Ginny's Futa Revenge free porn video

Physical appearance:
Hermione- As you'd expect really. Slender, pretty and her trademark curly locks. As far I know Hermione was never a C-cup originally, but I could be wrong, either way she is one here. She's gotten a lovely in-ward curve on either side of her waist, aka hourglass figure. A really nice arse, cuppable in the hands but firm and don't look out-of-place on a girl naturally quite skinny.
Ginny-She's definitely not butch. She's muscular, but not freakishly so. She's a strong athlete, able to carry Hermione without too much strain. Her assets are good enough to still be femininely attractive, her D-cup breasts and juicy arse are testimont to that. And the length of her cock is considerably good, but it's the girth that makes it a monster.
Cho-Basically second best to Ginny physically. Prettier and softer than her rival but not as strong, visibly less muscular, C-cups and an average arse.
Background story:
Hermione and Cho fell in love rather late into what would be the canon timeline. Like in the books, they sort of stayed at classmate status, less emphasis on the mate. But this changes in sixth year.
Hermione went to more Quidditch trials that year (for Ron of course) and Cho was just made captain of Ravenclaw, so they'd bump into each other as they were coming and going from the pitch. Hermione becomes more accustomed to Quidditch in sixth year, and this enables her to connect with Cho a bit more.
Not only that but Cho was also invited to Slughorn's prestigious events, so they got to see each other in fancier and rather revealing clothes. Their developing teenage bodies being displayed, and it's during these events that the flirting started.
Then the heart-breaking (or stomach-turning) scene with Ron kissing Lavender happens, and Hermione goes off and cries. Except Harry doesn't comfort her, Cho does. It's here where Hermione begins to realise Cho has everything she likes about Ron. And does not have the same flaws as her supposed crush.
Whilst she's shunning Ron, she hangs out with Cho. Within a month it's no longer about avoiding Ron, it becomes all about Cho. Within three months they both admit their feelings. By the end of the year they're an established, loving lesbian couple.
They survive the war how it happened in the books. They move in together. They pursue their careers in Quidditch and Law Enforcement. They live happily and in love for three years...until now...
Ginny's backstory will be explained in-story.
The three types of sexual revenge are all acted on Hermione, all rather despicable acts. One will be a straight forward rape, with violence and abuse. Another will be cuckoldry, with Hermione sucked in with a lust potion. The final act involves blackmail, with Ginny providing photo evidence of Cho cheating on Hermione.
No resolutions or continuations really, its just about the vengeful acts. If anyone wants to suggest a different type of sexual revenge, please don't hesitate to comment.
Get the jist. Cool...
Engaged. They're engaged. What they gonna call themselves, Granger-Chang? Chang-Granger? Both of them sound ridiculous. Weasley though, that's a properly good name. Hermione should be honoured to call herself a Weasley, ideally as my wife.
And my wife she should be. Merlin, it's not like I'm a shrivelled hag, I'm Ginny fucking Weasley. Nearly a thousand points scored for Holyhead Harpies in my first season. Breaking records over here.
And Cho has caught the snitch what...five, maybe six times out of fourteen. Yes we're different positions but clearly I'm the better Quidditch player. The world knows it, I know it, she knows it...and for fuck sake Hermione knows it.
But she's not in it for the Quidditch skill, she's just proud of her girlfriend-now-fiancée. But proud of what I don't know.
And I'm the girl who's on PlayWitch magazine every other week. The whole nation drools over me, even my brothers. That's disgusting yes, but it's just more evidence that I'm the most desirable witch on the planet.
I know it irks Chang, I can see it in her eyes whenever I mention it. I was in Diagon Alley once and saw her pick up one. It was the Christmas edition, and I was Mrs Sexy Clause. Red and white miniskirt and jacket, the camera looking right down between my big girls.
I could see her visibly stewing, about ready to rip the thing to shreds. She threw it back down on the stack and stormed away.
She's incredibly threatened by me, as she should be. Even more so since I came out as pansexual. She knows how great I look, that I'm way more of a catch than she'll ever be. She can see it, but Hermione can't.
What the fuck? I know, without having to witness their deep meaningful conversations, that Cho brings those concerns up with Hermione. And yet the years pass and she's still besotted with plain old Chang.
So she's blind to talent, fame and beauty. What else does Chang have that makes Hermione all goo-goo?
She's smarter than me, big whoop. Hermione is even smarter, and everyone knows two smart brains don't go together. Nobody eats fish and fish, or pours salt and salt on their dinner. What Hermione is doing is confusing compatibility for duplicity, it's not really love it's a game of snap.
So with all things considered, Hermione should want me. Somewhere along the line I was her desirable one. Not Chang, me.
She's always been mine. Since the moment I saw her. So what if I didn't know that was love until about sixth year, I know that's what its always been. And alright, I never made my move, or even planned to. I believed Hermione would come to me, because why the hell wouldn't she.
I was happy when she was dating Viktor, because it was a passing phase that was too implausible even in fairytales. I was happy when she crushed on my brother, because I was always around then, much easier to be her friend and then one day fuck her senseless.
But who would've expected her to fall for Cho Chang. I It didn't make sense then, it doesn't make sense now, and it never will's mad.
It made ME mad. My hopes that this was just another passing phase or crush were denied. I had officially lost my chance with her, and I've held that anger with me all this time.
I hate Cho Chang. I've fantasized about "accidentally" knocking her off her broom about a hundred feet high on many occasions. I had the chance once but she was way too fast. Seekers usually are.
And I hate Hermione. I still love her, but it's dark love now. Where I want her more than any other person, and will do whatever it takes to get her. I could hurt her and abuse her, as long as she was mine. I could humiliate and destroy her spirit, if it meant she'd never leave me. I could lie and cheat to get what I want.
And I've just made my mind up, the invitation to their wedding was all the help I needed. I will TAKE what I want, they will repay me for what I'm owed, and I will have my sweet revenge.
This potion is going to take ages, I don't think I've ever spent more time on a potion before. But I will fight through it and put extra effort in, because Hermione is worth it.
Maybe Hermione's so doey-eyed because Cho's good in bed? Well, in that case I'll need an extra advantage. I'm confident I can outsex Cho without it, but the addition will put it beyond opinion and into fact
The potions got seven hours left. Lets do this.

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