Daddys Girl chapters 5 6
- 4 years ago
- 110
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“Your Daddy loves you very much, Chloe. You know this.”
“Y-yes, Daddy. Of course I know that.”
You’re just home from another long day of your final year at school. You’d barely had a chance to put down your bag when your Daddy had called you into the sitting room. The excitement you’d felt at hearing his voice was tempered with anxiety at the harshness of his tone. Is he mad at you? Did he hear about your maths exam?
Standing there in front of him, you smooth the short skirt of your sundress against your pale legs. Brushing a few stray strands of red hair away from your freckled face, you try to smile through the uncertainty. Your eyes catch, as they so often do, on the way his stubble accentuates the strong line of his jaw, and you fail to notice the object sitting on the coffee table between you.
“I fixed your laptop for you like you asked, Chloe.”
Your smile freezes on your face. Did he… “Th-thank you, Daddy.”
“Do you know what I found on it?”
He did. Your heart starts to flutter and your breath becomes short. “I… I’m sure I have no idea, Daddy. There’s… there’s all sorts of things on there.”
He leans forward on the sofa, his dark eyes boring into you. “Porn, Chloe. Lots of it.” He waits a moment while your mouth tries and fails to form a response. “And not just any kind of porn, my darling girl. You know what I found, don’t you?”
You’re somehow able to force sound through the terror constricting your throat. “I… Daddy I…”
His voice cracks like a whip, making you flinch. “‘Daddy’ is precisely right. ‘Daddy’s Slut Takes it Hard’, ‘Daddy’s Girl Pleases Big Cock’, ‘Daughter On Her Knees for Daddy.’ Tell me, Chloe, when did my sweet little girl become such a perverted whore?”
Tears sting your eyes and your knees start to tremble. “D-daddy! I’m not a… how could you say such a thing about your own—”
“My own daughter? What else could I call her, after seeing the things she watches in private? Now tell me, sweet girl, are you such a nasty slut that you wanted your Daddy to find all that, or are you simply careless?”
This is too much. The shame of having your secrets exposed is bad enough, but to have your own Daddy call you these awful things… “I… I’m sorry Daddy, really. I didn’t mean… I would never…” A single tear makes its way down your flushed cheek as you struggle to explain what you still don’t fully understand yourself.
“Come here, sweetheart.” Suddenly his tone is warm and comforting.
The emotional whiplash has you reeling. When he pats the sofa next to him, you find you’re unable to move your feet. You want to be close to your Daddy, you always want to be close to him, touch him, feel the warmth of his body against yours. But the sheer embarrassment you’re feeling has you rooted in the spot. How can I ever be worthy of his touch after this?
“Chloe! Come here right now and sit by your Daddy!” You’ve never heard such a direct and commanding tone from him before, and two things happen at once. Your body moves on its own, following his command to sit next to him, and a hot thrill shoots through you, culminating in an intense heat between your legs.
As you gingerly take your seat next to him on the sofa, the way his masculine form dwarfs your petite frame makes that heat flare and throb. He puts an arm around you and squeezes your bare shoulder with his strong hand. You nearly sob in relief. He still loves me. Of course he does. He’s my Daddy.
And I’m his little girl.
“Look at me, Chloe.” His voice is warm, but there’s a steel under that warmth that makes your heart pound in your chest. You peek up at him and see a smile on his face. That particular smile has always made you melt, and this time is no exception. “You love your Daddy, don’t you?”
More than anything in the whole world. “Of course, Daddy!”
“So you’re going to tell me the truth?”
A tear stings your eye. That he would even ask you that… “Yes, Daddy, I promise.”
“That’s good to hear, darling.” He takes a deep breath through his nose. “Is that your porn, Chloe?”
You feel your face glowing bright red. You want to look away in shame, but his eyes are holding yours captive. “Y-yes, Daddy. It’s… it’s my p-p-porn.”
“Thank you for being honest, Chloe.”
Relief floods through you, and you give him a hesitant smile.
“Now I’m going to have to punish you.”
Your eyes go wide, and the heat between your legs flares white hot. “P-punish me? B-but Daddy—”
“Yes, Chloe. Punish you. You are a naughty, perverted little girl. Having pornographic videos on your computer is bad enough, but I simply cannot abide you tempting your poor Daddy with videos like that.”
Tempting… my Daddy?
“Now lay down across my lap so I can spank you like the little slut you are.”
His words stop your breath in your throat. When you hesitate, his hand on your shoulder comes up to firmly grasp the back of your neck, and he pulls you down across his lap. Even if you had wanted to resist, you’d be powerless to stop him. Oh no, he’s going to see…
He flips the skirt of your sundress up, and you feel his body tense. “Chloe, this ridiculous lace doesn’t even cover your entire bum.”
I just want to be sexy for you, Daddy. “I...I…”
“You nasty whore, you really are trying to tempt your own Daddy.” He takes a deep breath. “I was going to be gentle with my little girl, but now I see you need a firm hand.”
His open palm comes down hard against your lace-covered ass, and you squeal in pain and shock.
“Good little girls get restraint, but dirty daddy-teasers must be taught their place.”
Those words hit you even harder than his hand, which comes down over and over on your poor little behind. They play on repeat in your mind. I’m (SMACK!) just a (SMACK!) dirty (SMACK!) daddy (SMACK!) teaser (SMACK!) I’m not a (SMACK!) good girl. (SMACK!)
But I want to be. (SMACK!) Oh Daddy please (SMACK!) I want to be. (SMACK!)
For you, Daddy.
Your whole body is trembling, and your breaths come in little gasps. It hurts so bad, outside and inside. Your ass is burning, and your heart aches knowing you’ve made your Daddy angry enough to do this to you. Just when you notice he’s stopped spanking you, his hand brushes a tear from your cheek, and you let out a small moan of relief.
“Do you have anything to say, Chloe?”
Your voice is weak and trembling. “I… I’m sorry, Daddy.”
“That’s a good girl.” His other hand tenderly strokes your rear. “It seems you’ve learned your—”
You feel him tense again as his hand reaches your crotch. Oh no oh god please don’t let me be…
“Chloe? Sweetheart? Are you…” He reaches up and begins to peel your panties down. “Are you wet?”
You gasp as your thoughts betray you. I’m always wet around you, Daddy. Even so, he shouldn’t be able to tell through your panties. Unless…
The steel is back in his voice, and the warmth is gone. “No, Chloe, you’re not wet. You’re soaked. Did this happen because I punished you?”
You’re hyperventilating now. You don’t know what to think. This is all happening so fast. You’ve fantasized about the moment your Daddy would take off your panties for so long, but not like this. Not with your ass glowing red, not with tears of pain and shame on your cheeks, not with him calling you a…
“You dirty, nasty, filthy little whore!” He tears your panties the rest of the way down your legs. “Here I thought you had learned your lesson, but now I see you wanted me to treat you like this. Well, my little incorrigible slut of a daughter, if this is what you wanted, I shall not hold back. And to make sure you know precisely whose fault this is...” He stuffs your wet panties into your mouth, making you moan as you taste the proof of your degeneracy.
Your Daddy’s strong hand rains powerful blows on your already sore ass, and you let out a muffled scream of pain and shock. Please Daddy (SMACKSMACK) I’m sorry Daddy (SMACKSMACKSMACK) I didn’t mean to Daddy (SMACKSMACK) I just can’t help it (SMACKSMACKSMACKSMACK) I (SMACK) you (SMACK) I just want you (SMACKSMACK) to own me Daddy (SMACKSMACKSMACK)
He finally stops, but your body keeps shaking as you pull in desperate breaths through your nose. You’re stunned by your own thoughts. Being a good girl for your Daddy, obeying him, pleasing him, you’ve always wanted that. Your darkest, deepest desires have always been for him to someday take things… too far. For him to take your body just like he takes your heart every time you look at him. But this is something more. His iron will has your mind captivated, and his physical strength has overwhelmed your body and turned you into a quivering, leaking wreck. Those two together have peeled away the layers of your inner self until only the bare, shocking truth remained.
You don’t just want to be your Daddy’s good little girl. You want him to control you, to use you, to make you his obedient fuckpet.
But how could you ever be worthy of that?
You’re just a filthy little whore.
You’re just an incorrigible slut.
You’re just a…
“Darling girl.” Your Daddy’s hand again strokes your tear-stained cheek. “Are you crying? Was your Daddy too hard on you?” He plucks your panties from your mouth.
You’re not just crying, tears are streaming down your cheeks. What’s more, your thighs are slick with your juices. The way your Daddy dominated you, completely overpowered your senses with the force of his punishment, has left you burning with need. Was he too hard on you?
Maybe he wasn’t hard enough.
You want to answer him, say something, anything, but the only sounds you can make are little hiccuping sobs. A small moan escapes your lips as he picks you up, moving you to a sitting position in his lap. His strong hands move your little body so easily, like you were just a doll. He could do anything he wanted to you, and you’d be completely powerless to stop him.
You hope he does.
One of Daddy’s hands starts stroking your back, and you melt against his warm chest. “You really are sorry, aren’t you Chloe?”
“*sniff* Y-yes, Daddy.”
His other hand strokes your slick thigh, making you shiver. “And you are also aroused, aren’t you, Chloe?”
“...yes, Daddy.”
“Thank you for being honest. That’s a good girl.”
You nearly start sobbing again in sheer relief. You were afraid you’d never hear those words again.
“Now can you tell me why you’re aroused, Chloe?” His hand inches up your thigh.
How can I answer that when I can’t even admit it to myself? “I… Daddy…”
“Do you like it when your Daddy punishes you?”
I didn’t think I did, but... “Yes, Daddy.”
“Do you like it when your Daddy takes control?”
So much. “Yes, Daddy.”
“Do you want to be Daddy’s good little girl?”
I am, I will be, always, I promise. “Yes, Daddy!”
“Do you want to be Daddy’s dirty little slut?”
Your breath catches in your throat. A hot thrill shoots from your throbbing pussy to your spinning head as the answer forms in your mind. More than anything oh please make me your slut Daddy I’ll do anything. “...yes, Daddy.”
His hand on your back comes up to stroke your hair, and his hand on your thigh completes its journey towards your wetness and gently teases your lips. A shudder runs through your body and a soft, wet gasp escapes your lips. His touch is setting off fireworks inside you. You’ve dreamed about the day your Daddy would touch you there. Him doing it now, after breaking down your mind and body with his punishment, is more than you can take.
“So you’re going to do anything your Daddy tells you?” His fingertips brush against your throbbing clit.
You jolt and squeal. “MMnnnhhh yes, Daddy. Anything.”
“You will obey me without question, no matter what the command?” One finger sinks inside your welcoming entrance.
Oh please command me, I’m your obedient little girl. “Aaaannnhhh yes, Daddy.”
“You will take your Daddy’s cock however and whenever he gives it to you?” His finger curls up to press against your sweet spot, and he shifts you in his lap so you feel his hardness through his pants.
Your body tenses like a drawn bowstring, and you finally look up into your Daddy’s eyes. They’re soft and warm, but his face is hard and unyielding, just like his cock against your leg. That softness pulls at your heart, just as that hardness melts your mind and sets your body on fire. You can only whisper. “...yes, Daddy. Please…” Please give me your cock. I’ll be good.
He leans his face down, and his hand at the back of your head draws yours up to meet him. He covers your mouth in a kiss, his stubble scratching against your soft cheeks. You moan helplessly into his mouth as his finger inside you starts to move, pushing you closer and closer to an orgasm. When he finally pulls his mouth away you’re panting like a bitch in heat, and your flushed face looks up at his, pleading.
“Then show me.” His finger withdraws from your clutching passage, and his other hand digs into your hair. He pushes you down off his lap between his legs until you’re on your knees, looking up at him. Looking up at the man who made you, and who is now promising to make you into something else. Your breath quickens and your heart pounds in your chest as he unzips his pants and pulls out his stiff cock. Precum streams from the tip, some of it dripping down onto your face, making you moan as your Daddy’s dick marks you. “Show me what a little whore you are for Daddy. Show me how much you want this. If you’re a good cockslut I might think about letting you taste my seed.”
You move without thinking. Your hands reach out, one grasping his length and the other cupping his nutsack. The heat, the hardness of his manhood captivates you. It’s so big, so powerful. I can’t believe he’s finally letting me touch it… His balls are heavy in your hand, and your breath grows short as you imagine all the cum he has in them for you. Oh please, Daddy, please let me taste it.
Leaning forward, you cover him in wet kisses. Starting at his balls and moving up, dragging your lips against him as you go, grateful for the chance to show him what he means to you. Show him what a good girl you can be. Show him everything you’re willing to do for him.
When your mouth reaches his tip you extend your tongue, lapping up his copious precum and shuddering at the taste. You work your way back down his length, glorying in the feeling of his hardness against your soft tongue. When you get down to his balls you pull one into your mouth, gently suckling at it as your tongue flicks against it. You look up past his length and melt as you see him smiling down at you.
“You’re a good girl, Chloe.” He reaches down to stroke your hair. “Your Daddy is very pleased with you.”
You moan around the ball in your mouth as a feeling of pure joy blooms in your chest. This is all you ever wanted. All you ever dreamed of. You wanted to be Daddy’s perfect little girl, give him everything, and now he’s finally letting you. Holding his cock against your face as you service his nutsack, you shudder as you imagine it stretching out your tiny pussy. He’s so big... could I even take all of him?
“Chloe, darling, don’t be a cocktease. Be a good little slut and take your Daddy’s cock in your mouth.”
You let his ball fall from your mouth and pull in a shuddering breath. “Yes, Daddy.” Repositioning yourself, you open your mouth wide and take the head between your lips. It just barely fits, and you moan as your tongue starts to work. Sucking gently, bobbing your head up and down, you peek up at him, seeking approval.
“That’s good, Chloe, but I know you can do better. Take your Daddy in your throat. I’m very close after all your teasing. Make me come.”
His words send a hot thrill through you, straight to your throbbing pussy. Oh please come for me Daddy I want to taste it I want to please you. You moan as you push your head down, feeling him stretch your throat. There’s no way you can take all of him, he’s just too big, and you’re too small, but that doesn’t stop you from trying.
“Oh, Chloe, darling girl, that’s… YES!” He grabs at your head and thrusts inside your mouth, pushing more of his cock into your throat as you feel it throb. Thick cum shoots out, pouring into you, filling your belly to bursting, overwhelming you, choking you. There’s too much, you can’t believe how much your Daddy is coming. It leaks from your mouth, comes up out your nose, and finally you have to pull back to take in desperate breaths. You stare up at your Daddy, dumbfounded as a few more ropes of jizz burst from his spasming cock and cover your face, surprising you with its warmth. Tantalizing you with its taste. Coating your throat and filling your belly almost to the point of discomfort. Inside and out, you’re completely covered in your Daddy’s cum.
It’s the happiest moment of your life.
Your Daddy looks down at you with a wide smile on his face. “What a good girl you are, Chloe.” He squeezes the last few drops of cum into your panting mouth. “I can already tell you’re going to be a perfect little pet for your Daddy.”
“And your training has only just begun.”
(Author's note: this story will contain BDSM elements such as impact play, nipple torture, and watersports. Reader discretion is advised.)
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100% fiction! Stephanie was very close to her dad, she was 18 years old and I had recently lost my virginity. She is 5'4", has a big ass and 36 b boobs. Dennis (father) was a very strict dad, if she did something bad he spank her shed try to be a good girl. He's pretty lay ed back guy as she was. She was also horny teenager. One day stephanie was sitting by her dad on the couch as they watched a film and had a steamy sex scene. It turned her on, she was eager wanting to play with herself, her...
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I’m lying on my back in the cage. My legs are cuffed up and open, and Daddy is stroking his magnificent cock on the other side of the mesh. His face is a mixture of concentration and amusement. My eyes pinball from his eyes to Bestie, my pet name for Daddy’s dick, who is now leaking precum. My heart is racing, aroused at the sight of Daddy’s engorgement, but also from anxiety. My “number one” job is to clean Daddy’s dick when he leaks, and in my current state, I cannot perform my task. Daddy...
add me on msn at [email protected] Im a 23 year-old single woman, an only child. I wish I could tell your readers how I look like Pamela Anderson but that would be a lie. Im tall and thin and have smallish boobs and narrow hips. My long brown hair is straight and dull. Im not ugly but Ive been described as plain. Ive had several boyfriends but never anything too serious. Im not a virgin by any means but Ive been discovering I enjoy women more then men of late but thats neither here or there. ...
I had always been fascinated by the feel of womens clothes against my skin, and today was no different. Mom was away on a business trip to Canada, and dad was away at work for the next couple of hours.I had always had an effeminate look to me, with me being 6’1” and thin as a twig at 19, I was scrawny. I had bought a black wig to go with the outfit that I had picked out. It was black 6” heels, black pantyhose, a black garter belt and panties, with a short black skirt and a little black tube...
WARNING! THIS IS A WORK OF EROTIC BDSM FICTION. IT IS ADULT ORIENTED MATERIAL OF A SEXUAL NATURE. DELETE NOW IF YOU DO NOT WISH TO VIEW THIS TYPE OF MATERIAL.The Author does not condone any of these actions, this is fantasy, make believe, ya know day dreaming. COPYRIGHT 2006: This story is copyrighted by the author, Stillbehindblueeyes. I?d love to hear from you Stillbehindblueeyes (at) yahoo (dot) comIf you post this story else ware please let me know and give me access to it....
There was quite some tension in the house initially but after a couple of weeks a sort of calm descended and I began training my new pet in earnest. Coming home from work rather later than planned I decided to embark on a training session with my new pet anyway. I went into the room where all three pets slept and softly went up to my newest pet who was still sleeping. I gently stroked her back and tickled her around her ear. Pet's big brown eyes flickered open and as she rolled on her back...
Please note, the following is a heavily fantasised, entirely fictional depiction of a sub/dom relationship. It does not truly reflect/depict a real life healthy sub/dom relationship and so therefor there are certain themes of abuse which should/would never be acceptable in a real world setting between a true sub and a true dom.With that in mind, please enjoy the following fictional story for what it's worth, and let me know your thoughts on it in the comments below.Happy...
I am addicted to the erotic elegance of his pain, specifically when he offers it to me so willingly. If someone had told me a few years ago that I’d draw such immense pleasure from inflicting pain onto another, I’d have questioned their sanity. I’m the same person who feels a little remorseful after swatting a fly with a rolled-up newspaper; yet I have no qualms whatsoever about tormenting my Pet’s body with my hands, teeth, fingernails or any implement I can get a hold of. It never ceases...
Story Fifteen: Becoming a Submissive Teacher Pet By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! The figure trembled as it stroked the last pair of mind-controlled panties it had made. The fun of this game was exquisite. It savored shaping young girls' minds into its sluts. Turning good girls into whores, bad girls into virgins, and a whole host of other naughty designs. But too much of a good thing was bad. It needed to move on to new amusements. The figure...
There is only darkness. I am immersed in it, surrounded by a deep and enveloping blackness that is unbroken by even the slightest sliver of light. I can hear no sounds, not that I expect to. Our basement Sanctum is completely soundproofed. Master has ensured that no one on the outside would ever be able to hear my screams.‘Silent! I need to be silent.’ I remind myself as thoughts both fearful and erotic flash through my mind. I want desperately for my fear to escape through my whimpers, but I...
BDSMThe figure trembled as it stroked the last pair of mind-controlled panties it had made. The fun of this game was exquisite. It savored shaping young girls’ minds into its sluts. Turning good girls into whores, bad girls into virgins, and a whole host of other naughty designs. But too much of a good thing was bad. It needed to move on to new amusements. The figure slipped unnoticed through the department store. It had been in one of these places many times. It knew through its...
The Pet Good evening Sir’s and Ma’am’s. Please if you will allow me to share with you a story. A story that might, or might not be true. A story about a dominant couple somewhere in the southern United States named Master and Princess. Now they have a few slaves, and a pet. This story however deals with the pet. More specifically the creation of their pet. As with anything else, Princess and Master wanted a specific pet. Something that would be truly theirs. A human pet, a puppygirl....
Milford Boys Academy was not a typical private school. For one thing, it was incredibly isolated in a remote mountain region. Combined with its 5 year program, most students were enrolled for the duration and didn't leave school grounds in the entire curriculum period. The other thing which made the Academy different was the programs it offered; Milford Boys Academy was a School of Magic. Like most of the boys at the Academy, Brad had arrived after his powers manifested at age 16....
Alexis Ferguson stood from the leather chair in her office suite overlookingdowntown Manhattan and placed a few papers from her large mahogany desk inthe attaché case beside her. She smoothed her ruffled Chanel suit anddeparted, making her way through the labyrinth of offices on her floor to theelevator. As a founder and senior partner in one of the city's largest firmsthe occupants of the various offices cleared a path when she passed. Afterexiting the building on Park Avenue, Alexis nodded at...
Title- Visiting her pet Author- Jayden McZimmer Copyright 2008The time had come for Eve and Sophie to meet. The two women had been friends for a year now. The online playing had come to its peak and both knew they needed more. Their hearts and bodies ached for more than chat. Sophie had gone back to school for the year and Eve was also leaving her city to head back home. She thought many times of making a stop at Sophie's house on her journey but never had enough courage to bring it up. Eve...
Wanted Part Time PetThe ad read: Wanted Part Time Pet. Mature gentlemen seeks pet part time for nurturing and companionship. For further information and details e-mail [email protected] read the ad a couple of times. It didn't make any sense – does he want a cat or dog sometimes? A pet is a commitment you don't just get one, play with it for a while and send it away. Did he expect that somebody was going to loan him their pet. That idea didn't gel either.For some reason, I could not let the idea...
FetishMarcus went out on dates, but they never ended with dorm room sex or sex anywhere. It began to weigh on his mind, the feeling of being just average and of being just another guy friend. Little did he know how things would change, change not only for him but many others on his next trip back home. It was a brisk late autumn day when he arrived home. His parents and sister were not at home when he came, so he decided to take a walk in the mountain forest close to his house, a luxury of where...
My little Slut for you my pet may your pussy get wet every time you read this *purr* ??????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????? You have come again to me seeking what you love from me so much you love what I do to you every time you see me the thoughts that make you wet and cum fill your head, your in the position that I make you greet me in every time we come to this little room, your on all fours your collar around your neck your eyes looking up at me, oh your eyes pet...
Really sorry to al those that have patiently waited on this, some real life things got in the way of my writing. but here it is now. I hope it was worth the wait. This story is about the first time I had to discipline my pet. As always, any and all comments are welcome, enjoy. It had been two weeks since my pet had agreed to be mine, to give herself completely to me and do anything I told her to. We had spent the time trying out more of the things Steven had taught me, as well as a few things I...
LesbianI knew surprisingly little about the woman I was meeting. I'd never seen a picture of her and I'd never even be given a rough deion of her, so while my eyes searched for her, I had to acknowledge the relative futility of the task. All I knew was that she was in her thirties, that she was very dominant, and that she was there to meet me. When a woman walked alone into the bar and started scanning, I felt my body tighten with anticipation. I wondered if I should wave, or make some kind of...
(A little background information to make the story make more sense) This is loosely based on my first experience as a mistress and details like names have been changed , neither me or my pet are into excessive amounts of pain in our relationship (only light bondage). This happened a few weeks after I started going out with her and was my first time staying at her place. Any comments or criticism are appreciated and I may write more based on if people enjoy this or not. This is an early draft...
LesbianPansy woke to the sound of whimpering and opened her eyes to the sight of her husband fucking their pets arse. She loved to see her husband fuck the pet that had once been her number enemy. Once upon a time the pet would resist and fight back but over the years she had been broken and was now happy to be used in any way her owners wanted. Having woken up properly. Pansy moved to the edge of the bed,spread her legs and watched as the pet moved her face to her mistress' pussy....
Note: In the year 2033, all unskilled labor, such as receptionists, flight attendents, concierges etc have all been replaced by AI. Even navigating computers had replaced pilots. It worked mostly fine unless a completely unexpected situation came about and their programming couldn’t handle it, then they would default to whatever they considered closest to normal. This will be one of those unexpected situation. ***** Samantha and Tiffany are two sisters who live together and have desperately...
I come home from a long day at work, and find that my pet is there waiting for me like the good pet she is. As I walk through the door she is waiting for me with her collar and leash like she does every day, but today is different. Today was a day from hell. Although my pet does not know it yet she is going to be pushed to her limits.As I take off my jacket and hang it up I go to the bedroom and head to the showers after a nice long hot shower I am relaxed but not fully, not yet. As this is...
It was time to bitch out my agent. When he said 'hello,' I launched into a speech about wasting my time. I know any struggling model and actress has strengths and weaknesses. My weakness doesn't seem fair. My tits are too big. I keep hearing 'We are looking for a younger girl.' That is a nice way for them to say I have tits like a porn star. I know my face is young and fresh. Busting out of a 34 DD means I look too sexual to be a commercial success.It is ironic, that I announced my decision to...
Pet I been a submissive already for several years. Met a few true doms, a few players and a handful of total nuts. I had never truly been collared and looking for something more than an evening or afternoon of rough play. I wasn’t looking for an escape, I wasn’t destitute and selling myself. I was highly educated, had a good job and from all outside appearances had a good life. I was just, not me. I continued surfing the BDSM websites, trying to find an Owner that would...
Most often in life, we carry around fears, and these fears, at unpredictable times, well up in terrifying intensity, only to turn out unfounded and leave us shaking with dizzy relief. We do things we shouldn’t do and say things that should have kept unsaid, and every so often, they lead us to face the dread of being discovered and demeaned for it. Our heart hammers, our hands sweat, and we pray inside that the images our mind conjures won’t come true. Mostly, we get off easy. But not always....
FetishThe small turbo jet began its flight even though there were some warnings of possible bad weather. To complicate the flight they were flying over a very isolated area in the deep jungle of Brazil. This area was beyond any radar signal but the pilot assured his wealthy passengers that there was no worry. He assured them he had flown this route many times with no problems.Charles Watson needed to return home as soon as possible to conclude a very large real estate deal and decided to trust his...
The Witch and Her Pet: A Story of Undying Love Friday Tom opened his apartment door and came inside. It was Friday evening and he was tired…really tired. It had been a long week and he just wanted to collapse. He opened the refrigerator door and took out a beer. He fell into a chair, turned on the TV, and sipped the beer. He really wanted to go online but it was a little early. He had had the same fantasy since he was a young teenager, but lately he had been able to think about little else....
Teachers Pet Everyone involved in sexual activity in this story is at least 18. Some situations will require you to use 'porn logic', meaning things that wouldn't fly in the real world but they do here. Just a warning. Don't complain in the comments, please.*****My name is Camille Ellis. I am a Health and Physical Ed teacher and coach at Rosemary High, the best all girl private school in the state. I had always wanted to be a teacher - especially of young women - ever since my experiences with...
Nervously, she reached up and retreived the note that was taped to the door Nervously, she reached up and retrieved the note that was taped to the door.? This was the second note.? The first had admitted entry into the house, and it had provided directions to the door she was now standing in front of.? At her feet, she noticed a black leather bag.? In the dim light, she had difficulty reading the note, but she also knew that she must not only read it, she must follow the instructions...