. Nach nur wenigen Wichsbewegungen kommt er. Er war so geil gewesen, dass er vergessen hat die Frischetücher zu holen. So spritzt er jetzt sein Samen quer über seinen Schreibtisch. Ein paar Spritzer treffen auch die komische Öllampe.
Nachdem er sich wieder etwas beruhigt hat, beginnt er die Sauerei sauber zu machen. Seine Hose ist immer noch offen. Als Letztes putzt er die Spermareste von der Öllampe ab. Plötzlich macht es ein lautes "Peng" und Patrick spürt einen Schlag in seiner Hand. Er hat vor lauter Schreck kurz aufgeschrien. Als er sich wieder fasst, kann er seinen Augen nicht trauen. Vor ihm steht eine orientalische Schönheit. Lange schwarze Haare zu einem Zopf gebunden, sehr weibliche Kurven, aber total schlank und einen prallen Vorbau zeichnen sie aus. Ihre Brüste und ihr Intimbereich sind durch eng gebundene orientalische Schleier verhüllt, ansonsten ist nur nackte Haute zu sehen.
"Wi...Wie sin...sind Sie in meiner Wohung gekommen?", stottert Patrick erschrocken. "Hi, meine Name ist Ariella! Du hast mich gerufen! Was kann ich für dich tun?", antwortet die hübsche Gestalt mit einer wunderschönen lieblichen Stimme.
"Ääh, was? Ich habe keine Prostituierte bestellt...oder, äh? Ich bin verwirrt!", stammelt Patrick weiter. Sie lächelt ihn an und sagt: "Ich bin ein Fruchtbarkeitsgeist! Dein Samen hat mich erweckt! Ich diene seit Jahrhunderten Kaisern und Königen um ihnen den perfekten Nachwuchs zu ermöglichen."
"Oookay, aha...", antwortet Patrick ungläubig. "Du willst mir also dienen?" "So sei es! Nur wenn deine sexuellen Begierden gestillt sind, kannst du perfekten Nachwuchs zeugen! Diese Begierden sollen von nun an erfüllt werden!", sagt die orientalische Schönheit mit bedeutsamer Stimme.
Sie will sich gerade abwenden, als sie Patrick aufhält: "Äh was soll, das heißen?" Er hat sich mittlerweile langsam wieder gefasst und die exotische Schönheit machte ihn geil. Sein Penis, der noch immer aus seiner offenen Hose hang, war schnell wieder steif. "Fuck", denkt er sich und versucht seine Hose schnell wieder zu zumachen.
"Das alle deine sexuellen Wünsche war werden! Du musst nur daran denken!", antwortet Ariella. "Das ist doch Schwachsinn!", entgegnet Patrick. Zugleich denkt er aber: Wie geil es wär...
Michael and I decided to meet. It seemed our minds and secret inner desires were in the same place. I drove from the airport to the hotel and checked in. I was ahead of schedule, so I unpacked and took a shower. About an hour later, I walked over to the restaurant near the hotel we agreed to meet. I thought about all of the e-mails we wrote. Now if everything worked out as we hoped, we would finish the day having giving each other our first homosexual experience.I wondered if Michael would make...
There was a sexy co-worker, I worked with, we always flirted with each other. Me, being single and her being married. I thought nothing would come of it.Then one day, I was upstairs pulling some inventory, I heard footsteps coming upstairs, it was the married sexy co-worker. She was going to file some paper work, into the files, in a little room off, where we kept our bigger inventory. As she walked by she smiled."Boy, IT sure is warm up here" I smiled back"That's because the compressors are up...
No one really pays that much attention to Beckbury – it’s this tiny little village that’s located slap bang in the middle of nowhere. It has a pub, a small grocery/hardware store, a nice 16th century church and a small legal practice. Most folks drive past it and don’t even notice the road sign pointing out that it’s there until they pass it. In fact, you’d almost think it was invisible. But there’s a reason for that. Beckbury is known as a retirement community for those people looking to...
"Shit!" "I didn't ask you to do that!" I said. The odd thing ... I was wearing leather ... kind of like a uniform. It came with a helm and a sword. "Uhm ... this is true," she said. "Where are we?" "What you mean to say is, Where did everybody go?" "That too." "That guy on the hill ... No! Don't look!" She did. "Damn it, I said don't look," I said. "The one with the horse is coming our way," Wendy said, "Is that a spear?" "I think it's called a lance," I...
On today special day, we go out looking for a hot Mexicana to celebrate with us. We found a chick that claims isn’t from Mexico but still is under the border so we talked to her. This easy going gal chit chatted and even wore our sombrero to take a picture for us. I offered up some money to keep her hanging with us. We got her inside the van and thats where i got her to get naked and even play with a hard dick. This chick naturally went to suck it and it was great! Didn’t take much but a...
xmoviesforyouThe expected increase in business in the South Bay area never happened. The Mayor and City Council had expected that the dredging of the bay would cause a huge increase in new business in their city. South Bay had been given a mile wide and six mile long section of bay front by the State years ago. It was to be used as industrial sites. The property was marsh with the only part above high tide level being the land most distant from the bay. There was a narrow band along side Bay Shore Drive...
“Where did you say they were?” Tanya asked, surprised. They were supposed to be in New Mexico. “Bolivia, of all places,” Frank replied. “Seems there’s a ski resort down there that’s one of, um, what’s ‘er name ... oh, Tabatha ... her favorite spot. She won a car at some offshore casino in Miami on their honeymoon and she took it out for a test drive.” He laughed, then continued; “When she landed they were in South America. She hijacked him all the way from Miami!” He laughed, again. “So...
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Hello friends, Back with the final version of my story “Playing holi with bhabhi in absence of my cousin.” Here goes the remaining part. Do read and comment. Next day everything went normal but i was still waiting for her to come out but was of no use. Then again next day in the morning, she called me on my mobile and asked, “what are you doing?” I said, “kuch nahi, bas abhi sokar utha” She said, “mujhe ek ring chahiye. Badle me aapko jo chahiye mujhse, wo le lo.” I said, “ring kisliye?” She...
Hi friends robin here, I would like to introduce myself, I am currently living in Mumbai, working in mnc, I am an average type boy, with 6 inch cock, and definitely know how to satisfy a girl-aunties, this story is about how I and my best friend fucked each other, this is my first story, I would love to read your comments on Well, all this started when I was doing my graduation, I had a group of 3-4 close friends with whom I always used to hang out, The heroine of the story is my best friends...
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“ WHERE R U ? “ I read the text and tossed my phone on the passenger seat. I just needed to get fucked. Really fucked. My sister was up my ass about this thing I had to take care of but this had to be taken care of first. I saw the motel on the right hand side of the road. Quickly I hopped out of my car as carefully as possible. I couldn’t mess up my outfit. Once I spotted room 4 I knocked 3 times and two more as instructed. The door opened so quick, the wind from it almost knocked my freshly...
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Mistress loved the beach boasting to me what better place to discipline someone in a session. Our favorite beach called “R Beach” is far enough away from civilization and voyeurs that we can do pretty much anything we wish. We liked going to the beach right after breakfast around 9 o’clock and stay till noon while there’s not a lot of people. Depending upon what we want to do we make sure we packed food, water, toys, sunscreen, perhaps an umbrella or a beach tent for some privacy. There’s...
By : Mayank Hi! Friends this is Mayank again you must have read my previous post ‘The Mobile that change life’ this is next what happened with me. My sis was in Vijays lap hugging him and giving him mouth to mouth kiss, eating his alcohol mixed saliva. I was just been considered as a silent viewer to what was happening again. “I need you honey, I need your body right now” he said in his drunkard voice. “I am all yours my beast take me like your bitch” saying this She rose from his lap and...
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Hi everyone, I’m Angel. Age 22 now. Working with airways as cabin crew. Can’t tell you all details. I think it’s enough. As far as looks are matter u can say I am mirror cracking material. Bit tall to any other Indian girls. I reach to 5-7 now. With perfect curves at right places. Don’t be so curious ill tell you my vital stats. Its 35c- 28-35. With some gr8 erected nipples. I’m kind of girl who has enjoyed a lot in life.You know what I mean by it. It’s like I have been fucking around since I...
SCENE opens one morning as a married couple, John and Angie, have sex in their kitchen. Naked and sweaty, we watch them fuck feverishly for a few minutes against the cabinets until John cums deep inside his Angie’s mouth. She swallows his load before springing up and wrapping her arms around her husband. They seem so happy. As they wind down, Angie struts over to the freezer and grabs a pint of ice cream. This causes John to stop. He asks what she is doing and, nonchalantly, she tells him...
xmoviesforyouI saw her earlier when the librarian helped her access something on her computer but thought little of it. When I sat next to her I noticed her working on anatomy and studying the skeletal structure. I logged into my terminal and started working on my paper. I type pretty fast and it can become a racket on a loud keyboard so I’m always concerned about that. I’m working along and I noticed her looking at me several times. I stopped and asked her if I was typing too loud and disturbing her....
It was Summer and Carl took on a job doing up a guys house. There wasn't much to it and it only needed the two of us to finish in a few week. Which was great as meant we got lots of chances to have some fun with each other! The house belonged to a couple in their late twenties and they were both quite fit. She went to work most of the day but Mr McCullagh worked nights and would be home sleeping until around lunch when he would get up and sometimes help us out. We would normally start at 7 just...
Hi friends this is Vikas again with my new story. I got some comments for my first story so I thought to share some of my experience with you people. For new viewers let me introduce myself Vikas (NC) of 22 Doing eng and 5.7” of height having a broad shoulders and arms with my workouts and a 5.7 inch shaft I really don’t need to say lie to you people which is much thick the shaft really have a great stamina of minimum of 40 min even in heavy banging and great recovery power of max of 1 min if...
Ok, so its not the first time i played with my cock, but it was one of the most memorable. I had been playing with myself now for a few months, since i first discovered the pleasure masturbation gave me, and this day started like all the rest. I had gotten off school because of a teachers dispute and everyone was out for the entire day. I had woken with a hard-on, and decided to take as long as possible playing without coming. So every time i got too close i had to stop and let it simmer for a...
MasturbationPeter rolled over and looked at his gorgeous wife Mary-Jane. Her red hair shone in the early morning light. Peter watched her breathe as her incredible 36D tits slightly moved up and down beneath the sheets. Peter laid back and thought of having sex with his beautiful wife. His 8-inch cock began to harden as he thought about Mary-Jane. Peter pulled back the covers on her and began rubbing her massive tits through her bra. Mary-Jane sighed deeply in her sleep. Slowly Peter pulled down her black...
The HIGH SCHOOL VIRGIN WHOREI have always thought about sex since I was a young girl and figured out that if I played with my pussy, it felt good. I would fantasize about what sex would feel like and I used my fingers to rub myself at night and more than a few times, used my hair brush handle in my butt and even put my toothbrush handle in my pussy some.I did this for a few years on and off and one day, just a year before I started high school, I met this boy and he and I would kiss behind my...
Katrina gives her virgin rear to her loverAnalKatrina couldn't believe her computer was on the fritz AGAIN! It always seemed to go down at the wrong time and this time was no different, she had a presentation to finish for work. As much as she hated to use Jack's computer there wasn't much choice. She sat down at the desk and fired up the tower, praying that he hadn't changed the password since the last time she'd had to use it. A minute later and she found out he hadn't, of course he didn't,...
Nancy was somewhat surprised that she had enjoyed riding her grandfather’s big cock with it planted deep inside her rear door. She surprised herself even more when she asked her boyfriend Todd to make her take it the same way because she had always been a little skittish about taking it up the ass before and this was a completely different attitude on her part and he was adjusting to her new kinky side that he had never seen before. Of course, she always followed up her ass fucking sessions...
Penelope and Dylan were celebrating the end of the semester by attending a massive rager at the campus animal house. Their parents insisted maybe they just take it easy and tucker in, but fuck that! It‘s time to get LIT. The next day comes and Penelope wakes up in a daze passed out on the bathroom floor. She walks into the living room only to see the aftermath of a booze infused evening and Dylan sleeping face down on the floor with panties over his head. Turns out the panties were Penelopes,...
xmoviesforyouLittle RideFic Title:Little RideAuthor:Andrew Troy KellerEmail:[email protected]:David Boreanaz/Jaime Bergman/Eliza Dushku/Gwen StefaniRating:NC-17Summary:Eliza Dushku goes with two of her good friends,David Boreanaz and Jaime Bergman on a city bus to her birthday surprise,only to have her recieve an even bigger surprise on that very bus.Warnings:Male/female sex,female/female sex,strong language——Have any of you ever wonder what would happen if you were to just once listen to your wild...
[When I found that a journalist friend of mine had been to report on Iron Henge I was naturally anxious to read the story. After some persuasion she sent me the story spiked by her editor, followed a few weeks later by the (much longer) 'original draft'. Then when I mentioned that Lush was doing a fall equinox competition she sent me the 'extended edition' that follows. For obvious reasons, all names have been changed.] Chances are the Lush people have never heard of Iron Henge. It isn't...
Group SexBig ass brunette Kimber Woods is in some trouble with the Feds over a botched business deal and may face prison if she doesn’t get out of it. When she calls handsome hunky lawyer Charles Dera for help she’s gets a whole lot more than she bargained for. Kimber is lounging on the penthouse rooftop of her apartment in a tiny pink bikini and high heels. Her long fingernails and diamond choker are dazzling in the sunlight. She goes into the house wiggling her curvy ass and makes the...
xmoviesforyouBraylin Bailey and her BFF Penelope Woods are so excited for their Fourth of July barbecue. They even bought matching patriotic bikinis to wear together. They get changed side by side and compliment each other on how cute they look, then lay in bed together while they wait for Braylin’s stepbrother, Jason, to be ready to go. They’re giggling and snapping selfies when Jason walks in, clearly upset. He waves Braylin’s report card around while saying she got all Ds and she knows...
xmoviesforyouA very late "bloomer" both physically and socially, I was quite shy,because of my immature body and my lack of social graces. I had hadseveral dates, though nothing very serious. My breasts had just becomefull, blooming at last from the little nubs I had lived with for sometime. They had, at last, assumed a breast shape, so admired inmagazines. Small, pink, pointed nipples that got so hard sometimes,like tiny, little diamonds, and so very sensitive, aching to betouched. My breasts, though full...
Choot waliyno ko mere khade land ka parnaam.dostno kafi samay se iss par story padhane ke baad aaj maine bhi ek apni life ki real story jo ki bahut mehnat se maine feel kiya aap logno ke saath share karne ja raha hno mujhe pata hai ki yahna koi bhi agar story likhta hai to yahi kahta hai ki ye Meri real story hai par yah such nahi dostno mai sirf ek he story likhane ja raha hno aur ye wakasi me real hai agar story sasand aaye to mujhe mail karke jarur bataiyega ki aap logno ko meri ye one n...
That Friday afternoon I left my office early and went directly to the gym.After a nice two hour session of hard work out, I took a warm shower, dressed up in my office clothes and came back home by walking.It was a very fine warm day and I was walking as I checked my phone. I did not realize I was being followed. I got up to the front door and opened it; when suddenly someone from behind pushed me inside.I fell forward on the floor and when I turned around a man had entered and closed the door...
I used this Contractor to build homes we got to be friends and would go to launch and dinner sometimes to look over plans he is 6.6 tall and handsome.. We were in the bathroom one time and win he was done he turned before zipping up and I seen his cock WoW it was big and long I joked with him asking what he fed that thing lololol.. He did not know I was a Cross Dresser and a total Bottom and I Loved to be Man-handled !! Also it was odd he would reach out and flip my boob they are big for a guy...
Hello Friends, this is Gunjan from Mumbai; would love to share my exp in this site as I have enjoyed myself reading stories from here, coming to what happened and how it all started with my brother. My parents are NRI we studied there in US and we are back to India; our family 4 members; me elder brother and parents. Brother’s name is Chetan. 4 yrs back we shifted to India.We got well settled here; dad cardio surgeon, mom ortho surgeon, and I were doing my MBBS, brother was working in a...